дсту en iso 9934-3-2016 МТ оборудование контроля
дсту en iso 9934-3-2016 МТ оборудование контроля
дсту en iso 9934-3-2016 МТ оборудование контроля
lepxanne ui4npueMcrBo
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Haxa3 sia24.02.2016 l\e 52
EN ISO 9934-3:2015
MaruironopomrcoBufi rcourpolr.
9acrr.tra 3. O6.naaHaHHs
j t ,'. ':
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English Version
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for gir::: :n.s
European Standard the status ofa national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical refere::=s
concerning such national standards maybe obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Cenrre or to a:. lJ\
This European Standard exists in three official versions fEnglish, French, German). A version in any other language ::.;:. f,]'
translation under t}re responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC l'1::=::::::t
Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic tt::.:.:., Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, lceland, lreland, Ital)', L3r,.= L :.-. -,r ja,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Suitzerl::.c l -:sev and
United Kingdom.
aBe4 flualuoJ
European foreword
This document (EN ISO 9934-3:2015) has been prepared by Technical Committee
CEN/TC 13B "Non-destructive testing", the secretariat of which is held byAFNOR, in collaboration with
Technical Committee ISO/TC 135 "Non-destructive testing".
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by March 2016, and conflicting national standards shall
be withdrawn at the latest by March 2016.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject ol
patent rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent
According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Srvitzerland,
Turkey and the United Kingdom.
Endorsement notice
The text of ISO 9934-3:2015 has been approved by CEN as EN ISO 9934-3:201.5 n,ithout any
(s)sroz:E-tr66 osr
laq[unu a3uaJaJau
ryaruadmbg:€ aruod
ardotsolgu1optl slptn4sap uou srDSSg
- -
:t ued
Srpsal alJrued
Jnau8ehl -
Euqsal alllrnrlsap-uoN
uoErpa puoJas
ISO 9934-3:2015(E)
zl z(qderSorlqrg
" ''" .s1uaua;rnbal lelruqlal t'S
8 etep JelruqJar z's
. .. ' '"''
8 " "Ieraua, I's
saJJnos v-An s
L sJuaruaJrnbar
lerruqca; Z'y'b
L' le]ruqlal l'v'y
9""' ''" " sualsz(s Surlsa] pazrleDad5 b'V
9.' sluauraJrnbarleuorlrppy b't'y
9" sluauarrnba.r
lerruqral tE y
s lelruqlal z'E v
S' leraua9 I't'b
S" saqJuaq rrlau8e1l11 tV
I ""' '
sluauarrnbar lerruqcal E'Z'V
b ' ''''''''''"" eleplErruqral z'z'b
L Ierauag I'z.v
c ''sJoleJauaSluar:n3 Z'i
t' sluauarrnbaJ [euoqrppv b'I'b
o sluatuarrnbar lecruqcal E'I'l
z ""' 'etep z'I'l
r""" Ieraua3 T'I'l
I (lV):]au8euo_11.r-ataalqeuod L'b
r" ' '''''sarllapJo saddl b
r" sluaurarlnbarz[a;e5 t
r'' saJuaJaJal aApPruJoN z
r" '"ador5 T
aBe4 qualuoJ
(u)sroz:e-rr66 osr
ISO 9934-3:2015(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (lSO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (lEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/lEC Directives, Parl2 (see www.iso.org/directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www,iso.orgfpatents).
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Forervord - Supplemerrlary infbrmation
ISO 9934-3 was prepared by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) Technical Committee
CEN/TC 1.38, Non-destructive testing, in collaboration with ISO/TC 135, Non-destructive testing,
Subcommittee SC 2, Surface methods, in accordance with the Agreement on technical cooperation
between ISO and CEN (Vienna Agreement).
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (lSO 9934-3:2002), which has been
technically revised.
ISO 9934 consists of the following parts under the general title Non-destructive testing Magnetic
particle testing: -
Part L: General principles
Part 3: Equipment
IPraua, T'T'9
sarl^apJo saddl v
'sluaualnbaJ Ie]uatuuoJrnua pue Ie]rJ]Jala ',{1a;es 'q}leaq apnllur t{llq,v\
suorleln8ar IeJol pue Ieuorleu 'ueado:ng 'Ieuor]euJa]ur Ile ]unorJe o]ur a{e} 11eqs uBrsap luaudtnba aql
sluarua"Irnber f1a3e5 t
(apol aD silnsopua [q papmotd uo4talotdlo saatfiaq'62909 )ll
spals ptcads puo [1tpnb [o11o-uo1r1 sasodnd 0wtaaur6ua ptaua6 nl sdur1tol arp pals uadg'Z-0 g Z0I Ng
saryr prauag :[ lrDd 6uusa] apqtod 4lau1opy fiupsal aNpnrlsap-uoN'I-?t66 OSI
- -
suotlrpuo) 6urmary1- 0uqsal aptltod tlauCow puo 1ullsal luulauad Cunsal atlpnJlsap-uoy'690t OSI
'sarldde fsluarupuaue ,{ue 3urpn1:urJ luaunJop pa:ueraJa] aqt Jo uortrpa }sa}el aql 'saruaJaJar
palepun :og 'sarldde paln uorlrpa aq1 dluo 'salua:aga: palep JoC 'uorlerrldde sll roJ alqesuadstput
aJE pue luatun:op srql ul paluaJaJar dlanrleur:ou a.re ']red ur Jo aloq^^ ur 'sluaunf,op 8ur,vro11oy aq1
saJuaJaJaJa^IlBrrrJoN z
'par;rrads osle ale s>lJaqJ aJrnias-ur pue sluauarrnba: uorleJqlIeJ pue Sutlnsearu
'alertdo"tdde aJaq1 's:alaruered ureual Surrnseau Jo poqtau aql pue uorle:r1dde :o; sluauartnbal
urnrururur larlddns ]uaurdrnba aqr ,(q paprno.rd aq o] saruado:d aqt sar;nads tE66 OSI ;o lred stql
osle ale Surrolruoru pue 'luatuarnseau 'uorleurtunllr 'Sutztlau8euap 'Sutztlau8eur roy ]uaudrnbg
'aurl ssaroJd e u:og ol aruanbas ur paceld suotlels Sutssaro:d
Jo sarJas e SursrlduoJ 'srseq snonurluo: e uo sluauoduror Surlsal roJ sualsds Surlsal paztlet:ads
isuorlellelsul paxlJ
:t ued
Srpsal aIJIued JIlauBEhl Sunsal all1rnrtsap-uoN
- -
Magnetization shall be determined by measuring the tangential field strength, H1, at the centre of a
line joining the centres of the pole faces of the electromagnet with pole extenders where used. The
electromagnet with a pole spacing, s, is placed on a steel plate as shown in Figure L. The plate shall
have the dimensions (500 t 25) mm x (250 t 13) mm x (10 r 0,5) mm and shall be of steel conforming
to C22 (1.0402) of EN 10250-2. Periodic functional checks can be carried out either by the method
described above or by a lift test. The electromagnet shall be capable of supporting a steel plate or
rectangular bar conformingto C22 (1.0402) of EN 10250 -2 and having a minimum mass of 4,5 kg, with
the magnet poles set at their recommended spacing. The major dimension of the plate or bar shall be
greater than the pole spacing, s, of the electromagnet.
NOTE To lift a steel plate with a mass of 4,5 kg requires a lifting force of 44 N.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 poles
s pole spacing
MP measuring point for the tangential field strength
recommended pole spacing (maximum and minimum pole spacing) (s-a*, smin);
duty cycle at maximum output (ratio of current "ON" to "Total" time expressed as a percentage);
maximum current "ON" time;
tangential field strength H1 at.s,r"* and s6i1 [following 4-1);
'Z"lfiA.IA ur u^ oqs se
'saxe aql uo sldaJJalur aq] dq uanrB uaql aJe'{I'}uarJnr UnJJTJ ]Jor{s pue'0p 'a3e11on JrnllrJ uado aq1
'zd pue rd uaomlaq aurl lq8rerls e 3ur^uerp dq palrn.rlsuol sr aurl peol aqJ 'z2r lurod anr8 o] peol puolas
e qlld\ paleadar sr ssarord aqJ'Z-3fnAU u6 Id' lurod anr8 ol'pa11o1d pue paJnseau aJe slpurtuJal1ndlno
aql ssolf,e'rn 'a8e][o^ pue alqeJ aqt q8norq] 'rI']uaJlnJ aq]'alqer ]srrJ aq] roC JoleJaua8 aql o] uJn] ur
'alqeJ go sq13ua1 luaJaJJrp se r.{Jns 'speol luaraJJrp dlaprrvr om1 Surlrauuor ,{q pa^rJap aq ueJ lole.Iaua8
aql Jo auII peol aql '(palrauuof,srp slorluoJ lreqpaal due qlran) :a,r,rod run{urxetu }e Joleraua8 aq1 ;o
JllslJalJeleqJ-peol aql uoJJ palrJap aJe'r1 'luarJnJ lrnlrrJ uoqs aql pue '0n 'a8e11ol JrnrJrf, uado aq1
'pat;t:ads asr^ raqlo lou Jr s S Jo aturl ..NO,, tuatJnJ B JoJ pue o/o 61 go alrd:
[1np aql ]e palel st :oleraua8 aq] qlrq^ loJ ]uaJJnl urnrurxer.u aq] se paurJap sr 'r1 'luallnl pa]el aqJ
' (sanlel-5yr1g) 11'gua.r.rnJ paler
aq] pue 11 ']uaJJnt JInf,JIJ Uoqs aq] '0p 'a8el1on ]rnf,Jrf, uado aql {q pazr.ralreleql sr :o1e:aua8 }ualJnJ V
'luarudtnba Surzrlau8eu JoJ ]uaJJnl r{1ddns o} pasn aJe s.role:aua8 lualln3
Ieraua9 I'z'b
sJolBJauaSluarrn3 z'v
'pueq auo qtr^{ alqesn aq plnoqs slau8euo.rlrala ,{11e:aua3
'alpueq aqt uo patunou dlqerayard'qrtr^ s cco/No rarurod E qllm parlddns aq IIEqs ]au8eurortrala aqJ
sluaura.nnballeuoplppv t'l'b
N ff< ar.ro; 3ur1gr1
(sr,uul ut/Ytz< (15 aas) xEtuqlB qlSuaJls plar; lerlua8uel
J" 0t> alpuer.{Jo arn}eradural aJeJJns
ss< aurll ,,N0,, luarrnJ
o/o 0I< alrr(r ,{1np
:1nd1no tuntulxetu le pue Jo 0tJo aJnleladual luarqure ue ]e parJSrles aq leqs sluaua:rnbar 3urmo11oy aq1
(s)sroz'e-1166 osr
ISO 9934-3:2015(E)
l1 l1 /k
lsarnleaJ paletuolne f
IBraua) l't'v
saqruaq rpauSBI4l t'b
'a1cdc {1np -raq8rq e a:rnba.r IIr^ sateJ 3ur1sa1 q8rg SJON
(s)sroz:e-rt66 osr
ISO 9934-3:2015(E)
electrical supply requirements at maximum current output (voltage, phases, frequency, and current);
characteristics of coils:
number of turns;
maximum achievable ampere turns;
length of the coil;
internal diameter of the coil or length of sides if the coil is recta ngular;
field strength in the centre of the coil.
4.3.3 Technicalrequirements
The following requirements shall be satisfied at a temperature of 30 'C:
4.3.4 Additionalrequirements
The equipment supplier shall verify the detection capability for a specified component.
']rnJJrs qJeaJo
IoJluol luapuadapur _
1aur1a1c^{: paar8e aql taatu
1[rronrasa: unrpatu
uollJalap aql Jo uollElol '1aued lol]uoJ toleraua8 1ua:.rnr)
luaurdrnba aQ] Jo lno .{e1 ,,1.*iqx
1(paseq-1ro/-.rageanJ erpatu uortlatap alqesn;o addl
luorlezrlauBeurap ;o ad.{1
1(1ua:lnr pue dluanba:3 'saseqd 'a8el1ol) 1nd1no
]uaJJnJ [unurrxeru ]e s]uatuarrnba"r flddns IelrJlJala
:tT.T ut par;oads ueql raqloJl) autr.,NO,,
]uarlnf, urnrurxeur
llndlno [unurrxeru 1e alcz(r ,{1np
llelaurJo uorlnlosal pue
^,{relnr:e _
:(3o1eue'lellStp) -ra1au ;o ad,{1
1arur1 SurzrlauBeulsod
laurg SurzrlauBeu
iaur] 3ur]lam pue Surllama:d
1aurr1 apz{r ua1s,,(s
(dsroz:s-rr66 osr
ISO 9934-3:2015(E)
5 UV-A sources
5.1 General
UV-A sources shall be designed and used in accordance with ISO 3059.
irradiated area (diameter orlength x width measured athalf of the maximum surface irradiance);
irradiance after 15 min operation;
irradiance after 200 h continuous operation ftypical va]ue);
illuminance after 15 min operation (see 5.3);
illuminance after 200 h continuous operation (typical value).
5.3 Technicalrequirements
The following requirements shall be satisfied under working conditions:
6.1 General
Usually in magnetic benches and specialized testing systems the detection media circulates through
the reservoir, wetting units, and the drain tray.
agitation method;
material of the reservoir, wetting unit, and drain tray;
'uorsrAJo plarJ srolelado urqlrm uorlerpeJ v-An ro/pue alqtsrA ruorJ ate[3 ou
sluauarlnbar 1eo1uqra1 EL
luorlelrluaAgo adr{1
1.r{lrlrqeuruelJ Jo ssell
{looq uollradsul 4
^,{lanrlap aql Jo uorlelnBa:
llrnJJrJ erpatu uorllalap aql JoJ Ieualetll luelsrsaJ uorsoJJol
quauorlnbar lerluqral Eg
'asoq pueq
11 r u n Surllarrrr alqenou/paxr;
!3 u rl1arr p aleuolne/l e nu etu
(s)sroz:e-rt66 osr
ISO 9934-3:2015(E)
B Demagnetization
8.1 General
Facilities for demagnetization can be included in the magnetizing equipment, or demagnetizing can be
carried out using a separate equipment.
If viewing for indications is carried out after demagnetization, indications shall be preserved by a
suitable method.
I Measurements
9.1 General
In connection with this part of ISO 9934, measurements are required f or the following:
determination of the equipment characteristics;
checking inspection parameters.
For all current and magnetic field measurements, only instruments that respond directly to the
waveform shall be used. Instruments that calculate peak or RMS values based on calculation derived
from other values shall not be used. Where True RMS meters are used to measure RMS values the
specified crest factor of the instrument shall be greater than the crest factor of the waveform being
measured and generally not less than 5.
9.2 Currentmeasurement
Pure AC sinusoidal waveforms can be accurately measured using clamp meters or other conventional
instruments. Measurements of phase controlled currents can be more complex and it shall be verified
that the instrument used has the correct response before use on these waveforms. Measurement
systems using shunts with suitable voltage measurement instruments shall be regarded as current
meters and conform with the requirements for such instruments.
suolllpuorSulrltaln r'6
'% 0I ueql Ja]laq drernrte luauarnseatu
:parJsrles aq IIeqs luaurarrnba: 3ura,ro11o; aq1
sluaruarlnbaJIErruqJaI t'€'6
'(sureu [ral1eqJ dlddns leru]lala
1]uaruntlsur;o addl
lluauala Sursuas aq1;o .{-rlauoaB
:aJeJJns aqord aq] uolJ Josuas aqtJo aJuelsrp
:aqo.rd aqlJo suorsuaurp pue ad,41
:anleA palnseaI'u
'3urpea"r urnurrxeur
aql aAIS o1 paleloJ aq lleqs aqo"rd aq] 'ptalJ aql Jo apnlru8eru pue uorlJarlp aq] aururalap oJ
plar; rrlau8eru aqlJo uor]raJrC
IEraua9 I't'6
lueruarnsEaur plalJ lllauSEhtr t'6
(s)sroz:s-r166 osr
ISO 9934-3:2015(E)