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A 121 18 119
Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
Bachelor Degree
At English Education Study Program
Department of Language and Arts
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Tadulako University






A 121 18 119

Diajukan sebagai salah satu syarat untuk

Mendapatkan Gelar Sarjana Pada Program Studi
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Dan Seni
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Universitas Tadulako




Nilma A12118119. Comparative Analysis of The Effectiveness of Face-To-Face

Learning and Online Learning in English Lesson During COVID-19. Skripsi, English
Education Study Program, Language and Arts Education Department, Teacher
Training and Education Faculty, Tadulako University. Under the Supervision of
Kamaruddin and Mashuri.

The purpose of this studi was to analyze the comparison between face-to-face
learning and online English learning during the COVID-19 period and to establish
the effectiveness of face-to-face learning and online learning.Qualitative descriptive
research was used inovolving 60 2 English class students at Tadulako University in
2018 who experienced two learning methods between face-to-face and online
learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Questionnaires and interviews methods are
used to collect data. Questionnaire, in this study there were 12 questions containing
questions about comparison between the two learning methods. Interviews were
conducted to get more information from students as supporters of the questionnaire
results. Based on the analysis of these data, it can be concluded that face-to-face
learning methods are more effective than online learning methods because the lack of
distractions so students can be more productive, active and also can concentrate
better so they were able understand the material easily. In addition, the results
showed that students tend to choose face-to-face learning (79,7%) while online
learning (40,4%).

Keywords: Effectiveness, Face-to-Face Learning, Online Learning.



Nilma A12118119. Analisis Komparatif Efektivitas Pembelajaran Tatap Muka dan

Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Daring Selama COVID-19. Skripsi, Program Studi
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas
Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Tadulako. Di bawah Pengawasan
Kamaruddin dan Mashuri.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perbandingan antara

pembelajaran tatap muka dan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris online selama periode
COVID-19 dan untuk menetapkan efektivitas pembelajaran tatap muka dan
pembelajaran online. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif digunakan dengan melibatkan
60 mahasiswa kelas bahasa Inggris di Universitas Tadulako pada tahun 2018 yang
mengalami dua metode pembelajaran antara pembelajaran tatap muka dan daring
selama pandemi Covid-19. Kuesioner dan wawancara digunakan untuk
mengumpulkan data. Kuesioner, dalam penelitian ini terdapat 12 pertanyaan yang
berisi pertanyaan tentang perbandingan antara kedua metode pembelajaran
tersebut. Wawancara dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut dari
mahasiswa sebagai pendukung hasil angket. Berdasarkan analisis data tersebut,
dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode pembelajaran tatap muka lebih efektif daripada
pembelajaran daring karena lebih mudah memahami pelajaran, siswa menjadi lebih
produktif dan aktif dan juga dapat lebih terkonsentrasi karena gangguan yang lebih
sedikit. Selain itu, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa cenderung memilih
pembelajaran tatap muka (79,7%) sedangkan pembelajaran daring (40,4%).

Kata Kunci: Efektivitas, Pembelajaran Tatap Muka, Pembelajaran Daring.



Karya ilmiah ini saya dedikasikan kepada kedua orang tua atas segala didikan,
bimbingan, dukungan, dan kasih sayang yang telah diberikan selama ini
kepada saya sehingga saya dapat menyelesaikan tugas akhir ini. Dan kepada
keluarga, teman, dan orang orang terdekat yang turut membantu dalam proses
penyelesaian karya tulis ini.


“sometimes we
have to be


Alhamdulillahi rabbil aalamiin. The researcher expresses her highest gratitude

to Allah SWT, because of the blessing, and mercy, the researcher has a good and
healthy condition for writing this skripsi. Sholawat and Salam always given to our
beloved prophet Muhammad SAW, who has brought us to the part of light from
darkness in this life and also always become a motivation for the researcher in
completing this research. The researcher has finished this skripsi entitled
“Comparative Analysis of The Effectiveness of Face-to-Face Learning and Online
English Learning During Covid-19”.

The researcher also does not forget to say thanks to all of the people who have
given her help, motivated, and never getting tired to advise her during the process of
completing this research. In this regard, the researcher would also like to express her
thanks to them.

First of all, the researcher would like to thank her beloved parents, H. Alim
Bachri and Hj. Nurlia for their prayers, affection, enthusiasm, support, motivation,
and endless love for providing all needs during education. The next thanks to my
beloved sisters and brothers, Hj. Mila S.E., M.E, Athifah Nadya Shafira, Muh.
Syaifuddin S.H, and Firmansyah S.sos, who always remind her to focus on study.

Secondly, the researcher would like to express her thanks and appreciation to
Mr. Mukrim S.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D. Who has provided valuable comments, suggestions,
supports, meaningful ideas, and revisions for her Skripsi.

Thirdly, the researcher also would like to give her sincere and deepest thanks
to her advisors, Mr. Abdul Kamaruddin S.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D and Mr, Mashuri S.Pd.,
M.A., who gave the precious help, guidance, and advice patiently to the researcher
during the completion and the development of the study.

Fourthly, the researcher also would like to express her thanks and appreciation
to The Rector of Tadulako University Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Mahfudz, MP, The Head of
Teacher Training and Education Faculty Dr. Ir. Amiruddin Kade, S.Pd., M.Si. The
head of Language and Art Education Department Dr. Hj. Sriati Usman, M.Hum, The
Coordinator of English Education and Study Program Dr. Hj. Rofiqoh, M.Ed and all
staff and lecturers of the English Education Study Program for their help and
cooperation concerning the academic.

Additionally, many big thanks go to the closest people who have helped me in
completing this Skripsi, and always help the researcher and give suggestions and
meaningful ideas, to finish her Skripsi to my beloved best friends Andini, Nuso, Lila,
Rere, Ria, Aulia, Yuri, Nina, Ayu, Hasni, Monik, Alief, Arrah, and Yuda. Also my
friends in class C Ulvur Squad they always be with her whatever the situation was,
have made her laughed when her was down, give her suggestion, spirit, motivation,
love, kindness, and their never endless friendship and the researcher is so grateful to
have them, love you guys.

Last but not least, I wanna thank me, I wanna thank me for believing in me, I
wanna thank me for doing all this hard work, I wanna thank me for having no days
off, I wanna thank me for never quitting for just being me at all times.














1.1 Background 1

1.2 Research Question 4

1.3 Research Purpose 4

1.4 Significance of the Research 4

1.5 Scope of the Research 5

1.6 Key Terms 5




2.1 Previous Study 8

2.2 Literature Review 9

2.2.1 Face-to-face Learning 11

2.2.2 English Learning 12

2.2.3 Online Learning 12

2.2.4 Covid-19 13

2.2.5 Comparison 14

2.2.6 Effectiveness 14

2.3 Theoretical Framework 15


3.1 Research Design 16

3.2 Location and Time 16

3.3 Population 16

3.4 Subject 17

3.5 Data Collection Technique 17

3.5.1 Questionnaire 17

3.5.2 Interview 18

3.6 Technique of Data Analysis 19


4.1 Result of Test 20


4.1.1 The Result of Questionnaire 20

4.1.2 The result of Interview 33

4.2 Discussion 36


5.1 Conclusion 43

5.2 Suggestions 44

References 45



Tab Pag
le es

3.1 Population of English Class 2018 17


3.2 Likert Scale 18

4.1 Coded Response on the Age of the Respondents 21

4.2 Result of Questionnaire 51



Appendices Page

1. List Table of the Questionnaire 48

2. List of the Interview Question 50

3. List result of the Questionnaire 51


I.1 Background
Learning is a process of interaction that occurs between teachers and students
both directly such as face-to-face activities and indirectly, namely by using media,
models and learning methods. The learning pocess is an educational activity that
colors the interaction that occurs both between teachers and learners and interaction
between learners and learners. Interaction activities that are of educational value due
to learning activities carried out, are directed to achieve certain goals that have been
formulated before teaching is carried out. The difference in interaction, then learning
activities can be done using various learning patterns.
The learning model has an important position in the learning process in the
classroom to achieve the goal of delivering material carried out by teachers to
learners. In this case, face-to-face learning aims to provide a direct learning
experience to students through interaction created between teachers and students
when the learning process takes place. Face-to-face education is known to be the
traditional education where the lecturers meet the learners in which they have direct
contact with the learners. This would be one of the familiar education systems in the
country where the lecturers attend their classes personally and instead of facing the
computers for almost half of the day with technological stress on the part of learners
and the educators.

Face-to-face learning shares many qualities. Students required attending class,

learning the material, submitting assignments, and completing group projects.
Classroom instruction is extremely dynamic. Traditional classroom teaching provides
real-time face-to-face instruction and sparks innovative questions. It also allows for
immediate lecture response and more flexible content delivery. According to Norman
(2016), one of the problems in traditional face-to-face learning is that it requires even
greater tuition fees at leading universities. However, what is advantageous in face-to-

face learning is that the survey results show that most students are not disturbed in
attending face-to-face and seeing face-to-face in face-to-face affect psychologically,
emotionally and absorbs learning material and solutions to learning problems.

This means, the learning environment that supports student learning

satisfaction over the face-to-face learning model is the main thing in face-to-face
learning, and automatically if the learning environment is suitable for students it will
generate enthusiasm (increase motivation) of student learning which will eventually
impact on better learning outcomes. Experts agree that in face-to-face learning there
is a meaningful and real interaction between students and students and between
students and lecturers that cannot be replaced or found in online learning.

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused changes in many activities in human life,
one of which has an impact on learning activities. The government changed teaching
and learning activities in colleges that were originally face-to-face (offline) to online
(online). Online education is not a new phenomenon. Online learning is one of the
online learning systems or done through the internet network. Learning activities are
carried out at home with distance. Distance learning systems are done by utilizing
information technology. Currently, all levels of education use distance learning,
including higher education to meet the needs of students.

Instead of having to be at a specific location at a specific time, online

educational students have the freedom to communicate with instructors, address
classmates, study materials, and complete assignments from any internet-accessible
point (Richardson and Swan. 2003). With online learning, students who usually don’t
participate in class may now voice their opinions and concerns. As they are not in a
classroom setting, quieter students may feel more comfortable partaking in class
dialogue without being recognized or judged.

The Ministry of Education in Indonesia also issued a policy by shutting down

colleges and schools to replace the process of teaching and learning activities by

using online systems. By using this online learning system, sometimes there are
various problems faced by students and lecturers, such as unfinished subject matter
delivered by the lecturer and then the lecture replaces it with other tasks. This is a
complaint for students because of the more tasks given by lecturers. Behind these
problems and complaints, it turns out that there are also various lessons for education
in Indonesia. Among them, students and lecturers can master technology to support
this online learning. In this era of increasingly sophisticated technology, lecturers and
students are required to have the ability in the field of learning technology. The
mastery of students and lecturers in learning technology that is very varied, becomes
a challenge for them.

I.2 Research Questions

Based on the background, there are several problems that are experienced by
students’ in Indonesia especially in teacher training and English education study
program in Tadulako University there are, face-to-face learning, covid 19, the
government regulations, and online learning. In the problems to the background, the
researcher formulates the questions as follows:

1. Which one is more effective between face-to-face learning and online English
learning during Covid-19?
2. What are the reasons for choosing face-to-face learning or online to be effective
in English learning?

I.3 Research Purposes

The purpose of this research are. The first is to determine which one is more
effective between face-to-face learning and online English learning during Covid-19.
The second is to know the reasons for choosing face-to-face learning or online to be
effective in English learning.

I.4 Significance of the Research

This research is expected to be useful for students, teachers, and other
researchers. From this research, first we can find out what learning is more effective
in learning English. Second, the results will be an alternative to learning English in
the classroom. Third, this study can be a reference for other researchers who focus on
related topics, namely learning what is more effective between face-to-face learning
and online English learning during Covid-19.

I.5 Scope of the Research

The scope of this research is to focus how students’ of teacher training and
English education study program in Tadulako University learning performance in
face-to-face learning and online learning on English learning. Face-to-face learning is
meant when lecturers and students converge to receive learning materials and discuss.
While online learning is meant, when learning takes place through the zoom
application, google classroom, and whatsapp group to receive the learning materials
and discuss.

I.6 Key Terms

There are several terms that the researcher is using in this research
investigated, they are operationally defined. The first is comparative analysis
comparatives. Analysis comparatives are an essay in which two things are compared
and contrasted.Comparative research is research that is comparative. This research
was conducted to compare the similarities and differences between two or more facts
and the properties of the object under study based on a certain frame of mind. In this
study the variables are still independent but for more than one sample or at different
According to Nazir (2005: 58), comparative research is a type of descriptive
research that seeks to find answers fundamentally about cause and effect, by
analyzing the factors that cause the occurrence or emergence of a certain

phenomenon. So comparative research is a type of research that is used to compare

between two grups or more a particular variable.
The second is effectiveness. Effectiveness is the capability of producing a
desired result or the ability to produce desired output. When something is deemed
effective, it means it has an intended or expected outcome, or produces a deep, vivid
impression. Effectiveness refers to how useful something is.
The third is face-to-face learning. Face-to-face learning is an instructional
method where course content and learning material are taught in person to a group of
students. This allows for a live interaction between a learner and an instructor.
Learners benefit from a greater level of interaction with their fellow students as well.
In face-to-face learning, students are held accountable for their progress at the class’s
specific meeting date and time. Face-to-face learning ensures a better understanding
and recollection of lesson content and gives class members a chance to bond with one

The fourth is online learning (often used interchangeably with e-learning).

Online learning is a form of distance education that involves using technology as the
mediator of the learning process, and that teaching is entirely delivered through the
internet.Online learning encompasses such as the worldwide web,email chat,new
groups and texts,audio and video conferencing delivered over computer networks to
impart education. It helps the learner to learn at their own pace, according to their
own convenience.

And the last is covid-19. Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by the

newly discovered coronavirus. The virus that causes COVID-19 is mainly transmitted
through droplets generated when an infected person coughs,sneezes, or exhales.
These droplets are too heavy to hang in the air, and quickly fall on floors or surfaces.

2.1 Previous Study

There are several research studies that have investigated face-to-face and
online learning. For instance, Chisadza, Clance, Mthembu, Nicholls, and Yitbarek
(2021). This research applied a quantitative method. The sample of this research is
students’ who took a macroeconomics module in the Economic department. The
result is that the change in students’ performance from face-to-face to online is
negatively associated with the difficulty they faced in transitioning from face-to-face
to online learning. According to students’ survey responses, factors contributing to
difficulty in transitioning included poor internet access. In addition, opting to self-
study (read notes instead of joining online classes and/or watching recordings) did not
help the students’ in their performance.

Another research study is conducted by Nasution, (2021) the research

method used is descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The sample of this
research is students’ in Islamic Religious Education Students at IAIN Takengon. The
result showed that face-to-face learning was the most preferred choice by students’ of
the Islamic Religious Education study program in IAIN Takengon, which is 78
students’ or at 78%, while a total of 20 students’ or 20% of the study was done in
blended learning, and only 2 students’ or 2% who choose online learning.

By looking at those previous studies, it can be concluded that face-to-face

learning is more in demand than online learning because online learning takes issue
with the internet network. Nevertheless, these researches are different from those
research above in some matters. First, this research in addition to using questionnaire
as data collection also uses interview, because to obtain information directly and

cover up the results of the error questionnaire. The second is this research is to
compare betweens 3 types of learning, namely face to face learning, blended learning,
and online learning, and the facts about students’ perceptions of learning are
obtained, namely face to face learning eing the most preffered learnin, and the
students’ hoped that after Covid 19 pandemic, learning will again be done face-to-
face learning.

2.2 Literature Review

In this case, literature reviews or previous research are useful as a reference or
reference to assist the author in the process of preparing this research. Some of the
previous researches were used as references and could help in the preparation of this
research, as follows:

First, the research of Ni Ya(2013) conclude that although students’

performance is independent of the mode of instruction, certain courses are more
challenging to students’ who persist in the virtual environment than in the classroom.
Furthermore, participation may be less intimidating and the quality and quaintly. This
research applied quantitative method. The sample of this research is students in the
MPA program at the California State University-San Bernardino from the fall
academic quarter of 2010 to the spring quarter of 2012.

Second, according to Abad, The researchers used a qualitative research

design. The sample of this research is students’ of Manuel S. Enverga Academy
Foundation Inc. The result is face-to-face learning is the more effectively studying
method because students able to understand the material easily so they become more
productive and active. The lesson is explained better than in online method which is
difficult to do when some internet or connection problem appear (2018).
Third, according to Dios and Carlos (2021), this research applied qualitative
method. The sample is made up of 100 students from the Primary Education Degree
programmed. The result show that by not having the opportunity for face-to-face

interaction and instruction, most of the students’ were not satisfied with the
educational model of online lessons, which affected their motivation and willingness
to follow the subject, preferring the face-to-face ones.

Referring to some of the literature reviews above, researchers found that there
is a gap from previous studies, namely the lack of researchers who provide solutions
to less effective learning, because providing solutions can make good changes for less
effective learning. Previous studies also collected data mostly using only
questionnaires, they had to conduct interviews with students so that the data obtained
was more efficient and accurate.

This section emphasizes the relationship between theory and research that
will be used to answer research questions.
2.2.1 Face-to-Face Learning
Face to Face teaching-learning method is a teaching-learning method where
the learning process is carried out face-to-face in the classroom. In the
implementation of this method, the role of the presence of lecturers and students in
the classroom is very influential in improving the quality of learning. This method
emphasizes the interaction of lecturers and students both in terms of providing lecture
materials and questions and answers about existing course materials. In face-to-face
learning, students engage in spontaneous verbal communication in a permanent
physical environment. Face-to-Face learning is a very common learning that takes
place at this time face-to-face learning must be planned specifically based on the
principles of developing teaching materials and the standard of the process in its
application. In face-to-face learning, the teaching ability of the teacher is crucial, for
example the mastery of material concepts and the environment in which to learn.
The concept of subject matter and learning environment can be developed
appropriately in accordance with the conditions of students through learning models
that have been widely developed today.

According to Santyasa (2005), a learning model that can be applied to a field

of study should be coherent with the nature of education in the field of study.
However, philosophically the purpose of learning is to facilitate students to become
critical, humanist, flexible, and adaptive thinkers in applying knowledge in the real

2.2.2 English Learning

Learning English is what people do when they want to use the English
language. In language learning, we often talk about language skills and language
systems. Language skills include: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Language
systems include vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and discourse.
2.2.3 Online Learning
Online learning (often used interchangeably with e-learning) is a form of
distance education that involves using technology as the mediator of the learning
process, and that teaching is entirely delivered through the internet (Siemens et al.,
2015). Depending on individual educational institutions/instructors, students might
have to attend regularly scheduled online lectures/presentations and/or discussions.
Moreover, students usually access learning materials online, such as recorded
lectures/presentations, reading lists, activities, assignments, and so on through the
provided platform. With online learning, students submit their works and receive
feedback online. Students can also connect and interact with their peers online, and
sometimes they can be together in an online class with an instructor while working
through their digital lessons, materials, or assessments (Stauffer, 2020).
Online learning has become popular because of its potentials in providing
more flexible access to contents and instructions. Online learning is where learning
takes place entirely or significantly over the internet (Means, Yukie, Murphy, & Baki,
The term “online learning” is used to explain the use of the internet as a
technological tool that enables users to interact with the content and with other users.

Besides, it also helps its users to get support during the process of learning so that
they can acquire knowledge, construct personal meaning, and experience learning
(Mulyono, 2020).
Another definition of online learning is learning that takes place entirely or
significantly over the internet (Means et al., 2013). Generally, online learning is a
form of learning which uses internet as a tool to facilitate users in the process of
2.2.4 Covid-19

COVID-19 is a respiratory illness with a clinical spectrum of mild to

moderate disease (80%), severe disease (15%), and critical illness (5%) with an
overall case fatality rate of 0.5–2.8% with much higher rates (3.7–14.8%) in
octogenarians.12 The severe and critical illness categories (about 20% of all
infections) have overwhelmed health systems worldwide.

Throughout history, infectious diseases have caused havoc among societies.

Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases are now occurring at
unprecedentedspeed.AccordingtotheWorldHealth Organization (WHO), the world has
witnessed the emergence of several disease outbreaks and epidemics caused by more
than 20 infectious agents over the past decade.1 Some of these epidemics were
caused by novel infectious agents such as H1N12 and MERS.3

Over the past two decades, the emergence of coronavirus-associated diseases

(SARS and MERS) inflicted global challenges to public health systems.4 SARS-
CoV-2 (the causative agent for coronavirus disease COVID-19) is the latest addition
to this growing list of unwelcomed novel agents.5 The WHO declared COVID-19 a
public health emergency of international concern on 30 January and a pandemic on
11 March 2020.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to move at record speed, the speed and
volume of the scientific knowledge on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 are

correspondingly fast and unprecedented. As of 9 April 2020, the WHO regularly

updated bibliographic database of publications on COVID-19 astoundingly including
more than 5300 publicationsof which about 1800 articles appeared in PubMed
indexed journals.

2.2.5 Comparison

The meaning of the word indicates that in this study the researcher intends to
compare the conditions that exist in two places, whether the two conditions are the
same, or there are differences, which conditions are better than the results of this

2.2.6 Effectiveness

Effectiveness is the capability of producing a desired result or the ability to

produce desired output. When something is deemed effective, it means it has an
intended or expected outcome, or produce a deep, vivid impression.
2.3 Theoretical Framework
Face-to-Face Learning Online Learning
English Learning






3.1 Research Design

In this study, researchers used a qualitative descriptive research. Qualitative
descriptive research generates data that describe the 'who, what, and where of events
or experiences' from a subjective perspective (Kim et al., 2017, p). Qualitative
research is the process of collecting and analyzing data which is nonnumeric, such as
language. The data can be collected using questionnaire or in-depth interviews, and
analyzed using grounded theory or thematic analysis.
3.2 Location and Time
This research conducted in faculty of teacher training English education study
program in Tadulako University, the time of this study was carried out by researchers
after the implementation of thesis proposal seminars with data retrieval time of
approximately 3 months, it faster and if that data is not enough for processing, then
researchers will extend population time and subject.
3.3 Population
The population of this research was the students majoring in English class of
2018, 3 classes. The distribution and the number of population can be seen in the
following table :

Table 3.1 population

No. Class Number of students

1. Class A 15

2. Class B 15

3. Class C 15

Total population 45

3.4 Subject
According to Sugiyono (2014) the subject is art of the number and
characteristics possessed by the population. Based on this research design, the
researcher choose three class, class of 2018 majoring in English education in
Tadulako University as a subject. The subject must include criteria such as active
students’ and available to fill the g-form. The reason the researcher chose as a
population was because the force felt both phases of changing learning methods at the
same time.

3.5 Data Collection Technique

The researcher uses two techniques. They were questionnaire and interview.
Google form as an media to fill out the questionnaire and Whatssapp as a media to
conduct the interviews.

3.5.1 Questionnaire
The questionnaire is a data collection technique which is done by giving a set
of questions or written statements to the respondent to be answered (Sugiyono 2013:
199). The questionnaire was carried out on May 23rd 2022. Based on the table below,
there were 45 students in the class. Google form as an media to fill out the

questionnaire with online deployment techniques, and used a closed questionnaire,

namely a questionnaire that is structured using the answer choices. In this
questionnaire, use scale linker which is scale from 1 to 4, such as points SS, S, TS,
and STS so that it takes a short time to answer them. Sugiyono (2014) says that the
Likert scale is used to measure attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of a person or
group of people about social phenomena. The determined scores are as follows:
Table 3.2 likert scale

Answer Score

Sangat setuju (SS) 1

Setuju (S) 2

Tidak setuju (TS) 3

Sangat Tidak Setuju (STS) 4

The questionnaire has the following advantages:

1. The questionnaire was distributed to a number of respondents
simultaneously so that it was more efficient.
2. All answers can be recorded in full.
3. Ensure more uniformity in the writing of words, content, and order.
4. This questionnaire use primary data.

3.5.2 Interview

Direct question and answer interviews between two or more people are
directly useful for obtaining first-hand data (primary), complementary techniques and
other data learning outcomes (Usman and Akbar, 2008: 55). This interview is aimed
for students of teacher training and English education study program in Tadulako

University by using voice call by media WhatsApp, as a supporter of the

questionnaire method in data collection, if the questionnaire method is not in depth so
that the interview method will get more in-depth information from informants about
the variables.

3.6 Technique of Data Analysis

Purposive sampling refers to a group of non-probability sampling techniques in
which units are selected because they have characteristics that you need in your
sample. In other words, units are selected “on purpose” in purposive sampling.

The data analyzed by the researcher after giving questionnaire and interview
questions to students to see what’s more effective between face-to-face learning and
online English learning during covid-19.


4.1 The Result

In this research, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive method and

applied two kinds of data collection technique, those are questionnaire and interview.
Students majoring English class of 2018 in Tadulako University was the population
of this research. The technique purpose is to know which one is more effective
between face-to-face learning and online English learning during Covid-19 and to
know the reasons why they choose those learning to be effective, and done on seven
days. Result and discussions of the researcher’s analysis and interpretation of data can
be found in this part of research paper and completed.

4.1.1 The Result of Questionnaire

The results and discussions of the researcher’s analysis and interpretation of

data can be found in this part of research paper. It is well presented and stated in this
table below.

Table 4.1


Coded Responses on the Age of the Respondents

No Gender Number
1. Male 13
2. Female 32
Total 45

The researcher has 13 male and 32 female respondents in this research.

From the questionnaire “The face-to-face learning process improved me more

in learning English compared to the online learning process” those who choose
Strongly Agree was 20 respondents, 17 respondents choose Agree, 6 respondents
choose Disagree and 2 respondents choose Strongly Disagree. The reasons of the
respondents choose Strongly Agree and Agree because face-to-face learning is easier
to understand, makes the enthusiasm for learning increase, and can interact directly
between lecturers’ and students’. While the respondents choose Disagree they think
that both learning processes are equally improving in learning English.

Chart 1



33,8% 49,2%

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

The respondents choose Strongly Agree was 19, 18 respondents choose

Agree, 3 respondents choose Disagree, and 2 respondents choose Strongly Disagree
on questionnaire “Lecturers explain the material during the face-to-face learning
process well and clearly compared to during online learning”. Because if online
learning is usually constrained by an unstable network connection that makes when
the lecturer explains the material becomes unclear, but the respondents who choose
Disagree and Strongly Disagree think that both of the learning, the lecturer’s
explaining the material even though sometimes constrained by unstable internet

Chart 2



Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree


“Face-to-face learning makes students focus on understanding the material

presented by the lecturer compared to online learning”. From this questionnaire 15
respondents choose Strongly Agree, 23 respondents choose Agree, 5 Respondents
choose Disagree, and 2 respondents choose Strongly Disagree. The reasons of
respondents, because during face-to-face learning, lecturers and students can
communicate or ask questions directly if there is materials that is not understood,
while if online learning, students feel bored and sleepy so that they turn off the
camera, but there is another reason for respondents who choose to disagree and
strongly disagree, namely depending on the student whether they have a desire to
learn, when they have intentions in learning, both lesson methods are equally focused.

Chart 3



Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree


“The face-to-face learning process makes it easier for me to understand

English learning materials compared to the online learning process”, 15 respondents
choose Strongly Agree, 25 respondents choose Agree, 6 Respondents choose
Disagree, and 4 Respondents choose Strongly Disagree. There is no limiter in the
delivery of the material and it is more interactive, any reasons from the respondents
who choose Disagree and Strongly Disagree because they think that is just the
problem of each students' envolovment in the learning process and it's depending
from the material of learning.

Chart 4




Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

“The face-to-face learning process improved my knowledge of English

learning materials compared to online learning”, 10 respondents choose Strongly
Agree, 18 respondents choose Agree, 15 respondent choose Disagree, and 2
respondent choose Strongly Disagree. The respondent who choose Strongly Agree
dan Agree because, they can see directly how lecturers speak using English clearly
and the delivery of clear material allows students to understand so as to increase
knowledge of English learning materials, while students who choose to Disagree and
Strongly Disagree have quite clear reasons and can be material for self-introspection,

because both learning methods both increase knowledge of English learning

materials, only how from ourselves have the intention to learn well.

Chart 5



Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

“Face-to-face learning makes it easier for students or lecturers to

communicate can be done anywhere and anytime compared to online learning”, 19
respondents choose Strongly Agree, 10 respondents choose Agree, 11 respondents
choose Disagree and 5 respondents choose Strongly Disagree. The reason why
respondents who choose Strongly Agree and Agree because there were no
intermediaries and it was also easier if it was done online the wiggle room to
communicate was limited by technology. While respondents who choose to Disagree
and Strongly Disagree have a reason because online learning can be communicate
anywhere and anytime.

Chart 6




Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strogly Disagree

“Face-to-face learning can foster students' independent learning attitudes

compared to online learning”, 4 respondents choose Strongly Agree, 16 respondents
choose Agree, and 25 respondents choose Disagree. Respondetns who choose
Strongly Agree and Agree because if online learning makes students feel lazy to do
assignments so that it makes them cheat by copying other friends' assignments or
even not doing them at all. While respondetns who choose Disagree they think that
it’s precisely online learning that makes students independent.

Chart 7




Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree


“Face-to-face learning can save time in the learning process compared to

online learning”, 10 respondents choose Strongly Agree , 10 respondents choose
Agree, 21 respondents choose Disagree, 4 respondents choose Strongly Disagree. The
reasons why respondents who choose Strongly Agree and Agree because they felt
that face-to-face learning could save time, teachers did not give many. While
respondents who chose to Disagree and Strongly Disagree, they felt that online
learning saves time because it can be done anywhere and anytime, also lecturers only
give independent assignments.

Chart 8




Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

“The face-to-face learning process does not make students feel bored in
Learning English compared to online learning”, in this questionnaire there were 11
respondents choose Strongly Agree, 22 respondents choose Agree, 8 respondents
choose Disagree and 4 respondents choose Strongly Diasgree. The reasons why the
respondents who choose Disagree and Strongly Disagree because it depending on the
lecturer if explaining the materials and student readiness in receiving the material,
while the respondents who choose Strongly Agree and Agree they think that in face-

to-face learning, there are many things that can be asked, starting from material or
other things about learning, and can also interact directly with friends.

Chart 9

15,4% 29,3%


Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

“Face-to-face learning makes the English learning process more effective in

achieving its learning objectives compared to online learning”. From this
questionnaire 8 respondents choose Strongly Agree, 14 respondents choose Agree 11
respondents choose Disagree, and 11 respondents choose Strongly Disagree.
Because lecturers and students there is a mutual response is the reason why the
respondents who choose Strongly Agree and Agree. While respondents who choose
Disagree and Strongly Disagree they think that it depends on the students how to
absorb the knowledge of learning.

Chart 10



Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree


“The face-to-face learning process makes it easier for lecturers to conduct

question and answer sessions compared to online learning”, 15 respondents choose
Strongly Agree , 20 respondents choose Agree while 7 respondents choose Disagree
and 3 choose Strongly Disagree. Because if it is online learning, there is usually no
question and answer because of bad network connection problems is the reason of the
respondents who choose Strongly Agree and Agree, but the reason of the
respondents who choose Disagree and Strongly Dzaasagree is the question and
answer process can be done now not only face-to-face. Through whatssapp groups,
via zoom chat, everything can be in the era of digitalization now does not limit a
lecturer in doing this.

Chart 11



Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

“The online learning process costs a lot compared to the face-to-face learning
process”, 8 respondents choose Strongly Agree, 12 respondents choose Agree, 20
respondents choose Disagree, and 5 respondents choose Strongly Disagree . The
respondents who choose Strongly Agree and Agree reasons is the cost for internet
quota is quite expensive and there are even underprivileged students who do not have
electronic facilities, and are forced to require buying these electronic facilities so that
they can take part in online learning, but the reasons of the respondents who choose

Disagree and Strongly DIsagree they think that face-to-face learning costs more
because, such as buying books, carrying pocket money, and refueling vehicles.

Chart 12




Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

From the percentage indicate that almost all respondents think that Face-to-
Face Learning is more effective than Online Learning. Because they believe that they
can study and concentrate more in college than in their own home. In addition, they
stated that studying in college can make them happier, more productive, and active.
But there are some respondents who think that face-to-face learning and online
learning during the Covid-19 pandemic are the same, it all depends on the student's
learning intentions.

4.1.2 The Result of Interview

The interview was carried out on May 26 th 2022. There were 15 students that
selected from class of 2018 majoring in English Education in Tadulako University.
The interview was conducted by using voice call by WhatsApp media. Mostly the
answer of each source of the question of the interview was the same, the result can be
seen from the conclusion of the answer from the sources below:

From the question "What do you think about the process of learning English
which is carried out face-to-face and online?" based on the results of interviews
conducted on 15 respondents, among 12 respondents, quoting answers from student 1
at the time of the interview conducted on May 26, 2022 stated that "In my opinion,
learning carried out face-to-face is more effectively, because we can interact directly
with lecturers and friends, in a question and answer session or just expressing an
opinion. As for online learning, I think it is very ineffective, because of network
limitations so that what the lecturer explains is usually not heard clearly, students also
feel very bored”. Student 2 also said that "Learning that is carried out face-to-face is
always the right choice because in terms of delivering material is easier to
understand, besides being able to interact with friends directly. Meanwhile, learning
carried out online is the most commonly faced when studying online, unstable
signals, not having a large or limited quota". It is known that 12 respondents stated
that face-to-face learning is more effectively, because they argue that with face-to-
face learning they can interact directly with lecturers and friends, also they argue that
face-to-face learning is the right choice because of the delivery aspect material that
makes it easier for them to understand English learning materials, as well as more
speaking practices and can get new vocabulary. They also argue that online learning
makes the learning process decrease due to limitations in providing material
explanations due to network constraints that are sometimes unstable, causing the
learning process to be disrupted. Among the 3 respondents, student 1 stated that "I
think both learning processes have advantages and disadvantages". the three
respondents said that both learnings have advantages and disadvantages.

From the question "How do you think about Learning English is easier to
understand the material during face-to-face learning compared to online?" based on
the results of interviews that have been conducted with 15 respondents, that out of 11
respondents, quoting answers from student 1 at the time of an interview conducted on
May 26, 2022 stated that "Face-to-face I prever to understand the material on face-to-

face learning rather than online because I met the lecturer in person which is
concerned whereas if online learning usually there is a disturbance of poor network
connection so that the lecturer's voice when explaining the material is not heard
properly". Student 2 also said that "I think, face-to-face learning is easier to
understand the material because we study together in class, while online learning is
really complicated". It is known that 11 respondents stated that face-to-face learning
is easier to understand the material because it can listen directly to the lecturer's
explanation in more detail and there is direct communication between lecturers and
students, while online learning is difficult to understand the learning material because
it is usually constrained by poor network connections which causes students to turn
off their cameras more during the learning process. It is known that 11 respondents
stated that face-to-face learning is easier to understand the material because it can
listen directly to the lecturer's explanation in more detail and there is direct
communication between lecturers and students, while online learning is difficult to
understand the learning material because it is usually constrained by poor network
connections which causes students to turn off their cameras more during the learning
process. Among the 3 respondents who argued, student 1 stated that "I think, face-to-
face learning is easier to understand the material because we study together in class,
while online learning is really complicated". 3 respondents stated that face-to-face
learning is easier to understand the learning material because of direct learning in
class, and 1 respondent stated that "Online English learning can be effective because
we prepare ourselves during the learning process, both material and about smooth
signals to make it easier to carry out the learning".

On the question "Do you think lecturers are good at explaining English
learning materials during face-to-face and online learning?" the results of interviews
conducted on 15 respondents, that out of 12 respondents quoted answers from student
1 at the time of the interview conducted on May 26, 2022 stated that "Because we can
ask the lecturer if there is material that is not understood". Student 2 also said that

"Yes, but online sometimes has a bad connection". It is known that 12 respondents
stated that lecturers are good at explaining English learning materials because they
can listen directly to the lecturer in explaining the material, can also ask questions if
there is something that is not understood, while in online learning it is sometimes
constrained by unstable network conditions that cause the lecturer's voice when
explaining the material is not heard properly. 1 respondent argued that "I don't seem
to be able to generalize whether lecturers are good or lacking in the process. Of
course, there are differences in the way of learning from some lecturers. Face-to-face,
almost all lecturers actively present material and involve students in learning,
however, online, lecturers have various learning methods. Some explain material
through face-to-face media such as zoom and google meet, but it is not uncommon
for us to find lecturers who focus on student assignments without in-depth
explanation of the material". There are differences in the way of teaching from
several lecturers, face-to-face almost all lecturers actively explain the material and
involve students in learning, but online lecturers have various learning methods, some
explain the material through zoom or google meet media, but not infrequently also
find lecturers who focus on assignments. 2 respondents argued, citing the answer
from student 1 that "These two learning methods are good at explaining the material,
but have few obstacles". These two learning methods, lecturers are good at explaining
the material because it has been prepared even though sometimes there are few

On the question "How do you think face-to-face learning can save your
learning time compared to online learning?" on 15 respondents, that of 11
respondents, quoting an answer from student 1 during an interview on May 26, 2022
said that "I think online learning saves more time than face-to-face, because in online
learning we learn on a laptop via zoom/google meet, sometimes lecturers just give
assignments. Meanwhile, in face-to-face learning, while if it is face-to-face learning,
we have to go to campus first to study". Student 2 also stated that "It can be

concluded that the online teaching and learning process is easier and can save time
and effort and even students do not need to travel between home and campus". It is
known that 11 respondents said that it is precisely online learning that saves learning
time, because it does not take a long time, learning is also carried out only using
laptops or cellphones through zoom / google meet media. Online learning also in
addition to saving time also does not drain a lot of energy and does not need to travel
to campus. Of the 2 respondents, quoting the answer from student 1 said that "I think
both learning processes both save learning time". It is known that 2 respondents said
that both learnings can save time, but there was 1 respondent who said that these two
learning methods were actually equally time consuming, and 1 respondent argued that
regarding the use of time, face-to-face learning has a clear time schedule, lecturers
know clearly what has been. For the realm of higher education, the realization of
learning hours according to credits can also be realized through face-to-face learning.
In online learning, the use of learning time is classified as more diverse. Although the
course schedule has been determined, learning outcomes according to credits are also
considered ineffective. So, although online learning is considered to facilitate
learning, in terms of time utilization, it is not very effective.

On the question "Do you think face-to-face learning costs as much as online
learning?" interviewed 15 respondents, that of the 6 respondents quoting answers
from student 1 at the time of the interview conducted on May 26, 2022 stated that
"Yes, I think face-to-face learning costs a lot of money because it has to copy books,
and bring pocket money, whereas if online we only need online learning, we only
need internet quota". Student 2 also stated that "In my opinion, face-to-face learning
costs a lot, because I live outside the city of palu I have to rent a boarding house for
housing, pocket money, buy books etc". It is known from 6 respondents stated that
face-to-face learning requires a lot of costs because of the additional costs, in addition
to being required to buy books, as for additional costs such as having to bring pocket
money, buying gasoline for vehicles, And for students who live outside the city area,

they have to rent a place to live. 6 respondents argued, quoted from student 1 at the
time of the interview, saying that "In my opinion, online learning is more cost-
effective than face-to-face learning. There are several reasons, online learning is
classified as paperless, in the current situation, students can reach the internet
network easily with the presence of smartphones, wifi, etc. Students also do not need
to spend transportation costs". It is known that 6 respondents said that it is precisely
online learning that saves costs because it only requires internet quota, even the
government provides assistance in the form of internet quota for all students, and of
the 3 respondents quoting answers from students 1 argued that "In my opinion, both
learnings are very costly because face-to-face we need to buy books, pocket money
and gasoline, in online learning we need to buy internet quota". It is known that 3
respondents said that both learnings cost a lot of money.

For the last question "Do you think that the assignments given by lecturers are
easier to do during face-to-face learning compared to online learning?" in 15
respondents, out of 12 respondents quoting answers from student 1 at the time of an
interview conducted on May 26, 2022 stated that "I think in face-to-face learning it is
easier because we can ask lecturers if we don't understand the task". Student 2 also
said that "The tasks are easier to do during face-to-face because, we have a lot of time
to do the tasks". It is known that 12 respondents said that face-to-face learning is
easier to do the tasks given than online learning, because if there is something that is
not understood, it can be directly asked by the lecturer and can also be done with
friends. Of the 2 respondents quoting answers from student 1 saying that "In my
opinion, it is equally easy to do". The answers from the two respondents said that
both learnings had easy tasks to do, and 1 respondent stated that online learning was a
bit difficult to do the assignments because usually lecturers give group assignments
and usually mistakes occur in the group.

From the conclusion of the student's answer to the interview, it was stated that
online learning is an ineffective learning method. Online learning makes the space

and interaction between teachers and students very limited, while everything requires
interaction to make the teaching and learning process effective, but for online
learning costs it is more efficient because it does not cost a lot of money.

4.2 Discussion

In this part, the researcher discusses about the findings of the research. The
researcher takes a sample of her research at Tadulako University and the population
of this research is the students majoring in English class of 2018. After doing some
observations, which is the researcher get the data of the students majoring in English
class of 2018. The researcher is giving explanation to the students about the

In order to know the differences between face-to-face learning and online

English learning during Covid-19 and what the reason they choose of those face-to-
face learning or online to be effective in English learning, the researcher gives the
questionnaire through google form to the students and share the link of google form
through group of class 2018 in whatsapp. The questionnaire is done in two days with
the result that almost all of the respondents think that Face-to-face Learning is more
effective than Online Learning, because they believe that they can study and
concentrate more in college than in their own home.

In addition, they stated that studying in college can make them happier, more
productive, and active. But there are some respondents who think that face-to-face
learning and online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic are the same, it all
depends on the student's learning intentions. Most of their answer is Face-to-face
Learning because they stated that they can learn and participate more in this type of
learning. Thus, one of the respondents said that he prefers Online Learning more than
Face-to-face because it's for everybody's safety.

Even some of the respondents prefer to choose online learning because of the
safety. But based on the answers and own perceptions of the chosen respondents the
percentage of those who choose face-to-face learning is higher than the online
learning, and most of them stated that Face-to-face and Online Learning are the two
types of learning that is very important to every students and teachers lives. Also,
some of them believe that it is a process of acquiring new knowledge and skills of
everyone. The result affirms that Face-to-Face Learning is more effective than the
Online Learning.

After conducting the questionnaire, the researcher conducts the interview in three
days. The result of the interview showed that the students’ response about the
advantages and disadvantages of Face-to-face and Online Learning to everyone. And
most of them stated that the advantages of Face-to-face Learning is that they can fully
understand their lessons because they can interact directly with lecturers and friends,
while the disadvantages of this type of learning is that that is, face-to-face learning is
quite costly because it is necessary to bring pocket money, buy books and travel from
home to campus. The respondents agreed to face-to-face learning because most of
them stated that they can learn more at campus. Also, they said that having the face-
to-face learning can help them improve their communication skills and get new

The result of data analysis showed that the most effective way of learning
English language with offline learning with the efficiency of more than 70%.
Meanwhile for the interview, the students mentioned that the offline learning has
more benefits and fewer disadvantages than the online learning. Among the pros,
students singled out for both learning methods as a comfortable and easy way of
learning; the possibility of communication with peers; a new way of learning. Some
students mentioned that in offline learning they also use electronic devices and the

Internet and the technology increased their interest and motivation to study. They
mention that teachers should introduce tasks and materials that would retain
interaction within limited direct contact and promote motivation in the
teaching environment. Moreover, some students noticed that offline learning taught
them responsibility and time management since they have to prepare their selves well
before enter the class.

From the statement above, it can be concluded that the result of this analysis
showed that most students choose face to face learning; online learning goes the last.
The reasons for choosing face to face learning were: an exciting and well-prepared
learning, a suitable way of learning, and the diversity of materials. In addition, the
results of the research showed that students are likely to choose face to face learning
(79,7%) towards online learning (40,4%).

From the result above, it can be stated that the results of this research are in line
with the result written in previous studies. Based on the result of Chisadza, Clance,
Mthembu, Nicholls, and Yitbarek (2021) study, the researcher showed that learning
process through Offline Learning is more effective to increase students’ English skill.
Next, the result of Abad, (2018), the result is face-to-face learning is more
effective studying method because it’s easier to understand the lesson, their mind
becomes more productive and active.



5.1 Conclusion
The respondents are from English class of 2018 in Tadulako University. There
are 45 respondents for the questionnaire data. The respondents composed of 13 male
and 32 female. Everyone says that face-to-face is the more effective studying method
because it’s easier to understand the lesson, their mind becomes more productive and
active, they can concentrate more because there’ll be less
distraction. The lesson is explained better than in online which is difficult to
understand when the connection is weak. It ensures better understanding and
retention of lesson content and gives class members an opportunity to bond with
others. And its learners also benefit from a higher level of interaction with their other
The advantage of these 2 types of learning is that students learn, can focus and
increase their knowledge, teachers can teach lessons. Help students to interact,
physically and virtually and students can know new vocabulary. We can gain greater
understanding. They can learn, upgrade, and move to an online learning platform to
further their students' education. The disadvantage of the 2 types of learning is that
they may be infected by the COVID-19 virus, have a mental disorder, and when
crowds of people are hard, they can be easily distracted. Spending a lot of time facing
gadgets can cause damage to our vision. Lack of travel expenses and communication

5.2 Suggestions
The researcher would like to suggest for those who are involved in English
learning-teaching process. First, the lecturer should create a way to make students
feel like they are in the same traditional face to face classes even if it is online.
Second, the students should make a time management. Know the ability and

productivity and know the consequences that might they get from not answering
those activities that the teacher gives to them. Take note that online Classes is for
their own good they need to sacrifices for this difficult journey of them, but it could
also give them the knowledge that they may apply in their entire lives.


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The List Table of the Questionnaire

Name :

No Statement Strongly Agree Disagre Strongly

Agree e Disagree

1. The face-to-face learning process

improved me more in English
compared to the online process

2. Lecturers explain the material

during the face-to-face learning
process well and clearly compared
to during online learning

3. Face-to-face learning makes

students focus on understanding the
material presented by the lecturer

compared the online learning

4. The face-to-face learning process

makes it easier for me to understand
English learning materials
compared to the online learning

5. The face-to-face learning process

improved my knowledge of English
learning materials compared to
online learning

6. Face-to-face learning makes it

easier for students or lecturers to
communicate can be done
anywhere and anytime compared
online learning

7, Face-to-face learning can foster

students’ independent learning
attitudes compared to online

8. Face-to-face learning can save time

in the learning process compared to
online learning

9. The face-toface learning process

does not make students feel bored
in learning English compared to
online learning

10. Face-to-face learning makes the

English learning process more
effective in achieving learning
adjectives compared to online


11. The face-to-face learning process

makes it easier for lecturers to
conduct question and answer
sessions compared to online

12. The online learning process costs a

lot compared to the face-to-face
learning process

List of the Interview Question

Name :_______________

Class : _______________

1. What do you think about the process of learning English that is carried put face-to-face and online?
2. How do you think about learning English is easier to understand the material at the time of face-to-
face learning compared to online? And give the reasons
3. In your opinion, whether the lecturer is good at explaining English learning materials during face-to-
face and online learning?
4. How you think face-to-face learning can save your time learning compared to online learning?
5. In your opinion, does face-to-face learning cost a lot compared to online learning? And give the
6. In your opinion, are the tasks given by lecturers easier to do during face-to-face learning compared to
online learning?


No Statement Strongly Agree Disagre Strongly

Agree e Disagree

1. The face-to-face learning process 49,2% 33,8% 10,8% 6,1%

improved me more in English
compared to the online process

2. Lecturers explain the material 38,5% 38,4% 18,5% 4,6%

during the face-to-face learning
process well and clearly compared
to during online learning

3. Face-to-face learning makes 40% 38,5% 15,4% 6,2%

students focus on understanding the
material presented by the lecturer
compared the online learning

4. The face-to-face learning process 30,8% 41,5% 16,9% 10,7%

makes it easier for me to understand
English learning materials
compared to the online learning

5. The face-to-face learning process 24,6% 35,4% 29,3% 10,7%

improved my knowledge of English
learning materials compared to
online learning

6. Face-to-face learning makes it 32,3% 27,7% 29,2% 10,7%

easier for students or lecturers to
communicate can be done
anywhere and anytime compared
online learning

7, Face-to-face learning can foster 17,4% 39,1% 43,5% 0%

students’ independent learning

attitudes compared to online


8. Face-to-face learning can save time 29,2% 29,2% 35,4% 6,2%

in the learning process compared to
online learning

9. The face-toface learning process 29,3% 44,7% 15,4% 10,7%

does not make students feel bored
in learning English compared to
online learning

10. Face-to-face learning makes the 24,6% 29,3% 23,1% 23,1%

English learning process more
effective in achieving learning
adjectives compared to online

11. The face-to-face learning process 35,4% 38,5% 18,5% 7,7%

makes it easier for lecturers to
conduct question and answer
sessions compared to online

12. The online learning process costs a 20,8% 29,2% 45,8% 4,2%
lot compared to the face-to-face
learning process


Nilma was born in Palu, October 15, 2000. The youngest child of 3 siblings of the couple H.
Alim Bachri and Hj. Nurlia.

In 2006, she entered at SDIT AL-FAHMI Palu and graduated in 2012. Then, continued at
SMP Labschool Untad Palu and graduated 2015. After that, she continued at SMA Negeri 1
Palu and graduated in 2018. After graduating senior high school in 2018, through the
SBMPT, she was registered as a student of the English Education Study Program, Faculty of
Teacher Training and Education, Tadulako University.

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