Retail Management
Retail Management
Retail Management
Exclusive Distribution Intensive Distribution
• Suppliers make agreements with one or few retailers that • Suppliers sell through as many retailers as possible.
designate the latter as the only ones in specified • Often maximizes suppliers’ sales and retailers offer many brands &
geographic areas to carry certain products. product version.
• Stimulates both parties to work together for the • Competition among retailers selling the same time is high.
betterment of the product and profit. • Retailers may use tactics not beneficial to individual suppliers.
• It requires that retailers limit their brand selection in • Retailers are concerned on their own results.
specified product line (decline other supplier’s brand)
• Retailers may assign little shelf space to specific brands & set very
• Channel relations tend to be smoothest. high prices on them
• Extreme form of selective distribution in which only one • Channel relations tend to be most volatile
wholesaler, retailer or distributor is used in a specific • A customer will be able to find the product everywhere he goes.
geographical area.
e.g.: Soft drinks, Toothpaste, Soaps, Cigarettes, some liquor & beer,
e.g.: luxury cars, iPhone, Gucci, Rolex, Gucci & BMW. grocery items, drug store items, etc.
NOTE: Firms uses this to create an aura of NOTE: Some firms uses this because LARGE-
prestige & exclusively that sets their products SCALE DISTRIBUTION RESORTS TO MORE SALES
apart from customers. WHICH IN TURN BOOSTS REVENUE.
Selective Distribution
• Suppliers sell moderate number of retailers.
• Combination of exclusive and intensive
distribution. (middle road of exclusive &
• Suppliers have higher sales exclusive
• Retailers carry some competing brands.
• Company sells its goods through a select group
of intermediaries.
• It is making a product available in more than
one outlet but not in as many as are willing to
stock it.
• Limited number of outlets in geographical area
to sell products.
Please watch:
(3639) What are the 3 Levels of Distribution Intens
ity? - YouTube
Sorting- retailer balance the demand by collection an assortment of goods from different
sources. Buying in sufficiently large quantities and selling to consumers in small unit.
How does SORTING help customers?
It generates a better match between customer requirements and the actual supply of sorted
Importance of Retailing
It is important for the creators, customers as well as the economy. Retail stores are the places
where most of the actual sales to customers take place. In general, it is a great asset to economy.
1. Define the type of business in terms of the goods or 4. Devise an overall, long run plan that gives general
services category and the company’s specific direction to the firm and its employees.
orientation (such as full service or “no frills”).
5. Implement an integrated strategy that combines such
2. Set long-run and short-run objectives for sales and factors as store location, product assortment, pricing,
profit, market share, image and so on. and advertising and displays to achieve objectives.
3. Determine the customer market to target on the basis 6. Regularly evaluate performance and correct
of its characteristics (such as gender and income level) weaknesses or problems when observed.
and needs (such as product and brand preferences )
It is straightforward.
It means communicating with shoppers and viewing their desires as critical to the firm’s success;
having a consistent strategy (such as offering designer brands, plentiful sales personnel, attractive
displays, and above-average prices in an upscale store); offering prices perceived as “fair” (a good
value for the money) by customers; and working to achieve meaningful, specific, and reachable
goals. However, the retailing concept is only a strategic guide. It does not deal with a firm’s
internal capabilities or competitive advantages but offers a broad planning framework.
These four principles form the retailing concept:
Coordinated Effort
Good Orientation
The retailer Value Driven
Customer Orientation
integrates all plans The retailer offers good value
The retailer sets
The retailer determines to customers whether it be
the attributes and needs
and activities to upscale or discount. This goals and then
of its customers and maximize efficiency. means having appropriate uses its strategy to
prices for the level of products attain it.
endeavors to satisfy and customer service.
these needs to the
12 fullest
Three issues that relate to a retailer’s performance in terms of the retailing concept
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