Hubungan Keluarga, Komuniti Dan Budaya Dalam Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak (KAQ 3073)
Hubungan Keluarga, Komuniti Dan Budaya Dalam Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak (KAQ 3073)
Hubungan Keluarga, Komuniti Dan Budaya Dalam Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak (KAQ 3073)
Family and Family. Types of families. The factors that are related
to changes in family structure, family function and family
3.1.1 Urbanization
The family are changed due to urbanization. Family becomes smaller in urban
areas. In urban society there is fast changes occurs due to advancement of
technologies and similar other forces. The old tradition is breaking down. New ideas
and values are coming up. Education function is changed. They have a lot of
opportunities, more confident and knowledge around the world due to live in urban
areas (Javeria Khan, 2018; fami, 2001) .Urbanization is the main cause of changing
family functions when people move from rural to urban area it is called urbanization.
It is basically the physically growth of the cities.When family is urbanized it bring
change the structure of the family. In that situation family become nuclear in which
include parent and their children. In urbanized families both parents are working
and they do not give proper time to their children (Javeria Khan, 2018; Sim, 2013)
.Globalization and urbanization have weekend the basic fabric of relationships.
Pakistan is one of the countries of the world where family as a social institution has
got a new shape with new assignment. Social change has a direct impact on the
basic structure and function of the social institutions (Javeria Khan,2018)
3.1.2 Industrilization
Before the industrial revolution the family was not nuclear as it is today. It was
instead a huge body with extra members such as grandparents, uncles, and
cousins. This is called the extended families. But when they realize that they have
to work in city for the betterment of their young-once, they went cities to find jobs,
taking their immediate families with them. This made the family smaller and turns
into nuclear families. As a society in which we live in got more and more complex
ore institutes began to form each with their own purpose such as education, health,
etc. this left the family with the sole task of just reproducing the nest generation and
raising them (Garg. L et. al., 2005; Fustenberg, 2010) .Goode (1963) in his book
“World Revolution and Family Patterns” said that industrialization tend to
undermines the extended family and larger kinship group. Although he argued that
“the individual can maintain an extended kin network if he wishes to do so”. The
nuclear family is the predominant family pattern in the modern world ( Javeria Khan,
2018; Goode, 1963; Anderson, 1971) .
Among the functions of the family is the affective function. This is said so
because affective function is closely related to the internal function of the family,
which is the basis of family strength. Affective function is useful for the fulfillment
of psychosocial needs. The success of performing effective functions can be seen
in the happiness and joy of the whole family. Families that successfully perform
affective functions, all family members can develop a positive self -concept.
The components that need to be met by the family in performing effective
functions are mutual love, mutual acceptance, mutual support between family
members, get love and support from other members. Thus, his ability to give love
will increase, which eventually creates a warm and complementary relationship.
Intimate relationships in the family are the basic capital in providing contact with
society. Bonding and identification of family ties begins when the couple agrees to
start a new life. Bonds between family members are developed through the process
of identification and adjustment of various aspects of family members ’lives. Thus,
parents must develop a positive identification process so that children can imitate
the positive behaviors of both parents, said (Murwani, 2007).
In addition, the function of the family is a function of socialization. This is
said so because this socialization function shows the role of the family in shaping
the child's personality that occurs through interaction between family members.
Through social interaction in the family, the child learns the patterns of behavior,
attitudes, beliefs, ideals and values in society, namely in the process of personal
development. From this socialization as well, the child will enter the social system
of adults, and will receive various lessons and training to control the norms that
apply in his society so as to be able to perform various social roles that are
expected.( T.O.Ichromi,2004:30).
Family socialization is done with the aim of educating a child starting from
the beginning until the formation of the child's independence and guided during his
growth so that the child has a way to behave, behave, to act in accordance with
existing norms and values and applicable in society (Yulia, 2018). Basically, in
shaping a person's personality, socialization can affect the process in the formation
of personality, this is said because socialization plays an important role, because
each individual can shape a person's personality through the process of
socialization itself (Fadli, 2016). But in fact the socialization that is not fully obtained
from parents to children can lead to a bad child's personality so we can conclude
how important it is in shaping the child's personality so that it can regulate various
things, such as good and bad things for one's life. Emphasize that parents have an
important role to play in maintaining socialization in order to produce children who
are virtuous and successful in the hereafter.
Next, the family function is the economic function. This is because the
economic function is the family function to meet the needs of all family members
such as meeting the needs of food, clothing, and shelter. Many couples now see
an unbalanced income between husband and wife. So it makes a problem that
ends in the direction of divorce. Nowadays, a big challenge to a family is a very
weak economy due to the MCO that is plaguing our country. This has had a huge
impact on families who only eat breakfast and eat dinner because they only depend
on the money to support the family. So the situation has disrupted the lives of
children and wives because the daily needs are not enough to continue living.
Therefore, the head of the family, the father must play an important role in keeping
the family to live in a happy and modest state in every matter.
Finally, the function of the family is the function of Family Health Care or
Preservation also has a role or function to implement health care practices, which
is to prevent the occurrence of health disorders or treat sick family members. The
ability of the family to provide health care affects the health status of the family.
The willingness of the family to implement health care can be seen from the family
health tasks performed. Responsible families are those who help each other in
caring for family members if they are not healthy by giving medicine, taking care of
food, taking them to see a doctor and so on. Therefore, the family should be
emulated in order to create a healthy environment.
3.3 Family Strength to Children
A family institution able to change the pattern of children's lives in many aspects. In this
context, “the starting key for children to start a good life is a happy family”. (Rita Cheminais,
2011) In this regard, the role of a family institution greatly influences the development of
children's lives, especially parents. Parents are the closest human beings in teaching their
children. This supported by Paezah Abd. Halim and Faridah Yunus (2012), where parents
are the people who spend the most time with children at home. Accordingly, there are
various strengths of the family especially the parents that influence the development of the
Firstly, the parents can build a basis of good personality in their children. In this
regard, the children need to be teach with a positive attitude and noble morals as the basic
fortress of the beginning a good life. Jean Piaget's theory states that children learn from
their surroundings. This means that a child's cognitive develops when they see the actions
around him. Therefore, parents need to be a "Role Model" at home by showing positive
behavior so that children can emulate and apply the behavior in daily life. This matter
agreed by Azizi Yahya (2010), who states "that the authority and example of parents in the
family greatly determines the formation of religious values, moral, social and self-discipline
of children". (p.59)
Secondly, the parents can be a catalyst of enthusiasm and support to their children.
If the parents apply these elements, children will grow rapidly in various aspects such as
cognitive and social. From a cognitive aspect, children can improve their academic
achievement better. This is supported by Abd Razak Zakaria and Noraini Mohd Salleh
(2011) where parental support at home has a positive effect on student achievement.
Through this, children have a lot of free time that allows the learning schedule to be more
organized, fun learning activities and so on.
Not only that, there is healthy communication between parents and children. In this
context, the words of advice or praise given can increase the child's self-confidence to
express an opinion as well as cultivate the courage to try something without fear. Paezah
Abd. Halim and Faridah Yunus (2012), discuss that families who practice healthy
communication at home can not only strengthen family ties but also help children improve
their personal development, emotion and achievement in education. Through this, the
nature of diligence in doing something can be instilled in children. (Fauziah Hanim Jalal,
Fairuz ‘Ain Harun, Noraini Ismail, Nazariah Abd Samad, 2015).
Furthermore, from the social aspect, children are easier to adapt to the new
environment. This is stated as such because, parents who often spend time with children
need to take children to the Playground, Zoo and so on to introduce new situations or new
cultures to children. Through this, two-way interaction can be created that allows children
to more easily get along and understand each other's emotions as well as increase self-
confidence to face the public. This is also supported by Vygotsyky's Theory where children
need to be exposed to the socio-culture of the society in their environment so that language
and cognitive development can be improved well. (Nur Shakirah Binti Azizan &
Muhammad Saiful Haq Bin Hussin, 2017)
In conclusion, parents are the main strength of the family that can have a positive
impact on children. In this context, the stability of the role played by parents can give birth
to a loving family where their children will care and understand each other. Therefore,
parents need to inculcate positive values and morals so that children's development can
develop well.
Fauziah Hanim Jalal, Fairuz ‘Ain Harun, Noraini Ismail, Nazariah Abd Samad.
(2015). Penglibatan Ibubapa dalam Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak di Pusat Anak
Permata Negara. Jurnal Pendidikan, 60-68.
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Nur Shakirah Binti Azizan & Muhammad Saiful Haq bin Hussin. (2017).
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dalam Aktiviti Pembelajaran Kanak-Kanak di Prsekolah. Junal Pendidikan, 59-65.