Rry'S Chemical Engineers' Handbook: Seventh Edition

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McGraw-Hill Prepared by a staff of specialists
New York under the editorial direction of
San Francisco
Washington, D.C.
Late Editor
Robert H. Perry
Mexico City Editor
Milan Don W. Green
Montreal Deane E. Ackers Professor of Chemical
New Delhi and Petroleum Engineering,
San Juan University of Kansas
Tokyo Associate Editor
Toronto James O. Maloney
Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering,
University of Kansas
TABLE 2-1 Physical Properties of the Elements and Inorganic Compounds (Continued )

Solubility in 100 parts

Formula Color, crystalline form Specific Melting Boiling
Name Formula weight and refractive index gravity point, °C point, °C Cold water Hot water Other reagents
Sodium ammonium phosphate
carbonate, sesqui- (trona) Na3H(CO3)2·2H2O 226.05 wh., mn., 1.5073 2.112 d. 130° 42100°
chlorate NaClO3 106.45 wh., cb., or trig., 2.49015° 248 d. 790° 230100° s. al.
0° 100°
chloride NaCl 58.45 col., cb., 1.5443 2.163 800.4 1413 35.7 39.8 sl. s. al.; i. conc. HCl
chromate Na2CrO4 162.00 yel., rhb. 2.723 392 320° 126100°
chromate Na2CrO4·10H2O 342.16 yel., delq., mn. 1.483 19.9 v. s. ∞ sl. s. al.
citrate 2Na3C6H5O7·11H2O 714.36 wh., rhb. 1.857 23.5°
4 −11H2O, 150 d. 9125° 250100° i. al.
cyanide NaCN 49.02 wh., cb., 1.452 563.7 1496 4810° 8235° s. NH3; sl. s. al.
dichromate Na2Cr2O7·2H2O 298.05 red, mn., 1.6994 2.5218°
−2H2O, 84.6; d. 400 2380° 50880°
356 (anh.)
ferricyanide Na3Fe(CN)6·H2O 298.97 red, delq. 18.90° 67100° i. al.
ferrocyanide Na4Fe(CN)6·10H2O 484.11 yel., mn. 1.458 17.920° (anh.) 6398.5°
(anh.) i. al.
fluoride (villiaumite) NaF 42.00 tet., 1.3258 2.79 992 40° 5100° v. sl. s. al.
formate NaHCO2 68.01 wh., mn. 1.919 253 440° 160100° sl. s. al.; i. et.
hydride NaH 24.005 silv. nd., 1.470 0.92 d. 800 d. i. bz., CS2, CCl4, NH3;
s. molten metal
hydrosulfide NaSH·2H2O 92.10 col., delq., nd. d. s. s. s. al.; d. a.
hydrosulfide NaSH·3H2O 110.11 rhb. 22 d. s. s. s. al.; d. a.
hydrosulfite Na2S2O4·2H2O 210.15 col. cr. d. 2220° d. i. al.
hydroxide NaOH 40.00 wh., delq. 2.130 318.4 1390 420° 347100° v. s. al., et., gly.; i. act.
hydroxide NaOH·3a H2O 103.06 mn. 15.5 s. v. s.
hypochlorite NaOCl 74.45 pa. yel., in soln. only d. 260° 15856°
iodide NaI* 149.92 col., cb., 1.7745 3.6670° 651 1300 158.70° 302100° v. s. al., act.
iodide NaI·2H2O 185.95 col., mn. 2.448 v. s. v. s. v. s. NH3
lactate NaC3H5O3 112.07 col., amor. d. v. s. v. s. s. al.; i. et.
nitrate (soda niter) NaNO3 85.01 col., trig., 1.5874 2.257 308 d. 380 730° 180100° s. NH3; sl. s. gly., al.
nitrite NaNO2 69.01 pa. yel., rhb. 2.1680° 271 d. 320 72.10° 163.2100° 0.320° et.; 0.3 abs. al.;
4.420° m. al.; v. s. NH3
oxide Na2O 61.99 wh., delq. 2.27 subl. Forms d. al.
perborate NaBO3·H2O 99.83 wh. pd. d. 40 sl. s. d. s. gly., alk.
perchlorate NaClO4 122.45 rhb., 1.4617 482 d. 1700° 320100° s. al.; 51 m. al.; 52 act.; i. et.
perchlorate NaClO4·H2O 140.47 hex. 2.02 d. 130 20915° 28450° s. al.
peroxide Na2O2* 77.99 yel.-wh. pd. 2.805 d. s. d. d. s. dil. a.
peroxide Na2O2·8H2O 222.12 wh., hex. d. 30 s. d. d.
phosphate, monobasic NaH2PO4·H2O* 138.01 col., rhb., 1.4852 2.040 −H2O, 100 d. 200 710° 39083° i. al.
phosphate, monobasic NaH2PO4·2H2O 156.03 col., rhb., 1.4629 1.91 60 91.10° 30840°
phosphate, dibasic Na2HPO4·7H2O 268.09 col., mn., 1.4424 1.679 d. 18540° 2000100°
phosphate, dibasic Na2HPO4·12H2O 358.17 col., mn., 1.4361 1.52 34.6 −12H2O, 180 4.30° 76.730° i. al.
phosphate, tribasic Na3PO4 163.97 wh. 2.53717.5° 1340 4.50° 77100°
phosphate, tribasic Na3PO4·12H2O* 380.16 wh., trig., 1.4458 1.62 73.4 −11H2O, 100 28.315° ∞ i. CS2
phosphate, meta- Na4P4O12 407.91 col. 2.476 616 d. s. s. s. a., alk.
phosphate, pyro- Na4P2O7* 265.95 wh. 2.45 988 2.260° 4596° d. a.
phosphate, pyro- Na4P2O7·10H2O 446.11 mn., 1.4525 1.82 d. 5.40° 93100° i. al., NH3
phosphate (pyrodisodium) Na2H2P2O7 221.97 col., mn., 1.510 1.862 d. 220 4.50° 2140°
phosphate (pyrodisodium) Na2H2P2O7·6H2O 330.07 col., mn., 1.4645 1.848 6.90° 3640°
potassium tartrate NaKC4H4O6·4H2O 282.23 rhb., 1.493 1.790 70 to 80 −4H2O, 215 260° 6626° sl. s. al.
silicate, meta- Na2SiO3 122.05 col., rhb., 1.520 1088 s. s. d. i. Na or K salts, al.
Sodium silicate, meta- Na2SiO3·9H2O 284.20 rhb. 47 −6H2O, 100 v. s. v. s. 2918°, a N NaOH
silicate, ortho- Na4SiO4 184.05 col., hex., 1.530 1018 s. s.
silicofluoride Na2SiF6 188.05 wh., hex., 1.312 2.679 d. 0.440° 2.45100° i. al.
stannate Na2SnO3·3H2O 266.74 hex. tablets d. 140 500° 6750° i. al., act.
sulfate (thenardite) Na2SO4 142.05 col., rhb., 1.477 2.698 tr. 100 to mn. 50° 42100° i. al.
sulfate Na2SO4 142.05 col., mn. tr. 500 to hex. 48.840° 42.5100° d. HI; s. H2SO4


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