Unfli-T'Iq Cfto A Til Siicii'I: JSFK Arfegft, T?? TGFSR - Fewn) M

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Unfli-t'iq cfto Atil Siicii'i

iiiif ttfto, tteBi-19, ^rai Turji stcpi «i'k (h.i.)

u^iviH ^ i?tf^ 02/02/2022
fd^njH 07/2022/^ritfflT/fgFn^ 01/02/2022

Jsfk arfegft, t?? TgfSr -fewn)^ m

aiMdl^^ 3TT^ ^^ 15/02/2022 ^1^0^ 12:00 ^ ^ 16/03/2022 ^ 11:59 ^^

w g;^ 3F« ^I 'T^tm ^^^^ ^^ Mto Tiram^ ^^

girft1^gn^g)i3iaf^i?^^ft5 ^3^ atwiMm airor^ gra sffrm^^ ^ ^11 ^m/^msmw aiwiaft ^ ^ tiR «T
aiFitiTTram?rat^55^11 ^ „ „<. „„
T^m 1^ 3Fqaft 5RT T^m^T mr'$WT TTi/^m^ff^/*^fMte* mora ^ torn w Trarar 11 tM
^ ■grmr ^ frR ^ 5IT5 sram "dm Tft viTT^ I .
mito T^m ^ f?3T 3fton5T snto 15/02/2022 ^ tsjjp? 12:00 ^ 16/03/2022 mft 11:59 ttI w www.psc.cg.gov.in '
airam?^ arnmr if gaK mr mrf air^ g5t ail^ra f?tf5t ^ mr ftmm 17/03/2022 3iw? 12:00 ^ 21/03/2022 11:59 irat cim Rrai w
I wr ^ w? mr mrd ^Tei i;m TR 3ifTH5T # torn on 13^ I ,
3jra^ Ifeimr mr ifei^R tr^ g^ 3if?m m ^ mr ftmn> 22/03/2022 mt w? 12:00 ^ 26/03/2022 ^ iroo gia
mu on I^ tg ^.100/-(wrt urn ^ ompn I ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^
aim? THR
gn TTfl^r nnraf ^ gft f%#
gn linmg ^sRnaff
^srt ajRto mf
* 3imfM gRmc^fm
gm <f1^ tti am^r sifgdi^n
araRfer mf * xpqan^tgg tra aiton^n
if ntr n^ ^ man^^ araRte mf 1»mmfonm
ng git sTRto t^^
#1 nfMg g^ S,t
1Mc1 g
?) aim? g^
cni Tiftf
xii?! gpR?
qiH'tl gft g?i vir'Fi
VJ1IS*II iI ^ : ^ ^■

(1) HMlRct^ #? ^TRH ^ ^ ^ STRTRW ^ ^ ^sfPPjT ^ ^ ?'5

^ f^ci>im 'il'^ nif^cpi ^ qfjln %■—
Rf^ql 't1<sqi g.n. ^ 3THte ^oi ^^ ^cH
^.35. ^ cTSTT f^WT ^ ^
ctjqd BRtft^PTS ^ WT^fr^l f^'^iqnvit'tT ^
fc^ 3n^te ^
3PTT. 31,^. 3f,ft.g. 3Tm 3(.;a.^. 3f.ft.^r.
13 14 15 16 17
10 12
01 (OA,OL)

01 (OA.OUHH)

6 ^cB I
29 ■^^—7
10 16
Tfm 18 1

Abbreviations usedb- OA-One Arm, OL-One Leg, HH-Hearing Handicaped

^ :- 4. c^ wpfr?T Rrar# RiRiqtiviqft^nRi#t 1

1. ^ ■n'<siJl MRqfcfci ^ %l 5. Rf^craf ^ 3fnefnT :-
2. ^ fctirm fcpiFT c^ iitn'-^ ^ y^iiRm R>qi (i) Wtcf^ dlfclcpi c^ cPTcTT ^ 4, 5 ^ 6 ^t ^Rkr ^
vTT T?T f I ^ Rrj siRrfjRrcT
3. ?3m?tw fctinto ^ ^ fc^ f^ ^ WT HM-ilq^s^ T^cf 3r?^i ftTEm cpf (% ^ arwiRRit ^ Rr
Rj|?j|d?i, ^i ^T?R iilRiT>l3lf (soiicf) 591/2012, 3{rR(cT t ^ vJiRtcfcT aiRicpi R cRcTT ^isR 7, 8,9 10 q>qei
^) OTIcP 592/2012, fe Rcl«ii ^) 593 / 2012 Rrai^ striRW otrRrt 11
^ Re: ft€l?FT (^) fFW 594/2012) ^imRcT^^sifcm (n) ^^■H?l<o RI^ ^ ai^-iijxlcl «nfcf, 31^-tjfqci wnvniRi
3rr^/Rnfq c^ sjujitTiH HN-i)q vi-cq ^qiqiciq 3R?T Rtf-dl (^ ^ alciRqn apT
sjfrrT sn^/Rrntir ^ si^'HK RgiiRn 37^ ^ q^qK ^pft (tfcd)^<l<B ^ 3PThRrT Xf^ wufl'tiqc <1^ ^
RR^ tRs?tt <i tiRcrRt "4) ^ wfim 11 aifrlRtW 3pTT TTvT apRTsff) ^ 3ti^qq sftrRrt
^ SFvPfcT 3fFpt I 3IT5 Tftpi ft wftrnre ^itth, tuppp
6. sfNcn^ sn^ ^ '^t ^ sp'J xapwfr ij!j||.H'i B'HMI ?1T1 Tpm-TPITl IT "Ppft 1%ft ift fftftsft
nRf^lfcd "cft^ vic^Rslcl 11 ^ ?i?n Rtri^tut ^ nracn ihft:-
7. afRcTTg^ ant?? ^ Pi'MiI" ^ aqciWw (i)
pfft 3rRi8ff odlTiPd ■PTTPT STTi 3iRtT}Rrcr 3r35RicT imfcl,
3155^13 "5i3im1ft x?ft spsi TFf (ftr 5M"ftiiT) pp ^ ftr
^ ^^ ^STT ^ tif^r^g 6*1^
^ qmr t argmr ^i ^^ arwraff q^err # 3ft 3smT 31T5 ftftp ft tjm pft cpp pft 1|S ftf I^
^ xRPT ^ sfgrar ^erppH ^ftf^ ^ ^ ^ 3h€ (ii) 151#HP3?nTH c^T8Tlftt/3RaT[lft/-gc|f^rrft-m cpfftftrft
(Ineligible^ TTFn ^jfTcTT t SfgraT gKT ^ ^^ fts ch^-tllRftl pair wftTFTP TPP ft fftrnft/PPcft Sltfft ft
^ ^jTH^nfr "TOcT vrlTtft t eft vi'Hcb'( aTRT^f^/^eTq^ cp^PlRft ft Tiftl ft p-cPclH 3115 ^ ^
mR"IIH Pi'{'Wl RxJI ^ 'titp'll I 3rRrwi 3rT5pRft3TPT cpraftwi Tifftfft ft 3ia'fa cppfcr
^cl'iHH 3l^cll :— cpftrnRft ft felT fti Tftcplft ftftt I
(A) ^ ^ '111 (iii) ftm 3rKTaft ftt l?pftt fftpi mi TRcplft ftw ft, 3Ppft 3115
(i) <iivjmr=)ti-f|^ ft ft 3Tlft SlTl "jft ft ftt ■P^ TT^jft 31Tan^ ftll ftt 3lRrpi ft
- 56100 (?^-12) 3tRlcf> 7 pft pcfj ftt cblellciRr, 'Pft €t PF cPTcPftft ft
afciRcw gRT ■OTRi-^fTO TT^ wif^ 3nt?ft 3ifftc5 PIT ftt p^ ftpi3ir c5r ftp" ft, ppi mft ft ftn? 3ipnp
^ 3l^>HK H^'I|4 ^ 31^ 11?^ #it I fftpi ulikiP! PT'5 3Tlft pfftPlP-TmiP 3mpp 3115
(iii) 3ll<l!J41<t> ^(hRi* sr^cTTij :-
ftp pft ft 3iR1P> P ft I TPTftpiTP:-"wft fftft Pft
ftppj" ft cPprf t pft ?T1 Tim (3iaif5 uoTl-tt'iffi
(a) iJ-fcl5lH (f^WteTT^) ^ 'MiacfAai'i cl?f <3Wf^ ^ Ml4lR|cr>
arg^gcRT i^^-fciwi (^^i^-s furzftwyft) ^r TIPP) PI fftftt ft TTETPcP FPPf ftt 3RaTlft "ftpl ft clPlPlT
cPpftc5P15:PlFcPPTFlft pap pft ftPlPR PpftcfP ft
<aPi Pi'?liii<p
3rPPI PIP Tfftrft^ cPTlft TP TlTPpft ftpl ft fftftPTP
(B) Ti?[ w '11*1
SkivjimBici—qcfl<i 31lftpp ftt Plftrsl ft 3lf^ ft 3|[fc|<1> ftp P"f "jft
0) :^«rni7n gift fftft ppft ft <t>K"i fftpi PPT
(ii) 28700 (^-7)
ft I
3if?iRcw YPssT 5KT ^im-'fTTra it? iitttRct sn^
3) j?HK 'HaTT Ijcf 3F^ il^ ^ ^ 1 (iv) ftft 3rRjaft ftr, ■ft ucftnpp 'jp'ift fttftp ft, spift 3P5 ft ft
s(t^ ^ sii'JiR* »iiHt;''-s :- PTlft glTf PF^ ^ ^^ ^
^STftr^ ai^tiw":- ^-R|51I1 ^ffflcT fctlTFT ?-^iacp vsmiRt
ftt 3i5pft ft pppft PT'g Fnft pfftpiprmip ft 3115
(a) Rraft PF pmPT 3115 "ftpi ft ftp pft ft 3rf^ p ft I
sfsrar hi^R'i 5vji1PiqR'i i
ijll'^R'P Hm<"'^:- (31) fPW STRiaft ^ 165 (v) TPPPP PTPTIP fftpp ft mRmP JPPlftlJP' 3-1/2016/1-3
(b) PPTTTPgT, fftpfcp 11.01.2017 ft aigrPTftpRWfRTPPTM
^ ^ ^ #1T ciaiT ^PT -^-la^i ^ 81 (TITRHI
ftt Tapftp fftplft Pi%cpft ft fft? pmPT 3P5 ft 10 "pft ftt
Rsrf^ cfSTT 45(HI') ■"IT ^ ■"?( ■cPH 4 '^.''^t. ^ 3icTT el'ii ■"IiRt I 1|P ftft I
(W) Hf^ctl 3r«isff ^31x11^ 152 TT cP3 #% (vi) »<ftpP<A fftpP, PfftpPPT pap PWP5PI PfftP3if ft fftft
prnPT 3n5 ftfpi ft 05 "pft ftt ^?p ftft I
(3) qf^eu sraRi :- ^mRici siwiRW ^f?r PiyRhi 03 ^
"HRqisTT "IT ci?r ■^tKpfi I
(vii) 3pfftp vjiifn, sigrjfftp ppfft "ft f4w«i pft tpcPPP fftpip ftf
3ipxftftp fftw ftcTPFP ftftTPT ft 3ipftp 5TT^ mifftftf ft
Tlpft -Hg'Hlft ftt TPPFP IRPTIP fftPFl ft FPPP PPIFP
W1 cl^ - ■3TT "1^ c^ iRPlWl '^ICI'1 cpl 70 ^rfcRTcT, Tft-3/10/85/3/1 fftpfcp 28.06.1985 ft Tipft ft P^tPT
f|#ll c[^ - '3TT "T^ ctcPTRPT ^ 80 ^rfcRlcT, 3P5 TftPl ft 05 pft ftt ^ "ft "vPXrft I
gifrq cl^ - "3TT "1^ ^cHHH ^ •T^'iclH c5T 90 flfrRRT,
"iT=g "ifMair sictRt wmiiu-d ^ Tim spa •'pd cr>i4<a 3pti
(viii) Tim (3iaif5 O^PPd Tim) ft ppfftp "Pftp Tpftp PT""ft
ct^rM cf?t TTT? ^fPcT I
RjcPf^pf pap TT^tP "SPl 5TTPPT PPP ■5PT3it" ftf pmPT
(tj) "if^aiT aiciRr ^ -hhiRcI ti? tjt "i^ T8iTf 3P5 TftPl ft 05 pft ftt ^|P "ft PPXrft I
uTTcIT t, cPI TTTTTcf?ra "^cjc[5 cfjT 4?PI, ■3TT iP "1? ^
(ix) ^cftpPd TPnP TPPPP PTPTH fftPFl ft Pf^ sPPTP" W
W^TFTPPR P5T "^JPcPt PliJcl f^PP 'Jll4'll I 3—2 / 2002/1—3 TlPgT fftw 30.01.2012 ft 3rgTPT W^tl'lffi
TIPP ft Tllftpl PT fft5ctP cpfftlPf Pft TPpfttP ftpl ft 3PftpP
(i) Sppsff ^ "PTT 3"ITtoT SPcRTRi ffSTRppJ Sl^PTsft, 3l^*ic) pp prgp pRft ftg siRpPFP 3P5 TttPi ft ppft pft pft
IJP 3PP 31^31 3fplcn^ 3)l4qi Rl^)Ro 3i'lclH ^ ftt vprpft, fftpft pft "PTlft Tlfftpl ft "PP ft "ftpl ftt 11 PF
cRj Enf^ ^RPT 3npT7ra> ti 3iR|4>PH 38 pft ftt 3P5 T¥fPl PcP Tftftt I
(ii) 3fPTcTT53 Sirtpp ^ TPST 'ft UPM PPT TTcPP PRft (x) ^cfttPPd TPPP TPPPP PTPTIP fftpp ft pf^pp sPHlft "pp
pft armzRuiT 11 20-4/2014/3P.P./1-3 PPl TIP5T fftpfcP 27.09.2014 IJP
(4) PltlfRd 311^ TftPT;- 17.11.2014 ft 315TPT fft:"?lPPPl "ft PTP wflTlPP ft Tapftp
sr^faft pft 3115 01.01.2022 pft 21 ^ ^ cl«Il 30 fftpiftt ftt fftpff^ SlRlcpPP 3115 ^ ft 05 pft ftt 1|P ftt
^ 3i11ip) 3 PT'g ^cxftrpre TP5q f^iflicT ftftx5Pirft pn"?ftri
fIcT pft "jfc'id T?5ft 5?^, TPP TTTfR 5TT1 wftTPre TPq (xi) TPPftftpPTftfftftt(PiftpftFtPPlft)m3iPigEiP3ifai0iR4l
T«nfttPtftclTf%?ftcfft3lfElcPcTP3n^ TftP135pftft05p4pftT|3 ft PFlft ft ■pmPT 3115 TftPl ft ppft FTTl FTT PPPT pft "pft
^1 ^P?T;
cjit ^ 3TT5 ^ ^ ^ atEi# # arRTT t fsjt e;# fpt fctwra e# fff fMf ^ (atrg/
^JeF)/3tR8RT) EPT RPT EReF EfR# 3(Mc1l§1 STT^FF EfR
srrj 38 ^ ail^ "Enf^ i Ft, eft ^WET UlRt'bl'J) eTRT ESTT^t Mcsfl'tt'ie FjT
(i) ^dl-H^I<c ■?TRPT, WlHI ^mrtH fcfiTFT st>^'\<P (b) ar^Ejf^RT yUvjiiRi/3i5>tjRici Einfct e# RciifBa h(#cii arra^E#
3-2/2002/1-3 ^JTErg^ 15.06.2010 ^ ^ M?T c^ Ept aiET# err c# rasT fEtFt E# err ^ EPP# EPlt# ERPEP-Era ER^F
arjfTT? E^ w%T ftETRfr 3r«iMEit c^ cR^Rl atPlFI# #, ERT ct^^FR vJllRl ErEpfER Era ER^F ET#f W#
sri^TWI 3tT^ 35 Ef^ RrEltft?T t, mRh^ fPITEfJ EJ^ E5TT# ER ^ Rpra Ep#t tcpEJt EJirtERT I
3-2/2015/1-3 EWr ^?TEfg^, 30.01.2019 ^( (c) atra f#P5FT Epif Ept aiRaRT e^etr % ?iM^ e# arraR er #t
#Ej 11 % ept f^[#RT Errf^Ep arra ^ srisTR ER FtFt
arjfTR ^^TEJEi mfH c^ ^ fETfiFft/ chiitldEii
E^ ^ Ef5t cfTcfr ET?Eff ■^r wfRrro ^jjest e^ w=ffEi 113TF; srra f#yFi f# e# arras# f# Emf# ertter Era ^ rasp %
sf#?#^ c# aRFEfF arr# E# eifter %5 ^ atTEt ERtER Era #t
PiciiRi4l Ef^ 3ti?m5cm 3iTg #fTT 35 ^r 05 ^ E|5t ^ ^
RTRer rrrt FfFt F# arr#FF FR# r# frtl^ ># ej#rp# 3 R# c#
2018 cTEp iT^ ^ ^ sit, ejcrt arc# f^E^fcp 31.12.20i8 Ept
•HHM ^ ^ 11 cf)'| <^[^^ia #tFR FTP# lari Ft I
Ejft PrtrfRF EjraFR arrg RftFi #i fi#1 f# # fft
^TTEHI ?TPfPT SM wfRfTC ■?TE5q ^ EfsrpflEi PluRi'^l fEtra FERn#Fr/EPnER ert 3iPiri4f; er^f ^:-
^ ail^rEpcTET 3irg #Ep 35Er^^f '^t^05Ei^Ef;t^q?r (0 FFsf WT TttRTF F# '^Err # R>l4^a airals#!# Ept FvHF^t
3ra1?r ^ f^E^fcp 01.01.2019 ^ 31.12.2023 Stsitcf 05 EJ^ ^E[^ EIFTER—Era RTetra RRRT auRSRcp 11
ullcll ■§ I 3P^I ^Eff ^ 3l|fc)<PC11 3115 '5^1*11 ^ (ii) RsIIRF F# Ftf^FP - 4(i), 4(ii), 4{iii). 4(iv) ERT 4{xi) E# a)4'in
^ ^ ^ ETKtrg^ ^tEfr, ^ f^ToTT^ EJxxTFF 3tr5 R#FT #' P5JF F# Epp^cF ^ f^EJ FS-TF
ejet^ 3il^<t»dH 3rr5 #En 45 ^ ^ sri^ arl^tEpT^r/PratFFP arf^iFPft fp EiFtER-Era i
?^Efri (iii) f^^lRF R# Epf%Rp — 4(vi) E# arRFfF FctTEp^JFP Epf%cFaft E#
(ii) StRam EpT ^ Wofl'HJId E^ EJ^ RiiiRieiI Epr ETF^ sl'll ^®TT EjraFR art5 R#Ft # E# fbrRPFRR^/FgPFatfStEpr#
^ EfEpN Ei?r 3trg Tf (fci^ictT, E#crr, arg.Emf^, srg.vJi-iuiiRi, Epp EPFPER-Era I

3r^ fEf^MT Epf, f^:^|cM^H, E}^ TaTI%i PiqiRiiil' Ept (iv) fcffTPEPF F# Ept#R5T — 4(vii) E# atRTEfF EjraFR apt^ R#Ft # ESC
(iii) 3fT5 ^ ETTipn RHI<t» - 01.01.2022 E^ ^ E[?r vJllEJ'fl I ^ EPTt^tE^ atra RPfiPF arf^tEPT# fp EPRPER-Era i
(5) apRigff sifETc^TfET sn^cTET ^ et^ [^giHi ^ •gMn (v) fEtfttEPF F# Epf%EpT - 4(viii) E# arra#F EsraFP atpg #fp #
armER? ^srf^ 3r#?TT3ff. stept^ i?^ 3115 ^ E# "?p#tF PTE#tF EPR# gRpEpR, Ej.^-si'jP prraiF, ePFPRPFP
atWT sppft sr^ # ESTra ^ EFiRiR^iti ^ ^ e^ R^tREtra FEP^F RpraPF FSPP Rt^tF 5^ 5^REPR" EPTeF Ft# Epp
3f^ qst ^ EI^ ^ ^ ^ hi")ei<4i EPFPER-Era I

^ et^ it ^ sn^-E^ ET^ I Epfterr ^r ^^rfMcm ep^ (vi) fctirtEPF F# Epf^Rp - 4(ix) E# arraEfF irraFR arrg R#Ft # ^
3t8M ^STREpR ^ 3TTEtBrT ERf^ cpT 3fsJ ET? EpSlf^t e# E# "RPStF 3t1#FP# glRT ERT# Rff#FT at^FF" FP ETFtER—Epp 1
?tETr % 3r«iaff ^ 31# eipt fcPTT iFTT 11 ^ (vii) fctFTTEPF F# cpf^cpl - 4(x) E# aPRTEfF EjraFP 3tT5 R#EpT #
■?^R er STEEfaff ^ 3H# Eff^ vJIT# er vi-Htpl 3il^qi—E?^ ^ feTEJ "FSTF f#f#PRTP Ettl#FP# FTRt FTP# f#:siTOCii ' FP
'tjTHI RrW ^ vJ'H'pI 3l«)l*tni -H'llKI EPFPR-Erai

^ #t EmEJ^I (7) Pir)cwi ^ anm(cci etfter-epf :-

Ztf# arras# yF#RrETF FPFF E# aTS#F RTPFF#F f^FPF/f^EpR/
(6) 'tllSlloPK ^ EJ^ gff^ t1«ll^«l) ^ ER^eT f^EETT vfllli:- (i)
EtgR/EJERPR # cpp4RiF Ft atspFP FTRF RPfcpR arspFP E3FE# lEtR#
E^ EJ^ srgETRTERT EpT# E^ Ef^Rf Ri*-il/iRgn EPRett tp^
3ik aicp-qpiEjl' ci# ^ aisTEfr ftp# >!M4R)d sifSrEprfr itrt EJetrjr F# #FP # Rp4eRT Ft Ft Rt^lFfF/aPF^tFfF fFP,
EFUf^lcT ErieffcrfEfErT ER^^ Ep^R 3)Rlc)l4 pl'll fvRTc^ Ef^gpT i#E#r RP^aff ERT f#R# E# fcpSfFf#FITeTF # FPeJrF ^ Ft #
^errt arHTaft ^ 3J#m (EUgibmty) eA ESTTEf Ei?r EiTTEpff I affFcTTFF arT#FF FR RpEp# f, epre^ atMcH^F arT#FF FR# E#
(i) srrg Effijsfr ETfim e^ wtrrt: ft^r^/iter -Acp^-s^I 5# aispFT FF^ EPFFTcJ FE# aiEp# f#5f#F 5PTlstEpr#/RpE#cTF
srajETT Efpf^f^jcfe SfajcfT drdH 3t#cTT EPT M6l"i EPgpR R# "apFTPf# TPETPTR-Tra" rM aOFtF F# #EP# c# fcTEJ
Era I srai EFTTEEr Era Eirra #!# i f##FF FR# ^ att#FF FR EtTFP# PTeF FR# ^ F# ^5#^
(ii) R^iiRlci ER E^ apcREicp ^grf^ 3r#FT ^ -(i4(tRT ■?frf
^tAw-i/Er# ^ sTEp^j^ I (ii) Ft# ## arras# f# arPFtF URt rtt8PTFpr e# fePEj atPFBtF f#rap
(iii) ER ^ STTERERP ffarf&IEp 3t#cTT3ff EpT MHI"I—Era ERTT- EPtFt t, Ft EJE# RrtSTPcFPR E# EJ# f#5t#F tPtf#EpT#/EpTFf5TF
■Hldib/ERcTEplRR \3H|(^, Ep^tERf, SJ^TET 3llf4 Ejft 't1«iRlCl ER pgpp F# anm(# PFTER-Era ept# FR# #g ER^F 3TP#FF F# EPf#
^ apERERp t, p5t -wMtiiPiu araRP Rbtil aftep^ ERT E3FF a(T#FF F# PiyRkl TPTl#EpT#/FPEPtcIF glRI 4t
ifRT nHiRid Mlrif^RlPi I arras# ei? -yPiRxici efr ef, an^fer Ep# aifEtEF#^## (fvPRP# atTcTFF hiRi F# f#^ E# 3rf#PT Ft) tpr^f
ETF tgEtifecT arTEiraEp fisrf^ ar^cpsft, ar^ira ert atra at^Frafr FREtt FtETP I
Ept arf^p fct^ fpe snf^ Eprar 11 (iii) Epf# arras# e3p#fft5FR "ai-imfra mfi"i epp" er^f fr# #
(iv) vjiifa M*ii"i Era :— atFEpcT RF# Ft, Ft ##t ftspf# # EJEpRp raSPFPR Ft fcTETP
(a) Eift arras# udl'HEid ppra ept ejr Prir# Ft ert arjrjfxTF EPTERTp, PREg RTTgPTFPR EPRFIF FEPF F# f^spf# # E3e^ RTFf#F
Einf#/argEjto vjHutiRt/arra ftwrf# (#s; sf#E#^) ei# Ri^ gPRt EPTRgEjrT F f#># EpT# aPfi^E^ 9)ci>w«H a'icpl Pi^f^n
fell ^ t eft awVi/^imi JTit ftmr/'Tit itftt I
^^aeif?m f?i^^^ ^^^ ^ Jppg jrfft ^TRTJT ePT ^ JtleT ft ^PJITEIH it wtl fft ftjTT
3TRjaft cf^ cfjt^ SrwjIclc^H >mI<T>K ^I^'l l I efRft ft fftft? eppm t, eft W ftft arwisft ftt fftjPT ft TPIeftT
(8) amnrf^ arfSprt^ :- ft ft JTftjfr 1
(A) ^ spRTsff ^ atiM'^ilSl* ari^rtftvpT ^ gs'Jmi (jj) cffti ftt aiJJlftt fftlftt ftelT JIT ?g ^ ^ fft^eRT ?it fftti
vjlHi^ll 3TTJTW % PlHfetRiEiG ^ HWI ^:- JSItTJn tipi eTep isft ftftt felRaJI ?fteTT ft, 'ftt fftffteT ftt
(i) sTpfr 3pirt§JcTT ^an ^ ■meiwR RhtTl jpftft?) ftfR ?TTftfftp ^ ft Wjazt afR ftJir JIT ?g ft JPetsj ft
^ ^fpraf^ ;rra ^^ qicT? ft JITEIT 'STR '^Tepft eJlft fftlftt dllfftep jp ?||ftRep ftt? ft
(ii) EITT^ ■yr gjRT -IT Hiti diq I
(iii) RriTl oilfcta ^ H^'WH tTR^ cp^rar ^/Rbill ^ q^^anqeiifftep jpjteftftfftiftt apjiftt ftt \j-depl -wi-f^Ji
(iv) cJW1c|\j1 ■qr ^ ti-kll^«1 qftsIT ft ^ fftftt ftj? JIT ?? ?^ ^ ^ 3IEJIlftt? anailJft'IT?
ft fftgeRT fftPIT sm )Hft?T fft jrfft T3ft WPJI ftf life ft aiJfFJI
(v) 'EPR ^ ■'^t (Stage) ^ aPtc't ^iMcpi^l ^ ^ ^ ?TJIT ■?JIT eft vJ'Hel)! fttiq aeepid 'dtim ftt 1)? ^flftftt I
'HK'JU vTFlwff fwHi41 ^ (iii) ^ ftt sriJlftt fftlftt ■ftgT JIT ?? JR fdyfftei ft fcR ^ f^sifft ft
(vi) ^an/^atiecpK ^ spq aiPi^iRm ^ ?!? ?if it?T, Jifft ftftt JiltJI ft ?!?, ftft fft atiq^qep >n*istl diq,
Sl'^fta ■?TPPt 3PPTRTT '^, fft^ffteT ?Tfft?)Tft JR f?T ?TeT ft ^pJTPIRT it Jm'? fft ?1 ft?T J?
(vii) irJteiT/'waTTc^ ^ar ^ srgf^ wpff ^ wrhr ?g ft fcTJ fftftt ■ft Gt^em J# 11
^ ■qr ^ SPIRT f^PIT ■^T (iv) cfti ftt SFJfftt fftlft Hfidiaftft [el-dtS (ftftl a)4<|tl epl [ft<S ftt?
(viii) ^eiT/ITTenRfjT? -H'-!^IcH '^i eT^ ^ M^?iN Rpit ^ d^»;|jj| JTJIT it, fftftt ■ftelT JIT ?? ?^ fft^fftr ft fdR ?T^ ^
tjHcPiiii ^ ■jit ^TT^tRjp artcT Mg-<ti4 'tt it?TI
(ix) SI^—T5I/^cHNI ^ ^ 3THTf§Wt feT^ ^ Rp€t ''ft ?^ 15111 eTep fft)ftt ariJlftt ft fft^ -Jlltid? ft ftft
JIT 3pJi fvpift ^ftaTT ■HTtid-i ft ^ c^JSTKnar/ ■ftfftel if ft iRlftt fft^fftt JR JPTRT aiFRlfftep TTT?ft epr ftfft?
-(H^iiicp c^j^THiaT/'fttafcp/yilSicijd sfji cpftrtrft sfPJT ftinsi^aT felfd^tt itft elef) 'cfffteT ■R9T eJliq'll I
C^ Efm wfftcT STcRSTT 3)^-HK ft)Rat) ^ ^ fftft ^Tft fftft^T ftt (y) ftti ftt ariJiftt, fvRift ffteiTi ft ffttj fftJiet ftt ■'Ti •^10? ang ft
^nfftcT ■§, Jt)T Gedfl Rhtl ■^, 'JIT ejft fftllF epH fftJTT ■ft, fftftt ■ft?! JIT ?? ?7 fdgfftl ft Idq ?F?
(x) iftaTT ^ar ft jit ^siidi)W ft ffti# spji crflft) ^ ■^aftiFR Rhti ?if ftJTT I
JIT (10) '?JT? yfft?i :— fftwfftr ?? ?^ JTJRT ft leiq fftiffftr an??Ji?)
(xi) »uft-H'iG eftai ^ anjfftT ^ qR^/TRiarr ^ ftarfft?) JTtJJIeTTi JJJfTer?iftR ?? tVteiiaff ft ftft ft ft
qR'H'l ft iftJT/'dtlx JR yRitt) 'W Gevmt dfttgelR ?ft51T/•HiaileepR ig gRTft Rift ft ??)?R Jlit ft diet
fftplT ^1 f I apJIt? gTR apJiaft RT RJRI, fftftfftr Jg?eT? jfpJIeTTait 3ISI?T
(B) dqftctd -gcpR ft cfpft qrft ^nft JiTft siwiRRft ^ fft^ 13^ jftJJIeTTaff 3I8T?T 'ftftt ft aiPIR ?? RISITRPR ig G"ltqqift
SITJRTlftJI) srfftjfRPT eft 3IcW ■yJT TR cpijftnft ■'ft ?)t ftjsJP fttfftel ?)^ aiTJlt? gTR "ft?R" 'WaTIeglR gM
^■^^ITjftjft- 3ISI?T ?ftaTI ift RiaiTeePR ft ?1JJI? ft fftJIT dRtI I
(i) snjfftT gM 'OT wi eft Rrft, RHueft fenr w srwiaft t, G-nefti ^;_ Jifft fWfteT ?? ig siT?T airft?? ?ft ftt ftjsjn aifft?)
SPJlRlcll Pl^CKl eftt JilT ■pjftftt afR/JIT ftefr t ft (ftHig«HK JPT? fftJIT RTtTTT:-
(ii) ijft Jir eft WJft RiJi ft JIT RiRiec aierfil ft fcit) Rit-iRiRaa ft (j) vi*ftl?e)R cpT ^RH qftSTT ift meileepK ft HItilt ft fftti diq'll
feieiRftd fftJiT jsmpn- (ii) ?ftep jftRPT pfftfftl^-gep P? PTPJIfpP qRfftjoc-ftt ft SRPlfftleT
(a) 3iTJftn gRT ft! smft ^Tftt JiftaiT jit i3^ gT'iT fftft smft Jtrft tl
JIJPT ft I ?ftan ig RiJig? ?ftap ftj? itpt i
(b) 'ITJiJI ?TRTJT gT?T JH/TRlft SiftftT PlftviH ft ftRpT fftJH (H) sffpRiip anftpp ig anftpp :-
JlftJTT, afR (i) Oiftl-tHqd ft TJR/papfttJI fftplftt, ■Rt fft wfRTP5 ft feiP
(c) jftft clF WPT ft 3rEiRm?ft ft it ftJIT ft ftt eft BqftjRTT^JTR SifgRjfftp arggfftel Rlfet, aiggRlel ■RPRTfet, apJI fftw-SI pft
ffttf JTtJ dod'Md ft ^ ^ 3I^?rRTfftep ep|4e|l6l ftt W (ftp ft|'fl<)tpft ftt ftftt ft anft f pp fftiRPPeP ft PPeT weeTt-d'i®
Jlftftt, ft psnfttp appfafftf ft fftp R?ft 300/- (Rpft itp ■ftt) prt
^ ;fpfr ci fftp pp WeftftP? ei PTPP ft fftplftt apftpftf
el?) aiTftffteT Jlit ft diqft, R? elep fft- ft fftp PRft 400/— (RPft PR ftt) anftpp P(eP) ftJI il'ii I
(i) spjjaft ft fftf^ ft ftlTT apjnft??, Rt ?W ^ ftftt ■ft (ii) pp) ft aifftp) ?pt ig affpRT?P anftpp pRft Ptft ar«iRfjitpft
ftp Pli, SRgeT epft PP aieRR pit fftp ■pjp it, afR Peftp) ?p ig gaiPT-gaiP) anftpp ■gcJP rpt PRPt ilni I
(ii) ar«iaff gTR argpel ai?fft ft ftteR SUgeT fftft pft (12) affpRiiP anftpp prt gfft i^etr pft RPJiTPfft rptrt
STRPclPP ?P fftpR P fft^ PJP ^ I itft ft PPfteT fftft? PRRP PTpft ^ anpf^ ftt ftpR
(9) RPiell : t>eeftp'l(i fftfftR ft?T (ft?T ftt PIHI-P Plft) fftPP, PPPfftRr, fefp, pft, gR fftpTR, fftczpPRP pp geig^
1961 ft fftJiP 6 ft argpR fftpfftf^ aipiep itftt :- ftfftP) ftpf^ gfftjft ft it -w^ ^ 3TPRP fft slim ft
(i) ?)ti ''ft gR? awftt, fuRTPft ??> ft aifftp ifePti fttfftr it afR pfftel RPJnpfftr ft feip R^jpp) fftjP RTPPTI
?)ti ftt pfiRT apjiftt fftpft ftft JJifftr ft fftiTP fftjp it fftpftt (1) R^RP gfft'gPR ig ftpfftei sTRiftt ft TP) JIT Rfft^ l^ftf ^
?pft it t]?) pffti fttffteT it, fftftt ft?i jp ?? ?J fftgfftr ?? ?tr )gEIR ft feiP RPft 100/— ■?? igcP) felt: RTPPT I Jlfft fftftt
aroaft gM 3TRfSr^ cpf/WFf ^ cpf ^^^^ ^ tW^ ^ qi^ qgag^ j^r^R/agpqmft 3nf^ a^
^git 3r«iaft^ sn^g^ ?];otf5 ^ sicR g5t ^ f%4gq anr silatgqa snajtq anr ataj ^ ajgq at (chaTl spatsft
^ vjlH^'fl I ^ gRT qagar siaan^gq qiRT qit f^rajr amqqr qaj snajtq grai
(ii) ■Hij c-ch ^ ^gETR g^t MliiJI ^Tt€eT g^JT tfe ^t^cT qan f^pfai Sff^ atRT STRjaff aR WTgq^t ^ I
ftgfRcf 31j'HK 3r«iaft ITRT I qfr/-
(iii) ^ ^gETR ^ wncT f?t># ^ STRjaff gtt ^ (aiftgq f^Rtar ^)|
^ ^aTR cf>r ^t^ 3tg^ PgFT 1%aTT vjiii^'ii | atrqq
(iv) WJeg' ■^ETR Haqici 'H«ilfcin STRjajt c^ -sici gtf 3ifa*i a5.q. cftan snajtqI
TTFTr viUki^ii garr^i^iR/sff^ ^ i#eRT qan 'aiarga stsr qqa I
^ ^RFT ■gcRT ^5igT cpr ^ g^RTTcta^ SITETR aR ^tRqm
(v) ■^f^eap ^ ^gSTR Cf5t 133^: sfHRT^ ^ I
(13) aitm ^ ^ ^:-
(arf^ ap^rsTT ^ cR fipifa fcTm a;nm t eft)
(i) snajtar gRT SlFfrf^ arJtSTT ^RITctt ^T garifuHT SiajcH ^ri-)c^icp^
g5T WgaiPT a# 11 sfcT: ^ftgaT ^1 STRTT^ga^ ^r
fctcTR Rbill yllki'll 1
(ii) q^ar ^RH trf^ f^Rtt ar?fsnafi cf^ f^># ajT X3RR f^ct^
^r f^ qapR a^t ^ wtt ajT Bt^/^3?^
(c|ct7cq ^t^ an 3TRI qanR ai?t c[5t f5icf>iiia cfRqr %
^ 3na^ gKT f^ ai^ fatarf% -HHAInISt ^1 SiMdlSi
3TTqfaT gqt afRatt ^ ijg cTgFRET ^f sncRajcfi g^gntvi qfrm
Pni^cj5, wdt-n'ii cftqj snattn, Riat acnan, 'tlcrc'i-ie, aiaiT
^gaiy aiggr qaR gjt >{rii'tc-^/qtfs/oyRki'm >sq ^ snajtq
qmr gR -Hern) f I
(14) anRT oqai ^ giRTPT :—
0) wftarre ^ ^ aj^ Pigiatt ant, astt f^Rtt ^i R ^ rran
wfrtFre ■?TRR gRT ajtftar srgajf^icT ainf^,
ajq 31RI (itw-dl cpf (#R ff^tafr^aR) a^ siaajsjt f, waTl'(i'i<? aimi
a^ Mxil^d f^mt ^ siaStR q^ar ^ >HfJHf^d q? ^torr ^
aR gRgf^ f&fes f^RTaiT Rl%r apT RTTg ■ynTH cniRtt anar ^
aj4 q^ar a^ q? a^a^reqa grar fafRrr qrrqnr i snarf^ qtt
^^na^ a^a^iazra ant anfecT aftw-qq aRana ^ #n cRtT
ajTRT aia^ aA qracTT ^ RarfStcT snaRajan ^ qaiRT-qa q^
an^ #t 13iaT: ^ wdl-n'i<f rrr gRT yii^qao srfSranr^t ski
qgaar ami^ qanR-qR a[5t ^ ^ gRr sRrar Rurqf^ ait^ianRt
gRT qaqf^ qfrif^ arar ajiar aftqRT qa a^ RTa RcTaq
an^, cPtt Raf fafRiaiT RR'H I
(ii) RTaiaq>R ^ - RiaiaanR ^qRaar ^ an^ xsqatatar
#&r!Tf a^ siaaiMatt af^ aaaRR gaS anr gRarfaten ftfafjc fatRiaiT
qrftr gq '^'idn PiaMi^'HR <?>Ts<»>i i4(i) ^i ^cc^Raa
grfear qqiR qa qagar an^ qq snaftq anrajterq ^
(15) snajtq ^ qf^ ftajq-2014 (ajar ^tRitl^) ^ stjhr
RsiiPln qg ^ qnar snss-il ai^t >h<6MI a^ sqEjR aR ajf^ snajtq
gRT "afl^ ansnaanR asq^ any Pi"lq fciqi anran % aft,
RTsnagyR ^ 100 ajanf anr ^ araq RTsnaapR at R^qaq 33
sjan qnar anaqr 3iPiqi4 gtqri argajptar anrf^/sr^a^to
aqqamf^/snq [i|w>si apf a^ ajnftgarRt a^ hihc) aajqarq 23
3fan qnar anaqr siPiqiJ gtqr 1
(16) fMt 4t qftsn qaj wmaapR ^ afaifeiar qnarfant aift
anft aiqfr aiit amqaft, aqg aaarl^ fctwrq a^ qiaajq (q^iiRai
qgt 3ff?m qan aj^ anrft ana 4t amq 1
(17) fWf<T ^ Rc^fear R^/qqaqajpf t^r^qr/asnqgn^t anft
gq Pi4gg (Interpretation):—

(1) xPFT ^^tWf ^f #ft, ^ ^ER^ (5)(i) qrerqq) qq ^ fcTq qqqq^ qq qrq-i qq
qiEqq cTsq qiq—2 qjqci ardaft qTsqq ^ eVn i
■Hlttlli^K I

Tjft5U — 300 3fc(5 (ii) ^ f^srqj qq fc^q qqqq^ qrq-i qEf qTq-2 qq
3fMt qiEqq #ni
'Hl)t1lo+)K - 30 ^
— 330 ar^ (6) MidqtbH q5t qnqqqft MRRlW-qt ^ q^ 11
(2) qftffn:-
(7) fc^fecT/q>RleT/aT2^taRI q^SlT aHRiliq cIRT aHRfeq anq'f
^STT ^ cR^Pns U4>R ^ ^ W?"l ^ Pl»^l;j'ai-< sVli:— anqW #1 qqq-qR ^ 33 qfrRRT aiq> aif^
EfRETT aiPiqiE} #n 1 3tRfeq qEf qq aiRfeq EjqqTf ^ apqMEfr
^R^ff ^ Wsm 150 3:00 3f^ 300
!j(^cb qqq-qq ^ ■Rjqqq 23 qfcRirr afqj arf^q q^qr
- 50 (100 3fcf5) 3iPic)i4 aqqarr arq^ qtftq unqqii
1TPT 1 - ^IHM fTRT

1TFT 2 - •"J-ftWT - 100 (200 afcf;) (8) -HIiHI^R:- qrsqEqqq e^ q^t^ ai^qqft ESjqqq 3f^ qft
- 150 TREf (300 3T^)
(9) aqqtq e^ yf^qi f^rqq—2014 e^ aj^^ fturftcT qq qra
(3) ■q^OT TRq (qg fWc^ 5Rq) c^ #t, sfi^qqT q?f qTEpn e^ arrenq qq qf^ arratq qiqr
q?q ^ feT^ qfq qpqcq \3tt< el'l ai, q, qr afR q ^ qM qnsn?qqq qn^ qq f^Rfq fcRjT qqm t qqsTRqqq
f^qr \jih!'ii fvH^r ^ert qq? estr qi€t/ f^Rjqqq
^ 100 ajE^ qq ^ I qqsTRq^ ^ 33 afEp mqi EpqqT
^ #n, vj^n^qR E^ E3^ gferqq ^ EsqiE^ etrt arf^rqp} #Tr 1 qnfcr/atg^jpiq Eqq qnt^/aqq
qifr/f5(Ei55cR q# REf ar, q, qr EiT q ^r ^ ^eict TjEfj (eRkr
cFf v)*4iqqRl ^ qjq^ Rjqqq 23 atq? qro qRqr aiPiqi4
cfq qqq Epqqr qVll I

(4) q?q qq wn?qq' EjeqfEfjq er qiqEiH eVii 1 qmrqEp

(10) qneticqqq E^ aqqf^cT 1%4 qj^ xji^tqEn^ q?t qfMT,
ijeEiTEfiq Pi**i qjq e(5t qqtq l^qi Ejnqqr: — ftfnqq qq q«qqf ci5t qrsqr ^ epm #q ir^t
M0 = MxR-V3MxW
#ft I ^etr ir vj*41qqR, ftq# aqqtn qRT q^sq ai# irtftq
qrst MO = arwfafi wimiq), M = qq5 ^ vJcqx # f^iEiT qq^qr, ^ qrraqqqq e^ qra ^ 1
qmEp afarqr qqq estft q?t
(11) qqq EjE'frqEnq Ef5T REjq q^aq qEf qqaqRtqq ^ qro
qqcTTEfJ, R=arwjsff qRT qq eA wrT
^ aiqjf E^ amqq qq q^ wq'lqix f^qi Eqrqqri
ciaq W =ar«Taff eTRT qq q^ vioixl qft qrEsOT 11 EjqxT
^ ^ qETtq qR qpcwf qft qqqT q^iq^ E^ qR arqit qq? q?f (12) qqq qf^ aqqtq E^ qfftRiT f^fErq-2014 E^ argqR qrqEqPicT
vjiiki'D I
9. photogrammetry.
tTTT—1 :: gil ••
10. Recent advances in aerial photography. Application of aerial
1. iTRcT =f5T ■^fcTFRT TJcf 'TTra ^ -{<10^01 3)|c;lcli I photography in rock type identification.
2. ^ ^ •wd^ai ^ ^ tfhT^ I 11. Image interpretation and digital processing techniques.
Image Characters and their relations with ground objects.
3. 'HR^T ^ 'i1(cl<ti, WmluTcP ^ 3TTf^ ■'JiffR I (wttTltl'lo ^ 12
13. Interpretation of topographic and tectonic features.
14. Application of remote sensing in groundwater evaluation.
4. »(KcT ^ #ct£fH ^ -<Mc4|c(-(«7T, W.'H'. ^ SRTT, 15. Application of remote sensing in terrain evaluation.
Terrain evaluation for strategic purposes.
■5E«rF?flI ^TRPT TETRRft ■^TjT I 16.
5. ■>TRcr ^ arajsj^w, ^aVi, '^, ^ ^raRfR^n 1 Morphology of crystals, crystal zones, and zone symbols.
2 Classification of crystals in 32 classes. Crystal Projections.
6. B^.'T. cA uRTvTTfcPlt, dl^, Rft?R, "Jcil, ^"ddltdicp ^ 3. Crystal aggregates, twinning and irregularities in crystals.
4 Crystal optics, pleochroism, interference and birefringence in
7. WRTFnf5lc[) yriHUi TJcf (TR^ ^ ^ 5. Refractometry and its determination. Uniaxial and biaxial
8. Tprfq^i indicatrices and optical characters of uniaxial and biaxial minerals.


1. Dispersion in minerals, optic orientation, optical anomalies.
Universal stage and its use.

1. History of India and Indian national movement.

2 Classification of silicate structure, systematic mineralogy of
nesosilicatesolivine. Garnet and AljSiO,groups.
2. History of Chhattisgarh and Contribution of Chhattisgarh in national 3. Systematic mineralogy of sorosilicates - Epidote group; and zircon,
topaz, staurolite, and sphene.
3. Physical, Social and Economic geography of India. (With special refer
ence to Chhattisgarh)
4. Systematic mineralogy of Cyclosilicates-Cordierite, Tourmaline
and Bery 1.
4. Constitution of India and Polity, Administrative structure of Chhattisgarh.
Local Government of Chhattisgarh and Panchayati Raj.
5. Systematic mineralogy of lonosilicates- Pyroxene and
Amphibole groups.
5. Economy, Commerce, Industry, Forest, Agriculture and Handloom Indus
try of India. (With special reference to Chhattisgarh) 6. Systematic mineralogy of tectosilicates - Silica, Feldspar,
Felspathoid, and zeolite groups.
6. Tribes, Special tradition, TeeJ and festival. Dance, archaeological and tourist 7. Systematic mineralogy of phyllosilicates - Mica, Chlorite,
centres of Chhattisgarh.
Serpentine groups and Clay minerals, kaolinite and talc.
7. Current affair and sports (With reference to India and Chhattisgarh)
8 Systematic mineralogy of carbonates, oxides and hydroxides.
8. Environment.
9. Mineral assemblages. Gem and Semiprecious stones.

PART-2 (A) :: GEOLOGY fPor Mining Officer and Assistant 5. GEOCHEMISTRY :-

Geologist) "
1. Origin and abundance of elements in the solar system and in the
earth. Geology and chemistry of Moon.
2 Atomic structure and properties of elements in the periodic table
1. srrRLICrURALGEOLGGV:- Special properties of transition and Rare earth elements.
l. Mechanics of folding and buckling. Fold development and 3. Geochemical classification of elements.
distribution of strain in folds. Superimposed folding and 4. Radiogenic isotopes. Radioactive decay Schemes U-Pb, Sm-Nd,
interference pattems. Rb-Sr, K-Ar, and growth of daughter isotopes. Radiometric dating
2 Fractures and joints, their nomenclature, age relationship, origin of single minerals and whole minerals.
and significance. 5. Stables isotopes : nature, abundance and fractionation.
3. Causes and dynamics of faulting, strike-slip faults, normal faults, 6. Law of thermodynamics: concept of free energy, activity, fugacity
over thrust and nape. and equilibrium constant. Thermodynamics of ideal, nonideal and
4. Planar and linear fabrics in deformed rocks, their origin and dilute solutions. Principles of ionic substitution in minerals.
significance. 7. Element partitioning in mineral/rock formation and concept of
5. Concept of Petrofabrics and tectonics axes. simple distribution coefficients and exchange reaction distribution
6. Types of fabric, fabric elements, and interpretation of fabric data coefficients.
on microscopic and macroscopic scale. 8 Element partitioning in mineral assemblages and its use in P-T
1. Dynamics of geomorphology and geomorphic processes. 9. Principles and geological application of atomic absorption
2 Study of fluvial, arid, karts and glacial landforms. spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission
3. Study of volcanic, structural and coastal landforms. spectrometry.
4. Morphometric analysis. Geomorphologic mapping based on 10. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy, electron-probe
genesis of landforms. microanalysis, XRF: Principles and application in geology.
5. Geomorphic regions of India. Principles of terrain analysis. 11. Aquatic chemistry - Acid Base reactions. Dissolution and
6. Electromagnetic Spectrum and principles of remote sensing. precipitation ofCaCOj, solubility ofMg, SiO^ and Al(OH)j.
7. Satellite remote sensing. Global and Indian space missions, ^ STRATIGRAPHY/TECTONICS;-
Satellite exploration programmes and their characterstics- 1 Concept of stratigraphy and its significance. Stratigraphic scales,
LANDSTA, METEOSAT, SEASET SPOT, and IRS. dual classification.
8. Aerial photography, aerial photographs and their geometry. tUTTT:
9. Marine and continental evaporites.
2. Lithostratigraphy, correlation and serigraphic code,
3. Rules of Stratlgraphic nomenclature: Sequence stratigraphy, 10. Deep-sea basins. Paleocurrents and basin analysis,
Geochronology and Chronostratigraphy.
11 Clastic petrofacies. Paleoclimate and paleo environment analysis.
4. Plate tectonics. Dynamic evolution of continental and oceanic 12. Digenesis and flood flow. Digenesis of mudstones.
13. Digenesis of sandstone and carbonate rocks. Changes in
mineralogy. Fabric and chemistry.
5. Evolution ofsedimentary basins. Tectonics and
14. Chemistry ofnatural waters. Mineral stability in Eh-pH Diagram.
15. Rock Weathering and soil formation.
6. Tectonics ofPrecambrian orogenic belts ofIndia
16. Elemental mobility in surface environment.
7. Formation of mountain roots. Anatomy oforogenic belts.
17. Concept of geochemical-biogeochemical cycling and global
8. Structure and origin ofAlpine-Himalayan belt.
1 Physics of Megma generation in the mantle 18. Application oftrace element,rare earth element and stable isotope
geochemistry to sediment logical problems.
2 Evolution ofMagma.
3. Phase equilibrium ofsingle,binary,ternary,and quaternary silicate 10. 1 Modem concepts ofore genesis. Spatial and temporal distribution
systems,its relation of magma generation.
4. Crystallization of granitic and basaltic magma in the light of ofore deposits-A global perspective. Comparison between earth's
evolutionary history and evolutionary trends ore deposits
modem experimental work.
5. Forms,stmctures and textures ofigneous rocks and their physico- 2 Concept ofore bearing fluids, their origin and migration. Fluid
chemical work.
inclusions in ores principles, assumptions, limitations and
6. Criterion of classification of igneous rocks, norms_CIPW and
niggli values,zavaritski number,
3. Taxture, paragensis,and zoning ofores and their significance.
7. Petrogenesis ofmajor igneous rocks types with reference to Indian 4. Wall rock alteration,stmctural, physico-chemical and stratlgraphic
control ofore localization
5. Chemical composition of important ores-Bulk chemistry, trace,
8. Tholeitic basalt and alkali olivine basalt.
elements, REE and stable and radiogenic isotopes.
9. Andesite-rhyolite, Trachy-basalt, trachy-andesite and trachy-
Organic matter in ores
phnolite families.
10. Granite and granodiorite.
6. Orthomagmatic ores ofmafic-ultramfic associations- Diamond in
Kimberlites,REE in Carbonatites,Ti-V Ores,Chromite and PGE,
11. Peridotite, ultramafite, komatite,
Ni Ores,Cypms type Cu-Zn Ores.
12. syenite, cobronatite and lamoprophyre.
13. Rock suite, series; Petrographic provinces and association.
7. Ores of Silicic igneous rocks- Kiruna Type Fe-P, Pegmatoids,
14. Definition, agents and kind ofmetamorphism.
15. Mineralogical phase rule of closed and open systems and 8. Porphyry associations, Kuroko Type Zn-Pb-Cu, Malanjkhand
type Cu-Mo.
its application in metamorphism
9. Ores ofsedimentary affiliations-Chemical and clastic sediments,
Stratiform and strata bound ore deposits (Fe,Mn,Nonferous,)
I. Classification ofmetamorphic rocks. Stmctures and fancies series.
Placers and paleoplacers.
2 Concept of depth zone and metamorphic zones and subfacies
resulting from low to high- pressure metamorphism. 10. Ores of Metamorphic affiliation-Metamorphism ofores and Ni/
3. Study ofcharacteristic metamorphic zones and subfacies resulting Au laterite ores,ores related to weathered surfaces-leterite. Bauxite
and Ni/Au laterite
from very low pressure metamorphism.
4. Study ofcharacteristic metamorphic zones and subfacies resulting 11. Mineralogy,Genesis,uses and Indian distribution ofore minerals
related to:
from very high pressure metamorphism.
(a) Pb,Zn
5. Nature of metamorphic reactions and P-T condition of
(b) Fe, Mn,Cr
metamorphism. Isoreaction grad, Schreinmakers rule and
(c) W,A1
constmction of petrogentic grids, crystalloblastic series.
(d) U and Th
6. metromorphic differentiation. Anatexis and origin ofmigmatites GEOCHEMICALEXFLORATION:-
in the light ofexperimental studies. 11-
7. Regional metamorphism and paired metamorphic belts in reference 1 Definition, scope and characteristic features of prospecting and
to plate tectonics. P-T time paths.
exploration. Guides for mineral search, search, surface and
subsurface indicators. Regional, stratigraphic, lithological,
8. Ultra high temperature, ultra-high pressure, and ocean floor
mineralogical structural and geobotanical guides.
9. Principle types and characters ofmetamosophism,grainitization. 2. Sampling and its methods. Assay value and grade of ore. Ore
reserves. Ore reserve categories. Estimation of ore resaves
10. Petrogenesis of Chamockite, amphibolite, eclogite, gondite, Persistence ofore in depth.
greenschist, khondalite and granulites with special reference to
Indian occurrences.
3. Principles of geochemical prospecting. Geochemical and
geobotanical surveys.
4. Geochemical dispersion pattems and anomalies.
1. Earth surface system: Liberation and flux ofsediments.
5. Geological and Geochemical prospecting for copper,lead,zinc,
2 Processes oftransport and generation ofsedimentary structures.
nickel, oil and gas and atomic minerals.
3. Stromatolites and their significance.
4. Textural analysis, Graphical representation and statistical GEOPHVSICALEXPLORATION :-
treatment ofgrain size data and their significance. 12.
5. Classification of sandstone and carbonate rocks. Dolomite and
1 Variation of gravity over type surface of the earth. Principles of
gravimeters. Gravity fields surveys. Various types ofcorrection
applied to gravity data. Preparation ofgravity anomaly maps and
6. Sedimentary environments and faceis.
their interpretation in terms ofshape,size and depth.
7. Continental:alluvial-fluvial fades,lacustrine, Desert-aeolian and
glacial sedimentary environmental. 2. Geomagnetic field ofthe earth. Magnetic properties ofmagnetic
anomaly magnetometer. Field surveys and data reduction.
8. Shallow coastal elastics and shallow water carbonates.
Preparation of magnetic anomaly maps and their interpretation. f!|4IT41 3Tto®T, aianftl, 34T4T 4114ft rlSIl 4414 4114ft, 41C441 rlSR 41^
Magnetic anomalies due to single pole and dipole Aeromagnetic 4ft 4lft4141 rrni 4Tft4i44, 4#1 41444) 4ft 3lf5Tfft411 4)4ft ®
survey. fiW 4811 31ST4«ra 4)<i)cft I
3. Basic principles ofresistivity methods. Various types ofelectrode ^ 44T®iI flcT -klRdft ® Rl-diil 4cl1ft4) cpfftfFm rfSR 414
configuration. Field procedure of profiling and sounding. 4144) 44fftcl 414, 414rft4 44461^14 ® ^ 44)^ 44 fttgn ^44,
Application of electrical methods in groundwater prospecting 3Rft4 * ^|4H 4f4lft4 44 45lf)4 ft 4141413 444 3l1ft4 44li4)Wqt
and civil engineering problems. 44 4if®n<T 316444, ^4rd)'IKcl4) ^-iRlI"! I
4. Fundamental principles ofwave propagation in seismic method. ^ 43)5114 )ftfll4:- )ft>44el 44444 ^ 444 ^ ^ 5444, 344)514) ^ 414^
Refraction and reflection survey for single interface, horizontal 4i®41 eft 5444, 4141^ Rl[cl<ftdl 414441444) 4'Ti4)<"i, Pi»4leiRan
and dipping cases,seismic velocity and interpretation ofseismic flH )5l4)'444f) 43)5|^ 44 ift1cI4ft4 41444)514) 44 5443ft4 ^ 54
31HI44 iM 4)441414, 41^4)44)14, 4»4l4lc-0, 314^, 41%, 3l1(e14l'1 4)c4lPl>4l5-s,
5. Brief outline of various well-logging techniques. Principles of 44)f^4), eft el 4115c, 4)|4415-s ^-^SleJ^liqd Rlel%I5d I
electrical logging and its application in petroleum,ground water
and mineral exploration,Basic principles and instrumentation of
) !?left4)14 ®5ll4:— ftiRl, 5414)1 1544144, ftiRl 4ft 54)1?! 441 41434, )t3li'ft
radioactive method ofexploration.
cmi )ftl3irift 4-4(el 4) ^ 414el 314484 311^43 (314514) 384 3444 4614, 4lft4
4ft 5lil®)4l [^.gl-il, ^Mdftq )5r%)W4, 44)ift454W, fti41 44 434 3ft4
1. Definition ofvarious mining terms. Mining excavation. Filling for 414441 384 15444 iftel 41^ 4?c4, 341%, ^ 44 clftftpTW, 4514^4 ^
rock breaking and blast hole patterns. 544^ 44 ijleftq 384 i?le1 4144 4614 I 3l4X1ltft ijleli ^ ^ ^^41
2. Ventilation and drainage in mining. Mining hazards. q,H1J44 384 31Wft444, 31444ft ^ftef) 44 434 414341 384 15444 4814,
3. Alluvial and open pit mining methods - advantages and <3u,g,j1l 3S3 31434314) 3icixii<ft ^)el) 44 n'rlmvi I
disadvantages. ^ 316444 5) 41^ igPi\ji 384 $-14)1 *1614, 444141 ijlel 5444) 44
4 Underground and mining methods — gophering. Shrinkage, lijeidftq 318444 I
stoping, caving,slicing methods. 5)141-3)!U| ^ 4R4i)48ftel 3i4, 44443415 4) 5444, Diqluxl 5l)9l41,
5, Coal mining and ocean bottom mining methods. 5l4 384 41el6''ft, 4)l4lii'ft 1)el) 4ft 434, 4144414 384 414 4^)^41, 4814"k"!
14. ENVIRONMENTGEOLOGY:- ftel 544ft 4ft ft eldftq 384 ft eljiMfin I
I. Concept of ecosystem/ecology
7. anfSfe H-Iftw:- 3144^ 4ft 84441, 31444) <3Pi01 384 ftd, 3f4F4ft 44
2 Impact ofman on environment.
3ft413 5lft4l3, 43)5F3I f5tft4) ® f5pifi5 4ft 5)ft541, 314445 151514) 45 44544
3. Problems pertaining to mining and utilization ofenergy resources.
34^ 384 4144511), 31444) )5lft4) 44 4'ft4)4U|, 31444) )5lft4i4 44 1514414,
Problems pertaining to urbanization.
Problems pertaining to wasteland and wet lands.
Hge4ijul E4li44) 384 31184li44) 15[514) 44 318445, Wnft^Md 1(4 5143 4ft
6. Characterization ofvolcanoes.
7. Impact of volcanoes on weather and climate. 8. ij^ 114 318^44:- #544 384 3Fft4i4 4ft 4®5141i: 1J4 4#ft 44
8. Earthquake-severity, distribution and occurrence. qift4))iu|^ ij-^5ll(5|4), Ij,-5l1ft4ft, aj^—tl-HldPHd), 3Fft4i4 4ft 514P)4) 45® I
9. Natural and human induces causes ofearthquakes. 31444) 4 5lft4ft4) I
10. Land use planning in earthquake prone areas. 9. 84Vs|ell53 41^544:- 84')dlellfttf ® 5444, 4p)4X 84|«)e115C ® PlPl"!
II. Landslides - Their causes(natural and man made.) Prevention 514) ^ 411)5, aftldleH^d ft 4^ 1J4 4g4lft€)5 48Iel 4ft >4)51^ 54 #) 44
and planning 5145 I azMai^ ft 413? 54 ijPm $44), ^ 54 44 $44) 4ft ^l®,
12. Floods- physical characteristics. azMelI?3 TlftaPT ft ^ ft 43)3 54 I34lft 3414 I
13. Origin and causes offlooding. Prevention ofsoil cover loss. 10. 4fft45:- 4lft45 4ft 41«414ft), 4)ft45 344)3) ft elPl 54
14. Human influence on climate and weather changes. Global warming ?lPl, ftftelUS 344)3) ft! 543 44® 4ft ft®, 411)45 ft 4)4lft3 ?l$ft44
and ozone layer depletion.
384 41)43^441
15. Coastal environments-Salinization. Desertification.
16. Coastal water pollution. PART-2 (B) :: GEOLOGY fPor Mining Inspector) ::
17 Air pollution- acid precipitation, weather and climatic effects.
18. Water pollution-Impact ofwaste disposal(Soil/liquid)on water 1. G aieralG eobgy-iilementary ideas of origin and interior of the
quality degradation. Earth. Dating of rocks by radioactive methods; age of the Earth.
19. Environment management— Definition ofProblem and Objectives. Volcanoes - causes and products, volcanic belts, Earthquakes
20. Role of the geologist in urban area planning causes, geological elfect and distribution, relation to volcanic belts.
21. Natural resource management and natural hazards. Geosynclines and ®eir classification. Isostacy. Mountains types and
22 Environmental policies ofthe country. origin. Brief ideas about continental drift. Origin ofcontinents and
23. Environmental law. oceans.

2. Geomorphology- Relief features: topography and its relation to

'TTT—2 (^) :: ^ " structures and lithology. Major landforms Drainage system.
Geomorphic features ofIndian subcontinents.
1. Ija^) gj) ^cqfoT cTOT atfclf^ tt'onn qJl Hl^l^ 5IET, Structural Geology- Folds, Faults - their nomenclature,
tjteq viddHf m frl^ ^45)3173, vqivll3<il classification recognition and their effect on outcrops. Joints-their
4>R14 cfSR drq(?c1, tSPelFgift qWl. 5W14
classification and importance. Unconformity, overlap, offlap, outliers
tisn cfsiT 515145T Thhj, ijraift-iRl crai q-im cpffqtTT, and inliers. Definition and classification offoliation and lineation.
q?Fg tjr# 31Tg>R cfSIT tjqqj) tJcqfoT, wHPfld RwiMH TW})
Top and bottom criteria for determining the direction of young
formation. . ,
tSllEl'jjd 11811 nsmi'ixl 451 vjcqloi I Stratigraphy- Principles ofStratigraphy. Stratigraphic Classification
2. ■3-34^ Wdldjlcl, 4erai^frl4> TFrEFlT3ff and nomenclature. Standard stratigraphical scale. Detailed study of
cTsiT ■^—sn^fcl fcj511-1 ^ vjximi xiejiJ, M3<a ij_—anqifcitn, vivi Rfin q-slcl, various geological formations ofIndian subcontinent. Briefstudy of
■riRtffq tjq Hdl^lq 44 ij,-3iici2(cim fnslicini I climates and igneous activities m India subcontinent duringgeological
3. W^-flcifih 4cT4 q4 ^444 4T44444, past Paleogeographic reconstruction.
MgvlM-tl rWl ijltqiliil 44 *3444 5414, 41® 15444 ci'Umx"! rWT 45c4, ®444> 4)551:
7. Economic geology- Concept ofore,ore mineral gangue tenor of
5. Mineralogy- Elements ofcrystal chemistry,types ofbounding lome ores, processes offormation of mineral deposits common forms
radai coordination number. Isomorphism and pseudomorphism. and structures of ore deposits. Classification of ore deposits.
Structural classification ofsilicates, study ofthe following rock Controls ofore deposition. Study ofimportant metallic and non
forming minerals with respect to the physical chemical and optical metallic deposits. Mineral wealth ofChhattisgarh and India.
properties- feldspars pyroxenes,amphiboles Mica garnets,ohvme Prospecting and Exploration:-Prospecting and Exploration Their
feldspathids,quartz,calcite kynite andalusite silmanite, definitions and Classification ofMethods;Elementary Methods of
6. Petrology- Magma Its generation, nature and composition simple Geological,Geophysical,Geochemical Prospecting; Guides To
phase diagrams ofbinary and ternary systems and their significance, ures.
Ores. . . f
Bowen's Reaction Principles, M^etic differentiation,assimilation. 9. Theodolite Surveying:- Types of theodolites;K/f<aciciirf»mpnt<Nnf
Description ot
Texture and structure and their petrogenetic significance. .T-1
Classification ofigneous rocks. Petrography and petrogenesis of height ana aisiance oi accci>5>iuic <uiu o
important rock-types.
Processes offormation ofsedimentary rocks. Digenesis with.Theodolite on surface and underground;Checks on Closed
and lithification. Texture and structures and their significance.
and Open traverses;Sourcesoferrors and their prevention in survey.
Classification ofsedimentary rocks,elastic and non-elastic Heavy 10. Remote Sensing:-Terminology in Remote Sensing Advantage and
rA!__ j Dizsrvint*! Q^ncinon^ita Pmcedure for Obtaining
Minerals and theior significane in provenance studies Petrography
ofcommon rock types.
Variables of metamorphism. Types of metamorphism,
metamorphic grades.Zones and fades Textures, structures,and
nomenclature ofmetamorphic rocks.Petrography and petrogenesis □□□□□
ofimportant rock types.
< I)

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