Thesis: by Septi Rahmayanti NIM: 17180039

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Septi Rahmayanti
NIM: 17180039






Septi Rahmayanti
NIM: 17180039



Submitted to the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training in Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirement for the Bachelor Degree of Education (S.Pd.) in English Education

Septi Rahmayanti
NIM: 17180039




JUNE, 2021


All prices are to Allah who has given mercy, grace, strength, and guidance to

the author can finished this thesis, my blessing and greetings always to our Prophet,

Muhammad S.A.W, who has brought us from the darkness to the lightness. With love

and affection, I dedicate the result of my work to my beloved parents. My strong

father, H. Wagiyan and my patient mother, Hj. Sururin which always support and

motivated me in everywhere and every time, may Allah love them. To my lovely

sibling, my sweet sister Nayla Rizki Amalia and my funny brother M. Hilmi Muzakki

thank you for always being my side and cheers me up. To my entire friend in English

Education Department, thank you for all the kindness.


ِ ‫اس أ َ ْنفَعُ ُه ِْم ِلل َّن‬

ِ‫اس‬ ِ ِ ‫ْر ال َّن‬
ُِ ‫َخي‬

“sebaik-baik manusia adalah orang yang paling bermanfaat bagi manusia.”

"The best of people are those who are most beneficial to humans."

(HR. Thabrani dan Daruquthni).


All prices are to Allah who has given mercy, grace, strength, and guidance to

the author, so the thesis discusses “English Teacher Creativity in Designing Online

Learning Activities during Covid-19 at The Ninth Grade Students of SMPN 1

Srengat” can be completed well.

My Sholawat and Salam always presented to the Prophet Muhammad SAW

the last messenger of Allah and who bring all Muslims from the darkness to the

lightness. The author hopes this thesis can be useful for all parties, especially in

English education.

This thesis exists to be one of the tasks that a student must take as a final

study at the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Faculty of

Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, English Education Department. In writing this thesis,

the author realizes that this thesis will not be completed well without the involvement

of various parties, either directly or indirectly. Therefore, the author expresses his

deepest gratitude along with prayers “Jazakumullahu Ahsanal Jaza” to the


1. Prof. Dr. H. Abd. Haris, M.Ag, as Rector of Maulana Malik Ibrahim State

Islamic University of Malang.

2. Dr. H. Agus Maimun, M.Pd, as a Dean of Tarbiyah and Teaching Training


3. Dr. H. Langgeng Budianto, M.Pd, and Dr. Alam Aji Putera M.Pd, as

Chairman and Secretary of the English Education Study Program, for all

directions and services during the study so that the author can finish this


4. Harir Mubarok, M.Pd, as my advisor who sincerely takes the time to guide me

with patient and contribute constructive ideas to complete this thesis well.

5. Muhamad Zainul Amri, M.Pd, as English teacher at the ninth-grade student of

SMPN 1 Srengat who would give his time to guide and accept me to conduct


6. To My beloved parents’, My Father H. Wagiyan and My Mother Hj. Sururin

thank you for always motivate, support and pray for me. Finally, I can finish

my thesis.

7. All my Lectures in the English Education Department in the Maulana Malik

Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang thank you for giving me much


8. All my friends in English Education Department 2017, thank you for always

be my side.

9. All parties who have helped prepare this thesis, moral, spiritual, and material,

that I cannot mention one by one.

Finally, the author realizes that writing this thesis is far from perfect.

Therefore, the author is very happy for the constructive suggestions of the readers so

that the author can improve for the future. Hopefully, this thesis is helpful for the

author and also anyone who reads this thesis. Hopefully, it will also be helpful for the

development of English education in Indonesia.

Malang, June 10, 2021

Septi Rahmayanti

Penulisan transliterasi Arab-Latin dalam skripsi ini menggunakan pedoman

transliterasi berdasarkan keputusan bersama Menteri Agama RI dan Menteri

Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI no. 158 tahun 1987 dan no. 0543 b/U/1987 yang

secara garis besar dapat diuraikan sebagai berikut:

A. Huruf

‫ا‬ = a ‫ز‬ = z ‫ق‬ = q

‫ = ب‬b ‫س‬ = s ‫ك‬ = k
‫= ت‬ t ‫ش‬ = sy ‫ل‬ = l
‫ = ث‬ts ‫ص‬ = sh ‫م‬ = m
‫= ج‬ j ‫ض‬ = dl ‫ن‬ = n
‫ = ح‬h ‫ط‬ = th ‫و‬ = w
‫ = خ‬kh ‫ظ‬ = zh ‫ه‬ = h
‫د‬ = d ‫‘ = ع‬ ‫‘ = ء‬
‫ذ‬ = z ‫ = غ‬g ‫ي‬ = y
‫ر‬ = r ‫ف‬ = f

B. Vokal Panjang C. Vokal Diftong

Vokal (a) panjang = â ‫اؤ‬ = aw
Vokal (i) panjang = î ‫اي‬ = ay
Vokal (u) panjang = û ‫او‬ = û
‫ائ‬ = î


Table 4.1: Research finding

Table 4.2: How to design online learning activities by the English Teacher

Table 4.3 The result of analyzing data between the theory of (Mulyana, 2010) and

results from interview in how to design online learning activities

Table 4.4 The result of analyzing data between the theory of (Jack, Chris, and Donald

2009) and results from interview in designing online learning activities.


Picture 4.1 Online learning activities reading. The English teacher uploaded the

materials on the E-Learning and students read the materials by themselves.

Picture 4.2: Quiz Time as the online learning activities designed by the English


Picture 4.3: Making video as the online learning activities designed by the English


Picture 4.4 Online learning activities consulting, the students did a consulting about

their problem in WhatsApp Group.

Picture 4.5 Online learning activities self-study. The English teacher give a material

from another Link and students study by themselves.


Appendix 1: Letter of permission for doing the research in SMPN 1 Srengat

Appendix 2: letter of research information from SMPN 1 Srengat

Appendix 3: Interview guide question

Appendix 4: The result of interview

Appendix 5: The picture of an interview with the English teacher

Appendix 6: The result of documentation of this research in SMPN 1 Srengat

Appendix 7: One example of Lesson Plan by English teacher

Appendix 8: Writer Biography

APPROVAL SHEET………………..………………………………………...….....ii
LEGITIMATION SHEET…………………………………………..……..……......iii
ADVISOR OFFICIAL NOTE…………………………………………..………......iv
APPROVEL ……………………………………………………………………...…v
DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP. ………………………………………..……vi
LIST OF TABLE……………………………………...……………………….……xiii
LIST OF PICTURE……………………………………...……………………....….xiv
LIST OF APPENDIX…………………………………...…………………….…….xv
TABLE OF CONTENT………………………………...…………………….……..xvi
1.1 Background of the Study…………………………………..………..1
1.2 Research Question………………………………………………..…8
1.3 Research Objective……………………………………………..…...8
1.4 Significance of the Study……………………………………..……..9
1.5 Limitation of the Study………………………………………..……10
1.6 Definition of the Key Term……………………………………..….10
2.1 Creativity………………………………………………………..….12

2.2 Creative English Teaching….………………………………….….13
2.3 Creative English Teacher…….…………………………………....14
2.4 Learning Activities……………….………...……………….....….16
2.5 Previous Study……………………………………………….........19
3.1 Research Design……………………………………………….…..23
3.2 Subject of the Study………………………...………………….….24
3.3 Research Instrument………………………………………….…....25
3.4 Data Collection……………………………………………….…....25
3.5 Data Analysis……………………………….……………….…….26
3.6 Verifying the Data………………………………………...…….....27
4.1 Research Findings……………………………………….……...…28
4.2 Discussion……………………………………………….……...…38
5.1 Conclusion……………………………………………….…..……47
5.2 Suggestion……………………………………………….………..48


Rahmayanti, Septi. 2021. English Teacher Creativity in Designing Online Learning

Activities During COVID-19 at The Ninth Grade Students of SMPN 1
Srengat. Skripsi. Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan
Ilmu Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim
Malang. Dosen Pembimbing: Harir Mubarok, M.Pd.
Keywords: Guru Bahasa Inggris, Kreatifitas, Aktifitas Pembelajaran

Dalam masa pandemi seperti ini, proses belajar digantikan dengan

pembelajaran online. Dimana pada pembelajaran online, seorang guru harus berusaha
dengan giat agar pembelajaran online berjalan dengan baik. Salah satu cara yaitu
dengan menggunakan kekreatifitasan guru dalam membuat aktifitas pembelajaran
online yang menarik agar para siswa dapat menerima materi dengan baik. Penelitian
ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kekreatifitasan guru dalam membuat aktifitas
pembelajaran online yang menarik pada guru bahasa inggris pada kelas IX di SMPN
1 Srengat.
Penelitian ini menggunakan case study desain dengan pendekatan kualitatif,
desain tersebut digunakan untuk menggali lebih dalam tentang kreatifitas guru dalam
membuat aktifitas pembelajaran online yag digunakan oleh guru bahasa inggris.
Penelitian ini menggunakan dua instrument yaitu: instrument yang pertama adalah
wawancara dan instrument yang kedua adalah dokumentasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru bahasa inggris kelas IX di SMPN 1
Srengat sangat kreatif dalam membuat aktifitas pembelajaran online. Dalam membuat
pembelajaran online, guru bahasa inggris mengimplementasikan empat kriteria guru
kreatif berdasarkan teori dari (Mulyana 2010) yaitu: Fluency, Flexibility, Originality
dan Elaboration. Guru bahasa inggris juga menerapkan aktifitas pembelajaran online
yang dikemukakan oleh (Jack, Chris and Donald 2019), diantaranya: Consulting,
Interactive Lecture, Student Presentation, Reading, dan Self-Study.


Rahmayanti, Septi. 2021. English Teacher Creativity in Designing Online Learning

Activities During COVID-19 at The Ninth Grade Students of SMPN 1
Srengat. Thesis. Department of English Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah
and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of Maulana Malik
Ibrahim Malang. Advisor: Harir Mubarok, M.Pd
Keywords: English Teacher, Creativities, Learning Activities

In this pandemic situation, the learning process is replaced by online learning.

Where in online learning, the teacher needs to work hard in teaching. So that online
learning runs well. One way to do this in this pandemic situation is to use the
teacher's creativity in making engaging online learning activities so that students can
receive the material well. This study aims to determine teachers' creativity in making
engaging online learning activities for English teachers in class IX at SMPN 1
This study used a case study design with qualitative approach, and the design
is used to dig deeper into teachers' creativity in making online learning activities used
by English teachers. This study uses two instruments, and they are: the first
instrument is interviewed, and the second instrument is documentation.
The results showed that the grade IX English teacher at SMPN 1 Srengat was
very creative in making online learning activities. For designing the online learning
activities, the English teacher implemented four of criteria for creative teachers based
on the theory of (Mulyana 2010): Fluency, Flexibility, Originality, and Elaboration.
The English teacher also implements online learning activities proposed by (Jack,
Chris, and Donald 2019), including Consulting, Interactive Lectures, Student
presentations, Reading, and Self-Study.

‫مدرس اللغة االجنليزية يف تصوير أنشطة التعليم الشبكي‬
‫رمحاايين‪ ,‬سيفيت‪ .2021.‬إبتكار ّ‬
‫أثناء الوابء الكوروان لطالب فصل التاسع ابملدرسة املتوسطة احلكومية األوىل‬
‫سرجنات ابليتار ‪ .‬البحث العلمي‪ .‬قسم تعليم اللغة االجنليزية‪ .‬كلية الرتبية و‬
‫التعليم‪ .‬جامعة موالان مالك إبراهيم االسالمية احلكومية ماالنج‪ .‬املشرف ‪ :‬حرير‬
‫مبارك املاجستري‪.‬‬

‫الكلمات املرشدة ‪ّ :‬‬

‫مدرس اللغة االجنليزية‪ ,‬االبتكار‪ ,‬أنشطة التعليم‪.‬‬
‫يف هذا الوابء‪ ,‬صارت أنشطة التعليم منتقلة إىل شكل التعليم الشبكي الذي ال ب ّد فيه من‬
‫املدرس يف صناعة األنشطة‬ ‫املدرس كي يكو التعليم منفعال‪ .‬و من إبتكارات ّ‬ ‫إجتهاد ّ‬
‫املادة‪ّ .‬أما اهلدف من هذا البحث معرفة‬‫التعليمية اجملذوبة عند الطالب لسهولتهم يف قبول ّ‬
‫املدرس يف صناعة األنشطة التعليمية اجملذوبة عند طالب فصل التاسع ابملدرسة‬ ‫إبتكارية ّ‬
‫املتوسطة احلكومية األوىل سرجنات ابليتار‬
‫املدرس صناعة األنشطة‬‫للتعمق عن إبتكارية ّ‬‫استخدم هذا البحث طريقة البحث النوعي ّ‬
‫مدرس اللغة االجنليزية‪ .‬و استخدم هذا البحث أدواتن ‪ :‬املقابلة و‬ ‫التعليمية املستخدمة عند ّ‬
‫مدرس اللغة االجنليزية لطالب فصل التاسع ابملدرسة‬ ‫و النتيجة من هذا البحث ‪ :‬أ ّن ّ‬
‫املتوسطة احلكومية األوىل سرجنات ابليتار كان مبتكرا يف صناعة أنشطة التعليم الشبكي و‬
‫املدرس املبتكر ألنه توفرت يف نفسه أربعة حصال عند نظرية ( مولياان‪ ) 2010 ,‬و‬ ‫يقال له ّ‬
‫مدرس اللغة االجنليزية أنشطة‬
‫هي ‪ :‬االجرائية و الليّنيّة و األصليّة و التفصيلية‪ .‬و أجرى ّ‬
‫التعليم الشبكياليت قاهلا ( جاك‪ ,‬حريس و دوانلد‪ ,) 2019 ,‬منها ‪ :‬االشراف‪ ,‬االتصال‪,‬‬
‫تقدمي الطالب‪ ,‬القراءة‪ ,‬و التعلّم الذايت‪.‬‬



This chapter presents some aspects related to the background of this study.

The discussion begins with the background of the study, research question, research

objective, significance of the study, limitation of the study, and definition of the key


1.1. Background of the Study

Nowadays, education is a crucial aspect of human life. Education is the

strategy to enhance the welfare of human beings (Huskho, 2017). Through education,

humans have the potential, skill, intelligence, and attitude of a great life. Every

individual has to obtain an education because Allah SWT creates humans. It is clearly

stated in Al-Qur'an, Surah An-Nahl verse 78 concerning human creation, namely:

َّ ‫شيْـًٔ ۙا َّو اج اع ال لا ُك ُم ال‬

‫س ْم اع‬ ُ ‫ّٰللا ا ا ْخ ار اج ُك ْم ِّم ْۢ ْن ُب‬
‫ط ْو ِّن ا ُ َّمهٰ ِّت ُك ْم اَل تا ْعلا ُم ْونا ا‬ ُ ‫او ه‬

‫ار او ْاَلا ْفـِٕ ادة ا ۙ لاعالَّ ُك ْم تا ْش ُك ُر ْونا‬

‫ص ا‬‫او ْاَلا ْب ا‬

The meaning is, "And Allah has extracted you from the wombs of your

mother knowing nothing, and He gave you hearing, sight, and conscience, so that you

may be grateful."

Based on that verse, Allah SWT emphasizes that humans are born without any

knowledge, and Allah gives them the mandate in the form of hearing, sight, and heart

to be grateful by using them optimally for thinking and learning. Through education,

humans can carry out the mandate that Allah has given to them. Therefore, education

is a necessity to be carried out, and also through education, humans can become

knowledgeable creatures and be good humans in this world and hereafter. One of the

most common education in human life is learning a language because language is a

tool of communication and social control. As a human, they need to interact each


Today's English is more beneficial and crucial since it becomes a powerful

language worldwide or as an international language (Yusica, 2015). The English

language is used for all sides of social, commercial, business, and education aspect.

Therefore, the English language is needed for many students to survive and develop

in the international field. Based on those explanations, English teacher is the primary

key to student success in learning the English language. The English teacher should

understand student's needs and student's condition in studying the English language

(Anggrayani, 2015).

At the end of 2019, there was a virus comes from Wuhan, China. Coronavirus

disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been identified as a global disease outbreak virus by

the World Health Organization (Febri & Retno, 2020). In Indonesia, coronavirus

infected two people in Jakarta in March 2020. The coronavirus cases in Indonesia

were revealed after reports of Japanese citizens were positive. The problem was that

this Japanese citizen had just visited Indonesia. After the investigation from the

Indonesian Government that Japanese citizens met those two Indonesian people. On

March 2, 2020, the President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, announced Indonesian

citizens contracted the virus in Jakarta (Mulyanti et al., 2020). Therefore, since

March, the coronavirus had entered Indonesia and quickly spread to several cities of

Indonesia. Based on that information, the Indonesian Government set several

strategies to prevent the spread of the virus.

The Government rushed to make a strategy to break the chain of spreading the

virus Covid-19, such as stay-at-home, work from home, and know health protocols.

The Indonesian Government has put in place several strategies to control the spread

of disease in our community, and implementation plans that have been limited to

addressing the challenges of home-stay policy (Febri & Retno, 2020). These

challenges of stay-at-home impact one aspect of life. It may impact the education

process. Online learning is one of the instructions from the Government about doing

activities at home (Zaharah et al., 2020). Thousands of school closures are taking

place worldwide because of the vulnerability of COVID-19, even in school settings

(Toquero, 2020). Online learning is the Government's instructions to face this

situation and reduce the spread of the virus. Strengthening school planning and health

measures at the college can give students and the rest of the stakeholders a chance to

continue learning while preventing the spread of the disease (Toquero, 2020). Even

though this pandemic continues to spread but education cannot be stopped. To

respond to this, the Government has made online learning regulations, so that

education can continue.

According to this COVID-19 situation, all education activities move to online

learning. Online learning is a process of education through an internet network using

a management system for education (Febliza & Oktariani, 2020). Facing online

learning during COVID-19, English teachers should prepare several learning media

and activities. One example of online learning media, which is already used in several

schools, colleges, and universities, is E-learning. The Ministry of Education and

Culture also assumes the implementation of e-learning to apply individual learning

before the pandemic of COVID-19 by Nadiem Makarim as individual learning

(Zaharah et al., 2020). Based on this situation, consequently, it makes the teaching-

learning monotonous and drives students to the passive learners. Therefore, during

online learning, teachers teach the English language through many kinds of

techniques and activities. According to Winston et al. l (2018), students who are

motivated to learn are more likely to use different active learning strategies.

Therefore, teachers need to increase their creativity to design online learning

activities to make active learning during online learning.

Nowadays, creativity is one of the important aspects of the teaching process,

because as teachers, they should make an impressive performance and help the

students to understand the materials (Sawyer, 2014). It can make students successful

and motivated in the learning process (Jacobs & Lawson, 2017). Creative teaching is

how teacher attempts to make learning interesting, fun and engaging. Students will be

motivated when a creative teacher makes a learning process interesting, fun, and

engaging. A creative teacher can be seen as a teacher's effort to facilitate learning to

achieve teaching objectives (Konder, 2012). Therefore, teachers should put their

creativity in all aspects of the learning process because it will influence the students'

success. In such reason, creative teaching is very needed in this situation, creative

teaching becomes stimulus and nutrition to motivates' students in learning. Learning

process can be more interesting when a teacher has good creativity to elaborate the

activities, materials, and strategy in the learning process (Anton et al. l, 2019)

Teachers' creativity can be seen from the teacher's performance and the daily

activities of the teacher. With the excellent performance of a teacher, it will make

learning moves towards progress. According to Konder (2012), creative teachers can

effectively perform their educational process by integrating various contextual

teaching materials, educational strategies, educational media, and real-life

experiences. The creative teacher will practice all the knowledge they have acquired

and transfer all existing knowledge to their students. Therefore, ideally, a creative

teacher must always create something new, both in terms of learning materials,

learning methods, and learning activities.

In this research, the researcher investigates the English teacher creativity in

developing online learning activities in the ninth-grade class of SMPN 1 Srengat. The

researcher takes a great interest in this school because this school is one of the

favorite junior high schools in Blitar regency. It is indicated from qualified and

outstanding teachers that there is an increasing number of newly interested students

every year. There have been many academic and non-academic championships in this

school. In addition, this junior high school got A accreditation from BAN-S/M. In the

COVID-19 situation, this school has followed government recommendations to carry

out online learning, and has many new movements to improve the quality of online

learning. During pandemic COVID-19, this junior high school has a jargon “Stay

Implacable in Pandemics Situation, Shine in Creativity and Achievement." Form

those all the reasons give the researcher point of view of how teacher put their

creativity in the online learning process. Therefore, the researcher is very excited to

take place the research in SMPN 1 Srengat.

Some previous studies are similar or related to English teacher creativity. The

first study was conducted by Yusica (2015), which discussed teachers' creativity in

creating English-speaking environments. The result of the study was that teachers

conduct creativity in language teaching, such as employing many kinds of techniques

in teaching speaking, making use of technology, applying communicative language

teaching, establishing classroom routines, clarifying teacher role, and enriching the

physical classroom environment. The previous study suggested for future researcher,

that this study can be used as references.

The second previous study was from Anggrayani (2015), which discussed

teachers' creativity in developing media and applying teaching media for teaching

vocabulary. The result showed that there were many media used by the English

teacher such as media card, lollipop number, snake & leader, song, color game, funny

kangaroo game, fun English and Jazz chunk. The previous study suggested for future

researcher who want to conduct a research about creativity in developing and

applying media, the result of the study can be used as an additional reference with

different domain of teachers’ creativity.

The third previous study was from Huskho (2017), which discussed the

influence of teachers' creativity in classroom management and the utilization of

learning media. The result showed that teacher creativities in classroom management

simultaneously and utilization of learning media have to a significant effect on

students learning outcomes in social science subjects’ grade VIII at MTsN Malang

III. The previous study gave recommendation for the next researchers to conduct a

research dealing with the topic with add new variables to know the effect on student

learning outcomes and give a better contribution from used variable.

The fourth previous study was from Khikmah (2019), which discussed

teachers' creativity in designing learning activities sustaining students' motivation.

This study showed that various activities could motivate students in learning such as

group work, hockey pokey dance and games. The learning activities' design should

correspond to the student's age, interest, school policy. The previous study gave a

suggestion for the future researchers, with this study can be served as references for

conducting similar study.

The last previous study was from Setiawan, Ahmad et al. (2019), which

discussed the role of creative teachers in teaching speaking performance. The result

showed the role of creative teachers in teaching speaking performance, such as media

use, strategies election, designing the lesson plan, and organize the material. The

previous study suggested to future researcher who wants to conduct research, to add

another skill in do a research about teacher creativity.

Based on the background above, the researcher is interested in researching

how English teachers’ creativity in designing online learning activities during Covid-

19. Thereby, the researcher carries out the study under the title: “English Teacher

Creativity in Designing Online Learning Activities during COVID-19 at the

Ninth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Srengat.”

1.2. Research Question

In line with the study's background, the researcher prompted to seek English

teacher creativity to investigate designing online learning activities. The researcher is

going to observe:

1. How are the English teacher creativities in designing online learning

activities during COVID-19 at the ninth-grade student in SMP 1


2. What are the online learning activities designed by the English teacher

at the ninth-grade student in SMPN 1 Srengat?

1.3. Research Objective

In concordance with the problems stated above, the objectives of this study

are formulated as follow:

1. To know the English teacher's creativity in designing online learning

activities for the ninth-grade students of SMPN 1 Srengat.

2. To know the online learning activities which the English teacher

designed in SMPN 1 Srengat.

1.4. Significance of the Study

There are two significances of this study. They are theoretical significance and

practice significance:

1.4.1. Theoretical Significance:

1) The researcher hopes that for the result of this study, it can be helpful

in the advancement of knowledge related to English education

department, especially in the creativity of English teacher in the

learning process.

2) The researcher hopes that the result of this study can provide

information to those who have a vested interest in developing online

learning activities in English teaching.

1.4.2. Practice Significance:

1) The researcher hopes that an English teacher can use it for reference

and inspiration in developing online learning activities.

2) The study's result can also be used as a reference for other researchers

to conduct further research related to this research topic. They are

dealing with English teacher creativity in designing online learning


1.5. Limitation of the Study

In the field of the study, the researcher makes some scope and limitation

staying on the appropriate discussion. It refers to the researcher's focus on English

teacher creativity in designing online learning activities at the ninth grade of SMPN 1

Srengat. The researcher chooses one English teacher at the ninth-grade students of

SMPN 1 Srengat. At the ninth-grade students, he teaches in five classes, and the

researcher only chooses one of the classes. The research was conduct in ninth-grade

students in "H" classes. The researcher choose “H” class based on the English teacher

recommendation and “H” class is one of active classes than another classes.

1.6. Definition of the Key Term

In order to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation, it is necessary to

present the definition of the key terms used in this research.

1) Creative teacher

The creative teacher is a teacher who can develop new ideas in teaching,
learning and develop new ways to educate, guide, and evaluate learners.

2) Online learning applied by an English teacher at the ninth-grade

students of SMPN 1 Srengat

Online learning is distance learning between a teacher and students

dependent on an internet network applied by an English teacher at the ninth-
grade students of SMPN 1 Srengat

3) Learning Activities designed by an English teacher at the ninth-grade

students of SMPN 1 Srengat

Learning activities are designing by the English teacher to bring and

create the condition of learning.

4) COVID-19

COVID-19 is a virus where comes from Wuhan, China. It can spread

quickly through the air.

5) SMPN 1 Srengat

SMPN 1 Srengat is one of favorite junior high school in Blitar regency.


This chapter presents some theories functioning as the basis of the research.

This chapter discusses creativity, creative English teaching, creative English teachers,

learning activities, and previous studies.

2.1 Creativity

Creativity, as defined by Oxford English Dictionary that "creativity" means

the ability to create. Creativity is a process that can build new ideas, thoughts,

concepts, or steps in a person. According to Gregerson et al. (2013) said that

creativity is described as something new and unique. Creativity is the ability to create

results that are innovative, new, interesting, and valuable in society (Anggrayani,

2015). Creativity is the process of challenging ways and ideas of doing something

that has been accepted to find a new concept or solution.

Creativity is the result of the interaction between individuals and their

environment (Munandar, 1999). A person influences and is influenced by the

environment in their location. Thus, both changes within the individual and in the

environment can support or hinder creative efforts. Creativity is a person's ability to

develop science to generate ideas or ideas to solve the problems at hand. And then

what is meant by creativity is the distinctive characteristics possessed by an

individual, which marks the ability to create something entirely new or a combination

of pre-existing works into something new that is done through interaction with the

environment to deal with problems.

In education, creativity is needed and essential; creativity can increase

academic attainment. When students are assessed to recognize and appreciate their

creative abilities, their academic performance increases. Creative activities can revive

the interest of students in learning (Fisher, 2004).

Creativity will increase some education aspects, especially in the learning

process. In learning process creativity is to encourage creativity for teachers and

students. The first way to start is by increasing the teacher's creativity, followed by

creative teaching. The teacher teaches their creativity in the teaching process.

2.2 Creative English Teaching

In education, teaching needs creativity to increase the learning process. It can

use several activities which support achieving the learning goal. Creative teaching is

used for developing students' creative skills as well. The teacher is functionally

intended to encourage students to explore their skills, abilities, and knowledge. In this

case, the teacher must be aware of their task because real educators transmit or share

knowledge but are required to be creative and innovative. Indeed, creative teaching

takes much practice to come by, and it takes considerable time. This includes the

three steps of creative teaching as demonstrated by Copley (cited in Baghaei and

Riasati, 2003) are: "The first step is understanding nature of creativity, the second

step is to practice your creativity, the third step is to use teaching strategies that foster

creativity in your students."

2.3 Creative English Teacher

Nowadays, the English language as an international and English language is

growing in all public and private education sectors. One of the consequences of the

spread English language is that education sectors need a good English teacher. School

wants to have a well-qualified, dedicated, and good command of English. As good

English teachers, they can bring creativity to language learning because learning a

language is difficult for students. Creativity plays an essential role in affecting the

language learning process. English teacher creativity can engage and motivate their

students to achieve their learning success.

2.3.1 Characters of a Creative Teacher

Based on Mulyana (2010). There are four characteristics of a creative teacher

in the teaching process: Fluency

Fluency means the teacher can produce accurate ideas according to the

problem at hand. The ideas put forward are the right solution to overcome a problem.

For example, with the current pandemic conditions, teachers can generate online

learning ideas by using several activities that can support online learning for the


14 Flexibility

In this case, the teacher can open minds. This ability can be used to create new

and better learning ideas than previous ideas. By opening up space to receive input

from other people or students, the resulting ideas can satisfy all parties from a teacher

and student. Originality

Originality means that the teacher creates new ideas. This ability is needed in

the learning process because it helps the learning process be more effective. When the

teacher gets a problem, when the teacher finds a solution by creating new ideas in

learning, the learning process returns to normal. Teacher creativity can be seen from

the new ideas that are successfully created and the success of these ideas when

implemented. Elaboration

The teacher can see a problem in detail. The accuracy of a teacher in looking

at a problem will affect the quality of the results of his creativity. The more the

teacher pays attention to the details of the problem, the more specific the problem-

solving creativity will be.

2.4 Learning Activities

Learning activities are those activities in which actual students' learning

occurs (Jack, Chris & Donald, 2009). Learning activities refer to the teacher-guided

instruction task or assignment for their students. Learning activities are designed to

make students out of their books, sometimes out from their seats, make active

learning, and sometimes out of their familiar ways of thinking. In these learning

activities, the teacher is the primary key to designing learning activities. In designing

learning activities, one of them must consider how students understand new things

information, how they acquired new skills, or how they were developing new ways of

being (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 2000).

Learning activities must be designed, and then the learning process leads to

the achievement of the course and program outcomes. When creating or selecting

learning activities in the English language, English teacher should consider four

language domains (Echevarria, Vogt & Short, 2008):

1. Reading: students can read and understand written material, such as

newspapers, books, figures.

2. Writing: students can understand the information in a written


3. Listening: In listening, students can actively comprehend oral

language from a variety of speakers.

4. Speaking: students can talk, say the word in English, and express

their ideas.

The benefits of learning activities are the opportunity for the integration of the

four skills. Some learning activities may involve all four skills of the English

Language in a single activity. Such as, write a blank space in a song is one learning

activities involve four skills, listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Teachers

should design learning activities that are most likely to assist students in achieving

the target learning objective.

2.4.1 Common Activities Types

Based on (Jack, Chris, Donald, 2009), there is twelve common activities type

used by the creative teacher, they are: Guide–Discovery Learning

This type of activity involves learners to create understanding in one of five

forms: conceptual, process, tool, context, or way of life. In this activity, the teacher

identifies resources, designs, and basic information and provides a set of critical-

thinking questions that guide them in building knowledge at the desired level. Interactive Lecture

It is a solution to an undisturbed lecture, which lasts for an extended period.

The objective is is to increase understanding of the material explained by the teacher

to students during lectures.

17 Students Teaching

Teachers know that those who teach the most learn and that the actual test of

understanding comes when a person is put to teach others. The more often students

play the role of teachers, the more often they play the role of teachers' responsibility

they will feel for the essential learning outcomes of the course. Problem Solving

These activities require students to apply knowledge to new contexts,

integrating complex relationships with previous knowledge. Projects

Compared to problem-solving, projects involve even more significant problem

identification and analysis levels, occur over more extended periods, and emphasize

formally delivering results. Projects that involve team training and development can

promote the development of social and emotional learning skills. Student Presentation

This may be a less formal variant of student teaching. Students present some

aspects of the class performance, such as homework solutions, quiz responses, peer

assessments, and team assessments.

18 Self-assessment and Peer Assessment

An activity where students assess themselves and each other can encourage

students to take greater responsibility for their learning process. Self-Study

The nature of this activity is to make it possible for the student to make their

learning easier to meet the needs of the student criteria in their study. The role of the

facilitator is to provide the learner with a complete set of resources, performance

criteria, and assessment tools. Reading

In this type of activity, learners are responsible for understanding written

material. Usually, they do not understand what they should have learned or what they

should do due to reading the material. Quizzes and short essay questions can motivate

students to come to a better class after the reading has been assigned. Technology

Computer-based learning systems and the internet, commonly referred to as

interactive learning systems, provide an asynchronous environment. Students interact

with computers and classmates as they think, practice, and synthesize new


19 Role Playing

In this activity, students are encouraged to consider new perspectives and

issues related to a situation where they play a role. The instructor creates a scenario,

assigns appropriate roles, provides information, asks the groups to adopt a consistent

scenario with their roles, and uses their knowledge of the subject. Consulting

It is an excellent alternative to teach, in which school members lend their

expertise to questions and problems raised by learners. While this may be a helpful

starting point for just-in-time lectures, schools are advised to reduce time spent on

consultations and direct these efforts towards learning assessment.

2.5 Previous Study

There are some previous studies are similar or related to teacher creativity in

developing online learning activities. Here, the summary from previous studies can be

used as guidelines for the researcher to conduct new research dealing with the related

topic and explain what makes this research different from the previous study.

The first study was conducted by Yusica (2015) under the title “Teacher

Creativity in Creating English Speaking Environment at Islamic Senior High School

Darul Hikmah Tawangsari Kedungwaru Tulungagung." The result of the study was

that teachers conduct creativity in language teaching, such as employing many kinds

of techniques in teaching speaking, making use of technology, applying

communicative language teaching, establishing classroom routines, clarifying teacher

role, and enriching the physical classroom environment. What distinguishes this study

from previous studies above is that the research object in those previous studies

discusses teacher creativity in creating an English-speaking environment. In contrast,

this research discusses online learning activities designed by the English teacher.

The second previous study was from Anggrayani (2015), under the title

“Teachers’ Creativities in Developing and Applying Teaching Media for Teaching

Vocabulary in Mts Negeri Karangrejo, Tulungagung." The result showed that there

were many media used by the English teacher such as media card, lollipop number,

snake & leader, song, color game, funny kangaroo game, fun English and Jazz chunk.

What distinguishes this study from previous studies above is the object of research;

those previous studies discuss teacher creativity in developing teaching media for

vocabularies. In this research, the researcher focused on the online learning activities

designed by the English teacher.

The third previous study was from Huskho (2017), by the title “The Influence

of Teachers Creativity in Classroom Management and Utilization Learning Media

toward Students Learning Outcomes in Social Science Subject." The result showed

that teacher creativity in classroom management and utilization of learning media

significantly affects students' learning outcomes in social science subjects’ grade VIII

at MTsN Malang III. What distinguishes this study from the previous studies above is

the object of research. Those previous studies discussed teachers' creativity in

classroom management, while in this research, the researcher focused on the teacher

creativities in designing online learning activities.

The fourth previous study was from Khikmah (2019) by the title "Teachers'

Creativity in Designing Learning Activities: Sustaining Students' Motivation." This

study showed that various activities could motivate students in learning, such as

group work, hokey pokey dance, and games. The learning activities' design should

correspond and appeal to the students' age, interest, school policy, media availability,

materials, and level of proficiency. What distinguishes this study from the previous

studies above is the research object. Those previous studies discuss learning activities

in offline classes and this research was discuss online learning activities.

The last previous study was from Setiawan, Setiawan et al. (2019) under the

title "Creative Teachers in Teaching Speaking Performance." The result showed that

the role of creative teachers in teaching speaking performance, such as media use,

strategies election, designing the lesson plan, and organize the material. What

distinguishes this study from previous studies above is that the previous focuses on

speaking skills. While this study focuses in all English language skills.



This chapter presents the research method used in this study. The discussion

begins with describing the research design, subject of the study, research instrument,

data collection, data analysis, and verifying the data.

3.1 Research Design

The research design of this study is case study design with a qualitative

approach. This research investigates English teacher creativity in designing online

learning activities during COVID-19 at ninth-grade students of SMPN 1 Srengat.

Case study qualitative analysis is a research method that is used to understand a

complex phenomenon naturally, human actions or social atmosphere and to explain

the reality and the situation, object or subject characteristics systematically and

reliably without searching for any relationship between variables or association

between various elements (Ary, 2000).

In addition, the researcher uses several techniques such as interviews and

documents to get in-depth information in this study. And then, the researcher will

analyze and present the data which already gotten based on the research question.

Case study is a research design to answer the research question. Thus,

research design is implemented because the researcher only describes the

phenomenon while the research is conducted. The research report determines the

result of research about English teacher creativity in designing online learning

activities during COVID-19 at the ninth grade of SMPN 1 Srengat. The result of the

study will be in the form of descriptive or narrative, not in numerical form.

3.2 Subject of the Study

This research is located in SMPN 1 Srengat, considering several factors in

terms of the school's attractiveness and advantages. The researcher takes a great

interest in this school because SMPN 1 Srengat is one of the favorite junior high

schools in Blitar regency. It is indicated from qualified and outstanding teachers that

there is an increasing number of newly interested students every year. There have

been many academic and non-academic championships in this junior high school. In

addition, SMPN 1 Srengat already has A accreditation from BAN-S/M.

In SMPN 1 Srengat, three English teachers teach in the ninth grade, the

researcher chooses one English teacher in the ninth grade. The researcher chooses

that English teacher because the teacher has two years more experience in teaching

the English language and the one attractive English teacher. In addition, before

choosing that English teacher the researcher did a small research by asked to several

students about the most attractive English teacher at SMPN 1 Srengat. The result

showed that the subject is considered suitable with the research focus of this study.

The teacher has creativity in designing online learning activities in teaching English

and experiences in teaching more than two years necessary to gain the data.

3.3 Research Instrument

A research instrument is a tool used to measure, obtain, and analyze data from

the research topic. This research is following by two research instruments: Interview

and Documents.

3.4 Data Collection

The data gathered in this research from two primary sources. The data sources

are from interviews and documentation.

1. Interview

The first step is the interview conducted according to the research

focus. This research focuses on English teacher creativity in designing

online learning activities for the ninth-grade students of SMPN 1 Srengat.

Therefore, the interview will be done with one of the English teachers at

nine grades of SMPN 1 Srengat. It aims to gain deeper information and

understanding about the ways English teachers develop online learning


2. Documentation

The second step is documentation. The document is gaining for

studying data obtained on the English teacher creativity in designing

online learning activities at ninth-grade students of SMPN 1 Srengat. The

documentation can be a photo of the activities.

3.5 Data Analysis

Data analysis activities are carried out to filter all information about English

teacher creativity in designing online learning activities in the ninth grade of SMPN 1

Srengat. The data taken from interviews and documentation are analyzed from the

research question with the following steps.

a. Data Reduction

Data reduction is the process of focusing, selecting, simplifying and

transforming the data that appear in transcription. The data from an

interview with the English teacher about how English teacher creativity in

designing online learning activities at ninth-grade students of SMPN 1


b. Displaying the data

It is an activity of presenting the data that has been reduced, and then it is

easier to draw the conclusion from the data.

c. Drawing conclusion

The research uses provisional conclusions and conclusions drawing to

make the data valid. The drawing of conclusions starts at the beginning of

the study after the data is collecting by making tentative conclusions.

Then, in the final step, the researcher draws a conclusion. In other words,

it can be said that the conclusion is continuously analyzed and verified its

validity to obtain perfection conclusion.

3.6 Verifying the Data

Triangulation is to increase the validity and credibility of the data from the result

of the research. The reliability and validity of the data gained from a combination of

different aspects are data sources, theories, and methodologies. The aim is to extend

the more profound understanding of what being studied in the field (Bogdan &

Biklen, 1998). In this case, the researcher uses triangulation to get the validity of the

data. Related to source triangulation, the collected data and research findings are

checked based on Mulyana's (2010) theory for teacher creativity and the theory from

(Jack al. l, 2009) for the learning activities. The triangulation from both of the

theories is to conclude to enhance and support the validity of the data and findings of

this study.



This chapter presents the research findings of English teacher creativity in

designing online learning activities for the ninth-grade students of SMPN 1 Srengat.

The discussion begins with a description of the research findings and discussion.

4.1 Research Findings

During the pandemic, the learning process was carried out online. Teachers

must be creative in teaching online learning because online learning causes students

to become monotonous in learning. As a teacher must use their creativity in the

teaching process. A creative teacher will use several ways to make online learning

more interesting; one example is designing online learning activities.

A. English Teacher Creativity in Designing Online Learning Activities

Datum 1: Definition creativity by the English Teacher

The definition of creativity by the English Teacher in SMPN 1 Srengat,

creativity is that teachers can make learning materials according to student needs and

also design online learning activities attractively. Those facts validated by

interviewing quotation as follows:

"The creativity here leads to preparing appropriate material for students

where students are now studying at home. Creative teachers have to build
learning that is not saturated and pleasing the students. Use the learning
activities that can make students understand the material well".

Creativity can be increase so that it can be helpful in life. The ninth-grade

English teacher at SMP 1 Srengat increases creativity in teaching by attending

educational seminars, seminars on teaching English at SMP 1 Srengat also often

holds seminars about how to teach correctly, and schools also include teachers in

MGMP activities (Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran). Those facts validated by

interviewing quotation as follows:

“There are several things to increase creativity. I attended the seminar

concerned about teaching English. SMPN 1 Srengat also often conducts a
seminar related to the teaching process, and the school also includes teacher
in MGMP (Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran) events”.

Datum 2: The learning method used by English teacher in teaching online


The ninth-grade English teacher at SMP 1 Srengat used the synchronous

online courses learning method to deliver material during online learning. This course

takes place simultaneously and can use many forms such as virtual classrooms,

instant messaging, and more. The English teacher uses several learning media such as

E-learning, Google classroom, Telegram, and WhatsApp. So that student can still get

material quickly. Those facts validated by interviewing quotation as follows:

"During pandemic and online learning, the learning method is synchronous

online courses, and for the learning media, I used E-learning, Google
Classroom, Telegram, YouTube and WhatsApp application to help the
learning process running well."

Bringing creativity in the learning process can be done by choosing material

appropriate to the level of students in the class and designing engaging learning

activities so that students can understand the material well. Those facts validated by

interviewing quotation as follows:

"When teaching, I choose the material based on the students' level of

understanding and use learning methods and learning activities that are
attractive and easy to understand by students. So, that students can
understand the materials well".
Datum 3: The problem of online learning

Indeed, in the online learning process, several problems come. Researcher

found problems in the online learning process conveyed by the English teacher. The

problem is about students' networks, so the online learning process did not run

smoothly. The student's spirit in learning is decreasing, and lack of communication

between teacher and students. Those facts validated by interviewing quotation as


"For the problem when teaching online, it is the internet network between
teacher and students. Because students come from different areas, there must
be obstacles related to the internet network. Also, the student's spirit in
learning is decreasing and lack communication between teacher and

Datum 4: How the English teacher designed online learning activities

Based on the data interview. The English teacher in the ninth grade at SMPN

1 Srengat has creativity in designing exciting learning activities. During online

learning, as a teacher has to prepare several learning materials, learning method and

learning activities based on the students need and appropriate to the circumstance.

Those facts validated by interviewing quotation as follows:

"During online learning, as a teacher, it requires maximum effort. Because

we teach not directly but based on the online application, there are many
obstacles from the internet network, so that sometimes learning does not go
well. As teachers, we must prepare online learning materials, learning
methods, and learning activities appropriate to the circumstances".

In the ninth grade at SMP 1 Srengat used his creative in choosing the learning

materials given to students during online learning. Learning materials used by the

English teacher are worksheets distributed to students, E-modules, YouTube videos

based on the material, and another link of the web concerned with the material taught.

So, the online learning activity was reading. The students can read many materials by

themselves. Those facts validated by interviewing quotation as follows:

"During a pandemic, the learning materials which I used to teach are LKS, a
handbook for students, give a web link to the students containing additional
materials from the internet and YouTube videos to help students more
understand about the materials and students can read the materials by

However, by using the creativity of the ninth grade English teacher at SMP 1

Srengat can solve the online learning’s problem by always sharing material on the

learning platform prepared, giving time for QnA at the end of learning so students can

ask about material which not understand, constantly reminding students to study the

material through the WhatsApp group and asking for news directly to students who

have difficulty in the learning process. Those facts validated by interviewing

quotation as follows:

"To deal with the online learning problems. By choosing interesting learning
activities so that students will not get bored. Always, allow time for QnA at
the end of the materials so that students understand the material well, and
always remind the students about the material and assignments given through

To make it more attractive in the learning process, the researcher found that

the ninth-grade English teacher at SMP 1 Srengat designed online learning activities

that could attract students' interest to learn online. In creating learning activities, the

English teacher determines online learning activities that are suitable for students by

looking at the abilities of the students to be taught. So, online learning activities run

attractively and well. In addition, students become more active in online learning.

Those facts validated by interviewing quotation as follows:

"When choosing the learning activities, it is seen from the terms of student's
abilities. There are some students from the lower group, and there are also
students in the upper group in understanding the material; therefore, when
determining the learning activities, the teacher should adjust students' ability
to understand the material".

Based on the finding above, the English teacher used his creativity to create

an online learning activity. In designing online learning activities, the English teacher

uses creativity by creating online learning activities appropriate to the circumstance,

paying attention to student problems, provide a consulting time between students and

teacher to make learning better, giving time for QnA at the end of learning so

students can ask about material that has not been understood, adjusting the skills to be

taught, seeing the background of the students to be taught and choose engaging online

learning activities.

Table 4.1 The result of an interview by an English Teacher on how to

design online learning activities.

No The way to design online learning activities by The English Teacher at

the ninth-grade students of SMPN 1 Srengat

1 Creating online learning activities appropriate to the circumstance

2 Choose interesting online learning activities.

3 Provide a consulting time between students and teacher

4 Giving time for QnA at the end

5 By paying attention to student problems

6 Seeing the background of the students to be taught

7 Adjusting the skills to be taught

B. Online Learning Activities Developed by the English Teacher

Based on the interview data and documentation. With his creativity in

teaching, the ninth-grade English teacher at SMP 1 Srengat designed an engaging

online learning activity.

Datum 1: The process of online learning activities

Online learning activities begin with providing material using textbooks

distributed to students or using material sources from the web by providing links to

students, using YouTube links so that students can also get additional explanations of

the material. Students work on practice questions from LKS after the material is

delivered. Students have worked on the questions in the LKS; QnA activity is held

about the material delivered so that students can ask about material that has not been

understood. At the end of the lesson, the English teacher provides a Quiz Time by activity where students are given a link quiz and do it directly with the

existing time provisions.

Datum 2: Online learning activities designed by the English teacher

The English teacher also designs online learning activities on each skill. For

speaking skills, students make videos about particular material and upload them on

YouTube or Google classroom, and the English teachers provide students with

material that must be read by themselves and understood according to the material

presented and following reading skills, for writing skills students make sentences and

uploaded in google classroom, sentences are made according to the material being


The following online learning activity is Quiz Time which is carried out at the

end of the lesson. Those facts were validated by interviewing quotation as follows:

"For speaking students have to make a conversation video, make short

sentences or story for writing and upload it at the Google classroom, reading
the material by their self at home, self-study by giving the link for the
additional materials from the internet and online meeting use technology,
consulting, QnA time at the end of the class, Quiz time by"

Picture 4.1 Online learning activities reading. The English teacher uploaded the materials on the
E-Learning and students read the materials by themselves.

Picture 4.2 Online learning activities Quiz Time

Picture 4.3 Online learning activities making a video

Picture 4.4 Online learning activities consulting, the students did a consulting about
their problem in WhatsApp Group.

Picture 4.5 Online learning activities self-study. The English teacher give a material
from another Link and students study by themselves.

Table 4.2 The result of interviewing by English Teachers in designing
online learning activities.

No Online Learning Activities Skill

1 Making Video Speaking skill

2 Writing (Make a sentence) Writing skill

3 Reading the material by their self Reading skill

4 Quiz Time All skill

5 QnA section (Question and Answer) All skill

6 Teacher Explanation Listening skill

7 Consulting All skill

Based on the finding above, the English teacher, with his creativity, was

designing online learning activities during COVID-19, there were making video,

reading, writing, quiz time, QnA section, and Teacher Explanation.

4.2 Discussion

In the teaching process, teacher should decide what approach to use in

teaching also determine what methods, techniques and strategies can be used to teach.

Based on the data collection, the researcher finds of teaching approach, teaching

method, teaching strategy and teaching technique used by the English teacher at

SMPN 1 Srengat during online learning. The researcher will present the explanation

as follows:

1) Teaching approach

Based on the findings, in the online learning the English teacher used

Inquiry-Based Learning. This approach was very suitable to use in the online

learning because education plays an active role and this approach that places

the ideas, questions and observations of participants at the center of the

learning experience.

2) Teaching method

The findings showed that, the method used by the English teacher are

students-centered and synchronous online courses learning method to deliver

material during online learning. This course takes place simultaneously and

can use many forms such as virtual classrooms, instant messaging, and more.

3) Teaching strategy

The teaching strategy implemented by the English teacher is conducting an

online learning activity. Such as, quiz time, QnA time, consulting, writing

and make a video.

4) Teaching technique

The technique used by the English teacher is implementing technology in

online learning process. Used online learning media such as Zoom Meeting

to make a virtual meeting with the students. Quiz time was made on the, consulting done in the WhatsApp application, QnA time and

writing were implement in Google classroom.

Based on the explanation above the teaching strategy implemented by the

English teacher is conducting an online learning activity. Such as, quiz time, QnA

time, consulting, writing and make a video. According to the research findings, it has

been answered that the English teacher in the ninth grade at SMPN 1 Srengat used his

creativity in designed online learning activities and designed engaging online learning

activities. The researcher checking the data based on Mulyana's (2010) theory about

teacher creativity and theory from (Jack et al. 2009) about learning activities.

A. English Teacher Creativity in Designing Online Learning Activities

The English teacher in the ninth-grade students at SMPN 1 Srengat, in the

designing online learning activities was implementing four characteristics of creative

teacher the theory from (Mulyana 2010). The four characteristics are Fluency,

Flexibility, Originality, and Elaboration. The researcher will present the explanation

as follows:

a. Fluency

Fluency means the teacher can produce accurate ideas according to the

problem at hand. Online learning is a problem faced by teachers because they

must adapt to teaching online by using their creativity in teaching. The

English teacher at SMPN 1 Srengat brings his creativity into online learning

to solve the problem with creates an online learning activity appropriate to the

circumstance and choose interesting online learning activities. Such as making

videos, reading, writing, quiz time, QnA section, consulting and Teacher


b. Flexibility

In this case, the teacher can open minds. This ability can be used to

create new and better learning ideas than previous ideas. By opening up space

to receive input from other people or students, the resulting ideas can satisfy

all parties, from a teacher and student. The English teacher at SMPN 1

Srengat can open his mind. The English teacher creates online learning

activities, namely consulting and opens QnA time. By consulting and QnA

time, students can consult and ask directly with the teacher regarding the

problems they are facing or constructive input so that online learning can run

well and be accepted by all students.

c. Originality

Originality means that the teacher creates new ideas. This ability is

needed in the learning process because it helps the learning process be

effective. When online learning was first held, the English teacher used E-

Learning in the teaching process. However, English teachers use E-Learning

when teaching because several reasons make English teachers create new

ideas in the online teaching process. By paying attention to students’ problem,

English teachers create new ideas by creating online learning activities using

other online learning media such as Quiz Time which created using, QnA section, and consulting. With these online learning

activities, students become enthusiastic about learning and do not feel bored

when learning online.

d. Elaboration

The teacher can see a problem in detail. The accuracy of a teacher in

looking at a problem will affect the quality of the results of his creativity. The

English teacher at SMPN 1 Srengat paying attention to the student's problem

and solve them well. Before choosing the learning activities, the English

teacher adjusting the skill to be taught and seeing the students' backgrounds.

By those way the English teacher can design online learning activities which

suitable with students need and condition. Based on those explanation, it

showed that English teacher at SMPN 1 Srengat can see a problem in detail.

Table 4.3 The result of analyzing data between the theory of (Mulyana,
2010) and results from interview in how to design online learning activities.

No The way to design online learning activities Theory from (Mulyana,

by The English Teacher 2010)

1 Creating online learning activities appropriate

to the circumstance FLUENCY
2 Choose interesting online learning activities.

3 Provide a consulting time between students and

4 Giving time for QnA at the end

5 By paying attention to student problems ORIGINALITY

6 Seeing the background of the students to be
7 Adjusting the skills to be taught

Based on the data above, the English teacher at SMPN 1 Srengat in designed

the online learning activities, the English teacher was implemented four of criteria for

creative teachers based on the theory of (Mulyana 2010), namely Fluency, Flexibility,

Originality and Elaboration.

B. Online Learning Activities Developed by the English Teacher

Based on theory from (Jack, Chris and Donald 2009) there is twelve common

activities type used by the creative teacher such as Guide-discovery learning,

interactive lecture, students teaching, problem-solving, projects, students’

presentation, self-assessment, and peer assessment, self-study, reading, technology,

role-playing and consulting.

In the researcher's findings data through interviews, the English teacher used

his creativity by making some interesting online learning activities in the online

learning process. Such as making videos, reading, writing, quiz time, QnA section,

consulting and Teacher presentation. Based on the theory from (Jack, Chris, and

Donald 2009) that the English teacher-designed five online learning activities,

including consulting, interactive lectures, student presentations, reading, and self-

study. This will be explained further below:

a. Consulting

It is an excellent alternative to teach, in which school members lend

their expertise to questions and problems raised by learners. The English

teacher creates online learning activities, namely consulting, which, after the

online learning is complete, students can do consulting directly with the

teacher used WhatsApp group.

b. Interactive Lecture

It is a solution to an undisturbed lecture or teacher, which lasts for an

extended period. The objective is to build border checks with a teacher, during

which learners test their understanding of what was presented. The English

teacher at SMP 1 Srengat uses these learning activities not to disturb when

delivering material to students, and students can understand the material

presented. The English teacher presented the materials by ZOOM application

to make a virtual meeting with the students.

c. Students Presentation

This may be a less formal variant of student teaching. Students present

some aspects of the class performance, such as homework solutions, quiz

responses, peer assessments, and team assessments. The English teacher used

this student presentation by making online learning activities such as making

a video to explain some material or complete the homework. This online

learning activity is for speaking skills. The following online learning activity

are writing sentences and Quiz Time. Quiz time created through a

44 account and focuses on all skills. Quiz Time is very helpful for

English teachers in evaluating students' understanding of the material that has

been presented. In addition, the Englihs teacher also created online learning

activities namely QnA time.

d. Reading

In this type of activity, learners are responsible for understanding

written material but usually do not understand what they should have learned

or what they should be able to do due to reading the material. The English

teacher uses some additional material to practice reading, improve reading

skills, and understand the material. The English teacher upload the materials

in the Google Classroom and students can read by them-selves.

e. Self-study

The nature of this activity is to make it possible for the student to

make their learning easier to meet the needs of the student criteria in their

study. The English teacher uses self-study activities by giving students links

to material from several sources to understand more about the material. The

English teacher provides YouTube links about material from other sources

and upload it in the Google classroom to make students understand the

material well and train students' listening skills.

The English teacher in the ninth grade at SMPN 1 Srengat used his creativity

to create online learning activities to remain enthusiastic in the online learning

process. The English teacher created five online learning activities: Consulting,

Interactive Lecture, Student Presentation, Reading, and Self-Study. With these online

learning activities, all ninth-grade students can learn well and understand the material

presented well. It will describe clearly by the table:

Table 4.4 The result of analyzing data between the theory of (Jack, Chris, and
Donald 2009) and results from interview in designing online learning activities.

No Type of learning activities based on Learning activities designed

theory (Jack, Chris, and Donald 2009) by English Teacher
1 Consulting Consulting by WhatsApp
2 Interactive Lecture Teacher Explanation
3 Students Presentation - Video
- QnA time by Google
- Quiz time by
- Writing sentences
4 Reading - Reading the material
The teacher uploads it in the
Google Classroom
5 Self-study Reading another material
- Link material from
another source
- Link YouTube
The teacher uploads it in the
Google Classroom



This chapter presents a conclusion and suggestion from the researcher based

on the research about English teacher creativity in designing online learning activities

for the ninth-grade students of SMPNN 1 Srengat.

5.1 Conclusion

Based on the finding of this research about English teacher creativity in

designing online learning activities for the ninth-grade students of SMPN 1 Srengat.

There are two conclusions. The first conclusion of this research is the way English

teacher used his creativity in designing online learning activities are by creating

online learning activities appropriate to the circumstance, choose interesting online

learning activities, provide consulting time between students and teacher, giving time

for QnA, paying attention to student’s problem, seeing background of the students to

be taught and adjusting skill to be taught. Based on the data analysis the English

teacher in designed online learning activities implemented four characteristics of a

creative teacher according to (Mulayana 2010), there are fluency, flexibility,

originality, and elaboration.

The second conclusion of the research is related to the online learning

activities designed by the English teacher at the ninth grade of SMPN 1 Srengat.

Online learning activities designed by the English teacher are making video, writing,

reading, quiz time, QnA time, teacher explanation and consulting. Based on the result

of this study showed that the English teacher used five online learning activities

according to (Jack, Chris, and Donald 2009), and there are consulting, interactive

lecture, student presentation, reading, and self-study.

5.2 Suggestion

In this section, the researcher would like to deliver a few suggestions related

to the research and expected that these suggestions could grant helpful inputs for the

English teacher and future researchers.

The researcher suggests to the English teacher at SMPN 1 Srengat to give

each other advice in designing online learning activities so that all students can carry

out online learning well and always pay attention to students' problems when learning

online. In addition, the researcher suggests to all English teachers in another school to

selected appropriate online learning activities after knowing the problem faced by the

students during online learning.

The second suggestion is for future research. The researcher suggests future

research to find out more sources about online learning activities, especially in

learning the English language, to increase English teacher creativity in the English

teaching process and support English learning education in Indonesia.


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Appendix 1: Letter of permission for doing the research in SMPN 1 Srengat

Appendix 2: letter of research information from SMPN 1 Srengat
Appendix 3: Interview Guide Question
Appenidx 4: The result of interview


“English Teacher Creativity in Designing Online Learning Activities During

COVID-19 At the Ninth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Srengat”

A. English Teacher Creativities

1. Q: How long have you been teaching the English language?

A: I have been teaching for twenty-one years.

2. Q: In the ninth grade, how many classes do you teach?

A: In the ninth grade, I teach five classes

3. Q: What skill do you teach in the ninth grade?

A: During the pandemic for English language, we emphasized for

reading, speaking and writing skills.

4. Q: How do you think about online learning during COVID-19?

A: During online learning, as a teacher really requires maximum

effort. Because, we teach not directly, but based on the online

application, there are many obstacles from the internet network so that

sometimes learning does not go well. As a teacher we must prepare

online learning materials, learning methods and learning activities that

appropriate to the circumstances.

5. Q: Do you have a personal notion or definition of creativities?

A: The creativity here leads to the preparation of appropriate material

for students where students are now studying at home. Creative

teacher has to build learning that is not saturated and pleasing the

students. Use the learning activities that can make students understand

the material well.

6. Q: How do you bring your creativity into English teaching?

A: When teaching, I choose the material based on the level of

understanding of the students and also use learning methods and

learning activities that are attractive and easy to understand by

students. So, that students can understand the materials well.

7. Q: How do you increase your creativity in teaching?

A: There are several things to increase creativity. I attended the

seminar concerned about teaching English. SMPN 1 Srengat also often

conducts a seminar related with teaching process and the school also

includes teacher in MGMP (Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran)


8. Q: What are the learning material do you use to teach online in

the ninth grade students of SMPN 1 Srengat?

A: During pandemic, the learning materials which I used to teach are

LKS, a handbook for students, give link to the students containing

additional materials from the internet and YouTube videos to help

students more understand about the materials.

9. Q: What books used in the teaching of the ninth-grade students in

SMPN 1 Srengat?

A: For the book, use LKS and buku paket dari sekolahan.

10. Q: How are the learning methods you apply during this online

learning at the ninth-grade students of SMPN 1 Srengat?

A: During pandemic and online learning the learning method is

synchronous online courses and for the learning media I used E-

learning, Google Classroom, Telegram, YouTube and WhatsApp

application to help the learning process running well.

11. Q: Is there a problem when you teach by online learning?

A: For the problem when teaching online it is the internet network

between teacher and students. Because, students come from different

areas, there must be obstacle related to the internet network. In

addition, the student’s spirit in learning is decreasing and lack

communication between teacher and students.

12. Q: How do you solve the problem during teaching online learning?

A: To deal with the learning problems during online learning, by

choosing an interesting learning activity so that students do not get

bored. Always, allow time for QnA at the end of the materials so that
students understand the material well, and always remind the students

about the material and assignments given through WhatsApp.

13. Q: Using your creativities in online learning, are you developing

online learning activities?

A: Yes, I did it

14. Q: How do you determine the online learning activities that you

will develop?

A: When choosing the learning activities, it is seen from the terms of

student’s abilities. There are some students who are from the lower

group and there are also students who are in the upper group in

understanding the material, therefore when determining the learning

activities, teacher should to adjust student’s ability to understand the


15. Q: How do students respond when they are using the online

learning activities that you create?

A: Student’s response about the learning activities, for the students

who are at the upper level, their response is very good they are very

active in the learning process but for students at the lower levels their

response is very lacking and they are also inactive during online

B. Online Learning Activities Developed by The English Teacher

16. Q: What are the online learning activities that have you created?

Mention it and state the suitability of the skills used by each online

learning activity.

A: For speaking students have to make an conversation video, make a

short sentences or story for writing and upload it at the Google

classroom, reading the material by their self at home, self-study by

give the link for the additional materials from the internet and online

meeting use technology, consulting, QnA time at the end of the class,

Quiz time by

17. Q: Which one of the best learning activities that you created?

A: From all the learning activities, the best learning activities that can

make students active and understand well about the material during

online learning is a QUIZ time at the end of learning process. With

this quiz time students will understand well the material that has been

presented properly and as a teacher I can take the result of the quiz to

provide an assessment of the students.

18. Q: How the way to use the learning activities?

A: For, the quiz I made the quiz in is a web

to find and create free gamified quizzes and interactive lesson to

engage the learners. We have to make quizziz account as a teacher to

can create the quiz. I have made a quiz before class starts; the question
of the quiz is about the material that will be discussed during online

learning. After the explanation of the materials and the QnA about the

materials, I will share the link of the quiz and then students will do

quizzes online and within the specified time. For the result of the quiz,

I will be able to see it through my quizziz account and I can

immediately take the student’s score.

19. Q: What are the advantages of these online learning activities?

A: By using quiz time activities, students will be able to understand

the material well. There is no cheating when students do assignments

because students cannot cheat their friends’ work and students have to

do quizzes with a limited time. Therefore, they have to understand

well about the material that has been delivered. So, students also

become active during the learning process and listen to the teacher

explanation about the material.

20. Q: Is there a shortage of these online learning activities? If there

any deficiencies, what are they?

A: Because, this is an online quiz, so the quiz is opened through a link

that I share to students. The problem is, of course when there are

several students having trouble when opening the quiz link because the

internet network is bad so students work on quizzes waiting for a good

network. In addition, because this is still online learning, I cannot

supervise the learning activities directly.

Appendix 5: Interview picture with the English teacher of SMPN 1 Srengat

Name: Muhammad Zainul Amri, S.Pd

Position: English Teacher at SMPN 1 Srengat

Appendix 6: The result of documentation of this research in SMPN 1 Srengat

The English teacher teach online by Google classroom

Online learning activities by consulting, for helping students more

understand with the material.
Students uploaded their assignment in Google Classroom.

Online learning activities by Quiz, for helping students more

understand with the material.
The result of the quiz

Online learning activities by making a video, for helping students

more understand with the material.
The English teacher also use WhatsApp Group to do an online learning

Online learning activities by Reading. The English teacher already share the
materials in Google classroom and students read the materials by themselves.
Appendix 7: One example of Lesson Plan by English teacher


KD 3.7 & 4.7

Satuan Pendidikan : SMP NEGERI 1 Srengat

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX/2
Materi Pokok : Narrative text
Alokasi waktu : 4 x 40 menit ( 2 pertemuan)

Setelah mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat :
Pertemuan 1
1. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks dari text naratif.

2. Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan dari text naratif.

3. Mengidentifikasi fungsi social dari text naratif.

Pertemuan 2
1. Menemukan informasi tertentu dari text naratif.
2. Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi paragraf benar..

Pertemuan 1
a.Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 menit)
1. Guru memastikan siswa siap dalam proses PJJ.
2. Guru menyapa, memberi salam, menanyakan keadaan peserta didik.
3. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa
4. Guru memberi tahu siswa tentang KD yang akan dipelajari dan dicapai.
5. Guru memberi pertanyaan kepada siswa tentang materi yang akan

b.Kegiatan Inti (60 Menit)

1. Guru memberi kessempatan siswa untuk membaca, memahami, mengumpulkan
informasi tentang text naratif dari buku paket / file/link/youtube yang diberikan
oleh guru. ( dan
2. Guru memberikan bimbingan kepada siswa dalam mengidentifikasi teks naratif.
(LKS hal 7)
3. Guru mengadakan tanya jawab tentang teks naratif. (quiz) (lampiran 1)

c.Kegiatan Penutup (10 menit)

1. Peserta didik bersama guru membuat simpulan tentang materi yang
2. Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan
3. Guru menutup PJJ dengan doa dan salam

a. Penilaian sikap : Berdasarkan keaktifan selama PJJ

Pertemuan 2
a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 menit)
1. Guru memastikan siswa siap dalam proses PJJ.
2. Guru menyapa, memberi salam, menanyakan keadaan peserta didik.
3. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa
4. Guru memberi tahu siswa tentang KD yang akan dipelajari dan dicapai.
b. Kegiatan Inti (60 Menit)
1. Guru memberi task kepada siswa untuk dikerjakan (lks hal 28).
2. Guru memberikan bimbingan kepada siswa dalam mengerjakan task.
3. Guru mengadakan tanya jawab tentang pengerjaan task.
4. Siswa mengirimkan hasil kerjaannya.

c. Kegiatan Penutup (10 menit)

1. Peserta didik bersama guru membuat simpulan tentang task yang
2. Guru memberi tugas untuk mengurutkan kalimat acak menjadi
benar.(lampiran 2)
3. Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan
4. Guru menutup PJJ dengan doa dan salam

a. Penilaian sikap : Berdasarkan keaktifan selama PJJ
b. Penilaian pengetahuan : Tugas tertulis

Mengetahui Srengat, 4 Januari 2021

Kepala SMP Negeri 1 Srengat, Guru Mata Pelajaran


NIP 196205011983021005 NIP 197508192000121001
Lampiran 1.


Once upon a time in west java, lived a writer king who had a beautiful daughter. Her
name was Dayang Sumbi. She liked weaving very much. Once she was weaving a
cloth when one of her tools fell to the ground. She was very tired, at the same time
she was too lazy to take it. Then she just shouted out loudly.
Anybody there! Bring me my tool. I will give you special present. If you are
female. I will consider you as my sister if you are male, I will marry you. Sunddenly
a male dog, its name was Tumang came. He brought her the falling tool. Dayang
Sumbi was very surprised. She regretted her words but she could not deny it. So she
had marry Tumang and leave her father. Then they lived in a small village. Several
months later they had a son. His name was Sangkuriang. He was a handsome and
Sangkuriang liked hunting very much, especially deer. He often hunted to the wood
using his arrow. When he went hunting , Tumang was always with him.
One day Dayang Sumbi wanted to have deer’s heart so she asked Sangkuriang to
hunt for a deer. Then Sangkuriang when to the wood with his arrow and his faithful
dog. Tumang, but after several days in the wood Sangkuriang could not find any
deer. Then where all disappeared. Sangkuriang was exhausted and desperate. He
did not want to disappoint her mother so he killed Tumang. He did not know that
Tumang was his father. Tumang’s heart to her mother. But Dayang Sumbi knew
that it was Tumang’s heart. She was so angry that she could not control her
emotion. She hit Sangkuriang at his head Sangkuriang was wounded. There was a
scar in his head. She also repelled her son. Sangkuriang left her mother in sadness.
Many years passed and Sangkuriang became a strong young man. He wandered
everywhere. One day he arrived. at his own village but he did not realize it. There
he met Dayang Sumbi. At the time Dayang Sumbi was given an eternal beauty by
God so she stayed young forever. Both of them did know each other. So they fall in
love and then they decided to marry. But then Dayang Sumbi recognized a scar on
Sangkuriang’s head. She knew that Sangkuriang was his son. It was impossible for
them to marry. She told him but he did not beliave her. He wished that they marry
soon. So Dayang Sumbi gave very difficult condition. She asked Sangkuriang to
build a lake and a boat in one night! She said she needed that for honeymoon.
Sangkuriang agreed. With the help of genie and spiritis, Sangkuriang tired to build
them. By midnight he had completed the lake by building a dam in Citarum
river. Then he started making the boat. It was almost dawn when he almost finished
it. Meanwhile Dayang Sumbi kept watching on him. She was very worried when she
knew this. So she made lights in the east. Then the spiritis thought that was already
dawn. It was time for them to leave. They left Sangkuriang alone. Without their
help he could not finish the boat.
Sangkuriang was angry. He kicked the boat. Then the boat turned upside down. It,
leter, became Mounth Tangkuban Perahu. Which means an upside-down boat. From
a distant the mount really looks like an upside-down boat.


Answer the questions based on the text above.

1.Mention 4 verbs used in the text!

2. Which sentence is the orientation?
3. What tense is used in narrative text?
4. Make a sentence in simple past tense!
5. Change the sentence into negative form!

Lampiran 2
Arrange into good order!
1. He fell in love with her at the first sight.
2. There he met Dayang Sumbi..
3. He did not know that she was Dayang Sumbi.
4. One day Sangkuriang went back to his village.
5. He was big and strong.

Jawaban : 4,5,2,3,1.
Appendix 8: Writer Biography

Name : Septi Rahmayanti

NIM : 17180039
Date and Place of Birth : Blitar, September 11 1998
Gender : Female
Religion : Muslim
Faculty : Tarbiyah and Teacher Training
Program study : English Education Department
University : Maulana Malik Ibrahim State of Islamic University
Address : Jl. Anggrek, 15/ RT01/ RW09. Kel.Srengat,
Kec.Srengat, Kab.Blitar
Contact : 081331487618
Email : [email protected]
Educational Background:
1. 2005 – 2010 Srengat 01 Elementary School
2. 2011 – 2013 MTS AL-MAWADDAH Islamic Boarding School
3. 2014 – 2016 MA AL-MAWADDAH Islamic Boarding School
4. 2017 – until now English education department in UIN Malang

Malang, June 10 2021

Septi Rahmayanti

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