Dynamic Programming Paint Fence Algorithm

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The paper discusses the fence painting problem and how it can be solved using dynamic programming. Dynamic programming is an algorithmic technique that breaks down a problem into subproblems and stores the results for future use, avoiding recomputing the results.

The paper analyzes the fence painting problem, where fences of length N need to be painted with K different colors such that no two adjacent fences have the same color. It aims to find the total number of ways the fences can be painted.

Dynamic programming is an algorithmic technique for solving complex problems by breaking them down into simpler subproblems. It works by storing the results of subproblems to avoid recomputing them when needed later. This improves the time complexity of the algorithm.

Information Search and Analysis Skill


Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Arranged by:

1. Muhamad Dani Setiawan (1820010114)

2. Naufal Azmi
3. Novandro Zakaria Pratama (1820010166)

Faculty :


Continuing Education Program Center for Computing and

Information Technology

Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia


Thank you, the writer wishes to God the Almighty for His blessings and
blessings, we can complete this ISAS task both in the form of presentation and
paper in a timely manner.

Not forgetting the thanks especially for Listyo faculty and other faculty who
always help. Thank you also to fellow students who have supported, and also thank
you for being fellow workers in the education at CCIT-FTUI. The ISAS paper
entitled ' Dynamic Programming Paint Fence Algorithm’ the author submits as a
requirement for the ISAS assignment in 2019.

Hope the author, hopefully this paper can be useful for all so that it can add
knowledge and insight. The author realizes that this paper is far from perfect.
Therefore, the authors really expect all suggestions and criticisms from readers who
are constructive in order for the perfection of this paper. Finally, hopefully this
paper can provide many benefits for the readers.

Depok, 22 May 2019



PREFACE ................................................................................................................ i
TABLE OF CONTENT .......................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. 1
Background ......................................................................................................... 1
Writing Objectives .............................................................................................. 2
Problem Domain ................................................................................................. 2
Writing Methodology .......................................................................................... 2
Writing Framework ............................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER II BASIC THEORY ............................................................................. 4
Algorithm ............................................................................................................ 4
Data Structure...................................................................................................... 4
Dynamic Programming ....................................................................................... 5
Dynamic Programming Paint Fence Algorithm .................................................. 5
CHAPTER III ......................................................................................................... 6
PROBLEM ANALYSIS ......................................................................................... 6
III.1 Paint Fence Algorithm ................................................................................ 6
III.2 Code ............................................................................................................ 7
CHAPTER IV ....................................................................................................... 10
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................................................. 10
IV.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................ 10
IV.2 Suggestion ................................................................................................. 10
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................. 11



Algorithm is an unambiguous specification of how to solve a class of

problems. Algorithms can perform calculation, data processing, and automated
reasoning tasks. Algorithms can perform calculation, data processing,
and automated reasoning tasks. Algorithms often have a loop (iteration) step or
require a decision (Boolean logic and comparison) until the task is complete.
Design and analysis of algorithms is a specialized branch in computer science
that studies the characteristics and performance of an algorithm in solving
problems, regardless of Sorting the Knapsack problem with Dynamic Programming
the implementation of the algorithm.
The complexity of an algorithm is a measure of how much computation the
algorithm needs to solve the problem. Algorithm that can solve a problem in a short
time has a low complexity, while algorithms that take a long time to solve the
problem has a high complexity.


Writing Objectives

The purpose of writing this Paper is to answer the following questions:

1. What is algorithm?
2. What is Dynamic Programing?
3. What is Paint Fence Algorithm

Problem Domain

The things that will be discussed in this ISAS:

1. Paint fence Algorithm solving

Writing Methodology

Writing methodology used is to search for sources of information and

references from the internet, ask the relatives and read the articles in some

Writing Framework

Analysis of this ISAS is written with this systematics:


In this section, describe the background, problem analysis, writing

objectives, writing methodology, and systematics of writing.


In this chapter contains theories such as definition, history, basic concepts

and related information interms of analysis, especially on problem


This chapter deals with problem analysis such as the definition of shell sort,
how shell sort works and the advantages also disadvantages.


In this chapter contains the conclusions of the results of writing and



In this section will contains the references that we use



The algorithm is a sequence of steps to resolve the problem in a systematic

and logical. The algorithm offers a method in solving a problem. The algorithm is
defined as a sequence of steps in resolving the problem in a systematic and logical.
Approach in a systematic and logical, making the process of problem solving awake
his righteousness because the algorithm be correct in order to produce the correct
output/solution anyway.

In programming, the important thing to understand is our logic in thinking

about how to solve programming problems that will be made. For example, many
math problems are easy if completed in writing, but quite difficult if we translate
into programming. In this case, the algorithm and programming logic will be very
important in solving problems. (Alif, 2015)

Data Structure

A data structure is proposed to maintain a collection of vertex-disjoint trees

under a sequence of two kinds of operations: a link operation that combines two
trees into one by adding an edge, and a cut operation that divides one tree into two
by deleting an edge. Each operation requires O(log n) time. Using this data
structure, new fast algorithms are obtained for the following problems:

1) Computing nearest common ancestors.

2) Solving various network flow problems including finding maximum flows,
blocking flows, and acyclic flows.
3) Computing certain kinds of constrained minimum spanning trees.
4) Implementing the network simplex algorithm for minimum-cost flows.


Dynamic Programming

Dynamic Programming is a powerful technique that can be usedto solve many

problems in timeO(n2) orO(n3) for which a naive approach would take exponential
time. (Usually to get runningtime below that—if it is possible—one would need to
add otherideas as well.) Dynamic Pro-gramming is a general approach to solving
problems, much like “divide-and-conquer” is a generalmethod, except that unlike
divide-and-conquer, the subproblems will typically overlap. This lecturewe will
present two ways of thinking about Dynamic Programming as well as a few
examples.There are several ways of thinking about the basic idea.

Dynamic Programming Paint Fence Algorithm

There is a fence algorithm with posts, each post can be painted with one of the
colors. The user have to paint all the posts such that no more than two adjacent
fence posts have the same color. Return the total number of ways the user can paint
the fence algorithm. diff number of combinations with different colors.
Paint Fence is one of the basic Dynamic Programming problems. It can be
solve in many ways, and have a variety solution. With this we can learn more about
dynamic programming solving, and we can implement it to any code to make it
more efficient.


III.1 Paint Fence Algorithm

So we can approach this first in the mathematical way . there is a fence(n)

and color(k) you need to find how many possibilities there are to paint n fences
with k colors. The solution is :

there is only k possibilities there for total = k

For the same color eac post there is k possibility, so same = k
For the different color we have k*(k-1), so diff =k*(k-1)
And total = k+(k*(k-1))

For the same we have, same = k*(k-1)
For different color, diff = (k+(k*(k-1)))*(k-1)
And total = (k*(k-1)) + (k+(k*(k-1)))*(k-1)

And with this we conclude that

Total[i] = same[i] + diff[i]

same[i] = diff[i-1]

diff[i] = diff[i-1] + diff[i-2]*(k-1)

diff[i] = total[i-1]*(k-1)

and that we have the counting in mathe matical way. Notice that we can sorten the
algorithm with arrays. This is a coomon dynamic programing problems that
requires to solve it into little sub problems


III.2 Code

This is the code that we use to solve the problems

public class Paint_Fence {

static long countWays(int n, int k)

long total = k;

int same = 0, diff = k;

for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++)

same = diff;

diff = (int)total * (k - 1);

total = (same + diff) ;

return total;

public static void main(String[] args) {

// TODO code application logic here
int n =4;
int k =3;
Output is 66

That is the one variable(total) answer to the solution

We can also put an array to replace the one variable that way we can store the sub
problem by adding 1 more to the array

Here is the code

public class Count_try {

static long Count(int n, int k)

long dp[] = new long [n+1];


int same = 0;

int diff = k;

for (int i = 2; i <=n; i++)

same = diff;

diff = (int) (dp[i-1]*(k-1));

dp[i] = same + diff;

return dp[n];

public static void main(String[] args) {

int n =3;

int k =4;



And the flowchart of the code is

Is quite simple and effective way to sole a dynamic programming problem, and
that is to break it into subproblem and solve it .


IV.1 Conclusion

Dynamic programming is a useful technique of solving certain kind of

problems. When the solution can be recursively described in terms of partial
solutions, we can store these partial solutions and re-use them as necessary
(memoization). Running time of dynamic programming algorithm is relatively
faster and more efficient.

Paint fence is a simple example of dynamic programming algorithm and

problem and we can solve it in quite an easy way. This can be implemented in many
ways mostly with divide it to sub problems and store it for more faster run.

IV.2 Suggestion

We suggest for the readers that read this is to apply dynamic programming in
their code for more efficient way to solve problems in much faster time consume.


Alif, M. (2015, November 11). Jenis jenis sorting. Retrieved from Techno X Info
X Def: http://web.if.unila.ac.id/muhammadalif/2015/11/12/jenis-jenis-sorting/

Abidin, Riswan. (2016, April 25). Pengertian Algoritma Pemograman. Retrieved

from Tekno Jurnal : https://teknojurnal.com/pengertian-algoritma-pemrograman/

Mishra, Rajat.(2018).Dynamic Programing. Retrieved from


University of Nebraska-Lincon.(2010).Lecture 8 Dynamic Programming.

Retrived from http://cse.unl.edu/~goddard/Courses/CSCE310J/Lectures/Lecture8-

D.Sleator, Daniel & Tarjan,Robert Endre.(1983). A Data Structure for Dynamic

Tress. Retrieved From

Carnegie Mellon’s School of Computer Science.(2009).Lecture 11 Dynamic

Programming. Retrieved from


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