Power Electronics-An Emerging Technology - B.K.Bose
Power Electronics-An Emerging Technology - B.K.Bose
Power Electronics-An Emerging Technology - B.K.Bose
Himal K. Hose*
Condra Chair in Power Electronics
Department of Electrical Engineering
T h e University o f T e n n e s s e e
Knoxville,?” 37996-2100
The technology of power electronics and drives h a s gone through SEMICONDUCTOR
intense technological evolution during the last thirty years, although its DEVICES
history dates back for nearly a century. Many inventions in devices,
components, circuits, controls and systems have caused t h e power
electronicrto emerge as a major technology in the recent years. T h e CONVERTER
tempo of these inventions w i l l continue, a n d t h e r e f o r e t h e power
electronics technology will be more enriched in future. The surge of
applications of power electronics and drives is very visible now, and as
cost decreases and performance improves, power electronics will be 1 CONTROL
commonplace everywhere - in industrial, commercial, r e s i d e n t i a l ,
municipal and aerospace environments.
mill, pump and blower type applications in the medium power range. In
(frequency changing), I)C-I)C conversion and AC power control ( a t same
t h e high power range, i t covers multi-megawtt power for g a s l i n e
compressor, boiler ID/FD fans and feed pumps, s h i p propulsion a n d
The evolulion in power electronics over the years h a s occurred by cement mill applications.
the synthesis of multiple technological disciplines. Today, a t r u e
specialist in this area I > supposed to have expertise, not only in power ELECTROCHEMICAL PROCESSES
IECON ’88I501
sequential current-fed inverter (ASCI) which is
POWER SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES loped by the Russians in 1 9 3 0 s using thyratron
ing power semiconductor devices can generally
Power semiconductor devices that operate in switching mode a r e
the heart of modern power electronics. Although large semiconductor
diode was predecessor to thyristors, the modern power electronics e r a Phase-cuntrolled converters and cycloconverters
truly began by the advent of thyristors. Since its birth, thyristor reigned
supreme for two entire decades i n the history of power electronics. Voltage-fed inverters
Starting orginally with phase-control type thyristor, gradually o t h e r
, such as triac, gate turn-off thyristor (G'VO), inverter Current-fed inverters
, silicon -controlled switch (SCS), light-activated SCR
(LASCK), diac, asymetrical t h y r i s t o r ( A S C R ) , reverse-conducting Phase-conttmlled rectifiers, inverters, cycloconverters a n d ac voltage
thyristor (IICT) etc. were introduced. Fortunately, in parallel with power controllers using simple line commutation principle have dominated over
semiconductors evolution, a revolution of solid state signal electronics half a cenlury T h i s class of converters normally uses s y m m e t r i c
was going on after the invention of transistor. The microelectronics was blocking thyristors, and have the advantages of simple control principle
not only useful for control of power electronics, b u t helped t h e and high efficiency. IIowever, phase control causes deterioration of line
development of power devices also. The improvement of semiconductor power factor and burdens the line with harmonics. The growth of these
processing technology a l o n g with m a n u f a c t u r i n g a n d p a c k a g i n g nonlinear power electronics loads on utility system is worrying the
techniques pcrmitted power semiconductor development not only for utility companies about the quality deterioration of power supply due L o
high voltage and current ratings, but for high dvidt and di/dt ratings, and harmonic loading.
fast turn-on and turn-off characteristics. Recently, high power light
triggered thyristors (upto 6 KV, 2500 A) have been developed mainly for A phase-controlled three-phase ac power supply for controlling the
HVDC a n d SVC ( s t a t i c VAR compensator) applications. In t h e s e speed of induction motor is given in F'ig. 3, and Pig. 1 shows its operation
applications, a large number of devices a r e connected in series, and light on the torque-speed curves 'I'he reduction of stator voltage a t constant
triggering permits gate circuit isolation and simultaneous firing of all frequency causes low airgup Ilux, and this r e s u l k excessive distorted
thyristors in a string. Although GTO was introduced.as early as in 1958, stator current reducing the drive efficiency. Single-phase low power
appliance type drives frequently use this type of control, where siinplicltv
and cost consideration are more important t h a n efficiency. Another
application area is solid state starter of induction motor. F u l l speed lighl
introduced as signal devices, but in late 1970, their power rating a d load operation of induction motor at reduced flux (Nola control) has some
performance st.arted improving dramatically. Today, I3JT equipment.a r e advantages of efficiency and power factor, but the scheme did not find
available upto a few hundred K W s rating, a n d in this range, these much favour due to additional converter cost and loss pena1t.v d u e to
remain competitive over thyristor and GTO equipmcnt. T h e power harmonics This converter topology can also be used for ac line circuit
MOSFET conduction loss is high but switching loss is low, and for this breaker applications A phase-controlled cycloconverter converts ac Ime
reason, it is normally used i n high frequency switching converters upto power from one frequency to that of another frequency through a one step
few KWs. Several years ago, a new type of MOS-bipolar hybrid device, 'ion pri)cess The principle is in contrast to dc link conversion,
called insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGHT) was introduced, which where lint. power is h s t converted lo dc and then to variable frequency 'IC
combines the advanlages of M O S F W and bipolar devices. The IGU'I' through an inverter. An 18-thyristor variable voltage variable frequcncy
with "smart power" IIVIC (high voltage integrated circuit) controller is cycloconverter drive for a machine is shown in Fig. 5. A cycloconverter
showing good promise for economical ac drives. Recent Iy, J a p a n h a s drive is normally used in very large power applications, such a s steel
commercially introduced SIT ( s t a t i c induction t r a n s i s t o r ) a n d SIT11 rolling mill, cenient mill and ship propulsion. Another general area of
(static induction thyristor) devices. The SIT is essentially a large power a p p l i c a t i o n is V S C P s y s t e m which w a s m e n t i o n e d b e f o r e . A
junction IWV (JI.'E'I') and h a s vacuum triode-like characteristics. Its cycloconverter can also be used in the rotor circuit of a wound rotor
conduclioii drop is very large, but switching frequency is very high. It
shows proniise for induction heating and broadcasting transmitter type
applicatiuns 'I'he device is available in either normally on or normally
off condition. 'I'he SIT€I is a symmetrically blocking normally on device,
a n d h a s G'I'O-like c o n d u c t i o n d r o p , g a t e t u r n - o n a n d t u r n - o f f
characteristics Of course, the switching speed is clalmed to be much
higher than G'I'O A t SUPPLY
Power semiconductor engineers have the dream that. one day !.hey INOUCTION MOTOR
should be able to have devices with ideal characteristics, i.e , high
voltage and current ratings with zero conduction drop and no leakage
current, high temperature capability, and instantaneous turri-on a n d
turn-off characteristics. Possibly, this dream will never materialize
However, recently General Electric Research and Development Center in Fig 3 Induction Motor Speed Control w ~ t hI'hase-cont1olIed A C
Schenectady has announced a device, called MOS-controlled thyristor Power Supply
( M C T ) which fulfills this dream tn some extent. The MCT appears to be a
revolutionary device for next generation power electronics. As the name
indicates, it is a thyristor-like device with MOS-gated turn-on and turn-
off characteristics. An expected 900 V,150 A symmetric bloching device
can operate a t junction temperature of250 C and conduction drop of less
t h a n a volt Typical turn-on time of the devicc is 0.15 ps and turn-off
time is 1 0 ps. f k a u s e of MOS gating capability, "smart" drive can he
fabricated on the same chip. Commercial MCT devices a r e expecteti to be
available f'roin I X A by late 1988
IECON '88 I 5 0 2
induction machine for controlling the slip power flow in either direction
(Scherbius drive). This type of drive is used where speed does not deviate I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I 1
much from the synchronous speed of the machine.
Fig. 7
current can be tolerated. The circuit in Fig. 6 can use simple dynamic
braking i n the dc link. Since a I'WM i n v e r t e r c a n also o p e r a t e in
rectification mode, a dual I'WM converter scheme, a s shown in Pig. 7, can
be used. Although this converter scheme is expensive, the advantages
a r e that the regeneration is straightforward, line side harmonic problem J PMSE
is minimal, and the displacement factor can be programmed to be unity. 60 HZ
Of course, the dc link voltage should be high so that both the converters
can operate i n buck-PWM mode without saturation.
Switching mode dc-dc converters (choppers) were introduced
initially hy using force-commutated thyristors. The switching frequency I ZERO VOLTRGE SYITCHING - NO SWITCHING LOSS
of this class of converters could be raised when UJT's became available, I SNUBBERLESS
and then to very high frequency by the advent of power MOSIWIk For s SIIALL FILTER CWACITOR
low end power supply applications, high frequency switching regulators
found acceptance over the conventional linear regulators mainly due to Fig 8 Itesonant Link Converter 1)rive of AC Machine
efficiency. In the middle and late I96O's, thyristor resonant inverters
to switch a t zero voltage. The shunt switch across the capacitor permits
deadbeat operation of the resonant circuit with controllable peak voltage
and zero-crossing interval. Other performance features of the converter
a r e similar to those of Fig. 7. Because of zero voltage switching, the
devices can operate without snubbers, and very little heat s i n k i n g is
required. Besides, converter reliability is improved due to less stress on
devices. An alternate converter configuration which works on series
resonance and zero current switching is also possible.
IECON '88 I 5 0 3
m I“
Fig IO
Current-Fed I’WM Inverter Drive of Induction Motor
load converts the machine Lerniinal as voltage sink (or source) t h a t i s
needed f o r I’WM current wave generation. T h e capacitor bank also acts
as d filter and converts the current source into voltage source for the
machine. T h e front end can also be installed th a similar converter
permitting harmonic-free unity displacement factor operation of the line
A current-fed inverter with synchronous machine load can be easily
commutat.ed hecause the machine now can supply lagging V A R to the
inverter. Fig. 1 1 shows this type of drive which is popularly used in very
large power applications. llere, the higher niachine cost can be justified
3 - PAC
I’ig 1 1 C u r r e n t - E ’ r d 1 . 1 ~ d d~ u n i m u t a t e d i n v e r t e r L12CI) D r i v e of Z‘.
Synchronous Machine
because of very economical converter However, the machine is required
to r u n a t a certain minimum speed for successful load comniutation of t h e
IECON ’88I 5 0 4
‘ P W
!_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,
:cra8~ + V,
..................... 141
r , ” & ,-... .................. (51
1 1-‘ - 1
to that of Fig. 16, except tlie parameters o)*bl and Ids* are zero and cos 0 ,
a n d siii U, ,ire generated dii-cctly from the absolute position signal. The *STATOR FLUX (r.1 ESTiMATiON
control niabes thc stdtor curi’ent lqs alignment orthogonal to the magnet OF MAGNET FLUX 1 r,l STATOR
field 1 ’ 1 ~‘t’,
~ Fig 18 shows ‘I nroi’e sophisticated v e c t o i . control IEMPERATURE
IECON ’88I 5 0 5
. ._
The age or inicrocomputer-like digital signal processors ( I X P )
A b I% A Z o o I essentially began by the introduction of ‘I‘MS32010 by Texas Instruments
in 1982. Since then the TMS 320 family has dominated the I)SP market.
A very recent member in this family is ’I’MS320C25,and its key features
a r c summarized in Table 2. This chip has 100 ns instruction execution
time w i t h 40 MHz clock, and multiplication instruction is completed in
one cycle time. More recently, TI has introduced the 32-bit floating point
DSP type 3ZOC30 which executes instructions in 60 ns. The 700,000
transistors on the 400 mil side chip is fabricated in 1.0 pin CMOS and
packaged with 144 pins. The capability of I)SP’s is improving a t such a
fast rate and it is expected that the control or power electronic systems
will be centered around these in future
* 10
r” .*
Key Features of‘l’l ‘I’MS320C25 Digitdl Signal Processor
I i
1OO.ns instrucfion cycle time Fig. 24 Typicdl Config-uration of Real l’ime Fixpert Control System
544 Words of on-chip data RAM
4K words of on-chip masked ROM
128K words of datalprogram space
before that device is the heart of power electronics, and therefore any new
Single-cycle multiplylaccumulateinstructions invention in device creates a spurt in circuits and systems development
Object code-compatible with the TMS32020 activities. The invention of modern high frequency high power SIT,
16-bit instrudion and data words
32-bit ALU and eccumulator SI’I’fI and M C T devices will open the door for next generation high
16. bit parallel shifter performance and economical PE systems. Along with the invention of
Block moves for efficient datalprogram management new devices, the area of “smart power” where the power a n d control
Unsigned multiply instruction for exlended-precision arithmetic
Carry bit with associated add and subtract instructions circuits a r e integrated on a same chip is getting a lot of momentum. Such
Instructions fc floaiing-point operations and adaptive filtering a circuit not only permits cost and size reduction with eliniination of EM1
Eight auxiliary regislen and a dedicated arithmeiic unit
Bit-reversed indexed addressing mode for radix-2 FFTs
and interface problems, but additional functions, such as temperature
Wait slates for communication to slow off -chip memorieslpertpherals control, and overvoltage and overcurrent protections a r e also possible.
Double-buffered static serial pon for direct codec interface The complete power IC’s a r e already appearing in the low power motion
Three enernal. maskable user interruptS
Synchronization capability between multiple processors control applications, such as stepping mot.or dnd brushless dc motor
On-chip clock generator drives. The popularity and potential of resonant link converters for
1 µn CMOS technology, single 5-voll supply power supply and motor drives were mentioned before. Although, a t
68-pin plastic leaded chip carrier (PLCC)
TWO versions available. prcscnt, induction machines a r e popularly used in m e d i u m power
40-MHz clock industrial drives, whereas I’M synchronous machines (in brushless dc
32-MHZ clock
Commercial and military versions supported.
form) a r c confined in low power area, this scenario will change in future.
The f’hl machines, especially with high energy Neb’eH magnet, a r e small
in siLe, m o r e efficient due to I ’ O I O ~loss elimination and near-unity power
factor operiition. and therefore shows promise for lower life cycle cost in
inedium power applications Of course, in high speed light load field-
wc:ikening reginio of operation, this class of machines gives poor
efficiency. hlicrocomputers have found universal acceptance in PE
systems, although in high volume low end applications dedicated V I S I
chip contr,il ia finding popularily A reasonably large size PE system
should noriirdlly hove . ral microelectronic chips consisting of d
* MiCroCOmpUlel/VLSI control 01 PE systems
Sensor El~mlnalion
IECON ’88I 5 0 7