Module 2 - Pile Foundations

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Some of the key topics discussed include different methods for analyzing pile-soil interaction, factors that influence the axial and lateral capacity of piles, and methods for estimating axial and lateral pile capacity.

Some of the methods discussed for analyzing pile-soil interaction include the depth of fixity method, linear and non-linear soil spring methods, closed form solutions, numerical methods, and empirical methods such as Broms theory and the Brinch Hansen method.

Factors that can affect the axial capacity of a pile include the soil type (e.g. sand vs. clay), load-deflection behavior, effects of cyclic loading, pile geometry, estimation of unit skin friction and end bearing capacity, and limiting values.

Pile Foundations


NPTEL course 1 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Axial capacity Lateral capacity
❑ Pile Group Arrangement ❑ Pile – Soil Interaction Analysis
❑ Load Transfer Mechanism ❑ Depth of fixity method
❑ Main Piles ❑ Linear soil spring method
❑ Skirt Piles ❑ Non-linear soil spring method
❑ Axial Load Transfer ❑ Analysis methods
❑ Axial Capacity of Driven Pipe Piles ❑ Closed form solutions
❑ Pile Plugging behavior ❑ Numerical methods
❑ Plug Capacity by Randolph ❑ Empirical methods
❑ Plug Capacity with scour ❑ Broms Theory
❑ Plug Capacity without scour ❑ Brinch Hansen Method
❑ Ultimate Axial Capacity ❑ Subgrade Modulus theory
❑ Estimation of unit skin friction ❑ Subgrade modulus
❑ Cohesive soils (a method) ❑ Coefficient of subgrade reaction
❑ Cohesionless soils (b method) ❑ Empirical methods
❑ Estimation of unit end bearing ❑ API recommended method
❑ Limiting skin friction values ❑ Sand
❑ Limiting end bearing values ❑ Clay
❑ Allowable axial capacity ❑ Load – deflection curves (P-y)
❑ End bearing corrections ❑ Soft and stiff clay
❑ CPT based methods ❑ Sand
❑ Load –deflection curves (T-z and Q-z) ❑ Effect cyclic load
NPTEL course 2 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Pile group arrangements

NPTEL course 3 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations


NPTEL course 4 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Load Transfer Mechanism
Main Piles : The load from the jacket
is transferred to the pile through
grout steel interface (for grouted
piles) or through the shim connection
at the top.

Skirt Piles : The load from the jacket

is transferred through the shear plate
connection to the skirt sleeve and to
the pile.

In both cases, the soil below the

seabed is subjected to complex
stresses from vertical and horizontal
loads resulting in bending moment
and shear.
Skirt Piles Main Piles
NPTEL course 5 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Axial Load Transfer
The way that the load from a column transfers into the soil through the pile
has evolved during the past fifty years, from Terzaghi at the extreme left
figure, Prieto (1978) on the extreme right, and on going research.

NPTEL course 6 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Axial Capacity of Driven steel pipe piles
Driven steel pipe piles can be considered as partial displacement piles. The
axial resistance of the soil along the outer and inner surface of the steel –
soil interface contributes to the resistance. In addition, the bearing
resistance contributed by the end area shall also be taken in to account.

The estimation overall axial capacity involves the following.

a) Estimation of skin friction resistance between steel pipe and soil (sand
or clay)
b) Estimation of bearing resistance (sand or clay)
c) Determination of plug formation (Plugged or Unplugged)
d) Estimation of the axial capacity using the pile dimensions and
e) Application Factor of safety

NPTEL course 7 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Pile plugging behaviour


NPTEL course 8 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Pile plugging Behaviour
It can be seen from the figure that the soil plug inside the pile has a pile
soil interface and thus frictional resistance against load applied at the top
of the pile. Hence the internal frictional resistance added to the external
friction resistance form part of the total resistance. The plug soil inside the
pile including its weight is directly supported on the soil. This is true if the
weight of the soil inside the pile is greater than the internal resistance.
Otherwise the soil becomes part of the pile as if the pile is fully closed. This
is called pile plugging or plugged behaviour.

This will happen when the internal frictional resistance is greater

than the weight of the soil plug and the end bearing is less than
the sum of weight of soil plug and the internal skin friction.
When the pile is plugged, only external skin friction shall be taken in to account in
computation of the axial capacity together with the end bearing based on total are of
the pile at the base.

For plugged pile, weight of pile and soil inside shall be considered as load.

NPTEL course 9 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
PLUG Capacity by Randolph (1991)
Randolph used the following equation to define the state of stress within the soil plug.
d ' 4
= '+  '
dz Di
Where  '
= effective vertical stress within the soil plug
Di= internal pile diameter
z = depth from the top of the soil plug
 = effective unit weight of soil plug
 = ratio of shear stress between the plug and the pile
inner surface to  ' .
Integrating the above equation, the stress (   )within the soil plug

and the total soil plug resistance (qplug) can be obtained as

  'Di   4  D
' =  p 'o +  exp  z- i  '
 4   B1  4
L  D  1   4  Lwp   Di  1
q plug =  ' Lwp  up +  i   exp   −  
  
 wp  wp 
L L 4   D i   Lwp  4 

Where po = surcharge from the unwedged soil plug

Lwp & Lup = wedged and unwedged plug length.

If the values of Lwp (or Lup),  and  are known the soil plug
resistance qplug can be calculated.
NPTEL course 10 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
PLUG Capacity by Equilibrium (No scour)
Plug Capacity can be estimated by
equilibrium of vertical forces.

Q plug = Wwp +Wup + Di f i L wp

Wwp = Weight of lower wedged pile plug
Wup = Weight of upper loose pile plug
Di = Internal diameter of pile (D-2T)
Lwp = Length of lower wedged pile plug
fi = internal friction = 0.8fo
Lplug = Length of pile plug = 0.9Lp
Lp = Length of penetration
Lwp/Lplug = 0.7 (Assuming 30% loose soil)

NPTEL course 11 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
PLUG Capacity by Equilibrium (with scour)
Plug Capacity can be estimated by
equilibrium of vertical forces.

Q plug = Wwp +Wup + Di f i L wp

Wwp = Weight of lower wedged pile plug
Wup = Weight of upper loose pile plug
Lwp = Length of lower wedged pile plug
fi = internal friction = 0.8fo
Lplug = Length of pile plug = 0.9(Lp+Lscour)
Lp = Length of penetration
Lscour = Length of scour
Lwp/Lplug = 0.7 (assuming 30% loose soil)

NPTEL course 12 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Ultimate Bearing Capacity
The ultimate bearing capacity of pile, including belled piles, Qd should be
determined by the equation.
Compression plugged Q cp =Q fo + Qep =f o A so +qA pp
Compression unplugged Qcu = Qfi + Qfo + Qeu =f i A si + f o A so +qA pu

For tension plugged Q tp = Q fo =f o A so

For tension unplugged Qtu = Qfi + Qfo =f i Asi + fo Aso
Qfi, Qfo =skin friction internal & external.
Qep, Qeu, = total end bearing plugged & unplugged
fi, fo = unit skin friction capacity
q = unit end bearing
Asi, Aso = side surface area of pile internal & external
App, Apu = gross end area of pile plugged & unplugged
NPTEL course 13 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Estimation of Unit Skin Friction (f)
 method – for Cohesive soils
The skin friction between steel pipe piles and clayey soil can be
estimated using the following
f = C u
 = a dimensionless factor,
Cu = undrained shear strength of the soil at the point in question
The factor, , can be computed by the equations:

 =0.5 −0.25 for   1.0

 = 0.5 −0.5 for   1.0
With the constraint that, α ≤ 1.0,
Ψ = Cu/p’0 for the point in question
Cu/p’0 effective overburden pressure at the point in question
NPTEL course 14 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Typical Values of Cu for cohesive soils
Cohesive marine sediments vary in nature considerably and can be
described as noted below. The undrained shear strength values range
from as low as 2 kPa to 400 kPa. The values shown in the table is only a
guideline and should be used with care.

Description Cu (kPa) SPT N

Very Soft Clay < 10 0-2

Soft Clay 10 to 96 2-10

Stiff Clay 96 to 150 20-25

Very Stiff Clay 150 to 250 25-50

Hard Clay 250 to 400 > 50

NPTEL course 15 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Variation of adhesion factor with depth – constant cu

NPTEL course 16 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Variation of adhesion factor with depth – linearly varying cu

NPTEL course 17 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
 method – for cohesionless soils
The skin friction between steel pipe piles and sandy soil can be estimated
using the following relationship as per API RP 2A earlier versions

f = Kp 'o tan d
However due to uncertainty in estimation of soil pile friction angle (d) API
RP2A has recommended the use of  factor as tabulated in The
skin friction between steel pipe piles and sandy soil can be estimated
using the following relationship as per API RP 2A latest version.

f =  p'0
 = dimensionless shaft friction factor
p´0 = effective overburden pressure at the depth in question
K = coefficient of lateral earth pressure (ratio of horizontal to
vertical normal effective stress)
d = friction angle between the soil and pile wall
NPTEL course 18 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Comparison of  value and K tan (d)

NPTEL course 19 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Estimation of Unit End Bearing (q)
Cohesive soils:
The end bearing in clayey soils for steel pipe piles can be
estimated using the following relationship

q= 9Cu
Cohesionless soils:
The end bearing in sandy soils for steel pipe piles can be
estimated using the following relationship

q= Nq po'
Nq=dimensionless bearing capacity factor
p´0 = effective overburden pressure at the depth in question
NPTEL course 20 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Limiting values of skin friction
As it can be seen from the proposed empirical formula used for the
estimation of the skin friction values depends on the overburden pressure
Po’. The overburden pressure increases linearly with the depth except for
the variation of the soil density for a multilayered soil. The skin friction
values will also increase corresponding to the increase in the overburden
pressure. However, studies indicate that these values needs to be limited.

a) The skin friction values for sand shall be limited to values of 115 kPa
for very dense sand. See table for medium and loose sand.
b) The skin friction for the clay soil shall be limited to the maximum of
undrained shear strength. ie.  = 1.

Basically, the skin friction may not increase further as the effect of
overburden pressure is not effective after a certain depth as indicated in

NPTEL course 21 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Limiting values of end bearing
Limiting end bearing values for clay is directly related to the undrained
shear strength and empirical coefficient. There is no limiting values
required as the end bearing in clay will be very limited.

The end bearing values for the sandy soil is related to the overburden
pressure and limiting values shall be applied.

The limiting value of 12 MPa (1200 Tonnes/m2) is placed for a very dense

This limit will be reached at a depth of 20m with Nq=50, and submerged
density ’= 12 kN/m3. (q=NqPo’)

NPTEL course 22 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations


NPTEL course 23 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations


NPTEL course 24 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Cone penetration test (CPT) based methods
CPT tests offer continuous record of side Cone resistance
friction through layered soils and hence (MPa)
can be used to estimate the axial pile

Following methods are now recognized by

API RP 2A using CPT results.

Method 1: Simplified ICP-05 method

Method 2: Offshore UWA-05 method
Method 3: Fugro-05 method Sleeve friction (MPa)
Method 4: NGI-05 method

ICP – Imperial College Pile

UWA – University of Western Australia
NGI – Norwegian Geotechnical Institute

NPTEL course 25 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Friction and end bearing contributions to pile capacity are assumed
to be uncoupled. The ultimate axial pile capacity in compression (Quc)
and tension (Qut) of a open ended driven steel piles can be estimated
using the following relationship.

Quc = Q f ,c + Q p =  D  f ( z ) dz + qAp

Qut = Q f ,t =  D  f ( z ) dz

In which  f ( z ) dz is the skin friction to be integrated from CPT

records and q is the end bearing to be estimated from point bearing

NPTEL course 26 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

 p ( z) 
a −c
 L − z   L−z 1 

f ( z ) = u  qc ( z ) 
  Ab
r   max  , v    tan d cv d
 min   ,1
 pa    D   D v 

f(z) is the unit shaft friction, qc(z) is the CPT cone tip resistance, po(z) is the
effective vertical stress and pa is the atmospheric pressure at depth z.
Aw  Di 
Ar = pile displacement ratio Ar = A = 1 −  D 

Aw = pile annular area Aw =
(D 2
− Di 2 )

Di = pile inside diameter, Di = D - 2Tw

Tw = pile wall thickness
L = embedded length of the pile
dcv = sand constant volume friction angle at the interface between the sand and
the pile wall.
a, b, c, d, e, u and v are parameters to be taken from table for each method

NPTEL course 27 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Unit shaft friction parameter values for various method
Method Parameter
a b c d e u v
Simplified ICP-05 method
Compression 0.1 0.2 0.4 1 0 0.023 4 Ar

Tension 0.1 0.2 0.4 1 0 0.016 4 Ar

Offshore UWA-05 method
Compression 0 0.3 0.5 1 0 0.030 2

Tension 0 0.3 0.5 1 0 0.022 2

Fugro-05 method
Compression 0.05 0.45 0.90 0 1 0.043 2 Ar
Tension 0.15 0.42 0.85 0 0 0.025 2 Ar

NPTEL course 28 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Factor of Safety
Factor of safety against the computed ultimate axial capacity depends on
the type of pile and soil conditions. Similar to IS 2911 for bored concrete
piles require a FOS of minimum 2.5 where as API RP 2A suggests
otherwise. API RP 2A suggests a minimum factor of safety for each
loading condition for offshore platforms.

Load Condition Tension Compression

Operating Condition 2.0 2.0
Storm Condition 1.5 1.5
Seismic Condition 1.2 1.2

NPTEL course 29 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

3/19/2021 30 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

3/19/2021 31 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

Allowable Pile Capacity

Weight of Pile (Wpile)
Weight of pile below the seabed shall be treated as the part of the load.
This shall either be added to the load or deducted from the computed
compression capacity.
However, this can be taken as advantage for the tension capacity by
adding to the capacity as it acts against the pull out load.

Weight Soil Plug (Wplug)

Weight of soil plug shall be added to the load or deducted from the
compression capacity if the pile is plugged.

For the tension capacity, the plug weight can be added if the pile plugged.

NPTEL course 32 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Allowable Pile Capacity
Allowable pile capacity is required as the design method uses the working
stress design and to allow for the uncertainties in the estimation of the
axial capacity, a suitable factor of safety is applied on the ultimate
Plugged unplugged
 Qcp − Wplug − W pile Qcu − W pile 
Qallow,compression = Minimum  , 
 FS FS 
 Qtp + W plug + W pile Qtu + W pile 
Qallow,tension = Minimum  , 
 FS FS 

Wpile – Weight of pile below mud-line

Wplug – Weight of soil plug

NPTEL course 33 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

Generation of Pile Capacity Curves

Usually the axial capacity in compression and tension for the pile of
different diameters will be calculated and plotted against the depth of
penetration of the pile. This will be very helpful in determining the pile
termination level during the design of the pile foundation.

Following points to be noted while generating such curves for use in


a) The transition from weaker to stronger layer and stronger to weaker

layer shall be smoothened with appropriate transition
b) The end bearing values at the sand layer shall be adjusted for 3D
correction to avoid pile punch through.

NPTEL course 34 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Typical Pile Capacity

The curve corresponds to a

sandy soil throughout the

The chart includes capacity in

tension and compression for
both plugged and unplugged

NPTEL course 35 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Axial Pile Capacity Curves with and without end bearing

NPTEL course 36 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
When a pile is to be terminated in a dense sand
layer to achieve full end bearing, it shall be driven
into the dense layer by at-least 10D.

If the pile is terminated less than 10D, the end

bearing shall be reduced as per correction below
(after Lacasse, 1990).

q =q w +
( q s -q w )
d e
Where 10 D
q = unit end bearing at the pile toe
qw = unit end bearing of the weaker sand above
qs = unit end bearing of the stronger sand layer
de = depth of penetration in to stronger sand layer
D = Diameter of pile

Note : qs and qw shall be less than the limiting unit

end bearing given by API RP 2A.
However, the API RP 2A, allows full end
bearing capacity of the stronger sand layer,
if the depth of penetration is at-least 3D.
NPTEL course 37 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
When a pile is to be terminated in a stiff clay
layer to achieve end bearing, it shall be
driven into the stiff clay layer by at-least 3D.

If the pile is terminated less than 3D, the end

bearing shall be reduced as per correction
below (after Lacasse, 1990).

q =6C u +
( 9C u -6C u )
d e

q = unit end bearing at the pile toe

qw = unit end bearing of the weaker clay or
sand layer above with a unit end bearing
less than 6Cu
qs = unit end bearing of the stronger clay
layer = 9Cu
de = depth of penetration in to stronger sand
D = Diameter of pile

NPTEL course 38 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Stronger layer to weaker layer (punch through - h > 20d)
When a pile is to be terminated in a stronger layer
followed by a weaker clay or sand layer, it shall be
terminated such that the distance to the bottom weaker
layer is greater than 10D to avoid punch through.

If the pile is terminated less than 10D, the end bearing

shall be reduced as per correction below (after Lacasse,
q =q w +
( q s -q w )
d b
Where 10 D
q = unit end bearing at the pile toe
qw = unit end bearing of the weaker sand above
qs = unit end bearing of the stronger sand layer
db = depth of penetration in to stronger sand layer
D = Diameter of pile
Note : qs and qw shall be less than the limiting unit
end bearing given by API RP 2A.
The above correction is acceptable, if the
thickness of the layer is greater than 20D,
However, the API RP 2A, allows the above even if
the thickness of the layer is 5-6D
NPTEL course 39 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Stronger layer to weaker layer (Punch through - h < 20d)
When a pile is to be terminated in a stronger layer
followed by a weaker clay or sand layer, it shall be
terminated such that the distance to the bottom weaker
layer is greater than 10D to avoid punch through.

If the pile is terminated less than 10D, the end bearing

shall be reduced as per correction below (after Lacasse,
q =q w +
( q s -q w )
d b
Where 10 D
q = unit end bearing at the pile toe
qw = unit end bearing of the weaker sand above
qs = unit end bearing of the stronger sand layer
db = depth of penetration in to stronger sand layer
D = Diameter of pile
Note : qs and qw shall be less than the limiting unit end
bearing given by API RP 2A.
The above correction is acceptable, if the
thickness of the layer is greater than 20D,
However, the API RP 2A, allows the above even
if the thickness of the layer is 5-6D
NPTEL course 40 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Calculate the Factor of Safety for a
jacket pile foundation of diameter
1824mm and wall thickness 50mm
driven into seabed for a penetration of
100m in a three layer soil as shown
below. The maximum pile load in
compression for operating and
extreme storm conditions is 19MN and
28 MN respectively. The maximum pile
load in tension for operating and
extreme storm conditions is 16MN and
24 MN respectively. Assume effective
internal friction as 80% of external
friction and use API RP 2A guidelines.

NPTEL course 41 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Pile Data
Pile Diameter and wall thickness D = 1824 mm TP = 50 mm

D − ( D − 2 TP) 
 2 2
Annular end bearing area Aa = Aa = 0.279 m

Total end bearing area At =

( 2)
 D 2
At = 2.613 m
Pile penetration Lp = 100 m

Weight density of water w = 10.25 
Maximum Pile Loads PC1 = 19 MN PC100 = 28 MN

PT1 = 16 MN PT100 = 24 MN

NPTEL course 42 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Layer 1 - Silty Clay
Undrained shear strength Cu1 = 40 kPa
Bulk density 1 = 16 
Layer Depth h1 = 25 m

Effective overburden pressure po1 = 0.5 h1(  1 −  w) po1 = 71.875 kPa

1 = 1 = 0.557

Adhesion factor 1 = ( − 0.5  1.0 ) if  1  1.0

min 0.5  1

min( 0.5  1  1.0 ) if  1  1.0

− 0.25
1 = 0.67
Unit skin friction for layer 1 f1 =  1Cu1 f1 = 26.81 kPa
External skin friction in layer 1 Qfe1 =  Dh1f1
Qfe1 = 3840.6 kN
Internal skin friction in layer 1 Qfi1 = 0.8  ( D − 2 TP) h1f1 Qfi1 = 2904.1 kN

NPTEL course 43 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Layer 2 - Medium dense Sand
Angle of internal friction 2 = 30 deg

Bulk density 2 = 20 
Layer Depth h2 = 50 m

Coefficient of lateral earth pressure Ko = 0.8

Soil pile friction angle d2 =  2 d2 = 20 deg

Limiting skin friction flim2 = 81 kPa

Effective overburden pressure po2 = h1 (  1 −  w) + 0.5 h2(  2 −  w) po2 = 387.5 kPa

Unit skin friction for layer 2 f2 = min( Ko po2 tan( d 2)  flim2) f2 = 81 kPa
External skin friction in layer 2 Qfe2 =  Dh2f2
Qfe2 = 23207.6 kN
Internal skin friction in layer 2 Qfi2 = 0.8  ( D − 2 TP) h2 f2 Qfi2 = 17548.2 kN

NPTEL course 44 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Layer 3 - Hard Clay
Undrained shear strength Cu3 = 100 kPa
Bulk density 3 = 18 
Layer Depth h3 = 25 m

End bearing factor for clay Nc = 9

Effective overburden pressure po3 = h1 (  1 −  w) + h2(  2 −  w) + 0.5 h3(  3 −  w)

po3 = 728.125 kPa

3 =
po3 3 = 0.137

Adhesion factor 3 = ( − 0.5  1.0 ) if  3  1.0

min 0.5  3

min( 0.5  3  1.0 ) if  3  1.0

− 0.25
3 =1

NPTEL course 45 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

Unit skin friction for layer 3 f3 =  3 Cu3 f3 = 100 kPa

Unit end bearing q3 = Nc Cu3 q3 = 900 kPa

External skin friction in layer 3 Qfe3 =  Dh3 f3
Qfe3 = 14325.7 kN
Internal skin friction in layer 3 Qfi3 = 0.8  ( D − 2 TP) h3 f3 Qfi3 = 10832.2 kN

Annular end bearing in layer 3 Qqa3 = Aa q3

Qqa3 = 250.8 kN

Total end bearing in layer 3 Qqt3 = At q3 Qqt3 = 2351.7 kN

NPTEL course 46 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

Pile Capacity Calculation

Ultimayte Capacity in compression Quu = Qfe1 + Qfi1 + Qfe2 + Qfi2 + Qfe3 + Qfi3 + Qqa3
Quu = 72909.1 kN

Ultimate Capacity in compression Qup = Qfe1 + Qfe2 + Qfe3 + Qqt3 Qup = 43725.6 kN

Weight of soil plug inside the pile Wsp = At h1 (  1 −  w) + h2 (  2 −  w) + h3 (  3 −  w)

Wsp = 2155.7 kN

Total internal friction Qfi = Qfi1 + Qfi2 + Qfi3 Qfi = 31284.5 kN

Ultimate Capacity in Qut = Qfe1 + Qfi1 + Qfe2 + Qfi2 + Qfe3 + Qfi3

Qut = 72658.3 kN
Pile FOS Calculation (Compression loads)

NPTEL course 47 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Qut = 72658.3 kN
Pile FOS Calculation (Compression loads)
min( Quu  Qup )
Operating Condition FOS C1 =
PC1 FOS C1 = 2.301

min( Quu  Qup )

Extreme Condition FOS C100 =
PC100 FOS C100 = 1.562

Pile FOS Calculation (Tension loads)

Operating Condition FOS T1 =
PT1 FOS T1 = 4.541

Extreme Condition FOS T100 = FOS T100 = 3.027

NPTEL course 48 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations



NPTEL course 49 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Axial Load Transfer
Axial load transfer from pile to soil happens by soil – pile friction. This
friction value as computed earlier using several empirical values achieves
its maximum value only after reaching the required displacement. That
means, for a pile with zero vertical displacement, the soil frictional
resistance may not have reached the maximum values. Hence the
characteristic relationship between the axial load and displacement is
very much essential.

The axial load transfer consists of two components.

a) Through skin friction noted as t-z where t is the skin friction

resistance and z is the vertical displacement
b) Through end bearing noted as q-z where q is the end bearing
resistance and the z is the vertical displacement at the tip.

NPTEL course 50 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
t-z curve for deformation of
a pile under vertical axial
loading (Old API RP 2A)

NPTEL course 51 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Axial Load Transfer curve (t-z) for SAND

Sandy soils exhibit a linear elastic load displacement characteristics up to

0.1inch displacement and after which the displacement becomes
plastic. The relationship is given by three points as shown in the table.


z – displacement in inch
t – unit skin friction (kPa)
tmax – ultimate skin friction (kPa)
(tmax = f = po’)


NPTEL course 52 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Axial Load Transfer for SAND (t-z Curve)

NPTEL course 53 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Axial Load Transfer curve (t-z) for CLAY
Soft clayey soils exhibit a nonlinear elastic load displacement
characteristics up to 1% of pile diameter as displacement and after
which the displacement becomes plastic. The relationship is given by seven
points as shown in the table.


z – displacement in inch
D – diameter of pile
t – unit skin friction (kPa)
tmax – ultimate skin friction (kPa)
(tmax = f = Cu)


NPTEL course 54 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Axial Load Transfer for CLAY (t-z Curve)

NPTEL course 55 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
AS PER API RP 2GEO – Provisions

API RO 2GEO has replaced the

existing provisions of API RP 2A
from 2011.

Most provisions are same

except the t-z curve for sand
and clay.

NPTEL course 56 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

AS PER API RP 2GEO – Both sand and Clay

NPTEL course 57 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
End bearing Load Transfer curve (Q-z) for SAND and CLAY
Sand and Clay soils exhibit a nonlinear elastic load displacement
characteristics up to 10% of pile diameter as displacement and after
which the displacement becomes plastic. The relationship is given by seven
points as shown in the table.


z – displacement in inch
D – diameter of pile
Q – end bearing (kN)
Qmax – ultimate end bearing (kN)
(Qmax = minimum of Qcu or Qcp)

NPTEL course 58 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Axial Load Transfer End Bearing (Q-z Curve)

NPTEL course 59 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
t-z Curve for Clay
Diameter and wall thickness of pile D = 1320 mm Tp = 25 mm
t-z Curve
Undrained shear strength Cu = 50 kPa 50
Depth at which Q-z is required Hz = 50 m
kN 37.5
Effective unit weight  = 10 
3 31.3

Effective overburden pressure Po =  Hz ti 25

Cu 18.8
Overburden parameter  =
Po 12.5

Friction factor  = ( − 0.5 1.0) if   1.0

min 0.5  6.3

min( 0.5   1.0) if   1.0

− 0.25 0
0 9 18 27 36 45
Ultim ate unit skin friction tmax =  Cu zi
tmax = 50 kPa
i = 1  8 ti = 0 zi = 0
z1 = 0.0 D t1 = 0.00 tmax z5 = 0.0080 D t5 = 0.90 tmax

z2 = 0.0016 D t2 = 0.30 tmax z6 = 0.01 D t6 = 1.00 tmax

z3 = 0.0031 D t3 = 0.50 tmax z7 = 0.02 D t7 = 0.70 tmax

z4 = 0.0057 D t4 = 0.75 tmax z8 = 0.03 D t8 = 0.70 tmax

NPTEL course 60 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
t-z Curve for Sand
t-z Curve
Diameter and wall thickness of pile D = 1320 mm Tp = 25 mm 300

Angle of internal friction  = 35 deg
End bearing factor  = 0.56
Depth at which Q-z is required Hz = 50 m

ti 150
Effective unit weight  = 10  112.5
Effective overburden pressure Po =  Hz

Ultim ate unit skin friction tmax =  Po tmax = 280 kPa 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
i = 1  3 ti = 0 zi = 0
z1 = 0.0 in t1 = 0.00 tmax z2 = 0.1 in t2 = 1.00 tmax

z3 = 1 in t3 = 1.00 tmax

NPTEL course 61 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Q-z Curve for Sand / Clay
Diameter and wall thickness of pile D = 1320 mm Tp = 25 mm Q-z Curve
Angle of internal friction  = 35 deg
End bearing factor Nq = 50
Depth at which Q-z is required Hz = 50 m
Effective unit weight  = 10 

3 Qi 17500
Effective overburden pressure Po =  Hz 13125

Unit end bearing qmax = Nq Po 8750

End bearing area  2
Ae = D
4 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Ultim ate end bearing Qe = qmaxAe 4
Qe = 3.421  10 kN zi

i = 1  7 Qi = 0 zi = 0 mm
z1 = 0.0 D Q1 = 0.00 Qe z4 = 0.042 D Q4 = 0.75 Qe z7 = 0.20 D

z2 = 0.002 D Q2 = 0.25 Qe z5 = 0.073 D Q5 = 0.90 Qe Q7 = 1.00 Qe

z3 = 0.013 D Q3 = 0.50 Qe z6 = 0.10D Q6 = 1.00 Qe

NPTEL course 62 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Scouring of seabed happens due
to obstruction to flow by the
piles and steady current near
the seabed. Scour can be
classified into two types.
a) General scour
b) Local scour
The definition of local and
general scour is shown in figure.
The calculation of effective
overburden pressure and the
frictional resistance inside the
pile needs to be considered

NPTEL course 63 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Calculate axial capacity for a steel pipe pile
driven through soft to stiff clay layers and
terminated in dense sand layer as shown in
figure below. Determine the depth of
penetration required in dense sand if the
ultimate axial capacity requried is 30MN

Pile Data
Pile Diameter and wall thickness D = 2314  mm TP = 50  mm

Aa =  D2 − ( D − 2  TP) 2
4 
Annular end bearing area
Aa = 0.356 m2

Total end bearing area At =

( 2)
 D
At = 4.205 m

Pile penetration Lp = 35  m

kN kN
Weight density of water  w = 10.25   steel = 78.5 
m3 m3

NPTEL course 64 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Layer 1 - Clay
Undrained shear strength Cu11 = 5 kPa Cu12 = 200 kPa
Bulk density 1 = 18 
Layer Depth h1 = 32 m

Effective overburden pressure po1 = 0.5 h1 (  1 −  w) po1 = 124 kPa

Cu11 + Cu12
1 = 1 = 0.827

Adhesion factor 1 = ( − 0.5  1.0 ) if  1  1.0

min 0.5  1

min( 0.5  1  1.0 ) if  1  1.0

− 0.25
1 = 0.55
 Cu11 + Cu12 
Unit skin friction for layer 1 f1 =  1  
 2  f1 = 56.369 kPa
External skin friction in layer 1 Qfe1 =  Dh1 f1
Qfe1 = 13113.1 kN
Internal skin friction in layer 1 Qfi1 =  ( D − 2 TP) h1 f1 Qfi1 = 12546.4 kN

Capacity required from Layer below Qr = Pu − Qfe1 Qr = 16.9 MN

Hence the length of pile to be embedded in to the sand layer needs to be determined iteratively.
NPTEL course 65 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Layer 2 - Sand

Assume the depth of penetration in to h2 = 3 D (Minimum pnetration)

sand layer
Angle of internal friction Nq = 50

Bulk density 2 = 24 

Coefficient of lateral earth pressure Ko = 0.8

Limiting skin friction flim2 = 115 kPa qlim = 12000 kPa

Effective overburden pressure po2 = po1 + 0.5h1 (  1 −  w) + 0.5 h2(  2 −  w)

 = 0.56 po2 = 295.726 kPa

Unit skin friction for layer 2 f2 = min(  po2  flim2) f2 = 115 kPa

External skin friction in layer 2 Qfe2 =  Dh2f2 Qfe2 = 5803.6 kN

Internal skin friction in layer 2 Qfi2 =  ( D − 2 TP) h2 f2 Qfi2 = 5552.8 kN

NPTEL course 66 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Effective overburden pressure poe = po1 + 0.5h1(  1 −  w) + h2(  2 −  w)
for end bearing poe = 343.452 kPa
Unit end bearing q = min( qlim  Nq poe) q = 12000 kPa

Annular end bearing in layer 2 Qqa2 = Aa q Qqa2 = 4267.5 kN

Total end bearing in layer 2 Qqt2 = At q Qqt2 = 50465.9 kN

Cumulative Capacity
Cumulative Skin friction (internal) Qui = Qfi1 + Qfi2
Qui = 18099.2 kN

Cumulative Skin friction (external) Que = Qfe1 + Qfe2

Que = 18916.7 kN

Ultimate compression capacity Qucu = Qui + Que + Qqa2 Qucu = 41.3 MN
Ultimate compression capacity Qucp = Que + Qqt2 Qucp = 69.4 MN
Ultimate capacity Qu = min( Qucu  Qucp )
Qu = 41.3 MN
Hence Qu > Qr and Penetration is adequate

NPTEL course 67 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
t-z Curve for Clay
Diameter and wall thickness of pile D = 2314 mm Tp = 50 mm

Undrained shear s trength Cu1 = 5 kPa h1 = 0 m

Cu2 = 200 kPa h2 = 32 m

Depth at which T-z is required H1 = 5 m H2 = 25 m

Effective unit weight  = 8 

Effective overburden pressure Po1 =  H1 Po2 =  H2

for depth H1 & H2
( Cu2 − Cu1)  H − h
( h2 − h1) ( 1 1)
Effective undrained shear strenght C1 = Cu1 + C1 = 35.5 kPa
at depth H1

( Cu2 − Cu1)

( h2 − h1) ( 2 1)
Effective undrained shear strenght C2 = Cu1 +  H −h C2 = 157.3 kPa
at depth H2

NPTEL course 68 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
C1 2 =
Overburden param eter 1 = Po2

min 0.5 1  1.0 if 1  1.0

− 0.5
Friction factor for depth H1 1 =
 
min 0.5 1  1.0 if 1  1.0
− 0.25
1 = 0.531
 

min 0.5 2  1.0 if 2  1.0

− 0.5
Friction factor for depth H2 2 =
 
min 0.5 2  1.0 if 2  1.0
− 0.25
2 = 0.564
 

Ultim ate unit skin friction for depth H

1 tmax1 = 1 C1 tmax1 = 18.833 kPa

Ultim ate unit skin friction for depth H

2 tmax2 = 2 C2 tmax2 = 88.697 kPa

NPTEL course 69 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

i = 1  8 t1i = 0 t2i = 0 zi = 0
z1 = 0.0 D t11 = 0.00 tmax1 z5 = 0.0080 D t15 = 0.90 tmax1

z2 = 0.0016 D t12 = 0.30 tmax1 z6 = 0.01 D t16 = 1.00 tmax1

z3 = 0.0031 D t13 = 0.50 tmax1 z7 = 0.02 D t17 = 0.70 tmax1

z4 = 0.0057 D t14 = 0.75 tmax1 z8 = 0.03 D t18 = 0.70 tmax1

t21 = 0.00 tmax2 t25 = 0.90 tmax2

t22 = 0.30 tmax2 t26 = 1.00 tmax2

t23 = 0.50 tmax2 t27 = 0.70 tmax2

t24 = 0.75 tmax2 t28 = 0.70 tmax2

NPTEL course 70 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

t-z Curve









0 14 28 42 56 70


NPTEL course 71 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations


NPTEL course 72 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Lateral Capacity
The offshore structures are subjected to large lateral loads
from wave, current and wind in addition to the gravity
loads. Hence the lateral loads needs to be transmitted to
the foundation soil through the pile foundations.

The estimate of the soil lateral load carrying capacity

needs to be obtained and related to the soil response in
terms of displacement.

This is required to assess the lateral displacement of piles

and supported structure on it since these lateral
displacements may hinder the operational aspects of the
offshore platform.

In order to satisfy the operational aspects of the platform,

the lateral displacement of the structure shall be limited to
certain serviceability limit. Hence the establishment of the
load displacement relationship is essential to the whole

NPTEL course 73 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Soil Behavior to lateral loads
The pile is supporting the jacket
structure at the top called “Pile Head”.

The horizontal load or lateral load

applied to the pile head, the pile
transfer the load to the soil adjacent
to it. Depending on the relative
stiffness of the soil, the pile may also

This may also affect the soil and pile

below the seabed, though effect may

Hence the pile soil interaction is a two

way problem and solved by structure –
soil model with appropriate load
displacement characteristics of both
the structure and soil.

NPTEL course 74 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

Nonlinear Soil Springs Equivalent Pile Stub Linearised Pile head Springs
3/19/2021 75 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Pile – soil interaction analysis
Closed for solutions derived from mechanics for simpler cases. The
soil and pile stiffness calculated using assumed variations. Typically,
 Brinch Hansen Theory
 Broms Theory
Numerical methods are based on iterative techniques of equilibrium
of forces and moments based on relative stiffness of pile – soil
system. Typically,
 Linear Soil Spring Analysis
 Nonlinear P-Y Analysis (Finite Difference, Finite Element)
Empirical method is are based on assumed depth of pile achieving
fixity using pile-soil relative stiffness. Typically,
 Depth of Fixity Method

NPTEL course 76 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Method of analyses
 Brinch Hansen Theory
Brinch Hansen proposed a method based on effective overburden pressure
and lateral earth pressure coefficients in cohesive and cohesionless soils
 Broms Theory
Broms theory is based on soil reaction for cohesive and cohesionless soil
 Linear Spring Analysis
The soil layer is divided into sublayers and each layer is represented by a
linear spring. The analysis is carried out using Newmark’s spring distribution
 Depth of Fixity Method
The pile-soil relative stiffness is taken as a measure of finding the depth of
fixity of pile below which the soil has minimum displacement
 Finite Element or Difference Methods
3Dimensional finite element analysis nonlinear springs. Commonly used

NPTEL course 77 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Soil Reaction Analysis
 Passive Lateral Earth Pressure Method
Soil reaction is assumed to be proportional to the passive
earth pressure and is calculated using the effective
overburden pressure along the depth

 Lateral Subgrade Reaction Theory

Soil reaction is assumed to be proportional to the soil subgrade
modulus and is calculated using empirical methods or using elastic
soil modulus.

NPTEL course 78 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations


NPTEL course 79 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
General principles of analysis
Hu ➢ Consider:
e M=Hue ▪ Horizontal load
▪ Moment equilibrium
➢ Need to specify:
▪ Mode of failure
▪ Distribution of
ultimate lateral pile
L soil pressure

D - Pile diameter
Zr – Depth of rotation
L – Pile Penetration
Hu – Applied horizontal load
M - Moment

NPTEL course 80 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Ultimate Lateral Pile-Soil Pressure-Clays:
Lateral Load 2Cu D

Usually adopt
p y = N c .c
3D N c varies from 2 at the surface
Move to 8 - 12 at z/D greater th an 3D
ments (typically , 9 is used)
where D is the diameter of pile
and z is the depth below surface

8CuD to 12CuD
Distribution of Lateral Resistance

NPTEL course 81 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations


NPTEL course 82 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

NPTEL course 83 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
➢ This method is suitable for short rigid piles.
➢ Can be applied to piles in layered soils.
➢ Applicable for both sand and clay soils.
➢ Based on effective overburden pressure and
coefficients kq and kc provided by Brinch Hansen
The unit Passive resistance at any depth below surface is
calculated from the following relationship.

pz = poz kq + Cu kc
Poz Effective overburden at depth z.
Cu Undrained shear strength.
Kq, kc Brinch Hansen passive pressure coefficients for frictional and
cohesive components respectively.
NPTEL course 84 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

NPTEL course 85 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Passive resistance on each element is calculated as
pR = pz .D
L Length of pile below soil
n Number of divisions
D Diameter of pile

Taking moment about the point at the load (top of pile).

z=x z =L
M = 
z =0
pz (e + z ) D −  pz (e + z ) D
n z=x n
The above equation indicates that the location of point of rotation shall
be found by trial and error by equation

M = 0
NPTEL course 86 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
The ultimate lateral resistance of pile can be found by taking moment
about B. (Point of rotation).
z=L z=x
H u (e + x ) −  p z D ( z − x ) =  p z D ( x − z )
z=x n z =0 n
z=x z =L
 pz D( x − z ) +  pz D( z − x)
n n
Hu = z =0 z=x
e+ x
Safe allowable capacity shall be determined considering the ultimate
moment of resistance of pile Mu

i.e., M max  M u of pile

Suitable factor of safety shall be applied to Hu and usually taken
as 2.0.
NPTEL course 87 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Brinch Hansen passive pressure coefficients

NPTEL course 88 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations


NPTEL course 89 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
▪ Lateral soil reaction assumed uniform along the depth
▪ Value of soil reaction assumed as 9CuD
▪ Top 1.5D depth of soil is taken as ineffective
▪ Lateral soil reaction proportional to the depth and is
increasing with depth linearly
▪ Value of soil reaction taken as 3KpPozD


▪ Soil failure leads to pile rotation or pile displacement
depending on long or short pile
▪ Soil failure at top leads to pile failure by yielding or
bending. Ultimate pile moment of resistance governs the

NPTEL course 90 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Clay: Short Pile Restrained Head
M max

M max


Soil Reaction Bending moment

NPTEL course 91 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Clay: Intermidiate Pile Restrained Head


Soil Reaction Bending moment
NPTEL course 92 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Clay: Long Pile Restrained Head
M yield M yield

Soil Reaction Bending moment

NPTEL course 93 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Clay: Short Pile Unrestrained Head

Hu 1.5D

L g


Deflection Soil Reaction Bending moment

NPTEL course 94 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Clay: Long Pile Unrestrained Head

Plastic f

M max
Soil Reaction Bending moment

NPTEL course 95 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Sand : Short Pile Unrestrained Head


3γDLkp M max

Deflection Soil reaction Bending movement

NPTEL course 96 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Sand : Long Pile Unrestrained Head

e 3γDfkp


Deflection Soil reaction Bending movement

NPTEL course 97 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Sand : Short Pile Fixed Head

(M max)

Deflection Soil reaction Bending movement

NPTEL course 98 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Sand : Long Pile Fixed Head pile

(M yield) (M yield)

Deflection Soil reaction Bending movement

NPTEL course 99 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations


NPTEL course 100 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

NPTEL course 101 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

P in kN

y in mm
NPTEL course 102 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Modulus of subgrade reaction is determined
using the following equation (Vesic – 1961)

0.65 Es D 4 Es
kh = 12
D E p I p 1 − s 2
Kh Modulus of subgrade reaction
Es Modulus of soil
D Diameter of pile
Ep Modulus Elasticity pile material
Ip Moment of inertia of pile
s Poisson’s ratio

NPTEL course 103 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Based on Newmark’s distribution the spring stiffness is given as follows

First spring K s1 =
24 
Dl  n
) ( ) (
7kh + 6k hn+1 − khn+ 2 
 )

Intermediate spring K sn−1 =

Dl  n−1
12 
( ) ( ) (
kh + 6k hn + khn+1 
 )

Bottom spring K sn =
24 
Dl  n
) ( ) (
7kh + 6k hn−1 − khn−2 
 )
D Diameter of the pile
l Spacing between two adjacent springs
k h
Modulus of subgrade reaction of n th spring

NPTEL course 104 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations


NPTEL course 105 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

This is based on Winkler soil model, the pressure (p) and the lateral soil
deflection (y) is related through the modulus of subgrade reaction (kh)

Lateral Pressure p = kh y where kh has the units of kN/m3

Soil reaction / w = Ky where K has the units of kN/m2
unit length of pile
K = kh D
And K is called
“Subgrade Modulus reaction”

NPTEL course 106 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Governing equation

E p I p 4 = − pD

E p I p 4 = − k h yD

NPTEL course 107 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Closed form solution for Constant kh

Lateral 2 F   sinh  L cos  z cosh  ( L − z ) − sin  L cosh  z cos  ( L − z ) 

kh D  sinh 2  L − sin 2  L 

Moment  F   sinh  L sin  z sinh  ( L − z ) − sin  L sinh  z sin  ( L − z ) 

M = −   

  sinh 2
 L − sin 2
 L 
z - vertical coordinate
D - Diameter of pile
L - length of embedment
F - Applied horizontal force
 kh D  4

= 
 4E p I p
 
NPTEL course 108 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Limiting solutions for Constant kh
 kh D  4
 4 E p I p 
 
Long Pile (L > 2.5) - Free Head

2F  (e + 1)
deflection y0 =
kh D

2 F  2 (2e + 1)
Rotation 0 =
kh D
Long Pile (L > 1.5) - Fixed Head

deflection y0 =
kh D
NPTEL course 109 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Limiting solutions for Constant kh
 kh D  4

= 
 4E p I p
 
Short Pile (L < 1.5) - Free Head

4 F (1 + 1.5e / L)
deflection y0 =
kh DL

6F (1 + 2e / L)
Rotation 0 =
kh DL2
Short Pile (L < 0.5) - Fixed Head

deflection y0 =
kh DL
NPTEL course 110 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Limiting solutions for  h  5

Linearly Varying kh  = 
 Ep I p
 
Long Pile (L > 4) - Free Head
2.4 F 1.6 Fe
yo = +
( Ep I p ) ( Ep I p )
3 2 2 3
5 5 5 5
kh kh

1.6 F 1.74 Fe
o = +
(E I ) (E I )
2 3 1 4
5 5 5 5
kh p p kh p p

Long Pile (L > 4) - Fixed Head

yo =
(E I )
deflection 3 2
h 5
p p

NPTEL course 111 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Limiting solutions for  h  5

 = 
Linearly Varying kh  Ep I p
 
Short Pile ( L < 2) - Free Head

18F (1 + 1.33e / L)
deflection y0 =
h L2
24 F (1 + 1.5e / L)
Rotation 0 =
h L3
Short Pile (L < 2) - Fixed Head

deflection y0 =
h L2

NPTEL course 112 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Variation of kh along the length of pile essential to predict the
displacement of the long pile. Several distributions has been used in the
past and the following is general expression developed by Palmer and
Thompson (1948)
kh = k L  
where kL is the value of kh at the pile tip (z=L)
and n is the empirical value set equal to or greater than zero

For clay type of soil n is generally assumed to be zero and for sand type
soil, n is taken as 1 and usually the equation written in the following form
kh = h  
 D
Where h is the coefficient of subgrade reaction and has the units of

NPTEL course 113 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Modulus of subgrade reaction can be estimated by any one of
the following methods

 Full scale pile load tests

Full scale pile load test will give the correct load displacement
characteristics of the soil but it is time consuming and
 Plate loading tests
Horizontal plate load tests can be carried out to determine the
load deflection characteristics and this can be extrapolated for
lateral direction
 Empirical correlations
Various empirical formulae proposed by researchers can be
used. This is possible only when other properties are known

NPTEL course 114 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

Terzaghi proposed the following relationship to extrapolate the

value of modulus of subgrade reaction from horizontal plate
load tests.

 1 
kh =  ( )
 ks1
 1.5D 
Where ks1 is the modulus from the horizontal plate load test
(1ft x 1ft size) and D is the diameter of pile in ft

NPTEL course 115 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Following formulae can be used to estimate

 12 S  ES 
0 . 65 E D
kh =   Vesic (1961)
 D  E P I P  1 −  S 

 Cu 
kh = (80 to 320)  Skempton (1951)
 Cu  Davisson (1970)
kh = 67 
A Terzaghi (1951)
h = (Tons/ft 2 )
NPTEL course 116 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Consistency Firm to Stiff Stiff to very stiff Hard
Undrained shear 50-100 100-200 >200
strength (cu)kN/m2
Range of k1MN/m3 15-30 30-60 >60

 K0
kh =
 = 0.52 4 E p I p
k0 = 0.305k1 k0 = 1.67 E50

E50 – Secant modulus obtained from plate load test at 50% of the pressure.

NPTEL course 117 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Coefficient of subgrade modulus variation h (MN/m3)
loose Medium
Dense Very Submerged
Coefficient of subgrade modulus


variation h (MN/m3)

Reese et al




10 Terzaghi

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Relative density (%)

NPTEL course Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36 118
Pile Foundations
Coefficient of subgrade modulus variation (h)

Soft Organic silt : 150 kN/m3

Soft normally consolidated clay : 350-700 kN/m3

NPTEL course 119 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Piles can be classified as Short or Rigid and Long or Slender
based on relative pile stiffness with the soil.
Constant kh (Hard clay) Linearly varying kh (Sand or soft clay)

 EpI p 
4 kh = h  
R =    D
 kh D   EpI p 
T =  
L < 2.0R Short or Rigid  h 
L > 3.5R Long or Slender L > 4.0T Long or Slender
L – Length of pile L < 2.0T rigid

EpIp – Pile Stiffness

NPTEL course 120 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
A partly embedded pile may require
to carry axial and bending loads and
need to check against the buckling
using Euler buckling capacity as
stated below

 2EpI p
Pcr =
4(e + Z f )

For constant modulus (clayey soils)

Zf = 1.4R (if L/R > 4)

For varying modulus (Sandy soils)

Zf = 1.8T (if L/T > 4)

NPTEL course 121 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Free headed pile

F (e + Z f )
deflection y=
3E p I p
Fixed headed pile

F (e + Z )
12 E p I p

EpIp – Pile Stiffness

NPTEL course 122 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

Es = (300  100 )Cu Vesic (1961)


Es = 1.6 N MPa Kishida and Nakai

Where N is the SPT Value

NPTEL course 123 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

NPTEL course 124 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations


NPTEL course 125 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Lateral Bearing Capacity for Soft Clay
pu increases from 3Cu to 9Cu as X increases
from 0 to xR according to:
Cu X
pu = 3Cu +  ' X + J for X  X R
pu = 9Cu for X  X R XR =
 'D
pu = ultimate resistance, (kPa)
Cu = undrained shear strength for undistrubed clay
soil samples, (kPa)
D = pile diameter, (mm),
 ' = effective unit weight of soil, (MN/m3 )
J = dimensionless empirical constant with values ranging
from 0.25 to 0.5 having been determined by field testing.
A value of 0.5 is appropriate for Gulf of Mexico clays.
NPTEL course 126 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Load-deflection (p-y) curves for soft clay
Lateral soil resistance-deflection relationships for piles in soft
clay are generally non-linear. The p-y curves for the short-term
static load case may be generated from the following table.
Static Loading

P = actual lateral resistance, (kPa)
Y = actual lateral deflection, (m),
Yc = 2.5 εc D, (m),
εc = strain which occurs at one half
the maximum stress on laboratory
unconsolidated undrained
compression tests of undisturbed
soil samples.

NPTEL course 127 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Cyclic Loading

NPTEL course 128 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
P-Y Curve for Soft Clay

NPTEL course 129 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Lateral Bearing Capacity for sand
The ultimate lateral bearing capacity for sand has been found to vary
from a value at shallow depths. At a given depth the equation giving the
smallest value of pu should be used as the ultimate bearing capacity.

pus = (C1 H + C2 D) γ H
pud = C3 D γ H

pu=ultimate resistance (kN/m) smaller of Pus and Pud
(s= shallow, d= deep)
γ = effective soil unit weight, (kN/m3)
H = depth, (m).
ø´= angle of internal friction of sand, deg.,
C1,C2,C3= coefficients determined from Figures as
function of ø´.
D = average pile diameter from surface to depth, (m).

NPTEL course 130 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Load-Deflection (p-y) curves for Sand
The lateral soil resistance-deflection (p-y) relationships for sand are also
non-linear and in the absence of more definitive information may be
approximated at any specific depth H, by the following expression:
 kH 
P = Apu tanh  y
 APu 
A = factor to account for cyclic or static loading condition
A = 0.9 for cyclic loading
 H
A =  3.0-0.8   0.9for static loading
 D
p u = ultimate bearing capacity at depth H, (kN/m)
k = initial modulus of subgrade reaction, (kN/m3 )
y = lateral deflection, inches (m)
H = depth, (m)
NPTEL course 131 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

NPTEL course 132 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Coefficients C1, C2, C3 as Function of 
' ' 1-sin ( ' )
 = 45deg+ = Ka =
2 2 1 + sin ( ' )

tan (  ) tan ( )  tan ( ' ) sin (  ) 


C1 = + Ko  + tan (  ) ( tan ( ' ) sin (  ) − tan ( ) )

tan (  −  ' )  cos ( ) tan (  −  ' ) 

tan (  )
C2 = − Ka
tan (  −  ' )

( )
C3 = K a tan (  ) − 1 + K o tan ( ' ) ( tan (  ) )
8 4

NPTEL course 133 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Rate of increase of initial modulus of subgrade

 kh
MN/m3 (lb/in)3
25 5.4 (20)
30 11 (40)
35 22 (80)
40 45 (165)

NPTEL course 134 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
P-Y Curve for Silicious Sand (API RP 2A, 2000)

NPTEL course 135 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

NPTEL course 136 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

NPTEL course 137 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
P-Y curve for stiff clay (Reese et al,1975)

(a) Static Loading (a) Cyclic Loading

NPTEL course 138 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

(a) Static Loading

NPTEL course 139 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
(a) Cyclic Loading

NPTEL course 140 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
As = coefficient to be read from chart for static loading = 0.6
Ac = coefficient to be read from chart for cyclic loading = 0.3
Cu = undrained shear strength (kPa)
D = pile diameter (m)
ks, kc = initial subgrade reaction constant for static and cyclic loading (MN/m3)
y50 = deflection at one-half the ultimate soil resistance (m)
X = depth below soil surface (m)
50 = strain at one –half the ultimate soil resistance (0.004 – 0.007)
 = effective soil unit weight (kN/m3)

NPTEL course 141 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

Static and dynamic empirical

co-efficient for stiff clay
(Reese et al, 1975)

NPTEL course 142 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
P-Y curve Comparison by Reese- 1975 and Soft clay - API RP 2A

NPTEL course 143 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations

NPTEL course 144 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
P-Y Curve for Sand
Diameter and wall thickness of pile D = 2314 mm Tp = 50 mm

Coefficients C1 = 3 C2 = 3.4 C3 = 54

Rate of increase of modulus of kh = 40   = 12 
subgrade reaction and unit wt 3 3
m m

Depth at which P-Y is required H1 = 35 m H2 = 75 m

Ultim ate lateral resistance for depth H

1 ( ) (
pu1 = min C1 H1 + C2 D  H1  C3 D H1  D )
pu1 = 109693.8 kN

Ultim ate lateral resistance for depth H

2 ( ) (
pu2 = min C1 H2 + C2 D  H2  C3 D H2  D )
pu2 = 260233.4 kN
k = 1  350 P1k = 0 P2k = 0 i = k Yi =

  mkhH1 Yk     mkhH2 Yk  

P1k =  0.9 pu1tanh  P2k =  0.9 pu2tanh 
0.9 pu1 0.9 pu2
     
NPTEL course 145 Prof. S. Nallayarasu
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
P-Y Curve





0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35

NPTEL course 146 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Refer to the sketch with soil and pile
details, answer the following.

a) Calculate the axial capacity

b) Develop t-z, Q-z and p-y curve at
0m, 5m, 10m, 15m, 25m, 30m,
40m, and 50m.
c) Calculate the allowable lateral load
at the pile top if the lateral
deflection at the seabed is to be
limited to 50mm.

NPTEL course 147 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Pile Data
Pile Diameter and wall thickness D = 1320  mm TP = 25  mm

Annular end bearing area Aa =  D2 − ( D − 2  TP) 2 Aa = 0.102 m2

Total end bearing area At =

( 2)
 D 2
At = 1.368 m
Pile penetration Lp = 50  m

kN kN
Weight density of water  w = 10.25   steel = 78.5 
m3 m3

NPTEL course 148 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Layer 1 - Medium dense sand
Angle of internal friction 1 = 30  deg
Bulk density 1 = 19 
Layer Depth h1 = 20  m
Skin friction factor 1 = 0.37

Limiting skin friction flim1 = 81  kPa

Effective overburden pressure po1 = 0.5  h1  (  1 −  w) po1 = 87.5  kPa

Unit skin friction for layer 3 f1 = min (  1 po1  flim1) f1 = 32.4  kPa
External skin friction in layer 1 Qfe1 =   D h1  f1 Qfe1 = 2685.1  kN
Internal skin friction in layer 1 Qfi1 = 0.8   ( D − 2  TP)  h1  f1 Qfi1 = 2066.7  kN
Layer 2 - Stiff Clay

NPTEL course 149 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Qfi1 = 2066.7  kN
Layer 2 - Stiff Clay
Undrained shear strength Cu2 = 100  kPa
Bulk density 2 = 18 
Layer Depth h2 = 15  m
Effective overburden pressure po2 = h1  (  1 −  w) + 0.5  h2  (  2 −  w)

po2 = 233.125  kPa

2 =
po2 2 = 0.429

Adhesion 2 = ( − 0.5  1.0) if  2  1.0

min 0.5   2

min ( 0.5   2 − 0.25  1.0 ) if  2  1.0

2 = 0.763

Unit skin friction for layer 2 f2 =  2  Cu2 f2 = 76.342  kPa

External skin friction in layer 2 Qfe2 =   D h2  f2

Qfe2 = 4748.8  kN
Internal skin friction in layer 2 Qfi2 = 0.8   ( D − 2  TP)  h2  f2
Qfi2 = 3655.1  kN

NPTEL course 150 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Layer 3 - Dense Sand
Angle of internal friction 3 = 38  deg Nq = 50

Bulk density 3 = 19.5 
Layer Depth h3 = 15  m

Skin friction factor 3 = 0.56

Limiting skin friction flim3 = 115  kPa qlim = 12000  kPa

Effective overburden pressure po3 = h1  (  1 −  w) + h2  (  2 −  w) + 0.5  h3  (  3 −  w)

po3 = 360.625  kPa

Effective overburden pressure po3e = h1  (  1 −  w) + h2  (  2 −  w) + h3  (  3 −  w)

po3e = 430  kPa

Unit skin friction for layer 3 f3 = min (  3 po3  flim3) f3 = 115  kPa

NPTEL course 151 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Layer 3 Dense Sand – Contd..
External skin friction in layer 3 Qfe3 =   D h3  f3
Qfe3 = 7153.4  kN
Internal skin friction in layer 3 Qfi3 = 0.8   ( D − 2  TP)  h3  f3
Qfi3 = 5506  kN
Unit end q3 = Nq  po3e q3 = 2.15  10 4  kPa
Annular end bearing in layer 3 Qqa3 = Aa  min ( q3  qlim)
Qqa3 = 1.2  10 3  kN
Total end bearing in layer 3 Qqt3 = At min ( q3  qlim)
Qqt3 = 1.6  10 4  kN
Pile Capacity Calculation

NPTEL course 152 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations 4
Qqt3 = 1.6  10  kN
Pile Capacity Calculation
Ultimayte Capacity in compression Quu = Qfe1 + Qfi1 + Qfe2 + Qfi2 + Qfe3 + Qfi3 + Qqa3
Quu = 27035.6  kN
Ultimate Capacity in compression Qup = Qfe1 + Qfe2 + Qfe3 + Qqt3 Qup = 31009  kN
Weight of soil plug inside the Wsp = At h1  (  1 −  w) + h2  (  2 −  w) + h3  (  3 −  w)
Wsp = 588.4  kN

Weight of pile below seabed Wpile = Aa   steel ( h1 + h2 + h3) Wpile = 399.208  kN

Total internal friction Qfi = Qfi1 + Qfi2 + Qfi3 Qfi = 11227.8  kN

Ultimate Capacity in Qut = Qfe1 + Qfi1 + Qfe2 + Qfi2 + Qfe3 + Qfi3

Qut = 25815.1  kN

NPTEL course 153 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Pile Lateral Capacity
Variation of Subgrade Modulus  h = 11 
of reaction m3
Limiting lateral deflection at seabed Ybed = 50mm

Factor safety against lateral load FOS = 2

Length of cantilever from seabed Le = 5  m

Pile Classification
Modulus of Yield strength of steel Es = 2  10 5  MPa Fy = 345  MPa

Moment of inertia of pile Ip =  D4 − ( D − 2  TP) 4 Ip = 0.021 m4
Pile flexibility Es  Ip
Tf =
h Tf = 3.294  m

Depth of fixity Lf = 1.8  Tf

Total length Lt = Le + Lf Lt = 10.929 m

Limiting Lp/Rf ratio = 15.179

NPTEL course 154 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Lateral Capacity using P-Y Curve
The limiting deflection is given as 50mm at the seabed and Considering top 1m of soil as representing
the seabed approximately and hence
Representative Depth X = 0.5  m Ko = 0.4

1 1 1 − sin (  1)
 = 45  deg +  = Ka =
2 2 1 + sin (  1)

tan(  ) 2  tan(  )  tan(  1)  sin (  ) 

C1 = + Ko   + tan(  )  ( tan(  1)  sin (  ) − tan(  ) )
tan(  −  1)  cos (  )  tan(  −  1)  C1 = 1.912

tan(  )
C2 = − Ka
tan(  −  1) C2 = 2.667

( )
C3 = Ka  tan(  ) 8 − 1 + Ko  tan(  1)  ( tan(  ) ) 4 C3 = 28.745

NPTEL course 155 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Ultimate lateral resistance of pus = ( C1  X + C2  D)   1  X pus = 42.5 
soil at seabed m

pud = C3  D  1  X pud = 360.5 

pu = min ( pus  pud) pu = 42.5 

Ac = 0.9

  h X 
Ultimate Lateral load limited Hu1 = Ac  pu tanh  Ybed   D Hu1 = 50.5  kN
by 5mm lateral displacement in  Ac  pu 
top 1m of soil from seabed
Allowable lateral load Ha1 = Ha1 = 25.3  kN

NPTEL course 156 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Lateral Capacity by depth of fixity Method
Lp/T f is greater than 4 and hence the pile is considered to be long pile and hence the pile moment of
resistance may govern the lateral capacity

Moment of resistance of pile MR = Fy 2  MR = 11149.3  kN m

Ybed 3
Limiting Lateral Load Hu = Hu = 1.7  10  kN
Lt  Lf 2 Lf 3 
 − 
Es  Ip  2 3  Lt 

Moment applied on the pile Mu = Hu Lt Mu = 19009.4  kN m

Pile yield capacity is greater than the the moment due to ultimate lateral load applied on the pile limited
by 50mm lateral deflection at the seabed

Allowable lateral load Ha2 =
FOS Ha2 = 869.7  kN

Maximum Allowable Lateral Capacity

Maximum Allowable lateral load Hall = min ( Ha1  Ha2 ) Hall = 25.3  kN

NPTEL course 157 Prof. S. Nallayarasu

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36
Pile Foundations
Pile Data
Pile Diameter and wall thickness D = 3000 mm TP = 50 mm

D − ( D − 2 TP) 
 2 2
Annular end bearing area Aa = Aa = 0.463 m

Total end bearing area At =

( 2)
 D At = 7.069 m
kN kN
Weight density of water w = 10.25   steel = 78.5 
3 3
m m
Mooring load PM = 800 Tonne  = 60 deg

Vertical component of mooring load Pv = PM sin(  ) Pv = 6796.6 kN

Horizontal component of mooring load Ph = PM cos (  ) Ph = 3924 kN

Pile Foundations
(a) Vertical Penetration Calculation

Undrained shear strength Cu = 80 kPa

Bulk density  = 16 
Layer Depth d = 30 m

Effective overburden pressure po = 0.5 d (  −  w) po = 86.25 kPa

 =  = 0.928

Adhesion factor  = ( − 0.5  1.0 ) if   1.0

min 0.5 

min( 0.5   1.0 ) if   1.0

− 0.25
 = 0.519
Unit skin friction f =  Cu f = 41.5 kPa
External skin friction Qfe =  Dd f Qfe = 11743.2 kN
Internal skin friction Qfi = 0.8  ( D − 2 TP) d f Qfi = 9081.4 kN
Pile Foundations

Weight of soil plug inside the pile Wsp = At d (  −  w)

Wsp = 1219.3 kN

Weight of pile below seabed Wpile = Aa  steel( d) Wpile = 1.1  10 kN

Verify plugged condition Result1 = "Plugged"

Ultimate Capacity in tension Qut = Qfe + Qfi

Qut = 20824.6 kN

Ultimate Capacity in tension Qutp = Qfe Qutp = 11743.2 kN

min( Qut  Qutp) + Wsp + Wpile
Factor of Safety FOS T = FOS T = 2.068
Pile Foundations
Modulus of subgrade reaction kh = 0.5  kh = 500 
m m

Modulus of eleasticity of pile 5 8 kN

Es = 2 10 MPa Es = 2  10 
D − ( D − 2 TP) 
 4 4
Moment of inertia of pile Ip = Ip = 0.504 m
Es Ip
Fixity Parameter Rf = Rf = 16.1 m
kh D

d=30m is less than 2Rf (32.2m) and hence the pile will be short.
Point of Rotation X = X = 21.213 m
Maximum load that can be applied PH = 9 Cu Dd ( 2 − 1) PH = 26841 kN
at the top
Allowable lateral capacity FOS = FOS = 6.8
Pile Foundations

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