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for most function evaluation with only a need of a single power supply and a USB communication adapter to a
standard PC.
The BMS086 EVM is designed with an assumed system application presented in the following figure:
(Temp Sense)
Ana log In
: : VC0
: : BQ798 26-Q1
I 2C
CELL2 6 CELL2 6 :
SPI Controlle r
: CB0
: GPIO1 4
: GPIO1 5
: EIS Evaluation SPI Peripheral
to P C USB Port...
Inte rface
The BMS086 EVM incorporates all required circuits and components for the operation of the following features:
• BQ79826-Q1 device communication through SPI interface. The EVM allows for VIO voltag level to be
sourced from the AVDD regulator of the BQ device (5V) or for the user to apply external VIO voltage to the
• Cell battery measurement connections - connected through the EVM cell connectors to a battery cell stack.
For ease of use during evaluation a resistor ladder card acting as a cell simulator card is supplied with the
EVM assembly and allows simulating cell voltage without real cells connected.
• System and BQ79826-Q1 Temperature monitoring - the BMS086 EVM uses 3 (out of 20) GPIO pins that can
be configured as temperature monitoring probes. The EVM integrates an on-board NTC and PTC thermistor
while optionally the user can disconnect these and supply either external voltage or external temperature
sensing probes to these inputs.
• GPIO breakout connection - All GPIO pins are available at a breakout connector to be used for signal
monitoring or external system interconnect to the EVM.
• Controller I2C and SPI communication capability - The BMS086 EVM can be connected to an external I2C
or SPI compliant pheripheral device in order to read/write data from a remote MCU location using the global
BQ79826-Q1 daisy chain interface.
• Daisy-chain interface connectivity - This allows multiple device EVMs to be stacked in order to evaluate the
functionality of a larger battery pack systems. The EVM can as both:
– Base device EVM - Where the communication is established through the controller MCU through the
SPI interface. In this case other EVMs can be stacked into the system and communicate through the
daisy-chain interface.
– Stack device EVM - Where the communication is established through the daisy-chain interface while also
other base or stack EVMs can be present in the system.
For evaluation purposes, the control of a single or multiple EVMs is possible using a PC-hosted graphical user
interface (GUI) in comination to a USB/SPI interface adapted card (USB2ANY).
1.2 Kit Contents
The BMS086 EVM kit conatins the contents listed in the table below.
Please contact the Texas Instruments product information center nearest you if any components are missing. It
is highly recommended to check TI's website to verify if the latest software and hardware revisions are being
Table 1-1. BMS086 EVM Kit Contents
Item Quantity
BMS086 EVM Assembly 1
BMS086_RL Resistor Ladder Card 1
BMS086_EISEMU EIS Emulator Card 1
PR517-002 Daisy-Chain cable 1
Additionally, if a USB2ANY communication interface is required, the user can obtain one at TI's website:
1.3 Specification
The key electrical parameters of the BMS086 EVM are identified below:
Table 1-2. Key Electrical Parameters
Parameter Value
Maximum battery pack voltage 2400V
Stacked EVM System
Maximum EVM operating voltage 145V between test points HV_TOP and GND
5 V between test points VIO and GND
Maximum VCELLN to VCELLN-1 6V
Maximum GPION to GND input voltage 5.5V
Ambient temperature –40 °C to 105 °C
Short term operation (< 1 hour). Limited by components
using Nylon or Polyester housing.
Nominal operating temperature –20 °C to 60 °C
Long term operation.
Cell Balancing current Approximately 300mA (TAMB< 80°C)
General Texas Instruments High Voltage Evaluation (TI HV EVM) User Safety Guidelines
Warning: To minimize risk of fire hazard, always verify and follow any specific safety instructions and
application considerations related to the batteries being used in conjunction with this EVM.
Always follow TI’s set-up and application instructions, including use of all interface components within their
recommended electrical rated voltage and power limits. Always use electrical safety precautions to help ensure
your personal safety and the safety of those working around you. Contact TI’s Product Information Center http://
support/ti./com for further information.
Save all warnings and instructions for future reference.
Failure to follow warnings and instructions may result in personal injury, property damage, or death due
to electrical shock and/or burn hazards.
The term TI HV EVM refers to an electronic device typically provided as an open framed, unenclosed printed-
circuit-board assembly. It is intended strictly for use in development laboratory environments, solely for qualified
professional users having training, expertise, and knowledge of electrical safety risks in development and
application of high-voltage electrical circuits. Any other use or application are strictly prohibited by Texas
Instruments. If you are not suitably qualified, you should immediately stop from further use of the HV EVM.
1. Work Area Safety:
a. Keep work area clean and orderly.
b. Qualified observer(s) must be present any time circuits are energized.
c. Effective barriers and signage must be present in the area where the TI HV EVM and its interface
electronics are energized, indicating operation of accessible high voltages may be present, for the
purpose of protecting inadvertent access.
d. All interface circuits, power supplies, evaluation modules, instruments, meters, scopes and other related
apparatus used in a development environment exceeding 50 VRMS or 75 VDC must be electrically
located within a protected Emergency Power Off (EPO) protected power strip.
e. Use a stable and non-conductive work surface.
f. Use adequately insulated clamps and wires to attach measurement probes and instruments. No
freehand testing whenever possible.
2. Electrical Safety:As a precautionary measure, it is always a good engineering practice to assume that the
entire EVM may have fully accessible and active high voltages.
a. De-energize the TI HV EVM and all its inputs, outputs, and electrical loads before performing any
electrical or other diagnostic measurements. Revalidate that TI HV EVM power has been safely de-
b. With the EVM confirmed de-energized, proceed with required electrical circuit configurations, wiring,
measurement equipment hook-ups and other application needs, while still assuming the EVM circuit and
measuring instruments are electrically live.
c. Once EVM readiness is complete, energize the EVM as intended.
WARNING: while the EVM is energized, never touch the EVM or its electrical circuits as
they could be at high voltages capable of causing electrical shock hazard.
3. Personal Safety:
a. Wear personal protective equipment, for example, latex gloves or safety glasses with side shields or
protect EVM in an adequate lucent plastic box with interlocks from accidental touch.
4. Limitation for Safe Use:
a. EVMs are not to be used as all or part of a production unit.
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The following warnings and cautions are noted for the safety of anyone using or working close to the BQ79731-
Q1 and BQ79735-Q1 EVM. Observe all safety precautions.
Danger High The BMS060 EVM is rated as a high voltage EVM, but it is not required to operate this EVM at high
Voltage voltage. If you apply high voltage to this board, all terminals should be considered high voltage.
Electric shock is possible when connecting the board to live wire. The board should be handled
with care by a professional.
For safety, use of isolated test equipment with overvoltage and overcurrent protection is highly
The circuit module has signal traces, components, and component leads on the bottom of the board.
This may result in exposed voltages, hot surfaces, or sharp edges. Do not reach under the board
during operation.
The circuit module may be damaged by overtemperature. To avoid damage, monitor the temperature
during evaluation and provide cooling, as needed, for your system environment.
Some power supplies can be damaged by application of external voltages. If using more than
1 power supply, check your equipment requirements and use blocking diodes or other isolation
techniques, as needed, to prevent damage to your equipment.
The communication interface is not isolated on the EVM. Be sure no ground potential exists between
the computer and the EVM. Also be aware that the computer will be referenced to the Battery-
potential of the EVM.
2 Hardware
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BMS086 Overview
The following figure presents the BMS086 EVM and its subsections:
CELL INPUT (if not sourced
BREAK-OUT by battery stack)
I2 C
READ CAREFULLY CHAPTER "General Texas Instruments High Voltage Evaluation (TI HV
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the BQ device data sheet, the COMH connection is to be connected to a higher-stack device or EVM,
while the COML connection is to be connected to a lower-stack device. The BMS086 EVM also supports
all three proposed isolation types for the VIF interface, capacitive (with or without a common-mode choke)
and transformer type isolation. Out of the box the EVM has the transformer type insulation components
• EIS Evaluation D-SUB9 connection (J1) - Allows electro impedance spectroscopy (EIS) evaluation by
connecting EIS specific circuits to the D-SUB9 connector. One example of such circuit which allowes
observing emulated EIS signals is the BMS086_EISEMU card which comes included in the BMS086 kit.
• Mode Selection Jumper - As described in the BQ79826-Q1 datasheet, the resistance value between the
MODE pin and the device ground will configure the AVDD regulator and multidrop communication support
upon device power-up. These settings can be selected based on the MODE (J3) jumpes as listed in the table
Table 2-1. BMS086 MODE (J3) jumper selection
BMS086 MODE (J3) BMS086 MODE pin R BQ79826 MODE pin R AVDD setting Multidrop Comm.
value value limits setting
• VIO voltage selection (J4) - Allows the BQ79826-Q1 device to be evaluated in both 3.3V and 5V logic-level
systems. The VIO voltage is the supply for all GPIO pins when used as digital inputs or outputs. The BMS086
EVM J4 can be used to select the VIO voltage source as described in the table below:
Table 2-2. BMS086 VIO (J4) jumper selection
BQ79826 VIO Source VIO level
AVDD regulator 5V
• Status LEDs - Represent the state of the BQ79826-Q1 regulators. Further the state of the NFAULT pin
(GPIO3) can be observed in the case when GPIO3 is configured as an NFAULT output. Note that if the
GPIO3 pin is configured as any other function the NFAULT status LED will still be active and should not be
confused with a fault state of the device.
• USB2ANY connection (J5) - Is the main communication connection to the BMS086 device when using the
USB2ANY communication card. The users are free to use any other communication related hardware to
this connection as the pinout can be seen in the BMS086 schematic. Another example of communication
accessory is the BMS086_RF WiFi (wBMS) communication card (not included with the BMS086 kit) which
would allow wireless communication to the BQ79826-Q1 device.
• I2C controller connection (J2) - Allows for connecting an I2C pheripheral device, where the BQ79826-Q1
can be used as a data brigde to communicate with the pheripheral device. The I2C signal names can be seen
on the BMS086 J2 connector label. The BMS086 EVM also includes 10kΩ pull-up resistors to VIO for the
SDA and SCL I2C signal connections.
• SPI controller connection (J6) - Allows for connecting a SPI pheripheral device, where the BQ79826-Q1
can be used as a data brigde to communicate with the pheripheral device. The SPI signal names can be
seen on the BMS086 J6 connector label. The BMS086 EVM includes 100kΩ pull-up resistors for the CSDO,
CSDI and CSSI1 SPI signals and also a 100kΩ pull-down resistor for the CSCLK SPI signal.
• GPIO Break-Out connection (J7) - This connection is intended for monitor and evaluation of the BQ79826-
Q1 GPIO pins as it provides direct connection to these. The GPIO pin names can be seen on the BMS086
J7 connector label where the number of the connector pin aligns with the GPIO pin number (Ex: J7-Pin1 →
GPIO1, etc.).
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• Analog (Temperature) input sense - These inputs are intended for temperature probe sensing although can
be used for any analog input signal. The BM060 EVM has pull-up resistances populated for these, while also
a NTC and a PTC thermistors are also populated for simple evaluation.
• VC, CB and Cell Input Break-out connections - Allow for direct connection to a specific VC or CB pin of the
BQ79826 device, while also test points for the individual cell inputs are available.
• Battery Cell connections - The BMS086 EVM has multiple battery connection methods available. On
the bottom of the module connections are availaable through the J14, J16, J18, J19 and J20 connectors.
These connectors (Part Number: S14B-PUDSS-1(LF)(SN)) can be mated to a harness connector (Part
Number: PUDP-14V-S) to allow battery cells to be connected to the BMS086 EVM. On the top of the
BMS086 EVM, battery cell connections could be established through the J21, J22, J23 headers (10pin,
100mil spacing). These are also used when battery cells are not connected to the BMS086 EVM but the
accessory BMS086_RL resistor-ladder card is used in order to emulate cell voltage connections. In the case
where batteries are connected to the BMS086 EVM but are not already serialized externally forming a stack,
shorting reistors are also available on the EVM board that can be populated in order to form a serial stack of
battery cells.
• CELL0-GND connection (J15)- The J15 connection serves multiple purposes where primarily provides a
ground reference for CELL0 connection. During evaluation if the user can disconnect the CELL0 to GND
connection and externally provide ground reference to the CELL0 connection through the cell connection
harness. The ladder purpose of this connection is to provide EIS emulated signals in case when the
BMS086_RL resistor ladder card is used in combination with the BMS086_EISEMU card. In this case the
EIS emulator card outputs EIS emulated signal which needs to be connected to J15 as a reference voltage
for the resistor ladder card.
2.1.1 Single Board Evaluation Setup (Quick Start Guide)
As a single board the BMS086 EVM can be connected to a PC through the USB2ANY communication adapter
for initial operation and device communication. The connections required are presented in the figure below. The
EVM board has power supplied from an external power source that can be between 9V to 140V. A power supply
capable of delivering at least 100 mA is preferred. The USB2ANY communication adapter is connected through
the flex ribbon cable supplied with the USB2ANY adapter. Note that the red wire of the flex ribbon cable is pin 10
at the BM060 USB2ANY header.
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(+30V to +145V)
Flex Ribbon Cable
In the single board evaluation setup, for proper USB2ANY communication the user needs to make sure that
MODE selection J3 is set to either MODE-4 or MODE-3, while the VIO selection J4 jumper is set to pin 2-3.
The BMS086 is accompanied by graphical user interface (GUI) software, which can be downloaded from the
TI website, while the operation of the GUI software is explained in more detail in the BQ79826-Q1 GUI User's
Guide. The BMS086 GUI software allows full evaluation of the BQ79826 device and its capabilities.
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For battery cell emluation, the user can connect the BMS086_RL resistor ladder card onto the BMS086 EVM. As
seen in the figure above the correct connection is as: J21 → J3_3, J22 → J4_3, J23 → J5_3.
All around the BMS086 EVM there are LED signaling indicators for various functions. Their functions can be
described as:
• LDOIN LED - Indicates the operation of the BQ79826-Q1 integrated LDOIN buck regulator. This LED is
active as soon as power is applied to the EVM therefore it is also used as a general EVM power supply
• AVDD LED - AVDD regulator active LED connected to BQ79826-Q1 AVDD pin. When power is connected to
the BMS086 the AVDD regulator of the BQ79826-Q1 device is active or disabled depending on the MODE
pin setting as desribed in the BQ79826-Q1 datasheet and the chapter above in this document. If the EVM
is configured in a more where the AVDD is on in device shutdown state, this LED will immediately illuminate
upon power supply connection.
• DVDD LED - DVDD digital regulator active LED connected to the BQ79826 DVDD pin through a buffer
transistor. When the BQ79826 device is in active mode the DVDD regulator is on and this LED will illuminate.
• NFAULT LED - Active when the BQ7973x pin is enabled (active-low output) indicating a fault in the BQ7973x
device. The operation of this LED is jumper J9 dependent.
• TSREF LED - Indicates the operation of the TSREF regulator in the BQ79826-Q1 device. The TSREF
regulator default power-up setting is active, therefore this LED will iluminate immidiately up device wake-up.
2.1.2 Stacked System Evaluation
BMS086 EVM boards may be stacked in a daisy chain bus to accomodate larger battery management systems
configurations. In this case the Vertical Interface (VIF) is utilized in order to daisy chain the communication from
the BMS086 EVM to other BMS086 EVMs.
The figure below shows one suggestion of a stacked EVM configuration, other configurations are allowed as well
based on the number of EVMs in the daisy-chain stack.
As described the supplied twisted pair cable is used in order to connect the communication between the EVMs
where each particular EVM connects through its COMML pins to the lower stack EVM while the COMMH pins
are conntected to the higher stack EVM. The last/highest stack EVM (also called "top of stack") has the COMMH
pins open unless a ring configuration is used. In the same manner the most bottom EVM (also called "base") has
its COMML pins open unless a ring configuration is used.
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(+30V to +145V)
(+30V to +145V)
(+30V to +145V)
Flex Ribbon Cable
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In addition, the Vertical Interface (VIF) connections are used to communicate to other BQ79826-Q1. The pinout
of these connectors is presented in the table below:
Table 2-4. COMML VIF Connector J25 and J27 - Used to Connect to Lower Stack Devices
Pin Signal Name
J25-1 Connected to BQ79826-Q1 COMMLN pin via isolation network
J25-2 Connected to BQ79826-Q1 COMMLP pin via isolation network
J25-3 NC
J25-4 NC
Table 2-5. COMMH VIF Connector J24 and J27 - Used to Connect to Higher Stack Devices
Pin Signal Name
J24-1 NC
J24-2 NC
J24-3 Connected to BQ79826-Q1 COMMHP pin via isolation network
J24-4 Connected to BQ79826-Q1 COMMHN pin via isolation network
3.2.1 Assembly
4 Revision History
NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version.
February 2024 * Pre-APL Release
Living Document, subject to change
Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265
Copyright © 2024, Texas Instruments Incorporated