Listening and Speaking 2 Q: Skills For Success Unit 8 Student Book Answer Key

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Listening and Speaking 2 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 8 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

The Q Classroom 6. b
Activity A., p. 158 7. c
Answers will vary. Possible answers: 8. b
1. Answers will vary. 9. c
2. Answers will vary. Students may 10. a
mention their parents told them WORK WITH THE LISTENING
about personal hygiene or Activity A., p. 162
housekeeping. A—diseases carried by water; cholera
3. The person is washing an apple. kills thousands
It looks like she is wasting a lot of B— lack of water in crowded cities;
water. effects of climate change; Lake Chad
Activity B., p. 158 drying up
1. Yuna thinks it’s important to be C— using underground water;
clean, while Felix thinks a person waterless toilets
can be “too clean,” that being Activity C., p. 163
dirty can be helpful. 1. a
2. It’s polite to be clean so people 2. c
around you don’t encounter bad 3. a
smells. 4. b
5. b
PREVIEW THE UNIT Activity D., p. 164
Activity D., p. 160 1. 29.8
Answers will vary. 2. 50
Activity E., p. 160 3. 150
Answers will vary. Possible answers: 4. 38 million
1. From a well; from a spring 5. 300
2. Yes. No, we boil the water. No, 6. 23 x 45
we drink bottled water. 7. 400
3. Yes. I turn the tap off when I Activity E., p. 164
brush my teeth. I take shorter 1. Because people are crowded
showers. I only run the together in cities, it’s easy for
dishwasher when it is full. I do germs to pass between people,
less loads of laundry. I collect and water can be hard to get.
rainwater to water plants. 2. At places such as Lake Chad,
climate change has reduced the
LISTENING 1 rainfall so the lake is shrinking.
PREVIEW THE LISTENING 3. An increase in population means
Activity A., p. 161 there is less water available per
1. b person.
2. c
4. b Say What You Think, p. 164
5. a Answers will vary. Possible answers:

Listening and Speaking 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 8 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

1. Yes, people get sick if they don’t LISTENING 2

have enough clean water, people PREVIEW THE LISTENING
have to walk far to find water, Activity A., pp. 167–168
and diseases can spread. 1. bacteria
2. By having better sewage 2. allergy
systems, more environmentally 3. automatically
friendly water usage, and water 4. digest
purification. 5. defense
6. dirt
Activity A., p. 165 8. old-fashioned
Sara—fact; It's 45 miles long and 23 9. germs
Liza—opinion; I’m not so sure. Activity A., p. 168
Jamal—fact; In 1911, people started Answers may vary. Possible answer:
using water from an underground Is it poss. to be too clean?
lake called Ogallala for agriculture. A Change in attitudes re: dirt
But they used too much, and now -past—not worried.
they don't have enough water. -present—worry a lot abt pers. clean.,
Walaa—fact; In places, it is down by dirt, germs.
8.5 meters. Use sp. soaps, hand sanit., elec.
Daniel—opinion; I think . . . towels, auto. doors
B Studies re: germs
NOTE-TAKING SKILL -Germany—1980s, 2 grps children,
Activity A., p. 166 Grp 1 lived on farms, pets, around other
details not included in the summary— kids: healthier, fewer allergies
comes from land, via rivers, wind, Grp 2 lived in city, cleaner, washed
etc.; Charles Moore discovered in hands, >1 bath/day
1997; 3M tons, area size of Africa; -Australia
has poisons, DDT, etc. Asthma—hard for ppl to breathe
Activity B., p. 166 caused by lack of contact w/ norm.bact.
Answers will vary. Possible answer: as a child.
A class discusses sanitation as a taking “dirt pills” for bact. missed as
global problem. Water related babies
illnesses kill thousands. There is C –Conclusion
also a lack of water in crowded not all bact. bad/causes disease
cities. Climate change is one factor some good—digest food, compost for
that contributes to water drying up. gardens
Some people in parts of the world we should be less clean
use too much water. The class Activity B., p. 169
discusses solutions, such as using Answers may vary. Possible answer:
underground water. People today worry too much about
dirt, germs, and bacteria. Researchers in

Listening and Speaking 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 8 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

Germany and Australia have concluded change, but I feel more strongly
that contact with bacteria actually about it.
makes people healthier. Some bacteria 2. Yes, I know some germs cause
is even helpful or good for us. disease, and I don’t want to get
Activity C., p. 169 sick. No, there are germs
1. c everywhere, and people are not
2. b always sick.
3. a Activity B., p. 171
Activity D., p. 169 Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. T 1. Yes, I was allowed to play
2. F Carrying hand sanitizer in your outside a lot. I didn’t think about
pocket is a modern custom. dirt. No, I was told to keep clean
3. F We shouldn’t stop taking when I was a child. My parents
regular baths or let our houses worried about me getting dirty
get dirty. or sick.
4. F The German study showed that 2. measles, hepatitis, chicken pox,
children who lived on farms were etc.
healthier than kids who lived in Activity D., p. 171
cities and had no pets. Answers will vary. Possible answers:
5. T 1. They can conserve water, reuse
6. T it, or find other ways to do things
Activity E., pp. 169-170 that water does.
1. c 2. Answers will vary.
2. a
Activity F., p. 170 Activity A., p. 172
1. Group B 1. circle—/dI’ziz/
2. Group B 2. underline—noun; adj.
3. There were about the same 3. check—[C, U]
amount of absences for colds in 4. star— an infectious disease; Rats
both groups, but many more and flies spread disease.; His
absences in Group B for stomach diseased kidney had to be
illnesses. removed.
4. Answers will vary. Possible Activity B., pp. 172–173
answer: No. One study is not 1. plural
enough evidence to prove 2. sanitary
anything. 3. defend
4. sensibly
Activity A., p. 171 6. no
Answers will vary. Possible answers: Activity C., p. 173
1. I thought it was possible to be 1. Some bacteria don’t make you
too clean. My answer didn’t sick.

Listening and Speaking 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 8 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

2. The kitchen in that restaurant is PRONUNCIATION

not sanitary. Activity A., p. 175
3. Don’t worry about me! I can There is no new water on Earth. All of
defend myself if there’s a the water on Earth—the rivers,
problem. lakes,
4. After that big storm, I think it’s oceans, ice at the North and South
very sensible to start boiling our Poles, clouds, and rain—is about
drinking water. one billion
5. My sister bathes her baby years old. The water moves around
before bed. The warm water the planet. It can change to ice, to
relaxes him. rain, or
6. We can’t have a cat because my to fog, but it’s always the same
son has asthma. water. Think about it. The
GRAMMAR population of the
Activity A., p. 174 world is growing, but the supply of
1. test the water; find out if it’s water is always the same.
polluted Activity C., p. 176
2. drink water from the river; get 1. are
sick 2. of
3. they use hand sanitizer; they 3. a
won’t get sick 4. in
4. it doesn’t rain soon; the lake 5. the
might dry up completely 6. the
5. more people have clean water; 7. of
fewer children will die from 8. on
water-related diseases 9. of
Activity B., pp. 174–175 10. is
1. If they use the underground lake, 11. of
they’ll have water for 400 years. 12. and
2. If I use hand sanitizer, I might not 13. of
get sick. 14. is
3. If we don’t get rain, the crops will 15. and
die. 16. the
4. Sarah will save more water if she 17. and
takes shorter showers. 18. can
5. If people have clean water, there 19. it
will be fewer deaths. SPEAKING SKILL
6. John will spread germs if he Activity A., p. 177
doesn’t wash his hands. 1. He addresses her and asks her a
2. She answers, Yes, and then gives
an example of what is being

Listening and Speaking 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 8 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

3. It has no relevance to what 1. A school principal wants to put

happens to water supplies in hand sanitizers in the classrooms,
Africa, which is the topic but some parents and teachers
everyone is discussing. are against the idea.
4. Jing notes that Toby’s comment is 2. The adults involved with the
not strongly related to the school: the principal, teachers,
discussion, then guides everyone and parents.
back to the topic, with I think 3. The parents and teachers think
we’re getting a little off the topic the principal should make sure
here. Let’s get back . . . there is always soap in the
5. She speaks softly, so not bathrooms, so the kids can wash
everyone notices that she’s trying their hands correctly, rather than
to contribute to the conversation. using hand sanitizer.
6. Jing talks over Marie, which
prevents her from adding to the
7. She tells the others that Marie is
trying to speak.
8. He apologizes to Marie for
interrupting her.


Activity A., p. 178,
Case 1:
1. The river water is becoming
contaminated by animal waste.
2. The people involved are the
people in the villages, and the
3. The villagers do not want the
farmers to bring their animals to
the river.
Case 2:
1. The lake that supplies the city’s
water is shrinking.
2. Everyone who lives in the city,
including city officials.
3. Most people don’t want to
change how they use water, but if
they don’t, water will have to be
Case 3:


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