Science Technology and Society 3
Science Technology and Society 3
Science Technology and Society 3
❖ Predicting eclipses
❖ Astrological cycles in planting and harvesting
❖ They built observatories so their priests could watch the stars and
plan the best time for festivals, religious rituals
and cultural celebrations.
❖ Maya astronomers studied the heavens and kept
careful records
of their religious observances because the
Maya believed
sacrifices to the gods had to be carefully
timed. The Maya used
two calendars. An everyday calendar with 13
months of 20 days
each was probably related to the appearance of the planet Venus.
❖ Hydraulics
❖ Weaving looms
❖ The Maya hieroglyphic writing is arguably
one of the most
visually striking systems of the world. It is
also very
complex, with hundreds of unique signs
or glyphs in the
form of humans, animals, supernaturals, objects, and
abstract designs.
1. Mandatory education
2. Chocolates - cacao beans
3. Antispasmodic medication
4. Chinampa - irrigation systems
5. Aztec calendar
6. Invention of the canoe