Group 2: Activity 10: MAGIC BRACELET

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Group 2


1. Study the poster below.
2. Synthesize the discussion and prepare to share in class.

Reflective Questions:
a. What is being sold by the poster?
Answer: The product that is being sold in the
poster is a slim tea.

b. What does it guarantee?

Answer: This slimming tea product guarantees
The following:
 It contains some useful herbs that are very
effective for losing excess fat from the body.
 Regulates the organic balance, fights consti-
pation and decomposes neutral fat to give you
a slim and trim body.
 Contains antioxidants and amino acids
which help to combat free radicals, and protect
our cells and molecules from damage.
c. Will you buy it? Make a comparative chart that lists reasons for
buying and reasons for declining this product

Reasons for Buying Reasons for Declining

For some reasons: We are not sure if :
 It can help us in easily losing  This product is scientifically
weight effectively and in a proven and being recommended
healthy way. by health professionals.
 The statements in the packaging  This product doesn’t contain any
is very convincing. side effects that might affect our
 The statements in the packaging
of the product is really true or
they just using this to trick the
 The ingredients in making this
are 100 % sure that is is from the
pure medicinal or herbal plants.

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