Final Exam

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1. Compare the similarities and differences between the two business

models of Vinshop and G7 mart. Let's analyze whether Vinshop will die
prematurely like G7 mart
* The similarities and differences between the two business models:
+ Similarities:
- Their goods are neatly arranged and stores are both clean and beautiful
- They both operate in gocery retail platform and meet many difficulties
+ Difference:
G7 Mart Vinshop
Founding 5/8/2016 5/10/2020
Starting point and G7 Mart officially announced At that time, VinShop
target that there are 500 stores, and announced that it had
aims to have 9,500 G7 Mart helped directly connect
branded stores nationwide. 20,000 grocery stores
with suppliers. By the
end of 2020, VinShop
aims to link up with
65,000 grocery stores
in the areas of Hanoi,
Ho Chi Minh City, the
Red River Delta and
the Southeast and 5000
VIP partner

Business model Franchise B2B2C

Types of items The product group that G7 Currently, Vinshop
distributed Mart distributes is mostly continues to expand its
food, cosmetics, alcohol, product range to
beverage, etc.without green include vegetables,
vegetables, food or household food and a variety of
items. products to serve
Distribution G7 Mart had to distribute Vinshop has a safe and
system goods at higher prices stable supply chain in
compare to other distributors, the middle of the
and at times there was not pandemic by
enough goods to supply the optimizing the goods
mini shop chain it opened. management tool ,
accommodation for
employees according to
the "3 on-site" model.
Moreover, it also issue
a set of strict standard
when receiving and
delivering goods
Price G7 Mart operates on the Vinshop provides
principle of not making a gocery stores with
profit on each product sold, special benefits such as
but enjoying a percentage transparent prices,
discount from the preferential purchase
manufacturer on sales. programs such as VIP
store and promotions

Financial situation Trung Nguyen had promised Vinshop had cooperate

to support G7 Mart at 50-200 with Techcombank to
million/ store. Thus, if lauch the campain
according to the plan, the “Ung von” up to up to
lowest total expenditure must VND 70 million,
be up to 475 billion VND for interest free for 40 days
the goal of 10,000 G7 Mart for grocery owners
retail points. Recently, the next 500
billion VND has also
been spent to support
tens of thousands of
grocers to recover their
business after the
negative impacts of the
Technology G7 Mart still had limitations in Vinshop takes full
application management technology advantage of the
technology platform to
continuously launch
new features such as
offers, loans, helping
shop owners to quickly
order themselves right
on the application and
minimize contact
during the pandemic.
Difficulty - G7 Mart's rival in the retail The strong outbreak of
war is the manufacturer. G7 the Covid-19 epidemic
Mart’s competitors are along with the
dominant retailer companies application of social
like P&G, Unilever, Masan… distancing measures
They had their own loyal have affected the
distribution systems and find circulation of goods,
ways to enhance the integrated leading to the
brand value brought by the disruption of supply
distribution chain like chains and affecting
applying good distribution production and
organization strategy, from business activities.
promotions to discounts for
stores,…which make G7 Mart
isolated in the market
- G7 Mart has higher total
expenditure (at 475 billion
VND) compare to its capital.
This makes retail insiders
doubt the viability of the

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