Listening and Speaking 2 Q: Skills For Success Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key

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Listening and Speaking 2 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

The Q Classroom
Activity A, p. 76 LISTENING 1
Answers will vary. Possible answers: PREVIEW THE LISTENING
1. Your parents and brothers and Activity A, p. 79
sisters; the people you are related 1. coincidence
to; people who make you feel 2. appearance
connected in the world. 3. inherit
2. My parents (or brother, sister, 4. twins
cousin, etc.) influence me because 5. separate
they teach me about life. 6. tendency
3. I think they are a family. There are a 7. identity
mother, a father, a child, and a 8. get along
grandfather. Activity C, p. 80
Activity B, p. 77 Answers will vary.
1. she always has her family around
2. family has to come first Activity A, p. 80
3. you aren't alone Answers may vary. Possible answer:
4. don't have good relationships physical differences?
5. for these people friends are their Faris taller / thinner
family personalities? like same things or
PREVIEW THE UNIT different sports – soccer/tennis
Activity A, iQ Online Resource same music piano
Answers will vary. How twins relate family
Activity B, iQ Online Resource get along with brother
Answers will vary. closer to each other
Activity C, iQ Online Resource Activity B, p. 80
Answers will vary. Possible answers: Twins
Only people who are related to me are Own identity important?
family. I like other people, but they yes, twins different classes
aren't family. / I am very close to some How they feel abt being twins
people who are not related to me. I one person together
think of them like family. different when apart
Born to act in certain ways? Family
NOTE-TAKING SKILL friends influence personality?
Activity A, p. 78 twins in diff. families very similar
Answers may vary. Possible answer: coincidences – names of wives, pets
Families around the world Conclusion
tendency to have certain personality
A. How are they different? comb. of inherit and life experience
Activity C, pp. 80–81
B. How are they the same? 1. a

Listening and Speaking 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

2. c 2. When the twins are apart, they have

3. c some different friends and activities.
4. b Activity B, p. 83
Activity D, p. 81 1. . . . he feels that he can talk more
1. Faris is taller. honestly to his friends without
2. Faris likes soccer, but Fahad prefers getting critical reactions.
tennis. 2. . . . family members feel a
3. They had their own "twin" responsibility to help you with
language. everything because your problems
4. They put the boys in different are their problems.
classes in their school.
5. They wanted each boy to develop LISTENING 2
his own identity. PREVIEW THE LISTENING
6. They feel like they are one person. Activity A, pp. 84–85
7. They both liked math and making 1. a
things out of wood. 2. b
8. Their wives and pets had the same 3. b
names. 4. a
Activity E, p. 82 5. a
Answers may vary. Most likely answers: 6. a
1. D 7. b
2. A 8. a
3. D Activity C, p. 85
4. A Answers will vary.
5. D
Answers will vary. Activity A, B, p. 86
Most African Americans have little
SAY WHAT YOU THINK information about their ancestors.
Say What You Think, p. 82 African Americans came to America as
Answers will vary. Possible answers: slaves, few written records about
1. Inherited characteristics. I’ve always Henry Louis Gates used DNA to study
had the same personality, even the history of African-American
when I was a baby. / People and families.
events in my life. My parents are a participants wanted to know where
big influence on how I act and feel. ancestors came from
2. Answers will vary. The results of Gates’s study were
LISTENING SKILL Gates found participants had white and
Activity A, p. 83 black ancestors, Gates was 50% white
1. Faris is more social than his brother, Another person in Gates’s study, author
so he prefers team sports. Bliss Broyard, had a different

Listening and Speaking 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

Broyard found she was 18% black. She Activity B, p. 89

doesn’t identify with being black. 1. identify
Activity C, p. 86 2. tendency
 2 3. different
Activity D, pp. 86–87 4. participant
1. a 5. coincidence
2. b
4. c Activity A, p. 91
5. a 1. Do they study math at school?
6. b 2. Did your grandfather come here
Activity E., p. 87 from Lebanon in the 1900s?
1. ancestors 3. Does Andrew have a twin brother?
2. slaves 4. Does he want to go to Ireland next
3. written week?
4. history Activity B, p. 91
5. reason 1. Why did Henry Louis Gates use
6. DNA DNA in the study?
7. Participants 2. How did you find out about your
8. part family history?
3. Who does your son look like?
SAY WHAT YOU THINK 4. What are the twins doing today?
Activity A, p. 88 Activity C, p. 92
Answers will vary. Possible answers: Answers will vary.
1. It's important because it helps you Activity D, p. 92
understand yourself better. / It isn't Answers will vary.
important because many people
know nothing about their ancestors PRONUNCIATION
and have problem with that. Activity A, p. 93
2. Yes, I want to know where I come 1. I think
from. / No it doesn’t matter to me 2. I feel
who my ancestors were. 3. In my view
Activity B, p. 88 4. For me
Answers will vary. 5. As I see it
Activity B, p. 93
VOCABULARY SKILL Answers will vary.
Activity A, p. 89
Verb Noun Adjective SPEAKING SKILL
participate participant participatory Activity A, p. 94
coincide coincidence coincidental 1. I think that
differ difference different 2. I feel that
identify identity identified 3. In my view
tend tendency ---------------- 4. For me

Listening and Speaking 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

5. As I see it
Activity B, p. 94
Answers will vary.

Consider the Ideas, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.


Activity A, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity C, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.


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