Unfli-T'Iq Cfto A Til Siicii'I: JSFK Arfegft, T?? TGFSR - Fewn) M
Unfli-T'Iq Cfto A Til Siicii'I: JSFK Arfegft, T?? TGFSR - Fewn) M
Unfli-T'Iq Cfto A Til Siicii'I: JSFK Arfegft, T?? TGFSR - Fewn) M
01 (OA.OUHH)
6 ^cB I
29 ■^^—7
10 16
Tfm 18 1
3r^ fEf^MT Epf, f^:^|cM^H, E}^ TaTI%i PiqiRiiil' Ept (iv) fcffTPEPF F# Ept#R5T — 4(vii) E# atRTEfF EjraFR apt^ R#Ft # ESC
(iii) 3fT5 ^ ETTipn RHI<t» - 01.01.2022 E^ ^ E[?r vJllEJ'fl I ^ EPTt^tE^ atra RPfiPF arf^tEPT# fp EPRPER-Era i
(5) apRigff sifETc^TfET sn^cTET ^ et^ [^giHi ^ •gMn (v) fEtfttEPF F# Epf%EpT - 4(viii) E# arra#F EsraFP atpg #fp #
armER? ^srf^ 3r#?TT3ff. stept^ i?^ 3115 ^ E# "?p#tF PTE#tF EPR# gRpEpR, Ej.^-si'jP prraiF, ePFPRPFP
atWT sppft sr^ # ESTra ^ EFiRiR^iti ^ ^ e^ R^tREtra FEP^F RpraPF FSPP Rt^tF 5^ 5^REPR" EPTeF Ft# Epp
3f^ qst ^ EI^ ^ ^ ^ hi")ei<4i EPFPER-Era I
^ et^ it ^ sn^-E^ ET^ I Epfterr ^r ^^rfMcm ep^ (vi) fctirtEPF F# Epf^Rp - 4(ix) E# arraEfF irraFR arrg R#Ft # ^
3t8M ^STREpR ^ 3TTEtBrT ERf^ cpT 3fsJ ET? EpSlf^t e# E# "RPStF 3t1#FP# glRT ERT# Rff#FT at^FF" FP ETFtER—Epp 1
?tETr % 3r«iaff ^ 31# eipt fcPTT iFTT 11 ^ (vii) fctFTTEPF F# cpf^cpl - 4(x) E# aPRTEfF EjraFP 3tT5 R#EpT #
■?^R er STEEfaff ^ 3H# Eff^ vJIT# er vi-Htpl 3il^qi—E?^ ^ feTEJ "FSTF f#f#PRTP Ettl#FP# FTRt FTP# f#:siTOCii ' FP
'tjTHI RrW ^ vJ'H'pI 3l«)l*tni -H'llKI EPFPR-Erai
(1) xPFT ^^tWf ^f #ft, ^ ^ER^ (5)(i) qrerqq) qq ^ fcTq qqqq^ qq qrq-i qq
qiEqq cTsq qiq—2 qjqci ardaft qTsqq ^ eVn i
■Hlttlli^K I
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^STT ^ cR^Pns U4>R ^ ^ W?"l ^ Pl»^l;j'ai-< sVli:— anqW #1 qqq-qR ^ 33 qfrRRT aiq> aif^
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^R^ff ^ Wsm 150 3:00 3f^ 300
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- 50 (100 3fcf5) 3iPic)i4 aqqarr arq^ qtftq unqqii
1TPT 1 - ^IHM fTRT
1TFT 2 - •"J-ftWT - 100 (200 afcf;) (8) -HIiHI^R:- qrsqEqqq e^ q^t^ ai^qqft ESjqqq 3f^ qft
- 150 TREf (300 3T^)
(9) aqqtq e^ yf^qi f^rqq—2014 e^ aj^^ fturftcT qq qra
(3) ■q^OT TRq (qg fWc^ 5Rq) c^ #t, sfi^qqT q?f qTEpn e^ arrenq qq qf^ arratq qiqr
q?q ^ feT^ qfq qpqcq \3tt< el'l ai, q, qr afR q ^ qM qnsn?qqq qn^ qq f^Rfq fcRjT qqm t qqsTRqqq
f^qr \jih!'ii fvH^r ^ert qq? estr qi€t/ f^Rjqqq
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cFf v)*4iqqRl ^ qjq^ Rjqqq 23 atq? qro qRqr aiPiqi4
cfq qqq Epqqr qVll I
Geologist) "
1. Origin and abundance of elements in the solar system and in the
earth. Geology and chemistry of Moon.
2 Atomic structure and properties of elements in the periodic table
1. srrRLICrURALGEOLGGV:- Special properties of transition and Rare earth elements.
l. Mechanics of folding and buckling. Fold development and 3. Geochemical classification of elements.
distribution of strain in folds. Superimposed folding and 4. Radiogenic isotopes. Radioactive decay Schemes U-Pb, Sm-Nd,
interference pattems. Rb-Sr, K-Ar, and growth of daughter isotopes. Radiometric dating
2 Fractures and joints, their nomenclature, age relationship, origin of single minerals and whole minerals.
and significance. 5. Stables isotopes : nature, abundance and fractionation.
3. Causes and dynamics of faulting, strike-slip faults, normal faults, 6. Law of thermodynamics: concept of free energy, activity, fugacity
over thrust and nape. and equilibrium constant. Thermodynamics of ideal, nonideal and
4. Planar and linear fabrics in deformed rocks, their origin and dilute solutions. Principles of ionic substitution in minerals.
significance. 7. Element partitioning in mineral/rock formation and concept of
5. Concept of Petrofabrics and tectonics axes. simple distribution coefficients and exchange reaction distribution
6. Types of fabric, fabric elements, and interpretation of fabric data coefficients.
on microscopic and macroscopic scale. 8 Element partitioning in mineral assemblages and its use in P-T
1. Dynamics of geomorphology and geomorphic processes. 9. Principles and geological application of atomic absorption
2 Study of fluvial, arid, karts and glacial landforms. spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission
3. Study of volcanic, structural and coastal landforms. spectrometry.
4. Morphometric analysis. Geomorphologic mapping based on 10. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy, electron-probe
genesis of landforms. microanalysis, XRF: Principles and application in geology.
5. Geomorphic regions of India. Principles of terrain analysis. 11. Aquatic chemistry - Acid Base reactions. Dissolution and
6. Electromagnetic Spectrum and principles of remote sensing. precipitation ofCaCOj, solubility ofMg, SiO^ and Al(OH)j.
7. Satellite remote sensing. Global and Indian space missions, ^ STRATIGRAPHY/TECTONICS;-
Satellite exploration programmes and their characterstics- 1 Concept of stratigraphy and its significance. Stratigraphic scales,
LANDSTA, METEOSAT, SEASET SPOT, and IRS. dual classification.
8. Aerial photography, aerial photographs and their geometry. tUTTT:
9. Marine and continental evaporites.
2. Lithostratigraphy, correlation and serigraphic code,
3. Rules of Stratlgraphic nomenclature: Sequence stratigraphy, 10. Deep-sea basins. Paleocurrents and basin analysis,
Geochronology and Chronostratigraphy.
11 Clastic petrofacies. Paleoclimate and paleo environment analysis.
4. Plate tectonics. Dynamic evolution of continental and oceanic 12. Digenesis and flood flow. Digenesis of mudstones.
13. Digenesis of sandstone and carbonate rocks. Changes in
mineralogy. Fabric and chemistry.
5. Evolution ofsedimentary basins. Tectonics and
14. Chemistry ofnatural waters. Mineral stability in Eh-pH Diagram.
15. Rock Weathering and soil formation.
6. Tectonics ofPrecambrian orogenic belts ofIndia
16. Elemental mobility in surface environment.
7. Formation of mountain roots. Anatomy oforogenic belts.
17. Concept of geochemical-biogeochemical cycling and global
8. Structure and origin ofAlpine-Himalayan belt.
1 Physics of Megma generation in the mantle 18. Application oftrace element,rare earth element and stable isotope
geochemistry to sediment logical problems.
2 Evolution ofMagma.
3. Phase equilibrium ofsingle,binary,ternary,and quaternary silicate 10. 1 Modem concepts ofore genesis. Spatial and temporal distribution
systems,its relation of magma generation.
4. Crystallization of granitic and basaltic magma in the light of ofore deposits-A global perspective. Comparison between earth's
evolutionary history and evolutionary trends ore deposits
modem experimental work.
5. Forms,stmctures and textures ofigneous rocks and their physico- 2 Concept ofore bearing fluids, their origin and migration. Fluid
chemical work.
inclusions in ores principles, assumptions, limitations and
6. Criterion of classification of igneous rocks, norms_CIPW and
niggli values,zavaritski number,
3. Taxture, paragensis,and zoning ofores and their significance.
7. Petrogenesis ofmajor igneous rocks types with reference to Indian 4. Wall rock alteration,stmctural, physico-chemical and stratlgraphic
control ofore localization
5. Chemical composition of important ores-Bulk chemistry, trace,
8. Tholeitic basalt and alkali olivine basalt.
elements, REE and stable and radiogenic isotopes.
9. Andesite-rhyolite, Trachy-basalt, trachy-andesite and trachy-
Organic matter in ores
phnolite families.
10. Granite and granodiorite.
6. Orthomagmatic ores ofmafic-ultramfic associations- Diamond in
Kimberlites,REE in Carbonatites,Ti-V Ores,Chromite and PGE,
11. Peridotite, ultramafite, komatite,
Ni Ores,Cypms type Cu-Zn Ores.
12. syenite, cobronatite and lamoprophyre.
13. Rock suite, series; Petrographic provinces and association.
7. Ores of Silicic igneous rocks- Kiruna Type Fe-P, Pegmatoids,
14. Definition, agents and kind ofmetamorphism.
15. Mineralogical phase rule of closed and open systems and 8. Porphyry associations, Kuroko Type Zn-Pb-Cu, Malanjkhand
type Cu-Mo.
its application in metamorphism
9. Ores ofsedimentary affiliations-Chemical and clastic sediments,
Stratiform and strata bound ore deposits (Fe,Mn,Nonferous,)
I. Classification ofmetamorphic rocks. Stmctures and fancies series.
Placers and paleoplacers.
2 Concept of depth zone and metamorphic zones and subfacies
resulting from low to high- pressure metamorphism. 10. Ores of Metamorphic affiliation-Metamorphism ofores and Ni/
3. Study ofcharacteristic metamorphic zones and subfacies resulting Au laterite ores,ores related to weathered surfaces-leterite. Bauxite
and Ni/Au laterite
from very low pressure metamorphism.
4. Study ofcharacteristic metamorphic zones and subfacies resulting 11. Mineralogy,Genesis,uses and Indian distribution ofore minerals
related to:
from very high pressure metamorphism.
(a) Pb,Zn
5. Nature of metamorphic reactions and P-T condition of
(b) Fe, Mn,Cr
metamorphism. Isoreaction grad, Schreinmakers rule and
(c) W,A1
constmction of petrogentic grids, crystalloblastic series.
(d) U and Th
6. metromorphic differentiation. Anatexis and origin ofmigmatites GEOCHEMICALEXFLORATION:-
in the light ofexperimental studies. 11-
7. Regional metamorphism and paired metamorphic belts in reference 1 Definition, scope and characteristic features of prospecting and
to plate tectonics. P-T time paths.
exploration. Guides for mineral search, search, surface and
subsurface indicators. Regional, stratigraphic, lithological,
8. Ultra high temperature, ultra-high pressure, and ocean floor
mineralogical structural and geobotanical guides.
9. Principle types and characters ofmetamosophism,grainitization. 2. Sampling and its methods. Assay value and grade of ore. Ore
reserves. Ore reserve categories. Estimation of ore resaves
10. Petrogenesis of Chamockite, amphibolite, eclogite, gondite, Persistence ofore in depth.
greenschist, khondalite and granulites with special reference to
Indian occurrences.
3. Principles of geochemical prospecting. Geochemical and
geobotanical surveys.
4. Geochemical dispersion pattems and anomalies.
1. Earth surface system: Liberation and flux ofsediments.
5. Geological and Geochemical prospecting for copper,lead,zinc,
2 Processes oftransport and generation ofsedimentary structures.
nickel, oil and gas and atomic minerals.
3. Stromatolites and their significance.
4. Textural analysis, Graphical representation and statistical GEOPHVSICALEXPLORATION :-
treatment ofgrain size data and their significance. 12.
5. Classification of sandstone and carbonate rocks. Dolomite and
1 Variation of gravity over type surface of the earth. Principles of
gravimeters. Gravity fields surveys. Various types ofcorrection
applied to gravity data. Preparation ofgravity anomaly maps and
6. Sedimentary environments and faceis.
their interpretation in terms ofshape,size and depth.
7. Continental:alluvial-fluvial fades,lacustrine, Desert-aeolian and
glacial sedimentary environmental. 2. Geomagnetic field ofthe earth. Magnetic properties ofmagnetic
anomaly magnetometer. Field surveys and data reduction.
8. Shallow coastal elastics and shallow water carbonates.
Preparation of magnetic anomaly maps and their interpretation. f!|4IT41 3Tto®T, aianftl, 34T4T 4114ft rlSIl 4414 4114ft, 41C441 rlSR 41^
Magnetic anomalies due to single pole and dipole Aeromagnetic 4ft 4lft4141 rrni 4Tft4i44, 4#1 41444) 4ft 3lf5Tfft411 4)4ft ®
survey. fiW 4811 31ST4«ra 4)<i)cft I
3. Basic principles ofresistivity methods. Various types ofelectrode ^ 44T®iI flcT -klRdft ® Rl-diil 4cl1ft4) cpfftfFm rfSR 414
configuration. Field procedure of profiling and sounding. 4144) 44fftcl 414, 414rft4 44461^14 ® ^ 44)^ 44 fttgn ^44,
Application of electrical methods in groundwater prospecting 3Rft4 * ^|4H 4f4lft4 44 45lf)4 ft 4141413 444 3l1ft4 44li4)Wqt
and civil engineering problems. 44 4if®n<T 316444, ^4rd)'IKcl4) ^-iRlI"! I
4. Fundamental principles ofwave propagation in seismic method. ^ 43)5114 )ftfll4:- )ft>44el 44444 ^ 444 ^ ^ 5444, 344)514) ^ 414^
Refraction and reflection survey for single interface, horizontal 4i®41 eft 5444, 4141^ Rl[cl<ftdl 414441444) 4'Ti4)<"i, Pi»4leiRan
and dipping cases,seismic velocity and interpretation ofseismic flH )5l4)'444f) 43)5|^ 44 ift1cI4ft4 41444)514) 44 5443ft4 ^ 54
31HI44 iM 4)441414, 41^4)44)14, 4»4l4lc-0, 314^, 41%, 3l1(e14l'1 4)c4lPl>4l5-s,
5. Brief outline of various well-logging techniques. Principles of 44)f^4), eft el 4115c, 4)|4415-s ^-^SleJ^liqd Rlel%I5d I
electrical logging and its application in petroleum,ground water
and mineral exploration,Basic principles and instrumentation of
) !?left4)14 ®5ll4:— ftiRl, 5414)1 1544144, ftiRl 4ft 54)1?! 441 41434, )t3li'ft
radioactive method ofexploration.
cmi )ftl3irift 4-4(el 4) ^ 414el 314484 311^43 (314514) 384 3444 4614, 4lft4
4ft 5lil®)4l [^.gl-il, ^Mdftq )5r%)W4, 44)ift454W, fti41 44 434 3ft4
1. Definition ofvarious mining terms. Mining excavation. Filling for 414441 384 15444 iftel 41^ 4?c4, 341%, ^ 44 clftftpTW, 4514^4 ^
rock breaking and blast hole patterns. 544^ 44 ijleftq 384 i?le1 4144 4614 I 3l4X1ltft ijleli ^ ^ ^^41
2. Ventilation and drainage in mining. Mining hazards. q,H1J44 384 31Wft444, 31444ft ^ftef) 44 434 414341 384 15444 4814,
3. Alluvial and open pit mining methods - advantages and <3u,g,j1l 3S3 31434314) 3icixii<ft ^)el) 44 n'rlmvi I
disadvantages. ^ 316444 5) 41^ igPi\ji 384 $-14)1 *1614, 444141 ijlel 5444) 44
4 Underground and mining methods — gophering. Shrinkage, lijeidftq 318444 I
stoping, caving,slicing methods. 5)141-3)!U| ^ 4R4i)48ftel 3i4, 44443415 4) 5444, Diqluxl 5l)9l41,
5, Coal mining and ocean bottom mining methods. 5l4 384 41el6''ft, 4)l4lii'ft 1)el) 4ft 434, 4144414 384 414 4^)^41, 4814"k"!
14. ENVIRONMENTGEOLOGY:- ftel 544ft 4ft ft eldftq 384 ft eljiMfin I
I. Concept of ecosystem/ecology
7. anfSfe H-Iftw:- 3144^ 4ft 84441, 31444) <3Pi01 384 ftd, 3f4F4ft 44
2 Impact ofman on environment.
3ft413 5lft4l3, 43)5F3I f5tft4) ® f5pifi5 4ft 5)ft541, 314445 151514) 45 44544
3. Problems pertaining to mining and utilization ofenergy resources.
34^ 384 4144511), 31444) )5lft4) 44 4'ft4)4U|, 31444) )5lft4i4 44 1514414,
Problems pertaining to urbanization.
Problems pertaining to wasteland and wet lands.
Hge4ijul E4li44) 384 31184li44) 15[514) 44 318445, Wnft^Md 1(4 5143 4ft
6. Characterization ofvolcanoes.
7. Impact of volcanoes on weather and climate. 8. ij^ 114 318^44:- #544 384 3Fft4i4 4ft 4®5141i: 1J4 4#ft 44
8. Earthquake-severity, distribution and occurrence. qift4))iu|^ ij-^5ll(5|4), Ij,-5l1ft4ft, aj^—tl-HldPHd), 3Fft4i4 4ft 514P)4) 45® I
9. Natural and human induces causes ofearthquakes. 31444) 4 5lft4ft4) I
10. Land use planning in earthquake prone areas. 9. 84Vs|ell53 41^544:- 84')dlellfttf ® 5444, 4p)4X 84|«)e115C ® PlPl"!
II. Landslides - Their causes(natural and man made.) Prevention 514) ^ 411)5, aftldleH^d ft 4^ 1J4 4g4lft€)5 48Iel 4ft >4)51^ 54 #) 44
and planning 5145 I azMai^ ft 413? 54 ijPm $44), ^ 54 44 $44) 4ft ^l®,
12. Floods- physical characteristics. azMelI?3 TlftaPT ft ^ ft 43)3 54 I34lft 3414 I
13. Origin and causes offlooding. Prevention ofsoil cover loss. 10. 4fft45:- 4lft45 4ft 41«414ft), 4)ft45 344)3) ft elPl 54
14. Human influence on climate and weather changes. Global warming ?lPl, ftftelUS 344)3) ft! 543 44® 4ft ft®, 411)45 ft 4)4lft3 ?l$ft44
and ozone layer depletion.
384 41)43^441
15. Coastal environments-Salinization. Desertification.
16. Coastal water pollution. PART-2 (B) :: GEOLOGY fPor Mining Inspector) ::
17 Air pollution- acid precipitation, weather and climatic effects.
18. Water pollution-Impact ofwaste disposal(Soil/liquid)on water 1. G aieralG eobgy-iilementary ideas of origin and interior of the
quality degradation. Earth. Dating of rocks by radioactive methods; age of the Earth.
19. Environment management— Definition ofProblem and Objectives. Volcanoes - causes and products, volcanic belts, Earthquakes
20. Role of the geologist in urban area planning causes, geological elfect and distribution, relation to volcanic belts.
21. Natural resource management and natural hazards. Geosynclines and ®eir classification. Isostacy. Mountains types and
22 Environmental policies ofthe country. origin. Brief ideas about continental drift. Origin ofcontinents and
23. Environmental law. oceans.
afPTcn^ 3tT^^ <f ^ 3tiq'?<4i' ?y?t3T 100KB)tTO? TO/yRTO eti I?T TOrT TO (5alt STOy ■??TO
yyg fi; g?iy yR^ Rtot ^^
tron^ (TOPtTO foTTO TO? yiyf fityrorro TOTO ft/Reflective
srr^ ^^ it ^ ^ ^?Wf?T xsmn^ Document IVlat) yi yff I 31^ yTOT yiff yi 3 uf?ITO (Hard
aik ?nfl ^ 3rE?fr cR? to Copies) atyi TOTO atygy TOii yfiroiattyfro srt fi^
atfrons^ antro www.psc.cg.Rov.in yyi y? apyaft ^ tocrt yi^i y?g?T/itfiTO yRro atfiyii ffro i
tK ldl5<<iT if v5'^c^«^ <^'"1 (6). affyrogy aniyy ^ atyroW fiig TOi tg, atrorsff ^
(!)■ aiHdl^-i 3n^ llffti^tT if STHIsft cPT ^H^ysPT TO5 Candidate's Reg BTOTteR TOysft 1ii?T;- affyeTtgy atriyy ?i '^troy atroRff ^
istrationiRW^I tJcRT^if^. aTTOTT ??TOT8R gajTO aryeftTO yRTO ftro, ?to ig ar«isff t?TO timy
TJR Pldl'tt, '^, fcW, vPRfrt^, '^TRR ^ f-ilet 3n|.^. y5TTO5T TO! yyi yfro Rtfy iy it btorsr yiii at^Ri ^
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xiTO yfedi ^ TO> atyyr yRnt^^ii TO RRra^ (cRPTTO firro TO? yi^ RiycRiyi TOTO ft/ Reflective Document Mat)
^ I xRH yRTO TO TOf.#. TO ynroi yyfy ^ yi yff 1 ^ ^
^ yiRT yR^ aajyr yyry yR^ to yiR} Wyr to -Hi'ii i (7). ajfyrogy artiyy yRi TOyy hir TOaro yiffg fi; TOyrotif tot
3r<ys5f TOfgRT TOH yfstTO to; torit yfytlR tor y i-^ atrycTTgy arriyyiytff yf t yi TOff-TOff yfiffe yi TOg i
311^.^. y yy^ toit tsit tjf^ey i yfyrfei y/ataiyr ^ to^ (8). anify iRT affyrogy ariiyy yroi ^ RfiRT i y? TOyst
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^ Candidate's Registration%g ygTO f^ TO yfyiiet TOR yft ^icj, aniyy i aff^ yi to gff t to? TORroiit ti
yRyri i ayyty yry spy aroroy; ^jtoto tori ytyifci tor y ^-ilei aiTO: affyroigy aniyy Submit mti arriyy; ajyi
3n^.#. yy ^ TOtr^t i atiiyy yi tohw gfifey) yi TOiyTOilg^ ygflyrf^ y?
(2). 3r«isff 3iyit yf^Rs^ yfyiiei y ati^.^. tR RTO yf^R^ gy TOy?T ^1 aniyro ajyi giro ^ yf TORyflif ^ TOgror
try mroi TO yyty yR tohchi^h to^ to yic^ i TOrony ffi ^ ygytg f) affyroiy arriyy yi Submit yroy firoy;
TO^ ^troi srwisS yif totot syy^yy; otHchiRdi TOf to atyyr yR TOyr yif totot arriyy gjero aryr yifi
yifd iiy ?^TOR TOete yRTO ^I Submit yyy ^ TOTO it TO? (9). atryroiy artiyy Submit yRi ?i ?ttot gero aryr TOi?i yiy
yi TO TOddi^'i TO^yy yff yiyr yR^ to strisS yi gem •gyriry yi aryjai yi aryi ajfyrotfy arriyy crarr gyroR yi TOiy rttot fi'fl i
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tjy; firoy TO yyy to gro; gyroy ftpyr to TOiyri totortoj^ ci yyyfiyfi TOii TO? totot yi ariaiy Ri tops !J?g?T yRro ffyr i
gccp gyyiy to eti to? apyaff yi aiyi aniyy yi TOiy tort ^ I pi?i yy TOiit ffi ^ wyig arryroTfy arriyy yi rrfi
3pyafi y? gfifiTOt TO ifi fi; fiyffiy gro; TO gyyiy TOTORttg^ rrarr gyrrR yi y?Tly yyeryj yff ?Rff f I am. arrify yrro
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fctPiT totot I tor yfiTO gyf ^ tor, wdlm spyai ^ feP? xsxreTST yRii fg fig yg ar«niyyf to? tiro yff fiRt TOigyr i
affyrofy TOiyy yi TOyfi yy gyroy yi TOiy to fis atroi yRt arwraft y? ?gPi(^yd TOi TOTO?i ITTO fiyffiy gro; to groTR
??3yT yay ayyty SRi yfi TOito: TO?gcT yRTO atPtyii #yri .BTOetdi g^y; to fiyr yyr f i
(3). affydi^y TOiyy yfiRT ^ ^ tor yi nfiRT tor ?pi [10). affyrorgy arriyyigli gro to y>i4 fiaffirr fi^iarryrorgy
anyrocR ?j?RTi atpiy yi iyrofs www.psc.cg.gov.in y? yyets? fiyjT TOT TOyRr 1 gfi gyR m<rd gro yR ft fiRT to trmoi i
yRii TOtfit I 3pyai fiyfiy ?r ^ tort iy?iTfy to aryeftroy yRi 3ff?R f^tfir ^ ygyrg affyro^y arriyy yi nfilfe i
■?i 1 if 3pysfi yi yif if ?3^ cyftRpry tot it yy/SMSii i) yyro? to gfyftyy yff fi;yT TOigyr crm 5TO gfyer i
ig snyfy yisy yff ftro toiti?! anyR to? yif if apyajf anyf^ arryfy firoi ft arryriyy yg firog yft TOiyri
ij?grT y#f TO TOiyTI (11). aniyy; y? tor g^ fi* fisrfiy yy ^ arriyy to i ^
(4). aniyy; ?yy stroi to? it ?tt fcRie ^ ytrory it ayyertiy fiRi if gfi TO gyR tor ^ firoff ff gro yg yft ^
aiTiyy y?TO yifen gro; to gyroy, fiyfti? gyroy fiyroy TOT gr^l ara; apyaff atyyr arriyy atRRT grryarrft
gyyy?, yrof TO tfi? TOT^ TO froife tfiiy ^ totor ^ TO yii yfi fiR ft yif gti ftff f ff gfi gpR aryjti i
yrroi #l yfffjd gyR yR ^ I
(5). 3ffyen§y aniyy ^ feig atycft? fi?? TOii %g, 3py«ff ^ (12). arHctify arriyy/gfe '^'R ^ yf^ro gey; ■-
mfetlyiTO gfyaft fit??;- aniyy; affyciTfy arriyy fg fiWR (0 Pciy; atfyrogy arriyy; ?i firg fiyffirr yisrr groR ?i artciRmn
yyif ffi ^ to to? yi i f^rottTO gay rftfc? gey; groi ao/- + rfiggrff gro; iy ffy? i
TOTOiff TOtgro TO yi^ airoi toto yift to tTOroro? 00 afryerr?y arriyy yi ylitfeyf i fiRi yyro yi gfi ffi yg
tyyty/fe^ iy to ffro TOtffg yay yiff if arHtaft yi yfyf 3if?i gni^ yrgr gfi gyR fiyfRet fciRf?ii g^ ^ fi:gey;
?yTO fi?fif iif TOflgi yi^ ^ ^ ^pyaft to ym finn TOT gryRT 11
yay yiff fiiroyii yi frif^ fi? yi gf ffyt TOffg i apyafl yyrr (iii) yyf gyR ?i BiHeif iyfi fiRi arriyy; si?i atrgfSi?r yf ^ tot
Pi^jiig^HK ferorog to? yiff yi ??iy to .jpg yygei (arfStroyy
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