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Regd. Office: T.C.27/588 (7) & (8), SENTINEL, 2nd Floor, Pattoor, Vanchiyoor.P.O

Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

Note on Self Employment Loan Scheme

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NBCFDC Schemes
1. Self employment Loan Scheme for Backward Classes
2. New Swarnima Loan scheme for Backward Class Women
3. Education loan scheme for Backward Classes
4. Saksham Loan Scheme for Professionals
5. Shilp Sambada Loan Scheme for Artisans.
6. Micro Credit Scheme
7. Mahila Samridhy Yojana


NMDFC Schemes
1. Self employment Loan Scheme for Minorities
2. Education loan scheme for Minorities
3. Micro Credit Scheme


KSBCDC Own Fund schemes

1. Marriage Assistance Loan scheme
2. Computer Loan Scheme
3. Foreign Employment Loan Scheme
4. Vehicle Loan Scheme
5.Consumer Durable loan Scheme
6.Swastha Griha loan Scheme
7.Suvarnasree loan Scheme
8. Working Capital Loan Scheme
9. Self Employment Loan Scheme
10. Vidyasree Loan (Education Loan) Scheme
11. Business Development Loan Scheme


Application form and its distribution


Beneficiary Selection and Loan Sanction

Misutilization of loan


Security of the loan

Valuation by Unit Manger

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

General Guidelines for execution of documents
Beneficiary Card
Document Register
Project Inspection cum Valuation Register
Closed files
Green Card
Pre-disbursement Counseling
List of approved Courses under NMDFC Education Loan Scheme

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014


KSBCDC's main objective is to promote economic and developmental activities for the
benefit of Backward Classes/Minorities and to assist the poorer section of these classes in
skill development and setting up self-employment ventures.

Activities that can be financed

The Corporation can assist a wide range of income generating activities under the following
broad sectors
1. Agriculture and Allied
Agriculture production and related field such as irrigation, purchase of agriculture machinery,
animal breeding, poultry farming, horticulture, bee keeping etc.

Purchase of equipment for agriculture services such as custom service (pesticide spray,
harvesting etc.) custom hiring of agriculture machinery.

Agriculture marketing through Cooperative Societies/ Association of farmers belonging to

Backward Classes/Minorities. Setting up grading and packing houses, purchase of transport
vehicles for marketing of agriculture products etc.

2. Artisan and Traditional Occupation

These include barbers, washer men, tailors, weavers, carpenters, potters, black-smiths masons
and manufacturing of handicraft items including brass ware, gardeners in urban area etc.

3. Technical Trades Self-Employment

These include technical trades such as electrician, plumber, sheet metal, TV/Radio repair,
motor mechanic, tyre puncture repair, refrigeration mechanic etc.

4. Small Business
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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

These include small business, tea shop, general provision stores, books and stationery shop,
news paper and magazine shop, vendors, photocopier service, typewriting and word
processing service etc.

5. Small Scale and Tiny Industry

Hawai chappal manufacturing, hairbrush manufacturing, safety match box manufacturing etc.

6. Transport Services
These include auto-rickshaw, taxis, tempos, trucks for hire etc. including cycle hiring service.

Above activities are illustrative and not exhaustive and beneficiaries may choose any of the
occupation of their choice under these activities as their right.

The beneficiary should identify and formulate technically feasible and financially viable
schemes and submit to KSBCDC for financing as per its guidelines issued from time to time.

The Unit Managers of KSBCDC should identify potential beneficiaries, their vocational
training requirements and examine the viability of the schemes and sanction loans as per

They are also responsible for post disbursement follow up, recoveries and

ensuring the proper utilization of loans .

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

Scheme No. 1


The scheme is to promote self-employment among the members of the Backward Classes.
Any viable projects can be considered under the scheme.
Maximum amount of loan: Rs. 10,00,000/-(Rupees Ten Lakhs only)

Eligibility Criteria
1. The applicant must belong to any one of the notified Backward Classes of the State.
2. The annual family income of the applicant must be below Rs.. 103000/- in urban areas
and Rs. 81000/- in rural areas.
3. Age of the applicant must be between 18 and 55.
4. The applicant should not be a beneficiary of any of the Self Employment loans under
any scheme of KSBCDC or other SCAs of National agency
Pattern of financing
The following pattern of financing is ordinarily envisaged in such proposals.
NBCFDC contribution


KSBCDC contribution


Beneficiary Contribution


Beneficiary contribution need not be collected from the beneficiary under this scheme. The
beneficiaries are expected to utilize their contribution along with the loan amount for the
project. The maximum loan that can be disbursed under this Scheme is 95% of the project
cost or Rs. 10,00,000/- whichever is lower and is limited to the amount requested by the
Rate of interest
For loan amount up to Rs. 5 Lakh

: 6%

For loan amount above Rs.5 lakhs

: 8%

Maximum Repayment period

For Loan up to Rs.2 lakhs

: 60 months

For Loan above Rs.2 lakhs and up to Rs.5 lakhs

:72 months

For loan above Rs.5 lakhs

:84 months

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General Terms and Conditions

1. Pre sanction verification is compulsory for loan above Rs.2 lakhs

2. Loan amount to be disbursed in installments in the case of loan amounting above
Rs.1 lakh. Second and subsequent installments shall be disbursed only after ensuring
utilization of installment already disbursed.
3. In the case of Vehicle loan for self employment purpose, on the road price can be
considered for financing. Hypothecation of the vehicle has to be ensured in favour of
KSBCDC. Cheque/DD (Account payee) shall be drawn in the name of
Company/authorized dealer only.

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

Scheme no. 2


(Special Self-Employment Scheme for Backward Class Women)

New Swarnima Scheme is a special scheme for women living below the poverty line
belonging to Backward Classes . The objective of the scheme is to develop self-reliance
amongst women beneficiaries of the target groups by facilitating easy credit facilities for
setting up viable economic activities.

1. The loan shall be extended to the women belonging to Backward Classes as notified
by State Governments from time to time.
2. The annual family income of the applicant shall be Rs.. 40,500/- in rural areas and
Rs. 51500/- in urban areas.
3. Age of the applicants shall be between 18 and 55.
4. Preferences should be given to widows, deserted and handicapped women. If
selection is required, then annual family income of the applicant shall be taken as
major criteria.


Maximum loan amount available under New Swarnima Scheme is Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees
One Lakh only) per beneficiary.

The pattern of financing is envisaged as under:

1. NBFDC share

- 95%

2. KSBCDC share

- 5%

3. Beneficiary Contribution - NIL

Rate of Interest: 5% p a
Repayment period: 60 months

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

Scheme No.3


Towards the fulfillment of the overall objectives of empowerment and development of
Backward Classes in the country, KSBCDC promises financial assistance on loan basis to
eligible beneficiaries.

The objective of the scheme is to extend education loan to the members of Backward Classes
for pursuing Professional or Technical education at graduate and higher level.

The loan shall be granted to members of backward classes, as notified by State

Government from time to time.


The annual income of the applicant's family should be below double the poverty line
i.e., Rs. 81,000/- p.a. in rural areas and Rs. 103000/-p.a. in urban areas.


The applicant should have obtained admission for any Professional/Technical Courses
through Entrance Test/ Merit based selection process. Course should be approved
by appropriate authority such as AICTE, Medical Council of India, UGC etc.


Priority will be given to women, physically impaired and dependent of war widows.


Distance Education /Off-campus programmes are not covered under this scheme.


Age Limit : 16-32

Study in India
Illustrative list of professional courses in India for which loan can be granted under Education
Loan scheme of NBCFDC
Professional courses such as Engineering, Medical, Hotel Management, Veterinary,
Law, Dental Management etc.
Courses conducted by IIM, IIT, IISE, NIFT, NID, ATDC etc
Regular professional degree courses conducted by Colleges/Universities approved by
Regular professional degree courses like Aeronautical Pilot Training, Shipping etc.
approved by Director General of Civil Aviation/Shipping.
Professional degree courses offered by National Institutes under the Ministry of
Social Justice & Empowerment.
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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

Study in Abroad
Graduation-for job oriented Professional/Technical courses offered by a reputed
Post graduation-MCA,MBA,MS etc
Pilot Training Programmes offered by recognized institutions abroad approved by
competent authority in that country. Example: In USA, the Federal Aviation
Administration, Govt. of USA, the license issued by such institutions should be
convertible into corresponding Indian Licenses in case the applicant desires to take
up employment in India after completion of course / trial abroad, as per directives of
Director General of Civil Aviation, Government of India.


Fee payable to College/School/Hostel.

Examination/Library/Laboratory Fee.

Purchase of books/equipments/instruments/uniforms.

Caution Deposit/Building Fund/Refundable Deposit supported by Institution Bills/

Receipts subject to the condition that the amount does not exceed 10% of the total
tuition fee for the entire course.

Purchase of computers-essential for completion of the course.

Insurance premium for student borrower for policy during the loan period.

Boarding and lodging expenses in recognized Boarding Houses/Private


Any other expenses required to complete the course-like study tours, project work,
thesis etc.


For Study in India
The maximum loan amount per year shall be Rs. 1,00,000/-. The maximum amount that can
be sanctioned for the course is limited to Rs. 5,00,000/- for the course period. Second and
subsequent installments will be released only after producing certificate from the Principal of
the institution regarding the satisfactory performance of the students.
For short term courses of duration one year, maximum loan amount will be Rs. 1.50 lakhs.
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For Study in Abroad

90% of the expenditure of course subject to a maximum loan limit of Rs. 500000/- per year
.The maximum loan amount per course is limited to Rs. 20,00,000/- during the course

2nd and subsequent installments shall be released only after producing course

certificate and Mark list from the Principal/Head of the institution.

Rate of interest: 4% for Boys and 3.5% for Girls

Repayment period: 60 months

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

Scheme 4

Saksham Loan Scheme

This is a special scheme for young professionals belonging to Backward communities with
provision of concessional loans to set-up their own self-employment ventures such as Doctors
Clinic, Nursing Homes, Physiotherapy Clinics, Bio-Medical Labs, Lawyers Office,
Engineering Unit, Chemist Shops, Architect Offices, Office for CA/Financial Consultancy
after completing the professional courses.

1. The applicant shall belong to Backward Classes as notified by State Government from
time to time.
2. The applicant should have obtained a professional education/training.
3. Unemployed youth having annual family income below Rs. 103000/- in urban areas
and Rs. 81000/- in rural areas.
4. Age limit 18 years to 35 years.

Maximum Limit of Loan

The maximum loan limit is Rs. 10 lakh.

Pattern of Finance
i) NBCFDC Loan


ii) KSBCDC Loan


iii) Beneficiaries Contribution


Rate of Interest

Up to ` 5 lakh

: 6 % p.a


Above ` 5 lakh

: 8 % p.a

Maximum Repayment period

For Loan up to Rs.2 lakhs

: 60 months

For Loan above Rs.2 lakhs and up to Rs.5 lakhs

:72 months

For loan above Rs.5 lakhs

:84 months
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Scheme No. 5

Shilp Sambada (For artisans & handicraft persons) Loan scheme

The objective of this scheme is to upgrade the technical and entrepreneurial skill of Backward
Classes by way of providing training and financial assistance for self employment in
traditional craft etc. Loan shall be sanctioned to the artisans and handicraft persons to secure
their traditional art & craft and to provide training to upgrade their existing skills with latest
technological inputs such as CAD, design development etc.

Eligibility Criteria
1. The applicant must belong to any one of the notified Backward Classes of the State.
2. The annual family income of the applicant must be below Rs 103000/- in urban areas
and Rs .81000/- in rural areas.
3. Age of the applicants must be between 18 and 55.
4. The applicant shall not be a beneficiary to any of the Self Employment loan under any
scheme of any other Corporation/Bank/Agency
Maximum Limit of Loan
The maximum loan limit is Rs. 10 lakh.
Pattern of Finance
i) NBCFDC Loan

: 85%

ii) KSBCDC Loan

: 10%

iii) Beneficiaries Contribution

: 05%

Rate of Interest
i) Up to Rs. 5 lakh
ii) Above Rs .5 lakh

: 6 % p.a

8 % p.a

Maximum Repayment period

For Loan up to Rs.2 lakhs

: 60 months

For Loan above Rs.2 lakhs and up to Rs.5 lakhs

:72 months

For loan above Rs.5 lakhs

:84 months

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

Scheme 6

Micro-Credit Scheme
This scheme is framed for helping the poorest among the poor who need loans of very small
amount, and need the money as quickly as possible at their doorsteps. This scheme is
implemented through Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Kudumbasree
Community Development Societies (CDSs).

KSBCDC sanctions loans to NGOs/CDSs

which in turn distribute this loan to individuals through its self help groups. The Loan should
be given to only for income generating activities ( group or individual scheme )

Eligibility Criteria
1. The applicant must belong to any one of the notified Backward Classes of the State.
2. At least 75% of the members in each of the selected SHGs/NHGs shall be OBCs.
3. At least 75% of the members availing loan in each of the selected SHGs/NHGs shall be
4. The annual family income of the applicants must be below Rs.103000/- in urban areas
and Rs. 81000/- in rural areas.
5. Age of the applicants must be between 18 and 55.
6. The number of members in SHG shall be at least 10 and maximum 20.
7. The applicants shall not be a beneficiary to any of the Self Employment loan under any
scheme of any other Corporation/Bank/Agency
Maximum amount of loan

Maximum Amount per beneficiary

Maximum amount of loan to SHGs/NHGs
Maximum amount of loan to CDS
Maximum amount of loan to NGOs


Rs. 25,000/Rs. 5 lakhs

Rs. 50 lakhs
No limit

Pattern of Financing
KSBCDC : Beneficiary contribution

: 90: 10

Rate of interest
Rate of Interest to NGO/CDSs
Rate of Interest to SHG/NHG members

: 3%
: 5%

Maximum Repayment period

: 36 months

Note: Refer detailed guidelines for enlistment, sanction of loan etc for NGOs/CDS

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

Scheme No.7
Mahila Samridhi Yojana (Micro Credit Scheme for women)
This is a micro credit scheme exclusively for women. Scheme is framed for helping the
poorest among the poor who need finance for income generating activities (group or
individual scheme).

This scheme is implemented through Kudumbasree Community

Development Societies (CDSs). KSBCDC sanctions loans to CDSs which in turn distribute
this loan to individuals through its self help groups.

Eligibility Criteria
1. The applicant must belong to any one of the notified Backward Classes of the state.
2. At least 75% of the members in each of the selected SHGs/NHGs shall be OBCs
3. At least 75% of the members availing loan in each of the selected SHGs/NHGs shall be
4. The annual family income of the applicants must be below Rs 103000/- in urban areas
and `Rs 81000/- in rural areas.
5. Age of the applicants must be between 18 and 55.
6. The number of members in SHG shall be at least 10 and maximum 20.
7. The applicants shall not be a beneficiary to any of the Self Employment loan under any
scheme of any other Corporation/Bank/Agency
Pattern of Financing

The Maximum Amount per beneficiary

Maximum amount of loan to SHGs/NHGs
Maximum amount of loan to CDS

: Rs. 25,000/: Rs. 5 lakhs

: Rs. 50 lakhs

Rate of interest

Rate of Interest to CDSs

Rate of Interest to SHG/NHG members

: 2%
: 4%

Pattern of Financing
KSBCDC : Beneficiary contribution
Maximum Repayment period

: 95: 5
: 36 months

Note: Refer detailed guidelines for enlistment, sanction of loan etc for NGOs/CDS

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

Scheme no. 1


The scheme is to promote self-employment among the members of the Minority

communities. Any viable projects can be considered under the scheme.
Maximum amount of loan: Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Lakhs only)

Eligibility Criteria
1. The applicant must belong to any one of the notified Minority communities (Muslim,
Christian, Sikh, Parsi, Budhist)
2. The annual family income of the applicant must be below Rs. 103000/- in urban areas
and Rs. 81000/- in rural areas.
3. Age of the applicants must be between 18 and 55.
4. The applicant shall not be a beneficiary to any of the Self Employment loan under any
scheme of KSBCDC or other SCAs of National agency.

Pattern of financing
The following pattern of financing is ordinarily envisaged in such proposals.
NBCFDC contribution


KSBCDC contribution


Beneficiary Contribution


Beneficiary contribution need not be collected from the beneficiary under this scheme. The
beneficiaries are expected to utilize their contribution along with the loan amount for the
project. The maximum loan that can be disbursed under this Scheme is 95% of the project
cost or Rs 10,00,000/- whichever is lower and is limited to the amount requested by the

Rate of interest
For loan amount up to Rs.50000

: 5%

For loan amount above Rs.50000

: 6%

Maximum Repayment period

: 60 months

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General Terms and Conditions

1. Pre sanction verification is compulsory for Loan above Rs.2 lakhs

2. Loan amount shall be disbursed in installments for loan amounting above Rs.1 lakhs.
Second and subsequent installments shall be disbursed only after ensuring utilization
of installment already disbursed.

In the case of Vehicle loan for self employment purpose, on the road price can be
considered for financing. Hypothecation of the vehicle has to be ensured in favour of
KSBCDC. Cheque/DD (Account payee) shall be given in the name of Company/
Authorized dealer only.

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

Scheme No.2


NMDFC introduced the Educational Loan Scheme with the objectives to facilitate job
oriented education amongst the weaker section of the Minorities.

The identified courses should be such that are having the utmost probability of equipping the
beneficiaries for jobs and should be a shorter duration upto 5 years. Educational loan should
be given for courses, which are within the reach of the targeted group and have the least
possibility of being misused.


The applicant shall belong to the notified Minority Communities.


The annual family income of the parent/guardian of the applicant should be below
Rs. 81,000/- in rural areas and Rs. 103000/- in urban areas.


The applicant shall be in the age group of 16-32 years.


Confirmed admission in the intended course is the basic requirement for availing
the loan.


Women and Physically challenged candidates would be given preference.


Selection out of the eligible candidates shall be strictly on the basis of merit.

Study in India

The course of study should have good potential in the job market. Any
Technical/Professional courses including Diploma & Degree level courses may be


The duration of the course shall not exceed five years. However, short duration
courses may also be preferred.


The College/Institute should have been offering the courses for the last 3 years
and should be recognized by the Central/State Government or by appropriate
authority such as AICTE.

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Loan will be admissible for expenditure on the following items:

Admission fee and tuition fee.


Cost of books, stationery and other instruments required for the course.


Examination fee


Boarding and lodging expenses.

The loan amount must be limited to actual expenditure, subject to a maximum of

Rs 1,00,000/- per annum, for a course of maximum five years duration.
Maximum loan amount shall be Rs. 5 lakhs.

Study in Abroad
Graduation-for job oriented Professional/Technical courses offered by the reputed
Post graduation-MCA,MBA,MS etc list of courses annexed (see annexure 1)
Pilot Training Programmes offered by recognized institutions abroad approved by competent
authority in that country. Example: In USA, the Federal Aviation Administration, Govt. of
USA, the license issued by such institutions should be convertible into correspondent Indian
Licences in case the applicant desires to take up employment in India after completion of
course / trial abroad, as per directives of Director General of Civil Aviation, Government of



Admission fee, tuition fee, examination fee and similar expenditure will be paid
by account payee cheque in the name of applicant and co-borrower.


The loan will be released in installments on annual basis depending upon the
system of the concerned College/Institute. The second and subsequent installment
of loan will be released on production of Course Certificate and Mark lists with
regard to successful completion of the previous term. A certificate in this regard
may be obtained from head of the institute.


90% of the expenditure of course subject to maximum loan limit of Rs 500000/per year .The maximum loan amount per course is limited to Rs 20,00,000/- for a
period of 5 years. 2nd and subsequent installments will be released only after
producing certificate from the Principal of the institution regarding the satisfactory
performance of the students.

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- 90%


- 5%

Beneficiary share

- 5%


- 3%

Maximum Repayment period

: 60 months

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

Scheme No.3

Micro-Credit Scheme

This scheme is framed for helping the poorest among the poor who need loans of very small
amount, and need the money as quickly as possible at their doorsteps. This scheme is
implemented through Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Kudumbasree
Community Development Societies (CDSs).

KSBCDC sanctions loans to NGOs/CDSs

which in turn distribute this loan to individuals through its self help groups.

The Loan

should be given to only for income generating activities ( group or individual scheme )

Eligibility Criteria
1. The applicant shall belong to any one of the notified Minority communities of the State.
2. At least 75% of the members in each of the selected SHGs/NHGs shall be Minorities
3. At least 75% of the members availing loan in each of the selected SHGs/NHGs shall be
4. The annual family income of the applicants must be below Rs 103000/- in urban areas
and Rs 81000/- in rural areas.
5. Age of the applicants must be between 18 and 55.
6. The number of members in SHG shall be at least 10 and maximum 20.
7. The applicants shall not be a beneficiary to any of the Self Employment loan under any
scheme of any other Corporation/Bank/Agency
Maximum amount of loan

The Maximum Amount per beneficiary

Maximum amount of loan to SHGs/NHGs
Maximum amount of loan to CDSs/NGOs

: Rs. 25,000/: Rs. 5 lakhs

: Rs. 25 lakhs

Pattern of Financing
NMDFC: KSBCDC : Beneficiary contribution

: 90: 5 :5

Rate of interest

Rate of Interest to NGO/CDSs

Rate of Interest to SHG/NHG members

Maximum Repayment period

: 2%
: 7%
: 36 months

Note: Refer detailed guidelines for enlistment, sanction of loan etc for NGOs/CDS

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

Scheme No.1

Marriage Assistance Loan Scheme

The objective of the scheme is to financially assist the marriage of a girl child belonging to
Backward Classes/Minorities.

Eligibility criteria
1. The applicant must belong to any one of the notified Backward Classes or Minorities
of the State.
2. The annual family income of the applicant family must be below Rs 1,03,000/-.
3. Age of the girl shall be 18 or above.
4. If the applicant is the parent his/her age shall be less than 60 years.
5. Brother/Sister of the girl whose name is included in the same ration card is also
eligible to apply.

Quantum of loan and pattern of financing

This scheme is an own fund scheme of the Corporation. Maximum loan amount available
under the Scheme is Rs 150,000/- (Rupees One lakh fifty thousand only) per beneficiary. The
beneficiary contribution is not stipulated under the scheme.

Rate of interest: 6%

Other conditions
The application for the loan need be submitted before the date of marriage.

Maximum Repayment period :

60 months

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Scheme No.2

Computer Loan Scheme

This is an own fund scheme of KSBCDC for the purpose of purchase of computers and
accessories for academic or any other purpose

Eligibility criteria
1. The applicant must belong to any one of the notified Backward Classes or
Minorities of the state.
2. Age limit

: 18 to 60 years

3. No income limit.

Quantum of loan and pattern of financing

This is an own fund scheme of the Corporation. Maximum loan amount available under the
Scheme is Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand only) per beneficiary. The beneficiary
contribution is not stipulated under the scheme. The loan amount shall be disbursed to the
Supplier/Dealer based on invoice/quotation.

Rate of interest: 8 %

Maximum Repayment period:

60 months

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Scheme No.3

Foreign Employment Loan Scheme

The objective of the scheme is to finance persons belonging to Backward Classes/Minorities
in the state to meet his/her travel, visa and connected expenses for proceeding to abroad for

General Eligibility Criteria

1. The applicant must belong to any one of the notified Backward Classes or
Minorities of the state.
2. The annual family income of the applicant family must be below Rs.1,03,000
3. Age of the applicants must be between 18 and 50.

Quantum of loan and pattern of financing

This scheme is an own fund scheme of the corporation. Maximum loan amount available
under the Scheme is Rs 100,000/- (Rupees One lakh only) per beneficiary. The beneficiary
contribution is not stipulated under the scheme.

Rate of interest :8%

Other conditions
1. The applicant should produce his valid passport and job visa/group visa to avail the
2. In addition to the sufficient security, one family member

of the loanee

(father/mother/wife/husband/brother/sister ) shall sign in the agreement as co-obligant

Maximum Repayment period : 60 months

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Scheme No. 4

Vehicle loan Scheme.

The objective of the scheme is to assist the employees who belong to Backward
Classes/Minorities and working in Government, Public Sector Undertakings, Public/Private
Limited Companies or Entrepreneurs to purchase vehicles for their personal traveling

Eligibility criteria
1. The applicant must belong to any one of the notified Backward Classes or Minorities
of the state.
2. No income limit.
3. The age of the applicant shall be between 18 and 60 years.

Quantum of loan and pattern of financing

This scheme is an own fund scheme of the corporation. Maximum loan amount available
under the Scheme is Rs 5,00,000/- (Rupees Five lakhs only) or 80 % of the on-road price of
the vehicle, whichever is less.

Rate of interest - 10 %.
Maximum Repayment period
For Loan up to Rs.2 lakhs

: 60 months

For Loan above Rs.2 lakhs and up to Rs.5 lakhs

: 72 months

Other Conditions
1. Hypothecation of the vehicle shall be done in favour of KSBCDC
2. Cheque/ DD shall be issued in favour of the Supplier/Dealer

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

Scheme No.5

Consumer durable Loan Scheme

The objective of the scheme is to assist the employees who belong to Backward
classes/Minorities and working in Government, Public Sector, Reputed private institutions to
purchase consumer durables for their personal purposes.

Eligibility criteria
1. The applicant must belong to any one of the notified Backward Classes or
Minorities of the state.
2. No income limit.
3. The age of the applicant shall be between 18 and 60 years.

Quantum of loan and pattern of financing

This scheme is an own fund scheme of the corporation. Maximum loan amount available
under the Scheme is Rs 2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh only).

Rate of interest : 10 %
Maximum Repayment period : 60 months

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

Scheme No. 6

Swastha griha (House Maintenance) Loan Scheme

The objective of the scheme is to assist the employees who belong to Other Backward
Classes /Minorities and working in Government, Public Sector Undertakings & Public and
Private Limited Companies, to repair/extend their houses.

Eligibility criteria
1. The applicant must belong to any one of the notified Backward Classes or Minorities of
the state.
2. No income limit.
3. The age of the applicant shall be between 18 and 60 years.
4. The loan shall be used for maintenance of the existing house/building owned by the
applicant or his/her spouse or jointly by the applicant and his/her spouse.

Quantum of loan and pattern of financing

This is an own fund scheme of the corporation. Maximum loan amount available under the
Scheme is Rs 3,00,000/- (Rupees Three Lakhs only) per beneficiary. The beneficiary
contribution is not stipulated under the scheme. The loan shall be financed based on Estimate
of maintenance work and shall be disbursed in two installments. The second installment shall
be disbursed only on getting an affidavit in stamp paper worth Rs.100/- and photograph from
the loanee regarding utilization of 1st installment.

Rate of interest: 10.50 %

Maximum Repayment period:
For Loan up to Rs.2 lakhs

: 60 months

For Loan above Rs.2 lakhs and up to Rs 3 lakhs

: 72 months

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

Scheme No. 7

Suvarna Sree Loan scheme

The objective of the scheme is to assist persons belonging to Backward Classes/Minorities
to meet their various needs like Purchase of land, Two Wheeler, Consumer Durables,
Computer, Machineries, House maintenance, installation of bio gas plant, Solar plant,
Garbage plant etc..

Eligibility criteria
1. The applicant must belong to any one of the notified Backward Classes or
Minorities of the state.
2. The annual family income of the applicant must be below Rs 1,03,000
3. The age of the applicant shall be between 18 and 55 years.

Quantum of loan
This is an own fund scheme of the Corporation. Maximum loan amount available under the
Scheme is Rs 2,00,000/- (Rupees two lakh only) per beneficiary.

Rate of interest : 9%
Maximum Repayment period :

60 months

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

Scheme No. 8

Working Capital Loan scheme

The objective of the scheme is to assist the beneficiaries of KSBCDC who have once availed
a Self Employment Loan from the Corporation. This loan can be availed only after repayment
of the outstanding Self Employment Loan. The applicant should have a satisfactory
repayment history and has to produce proof for the successful running of the existing self
employment venture. (Supported by photographs and other documents, if required)

Eligibility criteria
1. The applicant must belong to any one of the notified Backward Classes or Minorities
of the state.
2. The annual family income of the applicant must be below Rs .1,03,000.
3. The age of the applicant shall be between 18 and 55 years.

Quantum of loan
This scheme is an own fund scheme of the corporation. Maximum loan amount available
under the Scheme is Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees two Lakh only) per beneficiary.

Rate of interest: 7 %
Maximum Repayment period :

60 months

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

Scheme No. 9


The scheme is to promote self-employment among the members of the Backward
Classes/Minorities. Any viable projects can be considered under the scheme. Maximum
amount of loan: Rs. 10,00,000/-(Rupees Ten Lakhs only)

Eligibility Criteria

The applicant must belong to any one of the notified Backward Classes or Minorities
of the state.

The annual family income of the applicant must be below Rs. 103000/103000

Age of the applicants must be between 18 and 55.

The applicant should not be a beneficiary to any of the Self Employment loan under
any scheme of KSBCDC or other SCAs of National agency.

Pattern of financing
KSBCDC contribution

90 %

Beneficiary Contribution

10 %

Beneficiary contribution need not be collected from the beneficiary under this scheme. The
beneficiaries are expected to utilize the amount along with the loan amount for the project.
The maximum loan that can be disbursed under this Scheme is 90% of the project cost or
Rs. 10,00,000/- whichever is lower and is limited to the amount requested by the beneficiary.

Rate of interest
For loan amount up to Rs 5 Lakh

: 6%

For loan amount above Rs.5 lakhs

: 8%

Maximum Repayment period

For Loan up to Rs.2 lakhs

: 60 months

For Loan above Rs.2 lakhs and up to Rs.5 lakhs

:72 months

For loan above Rs.5 lakhs

:84 months

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

General Terms and Conditions

1. Pre sanction verification is compulsory for Loan above Rs.2 lakhs


Loan amount to be disbursed in installments for loan amounting above Rs.1 lakh.
Second and subsequent installment shall be disbursed only after ensuring utilization
of installment already disbursed.


In the case of Vehicle loan for self employment purpose, on the road price can be
considered for financing. Hypothecation of the vehicle has to be ensured in favour of
KSBCDC. Cheque/DD (Account payee) shall be drawn in the name of
Company/authorized dealer only.

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

Scheme No. 10

Vidyasree ( Education) Loan Scheme

The objective of this loan is to finance to meet the study expenditures of students belonging
to Backward Classes/Minorities

To extend loans to the members of Backward Classes or Minorities for pursuing

Professional/ Technical/Vocational/Diploma education at graduate and postgraduate level.


To provide better educational opportunities within the reach of eligible members

of backward classes/Minorities.


To enable the needy students belonging to Backward Classes/Minorities, going for

higher studies in Professional/Technical/Vocational/Diploma Courses approved
by Govt. of India/Universities.


The loan shall be granted to members of Backward Classes/Minorities, as notified

by State Government from time to time.


The annual income of the applicant's family should be below ` 1,03,000.


The applicant should have obtained admission for any full-time/ specified part
time Professional/Technical/Vocational/Diploma Courses.


Distant education/Part-time programmes are not covered under this scheme.


Age Limit : 16-32

All professional /Technical/Vocational/Diploma courses at graduate and post graduate level
approved by Govt. of India/Universities, Minimum duration of the course should be 1 year.


Admission fee and Tuition fee.


Cost of Books, Stationery and other instruments required for the course.


Examination Fee.


Boarding and lodging expenses


Premium for Life insurance policy

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014


90% of the expenditure of course subject to maximum loan limit of Rs 2 lakh . The maximum
loan amount limited to Rs 1.lakh per year. 2nd and subsequent installments will be released
only after producing certificate from the Principal of the institution regarding the satisfactory
performance of the students. In case of courses with a duration exceeding 1 year, the loan has
to be disbursed in installments based on the fee certificate issued from the institute.

Rate of interest: 6 %
Maximum Repayment period :

60 months

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

Scheme No. 11

Business Development Loan Scheme

The scheme is to assist small and micro entrepreneurs belonging to the Backward
Communities/Minoriteis to develop their micro units and business thereby lifting their
standard of living.
Applicants under this scheme should be operating any viable self employment venture
successfully for at least 2 years. This venture should have necessary permissions from
appropriate authorities. Loan can be availed for expansion/modernization of the existing
scheme or for working capital requirements.

Eligibility Criteria:
1. The applicant must belong to any one of the notified Backward Classes or Minorities of
the state.
2. The annual family income of the applicant must be below Rs. 1,03,000
3. Age of the applicants must be between 18 and 60.
4. The applicant should not be a beneficiary to any of the Self Employment loan under any
scheme of this Corporation or other SCAs
5. Neither the applicant nor any member of his family should be a beneficiary to Self
Employment loan of KSBCDC.
6. Applicant should be operating any viable self employment venture successfully for at
least 2 years prior to the date of application.

Loan Amount:
Maximum loan amount under the scheme shall be Rs. 3 lakhs.

Pattern of Financing:
KSBCDC contribution


Beneficiary contribution


Beneficiary contribution need not be collected from the beneficiary under this scheme. The
beneficiaries are expected to utilize the amount along with the loan amount for the project.
The maximum loan that can be disbursed under this Scheme is 90% of the project cost or
Rs. 3,00,000/- whichever is lower and is limited to the amount requested by the beneficiary.
Rate of Interest: 9%
Maximum Repayment period :
For Loan up to Rs. 2 lakhs

: 60 months

For Loan above Rs.2 lakhs and up to Rs 3 lakhs

: 72 months

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Guidelines for Implementation

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

General Guidelines

Application form and its distribution

1. Printing of the Application form shall be done at the Head Office level. Necessary
instructions will be printed in the application form itself. The following are the code
numbers of application form for different schemes.
Form No

Name of Scheme
Self Employment
1. NBCFDC Self employment
2. NMDFC Self Employment
3. Own fund- Self Employment


Own Fund Schemes

1. Marriage loan
2. Foreign employment
3. Suvarnasree
4. Business Devpt.Loan
5. Working Capital loan


Own Fund schemes

1. Consumer Durable
2. Computer Loan
3. Vehicle Loan
4. Swastha Griha


Education Loan schemes

1. NBCFDC Education Loan
2. NMDFC Education Loan
3. Own fund-Vidya Sree


Micro credit (NGOs/CDSs)

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

2. The Price of the application form is fixed as Rs.10/- for all schemes except Micro
Credit. In the case of Micro Credit, the application fee is Rs. 100
3. Application forms may be distributed at any time subject to the target fixed for the
Unit offices..

Issue of Application Forms.

Issue of Application forms shall be done by the Unit offices. In the Application
issue form in bcdconline, enter Applicant name, select loan scheme and caste.
Application No and Receipt No will be generated by the system. Cost of the
Application form has to be collected. Application Issue Register has to be


Acknowledgement of Application on receipt.

The receipt of the application has to be acknowledged on the date of receipt itself.
Application Received Register has to be maintained with relevant details.


The following has to be ensured during primary scrutiny of applications


1. Annual income certificate issued by the Village Officer. In case of employee loans, pay
slip is enough for proof of income.
2. Self attested copy of the SSLC Book as proof of Community/Caste OR
Community/Caste certificate issued by the Village Officer.
3. Age Proof
4. Project details in prescribed format for all self-employment loans.
5. Copy of Bank passbook of the applicant, if available.

Documents to be produced for verification at the time of the Scrutiny


Ration card


Aadhar card/Election ID Card


Age certificate (School certificate or Election Identity card or any other valid
identity card or Medical Certificate).


School leaving certificates as proof of Caste/Religion.


Certificate to prove technical qualification/experience, if required


No dues Certificate from other financial agencies for the loans availed by the
applicant, if required.
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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014


Application coming under the following categories may be rejected at the time of

A second loan under Self Employment Scheme is not permissible to the same


Application submitted by a person who is an existing loanee of a self-employment

loan from other SCAs of NBCFDC and NMDFC ( KSWDC, Matsya fed, Minority
Development Corporation etc)


Application submitted by a person who is a chronic defaulter of any financial



Application Data Entry

Data entry has to be done in bcdconline, in case of all applications found eligible
under primary scrutiny. Basic details of the applicant viz address, phone number, date
of birth and annual income has to be entered.

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

VIII. Beneficiary Selection and Loan Sanction

The technical and marketing feasibility about the project may be taken as major criteria for
sanctioning/recommending loan amount. Interview shall be conducted on the same day of
receipt of application or not later than 30 days.
Details of Loan sanction committee and the loan amount that can be sanctioned at Sub
District office and District Office level are given below


Loan Limit

Members of the Project Sanction Committee


5 lakhs

District Level Project Sanction Committee


Chairman: District Manager
1. Assistant Manager
2. One staff among Project Assistant/Senior
Assistant/Accountant nominated by the
District Manager

Sub District up to Rs. 2 lakhs

Sub District Level Project Sanction Committee


Chairman : Unit Manager
Member: one staff of the unit ( not below the
rank of JPA) nominated by the Unit Manager
Above 2 lakhs and up

Chairman: Concerned District Manager

to 5 lakhs

1. Unit Manager
2. One staff of the unit ( not below the rank
of JPA) nominated by the Unit Manager

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

For loan above Rs 5 lakhs, there shall be Regional Level Project Sanction Committee
(RLPSC) with Manager (Projects) as chairman and the concerned District managers and
Sub District Managers as members. The Districts included under Regional Level Project
Sanction Committee are given below
North Region

Kasaragod, Kannur , Wayanad

Kozhikode, Malappuram and Palakkad

Central Region

Thrissur , Ernakulam , Kottayam and


South Region

Alappuzha, Kollam, Pathanamthitta and


For loan above Rs.2 lakhs, the applicant shall be directed to submit project report indicating
the following details.
a. Details of the promoter ( educational qualification/skill/experience etc
b. The project, products/services offered.
c. Location.
d. Machinery details.
e. Market analysis.
f. Cost of the Project & Means of Finance.
g. Working capital assessment and its sources.
h. Projected profitability statements and balance sheet.
i. Cash flow statement.
j. Profitability parameters (Break Even Point, Payback period, IRR etc).

Special Conditions prescribed for high value loans ( Self employment Loan
above Rs. 2 Lakhs)


The working capital component should not be more than 40% of the project cost.
If it exceeds, then the remaining amount has be to obtain as loan from Banks. It
should be clearly mentioned in the project report.


The maximum loan (NBCFDC + KSBCDC) will be limited to Rs. 10 lakhs.

Balance amount has to be raised as own contribution/Bank loan.


In addition to collateral securities, the assets created out of loan from KSBCDC
shall also be hypothecated to KSBCDC.
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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014


Projects submitted by individual beneficiary need only be considered for

financing. Projects of partnership firm/Company need not be considered.


Pre sanction inspection shall be conducted prior to selection process by the

District/unit Office. The competency and background of the applicant to
implement the project, the locational advantage, technical and marketing potential
etc shall be clearly mentioned in the inspection report as per format.


Pre-sanction inspection shall be conducted by one among the members of the

District Level/Sub District level Project Sanction Committee


The interview for selection of beneficiaries for all schemes shall be done by the
District/Sub District Level Project sanction committee. After detailed scrutiny of
all aspects of the projects, the Sub District Level Project Sanction Committee can
sanction maximum Rs.2 lakhs and District level committee can sanction Rs. 5


Application for loan above 5 lakhs shall be placed before the Regional level
Project Sanction committee for approval along with duly filled in Pre-sanction
inspection report, project appraisal form and copies of application and project


The Regional Level Project Sanction Committee consisting of Manager (Projects)

and concerned District Managers shall appraise the project above Rs. 5 Lakhs and
Sanction the loan. The Quorum of the committee is 3.


On getting sanction from RLPSC, the District/unit manager can disburse the loan
subject to usual terms and conditions of sanctioning the loan


The Loan amount shall be disbursed in installments as mentioned in the Sanction

Order. The loanee should produce the proof of utilization of the installment.
(Copy of bills/vouchers etc of asset created, Photograph of the unit, insurance etc,)


The date of repayment will be on completion of 30 days of the disbursement of

the last installment. The EMI should be fixed by considering the interest portion
of the previous installments also.


The District/Unit Office shall ensure the utilization of loan.


The Members of the District/Unit Level Project Sanction Committee shall be

severally and jointly responsible for any discrepancy in sanction/utilization of loan

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014


Misutilisation of Loan

The District/unit office shall ensure utilization of loan. In the case of misutilization, loan
sanction order shall be cancelled. Before cancellation, a notice shall be sent to loanee and
sureties to show cause why it should not be cancelled. Hearing shall also be given , if he
demands. Notice shall contain specific reason for cancellation. In such cases, a proceeding
shall be issued. It shall be a speaking order for cancellation. The loanee shall be directed to
remit the entire amount with higher rate of interest (normal interest+ 6% ) at lump sum or on
installment basis (as fixed by District/Unit manager). The maximum installment that can be
allowed in this case is 60 months.


Security of the loan

The beneficiary must furnish necessary security in addition to the personal surety of the
loanees and hypothecation of the assets created out of the loan amount.
Employee surety, land security, Bank Guarantee, approved Securities such as NSC, Fixed
Deposit Receipts of Nationalized Banks/ Scheduled Banks/ KSFE/ Post Office/ Co-operative
Banks/Government Treasury can be accepted.
Maximum loan amount up to which various types of securities can be accepted is given
Type of Security
Employee Surety
Fixed deposits with Nationalised Banks, Scheduled Banks,
Co-operative Banks, Government Treasury having deposit
insurance coverage, KSFE and Post Office.
National Savings Certificate (NSC)
LIC Policy, Bank guarantee.
Land Security

Maximum Loan
` 5.00 lakhs

` 10.00 lakhs

` 20.00 lakhs

For loans up to Rs 2 lakhs , any of the securities mentioned above can be accepted. Linking
of security is not permitted.
For loans above Rs 2 lakhs and up to Rs 10 lakhs, employee surety can be linked with other
securities mentioned above, if required. In such cases 2 guarantee agreements for the entire
loan amount has to be executed separately for mortgaging and salary surety as the case may
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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

a. Special conditions for Education Loan

In the case of Education Loan and Vidyasree loan, Parent/Guardian of the applicant is to be
taken as co-borrower. In addition to the general guarantee conditions, obligation of
parents/guardian along with assignment of future income of the student for payment of
installments is compulsory. If the student is a minor, agreement shall not be executed with the
student, as agreement with a minor is void. ( Minor should not sign on any part of the loan
agreement) In such cases, loan agreement has to be signed by the co-borrower (parent) in his
capacity and also for and on behalf of the applicant ( student). A ratification deed (as per

4J) in stamp paper worth Rs.100 has to be executed by the minor student

immediately on attaining majority. Loan Installments after attaining majority shall be

disbursed only after signing the ratification deed.

b. Special conditions for Loan for Employees

In the case of loans for employees, if the applicant is an employee of Central/State
Government, Central/State PSU, then self surety of the applicant is sufficient for loans up
to Rs. 1,00,000/-, provided the applicant
a. has at least repayment period plus-one year service left for retirement and
b. is not a surety of any loan availed from the Corporation, which is live at the time of
While executing agreement, the spouse/father/mother/ brother/sister should sign as coborrower.

Types of Securities

a) Fixed Deposits/LIC Policy/NSC/Bank Guarantee

Fixed Deposits
Fixed Deposits can be accepted as security for loans. Letter of authority has to be obtained
from the person/persons in whose name the FD is issued. In case of loans against third party
deposits, a consent letter must be obtained from the account holder authorizing the
Corporation to hold the receipt as security and to utilize the amount of deposit on maturity
towards liquidation of borrowers dues; further the nature of relationship between the
borrower and the depositor should be disclosed. Lien has to be noted from the issuing bank.
Maximum loan shall be 80% of the amount deposited as FD.

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

LIC Policy
LIC Policy can be accepted as security. The LIC policy accepted as security can be in the
name of loanee or in the name of spouse or in the name of any other person. In such cases the
policy should be assigned in favour of the Corporation and the policy holder should be a cobounden in the agreement. The remaining tenure of the LIC policy shall be at least repayment
period plus 6 months. Maximum loan shall be 80% of the surrender value of the LIC Policy.
National Savings Certificate
NSC can be accepted as security. Forms prescribed by the Post Office are used for noting the
lien. The remaining tenure of the NSC shall be at least repayment period plus 6 months.
Maximum loan shall be 80% of the issue price (face value) of the NSCs (VIII issue),
Bank guarantee
Guarantee from Nationalized/Scheduled Banks can be accepted as security for availing loan.
b) Employee Surety
The surety of Permanent/Officiating employees working in Govt, Quasi-Govt., Public Sector,
Autonomous Bodies, Govt. owned companies, Apex Co-operative Institutions, Special Grade
and A Grade Primary Co-operative Societies ( including Service Co-operative Banks), Aided
school Employees etc. who are permanent residents of Kerala, could be accepted. The surety
of the employees working on contract basis, casual employees, Employees working on
Private sector etc need not be accepted.
Gross Salary of the employee surety shall be 12% of the loan amount. In the case of the
salary sureties without salary deduction undertaking, the gross amount shall be at least 20%
of the loan amount.
In all the above cases the Net Salary of the employee should not be less than 40% of his
Gross Salary.
For employees of Central Government and Central Government owned Public sector
Undertakings, the stipulation of salary certificate to contain salary recovery undertaking by
drawing officer need not be insisted upon. However, salary certificate has to be submitted in
the prescribed form itself. (Form 3A). Salary Certificate issued separately or in other formats,
pay slips etc is not acceptable.

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

If there is any court attachment or co-operative recoveries other than voluntary recovery from
the salary of an employee, then such employees shall not be accepted as surey
For loans above Rs 2 .5 lakhs, 2 sureties are compulsory.
For Swasta Griha loans and Vehicle loans, the Net Salary of the Loan Applicant shall be
at least 3 times of the EMI.
In general, the surety should have at least repayment period plus-one year service left for
retirement. In the case of loan above Rs.3 lakhs, the surety should have at least
repayment period plus 3year service left for retirement.
Managers have the discretion to accept the salary certificate of employees who have less
service for retirement subject to rescheduling of repayment period for loans up to Rs 2 lakhs.
The requirement of minimum service left for retirement in such cases is 48 months.
In the case of employee surety for education loan, the minimum service conditions required
are as given below:
Minimum Service = Course period + 6 years
For eg. Minimum service for retirement of the surety in the case of applicant studying
for MBBS = 5 years + 6 years = 11 years before retirement
for MBA = 2 years + 6 years = 8 years
In the case of sureties, who are working in any organization on deputation basis, a no
objection certificate from his/her parent department is also to be produced.
The employees of the KSBCDC are not allowed to stand as surety in the Corporation, except
for the loans availed by KSBCDC staff. This clause is applicable to all the direct and
deputation staff.
The salary recovery certificate should be obtained in the prescribed format (Form 3 A). Photo
ID and address proof (residential) of the surety is compulsory. In the case of employee surety
for loan above Rs.3 lakhs, bio-data of the surety as per the prescribed format shall also be
If the surety himself is the drawing officer, then the next higher officer should counter sign
the salary certificate.
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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

If the surety is a gazetted officer, the surety himself can sign in the salary certificate. In such
cases, the name of the treasury and SDO Code of the Officer should be noted in the salary
certificate and the next higher officer should attest the signature of the Officer. In this case
the letter for confirmation should be sent to the officer who counter signed (Form 3 B).
The salary certificate of the sureties working in KSEB, KWA and PWD should be signed by
an officer not below the rank of Asst. Executive Engineer/OR countersigned by the Assistant
Executive Engineer, if the Asst. Engineer signs it.
In the case of sureties working in the Aided Schools/Colleges, the salary certificate should be
signed by the Headmaster/ Principal of the concerned institutions. Certificate regarding
protection shall be obtained from the Head of the Institution. The authenticity of the
institution shall be confirmed.
The salary certificate should contain the name, designation and office seal of the issuing
officer or next higher officer if applicable.
The surety of employees working in certain Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous bodies
listed as sick units need not be accepted. Previous history of the undertaking with regard to
recovery of loan as per our request based on salary undertaking need also be considered while
accepting surety.
Same Employee as Surety for a Second Loanee:
One employee should be allowed as surety to only one loanee. However, if the situation
demands, the Unit Managers are permitted to accept the surety to a second loanee with the
following conditions:

Surety-ship of the first loan completed two years with satisfactory repayment

There should not be any co-operative/court recovery from the salary of the

The rules regarding the gross salary of the sureties is applicable here also. (
outstanding liability of old loan shall be taken together with the new loan for

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

Scrutiny of employee sureties

The following points may also be in mind while scrutinizing the surety form.

The date of birth, date of entry into service, date of retirement etc. of the surety
should be scrutinized.


Whether the sureties are permanent residents of Kerala.


Whether the signatory to the employment certificate and recovery undertaking is

the person authorized to issue such certificates and his name, designation and
office seal are available in the form and the genuineness should be ensured.


Whether all columns in the surety applications are properly filled in.


Whether all the corrections in the employment certificate and recovery

undertakings are properly attested.


Whether there are co-operative recoveries other than voluntary recoveries/ Court
attachment from the salary of the sureties.


Whether the signature of the surety is available in the form.

Confirmation of the sureties

For verification of genuineness, the prescribed form (Form 3 B) should be sent in duplicate
by registered post with AD in the name cover of the officer who has signed the
employment certificate. Confirmation should be sent only in format generated from
bcdconline. In the case of salary certificates issued by self-drawing officers or counter
signature is applicable, the confirmation should be obtained from the officer who
countersigned the salary certificate form. In case the confirmation letter sent in name cover is
returned undelivered for any reason, a fresh letter shall be sent in the official address of the
employer by registered post with acknowledgement due. In such cases, the re-confirmation
charges at the rate of Rs.50/- should be levied from the applicant. In both the above cases the
sureties shall be accepted only based on the reply received from the officer concerned and on
satisfaction of the genuineness by the unit Managers of KSBCDC. If there is any difference
in Office Seal, or signature of the employer, that has to be clarified by the Manager.
Confirmation need not be sent in case of salary certificates of KSBCDC staff. If any
clarification needed, it may be confirmed by contacting the Drawing officer.
The AD card, the envelope of the confirmation received by post shall be filed for office

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

When the Confirmation is sent, enter the sending date and when it is returned enter the
receiving date in the respective fields in bcdconline. The Agreement can be executed only
after entering the confirmation dates.

Land Security
1. Valuation certificate/Fair Value Certificate issued by the Village officer/ Tahsildar
or the person authorized by the Managing Director KSBCDC can be accepted.
Maximum loan amount shall be 80% of the Valuation.
2. If the land property value is not sufficient as security for the loan amount
sanctioned, the unit managers are permitted to refix the amount of loan based on
the percentage of land value as ascertained above.
3. Residential property below 1.6 Ares ( 3.95 cents) cannot be taken as security.
4. Commercial property below one cent cannot be taken as surety.
5. The following are the documents to be submitted for Land Surety:

Original Title Deed


Original Prior Deed (in applicable cases)


Valuation Certificate/Fair Value Certificate from the Village

Officer/Tahsildar or a competent person authorized by the Managing
Director, KSBCDC.


Latest Land Tax Receipt


Non-attachment certificate from the Village Officer


Location Certificate & Sketch from the Village Officer


Possession Certificate issued by the Village Officer


Encumbrance Certificate (for the last 13 years) issued by the Sub

Registrar. EC up to the date of execution of agreement is needed.


Form 4 F regarding deposit of title deed from the owner of the land


If the landed property is not in the name of the beneficiary, a consent

from the owner of the land should be produced in a stamp paper worth
Rs. 100/-.

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

6. The documents should be scrutinized by the empanelled advocate of the

corporation. Details of all documents received have to be entered in the Legal
Scrutiny cum Documents Received Register and has to be handed over to the
Advocate on acknowledgement. The report of the advocate should be obtained in
the prescribed format. (Form 4 G). If the Advocates report demands any









certificates/documents thus received, should be submitted to the Advocate for

further scrutiny. In the case of complete rejection the same shall be intimated.
Same Land as Surety for other eligible Loan:
Land accepted as surety for a loan can be accepted as surety for an eligible second
loan sanctioned to a person from the same family, if the valuation of the
property is sufficient as per surety norms. In such cases Mortgager has to
submit a joint application along with the loan applicant as Co-borrower in the
prescribed format. All formalities of the new loan including loan agreement has to
be executed. Necessary entries have to be made in the document file as well as
document register. Documents shall be released only after the repayment of both
the loans is complete.
For loans up to 3 lakhs with land security, property valuation can be done the District
Manager/Sub District Manager. Valuation should be done taking into account the location,
access to the landed property, age of the residential building, if any in the landed property,
forced sale value of the property etc. Valuation certificate has to be prepared in prescribed
format (Annexure) . For valuation of building, certificates from the officer not below the
rank of Asst.Engineer of PWS/LSGD can also be obtained, if necessary.
I. Repayment Period of loans
a) All loan schemes except, educational loan and Vidyasree.
The loan amount under NBCFDC, NMDFC and KSCBCDC schemes except Education
and Vidya sree loan shall be repaid in equated monthly installments to KSBCDC as
detailed below

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

Loan amount




Up to Rs. 2 lakh




Loan above Rs.2 lakhs and up to Rs. 5 lakhs




Loan above Rs.5 lakhs




b) Educational loan and Vidyasree loan

The beneficiary should repay the loan in equated monthly installments over a period of
5 years. The repayments will start after 3 months on employment of the student or on
completion of 6 months after the final examination whichever is earlier. In the event of
non-disbursement of the loan due to the poor performance of the student in the
examinations or discontinuation of the course by the student, corporation reserves the
right to fix a repayment schedule as it deems fit for the recovery of the loan amount.
In the case the candidate discontinues the studies due to any reason whatsoever, the
loan with interest would become repayable immediately in full or in installments.


Legal Scrutiny fee

In the case of landed property as security, a legal scrutiny fee of ` 300/- per loan
account should be collected from the beneficiary at the time of submission of document
and the total amount collected on this account may be released to the advocate. A
register should be maintained in all unit offices for verification.
If the landed property is valued by an authorized staff of KSBCDC not below the rank
of Project Assistant, a fee of ` 250/- should be collected from the beneficiary as
valuation fees. All such fee collected, should be entered in bcdconline under the
respective heads (legal fee, land valuation fee) itself. Legal Fees and Valuation fees
once collected shall not be refunded.

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

III. Processing Fee

A process fee of 0.75% of the loan amount subject to a maximum of ` 5000/- should be
levied from the beneficiaries at the time of execution of agreement. In which 0.25% is to
be apportioned to BCDC Loanees Distress Relief Fund(LDRF). Process Fee is computed
automatically by bcdconline on the basis of sanctioned loan amount. Process fee once
collected shall not be refunded. In the case of Micro credit loans for NGOs the processing
fee is 0.25% of loan amount subject to a maximum of Rs.10000/- . For CDSs, the
processing fee is 0.25% of loan amount subject to a maximum of Rs.5000/KSBCDC Staff are exempted from remitting processing charge.
IV. Documentation.
Documentation means execution of documents in the proper form and according to law.
Documentation establishes relationship between the Corporation and borrower. It avoids

Documents are very important to the Corporation as they are the primary evidence in any
dispute between the parties. They help the Corporation in the court of law. Without the
support of the properly executed documents, the Corporation cannot be successful in a suit
filed in a court of law. Documents which are not properly executed cannot be enforced
against the borrower and their purpose itself is defeated.

It is therefore, very essential that those who are responsible for obtaining and executing the
documents must be thoroughly conversant with the process of their execution. While
obtaining the documents the points regarding the constitution of borrowers, the nature and
type of securities being charged, the legal nature of charges, the liability of guarantors, and
various statutory provisions should be kept in mind.

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

General Guidelines for Execution of Documents


Documents to be filled up neatly with a standard brand of indelible ink.


Documents could be generated from bcdconline for execution. In the event of

extreme contingencies like power failure/internet connectivity failure, the
documents can be typed or hand written.


If handwritten document is prepared, it should be got completed in one sitting in

the same handwriting.


The date of execution of the documents shall be communicated to the

loanee/surety in advance. Both the loanee & sureties shall be present at the time of
execution of agreement.


Signature of the witness shall be ensured.


Documents have to be executed in the presence of the officer responsible for

obtaining them. Identification of the loanee/sureties should be ascertained before
execution of the loan agreement. Identification card is compulsory.


The agreement must be executed for the entire loan amount with adequate
security. In the case of part payments, security up to the part amount is not


Execution of the loan agreement and other related formalities regarding

sanctioning of the loan should be done only in the premises of the Office and in
the presence of the officer in charge. This procedure is a pre-requisite for fulfilling
the legal aspects of lending. The officer in charge (other than Manager) should
sign as one of the witness in the place provided. This procedure should be
strictly implemented.


The following documents should be executed before the disbursement of loan.

a. Form 4 A Loan Agreement between the loanee and the Corporation for all
loan schemes except Educational loans, Vidyasree, Marriage Loan and
Foreign Employment loans. (in stamp paper worth ` 100/-).
b. Form 4 B - Loan Agreement between the loanee and the Corporation for
Marriage Loan and Foreign Employment loans (in stamp paper worth ` 100/-).

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

c. Form 4 C Guarantee agreement between the Surety and the Corporation for
all loans. (In stamp paper worth ` 100/-). In the case of land security, if the
applicant is the owner of the property, a separate stamp paper is not required
for the Guarantee agreement.
d. Form 4 D Pronote. The loan amount should be noted on the left top of the
format in the space provided for the purpose.
e. Form 4 E Letter of continuity.
f. Form 4 F Form for equitable mortgage with the covering letter to be
obtained from the owner of the property in the case of land security.
g. Form 4 G - Loan Agreement between the loanee and the Corporation for
Educational loans wherein the student has attained majority.
h. Form 4 H - Letter to Village officer for making entries in the Thandaper
register .
i. Form 4 I - Loan Agreement between the loanee and the Corporation for
Educational loans wherein the student is a minor.
j. Form 4 J - Self declaration of the Co-borrower (If the applicant is a minor)
k. Form 4 K- Affidavit regarding utilization of 1st installment of Swasthagra
Loan Scheme

The documents should be properly filled in all aspects at the time of execution of
agreements itself.


No space should be kept blank in any circumstances. Keeping the document blank
or even one or more column(s) in the document blank may invalidate the whole


Borrower should sign in full, and in the same style throughout all the documents.
If a borrower signs in left hand, a small note should be annexed to the documents
recording the fact that the borrower has signed in left hand.


Date and place of execution should be mentioned invariably.


Signature of the borrower should be obtained on each page and also on pages
facing each other.


Where the borrower is an illiterate person, the contents of the documents should
be explained to him/her in a language that he/she understands.

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014


Interest clause must be correctly mentioned.


All types of additions, alterations, cuttings, overwriting, deletions etc must be

authenticated by borrower/surety under his full signature.


The loanee/surety should properly attest all the corrections in the agreement
including in the stamp paper.


In the case of landed properties, Form 4 H should be sent to the Village Officer
requesting him to enter the details in the TP register..

Execution of Documents through bcdconline.


Agreement Data Entry has to be completed as the first step. Fund from which loan
is sanctioned and no. of installments has to be entered at this stage.


Agreement checklist has to be printed after data entry and has to be verified with
physical records to ensure correctness. Printout of the checklist has to be signed
by the Managers concerned and has to be filed with the physical file. Checklist
has to be approved by Unit Manager before printing the documents including loan
agreement, pronote, etc..
Wherever features are available in bcdconline, it has to be compulsorily utilized,


including for printing the Loan Agreement, Guarantee Agreement, Pronote,

Letter of Continuity, Loan Proceedings etc.


Disbursement of Loan
As far as possible, the disbursement may be done at the day of execution of loan
agreements itself. If not possible, based on the availability of fund, a convenient
date should be intimated. Form 7 A may be used for issuing loan disbursement
proceedings. Prepare voucher, issue cheque with proper acknowledgement in the
cheque issue register. As far as possible loan amount shall be transferred to
loanees/parties account through


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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

Disbursement through bcdconline.

1. Loan Order has to be approved by the Unit Manager.
2. Select Disbursement from Disbursement main menu item to disburse the
Loans. The 9 digit loan no is generated in this form and the user has to enter
the voucher no, cheque no, EMI (Click on calculate EMI button) and first due
date. (For multiple installment loans EMI and due date is calculated after
disbursing all the installments), After Disbursing the loan user can generate
proceedings by selecting the Proceedings Print (7 A) under Disbursement
main menu. In the case of purchase of vehicle, Cheque/DD shall be issued in
favour of the company/dealer to ensure hypothecation of the vehicle.


Acknowledgement in the Ration Card

Disbursement of loans should be acknowledged in the Ration Card in the given format.

Disbursed Rs../- Under .. scheme to

Sri/Smt .. On...
Unit Manager
VII. Beneficiary Card
All loanees shall be issued a beneficiary card immediately after loan disbursement.
Bar-coded stickers will be affixed in beneficiary card. Beneficiary card has to be
produced during loan repayment through KSBCDC offices. No fees shall be charged
for issuing the beneficiary card. However, if the original beneficiary card is
lost/damaged, then loanee has to request for a duplicate beneficiary card. ` 30 shall be
charged for issuing a duplicate beneficiary card.
* Bar-Coding to be introduced soon.
VIII. Filing system
The documents are to be filed in the order mentioned below.

Note sheets
Note sheets use separate tagged white paper for this purpose. Pre-printed can also be
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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014


Application form and other eligibility certificates


Application form with photograph


Copy of the relevant pages of the ration card


Copy of the School Certificate/Election Identity card/other valid Identity card

Medical certificate as proof of age of the applicant.


Copy of the certificate to prove educational / technical qualification/ experience if

the scheme demands.


Other Documents


Marriage Loan: Marriage Invitation Card (Wedding Card) and Certificate

regarding marriage fixation from Ward Member of Grama Panchayath/ Councilor
of Municipality/Corporation or Gazetted Officer


Educational Loan : Proof for obtaining admission on Merit basis (Entrance Rank
list), Copy of the statement of expenditure issued by the college authorities, if
applicable ; Copy of the Certificate regarding the performance of the student in
the last exam/semester issued by the Principal of the institution (in the case of
students except the first year students)


Foreign Education Loan:

a) Admission letter
b) Proof of admission based on merit
c) Estimated expenses for completing the course duly certified by the
competent authorities
d) Copy of pass port
e) Copy of student visa
f) Course certificate/Copy of mark lists (applicable to the students applying
for loan for second and subsequent years.)
g) Copy of recognition certificate from the apex councils in India ( MCI,
AICTE, Pharmacy council., Nursing council etc)


Foreign Employment : Copy of valid Passport and Employment Visa


Computer Loan : invoice/quotation from the supplier

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014


Vehicle loan : Employment Certificate from the employer, Invoice


Consumer Durable loan : Employment Certificate from the employer, Invoice


Self Employment/ New Swarnima/ Saksham/ Shilp Sambada/ Micro Venture

Loan : Statement of expenditure for machines/equipment


Swastha Griha loan : Employment Certificate from the employer, building Tax
receipt, estimate for maintenance work


Suvarna Sree / Working Capital Loan: Project Report, Invoice if required.


Self Employment/ New Swarnima/ Saksham/ Shilp Sambada/Micro Venture

Loan: Rent agreement /consent letter from the owner of the building if the unit
proposes to function in a building. Project details as per format.


Business Development Loan: copy of license from the competent authorities ,

copy of rent agreement and photograph of the existing unit, copy of sale tax
registration, if applicable.


Filing Order in nutshell.

1. Note sheets
2. Application form and copies of certificates (ration card, identity card etc.) and other
documents, rent agreement and consent letter)
3. Copy of the Panchayat license, if applicable.
4. Copies of the insurance certificates, if applicable.
5. Loan disbursement proceedings Manager
6. Utilisation statement / copies of the bills, if applicable.
IX. Documents that should keep in safe custody of designated officers
a) General Documents
1. Loan agreement
2. Guarantee agreement
3. Pronote
4. Letter of continuity
b) Other Documents
All documents scrutinized and insisted by advocate to be kept in safe custody

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

X. Document Register
Document Register has to be maintained in all Units. Necessary data for
Document Register can be downloaded from bcdconline. Printout of this shall be
taken and filed. A page thus filed has to be periodically binded in a Register
format. The release of loan documents at the time of loan closing should also be
noted in the register.

XI. Deposit of Title Deed Register

Deposit of Title Deed Register have to be maintained in all Units. Necessary
data for this register can be downloaded bcdconline. Printout of this shall be
taken and filed. A page thus filed has to be periodically binded in a Register

XII. Custodian of loan files except the documents mentioned in item XVII
The person authorized by the Unit Manager will be the custodian of the entire loan
files except the documents kept under the custody of the designated officer. All the
loan files should be properly arranged for ready reference.

XIII. Closed files

Closed files may be kept separately under the custody of the person authorized by
the Unit Manager until 5 years from the date of loan closure or till completion of
finalization accounts for the year in which the loan is closed, whichever is later.
XIV. Project Inspection and Valuation Register
A Project Inspection cum Valuation Register should be maintained by the Unit
Manager to record the relevant details of field visits of the officers. The Unit
Manager should maintain the Register on a day-to-day basis.

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Guidelines for Project implementation 2014

XV. Green Card

The aim of the green card is to motivate the loanee for the prompt repayment. The
card should be issued to the loanee at the time of disbursement and the benefit
of the scheme should be explained to the loanee. If the loanee remits all the
installments (EMI) on or before due date without fail, he is eligible for an incentive.
This incentive will be released/deducted from the amount payable during the last
installment due. Computation of Green Card Benefit will be done automatically by
bcdconline. Loanee will get an incentive that is equivalent to 10% (5% for the
loans disbursed before 01/02/2010) of the interest remitted by him at the time of
closing the account. In the case of Pre-mature closing the facility is limited to the
loanee who has already completed of the total repayment period. This is
applicable to all schemes except micro-credit schemes.

XVI. Pre-disbursement Counseling

Pre-disbursement counseling shall be conducted at each district, to educate the potential
beneficiaries in the activities chosen by them. The Objective of the counseling is to
a. Know about the role of developmental institutions like KSBCDC and its
source of financing ;
b. To impart necessary management skills in running a self-employment venture.
c. To impart an awareness of schemes of National financial agencies
d. To provide adequate knowledge about the marketing opportunities/threats.
e. To give an awareness about the need for a proper system of maintaining
accounts and allied matters.
f. To educate the loanee about the importance of repayment.

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