Waste To Wealth: Production of Bioethanol From Pineapple Waste
Waste To Wealth: Production of Bioethanol From Pineapple Waste
Waste To Wealth: Production of Bioethanol From Pineapple Waste
ISSN: 3159-0040
Vol. 1 Issue 4, November - 2014
ABSTRACT- Ethanol fuel is ethanol (ethyl alcohol), the The biofuels have a lot of advantages over the
same type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages. It can fossil fuel in terms of environmental impact.
be used as a fuel, mainly as a biofuel alternative to Considering table 1, it is observed that some countries
gasoline. In conclusion of the 1800ml of batch prepared
of the world has embraced biofuel production with
1754ml filtrate was obtained after fermentation indicating
a 97%. Of the 1754ml was distilled and 634ml was respect to the environmental advantages over fossil
obtained at first distillation showing a 36% of the fuel, with US leading the pack and Brazil following.
fermented material. Each sample was distilled for 2hours
30mins and for the 9 samples it took a total of 21 hours. Table1: Showing Ethanol production in 15 top
The work is not an end in itself tremendous improvements producing countries.
can be made to make it profitable and viable in Nigeria
which is blest with a lot of natural resources rich in
carbohydrate (sugar).
Annual Fuel Ethanol
Total Annual Ethanol Production (All
KEYWORDS: Bioethanol, Batching; Fermentation; Grades)
by Country (2007)
Distillation; Filtrates by Country (2004-2006)
Top 15 countries/blocks
Top 15 countries
(Millions of U.S. liquid
(Millions of U.S. liquid gallons)
Nature has provided countless potential solutions in
organisms as diverse as cows and microbes, and
that offers tremendous hope’ (1).
Ethanol fuel is ethanol (ethyl alcohol), the same type Country 2006 2005 2004 Rank Country 2007
of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages. It can be
used as a fuel, mainly as a biofuel alternative to
gasoline, and is widely used in cars in Brazil.
Because it is easy to manufacture and process and United United
1 4,855 4,264 3,535 1 6,498.6
States States
can be made from very common crops such as
sugar cane and corn, it is an increasingly common
alternative to gasoline in some parts of the world. 2 Brazil 4,491 4,227 3,989 2 Brazil 5,019.2
The oil crises of the 1970 rekindled interest in the 3 China 1,017 1,004 964 3
n Union
use of renewable fuels and the following main
factors sustained this interest to date.
Prices of petroleum products have been on 4 India 502 449 462 4 China 486.0
JMESTN42350142 282
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 3159-0040
Vol. 1 Issue 4, November - 2014
Saudi Paragua
A. Materials Used
15 52 32 79 15 4.7 The materials used for the production of bioethanol
Arabia y
from Pineapple wastes are:
World 13,48 12,15 World Pineapple wastes
10,770 13,101.7
Total 9 0 Total Sugar syrup from the Pineapple waste
Stove for heating
Resort stand fitted with clamp
Round bottom flask
Waste Management is a global environmental issue
(5). According to (5,6,7,8,9), solid wastes were Hoses
defined as useless, unwanted, unused or discarded Measuring cylinder
materials resulting from normal community activities Baker’s yeast
i.e. human and animal activities. They are Funnel
substances or objects regarded as worthless and Plastic containers/bottles
unwanted to the owner and hence disposed. Cellophane
Currently the world population is 6.5 billion; it is Sieve
growing by another 76 million per year. According to Scale Wine Hydrometer
the United Nations (11) the world will add another Thermometer
2.6 billion people by 2050. The global population
growth of nearly 50 percent in the next 45 years will B. Batching
challenge policy makers around the world as never The Pineapple wastes is collected and weighed to be
before. No issue will test the mettle of leaders more 11kg. After which it is grated and mixed with 1 litre of
than accommodating and feeding an extra 2.6 billion water and then sieved.
people by 2050. The filtrate is heated on the stove for 5-6 hours in
which sugar syrup is obtained. The sugar content of
According to World Bank report (12) the solid waste the syrup was determined using a scale wine
generation in Nigeria per person per day is an hydrometer to be 50g of sugar in 100ml of solution.
average of 0.45kg. Calculating using the population Upon weighing the sugar syrup was 2.1kg.
above for 2010-2025 as 148.5 million gives us 66.8
JMESTN42350142 283
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 3159-0040
Vol. 1 Issue 4, November - 2014
The sugar syrup is diluted before the yeast is The mixture contains water and alcohol, which is
introduced because any sugar content above 20g heated. Alcohol evaporates first because it boiling
o o
per 100ml will kill the yeast. This is why sugar is point (78 c) is lower than water which boils at 100 c.
used as preservative. the alcohol vapour rises in the column, condenses and
is collected as liquid in a glass bottle. The distillation
The sugar syrup sugar content is diluted and process is timed and recorded; when it gets to 100 c
reduced to mark at which it remain constant for some time it is
It was made up of three batches with each batch dismantled for another batch to be distilled.
contains three samples The first distillate contains high water-ethanol
combination called an Azetrope. To further increase
Table 2: Showing the make up of the batches. the ethanol content we have to re-distill as the case
Batch Yeast content Sugar content maybe.
(g) (g/100ml)
1B 1 5 This chapter deals with the result of the experiment
1C 2 5 carried out, the tables and graphs from the
fermentation and distillations of the batches.
2A 0 10
2B 1 10
Results of the First Distillation
2C 2 10
3A 0 20
Table 3: Show the values of the first distillation of
3B 1 20
batch 1
3C 2 20
0g of Yeast 1g of Yeast 2g of Yeast
(1A) (1B) (1C)
C. Fermentation Time Temp Time Temp Time Temp
o o o
10ml of the yeast mixture was introduced into each (AM) . ( c) (PM) ( c) (PM) ( c)
batch i.e. 10ml of the mixture contains 1g of yeast, 4.15 32 8.10 30 5.35 32
while 20ml contains 2g of yeast.10g of yeast was 4.25 46 8.20 46 5.45 46
mixed with 100ml of water. The water was first 4.35 68 8.30 68 5.55 66
boiled at 100 c for 30 minutes after which it was 4.45 96 8.40 100 6.05 98
allowed to cool to around 37oc. 100ml of water is 4.55 98 8.50 100 6.15 100
measured and poured into cellophane; 10ml of the 5.05 98 9.00 100 6.25 100
sugar solution and yeast are added. 5.15 100 9.10 100 6.35 100
The mixture is mixed from the external with a hand 5.25 100 9.20 100 6.45 100
and as soon as the mixture starts bubbling, then the 5.35 100 9.30 100 6.55 100
yeast is growing. It is then measured and added to 5.45 100 9.40 100 7.05 100
the batches. 5.55 100 9.50 100 7.15 100
The batches are left for bout 3-4 days at a room 6.05 100 10.00 100 7.25 100
o o
temperature, which ranges from 28 c (82 F) to 34 c
o 6.15 100 10.10 100 7.35 100
(93 F). Each batch is agitated regularly to ensure 6.25 100 10.20 100 7.45 100
that the yeast mixes and ferments the sugar. 6.35 100 10.30 100 7.55 100
During fermentation heat is produced, it should be
stirred and when carbon dioxide is been produced it
means it is making alcohol. Table 4: Showing the values of the first distillation of
The mash should contain about 8-10% alcohol after batch 2
about 4 days. If it does not, either something was 0g of Yeast 1g of Yeast 2g of Yeast
wrong in the batching or the fermentation is not (2A) (2B) (2C)
complete. All sugar in the batch should be gone Time Tem Time Tem Time Tem
o o
when fermentation is complete. (PM) p. (PM) p ( c) (AM) p ( c)
( c)
Te cold mash is put into a round bottom flask and
heat is applied from a stove and condenser,
thermometer, cork fitted to the flask.
JMESTN42350142 284
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 3159-0040
Vol. 1 Issue 4, November - 2014
Table 5: Showing the values of the first distillation of Temp. (degree celsius)
batch 3
0g of Yeast 1g of Yeast 2g of Yeast 80 5g sugar
(3A) (3B) (3C)
60 10g sugar
Time Tem Time Tem Time Tem
(PM) p. (PM) p (AM) p 40 Series3
o o o
( c) ( c) ( c)
7.50 32 5.15 30 4.50 28
8.00 40 5.25 42 5.00 48 0
8.10 58 5.35 54 5.10 58
8.20 78 5.45 56 5.20 68 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
8.30 94 5.55 62 5.30 94
8.40 96 6.05 70 5.40 96 Time (mins)
8.50 98 6.15 86 5.50 98
9.00 100 6.25 96 6.00 98 Fig 2: Showing Graph of batch 2 distillation
9.10 100 6.35 96 6.10 100
9.20 100 6.45 96 6.20 100
9.30 100 6.55 98 6.30 100
Temp. (degree celsius)
JMESTN42350142 285
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 3159-0040
Vol. 1 Issue 4, November - 2014
Fig 3: Showing Graph of batch 3 distillation the rest and suggests that the yeast fermented more
of the sugar in the sample.
Table 6: Showing the quantity of liquid obtained Table 6 gives the quantity (ml) of the initial batches
after fermentation and first distillation with sugar and yeast combination which is allowed to
ferment, the quantity of the filtrate after fermentation,
Batch Qty Qty Qty 1 Qty the quantity of the distillate after first distillation after
before after distilla left 2hours 30minutes and the quantity remaining after
ferme ferme tion distillation.
ntatio ntatio
n n
1A 200ml 190ml 72ml 105ml VI CONCLUSION
1B 200ml 198ml 91ml 95ml In conclusion of the 1800ml of batch prepared 1754ml
1C 200ml 198ml 70ml 110ml filtrate was obtained after fermentation indicating a
97%. Of the 1754ml was distilled and 634ml was
obtained at first distillation showing a 36% of the
2A 200ml 190ml 75ml 110ml fermented material. Each sample was distilled for
2B 200ml 193ml 70ml 105ml 2hours 30mins and for the 9 samples it took a total of
2C 200ml 200ml 57ml 130ml 21 hours.
The work is not an end in itself tremendous
3A 200ml 193ml 86ml 98ml improvements can be made to make it profitable and
3B 200ml 197ml 55ml 129ml viable in Nigeria.
3C 200ml 195ml 58ml 126ml This work has researched into the possibility of
converting Pineapple wastes into bioethanol. In
today’s world bioethanol is been used as fuel for
automotives and are environmental friendly than fossil
fuel currently used. It also help reduce wastes which
V ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION ON FIRST are deposited in drains and inside city centres causing
DISTILLATION flooding, and other environmental problems.
The tables and graphs above give us the table of Considering that Pineapple is cultivated in Nigeria
values (time i.e. 2hours 30mins for distillation of especially in the rain forest region, the wastes and
each sample and the corresponding temperatures) possibly wastes from other sugar containing fruits can
and the graphical presentation of the values in the be used t empower and benefit the economy.
first distillation of the 3 batches.
JMESTN42350142 286
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 3159-0040
Vol. 1 Issue 4, November - 2014
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