Colossians Remixed (XN Century)
Colossians Remixed (XN Century)
Colossians Remixed (XN Century)
OR MANY PEOPLE the phrase global justice, in which Jesus, not the inscriptionsas well as in literature.
"Paul and politics" refers to e m p e r o r , reveals t h e t r u e c h a r a c t e r As even the authors admit, the lengthy
nothing m o r e than Romans and will of God. Like Crossan's Jesus, discussions of this evidence may over13 and the c o m m o n conclu- the authentic Paul of the seven gen- w h e l m t h e reader, t h o u g h they a r e
sion that Paul was basically a conserva- uine letters p r e a c h e s "eschatology p u n c t u a t e d with scores of p h o tive supporter of government as a di- and equality now" in contrast t o tographs and personal notes from the
vinely appointed institution. But in the R o m a n h i e r a r c h y a n d domination. authors' travels. These discussions do
last decade or so t h e
provide significant instudy of Paul and his polsights for t h e (often all
itics has undergone a sea
too brief) interpretations
change, r e p r e s e n t e d in
of Paul's letters. For exthe work of diverse
ample, Crossan a n d
scholars, including Neil
Reed rightly suggest that
Elliott, Richard Horsley
the hymn of Philippians
and N. T. Wright.
2:6-11 reveals a "kenotic
divinity" that is antithetihave b e c o m e axiomatic
cal t o images of divine
in Pauline studies: that
imperial power, and that
the pervasive R o m a n
the Corinthian letter reimperial cult is an essenveals t h e necessity of a
tial aspect of Pauls concorresponding "kenotic
text a n d that Paul's
community." O n t h e
gospel is inherently both
other hand, their intertheopolitical and counpretations of texts from
terimperial. A third
the disputed letters and
t h e m e , increasingly ex- In Search of Paul: H o w Jesus' Apostle O p p o s e d Rome's
Acts are sometimes less
inter- E m p i r e with God's K i n g d o m .
than persuasive.
p r e t e r s , is that Paul's
By John Dominic Crossan and Jonathan L. Reed. Harper San
Most of t h e conclugospel confronts all im- Francisco, 464 pp., $29.95.
sions a b o u t Paul a n d
perial systems, and espee m p i r e t h a t Crossan
cially the new American Colossians Remixed: Subverting t h e E m p i r e .
a n d R e e d offer have
e m p i r e of global conBy Brian J. Walsh and Sylvia C. Keesmaat. InterVarsity, 256
b e e n p r e s e n t e d elses u m e r i s m a n d military pp., $22.00.
where, and sometimes
might. In Search of Paul
m o r e concisely (for exand Colossians
Remixed snare all (The authors argue that the remain- a m p l e , in Horsley's Paul and Emthree of these assumptions.
ing letters2 Thessalonians, Colos- pire), though not with helpful graphJohn Dominic Crossan, famous for sians, E p h e s i a n s a n d t h e pastoral ics. B u t t w o things s e t this book
his radical and controversial interpre- epistlesare in m a n y ways "anti- apart: negatively, a few t a n g e n t i a l
tations of Jesus, a n d archaeologist Pauline.") Justification, they say, is the a n d idiosyncratic s u b t h e s e s (that
Jonathan R e e d present a radical b u t global establishment of God's nonvio- Paul d e l i b e r a t e l y e n g a g e d in "connot markedly controversial reading of lent distributive justice.
vert poaching" at synagogues by tarPaul. They c o n t e n d that in stark opCrossan a n d R e e d i n t e r p r e t t h e
position to the Roman gospel of peace various letters of Paul in light of the
Reviewed by Michael J. Gorman, dean of
established t h r o u g h piety, w a r a n d imperial cult that held the empire tothe Ecumenical Institute of Theology
global victory, Paul preaches an alter- gether. Imperial devotion is expressed
and professor of New Testament at St.
native gospel of p e a c e established in many ways in Rome's "visual culMary's Seminary and University in
t h r o u g h covenant, nonviolence a n d ture"coinage, statues, buildings and
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