Analysis of Electric Vehicles' Impact To The Electric Grid
Analysis of Electric Vehicles' Impact To The Electric Grid
Analysis of Electric Vehicles' Impact To The Electric Grid
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ABSTRACT: The electric vehicles are the inevitable planning, and we will face many technical problem in the
outcome of the energy development, and are also the
process of electric vehicle development, including load
important part of distributed energy sources in the smart
power grids, so now it has been the extensive attention growth, charging uncertainty, power quality and so on,
and developed by the society. In the power system, which are also the research direction in the future[ll.
electric vehicle charging post is the nonlinear load, and
most of all are the inverter models which consist of power 1 THE OPERATING PRINCIPLE ANALYSIS
electronic devices. With a large number of electric OF THE CHARGING PILES
vehicles access, the charging post will develop harmonic
The operating principle of the charging piles is very
wave to influence the power distribution network in the
electrical energy conversion process. This paper simple. [t changes the alternating current to direct current
introduces the prospect of the electric vehicles based on to provide power to battery. But the structure of the
the social influence and power quality, and expounds the
charging pile is complex. [t consists of power electronic
advantages and disadvantages. At the same time, by
building the model of the electric vehicles with the actual equipment, including ACIDC inventor, DCIDC converter,
parameters, this paper analyses the electric vehicle's high-frequency transfonner and so on, and uses certain
impact to grid harmonic and reactive power, and put control methods to realize the function of the charging
forward the solutions and advices to reduce the impact of
pile. So far, along with charging pile technology
electric vehicles. The simulation results show that, the
electric vehicles charging post model will inject much development, the charging pile has three forms: rectifier
harmonic current to improve the current aberrations rate. with no control and chopper, rectifier with no control and
After jiltering, odd harmonic decrease obviously, and the
DCIDC convertor, rectifier with PWM and DCIDC
power factor and the power quality are improved.
keywords: The electric vehicles, Charging post,
Harmonic wave, Reactive power distribution 1.1 Rectifier with no control and chopper
network, Power quality This charging device is the earliest production
attention to the environment problem. The electric vehicle 1.2 Rectifier with control and DC/DC convertor
as a new kind of traffic tools, uses clean electric power This charging device make some change based on
instead of fossil energy, and has become one of the the first one. [t changes the chopper to high-frequency
direction of the new energy development. It is the transformer shown in Fig1(b), so that it isolates the high
important part of distributed energy in the smart grid, and frequency effectively, reduces ripple wave of the DC
reflects the energy strategy. voltage, and improve the quality of charging. But the
[n our country, because of the stimulus strategy, the nonlinear rectifier device will bring much hannonic to the
electric vehicle industry has developed very well. Beijing, grid and make THID very high, so it can't meet the
controlled power electrical devices to realize the function the power grid. mainly from the perspective of the
of rectifier. It uses pulse way to simulate the change rule distribution network to analyze the impact of electric
of AC voltage by certain control methods, so it can vehicles accessl l. As the distribution network is a direct
reduce the harmonic to the grid and improve the power access to the side of the electric vehicles, the greatest
factor and conversion efficiency. impact study of the distribution network, can well
This kind of charging device uses the PWM rectifier understand the characteristics of the charging load, and to
technology to reduce the influence to the grid, and uses find out effective solutions in the power system. Shown
wave of DC voltage. This charging device gives The impact on the
distribution network
consideration to the power quality of both the grid and the
added and it will increase the cost. I
,L ...
llistrib Lnbalancc
Line vol La harm
ut ion three
n loss
ge on ic
La ::Y' -
been applied by the national grid and "to avoid the peak,
(b) Topology of the second kind of charging device promoting to the residents. Electric vehicles commonly
I High-frcqucn
used during the day and get charged at night, it can
improving the distribution network load characteristics,
load, making profit to both the residents and the power
sequence current was used to indicate the three-phase
4000 ..... ,", . " . ,
.-......... .............. _ ............. .....
3000 " ..,,""", ...... ,..;... . . . . ... Pr',g,k area the distribution network at the same time for charging,
. 'iP9'8'ii'i'.20 ! three-phase imbalance would appear, Therefore the
..-... '.' ... ".'.' .'.. . . -' -.-, .."""'"" .. " ...... ,.......! ... .. .. .... ",i
charging load of the electrical vehicles among the three
phase should be reasonable allocated .
2.2 The impact on the economic operation of the control methods of the charging pile system. Based on the
distribution network above, the paper builds a 10kV distribution network
Distribution network economy mainly includes the system to simulate the environment in which the charging
line loss of distribution network, equipment lifespan and pile changes the alternating current to the direct current to
so on, the main influencing factors include the size of charge the electrical vehicles. By the analysis for the
distribution network voltage, harmonic current, current harmonic of distribution network, we can get the
vehicle brings harmonic current into distribution network, 3.1 Parameters configuration of the simulation
therefore increase the line current and high transmission module
loss; and it will also input reactive power to the According to the information, the simulation module
distribution network which increased the voltage of part uses the true parameters of the charging device. The
charging device adopts the way of constant voltage and
of the distribution network leading the transformer run in
limited current, and sets DC voltage 345V, AC voltage
a unrated working condition for a long time and reduce 380V, 50HZ. The paper studies the grid harmonic with
the distribution transformer lifespan. As the charging the fixed value resistor instead of battery. The [mal
module is established shown in fig 4.
piles are power electronic devices, the mass accession of
Acl ivc --------,
electric vehicle increase the nonlinear loads in r'i I tc r
distribution network, which do harm to the normal I
A 100 0(MVA) rA-----i
operation of the distribution network. Therefore, Q,Q01{'rl]
f--!<:,)l'---+---"1 # 6,2
, (H,-J] -I----t
reasonable change of distribution network operation },,-+-+-+--'jC 100[ 1"-+--+-_---1_---1
characteristics and adding device which can improve
The impact on the power quality of the distribution and so on. The paper simulate the situations with filter
[4] and without filter, and compare the grid harmonic to get
grid after the accession of electrical vehicles is from
the conclusions.
three factors: the voltage drop, harmonics and unbalanced
3.2 Analysis of the simulation conclusion
current. Voltage distortion existed during the charging
The simulation using PWM method to control
process of the electric vehicle, harmonics current
the rectifier device shown in fig 4 , can get the
generated by the charger may cause damage to the
results as the following:
distribution transformer, protection equipment and cable.
- !!' three ways to solve the harmonic problem:
0.060 l. Formulate the harmonic standards of the country,
0.040 strengthen the harmonic management, and don't allow the
O.(}20 unqualified device to the grid, to control the harmonic
level of the power supply system.
2. From the devices into consideration, increase the
phase number of the convertor to eliminate the low
frequency harmonic with the high amplitude and reduce
oos l
the RMS of the harmonic current.
3. Seen from the power grid, install dynamic reactive
power compensation devices and filter devices to improve
F-2"472 the ability of reducing harmonic.
Reducing the grid harmonic effectively can
guarantee the supply of the good power, and prepare to
0.0111 connect many electrical vehicles to the grid .
01.00112 o.
r o. 001lL_
7 3.4 Thinking of the social economic value of
2 6 17 8 10 I 12 I 14 --;;-
electrical vehicle connecting into the distribution
I [5) 0.01 41 545
So u rce H a rmo n i cs
operation and so on. But establishing the controlling
system needs much time to study in all aspects. Using
the resource of electrical vehicle to interact with grid
reasonably, is the important research direction in
some years and is the embodiment of the social
economic value.
0 .0
1..-- According to the operating principle and the
[1) G ()68
structure of the charging pile, the paper states the impact
Fig 6 The current and THO with active filter that the electrical vehicle have on distribution network.
Seen from the above result, when there is no filter By the simulation, the paper studies the charging pile
device, THD in the current is very high, including 5, 7, with the structure of PWM rectifier to [md much odd
11 .etc odd harmonic, and it will lower the power quality harmonic bringed to the grid, and adopts the active filter
of the distribution network
the normal and affect to reduce the harmonic content of the grid to improve the
operation. After using the filter devices, THD has been power quality effectively. The paper has thought and
reduced obviously to control the harmonic in the anlysed the social ecnomic value of the electircal vehicle,
reasonable scope. Thus, in the early years of electrical which is the reference of the development direction of
vehicles, using filter to ensure the safe operation of the electrical vehicle industry in the future.
distribution network is very necessary.
3.3 The methods of harmonic treatment
From the above simulation seen, the power electrical I] Chen yujin. The research of the characteristic of the
device of the charging pile will generate much harmonic electric vehicle's charge equipment and its impact to the power
to the distribution network to increase RMS of voltage
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and current, and it will cause the life of the power device
to be reduced in the distribution network, so how to
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solving the harmonic problem is the challenge in the model and its impact to the power grid [1]. Research and design,
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