SAKO Warranty Procedure: Lectron C Co, LTD
SAKO Warranty Procedure: Lectron C Co, LTD
SAKO Warranty Procedure: Lectron C Co, LTD
SAKO Warranty procedure
1.Warranty period
Forthe inverter you purchased,you receive a(SAI<C)factory warranty va|id for 1 year frorn the date of
installation and no rnore than one and a half years frO1Tlthe delivery date frorn SHENzHEN I<INCi sAKo
2.Maior Failures
ln the 1 year standard factory warranty period,custorners are entitled to a replaceFnent ofthe produCt or refund
for a maior failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage,You are also
entitled to have the products repaired or rep|aced ifthe goods fai| of acceptable quality and the failure
a)the product acquired bythe custornerwould nothave been acquired by a reasonable ConsurnerfuIIy
description or sarnplei or
c)the produCtissubstantia||yunfitforapurposeforvvhichproduCtsofthesamekindarecornmonly
purposei or
d)the productis unfitfora disclosed purpose that was made knoWn to SAKo or a person who made any
prior negotiations before the purchase was rnade and the cannot,easily and within a reasonable timle,be
3. VVarranty cOndition
This、 ″arranty includes al|defects of design,cOnlponents and manufacturing.Excluded frorn、 ″arranty
SHENZEN KING SAKC)ELECTRONIC Co” LTD +8675毛 12749(37俗 6 sz念 ko《 勤sako.cOIη 'Cn
″踽 .sakopovver.corn
sllBNzliEN KIN() sAKO ELEC′ IROWlCs,C0,,I T1
Transport darnage
・Failure to observe the user rnanualithe insta|lation guide,and the rnaintenance regulations
`arranty claim
lfa device becornes defective during the agreed(SAI(o factory warranty period and proVided thatit ⅥriII
orepaired by SAKo,or
o repaired on-site,or
o exchanged for a replacernent device of equiVa|ent Value accOrding to Fnodel and age.
ln the latter case,the rernainder ofthe、 ″arranty entit|ernent wil|be transferred to the replaCernent
device.In this case,you do not receive a new certificate since your entit|ernentis docurnented at
Excessiveness in the rneaning above exists in partlcu|arifthe cost of the nleasures for sAI<(:〉
would be unreasonable
・in VieW ofthe Va|ue thatthe deVice、 ″ou|d haVe withoutthe defect,
・after consideration of a|ternative、 ″orkaround possibilities that SAKO custonaers could revertto
Without signifcantinconvenience.
5. VVarranty procedure
Please note customers who Wantto getrep|acementfrom sAKO have to fully f|lin SAK・ 0巾“arranry
Please read the be|ow notes before f|lin SAKO V1/arranry C`a加 7 For〃 ,
深圳市金三和}电 子有限公司
The genera|warranty service procedure is∶
qualined engineer wil|guide thern try to fix it,or con】 rrn the fau|t.
b) Installers attend site.Insta||ers can ca|l our service hot line When inspecting&troubleshooting
inverter onsite.If possible,our qua|iied engineer vvil|guide you try a quick nX onsite,Installers have
the right to replace it if prob|enn doesn’ t fX onsite. HOVVeveG if you had replaced inveIters twiCe for
the site(the third inverter is on wall),please contact sAKC)for further assistance,feld service
FuI1her care for original custorner also can be made if required,book on phone or Via ernai1.
a‘ranry Crafm Form onsite before take fau|ty inVeder off Wa".Form With insuf日
⒕‘ cient or incorrect
Note:if a replacementis required frstly,pleasejust send the sAKOl Warm】 o`CraFm Fo″ m to
us,we also can considerto send the replaCernent prior,in such Cases、 ″e wiIIinspectthe unit
e) lOur qua|ifed repair engineer wil|inspeCt&test returned inverters carefuI|y.NO fault description or
incorrect description VVi|I cause trernendous de|ays.l`lo fault found inverters、 ″ill return to the original
^`ith test report.
g) once the faulty inVerter been rep|aced With a rep|acernent inverter onsite, the“ Replacernent
h) Signature or sea|stamp is required for a Va|id SAKO l″ larranry c`afn,Fo″ 7,Can be accepted by
i) 1Custonlers rnay be required to proVide the inverter vvarranty card,original purchasing&installation
inVoice,or other re|ated n1aterials.ˉ his is also stated on the sAK(D warranty card cOrnes With
j) FOr son1e country/regions that not covered either by SAKC)service Center or service agent,、 ″e
sllaⅡ zⅢ w:IⅢC slKO.盯 mTROMcsbu“
I .-∷
囫X搠眦≡鼷 ∷
replacement stockis the property belongs to sAI<C),custon1ers can not se|l it,or dispose it.{SA【 <O
SHENzEN KING SAKO ELECTRONIC Co” LTD +8貉 75每 -27493766 szako(Φ sakoˇ com.Cn
^燕 ^″
趵⒒Ⅻ¤v三 瞰
)Sample of warranty claim form
sAl《 0)shall have no obligation for unqualified application such as incorrect inforrmlatiom or
COmpany Name
Contact Person Contact Number
C)ontact enlail
Company Address
Replacement DeliVer Address
lnput&output inforrnation
Panel lsipecifications Voc.(V)∶ Vmp.(V) Pmax.(W)∶
NuITiber of strings per l∨ IPPT∶ _上 _(A/B)
l`lurnber of panels for each string /2/3僻 /5/6)
Actual grid Voltage(∨ )∶
Fault Description
LCD disp|ay reads LED status(COlor)
IDetailed IDescription,frequency of fault∶
瓦he no″ owFng fnnormaJOm musr pJOvⅡ e afrer fauffy加 Verrer been Jepraced
Replacenoent Infornlation
Product IVIOdel Serial Nulmber(s`N)
Replaced by Replace Date
SHENZEN KING SAKO ELECTRONIC Co” LTD 中 86.755¨ 27饿 9(3766 sza掀
Ⅵ W^sakopowencor锇
深圳市金三科电子有限公司 ^〃