Listening and Speaking 2 Q: Skills For Success Unit 8 Student Book Answer Key
Listening and Speaking 2 Q: Skills For Success Unit 8 Student Book Answer Key
Listening and Speaking 2 Q: Skills For Success Unit 8 Student Book Answer Key
The Q Classroom 6. b
Activity A., p. 158 7. c
Answers will vary. Possible answers: 8. b
1. Answers will vary. 9. c
2. Answers will vary. Students may 10. a
mention their parents told them WORK WITH THE LISTENING
about personal hygiene or Activity A., p. 162
housekeeping. A—diseases carried by water; cholera
3. The person is washing an apple. kills thousands
It looks like she is wasting a lot of B— lack of water in crowded cities;
water. effects of climate change; Lake Chad
Activity B., p. 158 drying up
1. Yuna thinks it’s important to be C— using underground water;
clean, while Felix thinks a person waterless toilets
can be “too clean,” that being Activity C., p. 163
dirty can be helpful. 1. a
2. It’s polite to be clean so people 2. c
around you don’t encounter bad 3. a
smells. 4. b
5. b
PREVIEW THE UNIT Activity D., p. 164
Activity D., p. 160 1. 29.8
Answers will vary. 2. 50
Activity E., p. 160 3. 150
Answers will vary. Possible answers: 4. 38 million
1. From a well; from a spring 5. 300
2. Yes. No, we boil the water. No, 6. 23 x 45
we drink bottled water. 7. 400
3. Yes. I turn the tap off when I Activity E., p. 164
brush my teeth. I take shorter 1. Because people are crowded
showers. I only run the together in cities, it’s easy for
dishwasher when it is full. I do germs to pass between people,
less loads of laundry. I collect and water can be hard to get.
rainwater to water plants. 2. At places such as Lake Chad,
climate change has reduced the
LISTENING 1 rainfall so the lake is shrinking.
PREVIEW THE LISTENING 3. An increase in population means
Activity A., p. 161 there is less water available per
1. b person.
2. c
4. b Say What You Think, p. 164
5. a Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Listening and Speaking 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 8 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition
Listening and Speaking 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 8 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition
Germany and Australia have concluded change, but I feel more strongly
that contact with bacteria actually about it.
makes people healthier. Some bacteria 2. Yes, I know some germs cause
is even helpful or good for us. disease, and I don’t want to get
Activity C., p. 169 sick. No, there are germs
1. c everywhere, and people are not
2. b always sick.
3. a Activity B., p. 171
Activity D., p. 169 Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. T 1. Yes, I was allowed to play
2. F Carrying hand sanitizer in your outside a lot. I didn’t think about
pocket is a modern custom. dirt. No, I was told to keep clean
3. F We shouldn’t stop taking when I was a child. My parents
regular baths or let our houses worried about me getting dirty
get dirty. or sick.
4. F The German study showed that 2. measles, hepatitis, chicken pox,
children who lived on farms were etc.
healthier than kids who lived in Activity D., p. 171
cities and had no pets. Answers will vary. Possible answers:
5. T 1. They can conserve water, reuse
6. T it, or find other ways to do things
Activity E., pp. 169-170 that water does.
1. c 2. Answers will vary.
2. a
Activity F., p. 170 Activity A., p. 172
1. Group B 1. circle—/dI’ziz/
2. Group B 2. underline—noun; adj.
3. There were about the same 3. check—[C, U]
amount of absences for colds in 4. star— an infectious disease; Rats
both groups, but many more and flies spread disease.; His
absences in Group B for stomach diseased kidney had to be
illnesses. removed.
4. Answers will vary. Possible Activity B., pp. 172–173
answer: No. One study is not 1. plural
enough evidence to prove 2. sanitary
anything. 3. defend
4. sensibly
Activity A., p. 171 6. no
Answers will vary. Possible answers: Activity C., p. 173
1. I thought it was possible to be 1. Some bacteria don’t make you
too clean. My answer didn’t sick.
Listening and Speaking 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 8 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition
Listening and Speaking 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 8 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition