Advancing Trade Marketing in The Digital World
Advancing Trade Marketing in The Digital World
Advancing Trade Marketing in The Digital World
Marketing in the
Digital World
Digital and Trade marketing is the exchange
1. Josh Leibowitz, How Did We Get Here? A Short History Of Retail, LinkedIn, 7 June 2013.
When does online come up in your trade
marketing negotiations?
Retailer: “Ok, so we’ll take 200,000 units at $120 per unit.”
Retailer: “I can stretch to 250,000 units at $100 per unit, but we’ll need a $200,000
contribution to ensure we can merchandise effectively to drive sales.”
Retailer: “Don’t worry, we’ll feature your product in the front of store, on premium shelf
placements, in our magazine and marketing campaigns.”
rise of digital Research shows that 70% of customers make their initial product
discovery online versus 28% in-store, and 39% of customers
research online before purchase.
Trade marketing budgets continue to That figure is even stronger for big-ticket technology purchases
focus on influencing the consumer (55%) and for health, fitness and beauty items (58%).5
within the store and through
traditional media strategies. But
today’s consumer turns to the web
for research before online or offline
Brand perceptions and purchase decisions are shaped in millions of Year over year the influence of digital Mobile influence on in-store sales
moments ahead of purchase, even more so for higher ticket offline – and especially mobile – on offline jumped to nearly $1 trillion (up
purchases and these are the moments that matter for both brands
purchases is growing faster than ever. from just $160 million in 2013),
and retailers alike.
Digital was responsible for representing
5. ROBO: How Today’s Shoppers Research Online and Buy Offline, Marketing Tech Blog.
Hewlett Packard
Single view of the customer
boosts sales and ROI
Case Study Hewlett Packard
• Drive incremental sales of HP hardware
• Embedded conversion tracking on retail partners’ sites
HP shared their first-party consumer data with Measured through incremental ecommerce sales,
retailers and worked to embed conversion tracking HP produced a fourfold improvement in return on
on the retail partner sites. In this way, HP and the investment, while traffic from programmatic
retail partners were able to share cookie lists and retargeting converted two times higher than the
create a single view of the customer. The unified non-targeted consumer. Ultimately this data-led
cookie list could then be used to target and retarget approach helped HP expose more of their millennial
consumers who had already shown an interest in target audience to their campaigns and drive
the brand’s products. incremental sales at a significantly lower investment
than previous marketing efforts.
These methods meant that HP was able to gain a
much better understanding of the full customer
journey than was possible before.
Case Study Hewlett Packard