The Cross: Online Bible Sharing

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• 1 Peter 3:18
• Romans 3:23, 5:8, 6:23
• 2 Corinthians 3:18
• John 3:1 2
• 2 Peter 1:14
• Introduction
• The Chasm
• The Dilemma
• The Bridge
• The Catholic Gospel: Transformation & Divine Sonship
• 12 Questions to Answer
1. The cross is a very common symbol in Christianity
• Christians have crosses in their churches, in their homes
• Some wear crosses as jewelry around their neck
• Others sing Christian songs about how powerful the cross is
• Catholics regularly make the sign of the cross

1. What does the cross mean to you?

What does it make you think of?
But how confident would you be explaining to others
what the cross really is all about?
Many of us know that Jesus'
death on the cross is a How confident would you be explaining how the death
foundational aspect of the of an innocent man solves the problem of our sin?
Christian faith. Does the death of the Son of God on the Cross really
make sense?
“For Christ also died for sins
once for all, the righteous for
the unrighteous, that he might
bring us to God, being put to
death in the flesh but made
alive in the spirit”
1 Peter 3:18
2. What do you think of this
A common interpretation of this passage and
others like it, goes something like this: popular explanation of the
Cross in some Christian
God is a God of justice. Because we are circles?
sinners, we deserve God’s punishment and
death. Unless sin is dealt with, we will be Does this make sense?
forever separated from him. But God is also Is it helpful?
a God of mercy, so God sent his only Son to
die for our sins. Jesus volunteers to step in Does anything sound off to
and receive the horrific punishment we you?
deserved. He takes on the full brunt of God’s
wrath so we don’t have to. Is there anything missing from
That’s how much God loves us! this explanation?
Let’s look closer at that interpretation

3. Imagine two sons in a family: one has done

something seriously wrong and the other is
innocent. What would you think of a father
who is getting ready to pour out his wrath and
punish his guilty son, but instead, at the last
minute, lets it all out on the innocent one?

What kind of father would this be?

This is not the Catholic view of the Cross.

Rather than a view of simply punishment and justice,

the Catholic view of the Cross is all about love.

Pope St. John Paul II once explained that the saving

power of the Cross
“comes from the fact that the innocent Jesus, out
of pure love, entered into solidarity with the guilty and
transformed their situation from within.”
As the Catechism explains, “It is love ‘to the end”
(John 13:1) that confers on Christ’s sacrifice its value
as redemption and reparation, as atonement and
satisfaction (CCC 616).
4. This passage states that
Christ’s death on the cross
is an act of love.

As we discuss the cross

today, why is it important
But God In that while to begin with the
demonstrates we were
His own still sinners,
understanding that the cross
Love toward us Christ died for us is primarily as an act of love,
and not merely a meting out
Romans 5:8 of divine punishment?
The Chasm: Sin radically
To understand the deeper meaning of the ruptures our relationship with
cross, we are going to use Scripture and an God, causing a great chasm,
image from one of the great saints of the an infinite gap, between us
Catholic Church, St. Catherine of Siena. and God.

St. Catherine of Siena described Jesus

Christ as the bridge between us and God.
The Dilemma: There is
Using this image, let’s consider how Jesus’ nothing we can do to bridge
death on the cross bridges the gap that gap.
between sinful humanity and the all-holy,
all-loving God.
To understand this image, we will consider
three basic points about the cross, based The Bridge: (The God-Man
on the writings of great Catholic thinkers Solution): Only someone who
such as St. Catherine of Siena, St. Thomas is both God and man can
Aquinas and St. Anselm: restore us to the father.
I. The Chasm:
The weight of just how
devastating sin really is

Let’s now take a II. The Dilemma:

Nothing we can do to bridge
look at these three that chasm.
basic points.

III. The Bridge:

The God-Man Solution
I. The Chasm
First, we must feel the weight of just how devastating sin really is. Let’s take a look at a couple
passages from Scripture.

5. What do these passages tell us about sin?

The fall was universal, and it was

In fact, “our problem is actually far worse

than we might have imagined.

At first glance, we may think that, with some

effort toward self improvement, we could
close the gap between who we are and who
we ought to be. It is simply not the case.” 6. How have you experienced

We would be eternally separated from God sin in your life? Have you tried
and living forever in death if the problem of to overcome a fault of your own
sin was not dealt with. This is why and failed? What was that
St. Catherine was presented with an image
of a great chasm separating God and man. experience like?
II. The Dilemma: Nothing we can do to bridge the Chasm
Second, there is nothing we can do to repair our relationship with God.
There is nothing we can do to bridge the chasm between us and God.
There is no infinite gift of love we finite human beings can offer God to make up for
our lack of love and bridge the chasm.
It’s great for us to try to amend our relationships when we hurt others, but
we run into a problem when we try to do this in our relationship with God.
As Edward Sri explains:
Our sin entails withholding our love for the God who so completely loves us.
We, therefore, should offer God a gift of love that corresponds to the infinite gravity
of sin committed against him.
But no human being can do that. Not even the most saintly person could offer a gift
of love that would atone for the sins of all humanity.
Only a divine person could do that.
II. The Dilemma: Nothing we can do to bridge the Chasm

7. Now take a moment and think about other relationships in your

life. How have you experienced something like this in your
relationship with God? Have you ever felt the need to “get right
with God? When you hurt someone you love, what are some things
you do to try to repair the relationship?

How have you experienced something like this in your relationship

with God?

Have you ever felt the need to “get right with God?
When we hurt someone, we have a
sense that we should do something
say “sorry,” offer a gift of love, a
sacrifice, an expression of our
sorrow and desire to
set things right in order to make
amends, to bridge the gap in the
Third, this leads us to the God man solution. As
God and man, only Jesus Christ can bridge the
infinite gap between us and God.
III. "The Bridge" As fully human, Jesus can represent us. He can
The God-Man Solution offer an act of love on behalf of the entire
human family.

But because he is also fully divine, Jesus’ act of

love far surpasses anything a mere human
could ever offer. Because of who Jesus is, fully
human and fully divine, his total, self giving love
on the cross takes on infinite value.

As the God man, Jesus offers on our behalf an

infinite gift of love that restores us to right
relationship with the Father. Jesus is the bridge
between sinful humanity and the all holy God.
III. "The Bridge"
The God-Man Solution 8. How might this Catholic
understanding of the Cross be different
from other explanations you have

Why is it important to have this

understanding of the cross?
The Catholic Gospel: Transformation & Divine Sonship
We now have a better sense of the Cross.
But Jesus came to do a lot more than die on
the cross for our sins.
If all Jesus did was die on the cross, humanity
would have made amends with God.
Things would be repaired and a right
relationship with the Father would be
But God loves us so much, he wants so much
more than merely a repaired, just, peaceful
coexisting relationship with us.

Let’s read more of what Scripture tells us.

Read 2 Corinthians 3:18

18 And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory

of the Lord, are being changed into his likeness from
one degree of glory to another; for this comes from
the Lord who is the Spirit.

9. How does this passage give us a deeper understanding of

what God is offering us in Christ?
Imagine a cold steel bar and a hot burning fire. They have almost nothing in common.

If you place the cold rod in the hot fire, though, something amazing begins to happen:

The rod begins to take on the properties of the fire. It grows warm, it begins to glow and
if you were to take the rod out of the fire and touch it to some straw, it could actually
start a fire itself.
Now image that the fire is God and we are the steel rod. When we are living in Christ…
"we begin to take on the properties of God.”

10. What does it mean that we can " begin to take on the
properties of God?"
This transformation in Christ is truly amazing! But, there’s still even
more to what Christ offers us.
“See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called
children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does
not know us is that it did not know him.
1 John 3:1-2
Beloved, we are God’s children now; it does not yet appear what
we shall be, but we know that when he appears we shall be like
him, for we shall see him as he is.”

“by which he has granted to us his precious and very great

promises, that through these you may escape from the corruption
2 Peter 1:4 that is in the world because of passion, and become partakers of
the divine nature."

11. What do these passages tell us about what Christ offers?

From these passages, we can see that, when God sent His Son
Jesus to die on the cross, he didn't do so merely to save us from sin.

He sent His Son because He wants to fill us with His divine life and
adopt us as His children.

And He doesn't just want to forgive us. He wants to transform us to

heal our wounded human nature, perfect it and elevate it to share in
His total, infinite, supernatural love, so that we take on the character
of Christ (Philippians 3:21, Romans 12).
He doesn't want to restore us to Eden, a
mere earthly paradise, He wants to invite us
to the everlasting perfect paradise of
Moreover, He didn't die to save us each
individually, isolated from each other.
He died to save us all together so that we
can live as His children, sharing in His
blessed life as true brothers and sisters in
the one covenant family of God.
12. After discussing Christ's death on
the cross and all that He offers,

What stands out to you the most?

And what does all of this mean for you


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