HPB Hydraulic Power Braking System: General Comments, Diagrams and Description of Components
HPB Hydraulic Power Braking System: General Comments, Diagrams and Description of Components
HPB Hydraulic Power Braking System: General Comments, Diagrams and Description of Components
Braking System
General Comments,
Diagrams and
Description of Components
2001 Edition
4. revised edition
5. Legal Requirements
ECE Regulation 13 - Annex 7C - ...................................................................... 50
General Comments
1 General Comments
HPB Hydraulic Power At present the majority of special- The legal requirements for the HPB
Braking System purpose vehicles, particularly con- with regard to the size of its energy
struction vehicles up to a dead accumulators, the performance of its
weight of approx. 7 tonnes, are energy source and the properties of
equipped with hydraulic muscular the alarm devices are defined in ECE
power braking systems. Vehicles - Regulation No. 13, Annex 7c.
with a higher dead weight usualy (Please refer to our manual "Legal
have compressed-air braking sys- Requirements", 2000 Edition, Pages
tems. 325 to 327) or page 50 to this bro-
Since wet inboard disk brakes are
being increasingly used in European The HPB system is not really suitable
construction vehicles, WABCO has for operating a trailer braking system.
developed a Hydraulic Power Brak- This requires a system for supplying
ing System (HPB) which takes into compressed air with a hydraulically
account the special requirements for operated Trailer Control Valve (470
construction vehicles. 015 ... 0) to be installed. The hand
brake facility for the trailer can then
The components of the hydraulic be operated, for instance, via a hydro
braking system are suitable for fluids pressure switch, a solenoid valve
on the basis of mineral oils and some and a relay valve (pneumatic).
bio-fluids which means that the fluids
present in the construction vehicle's
hydraulics can be used as the energy In order to take into account the trend
transmitter for the braking system. towards dual circuit service braking
systems, we recommend that vehi-
The cross-sections of the compo- cles > 25 k.p.h. are fitted with a dual
nents have been designed to ac- circuit HPB system although accord-
count for the higher viscosity of such ing to the German Motor Vehicle
fluids rather than conventional brake Construction and Use Regulation
fluid. construction vehicles merely require
a single circuit system.
The components are particularly ro-
bust to ensure that they are capable
of withstanding the tough conditions
of everyday operation.
6 2
HPB - Diagrams
HPB - Diagram
single-circuit 2
Diagram: 841 300 329 0
Port connections:
0 Suction
1 Energy supply
2 Energy delivery
5 Return connection
No. Qty. Description Part Number No. Qty. Description Part Number
1 1 Pump 11 1 Pressure Switch 441 014 049 0
2 1 Filter 12 1 Pressure Switch 441 014 055 0
3 1 Shut-Off Valve 477 397 . . . 0 13
4 14 2 Test connection
5 15
6 1 Brake valve 467 406 1. . 0 16
7 17 • Accumulator 458 501 . . . 0
8 1 Tank 18
9 • Brake Actuators 19
10 20
2 HPB - Diagram
Port connections:
0 Suction 24, 25 Hydraulic accumulator for Brake Valve:
1 Energy supply 26, 27 Hydraulic accumulator 24 Test connection (manometric switch)
11 Energy supply Circuit 1 28 Pressure switch 25 Test connection (manometric switch)
12 Energy supply Circuit 2
2 Energy delivery 4 Pilot connection
21 Energy delivery Circuit 1 5 Return connection
22 Energy delivery Circuit 2 51 Return connection Circuit 1
23 Energy delivery Circuit 3 52 Return connection Circuit 2
No. Qty. Description Part Number No. Qty. Description Part Number
1 1 Pump 11 1 Pressure Switch 441 014 049 0
2 1 Filter 12 2 Pressure Switch 441 014 055 0
3 1 Shut-Off Valve 477 397 015 0 13
4 1 Brake Valve 467 406 . . . 0 14 3 Test connection
5 15
6 16
7 17 • Accumulator 458 501 . . . 0
8 1 Tank 18 • Accumulator 458 501 . . . 0
9 • Brake Actuators 19
10 20
10 6
HPB - Diagram
dual-circuit 2
Diagram: 841 300 331 0
Port connections:
0 Suction 24, 25 Hydraulic accumulator for Brake Valve:
1 Energy supply 26, 27 Hydraulic accumulator 24 Test connection (manometric switch)
11 Energy supply Circuit 1 28 Pressure switch 25 Test connection (manometric switch)
12 Energy supply Circuit 2
2 Energy delivery 4 Pilot connection
21 Energy delivery Circuit 1 5 Return connection
22 Energy delivery Circuit 2 51 Return connection Circuit 1
23 Energy delivery Circuit 3 52 Return connection Circuit 2
No. Qty. Description Part Number No. Qty. Description Part Number
1 1 Pump 11 1 Pressure Switch 441 014 049 0
2 1 Filter 12 2 Pressure Switch 441 014 055 0
3 1 Shut-Off Valve 477 397 . . . 0 13 1 Pressure Switch 441 014 . . . 0
4 1 Brake Valve 467 406 . . . 0 14 4 Test connection
5 1 Hand Brake Valve 467 410 . . . 0 15 1 Accumulator 458 501 071 0
6 16 • Accumulator 458 501 . . . 0
7 17 • Accumulator 458 501 . . . 0
8 1 Tank 18 • Accumulator 458 501 . . . 0
9 • Brake Actuators 19
10 1 Spring Brake Actuator 427 001 . . . 0 20
WABCO 7 11
2 HPB - Diagram
dual-circut with relay valves
Port connections:
0 Suction 24, 25 Hydraulic accumulator for Brake Valve:
1 Energy supply 26, 27 Hydraulic accumulator 24 Test connection (manometric switch)
11 Energy supply Circuit 1 28 Pressure switch 25 Test connection (manometric switch)
12 Energy supply Circuit 2
2 Energy delivery 4 Pilot connection
21 Energy delivery Circuit 1 5 Return connection
22 Energy delivery Circuit 2 51 Return connection Circuit 1
23 Energy delivery Circuit 3 52 Return connection Circuit 2
No. Qty. Description Part Number No. Qty. Description Part Number
1 1 Pump 11 1 Pressure Switch 441 014 049 0
2 1 Filter 12 2 Pressure Switch 441 014 055 0
3 1 Shut-Off Valve 477 397 . . . 0 13 1 Pressure Switch 441 014 . . . 0
4 1 Brake Valve 467 406 . . . 0 14 4 Test connection
5 1 Hand Brake Valve 467 410 . . . 0 15 1 Accumulator 458 501 071 0
6 16 • Accumulator 458 501 . . . 0
7 2 Relay Valve 477 411 . . . 0 17 • Accumulator 458 501 . . . 0
8 1 Tank 18 • Accumulator 458 501 . . . 0
9 • Brake Actuators 19 1 Accumulator 458 501 071 0
10 1 Spring Brake Actuator 427 001 . . . 0 20 1 Accumulator 458 501 071 0
12 8
Description of Components
WABCO 9 13
3 427 001 Spring Brake Actuator
14 9
Spring Brake Actuator 427 001
Technical Data:
For safety reasons the whole of the Spring Brake Actuator must
be replaced if parts other than those listed above are damaged.
Caution: Replacing the Bellows piston rod. The new Yoke (5) is screwed
The enclosed portion of the Remove clamps (2; 3 or H) from the into the piston rod up to the point where
bellows, replace as necessary when the original piston rod length is once
actuator is spring-loaded ! again achieved (see outline drawing:
fitting the new bellows. Pull off the faulty
bellows (1), push on new bellows and distance from centre yoke hole to end
fasten with clamps (2; 3 or H). face of Port 1). Secure piston rod by
means of hexagon nut.
WABCO 9 15
3 427 001 Spring Brake Actuator
Installation dimensions:
quick-release facility:
showing: 427 001 007 0 actuation by applying a blow to the
Variant 002
Spring Brake Actuator 427 001
Installation Requirements: Repair Work:
The connecting lines must be installed in When working on the braking
such a way as to permit proper bleeding. system, always make sure that
The actuator should be mounted at a there is absolutely no pressure
slight angle, its piston rod pointing in the system. Even when the
downwards. engine is switched off there will
be some residual pressure in the
Maintenance: system!
WABCO 9 17
3 441 014 Pressure Switch
Technical Data:
Adjusting Actuating
H1 H2 Voltage
Part Number Medium G range pressure
(mm) (mm) in V
in bar in bar
Break Contact
18 10
Pressure Switch 441 014
Installation dimensions:
Repair Work:
When working on the braking When doing repair work, make
system, always make sure that sure your environment is very
there is absolutely no pressure clean.
in the system. Even when the Immediately close all open ports
engine is switched off there will on the components and on pipes
be some residual pressure in the using plugs!
The adjusting screw located between the After making the adjustment, the
two contact plugs can be set to the adjusting screw should be secured using
desired value within a certain range. For wax or a similar material.
adjusting range, please refer to the table
"Technical Data" on the previous page.
WABCO 9 19
3 458 501 Hydraulic Accumulator
The accumulator consists of a fluid
portion (A) and a gas portion (B) with a
Technical Data:
Part Number 458 501 071 0 458 501 075 0 458 501 101 0
Diameter 121 mm 117 mm 136 mm
Mounting height 146 mm 141 mm 160 mm
Nominal volume 0.75 dm³ 0.75 dm³ 1.0 dm³
Priming pressure 50 bar 7 bar 50 bar
Operating medium mineral oil
Operating pressure 180 bar max. 50 bar max. 200 bar max.
Thread M 18x1.5 M18x1.5 M 22x1.5
Operating temperature range – 30°C to + 80°C
mounting position optional
Priming gas nitrogen
20 11
Hydraulic Accumulator 458 501
Installation Requirements: The accumulators can be fitted in the testing and checking of the
hydraulic circuit, directly on a component Accumulator").
or in blocks on suitable consoles.
Disposal of the Accumulator:
They should be fitted in as cool a location
as possible. Before the accumulator is scrapped, its
Installation can be in any position. gas filling pressure must be reduced. For
this purpose, drill a hole through Gas
Chamber (B) using a drill approx. 3 mm in
Maintenance: diameter. The gas chamber is located on
No special maintenance beyond the legal the side opposite the threaded port
requirements is necessary. above the welding seam around the
centre of the accumulator.
The accumulator should be checked Wear safety goggles when doing this
annually. It should be replaced if the job!
initial gas pressure has fallen by more
than 30% (please refer to "Performance
Performance testing and The accumulator is gradually pressurized individually tested. The accumulator
checking of the Accumulator: via the test pump; until the initial gas whose initial gas pressure is insufficient
pressure is reached, the hydraulic must be replaced and scrapped following
pressure in the accumulator will rise the instructions under "Disposal of the
abruputly. This is apparent from gauge Accumulator".
"M". If the initial gas pressure is more
than 30% below the prescribed value, the
accumulator needs to be replaced. If the
measuring process needs to be Repair Work:
repeated, wait for intervals of 3 minutes
between the individual tests. Any When working on the braking
accumulator whose initial gas pressure is system, always make sure that
insufficient must be scrapped following there is absolutely no pressure
the instructions under "Disposal of the in the system. Even when the
Accumulator". engine is switched off there will
be some residual pressure in the
The amount of initial gas pressure can system!
also be checked from the vehicle.Start
the vehicle’s engine. The pump will now
supply oil to the accumulators. Until the When doing repair work, make
initial gas pressure is reached, the sure your environment is very
hydraulic pressure in the accumulator will clean.
A = ball valve for shutting off pump flow rise abruputly. This is apparent from the Immediately close all open ports
gauge in the cab. If the initial gas on the components and on pipes
B = ball valve for reducing pressure pressure is more than 30% below the using plugs!
S = safety valve: set to 180 bar max. prescribed value, that initial pressure lies
outside the permissible range for at least
M = pressure gauge one of the accumulators fitted in the
H = hydraulic accumulator vehicle. This accumulator can be traced
only by using the method described
above, i.e. all accumulators have to be
WABCO 12 21
3 467 406 Brake Valve
for single circuit braking system
22 13
Brake Valve
for single circuit braking system
467 406
Technical Data:
Part Number Pedal Angle Actuating path Brake Pressure Actuating Force
467 406 100 0 45° 130 ± 10 mm 150 bar 360 N
467 406 101 0 45° 90 ± 10 mm 100 bar 280 N
467 406 102 0 45° 90 ± 10 mm 80 +10 bar 240 N
467 406 103 0 45° 85 ± 10 mm 100 bar 240 N
467 406 105 0 40° 90 mm 40 bar 280 N
467 406 108 0 Lever – 150 bar 875 N
467 406 111 0 45° 90 ± 10 mm 80 bar 240 N
467 406 112 0 40° 85 ± 5 mm 65 bar 350 N
467 406 115 0 45° 65 mm 40 +10 bar 240 N
467 406 117 0 45° 90 ± 10 mm 100 bar 240 N
467 406 119 0 45° 67,3 ± 10 mm 70 bar 220 N
467 406 121 0 50° 28° 100 +10 bar 280 N
467 406 122 0 Lever 18° 80 bar 520 N
467 406 124 0 40° 22° 60 bar 360 N
467 406 125 0 Plunger 14 mm 150 bar 2400 N
+10 +7
467 406 304 0 50° 40 mm 50 bar 175 N
467 406 404 0 50° 50 +10 mm 50 +7 bar 175 N
Operating temperature range for all variants –40°C to +80°C / Operating Pressure: 150 bar
Installation dimensions:
Port connections:
1 = Energy supply
21 = Energy delivery
51 = Return connection
WABCO 14 23
3 467 406 Brake Valve
for single circuit braking system
Installation dimensions:
Port connections:
1 = Energy supply
21 = Energy delivery
51 = Return connection
Installation Requirements: Return Line 51 must be connected hand. The new pedal cover is pushed
directly to the tank.The connecting lines over Pedal (B) and tightened manually.
must be installed in such a way as to Fasten the bellows with the strap
permit proper bleeding. retainers.
24 15
Brake Valve
for single circuit braking system
467 406
Replacing the Bellows are matched in manufacturing.) If the
To change Bellows (3) it is advisable to slide is not damaged in any way, remove
remove Pedal (B). For this purpose, the whole actuating mechanism as
loosen Retaining Ring (L) and knock out described above. Remove Spring
Bolt (M) using a mandril. When knocking Assembly (A) and Grooved Ring (4) and
out the bolt, make sure that the mandril is put in a new greased grooved ring with its
applied to the side of the bolt without a lips pointing downwards. Install both the
knurl. Remove Pedal (B) and Bellows (3). spring assembly as shown in the
Now fit the new Bellows (3) and proceed drawing, and the pedal. Carefully re-
in reverse order as described above. The insert Slide (C) into the housing from
upper portion of Bellows (3) is fastened to below, turning it slightly. Put in Spring (R)
Piston (N), its lower portion to Base Plate and close the unit with Screw Plug (P).
(E). Check Return Port 51 to see if there is a
gap of approx. 2 mm between the lower
edge of the hole and the control edge of
Replacing the Grooved Ring Slide (C). If this is not the case, change
Carefully clamp the unit vertically in a the setting by removing or adding
fixture. Unscrew Screw Plug (P) and pull distance washers (5) in the upper spring
Slide (C) out downwards. Check the slide plate of the spring assembly. Check the
for damage. If it is found to be damaged, distance between the lower edge of the
the whole Brake Valve needs to be hole and the control edge of Slide (C)
replaced. (Pairs of slides and housings again.
Spare parts:
Description No. Part Number Variant of Brake Valve
Pedal Cover 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 107,
1 897 730 022 4 108, 111, 112, 115, 117, 119
121, 124, 404
2 467 406 781 2 100
complete 2 467 406 782 2 101, 102, 103, 111, 115, 117
Actuating 2 467 406 783 2 108
2 467 406 789 2 121, 122, 304, 404
2 467 406 791 2 105, 107, 112, 124
2 467 901 783 2 119
100, 101, 102, 103, 111, 115,
3 897 754 860 4
Bellows 117, 125
105, 107, 112, 119, 121, 124,
3 897 754 865 4
304, 404
4 897 161 557 4 122, 304, 404
Grooved Ring 4 897 162 000 4 105, 107, 112, 115, 124
100, 101, 102, 103, 108, 111,
4 897 162 080 4
117, 119, 121, 125
Washer 5 895 121 420 4 121
100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 107,
5 895 151 420 4 108, 111, 112, 115, 117, 119,
122, 124, 125, 404
For safety reasons the whole of the Brake Valve must be replaced
if parts other than those listed above are damaged.
Repair Work: When working on the braking When doing repair work, make
system, always make sure that sure your environment is very
there is absolutely no pressure clean.
in the system. Even when the Immediately close all open ports
engine is switched off there will on the components and on pipes
be some residual pressure in the using plugs!
WABCO 16 25
3 467 406 Brake Valve
for dual circuit braking system
Failure of a Circuit
In the event of the lower circuit failing, the
upper circuit will remain operational.
Spring Assembly (A) will mechanically
actuate Slide (C1). In the event of the
upper circuit failing, the lower circuit will
remain operational since the lower Slide
(C2) is mechanically actuated by Spring
Assembly (A) and Slice (C1).
26 17
Brake Valve
for dual circuit braking system
467 406
Technical Data:
Part Number Pedal Angle Brake Pressure Actuating Force Comments
467 406 202 0 40° 150 bar 63 + 7 bar 320 N
467 406 208 0 Lever 150 bar 110 bar 800 N
+ 10
467 406 216 0 40° 150 bar 110 bar 300 N
467 406 218 0 40° 150 bar 110 + 10 bar 380 N
+ 10
467 406 220 0 40° 150 bar 72 bar 220 N
467 406 227 0 25° 150 bar 150 bar 320 N
467 406 233 0 25° 150 bar 150 bar 400 N
467 406 234 0 35° 150 bar 150 bar 400 N
467 406 235 0 Plunger 150 bar 150 bar 2500 N
467 406 301 0 45° 150 bar 55 bar 290 N
467 406 305 0 Plunger 150 bar 150 bar 5000 N
467 406 307 0 50° 150 bar 40 + 10 bar 220 N
467 406 401 0 45° 150 bar 70 bar 300 N
467 406 408 0 45° 150 bar 63 bar 240 N *)
467 406 411 0 45° 150 bar 90 bar 350 N with pedal locking device *)
467 406 414 0 50° 150 bar 50 + 7 bar 175 N with hydr. actuation
+ 10
467 406 507 0 35° 200 bar 128 bar 520 N
+ 10
467 406 508 0 35° 200 bar 128 bar 400 N
with electrical actuation of
467 406 509 0 35° 150 bar 70 bar 250 N
the retarder
467 406 510 0 45° 250 bar 128 + 10 bar 450 N
+ 10
467 406 511 0 45° 250 bar 175 bar 450 N
Operating temperature range for all Variants –30°C to +80°C
Spare parts:
Description No. Part Number Variant of Brake Valve
Pedal Cover 202, 216, 218, 220, 227, 233, 234, 301, 307, 401, 407,
1 897 730 022 4
408, 411, 414, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511
2 467 406 782 2 218
2 467 406 784 2 408
2 467 406 786 2 507
2 467 406 789 2 307
2 467 406 791 2 202, 234
complete 2 467 406 792 2 208
Actuating 2 467 406 795 2 235, 305
Mechanism 2 467 406 798 2 233
2 467 406 799 2 216, 220, 401
2 467 901 780 2 407, 410, 414
2 467 901 781 2 211
2 467 901 784 2 508
2 467 901 785 2 509
2 467 901 787 2 411
WABCO 9 27
3 467 406 Brake Valve
for dual circuit braking system
Installation dimensions:
Port connections:
11, 12 = Hydraulic accumulator
21, 22 = Service brake
24, 25 = Test connection
51, 52 = Return connection
28 9
Brake Valve
for dual circuit braking system
467 406
Installation dimensions:
Port connections:
11, 12 = Hydraulic accumulator
21, 22 = Service brake
24, 25 = Test connection
51, 52 = Return connection
WABCO 9 29
3 467 406 Brake Valve
for dual circuit braking system
Installation Requirements: Return Lines 51/52 must be connected Bolt (M) using a mandril. When knocking
directly to the tank. out the bolt, make sure that the mandril is
The connecting lines must be installed in applied to the side of the bolt without a
such a way as to permit proper bleeding. knurl. Remove Pedal (B) and Bellows (3).
Now fit the new Bellows (3) and proceed
Maintenance of the Brake Valve in reverse order as described above. The
No special maintenance beyond the legal upper portion of Bellows (3) is fastened to
requirements is necessary. Piston (N), its lower portion to Base Plate
(E). Secure the bellows using clamps.
When using high-pressure cleaners on
the vehicle, please make sure that the Replacing the Grooved Ring
water jet is not aimed directly at the Carefully clamp the unit vertically in a
Brake Valve (to prevent damaging the fixture. Unscrew Screw Plug (P) and pull
bellows). Slides (C1 and C2) out downwards.
Check the slides for damage. If they are
Replacing the Pedal Cover found to be damaged, the whole Brake
Pedal Cover (1) is simply pulled off by Valve needs to be replaced. (Pairs of
hand. The new pedal cover is pushed slides and housings are matched in
over Pedal (B) and tightened manually. manufacturing.) If the slides are not
Fasten the bellows with the strap damaged in any way, remove the whole
retainers. actuating mechanism as described
above. Remove Spring Assembly (A)
and Grooved Ring (4) and put in a new
Replacing the complete Actuating
greased grooved ring with its lips pointing
Mechanism downwards. Install both the spring
Carefully clamp the unit vertically in a assembly as shown in the drawing, and
fixture. The actuating mechanism can be the pedal. Put in Spring (R1), followed by
removed by taking out the four Screws Slide (C2), using a slight turning motion if
(H) below Base Plate (E). Make sure that possible. Insert Spring (R2) and close the
Spring Assembly (A) does not fall out. unit with Screw Plug (P). Check Return
When installing the new actuating Port 51 to see if there is a gap of approx.
mechanism, make sure that Spring 2 mm between the lower edge of the hole
Assembly (A) is fitted in the right order. and the control edge of Slide (C1). If this
Tighten the four Screws (H). is not the case, change the setting by
removing or adding Distance Washers
Replacing the Bellows (5) in the upper spring plate. Check the
To change Bellows (3) it is advisable to distance between the lower edge of the
remove Pedal (B). For this purpose, hole at Port 51 and the control edge of
loosen Retaining Ring (L) and knock out Slide (C1) again.
For safety reasons the whole of the Brake Valve must be replaced
if parts other than those listed above are damaged.
Repair Work: When working on the braking When doing repair work, make
system, always make sure that sure your environment is very
there is absolutely no pressure clean.
in the system. Even when the Immediately close all open ports
engine is switched off there will on the components and on pipes
be some residual pressure in the using plugs!
30 18
Hand Brake Valve 467 410
Purpose: between Brake Cylinder Port 2 and
Return 5. The pivoting angle of the hand
The purpose of the Hand Brake Valve is brake lever will now determine the
to sensitively increase and decrease the pressure in the spring brake actuator
braking pressure when the hand brake (Port 2). Slide (C) is held in the control
lever is actuated. position by the force (spring assembly)
above the slide and by the hydraulic
Operation: pressure below the slide (balance of
forces). Slide C is in a partial braking
Ready Position position, causing Ports 1 and 5 to close
When the braking system is ready for and to hold the pressure in Port 2.
operation, its accumulator pressure acts
directly on Port 1 of the Hand Brake In the range of partial brake application,
Valve. A connection is established the hand lever will automatically return to
between Ports 1 and 21 so that the the driving position when the braking
vehicle's hand brake is released. process is ended.
WABCO 19 31
3 467 410 Hand Brake Valve
Technical Data:
For safety reasons the whole of the Hand Brake Valve must be
replaced if parts other than the bellows are damaged.
Installation dimensions:
Port connections:
1 = Energy supply
21 = Energy delivery
24 = Pressure switch connection
5 = Return connection
32 20
Double Check Valve 476 399
478 399 3
Purpose: of actuation of the valve, to Port 2. A ball
seat valve arrangement ensures that as
The purpose of the Double Check Valve
the foot brake valve is actuated, Port 12
is to permit alternate actuation of the
remains pressureless when the pressure
braking circuits. It permits a hydraulic
is increased at Port 11, and vice versa.
braking circuit to be actuated by two
The ball seat also prevents the control
actuating valves.
pressure being reduced through the part
of the line which is not being utilized.
When the control pressure is built up, the Note:
control pressure is passed unrestrictedly
from Port 11 or 12, depending on the type Do not use for planning new projects
Technical Data:
Installation dimensions:
Port connections:
11, 12 = Energy supply
2 = Energy delivery
Installation Requirements: The connecting lines must be installed in system, always make sure that
such a way as to permit proper bleeding. there is absolutely no pressure
The Double Check Valve can be in the system. Even when the
mounted in any position. engine is switched off there will
be some residual pressure in the
Maintenance of the Double Check system!
No special maintenance beyond the legal When doing repair work, make
requirements is necessary.
sure your environment is very
Repair Work: Immediately close all open ports
on the components and on pipes
When working on the braking using plugs!
WABCO 21 33
3 477 397 Shut-Off Valve
for Single Circuit Systems
Technical Data:
Part Number 477 397 001 0 477 397 011 0 477 397 031 0
Operating pressure 200 bar max.
Pressure at port 5 150 bar max. 110 bar max. 50 bar max.
Cut-in pressure 130 -10 bar 110 +10 bar 120 +10 bar
Cut-off pressure 150 -10 bar 140 -10 bar 150 -10 bar
Flow rate from 1 Þ 2 = 3 l /min from 1Þ 2 = 12 l /min
max. 16 l /min
from 1 Þ 5 = 45 l /min from 1 Þ 5 = 45 l /min
Permissible Medium mineral oil: 10 . . . 1940 mm² /s
Switching range 20 +10 bar
Operating tempera-
–30°C to +80°C
ture range
Weight 2.4 kg
34 22
Shut-Off Valve
for Single Circuit Systems
477 397
Installation dimensions:
Port connections:
1 = Energy supply
2 = Service brake
5 = Return connection
WABCO 25 35
3 477 397 Shut-Off Valve
for Dual Circuit Systems
36 26
Shut-Off Valve
for Dual Circuit Systems
477 397
Installation dimensions:
Port connections:
1 = Energy supply View X
21,23 = Service brake
27 = Hydraulic accumulator
28 = Pressure switch
5 = Return connection
WABCO 9 37
3 477 397 Shut-Off Valve
for Triple Circuit Systems
Variant 007
Shut-Off Valve
for Triple Circuit Systems
477 397
Technical Data: Part Number 477 397 007 0 477 397 014 0
Pressure at port 5 – 200 bar max.
Pressure limiting 170 + 30 bar without
Cut-in pressure 120 + 8 bar
Cut-off pressure 150 - 8 bar
Flow rate max. 16 l /min 45 l /min
Flow rate to braking circuit 3 + 1 l /min 3 + 1 l /min
Permissible Medium mineral oil 10 ... 2000 mm² /s
Operating temperature range –30°C to +80°C
Weight 3.8 kg
Installation dimensions:
Port connections:
1 = Energy supply
21,22,23 = Service brake
27 = Hydraulic accumulator
28 = pressure switch
5 = Return connection
WABCO 27 39
3 477 399 Check Valve
Technical Data:
Part Number 477 399 300 0
Operating pressure 160 bar max.
Pressure limiting 180 +10 bar
Permissible Medium mineral oil: 1940 to 10 mm² /s
Operating temperature range –40°C to +80°C
Flow rate 0.7 to 16 l /min
40 28
Check Valve 477 399
Installation dimensions:
Port connections:
1 = Energy supply
21 – 26 = Energy delivery
5 = Return connection
WABCO 29 41
3 477 411 Relay Valve
Technical Data:
Part Number 477 411 000 0
Operating pressure 165 bar max.
Control volume 0.58 cm³
Permissible Medium mineral oil: 2000 to 10 mm² /s
Operating temperature range –40°C to +80°C
Transmission ratio 1:1
Relay Valve 477 411
Installation dimension:
WABCO 30 43
General Comments
WABCO 10 45
Information for Installation
General Comments a) All pipes in the braking system must f) Look for visible leaks in lines and
have a nominal width of at least 10 pipes. Leaks are an indication that
mm. the system is not properly sealed.
Check the level of the brake fluid.
b) The pipes should be installed in such Stop leakage.
a way as to permit proper bleeding,
i.e. so that no air cushions can de- g) When using high-pressure cleaners,
velop. If you detect noises when com- do not aim the nozzle directly at the
mencing the braking process, this is bellows. (This may cause damage to
an indication of poor bleeding. the bellows.)
c) When fitting the pipes, make sure that h) When working on the braking system,
there are no areas of friction. always make the sure that the system
is completely pressureless!
d) The return lines of the individual com-
ponents of the braking system must i) Make sure that everything is spotles-
not be combined in one return line to sly clean!
the tank.
j) Immediately close all open ports on
e) Do not use a pipe for the return lines the components and on pipes using
of the dual circuit brake valve to com- plug.
bine them in one return line. (This is
possible only if Ports 5.1 and 5.2 are
connected by means of hoses and
combined to form one return line.)
WABCO 11 47
4 Information for Installation
Information for Installation It is particularly important that the com- ke valve only actuates the relay valves.
ponents all have their separate return li- The input volume of the relay valves is
nes since otherwise the return pressure approx. 1 cm³.
can be present in the wheel brake in the
form of residual pressure. This leads to If shut-off valves with an integrated check
unnecessary wear of the brake linings valve are used, an additional accumula-
and excessive temperatures at the wheel tor of 0.7 litres needs to be screwed into
brake and can thus result in hardening of the component. That additional accumu-
the linings, and in a failure of the seals on lator is primarily used to monitor the actu-
the wheel brake cylinders. al pressure of the other three
accumulators and to report them to the
When combining the returns of the dual shut-off valve. The accumulators can be
circuit foot brake valve, please make emptied when the brakes are operated,
sure that hoses are used for connecting without being re-charged since all circuits
the return ports. Using a pipe to connect are secured from each other by the check
the two circuits can cause functional de- valves. The additional accumulator will
fects through distortions in installation. also prevent activation of the shut-off val-
ve as a consequence of small leakages
and thus a fall in pressure in the connec-
For very long vehicles with large cylinder
tion established between the check val-
volumes, the installation of relay valves
ves even though the pressure in the
can be very helpful, reducing response
accumulators of the braking circuit is still
and pressure build-up times to a mini-
higher than 120 bar.
mum. The relay valve should be fitted as
close to the wheel brake cylinders as
possible. Thus the lengths of the lines
from the accumulator to the wheel brake
cylinders are reduced since the foot bra-
Capacity of Accumulators The capacity of the hydraulic accumula- For this purpose we require the following
tors must be designed according to the information from you:
legal provisions for the HPB with regard
to the size of energy accumulators.
48 12
Information for Installation
Person to contact:
Telephone number:
Fax number:
Type of vehicle:
excavator, wheel loader,
Type designation:
Speed: k.p.h.
Wheel brake data:
Axle manufacturer:
Wheel brake manufacturer:
Wheel brake type:
Input volume of wheel brake cylinders per axle for actuation of service braking system
front axle rear axle
V min cm³ cm³
V max cm³ cm³
Input volume of wheel brake cylinders per axle for actuation of secondary braking system
front axle rear axle
V min cm³ cm³
V max cm³ cm³
Input volume of
spring brake actuator cm³
braking pressures
Pressure for secondary braking system bar
Pressure for service braking system bar
WABCO 10 49
5 Legal Requirements
1.1. General
1.1.1. Vehicles on which operation of the braking system requires the use of
stored energy provided by hydraulic fluid under pressure shall be equipped
with energy storage devices (energy accumulators) of a capacity meeting
the requirements of paragraph 1.2. of this annex (Part C). After eight full-stroke actuations of the service braking system control, it
shall still be possible to achieve, on the ninth application, the performance
prescribed for the secondary braking system. The energy storage device(s) shall not be fed; in addition, any energy
storage device(s) for auxiliary equipment shall be isolated. After any single transmission failure it shall still be possible after eight full-
stroke actuations of the service braking system control, to achieve, at the
ninth application, at least the performance prescribed for the secondary
braking system or, where secondary performance requiring the use of
stored energy is achieved by a separate control, it shall still be possible
after eight full-stroke actuations to achieve, at the ninth application, the
residual performance prescribed in paragraph of this Regulation.
50 10
Legal Requirements
ECE Regulation 13 The auxiliary equipment and its energy storage devices, if any, shall be
- Annex 7C - isolated.
2.1. The energy sources shall meet the requirements set out in the following
2.1.1. Definitions "p2" represents the pressure after four full-stroke actuations with the service
brake control, starting at p1, without having fed the energy storage
device(s). "t" represents the time required for the pressure to rise from p2 to p1 in the
energy storage device(s) without application of the service braking system
control. During the test to determine the time t, the feed rate of the energy source
shall be that obtained when the engine is running at the speed
corresponding to its maximum power or at the speed allowed by the over-
speed governor. During the test to determine the time t, energy storage device(s) for
auxiliary equipment shall not be isolated other than automatically. In the case of all vehicles except those of categories M3, N2 and N3, the
time t shall not exceed 20 seconds. In the case of vehicles of categories M3, N2 and N3, the time t shall not
exceed 30 seconds.