Unit 4: Communication Authentic Assessment Results

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Unit 4: Communication

Authentic Assessment Results

November 10, 2021
What is effective Communication?

Effective Communication is about

something other than trading
information. It’s tied in with
understanding the feeling and
expectations behind the information.
What is to Communicate?
Communicating is important in the daily lives of
people, by using this tool we can exchange information’s
to others that can give us ideas, knowledge, and

Communication is a process of exchanging

information, it involves one sender that encodes a
message and a recipients or receiver that decodes the
Four (4) Different Categories
of Communication
1. Verbal Communication
2. Non-Verbal Communication
3. Written Communication
4. Visualization
Verbal Communication
An interaction that involves
vocalizing the thoughts of a
sender through face to face,
telephone, radio or television
and other media.
An interaction that uses
body language, sign
language or gesture to
It is a type of communication that
express their thoughts or
information through writing or
typing a letter, e-mail, posting status
on social media, books, magazine,
messenger, and SMS.
Using of pictures,
graphs and charts to
Barriers in
1. Culture and Language Differences
2. Lack of Interest
3.Lack of Communication Skills
5. Distractions
6.Different Perspectives
7.Emotional State
Why Communicate?
Communicating is one of the
activities that people do in their
daily lives. It is a tool that can
motivate, influence and bring out
changes in our and others' attitudes.
(General, 2010).

1.We can communicate to persuade –

meaning to let everyone do something by
commanding or promoting them.

2. We communicate in order to give or

provide information.

3.We communicate seeking information – If

we want to know some information, we ask
someone that can provide us information.

4. We communicate to express our thoughts

and emotions.
How to Communicate?
Authentic Assessment

An authentic assignment is one

that requires application of what
students have learned to a new
situation, and that demands
judgment to determine what
information and skills are relevant
and how they should be used.
How to Communicate?
Authentic assignments often focus
on messy, complex real-world
situations and their accompanying
constraints; they can involve a
real-world audience of
stakeholders or “clients” as well.
According to Grant Wiggins, an
assignment is authentic if is
o realistic
o requires judgment and innovation
o asks the students to “do” the subject
o replicates or simulates the context in which adults are
“tested” in the workplace or civil or personal life
o assesses the student’s ability to efficiently and
effectively use a repertoire of knowledge and skills to
negotiate a complex task
o allows appropriate opportunities to rehearse, practice,
consult resources, and get feedback on and refine
performances and products
The differences between typical tests and authentic
assessments (Wiggins).
Typical tests Authentic tasks Indicators of authenticity

Require correct responses Require a high- quality product or Correctness is not the only criterion; students
performance, and a justification of the solution must be able to justify their answers.
to problems encountered
Must be unknown to the student in Should be known in advance to students as The tasks and standards for judgement should be
advance to be valid. much as possible known or predictable.
Are disconnected from real-world context Are tied to real-world contexts and constraints The context and constraints of the task are like
and constraints require a student to “do” the subject. those encountered by practitioners in the
Contain items that isolate particular skills Are integrated challenges in which a range of The task is multifaceted and complex, even if
or facts. skills and knowledge must be used in there is a right answer.
Include easily scored items Involve complex tasks that for which there may The validity of the assessment in not sacrificed in
be no right answer, and that may not be easily favor of reliable scoring
Are “one shot” students get one chance to Are iterative; contain recurring tasks Students may use particular knowledge or skills
show their learning in several different ways of context.
Provide a score Provide usable diagnostic information about The assessment is designed to improve future
students’ skills and knowledge performance and students are important
“consumers” of such information.
Disadvantages over
Conventional Tests
(Authentic Assessment)
1.They involve real-world tasks.
2.They are also likely to be more
interesting for students, and thus more
3.They can provide more specific and
usable information about what students
have succeeded in learning as well as
what they have not learned.
Examples of Authentic Assessment
Nursing Provide a case study of a patient and ask students to assess and create a plan to care

Business Develop a business/marketing/sales plan for an imaginary or real) company in a student’s area of


Computer Science Troubleshoot a problematic piece of code; develop a website/app to solve a particular problem and/or

meet a set of criteria.

Psychology Examine/critique a case study from multiple theoretical positions.

Public Affairs of Service Consider how a community agency might be impacted by a particular challenge (budget cuts,

Learning Courses infrastructure outage, public health crisis, etc.)

Biology/Chemistry Draw a diagram of how a process works, indicating what happens of X occurs

History Engage in a role play of a particular event in history; Describe what might have happened if one element

of a historical event had changed.


How can assessment results be

communicated in a way that is clear,
concise, compelling, and useful?
If assessment results are positive, how
should they be disseminated and used?
If assessment results are negative, how
should they be disseminated and used?

Once a programmatic change has

been made based on assessment
results, how do we know if this
change was an improvement?

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