Unit 11 Greek and Latin Roots Vocabulary Oct 31, 2020

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Latin MILITARE, MILITATUM, "to be a soldier"

Someone who is MILITANT (mil' a tant) adj. Willing to fight for a belief or cause; strongly
militant does not have to devoted
Nasha is a militant supporter of women's rights; she is often in court defending
be in an anmy or fighting
her cause.
force. A militant sup-
syn: aggressive ant: shy
porter of animal rights,
for instance, is someone MILITARIZE (mile tor +z) v. To prepare for war
who strongly believes During World War II, Congress avoided trying to militarize the general popula-
tion, but many Civil Defense Units were ordered to serve in the army.
animals should not be

treated cruelly and

shows that belief by
speaking, demonstrating. SOC
contributing money, or Latin SOCIUS, "ally, friend, comrade"
some other method. SOCIARE, SOCIATUM, "join, associate; have in common

ASSOCIATE (» sö shë t) v. To link; to group together

L. ad, "to," + Sociatum = join to
Anna refused to associate her eating with her poor health until a doctor
explained that she ate too much junk food.
syn: connect ant: separate

SOCIALIZE (sõ sho lz) v. To join in group activities

The president of the company never socialized with any of her employees.
syn: keep company ant: avoid

SOCIABLE (sö sha bal) adj. Interacting with others; friendly

We took ourj y to obedience school to try to get him to be more sociable
around other animals.
syn: outgoing ant: isolated

ASOCIAL: Wsösh al) adj. Not enjoying or seeking the company of others
L. a, "not," + socius not a friend

The new girl seemed asocial at first, but soon

her outgoing personality made her many
syn: unfriendly ant: neighborly M

One twin was WAY SOCIAL, the other AS0CIAL.


Latin HOSTIS, "enemy"

HOST (hõst) n. A large group; a great number

A host originally meant
weak, and a host of diseases began to attack "a large number of
Terry's respiratory system was very
her before she could be admitted to the hospital. enemy forces or troops,
syn: crowd but now means simple "a
great number." In mod-
HOSTILE (hos' tal) adj. Not friendly, warlike
The Lewis and Clark expedition encountered some hostile tribes, but most Native ern English, if we say

Americans the explorers met were friendly. someone has a host of

syn: unkind ant: pleasant complaints, we mean
that person seems to

have an endless number

of things to complain
COMPAN about.
Latin COMPANIS, "friend, associate"
Your companion is lit-
COMPANIONSHIP (kom pan' yon ship) n. Friendship; company
erally someone who
As odd as it seem, Lou thought a robot dog would provide his
may lonely child
shares bread ("panis")
with lots of companionship.
with ("com") you. This
ACCOMPANIMENT ( kom' pon mant) n. Something that goes with could be a partner, a
classical music was the usual accompaniment to dinner.
In Hannah's house, close friend, or just
someone who is with you

for a short time.

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