Introduction To Holy Fire III Reiki: by Illiam Ee and

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Introduction to

Holy Fire III Reiki

by William lee Rand
Holy Fire III Supplement Instructions
This supplement explains the unique features of the new Holy Fire III Reiki system including the na-
ture of the energy, the way it works and the benefits it provides. Also included is a page on how to give
the Holy Fire III Ignitions.
Use this supplement with your current Holy Fire II master manuals, including the Usui/Holy Fire II
Reiki Master Manual and the Registered Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki® Master Training Manual. Print copies
to give to your Master students along with the corresponding Master manual. You may also want to give
a copy to your Reiki I&II students.

Usui/Holy Fire II Reiki Master Manual

Print this supplement but do not include the class outline for Karuna Reiki®

Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki®

Print the entire supplement including all the class outlines.

Usui/Holy Fire II Reiki I&II

Provide just the first section but do not include the class outlines.

This supplement will allow you to use the manuals you currently have in stock. The Holy Fire III class
manuals are being developed now and should be available by the beginning of February, 2019.

2 • © 2018  • ® Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki are registered service marks of William lee Rand  •
Introduction to
Holy Fire III Reiki
by William lee Rand

Holy Fire Reiki Overview Our Licensed Reiki Master Teachers (LRMTs) received the
Holy Fire Reiki is a type of Reiki energy and a system of Reiki ability to use this energy during attunements with myself and also
healing based on Holy Fire energy. Mentioned in the Bible, Holy directly in sessions with Janice Jones. They also agreed that there
Fire energy has been active in the world since ancient times. was a perceptible improvement in the quality and strength of
Based on sessions with the late Janice Jones, a spiritual adviser, their Reiki energy. Each began using this energy in sessions and
our understanding is that God, working through the Holy Spirit teaching it to students. At this time, the energy was part of the
created Holy Fire energy and Jesus is the one who first brought attunement process for the Master level only. Subsequently, the
this healing energy to the Earth. While the words Jesus, God and word attunement was changed to Ignition as it appeared that the
Holy Spirit, are used in religion, in the practice of Holy Fire Reiki flame of the Holy Fire energy was ignited within the student dur-
we do not consider them to be religious, but instead, consider ing the attunement.
them to be spiritual in nature. In December 2015, through instruction by Jesus received
It is important to keep in mind that the entire Holy Fire Reiki through Janice, the system acquired the ability to use this energy
system is not something I designed or created, but something that during Reiki I and II attunements. Because each student
came to me as part of healing sessions I had with two talented appeared to have the energy placed within them, the term for this
spiritual healers who channeled illumined beings. process changed from attunement to Placement. At this point, it
While Jesus was the spiritual master who introduced Holy Fire was noted that the overall effectiveness of the Holy Fire energy
Reiki, he is also part of a group called the Brothers and Sisters of had increased for all levels of instruction; because of this, we
the Light. This group is a combined force of all illumined beings began calling the system Holy Fire II.
and includes those beings from which all the world’s religions and
spiritual paths have originated. Previously they were in the form- Holy Fire III
less world but came into the world of form so they could assist us During spiritual healing sessions with Colleen Benelli, who
in the development, teaching and use of Holy Fire Reiki. is one of our LRMTs and has extensive training in shamanism
Its expression as a Reiki healing system moves Holy Fire ener- and who also received training from Janice, I began receiving
gy from being an experience that has happened occasionally information that something new was coming to my Reiki prac-
throughout the past to those fortunate enough to experience it, tice, although what it was wasn’t exactly explained. In addition,
to being an energy that can be utilized on a regular basis by any- when contemplating the Reiki classes I was going to conduct at
one initiated as a Holy Fire Reiki Master. This training takes Mount Kurama in Japan, which is the sacred mountain where
place in the Usui/Holy Fire ART/Master and Holy Fire Karuna Usui Sensei had a spiritual experience and was given the gift of
Reiki® Master courses. The energy is also present in the Reiki, I was shown that something very important would take
Usui/Holy Fire versions of Reiki I and II. place there.
I first experienced Holy Fire Reiki energy on January 23, 2014, Then on September 21, 2018, while conducting those classes,
when Janice channeled the energy from Jesus. I presented it to a new level of Holy Fire energy appeared. Colleen provided guid-
my Reiki Master class a few days later, and the students indicat- ance from Jesus that I was to teach these classes differently.
ed that they experienced it to be a stronger healing energy and Rather than provide a pre-Ignition as is done in the Holy Fire II
guided by a higher level of consciousness than which any of them classes, I was to change it to a regular Ignition for a total of four
had previously experienced. Ignitions rather than three as was previously done. • © 2018 • ® Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki are registered service marks of William lee Rand • 3
intRoduction to Holy FiRe iii ReiKi

The Ignition is conducted by the teacher who provides a As we have experienced Holy Fire III, a new set of concepts
short, guided meditation lasting five to seven minutes or so and have been given to us to explain the energy and the levels of
then stops talking while gentle music plays in the background. healing that are taking place. The following is a description of
This process allows the Ignition energy to interact directly with the main ideas.
the student’s energy field rather than being channeled through
the teacher. The whole experience continues for about 26 min- The Authentic Self
utes altogether. Within each person resides a compelling and extraordinary
After conducting the guided meditation for the first Ignition aspect of our inner nature that is composed of the pure, unaltered
and sitting there, allowing the process to proceed for the students self. This part is connected directly to God consciousness and pos-
without my interaction, I began to inwardly observe a tube of sesses the awareness and power of the Universe. It is unlimited in
translucent white light through which stars were moving up its ability to know and to do, and it is who we really are. (Note that
through it. Then I saw that this tube was coming from a ball of psychology also uses the term, “Authentic Self” and while there is
translucent white light within myself. I also saw an arc of light some similarity, our definition has important differences.)
coming from the surface of the ball of light, and I felt the spiritu- The energy of the Holy Fire III Reiki class ignites and reveals
al power the ball of light contained. Then I was invited to enter the light of the Authentic Self, making it easier for a person to see
into the ball of light. When I did this, at first, I felt pain. But the and experience. Students find that their light, their wholeness and
light said to let go, as this is just your Culturally Created Self brilliance, is right there inside them. To some, the view of their
being released. When I let go, the pain disappeared, and I felt Authentic Self has appeared as a beautiful light within; as brilliant
peace and a great depth of spiritual power. At that point, I said as the sun. The remarkable qualities of their soul, life purpose, and
to myself, “I am Free, I am Free, Forevermore, I am Free.” their inner truth become revealed to them, and in addition, they
I must say that this was one of the most powerful spiritual feel they are now empowered to fulfill their life purpose!
experiences I have had. In addition, when this was happening, I The influx of Holy Fire III energy is a special experience that
also observed that the three Holy Fire flames which were feels safe, steady and grounded. Rather than being aware of one’s
installed below the navel, above the head and in the heart dur- Authentic Self in an altered state or as something happening in
ing my first Holy Fire training were joined together by a shaft of a high and distant place, it is experienced as being present with-
light. Then eventually, they expanded and filled my entire phys- in one’s physical body and as part of one’s everyday life.
ical body. The effects of this experience lasted for a week or so One’s personality, ego, emotions, and thoughts rise to a high-
during which I traveled to Taiwan and taught an Usui/Holy Fire er level of consciousness so that one can view life with height-
III ART/Master class. Then slowly the energy seemed to subside. ened awareness and enjoyment. Innovation, intuition, inventive-
But then at the end of October, while teaching, it ramped up ness, creativity, and solutions are more readily available and
again then subsided. However, these experiences left a residual expressed in one’s intentions, goals, decisions and actions.
effect, and I can tell they are conditioning my system to adjust to After the process makes the Authentic Self visible to one’s
a higher spiritual energy which will remain steadily present. I was inner awareness, the process continues to develop and further
also told that these “peak” experiences will continue. highlight its attributes. These include qualities such as intellect,
Up to this point, which is the first week of November, 2018, talents, identity, authority and voice, as well as spirituality, per-
I have taught eight Holy Fire III classes. In addition, some of my sonality and more.
students have taught, and also our LRMTs who were upgraded to Unfortunately, most people have little connection to their
Holy Fire III have also taught classes. Altogether there have been Authentic Self. One of the reasons for this is the development of,
about 200 students who have received the Holy Fire III energy so and identification with, the Culturally-Created Self.
far. Many of these students have been Reiki Masters for years and
have extensive experience taking Reiki classes, teaching and giv- The Culturally-Created Self
ing sessions. The effects of the energy reported by these students When a person is born, he or she is dependent on his or her
and those of the other teachers have been consistent. All indi- parents for food, shelter, clothing and physical contact; every-
cate that the Reiki energy is more effective. Those who had Holy thing necessary to support the life of the child. This dependence
Fire II report that Holy Fire III is a definite improvement over creates a strong relationship between the child and its parents
what they previously had. Many report that the energy feels both and forms the basis for the development of the child’s identity.
subtle and more powerful and that new healing is taking place, The influence of the parents also teaches the child what is impor-
often on an extraordinary level. tant in life and what is not.

4 • © 2018  • ® Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki are registered service marks of William lee Rand  •
intRoduction to Holy FiRe iii ReiKi

While the young child usually has some awareness of the life. In other words, the unhealed dormant parts limit the persons
Authentic Self, the parents often discourage its expression ability to enjoy the full range of healthy, positive feelings that
because they do not have contact with nor understand their own they would otherwise experience.
Authentic Selves. And because of the influence of the parents Because a person isn’t aware of the unhealed dormant parts,
and exposure to the everyday world around it, the child is encour- they are not motivated to heal them. In addition, these parts are
aged to develop a personality based on cultural conditioning. unusually difficult to heal, and up to this point, regular Reiki
And so, as the child grows and matures, he or she comes to iden- energy or other healing methods have difficulty discovering
tify more and more completely with the Culturally-Created Self. them, and therefore, they are rarely healed.
And as this happens, awareness of the Authentic Self fades until These unhealed dormant parts build up in layers that cover up
in many people, there is little or no awareness of it at all. The the Authentic Self and often create a thick hard shell that pre-
Culturally-Created Self has a limited view of who it is and what vents the Authentic Self from being known to the person or
it can accomplish, and by comparison to the Authentic Self, pos- expressing its amazing potential. Experiences from this lifetime as
sesses greatly diminished awareness. well as past lives, ancestral history and cellular memory, to name
a few, can cause the buildup of unhealed dormant layers that
Origin of Dormant Unhealed Energy block our Authentic Self from being seen and therefore stop it
As a child grows into adulthood, it often becomes apparent from contributing to the quality of our lives. The unhealed dor-
to him or her that they exhibit behaviors that are not consid- mant parts present a great challenge to our healing process. How-
ered acceptable by adults. These behaviors can include angry ever, there is a solution.
shouting and screaming, crying, pouting, fearful shaking and so
forth. Insecurity, anger, jealousy, impatience, selfishness, fear, Holy Fire III Heals Dormant Unhealed Parts
sadness or other similar feelings are often a cause of these Holy Fire III Reiki originates from higher dimensions of con-
behaviors. If parents do not show the child how to handle these sciousness that we call heavens. In the fourth and fifth heavens,
feelings in a healthy way and instead, as is often the case, tell the levels of consciousness there are aware of the dormant parts
the child, “Stop that!” or “Don’t act that way!” over time, the and can heal them, and as healing happens, more of the Authen-
child learns to push these feelings inside and hold them in tic Self can emerge. As this occurs, an increasing level of sereni-
place, and they go unexpressed. ty, vitality and joy expresses itself, accompanied by an awareness
Also, many times when children suppress their feelings, they that this is who you really are.
are rewarded by the parents telling them, “Good girl!” or “Good
boy!” or they hear their parents tell other adults to look at what Joining People Together
a good boy or good girl he or she is, or other similar words. Holy Fire III contains the fire of unity. Its purpose is to unify
These actions reinforce the child’s behavior of hiding feelings all people. As one becomes ever more aware of the Authentic Self
and encourage the child to deny that they have such feelings at and begins to assume it as one’s identity, it becomes apparent that
all. Eventually, as this process develops, these “unwanted” feel- everyone has an Authentic Self within them and because of this,
ings begin to be held inside automatically by conditioning that it is easily seen that we are all one. The awareness that we are all
takes place in the subconscious mind and because of this, they one makes it easy to accept others regardless of the diversity of
are never expressed. race, religion or beliefs, national origin, gender, sexual orienta-
This pattern of behavior can develop to the point where the tion, or age. In this way, we can more easily work in harmony with
person does not know they have these feelings. Because these all people to create peace and happiness in the world.
feelings are unknown, the person no longer gives them energy Interestingly, the promotion of this process is the purpose of
and instead, directs their awareness toward what society consid- the World Peace Crystal Grids which were placed at the North
ers to be positive qualities and develops the expression of those Pole in 1997, at the South Pole in 1999 and in the Old City of
feelings instead. When unhealthy feelings do not receive energy Jerusalem in 2004. There is also one at the ICRT Center in
or attention, over time, they become dormant. Michigan and one at the ICRT Center on Maui; they have been
In addition, the unhealed dormant parts reduce a person’s described in greater detail in previous issues of the Reiki News
ability to experience feelings and emotions and reduce the abili- and on our web site at The inscription on the Peace
ty to respond in an effective way to the challenges of life. A per- Grids reads, “May the followers of all religions and spiritual paths
son becomes less flexible and is not as creative in their ability to work together to create peace among all people on Earth.” It is
solve problems, in being productive, or in finding enjoyment in felt that this proclamation which is also embedded in the energy • © 2018 • ® Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki are registered service marks of William lee Rand • 5
intRoduction to Holy FiRe iii ReiKi

of Holy Fire III has already started to influence the people of our In class, during an Ignition, often the Authentic Self can
planet and is destined to bring the peace to our world which so become visible to one’s inner awareness, and one may be invited
many have prayed for and worked to create for thousands of years. to enter the Authentic Self. This occurrence causes the Cultur-
ally-Created Self to begin a releasing process which can be an
Location of Holy Fire III Energy extraordinary experience.
In the Holy Fire and Holy Fire II Master classes, the energy Even though with this process a person becomes connected to
consists of three spiritual flames; one below the navel, one above and works from the higher heavens, they are still very much pres-
the head and one in the heart. In the Holy Fire III Master class, ent in their physical body. As the energy from the heavens enters
if one already has Holy Fire, a shaft of light first joins the three the physical body, the health and well-being of the body increases,
flames together and then the energy spreads throughout the making it more comfortable to be in the body, enabling one to deal
entire body sometimes appearing as thousands of small flames. more successfully with life, helping solve any issues one might
This action takes place gradually over a period of weeks or a encounter and helping one make use of opportunities as they arise.
month or more. If one has not previously taken a Holy Fire Reiki
Master class and takes the Holy Fire III Master class, the energy Sixth Heaven
will simply spread as small flames throughout the entire body. As On this level, the intellect begins a healing process. Rather
this happens, it grounds the experience in present time and in the than having an attitude that the ideas and knowledge one pos-
material world, making the experience feel very real. sesses makes one better than others, they begin being valued for
how they can be used to improve the quality of one’s life and the
The Heavens lives of others including family members and society in general.
In Holy Fire Reiki and Holy Fire II Reiki, we became aware of In addition, a love of learning and of knowledge and its applica-
the three heavens. (In our use of the word, “heaven” we are not tion to everyday life can develop.
referring to a religious system, but simply use this word to denote Improvements in communication can also take place. This
levels of consciousness.) The first heaven is the material world in involves a more thoughtful choice of words making it more
which most people have egos which are in need of healing; the enjoyable for others to listen to what you have to say. Your words
second heaven is a non-material world in which the spirits that may also spontaneously begin to be combined with the Holy Fire
reside there also have unhealed egos. We also spoke of the third III energy making what you say feel soothing and even providing
heaven and beyond. And it was in these realms that the problems a noticeable level of healing for those you speak with. Writing
of the unhealed ego are no longer present. While we knew there can be affected in a similar way.
were more levels within or beyond this, we didn’t have a clear In addition, one may develop an interest in acquiring a greater
understanding of what was there. With Holy Fire III, we have depth of understanding in topics one has previously had an inter-
gained a more detailed awareness of the fourth, fifth, sixth and est in and also develop interest in studying new subjects. This
seventh heavens. could expand into learning to play a musical instrument, taking
singing or dancing lessons, beginning an exercise program, get-
Fourth Heaven ting involved in a new hobby, learning to play new games, writ-
The fourth heaven provides additional healing in preparation ing poetry or articles for a magazine or writing a book, learning a
for entering the fifth heaven. This healing includes awareness of foreign language, taking a trip to a foreign country, taking college
and trust in the idea that a higher way of living life is possible classes and so forth.
involving the release of unhealthy competitiveness, acceptance
of higher guidance and the gift of wonderful new energies that The Holy Fire III system of healing increases
heal and empower you. one’s quality of consciousness at the same time
it provides an extraordinary healing experience.
Fifth Heaven
When revealed, the energy of the fifth heaven begins a con- Seventh Heaven
tinuing process of leading the dormant self in the direction of This level deals with healing the ego. In many spiritual and
complete healing and allowing the Authentic Self to replace the metaphysical systems, it is taught that the ego is the enemy and that
Culturally-Created Self. This process takes place at a pace that it must be negated or overcome, or even killed; or otherwise, one
varies with each person but can feel remarkably fast, yet smooth must rise above the ego if one is to proceed forward on one’s spiri-
and stable. tual path. It is important to note that from our observation, what is

6 • © 2018  • ® Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki are registered service marks of William lee Rand  •
intRoduction to Holy FiRe iii ReiKi

being focused on here isn’t the ego, but the unhealed ego. And for powerful solution; it encourages us to be fully present and
some unknown reason, even though healing is often part of spiritu- empowers us to make a difference in the world we live in.
al and metaphysical studies, little is said about the possibility of
healing the ego. However, the guidance we have been given The healed ego is a vehicle for the expression
through Holy Fire III is that while the unhealed ego can be an of higher consciousness in the material world!
impediment to one’s spiritual development, the unhealed ego can
be healed! And once healed, it is no longer an impediment, but is Four Ignitions
able to fulfill a very important purpose. The healed ego is a vehicle Previously in the Holy Fire system, students received three
for the expression of higher consciousness in the material world! ignitions. In the Holy Fire III class, an Ignition now replaces the
This is a remarkable idea that we had not heard before, yet, pre-Ignition for a total of four Ignitions. Also, there is an
based on the experiences of those who have taken Holy Fire III enhancement in the effectiveness of each Ignition. The overall
classes, it is apparent that many receive this important gift. In result is the creation of a system that increases one’s quality of
addition, while it is rare, there is at least one other spiritual consciousness while also providing an extraordinary healing
school that has this teaching as well. Google “healed ego” and experience.
you’ll see what I mean. Students often find that healing takes place after the first Igni-
If our purpose is to bring spiritual values to the material world, tion and continues throughout the class. After class, many, report
then this can be more effectively done through a healed ego. that the energy continues to develop, providing ever-greater feel-
Holy Fire III contains the energy needed to heal the ego. This ings of health, well-being and confidence.
healing process happens at a pace that is right for each student The ideas in this article attempt to express what many who
and happens spontaneously without the student needing to do have taken a Holy Fire III Reiki class have experienced; howev-
anything special except use Holy Fire Reiki with themselves and er, the introduction of this healing energy is still very new, and
others. As this happens, one begins to experience higher levels of much is waiting to be learned and experienced.
consciousness becoming grounded in one’s physical body. One You may be wondering if the Holy Fire III class is right for you.
also begins to have a greater awareness of higher consciousness in While the Holy Fire III system of healing can enhance your con-
the material world and in everyday life. sciousness and provide deep healing, keep in mind that this class
As the ego heals, one becomes less and less upset by those who is not for everyone. I suggest that you read this article through
are on “ego trips” and it becomes easy and natural to deal with again, then meditate on the Holy Fire III energy and allow your
them in a relaxed and healthy way. Often when a person is on an intuition to guide you in the decision that is right for you.
“ego trip,” it isn’t what they say that can be off putting, but how
they say it. But as your ego heals, it is easy to hear the factual and Holy Fire III Upgrade Webinar
often helpful part of the information they are communicating I will be presenting a live online upgrade webinar for Holy
and then understand and make use of it in a healthy way. Doing Fire III for anyone who already has Holy Fire or Holy Fire II. The
this will also help the person on the “ego trip” to realign to a cost is $35.00, and the date is January 7, 2019 at 7pm EST. The
more all-inclusive state of mind. Overall, with Holy Fire III, the webinar will be recorded and available to attend after this date as
material world comes to be experienced as a safer, healthier and
more enjoyable place to be.
well. Please go to for details.
Searching for spirituality in a place that is disconnected from William Lee Rand has an extensive background in
the material world can result in one becoming detached from metaphysics and has spent the last 37 years in the
one’s physical needs and responsibilities. This makes the process study, practice, teaching and development of Reiki.
of healing our planet more difficult by encouraging an attitude of To learn more about his background, please go to
one not wanting to be here. Being able to connect with a spiritu- He
al energy that is able to express itself in the material world is a can be contacted by email at [email protected]. • © 2018 • ® Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki are registered service marks of William lee Rand • 7
Holy Fire III Ignition Instructions

Procedure for the First Two Master Ignitions

There is no pre-ignition in Holy Fire III. Instead, an Ignition replaces the pre-Ignition for a total of four
Ignitions. The new class outlines reflect this change. Students can be sitting in a circle, lying on the floor
or on a couch or be seated in a chair as each chooses. Meditation music can be played in the
background. Let the students know that they can follow your direction at the beginning, but at any time,
even as you continue to give guidance, they may begin being guided inwardly by the Holy Fire. If this


into the Gassho position. Now focus your attention on the space between your palms. If thoughts arise

2. Wait 1¥PLQXWHVDQGFRQWLQXHZLWK§A beautiful light appears in a place beyond the third heaven.
The light comes down, descending all the way down to in front of your hands, then flows through

3. §7KH ,JQLWLRQ SURFHVV ZLOO EHJLQ QRZ 5HPDLQ ZLWK \RXU H\HV FORsed and your attention focused
inwardly on your own inner experience. Open your heart and receive as the light of the Authentic
self is revealed.¨

Then stop speaking and wait 15-20 minutes or so. During this time say prayers giving thanks for the
experiences the Holy Fire is providing to each student, and also spend time going inward and being in
your own experience.

Keep track of the time using a clock or your cell phone set to airport mode. When you sense it is time
pace that is right for you, take a few breaths, bring your awareness to your eyes and slowly open your

After it appears that most are back, ask them to take time to write down their experiences and to


Procedure for Second Two Master Ignition

Follow that same process as described above except in the second two Ignitions substitute the above
numbered directions for these below.


palms up resting on your legs or somewhere comfortable.¨

2. 7KHQ VD\ §)RFXV RQ EHLQJUHFHSWLve.¨ Pause. §The Ignition process will begin now. Remain with
your eyes closed and your attention focused inwardly on your own inner experience. Open your
heart and receive as the light of the Authentic self is revealed¨

8 • © 2018  • ® Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki are registered service marks of William lee Rand  •
Usui/Holy Fire III Class Outlines

Usui/Holy Fire III

Reiki I Training
Suggested class time: 9 a.m.¥6:30 p.m.

1. Registration and sign in.

2. Smudging or energy clearing. Have students raise hands and place positive energy all over the room
and then get hugs from everyone.
3. Introductions¦name, where you are from, why you decided to take this class and something you
like about yourself.
4. Ocean of Holy Love Experience. Have students write experiences and share.
5. Reiki Talk¦what is Rei-ki, the different levels, how the Placement process works. How does Reiki
work? (Use information from the manual.) What can it be used for? (Use examples and Reiki stories
to explain these topics.) History¥Usui¥Hayashi¥Takata¥22 Masters and include information on the
Gakkai and the discovery of the Japanese Reiki Techniques and a brief history of the Holy Fire.
6. Explain and review the Reiki Ideals. Explain that the Reiki energy in this class is based on the
Usui/Holy Fire III system.
7. Lunch (one hour).
8. Return and regroup¦circle shoulder massages and hugs.
9. Explain Gassho meditation (page 54, Reiki: The Healing Touch).
10. Briefly explain the three heavens and talk about the Placement and how it works.
11. Reiki I Placement.
12. Have students write about the Placement and experiences then share.
13. Break (10 minutes).
14. Practice Reiki (three or four to a group)¦make sure all feel Reiki or that the client does. Share after.
15. Byosen Scanning (page 55, Reiki: The Healing Touch)¦pick a partner, scan, then switch. Explain
Reiji-ho (page 54, Reiki: The Healing Touch) and that it is more advanced as one uses intuition
directly rather than the hand.
16. Explain and practice the standard session for treating others, all hand positions (pick a partner and
17. Explain and demonstrate Kenyoku (page 59, Reiki: The Healing Touch). Have students use it at the end
of the session.
18. Explain Hayashi Healing Guide and how to use it.
19. Explain the Reiki Client Information Form, Reiki Documentation Form and charging money or
20. Go over the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.
21. Break (10 to 15 minutes).
22. Explain self-session¦Byosen self-scan (page 58, Reiki: The Healing Touch) and practice self-session
hand positions.
23. *If students are continuing the next day: Reiki II Symbols¦show for memorization only, sacred, keep
them secret, explain the test. Distribute handout. (Use last 1/2 hour of class for this part.) If students are
taking Reiki IILWªVDJRRGLGHDWRJLYHHDFKDFRpy of the Reiki II symbols when they sign up, so they
have time to memorize them.
24. Closing meditation or prayer. • © 2018 • ® Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki are registered service marks of William lee Rand • 9
Usui/Holy Fire III
Reiki II Training
Suggested class time: 9 a.m.¥6:30 p.m.

1. Registration. Smudging or energy clearing. Place Reiki all over the room and then get hugs from
everyone. Do introductions if this class is taught separately from Reiki I¦name, where you are from,
why you decided to take this class and something you like about yourself.
2. Holy Love Experience. Have students write experiences in notebooks and share.
3. Talk on Reiki II symbols¦deeper, complete meaning, how to use them including the many ways to
use Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen for distant and past/future healing. Explain why they need to be kept
private as described on page 45 of Reiki: The Healing Touch. Explain that the energy in this class is
based on the Usui/Holy Fire III system.
4. Lunch (one hour). Students can use some of the lunchtime to memorize the symbols.
5. Test on symbols¦use the form on page 149 of the Usui/Holy Fire II Reiki Master Manual. Make
copies for your students. If there are errors, gently point them out and ask the student to correct
them. Use hints if necessary or have the person use her notes. Coach so that everyone passes.
6. Circle massages and hugs.
7. Explain Placement. Conduct Reiki II Placement.
8. Have students write Placement experiences in their notebooks¦sharing.
9. Break (10 minutes).
10. Break up into groups of three to four to practice. Start with them doing straight Reiki without any
symbols. Then have them add the Choku Rei and after five minutes or so, share how this felt. Repeat
with the Sei heki, so they get an experience of what the symbols do while in class.
11. Explain how to do a complete session using all the symbols.
12. Practice Gyoshi-ho (page 60, Reiki: The Healing Touch)¦choose partners and switch. You can do
this exercise with the students sitting in two rows of chairs facing each other. Also, explain that a
practitioner can use this in a regular session. (Note that this replaces Beaming.)
13. Enkaku chiryo (page 60, Reiki: The Healing Touch) with group. Ask for requests from students.
Write the names of those to whom you are sending Reiki on a piece of paper and place in the
middle of the circle or use a photo of the person if it is available. Send to create harmony among all
people on the planet or perhaps a world situation.
14. Have students pick a Reiki buddy to exchange Reiki with during the week and to send distant Reiki
to and then share the experience.
15. Ending meditation or prayer.
16. Encourage students to participate in a Reiki support group.

10 • © 2018  • ® Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki are registered service marks of William lee Rand  •
Usui/Holy Fire III
Reiki Master
Suggested class time: 9 a.m.¥6:30 p.m.
This outline is for teaching the 3 day Master class.
Day 1
1. Registration and sign in.
2. Smudging or energy clearing. Place Reiki all over the room and then get hugs from everyone.
3. Introductions¦name, work, family, metaphysical background, understanding of Reiki, why you
want to learn Reiki, and something you like about yourself.
4. Explain our definition of Soul and Spirit, the Heavens, and Letting Go of Guides. Explain that the
energy in this class is based on the Usui/Holy Fire III system.
5. Explain the unique way that Holy Fire III Experiences, Placements and Ignitions are done. Explain that
in this class students will not learn how to give attunements but will give Placements instead.
Placements are for Reiki I and II and Master and provide a stronger, more effective healing energy for
the student, open students to higher consciousness and activate the symbol(s). Explain how Holy Fire
III works and the concepts of the Authentic Self, the Culturally-Created Self and the Dormant Self.
6. Healing in the River of Life introduction. Explain how it works¦removes attunement energies and
replaces them with the Placement energies so teachers can give Placements for I and II and Master
and students will no longer be able to give attunements in Holy Fire classes if they previously had
this ability.
7. Healing in the River of Life Experience, have students write experiences and share.
8. Using crystals and stones with Reiki¦how to use a single crystal to send Reiki continuously. Making
a Reiki grid that will continue to send Reiki to yourself and others: used for distant healing, personal
healing, goals and manifestation. Note, this step can be done later in the day or on the second day if
9. The Usui Dai Ko Myo¦show it to students, explain usage, practice drawing it. Go over the meaning of
the Japanese words and explain what it means to Reiki people.
10. Lunch (one hour). Use some of the lunchtime to memorize symbol.
11. Test on symbol.
12. Explain the Ignition process and that you will give a brief guided meditation and then stop talking
while the energy guides the student directly. Explain that some students may have inner experiences,
and some may just feel relaxed and that the most important effects take place EHORZWKHVWXGHQWVª
level of awareness. Explain that the four Ignitions progressively empower the Holy Fire symbol.
13. First Ignition. Give students time to write down their experiences and to share.
14. Break (10 minutes).
15. Explain how Placements work; that they do not come from the teacher or through the teacher but
come to the student directly from the Holy Fire.
16. Usui Master Symbol Placement. Have students write down their experiences and share.
17. Practice giving the Usui Master symbol to each other in sessions¦two or three students giving Reiki
to one. Share about this experience.
18. Reiki Moving Meditation. This exercise can be covered now or the next day, and if the next day, use
the Holy Fire symbol rather than the DKM. • © 2018 • ® Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki are registered service marks of William lee Rand • 11
Usui/Holy Fire III
Reiki Master Class
Suggested class time: Two days from 9 a.m.¥6:30 p.m.

Day 2
1. Registration.
2. Smudging or energy clearing. Place Reiki all over the room and then get hugs from everyone.
3. Second Ignition. Give students time to write down their experiences and to share.
4. Explain the evolution of Reiki and how it developed from Usui Reiki into Holy Fire Reiki.
5. Describe the history of Holy Fire Reiki.
6. Describe the essence of Reiki.
7. Holy Fire Symbol¦show students, explain the attributes and benefits and usage, practice drawing it.
Test on the symbol. You can also do this as part of step #11 on the first day of the Reiki Master class.
8. Explain Holy Fire III Reiki and spiritual guidance.
9. Lunch (one hour).
10. Third Ignition. Follow instructions. Have students write experiences in notebooks, then share.
11. Practice giving Reiki sessions using Holy Fire. Three students giving Reiki to one.
12. Break (10 to 15 minutes).
13. Holy Fire Healing Experience. Follow instructions on page 58 and have students choose two things
they would like to have completely healed and so forth. Then conduct the Holy Fire Healing
Experience. Have students share their experiences.
14. If you have extra time, you could do one of the Holy Love Experiences.
15. Questions and Answers.

Day 3
1. Smudging or energy clearing. Place Reiki energy all over the room, then give hugs to each other.
2. Fourth Ignition. Follow instructions. Have students write experiences in notebooks, then share.
3. Discussion¦the values and spiritual orientation of a true Reiki Master.
4. Questions and Answers or discuss other Holy Fire concepts.
5. Lunch (one hour).
6. Practice Reiki in groups of three to four using Holy Fire. Seven minutes per student or longer.
7. Explain how to practice Holy Fire Meditation. Practice it if you have time.
8. Explain religious trauma and how Holy Fire Reiki heals it.
9. Explain Healing Spirit Attachments. Conduct this process for the class if you have time.
10. Experiences, Placements and Ignitions¦go over the outlines, discuss, explain how to do them.
Practice is usually not needed.
11. Conduct another of the Holy Love Experiences if you have time.
12. Talk about teaching, go over class outlines.
13. Explain doing Ignitions by yourself.
14. Go over the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.
15. Talk about developing your Reiki practice and the value of membership in the Reiki Membership
Association (RMA).
16. Pass out class review.
17. Pass out student certificates.
18. Closing prayer.

12 • © 2018  • ® Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki are registered service marks of William lee Rand  •
Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki® Master Class Outline

Day 1
1. Registration.
2. Smudging or another form of energy clearing.
3. Send Reiki to four directions¦sky and ground and all around the classroom.
4. Get a hug from each person and welcome each to the class.
5. Introductions¦name, where you are from, why you decided to take this class and something you
like about yourself.
6. Explain our definition of Soul and Spirit, the Heavens and Letting Go of Guides. Explain that the
Reiki energy in this class is based on the Usui/Holy Fire III system.
7. Explain the unique way that Holy Fire III Experiences, Placements and Ignitions are done. Explain
that after this class students will no longer give attunements but will give Placements and Ignitions
instead. Placements are for Reiki I and II and the first part of Master and provide a stronger more
effective healing energy for the student and open students to higher consciousness and activate the
symbols. Explain how Holy Fire III works and the concepts of the Authentic Self, the Culturally-
Created Self and the Dormant Self.
8. Healing in the River of Life introduction. Explain how it works; is a healing experience and sets up
the ability to give Placements for use when teaching Usui/Holy Fire Reiki for I and II and Usui/Holy
Fire Master.
9. Healing in the River of Life Experience, have students write experiences and share.
10. Break.
11. Brief history of Reiki including the idea that Reiki has evolved with Usui, Hayashi and Takata and
there is no limit to the quantity and quality of Reiki that is possible for us to channel.
12. Explain Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki® including origin. Explain Holy Fire III Reiki and spiritual
13. Lunch.
14. Explain that the class is both a practitioner and master class and that the master Ignitions both
initiate the student as a Karuna Master with the ability to teach and give Ignitions and attunes the
student to each of the practitioner symbols for use in sessions. Because of this, only Ignitions are
given to the student by the teacher in this class and that there are four.
15. Explain how they will be able to teach all their classes as Holy Fire classes including I and II,
Usui/Holy Fire Master and Karuna and that the Holy Fire Placements for Usui/Holy Fire I and II and
Master will be explained in class.
16. Explain how Ignitions work and that they do the same thing as attunements. Explain that you will
give a brief guided meditation and then stop talking while the energy guides the student directly.
Explain that some students may have inner experiences, and some may simply feel relaxed and that
the most important effects take place EHORZ WKH VWXGHQWVª OHYHO RI DZDUHQHVV ([SODLQ WKDW WKH ILUVW
two Ignitions empower the Karuna I symbols and the second two Ignitions empower the Karuna II
symbols. All four Ignitions progressively empower the Holy Fire symbol.
17. Do first Ignition with integration time and sharing.
18. Break.
19. Tell students about the Holy Fire symbol and energy. • © 2018 • ® Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki are registered service marks of William lee Rand • 13
memorized it.
21. Talk about each of the Karuna I symbols, how to draw them and what they are used for and go over
them thoroughly.
22. Test on the Holy Fire symbol and the Karuna I symbols.
23. Break.
24. Talk about the Karuna II symbols, how to draw them and what they are used for and go over them
25. Test on the Karuna II symbols. An alternate method is to teach all nine symbols at the same time and
give one test for all of them.
26. Ending prayer or affirmation. Hugs.

Day 2
1. Smudging or other energy clearing process, energy sent around the room, hugs.
2. Ask students to share how they are experiencing the class and if they have any questions or
3. Second Ignition.
4. Break.
5. Talk about the trademark for Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki® and why it was developed. Go over the
registration process and how it works, including the certificates.
6. Lunch.
7. Do the third Ignition. Write experiences and share.
8. Break.
9. Practice using the Holy Fire and Karuna I symbols starting with the Holy Fire symbol and using each
of the four Karuna I practitioner symbols, three to four students at each table. Practice each symbol
for 5-7 minutes or so. After each student finishes, have the client share with their group the feeling
of each symbol. Have each person in the group share what it was like to use the energy.
10. Experiences, Placements and Ignitions, explain how these are done and go over the scripts. Practice
is usually not needed.
11. Explain Holy Fire III Meditation and practice if you have time.
12. End class with prayer, affirmation or hugs.

Day 3
1. Smudging or other energy clearing process, energy sent around the room, hugs.
2. Ask students to share how they are experiencing the class and if they have any questions or
3. Do the fourth Ignition. Write experiences and share.
4. Go over all the class outlines for all levels. Talk about teaching. How the teacher needs to keep his
or her energy out of the Experiences, Placements and Ignitions and how these are done without the
teacher physically interacting with the students. Explain that this allows the energies to go directly to
the student without being slowed or affected by the teacher and that this keeps them pure and
allows them to be more powerful and effective.

14 • © 2018  • ® Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki are registered service marks of William lee Rand  •
5. Additional topics can be covered such as the World Peace Reiki Grid project or the benefits of the
RMA, or the Center for Reiki Research.
6. Lunch.
7. Practice Holy Fire and the Karuna II symbols same as step #9 from the previous day. Decide on the
time used for each symbol based on the remaining class time. You could also combine this step with
Chanting done as the last part with each client on the table rather than presenting it separately in
#11. If you do this, use step #10 to explain the difference between Chanting and Toning.
8. Break.
9. Chanting and toning. Practice chanting unless you practiced it in step #7. If you have time, you can
practice toning or demonstrate it.
10. Go over class outlines for all classes. Talk about teaching. How the energy more strongly guides the
class and does the Experiences, Placements and Ignitions without the teacher having to interact with
the students physically.
11. Explain the importance of releasing negative spirits and explain the Healing Spirit Attachment
process. Conduct this exercise for the whole class if you have time.
12. Cover anything remaining to be covered and ask for final questions.
13. Pass out class review.
14. Graduation¦pass out certificates.
15. Final prayer or affirmation.
16. Hugs. • © 2018 • ® Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki are registered service marks of William lee Rand • 15
Giving a Holy Fire Reiki Talk
This outline can also be used at a Reiki share group or a Reiki session.

A Holy Fire Reiki talk as outlined here is more than just a talk as it includes a Holy Fire Experience.
Hosted by a Holy Fire Reiki Master, it is an easy and enjoyable way for people to be introduced to Holy
Fire Reiki and to experience its healing energy.

Hard copy flyers can be created and posted on bulletin boards; announcements can be made on
Facebook, on your website, and sent by email directing people back to your website announcement,
and by word of mouth.

It could be held at a home, a school auditorium, or a conference room.

It could be free, or a small fee could be charged to cover expenses.

1. Could be a similar set up as for a Reiki circle or share group.
2. Arrive at the meeting room early and say prayers and become receptive to the Holy Fire energy
asking it to clear the room of any energies not compatible with Holy Fire and to bless the room.
3. Registration could be done with hard copy forms or with a computer form set up for people to fill
4. When people arrive, allow them to mill and talk.
5. 7KHQDVNWKHPWRVLW,ILWªVDVPDOOHUJURXSGRLQWURGuctions¦name, where are you from, if they
auditorium, have them stand and introduce themselves to three people, then get three hugs and sit
6. Brief talk on what is Reiki.
7. Explain the evolution of Reiki and how it developed from Usui Reiki into Holy Fire Reiki.
8. Describe the qualities of Holy Fire Reiki.
9. If there are people present who have Holy Fire Reiki, ask if any of them would like to describe their
experience of Holy Fire Reiki.
10. Questions and Answers.
11. Break.
12. Talk about the Holy Fire Reiki Experience and how it works; tKDW\RXªOOEHFRQGXFWLQJDEULHIJXLGHG
meditation and then stop talking for about 20 minutes during which time the Holy Fire energy will
be working directly with each person, providing a unique healing experience that contains what is
needed by each person. Also explain that some will experience inner experiences such as seeing
colors or feeling waves of healing energy flowing through them or visions of spiritual beings and so
forth, and that others will simply feel relaxed, but that everyone will receive something meaningful
that will continue to produce benefits even after the event.

16 • © 2018  • ® Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki are registered service marks of William lee Rand  •
13. Conduct the Holy Love Experience or the Ocean of Holy Love Experience, the Heavenly Banquet
Hall Experience, or the Holy Fire Healing Experience. Play Julie True, Music to Journal By, Volume
1, or other similar music.
14. After bringing people back, ask them to write down their experiences, then share if they choose to
do so.
15. Close with a prayer or positive affirmation. • © 2018 • ® Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki are registered service marks of William lee Rand • 17

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