Suburani Chapter 1-3 Practice Test
Suburani Chapter 1-3 Practice Test
Suburani Chapter 1-3 Practice Test
A. Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.
equus per urbem non ambulat sed festinat. equus multos amicos videt. “ubi curris?”
rogant amici. “ad forum curro,” respondet equus. “ego hodie laboro et vinum ad turbam
duco.” subito omnes magnum clamorem in foro audiunt. “ubi est vinum?” clamant
homines. “turba non est laeta” dicit equus. “vinum quaerit.” iterum festinat et forum
intrat. “adsum” equus clamat. nunc turba est laeta et pecuniam tradit.
Per: through
Festinat: he hurries
rogant: they ask
respondet: he/she/it responds
Et: and
subito: suddenly
homines: people
iterum: again
adsum: I am present
nunc: now
tradit: he/she/it hands over
8) Tu in insula habitas.
a) I live in the apartment building.
b) You live in the apartment building.
c) He lives in the apartment building.
d) They live in the apartment building.
D. Match each derivative on the left with its definition on the right.
32) Which of the following is NOT true about Romulus, the legendary founder of
a) His father was allegedly a god.
b) His mother was allegedly a goddess.
c) He killed his brother.
d) He was nursed by a she-wolf.