Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: Catechism 10A
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: Catechism 10A
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: Catechism 10A
Catechism 10A
New Testament Revelation
As the material universe is a stage for man, so all
human history, Jew or Gentile, is a stage for Christ.
Why four?
Suppose a citizen of the United States, the Mayor of a
city, the Governor of a state, and the President of the
United States pay a visit to the Holy Father. Who pays
the Holy Father the greater honor, the citizen or the
President? Is it not the President?
The Divinity of Christ
Guilt or sin is always measured by the one sinned
If a citizen and a Mayor commit a crime, which is the
greater sin? Guilt or sin is always measured by the
one sinned against. If the sin of the Mayor or the guilt
was against the President of the United States,
obviously, the Mayor would be guilty of the greater
sin, would he not?
The Divinity of Christ
Let us apply this to humanity.
We have sinned.
Against whom have we sinned?
Against God.
Sin is measured by the one sinned against.
We sinned against God, He is infinite;
therefore, our guilt and sin are infinite.
The Divinity of Christ
Let us take the other proposition:
“Honor is in the one honoring.”
You put these two conditions together and you have the
reason why the redeemer should be both God and man:
God, from without; man to be within humanity.
Is a cow a person?
If you were the only person in the world who ever lived
and sinned, He would have come down to earth, died and
suffered just for you alone.