Suburani Chapter 1-3 Practice Test

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Suburani Chapter 1-3 Practice Test

A. Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

equus per urbem non ambulat sed festinat. equus multos amicos videt. “ubi curris?”
rogant amici. “ad forum curro,” respondet equus. “ego hodie laboro et vinum ad turbam
duco.” subito omnes magnum clamorem in foro audiunt. “ubi est vinum?” clamant
homines. “turba non est laeta” dicit equus. “vinum quaerit.” iterum festinat et forum
intrat. “adsum” equus clamat. nunc turba est laeta et pecuniam tradit.

Per: through
Festinat: he hurries
rogant: they ask
respondet: he/she/it responds
Et: and
subito: suddenly
homines: people
iterum: again
adsum: I am present
nunc: now
tradit: he/she/it hands over

1) Where is the horse running in the story?

a) To the Circus Maximus
b) To the city
c) To the marketplace
d) To the apartment building

2) What is the horse doing today?

a) Handing over money
b) Running in a race
c) Sleeping
d) Working

3) What do the horse and his friends hear as they’re talking?

a) The crowd shouting because there’s no wine
b) The crowd cheering for the green team to win the race
c) A roof tile falling on the road
d) A young slave calling out to people to come rent a room
4) How is the crowd feeling at the end of the story?
a) Happy b) sad c) angry d) tired

5) Why does the crowd feel this way?

a) The green team won the race.
b) There is no wine.
c) The wine has arrived.
d) Someone has died.
e) They all ran from the Circus Maximus to the marketplace.

B. Circle the letter of the correct translation.

6) Puellae canes spectant.

a) The girl looks at the dog.
b) The girl looks at the dogs.
c) The girls look at the dog.
d) The girls look at the dogs.

7) Frater meus in via vinum bibit.

a) My brother is drinking wine in the street.
b) My father is drinking wine in the street.
c) My brothers are drinking wine in the street.
d) My son is drinking wine in the street.

8) Tu in insula habitas.
a) I live in the apartment building.
b) You live in the apartment building.
c) He lives in the apartment building.
d) They live in the apartment building.

9) Dominus ancillam quaerit.

a) The enslaved woman is looking for the master.
b) The master is looking for the enslaved women.
c) The enslaved women are looking for the master.
d) The master is looking for the enslaved woman.

10) Senes in popina dormiunt.

a) The old man is sleeping in the bar.
b) The old men are sleeping in the bar.
c) The old men are sleeping in the bars.
d) The old man sleeps in the bars.

11) Ego sum laetus.

a) I am happy.
b) You are happy.
c) He is happy.
d) They are happy.

12) Amicus equos videt.

a) The friend sees the horse.
b) The friends see the horse.
c) The friend sees the horses.
d) The friends see the horses.

13) Infans amitam audit.

a) The baby hears his aunt.
b) The aunt hears the baby.
c) The babies hear the aunt.
d) The babies and the aunt hear.

14) Pauperes sunt perterriti.

a) The poor person is terrified.
b) The poor people are terrified.
c) I am poor and terrified.
d) They are poor and terrified

15) Matrona furem vituperat.

a) The thief curses the lady.
b) The lady curses the thief.
c) The ladies curse the thief.
d) The lady curses the thieves.

C. Match each character with a word that describes them.

16)________ Faustus a. filia

17)________ Rufina b. ancilla

18)________ Sabina c. pater

19)________ Celer d. amita

20)________ Quartilla e. Canis

D. Match each derivative on the left with its definition on the right.

21) _____ dormant a. Unable to be heard

22) _____ invincible b. Relating to the family

23) _____ stationary c. characterized by little physical exercise

24) _____ inaudible d. Asleep or inactive

25) _____ laborious e. Friendly, without serious disagreement

26) _____ servile f. Requiring considerable effort and time

27) _____ sedentary g. Generous or forgiving

28) _____ filial h. Too powerful to be defeated or overcome

29) _____ amicable i. Showing excessive willingness to serve or please others

30) _____ magnanimous j. Not moving or intended to be moved

E. Circle the letter of the correct response.

31) What is the order of the different forms of Roman government?

a) Empire, Republic, Kingdom
b) Republic, Empire, Kingdom
c) Republic, Kingdom, Empire
d) Kingdom, Republic, Empire

32) Which of the following is NOT true about Romulus, the legendary founder of
a) His father was allegedly a god.
b) His mother was allegedly a goddess.
c) He killed his brother.
d) He was nursed by a she-wolf.

33) Where did chariot races take place?

a) Colosseum
b) Circus Maximus
c) Forum
d) Insula

34) Which statement best describes the Subura?

a) It was a rural area far from the city.
b) It was an upscale neighborhood with many fancy houses.
c) It was a rough neighborhood where people lived in apartments
d) It was the center of political and religious life

35) Who was the emperor of Rome in 64 AD?

a) Augustus b) Tiberius c) Claudius d) Nero

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