Chapter 1-3

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To successfully describe what alternative or authentic assessment for learning  is

all about, you need to possess a good grasp of the difference between the traditional  
and alternative assessment of learning, and document the experiences of teachers  who
apply the principles in assessing learning using alternative methods. Moreover,  you
must read satisfactory information and knowledge about the basic concepts and 
principles in assessing learning using non-traditional methods if you want to be more 
familiar on it. You are expected to understand these things before the discussion, 
analysis and evaluation when you meet your teacher in person or in the virtual 
classroom. If this module cannot provide substantial information that you desire in this 
chapter, then you are free to explore other resources particularly online. 

What to Expect?  

At the end of the chapter, the students can: 

1. define and explain the alternative assessment and related concepts,

2. differentiate alternative assessment from traditional assessment, 3.
illustrate each type of alternative assessment, and 
4. demonstrate an understanding of the different principles in assessing learning 
using alternative methods.

What is Alternative Assessment?  

Understanding the meaning and nature of alternative assessment, let us consider 

the definitions as provided by several sources:  

1. Alternative assessment refers to the use of alternative or non-traditional  assessment

strategies or tools to collect information on student learning. At the  core of
alternative assessment is the need to design and implement  assessment tasks or
activities that refrain from using traditional paper-pencil  test, which typically assess
cognitive learning outcomes and thus have right or  wrong answers (David et al.,

2. Alternative assessment is any classroom assessment practice that focuses on 

continuous individual student progress. Perhaps the best way to define  alternative
assessment is to say that it's the counter to traditional forms of  standardized
3. Alternative assessments, also referred to as performance tests or authentic 
assessments, are used to determine what students can and cannot do, in  contrast
to what they do or do not know. In other words, an alternative  

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assessment measures applied proficiency more than it measures knowledge. 
Typical examples of alternative assessments include portfolios, project work, and
other activities requiring some type of rubric. alternative-

4. Authentic or alternative assignments typically require students to make a  judgment

about what information and skills they will need to solve a given  problem. They ask
the students to answer essential questions in the discipline  by using knowledge in
similar ways to professionals in the field. They can often  be characterized as
realworld situations with accompanying real-world  constraints. Alternative or
authentic assignments should involve written and  performative measures so that
students can develop meaningful and applicable  skills, and advance their
knowledge of the “how” over that of the “what”.  

5. Dikli (2003) described the intent of alternative assessments to assess higher

order thinking skills. Students have the opportunity to demonstrate what they 
learned. This type of assessment tools focus on the growth and the  performance of
the student. That is, if a learner fails to perform a given task at  a particular time,
s/he still has the opportunity to demonstrate his/her ability at  a different time and
different situation. Since alternative assessment is  developed in context and over
time, the teacher has a chance to measure the  strengths and weaknesses of the
student in a variety of areas and situations.  

Finally, Cajigal and Mantuano (2014) explained that assessment is authentic when 
it measures performance or products which have realistic meaning that can be 
attributed to the success in school. Activities, questions and problems with “real-world”  
satisfy the criterion that it needs to be an authentic intellectual work within the given 
situation or contextual practicality of the tasks.  

Characteristics of Alternative Assessment  

In some cases, alternative assessment is also known as formative assessment and 

portfolio assessment. The characteristics of alternative assessment may include: ∙
Usually teacher-generated, as opposed to being passed down from an  ∙ administration,
government, or third-party organization.  
∙ Takes into account the individual background and needs of every unique  learner.  
∙ Considers the big picture of individual student progress over an extended  period of
∙ Flexible, responsive, and continually developing according to curricular  objectives.  
∙ Takes into consideration different learning styles and preferences. ∙ Allows
language learners to demonstrate content knowledge and skills mastery  without
language barrier difficulties.  
∙ Highly effective for use with students who are entitled to accommodations  and/or
∙ Normally documented with qualitative data, such as performance descriptors, 
comparisons with previous work, and skills demonstration.

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What Alternative Assessment IS NOT  

Let us consider what alternative assessment is not:  

∙ Not standardized. Similarly, alternative assessment is not what is sometimes  referred

to as 'large-scale' or 'high-stakes' assessment.  
∙ Not intended to replace or otherwise diminish the importance of traditional 
assessments. In fact, it is intended to serve as a complement to school and/or  state-
mandated standardized assessment programs. 
∙ Not implemented in one specific moment in time, such as at the end of a lesson,  unit,
or semester. 
∙ Not a measurement of how a student performs compared to peers.  ∙ Not normally
reported with quantitative data (e.g., percentage scores or  statistics). 
∙ Not presented in traditional formats, such as multiple-choice, true/false, and fill in-the
blank questions and answers.  
∙ Not perfect, comprehensive, or appropriate in every situation.

Traditional Assessment versus Alternative Assessment 

Traditional Alternative Assessment What Makes it Authentic


Requires right Requires high-quality  Students must be able to 

answer performance or product,  along think through why they  made
with justifications of  decisions. decisions that  resulted in
final product.

Questions must Instructions/questions/ Tasks that are to be  judged

be  unknown to purpose must be known to  should be known  ahead of
students in  students in advance. time. Rubrics  should be
advance provided.

Disconnected Tied to real-world contexts  Task is similar in nature  as to

from the  real and constraints. Requires  what would be  encountered
world student to solve realistic  by a real-life  practitioner.

Easily scored Includes complex tasks for  Meaningful assessment  and

which there may not be a  right feedback is  emphasized.

“One shot” Iterative in nature. Knowledge and skills are 

approach used in more than one  way

Given a score Opportunity to provide  Designed to give practical 

diagnostic feedback. experience and improve 
future performance.

Non-Traditional Assessment Models  

In planning their annual assessment projects, the Center for Teaching and Learning 
(2021) at DePaul University suggests the following alternative assessment models. 

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1. Authentic Assessment: Assessing by Doing 
Authentic assessment is based on students‟ abilities to perform meaningful 
tasks they may have to do in the “real world.” In other words, this form of assessment 
determines students‟ learning in a manner that goes beyond multiple choice tests and 

Developing an Authentic Assessment 

Here are some suggestions for developing an authentic assessment:  ∙ Identify at least one
task students need to be able to do to be successful in  employment and/or continuing
∙ Work with your fellow faculty/staff to determine how students might be able to 
demonstrate their ability to do the task(s)  
∙ Identify criteria to evaluate the task(s)  
∙ Evaluate students‟ abilities to complete the criteria of the task(s) 

Some Authentic Assessment Methodologies  

∙ Biology lab practical  
∙ e-Portfolio  
∙ Music jury  
∙ Mock trial  
∙ Acting in a play  

The basic premise of authentic assessment is that if you want to know how well 
someone golfs, the best way to assess it is to have that person play a round of golf.  

Critical Elements in Authentic Assessment 

There are several critical elements to consider before deciding to use authentic 

This type of assessment requires a sense of meaningful tasks that students would 
need to be able to do after they leave DePaul. These meaningful tasks are often linked 
to demonstration of knowledge/skills/abilities needed in the post-college world. 
Authentic assessment typically relies on using a rubric (or some other scoring guide). 

Things to Consider in Developing an Authentic Assessment  

Before deciding to implement authentic assessment, you should consider the following 
two questions:  
∙ Where do students go after they complete your program?  
∙ What do students need to be able to do to be successful in what they do after  they
complete your program?  

Additionally, you should take the following things into consideration:  ∙ Time: Developing the
tasks for students to complete takes time, as does  developing rubrics/scoring guides
and assessing students‟ tasks. 

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∙ Authentic Assessment needs to be done at a developmentally appropriate time. ∙
Students need to grasp knowledge and skills before they will be able to apply  them. 

2. Developmental Assessment: Assessing by Progress 

Developmental assessment looks at students‟ progress in developing skills,  abilities,

values, etc., rather than evaluating students‟ final products.  

Using Developmental Assessment 

Not every type of learning is best assessed by looking at the quality of a final 
product. In fact, sometimes there is no expectation that students should, or even 
could, fully develop in the assessed area by the end of a course or program.  

An example of this is Maslow‟s Hierarchy of Needs. Theoretically, very few people  

ever fully develop to the final “self-actualized” stage. A few advantages of authentic 
assessment are:  
∙ Developmental assessment is useful for outcomes based on students’ 
development rather than their abilities to create a final product. 
∙ This assessment is based on relevant principles of development in your 
∙ This type of assessment emphasizes emerging knowledge and skills, rather  than
recognizing only students‟ final products.  
∙ Developmental assessment gives you the ability to focus on strengths and  unique
aspects of your program.  
∙ Developmental assessment is ongoing and may occur in many contexts,  giving
you a richer view of students‟ learning. 

Creating Developmental Assessments 

Developmental assessments require some sort of pre- post- design. If you would like  to
know how much a student has developed their knowledge, skills, abilities, and/or 
values, you need to measure that information at the beginning of a learning   experience,
then again at the end.  

One could administer a test at the beginning of a class; then ask the same students to  
take the same test at the end of a class. By comparing students‟ performances on the  
pre- and post-tests, a teacher could determine students‟ levels of development.  

Some Developmental Assessment Methodologies  

Methodologies tend to rely on observational and work sampling techniques that 

continually focus on performance, processes, and products over selected periods of 
time and in a variety of contexts.  

An instructor may compare two work samples using a developmental rubric to 
determine students‟ levels of development. 

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Critical Elements in Developmental Assessment  

Developmental assessment requires a theory of how students develop the knowledge, 

skills, abilities, and/or values you intend to measure. The person or people conducting  
the assessment need to have good knowledge of the stages through which students‟  
progress as they develop. Developmental assessment necessarily requires some sort 
of a pre- post- assessment design.  

Things to Consider in Developing a Developmental Assessment 

∙ The purpose of assessment is to collect information necessary to make  important

decisions about students‟ development and educational needs. ∙ Assessment must
serve in ways that enhance opportunities for optimal growth,  development, and
∙ The process of determining individual developmental and educational needs  informs
instructional practices and provides a template for setting individual and  program

3. Emergent Assessment: Assessing by Discovery 

Emergent assessment is a model based on Michael Scriven‟s (1967) goal-free 

evaluation model. With emergent assessment, assessment is structured using  “effects”
rather than learning outcomes. This model honors the idea that you may bias  your
assessment by specifically defining what you are looking for (i.e. when you focus 
exclusively on a learning outcome, you may be „putting on blinders‟ regarding the   other
things that may be happening with student learning). This assessment model  tends to
be more qualitative in nature. 

Using Emergent Assessment  

Emergent Assessment addresses concerns about inquiry shared by many disciplines, 

particularly those disciplines that tend to use more qualitative methodologies. A few 
examples of these concerns are:  
1. There may be differences between explicitly stated learning outcomes and their 
associated implicit learning. 
∙ Prevents overlooking unintended outcomes (both good and bad).  ∙ Focus is
on what program actually does, rather than what it intends to  do.  
2. Does defining learning outcome in “testable” ways alter the learning outcomes  (and
not always in desirable ways)?  
∙ With this type of assessment, the assessment process and learning 
outcomes are equally subject to evaluation as student learning.  
3. Are we sacrificing the roles of assessment for the goals of assessment? In other 
words, are we sacrificing the process for the outcomes (i.e., assigning grades  or
writing an assessment report)?  
∙ This assessment method more directly takes students‟ needs into 
consideration than a more traditional assessment model. 

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Developing Emergent Assessment  

Profile the actual effects of instruction or educational program against demonstrated 

needs of students who complete a course or program.  

Step One 
Create a profile of the needs of students who finish your course, graduate from your 
program (that goes beyond what you intend to deliver). 
Step Two 
Identify effects of educational program on students‟ learning using primarily direct 
methods, considering  
∙ both intended and unintended effects  
∙ both positive and negative effects  

Step Three 
Compare the information gained in step one with the information gained in step two.

Some Emergent Assessment Methodologies 

Methodologies may include anything that includes a global, comprehensive look at 
student work, behavior, performance, attitudes, and values to determine what affect  the
academic program is having.  
∙Writing Samples  
∙Especially those requiring reflection  
∙ Interviews or focus groups with students  
∙Brainstorming sessions with students  
∙Ecological observation of students engaged in work in a classroom  

Critical Elements in Emergent Assessment  

∙ Assessors need to be competent in the subject of assessment.  ♣
Assessors need to “know it when they see it.”  
∙ Assessors need to be aware of and conscientious of their bias.   ♣ Ideally, the
assessors would have no knowledge of intended learning  outcomes, but this is
generally not possible in assessment.  
 ♣ Assessors do not look for effects solely through the lens of defined  learning
outcomes or intended learning based on course/program academic  content.  
∙ Need to be Critical!  
 ♣ Are you just seeing what you want to see?  
Developing an Emergent Assessment  

∙ First, you should consider the necessarily intrusive nature of this type of  assessment.
Is this appropriate for your setting (i.e., the culture or nature of  your course or
∙ Also, this type of assessment can be very time-consuming – both for the faculty  and
for the students. 

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∙ There is a need for both openness and honesty with this assessment model,  which
may not be comfortable for some people. 
∙ Assessment with this model needs to be both balanced and unbiased. Note  that
this requires knowledge from the assessors of their natural biases. 
4. Learning-Oriented Assessment  

Learning-oriented assessment is assessment that has the purpose of bringing 

about deep and meaningful learning for student. This is a course-based type of 
assessment that focuses on students‟ learning rather than instructors‟ 

Using Learning-Oriented Assessment 

Traditional Assessment Learning-Oriented Assessment

Knowledge transmitted from Students construct knowledge by  gathering &

professor to  students synthesizing information  from different sources

Students passively receive Students are actively involved in learning


Emphasis on acquiring knowledge Emphasis on using and communicating 

for the  sake of having the information to address real world issues

Teaching and assessment are Teaching and assessment are  intertwined


Assessment used to monitor Assessment used to promote (and  diagnose

learning issues with) learning

Emphasis on the "right" answers Emphasis on making, and learning from, 


Huba, M.E. & Freed, J.E. (2000). Learner-Centered Assessment on College Campuses. Allyn and 
Bacon: Boston. 

Developing Learning-Oriented Assessment  

Some suggestions for developing a learning-oriented assessment for a course:  ∙

Develop course-based learning outcomes  
∙ Create learning experiences designed to bring about the learning based on the 
defined learning outcomes  
∙ Engage students in ill-defined (rather than well-defined) problems  ∙ Evaluate
students‟ abilities to complete the criteria of the task(s)  ∙ Provide formative
assessment to involve students in improving their learning  ∙ Gather feedback from
students about instructors‟ teaching and their learning to  involve instructors in
improving students‟ learning  
∙ Adjust instruction based on feedback from students  

Some Learning-Oriented Assessment Methodologies 

Methodologies tend to focus more on formative assessment and classroom 
assessment strategies. All assessment methodologies should have the purpose of 
contributing to students‟ learning.

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∙ ePortfolios  
∙ Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs)  
∙ Work on ill-defined problems (example: “grand challenges” in your field) 

Critical Elements in Learning-Oriented Assessment  

This type of assessment breaks down the barrier between instructors and students  ∙
Both are equal partners in students‟ learning  
∙ Requires a lot of formative assessment (students need consistent feedback on  their
∙ This is a course-based (rather than a program-based) form of assessment.  ∙
Focuses heavily on formative assessment (rather than summative)  ∙ BUT, still
need to determine how grades will be given in the course  ∙ This type of
assessment is based on an assumption of “backward design”  

Developing a Learning-Oriented Assessment  

Before deciding to implement learning-oriented assessment, you should consider the 

following two questions:  
∙ This type of assessment requires a lot of faculty buy-in (due to its  classroombased
∙ Requires a shift in both instructors‟ and students‟ thinking about mistakes  ∙
Making mistakes is to be expected as a natural part of the learning process ∙
Use caution that the classroom does not have a punitive view of mistakes  
∙ Instructors‟ teaching is equally up for evaluation as students‟ learning.  ∙
This is a time-consuming form of assessment.  

Types of Alternative or Authentic Assessment 

Here is a list of alternative assessment strategies that teachers may want to consider. 
Note that these examples are just some of the numerous strategies that are available. 

Abstract Flowchart Podcast Annotated  Bibliography Group Discussion Review of

book Brochure  Autobiography/Biography Review of literature Debate  Blog Letter
to the editor Research Proposal Essay  Statement of Assumptions Methods Plan
Case Analysis  Memo Summary Cognitive Map  Multimedia presentation
Taxonomy Oral Report  Description of a Process Thesis sentence Diary  Personal
Letter Vlog Narrative  Portfolio Diagram Outline  Question
Below are examples of Authentic or Alternative Assessments adapted from Queen’s
University Centre for Teaching and Learning Module on Assessment, and Berkeley 
Centre for Teaching and Learning’s “Alternatives to Traditional Testing.” 

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Letter/Letter  to the ∙ Asks student to write in first person singular perspective,
editor which  can be adapted so that they are writing from the
perspective of a  historical or imagined individual, or
∙ Students are asked to develop a coherent written narrative or 
statement for the audience.
∙ Requires research, disciplinary knowledge, communication
skills,  and creativity.
∙ Can be adapted by numerous disciplines.

Memo ∙ Students prepare a one or two-page memorandum or

briefing  about a topic that is being covered in class. Memo
headings can  include: background, problem, solutions with
pros and cons list,  final recommendation.
∙ This exercise allows students to practice being concise and

Presentations ∙ Considered the most readily approachable method of

authentic  assessment.
∙ Applies positive peer pressure, as it is likely that students
will be  better prepared when they have to perform before
others. ∙ Presentations are an opportunity for the
development of  professional skills. Stu- dent will need to
prepare and rehearse,  and develop an appropriate, polished
use of visual aids.  ∙ Enhances professional verbal, visual,
written communication  skills.
∙ Can be easily applied to many disciplines, including the

Poster ∙ The nature of the poster presentation can vary. It can consist
presentations of a  summary of a work in progress, or a visual presentation
that is  equivalent to a term paper.
∙ Headings to be included could be a literature review,
description  of topics, observations, claim/thesis, and
conclusions.  ∙ Teaches professional skills for participation in
academic  conferences

Portfolio of  work ∙ Students develop portfolios in order to demonstrate the

evolution  of their work over the course of the semester.
∙ Students are typically asked to compile their best/most 
representative work and write a critical introduction and brief 
introduction to each piece.

Proposals ∙ Asking students to write a proposal for a larger, more heavily 

weighted project allows students to try out their ideas and set
their  own goals for learning before actually carrying out their

Policy briefs,  ∙ Policy briefs/reports ask students to address in a

Reports professional  manner a research question, course of action,
decision, or theory  that is of interest and importance. This
allows students to develop  professional skills and become
familiar with the specific  vocabulary and style of writing in
their fields.

Case studies,  ∙ Case studies present fictional scenarios that include a

Simulations dilemma  that requires problem solving. Students must apply
higher order  thinking skills in order to evaluate and apply
knowledge, and to  analyze the problem.
∙ Simulations ask students to play and act out various roles
within a  case. This can include mock trials, mock city council
or legislative

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meetings, and mock meetings of corporation stockholders or  school
boards. In simulations, students require background  information that
they then apply to the role.

Fishbowls ∙ The fishbowl is similar to a debate. A few students are selected to   be in

the “hot seat,” where they respond to questions, concerns,  ideas, about
the given topic. Other students ask questions and  bring forth counter
∙ This type of exercise advances student knowledge and  comprehension,
as well as improving skills in active listening,  critical inquiry, professional
communication, presentation, and  group discussion.

Principles in Assessing Learning using Alternative Methods  

According to David et al. (2020), there are many principles in the assessment of 
learning using alternative assessment methods or non-traditional methods. Based on 
literatures, the following may be considered as core principles: 
1. Assessment is both process- and product-oriented. 
An assessment gives equal importance to students‟ performance or in  producing
a product. While traditional assessment methods are focused on  assessing
student products or outputs, non-traditional or alternative methods  like
performance assessment and portfolio assessment give value to the  product
developed by students, as well as in the process students have  undergone to
develop the product.  
2. Assessment should focus on higher-order cognitive outcomes.  For assessment
to be valid and authentic, it should require students to  demonstrate their knowledge.
However, the focus should be on providing tasks  or activities that would allow
students‟ demonstration of higher-order cognitive  outcomes (e.g., creating,
analyzing) or skills (e.g., creativity, critical thinking).  The use of non-traditional
methods of assessment like performance  assessment allows the assessment of
both lower-order and higher-order  cognitive outcomes in ways that are more
3. Assessment can include a measure of non-cognitive learning outcomes. 
Traditional assessment focuses on knowledge and other cognitive learning 
outcomes. However, psychomotor and affective learning outcomes are also 
important learning outcomes, and there are learning targets that are non 
cognitive in nature. Hence, an assessment should also consider the  assessment
of these non-cognitive outcomes. Non-traditional assessment tools  like rubrics,
scales, and checklists allow the measurement of non-cognitive  learning
outcomes that allow a more complete and assessment of student  learning.  
4. Assessment should reflect real-life or real-world contexts. Assessment tasks or
activities should be authentic. The assessment should  closely, if not fully
approximate real-life situations or experiences. Authenticity  of assessment can be
thought as a continuum from less authentic to most  authentic, with more authentic
tasks expected to be more meaningful for  students. Performance assessment is
optimal if the performance task to be  demonstrated is similar or closed to what is
expected in the real world.

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5. Assessment must be comprehensive and holistic. 
Assessment should be performed using a variety of strategies and tools 
designed to assess student learning in a more integrative way. Assessment 
should be conducted in multiple periods to assess learning over time. Moreover, 
the use of both traditional assessment and alternative assessment strategies 
and tools should be considered. Non-traditional methods of assessment (e.g., 
use of rubrics, scales) allow the possibility of multiple assessors, including the 
use of self, and peer assessment. This ensures that students are being 
assessed in a more comprehensive and holistic way. 
6. Assessment should lead to student learning. 
This means that assessment should be like classroom instruction. This principle 
is consistent with the concepts of assessment for learning and assessment as 
learning. Assessment for learning refers to the use of assessment to identify  the
needs of students in order to modify instruction or the learning activities in  the
classroom. In assessment as learning, assessment tasks, results, and  feedback
are used to help students practice self-regulation and make  adjustments in order
to achieve the curriculum outcomes. 

Advantages of Alternative Assessments 

What benefits do students, teachers and the education system can gain through 
alternative assessments? The list below provides some insights into this question. ∙
Students get an opportunity to apply the knowledge that they have learned and 
demonstrate it in a constructive way that provides a solution to a problem.  ∙ They are
encouraged to think, analyze, innovate and apply; and their sense of  reasoning tends
to improve.  
∙ Students also improve on their communication skills as they need to also  explain their
solutions and the logic behind it to examiners. 
∙ These tests are more realistic and bring in an understanding and the  importance of
the knowledge gained.  
∙ A student’s skills are also measured along with the knowledge gained, making  it more
complete and correct.  
∙ Provides educators with a real time understanding on how teaching methods  can be
improved. This is so because they get to see how students have imbibed  what they
have learned and bring it out productively. 
∙ It is easier to grade a student overall like this rather than just scoring marks  through
shallow recitations.  
∙ It is much more transparent and fair as all students are given an equal  opportunity to
apply the knowledge gained in a way they find fit rather than  constraining them.

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The definition of performance-based assessments varies greatly depending on 
author, discipline, publication, and intended audience. Typically, a performance-based 
assessment measures students' ability to apply the skills and knowledge learned from 
a unit or units of study. The task challenges students to use their higher-order thinking  
skills to create a product or complete a process. Tasks can range from a simple 
constructed response like short answers to a complex design proposal of a sustainable 
neighborhood. Perhaps, the most genuine assessments require students to complete  a
task that closely reflects the responsibilities of a professional like artist, engineer, 
laboratory technician, financial analyst, or consumer advocate. Ordinarily, students  are
presented with an open-ended question that may produce several different correct 
answers. In the higher-level tasks, there is a sense of urgency for the product to be 
developed or the process to be determined or followed, as in most real-world 
What to Expect?  
At the end of the chapter, the students can: 

1. differentiate educational objectives and learning targets,  

2. discuss the common typologies of learning targets, 
3. explain the importance of matching learning targets and assessment 
4. recite the different levels of expertise for the different domains of learning,
5. formulate learning targets for every type of learning targets, and  6. create
an assessment plan using alternative method of assessment.

Learning Targets Appropriate to Alternative Assessment 
The shift of focus in education from content to student learning outcomes has 
changed teachers’ instructional perspective. In the past, teachers were often heard 
about their concern to finish their subject matter before the end of the term. Maybe 
because of the number of students or failure to clarify the desired learning outcomes, 
teachers’ concern for outcomes was secondary to the completion of the planned 
content for the subject. 
The new educational perspective requires teachers to visualize the ideal 
graduates or course passers of the program. What competencies, knowledge or other 
characteristics should the graduates or passers possess? The graduate of BEEd or 
BSEd program is one who has full understanding of child development, who  possesses
the competency to apply such understanding in planning the methods and  

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activities in the class such that pupils will show the desired learning outcomes. These 
are two of several of the BEEd or BSEd educational objectives. From the educational 
objectives, learning outcomes may be drafted with a statement opener such as 
“students can…” and completing the statement by using whenever possible concrete  
active verbs like: “demonstrate a wide range of teaching skills;” “apply learned theories 
in practice teaching;” or “illustrate alternative teaching methods.”  
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives 
Educational objectives are specific statements of student performance at the 
end of an instructional unit. Educational objectives are sometimes referred to as 
behavioral objectives and are typically stated with the use of verbs. 
Believing that there were more than one (1) type of learning, Benjamin Bloom 
and a committee of colleagues in 1956, identified three domains of educational 
objectives; the cognitive, referring to mental skills; affective referring to growth in the 
feeling or emotion; and psychomotor, referring to manual or physical skills. These 
terms were regarded as too technical by practicing teachers and so the domains were  
translated to simpler terms commonly used by teachers; knowledge, skills and 
attitudes (KSA). 
These domains are organized into categories or levels and arranged in 
hierarchical order from the simplest behavior to the most complex behavior. To ensure 
that the learning outcomes are measurable, demonstrable, and verifiable, the  
outcomes should be stated as concrete and active verbs.  

In mid-nineties, a former student of Bloom, Lorin Anderson, reviewed the 

cognitive domain objectives and effected some changes. The two most prominent of 
these are (a) changing the names in the sic subdivisions from noun to verb and (b) 
slightly re-arranging the order. Table 1 presents the taxonomy of educational  objectives
in the cognitive domain. 

Table 1. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives in the Cognitive Domain

Level Description Illustrative Verbs Sample Objectives

Remembering Recall of Define, describe,  Recite the 

previously  identify, label, match,  multiplication tables; 
learned list, name, outline,  match the word with 
information recall, recognize,  the parts of the 
reproduce, select,  picture of a sewing 
state machine

Understanding Comprehending Distinguish, estimate,  Explain in one’s on 

the  meaning, explain, give  words the stages in 
translation and  example, interpret,  the life cycle of a 
interpretation of  paraphrase, butterfly, distinguish 
instructions; state summarize the different 
a  problem in geometric figures
one’s  own word

Applying Using what was  Apply, change,  Use a mathematical 

learned in the compute, construct, formula to solve an

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classroom into  demonstrate, algebra problem; 
similar new  discover, modify,  prepare daily
situations prepare, produce  show, menus  for one week
solve, use for a  family of six

Analyzing Separating Analyze, compare,  Observe a 

materials or  contrast, diagram,  classroom and list 
concept into  differentiate, down the things to
component parts distinguish, illustrate,  be  improved;
to  understand outline, select differentiate the
the  whole parts  of a tree

Evaluating Judging the value Compare, conclude,  Defend a research

of  an idea, object criticize, critique,  defend, proposal; select the 
or  material evaluate,  relate, support, most effective 
justify solution; critique a 
class demonstration

Creating Building a Categorize, combine,  Compile personal 

structure  or compose, devise,  design, records and 
pattern; putting  plan,  organize, revise,  documents into a 
parts together rearrange, generate,  portfolio; write a 
modify syllabus for a
school  subject

The affective domain refers to the way in which we deal with situations 
emotionally such as feelings, appreciation, enthusiasm, motivation, values and  attitude.
The taxonomy is ordered into five levels as the person progresses towards 
internalization in which the attitude or feeling consistently guides or controls a person’s 

Table 2. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives in the Affective Domain

Level Description Illustrative Sample
Verbs Objective

Receiving Awareness or passive  Ask, choose,  hold, Listen attentively 

attention to a  identify,  listen, to the instruction 
phenomenon or select,  point to, sit,  of the teacher; 
stimulus;  being aware describe, follow,  listen to others 
or sensitive  to hold, identify,  name, with respect; try 
something and being  reply to remember 
willing to listen or pay  profile and facts

Responding Active attention and  Answer, comply,  Participate

response to a particular  participate, actively in the 
phenomenon or practice, write,  focus-group
stimulus;  showing answer, assist,  discussion; know 
commitment to  respond conform, the rules and 
in some measure  to the discuss, greet,  help, practice them; 
idea or  phenomenon perform,  practice, question
read,  recite, report,  concepts in order 
tell, write to understand 
them well

3 | P a g e 
Valuing Attaching value or Complete, Demonstrate
worth  to a demonstrate, belief in the value  of
phenomenon or  differentiate, the election  process;
object. Valuing may explain, justify,  demonstrate
range  from complete, belief in the  concept
acceptance to  demonstrate, or  process; show 
commitment; differentiate, ability to resolve
showing  explain, follow, 
willingness to be  invite, join,  justify,
perceived as propose,  report,
valuing or  favoring share,  study,
certain ideas perform
Organization Organizing values Adhere, defend,  Defend the 
into  priorities by integrate, importance of 
comparing,  organize, graduate
relating, and synthesize, education in the 
synthesizing  arrange, career of a  teacher.;
specific values; combine, accept  responsibility;
arranging  values complete, recognize the  need for
into priorities,  adhere, alter,  balance  between
creating a unique defend, explain,  freedom  and
value  system by formulate, responsible  behavior;
comparing,  elating integrate, explain  how to plan to 
and synthesizing  organize, relate,  solve problem; 
values synthesize prioritize time 
effectively for  family,
work, and  personal life

Internalizing Having a personal Act, display,  Display

Values/ value  system that influence, solve,  commitment to  helping
Characterizatio is now a  verify, listen,  economically
n characteristics of discriminate, disadvantaged 
the  learner; modify, perform,  students; show  self-
practicing value  revise, solve,  reliance
system that verify when asking
controls one’s 

In terms of educational objectives in the psychomotor domain, Bloom and  

colleagues did not propose levels unlike in the cognitive and affective domains. 
However, other scholars like Elizabeth Simpson (1972) built a taxonomy for the 
psychomotor domain from the work of Bloom.  

Table 3. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives in the Psychomotor Domain

Level Description Illustrative Sample
Verbs Objective

Perception The ability to use  Adjust, describe,  Detect non-verbal 

sensory cues to detect, identify,  cues from the 
guide  motor activity select participants

4 | P a g e 
Set The mental, physical,  Begin, display,  Show motivation  to
and emotional sets recognize, show,  learn a new skill
that  predispose a state
person’s  response to
different  situations.

Guided Demonstration of  Copy, perform,  Perform the 

Response complex skill through  follow, react,  mathematical
guided practice like  respond operation by 
imitation and trial and  following the  steps
error demonstrated by 
the teacher

Mechanism Learned responses  Assemble, Play the guitar

have become dismantle, fix, 
habitual  and manipulate, play
movements can be 
performed with some 
degree of confidence 
and proficiency

Complex Over  Performance of Assemble, Demonstrate

Response motor  acts that dismantle, fix,  one’s expertise in 
involve  complex manipulate, play playing the guitar.
movement  pattern in (similar with 
a quick,  accurate, mechanisms but 
and highly  performed in a 
coordinated manner.  more accurate, 
Characterized by  more
automatic coordinated  and
performance  and quicker way)
performance  without

Adaptation Psychomotor skills Adapt, alter,  Modify the dance 

are  well developed modify, steps to suit the
and the person can rearrange, vary abilities to one’s 
modify  movement group mates.
pattern to fit  special

Origination Creating new  Arrange, build,  Create new steps 

movement patterns to combine, create,  for contemporary 
fit  a particular design version of a  classic
situation or  specific dance hit
problem.  Learning
outcomes  emphasize
creativity  based upon
highly  developed

Bloom’s taxonomies of educational objectives for cognitive, affective and 

psychomotor domains are able to provide teachers with a structured guide in 
formulating more specific learning targets in the classroom. The taxonomies serve as 
guide for teachers in both instruction and assessment of student learning in the 
classroom. The challenge is for teachers to identify the levels of expertise that they 
expect the students to achieve and demonstrate. This will then lead to the identification 
of the assessment methods required to properly assess student learning. Higher level 

5 | P a g e 
of expertise in a given domain requires are assumed to require more sophisticated 
assessment methods or strategies. 

Learning Targets 

As previously discussed from Assessment in Learning 1, a learning target is a 

statement on what students are supposed to learn and what they can do because of 
instruction. It is also referred to as learning outcomes. These learning targets are 
more specific compared with educational goals, standards, and objectives and lend 
themselves to more specific instructional and assessment activities.  

Learning targets should be congruent with the standards prescribed by a 

program or level and aligned with the instructional or learning objectives of a subject   or
course. Teachers formulate learning targets from broader standards and learning 
objectives. The learning targets should be clear, specific, and meaningful to students. 
Thus, learning targets are more effectively stated in students’ point of view, typically 
using the phrase "I can..." For example, "I can differentiate between traditional  methods
and alternative methods of assessment”. 

The purpose of learning targets is to effectively inform students of what they 

should be able to do or demonstrate as evidence of their learning. Therefore, learning  
targets 'should specify both the content and criteria of learning. With specific learning 
targets formulated, appropriate classroom instruction and assessment can be  designed
The most common typology of learning targets are: knowledge, reasoning,  skill,
product, and affect (also known as disposition). 

Table 4. Types of Learning Targets

Learning Description Sample
Knowledge Refers to factual,  conceptual and  I can discuss the research 
procedural information  that students design that I used for my 
must learn in  a subject or content thesis.

Reasoning Knowledge-based thought  processes I can justify my choice of 

that students  must learn. It involves  Analysis of Variance 
application of knowledge  in problem- (ANOVA) as my statistical 
solving,  decision-making, and  other analysis for my thesis 
tasks that require  mental skills. research.

Skills Use of knowledge and or  reasoning to I can perform Analysis of 
perform or  demonstrate physical  Variance (ANOVA) on 
skills. research data using the 
software SPSS.

Product Use of knowledge,  reasoning, and I can write the results and 
skills in  creating a concrete or  discussion section of a 
tangible product. thesis manuscript.

6 | P a g e 
Affective Refers to affective  characteristics that  I can appreciate the role of  a
students can develop and  demonstrate thesis adviser in the 
because of  instruction. completion of a thesis 

Appropriate Alternative Methods of Assessment for Learning Targets  

While all five types of learning targets (knowledge, reasoning, skill, product, and 
affect) can be assessed by the use of alternative methods of assessment, three types 
of learning targets can be best assessed using alternative assessments. These are 
skills, products, and affect. 

Stiggins et al. (2006) defined skills type of learning targets as one’s use of 
knowledge and reasoning to act skillfully. In other words, skills refer to learning targets 
that require the development and demonstration of behavioral or physical task. To able 
to demonstrate skills or act skillfully, students must be able to possess the knowledge  
and reasoning ability related or relevant to the skills to be demonstrated.  

On the other hand, Stiggins et al. (2006) described product learning targets as 
the use of knowledge, reasoning, and skills to create a concrete product. Thus, 
products refer to learning targets that require the development of a tangible and high
quality product or output. Students are expected to create products that have certain 
core attributes that will serve as basis for evaluating its quality.  

Meanwhile, affect or disposition was defined by Stiggins et al. (2006) as 

students’ attitudes about school and learning. In practice, we look at affect/ disposition  
to encompass a broad range of non-cognitive attributes beyond attitude that may affect 
learning and performance, including motivation, interest, and other affective states.  The
development of affect/disposition simultaneously occurs as a student learns  concepts
and skills in the classroom. Table 5 provides good examples for the learning   targets in
different subject areas. 

Table 5. Examples of Learning Targets for Skills, Products, and Affect across  Different
Subject Areas
Subject Typology of Learning Targets
Area Learning  Targets

English Skills Participate in conversation with  others

Products Write an argumentative essay  where

arguments are justified by  providing
factual or empirical  data

Affect Enjoy reciting a poem in front of  an


Physical Skills Dribbles the ball to cross the  halfcourt.

Products Create a 3-month personal  fitness plan

7 | P a g e 
Affect Show determination to complete  the physical task.

Mathematics Skills Measures angles using  protractor.

Products Given the data, construct a  histogram with normal

curve  using SPSS.

Affect Demonstrate interest in  attending mathematics class.

Science Skills Use laboratory equipment  properly.

Products Prepare a report about the field  observation.

Affect Consider the safety of others in  the conduct of an

Social Studies Skills Participate in civic, discussions  on current social


Products Create a timeline for the 2017  Marawi Siege.

Affect Argue with others in constructive  manner.

Once the learning targets are identified, appropriate alternative methods of 
assessment can be selected to measure student learning.  

In terms of skills, having the required skills to apply one’s knowledge and 
reasoning skills through the performance of a behavioral or physical task is a step  
higher than simply knowing or being able to reason based on knowledge. Hence, skills  
targets are best assessed among students through performance-oriented or 
performance-based assessment as skills are best measured through actual task 

In terms of products, a student’s knowledge, reasoning, and skills are all 

required before one can create a meaningful product or output. Obviously, product 
targets are best assessed through product assessment. Given the need to also give 
value to the process of creating a product, performance assessment is also typically 
used in relation to product assessment.  

For affect or disposition, a student may already hold a particular affect or 
disposition in relation to a particular lesson or learning target and such affect may  
change or not depending on the learning and instructional and assessment  
experiences of the, student. Affect or disposition is best assessed through affective 
assessment or the use of self-report measures (checklists, inventories,  questionnaires,
scales) and other alternative strategies to assess affective outcomes.  Table 6 presents
a suggested matrix of the different types of learning targets best  assessed through
alternative assessment methods.

8 | P a g e 
Table 6. Learning Targets and Alternative Assessment Methods 
Learning Targets Performance Product Portfolio Self-Report
Oriented Oriented Scale



Note: More checks mean better matches. 

Across the different nontraditional or alternative methods of assessment,

teachers can expand the role of assessor to other students (peer assessment) and the 
student themselves (self-assessment). This allows assessment to become really 
authentic. There are also other methods or strategies for alternative assessment, and  it
is up to the teachers to select the method of assessment and design appropriate  tasks
and activities to measure the identified learning targets.
9 | P a g e 


Traditional testing cannot measure a number of skills directly. Skills requiring the 
demonstration of students’ understanding by creating an answer, carrying out 
performance, or producing a product which involves independent judgment, critical 
thinking and decision-making are best assessed with performance test. This type of 
authentic assessment provides evidence of what the students know and can do in the 
context of real life. This chapter discusses about performance assessment. The nature, 
principles, types, characteristics and steps in designing performance-based
assessment  are presented in this chapter. 

What to Expect? 
At the end of the chapter, the students can: 

1. define performance assessment, 

2. discuss the difference between a product- and process- based performance 
3. describe the characteristics of a good performance
assessment, 4. enumerate the steps in conducting performance
5. explain the significance of performance assessment as compared to paper-and
pencil assessment, and  
6. design appropriate performance assessment tools for intended student learning 

What is performance assessment? 

Performance assessment or performance-based assessment is an 
assessment activity or set of activities that require students to generate products or 
performances that provide direct or indirect evidence of their knowledge, skills, and 
abilities in an academic content domain. It is a form of testing that requires students to 
perform a task rather than select an answer from a ready-made list. It provides
teachers  with information about how well a student understands and applies knowledge
and goes  beyond the ability to recall information.  

Performance-based tasks or activities that best exemplified performance-

based  assessments include actual performances of making products, such as carrying
out  laboratory experiments, exhibiting creative and artistic talents, such as dancing,
painting,  and playing a musical instrument, and demonstrating writing skills through 
extemporaneous essay writing, article review, and reflective papers. These may also 
include asking students to explain historical events, generate scientific hypotheses,
solve  math problems, converse in a foreign language, or conduct research on an
assigned  topic. 

Performance assessment provides a basis for teachers to evaluate, both the 

effectiveness of the process or procedure used (e.g. approach to data collection, 
manipulation of instruments) and the product resulting from performance of a task (e.g. 
completed report of results, completed art work). Unlike simple tests of factual
knowledge,  there is unlikely to be a single right or best answer. Rather, there may be
multiple  performances and problem solutions that may be judged to be excellent.
Problem  formulation, the organization of ideas, the integration of multiple types of
evidence, and  originality are all important aspects of performance that may not be
adequately assessed  by paper-and-pencil tests. 
In defining the purpose of assessment, the teacher should identify whether the 
students will have to demonstrate a process or a product. If the learning outcomes deal 
on the procedures which you could specify, then it focuses on process assessment.
Process-based performance assessment evaluates the actual task performance rather 
than the output or product of an activity. This assessment aims to know what processes 
a person undergoes when given a task. In assessing the process, it is essential that 
assessment should be done while the students are performing the procedures or step. 
Process-oriented assessments provide insights on the students’ critical thinking, logic
and  reasoning skills. These will lead them to independent learning and set goals for
future  use. 

Sometimes, even though you teach specific process, the learning outcomes
simply  imply that the major focus is product that the student produces. Nitko (2011)
suggested  focusing assessment on the product students produce if most or all of the
evidence about  their achievement of the learning targets is found in the product itself,
and little or none of  the evidence you need to evaluate students is found in the
procedures they use or the  ways in which they perform. Assessment of products must
be done if the students will  produce a variety of better ways to produce high quality
products, sometimes, method or  sequence does not make much difference as long as
the product is the focus of the  assessment. 

Both product-based and process-based assessments provide information

about  how a student understands and applies knowledge and involve hands-on tasks
or  activities that students must complete individually or in small groups. Below are
examples  of product-based and process-based assessments: 
Types Examples

A. Product-Based Assessment
Visual Products Charts, illustrations, graphs, collages,  murals,
maps, timeline flows, diagrams,  posters,
advertisements, video  presentations, art exhibits

Kinesthetic Products Diorama, puzzles, games, sculpture,  exhibits,

dance recital

Written Products Journals, diaries, logs, reports,  abstracts, letters,

thought or position  papers, poems, story,
movie/TV scripts,  portfolio, essay, article report,
research  paper, thesis

Verbal Products Audiotapes, debates, lectures, voice  recording,


B. Process-Based

Oral Paper presentation, poster  presentation,

Presentations/Demonstrations individual or group report  on assigned topic, skills
demonstration  such as baking, teaching, problem 

Dramatic/ Creative Dance, recital, dramatic enactment,  prose or

Performances poetry interpretation, role  playing, playing musical

Public Speaking Debates, mock trial, simulations,  interviews,

panel discussion, story telling, poem reading

Athletic Skills Playing basketball, baseball, soccer,  volleyball,

Demonstration/Competition and other sports

Similar to performance assessment is the concept of authentic assessment. 

Authentic assessment requires students to actually demonstrate their skills in applying 
skills and knowledge they have learned from class. It involves tasks that resemble what 
people do in the real setting or context, such as doing an actual research, making a
case  study, giving a speech, or performing on a stage.
What are the characteristics of a good performance assessment? 

With so many different types of performance assessment tasks or tools that can 
be used to measure students’ learning outcomes, deciding which one to use can be 
confusing and challenging. In choosing and designing the best performance
assessment,  it is good to evaluate its suitability against the following criteria: 
1. It is authentic, that is, it includes performance tasks that are meaningful and realistic. 

Performance assessment should present or require tasks that are realistic and  
related to everyday life. As it involves an authentic task, it should convey its purpose
and  reflect its relevance to the students, their discipline, and the outside world as a
whole. For  example, in an Entrepreneur class wherein one of the learning outcomes is
the ability to  develop a business plan, instead of giving final exams to test students’
knowledge of  concepts, principles, and processes of developing a business plan, the
students will be  required to submit a proposed business plan for putting up a new
investment. This  performance task entails students to identify the market needs and
gaps, plan out the  marketing mix (7Ps) and the 4Ms of operations, and forecast the
cost and revenues of  the business. This task slows students to have hands-on
experience in performing a task  that is done in the actual world. 

2. It provides opportunities for students to show both what they know and how well they 
can do what they know. 

Performance assessment should achieve a balanced approach wherein it gives 

students opportunities to show their knowledge-and-skill competencies. Since the main 
goal of teaching and learning is for students’ acquisition and application of knowledge
and skills, course assessments should therefore help answer the questions “Do the 
students know it?” and “How well can they use what they know?” to determine whether  
the students have actually achieved this goal. For example, in a Practical Research 2 
class, the teacher may require research output at the end of the course, since this 
performance task will not only inform the teacher whether the students learned the  
different parts of a research paper but also whether the students can conceptualize a 
good research paper, conduct review of related literature, apply appropriate data  
gathering procedure and analysis, and make valid interpretations and implications of
the  results. The main challenge is for the teachers to choose performance tasks that
can  measure both the competencies of “knowing” and “applying” and at most

3. It allows students to be involved in the process of evaluating their own and their
peers’  performance and output 

Performance assessment should allow students to be involved in the process of 

evaluating themselves and their peers. It should give students the opportunity for self
reflection or self-assessment, as well as to be involved in evaluating their classmates’  
performance. Self-assessment allows students to make judgement about their learning 
process and products of learning, track their progress, and identify the areas where to 
focus or improve on. Peer assessment, on the other hand, allows students to give 
constructive feedback about the performance of their classmates or groupmates, which 
the latter can use to revise or improve their work. Both assessments require that
scoring  or grading is based on the criteria agreed upon by the teacher and the
students. The use  of a rubric can facilitate self-assessment and peer assessment. 
4. It assesses more complex skills. 

Unlike traditional tests that usually assess a single skill and require simple tasks 
such as remembering or recalling of concepts, performance assessment usually taps 
higher-order cognitive skills to apply knowledge to solve realistic and meaningful 
problems. As such, performance assessment allows students to engage in more 
challenging activities that require various skills, such as planning and decision-making, 
problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, and creative skills, among others. For 
example, instead of giving final exams to assess students’ learning in a marketing
class,  the teacher may require the students to conduct a marketing and market
research, come 
up with a marketing strategy, and/or conduct an actual marketing for a product of their  
choice. These performance tasks not only assess students’ knowledge of principles
and  processes in marketing but also tap their creativity, planning skills, collaborative
skills,  communication skills, and research skills. 

5. It explains the task, required elements, and scoring criteria to the students before the 
start of the activity and the assessment. 

At the start of the class, it is important that the requirements of the subject are 
presented and explained to the students. These include the required tasks, activities or 
projects, the expected quality and level of performance or output, the criteria to be 
included for assessment, and the rubric to be used. Ideally, students should be
involved  in the whole assessment process from the very onset, by providing them
options, getting them involved in discussions and decision-making on performance 
standards and criteria, allowing them the opportunity to give feedback on teacher-made 
rubrics and to revise them, and training them on how to apply for self- and peer

What are the general guidelines in designing performance assessment? 

The learning outcomes at the end of the course serves as the bases in
designing  the performance assessment tasks. With the learning outcomes identified,
the evidence  of student learning that are most relevant for each learning outcome and
the standard or  criteria that will be used to evaluate those evidences are then identified.
To guide you in  designing performance assessments, the following questions may be
1. What are the outcomes to be assessed? 
2. What are the capabilities/skills implicit or explicit in the expected outcomes (e.g., 
problem-solving, decision-making, critical thinking, communication skills)? 3. What are
the appropriate performance assessment tasks or tools to measure the  outcomes and
4. Are the specific performance tasks aligned with the outcomes and skills interesting, 
engaging, challenging, and measurable? 
5. Are the performance tasks authentic and representative of real-world
scenarios? 6. What criteria should be included to rate students’ performance
level? 7. What are specific performance indicators for each criterion? 

Furthermore, the choice of teaching and learning activities is also of utmost 

importance in choosing the performance assessment to use. There should also be an 
alignment among the learning outcomes, the teaching learning activities, and
assessment  tasks. For example, in a Physical Education-Dance class, following three-
course  components should be explicitly clear and linked, as shown below:
Intended Learning  Teaching-Learning Performance
Outcomes Activities Assessment  Tasks

At the end of the course, 

the students should be 
able to:

∙ Perform dance routines  Lecture, class discussion,  Culminating dance class 

and creatively combine  movement exercises,  recitals, practical test for 
variations with rhythm,  dance demonstration,  each type of dance, 
coordination, correct  actual dancing with reflection papers, peer 
footwork technique,  teacher  and partners, evaluation rating
frame, facial and body  collaborative  learning

∙ Participate in dance  Required attendance and  Actual dance

socials and other  participation in school and  performance  in school or
community fitness  community dance  community  programs,
advocacy projects. performances reaction/reflection papers

How do you conduct performance assessment? 

Unlike in most traditional tests wherein student responses can be scored using 
an answer key, performance assessments require the teacher’s and peers’ judgement 
when evaluating the resulting products and performances. This necessitates using a
set  of predetermined criteria that are aligned with desired targeted standards or
desired  learning outcomes. 
The following are the basic steps in planning and implementing performance
(process)-based or product-based assessments: 
1. Define the purpose of performance or product-based assessment.  The first
step in designing performance-based assessments is to define the  purpose of
assessment. Defining the purpose of assessment provides information on  what
students need to perform in a task given. Purpose must be specified at the 
beginning of the process so that proper kinds of performance criteria and scoring 
procedures can be established. Basic questions which teachers ask in determining 
possible learning competencies to be considered are listed below. 

Five questions to consider in Determining Competencies 

Five Questions Examples

What important cognitive skills or  ∙communicate effectively in writing

attributes do I want my students ∙employ algebra to solve real-life 
to  develop? problems

What social and affective skills ∙Work independently

or  attributes do I want my ∙Appreciate individual differences
students to  develop?

What metacognitive skills do I want ∙Reflect on the writing process

my  students to develop? ∙Self-monitor progress while working on 
the independent project

What types of problems do I want ∙Perform research

my  students to be able to solve? ∙Predict consequences

What concepts and principles do I ∙Understand cause-and-effect

want  my students to be apply to relationships
apply? ∙Use principles of ecology and

Example of process-oriented performance-based assessment in which the main

domain  is Oral Language and Fluency (Enclosure No. 4, DepEd Order N0. 73, s.
Subject: English Grade 7 
Content Standard: The students demonstrate oral language proficiency and 
fluency in various social contexts. 
Performance Standard: The learner proficiently renders rhetorical pieces. Task:
Oral-aural Production (The teacher may use dialogs or  passages from other
written or similar texts). 
Specific competencies: 
1. Observe the right syllable stress pattern in different categories 
2. Observe the use of the rising and falling intonation, rising intonation, and the 
combination of both intonation patterns in utterances 
3. Demonstrate how prosodic patterns affect understanding of the message. 

Example of product-oriented performance-based assessment task. 

Performance Task: Creating a Book Cover 
Competencies: The students should be able to: 
1. Generate appropriate shots for book cover using digital camera, 2. Use a
page lay-out software (MS Publisher) or presentation software (MS 
3. Create size estimation of image, shapes, and textbox in terms of 
importance, emphasis and visual hierarchy, and 
4. Demonstrate skills in information design principles such as clarity, balance, 
relevance contrast, alignment, repetition and proximity
2. Choose the activity/output that you will assess. The required performance or output 
should be feasible given the time constraints, availability of resources, and amount of 
data/materials needed to make an informed decision about the quality of a student’s 
performance or output. The performance tasks should be interesting, challenging, 
achievable, and with sufficient depth and breadth so that valid evaluation about 
students’ learning can be made.  
Example of process-oriented performance task on problem-solving and decision-

Key Competencies:  
1. Use reading skills and strategies to comprehend and interpret what is
read. 2. Demonstrate competence in speaking and listening as tools for
learning 3. Construct complex sentences. 

Your friend is going through a difficult time. You have tried talking about the 
issue but to no avail. After much thought you recall a book you had read where the 
character went through a similar experience as your friend. How might the book 
help your friend deal with the problem? What other sources of information or 
resources could you find to help your friend? What might be some strategies your 
friend could use? Use your writing skills to compose a letter to your friend as to
why  he should read the book or resources you have collected. Be sure your letter 
contains examples from the readings, your feelings and encouragement. 
As a problem solver, devise a plan to meet with your friend to identify
possible  solutions to the problem after he has read the materials. Be sure you are 
considerate of feelings and outline steps you’ll take to make sure your discussion
is  one of collaboration. 
You will be assessed on your ability to make informed decisions, your
ability  to create a letter with complex sentences, your ability to solve problem ad
your  ability to work collaboratively with a peer. 

Adapted from Educational Planning, Portland Public Schools 

The example below shows performance task for product-oriented performance

based assessment. 
Competency: Prepare Useful Solution 
Performance Task:  
Barangay Luntian is celebrating its 50 anniversary with the theme

“Kalikasan  Ko, Mahal Ko”. The barangay captain called for a council meeting to
discuss the  preparations for the program. As a councilor, you are asked to take
charge of the  preparation of “Natural Beverage” for the guests. This healthful drink
should promote  your locally produced fruits or vegetables as well as health and
wellness. On your  next council meeting, you will present your plan for the
preparation of the drink and  let the council member do the taste testing. The
council members will rate your drink  based on the following criteria: practicality,
preparation, availability of materials,  composition of solution(drink).
Taken from Enclosure No. 4, DepEd Order No. 73 , s. 2012 

3. Define the criteria. Criteria are guidelines or rules for judging student responses, 
products, or performances. Before conducting the assessment, the performance 
criteria should be predetermined. The set of criteria should be discussed and agreed 
upon by the teachers and the students. Performance criteria are important since they  
define for the students the types of behavior or attributes of a product that are
as well as allow the teacher and the students to evaluate a performance or product
as  objectively and as consistent as possible. There are four types of criteria that can
be  used for evaluating student performances: 
A. content criteria – to evaluate the degree of a student’s knowledge and understanding 
of facts, concepts and principles related to the topic/subject; 
B. process criteria – to evaluate the proficiency level of performance of a skill or 
C. quality criteria- to evaluate the quality of a product or performance; and  D. impact
criteria-to evaluate the overall results or effects of a product or performance. 
4. Create the performance rubric. A rubric is an assessment tool that indicates the 
performance expectations for any kind of student work. It generally contains three 
essential features: (1) criteria or the aspects of performance that will be assessed, (2) 
performance descriptors or the characteristics associated with each dimension or 
criterion, and (3) performance levels that identifies students’ level of mastery within 
each criterion. There are different types of rubrics: 
A. holistic rubric – in holistic rubric, student performance or output is evaluated by 
applying all criteria simultaneously, thus providing a single score based on overall 
judgment about the quality of student’s work 
B. analytic rubric – in analytic rubric, student’s work is evaluated by using each
criterion  separately, thus providing specific feedback about the student’s
performance or  product along several dimensions 
C. general rubric – contains criteria that are general and can be applied across tasks 
(e.g., the same rubric that can be used to evaluate oral presentation and research  
D. task-specific rubric – contains criteria that are unique to a specific task (i.e., a rubric  
that can only be used for oral presentation and another rubric for applicable only for  
research output) 
Discussions about rubrics will be dealt again more deeply in Chapter 6. 
5. Assess student’s performance/product. In assessing a student’s work, it is  important
to adhere to the criteria set and use the rubric developed. This is to ensure  objective,
consistent, and accurate evaluation of student’s performance. It is also  important to
provide specific and meaningful feedback and explanation to students on  how to they
have performed the tasks, clarifying to them what they understand, what  they don’t
understand, and where they can improve. 


Performance Assessment refers to an assessment activity or set of activities

that  require students to generate products or performances that provide direct
or  indirect evidence of their knowledge, skills, and abilities in an academic
content  domain. 
The characteristics of a good performance assessment are (1) it is authentic,
that  is, it includes performance tasks that are meaningful and realistic, (2) it
provides  opportunities for students to show both what they know and how well
they can do  what they know, (3) it allows students to be involved in the in the
process of  evaluating their own ad their peers’ performance and output, (4) it
assesses more  complex skills, and (5) it explains the task, required elements,
and scoring criteria  to the students before the start of the activity and the
To guide you in designing performance assessments, the following questions
may  be addressed: (1) what are the outcomes to be assessed?, (2) what are
the  capabilities/skills implicit or explicit in the expected outcomes?, (3) what are
the  appropriate performance assessment tasks or tools to measure the
outcomes and  skills?, (4) are the specific performance tasks aligned with the
outcomes and skills  interesting, challenging, and measurable?, (5) are the
performance tasks authentic  and representative of real-world scenarios?, (6)
what criteria should be included to  rate students’ performance level, and (7)
what are specific performance indicators  for each criterion? 
The basic steps in planning and implementing performance-based or product
based assessments are: (1) define the purpose of performance or product-
based  assessment, (2) choose the activity/output that you will assess, (3) define
the  criteria, (4) create the performance rubric, and (5) assess student’s
To read or view more on the following topics, please visit the links below. 
a. Performance-Based Assessment in Math
making math-relevant 
b. Performance-Based Assessment: Reviewing the Basics
reviewing basics-patricia-hilliard 
c. Video-Discussion of Performance Assessment 

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