Computer Network Design Using PPDIOO Method With Case Study of SMA Negeri 1 Kunir
Computer Network Design Using PPDIOO Method With Case Study of SMA Negeri 1 Kunir
Computer Network Design Using PPDIOO Method With Case Study of SMA Negeri 1 Kunir
Informatics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Udayana University
Jimbaran, Badung, Bali
[email protected]
[email protected]
The development of technology is very beneficial for the world of education, such as the use of
the internet in finding and managing information and can help in the teaching and learning
process. Before using the internet, there was a computer network that played an important role
in it. In building a computer network, a concept or method is needed in designing it, and here the
PPDIOO method will be used and uses two types of network topologies, namely star and ring
topologies. The PPDIOO method consists of several stages, namely Prepare, Plan, Design,
Implement, Operate and Optimize. The device that will be used in designing this computer
network will use Cisco Packet Tracer. In designing this computer network, several requirements
are obtained including Server-PT, PC-PT, Access Point-PT, Router-PT, Switch, Straight-Throught
Copper cable and Cross-Over Copper cable. With the design of this computer network, it can help
schools in the teaching and learning process and can improve the quality of teaching, the quality
of knowledge and the quality of the abilities of students and teachers and by using the PPDIOO
method can improve adequate network performance.
1. Introduction
In this era of the industrial revolution 4.0, the development of technology and information is
growing rapidly. All activities carried out by humans have mostly used technology to make
activities easier, technology users are also increasingly starting from government agencies, the
private sector, to the world of education. The development of technology is very beneficial for the
world of education, such as the use of the internet in finding and managing information and can
help in the teaching and learning process. To be able to access the internet, it is necessary to
have a computer network. A computer network is a system consisting of two or more computers
that are connected to each other through transmission media or communication media so that
they can share data, applications and share computer hardware. The absence of a computer
network system for sharing data in processing and storing data, so that it still uses personal
computers, results in obstacles in retrieving and checking data from one computer to another due
to waiting for the availability of flash disks for data transfer (Rohman, 2013). With a computer
network, we can access our files as well as other people's files, sending data quickly and
efficiently that has been disseminated over a network, such as an internet network.
Computer networks are very useful for schools such as SMA Negeri 1 Kunir because this school
still uses personal computers. The computer network design at SMA Negeri 1 Kunir was carried
out to determine the needs needed in building a computer network. The network design design
at SMA Negeri 1 Kunir will be built in classrooms and several rooms that require computer
networks. This is done so that the computer network at SMA Negeri 1 Kunir can run well so that
it can help in the teaching and learning process and in data exchange.
Yuliana & Mogi
Computer Network Design Using PPDIOO Method With Case Study of SMA Negeri 1 Kunir
2. Reseach Methods
2.1. Computer Network
A computer network is a system consisting of two or more computers that are connected
to each other through transmission media or communication media so that they can share
data, applications and share computer hardware. In building a computer network that has
a wide coverage, additional equipment is needed including Hubs, Bridges, Switches,
Routers and Gateways as the interconnection[3].
Optimize Prepare
Operate Plan
Implement Design
Jurnal Elektronik Ilmu Komputer Udayana p-ISSN: 2301-5373
Volume 9 No. 2, November 2020 e-ISSN: 2654-5101
A GAP analysis is performed on the best design by looking at the behavior of the
operational environment.
c) Design
Designing network designs in accordance with needs, technical requirements and
analysis results that are comprehensive and detailed.
d) Implement
Applying all things that have been designed in accordance with the design and analysis
that has been done before.
e) Operate
Realtime testing of the system is carried out whether the system built is in accordance
with the design. If there are things that are still lacking, it will be used as a reference
for improvement in improving service quality.
f) Optimize
It involves proactive awareness of network management to identify and resolve
problems that arise in the future.
Yuliana & Mogi
Computer Network Design Using PPDIOO Method With Case Study of SMA Negeri 1 Kunir
From the list of rooms and the list of tools above, a network design can be generated as
shown in Figure 2.
4. Conclusion
From the results of this study, the design of computer network designs at SMA Negeri 1 Kunir,
the needs needed in building a computer network include Server-PT, PC-PT, Access Point-PT,
Router-PT, Switch, Straight-Throught Copper cable and Copper Cross-Over cable. With this
computer network design can help in the teaching and learning process and can improve the
quality of teaching, the quality of knowledge, the quality of the ability of students and teachers.
Jurnal Elektronik Ilmu Komputer Udayana p-ISSN: 2301-5373
Volume 9 No. 2, November 2020 e-ISSN: 2654-5101
With the use of the PPDIOO method can improve network performance that can be adequate for
schools. In real implementation of this computer network, a detailed analysis and a complex
understanding of the system to be built are required.
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Yuliana & Mogi
Computer Network Design Using PPDIOO Method With Case Study of SMA Negeri 1 Kunir