Textbook Chapter 1 Early Exploration and Settlement
Textbook Chapter 1 Early Exploration and Settlement
Textbook Chapter 1 Early Exploration and Settlement
History-Social Science
7.7 Students compare and contrast the geographic, political,
economic, religious, and social structures of the Meso-American
and Andean civilizations.
7.11 Students analyze political and economic change in the
sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries (the Age of
Exploration, the Enlightenment, and the Age of Reason).
Analysis Skills
HR1 Students frame questions that can be answered by historical
study and research.
English-Language Arts
Writing 8.2.1.a Relate a clear, coherent incident, event, or
situation by using well-chosen details.
Reading 8.1.0 Students recognize specialized vocabulary.
economics the study of the creation and use of goods and services
movement a series of actions that bring about or try to bring about a change in society
campaign an effort to win a political office, or a series of military actions
colony a territory settled and controlled by a country
Chapter 1
Section 1
The following passage shows you how some specialized vocabulary is Paleo-Indians (p. 6)
defined in context. migration (p. 6)
hunter-gatherers (p. 6)
....., environments (p. 7)
societies (p. 7)
Migration to the Americas culture (p. 7)
Different environments influenced the From totems (p. 10)
Chapter 1, Iroquois League (p. 11)
development ofNative American societies- p. 7
groups that share a culture. Culture is a Section 2
group's set of common values and traditions. capital (p. 13)
joint-stock companies (p. 13)
These include language, government, and
Christopher Columbus (p. 15)
family relationships. Ferdinand Magellan (p. 17)
Like all societies, Native American groups Northwest Passage (p. 17)
changed over time. They learned to domesti- Columbian Exchange (p.18)
cate, or breed, wild plants and animals.
Section 3
conquistadors (p. 20)
Hernan Cortes (p. 20)
Using the clues to understand meaning. Moctezuma II (p. 20)
Francisco Pizarro (p. 21)
1. Find the word societies. The phrase after the dash is the definition. Junfpero Serra (p. 22)
Often in this book, specialized vocabulary words are defined after encomienda system (p. 22)
a dash. So be on the lookout for dashes. Bartolome de Las Casas (p. 23)
plantations (p. 23)
2. The word domesticate is defined in the fifth sentence. The clue to
finding this definition is the comma followed by the word or.
Section 4
Protestant Reformation (p. 25)
Look at what the comma does in that sentence: Protestants (p. 25)
printing press (p. 25)
They learned to domesticate or breed wild plants .. .
Spanish Armada (p. 25)
They learned to domesticate, or breed, wild plants .. . inflation (p. 25)
charter (p. 27)
Without the comma, the sentence is saying that Native American
groups did two things to wild plants-domesticate and breed. But Academic Vocabulary
with the comma before the word or, you understand that "breed" Success in school is related to
is the definition of "domesticate." knowing academic vocabulary-
the words that are frequently used
3. In the first and second sentences, you see a term that is in bold- in school assignments and discus-
sions. In this chapter, you will learn
face print. You should recognize that word from seeing it on the the following academic words:
section opener. The definition is highlighted. Why do you think
method (p. B)
some specialized vocabulary words are in boldface print while develop (p. 10)
others are not?
When the Ice
Age ended about
8000 BC, Earth's eli- / -, ~·--:.~.~·/
mate changed. Rising /
temperatures melted glaciers. /
The oceans rose, covering the Bering / 1, :
Mesoamerican and North
American Societies
Some of the earliest American civilizations
developed in Mesoamerica, also called Cen-
tral America. The Olmec society was one of
the first.
Subarctic D Great Basin
Northwest Coast D California
D Plateau D Southwest
~~ - - Southeast
- --- 500 Miles
Blackfoot Cree
~~ /
_/ __ ~.. '
in herds. Groups like the Mandan and the To the east of the Algonquian lived the
Pawnee grew beans, maize, and squash. Like Iroquois. The Iroquois were farmers, hunt-
some other Native American groups, Pawnee ers, and traders. They lived in longhouses, or
society was matrilineal. This means that rectangular homes made from logs and bark
people traced their ancestry through their that housed 8 to 10 families.
mothers, not their fathers. The Iroquois also developed the Iroquois
People on the southern Plains hunted League. This political confederation was
buffalo on foot and gathered berries, nuts, established by the Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida,
and vegetables. The Arapaho, Blackfoot, and Onondaga, and Seneca nations. The League
Comanche lived on the borders of the Plains. waged war against and made peace with non-
Hunters from these groups killed buffalo by Iroquois peoples. Its goal was to strengthen
chasing the animals over steep cliffs, driving the alliance against invasion. Women selected
them into corrals, or trapping them with a the male members of the League council.
ring of fire. Women could overrule council decisions
and could remove its members. The League
East helped the Iroquois become one of the most
Eastern North America was rich in sources for powerful peoples in North America.
food and shelter. Most southeastern groups,
including the Cherokee, Creek, and Semi- anan·,rnnuaa·r Generalizing How did the
nole, lived in farming villages governed by environment influence Native American cultures in
village councils. North America?
The Algonquian and Iroquois people were
the two main groups of the Northeast. Algon- 5Ur1r1ARY AND PREVIEW In this section
quian peoples, whose territory extended to you learned about the first people in North
the Far North region, survived by hunting and South America. In the next section
and gathering plants. Those in the south you'll read about European exploration
farmed, hunted, gathered plants, and fished. that led to the discovery of the Americas.
Merchant families in Europe wanted Trade with Africa and Asia
to get capital-money or property that ]
Much of the wealth of the Commercial Revo-
is used to earn more money. During the Many modern-
lution was made through trade. The greatest day banking
late 1300s the Medici (MEo-ee-chee) fam-
profits came from trading with distant con- practices devel-
ily of Florence opened banks that gave oped during
tinents such as Africa and Asia. From Africa
loans. The borrowers repaid these loans the Commercial
with extra money called interest, which came gold, ivory, salt, and slaves. Salt was used Revolution,
to preserve foods. From Asia came silk and including the
earned more money for the bankers. The bill of exchange.
Medici and other bankers gained influence spices. Skilled European tailors used silk Like a check, the
fabric to sew fancy clothing. Cooks used bill of exchange
in Europe.
Merchants also created joint-stock expensive spices to flavor food. allowed traders
to pay for goods
companies, or businesses in which a group Overland Trade on their routes
of people invest together. The investors without having
Goods usually traveled long overland routes to carry gold.
share in the companies' profits and losses. to reach Europe. The Silk Road, for example,
Forming joint-stock companies allowed stretched thousands of miles westward from
investors to share all profits and also all loss- China. These journeys were very dangerous
es. Therefore, a single investor would lose for traders because of harsh conditions and
less than he or she would as a sole owner of possible attacks from bandits. Still, many
a company. merchants risked the trip because they could
earn huge profits. Each merchant raised the
''"il"t'n~., .. _
, .• Analyzing How did economic price of the goods when selling to the next
growth in Europe in the 1200s and 1300s lead to trader. By the time the goods arrived in
changes in business? Europe, their prices had risen greatly.
Search for New Routes learn more about Asia and spread Christian-
By 1400 many of the overland trade routes had ity. All of these factors encouraged Europe-
become less reliable. At the same time, ship ans to explore the Atlantic Ocean in search
designs had improved. European merchants of new trade routes to Asia and Mrica.
began to search for a sea route to Africa and
Asia. They wanted direct access to the goods Advances in Technology
in these regions to increase their profits. They New technology also led to exploration. Sailors
hoped to bypass merchants in Venice, who began to use tools such as the magnetic com-
had a monopoly on, or sole economic con- pass and the astrolabe. The astrolabe allowed
trol of, the Asian products that reached the navigators to learn their ship's location by
Mediterranean. Merchants elsewhere wanted charting the position of the stars. Better charts
to make their own money from the trade. and instruments let sailors travel the open
Meanwhile, many educated Europeans sea without landmarks to guide them.
had become interested in Asian cultures. Finding sea routes to Africa and Asia
Explorer Marco Polo's book about his travels meant crossing the Atlantic Ocean. However,
in Asia remained popular in Europe long after no one knew the actual size of the ocean.
his death in 1324. Many Europeans hoped to Some people claimed that more than 10,000
miles separated Europe from the Indies-the Exploring the Americas
European name for Asia. Traveling such a
Stories of fabulous kingdoms and wealth
long distance seemed impossible.
in the Indies captured the imagination of
Christopher Columbus, a sailor from Genoa,
Portuguese Explorations
Italy. Columbus was convinced that he
Portugal became a leader in exploration in the
could reach Asia by sailing west across the
early 1400s. Prince Henry, known as the Navi-
Atlantic Ocean.
gator, greatly helped Portugal's efforts. Henry
gathered together the finest mapmakers, sail-
Christopher Columbus Sails West
ors, and shipbuilders. His designers developed
Columbus persuaded King Ferdinand and
the caravel, a small ship that moved quickly
Queen Isabella of Spain to pay for his expe-
and handled well. Henry also paid for expedi-
dition across the Atlantic. Some of their
tions to explore the west coast of Africa.
advisers were against the plan because they
In 1488 Portuguese navigator Bartolomeu
thought the globe was larger than Colum-
Dias led an expedition southward along the
bus said it was. For this reason, the king and
African coast. A storm blew the ships around
queen allowed Columbus to have only three
the southern tip of Africa. This point became
ships. They ordered him to bring back any
known as the Cape of Good Hope. Dias want-
items of value and to claim for Spain any
ed to continue the voyage, but his men did
lands he explored.
not. Supplies were also low, so Dias returned
On August 3, 1492, Columbus's three
to Portugal.
ships set sail. The Nifia and the Pinta were
King Manuel of Portugal sent another
caravels. Columbus sailed in the larger Santa
explorer, Vasco da Gama, on an expedition
Maria. The ships carried some 90 sailors and
around the Cape of Good Hope. Da Gama
a year's worth of supplies. They made a stop
left Lisbon in July 1497 and arrived in south-
in the Canary Islands and then resumed their
western India the next year. Two Muslim
journey on September 6. After more than a
traders greeted da Gama when he sailed into
month with no sight of land, the crew grew
the port of Calicut. They cried out in Por-
restless. "Here the people could stand it no
tuguese, "A lucky venture, a lucky venture!
longer, and complained of the long voyage,"
Plenty of rubies, plenty of emeralds! You owe
wrote Columbus in his journal. The crew
great thanks to God, for having brought you
threatened to rebel, so Columbus promised
to a country holding such riches!" One of
that if they did not find land soon, they
da Gama's crew members wrote, "We never
would return to Spain.
expected to hear our language spoken so far
Just a few days later, the crew saw signs
away from Portugal."
of land-birds and tree branches. Columbus
The Portuguese soon learned that the
promised a reward "to him who first sang
Indians had been trading with Muslim and
out that he saw land." On October 12, 1492,
Italian merchants for many years. Da Gama
a lookout cried, "Land! Land!," ending the
made two more trips back to India. He
33-day journey from the Canary Islands.
governed a small Portuguese colony there.
Columbus thought he had landed in Japan.
Portugal had won the European race for a sea
He believed he had circled the world and
route to the wealth of Asia.
found a western route to Asia. It would be
Finding Main Ideas some time before he realized that the royal
What was the most important result of da Gama's advisers had been right, and that the world
explorations? was bigger than he thought.
Spanish explorers boldly
pushed overland into
North America's interior.
Two Cultures Meet
The ships landed on an island in the Bahamas.
Columbus called the island San Salvador, Christopher Columbus
which means "Holy Savior." Columbus also
Christopher Columbus began his career at
visited an island he called Hispaniola. There
sea at age 14, and he quickly became an
he met the Taino (TY-noh). He called these
experienced sailor: He eventually ran his
Native American people Indians because he own ships and explored islands off the
believed that he had landed in the Indies. western coast of Africa for Portugal. While
The Taino lived in small, peaceful farm- doing so, he learned much about sailing in
ing communities. In his journal, Columbus the Atlantic Ocean. But he could not know
wrote that the Taino were "so generous . . . just how large the ocean was. When he set
that no one would believe it who has not off with Spain's support to cross the Atlantic,
seen it." However, Columbus and his crew he and his crew sailed into the unknown. His
bold explorations changed the world forever:
were interested in discovering gold, not in
Taino culture. After two months of explor-
Summarizing What experiences helped
ing and collecting exotic plants and animals, Columbus prepare for the journey across
Columbus decided to return to Spain. the Atlantic?
In all, Columbus made three voyages to
the West Indies. In 1504 he returned to Spain
in poor health and out of favor with the
Spanish throne. In 1506 he died. It would be
years before Europeans realized the impact of five ships returned to Spain. Magellan had
Columbus's travels on their world. been killed during the expedition, and only
18 members of the original crew survived.
Other Explorers Set Sail These sailors were the first people to sail
In 1501 Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci completely around the world, a 40,000-mile
(vuh-sroo-chee) led a Spanish fleet to the journey. They had finally found the western
coast of present-day South America. A Ger- route to Asia.
man mapmaker, or cartographer, labeled
the continents across the ocean America in Search for a Northwest Passage
honor ofVespucci. Europeans began using the While Spain and Portugal were exploring
names North America and South America. Central and South America, other Europe-
In a new settlement in present-day an nations turned to North America. They
Panama, explorer Vasco Nufiez de Balboa hoped to find a Northwest Passage through Focus ON
(NOON-yays day bahl-BoH-uh) heard stories North America that would let ships sail from READING
Be sure to notice
from local Indians about another ocean. the Atlantic to the Pacific. that the high-
Balboa set out to find it. For weeks he and Jacques Cartier (kahr-TYAY), a French lighted definition
his men struggled through thick jungle and sailor, led a major exploration of North of a vocabulary
term is near the
deadly swamps. In 1513 they reached the America. He made two trips to present-day
boldfaced term
top of a mountain. From there Balboa saw Canada in 1534 and 1535. He sailed into the itself.
a great blue sea-the Pacific Ocean-stretch- St. Lawrence River and traveled all the way
ing as far as the eye could see. to present-day Montreal. Some 70 years later,
In 1519 a Portuguese captain, Ferdinand French sailor Samuel de Champlain explored
Magellan (muh-JEL-uhn), set out with a the St. Lawrence River and visited the Great
Spanish fleet to sail to Asia across the "South- Lakes, led by Indian guides. Champlain
ern Ocean." Three years later, only one of his founded a small colony on the St. Lawrence
·- l
Explorers introduced maize to Europe for No one knows exactly how many Indians
use as animal food. Many Europeans began died from European diseases, but the loss of
to cook with tomatoes, particularly in Medi- life was staggering. Hundreds of thousands of
terranean countries. In the late 1600s some American Indians are believed to have died
Europeans began to grow potatoes, which after catching these diseases. Spanish histori-
were from South America. Potatoes became an Fernandez de Oviedo wrote in 1548 about
a common food source for Europeans. Later, the destruction of the American Indians of
European settlers introduced potatoes to Hispaniola. Of the estimated 1 million Amer-
North America. Meanwhile, tobacco and ican Indians who had lived on the island in
cocoa became luxury items in Europe. 1492, "there are not now believed to be at the
Settlers and explorers also brought plants present time ... five hundred persons [left]."
and animals to the American continents. There is still debate about whether any
European horses, cattle, and pigs soon ran diseases traveled from the New World to
wild. American Indians came to use these the Old World. Although historians cannot
animals for transportation and to improve prove that any did, there was not a large pop-
their diet. They also started to farm European ulation decline in Europe, Asia, and Africa as
grains such as wheat and barley. These grains in the Americas.
grew well in cool climates. Europeans also
introduced rice from West Africa. =u:ww... •;"a: ·· Drawing Inferences How did
Without intending to do so, the explor- Europeans benefit from the Columbian Exchange?
ers also introduced deadly diseases. Measles,
smallpox, and typhus were common in
Europe. As a result, most adult Europeans had
developed immunity, or natural resistance, to SUPIPIARY AND PREVIEW In this section
them. American Indians, however, had never you learned about the European explo-
been exposed to such diseases. They had no ration that led to the discovery of the
immunity to them. Many Native Americans Americas. In the next section you'll read
became terribly sick after the first encounters about the Spanish exploration of North
with Europeans took place. and South America .
Reviewing Ideas, Terms, and People 1.11.2 Critical Thinking
1. a. Describe How did joint-stock companies work? 5. Sequencing Using a chart like the one below,
b. Explain How did Europe's economy change? put the explorations in the section in the order in
2. a. Recall Why were Europeans eager to trade with which they occurred.
Africa and Asia?
Year Explorer Lands Explored
b. Evaluate Do you think trading with Asia and
Africa was worth the difficulty? Explain.
3. a. Identify List the European explorers who
journeyed to the Americas.
b. Analyze How was Europe affected by Christopher
Columbus's expedition to the West? 6. Taking Notes on Early Explorers Take notes on
4. a. Describe What was the Columbian Exchange? each of the explorers discussed in this section. What
b. Elaborate What item introduced to the Ameri- countries did they come from? Why did they come?
cas in the Columbian Exchange do you think was How did they interact with Native Americans?
most important? Why?
match the conquistadors' swords and guns.
The Spanish killed the Inca ruler, and by
1534 Pizarro and his American Indian allies
had conquered the Inca Empire. The second
great empire of the Americas had fallen.
settlers were supposed to protect local Primary Source
American Indians and convert them to
Christianity. BOOK
Most Spanish treated the Indians like
slaves. They forced them to grow crops, to
Brief Account of the
work in mines, and to herd cattle. The work- Devastation of the Indies
ing conditions were hard, and many Ameri- Bartolome de Las Casas, a Catholic priest in New Spain,
can Indians died. Some settlers spoke out encouraged better treatment of American Indians.
against this poor treatment. Bartolome de I IWhen they [Spaniards) have slain all those who
Las Casas was a Spanish priest who defended fought for their lives or to escape the tortures they
American Indians' rights. would have to endure, that is to say, when they have
So many Native Americans died of slain all the native rulers and young men (since the
disease and exhaustion that, in 1501, the Spaniards usually spare only the women and children,
Spanish started bringing enslaved Africans who are subjected to the hardest and
bitterest servitude [slavery) ever suf-
to New Spain. Thousands of slaves worked
fered by man or beast), they enslave
on plantations, large farms that grew just
any survivors. With these infernal
one kind of crop and made huge profits for [devilish) methods of tyranny they de-
their owners. The African slave trade contin- base and weaken countless numbers
ued despite protests. of those pitiful Indian nations. II
-Bartolome de Las Casas,
=uJwwe··ar:l2 '- Analyzing How did the from BriefAccount of the
encomienda system strengthen Spanish rule? Devastation of the Indies
Section 3 Assessment
Reviewing Ideas, Terms, and People lim 7.7.3
1. a. Identify Who was Moctezuma II? Spanish America
b. Analyze How was Cortes able to conquer the government
Aztec Empire? i
(Im 7.11.1 Know the great voy-
ages of discovery, the locations of the
routes, and the influence of cartog-
raphy in the development of a new
European worldview.
Martin Luther became well known for Conflict between
protesting the policies of the Catholic Church.
His actions led to the Protestant Reformation. Spain and England
This religious movement began as an effort In the late 1500s King Philip II used Spain's
to reform the Catholic Church and spread great wealth to lead a Counter-Reforma-
through German towns in the 1520s and tion against the Protestant movement.
then to other parts of Europe. The reformers Standing in his way was English queen
became known as Protestants because they Elizabeth I and her sea dogs. Sea dogs were
protested the Catholic Church's practices. sailors who raided Spanish treasure ships.
Many Protestants believed that the Bible The most successful sea dog was the daring
intended religion to be simple. They disagreed Sir Francis Drake.
with many of the Catholic Church's rules. Philip was angered by English attacks and
They also thought the pope had too much began gathering the Spanish Armada, a huge
power. fleet of about 130 ships and some 27,000 sail-
The printing press -a machine that pro- ors and soldiers. The Spanish Armada was
duces printed copies-helped spread the launched to invade England and overthrow
ideas of the Reformation. Protestants printed Queen Elizabeth and the Anglican Church.
large numbers of Bibles as well as short essays In July 1588, however, the much smaller
explaining their ideas. This let more people read English fleet defeated the Armada in a huge
and think about the Bible on their own, rather battle.
than relying on the teachings of a priest. The Armada's defeat shocked the Span-
Conflict between Catholics and Protes- ish. In addition to the naval defeat, Spain's
tants took place throughout Europe, often economy was in trouble. The gold and
leading to civil war. During the late 1500s silver that Spain received from the Americas
French Catholics fought French Protestants, caused high inflation. Inflation is a rise
known as Huguenots (HYoo-guh-nahts). Many in the price of goods caused by an
Huguenots eventually emigrated to the Amer- increase in the amount of money in use.
icas in search of religious freedom. Economic problems, combined with
In 1534 King Henry VIII founded the England's defeat of the Spanish Armada,
Church of England, or the Anglican Church. led countries such as England, France,
By making himself the head of the church, and the Netherlands to challenge
Henry defied the authority of the pope and Spanish power overseas.
angered Catholics.
''Jlww•·•m"3''' Analyzing
READING CHECK Identifying Cause and Effect What led to the decline of the
What major religious change occurred in Europe, Spanish Empire?
and what effect did it have?
~*~ s
~r:5~ / ~
1. Human-Environment Interaction
Which two empires occupied the most
territory in North America?
2. Place How did geography affect the
location of most European settlements?
European Empires
In the late 1600s the French began spread- Starting in the early 1700s, the French
ing out from the St. Lawrence River. Calling built new outposts. These included Detroit
their North American territory New France, on the Great Lakes and Saint Louis and New
French fur traders, explorers, and missionar- Orleans along the Mississippi River. Most
ies were all on the move. towns in the French territory were small. By
In the 1650s French missionaries reported 1688 there were only about 12,000 French set-
stories about "a beautiful river, large, tlers in New France. Its small population and
broad, and deep." In 1673 explorer Louis the value of the fur trade led French settlers to
Jolliet (jahl-ee-ET) and missionary Jacques ally and trade with local American Indians.
Marquette set out to find this great river, Because of their close trading relationships,
the Mississippi. They reached it and traveled the French treated American Indians with more
down it as far as present-day Arkansas. respect than did some other European settlers.
Nine years later Rene-Robert de La Salle Many French settlers learned American Indian
followed the Mississippi River to the Gulf of languages and adopted their ways of life. In
Mexico. He claimed the Mississippi Valley for time, these close relationships would aid the
King Louis XIV of France. To honor the king, French in claiming large amounts of land in
La Salle named the region Louisiana. their North American empire.
New Netherland and New Sweden to get more supplies, but when he returned
The Dutch, who had merchant fleets around he found the colony's buildings deserted. No
the world, came to America in search of trade. one is certain what happened to the colony,
Explorer Henry Hudson's first voyage to though the name of a Native American group
North America gave the Dutch a claim to the was carved into a nearby tree.
land between the Delaware and Hudson riv-
= tJ 7nl""' •• • ; " , ,.
Drawing Conclusions
ers. He called it New Netherland. In 1624 the
Were the first colonies in North America success-
newly formed Dutch West ,India Company
ful? Why or why not?
sent about 30 families to settle in New Neth-
erland. Two years later Peter Minuit bought
Manhattan Island from local American Indi- SUrlriARY AND PREVIEW In this section
ans and founded the town of New Amster- you learned about events in Europe that
dam. To attract colonists, the Dutch practiced led to settlements in North America. In
religious toleration. the next chapter you will learn more about
Minuit also helped Swedish settlers found English colonies in North America.
New Sweden along the Delaware River.
Swedish settlers were among the first in
North America to build log cabins. Like the
Dutch and French, they traded with Native
Reviewing Ideas, Terms, and People lim 1.11.1
1. a. Identify What was the Protestant Reformation?
Americans and trapped animals for fur. The
b. Explain What role did the printing press play in the
Swedish settlement was small, but the Dutch
Protestant Reformation?
felt that it threatened Dutch lands and fur 2. a. Explain Why did Spain try to invade England?
trading. The two sides fought a series of bat- b. Make Inferences How did the defeat of the Spanish
tles. Finally the governor of New Netherland, Armada affect European settlement of North America?
Peter Stuyvesant (sTY-vi-suhnt), conquered 3. a. Identify In which parts of North America did the
New Sweden in 1655. French settle?
b. Summarize What problems did the Dutch, Swedish,
English Settlement and English experience?
c. Evaluate Which of the European empires in North
In the late 1500s England decided to start
America do you think was most successful? Why?
its own American colony in order to estab-
lish a presence in the New World. Sir Wal- Critical Thinking
ter Raleigh received a charter, a document 4. Summarizing Using a diagram like the one below, list
giving permission to start a colony. He sent the European nations that established colonies in North
an expedition that landed in present-day America during the 1500s and 1600s. Include the location
of these colonies.
Virginia and North Carolina. Raleigh named
the entire area Virginia.
In 1585 Raleigh sent another group to
found a colony on Roanoke Island. The
English colonists found life hard. They fought
with local American Indians and had trouble
finding and growing food. In 1586, Sir Francis
Drake arrived and offered to take the remain-
ing settlers home to England.
5. Taking Notes on the French Empire and Other Settlements
John White resettled the Roanoke colony What would you include in Jacques' letter about the French,
in the spring of 1587. White's granddaughter, Dutch, Swedish, and English people who settled in America.
Virginia Dare, was the first English colonist born Why did they come? What did they want and need in their
in North America. White went back to England new home?
Sta a
Visual Use the visual summary below to help you review
Summary the main ideas of the chapter.
Effects ~
• Destruction of Native
American empires fltllll'.,
• Columbian Exchange
• Colonies in the Americas
• Slavery in the Americas
• Competition between
• Desire for wealth
• Spread of Christianity
DIRECTIONS: Read each question and write the D How did the Reformation in Europe affect
letter of the best response. European settlement of the Americas?
A It caused Spain to abandon its New World
D 11
I came to get gold, not to till the soil like colonies.
a peasant. 11 8 It resulted in Protestants conquering Mexico.
C It created religious tensions in Europe that
Which person would have been most likely some people fled to America to escape.
to have made such a statement? D It led to freedom of worship in most European
A Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes colonies in the Americas.
8 Aztec ruler Moctezuma II
C French missionary Jacques Marquette Connecting with Past Learnings
D Spanish priest Bartolome de Las Casas
0 Indians in Spain's encomienda system in the
D Before the arrival of the first Europeans, the Americas were most similar to the
most advanced Native American societies A skilled European tailors who used silk fabric.
were located in what is now 8 serfs on manors in medieval Europe.
A California. C samurai who served masters in feudal Japan.
8 the eastern United States. D heretics persecuted by the Spanish Inquisition.
C the American Southwest.
D Mexico. D In Grade 7 you learned about inventions that
aided explorers. The compass, which helped
D All of the following established colonies in Europeans make the voyages that brought
North America except them into contact with Native American
A the Portuguese. peoples, was first developed
8 the Dutch. A in Italy during the Renaissance.