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Subject: Pakistan Engineering Council Interim Visit

Your office letter no 106/DoU/VSC dated 02 July 2021 reference.

1. Para wise response is as under:-

Para System of Instructions / The medium of instructions is english language.

1 (a) Examination (Annual / Examinations system is based upon semester system.
Semester). There are 8 regular semesters spread over 4 years as
(i) 1st / 2nd Semester – Freshman
(ii) 3rd / 4th Semester – Sophomore
(iii) 5th / 6th Semester – Junior
(iv) 7th / 8th Semester – Senior
Semester duration is of 4 – 6 months approx. The
summer semester is of comparatively smaller duration
(8-10 weeks)
Para Is Examination based on The Examination system is based on relative grading
1 (b) absolute marks or relative system.
grading (course based)?
Para Examination Policy i.e Exam policy and weightages for regular examination
1 (c) number of exams (mid-term, system are attached at Anx-A.
final, quizzes etc, and their Exam policy and weightages for online examination
respective weightages). system are attached at Anx-B.
Para Role of mother institution in
1 (d) conduct / evaluation of exam
results (in case of allied
campus or affiliated college).
Para Does the system conform to Yes, the system conforms to regulation for Engineering
PEC Regulations for
1 (e) Education.
Engineering Education?

2. Forwarded for your necessary action, please.

D Con Exam
(Engr. Naeem Ahmed)
Dean of University (DoU) Office

Case No: 106/Exam/DoU/NUTECH dated 06 July 2021


Weightages for Regular Examinations

Theory Subjects
Type of Assessment Weightage (%)
Homework assignments
(1) Up to 2 CH subject = 4 (min) 05-10
(2) More than 2 CH subject = 6 (min)
For each CH = 2 (min)
Mid-Term Exam 25-30*
Project/ Problem Based Learning Activities 00-20
Final Exam 40-50
* For courses that do not have a mid-term and project, weightages can be adjusted with the
approval of HoD.


Type of Assessment Weightage (%)

Rubric based Assessment in affective domain 15

Open Ended Lab 10

Rubric based assessment of Lab Report. 60% marks will be for initial
lab report submitted during the conduct of lab and 40 % marks will be 25
for final lab report.

Assessment of cognitive and psychomotor domain through Mid

Semester Examination

Assessment of cognitive and psychomotor domain through End

Semester Examination

There will be a minimum of 8 labs.

Industry Process Learning Projects

Type of Assessment Weightage (%)
Project report 20-30
Conduct during visit (rubric based assessment) 20-30
Performance in seminar (rubric based assessment)
Team-work, interest, communication skills, comprehension of concepts
Quiz (one for each visit) 15-20

Weightages for Online Examinations

1. Theory Based Online Courses
Existing Revised
Type of subjects Weightage Weightage Remarks
(%) (%)

(a) Assignments / Home work 05-10 % 5%

(b) Quizzes 10-15 % 5%
(c) Problem based learning(PBL) Activities Upto- 20% 10%# # Open Book

@ Open
(d) Mid Semester Examination (written) 25-30% 10%@ Book Exam

(e) Mid Semester Viva (through video call) - 10%

(f) End Semester Examination (in campus) 40-50% 60%

2. Lab Based Online Courses

Existing Revised
Type of subjects Weightage Weightage Remarks
(%) (%)

(a) Lab Reports 25% 10%

(b) Open Ended Labs 10% 10%


(c) Mid Semester Examination (Open Ended Lab

20% 10%

(d) Mid Semester Lab Viva (through video call) /


Lab viva
Rubric Based Assessment in 15% 10% through
Affective Domain video call
(e) End Semester Examination (in campus) 30% 60%

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