Adaptive Control Mechanism For Project Management System

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e-ISSN: 2582-5208

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume:02/Issue:09/September -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354


Dr. Rajiv Ranjan*1
*1Senior Manager (Projects), SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant, India.
In this paper model reference adaptive control (MRAC) scheme has been discussed. MRAC has been
applied to the adaptive nature of project management system where different nature of adaptive project
cycle have been discussed in comparison to the reference model ( ideal project) and attempt has been
made to find the way to execute the ideal project without any time and cost overrun.
Keywords: adaptive control, MRAC (Model Reference Adaptive Controller), project management, project
manager, Project life cycle.
Control system plays a vital role in industries as well as the management system. At the present scenario
not only every machinery but also whole universe is being driven by controlled input to achieve desire
output/goal. For achieving such desired output, person or machine must be managed in such a way so as
to perform better with limited resources in optimized manner.
Adaptive control have a technique where controller automatically adjust the changes in real time to
maintain desire performance of control system with dynamic variation in plant parameters.
Application of engineering and technology in field of management may give the better result to optimize
the system and utilize the same with good efficiency. In management system, we manage the 4M (Men,
Machinery, Material & Money) to achieve the desired goal of the company. Project management is part of
management where we deal with the project life cycle in context of management in real time analysis.
In Project Management system vision of the higher management is converted in reality in specified
project life cycle. Based on the feasibility of the project, utilizing the project management system, we
analyze the same in real time analysis to achieve desire output/goal. .
Project is temporary and finite effort, having a specific start and end time. Project is undertaken to create
desire output which is beneficial changes or added value to the performance to the organization.
Project is time variant dynamic system, it is implemented in real time in specified project life cycle.
Project life cycle having five phases i.e initiating process, planning process, execution process, monitoring
& controlling process and closing process. Project management system may be considered as multiple
input and single out time variant dynamic system
In ideal case of project management system, we assume that there is no delay and project is implemented
in real time with optimum utilizing of recourses to avoid cost overrun. But in many cases it has been
observed that project is getting delayed due to various reasons attributed to the contractor, consultant or
employer. These delays may be controlled by controlling the dynamic behavior of the project parameter,
which is getting changed due to some internal or external changes occurred in the system. Delay in any
project having time over run and cost overrun and these overruns directly impact on project management
system. To avoid such delayed, dynamic of the project which has caused the delay has to be monitored in
regular manner and a system to be developed to record and nullify such delay to avoid cost and time over
run and complete the project in stipulated time frame.
Traditional non-adaptive controllers are good for industrial applications; PID controllers are cheap and
easy for implementation [1]. Nonlinear process is difficult to control with fixed parameter controller.
Adaptive controller is best tool to improve the control performance of parameter varying system.
Adaptive controller is a technique of applying some system identification to obtain a model and hence to
design a controller. Parameter of controller is adjusted to obtained desired output [2].Model reference
adaptive controller has been developed to control the nonlinear system. MRAC forcing the plant to follow @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume:02/Issue:09/September -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354
the reference model irrespective of plant parameter variations. i.e decrease the error between reference
model and plant to zero[5]. MRAC implemented in feedback loop to improve the performance of the
system [3].There are many adaptive control schemes [4] but in this paper mainly MRAC control approach
has been discussed in contest of project management. Effect of adaption gain on system performance for
MRAC using MIT rule for first order system [6] and for second order system [7] has been discussed. In
this paper model reference adaptive project management mechanism been discussed for different
adaptation technique for project management and accordingly improvement of performance analysis is
also discussed for project management system.
Project management system may be considered dynamic, non liner time variant system adaptive system,
as the parameters of the project in getting change with time in entire project life cycle. In adaptive project
management system, we study the dynamic behavior of delay parameter and focus to mitigate the
unforeseen risk i.e time overrun and cost overrun in stipulated time frame to achieve desire goal.
Adaptation mechanism needs to be developing to study causes of changes which is directly affected to the
liable project implementation. Adaptation mechanism takes the input from the available recourses or
newly developed adaptive system. Based on the input received from adaptation mechanism controller
(Management) gives the control signal to project team to minimize delay.
Model reference adaptive controller is shown in Fig. 1. The basic principle of this adaptive controller is to
build a reference model that specifies the desired output of the controller, and then the adaptation law
adjusts the unknown parameters of the plant so that the tracking error converges to zero [6]

Reference Model: It is used to specify the ideal response of the adaptive control system to external
command. It should reflect the performance specifications in control tasks. The ideal behaviour specified
by the reference model should be achievable for the adaptive control system.
Controller: It is usually parameterized by a number of adjustable parameters. Two parameters θ1 and θ2
have used to define the controller law. The control law is linear in terms of the adjustable parameters
(linear parameterization). Adaptive controller design normally requires linear parameterization in order
to obtain adaptation mechanism with guaranteed stability and tracking convergence. The values of these
control parameters are mainly dependent on adaptation gain which in turn changes the control algorithm
of adaptation mechanism.
Adaptation Mechanism: It is used to adjust the parameters in the control law. Adaptation law searches
for the parameters such that the response of the plant should be same as the reference model. It is
designed to guarantee the stability of the control system as well as convergence of tracking error to zero. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume:02/Issue:09/September -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354
Model reference adaptive controller is shown in figure. 2. The basic principle of this adaptive project
control system is to build a reference model of ideal project that specifies the desired output of
the controller (Project Manager), and then the adaptation law (Management control) adjusts the
unknown cause of delaying behavior of the project so that the tracking error converges to zero. This
means project being executed is tracking the ideal law of project management system.

There are different methods for designing such controller. While designing an MRAC using the MIT rule,
the designer selects the reference model, the controller structure and the tuning gains for the adjustment
mechanism. MRAC begins by defining the tracking error, e. This is simply the difference between the plant
output and the reference model output:
system model e=y(p) −y(m) (1)
The cost function or loss function is defined as
F (θ) = e2 / 2 (2)
The parameter θ is adjusted in such a way that the loss function is minimized. Therefore, it is reasonable
to change the parameter in the direction of the negative gradient of F, i.e

J ( )  e 2 ( ) (3)
d J e
   e (4)
dt  
– Change in is proportional to negative gradient of J

J ( )  e( ) (5)
d e
  sign(e)
dt 
 1, e  0

where sign(e)   0, e  0
 1, e  0

From cost function and MIT rule, control law can be designed. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume:02/Issue:09/September -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354
The life cycle of the project is from initialization to closing of project. It is nothing but basic framework for
managing the project process. Irrespective of project soze and complexity, projects are categorized in
following life cycle.
a) Initialization Process of Project : Based on the market demand, new modernized unit or
addition, modification, replacement in existing unit is considered. In this process new project or new
phase conceived by obtaining authorization from higher management.
b) Planning Process of Project : In planning process phase, we define the objective of project ,
scope of work, time schedule, cost of project, human resources, Quality, appointment of consultant,
stakeholder, risk management, course of action to achieve the project objective. This part of project life
cycle play important role for any project. We planned project having own advantage for timely
completion of the project without any risk.
c) Execution Process of Project : In execution process, project is executed as per defined plan of
project management. During execution of project, it may be possible that some unforeseen nature (risk)
of job comes into the picture that may cause of time overrun and cost overrun of the project. If project is
not being executed as per approved plan of management, plan may be reviewed. Sometime re-planning is
done to achieve the desire objective of the project. Execution process also involves coordinating people
and resources, as well as integrating and performing the activities of the project in accordance with
the project plan.
d) Monitoring and Controlling Process of Project : In Monitoring and Controlling, project is
monitored based on the approved plan. For timely completion of the project, it is required to track,
review, and regulate the progress and performance of project. Monitoring and Controlling Process of
Project, we also control the scope, schedule, cost & quality of the project. Any such changes like scope,
cost, time etc of project is monitored and controlled in this cycle.
e) Closing Process of Project : After completion of project, in closing process we compare the
actual benefit with benefit envisaged during the planning of project. We also calculate the financial
aspects of the project in terms of IRR, NPV, payback period etc.
In project cycle, all five cycle are dynamic in nature. In modeling of project management system it
assumed that initialization, planning, monitoring & control and closing of project is ideal in nature only
execution part is dynamic. It is only assumed to reduce the degree of equation and reduce the complexity
of the system. We can also analyze the whole project process system by applying fifth order of complex
equation and it can be reduced to either first order or in second order system by applying model order
reduction technique.
Modeling of adaptive project management is considered as only one time variant dynamic parameter i.e
execution part of the project.
Reference Project Model (Reference Model): A ideal project of same unit or other sister unit or may be
from any other project having same project parameter (implementation period, cost, benefit envisaged,
scope of work etc) to be considered as a reference model. In ideal project is time variant dynamic system
and it is assumed that project to be completed in project life cycle and running successfully and achieved
all desired output as envisaged.
Project under execution (Plant): Project under executed is considered as time variant dynamic nature
plant. Output of Project under execution (Plant) should track the output of the reference model.
Adaptation Mechanism (Project Team): It is used to adjust the parameters in the control law.
Adaptation law searches for the parameters such that the response of the plant should be same as the
reference model. If the output of project being executed is not matching with the ideal reference project
then adaptation law can be applied to convergence of tracking error to zero. If executed project output is @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume:02/Issue:09/September -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354
not tracking the reference model output means delay in execution of project. Following adaptation law
may be applied for overcome the delay.
SN Reason of delay Solution

1. Finalization of design & engineering of Regular review meeting with consultant, contractors
project and other stack holders.

2. Change in Scope Some time project conceived without knowing the

full detail. During execution scope got increased.
Employer is advised to be fully aware of the project
scope before award of work
3. Failure in coordination between time Proper time schedule help project for timely
schedule and execution completion. Plan Vs progress wrt to completion time
to be monitored and reported.

4. Economical changes Project get affected by economic conditions of the

country. Any economic meltdown in country
projects will be affected in so many ways and caused
of “delay”.
Due to the surprising change in the price of
everything, employer cash flow becomes poor. If
such a solution is unreachable, the owner must
commit to a change in the project’s duration and
grant the contractor an extension of time or
foreclose/dropped the project.

5. Supply Online track of shipment, GPS and other tracking

device may be utilized for tracking.

6. Shutdown Proper planning of shutdown in case of brown field


7. Unforeseen risk Mitigation of risk by risk management group.

8. Mismatching of connecting sub project Meeting with sub-project vendors and stack holder.

9. Inefficient management Failure in management in any life cycle of project

cause of delay in project. Major reason of improper
management in, conceptualization without knowing
the scope of project, improper planning, delay in
tendering, improper estimate etc. To over cum such
delay, entire project cycle should be manage by
expert of project management team.

Controller (Project Manager):. In model reference adaptive control adaptation mechanism adopt online
parameter estimate technique such a way to control controller parameter so that controller gives
controlled input to plant then output of plant track the model reference. Adaptation mechanism (Project
team) adapt the above reason and give the feedback to controller (Project Manager). Project Manager,
review the project management technique of whole project cycle and give the controlled input to project
being executed so that output of project being executed track the referred ideal project.
Adaptive controllers are very effective where parameters are varying. The controller parameters are
adjusted to give desired result. This paper describes the MRAC by using MIT rule. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume:02/Issue:09/September -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354
Adaptive project management mechanism allow controller (Project Manager) easily control the execution
of the project. Any variation in executed project (plant) in entire project life cycle ( conceptualization to
closing of project ) wrt ideal project (reference project), adaptation mechanism (Project team) adapt such
changes accordingly project manager (controller) gives the controlled input to project being executed so
that out track the output referred ideal project.
In project management system, adaptive project management system may be applied to reduce the delay
in execution of project. Mathematical modeling of adaptive project management can be done by
considering the each phase of Project life cycle as variable. During realization, order of equation may be in
higher order, by applying reduce order model technique order of equation may be reduce to second order
and then applying any programming tools system may be realize in real time.
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3, Issue 3, October - December (2012), pp. 110-120 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


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