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Srei Sahaj e-Village Limited, a subsidiary ofSrei Infrastructure Finance Limited, has partnered
with Indira Gandhi NationalOpen University (IGNOU), the largest Open University offering
distance learningprogrammes, today to deliver international quality education at affordablecosts
to the rural population of India through 27,000 Common Service Centres(CSCs) that Sahaj is
setting up in the states of West Bengal, Bihar, Assam,Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, and
Jammu & Kashmir.
Thisprestigious partnership is aimed at making higher education available to thevillagers in their own
villages thus bridging the massive rural-urbaneducational gap. An estimated 100 million rural youth
population across thecountry stands to benefit through the Sahaj-IGNOU partnership.
SreiSahaj-IGNOU will jointly develop new certificated programmes especiallydesigned for the rural
youth, providing training in a blended learningenvironment to enable students to undertake a range of
internationallyrecognized qualifications.
Allcourses will be accredited to IGNOU for its use. Srei Sahaj will administer theprogrammes
including enrolments, registration, fee collection, evaluation anddo the certification online or manually
(by IGNOU directly). Currently there isa yawning gender gap in the educational status of boys and
girls and more soamongst the disadvantaged castes and tribes. Cultural, social and economicfactors still
prevent girls and SC/ST youth from getting educationalopportunities. The net enrollment ratio of the
rural youth stands at a mere7.48 percent for boys and 4.5% for girls, remarkably lower than 17.84%
and16.9% respectively for urban boys and girls.
TheSrei Sahaj – IGNOU partnership will help bridge this gigantic educationalbarrier within the rural
landscape. With the use of modern ICT platform ofSahaj available at 12,000 Gram Panchayat units, the
prestigious IGNOU highereducation will be made available to the rural youth in digital format at
theSahaj Common Service Centers (CSCs). The rural youth would have unprecedentedopportunities to
acquire IGNOU’s internationally recognized certification,diplomas, degrees right in their village within
a distance of 3 kilometers oftheir homes at ICT backed, computerized Sahaj CSCs. By the end of 2008-
09, SreiSahaj-IGNOU promises to make
thison-line university available at 27,255 CSCs in the states of Assam, Bihar,Jammu and Kashmir,
Orissa, Tamil Nadu, UttarPradesh and West Bengal.
Theeducation gap cannot be bridged by merely building more universities, as itwould mean acquiring
land and putting together the necessary infrastructure forthousands and thousands of new universities to
cater to the 150 millioncollege-age rural youth. On-line Universities, which do not require
physicalinfrastructure, have facilitated greater accessibility to education world over.This is especially
true for kinds of courses designed to cater to the needs ofstudents who do not have financial backup or
family support. The Sahaj-IGNOUtie up aimed at re-engineering higher education will bring in great
advantage towomen and those who cannot afford to travel and live in the cities foreducation.
Commentingon the collaboration, Hemant Kanoria, Chairman & Managing Director, Sreisaid
“Asacquiring higher degrees is directly related to greater socio-economic status,this is a powerful step
towards making the growth and development of Indiabroad-based and accessible by the hitherto,
remote, marginalized anddisadvantaged communities.”
Elaboratingon the partnership, Dr Sabahat Azim, CEO, Srei-Sahaj said, “This is historicstep to bridge
the educational gap between Rural and Urban India. Now parentswho for their own socio-economic
reasons were diffident about sending theirwards to pursue higher education can now rest easy. Girls
who could not pursuehigher education can do so from their own villages. In the next three monthsthis
partnership would be operationalised and with that I believe we would setup a landmark in the area of
Public-Private Partnership model to meet pressingsocial needs. Soon we will extend these centres to all
common service centreacross India by partnering with other Service Center Agencies under theNational
e-Governance Plan of DIT, Government of India.”
- End -
About Srei Sahaj e-Village Limited
Srei Sahaj e-Village Ltd. is a subsidiary of Srei Infrastructure Finance Ltd. It is a business integrator in
the field of IT infrastructure with a focus on ruralIndia. It has 65 offices across 6 states and is emerging
as one of the largest implementers of ICT-based projects inIndia.It has taken up the task of eliminating
the undemocratic digital divide between rural and urbanIndia, under the flagship of NeGP of the
Government of India. It brings government, business, and services to the ruralIndiathrough an
expanding network of Village Level Franchisee Partners.Srei-Sahaj is set to launch 26,146 CSCs across
the country. Above 12,000 CSCs have already been established, providing a single-window, one stop
solution to the citizen’s needs, under the Private-Public- Partnership (PPP) arrangement.
The parent company of Sahaj, Srei, isaHolisticInfrastructureInstitution,constantlyand
consistentlyideating to deliver innovative solutions in infrastructure space,thusplaying a significant role
in nation-building for over two decades,bothinurbanandruralIndia.Srei’s businesses include
Finance,Advisory&Development,Insurance Broking, Venture Capital, Capital Market and Sahaj e
-Village. Srei has a pan-India presence with a networkof63officesandhasalsoreplicatedits business
model overseaswiththreeofficesinRussia.Srei is the first Indian infrastructure financing institution to get
listed on the London Stock Exchange. Srei Equipment Finance Pvt. Ltd., a joint venture between Srei
Infrastructure and BNP Paribas Lease Group, a wholly owned subsidiary of BNP Paribas, is a Srei
Group company engaged in Infrastructure Equipment Leasing and Financing Business.
About Indira Gandhi National Open University
The Indira Gandhi National Open University, e
Infrastructure and BNP Paribas Lease Group, a wholly owned subsidiary of BNP Paribas, is a Srei
Group company engaged in Infrastructure Equipment Leasing and Financing Business.
About Indira Gandhi National Open University
The Indira Gandhi National Open University, established by an Act of Parliament in 1985, has emerged
as the largestmegaUniversityin the democratic world. Today, it serves the educational aspirations of
nearly 2 million students in India and 33 other countries through the twenty-one Schools of Study and a
network of 59 regional centres, more than 2300 Learner Support Centres and around 52 overseas
centres.The University has, in a relatively short time, contributed significantly to higher education,
community education and continual professional development. As a world leader in distance education,
it was conferred the Centre of Excellence Award in Distance Education in 1993 and the Award of
Excellence for Distance Education Materials in 1999 by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL),
One can not probably leave without internet connectivity in this age of “Information” and “knowledge”. The term, IT, has two
role associated – Information, and Technology. Information requires technology for creating content, to provide connectivity, an
the delivery to masses. Hence till we have information generated, Technology does not have much role to play at lea
beneficiaries enmasses. Technology plays a vital and important role, however, in disseminating the content gene
IGNOU, being the pioneer and the premiere institution and carrying the successful story for the Open and Distance Learning
has been, in some or the other way, using internet almost right from the Web Technology got its birth in mid nineties (in India
with RENNIC (Research and Educational Network of NIC – National Informatics Centre) service the university got the first 64K
established at Hauz Khas Campus, New Delhi for use, primarily, by ADIT and BIT students of IGNOU. Soon after 2Mbps (1:4
RF tower was established at the main campus in Maidangarhi. After having observed disruption of services, particularly due
As the above picture depicts, all internet based applications for all from the Maidangarhi campus is through the 48Mbps link from Computer Division
to storms and rains, it got replaced with 2Mbps(1:1) using Fibre/copper link. The link was further established in Computer Divis
location at Mother Teresa Bhawan, Academic Complex, in 2003-04. This time it was again using RF tower based on the ex
on both the aforementioned technologies. As applications demanded better connectivity, the link was enhanced to 4Mbps fo
peak period requirements of application servers. From 4Mbps, as such, the link got extended to 48Mbps in February 2008. Sin
is being utilized by all including eGyanKosh and Sakshat portal. As the above picture depicts, all internet based applications fo
the Maidangarhi campus is through the 48Mbps link from Computer Division.
WEB 2.0
World Wide Web (WWW) got penetration in India some where in 1994-95 after it was made available for public access 199
web site browsers. Advances have given birth of second generation of web technology. The earlier version i.e. WEB 1.0 had th
of web browsing only. Today’s features like Blogging, Wikipedia, webcasting, chats etc. have given the birth of WEB 2.0. The D
able to see such applications, being used by IGNOU for all interested, through the broadband connectivity. eGyanK
IGNOUONLINE are the two such examples of such applications possible through the active support of Computer Division.
Inauguration of 48Mbps link by Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Professor VN Rajasekharan Pillai on February 14, 2008
As the world experiences, one of the requirement of today is internet facility. In IGNOU, it started with MS environment with
broadband link from 1998. After having used for about five/six years open source environment was adopted and proxy ser
created for providing internet services at the Headquarters. All Regional Centres use such services with local ISPs.
Dr VSP Srivastav, Head, Computer Division explaining the use of 48Mbps link
The main website of IGNOU – is by computer division in all respect. That is hosting, creating, updat
information through IGNOU web site is done at the Division by a dedicated team. After receiving the content from
Schools/Divisions/RCs/Centres/Institutes of INGOU, contents are created and updated by the Division. Regular updating is
the input received from the concerned in IGNOU.
Dynamic information through web enabled applications like SWISS (Single Window Information and Student Support) is also
the regular responsibility after getting data pertaining to Change of Address, Material Despatch, Examinations/Tets Results,
Comprehensive Grade Card/Hall Tickets(Admit Card), Online Examination Form submission, Grievance Redressal, Alumni Re
etc. are extended through the above site. Links to other sites and hosting/connectivity of other websites including eGyanKosh
Online, DEC (Distance Education Council) etc. are done by the Computer Division. Web casting of Gyan Darshan TV chann
linked to the above web site for those who wants to see the channel directly over internet. This is, however, done after g
signals from EMPC(Electronic Media Production Centre) of IGNOU which is engaged in telecast and broadcast of Audio
IGNOU’s TV channels.
IGNOU has a massive network established at the Headquarters created and maintained through the Computer Division. Sta
about 150 network nodes the network has grown with above 1500 network access nodes covering all at the main campus. Th
set up has been established over a period with extensions. It has about 25 KMs of Fiber cables laid as the backbone conn
Schools/Divisions with the Computer Divison’s Server Parisar (SERENE). CISCO, ENTRASYS, D-Link switches provide the
connectivity through aggregation
and departmental switches installed for the purpose. Entire applications and internet access is provided through the
established over a period by the Division.
The campus LAN has about 35 LANs covering all Buildings occupied by Schools, Divisions, Offices, Centres etc. The network
also supported with Wi Fi wireless connectivity at select places. This may get further extended covering all to meet the
connectivity requirements. This will be required to be done with the increasing dependency for the various applications inclu
Also it is planned to establish Wi Max and IGNOU VPN connecting all of the IGNOU’s fraternity covering entire Regional Ce
Study Centres.
The Division established, in February 2008, a centre, in the main campus, which is linked to the 48Mbps internet broadband. T
is in enormous use by the IGNOU’s staff families. The centre was created after the feel of such requirements and subsequen
taken by Honorable Vice Chancellor Professor VN Rajasekharan Pillai. The activities, which also include short-term training
internet usage, are done and governed by Computer Division.
Inauguration of ePRAANGAN
Honorable Vice Chancellor interacting with Staff Family Members
IGNOU has taken the initiative to get the ERP implemented starting with back offices automation. This integrated approach fo
office automation has Finance & Accounting, Administration, Works related services on its mandate in the first phase. As p
activity a world class Data Centre through access controlled mechanism has also been created using many blade servers an
storage system. All the development, testing, and production servers are put into two racks with the storage system, fully equi
auto storage, back up and recovery systems. The entire work has been given to TCS as turn key project. The project was
October 2007 which included ERP implementation for back offices, Data Centre and network extension with state-of-the-a
features and EMC documentum software for digitization of documents, creating meta data and linking such files to the users’
wherever and whenever they are required. About six modules have been already implemented and given to users. Further six
will get rolled out in November 2008. Phase I of the ERP will be fully operational by March 2009. This facility will be unique and
the first in educational setup with central universities in India. The ERP solution is through ORACLE’s Peoplesoft and has
ERP explained – integration with one and all through centralized data base
managed service provisioning (MSP) for four years, after the implementation, through the service provider and the system
M/s TCS.
As its major role in getting the IT infrastructure procured and set up all over the country, the Division has played pivotal role
established a much rich infrastructure with thousands of computers and such resources. Computer Division, as its one of
responsibilities, has developed a very significant chain of web based applications. Entire student specific support is throug
(Single Window Information and Student Support). Following gives a glimpse of the facilities supported through SWISS for
SWISS – for web enabled student support
As the name spells out, SWISS also contains as a single platform even for those who are not IGNOU students but are inte
IGNOU’s programme and becoming IGNOU’s students in future. Under this platform all are available for query in genera
students and otherwise.
Capacity building through regular training on various fields/topics, are regularly done through the Division and also through
(Staff Training and Research Institute in Distance Education).
Other activities, during the year, from the Division include setting up the Training Centre for IUC (Inter University Consortium)
East Asian countries; joint activity for testing of IP based Teleconferencing and Web casting through a team consisting of mem
Computer Division, EMPC, and CEMCA.
IGNOU is now going for a revamp of IT infrastructure, through use of ICT (Information and Communication
Technologies), Document Management System and Infrastructure Development to improve the effectiveness
and the management of education in , and has embarked on a journey towards modernization and
computerization of its operations in a phased manner.
Scope of the Project
1. IMS for Back- Office
IGNOU is going for automation of its back office processes like Human Resources, Payroll, Purchasing, Finance
etc to cater to the requirements of the Head Quarter for approx. 1500 IGNOU employees. This initiative has
been named as “Integrated Management System”.
The IMS would involve systematic design, development, deployment and managed service provisioning (MSP).
In this direction, TCS has come up with an ERP Solution- PeopleSoft for back office processes of IGNOU.
PeopleSoft supports institutions of all sizes and types as an integrated suite of proven, scalable, enterprise-wide
applications on a single database. It is cost effective and has unique features for educational institutions.
This phase will include implementation of Finance, Payroll, HR, Purchasing, Inventory and other administrative
TCS will customize and implement three modules of PeopleSoft ERP Package for IGNOU.
PeopleSoft Human Capital Management, Version 9.0
Core HR
Self Service HR
PeopleSoft Financials and Supply Chain Management Modules, Version 9.0 Financials
Project Costing
2. Digitization
TCS will create an infrastructure for the digitization of IGNOU documents. These digitized documents would be
stored in a Document Management System and made accessible to the authorized users of IGNOU.
3. Procurement of supporting IT Infrastructure and related services
TCS will procure all the equipments for setting up the required supporting IT infrastructure within the . The
related services would include:
Campus connectivity
Data center
Accounts Receivable & Fee Receipts Mr. Kaul & Ms. Rama Kapoor (Finance)
Maintenance Management Mr. U.P Sharma (CMD), Mr. Sudhir Reddy (CDU),
Project Costing Mr. M.P. Singh (Finance), Mr. U.P. Sharma (CMD)
Mr. Sudhir Reddy (CDU)
Loans & Advances (Coordination) Sharma & Mr. Vinod Khanna (Admin)
Pension & Provident Fund Mr. K.G. Rao & Ms. Dipika (Finance)
Employee learning/Training Administration Dr. Basanti Pradhan, Ms. Rose, Ms. G. Maithili
In 1970 (International Education Year), the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare in collaboration
with the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, the UGC and the Indian National Commission for
cooperation with UNESCO, organised a seminar on `Open University'. The seminar recommended the
establishment of an open university in India on an experimental basis. The Government of India
appointed eight member working group on Open University in 1974. The leading role was given to G.
Parthasarathi, the then Vice-Chancellor of the Jawaharlal Nehru University.
The working group had recommended establishing an Open University by an act of parliament as early
as possible. The university should have jurisdiction over the entire country so that, when it is fully
developed, any student even in the remotest corner of the country can have access to its instruction and
degrees (Working Group Report, 1974).
The working group suggested several measures to be followed in instructional and management
processes of the open university which include: admission procedure, age relaxation, preparation of
reading materials, setting up of core group scholars in different fields, setting up of study centres,
vehicle of curricular programmes, live contact with teachers, and so on. On the basis of the
recommendations of the working group, the Union Government prepared a draft bill for the
establishment of a National Open University, but due to some reasons the progress was delayed.
In 1985 the Union Government made a policy statement for establishment of a national open university.
A Committee was constituted by the Ministry of Education to chalk out the plan of action of the
national Open University. On the basis of the report of the Committee, the Union Government
introduced a Bill in the Parliament. In August 1985, both the Houses of the Parliament passed the Bill.
Subsequently, the National Open University came into existence on September 20, 1985. It was named
after late Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi. The Indira Gandhi National Open University (established
by the Act of Parliament) is responsible for introducing and promoting distance education at the
university level, and for coordinating, determining and maintaining standards in such systems
functioning in the country.
In 1989, the first Convocation was held and more than 1,000 students graduated and were awarded
their diplomas. IGNOU audio-video courses were first broadcasted by radio and television in 1990 and
IGNOU awarded degrees received full recognition by the University Grants Commission in 1992 as
being equivalent to those of other universities in the country [5].
In 1999, IGNOU launched the first virtual campus in India [6], beginning with the delivery of
Computer and Information Sciences courses via the Internet. (NARESH DUA)
[edit] Schools
IGNOU currently serves approximately 1.4 million students in India and 35 countries abroad in eleven
schools and a network of 58 regional centres, 7 sub-regional centres, 1400 study centres, and 41
overseas centres. Approximately 10% of all students enrolled in higher education in India are enrolled
with IGNOU [7]. IGNOU offers 125 academic programs comprising 1100 courses at certificate,
diploma and degree levels. In addition, a number of non-accredited extension and skill-oriented
programmes are on offer through the twenty-one Schools:
• 1. School of Humanities
• 2. School of Social Sciences
• 3. School of Sciences
• 4. School of Education
• 5. School of Continuing Education
• 6. School of Engineering & Technology
• 7. School of Management Studies
• 8. School of Health Sciences
• 9. School of Computer & Information Sciences
• 10. School of Agriculture
• 11. School of Law
• 12. School of Journalism and New Media Studies
• 13. School of Gender and Development Studies
• 14. School of Tourism Hospitality Service Sectoral Management
• 15. School of Interdisciplinary and Trans-disciplinary Studies
• 16. School of Social Work
• 17. School of Vocational Education and Training
• 18. School of Extension and Development Studies
• 19. School of Foreign Languages
• 20. School of Translation Studies and Training
• 21. School of Performing and Visual Arts
• 22. School of Computer and desigining
[edit] Programmes
[edit] Ph.D. Programmes
Education,Economics,History,Tourism Studies,Library & Information Science,Public
Administration,Sociology,Political Science,Mathematics,Physics,Hindi, English, Management,
Commerce, Women's Studies, Rural Development, Social Work, Child Development, Nursing, Gender
and Development Studies, Food and Nurtrition, Distance Education, Sri Aurbindo Studies, Agriculture
Extension, Computer Science, Mass Communication.
[edit] Divisions
The Indira Gandhi National Open University has the following Eleven Divisions to take care of various
• Academic and Coordination Division
• Administrative Division
• Construction and Maintenance
• Computer Division
• Finance and Accounts Division
• International Division
• Library and Documentation Division
• Material Production and Distribution
• Planning and Development Division
• Regional Services Division
• Student Registration and Evaluation
Chairman, Atomic
• Sh. N.R. Narayana
Commission and
Dr. Anil Murthy, Chairman,
XVIIth 18.02.2006 Secretary, 75174
Kakodkar Infosys
Department of
Atomic Energy,
Govt. of India
• Prof. M. S.
Hon'ble Justice
Chief Justice of Renowned
XVIIIth 17.03.2007 K. G. 111699
India Agricultural
• Prof. C. N. R. Rao
• Dr. Anil Kakodkar
• Prof.
Hon'ble Vice- M.S.Valiathan
Dr. Hamid
XIXth 16.02.2008 President, • Pandit Shiv Kumar 101346
Republic of India • Prof. Rahman Rahi
• Prof. Indira
[edit] eGyanKosh
The website eGyanKosh shares digital learning resources developed by open and distance learning
institutions in the India. Items in eGyanKosh are protected by copyright and registration is free.
[edit] References
1. ^ [1][2]
2. ^ Dept of Education, India: The Indira Gandhi National Open University Act, 1985 (Act No. 50
of 1985) (URL last accessed on April 29, 2007)
3. ^ World Intellectual Property Organization: Indian University Honors WIPO Director General
(URL last accessed on April 29, 2007)
4. ^ IGNOU Website: Objectives (URL last accessed on April 29, 2007)
5. ^ IGNOU Website: Milestones (URL last accessed on April 29, 2007)
6. ^ Newsbytes: IGNOU Launches First Virtual University in India, July 6, 1999 (URL last
accessed on April 29, 2007)
7. ^ IGNOU Website: IGNOU - A Brief Profile (URL last accessed on April 29, 2007)
8. ^ UGC Website: Universities Directory - Indira Gandhi National Open University (URL last
accessed on April 29, 2007)
9. ^ UGC: UGC Circular No. F1-52/2000 (CPP-II), May 5, 2004
10.^ AIU: AIU Circular No. EV/B(449)/94/176915-177115,January 14, 1994
11.^ AICTE: AICTE/Academic/MOU-DEC/2005, May 13, 2005
12.^ COL Website: IGNOU named "Centre of Excellence", COMLEARN, October 1993 (URL
last accessed on April 29, 2007)
13.^ DEC Website: Statutory Authority
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KOCHI - The Indira Gandhi National Open
University (IGNOU), The Advanced Center for
Informatics and Innovative Learning (ACIIL) • Future of Microsoft Technology!
and IBM India have signed an MoU that would
re-invent IT education in the country.
Protected by Comment Guard Pro
The mechanism for sharing finances and material was an important issue and all the institutions
expressed that in a collaborative arrangement, the regional universities (SAU's) should be given
proper status in terms of funds granted and there has to be proper sharing of resources and
receipt between the partners. Also the agriculture universities expressed that they would want the
degrees to be jointly given.
The issues thrown up during this discussion will form the basis for developing a concept paper on the
distinct areas of partnership and models for collaboration. The partnership model worked out can be
implemented in South Asia and other international ODL imparting organizations can also be partners in
this collaborative arrangement according to their strengths. The concept paper will be circulated among
the prospective partners for their views before another meeting is held.
List of Participants
1. Prof. H. P. Dikshit
Vice- Chancellor, IGNOU
2. Prof. S. C. Garg
Pro-Vice-Chancellor, IGNOU
3. Dr. Panjab Singh
Professor, SOA, IGNOU
4. Dr. Suresh Babu
IFPRI, Washington
5. Dr. Rex Navarro X
ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India
6. Ms. Valerie Rhoe
IFPRI, Washington
7. Dr. P. L. Gautam / Dr S. P Gupta, Director, Extn and Communication X
Vice Chancellor,
G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology,
Pant Nagar, Udham Singh Nagar, Uttaranchal
8. Dr. C. Ramasamy
Vice Chancellor,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
X represents those who could not attend the meeting
9. Dr. Rajan Madhaorao Welukar
Vice Chancellor
Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University,
Nashik, Maharashtra
10. Dr. Surya Gunjal
Prof. & Director, School of Agricultural Sciences
Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik
11. Dr. S. L. Mehta X
Vice Chancellor,
Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology,
Udaipur, Rajasthan
12. Dr. B. B. Singh X
Vice Chancellor,
Narendra Deva University of Agriculture & Technology,
Kumarganj, Faizabad, U.P.
13. Dr. S. R. Singh
Vice Chancellor
Rajendra Agriculture University,
Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar
14. Dr. M. K. Salooja
Dy. Director, SOA, IGNOU
15. Dr. M. C. Nair
Dy. Director, SOA, IGNOU
16. Dr. Indrani Lahiri
Asstt. Director, SOA, IGNOU
17. Sh. Jaya Raj
Sr. Consultant, SOA, IGNOU
18. Dr. D. S. Khurdiya X
Senior Consultant, SOA, IGNOU
19. Dr. P. L. Yadav
Senior Consultant, SOA, IGNOU
20. Dr. P. N. Pandey
Senior Consultant, SOA, IGNOU
21. Shri Rajesh Singh
22. Shri Rajiv Ranjan
Junior Consultant
Submitted to the AICTE Board of Studies, NPTEL and IGNOU
By the
Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management – Kerala
April 2007
National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning, or, NPTEL, in its first phase of
content development, has produced video recorded lectures of full course length in over 110
courses of value to the engineering colleges. These lectures systematically cover a typical course
having about 40 hours of classes. NPTEL has also produced supplementary content of value in
another 120 courses. Both the NPTEL and AICTE are now faced with challenge of how to use
this content to improve the quality of technology education offered in the more than 1000
colleges that do not have experienced teachers.
There is this tremendous need to train and orient thousands of teachers (at least 10,000 teachers
to get started against a potential demand for 1,00,000 teachers) in the engineering colleges and
also facilitate them to conduct the courses in their respective colleges effectively. We have to
address the problem of providing engineering education of god quality reaching the nearly 1.5
million students in the engineering alone. The proposed system will immediately benefit at least
20 % of the engineering colleges that have the potential and commitment to offer quality
education. This will reduce the pressure on the IITs and the social stress on good students going
through agony of entrance examinations will considerably reduce and yet not getting admitted to
good institutions. Over the medium term, this will also supply good students for the postgraduate
Tutored Video Instruction, or, TVI is a well established methodology that allows for
innovative adaptations to impart quality instruction using video recorded lectures augmented by
appropriate tutored mediation and interaction processes. TVI as a method was developed
by Prof. James Gibbons, Dean of Stanford University for reaching out Stanford’s classroom to
working professionals in the Silicon Valley. Subsequently various universities in North America
and elsewhere have adopted this method with telling effect. There are studies available over the
Internet to show that this method results in students doing better than normal classroom – exams
approach. In India, the ElNet-3L training program of IIT Kharagpur under the guidance of Prof.
A.K. Ray practiced this method successfully.
Here we propose a two-phase approach to make effective use of the NPTEL initiative. In the first
phase, we propose extensive teachers training and appreciation programs using the NPTEL
content and offer the young inexperienced teachers in the engineering colleges proficiency
certification through a program approved by the Distance Education Council using the
Grid systems, NPTEL (and other relevant) content and IGNOU’s infrastructure. In the second
phase, we propose an extensive Open Supported Learning Network, or, OSLN that supports
diverse Technology Enhanced Learning and Teaching, or, TELT services for the universities
and colleges.
The proposed TVI methodology here is an adaptation of the one developed at Stanford, and the
one practiced by the ElNet-3L of IIT Kharagpur. Our adaptation takes into account the
availability of modern LMS platforms, wikis, collaboration systems developed under the
Education Grid of IIITM-K, online libraries and open publishing gateways and
EDUSAT/IGNOU SIT facilities. We assume that the following facilities/resources are
available. The resource requirements for the pilot launch of Education Grid TVI are estimated
based on the equivalent of supporting up to 10 of the NPTEL and IIITM-K courses in a sample
set of colleges in Kerala and southern Tamil Nadu in the launching, or, pilot phase. The
certification/training courses will use the following.
(i) Systematically delivered lectures from expert faculty under the NPTEL and IIITM-K
are pre-delivered and loaded to run from a local streaming video server in the
colleges. It is enough if the streaming server are run from two basic PCs (for
redundancy and performance) on LAN with about 1 GB RAM and 100 GB SATA
HDD each.
(ii) A central course wiki is maintained in the Education Grid Portal for supplementary
content and to support community driven supplementary content development.
(iii) A discussion forum or blog for the courses is maintained and serviced by the
Education Grid for conducting the TVI.
(iv) A Moodle LMS system will be maintained by the Education Grid for the registered
teachers/ candidates taking the course.
(v) TVI group learning facility in the colleges: This involves a single multimedia PC with
large screen around which about 4 to 8 learners may sit and attend the classes using
streamed video lectures.
(vi) IGNOU’s Satellite Interactive Terminal facility (or a suitable EDUSAT facility) for
conducting interactive tutorial sessions will be used about once a week for each
The processes of conducting the TVI based instruction and evaluation is explained in the next
section. The suggested process is adapted to the availability of reasonable Internet connectivity,
modern ICT tools and systems in e-Learning as already stated. We assume that the participant
teachers will have their email and access to a fair quality Internet. If necessary, the same can be
provided from the ERNET PoP at IIITM-K.
The proposed TVI based teachers proficiency certification and advanced technology appreciation
programs is also intended to be used for priming the concerned colleges to get equipped and
oriented for TELT driven education for their regular students also. We assume that it will take a
little while before TELT over the Education Grid is taken as part of the learning infrastructure as
part of the knowledge network of the country. There are the three following major areas to be
addressed in establishing the TVI based Teachers Proficiency Certification (TPC) Program.
(i) Recognition of the Certification (and other Diploma/Degree program that may come
We recommend that these training programs are given due recognition by the AICTE. They may
be approved under the Distance Education Council. IIITM-K is ready to offer the certificates
under its purview. The proficiency certificates will be conducted with due assessment
process and will carry formal recognition of value for teachers’ career and growth. The
formal certificates may be issued by the IITs/IISc (by anyone of the IITs, or, an empowered V-
IIT) under the NPTEL, by IGNOU, or by IIITM-K (with due recognition of AICTE), or an
affiliating university.
(ii) Establishing minimal TELT facilities for managing the TVI in the colleges
The objectives of the proposed certification training programs are two fold. First is to put in
place new capacity building processes that result in generating large number of qualified
teachers. The second objective is to concurrently ensure that both the college and the
teachers concerned become familiar with using TELT effectively to sustain quality
education. Hence we recommend that the colleges that wish to enroll their teachers in the
proficiency certification program be also equipped minimally to support TELT environment.
This will help the same teachers adopt TELT and TVI methodologies in their regular courses for
the students. Typically the facilities include minimal streaming server, a caching web-server (to
overcome network response problems for access to the course wikis) and a mail server. IIITM-K
Education Grid team is ready to assist the colleges in the setting up of the minimal facilities. It is
important that the participant teachers are given facility to play the video-on-demand within the
college LAN outside the scheduled hours of the course.
(iii) Checklist of readiness for conducting the certification courses
For effective TVI based instruction we need to have in place following items working in reliable
1. The entire set of about 40 hours of NPTEL video recorded lectures in compressed form
for a course is preloaded in the local streaming video server for the college.
2. The Education Grid Wiki for the course is set up with two parallel tracks – one with
supplementary content, parts of which may be openly editable, and one with clearly
defined course time schedule of modules, learning activities and evaluation to be done in
each are indicated.
3. A Moodle instance is created in the Education Grid Portal and assigned to the course for
providing the LMS services to all the teachers registered in the course.
4. The course is assigned two or three instructors/associate instructors who are subject
experts. The subject experts oversee the conduct of the TVI based course. They support
weekly SIT based tutorial sessions in response to doubts of and observations made by the
learners and also to add supplementary examples and solutions to problems.
5. A continuous evaluation is designed that gives weights to the different learning and
evaluation activities as stipulated in the course wiki. The course is strictly time bound for
each module and the overall course has to be completed within the stipulated period.
6. A term paper and presentation will also be encouraged to evaluate the articulation skills
of the teachers as a final test. The subject experts will evaluate this paper-presentation.
7. Places well equipped (like NIT-C, good college labs, IIITM-K, a national lab like the
RRL and such others) may offer their facilities for practice sessions associated with
subjects that have such curricula.
8. Seminars of state-of-the-art may be recorded in a place like IIITM-K, or the NPTEL
Centres of the IITs and broadcast through cable channels and also made available as
compressed video files from facilities offered by BSNL and others.
9. A final certificate with a grade is given to each registered candidate.
Thus a complete technology enhanced learning and teaching eco-system is readily established
and programs commenced in a very short time, particularly in specific areas like engineering
under the NPTEL. Other subjects will take a lead-time about two years. We may note that the
same minimal facilities may be augmented in the colleges for the benefit of all students and
teachers to benefit from NPTEL content and Education Grid services in all available courses and
for inter-collegiate collaborations.
The advantage of the proposed TVI model for teachers certification program is that it
augments and supports conventional college education while grooming good teachers. It
minimally disrupts the established routines and provides both the colleges and affiliating
university the room to improve their own functions.
We may go one-step further, announce the formation of a Virtual IIT (VIIT) approved
under the DEC mandate and initially launch these Proficiency Certification Courses. This
only demands minimal additional effort on the part of the IITs. VIIT over time may focus
on building collaborative postgraduate programs. Such a VIIT will be an asset to the country
and vastly strengthen the social responsibility functions served by the IITs, or by the toothless
QIP courses today.
The affiliating universities have to give up control of the college education in the colleges over
time. There cannot be good education where the teacher is kept away from the evaluation process
of his/her own class. Good educational institutions like those of the IITs thrive on the sacrosanct
teacher-taught relation that is not questioned by any bureaucratic bodies and centralized
examination system, but by the peer pressure of the students, teachers and the society at large.
By extending and adapting (not blindly adopting) the TVI model to the regular courses in the
colleges, the affiliating universities will enable the colleges teach better and over time steadily
increase the autonomy to the colleges. Over time, affiliating universities are morphed into
servicing and supporting educational technology and resource centers of excellence. With
colleges satisfying some norms like minimal number of teachers with proficiency certification
and those with PG qualifications, more and more of them may be given full autonomy.
The direction proposed herein will pave the way for the much-needed educational transformation
that is urgently needed if at all India were to move towards the 2020 vision. The process stated
herein will ultimately fulfill the true pyrpose of MPTEL, i.e., establishing quality education
through appropriate use of ICT.
IIITM-K is ready to launch a national pilot along with the IITs using its Education Grid and
ERNET facilities. An indication of budget requirements was given in an earlier document titled,
“Education Grid Course Support Services for Effective Use of NPTEL Content in the
Engineering Colleges”. The amount requested for the pilot initiative is Rs. 120 Lakh. IIITM-
K is ready to roll out the program within three months of receiving the funds.
Two annexure documents are attached with this proposal. The first provides the details and
budget requirements for the Education Grid services to conduct the TVI based certification
program. The second provides an outline of the resources needed in the colleges and the mutual
relations between the NPTEL, Education Grid services and the colleges systems.
Draft submitted by IIITM-K
Authored by: K.R. Srivatsan
Dated: April 20, 2007
Project Proposal submitted to NPTEL by the
Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management – Kerala
March 2007
Following the release of the first set of courses by the NPTEL, the Government of Kerala is keen
on ensuring that they are deployed in the Engineering Colleges of the state. A letter issued by the
Special Secretary (IT) to the Chairman, NPTEL, has communicated the same. This proposal
outlines the approach, actions to be taken and the methodology to be adopted in supporting the
use of NPTEL content with associated services and programs under Education Grid to the
The first phase of NPTEL has resulted in making content available in about 230 courses of
importance to the engineering colleges. The content is either in video recorded lectures, or as
web-accessible/downloadable form authored by subject-experts. These are broadly aligned with
the syllabi adopted in AICTE approved colleges. The objective of NPTEL itself is to assist the
colleges in improving the quality of instruction provided to the students in the colleges. To
achieve this objective we need systems and processes that help the teachers of these courses in
the colleges. We also need fairly advanced network infrastructure in the colleges that links to the
network. Thirdly we need centrally coordinated subject specific portals for dynamic interaction
between the teachers, students, subject experts and the subject world of information accessible
across the Internet. This proposal addresses these requirements.
There are two major systems components and two types of services oriented programs that
constitute the proposed Education Grid Course Support Services. These respectively are stated
Systems Component 1: Establishing reference systems and gateway configurations for the
colleges that desire to take the course support services. These reference systems in They will
follow the general recommendations submitted to the AICTE by the committee on college
infrastructure. These will provide the following minimal facilities in the colleges.
(i) College Gateway and Portal Systems
These include the main Internet Gateway access, minimal college portal, firewall and proxy
systems, secondary DNS and Mail Server.
(ii) Basic Computational Facilities
For some of the courses, the colleges need packages like Scilab (that is available free, instead
of Mathlab that costs license charges), SPICE, relevant scientific and engineering packages
for the students to do th exercises.
(iii) Basic Streaming Video Server
The college needs streaming video servers to host on its LAN the video recorded lectures for
easy access and distribution to teachers and students in the colleges. This will complement
the main streaming video services that NPTEL itself is likely to host at the national level.
(iv) Digital Library and Open Access Publishing facility
Each college needs at least a Dspace and WinIsis/GenIsis type library packages and facility
for linking subscripted e-journals that it may subscribe to.
(v) Learning Management System
The FOSS based Moodle LMS will be installed for each course within the college. This
provides for group discussions, student interactions, personalization of the course content as
suited to the college itself, question banks, quizzes and such facilitations needed to run the
courses effectively within the colleges.
(vi) Server for Automation of Students Affairs
There are several office automation and other packages that many vendors and developers
support for managing students registration, registry functions and students counselling. An
Open Linux server will be made available to support these functions. Vendors may have their
products certified for use and have college staff trained in these functions.
All the above functions will be packaged into one vertical rack of servers, their configurations
integrated and versionized. The same will be recommended as recommended FOSS solutions
that complies with the Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) that is needed for the colleges to
benefit from modern networked systems of information and collaboration. Colleges will be
encouraged to procure hardware by themselves and have the systems integrated by the
Grid team.
Teachers’ support,
Case Studies,
Wiki/ Subject
Examples CORE
TELpedia Experts
(Moderated Group
Exercises & CONTENT
by subject
Learning (Linked NPTEL
Course Portal
Education Grid
Open Blog for
TELT Support
Students & others
Area Services
– A Functional View
Systems Component 2: Developing the Education Grid Course Wiki and Blog support systems
that provide the feedback driven supplementary content development and teachers – students -
experts interactions. This supplementary content system is essential to invite content
development and effective utilization of the NPTEL content already developed. The components
of the TELpedia systems are illustrated in Fig. 1. The Education Grid team at IIITM-K will
develop, configure and commission these systems for use in the state’s colleges.
TELPedia SERVICES: Supplementary content through an TELpedia established and managed
over the Education Grid Portal. The components of the TELpedia as it would appear on the
Education Grid Portal are illustrated in Fig. 1.
Teachers Orientation, Training and Certification Programs
This forms the second set of services to be supported under the Education Grid. For every
NPTEL supported subject, a group of two to three subject experts will be constituted to referee
and guide the TELpedia evolution, respond to teachers queries and monitor the open blog
discussions. Further, they will be encouraged to conduct teachers’ orientation and proficiency
certification programs.
This proposal solicits support for seeding the above four developmental and services activities.
(i) Systems Component for Colleges: Rs. 15 Lakh - first version to be completed in
about six months. (Rs. 10 Lakh for hardware & systems + Rs. 5 Lakh for integration,
training and deployment initiatives)
(ii) TELpedia Development: Capital expense: Total Rs. 30 Lakh (consisting of Rs. 15
Lakh for server upgrade + Rs. 10 Lakh for software developments and integration +
Rs. 5 Lakh for launch related awareness and training programs over a one-year
(iii) TELpedia Services: Budget of Rs. 30 Lakh proposed. We propose to launch fairly
comprehensive TELpedia services in selected 10 NPTEL Courses. The cost per
course per year is estimated at Rs. 3 Lakh. This will support the courses for a period
of one year.
(iv) Orientation and Teachers’ Certification Programs: Budgeted at Rs. 25 Lakh for a
period of one year. Formal Teachers orientation certification programs will be
announced in the selected ten NPTEL courses. The programs will be designed with
due process of evaluation carried out by the subject-experts nominated by the NPTEL
and the state DTE. The certificates may be issued by the IIITM-K under its extension
services, if possible in association with the concerned affiliating universities.
Under (iii) and (iv) above, IIITM-K along with NPTEL will also convene national
workshop with the AICTE on how we propose to establish the Technical Education
Grid and reach the benefits of this project to all the engineering colleges of the
(v) IIITM-K Services Overheads: Rs. 20 Lakh: IIITM-K will also summarize its
experiences and findings of this project. It will propose a similar initiative under the
AICTE to cover all the engineering colleges of India.
The total budget for the Education Grid Support Services for utilization of NPTEL content
in the engineering colleges therefore comes to Rs. 120 Lakh. This program will cover the
engineering colleges of Kerala and neighboring Tamil Nadu region.
This proposal is submitted to the NPTEL for inclusion under its Phase-II implementation.
Submitted by
[Director, IIITM-K]
Dated: March 19, 2007.
1. K.R. Srivathsan, “Management of Refereed Content Generation and Utilisation in Formal
Education”, Global Journal of Flexible Systems and Management, Vol. 4, Nos. 1 & 2,
Jan.-June 2003. Available for download from the following link.
2. K.R. Srivathsan, “Future ICT Infrastructure for Education”, A report prepared for and
presented at the ISRO Edusat Southern Regional Heads of Institutions Consultations,
held Jan. 19, 2004 at Anna University. Download from
3. K.R. Srivathsan, “Concurrent instructional services over NPTEL content for quality
education in the colleges”. Download from
Proposal by the
Indian of Information Technology and Management – Kerala
April 2007
Under the MHRD’s National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL: visit:, the IITs and IISc have generated content in over 230 courses of relevance
for improving the standards and quality of education in the engineering colleges. These contents
are in the form of recorded video lectures and web-accessible supplementary material for the
courses. NPTEL is also planning Phase-II to continue such developments in more courses. Our
immediate need is to come up with methods of deploying the content and augmenting the
teaching – learning methods in the AICTE accredited colleges so that they will overcome the
several deficiencies in the present system and support quality education to their students.
In parallel to NPTEL, IIITM-K had been developing the Education Grid ( as a
reference and collaborative portal for the colleges, teachers and students in the colleges.
Combining both, we had earlier suggested in [1] the launching of ‘Concurrent Instructional
Services (CIS) over NPTEL Content’ as process to enhance the quality of instruction in the
colleges. This paper may be downloaded from the following link.
The same is appended with this proposal. In this paper we state specific approaches that AICTE
may launch for reaching the benefits of NPTEL to all the colleges. In the next section we state
the systems and process requirements for effective use of NPTEL content in the colleges.
Our goal is to improve the quality of instruction very substantially through Technology
Enhanced Learning and Teaching (TELT) in the colleges that is serviced by the NPTEL
Portal and Education Grid for Open Supported Learning (OSL). We call this as OSL because
it supports the more conventional classroom teaching and education by TELT driven open
support processes. The resulting consequences in terms of quality of education offered in all the
colleges will be far reaching.
The first requirement is that the NPTEL institutions of IITs and IISc have to set up
effective open courseware repositories of the content generated (and new content being
added) in the NPTEL web sites. The work towards this has already commenced. The web-
content is being made available. The video content is being suitably edited and compressed for
distribution to the colleges. A broad agreement has been arrived at that the video lectures will be
made available in compressed H.264/MPEG-4 format at 512 Kbps. this may be played using the
free Quicktime player.
The second requirement is that we need a master National Technical Education Grid
Portal as a web-accessed collaborative and coordination forum. The role of this portal is to
service the query management, subject or course specific collaboration moderated by experts,
add contextually linked content in each course, and invite the teachers, students and the subject
community at large to participate in discussions and blogs. The portal will also have a reference
template on how each module may be taught with associated instructional delivery
considerations with associated feedback, learning activities and recommended evaluation
The third requirement is that each college has a minimal Technology Enhanced Learning
and Teaching Infrastructure for effective practice of NPTEL content facilitated OSL over the
Education Grid framework. A note on the second and third requirements [2] has already been
sent to the AICTE and some members of its Board of Studies. The same document is also
appended with this paper.
The fourth requirement is that AICTE has to nominate about three subject experts to steer
and moderate the OSL in each course. They, as subject experts will ensure that the queries and
requirements of of teachers are responded promptly. They will also help conduct appropriate
teachers orientation and training programs in the colleges. The experts will be backed by the
Education Grid Portal and serviced by professionals deployed under the TELT services of
Education Grid.
There are reasons for separating the content and learning resources development under the
NPTEL and the servicing of content, its deployment and utilization in the colleges. The first part
is best served by highly qualified academicians in premier institutions. The TELT driven OSL
part is a major virtual institution itself. An independent National Technical Education Grid best
serves this role. The second one will provide the necessary feedback as relevant for content
upgrade and learning resources development. The total system of a national TELT driven OSL
framework appears as illustrated in Fig. 1 below.
Subject E N
Colleges &
Fig. 1: Proposed National Open Supported Learning
System for Technical Education
The figure illustrates the different systems that have to be in place to drive the OSL in the
colleges. The dotted lines are used to show that the concerned portals are openly available to the
concerned learners.
AICTE can benefit immediately from three programs that can be launched by the collaborative
systems as outlined in Fig. 1. These are summarized below.
(i) Deployment of Basic Systems in the colleges
The concerned minimal systems were outlined in an earlier document and the same is appended
to this proposal. The systems conform to the recommendations of the AICTE-Industry Conclave
held at Infosys Bangalore and given by the IT Infrastructure Group. IIITM-K in collaboration
with ERNET India is ready to provide the base configuration systems for the colleges. AICTE
should provide a directive to the colleges to establish the recommended configuration. The basic
systems will provide the following facilities: Video on demand streaming server, Learning
Management System, Internet Gateway and Mail Server Systems and associated discussion
forums. We may also add any INDEST or INFLIBNET consortium recommended e-library
(ii) Teachers Orientation and Proficiency Certification Programs on TELT
In association with IGNOU and using its Satellite Interactive terminal (SIT) IT classroom
facilities, IIITM-K and NPTEL are in a position to conduct a series of teachers’ orientation
programs across the country. The large IGNOU infrastructure and s IGNOU’s experience in
managing SIT driven classrooms are an asset and better suited than the current EDUSAT
support. The programs over this network will orient and train the teachers on effective use of and
practice of OSL. IGNOU is also coordinating the massive Open Distance Learning programs
under the 11th Plan. Further, we are in a position to design and conduct effective proficiency
certification program for teachers in the different subjects using the NPTEL content as guided
self-learning course with term papers and presentation work. A large national exercise in this is
called for to bridge the gap in the availability of experienced teachers. We may create an
autonomous entity under the Distance Education Council for certification and degrees under
these programs.
(iii) Launching Tutored Video Instruction (TVI) in the colleges
TVI is a well established and proven methodology that uses the recorded video lectures for
effective instruction in the colleges even in situations where the teacher is not that well
experienced. Prof. James Gibbons of Stanford University developed the system for delivering
courses to working professionals in the industry. The method involves groups of 4 to 6 students
listening to a video recorded lecture with provision for pausing and discussions. A local tutor
helps steer the discussions in the different groups. We may post the group’s discussions and
doubts in a course discussion forum. Today, using SIT facilities experienced teachers may
conduct tutorial sessions answering posted doubts and responding to comments once every week.
Prof. A.K. Ray and his team practiced such method with great effect under the ElNet-3L
program of IIT Kharagpur. The local teacher acts as the tutor to respond to student’s queries.
Bundled with teachers’ proficiency certification and TVI, over a few years we will be in good
position to make good the shortfall in the number of reasonably competent teachers.
(iv) Curricula Integration and OSL in the Affiliating and Technical Universities
Ultimately, the evaluation processes are conducted by the affiliating and technical universities.
Hence, we suggest that each affiliating university or autonomous college to have its own courses
portal hosting relevant content taken from the NPTEL and Education Grid Portal posted in its
own server and LMS systems. Each of them may practice their own version of the ‘Concurrent
Instructional Services’ driven TELT methods. The affiliating and technical universities in turn
need to understand and practice the OSL methodologies for enhancing the quality education in
their colleges. These OSL methods support both the teachers and students in several ways as
given below.
• Video streaming in the colleges provide recorded lectures-on-demand for use in TVI
system of teaching and for students or teachers to review lectures as and when necessary.
• The master Education Grid Portal and wherever possible local affiliate university
Education Grid portal provides the detailed course content that provides NPTEL content,
course wiki with links to relevant e-content anywhere and students blogs for
• Course wikis to have pedagogically structured framework of course related instructional
delivery, feedback driven interaction facilities, learning activities and evaluation
• Ready availability of subject experts for teachers to interact with.
• Proficiency certification and postgraduate educational opportunities for teachers through
What is being implied in this proposal is that the higher technical education system in the
country will have to be modernized in the light of recent developments in community computing
environments like the wikis, web services over Internet, collaboration systems of Education
Grid, NPTEL and open courseware systems. This is not difficult to implement of all concerned
parties – NPTEL institutions, AICTE, IGNOU, affiliating universities, the colleges and IT
industry act in concert over an Education Grid framework. This coming together and working in
concert needs enabling framework like a consortium of academia – industry and government.
The financing of such TELT driven OSL framework for all the colleges is likely to cost not more
than Rs. 2000 per student per year – a sum that is readily recovered from the current fee
in most colleges. In return, what the colleges and students get is ‘Quality Education independent
of Geography’.
We propose that during the next NPTEL workshop for teachers, we shall devote an additional
day for an NPTEL-Education Grid-AICTE-IGNOU conclave where we invite specific
recommendations on each of the items in section – 3 above and pass the same to AICTE for
issuing the necessary directives.
Submitted by
K.R. Srivathsan
Director, IIITM-K, Coordinator Education Grid
NPC and PIC Member, NPTEL
April 09, 2007.