Fscm91famp b1109
Fscm91famp b1109
Fscm91famp b1109
November 2009
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Management 9.1 PeopleBook
SKU fscm91pbr0
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Trademark Notice
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners.
Warranty Disclaimer
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find
any errors, please report them to us in writing.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. iii
Chapter 5
iv Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. v
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
vi Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. vii
Updating the General Ledger with Adjustments and Transfers .................................................................. 211
Modifying or Deleting Pending Asset Transactions ................................................................................... 211
Pages Used to Modify or Delete Pending Asset Transactions .............................................................. 212
Modifying or Deleting Pending Transactions ...................................................................................... 212
Viewing Asset Transaction Details ...................................................................................................... 212
Updating Transaction Information ....................................................................................................... 213
Adjusting for Asset Impairment .................................................................................................................. 213
Understanding Impairment Testing ....................................................................................................... 214
Pages Used to Make Impairment Adjustments ..................................................................................... 215
Working With the Impairment Worksheet ........................................................................................... 216
Running the CGU Impairment Batch Process ...................................................................................... 222
View and Report Impairment Losses and Reversals ............................................................................ 226
Chapter 9
viii Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. ix
Chapter 12
x Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xi
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
xii Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xiii
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
xiv Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xv
Chapter 24
xvi Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xvii
Appendix C
xviii Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Management
This preface discusses:
Note. This PeopleBook documents only page elements that require additional explanation. If a page element
is not documented with the process or task in which it is used, then it either requires no additional explanation
or is documented with the common elements for the section, chapter, or PeopleBook.
PeopleSoft Products
This PeopleBook makes reference to these products:
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xix
See the guidelines for designing pages in the Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook, "PeopleSoft Application
Designer Developer's Guide."
• How to access hosted PeopleBooks, downloadable HTML PeopleBooks, and downloadable PDF
PeopleBooks as well as documentation updates.
xx Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
• Navigating the PeopleBooks interface and searching the PeopleSoft online library.
• How to manage the PeopleSoft online library including full-text searching and configuring a reverse
proxy server.
• Understanding documentation integration and how to integrate customized documentation into the library.
You can find this companion PeopleBook in your PeopleSoft online library.
Account ChartField that identifies the nature of a transaction for corporate accounts.
Affiliate ChartField used to map transactions between business units when using a single
interunit account.
Alt Acct (alternate ChartField that identifies the nature of a transaction for statutory accounts. This
account) field appears only if you enable the Alternate Account option for your
organization and for the general ledger business unit.
As of Date The last date for which a report or process includes data.
Category ChartField value that represents the category for a project transaction in Project
Costing. A category further defines a source type. For example, if you have a
source type of labor, you might have categories for architect labor, carpenter
labor, and plumber labor. This field is available only if you have Project Costing.
Currency Code that identifies the type of currency for an amount, such as USD or EUR.
Dept (department) ChartField that indicates who is responsible for or affected by the transaction.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xxi
Document Sequence or Click to open a page where you can enter document sequencing information.
Document Sequencing This option is available only if you enable the document sequencing feature for
the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit.
Effective Date Date on which a table row becomes effective; the date that an action begins. For
example, if you want to close out a ledger on June 30, the effective date for the
ledger closing would be July 1. This date also determines when you can view and
change the information. Pages or panels and batch processes that use the
information use the current row.
EmplID (employee ID) Unique identification code for an individual associated with your organization.
Fund ChartField that represents structural units for education and government
accounting. Can also represent a divisional breakdown in your organization.
Journal Created when you edit journal lines (accounting entries) online in PeopleSoft
General Ledger or you run the Journal Generator process for subsystem,
imported, or batch accounting entries.
Language or Language The language in which you want the field labels and report headings of your
Code reports to print. The field values appear as you enter them.
Language also refers to the language spoken by an employee, applicant, or non-
Oper Unit (operating ChartField that is used to identify a location, such as a distribution warehouse or
unit) sales center.
Process Frequency Designates the appropriate frequency in the Process Frequency group box:
Once executes the request the next time the batch process runs. After the batch
process runs, the process frequency is automatically set to Don't Run.
Always executes the request every time the batch process runs.
Don't Run ignores the request when the batch process runs.
Process Monitor This link takes you to the Process List page, where you can view the status of
submitted process requests.
Product ChartField that captures additional information that is useful for profitability and
cash flow analysis by product sold or manufactured.
Program ChartField that identifies groups of related activities, cost centers, revenue
centers, responsibility centers, and academic programs. Tracks revenue and
expenditures for programs.
xxii Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Report Manager This link takes you to the Report List page, where you can view report content,
check the status of a report, and see content detail messages (which show you a
description of the report and the distribution list).
Request ID A request identification that represents a set of selection criteria for a report or
Run This button takes you to the Process Scheduler request page, where you can
specify the location where a process or job runs and the process output format.
Run Control ID A request identification that represents a set of selection criteria for a report or
Source Type ChartField value that represents the source type for a project transaction in
Project Costing. A source type identifies the purpose of the transaction, for
example labor. This field is available only if you have Project Costing.
Status Indicates if a row in a table is active or inactive. You cannot display inactive
rows or pages or use them for running batch processes. Use inactive rather than
delete data you no longer use in order to maintain an audit trail.
User ID The system identifier for the individual who generates a transaction.
See Also
Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook, "Using PeopleSoft Applications," Working with Pages, Using Effective
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xxiii
Chapter 1
• Processing depreciation.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1
Getting Started With PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Management Chapter 1
• Retiring assets.
We cover these business processes in the business process chapters in this PeopleBook.
2 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 1 Getting Started With PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Management
To use PeopleSoft Asset Management to full advantage, it is also important to understand the points of
integration between PeopleSoft Asset Management and the other PeopleSoft applications that you have
purchased, such as:
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 3
Getting Started With PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Management Chapter 1
• Third-party applications for computer-aided facilities management, tax provider systems applications.
Because applications share information, you must plan to work closely with the implementation teams that
install other PeopleSoft applications to ensure that PeopleSoft provides the full functionality and efficiency
that your company requires.
4 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 1 Getting Started With PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Management
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Securing ChartFields" and PeopleSoft
Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Securing ChartFields," Securing ChartFields for
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Management.
PeopleSoft Financials also provides component interfaces to help you load data from your existing system
into PeopleSoft tables. Use the Excel to Component Interface utility with the component interfaces to
populate the tables.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 5
Getting Started With PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Management Chapter 1
Bus Tax Rate for Asset/Location See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle
(ASSET_LOC_RATE) Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook,
"Setting Up Tax Processing and Tax Reporting,"
(FRA) Defining Business Tax by Location.
6 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 1 Getting Started With PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Management
BU Aggregate R&D Expenditure ( See Chapter 23, "Using the Global Features of
BU_AGG_RD) PeopleSoft Asset Management," Defining Asset
R&D Categorization, page 477.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 7
Getting Started With PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Management Chapter 1
8 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 1 Getting Started With PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Management
Inter Unit Transfer Definition IU_TRF_DEFN_TBL_ See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle
(IU_TRF_DEFN_TBL) CI Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook,
"Setting Up Accounting Entry and Financial
Processing for PeopleSoft Asset Management,"
Defining Accounting Entries.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 9
Getting Started With PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Management Chapter 1
Physical Inventory Sys Setup See Chapter 12, "Performing Asset Physical
(PI_SYSTEM_SETUP) Inventory," Setting Up a Physical Inventory, page
Define Asset Profiles (PROFILE) PROFILE_CI See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle
Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook,
"Establishing Asset Processing," Setting Up Asset
10 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 1 Getting Started With PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Management
User Defined Depreciation Rate UD_DEPR_RATE_CI See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle
(UD_DEPR_RATE) Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook,
"Setting Up Depreciation Processing," Defining
Depreciation Terms and Rates.
User Defined Methods - Copy See Chapter 15, "Using User-Defined Asset
(UD_METHOD_COPY) Depreciation," Creating a User-Defined
Depreciation Method, page 333.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 11
Getting Started With PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Management Chapter 1
12 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 1 Getting Started With PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Management
Value Added Tax Code TAX_CODE_VAT See PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and
(TAX_CODE_VAT) Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with VAT,"
Setting Up VAT Authorities, and Tax Codes.
VAT Accounts by Business Unit TAX_BU_CODE_VAT See PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and
(TAX_BU_CODE_VAT) Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with VAT,"
(Optional) Defining VAT Accounts by General
Ledger Business Unit.
VAT Entity (VAT_ENTITY_ID) VAT_ENTITY_ID See PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and
Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with VAT,"
Setting Up VAT Entities.
Vat Defaults CI Component VAT_DEF_CI See PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and
(VAT_DEF_CI) Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with VAT,"
Establishing VAT Defaults.
In the implementation planning phase, take advantage of all PeopleSoft sources of information, including the
installation guides, data models, business process maps, and troubleshooting guidelines. A complete list of
these resources is in the preface of the About These PeopleBooks with information on where to find the most
up-to-date version of each.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 13
Getting Started With PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Management Chapter 1
See Also
14 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 2
Note. In addition to the custom navigation center pages, PeopleSoft Asset Management provides menu
navigation, standard navigation pages, and PeopleSoft Navigator.
Asset Management Main Menu, Asset Management Access primary PeopleSoft Asset
Management menu options and
Asset Definitions Center Main Menu, Asset Management Access primary PeopleSoft Asset
Management Center menu options
and activities.
Asset Transactions Click Asset Transactions on the Asset Access the Asset Transaction folder
Management menu page. to administer financial and
nonfinancial asset transactions,
including adds, adjustments, transfers,
and retirements.
Owned Assets Click Owned Assets on the Asset Access the Owned Assets folder to
Transactions menu page. enter, copy, update, and display
owned asset information.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 15
Navigating in PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 2
Express Add Click Express Add on the Owned Access the Express Add page to
Assets page. create a new asset with only financial
Basic Add Click Basic Add on the Owned Assets Access the Basic Add page to enter or
page. update financial assets with physical
and financial details.
View Component Hierarchy Click View Component Hierarchy on Access the Asset Component
the Owned Assets page. Hierarchy page to display an asset
hierarchy in a grid.
Manage Component Hierarchy Click Manage Component Hierarchy Access the Asset Component
on the Owned Assets page. Hierarchy page to display an asset
hierarchy in a grid as well as to insert
and remove assets from the hierarchy.
Copy Existing Asset Click Copy Existing Asset on the Access the Copy Existing Asset page
Owned Assets page. to copy existing asset information to a
new asset ID.
Calculate Replacement Cost Click Calculate Replacement Cost on Access the Calculate Replacement
the Owned Assets page. Cost page to calculate and update
indexed replacement costs.
Define Asset Operational Information Click Define Asset Operational Info Access the Define Asset Operational
on the Owned Assets page. Information page to enter
nonfinancial assets or update physical
details of existing assets.
Maintain Property Occupants Click Maintain Property Occupants Access the Maintain Property
on the Owned Assets page. Occupants page to enter property
occupant information.
Leased Assets Click Leased Assets on the Asset Access the Leased Assets folder to
Transactions menu page. enter and update leased asset
Express Add Click Express Add on the Leased Access the Lease Express Add page
Assets page. to create capital or operating leases
with appropriate payment and
depreciation schedules.
Update Lease Information Click Update Lease Information on Access the Update Lease Information
the Leased Assets page. page to enter or update leased assets
with physical and financial details.
Create Expense Schedule Click Create Expense Schedule on the Access the Lease Expense Schedule
Leased Assets page. page to generate new lease expense
16 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 2 Navigating in PeopleSoft Asset Management
Transfer Operating Lease Click Transfer Operating Lease on the Access the Transfer Operating Lease
Leased Assets page. page to transfer an operating lease to
a new ChartField.
Acquisition Details Click Acquisition Details on the Asset Access the Acquisition Details folder
Transactions menu page. to review acquisition details from
vouchers, purchase orders, and
Review Purchase Orders Click Review Purchase Orders on the Access the Review Purchase Orders
Acquisition Details page. page to review purchase order data
such as business unit, PO ID, and
related contracts.
Review Receivers Click Review Receivers on the Access the Review Receivers page to
Acquisition Details page. review receiving details such as
business unit, item ID, or vendor
receipt quantities.
Review Vouchers Click Review Vouchers on the Access the Review Vouchers page to
Acquisition Details page. review acquisition details from
Asset Book Information Click Asset Book Information on the Access the Asset Book Information
Asset Transactions menu page. component to review, add, or update
asset books.
Define Tax/Depr Criteria Click Define Tax/Depr Criteria on the Access the Define Tax/Depr Criteria
Asset Book Information page. page to define asset book and tax
depreciation attributes.
Add/Copy Asset Book Click Add/Copy Asset Book on the Access the Add/Copy Asset Book
Asset Book Information page. page to copy to a new book or convert
book currency in mass.
Create Parent Click Create Parent on the Parent- Access the Create Parent page to
Child Relationship page. create umbrella parent asset;
description only asset.
Parent-Child Basic Information Click Parent-Child Basic Information Access the Parent-Child Basic
on the Parent-Child Relationship Information page to enter and update
page. basic physical and financial data for
parent or child assets.
Review Parent-Child Click Review Parent-Child on the Access the Review Parent-Child page
Parent-Child Relationship page. to review parent assets and the
associated child asset information.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 17
Navigating in PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 2
Review Parent-Child NBV Click Review Parent-Child NBV on Access the Review Parent-Child NBV
the Parent-Child Relationship page. page to view parent-child net book
value; select and deselect included
InterUnit Parent-Child Trans Click InterUnit Parent-Child Trans on Access the InterUnit Parent-Child
the Parent-Child Relationship page. Trans page to run the process for
interunit parent-child transfers.
Capital Acquisition Planning Click Capital Acquisition Planning on Access the Capital Acquisition
the Asset Transactions menu page. Planning folder to create and
administer Capital Acquisition Plans
Create (CAP) Plan Click Create (CAP) Plan on the Access the Create (CAP) Plan page to
Capital Acquisition Planning page. define and update capital acquisition
plans (CAP).
Load Budgeting Asset Catalog Click Load Budgeting Asset Catalog Access the Load Budgeting Asset
on the Capital Acquisition Planning Catalog page to load the budgeting
page. asset catalog.
Send to Budgeting Click Send to Budgeting on the Access the Send to Budgeting page to
Capital Acquisition Planning page. configure the interface for PeopleSoft
Run Report Click Run Report on the Capital Access the Run Report page to create
Acquisition Planning page. capital acquisition plan (CAP)
Financial Transactions Click Financial Transactions on the Access the Financial Transactions
Asset Transactions menu page. folder to perform financial asset
maintenance transactions like
adjustments and transfers.
Cost Adjust/Transfer Asset Click Cost Adjust/Transfer Asset on Access the Cost Adjust/Transfer
the Financial Transactions page. Asset page to perform cost
additions/adjustments, transfers,
recategorizations, revaluations,
markups, and interunit transfers.
CGU Impairment Click CGU Impairment on the Access the CGU Impairment page to
Financial Transactions page. process CGU impairments.
Impairment WorkSheet Click Impairment Worksheet on the Access the Impairment Worksheet
Financial Transactions page. page to process impairments.
Revaluation WorkSheet Click Revaluation Worksheet on the Access the Revaluation Worksheet
Financial Transactions page. page to revalue assets using different
Fair Value Click Fair Value on the Financial Access the Fair Value page to assign
Transactions page. the fair value for individual assets.
18 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 2 Navigating in PeopleSoft Asset Management
Revaluation in Mass Click Revaluation in Mass on the Access the Revaluation in Mass page
Financial Transactions page. to collectively revalue assets.
Change/Delete Pending Trans Click Change/Delete Pending Trans Access the Change/Delete Pending
on the Financial Transactions page. Trans page to update transactions in
the Pending Transaction table before
running depreciation processing.
Cost Summarization Click Cost Summarization on the Access the Cost Summarization page
Financial Transactions page. to process cost summarization.
Update Non-Capitalized Cost Click Update Non-Capitalized Cost Access the Update Non-Capitalized
Asset on the Financial Transactions Cost page to update noncapitalized
page. cost.
Cap Threshold Validation Click Cap Threshold Validation on Access the Capitalization Threshold
the Financial Transactions page. Validation page to check if an asset
still belongs to the appropriate
capitalization category after
upcoming adjustments.
Capitalization Summary Report Click Capitalization Summary Report Access the Capitalization Summary
on the Financial Transactions page. Report page to review trackable assets
originated due to the threshold limit.
Asset Disposal Click Asset Disposal on the Asset Access the Asset Disposal folder to
Transactions menu page. dispose of assets.
Retire/Reinstate Asset Click Retire/Reinstate Asset on the Access the Retire/Reinstate Asset
Asset Disposal page. page to retire and reinstate financial
Disposal Worksheet Click Disposal Worksheet on the Access the Disposal Worksheet page
Asset Disposal page. to submit selected assets for disposal.
Approve Disposals Click Approve Disposals on the Asset Access the Approve Disposals page to
Disposal page. approve pending asset disposal
Auto-Retire Fully Depr Assets Click Auto-Retire Fully Depr Assets Access the Auto-Retire Fully Depr
on the Asset Disposal page. Assets page to define auto-retire
criteria to collectively retire fully
depreciated assets.
Retire/Reinstate Non-Fin Asset Click Retire/Reinstate Non-Fin Asset Access the Retire/Reinstate Non-Fin
on the Asset Disposal page. Asset page to retire and reinstate
nonfinancial assets.
History Click History on the Asset Access the History folder to review
Transactions page. book and cost history.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 19
Navigating in PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 2
Review Book Click Review Book on the History Access the Review Book page to
page. review book change history.
View Parent Component Click View Parent Component on the Access the View Parent Component
History page. to view the Parent component.
Review Cost Click Review Cost on the History Access the Review Cost page to
page. review capitalized and noncapitalized
asset cost transactions.
Review Inflation Click Review Inflation on the History Access the Review Inflation page to
page. review asset inflation history.
Open Transactions Click Open Transactions on the Access the Open Transactions page to
Depreciation page. create, review, and purge open
transaction data.
Group Asset Depreciation Click Group Asset Depreciation on Access the Group Asset Depreciation
the Depreciation page. page to consolidate, apply, and
calculate group asset depreciation.
What-If Scenarios Click What-If Scenarios on the Access the What-If Scenarios page to
Depreciation page. request and review what-if
depreciation scenarios.
Review Depreciation Info Click Review Depreciation Info on Access the Review Depreciation Info
the Depreciation page. page to review depreciation
Depreciation Process Log Click Depreciation Process Log on Access the Depreciation Process Log
the Depreciation page. page to review depreciation
processing results for errors.
20 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 2 Navigating in PeopleSoft Asset Management
Accounting Entries Click Accounting Entries on the Asset Access the Accounting Entries folder
Management menu page. to process and close accounting
Create Accounting Entries Click Create Accounting Entries on Access the Create Accounting Entries
the Accounting Entries page. page to create asset accounting
Close Depreciation Click Close Depreciation on the Access the Close Depreciation page
Accounting Entries page. to close period depreciation by
generating accounting entries for the
Review Financial Entries Click Review Financial Entries on the Access the Review Financial Entries
Accounting Entries page. page to review accounting entries.
Review Operating Leases Click Review Operating Leases on Access the Review Operating Leases
the Accounting Entries page. page to review accounting entries for
operating leases.
Close Accounting Period Click Close Accounting Period on the Access the Close Accounting Period
Accounting Entries page. page to close an accounting period to
prevent accounting entries in that
Review Asset Journals Click Review Asset Journals on the Access the Review Asset Journals
Accounting Entries page. page to review asset journal
Calculate Inflation Click Calculate Inflation on the Access the Calculate Inflation page to
Accounting Entries page. run the process to calculate inflation
amounts for assets.
Revalue AUS Click Revalue AUS on the Access the Revalue AUS page to
Accounting Entries page. revalue assets (Australia).
Review Expense Entries Click Review Expense Entries on the Access the Review Expense Entries
Accounting Entries page. page to display accounts created by
the Clearing Reconciliation process .
Allocate Depreciation Expense Click Cost and Depreciation Access the Allocate Depreciation
Summary on the Accounting Entries Expense component to allocate
page. depreciation expense.
Financial Reports Click Financial Reports on the Asset Access the Financial Reports folder to
Management menu page. produce reports and load reporting
Cost and Depreciation Summary Click Cost and Depreciation Access the Cost and Depreciation
Summary on the Financial Reports Summary page to review summarized
page. depreciation activity, cost activity,
and net book value.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 21
Navigating in PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 2
Load Reporting Tables Click Load Reporting Tables on the Access the Load Reporting Tables
Financial Reports page. folder to load PeopleSoft Asset
Management reporting tables.
Asset Details Click Asset Details on the Financial Access the Asset Details folder to
Reports page. create asset information reports.
Leased Assets Click Leased Assets on the Financial Access the Leased Assets folder to
Reports page. create lease asset reports.
Accounting Entries Click Accounting Entries on the Access the Accounting Entries folder
Financial Reports page. to generate account activity
summaries, alternate account activity,
reverse and reserve amounts, and
statutory reports.
Cost and Depreciation Click Cost and Depreciation on the Access the Cost and Depreciation
Financial Reports page. folder to create asset depreciation
Retirement Click Retirement on the Financial Access the Retirement folder to create
Reports page. asset retirement reports.
Generate AM Charts Click Generate AM Charts on the Access the Generate AM Charts
Financial Reports page. folder to generate PeopleSoft Asset
Management charts.
Preview AP/PO Information Click Preview AP/PO Information on Access the Preview AP/PO
the Send/Receive Information page. Information page to review the
PeopleSoft Purchasing/Payables
interface tables.
Retrieve Info from AP/PO Click Retrieve Info from AP/PO on Access the Retrieve Info from AP/PO
the Send/Receive Information page. page to run preinterface tables into
the transaction loader.
Load Transactions Click Load Transactions on the Access the Load Transactions folder
Send/Receive Information page. to load, consolidate, and unitize
transactions to PeopleSoft Asset
Load Interface Click Load Interface on the Access the Load Interface folder to
Send/Receive Information page. send data to and receive data from
PeopleSoft Asset Management tables.
22 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 2 Navigating in PeopleSoft Asset Management
Import Data via Spreadsheet Click Import Data via Spreadsheet on Access the Import Data via
the Send/Receive Information page. Spreadsheet folder to import new
assets from a spreadsheet using a
Component Interface utility.
Approve Financial Information Click Approve Financial Information Access the Approve Financial
on the Send/Receive Information Information folder to review and
page. approve financial interface table
Approve Physical Information Click Approve Physical Information Access the Approve Physical
on the Send/Receive Information Information folder to review and
page. approve physical interface table A
and B transactions.
Approve Lease Information Click Approve Lease Information on Access the Approve Lease
the Send/Receive Information page. Information folder to review and
approve lease interface table
Computer Aided Facility Mgmt Click Computer Aided Facility Mgmt Access the Computer Aided Facility
on the Send/Receive Information Mgmt folder to integrate department,
page. property, and employee information.
Taxes Click Taxes on the Asset Access the Taxes folder to process
Management menu. and produce tax reports.
Update CCA Click Update CCA on the Taxes page. Access the Update CCA folder to
update capital cost allowance
Calculate Local Taxes Click Calculate Local Taxes on the Access the Calculate Local Taxes
Taxes page. folder to update local tax information
in local tax returns (Japan).
Depreciation Click Depreciation on the Taxes page. Access the Depreciation folder to
calculate and update tax balances
Reports Click Reports on the Taxes page. Access the Reports folder to create
tax-related asset reports.
Asset Property Tax Click Asset Property Tax on the Access the Asset Property Tax page
Taxes page. to enter asset property taxes.
Service and Maintenance Click Service and Maintenance on the Access the Service and Maintenance
Asset Management menu. folder to create and maintain
insurance and service/repair
Asset Insurance Click Asset Insurance on the Service Access the Asset Insurance page to
and Maintenance page. define asset insurance information.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 23
Navigating in PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 2
Asset Warranties Click Asset Warranties on the Service Access the Asset Warranties page to
and Maintenance page. maintain asset warranty and service
coverage information.
Maintenance Contract Terms Click Maintenance Contract Terms on Access the Maintenance Contract
the Service and Maintenance page. Terms page to enter or update terms
and coverage in maintenance
Review Maintenance History Click Review Maintenance History Access the Review Maintenance
on the Service and Maintenance page. History page to review maintenance
Track Service and Repairs Click Track Service and Repairs on Access the Track Service and Repairs
the Service and Maintenance page. page to enter or update asset service
and repair information.
Asset Inspection Click Asset Inspection on the Service Access the Asset Inspection page to
and Maintenance page. maintain asset inspection, cost, and
coverage information.
Asset Checkout Click Asset Checkout on the Service Access the Asset Checkout page to
and Maintenance page. check out assets for service and
Asset Meter Information Click Asset Meter Information on the Access the Asset Meter Information
Service and Maintenance page. folder to enter and update asset meter
reading and to review meter reading
Reports Click Reports on the Service and Access the Reports folder to create
Maintenance page. warranties and license information
Physical Inventory Click Physical Inventory on the Asset Access the Physical Inventory folder
Management menu. to access asset physical inventory
Physical Inventory/Mass Change Click Physical Inventory/Mass Access the Physical Inventory/Mass
Change on the Physical Inventory Change page to define mass change
page. parameters for physical inventory
Create Schedules Click Create Schedules on the Access the Create Schedules page to
Physical Inventory page. create a physical inventory schedule.
Create Extract Rules Click Create Extract Rules on the Access the Create Extract Rules page
Physical Inventory page. to define physical inventory extract
24 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 2 Navigating in PeopleSoft Asset Management
Define Inventory Occurrence Click Define Inventory Occurrence Access the Define Inventory
on the Physical Inventory page. Occurrence page to establish physical
inventory (PI) control ID and default
PI asset transactions.
Process CSV Files Click Process CSV Files on the Access the Process CSV Files page to
Physical Inventory page. create a comma-separated values
(CSV) file.
Verify Duplicate Tags Click Verify Duplicate Tags on the Access the Verify Duplicate Tags
Physical Inventory page. page to identify duplicate asset tags
scanned by physical inventory counts.
Verify Duplicate Serial ID Click Verify Duplicate Serial ID on Access the Verify Duplicate Serial ID
the Physical Inventory page. page to identify duplicate asset tags
scanned during physical inventory
Verify Scanned Data Click Verify Scanned Data on the Access the Verify Scanned Data page
Physical Inventory page. to enter search criteria for physical
Review Matching Results Click Review Matching Results on Access the Review Matching Results
the Physical Inventory page. page to review discrepancies between
asset data and scanned physical
inventory data.
Review Inventory History Click Review Inventory History on Access the Review Inventory History
the Physical Inventory page. page to review assets' physical
inventory history.
Review Extracted Data Click Review Extracted Data on the Access the Review Extracted Data
Physical Inventory page. page to review asset extract
Run Physical Inventory Reports Click Run Physical Inventory Reports Access the Run Physical Inventory
on the Physical Inventory page. Reports page to create the Physical
Inventory report.
Mass Change Click Mass Change on the Asset Access the Mass Change folder to
Management menu. define Mass Change templates and
process transactions.
Define Criteria Click Define Criteria on the Mass Access the Define Criteria page to
Change page. define mass change selection criteria.
Run Request Click Run Request on the Mass Access the Run Request page to run
Change page. the Mass Change process.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 25
Navigating in PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 2
Print an Asset Click Print an Asset on the Asset Access the Print an Asset page to
Management menu page. print asset detail information.
Search for an Asset Click Search for an Asset on the Access the Search for an Asset page
Asset Management menu page. to locate an asset and view with
drilldown detail functions.
Asset Definitions Center Click Asset Definitions Center on the Access the Asset Definitions Center
Asset Management menu. folder to administer asset setup and
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Navigating in PeopleSoft
Asset Lifecycle Management"
26 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3
Asset Management is the core financial product of the PeopleSoft Asset Lifecycle Management (ALM)
Solution. The other products that compose the ALM product suite are:
The Asset Repository Manager (ARM) is the central feature used in common by these products. The asset
repository is essentially the asset database, the core of asset processing. From the asset repository, assets are
made available to other products in pursuance of their respective business processes.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Understanding
PeopleSoft Asset Lifecycle Management," Understanding the Asset Repository.
The products included in the ALM product suite also integrate directly with PeopleSoft Enterprise Human
Capital Management.
Finally, Asset Management integrates with other Financials and Supply Chain Management products,
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 27
Implementing Asset Management Chapter 3
Because the information you may need to fully implement Asset Management involves more than one
PeopleSoft product, you need to refer to the Getting Started chapter in each PeopleBook for specific
implementation and integration information.
Use the PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals PeopleBook to find detailed information about the
following functionality and processes:
• Configuring ChartFields.
• Setting up ledgers.
• Processing allocations.
Use the Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals PeopleBook to find detailed information about the
following functionality and processes:
28 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3 Implementing Asset Management
• Establishing asset processing, including defining asset attributes, profiles, ownership and reporting
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials, Enterprise Service Automation, Asset Lifecycle Management Portal Packs
9.1 PeopleBook
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 29
Chapter 4
1. Set up the database tables that will store accounting structure and asset information.
No strict rules exist for performing these tasks. The pace and flow of the implementation will be guided by
the requirements of your business environment, available personnel resources, and any unexpected events that
you may encounter during the process.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 31
Converting to PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 4
If you use the PeopleSoft application engine processes that are described in this chapter to convert your data,
Asset Management business units and books must be established before you transfer data into the loader
tables. The sequence of other table setups are more flexible. You may want to partially complete the
conversion before doing some table setup. For example, as you set up the Location table, you can refer to the
record layout from your conversion file to determine how many different locations you need to establish and
what they should be called. In general, however, you should complete the table setup that provides your
system structure to begin building your asset management database. Your table setup must be complete
before you can finish converting your asset data. The final conversion step, depreciating converted assets,
cannot be carried out until all PeopleSoft Asset Management tables are set up. Setting up the database tables
that provide your accounting structure and store asset information is discussed in previous chapters. Please
refer to these for more details of the tasks involved.
Data validation is an important step as you plan and implement the conversion. Before you begin converting
asset data from the current system, look closely at the existing data. Depending on the integrity of the source
data, your first step should be to validate the existing data before you begin converting. At various intervals of
the data conversion process, you will have the opportunity to examine the data. Create checks and balances as
part of your conversion plan to test data that is being loaded into the PeopleSoft database.
Note. The Excel to CI PeopleTools spreadsheet utility enables you to use a PeopleSoft Asset Management
template to upload asset data from another source to the PeopleSoft database. You should not plan to use this
utility to convert your initial database. This utility is designed to assist in situations in which manual data
entry would be tedious. Because the Excel to CI utility is limited to importing 65K rows of data at a time,
large volumes of data cannot be uploaded. Because this utility has no automatic error checking, you should
carefully review all rows of data being uploaded and correct any problems as you discover them. Finally, the
Asset Management template that is used for Excel to CI does not populate the INTFC_PHY_B tables. Data
uploaded by this method may require additional manual data entry. Given these constraints, using the Excel to
CI utility to convert legacy data to new PeopleSoft records is not recommended.
See Also
Before proceeding with the data conversion, you must set up your business units and tables.
We strongly recommend that you add and depreciate some assets online before beginning the conversion
Performing these actions is a good test of your table setup. They enable you to test your Asset Profiles to
ensure that they are working the way you intended, and you can see how the depreciation program works and
how it is affected by different variables and conventions. Knowing what to expect from the PeopleSoft Asset
Management application before you begin the conversion will assist you in making decisions for planning
and carrying out the conversion.
32 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Converting to PeopleSoft Asset Management
1. Write and run a program that transfers data from the existing system into the Asset Management loader
Table Description
Note. When writing this SQR, note that for load types of CN1 that use NEXT in the ASSET_ID field,
each load line should have a unique INTFC_ID. This unique value ensures that Asset IDs are generated
correctly. In all other cases, you should use one INTFC_ID for each set of transactions with the same load
Note. The sample conversion program, AMCV1000.SQR, and its SQC links are not supported.
2. Run the Transaction Edit program (AMIFEDIT) to perform edit checks on the specified data fields to
ensure that the information you load into PeopleSoft Asset Management is correct. The data fields that are
edited include ChartFields, business units, and books.
Use the Financials Transactions page, Physical Transactions A page, and Physical Transactions B page to
see which data was loaded into the loader tables.
4. Use the Transaction Loader process (AMIF1000) to transfer information from the loader tables into your
Asset Management tables.
This process reads data in the INTFC_FIN, INTFC_PHY_A and INTFC_PHY_B tables and then
populates the Asset Management tables with the asset data. This data appears in Asset Management as
open transactions.
The AMIF1000 process has two options for populating open transaction accounting and transaction date
fields with respect to how costs and accumulated depreciation are loaded. Search for RJS2-34 in
AMIF1000 and choose the option that matches your business needs before running the program.
See Chapter 4, "Converting to PeopleSoft Asset Management," Using Transaction Loader Conversion
Dates Options, page 37.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 33
Converting to PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 4
Note. When converting data from another system to PeopleSoft Asset Management, you should convert data
as of the period before you want the system effective. You should calculate depreciation as of the first period
that the system is effective.
For example, if you want the system to be effective on January 1, 2006, you should convert all your data as of
December 31, 2005. The fiscal year, START_PD, and END_PD on the depreciation table should be 2005, 12,
12. The TRANS_DT and DTTM_STAMP should be December 31, 2005. However, you should calculate
depreciation with OPEN_TRANS accounting and transaction dates of January 1, 2006.
See Also
34 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Converting to PeopleSoft Asset Management
Transaction Loader Edit RUN_AMIFEDIT1 Asset Management, Run the Transaction Edit
Send/Receive Information, program.
Load Transactions, Edit
Transactions, Edit
BU Book Chartfields AMIFEDIT_CF_SEC Click the Chartfields link on Select ChartField summary
Summarize the Transaction Loader Edit options for the transaction
page. loader edit process.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 35
Converting to PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 4
Select all the fields on which you want to perform the edit valuation. Deselect those fields that will have no
values because you do not use the field (that is, optional fields Category and Tax Class.).
Note. The default condition is to run edit checks on all of these fields. They are all selected when you first
display the page. To prevent an edit check on a particular field, deselect that check box.
Load Type A more detailed version of Trans Type. One trans type can generate several
different load types.
Note. Whenever you rerun the Transaction Edit program, old message files from the previous run are deleted.
Use the Financials Transactions page, Physical Transactions A page, and Physical Transactions B page to see
which data was loaded into INTFC_FIN, INTFC_PHY_A, and INTFC_PHY_B. If you find errors, you can
either correct them online using the SQL query tool or modify your custom SQR and run the program again.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Integrating PeopleSoft
Asset Management with Other Products," Previewing Data in the Loader Tables
36 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Converting to PeopleSoft Asset Management
The Transaction Loader is also used for mass transactions. After performing a mass change, run this
Application Engine to create entries in Asset Management tables.
Note. You must run the Transaction Edit program (AMIFEDIT) before running the Transaction Loader,
especially at conversion time. The Transaction Edit program performs edit checks on the data fields that you
specify to help ensure that the information you load into PeopleSoft Asset Management is correct. Review the
data that is loaded into INTFC_FIN, INTFC_PHY_A, and INTFC_PHY_B and look carefully at the
Transaction Loader Application Engine (AMIF1000) before you run it. You may need to change some of the
data defaults that it contains.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Integrating PeopleSoft
Asset Management with Other Products," Running the Transaction Loader
• Make the open transaction accounting and transaction dates the first day of the following period of the
specified accounting date.
• Make the open transaction accounting and transaction date the same as the date that is specified in the
Financial Interface table (INTFC_FIN).
To populate the open transaction accounting and transaction dates with the first day of the following
accounting period, perform these steps.
3. Scroll down to section 200120 and click the plus sign to expand the section.
4. Make sure that Step 100 and Step 120 are Inactive and Step 130 is Active.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 37
Converting to PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 4
To populate the open transaction accounting and transaction dates with the date that is specified in the
INTFC_FIN table, perform these steps:
3. Scroll down to section 200120 and click the plus sign to expand the section.
4. Make sure that Step 100 and Step 120 are Active and Step 130 is Inactive.
Note. When converting data from the current system to PeopleSoft Asset Management, you should convert
data as of the period before you want the system effective. You should calculate depreciation as of the first
period that the system is effective.
For example, if you want the system to be effective on 01/01/06, you should convert all of the data as of
12/31/05. The fiscal year, START_PD and END_PD on the depreciation table, should be 2005, 12, 12,
respectively. The TRANS_DT and DTTM_STAMP should be 12/31/05. However, you should calculate
depreciation with OPEN_TRANS accounting and transaction dates of 01/01/06.
For converted assets and assets that are loaded through the Transaction Loader, the default is to book
accumulated depreciation to the previous period. However, any accumulated depreciation is booked to the
current period:
1. If you populate the START_PD, END_PD and FISCAL_YEAR fields in the Financial Loader table
(INTFC_FIN) with values for the current period.
38 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Converting to PeopleSoft Asset Management
• Update security to restrict access to the conversion SQRs now that they are no longer needed.
Receive Conversion Data RUN_AMCV2000 Asset Management, Run the Interface Loader
Send/Receive Information, program to delete data from
Load Interface, Receive the loader tables.
Conversion Data, Receive
Conversion Data
When the conversion is complete, you will want to release the disk space that is occupied by all the interim
tables that you used in the process. Working backwards, you can delete data from the tables that were
populated by using the Interface Loader.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 39
Converting to PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 4
Select Delete Fin/Phy and run this request. Process Scheduler runs the AMCV2000 process at user-defined
Updating Security
You may want to restrict access to the Interface Loader and Transaction Loader after the conversion is
completed and approved. Review the system security page settings and make changes as warranted.
See Also
For this load type, the Transaction Loader inserts records into the Asset field and, if applicable, Asset
Custodian,Asset Location,Warranty,Attribute,License,Comments,PI Asset History,Parent Asset, and
Acquisition Detail fields. It creates Book and Cost rows, as well as one row of accumulated depreciation for
each book, all using the transaction type ADD. After modifying some of the values in INTFC_FIN and
changing the transaction type to RET, the Transaction Loader inserts Cost and Retirement rows. The status of
the assets is set to D (Disposed) for retired assets.
You can add partially retired assets, but the remaining cost basis will not be depreciated or processed in
any way.
• The depreciation process (AM_DEPR_CALC) need not be run after the retired assets are loaded.
40 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Converting to PeopleSoft Asset Management
Note. The ARA interface type was designed to load fully depreciated, retired, or historical assets in cases
for which AM_DEPR_CALC would never run and the assets would never be reinstated. To accommodate
reinstatement of historical assets in this case, change the ARA interface type as needed.
• If you have a valid asset profile that is effective-dated correctly and the assets have the same amounts for
cost, depreciation, gain/loss, and so on for each book (use the same depreciation conventions), you can
load the retired assets with the DEFAULT_PROFILE_SW set to Y.
In this case, you should set DEFAULT_PROFILE_SW to Yon INTFC_FIN and INTFC_PHY_A, enter
the valid profile ID in INTFC_PHY_A, and make only one entry in INTFC_FIN for each asset. Leave the
BOOK field blank.
• If this is not the case, set the DEFAULT_PROFILE_SW to N and load one record for each book for each
asset into INTFC_FIN. Consequently, if one asset reports to two books, you will load two records for the
asset into INTFC_FIN.
Enter the accumulated depreciation into INTFC_FIN.DEPR, one entry for every ChartField combination.
Each entry in INTFC_FIN corresponds to a row in PS_DEPRECIATION.
To simplify populating the load tables, one entry in INTFC_FIN is used to create both an ADD and a RET
cost row for each book.
The key difference between the ADD and the RET rows is the DTTM_STAMP. The Transaction Loader loads
the ADD row first, and then it increments the DTTM_STAMP by one day, sets the RETIRE_SW to 1, and
multiplies COST and QUANTITY by negative 1 (−1). It then loads this as the RET row.
Note that when the Transaction Loader finishes successfully, values in all the INTFC_FIN rows for ARA
INTFC_TYPE and INTFC_ID will have changed. If you want to rerun the transaction using the same
INTFC_ID entries:
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 41
Converting to PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 4
42 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Converting to PeopleSoft Asset Management
When using the Transaction Loader, you need not populate those fields that contain data in the
PROFILE_DET_TBL if you provide a valid PROFILE_ID and set DEFAULT_PROFILE_SW to Y on both
Before running the Transaction Loader, the INTFC_LEASE, INTFC_FIN and INTFC_PHY_A tables must be
loaded with leased asset information. The new ASSET_IDs are calculated if the interface table ASSET_ID
fields are set to NEXT. If NEXT ASSET_ID is used, each INTFC_LINE_NUM should represent one
ASSET_ID, and the same INTFC_LINE_NUM should be used for all three interface tables.
• PYMNT_SCHED_ID (Do not populate this field with NEXT; it will not be assigned automatically.)
These fields can have values of zero or N, or the default value from the profile (if you are using default profile
switch = "Yes"):
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 43
Converting to PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 4
• FV
All of the preceding fields affect the LEASE_BOOK. The INTFC_FIN.LIFE on the LEASE_BOOK should
be calculated as FREQUENCY × LEASE_TERM. For example, if the PYMNT_SCHED_ID is monthly and
LEASE_TERM = 24, then LIFE = 24 and ESTIMATED LIFE = 24. The preceding data is needed for lease
adjustments in Asset Management.
When the INTFC_LEASE table is populated, you can use the Load Preview-Lease page to review and correct
lease data before uploading to the PeopleSoft Asset Management tables.
Load Approval - Lease INTFC_LEASE_APPR Asset Management, Approve lease data before
Send/Receive Information, uploading to PeopleSoft
Approve Lease Information, Asset Management tables.
44 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5
• Maintain warranties.
• Copy an asset.
• Financial information includes details about cost, books, depreciation method and convention, and useful
• Physical information includes asset tag numbers, specifications, location, custodian, and manufacturer.
Oracle's PeopleSoft Asset Lifecycle Management (ALM) solution provides complete access to the entire asset
portfolio, regardless of asset class, and featuring visibility into total cost of ownership by enabling cost
tracking associated with acquisition as well as lifetime maintenance and performance.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 45
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Working with other products within the PeopleSoft ALM solution, including PeopleSoft IT Asset
Management, PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, and PeopleSoft Real Estate Management, PeopleSoft
Asset Management provides functionality for the completeplan to retire business process, from the initial
planning and acquisition of assets to the end-of-life disposal of assets.
PeopleSoft Asset Management provides a common Asset Repository Manager (ARM), accessible to all
PeopleSoft ALM products and other PeopleSoft integrated products, which stores all asset data. The
repository provides a single source for all physical, financial, or operational asset data.
Adding Assets
After you establish PeopleSoft Asset Management foundation tables, you can add assets. This section
discusses the different ways to add assets. The approach that you use depends on the needs of your
organization and how much information is available when the assets are added.
• Use Express Add to add assets using an asset profile for default book and depreciation information.
When assets are capitalized, most of the critical information is derived from the asset profile by default,
and detailed physical information can be entered later.
• Use Basic Add when much of the physical information is readily available at the start.
You can capitalize the asset immediately or later using the appropriate asset profile.
• Use Excel to CI to add assets by uploading asset information from PeopleSoft's integrated Excel
spreadsheet component interface.
This process enables you to add multiple assets to generate PeopleSoft-formatted data from a predefined
Excel asset template.
The PeopleSoft system enables asset receiving when you use PeopleSoft Purchasing, PeopleSoft Payables, or
PeopleSoft Project Costing. You can initially add an asset with only its physical information and then
capitalize the asset when you receive financial information from the invoice. Conversely, you can initially
add the asset's financial information when you order it and then add the physical information once it is
received; or you can enter all of the information at once.
You can also add assets through PeopleSoft Project Costing, along with all of the pertinent project
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Project Costing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Managing Assets," Setting Up and Using
Express Capitalization.
PeopleSoft Asset Management allows you to use transaction currencies for multinational transactions. This
enables you to maintain a base or local currency and conduct transactions with foreign entities by selecting a
transaction currency for individual transactions. By establishing an exchange rate to convert the currencies,
you can complete transactions in multiple currencies and convert them back to the base currency as needed.
Capitalization Threshold
PeopleSoft Asset Management can determine capitalization status of an asset based on its cost according to
limits that you define. When adding new assets, either online or batch, the system automatically classifies
them according to their cost into one of the following categories:
46 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
• Capital Assets - The system generates an asset ID and stores physical and financial information. Financial
information is stored in the cost table. The system also stores acquisition details. Therefore, these assets
are trackable from both a physical and financial standpoint. This term is interchangeable with Financial
• Noncapital Assets - The system generates an asset ID and stores physical but not financial information on
the cost table (COST). The cost information is stored in the Non-capitalized cost table. The system also
stores acquisition details. Therefore, these assets are trackable from a physical standpoint only. This term
is synonymous with Trackable Assets or Nonfinancial Assets.
• Expense Assets - The system does not generate an asset ID. If an asset is entered online that does not meet
the capitalization threshold, an error message appears saying that the asset has been catalogued as an
expense due to its cost amount and could not be considered as an asset. If the asset is entered in batch, the
system stores a message in an audit table that explains why that interface line was not processed. Because
of their low cost, these assets are considered an expense when acquired and there is no interest to track
them within the Asset Repository.
The Capitalization Threshold functionality is optional and can be enabled at the installation and business unit
levels. Define the actual capitalization thresholds at the asset profile level. PeopleSoft Asset Management
automatically catalogues the capitalization status for batch and online asset additions, provides processes to
deal with adjustments to the original cost, balances out any potential clearing account with other feeder
systems, and provides reports and audit trails to facilitate control of these transactions.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up
Accounting Entry and Financial Processing for PeopleSoft Asset Management," Setting Up Capitalization
Document Sequencing
Statutory requirements in some countries require that all financial transactions (documents) be classified into
different transaction types, and that within each transaction type, all documents entered be numbered
sequentially. The document sequencing feature helps you maintain established business practices by meeting
both of these requirements.
Document sequencing is available for transactions that you create either online or through background (batch)
processing. When you activate document sequencing, the system automatically assigns a sequence number to
each document (invoice, voucher, journal, and so on) that you create. You can also enter sequence numbers
manually. When you delete, change, or unpost a document, the system may generate additional document
sequence numbers, as appropriate.
The document sequence page (AM_DOC_SEQ) is used throughout the PeopleSoft Asset Management
application where a financial transaction occurs: Express Add, Basic Add, Cost Adjustment and Transfer,
Leases, Copy Assets, Adjust Accumulated Depreciation, Update/Delete Pending Transactions, Impairment,
and Retirement. Each page displays a document sequencing tab for the entry and enables you to view, enter,
or override document sequence information.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up
Accounting Entry and Financial Processing for PeopleSoft Asset Management," Defining Document
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 47
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Component Changeout
When you integrate PeopleSoft Asset Management with PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, component
changeout functionality (swapping of older or broken components for newer replacement components) is
enabled. The component changeout feature enables you to manage asset component swapping when failure or
replacement is required to maintain an asset. A component is replaced with a "like-component" and the
characteristics and attributes of the new component are associated with the overall larger asset. A component
can be removed from one asset and marked for reuse in another asset. A component can also be served by
parts. PeopleSoft Asset Management enables you to maintain an equipment parts list and associate it with an
The Asset Repository manages the complete setup for component changeout functionality with predefined
defaulting component hierarchy, and makes this information available to the work order operator to facilitate
completion of the tasks associated with component changeout transactions.
The component changeout transaction installs, replaces, removes, and disposes component assets within the
Asset Repository. The process allows asset transfer and disposal transactions, which are then passed to
PeopleSoft Asset Management through the Transaction Loader process.
When the option to remove assets for reuse is selected, you map the ChartField accounts to be used for the
transfer by entering the information on the Warehouse Mapping page through the Transaction Loader
process. When the option to replace assets is selected, the transferred assets are updated with new
replacement asset information through the Transaction Loader.
Some assets are delivered with warranties or other maintenance contracts. As well, some assets may be
insured where replacement of parts or service is covered under the insurance contract. PeopleSoft Asset
Management enables you to track warranty, maintenance, and insurance information associated with assets.
Some assets make use of meters to track usage for maintenance or billing purposes. Asset Management
provides meter types and meter reading pages to monitor asset usage for these purposes.
See Chapter 9, "Managing Asset Maintenance, Repair, Warranties, and Insurance," page 229.
48 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
• Add attachments.
General Information ASSET_GENERAL_01 Asset Management, Asset Add asset basic information
Transactions, Owned manually, or modify
Assets, Basic Add existing asset information.
Asset R&D Information ASSET_RD_SP Click the Set R and D Info Enter information about
(asset research and link on the General R&D assets. In Australia,
development information) Information page. this information is used for
tax reporting purposes;
otherwise, it is
informational only.
Warehouse Mapping AM_WH_MAP_ASSET Click the Asset Warehouse Enter transfer information
Mapping link on the defaults for assets used in
General Information page. component changeout for
PeopleSoft Maintenance
Management. This page is
used by PeopleSoft IT Asset
Management and
PeopleSoft Maintenance
Management to transfer
assets to a defined
warehouse. Custodian,
Location, and Employee ID
are also available.
Custodian will inherit the
ChartFields defined for the
Asset Management - AM_ADD_ATTACH_SEC Click the Attachments link Add relevant supporting
Attachments on the General Information documents to an asset
page. transaction.
Fair Value AM_FMV_DEFN Click the Fair Value Details Update fair value (FV)
link on the General information for each asset.
Information page. The data is stored on the
AM_FMV record and is
used for revaluation of the
asset in accordance with
statutory requirements.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 49
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
(JPN) Local Tax Return LTAX_ADD_INFO_SEC Click the Local Tax Enter local tax information
Information link on the when you acquire
General Information page. depreciable fixed assets.
Work Order Management AM_WOM_OPT_ASSET Click the Work Order Enter Work Order–related
Options for Components information relevant to the
link on the asset.
Hazardous Asset Codes ASSET_FSC Click the Hazardous Code When an asset is defined as
Info link on the hazardous, describe it by
Operation/Maintenance selecting at least one
page. hazardous code from the
Asset Acquisition Detail ASSET_ACQ_DETAIL Asset Management, Asset Store information about
Transactions, Owned how the asset was acquired
Assets, Basic Add, Asset and keep track of the
Acquisition Detail separate costs and
acquisition details of
components that make up
an asset.
50 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Acquisition Details ASSET_ACQ_DET_AP Click the Interfaces Info View or enter information
link on the Acquisition about assets acquired
Detail page. through other PeopleSoft
applications. If Asset
Management is integrated
with other PeopleSoft
applications, the source
systems send the asset
information through
delivered interfaces. If not,
you can add the information
Acquisition Detail ASSET_ACQ_DET_CF Click the Acquisition Detail Enter acquisition ChartField
Chartfields Chartfields link on the details for the asset.
Asset Acquisition Detail
Doc Sequencing (document AM_DOC_SEQ Asset Management, Asset Enter document sequencing
sequencing) Transactions, Owned information.
Assets, Basic Add, Doc
Tax ASSET_ACQ_DET_VAT Click the Tax link on the Enter tax information for
Asset Acquisition Detail the asset. This feature is
page. available only if the
business unit is activated for
value-added tax (VAT)
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 51
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
License Address ASSET_LIC_ADDR_SEC Click the Address button Enter address information
on the associated with an asset
Manufacture/License/Custo license.
dian page in the License
Information group box.
Record Property Taxes ASSET_PROP_TAX Click the Enter Property Enter property tax details
Taxes link on the Asset including due dates, taxing
Property page. authorities, and payments.
Asset Supplemental Data AM_ASSET_SD Asset Management, Asset Record additional data
Transactions, Owned based upon asset business
Assets, Basic Add, Asset unit, asset type, subtype,
Supplemental Data manufacturer, and model.
52 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Asset ID Select the default value Next to have the system automatically assign the next
available number. You can also enter an alphanumeric value of your own.
Note. When entering joint venture assets that are shared among several business
units, it is recommended that you assign a unique asset ID. This ensures that the
assets created at the participant level all have the same ID as the assets created at
the joint venture business unit level. For example, you might use the prefix JV,
which would generate an asset ID such as JV000022.
Asset Status Displays of the current status of the asset, such as In Service.
Description and Short Enter identifying and descriptive information about the asset. The short
Description description can be an abbreviated description.
CAP # (capital Enter a capital acquisition plan number and associated sequence number, if
acquisition plan number) applicable. The capital acquisition plan number ties the asset to a capital
and Seq # (sequence acquisition plan. Only valid numbers set up in the Capital Acquisition Plan table
number) are accepted. The sequence number defines the detailed elements of the capital
acquisition plan.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 53
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Taggable Asset and Tag If you use tags to track assets, enter the tag number assigned to the asset. This
Number automatically selects the Taggable Asset check box. Asset Management performs
physical inventory using the asset tag number. If the business unit for this asset is
set up to allow a default tag number based on the asset ID, the default tag number
appears here.
Note. You must use tag numbers to perform physical inventory with the Asset
Management physical inventory application.
Asset Class If you use classifications to define assets within categories, enter the asset class
code here. The asset class enables you to identify assets for reporting purposes.
The asset class is also used as a VAT driver.
Asset Type Select a value to indicate a type of asset. The available options are:
Asset Subtype Select a value to indicate a subset of asset type. Subtypes are optionally user-
defined and directly related to the asset type. Only asset subtypes of the selected
asset type are available when defining the asset.
54 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Asset Status Select the appropriate asset status from the following options:
• Budgeted: Asset is budgeted but not placed in service.
• Commitment: Budget has been approved and the asset is being acquired.
• Received (not in service): Asset has been received but not yet placed in
• In Service: Indicates the date the asset is available for use. The transaction
date is the default.
• Transferred: The asset has been transferred from one business unit to another.
Acquisition Date Enter the date when the asset was acquired. This field is automatically populated
if the asset was added from a feeder system, such as Purchasing or Payables.
Placement Date Enter the date that the asset is placed in service for physical purposes.
(JPN) Collateral Asset Japanese accounting principles require that assets offered as collateral be treated
according to financial reporting regulations under the commercial law. If this
asset is such a collateral asset, select one of the available options that comply
with Japanese requirements.
See Chapter 23, "Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management,"
(JPN) Using PeopleSoft Asset Management Options to Meet Japanese
Requirements, page 503.
Acquisition Code The acquisition code indicates how you acquired the asset. Select one of the
following options:
• Donated: Use for donated assets.
• Leased: Use to tie an asset to a capital or operating lease. You must also
specify the capital or operating lease asset ID.
• Like Exchange: This option is not valid for this page. You must add like
exchanges in the Asset ExpressAdd component.
• Purchased: This option is used for purchased assets. This is the default value.
• Trade In: This option is not valid for this page. You must add traded-in assets
in the Asset ExpressAdd component.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 55
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
FERC Code (Federal The FERC Code is used to identify depreciation according to FERC guidelines.
Energy Regulatory This field is used in the U.S., usually to identify group assets, such as telephone
Commission code) poles, highway signs, or other assets used in mass quantities.
Financing Code Enter the code as you have defined it. Financing codes enable you to analyze
debit and credit relationships for capital-intensive and government projects.
In Physical Use Select or deselect this check box to resolve discrepancies between the asset
repository and IT asset discovery. Changes made to this page are incorporated in
the main asset record within the asset repository. The physical use indicator is
affected when adding, transferring, retiring or reinstating hardware assets within
PeopleSoft Asset Management. Only those assets that have the physical use
indicator selected are included in the ITAM comparison process.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise IT Asset Management 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with
the Asset Repository," Understanding the Compare Asset Repositories Process.
Fair Value This display-only field indicates the FV of the asset as updated from the Fair
Value page. The FV is used in the calculation of asset revaluation.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Setting Up Accounting Entry and Financial Processing for
PeopleSoft Asset Management," Enabling Combination Editing.
Appraisal Date This display-only field indicates the date when the current FV was updated.
When the asset is added to the database, the appraisal date is the same as the
acquisition date by default.
Replacement Cost Indicates how much it would cost to replace the asset. When the asset is added to
the database, the replacement cost is equal to the total base cost of the asset by
default. The replacement cost can be derived by associating the asset to a cost
index, such as the consumer price index (CPI) or inflation index. The association
of the replacement cost index can be applied by default from the asset profile; the
replacement cost is then calculated considering the base cost and the index
amounts. The result is displayed here.
Last Update If you are calculating the replacement cost using an index, the date that you
performed the last update appears here. When the asset is added, this date is the
accounting date.
Index Name and Enter the adjustment of the replacement cost using an index, such as the
Subindex Name consumer price index. When you calculate the replacement cost, the original
replacement cost is adjusted by the index and subindex that you specify. Enter
valid codes. These are established on the Indexes page during implementation.
Parent/Child and Parent For a parent or child asset, select the appropriate option in the Parent/Child field.
ID If it is a child asset, enter the parent ID with which it is associated. The default
value is None. Parent and child assets cannot also be composite or group assets.
Profile ID Enter a profile ID. Asset profiles are set up in the Asset Profile component.
56 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Threshold ID This value defaults from the capitalization Threshold ID that is associated with
the asset profile for a given asset. When adding an asset, the system uses the
capitalization definition for the applicable Threshold ID to determine the
appropriate capitalization action to take. Upon clicking the Capitalize button on
the Asset Acquisition Detail page, the system compares the cost of the asset with
the cost and basis option as defined on the Capitalization Threshold page and
then classifies the new asset into one of the following brackets:
• Capital Asset
• Expensed Asset
Note. This field appears only if the capitalization threshold option is enabled
within Asset Management Installation Options and if the capitalization threshold
option is enabled for a given business unit.
Note. You can select a Threshold ID other than the default value to use in the
capitalization evaluation for an asset.
Note. Actions such as "To Capitalize Later" and "Never Capitalize" do not
trigger the capitalization threshold evaluation.
(JPN) Reporting Life Enter the reporting life for Japanese composite assets. This life is used for
calculating average life of the composite asset.
Set R and D Info (set Click to access the Asset R&D Information page, where you can enter
research and development identifying information for the asset.
(JPN) Local Tax Click to access the Local Tax Return page. This link is visible when establishing
Information setup options for Japan tax reporting.
See Chapter 23, "Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management,"
(JPN) Using PeopleSoft Asset Management Options to Meet Japanese
Requirements, page 503.
Region Code Select a region to categorize property assets by regions. Used for reporting.
Capitalized Asset Indicates whether the asset has been capitalized. This check box is display-only.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 57
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Composite Asset and Composite asset processing enables you to group assets so that their total cost is
Composite Asset ID carried by one asset and depreciated that way. By selecting this option, you
indicate that this single asset is a composite asset, and associated assets are
known as composite members. This feature is frequently used by utility
companies, and it meets the requirements to use the Japanese Composite
Depreciation Method.
When you select the Composite Asset check box on the Asset Information page,
an Asset ID field appears. Associate the composite member by selecting the asset
ID of a composite asset.
See Chapter 11, "Using Composite Asset Processing," page 269.
(AUS) Schedule Type If this is an Australian business unit, select a schedule type code.
(AUS) Calculate Last Click to generate the last date of mandatory review for the asset.
Date of Review
Note. You cannot access the Schedule Type Code field, the Calculate Last Date
of Review button, or the Last Date of Mandatory Review field if the last date of
mandatory review has already been calculated, unless you are in correction
(AUS) Last Review DT Displays the last date of mandatory review for the asset. The last date of
mandatory review is stored at the asset level.
See Chapter 23, "Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management,"
(AUS) Using PeopleSoft Asset Management Options to Meet Australian
Requirements, page 475.
Book Page Click to save the component and access the Book (ASSET_BOOK_01) page.
Access the Asset R&D Information page (click the Set R and D Info link on the General Information page).
Asset Management enables you to identify assets for the purpose of calculating research and development
R and D Plant (research Select to identify the asset as specifically allocated for research and development.
and development plant)
R and D Start Date Enter the start date for the asset.
(research and
development start date)
Use NBV (use net book Select to use net book value for your tax reporting purposes. Click the OK button
value) to return to the Asset Information page.
See Chapter 23, "Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management," (AUS) Using PeopleSoft
Asset Management Options to Meet Australian Requirements, page 475.
58 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Access the Local Tax Return page (click the Local Tax Information link on the General Information page).
Asset Management enables you to calculate and run reports as required by Japanese local tax laws, including
all required information for the local depreciable asset tax return. When the Localization Country field on the
User Preferences - Overall Preferences page is set to JPN,the Establish Business Units component for
PeopleSoft Asset Management includes the Business Unit Info for Japan page. If you select Use JPN Local
Tax from the AM Business Unit Definition page (JPN Info link) , you enable access to the Local Tax Return
page from the General Information page.
Complete the fields as necessary to generate the Japanese local tax return.
See Chapter 23, "Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management," (JPN) Using PeopleSoft
Asset Management Options to Meet Japanese Requirements, page 503.
Access the Warehouse Mapping page (click the Asset Warehouse Mapping link on the General Information
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 59
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Default Mapping from Select to apply the asset ChartFields, location and custodian from the asset ID.
Asset The option displays as not selected (unchecked) by default. If the option is not
selected, the system will use the ChartFields mapped at the business unit level.
Operating Unit,Fund Displays the ChartField account codes to be used for the transferred component
Code,Department, (asset). Only the active ChartFields for your system appear.
Program Code,Class
Field,Budget Reference,
Product,and Project
Location Code Select the location code where the replaced or transferred asset will be physically
Adding Attachments
Access the Asset Management - Attachments page (click the Attachments link on the General Information
60 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Add Attachment Click this button to attach files as supporting documentation for an asset. Supply
a description of the file or files that you attach.
User, Name, and Once you add attachments and save the asset, the User, Name and Date/Time
Date/Time Stamp Stamp related to the user who added the attachments are automatically supplied.
Access the Fair Value page (click the Fair Value Details link on the General Information page).
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 61
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Fair value is used in establishing revaluation of assets. PeopleSoft Asset Management stores this information
for each asset and allows you to add a new fair value (FV) on a regular basis, leave it blank, or let it stay as
original cost, depending upon your business requirements.
See Chapter 8, "Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets," Capturing and Maintaining Asset Fair Value
(FV), page 205.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up
Accounting Entry and Financial Processing for PeopleSoft Asset Management," Enabling Combination
62 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Operation/Maintenance page
Operation/Maintenance page
Asset Structure
This section discusses how to define the asset structure. Assets can be catalogued as assets of a certain type,
with sequential subtypes, assets that are components of a higher level asset, or clustered assets, multiple
assets that combine to establish a whole asset.
Asset Type Displays the asset type for this asset from a list of valid definitions.
Asset Subtype Displays the asset subtype to this asset type. Only one asset subtype can be
applied to an asset type.
Begin Date Enter the date when the relationship begins. This field is only visible when a
component is assigned or updated.
Clustered Asset Select to indicate that the asset is part of a larger entity or cluster. A clustered
asset is similar to a group asset. This field is used for reporting purposes only.
Work Order Options for Go to the Work Order Options for Components page to define options for work
Components orders.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 63
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Manufacturer Information
Serial ID Enter the asset serial number ID, if available. The serial ID is required for asset
type hardware.
Schedulable Select if the asset can be scheduled by users. For example, a crane extension can
be used on multiple cranes at multiple project sites. It may require separate
inspections and certifications from the crane. It could be used to replace a similar
extension in use on another crane that must be taken out of service for repairs or
inspection. Because it can be used on more than one crane, it may be considered
a schedulable asset. Only schedulable assets can be checked out using the asset
checkout feature.
Allow Overbooking Select if the asset schedule of the asset can be overbooked.
Use As Tool Select if the asset is used as a tool in another event. This requires that an asset
subtype be associated with the asset.
Charge Back Select if the asset can be charged back to a department, operating unit, project or
other cost expensing entity.
WO Unit (work order Enter the associated work order business unit accessing the asset. This option is
unit) available if PeopleSoft Maintenance Management is installed.
Crew Select the crew name from the list of crews associated with the work order unit
and shop that you previously selected.
64 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Maintenance Information
Repair Status Select a repair status of the asset. This field is available when the Repairable
option is selected.
Values are Needs Repair,In Repair, and None. Repair status can be updated from
PeopleSoft Maintenance Management if the Repairableoption is selected.
Parts List Select a corresponding equipment parts lists (EPL) established for this asset. It is
important to be sure that all the criteria match in order to assign an EPL template
to the asset (Asset Type, Subtype, Manufacturer ID, Model, and Product
WO Location (work Select the work order location for the asset. This location designates where the
order location) repair will take place. The values are Asset, Shop or Other.
Criticality Select the appropriate level of criticality for the asset. Criticality levels are
defined on the Asset Criticality page (AM_CRIT_LVL). Select Set up
Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management, Service and
Repair, Criticality Code. You can establish meaningful levels of criticality for
your organization when defining the criticality code and associated description.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset Processing," Defining Asset Attributes.
Offline Designate whether the asset is available or offline. (The field is informational
Other Information
Hazardous Asset Select if the asset is considered a predominant or significant hazardous material.
Note. The federal government of the United States defines hazardous materials
and waste to include: "Solid, liquid, or gaseous waste, or combination of these
wastes, which because of its quantity, concentration or physical, chemical, or
infectious characteristics may cause significantly to an increase in mortality or an
increase in serious irreversible or incapacitating illness or pose a substantial
present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly
treated, stored, transported, disposed of, or otherwise managed."
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 65
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Hazardous Code Info Click to access the Hazardous Code Information page, where you can indicate
(hazardous code hazardous material information by selecting assigned codes. The PeopleSoft
information) system is delivered with the U.S. Federal Supply Class (FSC) codes, or you can
select from codes that are created during implementation to suit your specific
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset Processing," Setting Up Hazardous Codes.
Replacement Asset and Select if this is a replacement asset. When an asset (or asset component) has been
Asset ID replaced by another in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, this field
automatically displays the associated new asset ID.
Note. The asset ID displayed here shows the replaced asset ID. The new asset
that replaced this asset has a new asset ID on the General Information page.
Asset is Available, Select and complete contact information if the asset is available for reassignment
Contact, and Phone # to another person.
(phone number)
Linear Asset Identify an asset as linear within the Asset Repository. These are assets that have
coordinates for their start and end points, such as a pipeline, train track, or a
highway. You can identify linear assets at the asset subtype level when defining
subtypes. In this way, when you select a subtype for the asset, the Linear Asset
check box automatically inherits the designation that was made for the asset
subtype. You can, however, override the subtype linear designation here at the
individual asset level.
Access the Work Order Management page (click the Work Order Options for Components link on the
Operation/Maintenance page).
66 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
This page defines the transfer include and exclude rules for components swapped out and interunit transfer
options. It is available when PeopleSoft Maintenance Management is installed. It is also available on the
business unit, asset type, and subtype pages. You can define the rules at this level as an exception. If the
Default Rules from Asset check box is not selected, the options are unavailable for selection as the options
will be taken from other levels unless you specifically select the option to use it at the asset level.
Default Rules from Check to enable rules from asset. If you leave this check box cleared, the system
Asset will take the default from a higher level and the other two fields will be
unavailable for selection.
Retire Assets Select to allow asset subcomponent disposal when the asset component is retired.
Transfer Out Asset Select to allow transfer of subcomponents when the asset component is
Components for Reuse transferred.
InterUnit Transfer Select the asset information to include with the transfer when there is an interunit
Defaults Options transfer.
Access the Hazardous Asset Codes page (click the Hazardous Code Info link on the Operation/Maintenance
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 67
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
When an asset is defined as hazardous, describe it by selecting at least one hazardous code from the list. This
feature supports U.S. FSC codes, which are delivered with PeopleSoft Asset Management. When you mark
an asset as hazardous and associate a descriptive code with it, you can also provide additional information
about its location and custodian and other pertinent data (in the Basic Add component). You can use this
information to generate a report to monitor or track hazardous assets.
Hazardous Type and These fields display the values contained in the definition for the code from the
Items Contained Hazardous Codes table established at implementation.
68 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Use the Asset Acquisition Detail page to enter costs before they have been approved for capitalization. Once
they are approved, you can then capitalize them. The total capitalizable costs entered here appear by default
in the Capitalize Information collapsible section.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 69
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
System Source Enter the source system from which the acquisition detail was derived for
PeopleSoft Asset Management. The system source that you enter must be valid in
the PeopleSoft Financials and Distribution Source table, and is typically
Purchasing (PO), Payables (AP), or Project Costing (PC).
Capitalize This field indicates the capitalization status of an existing asset. or Select the
intended capitalization action when adding an asset. The possible values are:
• Already Capitalized
• Consolidated
• Never Capitalize
• To Capitalize Later
• To be Capitalized
If an asset has not already been capitalized, you can assign it a status of To be
Capitalized or Never Capitalize. PeopleSoft Asset Management enables you to
associate books with non capitalized assets with the Never Capitalize status.
Based on the option that you select, either the Capitalization Information section
or the Non Capitalization Information section appears on the page.
Interfaces Info Click to access a separate page where you can enter acquisition details
(interfaces information) information.
Acquisition Detail Click to access a separate page for storing ChartField information. Enter the
Chartfields operating unit, department, product, and project ID that you want to associate
with the acquisition detail line.
Use the Capitalization Information section to capitalize assets using the book information provided by the
asset profile. Enter cost information into asset books. This section only displays when adding an asset.
Use the Non Capitalization Information section to add non capitalized costs associated with an asset at book
level. This group box displays only when selecting the Never Capitalize option for the Capitalize field.
Local tax legislation may require capital gains tax in relation to the disposal of assets. Noncapitalized costs
may need to be included in resultant capital gain (or loss) calculations.
Profile ID Identifies a profile that is set up in the Asset Profile table. The current asset
automatically displays all financial and tax depreciation information defined in
that profile. You must enter a profile ID for each asset that you capitalize.
70 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Accum Depr in Current Select and add accumulated depreciation for the asset to be booked to the current
Pd (accumulated period. Otherwise, accumulated depreciation is booked to the previous period.
depreciation in current This check box appears only if you are capitalizing an asset.
Transaction Date and By default, these fields display the current date or the dates specified as user
Accounting Date defaults. Transactions in Asset Management are entered after they have occurred.
The Transaction Date field reflects the accrual date that the event took place,
while the Accounting Date field reflects when it was booked or sent to
accounting in the system. The transaction date must be earlier than or equal to the
accounting date. For capitalized assets, note that any difference between
accounting and transaction dates affects depreciation as well as posting or
Transaction Code Identifies which accounting entry template is used for the asset. The system
accepts only a valid combination of asset category, transaction code, cost type,
and transaction type for which accounting entry templates exist.
Capitalize Click the Capitalize button to capitalize the asset and add cost rows for all books
in the profile ID. The cost rows that appear by default equal the total of all
capitalizable acquisition detail rows. You can change this amount. The Capitalize
button is no longer present once you click it.
Non-Capitalize Click the Non-Capitalize button to add rows for all books in the profile ID. The
cost rows that appear by default equal the total of all noncapitalizable acquisition
detail rows. This button appears only when Never Capitalize is selected from the
Capitalize options.
Left to Capitalize After capitalization, all capitalizable cost rows on the Asset Acquisition Detail
page are marked as capitalized. Therefore, the amount left to be capitalized is 0
until you add more capitalizable cost rows to the Asset Acquisition Detail page.
Left to Non Capitalize After capitalization, all noncapitalizable cost rows on the Asset Acquisition
Detail page are marked as noncapitalized. Therefore, the amount left to be
noncapitalized is 0 until you add more noncapitalizable cost rows to the Asset
Acquisition Detail page.
Accum Depr For capitalized assets, enter the amount of depreciation already recognized. If
(accumulated you are adding assets that have depreciation from prior years or prior periods,
depreciation) enter that amount in this field.
Note. As long as all acquisition detail lines are for the same set of ChartFields (Product, Project, Department)
and for the same category and cost type, you can enter them all at once and capitalize them later by clicking
the Capitalize button. However, if you enter acquisition detail lines for more than one set of ChartFields and
for more than one category and cost type, you must enter and capitalize the acquisition detail lines for each
set of ChartFields and for each category and cost type separately.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
Processing," Setting Up Asset Profiles
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 71
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Note. This link appears only when the business unit is activated for value-added tax (VAT) processing.
Tax page
Note. This information is optional except where VAT is applied. The system only validates the tax amounts
entered; it does not store them.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing PeopleSoft
Asset Management Business Units," Defining VAT Defaults
PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with VAT"
72 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Document sequencing is enabled at the general ledger business unit level. Rows are editable or not depending
upon the Keep Ledgers in Sync option defined at the ledger group level. If it is enabled, then only the primary
ledger is editable; if it is not enabled, all the books that post entries to GL are editable.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Accounting
Entry and Financial Processing for PeopleSoft Asset Management," Defining Document Sequencing
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 73
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Location/Comments/Attributes page (1 of 2)
74 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Location/Comments/Attributes page (2 of 2)
Record an asset's location and physical properties (such as color, height, and weight), enter comments, a
detailed description, and associate user-defined custom attributes. You can also use this page to attach and
view a stored image of the asset.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 75
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Manufacture/License/Custodian page (1 of 2)
76 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Manufacture/License/Custodian page (2 of 2)
Record custodial information, maintain license information, and keep track of manufacturer-related
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 77
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Property Information
This page appears when the asset type of Property is selected; however, if Lease Administration is not a
selected product within Installation Options or Space Management Installed is not selected within the Asset
Management Installation Options, the Property page does not appear.
78 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Property Class Select the property class from the available options. PeopleSoft delivers the
following hierarchy of property classes:
Property Subclass Select the property subclass from the available user-defined options, if any.
Property Name and Enter the property name and descriptions. If these are entered on the General
Description Information page, they will follow to this page.
Parent Property Select the parent property ID. Only the property asset IDs within this business
unit are available.
Building ID Enter the building property ID. The field is available when the site property ID
has been populated. The system performs an edit to check that higher level
hierarchical fields are populated.
Floor ID Enter the floor property ID. The field is available when the site property ID and
the building property ID have been populated. The system performs an edit to
check that higher level hierarchical fields are populated.
Area ID Enter the area property ID. The field is available when the site property ID,
building property ID, and floor property ID have been populated. The system
performs an edit to check that higher level hierarchical fields are populated.
Note. The last hierarchical definition for a property is Space. The space property ID is the same as the
Property ID and is not displayed at this level.
Total Area Enter the total measurement of the area of the property.
Unit of Measure Enter the unit of measure for the total area. If this field is unavailable for
selection, the unit of measure is populated by default from the information
selected when the asset was entered.
Occupancy Select the occupancy status of the property from the available values: Occupied
or Vacant.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 79
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Current Occupancy Enter the current number of occupants for the property.
Ownership Select the ownership status of the property from the available options: Owned or
Maximum Occupancy Enter the maximum number of occupants for the property. This may be a legal
Occupants Information Click this link to access the Maintain Property Occupants page. On this page, you
can add property occupant details such as occupant type, occupant ID, move in
and move out dates, as well as asset components.
When no hierarchy is established, the default values for Unit of Measure is Feet, for Occupancy,Occupied,
and for Ownership is Owned.
When a parent property ID is established, then unit of measure, occupancy, and ownership values are
inherited from the parent property.
When the parent property ID changes, however, only the unit of measure is inherited from the parent. This is
because ownership and occupancy values do not usually change from parent to parent asset. For example, if
Property A is leased but the parent ID changes, the property does not change ownership. It is still leased.
Similarly, if a parent property changes, it does not automatically change from occupied to vacant.
Note. If you have defined custom attributes on the Asset Attributes page to be associated with an asset, the
asset attributes will display with a unit of measure field. You can select the appropriate attributes from your
user-defined attributes for this property as needed.
This section is available only if the asset is a property defined as a site or building.
Parcel Number Enter the parcel number, usually provided within the grant or deed of trust.
Lot Number Enter the lot number, usually provided within the grant or deed of trust.
Block Number Enter the block number, usually provided within the grant or deed of trust.
Legal Description Enter the legal description, usually provided within the grant or deed of trust.
80 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
If the asset property is defined as Site or Building, the Enter Property Taxes link is available on the Asset
Property page. Click the link to display the Record Property Taxes page where informational data can be
entered for taxes applicable to the property.
Supplemental data is used within PeopleSoft Maintenance Management for additional asset attribute details.
The attribute groups displayed for each asset depend upon the values that are selected for the asset type, asset
subtype, manufacturer, model, and business unit. The attributes displayed are user-defined and reflect how the
attribute groups work.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 81
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
Processing," Defining Asset Attributes.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Maintenance Management 9.1 PeopleBook, "Using Supplemental Data."
A less common, but familiar application, involves public utilities. State and local agencies use asset
monitoring devices such as a water or electric meters attached to a home or commercial entity to measure the
amount of water or electricity consumed by the entity. The units consumed are measured on a routine basis
and the occupant is usually billed for the units consumed. The maintenance events associated with these types
of meters may not have anything to do with the number of units measured since the meter was last read and
other maintenance plans will have to be affected.
PeopleSoft uses meters to both measure asset usage and to trigger preventive maintenance tasks. Asset meter
activities are performed within PeopleSoft Asset Management and PeopleSoft Maintenance Management
applications. To enable meters, you must first define asset meter types. The meter types are associated with
specific asset IDs.
Enter Meter Readings AM_METER_READ1 Asset Management, Service Enter meter readings for an
and Maintenance, Asset asset.
Meter Information, Enter
Meter Readings
82 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Prior Reading AM_METER_READ2 Asset Management, Service Enter prior meter reading
and Maintenance, Asset information.
Meter Information, Enter
Meter Readings, Prior
Update Meter Readings AM_MTR_RD_UPD Asset Management, Service You can use the Update
and Maintenance, Asset Meter Readings page to
Meter Information, Update correct prior meter readings.
Meter Readings
Meter Reading Comments AM_MTR_RD_CMT Click on the Comment link Enter comments relevant to
from the Update Meter meter reading updates.
Readings page.
Meter Readings History AM_MTR_RD_HIS Asset Management, Service View meter reading history
and Maintenance, Asset for an asset.
Meter Information, Meter
Reading History
Meter Reading Details AM_MTR_RD_HID Click the Detail link on the View details about the
Meter Reading History meter reading history for an
page. asset including the
date/time, source operator
ID, and daily average.
Asset Meters
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 83
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Copy to Comp. (copy to Select if this meter should also be associated with any asset components
component) associated with this asset (optional). This enables the component asset to use the
same meter reading variations entered for its higher-level component assets.
The meter reading inheritance rules are as follows:
• The subcomponent inherits the reading from its immediately higher level
If the higher component is also enabled to copy readings, the asset continues
escalating to higher levels until finding the asset that is not enabled to inherit
readings, or the parent asset. The inherited reading is derived from this asset.
Note. The example is used to describe the physical inheritance rules of meter
readings and has no relationship to the Parent-Child financial transaction in
Asset Management.
Est. Daily Avg. Displays the estimated average based on the actual readings taken when the
(estimated daily average) number of readings specified to calculate the daily average has not been reached.
The field is available when the meter type is enabled to maintain daily average.
Estimated daily average is always a positive value.
Override Avg. (override Select to override the actual daily average. The field is available when the meter
average) type is enabled to override the actual daily average.
Act. Daily Avg. (actual Displays the system-calculated actual daily average. It can be zero or greater than
daily average) zero. You can edit the value if the Override Avg. option is selected, but a new
average is calculated when a new meter reading is entered. The field is available
when the Maintain Average option is enabled for the meter type.
Required for Work Select to override a meter as required for any kind of work order as a condition to
Order change its status to complete. This option defaults from the Meter Type
Definition page and can be overridden here on the Asset Meters page. This field
displays only if PeopleSoft Maintenance Management is installed.
84 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Primary Designate the primary meter type for the asset. This is used in the Asset
Maintenance Cost Analysis online component in PeopleSoft Maintenance
Activate Select this check box to activate entries for the row.
Date and Time Enter the date and time of the meter reading. The system current date and time
displays by default.
Meter Type (Required) Select a valid meter type for this asset ID. Valid meter types are those
that are associated with the asset and active.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 85
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Rollover Check this option if rollover is enabled and should only be selected when the
meter surpasses the upper limit. When selected, the meter resets to zero on the
Assets Meters page once this reading is saved.
When the meter passes its established upper limit and begins a new cycle, the
system keeps track of the accumulated usage. This applies only to increasing and
decreasing meter types that also have enabled the Allow Rollover option.
Replaced Select this option when the meter tool has been replaced. Both the Reading and
Variation fields must be completed in this instance. This enables the system to
calculate the total accumulated reading for the selected meter type. In the
Reading field, enter the actual reading measured in terms of the new meter. In the
Variation field, enter the difference between the last reading and the new one.
These entries will be the basis to recalculate the accumulated meter reading when
the page is saved.
Accum. Reading The last accumulated reading displays. If the Replaced option is selected, or if
(accumulated reading) this is the first reading of the asset, this field is enabled for edit. Enter the new
accumulated reading or complete the Reading and Variations fields to recalculate
accumulated reading.
UOM (units of measure) Displays the units of measure for this type of meter.
• The meter type entered cannot be duplicated for the same date and time or the system generates an error
• The reading/variation field must be completed or the system generates an error message.
• The accumulated reading or variation and the reading fields must be completed when the replaced option
is selected or the system generates an error message.
• Readings must fall into the lower and upper limit range established at the meter type definition level or
the system generates an error message.
• If the meter type is increasing or decreasing and the user enters a lower or greater reading than the prior
reading, the system will generate an error message.
If the meter type is increasing or decreasing and defined to allow rollover, the message warns that the
rollover option must be selected before saving.
When you save the page, the meter readings entered become part of the meter history.
Using the Prior Reading tab, you can view the last entry made for the meter type. It also displays rollover or
replacement activity from the prior meter reading.
You can enter comments related to a meter reading by using the Comments link.
86 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Updates to meter readings can be entered to modify existing readings. When making changes to meter
readings, the change impacts not only the variation/reading of the changed meter reading but also the
variation of the immediately following reading. You can modify the meter reading dates; this may cause
meter readings that do not follow the rules of variations for increasing type of readings and conversely for
decreasing type of readings as we have outlined on the enter readings page. Daily average will only be
recalculated if the change affects the last n numbers of readings, where n is the number of readings
established at the meter type definition level. Modifying meter reading dates could end up in having meters
out of sequence that is, not entered and listed from the oldest to the newest). For auditing purposes, select the
option to keep track of that out-of-sequence entries.
Search for and review meter readings history by business unit and asset ID. You can further refine the results
by entering a meter type and date range. The results display the following information.
As of Date/Time Displays the date and time of the meter reading listed.
Meter Type Displays the type of meter associated to the asset and reading.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 87
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Replaced If selected, indicates that a replaced reading was entered, usually due to a
Reading Displays the meter reading entered for the meter reading listed.
Variation Displays the calculated change from the prior meter reading.
Maintaining Warranties
This section provides an overview of asset warranties and lists the pages used to maintain asset warranties.
Warranties are sometimes available for extension. This may involve the issuance of a separate warranty that
becomes active when the original warranty expires. Or it may warrant components of the asset that the
standard warranty excludes. A warranty may contain different expiry dates for different components of the
asset. It may provide for on-site repairs, may require return material authorizations (RMA), and may or may
not be transferable.
PeopleSoft provides the ability to set up standard warranties and associate a warranty to an individual asset
and provides warranty templates to apply a standard warranty to multiple assets at one time.
88 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Search For Asset Warranty AM_WTMPL_SRH Click the Apply Warranties Search for warranty
Templates from Templates link on the templates to apply to the
Asset Warranties page. asset. Templates are created
by setID. Search parameters
include asset type, asset
subtype, vendor ID, model,
and item ID.
The pages in the Asset Book Definition component enable you to enter book information that is different
from that in your asset profile IDs.
Book - Depreciation ASSET_BOOK_01 Asset Management, Asset Identify the asset's books
Transactions, Asset Book and some of the information
Information, Define needed for calculating
Tax/Depr Criteria depreciation. An asset can
be linked to any number of
books. Typically, separate
books are required for
financial and tax purposes.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 89
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Book - Tax ASSET_BOOK_02 Asset Management, Asset Specify property type, tax
Transactions, Asset Book depreciation criteria, and
Information, Define tax credit options. If the
Tax/Depr Criteria, Book - fields on this page are not
Tax available, the book was not
set up as a tax book on the
Business Unit/Book
Definition page.
90 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
In Service Date Enter the date that the asset was made available for use from a financial
standpoint. This date and the depreciation convention determine when
depreciation starts for this book. This date is reflected in the Begin Depr Date
Depreciate When In Select to allocate annual depreciation as of the date that you placed the asset in
Service service. If you do not select this option, PeopleSoft Asset Management allocates
annual distribution as of the date determined by the depreciation convention. This
option is valid only in the year that the asset was acquired.
Convention Enter the convention that the system uses to prorate depreciation for the asset.
Asset Management is delivered with most standard depreciation conventions set
up in the Depreciation Conventions table. The system derives the beginning
depreciation date from the convention and the placed-in-service date. For
example, if you began using an asset on May 3, 2006, and selected Actual Month
as the depreciation convention, PeopleSoft Asset Management would begin
depreciating this asset on May 1, 2006. If you selected Following Month as the
convention, depreciation would begin on June 1, 2006.
Adjust Convention Enter the adjustment convention that the system uses to prorate cost adjustments
for the asset.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 91
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Retirement Convention Enter the retirement convention that the system uses to prorate retirement for the
Retire Option Select the retirement calculation option to be processed for assets within a given
book. These retirement options are available at the profile, book and asset levels.
See Chapter 19, "Retiring Assets," Retiring an Asset, page 379.
Select a depreciation method in the Depreciation Method field. Some depreciation methods require you to
enter additional information. Depending on the method that you select, additional fields will display as
needed, and as described in the following table:
Method Fields
Declining Balance w/SL by Limit % DB Pct (declining balance percent) and Limit Pct (limit
Flat Rate % Percent, Low Limit, and Avg Option (averaging option)
France Derogatory Balance DB Pct,Percent, Low Limit, and Depr Pass Life
(depreciate past life)
Germany Staffel Method DB Pct,Percent, Low Limit, and Depr Pass Life
Japan - Intangible / Strt Line DB Pct,Percent, Low Limit, and Depr Pass Life
Japan - Tangible / Declining Balance DB Pct,Percent, Low Limit, and Depr Pass Life
Used for assets acquired before April 1, 2007.
Japan - Tangible / Strt Line DB Pct,Percent, Low Limit, and Depr Pass Life
Used for assets acquired before April 1, 2007.
92 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Method Fields
Japan - Tangible / Strt Line Rev DB Pct,Percent, Low Limit, Depr Pass Life
Used for assets acquired on or after April 1, 2007.
Japan - Extended / Strt Line DB Pct,Percent, Low Limit, Depr Pass Life
Used for fully depreciated assets under the Tangible /
Strt Line and Tangible / Declining Balance methods that
are subject to an extended depreciation useful life of
five years using a Straight Line depreciation method
starting from the first period of the following fiscal year.
User Defined Method Method ID,DB Pct,Percent, Low Limit, and Depr Pass
Limit Pct (limit percent) Enter to specify a limit for depreciation as a percentage of cost.
UOP ID (units of Enter the units-of -production ID, production information, and transaction
production ID) information to use for the asset.
DB Pct (declining balance Enter the percentage of declining balance depreciation to be taken each year until
percent) the amount calculated by the straight line method is greater.
Percent Enter the percentage of original basis to be taken in depreciation each year.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 93
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Low Limit Enter an amount. When the asset basis reaches this limit, the remaining basis is
taken in depreciation and the asset is fully reserved. Low limit is specific to
group assets and flat rate.
Depr Pass Life Select this if you want to continue to depreciate this asset past its useful life. This
(depreciate past useful option is used for certain countries' governmental regulations and in utilities
life) industries to depreciate an asset to the end of a depreciation calendar.
Avg Option (average Generally, this field is used by utility companies to depreciate composite assets.
option) The averaging options are expressly designed to work with the flat rate
depreciation method.
Monthly Monthly averaging takes an average monthly asset balance and multiplies it by
the annual depreciation rate. The result is then applied against a period allocation
(1/12, 2/12, 3/12, and so on) to derive a year-to-date (YTD) depreciation amount.
The difference between the newly calculated YTD depreciation and the previous
YTD depreciation is the amount booked to the current period. This is applicable
to the declining balance method only.
Yearly Yearly averaging is similar to monthly averaging except that a yearly average
balance is used. Because this amount is not known until the end of the year, it is
usually estimated and adjusted periodically as the actual figures become
Note. Using the flat rate depreciation method causes any depreciation to be posted to the end of the calendar.
If this is not the intention, you must enter a low limit of .01 when you first select the depreciation method in
the Asset Book Definition component for the asset. If you have not already done this, update the Depreciation
Method field by selecting Flat Rate and entering .01 in the Low Limit field that appears.
Calculation Type Select Remaining Value to deduct any accumulated depreciation from the cost
basis and depreciate the remaining value over the remaining life of the asset.
Most assets are depreciated using this option. Use Life-to-Date to calculate the
difference between the depreciation allowed and the depreciation taken.
Typically, you use life-to-date calculations when there is a change in accounting
principle, such as depreciation method. Changes of this type require an
adjustment for the differences in accumulated depreciation to date. For example,
if you took 20,000 USD depreciation over a two year period but the amount
allowed was 24,000 USD, the difference of 4,000 USD would be expensed as an
adjustment to accumulated depreciation in the current period.
Low Value Select to identify assets with costs below a certain level for special depreciation
processing. This is a requirement for Germany.
Useful Life Enter the number of periods. This is used to perform the depreciation calculations
for the financial books.
94 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
End Depr Date (end Enter a value to have depreciation end at a particular time. At the ending
depreciation date) depreciation date, the remaining asset basis is taken in depreciation and the asset
is fully reserved.
Future Depr Yrs (future Asset Management calculates and stores depreciation until the end of the asset's
depreciation years) life. However, for optimal processing performance and greater table efficiency,
you can specify a fixed number of years for which depreciation is calculated and
Note. It is strongly recommended that you use the Future Depreciation Years
option for group assets and for a large number of assets.
Special Depreciation or If you are working in a global environment and want to use special depreciation
Special Terms terms to meet specific country requirements, select the Special Depreciation
check box and click Special Terms to open the Depreciation Method Information
page, where you can select global attributes for depreciation.
Depr Limit (depreciation Depreciation limits generally apply to tax books, but they can also be used for
limit code) financial books. The tableset delivered with Asset Management contains
depreciation limits currently dictated by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service for
luxury automobiles.
Cost Basis Limit Enter the limit on the depreciable basis of this asset. If the actual cost of an asset
is greater than its depreciable basis, the difference produces a gain when the asset
is retired.
Salvage % (salvage Enter the residual value of the asset subtracted from the cost to determine the
percentage) and Salvage depreciable basis used in depreciation calculations. You can enter it either as a
Value flat rate or as a salvage percentage (a percentage of the asset's total cost). If you
use a salvage percentage, the system recalculates the salvage value as you add
additional costs for the asset.
(DEU) Multi-Shift Code Enter rates by which depreciation should be increased based on the number of
production shifts an asset is used.
Child Inherits Parent's Select if the child asset inherits the parents remaining life. When you use parent-
Life child component assets, all child assets have their own cost basis and
depreciation attributes that are independent of the parent asset. Because the
child's asset life may differ from the life of the parent asset, you may need to
specify that a new child asset of a parent asset inherit the remaining life of the
parent asset.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Depreciation
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 95
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Allowance Special depreciation amounts are not booked with the standard depreciation
amounts. Journal entries are generated that include only the standard
depreciation. PeopleSoft Asset Management does not support automatic
generation of journal entries for the special depreciation allowance accounting
method. You may need to run two reports—the Reserve for Special Depreciation
report and the Reversal for Special Depreciation report—and then generate the
journal entries manually into the General Ledger system.
Expense Total amounts of special depreciation and standard depreciation are booked and
journal entries are generated that include the total of the standard and special
depreciation amounts.
Reserve Special depreciation amounts are not booked with the standard depreciation
amounts. Journal entries are generated that include only the standard
depreciation. PeopleSoft Asset Management does not support automatic
generation of journal entries for the special depreciation reserve accounting
method. You may need to run two reports—the Reserve for Special Depreciation
report and the Reversal for Special Depreciation report—and then generate the
journal entries manually into PeopleSoft General Ledger.
Additional fields are provided to comply with the depreciation methods used in countries other than the U.S.
If your current depreciation method requires these fields, enter Special Terms, Accel Terms (accelerated
terms), Initial Terms, andIncr Rate (increased rate).
When you use additional terms, they affect depreciation calculations as follows:
Term Depreciation
The Year of Change field is available only if the depreciation method is Japan-Change DB to SL. Enter the
year of the change in calculation methods.
96 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up
Depreciation Processing," Defining Depreciation Terms and Rates.
Property Type and These fields determine the amount of gain treated as ordinary income upon the
Property Code disposition of the asset.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 97
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Regulation Regulation is an indication of the tax system that you elect. Each tax system has
an effective date that is validated against the asset's placed-in-service date. Select
a regulation to identify the depreciation system elected for this asset. Options are:
• A (accelerated): Accelerated Cost Recovery System (ACRS).
Recovery Life and For reporting purposes, you can further classify the asset by specifying the
Recovery SubType recovery life (expressed in years) and the recovery subtype. For example, the
code for a 15-year life might be 15 and the code for low-income housing might
be LI.
Guideline Class All current U.S. classifications are set up in the Tax Class table in the delivered
Section 179 Select if you elect to expense all or a portion of the cost. You can expense assets
up to an aggregate maximum of 200,000 USD per year, provided that the
organization's gross income does not exceed the limitation specified by U.S.
federal tax law. Investment credits are automatically calculated based on the
criteria entered on the Tax Credit page.
Listed Property Select the Listed Property check box to define the asset as listed property and
select its Listed Property Type. Listed properties are certain kinds of assets that
are conducive to mixed business and personal use, such as:
• Passenger automobiles under a certain weight.
• Any other property used for transportation such as trucks, buses, boats,
airplanes, motorcycles, and other vehicles for transporting persons or goods.
(FRA) Business Tax Select to indicate that the business tax is applicable. This option enables you to
calculate and report a business tax assessed on the gross value of fixed assets.
This is a requirement in some countries.
98 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Corp. Sec.291 Select if the organization is a corporation. This check box must be selected if the
(corporation section 291) company is a corporation in order for the Tax Retirement Capital Gains report
(AMTX3210) to accurately reflect the correct Sec. 1231/Ordinary gains.
(USA) Depreciation Select to indicate if the asset qualifies for the depreciation bonus in the first year.
Bonus The options you see depend on the effective date, the acquisition date, and in
service date of the asset as well as state or local application of the bonus
depreciation allowance. Your choices are:
• American Recovery & Reinvest: Select if the qualifying asset is acquired and
placed in service after December 31, 2009 and before January 1, 2010 (before
January 1, 2011 for certain longer-lived property)
• Gulf Opportunity Zone: Select for certain types of property acquired in the
hurricane zone (as defined in H.R. 4440) after August 28, 2005 and placed in
service before December 31, 2007 (December 31, 2008 for nonresidential
real property or residential rental property) to apply a 50 percent depreciation
• New York Liberty Zone: Select if the acquisition date and in service date is
after September 10, 2001 and before December 31, 2007.
• None: Select if the acquisition date and in service date of the asset is before
September 10, 2001 or May 5, 2003.
• Section 101- Federal: Select if the acquisition date and in service date is after
September 10, 2001 and before December 31, 2005 to apply the 30 percent
bonus. Select if the acquisition date and in service date is after May 5, 2003
and before December 31, 2005 to apply the 50 percent bonus.
Note. An asset is not eligible for the depreciation bonus if it is not within the
eligible date ranges.
(USA) Bonus Percent Enter the percent amount of the depreciation bonus to be applied to the books for
this profile. This could be 30 percent to 50 percent depreciation bonus. The
amount depends on the acquisition date and in service date of the asset as well as
state or local application of the depreciation allowance. For example, if your state
adopted the bonus depreciation as a percentage of the federal percentage, the
amount may be calculated as an amount other than the federally allowed 30
percent or 50 percent amounts.
The rate and amount of the tax credit are based on federal tax law and determined by the qualified investment
code, tax credit type, tax credit code, and the basis reduction option in Asset Management.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 99
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Basis Red (basis Displays the total reduction of the cost basis, if any. The total reduction amount
reduction) is updated each time that you change tax credit information.
Qualified Investment Corresponds to the option you enter in the Tax field.
Tax Credit Type Although the investment tax credit was essentially repealed on December 31,
1985, certain business incentive credits can still be taken. Currently, you can
specify the following credits:
• R (rehabilitation): Building rehabilitation credit.
Tax Credit Code Enter a value in this field to further define the tax credit—for example, a 20
percent rehabilitation tax credit is available for certified historic buildings.
Basis Reduction Option Some credits require a corresponding reduction in the asset's cost basis. In this
field, specify whether the basis needs to be reduced. Options are:
• B (basis): Reduction based on tax credit.
Asset Management calculates the percentage and computation amount based on the following calculations:
(Book Cost) × (Qualified Investment Percentage) = (Amount Qualifying for Tax Credit)
(Amount of Tax Credit) × (Basis Reduction Percentage) = (Amount That Basis Is Reduced)
When entering joint venture assets that are shared among several business units, it is best to assign a unique
asset ID. This ensures that the assets created at the participant level have the same ID as the asset created at
the joint venture business unit level. You can make these asset IDs easy to identify by including the prefix JV,
for example, you might create the asset ID JV000022.
When entering assets that have a parent/child relationship, you must first enter a parent ID on the Cost/Asset
Information page before assigning the profile ID default.
100 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
1. Enter information about how the asset will be capitalized. (If you are adding parent/child assets, you must
specify the parent ID in this step.)
3. Identify the asset's books and information needed for calculating depreciation.
See Also
Tax Information ASSET_ENTRY_02 Asset Management, Owned Specify property type and
Assets, Express Add, Tax tax depreciation criteria and
Information identify the investment
credits that are taken for the
current asset. If the fields on
this page are unavailable,
the book was not set up as a
tax book.
Capitalizing Assets
Access the Cost/Asset Information page (Asset Management, Asset Transactions, Owned Assets, Express
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 101
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Asset Information
Accum Depr in Current Select to have the system book accumulated depreciation for the asset to the
Pd (accumulated current period. Otherwise, accumulated depreciation is booked to the previous
depreciation in current period. If that is the case, you may need to reopen the period.
102 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Trans Date (transaction Typically, the transaction date represents the date that you actually acquired the
date) and Acctg Date asset and the accounting date represents the date that the transaction is posted to
(accounting date) the general ledger. The accounting date is validated against the
FIN_OPEN_PERIOD table to determine the period to which the transaction is
posted. The difference between the transaction date and the accounting date
determines if any prior period depreciation needs to be calculated. For example,
suppose that a computer was acquired and placed in service on March 15, 2001,
but the information was not entered in PeopleSoft Asset Management until
August 1, 2001. All general ledger periods prior to August are closed. In this
case, PeopleSoft Asset Management automatically calculates depreciation
starting in March and posts it to the general ledger in August.
Location Identify the asset location by selecting from a list of valid values. Identification
of the asset location is required for managing hazardous material assets, which
must often be monitored and reported on. This location is automatically
populated with the ship from location for VAT-enabled business units.
Trans Code (transaction Identify which accounting entry template is used for the asset, such as
code) Abandoned, Inventory, or Scrapped. The system accepts only valid combinations
of the category, cost type, transaction code, and transaction type for which
accounting entry templates exist.
Currency and Rate Select the currency and exchange rate type.
Note. When working with parent/child assets, you must go to the Asset Additional Information section and
enter the parent ID before you select Default Profile.
Enter one row of cost information before populating fields with the default information from the asset profile.
Cost Type Break down portions of the asset cost, and enter as many cost types as needed for
each transaction. For example, the costs of constructing a building are often
broken down into categories reflecting the type of cost, such as material, labor,
permits, and so on. Only valid cost types are accepted. The cost types are user-
defined during the system implementation.
Salvage Displays the salvage value that is calculated based on the option defined at the
asset profile level (either flat amount or percentage). Salvage value is prorated
based on a ChartField's cost if a flat amount is used, and it appears as a
percentage of cost if the percentage option is selected.
Accum Depr Enter the amount of depreciation already recognized. If you are adding assets that
(accumulated have depreciation from prior years or prior periods, enter that amount in this
depreciation) field.
YTD Depr (year to date If any portion of the accumulated depreciation amount applies to the current
depreciation) fiscal year, enter the amount of that portion.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 103
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Note. After you save this page, you cannot change the asset information here. To modify the information, you
must use the Asset Cost Adjust/Transfer page or the Basic Add page. When working with parent/child assets,
remember to designate the parent ID before you continue.
Asset Type Select a value to indicate a type of asset. The available options are:
Asset Subtype Select a value to indicate a subset of asset type. Subtypes are optionally user-
defined and directly related to the asset type. Only asset subtypes of the selected
asset type are available when defining the asset.
CAP # (capital The capital acquisition plan (CAP) number ties the asset to a CAP. Enter a valid
acquisition plan number) number and sequence. You set up CAP numbers in the CAP table.
and Seq #(sequence
Threshold ID This value defaults from the capitalization Threshold ID that is associated with
the asset profile for a given asset. You can override the Threshold ID if needed.
When adding an asset, the system uses the capitalization definition for the
applicable Threshold ID to determine the appropriate capitalization action to
take. Upon saving, the system compares the total cost of the line (cost x quantity)
with the cost established for each bracket, as well as the basis option to decide
the action to take.
Note. This field appears only if the Capitalization Threshold feature is enabled
within Asset Management Installation Options and if the feature is enabled
within the specific business unit.
Asset Class This field is used to classify assets for reporting purposes. It can be used in
combination with an asset category to refine asset classification. These fields can
also be used for VAT purposes.
104 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Asset Status Indicate the status by selecting one of the following options:
• Budgeted: Asset is budgeted but not placed in service.
• Commitment: Budget has been approved and you are preparing to acquire the
• In Service: This is the date that the asset is available for use. The transaction
date is the default.
Acquisition Date and Enter the date the asset was acquired and select an acquisition code:
Acquisition Code Construct, Donated, Leased, Like Exch, Purchased, Trade In, and Transfer
Collateral Asset Japanese accounting principles require that assets offered as collateral be treated
according to financial reporting regulations under the commercial law. If the
asset is a collateral asset, select one of the available options that comply with
Japanese requirements.
Parent/Child and Parent If you are adding a parent or child asset, select the parent-child asset option that
ID applies. The default is None. If this is a child asset, enter the parent asset ID with
which to associate it.
Note. Parent and child assets cannot also be group assets or collateral assets.
Taggable Asset Check if the asset can be physically assigned a tag number.
Capitalized Asset This check box is display-only, and the status is determined automatically by the
asset profile.
Noncapitalized assets have no cost or books and are not depreciated in Asset
Management. Sometimes you need to track physical information only (such as
location, physical specifications, number of units, and so forth), but you don't
want information about the assets to appear in the general ledger.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 105
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Set R and D Info (set Click this link to enter research and development information on the Asset R&D
research and development Information page. In Australia, this option is used for tax reporting purposes.
information) Otherwise, this field is informational only.
Hazardous Code Info Click on this link to go to the Hazardous Asset Codes page and select a
(hazardous code hazardous code to identify with and associate to this asset.
Copying an Asset
This section discusses how to copy an asset.
Create Asset Copies ASSET_COPY_01 Asset Management, Asset Copy an existing asset if its
Transactions, Owned financial and physical
Assets, Copy Existing Asset information is similar to
that of a new asset that you
want to create. Copy the
existing asset and change
only the financial and
physical information that is
different. The system
automatically assigns the
new asset a different asset
ID. Alternatively, you can
specify an asset ID.
Copying an Asset
Access the Create Asset Copies page (Asset Management, Asset Transactions, Owned Assets, Copy Existing
Asset, Create Asset Copies).
106 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Search assets to be copied by business unit, asset ID, tag number, parent ID, description, asset status, or
threshold ID.
The next available asset ID will be assigned. Enter the additional asset attributes for the copy.
Quantity, Cost, Displays the asset quantity, cost, category, and cost type.
Category, and CT (cost
Salvage Value Displays a value that is calculated based on the selections for this field at the
asset profile level (either flat amount or percentage). The salvage value is
prorated based on a ChartField's cost if a flat amount is used. It appears as a
percentage of cost if the Percentage option has been selected.
See Also
Chapter 5, "Adding and Maintaining Assets," Adding and Maintaining Asset Information, page 48
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 107
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
In turn, the extension may also be used to support another component of itself, an optional set of hooks or
lifters, for example. In such a case, the lifters are a component of the extension and the extension is a
component of the crane. In this way, you may have multiple assets that serve one another as components of
an asset at a higher level or that create a component hierarchy.
PeopleSoft Asset Management enables you to view and manage up to nine levels of asset component
relationships from the Asset Component Hierarchy page. You can move assets within the hierarchy as
needed, view those changes through the Summary of Changes page, and run a report to view changes within
asset components for all assets, financial assets or nonfinancial assets.
Asset Component Hierarchy AM_HGRID Asset Management, Asset View associated asset
Transactions, Owned component relationships
Assets, View Component within the hierarchy
Hierarchy (display only).
Asset Component Hierarchy AM_HGRID Asset Management, Asset Update associated asset
Transactions, Owned component relationships by
Assets, Manage Component moving assets within the
Hierarchy hierarchy.
Provide Reason for the AM_HGRID_REASN_SEC Click the Comments icon Provide a reason and details
Modification from the Asset Component for the modification.
Hierarchy page. This icon is
visible when a change is
made to move an asset
within the hierarchy.
108 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Summary of Changes AM_HGRID_DISP_CHG Click the Review Changes Review the summary of
link from the Asset changes made within the
Component Hierarchy page. asset hierarchy.
Asset Component Hierarchy RUN_AMCH1000 Asset Management, Run the Asset Component
Move Financial Reports, Asset Hierarchy Move report to
Details, Asset Component view a list of assets that
Hierarchy Move. were moved. Run this report
for all assets, financial
assets or nonfinancial
assets. (SQR)
This page appears as display only. Review the details within the Asset Component Hierarchy.
Action After selecting a check box beside an asset, select one of the following actions
and click the Go button:
• Focus on Selected Row - Refresh the grid using the selected row as the
starting point of the hierarchy.
• Focus on Top Asset - Refresh the grid using the highest asset as the starting
point of the hierarchy.
Note. The View Component Hierarchy provides a subset of actions that are available within the Manage
Component Hierarchy.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 109
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Select component assets and move them within the hierarchy. The Asset Component Hierarchy page displays
up to nine levels. If the hierarchy of asset components is more than nine levels deep, you can manipulate the
whole hierarchy by focusing on specific branches of the component tree.
Note. Property asset types are not editable. When you enter a property type of asset, after clicking the Search
button, the page will display as if the View Component Hierarchy was used.
• Remove Asset from Hierarchy - Remove the row from the grid and enter a
reason for the removal on the secondary page that is provided.
• Focus on Selected Row - Refresh the grid using the selected row as the
starting point of the hierarchy.
• Focus on Top Asset - Refresh the grid using the highest asset as the starting
point of the hierarchy.
Select that asset and click the Indent Row icon. This action moves the selected
Indent Row
asset down in the hierarchy so that it is a child of the prior row number (asset) in
the grid.
Outdent Row Click to move the selected asset up one level in the hierarchy.
110 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Move Item Use Click to move the indented asset up to a different parent. If the parent asset is
Sequence Up moved, all of the child assets are moved with it.
Move Item Use Click to move the selected asset down one row level.
Sequence Down
Expand All link Click to expand the entire hierarchy to view and manage all assets within the
Review Changes link Click to display a summary of changes made within the asset hierarchy
(Summary of Changes page.)
Comments Add a comment to explain the reason for the change on the Provide Reason for
the Modification page.
Upon save, this icon indicates that there have been no comments entered for the
Comment Warning
hierarchy change.
Warning Upon save, this warning icon displays; mouse over text provides a detailed
description of the warning for the following reasons:
• No comment provided.
Indicates that the row has been removed from the hierarchy.
Row Deleted
Click the Asset Search icon to search for an asset. The system searches
Asset Search
PeopleSoft Maintenance Management (MM) assets if that product is installed. If
MM is not installed, the search is directed to PeopleSoft Asset Management for
Click to view asset details for the given asset. You will be directed to the Define
Asset Details
Asset Operational Information page when PeopleSoft Maintenance Management
is installed. When PeopleSoft Maintenance Management is not installed, you are
directed to the Basic Add page for asset details.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 111
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Operation/Maintenance Tab
This page displays only if PeopleSoft Maintenance Management is installed. It provides the
Operation/Maintenance details for the assets such as Custodian, Asset Criticality, Repairable Flag, Repair
Status, VIN, Serial ID, EmplID, Department, Location Code, and Area ID.
Providing Comments
When a component is removed from the hierarchy, you must indicate a reason for this action. This comment
page is automatically displayed and contains a reason drop down list in addition to the comment entry field.
Both Reason and Comment are mandatory in the case of a removal from the hierarchy.
Access the Summary of Changes page (click the Review Changes link on the Asset Component Hierarchy
112 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Access the Asset Component Hierarchy Move run control page (Asset Management, Financial Reports, Asset
Details, Asset Component Hierarchy Move, Asset Component Hierarchy Move).
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 113
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Type of Report Select to run the report for All assets, Financial Assets, or Non Financial Assets.
When you select Financial Assets, the financial asset parameters appear.
114 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Three approaches you might use to add the computer as an asset follow:
You use this approach to capitalize the asset with one cost, depreciate it as a single unit, and physically
track it as one item.
• Create a parent asset that is not an actual asset but rather a conceptual asset (for reporting purposes) that
ties together the various asset components.
In Asset Management, this is referred to as a parent onlyasset. Use the asset ID to tie together all the
components as child assets. Each component has its own cost basis, depreciation, and physical tracking
• Identify one of the asset's components as the parent when you enter it.
In PeopleSoft Asset Management, this is referred to as a parent component asset. Give it an asset ID, and
use that ID to tie together the other components as child assets. Each component has its own cost basis,
depreciation, and physical tracking information.
Asset Parent ASSET_PARENT Asset Management, Asset Add an asset that is used
Transactions, Parent-Child only for reporting purposes
Relationship, Create Parent, as an umbrella for child
Asset Parent assets. Add or delete
comments. Link to a list of
all child assets for a parent
asset that has already been
Create Parent - Child Assets CHILDASSETS_ALL Click the Child Assets link View child assets related to
on the Asset Parent page. the parent asset.
Asset Information ASSET_GENERAL_01 Asset Management, Asset Add a parent asset or a child
Transactions, Owned asset; select the appropriate
Assets, Basic Add, Asset parent asset for a child
Information asset.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 115
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Cost/Asset Information ASSET_ENTRY_00 Asset Management, Asset Add a parent asset or a child
Transactions, Owned asset; select the appropriate
Assets, Express Add, parent asset for a child
Cost/Asset Information asset.
General Parent Info ASSET_GEN_PAR_CHD Asset Management, Asset Update basic information
Transactions, Parent-Child about a parent asset.
Relationship, Parent-Child
Basic Information, General
Parent Info
Parent and Child Assets PARENT_CHILDASSETS Asset Management, Asset View an asset and any child
Transactions, Parent-Child assets associated with it.
Relationship, Review Use links associated with
Parent-Child each child to access other
components of Asset
Parent assets created on this page cannot have associated costs and physical characteristics. Therefore, you
cannot view them in the Parent-Child Basic Information component. Also, you cannot view them or perform
transactions on them in the Asset Cost Adjust/Transfers component, the Asset Retirements component, or the
Parent-Child NBV component. You can, however, view them on the Inquire - Parent and Child Assets page.
You can use this page to view a child asset if you have added it with future transaction and accounting dates
that have not yet passed. You cannot view such an asset on the Inquire - Parent and Child Assets page.
116 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
You must select the Child Inherits Parent's Life option on the following two pages before you can use it:
• On the Business Unit/Book Feature page of the Asset Management Business Unit Definition component.
1. Add the child asset using the Cost/Asset Information page of the Asset ExpressAdd component, and enter
the cost.
From the Parent-Child drop-down list box, select Child to indicate that this is a child asset. Select an ID
for the parent asset in the Parent ID field. You must enter a parent ID before you select Default Profile.
3. From the Asset Cost Information group box, enter asset cost information for the child asset as it applies.
Click the Default Profile button to capitalize the asset and create all the corresponding asset books.
4. When prompted, click Yes to have the system recalculate the book's asset life based on the parent's
remaining life.
5. Access the Depreciation Information page, and click the Default Parent's Life button to view or
recalculate the child asset's life.
The Default Parent's Depr Attributes page appears. The Parent Depreciation Attributes section shows the
asset life information for the parent asset. The Child Depreciation Attributes section shows the asset life
information for the child asset that Asset Management calculates from the remaining life of the parent
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 117
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
6. Examine the calculated remaining life information, and either accept the remaining life for the child asset
or change it by entering a new life
Note. Remember when working with parent/child assets, you must go to the Asset Additional Information
section and enter the parent ID before you click the Default Profile button.
Note. Parent assets created on the Asset Parent page (parent-only assets) do not have cost or basic
information. They cannot be viewed in the Parent-Child Basic Information component. Also you cannot view
them or perform transactions on them in the Cost Adjust/Transfer Asset component, the Retire/Reinstate
Asset component, or the Review Parent-Child NBV component. If you want to use a parent asset as an
umbrella asset for reporting purposes only and access these components to manipulate child assets in mass,
you can create a 0-cost parent asset as opposed to a parent-only asset.
Any adjustments made to parent assets are not made to the associated child assets. To make a change to an
associated child asset, select the child asset on the Child Assets page.
Details entered on the Location/Comment/Attributes page or the Manufacture/License/Custodian page are not
automatically copied from a parent to its child assets.
See Also
Chapter 5, "Adding and Maintaining Assets," Adding and Maintaining Asset Information, page 48
118 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
To include a child asset, select the check box in the Selected column.
Tag Number Displays the tag assigned to the child asset. Parent and child assets may share the
same tag number. You can sort child assets according to this field.
Description Displays the child asset description. You can sort child assets according to this
Child Asset ID Displays the asset ID assigned to the child asset. You can sort child assets
according to this field.
Cost Displays the cost of the child asset. You can sort child assets according to this
Currency Displays the currency in which child asset costs are stored. You can sort child
assets according to this field.
Acq Date (acquisition Displays the date that the asset was acquired. You can sort child assets according
date) to this field.
Asset Information Click a link in this column to access another copy of the Asset Information page
of the Asset Basic Information component. The component is populated with the
child asset information.
Include Parent Asset Clearing this default setting enables you to update at once all or selected child
assets while excluding the parent asset. However, the update details must be
specified on the parent.
Note. If you select the Include Parent Asset check box and the transaction is complete, the pages continue to
show the parent asset as retired, transferred, or recategorized. The retained parent values are not displayed
until you save and exit the pages and then access the component again.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 119
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
If the status of a parent asset is Retired or Disposed and the asset has child assets that are still in service, the
child assets are orphaned. If you have added a child asset and given it future transaction and accounting dates
that have not yet passed, you cannot view that child asset on this page. However, you can view it by clicking
the link for the child asset on Asset Parent page.
PeopleSoft Asset Management provides the Calculate Replacement Cost application engine (AMRCCAL)
that will make a replacement cost calculation of all assets, assets with new activity, or a selected range of
assets, based on an index that you apply to the equation, such as the consumer price index (CPI) or other
indexes you maintain.
Calculate Replacement Cost RUN_AMRCCAL Asset Management, Asset Calculate asset replacement
Transactions, Owned cost.
Assets, Calculate
Replacement Cost,
Calculate Replacement Cost
120 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
This component also provides a Maintenance Workbench to more easily access other areas of interest within
the Service and Maintenance component. The Maintenance Workbench includes links to asset insurance,
warranties, inspection, checkout, maintenance history, meter reading, and service and repairs.
Note. Group assets, composite assets, and parent/child assets are not created through this component.
Define Asset Operational AM_OM_ASSET_ADD Asset Management, Asset Add nonfinancial assets and
Information - Asset Transactions, Owned corresponding details
Information Assets, Define Asset including asset type,
Operational Info, Asset manufacture, asset resource,
Information location, custodian, license
information, and physical
attributes. Include an image
of the asset and use the
Maintenance Workbench to
track service and repairs,
warranties, and other
maintenance details.
Define Asset Operational ASSET_PROPERTY Asset Management, Asset Enter details to manage
Information - Asset Transactions, Owned nonfinancial property assets
Property Assets, Define Asset and to maintain property-
Operational Info, Asset specific attributes such as
Property identifying information,
asset hierarchy, area and
occupancy, and legal
descriptions. This page tab
appears when the asset type
of Property is selected;
however, if Lease
Administration is not a
selected product within
Installation Options and
Space Management
Installed is not selected
within the Asset
Management Installation
Options, the Property page
is disabled.
Define Asset Operational AM_CUSTOMIZE_PAGE Click the Customize Page Customize the layout of the
Information - Customize Layout link from the Define Asset Information page to
Page Layout Asset Operational hide, expand or collapse
Information page. various sections on the
Asset Supplemental Data AM_ASSET_SD Asset Management, Asset Record additional data
Transactions, Owned regarding hardware
Assets, Define Asset information and
Operational Info, Asset maintenance information
Supplemental Data for nonfinancial assets.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 121
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
122 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
The Define Asset Operational Information page provides an efficient way of capturing data for physical
operators who do not handle financial information. You can review both financial and nonfinancial assets
from this page and make changes to the attributes; however, there are no financial implications.
Any changes you make, such as custodian or location, appears as a new entry rather than an update to the
existing entry. The effective date is the system date and the profile ID is editable only when adding a new
Note. The Capitalization Threshold feature is not available for assets that are added using this component.
See Chapter 5, "Adding and Maintaining Assets," Adding Asset Basic Information, page 52.
Access the Define Asset Operational Information - Customize Page Layout page (click the Customize Page
Layout link on the Define Asset Operational Information page).
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 123
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Search for an Asset AM_LOOKUP_PNL Asset Management, Search Search for an asset based on
for an Asset specified criteria. After you
find assets that meet the
criteria, you can view them
in greater detail. Use links
to quickly access other
components in the system
and perform transactions on
selected assets.
124 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
Note. The asset search utility includes searching by the Description field. If processing is very slow,
PeopleSoft recommends that an index of the DESCR field be created for the ASSET table to improve
When an organization maintains a high volume of property assets, it is recommended that you create new
indexes and alternate search keys to enhance search performance.
1. Table ASSET_SITE change Record Definition to include PROPERTY_NM as an Alternate Search Key
2. Table ASSET_BLDG change Record Definition to include PROPERTY_NM as an Alternate Search Key
4. Table ASSET_AREA change Record Definition to include PROPERTY_NM as an Alternate Search Key
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 125
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Use the Asset Search Criteria,Acquisition Details, and Retrieve group boxes to establish the search criteria.
Each group box enables you to confine the search to specific tables according to the following rules:
• Cost information is retrieved if any of the cost fields are used in the search criteria, or the Cost
Information check box is selected.
For example, if you enter a category and the asset is capitalized, the cost information for the asset is
retrieved regardless of whether the cost information check box is selected. However, if you don't populate
any of the cost fields in the search criteria, you need to select the Cost Information check box. If you don't
need to view cost data, leave the check box blank.
• Asset acquisition information is retrieved if any of the fields in the Acquisition Details group box are used
in the search criteria, or if the Acquisition Information check box is selected.
• Location code is retrieved if the location field is used to retrieve asset information or if the Location check
box is selected.
• The Non Capital Asset check box is used only when the Acquisition Information and Cost Information
check boxes are selected, or when fields from the Asset Search Criteria and Acquisition Details group
boxes are specified.
Click the Hint link for additional information when selecting criteria.
• Asset Information: This tab shows business unit, asset ID, description, asset type, asset subtype, tag
number, serial ID, and status.
• Asset Cost Information: This tab shows business unit, asset ID, description, ChartFields, cost type,
quantity, cost, and currency.
• Acquisition Detail: This tab shows business unit, asset ID, description, PO business unit, PO number,
receiving business unit, receipt number, AP business unit, voucher ID, PC business unit, project ID, and
• Owner/Custodian: This tab shows business unit, asset ID, description, employee ID, custodian, asset
custodian department ID, and offsite status.
• Work Maintenance: This tab shows business unit, asset ID, description, use-as-tool option, schedulable
option, capitalized asset option, overbooking option, work order location, work order business unit, work
order shop, and VIN.
126 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
• More: This tab shows business unit, asset ID, description, profile ID, parent ID, group ID, location, lease
end date, manufacturing ID, model, and replacement cost.
You can sort options to arrange the asset list order. For example, if you click Asset ID, assets are ordered
according to the asset number assigned in either ascending or descending order.
Note. Some results may contain multiple ChartFields. To display them, click either the Asset Cost
Information tab or the Show all Columns icon.
Drill-Down To
The drill-down functionality enables you to review detailed information about a selected asset within different
Asset Management components. You can also use the drill-down functionality to copy or print an asset.
Select one of the following options to view detailed asset information in a new window:
• Asset Depreciation.
• Asset Retirements.
• Copy Asset.
• Print an Asset.
Printable view of Asset AM_LOOKUP_PRINT Asset Management, Print an Generate a printed copy of
Asset the asset basic information,
default book and
depreciation attributes, and
asset cost information for
the default book.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 127
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
Note. The amount of data that can be uploaded from a spreadsheet is limited by the spreadsheet utility.
Consequently, this method of conversion is inappropriate for large-volume data conversions.
This section provides an overview of how to import asset information with the Excel to Component Interface
utility and discusses how to:
See Also
Here is an overview of the steps to add assets using import data from an Excel spreadsheet:
1. Connect to the database by entering the database connect information on the template Connect
Information tab.
You need the PeopleSoft web server name, port, PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture or portal name,
and default local node.
2. Select the predefined component interface (INTFC_FINPHY_SS_A) to populate the template on the
Template tab.
Select New Data Input to format the Data Input tab with the selected data fields for the component
4. Input data for all identified and selected record levels on the Data Input tab.
5. Stage the input data to the Stage & Submit Data tab.
128 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
6. Review the data that is ready for staging on the Stage & Submit Data tab.
7. Errors are returned to the Stage & Submit Data tab; select the Post Results option to return processing
errors to the Data Input tab for reworking.
8. Submit data to the PeopleSoft Asset Management database as needed to successfully transmit all input
data to Asset Management.
9. Preview the financial and physical data, using the menu option for importing data through a spreadsheet.
10. Run the Transaction Loader process to add assets to the database.
Pages Used to Add Assets with the Excel to Component Interface Utility
Import Data Via INTFC_FINPHY_SS Asset Management, Preview data uploaded from
Spreadsheet Send/Receive Information, ExcelToCI utility to import
Import Data via and add financial
Spreadsheet, Financial and transaction data to Asset
Physical, Import Data Via Management tables
Spreadsheet INTFC_FIN and
INTFC_PHY_A before
running the transaction
loader. If you want to
change any information,
you must go back to the
ExcelToCI utility to make
Connect and select the component interface to be used for the asset upload: INTFC_FINPHY_SS_A. Select
the data fields to be entered and format the Data Input tab by selecting New Data Input. Access the Input Data
page of the Excel to Component Interface utility. The following table describes the entries for required fields
to upload asset FAD transactions. Many other data fields are available to enter data through the template in
addition to the ones described here; these are not required or key fields.
Record Level 000 identifies the common key field values to be shared by INTFC_FIN and INTFC_PHY_A.
Record level 100 contains data fields for the INTFC_FIN table and record level 200 identifies the data fields
for the INTFC_PHY_A table.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 129
Adding and Maintaining Assets Chapter 5
130 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Adding and Maintaining Assets
When the data input is complete, stage the data to the Stage & Submit tab. Data is transmitted to the database
from the Stage & Submit page.
Select the FIN and PHY data to be uploaded from the Excel to Component Interface utility. Enter search
criteria. You can search by interface ID, interface line number, business unit, transaction load type, system
source, auto-approval status, load status, asset identification, and asset book name. Preview the data before
running the Transaction Loader process. If you need to enter changes, you must return to the Excel to
Component Interface utility to make them or update them in preview pages depending upon user permissions
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 131
Chapter 6
Each plan you set up is assigned a type. Types provide a categorization method that you can use when you
generate reports.
You can have as many capital acquisition plan types as you need to reflect the range of categories that you
want to track. Each time you design a capital acquisition plan, assign a type.
Before you work with capital acquisition planning, you must create business units and establish capital
acquisition plan types.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Integrating
PeopleSoft Asset Management with Other Products," Integrating with Budgeting.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 133
Working with Asset Budgeting Chapter 6
When you establish a new plan, you provide ChartField information to identify the project and you enter a
cost estimate and cost limit. Plans consist of a single asset or multiple asset component in a large project. You
can provide a text description and justification for the plan, and you can enter multiple authorizations for each
asset within a plan.
Once you assign a plan to Open status, you can link assets to the plan as they are acquired. All associated
assets appear on one summary page; cost summary information is provided on another. As the status of each
asset changes, the summary totals reflect that progress; you can see how much of your acquisition amount is
represented by assets in different life phases.
Note. You cannot link assets to a plan until the plan is assigned an Open status. Assign open status to a
capital acquisition plan on the Capital Acquisition Planning - Details page.
CAP Detail Long BD_CAP_DET_SEC Select the Sel (select) check Enter a long description for
Description box on the Capital a selected item in the capital
Acquisitions Planning - acquisition plan.
Details page, and click
Click the Long Descr (long
description) button.
CAP Details - Annual Cost BD_CAP_COST_SEC Select the Sel (select) check Enter and keep track of
box on the Capital CAP annual cost for a
Acquisitions Planning - selected item in the capital
Details page, and click acquisition plan.
Note. The values you enter
Click the Annual Cost on this page are for
button. information only. The
system does not use this
information for any
validation purposes.
134 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 6 Working with Asset Budgeting
CAP Details - Justification BD_CAP_JUSTIFY_SEC Select the Sel (select) check Enter a detailed justification
box on the Capital for a selected item in the
Acquisitions Planning - capital acquisition plan.
Details page, and click save. (optional)
Click the Justification
CAP Details - Authorization BD_CAP_AUTH_SEC Select the Sel (select) check Authorize each item in the
box on the Capital capitalization acquisition
Acquisitions Planning - plan.
Details page, and click save.
Click the Authorization
Note. Column visibility and order for grids may vary by implementation. Use the scroll bar to view all the
available columns.
• Expansion
• Necessity
• New
The Details group box can contain a single entry if the plan is for a standalone asset, or it can contain many
assets that make up a larger project. For example, an expansion project for the Customer Service Department
could have three CAP Seq # (sequence numbers), one each to build out a building wing, interior design
plans, and furniture and fixtures.
Note. Since this is a new plan, the Original/Adjustment Switch should be set to Original. When you revise
existing plans, be sure to select Adjustment instead.
Description Enter a description for the asset, which may be similar to the plan name if the
plan contains only one sequence number. This description and the CAP Sequence
number show on the other detail pages associated with capital acquisition
planning for the asset.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 135
Working with Asset Budgeting Chapter 6
CAP Type Select a type. The available CAP types are those defined when you established
asset processing. You can generate reports that segregate the assets by the CAP
Type you assign here.
Status Statuses are used for reporting purposes, organizing information or when making
adjustments to existing plans. Select a status from the options on the drop-down
• Open: Select this option to open a CAP. You can only associate assets to a
CAP that has an open status.
• Closed: Select this option to close the CAP. The CAP Plan sequence will not
be treated as closed until its status is set to Closed; It does not matter if the
closing date in the Est Comp field has expired.
Est Comp (estimated Enter an estimated completion date to be used for tracking this plan. When all the
completion) items in this plan are acquired, access the page again and enter the Date Closed.
Remember, you must also set the Status to Closed to keep assets from being
added to this CAP after it is closed.
Estimated Cost The cost you enter displays on the CAP Summary page. You can adjust the cost
estimate as time passes by selecting theAdjustment option in the
Original/Adjustment Switch field and specifying a different cost. The total of the
adjustments and the updated cost estimate also display on the CAP Summary
Cost Limit Enter a maximum cost for the CAP plan; or, enter a % Over Allowed and the
system calculates the cost limit automatically based on the percentage that you
% Over Allowed Specify a percentage to add a margin to your cost estimate. If you specify an
(percentage over allowed) amount, the system enables you to add an asset to the plan that pushes your
acquisition costs above the limit you set. The system automatically calculates the
Cost Limit based upon the estimated amount and the percentage over estimated
amount that you specify. The disparity is reflected in the SQRs for capital
acquisition planning.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
136 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 6 Working with Asset Budgeting
You may not want to keep track of text changes you make to a plan, but you probably need to maintain the
history of fluctuations in estimated costs and cost limits. The CAP Summary page separates the original cost
estimate and cost limit from adjustments made to these amounts, so you can see the changing financial picture
at a glance. You have these options:
• If you want the cost modifications to display separately, be sure that you select the Adjustment option on
the Detail page before you enter cost information.
• If you want to change the original cost rather than make an adjustment, leave the Original option selected
on the Detail page, and access pages by using Update/Display as the action.
Note. Keep in mind that the capital acquisition pages are not effective-dated, so you need to use the
Adjustment option if you want to maintain a history of the changes you make to any plans.
Each time you add an asset in PeopleSoft Asset Management, you have the option to assign it a capital
acquisition plan number that links it to an open capital acquisition plan. This link can also be made in
Purchasing when you create requisitions or purchase orders to purchase assets. Assets created using the
interface from Purchasing are automatically associated with the CAP assigned on the requisition.
Note. The capital acquisition plan must have a status of Open to have assets associated with it. A capital
acquisition plan that is still in approval phases cannot have assets linked to it.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 137
Working with Asset Budgeting Chapter 6
Capital Acquisition BD_CAP_LSE_PAY Asset Management, Asset View a list of any capital
Planning - Capital Lease Transactions, Capital lease payments associated
Payments Acquisition Planning, with a capital acquisition
Create (CAP) Plan, Capital plan.
Lease Payments
138 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 6 Working with Asset Budgeting
Capital Acquisition BD_CAP_OPR_LSE_PAY Asset Management, Asset View a list of any operating
Planning - Operating Lease Transactions, Capital lease payments associated
Payments Acquisition Planning, with a capital acquisition
Create (CAP) Plan, plan. The operating lease
Operating Lease Payments payment data is populated
by the
which pulls the schedule
from the
Capital Acquisition RUN_AMCP2000 Asset Management, Asset Set parameters for the
Planning - Parameters Transactions, Capital capital acquisition plan
Acquisition Planning, CAP reports: Capital Acquisition
Reports, CAP Reports Planning (AMCP2000),
CAP by Department
(AMCP2010) and CAP
Assets (AMCP2100).
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 139
Chapter 7
In PeopleSoft Asset Management, you can retire and reinstate leased assets and track interim payments.
• Step leases.
Note. Your transactions are maintained with multiple currencies if you use them in conjunction with leased
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 141
Working With Leased Assets Chapter 7
It has a lease term and lease payment amount. The lease is carried on the balance sheet and is periodically
PeopleSoft Asset Management uses the lease classification rules for capital and operating leases as
proscribed by the country requirements that were established during the setup of book location. For
example, in the United States, leased assets are defined and governed by Financial Accounting Standards
Board (FASB) Statement 13.
Note. The United States FASB 13 lease classification rules apply to all countries unless otherwise noted.
For example, in Germany, the threshold for capitalization is 90 percent of the leased asset's economic life,
as compared to 75 percent under the United States' generally accepted accounting principles. In Canada,
the classification of capital or operating leases is the same as that defined in the United States FASB 13.
PeopleSoft Asset Management supports the United States, Germany, Canada, and Australia for least type
Step Leases
A step lease features variable payment amounts and variable timing over the term of the lease.
• Step-up leases with increasingly larger lease payments during the lease term.
• Skip-payment leases in which payments are not required during certain periods.
6 Monthly $400
18 Monthly $350
This table provides an example of a quarterly step-lease payment schedule. It is suggested that you use three
payment schedules with due dates as shown.
142 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Working With Leased Assets
For an annual step-lease payment schedule, it is suggested that you use 12 payment schedules, with one
schedule for each of the 12 months as the payment due date.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Integrating
PeopleSoft Asset Management with Other Products," Integrating with PeopleSoft Payables - Sending Lease
Payments to Payables.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing
PeopleSoft Asset Management Business Units," Selecting Asset Management Interface Options.
Once you have enabled the lease payment integration with PeopleSoft Payables at the business unit level:
• Complete the Payables Integration page within the Leased Assets component with pertinent integration
information by asset.
• Review payment date, integration status, and Payables information for lease payments that are selected
for Payables integration using the Review Payments page.
• Approve pending lease payments to Payables (if the pre-approval option is not enabled).
See Chapter 7, "Working With Leased Assets," Integrating Lease Payments with PeopleSoft Payables, page
Before you can add leased assets to your system, you must define at least one payment schedule to indicate
when a lease starts and ends. Leases can share the same payment schedule ID.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 143
Working With Leased Assets Chapter 7
144 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Working With Leased Assets
Complete the information about the begin date, end date, lease term, and payment frequency.
Number of Payments Enter a value to determine the number of lease payments for the lease schedule.
Per Year
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 145
Working With Leased Assets Chapter 7
Prorate Lease Expense Select to prorate the accounting entries that are generated for lease payments by
the depreciation close process (AMDPCLOS) on a monthly basis. The lease
payment schedule segregates the principal and interest of each payment and is
used by the AMDPCLOS process to generate the payment accounting entries.
The prorated amounts are allocated as well according to their respective
ChartField distributions.
End of Month Due Date Select to always schedule a payment on the last day of the month.
Populate After completing the fields about the payment schedule, click the Populatebutton
to automatically populate the Payment Datecolumn fields.
Express Add - Definition ASSET_LEASE_01 Asset Management, Asset Create a capital lease or an
Transactions, Leased operating lease.
Assets, Express Add
Update Lease Information - ASSET_LEASE_01 Asset Management, Asset Update a capital lease or an
Definition Transactions, Leased operating lease.
Assets, Update Lease
Express Add - Cost ASSET_LEASE_02 Asset Management, Asset Enter cost, ChartField, and
Transactions, Leased depreciation data for a
Assets, Express Add, Cost leased asset.
Update Lease Information - ASSET_LEASE_02 Asset Management, Asset Update cost, ChartField,
Cost Transactions, Leased and depreciation data for a
Assets, Update Lease leased asset.
Information, Cost
146 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Working With Leased Assets
Express Add - Step Lease ASSSET_LEASE_05 Asset Management, Asset Enter a step-lease payment
Payment Transactions, Leased schedule.
Assets, Express Add, Step
Lease Payment
Express Add - Payment ASSET_LEASE_03 Asset Management, Asset Create or view lease
Schedule Transactions, Leased payment schedules.
Assets, Express Add,
Payment Schedule
Update Lease Information - ASSET_LEASE_03 Asset Management, Asset Update lease payment
Payment Schedule Transactions, Leased schedules.
Assets, Update Lease
Information, Payment
Update Lease Information - ASSET_LEASE_06U Asset Management, Asset Update operating lease
Operating ChartFields Transactions, Leased ChartField information.
Assets, Update Lease ASSET_LEASE_06 and
Information, Operating ASSET_LEASE_06U are
ChartFields used to allocate operating
lease payments to a
particular set of
Creating a Lease
Access the Express Add - Definition page (Asset Management, Asset Transactions, Leased Assets, Express
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 147
Working With Leased Assets Chapter 7
Profile ID Enter an ID if you want to use the default information from an asset profile to
define this asset. You must enter a profile ID for a capital lease because all
depreciation information is stored in the profile ID. A profile ID is not required
for an operating lease.
148 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Working With Leased Assets
Trans Date (transaction Enter a transaction date and accounting date for the lease. For leases, the
date) and Acctg Date payment date is based on the transaction date. For example, if a lease begins in
(accounting date) October and you need to start the payments in the same month, enter a
transaction date of October 1. The accounting date has no bearing on the payment
CAP #(capital acquisition Select the associated Capital Acquisition Plan number for this leased asset or
planning number) and Seq look up the associated Asset ID Sequence number if one has been assigned.
#(sequence number)
Trans Code (transaction Select the accounting entry template that is used for transactions relating to this
code) asset.
Asset Type Select the asset type from the available established values. You must enter Asset
Type for operating leases if you do not enter a profile.
Subtype Select the asset subtype from the available defined values for the selected Asset
Currency Select the currency for the transactions that are processed with this asset.
Serial ID Enter the Serial ID that is associated with this asset. Serial IDs track physical
inventory, especially for IT assets.
Tag Number Enter the tag number that is associated with this asset. Tag numbers track
physical inventory.
Rate Type The exchange rate that is defined for the default book for the business unit
appears by default in this field. You can select a different rate type.
Lease Information
Lease IDandDescription Select from the available lease IDs assign a new ID for this business unit and add
a description of the lease. Description is required only if a Lease ID has been
Vendor IDandVendor Select the Vendor ID from the list of available vendors for this asset and enter
Contact contact information. Vendor ID is required if Lease ID is assigned.
Responsibility Enter the name of the person who is responsible for this leased asset. Required if
Lease ID is entered.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 149
Working With Leased Assets Chapter 7
Acceptance Date Indicates the date that the lease contract is accepted (signed and returned to the
lessor). If you complete the Interim Rent (Monthly) field in the Lease Term
group box, you must enter an acceptance date that is earlier than the
commencement date of the lease. Interim rent starts on the acceptance date and
ends on the commencement date. You enter the amount of the interim rent in the
Interim Rent (Monthly) field.
Receipt Date Enter the date the leased asset is received. This is an information-only date fields
for reporting purposes.
Lease End Date Enter the date the leased asset is received. Lease End Date becomes required
when a Lease ID is entered. This date is used for the Lease End Date report.
Display Alert Days Enter the number of days in advance to receive the Lease End Date pagelet based
on the Lease End Date. This field appears only if PeopleSoft IT Asset
Management (ITAM) is installed.
Commence Date and These fields represent the first and last lease payment date (regardless of interim
Expiration Date rent), and appear only after you save the page.
Inception Date This field appears when viewing this page in Update/Display mode. The date that
is displayed is the date of the original transaction.
Note. If LEASE is entered and PeopleSoft ITAM is installed then Description, Lease End Date, Vendor Id
and Responsibility are required fields.
Lease Term
Estimated Life The number of periods that you entered in Lease Term field appears by default.
You can change this value.
Interest Rate (%) Enter the approximate percentage of profit the lessor gains by leasing the asset to
(interest rate percentage) you. This number must be an annual interest rate percentage in whole numbers.
Borrowing Rate (%) Enter the interest rate that you would have incurred at the inception of the lease if
you had borrowed the necessary funds to purchase the leased asset. This number
must be an annual interest rate percentage in whole numbers.
Payment Schedule ID If you want the system to define a lease payment schedule, enter a payment
schedule ID. Capital leases must have a payment schedule ID. The values that
you can select are set up on the Payment Schedule page when you specify the
payment frequency and number of periods.
150 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Working With Leased Assets
Fair Value Enter the fair value. The system uses the fair value to verify the lease type. It also
records this value on the AM_FMV table to use in the asset revaluation process.
The system calculates the capitalized lease amount using the lesser of the Present
Value Lease Payments and Fair Value field values.
If the present value of the lease payments is less than the fair value, the
capitalized lease amount equals the present value of the minimum lease payment
If the fair value is less than the present value of lease payments, the capitalized
lease amount equals the fair value.
You might want to change the interest rate so that the net present value equals the
fair value.
If you do not enter a fair value, the capitalized lease amount equals the present
value of the MLP.
FV Template ID (fair Select a fair value template, which includes the valuation method, level and
value template ID) premise. If left blank, the fair value is created but the additional valuation
information is not provided.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Setting Up Accounting Entry and Financial Processing for
PeopleSoft Asset Management," Enabling Combination Editing.
FV Group ID (fair value This field is active only when the selected FV Template ID has a valuation
group ID) premise of In Use. The default value is supplied from the selected FV Template
ID; however, you can override it and select another FV Group ID.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Setting Up Accounting Entry and Financial Processing for
PeopleSoft Asset Management," Enabling Combination Editing.
Guar. Residual Value Calculates depreciation based on the amount of the residual value of the leased
(guaranteed residual asset that is guaranteed by the lessee to the lessor and considered as part of the
value) minimum lease payments.
BPO (bargain purchase Select if this lease includes a bargain purchase option, which represents a
option) payment by the lessee to the lessor at the end of the lease term, allowing the
lessee to obtain title to the leased property.
BRO (bargain renewal Select if this lease includes a bargain renewal option, which requires a payment if
option) the lease agreement grants the lessee the right to renew or extend the lease. If the
agreement specifies that the lease must be renewed or extended, a penalty might
be required for failure to renew.
Transfer Ownership end Check if there is an ownership transfer of the asset at the end of the lease period.
Step lease Select if the lease is a step lease. A step lease features variable payment amounts
and/or variable timing over the term of the lease.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 151
Working With Leased Assets Chapter 7
Minimum Rental Enter the minimum rental payment. This field is not required for step leases.
Payment (MRP)
Note. You must either enter a minimum rental payment here or complete the cost
information on the Cost page. Otherwise, the system cannot calculate the lease
payment schedule.
MLP = (MRP × Lease Term ÷ 12 periods per year × number of payments per
year) + Guaranteed Residual + BRO.
MLP = (MRP × Lease Term ÷ 12 periods per year × number of payments per
year) + BPO.
Present Value Lease Displays the present value of the lease payments for a step lease.
Payments The system uses two formulas to determine the present value of the total payment
for a step lease.
• For the first payment in the schedule, the formula looks at the present value
of an ordinary annuity for a series of payments of any amount:
• For payments that are made after the first payment, the formula looks at the
present value of a single future amount:
The example illustrates the calculations using an interest rate of 7.2 percent.
152 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Working With Leased Assets
Present value of the total cash flow equals: 2,350.40 + 5,744.88 = 8,095.28 USD
Note. The lease term during the renewal period is considered part of the overall lease term.
Capitalized Lease Enter the cost. The system uses the following method to calculate lease
Amount payments:
Capitalized Lease Amount - Prior Obligation Reduction = Residual Capitalized
Lease Amount
Residual Lease Amount × (Annual Implicit Interest Rate / Number of Periods per
Year) = Interest Expense per Period
Interest Expense per Payment + Obligation Reduction = MRP
For example, this table illustrate a full payment schedule for a simple capital leased asset with a capitalized
amount of 10,500 USD, an interest rate of 7 percent, a monthly payment of 908.53 USD, and 12 periods per
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 153
Working With Leased Assets Chapter 7
Interim Rent (Monthly) Enter the amount of monthly interim rent for a capital or operating lease. Interim
rent is common for quarterly leases. Interim rent starts on the acceptance date and
ends on the commencement date of the lease. Once the lease officially begins, the
normal rental payment amount is tracked by the lease payment schedule.
PeopleSoft Asset Management prorates the first month of interim rent. You can
see interim rent payments on the Express Add - Payment Schedule page
Select Capitalize Interim Rent if you want to include these interim payments as
part of your asset cost.
Note. You must post journal entries for interim rent each month by running the
Depreciation Close process (AM_DPCLOSE).
Capitalize Interim Rent Select this check box to capitalize. When selected, the interim rent is added to the
cost of the leased asset.
154 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Working With Leased Assets
Calculate Click to have the system calculate the lease payment schedule.
Before the system can calculate the lease payment schedule, you must have:
• Defined a payment schedule.
• Entered (for leases other than step leases) the minimum rental payment on
this page or entered cost information on the Express Add - Cost page.
• For step leases, entered payment information on the Express Add - Step
Lease Payment page.
You can see the results of the calculation on the Express Add - Payment
Schedule page.
Select a payment type: Advance or Arrears. You can use either type for both capital leases and operating
leases. More details on these two payment types are provided in this table:
Present Value of Minimum Lease Equals: (Present Value Factor × Equals: Present Value Factor ×
Payments Periodic Payment Amount) + Advance Periodic Payment Amount.
Amortization Schedule Period interest expense equals: Period interest expense equals:
Capitalized Amount × the period Capitalized Amount × the period
interest rate. interest rate.
The Capitalized Amount used for the
first period of the payment excludes
the advance payment amount.
Advance Select if an asset is leased with the first payment that is due before the lease
begins. For advance payments, the interest expense is not calculated.
If the present value is calculated on a lease with 12 monthly payments of 100.00
USD and an interest rate of seven percent, then the calculated present value
factor is 10.6254.
Calculated present value = 100 USD + 10.6254 × 100 = 1,162.54 USD
Arrears An arrears payment type means that an asset is leased with the payment due at
the end of the period. This is the lease payment type by default. If the present
value is calculated on a lease with 12 monthly payments of 100.00 USD and an
interest rate of seven percent, then the calculated present value factor is 11.5571.
Calculated present value = 11.5571 × 100 = 1,155.71 USD
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 155
Working With Leased Assets Chapter 7
Lease Type
When you select the lease type, you can verify that you have selected the correct lease type for a country. If
you do not select either the Capital or the Operating options, the system selects the lease type for you. The
system can verify the lease types for the U.S., Canada, Germany, and Australia. Canada uses the same criteria
as the U.S. for classifying capital and operating leases. Germany uses a higher threshold for the lease term (90
percent instead of 75 percent).
Note. You cannot change a lease type from capital to operating or from operating to capital. If you must
change the lease type, you must first retire the leased asset and then reenter the lease with the appropriate
lease type.
In Germany, the lease term is 90 percent of the leased asset's economic life.
• The present value of the minimum lease payment is 90 percent or more of the
fair value of the asset.
Verify Click this button to verify if the lease meets the criteria for a capital lease or an
operating lease. If the lease type meets the criteria, the system displays a message
confirming that the criteria for FAS13 has been met. If you do not select the
Capital or Operating option before clicking the Verify button, the system looks
at the information that you have entered on this page about the lease, including
the country code, and selects the lease type for that country.
Note. This verification test is disabled for leased assets that use an Indian
business unit; designation of capital or operating leases is manual for assets in
See Chapter 23, "Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management,"
(IND) Using PeopleSoft Asset Management Options to Meet Indian
Requirements, page 496.
156 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Working With Leased Assets
Cost page
If you did not enter a minimum rental payment (MRP) on the Definition (ASSET_LEASE-01) page, you
must complete the cost information on this page.
The system uses the cost information on this page to calculate the lease payment schedule. Use the Cost,
Chartfields, and Depreciation tabs to enter more details. Because the ChartFields are effective-dated, you can
use them to track transfers.
Note. If you are working with a step lease, you do not have to enter any information on this page.
Access the Update Lease Information - Step Lease Payment page (Asset Management, Asset Transactions,
Leased Assets, Update Lease Information, Step Lease Payment).
If you checked the Step lease check box on the Definition (ASSET_LEASE-01) page, you can use this page
to change payment information.
Enter a line number, enter the lease term (number of periods), select a payment frequency, and enter a
payment amount. For example, you could define a step lease that consists of six monthly payments of 400.00
JPY followed by 18 monthly payments of 350 JPY.
If you are defining a skip payment, enter a payment frequency, the number of lease terms, and a payment
amount of zero (0.00).
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 157
Working With Leased Assets Chapter 7
Note. The line numbers must be in sequential order. For example, if you update a lease schedule and need to
insert a row between lines 1 and 2, you can use a line number such as 1.2.
After you are done working with this page, you must return to the Definition (ASSET_LEASE-01) page and
click the Calculate button to generate the lease payment schedule.
Access the Update Lease Information - Payment Schedule page (Asset Management, Asset Transactions,
Leased Assets, Update Lease Information, Payment Schedule).
Payment Schedule
The system calculates the payment schedule on this page when you click the Calculate button on the Express
Add - Definition page.
Note. In case of capitalizing the interim rent, payments are noted with a C rather than I next to the payment
line. You can change this designation by modifying message number 8015,37, using the PeopleTools
Message Catalog.
If you elect to process periodic depreciation accounting entries, the system creates the journal entries that are
shown in the following table:
158 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Working With Leased Assets
• DE Depreciation Expense
• DE Depreciation Expense
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 159
Working With Leased Assets Chapter 7
Note. The purpose of running the lease expense schedule process is to prorate payment and interest expenses
so that the proper amounts are sent to the general ledger (GL) according to the FASB. You must run this
process for all leases that have non-monthly payment schedules.
AMLSESCH reads PS_LEASE_SCHEDULE and creates PS_LEASE_SCHED2, which contains all the step-
lease non-monthly payment information. AM_DPCLOSE reads PS_LEASE_SCHED2 (through
PS_LEASE_CHART3_vw) to distribute the payment and interest expenses to the GL.
The Lease Expense Schedule process spreads non-monthly lease payments (such as quarterly payments)
throughout the year, dividing them into monthly amounts on the lease expense schedule. The results are
different for capital leases and operating leases:
• For operating leases, the lease expense schedule allocates non-monthly payments to monthly amounts.
• For capital leases, the lease expense schedule allocates non-monthly interest expense to monthly amounts,
and the payment amount is fully allocated on the date that the payment is due.
The following example uses an arrears type lease for a quarterly payment:
If the general ledger period is closed, the allocation is carried forward to the next open period.
Note. Operating leases do not have interest expense on the payment schedule.
Lease Expense Schedule LEASE_SCHED2_RQST Asset Management, Asset Run the lease expense
Transactions, Leased schedule process.
Assets, Create Expense
Schedule, Create Expense
160 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Working With Leased Assets
Select Open Trans If you select this option, use the From Open Trans and To Open Transfields to
Range (select open select a range of transaction values.
transaction range)
Select Asset Range If you select this option, use the From Asset and To Assetfields to select the asset
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 161
Working With Leased Assets Chapter 7
Lease Payments to Payables AMAPLEAPMT_RQST Asset Management, Run the Lease Payments to
Send/Receive Information, Payables (AMAPLEASE)
Load Interface, Lease Application Engine process.
Payments to Payables,
Lease Payments to Payables
162 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Working With Leased Assets
The lease payment integration sends to Payables the information that is stored in the book that is defined as
the Lease Book on the AM Business Unit Definition page.
Enable the lease payment integration for the business unit by selecting the Lease Interface Processing check
box. Additionally, select whether to auto approve vouchers and enter the default Payables business unit on the
Interface Options page.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing
PeopleSoft Asset Management Business Units," Selecting Asset Management Interface Options.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up
Accounting Entry and Financial Processing for PeopleSoft Asset Management," Creating Accounting Entry
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 163
Working With Leased Assets Chapter 7
Payment Date The default payment dates are populated from the Payment Schedule page. You
can update the payment dates as needed.
Payment Total Displays the payment amounts that are established on the Payment Schedule
page. This field is not editable.
Payables Integration Select only those lines that you want to forward to Payables for payment. If a line
is not selected, then the other fields are not editable. By default, this check box is
selected for every line for which the business unit has been enabled for
integration with Payables.
AP Business Unit Displays the default Payables business unit from the business unit level (Interface
Options page). You can enter a different business unit (there are some cases
where multiple Payables business units pertain to the same AM business unit).
Voucher ID Displays the PeopleSoft Payables voucher ID once the transaction has been
processed by the integration and Payables has created the voucher.
Invoice Number (Optional) Enter the invoice number to appear in the Payables voucher.
164 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Working With Leased Assets
Payment Status Displays the integration status. Valid values for this field are:
• Approved-Auto - Initial status when the Auto Approve check box is selected
at the business unit level (Interface Options page). Transaction has not yet
been processed.
• Pending Approval - Initial status when the Auto Approve check box is not
selected at the business unit level (Interface Options page). Transactions with
this status must be approved before processing.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 165
Working With Leased Assets Chapter 7
Use the Review Payments page to review the integration status of the lease payments, select or deselect to
send payments through the Payables Integration process and change the Payables business unit, if needed, for
payments that are not yet approved or processed.
Select the desired parameters and click the Search button to retrieve payments for review.
Asset Identification Displays the asset ID for the lease payment based on the criteria that you provide.
Payables Integration Select those lines that you want to forward to Payables for payment. If a line is
deselected, then the other fields are not editable. By default, this check box is
selected for every line for which the business unit has been enabled for
integration with Payables.
AP Unit Select a different Payables business unit for a transaction, if necessary, and save
the page.
Access the Approve Payments page (Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Approve Lease
Information, Approve Payments, Approve Payments ).
166 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Working With Leased Assets
Use the Approve Payments page to review, approve, or change the payment status of the lease payments. This
page is similar to the Review Payments page except that you can change the payment status on this page.
Select the desired parameters and click the Search button to retrieve payments that are eligible for approval.
Asset Identification Displays the asset ID for the lease payment based on the criteria that you provide.
Payment Status Displays the current payment status. Select to approve or change the current
payment status of the lease payment.
See Chapter 7, "Working With Leased Assets," Running the AP/AM
Reconciliation Report, page 169.
Payables Integration Override the current payables integration selection. Select lines that you want to
forward to Payables for payment. Deselect to keep a transaction from being sent
through the integration process. Once deselected, the payment will not show up
again in a future search.
AP Unit Override the Payables business unit for a transaction, if necessary, and save the
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 167
Working With Leased Assets Chapter 7
Run the Lease Payments to Payables (AMAPLEASE) Application Engine process. Select the criteria for the
lease payments to process for the integration.
This process populates the voucher build integration tables with the necessary information for Payables
processing. Payables then continues to process the lease payments from the voucher build staging tables to
create the corresponding vouchers. When the vouchers are generated, Payables inserts the voucher ID and
line number into the Asset Management records. The lease payment information is reflected in the asset-
related fields at the distribution level.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Payables 9.1 PeopleBook, "Entering and Processing Vouchers Online: General
Voucher Entry Information."
Note. To avoid the potential risk of resending these payments to Asset Management as adjustments to
existing assets, Payables assigns a unique origin source for vouchers that are created from the lease payment
integration with Asset Management.
Business Unit Select the Asset Management business unit from which to process payments. The
default value is the business unit that is specified within user preferences.
Invoice Date Select the date to be displayed on the Payables voucher. If blank, the system
supplies the default system date.
168 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Working With Leased Assets
Run the AP/AM Payment Reconciliation (AMAP1001 ) report. The reconciliation process compares
information about the lease payments from the Asset Management tables with the voucher information that is
stored in the Payables tables. The resulting report includes the Asset Management lease payment schedule
with payment statuses along with the corresponding Payables voucher information, such as voucher ID,
invoice date, payment amount, voucher status and payment status.
Business Unit Select the Asset Management business unit for which to process the
reconciliation report. You can select from the business units for which the
integration is enabled.
AP Business Unit (Optional). Select the Payables business unit for which to process the
reconciliation report information.
From Date and Through (Optional). Select the date range for which to run the reconciliation report.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 169
Working With Leased Assets Chapter 7
Operating Lease Chartfields LEASE_OPER_TFR_01 Asset Management, Asset Transfer an operating lease,
Transactions, Leased for example, from one
Assets, Transfer Operating department to another.
Lease, Operating Lease
Use the New Chartfields section to change the Oper Unit(operating unit), Fund Code, Department, Program,
Class Field, Budget Reference,Product, Project,and Category. The Category field is required for an operating
Click the Edit Trans Dates button to change the transaction date.
170 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Working With Leased Assets
See Also
You must run the Lease Expense Schedule (LEASE_SCHED2) process before you run a lease report.
• Lease Footnote Disclosure Summary and Lease Footnote Disclosure Detail reports.
• Lease Summary Information, Lease Detail Information, and Lease Amortization Schedule reports.
Note. PeopleSoft IT Asset Management also provides a report called Lease End Date.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 171
Working With Leased Assets Chapter 7
Lease Footnote Disclosure RUN_AMLE2300 Asset Management, Define the run parameters
RUN_AMLE2310 Financial Reports, Leased for a Lease Footnote
Assets, Footnote Disclosure Disclosure Detail and Lease
Footnote Disclosure
Summary reports
(AMLE2300 and
AMLE2310, respectively).
Use at the end of each fiscal
year to view all outstanding
capital and operating lease
commitments for the next
five years. The report also
provides the monthly lease
payment and yearly totals.
• Lease Detail
• Detail Amortization
Schedule (AMLE2200)
See Also
172 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8
Sometimes adjustment and transfer changes have a financial or tax impact. Changes to physical information
about an asset, such as its weight, do not affect cost or depreciation. However, changing quantity, cost,
depreciation attributes, or department affect your financial and tax books.
In compliance with accounting standards, many companies must carry assets at fair value. As a result,
frequent revaluation of assets may be necessary, depending on requirements. PeopleSoft Asset Management
provides a revaluation worksheet to facilitate potentially frequent revaluation of one or multiple assets using
the Cost Based or Depreciation Write-off methods of revaluation. Additionally, you have the option of using
the Revaluation in Mass process where the Net Method of revaluation is available, as well as the other two
methods. These tools provide the capability to properly deal with the depreciation distribution between
original cost and revalued basis
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 173
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
You must also be able to undertake an effective impairment test cycle for assets on at least an annual cycle at
the balance sheet date depending on business industry and location. PeopleSoft Asset Management provides
an impairment evaluation process that allows you to assess potential impairment of user-defined asset
selections. The impairment worksheet enables you to enter recoverable amounts and automatically calculates
potential impairment losses. Subsequent to this review, the impairment worksheet generates the associated
accounting entries to enable you to recognize these adjustments in your accounting system. This process
eliminates manual steps and minimizes accounting errors.
PeopleSoft supports the ability to maintain asset histories. Information on a per-asset basis is available within
each record. Cost summary reporting and asset component hierarchy history reporting are both also available.
See Also
Chapter 5, "Adding and Maintaining Assets," Creating Parent-Child Asset Relationships, page 114
• Select the type of transaction, enter accounting and transaction dates, and specify the transaction data that
is required to update the general ledger.
• Select some, none, or all child assets to include in the transaction that you are performing. The Child
Assets page appears only when the asset you are transacting against is a parent asset and the transaction
type is a transfer. A separate Application Engine process is provided for transferring parent-child assets
between business units.
Note. Adjustments to parents do not automatically filter down to the child assets; therefore, the Child
Asset page does not appear for adjustments. Instead, add another child asset. A reminder message will
appear stating that child assets are associated with the parent asset that you are adjusting.
174 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
• If you have changed information in a book that posts to your general ledger, PeopleSoft Asset
Management generates the appropriate accounting entries when you run Create Accounting Entries
(AM_AMAEDIST) or Depreciation Close (AM_DPCLOSE). The asset account is updated when you
generate and post the journal entries.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Accounting
Entry and Financial Processing for PeopleSoft Asset Management," Defining Accounting Entries
Cost Information ASSET_COST_01A Click the GO! button on the Enter or adjust cost
Main Transaction page. information that is required
by the transaction that you
initiated from the Main
Transaction page.
Asset Location Transfer ASSET_COST_02_S2 Click the Change Location Change the location for an
link on the Cost Information asset.
Asset Cost IU Transfer ASSET_COST_02 Click the InterUnit Transfer Select the asset information
Options link on the Cost that you want transferred
Information page. with the asset. The link
appears on the page only
after you select Fixed Price
MarkUp as the action on the
Main Transaction page.
Asset Cost IU Book ASSET_COST_02_S1 Click the Transfer To/From Specify how cost
Transfer Books link on the Cost information for the transfer
Information page. will be passed between
business books. This link
appears when you have
selected InterUnit Transfer
as the action on the Main
Transaction page and when
you have entered the
business unit to transfer to.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 175
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
Child Asset TRF/RCT AM_PARCHD_TRF_RCT Click Child Details on the Specify transaction
Overrides Asset Cost/Adjust Transfer overrides for a specific
Child Assets page. child asset. You can specify
specific convention,
quantity, cost, transaction
percentage, transaction date
and accounting date for the
child asset on this page.
Parent Asset Adv Txn FULL_PART_SEC Click the Advanced Txn Specify transaction
options Details link on the Asset overrides for all child assets
Cost/Adjust Transfer Child at once.
Assets page.
176 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
Transaction Date and Displays the current date or the dates that are specified as operator defaults. As a
Accounting Date rule, transactions are entered in PeopleSoft Asset Management some time after
they have occurred. Any difference between accounting and transaction dates
will affect depreciation as well as posting.
See Chapter 5, "Adding and Maintaining Assets," Adding and Maintaining Asset
Information, page 48.
Transaction Code (Optional) Select a code to help identify which accounting entry template to use
for this transaction.
Rate Type Enter the currency exchange rate type to use for this transaction.
Copy Changes to Other Select to copy the changes that you make to other books.
Transfer Other Books Select to transfer the changes that you make to other books by Amount or
by Percent.
Adjust Other Books by Select to adjust the other books by Amount or Percent.
Select Percent to transfer a percentage of the amount from subsequent books. For
example, suppose you have an asset with two books, Corporate and Federal. The
cost amount for Corporate is 5000.00 USD and is 4000.00 USD for Federal.
If you transfer 2500.00 USD from the Corporate book, select Copy Changes to
Other Books, and then specify the Percent option. 2500.00 USD will be
transferred from the Corporate book and 2000.00 USD will be transferred from
the Federal book.
If you select Amount, a transfer of 2500.00 USD from both books will occur.
If you have a multicurrency business unit, the Amount option will be overridden
by Percent when you transfer or recategorize an asset.
Note. If you do not select the Copy Changes to Other Books option, when the
book that you are changing is associated with a ledger group that contains
multiple ledgers, and the Keep Ledgers In Synccheck box is selected for the
ledger group, changes will be copied to other books that associated with the same
Include Convention The options are to Exclude or Include a depreciation convention. The
depreciation convention automatically displays AM (actual month) for all
transactions (except for Adjustments, which invokes the convention specifically
defined for adjustments.) If you choose to have the convention included, the
convention will be copied to all books. If you choose to have the convention
excluded, the convention will not be copied to all books. You can override each
book separately at the transaction level also.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 177
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
Action Select the financial transaction to be performed. Select an action and click the
GO! button:
• Addition:
• Adjustment: Adjusts the cost or quantity of an existing row and adds a line
with a transaction type of ADJ. If you use multiple currencies to track asset
transactions, access toTransaction Currency fields for Adjust All Rowsand
Adjust Current Row By are available in this activity. When you click Apply,
these fields are unavailable for entry. The transaction cost is converted to the
base cost and added to the total cost of the asset. Exchange rates cannot be
viewed from this component.
• Fixed Price MarkUp: Applies a markup to the asset that you are transferring.
Transaction Currency fields are unavailable for enter for this activity.
• InterUnit Transfer: Transfers an asset from one business unit to another with
different legal entities. Transaction Currency fields are unavailable for entry
for this activity. You can also perform InterUnit transfers from regular assets
to a group asset ID.
Note. Revaluation from this page is based upon the Cost of the assets
disregarding the current Net Book Value, current Fair Value and any prior
Impairment made to the asset. For example, a revaluation adjustment of
15,000 USD means an increment in the asset's cost of that amount using the
Cost type indicated for revaluation with no further calculations. If you want
to calculate the revaluation considering the mentioned parameters, you must
use the Revaluation Worksheet or the Revaluation in Mass process.
178 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
• Transfer: Transfers an asset within the same business unit. For example, you
can make a transfer between two departments or two operating units as an
intraunit transaction as opposed to a transaction between two distinct and
separate business units, or an interunit transaction.Transaction Currency
fields are unavailable for this transaction.
The Cost Information page displays different fields and value options depending upon the action that you
select before clicking the GO! button: addition, adjustment, recategorization, revaluation, or transfer
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 179
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
In the example pictured, the Cost Information page displays interunit transfer or fixed-price markup-activity
Note. If you want to perform multiple transactions, complete one transaction, and then save and reenter the
page to begin the next transaction. Doing so preserves the audit trail for each transaction.
Note. Transaction currency appears by default from the asset book base currency. Each line can reflect a
different transaction currency, depending on the transaction. Balances are displayed in the base currency after
the transaction currency is converted to the base currency.
Convention Convention appears by default as Actual Month for all transactions, with the
exception of Adjustments, which has its own convention. If you selected the
Copy Changes to Other Books check box on the Main Transaction page and
selected Exclude in the Include Convention check box, the convention will not be
copied to all books. You need to override each book separately.
Cost History Shows cost balance for the selected asset. You cannot update information here,
but you can review cost rows and their associated ChartFields for an asset.
We discuss the remaining fields on the Cost Information Page in the context of the transaction being
performed. Some fields are available only for certain transactions.
180 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
Note. If the asset transactions that you want to adjust are still pending (depreciation has not yet been run), you
may, depending on the transaction type, be able to delete or change them.
Cost History
The information displayed includes ChartField information, Salvage Value, Category and Cost Type.
Cost,Percent, and Enter as necessary, and enter additions and adjustments for any appropriate
Quantity ChartFields.
You can adjust the total cost of an asset by either a percentage of its original cost or by a specific cost
Adjust All Rows By Enter the appropriate percentage or amount in the appropriate fields: Percent,
Quantity, and Cost. The default is a positive adjustment. To make a negative
adjustment, enter a negative percentage or amount. In a transaction, you can
adjust the cost either by percent or cost, but not both.
You can adjust the total quantity of an asset by entering the Quantity adjustment.
The default is a positive adjustment. If you want to make a negative adjustment,
you must enter a negative quantity.
Apply Click to prorate the adjustment and add it to each cost row in cases of multi-
ChartField asset. If the asset has one ChartField combination, the cost is added to
the total cost. The system automatically calculates and displays the adjusted total
cost. If the cost that is entered is in a different currency than the base currency of
your book, the cost is converted to the base currency before the cost rows are
Note. Changes are applied only to the current book unless you select the Copy
Changes to All Books check box on the Main Transaction page. If you select this
option, your changes will be visible after you save the page and then restart it.
Note. Currency for Adjust by Percent is the same as the base currency of the
book. However, Currency for Adjust by Cost can be any valid value.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 181
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
Cost andQuantity To adjust the cost or quantity for a particular cost row, enter the new field values
directly into the cost row. You can adjust an asset's cost for individual cost rows
by entering the new cost into the Cost field for each cost row that you'd like to
change. To adjust the quantity for individual cost rows, enter the new quantity
into the cost rows, not the number of units by which quantity will increase or
For example, if the quantity should be adjusted from 1 to 2, enter 2. This
changes only the quantity, not the cost.
Note. To establish an audit trail, you should change cost information one field at
a time. For example, if you need to change the department and adjust the cost,
enter the new department and save your change, and then go back and adjust the
Apply Click to apply the adjustment to each cost row. The system automatically
calculates and displays the adjusted total quantity.
Periodically, you need to transfer assets from one department, product, or project to another. In addition to
physically relocating the assets, you may need to change some of the ChartField elements to correctly allocate
asset cost and depreciation expense. You can perform full, partial, or retroactive transfers.
See Chapter 8, "Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets," Transferring Parent-Child Assets to Other
Business Units (Interunit Transfers) In Mass, page 192.
A full transfer requires you to transfer all units or the total cost of the asset.
Oper Unit (operating Enter the new values into the appropriate fields.
unit), Dept (department),
Program, Product, and
Project (and any other
delivered or customized
Partial transfers are useful when you want to assign an asset's cost and depreciation to two or more sets of
ChartFields. To partially transfer an asset, you need to perform a separate transfer for each set of ChartFields.
182 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
Oper Unit (operating For each transfer, select the appropriate ChartFields, and enter quantity and
unit), Dept (department), amount in the Edit Cost Information group box.
Project, or Product (and For example, suppose department 43000 has two automobiles, worth a total of
any other delivered or 60,000 JPY. You plan to transfer one car from department 43000 to 12000, and
customized Chartfield) the other from department 43000 to 14000. Because the cost of the assets will
eventually be allocated to two separate sets of ChartFields, you'll need to perform
two separate transfers. Each transfer will move 30,000 JPY out of department
43000 and into departments 12000 and 14000.
Retroactive Transfers
You may want to transfer assets retroactively if they were transferred during a prior accounting period, but
are not yet entered in PeopleSoft Asset Management. To do this, enter the transaction and accounting dates on
the Main Transaction page and enter the appropriate cost information in the Edit Cost Information group box.
The system will create correcting entries that back out depreciation from the original department for the
period between the transaction date and the accounting date. Prior period depreciation for that same period
will be posted for the new department.
You may want to recategorize assets either because you entered the incorrect category or cost type, or
because you have created a new category or cost type and want to transfer existing assets to the new
Category and Cost Type Change the values as needed. Recategorizing an asset affects depreciation.
Revaluing Assets
Revaluation as defined here is based upon the original cost of the asset without consideration of any prior
impairment nor taking into account the fair value or net book value of the asset at the time of revaluation. For
revaluation that includes these considerations, use the Revaluation Worksheet or the Revaluation in Mass
See Chapter 8, "Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets," Revaluing Assets Using the Revaluation
Worksheet, page 194.
See Chapter 8, "Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets," Revaluing Assets In Mass, page 203.
Cost Type To revalue assets, select an action of revaluation, which will change the cost type
to R, and enter the appropriate percentage in the Adjust All Rows By Percent
field. Click Apply. The system will create an adjustment cost line with cost type
of R.
Note. This action is only available if the revaluation process is enabled at the
Installation Options and Business Unit/Book levels. The cost type that is used
here depends upon the cost type for revaluation that is established at the Business
Unit/Book level. The cost type, R, is the default value.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 183
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
Note. Entering changes to cost information and transacting transfers, recategorizations and revaluations affect
prior calculated depreciation and accounting entries. You must run both depreciation and accounting entry
processing when you make these changes.
PeopleSoft Asset Management gives you full flexibility in performing Interunit transfers. You can fully or
partially transfer assets from one business unit to another, or from one business unit to many others. You can
do full or partial transfers by cost, quantity, or percentage.
Note. You can perform interunit transfers from group assets to other group assets, group assets to regular
assets and from regular assets to group assets.
Note. You cannot perform interunit transfers on joint venture business units.
Interunit processing is performed through the PeopleSoft Centralized Inter/IntraUnit Processor. It provides
consistent setup and centralized processing to manage Inter/Intraunit transactions.
Note. In cases in which you want to perform an Interunit transfer between two asset management business
units that report to different PeopleSoft General Ledger business units, you should retire the asset from the
first business unit and add it to the second business unit. (Use an action of ADD instead of TRF). However,
when both asset management business units report to the same general ledger business unit, Interunit transfers
automate transactions for you no matter which transaction you choose.
The procedures for performing interunit transfers that are discussed in this section do not apply to parent-
child assets. You do Interunit transfers for parent-child assets using the Parent-Child IU Transfer page (
AM_PARCHD_IU application engine program).
Note. To transfer parent and child assets among business units in this application engine, you must set up the
appropriate InterUnit Transfer Definitions.
In the New Unit field, select the business unit to which you are transferring the asset. The New Asset ID field
is populated by default as NEXT. You can change this value if necessary. Do not enter an existing asset ID
unless you want to transfer costs between the two assets.
Select a profile ID that is valid for the new business unit to set up book reporting. Trans Code (transaction
code) identifies which accounting entry template to use for this transaction. Only valid combinations for
accounting entry templates that exist are accepted.
Click the InterUnit Transfer Options link to access the InterUnit Transfer Options page, where you can select
the asset information that you want transferred with the asset.
Click Transfer From/To Books link to access the Transfer From/To Books page where you specify the way in
which cost information is passed between business unit books. This link displays after supplying the value in
the New Unit field.
Select the Remaining Life check box to depreciate the transferred (ADD) asset through its remaining life.
This check box is deselected by default, which allows the transferred (ADD) asset to calculate depreciation
over its full useful life. The full useful life depends upon the selection of the Use Profile check box. If
deselected, the useful life is derived from the source asset. If the Use Profile check box is selected, the useful
life is derived from the target unit profile.
Use the fields in the Edit Cost Information group box to specify the cost and quantity to be transferred.
184 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
Select the Use Profile option to get profile attributes when New Profile ID has been enabled. If it is not
enabled, the profile attributes are derived from the "from" or original asset profile. When using the
capitalization threshold feature, the Use Profile option establishes which threshold is used for the new asset. If
this check box is deselected, the system uses the anchor profile threshold. If the check box is selected, the
system uses the threshold defined in the target profile.
Note. You can run the capitalization threshold validation in the new business unit if you want to validate the
status again.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up
Accounting Entry and Financial Processing for PeopleSoft Asset Management," Setting Up Capitalization
Click Proceeds to open the InterUnit Proceeds page, where you can specify a markup value to be applied to
the transferred assets in the receiving business unit. This feature is often used in European countries.
You can perform full interunit transfers from one business unit to another, or from one business unit to many
others. You can also perform a partial interunit transfer in which the original business unit retains a portion of
the asset but transfers part of it to another business unit.
Note. When performing a partial interunit transfer when multiple ChartField combinations within the same
book are involved, you must delete the entry or entries in the page for the ChartField combination that you do
not want to transfer. Additionally, it is recommended that if you want to do a partial transfer to more than one
business unit, you should do them separately.
Full interunit transfers from one business unit to another are the simplest transfers to perform. After you have
completed the information in the Enter New Unit group box and its pages and saved the Cost Information
page, all cost rows are transferred to the new business unit.
You can transfer to as many business units as existing cost rows. To do this, enter one of the receiving
business units in the New Unit field in the Enter New Unit group box. Complete the rest of the Interunit
transfer information. Review each cost row in the Edit Cost Information group box. All cost rows will show
the new business unit that you entered in the New Unit field. Change the business unit for each cost row as
appropriate. In this way, you can transfer all cost rows for an asset to multiple business units.
Note. Transaction currency is supplied by default from the base currency of the book. Each line can reflect a
different transaction currency depending on the transaction. Balances are displayed in the base currency after
the transaction currency is converted to the base currency. The system allows interunit transfers across
business units with different base currencies when using the TRANSFER action.
You can transfer part of an asset to a different business unit and enable the original business unit to retain a
portion of it. To do this, enter the receiving business unit in the New Unit field in the Enter New Unit group
box. Complete the rest of the Interunit transfer information. Review each cost row in the Edit Cost
Information group box. All cost rows will show the new business unit that you entered in the New Unit field.
To retain partial ownership of the asset with the original business unit, delete the entry or entries with the
ChartField combination for which you do not want to transfer.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 185
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
PeopleSoft estimates the NBV for Group Members when they are being transferred to a new business unit or
being recategorized. This estimation of the accumulated depreciation amount is calculated in the Group Asset
Depreciation Calculation process. You can, however, override the estimated calculation by clicking the
Accum Depr button and supply your own accumulated depreciation value. When you select a member asset
for Fixed Price MarkUp, InterUnit Transfer, Recategorize, or Transfer, the Accum Depr button appears on
the Cost/Information page. When you click the button, you are prompted to enter the accumulated
depreciation value.
See Also
Chapter 8, "Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets," Transferring Parent-Child Assets to Other
Business Units (Interunit Transfers) In Mass, page 192
The transactions that are generated to pass book information for Interunit transfers differ depending on how
many To books a From book is passing information to, and whether it is passing the information using a
Transfer Book action or an Add Book action.
Note. Assets that you transfer to new business units using the Add Book action will have a cost row of zero
on the new business unit until you run the Depreciation Calculation application engine program
(AM_DEPR_CALC). Running this program updates the asset's cost row with its net book value from the
From book.
When you use a From book once only, an Add Book action generates a retirement for the From book and an
add to the To book. A Transfer Book action generates a Transfer Out for the From book and a Transfer In for
the To book.
The asset that is retired receives an asset status of Disposed on the From book.
These tables show that assets that you transfer between books using the action Transfer Book receive a status
of Transferred.
186 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
When you use a From book for two or more Transfer Book actions, only one Transfer Out transaction is
generated. Because this takes care of the cost on the From book, no additional Transfer Out transactions are
generated for that book.
This table shows that assets that you transfer between books using the Transfer Book action receive a status
of Transferred.
When you use a From book for both a Transfer Book and an Add Book, a Transfer Out transaction is
generated for the Transfer Book. Because this takes care of the cost on the From book, the Add Book does not
generate a retirement for that book.
This tables shows that assets that you transfer between books using the Transfer Book action receive a status
of Transferred.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 187
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
When a From book is used for two or more Add Book actions, a retirement is generated for the first Add
Book action. Because this takes care of the cost on the From book, no further retirements are generated for it.
This table shows that the asset that was retired receives a status of Disposed on the From book.
Retiring a Book
When an asset is transferred from a business unit with two books to a business unit with more than two
books, the asset pulls the additional book's mapping from the Interunit Business Unit/Book Definition page
and profile.
For example, if you do a transfer from CAN01 (two books - ASSET-CAD/ASSET-USD) to US001, the
mapping might be like this:
Some of the information such as life for the new business unit and book comes from the profile. The transfer
amounts and so on are calculated from the FROM business unit or book, as previously outlined.
Note. When you transfer from a business unit with three books to a business unit with two books, the cost
information on the extra From Book is automatically retired. You do not need to enter an action.
This table shows that assets that are retired receive a status of Disposed.
188 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
You can transfer an asset from one business unit to another and have the receiving business unit receive the
assets at a marked up cost by specifying either a fixed markup cost or a fixed markup percentage. To do so,
enter the net markup price in Interunit Proceeds or the net markup percentage in Mark Up/Down Percent. The
default is a positive adjustment. If you want to decrease the price or percentage, you must enter a negative
amount. Enter the number of assets in Transfer Quantity.
Note. If you were to enter both an Interunit proceeds (Price) and a Mark Up/Down percent, the percent
overrides the price.
You can complete a partial transfer and a fixed price markup or markdown by using a two-step method. For
example, you may want to do a partial transfer of four computers out of a total quantity of ten computers and
mark up the price as well. The first step is to perform an Interunit transfer for six computers. Complete this
transaction, and then do a fixed price markup on the remaining four computers, and transfer them to the new
business unit.
• The markup percentage of the asset is specified on the cost of the asset.
• The cost of the asset is marked up or down for all the ChartFields in proportion to the original cost
distribution of the asset.
• You can have the markup affect one or all of the asset's books during the transfer.
The Keep All Books in Sync option for the acquiring business unit controls whether the markup is done
on one book or all the asset's books.
• The book information for the asset in the acquiring business unit comes from the asset profile that is
specified at the time of the sale (on the Cost Information page).
This includes the depreciation method and convention, asset life, and so on.
The Child Assets page appears for child assets when you select the Transfer or the Recategorize actions on
the Main Transaction page.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 189
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
Note. Parent assets that are created on the Parent Asset page (parent-only assets) do not have cost or basic
information. They cannot be viewed in the Parent-Child Basic Information component, nor can they be
viewed or transacted against in the Asset Cost/Adjust Transfers component; the Asset Retirements
component; or the Parent-Child NBV component. If you want to use a parent asset as a reporting umbrella
only and access these pages to manipulate child assets in mass, you should create a zero cost parent asset
instead of a parent only asset. Also, to transact against parent and child assets at once, parent and child must
share the same asset profile.
Select All Click Select All to include all child assets with the parent in the transaction that
you have initiated.
To include some child assets, select the Selected check boxon the specific rows.
Include Parent Asset Select to include the parent asset in this transaction.
Advanced Txn Details Click this link to access the Parent Asset Adv Txn options page. Specify
(advanced transaction transaction overrides for all child assets at once. For example, you would use this
details) page to specify that only 50 percent of the cost of all child assets be transferred
between departments, while the parent asset is fully transferred. Select to apply
as full transaction, actual percentage, or transaction amount.
See Chapter 8, "Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets," Adding
Advanced Transaction Details, page 191.
Note. Only child assets available for transfer based on the specified accounting date can be selected. The
system compares the last accounting dates for the child assets as specified on the Book table with the
accounting date of the current transaction to make this determination.
190 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
Quantity or Cost Enter the quantity or cost to use in this transaction for the child asset. For
example, if you were transferring all costs for the parent from one department to
another, but wanted to transfer only 500 USD for the child asset, you would enter
500 in Cost.
Transaction Percentage You can specify a percentage of the child asset's cost to include by entering it in
the Transaction Percentage field.
Transaction Date and Enter a transaction date or an accounting date if you want it to differ from the
Accounting Date dates that you entered for the parent's transaction.
Full Transaction Applies the full transaction to all child assets. Select this check box when you are
partially transferring the parent asset, for example, but want to fully transfer all
associated child assets.
Actual Percentage Enter the percentage of the costs of the child assets to apply to this transaction.
For example, if you enter 50 percent, then 50 percent of the costs of all child
assets will be included in the transaction even though a different percentage has
been specified for the parent asset.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 191
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
Transaction Amount Enter a specific amount of the costs of the child assets to apply to this
transaction. For example, if you enter 250, USD 250 of the costs of each child
asset will be included in the transaction.
This section discusses how to transfer parent-child assets from one business unit to another.
192 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
Unit Select the business unit from which you are transferring assets.
New Group ID This field displays when the New Unit field points to a Group Asset business
unit. This is used when you want to extend parent/child functionality to group
See Chapter 10, "Using Group Asset Processing," page 249.
Transaction Code Identifies which accounting entry template to use for this transaction. Only valid
combinations for which accounting entry templates exist are accepted.
Parent Asset Select the parent asset from which you are transferring assets.
Profile ID Select an ID that is valid for the new business unit to set up book reporting.
Include Parent Asset Clear this check box to transfer all or selected child assets at once while leaving
the parent asset out of the transaction.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 193
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
The Revaluation Worksheet allows you to revalue financial assets in accordance with International
Accounting Standards (IAS 16) to reflect current fair value, provided that the net book value (NBV) of an
asset is less than its fair value (FV) at a given point.
Note. Since the NBV is required for determining the revaluation amount, the depreciation reporting table
must be loaded prior to performing revaluation.
Revaluation Worksheet AM_REVALUATION Asset Management, Asset Search for financial assets
Transactions, Financial using the desired criteria,
Transactions, Revaluation mark them for revaluation,
Worksheet supplying the current fair
value amount and click the
Save button. Changes take
effect upon save as the
Transaction Loader
(AMIF1000) is
automatically invoked,
provided the Auto-Run
Transaction Loader options
within Asset Management -
User Preferences are
194 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
Business Unit Select a business unit for your search criteria. This is a required field and
displays only business units whose revaluation option is enabled.
Book Name Select a book for your search criteria. This is a required field and displays the
default book for the business unit that you select in the Business Unit field.
Cost Type (Optional) Select a Cost Type to narrow your search criteria.
Asset Class (Optional) Select an Asset Class to narrow your search criteria.
From Asset ID/To Asset (Optional) Select an asset or a range of assets to further narrow your search
ID: criteria.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 195
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
FV Percentage (%): (fair (Optional) Use a percentage that applies to all assets that appears in the search
value percentage) result section when the Retrieve button is pushed. Enter a value that is less than
zero if there is a decrease from the original value. If both FV percent and NBV
percent exist, the system uses the FV percent.
For example, assume that Asset A has a Fair Value of 10,000 USD and the FV
has been effective for two years. If you enter a value of 25, it will change the FV
of the asset to 12,500 USD with the revaluation date when page is saved, which
is 125 percent x Original FV (125% x 10000 = 12500). The calculated FV will
appear in the result section.
FV Template ID (fair Select an existing fair value template, if applicable. This provides an efficient
value template ID) way to populate the other fair value fields. Upon clicking the Retrieve button, the
FV Template ID and FV Group ID in the Asset Search Results retrieves default
values from the Revaluation Information section. When marking rows and saving
the page, the fair value fields are updated on the Fair Value record (AM_FMV).
FV Group ID(fair value Default value populates from the selected FV Template ID. You can override the
group ID) default value that is derived from the FV Template. If the valuation premise from
the FV Template is In-Exchange or the FV Template ID is blank, the FV Group
ID is disabled.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Setting Up Accounting Entry and Financial Processing for
PeopleSoft Asset Management," Enabling Combination Editing.
NBV Percentage (%): (Optional) Use a percentage that applies to all assets that appears in the search
result section when the Retrieve button is pushed. You must enter a value that is
greater than zero in this field; otherwise, it will cause the FV to be less than the
NBV and no revaluation will occur.
For example, assume that Asset B has a Fair Value of 9,000 USD and a Net Book
Value of 10,000 USD. The FV has been effective for two years. If you enter a
value of 30, it will change the FV to 13,000 USD (130% x 10,000) with the
revaluation date when the page is saved. The calculated FV will appear in the
result section.
Accounting Date Enter the date that the revaluation is to be booked. This date must fall within the
open period range and cannot be earlier than the revaluation date.
196 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
Copy Revaluation to Select this check box if you want the revaluation amount in a given book to
Other Book populate other books whose revaluation process is enabled.
PeopleSoft Asset Management copies the revaluation amount to other books in
the ledger group as long as the Keep Ledgers in Sync (KLS) option is selected. If
the option Copy Revaluation to Other Books is checked, PeopleSoft Asset
Management copies the same amount to the books with the revaluation process
selected for books that do not point to the ledger group. Depending on the
selection of these options, when Copy Zero Impair/Revalue Rows is checked, the
system copies zero revaluation data in all the remaining books.
For example: Suppose you have a business unit with six books (A, B, C, D, E, F),
with the first three books, A, B and C pointing to a ledger group, the ledger group
is synchronized with the general ledger business unit and book B is pointing to
the primary ledger. However, the other three books, D, E and F, do not point to
general ledger and books A, B, C, and E have the revaluation option enabled.
PeopleSoft Asset Management processes the revaluation against the primary
book, B. The system then copies the revaluation adjustment to book A and book
C because they are in the same ledger group, regardless of the status of the
optionsCopy Revaluation to other books and Copy Zero Impair/Revalue Rows. If
Copy Revaluation to other books is selected, the system copies the same
revaluation adjustment to book E because the revaluation option is selected for
that book. If the Copy Zero Impair/Revalue Rows option is selected, the system
copies zero revaluation rows into book D and F. If theCopy Revaluation to other
books option is not selected andthe Copy Zero Impair/Revalue Rows option is
selected, the system copies zero impairment rows to books D and F. When both
options are not selected, the system does not copy any impairment or revaluation
row to books D, E and F.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 197
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
Revalue Method Select the method used to calculate the asset revaluation. This is a required field
and includes the following options:
• Dpr Wt-Off (depreciation write-off)
This option appears only if the Revaluation Write-off flag is turned on at the
Business Unit/Book level. The depreciation write-off method writes off the
accumulated depreciation as of the revaluation date. The asset value is
increased to reflect the current fair value and a revaluation surplus is
This table shows, at a high level, what happens with the depreciation write-
off method when the original asset cost is 20,000 USD, the NBV is 19,000
USD and the FV is 22,000 USD:
Note. With the previous accumulated depreciation written off, the adjusted
basis of the asset is 22,000 USD and subsequent depreciation is calculated
keeping, untouched the original depreciation amount, plus adjustments to
fully depreciate the asset by the end of its useful life.
198 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
• Cost Based
This method leaves the accumulated depreciation to-date in tact and adjusts
the asset cost by the difference between the asset NBV and the FV.
This table shows, at a high level, what happens with the Cost Based method
when the original asset cost is 20,000 USD, the NBV is 19,000 USD and the
FV is 22,000 USD:
Note. The total cost of the asset is now 23,000 USD with a remaining
accumulated depreciation of 1,000. Subsequent depreciation is calculated
based on the new total cost to fully depreciate the asset by the end of its
useful life.
The actual accounting entries that are recorded as a result of these two
revaluation methods are comprised of separate accounts so as to leave the
original entries in tact. These accounts and corresponding distribution types
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 199
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
Convention Enter the depreciation convention. The default value is AM (actual month).
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Setting Up Depreciation Processing," Setting Up Depreciation
Revaluation Date: Enter the date that the revaluation takes place. This is the transaction date and is
used to determine the NBV and the FV.
Include current Period Select this option if the current period depreciation is to be accumulated. For
Depr. example: if you perform the revaluation at the end of period 12 (the final period
in the year) but you do not want to include period 12 depreciation to compare
with FV, you would not select this check box.
Exclude Assets Revalue (Optional) Select a date that may assist you in retrieving assets that have not been
After: revalued recently.
Frequency Select the frequency of the revaluation. This is used for audit purposes.
Retrieve Click the Retrieve button to retrieve the assets based on your search criteria.
Once you click the Retrieve button, the Asset Search Results page appears. The Asset Search Criteria section
collapses and the revaluation information is visible but disabled.
200 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
Mark to Revalue Click to revalue the selected assets. The revaluation status of the selected assets
is changed to Revalue and when the page is saved, the asset is revalued.
Mark to not Revalue Click to change the revaluation status of the selected assets to Don't Revalue.
When the page is saved, the selected assets will not be revalued. A blank
revaluation status is treated the same as the "Don't Revalue" asset; however, this
designation marks the asset specifically as an asset that should not be revalued
and the asset appears in the audit table.
Mark to Update FV Click to update the FV in mass without performing a revaluation. The revaluation
status will be FV and implies only an update in the FV table using the date of
revaluation as the appraisal and effective date. The FV is necessary for
comparison purposes in the revaluation process and this provides a convenient
way to update those values for in mass.
Remove From List Click to remove the selected assets from the grid. This action does not generate a
new Revaluation Status.
Refresh Click to update changes in the revaluation calculation if you modify the FV
before saving the page.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 201
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
Revaluation Status Displays the revaluation status of the asset. The values are:
• [blank]: Default value.
• Revalue: Displays when the Mark to Revalue button is selected. This inserts
the new FV into the FV table, if applicable, and creates transaction rows in
the financial interface table.
• Don't Revalue: Displays when the Mark to not Revalue button is selected. No
action is performed for the asset.
• Excluded: The system assigns this status after saving the page if the FV of the
asset is less than the NBV and the revaluation status was set to Revalue. In
this way, the system overrides the given status of an asset that should not be
revalued by definition.
Note. You can change the revaluation status until saving the page. Once you save
the page, all data becomes unavailable for change.
Cost Displays the total cost of the asset in the base currency.
Accumulated Displays the total depreciation in the base currency of the asset up to the
Depreciation revaluation period or prior period based on the "Include Current Period Depr."
Net Book Value Displays the asset NBV. This value is copied from the Depreciation Reporting
table, which must be loaded before using the Revaluation Worksheet for
Fair Value Displays the FV converted from its original currency to the book's base currency
at the revaluation date rate. You can update the FV in the book's base currency
and at such time, a new entry is created in the FV table at the time of save as long
as the revaluation status is Revalue or FV. If you modify the given FV, click
refresh button to update the revaluation amount.
Revaluation Displays the revaluation adjustment amount. The system calculates the amount as
• Depreciation Write-Off Method: FV less NBVless Carry Cost (Impairment)
amount, if Revaluation is greater than zero.
202 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
Cost Adjustment Displays the cost adjustment amount. The system calculates this amount as
follows: FV less Cost.
• Depreciation Write-Off Method: FV less Cost.
Accum. Depr. (Applies only when the Depreciation Write-off method is used.) Displays the
Adjustment amount of the accumulated depreciation adjustment due to revaluation.
Impairment Reversal (Applies only when the Depreciation Write-off method is used.) Displays the
impairment reversal amount. The system calculates this amount as follows:
• If the Revaluation amount is greater than zero, the impairment reversal is the
Carry Cost (Impairment) value.
• If the Revaluation amount is less than zero, the impairment reversal is the FV
less the NBV.
Carry Cost Displays the sum of the Impairment Loss and prior Impairment Reversal (in the
(Impairment) base currency.)
Carry Cost Displays the sum of the prior Revaluation, Revaluation Reversal and Revaluation
(Revaluation) Write-off (in the base currency.)
Note. Upon saving, an audit trail is stored in two tables: AM_REV_AUD_HDR and AM_REV_AUD_DTL.
You can run the AMREVAL process (Cost Based method) to revalue assets in mass that meet the criteria that
you specify. You can also run the AMAUSCAL process (Australian Revaluation or Net Method) or the
AMDEPRWRTOFF process (Depreciation Write-Off) in mass. To revalue assets in mass, access the Mass
Revaluation page.
Note. All three revaluation methods are available using the Mass Revaluation process: Cost Based (primarily
French revaluation), Depreciation Write-Off and the Net Method (Australian revaluation). In contrast, the
Revaluation Worksheet only allows the Cost Based and Depreciation Write-Off methods for revaluation.
When the NBV is required for determining the revaluation amount (as is always the case with the
AMDEPRWRTOFF), the depreciation reporting table must be loaded prior to performing the revaluation. If
you are using the Net Method, you do not need to load the depreciation reporting table prior to revaluation
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 203
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
When using the Cost Based Method (AMREVAL), you should load the depreciation reporting table for all
parameters except when using Cost Percentage. The Cost Percentage parameter does not require the
depreciation reporting table.
Note. The Cost Based (AMREVAL) and the Depreciation Write-Off (AMDEPRWRTOFF) processes update
the FV of the revalued assets.
When calculating the revaluation amount, you may select from the following parameters: FV, FV Percentage,
NBV Percentage, Cost Percentage or Amount. You may only select one parameter at a time and precedence
takes place hierarchically from top to bottom in the order that the parameters appear on the Mass Revaluation
run control page. Some parameters may not be available, depending upon the revaluation method that is
Note. The revaluation method selected on the run control page must match the process name that is selected
on the process scheduler request page.
See Also
Chapter 23, "Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management," page 469
See Also
Chapter 8, "Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets," Revaluing Assets Using the Revaluation
Worksheet, page 194
204 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 205
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
FV history cannot be deleted or updated for audit purposes unless you are authorized to edit within Correction
Mode. Any changes made in this value after performing revaluation do not affect existing revaluations.
You can load market values in mass using the Excel to CI component interface.
See Chapter 5, "Adding and Maintaining Assets," Adding Assets with the Excel to Component Interface
Utility, page 128.
This section lists the page that you use to capture and maintain asset FV.
Fair Value AM_FV_DEFN Asset Management, Asset Capture and maintain the
Transactions, Financial asset fair value that is to be
Transactions, Fair Value used in the revaluation
206 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
Effective Date Enter the date that the revaluation process will use to find FV at a specified point
in time.
Effective Sequence The system populates this field and is incremented when a new row is inserted
with the same effective date.
Fair Value: Enter the amount to be copied to the Basic Add page where the current fair value
is displayed.
Note. If the asset is a capital lease, synchronize the fair value entered from the
Lease Express Add page or the Update Lease Information page. The FV entered
on the lease page is inserted in the FV table with the transaction date as the
effective and appraisal dates. The valuation method is Acquisition Amount. The
FV becomes unavailable for edit on the FV table, but you can modify it on the
Lease Update page (ASSET_LEASE_01.) The system allows you to add/update
other rows. On this page, you can change only the original FV, and it is copied
into the FV table. A new row inserted on the FV page will not impact on the FV
field on the Lease Update page.
Currency Enter the currency to be used to measure the FV. This field value automatically
populates from the default book currency.
Rate Type Enter the rate type that will be used to convert FV to base currency when it is
used for revaluation. This field value automatically populates from the default
book rate type.
Valuation Method Select the valuation method that is to be used for this asset.
Valuation Premise Designate the valuation premise as either In-Use or In Exchange. If In Use is
selected, the Group By and FV Group ID fields appear.
Input Level Select the report input level for the asset: Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3. The default
value is blank.
Group By This field is active when the Valuation Premise is In-Use. Select the appropriate
grouping for the asset.
FV Group ID(fair value This field is active when the Valuation Premise is In-Use. Select the appropriate
group ID) FV Group ID.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Accounting
Entry and Financial Processing for PeopleSoft Asset Management," Enabling Combination Editing
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 207
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
This section provides overviews of cost history and cost summarization and discusses how to generate cost
• View detail about a specific transaction on the Cost History Detail page.
• View a history of a noncapitalized asset's transactions on the Non Cap Cost History List page.
• View more detail about a specific transaction on the Non Cap Cost History Detail page.
208 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
Cost summarization affects cost rows in the Cost table only. No changes are made to the Acquisition Detail
table. The fields that are summarized are Cost,Transaction Cost, and Quantity. Cost summarization creates an
audit table (AM_COST_SUM_AUD) that contains the original cost rows before summarization.
You can summarize cost rows that have matching values for:
• Business unit.
• Asset ID.
• Book.
• Category.
• Transaction type.
• Cost type.
• Transaction code.
• Depreciation convention.
Summarization updates the transaction date with the first day in the transaction period for all lines. It updates
the accounting date with the last day in the accounting period for all lines. The summarization is then based
on the new dates.
When the transaction currency code or type differs, cost summarization uses the asset base currency as the
transaction currency, and currency type is blank.
Note. You can run cost summarization in streamline mode during the create accounting entry process using
the accounting entry component (AM_AMAEDIST).
Cost History List ASSET_TRANS_01 Asset Management, Asset View a history of an asset's
Transactions, History, transactions.
Review Cost, Cost History
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 209
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
Non Cap History List ASSET_TRANS_03 Asset Management, Asset View a history of a
Transactions, History, noncapitalized asset's
Review Cost, Non Cap transactions.
History List
Non Cap History Detail ASSET_TRANS_04 Asset Management, Asset View more detail about a
Transactions, History, specific transaction.
Review Cost, Non Cap
History Detail
Book Name If this field is blank, the cost summarization applies to all books.
Category Select a category to apply summarization only to that category. Leave blank to
include all categories.
From Asset ID and To Optionally enter a range of asset IDs to apply the summarization to specific
Asset ID assets. The assets that are available belong to the category when category is
defined and that have accounting entries already generated. If the To Asset ID
field is left blank, the summarization applies only to the asset ID that is specified
in the From Asset ID field.
Accounting Date Range The accounting date range is required for summarization. You can apply cost
summarization to multiple books with different calendars. Define the date range
according to the books that are selected.
210 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
Note. When a line does not meet the criteria to summarize with other lines, no summarization occurs.
Cost summarization creates an audit table so that you can review the summarization details after you have
processed the summary.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Accounting
Entry and Financial Processing for PeopleSoft Asset Management," Defining Accounting Entries
PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger 9.1 PeopleBook, "Making General Ledger Journal Entries"
• Adds
• Adjustments
• Transfers
• Recategorizations
Warning! You cannot modify or delete retirement transactions, leased asset transactions, group asset
transactions, joint venture transactions, or parent/child asset transactions.
Note. Regarding the Copy Changes to Other Books option: when you delete an Add transaction, the deletion
applies to all books to which the asset reports. However, when you delete Adjustments, Recategorizations,
and Transfers transactions, you should review the delete at each book in the scroll area and click the Delete
button on each book. Also, if you are using this page only to change the accounting date, transaction date, or
transaction code, these changes will apply to all books to which the asset reports. To apply other types of
updates to pending transactions, you need to scroll through each book that you want to affect with the
modification. No other way is available to affect all books with an update.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 211
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
Asset Addition PEND_TRANS_A1_SP Click the Update button or Review detail transaction
the Delete button on the information and then
Pending Trans modify or delete the
Update/Delete page. transaction.
Transaction Information ASSET_TRNINFO4_SEC Click the Edit Trans Info Modify the transaction or
button on the Pending Trans accounting date.
Update/Delete page.
Review the information to make sure that this is the intended transaction that you want to modify or delete.
Click Update or Delete to review transaction information, and then either modify or delete it.
Click Edit Trans Info to edit the transaction date, accounting date, and the Transaction code.
Depreciation Status You can change the status from Depreciable to Non Depreciable.
In Service Date Captures when the asset was placed in service. You can modify this date.
Accum Depr in Current Select if you want any accumulated depreciation for this asset to be booked to the
Pd (accumulate current period. Do not select the check box if you want accumulated depreciation
depreciation in current to be booked to the previous period, which you will probably have to reopen. The
period) default setting for this option is disabled, or clear. If you use this check box,
remember to select it for each book for the asset transaction that you are
212 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
Only certain fields are available for editing, based on the type of transaction that you are modifying:
Accum Depr Add the amount of any depreciation that is already recognized for the asset. If
(accumulated you are adding assets that have depreciation from prior years or prior periods,
depreciation) you can enter the depreciation here if you forgot to enter it when you added the
assets, or change it if you added depreciation before but want to change it now.
TRF ChartFields
Trans Code (transaction code) is optional. It helps to identify which accounting entry template will be used
for this transaction. You can select only those valid combinations for which accounting entry templates exist.
This section provides an overview of impairment testing, lists the pages used for impairment testing, and
discusses how to:
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 213
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
A generally accepted principle is that long-lived assets should be subject to some form of recoverable amount
constraint, that is, that the carrying amount of an asset does not exceed the amount that is recoverable from
the future economic benefits that the asset is expected to generate. When the carrying amount of an asset
exceeds its recoverable amount, the asset is described as impaired and the carrying value should be reduced to
the recoverable amount. Therefore, assets should be subject to some type of impairment evaluation or test.
The purpose of an impairment or recoverable amount test is to identify such assets and ensure that losses of
future economic benefits are properly recognized in a timely manner (asset values are reduced in the
statement of financial position, and expenses are recognized in the statement of financial performance).
In pursuance of this principle, the International Accounting Standards Board has defined IAS 36, This
requires that you ensure that your assets are carried at no more than their recoverable value. IAS 36 provides
a list of external and internal indicators of impairment as well as requirements for an impairment assessment
strategy and frequency-of-asset impairment review. Only assets that are identified as 'potentially impaired'
require an impairment assessment. If you have an indication that an asset may be impaired, then the enterprise
is required to calculate the asset's recoverable amount.
Note. To assess whether any assets you have are subject to impairment review, consult the most current
published IAS standards.
PeopleSoft also enables the definition of a Cash Generating Unit (CGU) and the association of CGUs with
business units to further support impairment testing. Impairment losses can be allocated to individual assets
on a CGU basis using the CGU Impairment utility. This batch process allocates CGU impairment data for
each asset and stores the details in the INTFC_FIN table. You can also initiate the transaction loader
(AMIF1000) to process and update asset tables automatically.
If an organization cannot determine recoverable value for an individual asset, it must identify the lowest
aggregation of assets that generate largely independent cash flows. These aggregations of assets are called
CGUs. CGUs are defined as the smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows from
continuing use, and are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or groups of assets. CGU
should be defined consistently from period to period. However, an asset that was previously part of a CGU
but which is no longer used, should be excluded from the CGU and assessed for impairment separately.
If you are required to perform impairment evaluation, at a minimum, you should evaluate assets at each
balance sheet date. You can test assets or CGUs for impairment at any time.
Impairment processing is enabled at the installation level. Impairments are then processed on assets that are
contained within the business unit where impairment processing is selected. You can select asset categories,
profiles, books, accounting entry template, CGUs, and individual asset IDs for impairment processing.
• Carrying amount: The net book value (NBV) of the asset as it is currently recorded in the accounts.
214 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
• Recoverable amount: The higher of an asset's Net Selling Price (NSP) or its Value In Use (VIU):
• The NSP is obtained from the sale of an asset in a bargained transaction between knowledgeable,
willing parties with reference to the price of an active market and less the costs of disposal.
• The VIU is the present value of estimated future cash flows that are expected to arise from the
continuing use of an asset, and from its disposal at the end of its useful life, (for example, the sum of
discounted cash flows).
The impairment worksheet can also apply an index to the carrying cost and calculates the potential NSP/VIU
cost. The system compares the carrying amount value to the recoverable amount value to calculate the
potential impairment. Any difference is the impairment loss.
An impairment reversal is required when a change has occurred in the estimates that are used to determine the
impairment loss. In this case, the carrying amount of the asset is increased to the recoverable amount, where
the recoverable amount does not exceed the original carrying amount.
You can also select impairment processing when running the Cost and Depreciation process.
To view impairment loss and reversal, use the Cost and Depreciation Summary page (AM_REPORT1). To
generate reports of impairments, use the Asset Impairment report (AM_IMPAIR_RPT_RUN) component.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing
PeopleSoft Asset Management Business Units."
Impairment Worksheet AM_IMPAIR Asset Management, Asset Select criteria to search for
Transactions, Financial assets that can potentially
Transactions, Impairment be impaired, to process
Worksheet, Impairment potential impairment, and to
Worksheet create loss adjustments
Cash Generating Unit AM_CGU_DEFN_01 Click the CGU Details link Review the CGU definition.
Definition from the Impairment
Worksheet or from the
CGU Impairment run
control page to view (only)
the CGU definition.
More Filter Options AM_IMPAIR_CF_SEC Click the ChartField Search Filter search criteria by
Criteria link from the selecting ChartFields:
Impairment Worksheet Operating Unit, Fund Code,
page. Department, Program, Class
Field, Budget Reference,
Product, and Project.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 215
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
Impairment Comments AM_IMPAIR_COMMENTS Click the Impairment Enter comments about this
Comments link from the impairment.
Impairment Worksheet OR
from the CGU Impairment
run control page.
Cost and Depreciation AM_REPORT1 Asset Management, View impairment losses and
Financial Reports, Cost and reversals online using the
Depreciation Summary, Cost and Depreciation
Cost and Depreciation online view.
216 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
Business Unit Select the business unit (required). The business unit is supplied from the search
dialog box.
Book Name Select the book name (required). The Book Name field is initially supplied by the
default book (when the book is enabled for impairment processing). The valid
values include only books for which impairment processing enabled.
Asset Category Select the asset category to search for assets by category. The valid values
include only categories for which impairment processing is enabled.
Location Select the asset location to search for assets by location. The valid values include
only locations for which impairment processing is enabled.
Cash Generating Unit Select from the valid CGUs for this business unit, book, profile, or category if
you want to impair at the CGU level.
Profile ID Select the asset profile ID to search for assets by profile. The valid values include
only locations for which impairment processing is enabled.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 217
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
NSP Percentage (%)(net Apply and enter a net selling price percentage to determine the actual NSP.
selling price percentage)
Net selling price is the amount that is obtainable from the sale of an asset in a
bargained transaction (between knowledgeable, willing parties), less the costs of
For example, suppose the net book value of an asset is 10,000.00 USD. But the
NSP is equal to 8,000.00 USD. The NSP percent is equal to 80 percent.
Copy Impairment to Select if you want the impairment carried over to other books.
other books
VIU Percentage (%) Enter the value in use percentage that you expect to determine the actual VIU
(value in use percentage) amount.
Value in use is the present value of estimated future cash flows that are expected
to arise from the continuing use of an asset, and from its disposal at the end of its
useful life.
For example, suppose the net book value of an asset is 23,500.00 USD. But the
VIU is unknown. You can apply a percentage that you expect , such as 70
percent, and the system will calculate the actual amount to be 16,450.00 USD.
Impairment Reversal Select if the potential impairment is a reversal of a prior impairment adjustment.
Note. This option appears only if impairment reversal is enabled for the business
Convention Select the depreciation convention. The valid values are derived from those that
are defined for the business unit.
Impairment Strategy Select the impairment strategy. Valid values are: Asset and CGU.
• Asset: If asset is selected, the system makes the impairment adjustment asset
by asset.
• CGU: If CGU is selected, the system calculates the adjustment to the whole
CGU as a body. Impairment is based on all assets that are part of CGU
definitions. If CGU is selected, then a cash generating unit must be provided.
The CGU field in the search criteria section is only used to find out specific
groups but it does not say what kind of impairment will apply to them.
Frequency Select the frequency for performing the impairment test. the options include
Yearly,Semiannually,Quarterly,Monthly, and Other
Impairment Date This is the transaction date on which the system calculates carrying cost (NBV).
The depreciation for the impairment month is included in the NBV calculation.
For example, if the impairment date is between December 12, 2003 and
December 12, 2003, period 12 is included in the accumulated depreciation for the
218 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
Exclude Assets Impaired Enter the dates to exclude more recently impaired assets.
Use FV(use fair value) Select to retrieve the fair values in the NSP amount or VIU amount fields instead
of using the NSP Percentage(%) or VIU Percentage(%) fields for impairments.
These fields become unavailable when selecting the Use FV field. If this check
box is not selected, the fair values are retrieved from the NSP Percentage(%) or
the VIU Percentage(%) fields for impairments.
FV Action(fair value Select the action by which to update the fair value records from the NSP or VIU
action) amount fields. Select from the following fair value actions:
• No Action - (default) If Use FV is selected in conjunction with this action,
the fair values are retrieved in the NSP or VIU amount fields but the fair
values will not be updated.
• Update From NSP - If Use FV is selected in conjunction with this action, the
fair values are retrieved in the NSP Amount field to update impairments and
fair values.
• Update From VIU - If Use FV is selected in conjunction with this action, the
fair values are retrieved in the VIU Amount field to update impairments and
fair values.
FV Template ID(fair Select an existing fair value template to populate the fair value fields. When the
value template ID) Retrieve button is pushed, the FV Template ID and Group ID in the Asset Search
Results will be defaulted from the values in the Impairment Information section.
FV Group ID(fair value Select when the valuation premise from the FV Template is In-Use. You can
group ID) override the default value from the template. This field is unavailable if the
valuation premise from the FV Template is In-Exchange.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Setting Up Accounting Entry and Financial Processing for
PeopleSoft Asset Management," Enabling Combination Editing.
When you are finished entering search criteria and impairment information, initiate the retrieval process. On
completion, the Search Criteria group box collapses. The Impairment Information group box is visible, but
unavailable for entry. You can initiate a new search or refine search of your returned results.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 219
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
The results of the assets matching the criteria that are entered are displayed in the Asset Search Results grid
on the worksheet. The grid contains two tabs:
• Impairment Information
• Asset Information
Use the buttons to mark assets to be impaired and assets not to be impaired, to remove assets from the list,
and to refresh the page.
Note. Selected assets must already have been processed for depreciation and included in the load depreciation
report table process before they are available to be reported in the impairment worksheet.
Impairment Information
This section enables you to select or exclude selected assets for impairment.
When you click the Check button, you will select all assets in the list. Use Mark
Mark to select the line.
Mark to Impair Click Mark to Impair and the system will set Impair Status toImpair for all
selected rows.
Mark to not Impair Click Mark to Not Impair and the system will set Impair Status to Don't Impair
for all selected rows.
220 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
Mark to Update FV Click Mark to Update FV and the system will set Impair Status to FV for all
selected rows.
Remove From List Click Remove From Listto remove selected rows from Asset Search Results.
Impair Status Displays the status of selected assets to be impaired or not to be impaired.
Impaired assets will be inserted into INTFC_FIN table and Impairment audit
tables. Not impaired assets will be inserted into the impairment audit tables.
Asset ID Displays the asset ID for all assets meeting the search criteria.
Carry Cost (NBV) Displays the current carry cost (net book value) of the asset.
NSP% Enter the net selling price percentage that is applied to the carry cost.
VIU% Enter the value in use percentage that is applied to the carry cost.
Impairment Loss Displays the calculated impairment loss, usually the disposal cost. Impairment
loss = NBV- (greater than NSP or VIU). You can override this amount.
Revaluation Reversal If this asset had a revaluation before, you need to reverse the revaluation before
you allocate the loss.
Carry Cost The remaining amount that is attributable to prior impairment loss.
Carry Cost The remaining amount that is attributable to prior impairment reversal.
When you have reviewed and selected assets to be impaired, save the worksheet. The saving process performs
the following tasks:
• The system creates a cost adjustment (with user define impairment loss cost type) for the impairment loss.
• The system creates a cost adjustment (user defined impairment reversal cost type) for the impairment
revaluation reversal.
• The transaction date and the impairment date are inserted and is the same for this transaction.
• If you do not provide an accounting date, the system looks for the last day of the open period and books
the transaction against that date. This date is validated against the open period.
• Upon saving the worksheet, the system places the actual adjustment in the staging table INTFC_FIN.
The system loads the adjustment in the main asset tables when the transaction loader (AMIF1000) is run.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 221
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
• The system automatically triggers the transaction loader (AMIF1000) to load the transactions if this
option has been selected.
• The system validates that the impairment date is less than or equal to the accounting date.
• When the impairment reversal box is checked, the system processes impairment reversal instead of
impairment loss.
222 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
Complete the applicable fields. When satisfied with the criteria, click Run. The batch process allocates CGU
impairment data to each asset.
Business Unit Select the business unit (required). The business unit is supplied from the search
dialog box.
Book Name Select the book name (required). The book is initially supplied by the default
book (when the book is enabled for impairment processing). The valid values
include only books for which impairment processing is enabled.
CGU ID Select from the valid CGUs for this business unit, book, profile, or category if
you want to impair at the CGU level.
Exclude Assets Impaired Enter dates to exclude more recently impaired assets.
Impairment Information
Impairment Date Enter the date of the asset impairment. This is the transaction date on which the
system calculates carrying cost (NBV). The depreciation for the impairment
month is included in the NBV calculation. The system uses the current date by
Impairment Strategy CGU: Impairment based on all assets that are part of CGU definitions.
The impairment strategy CGU appears by default when you are processing
impairment in batch mode.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 223
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
Copy Impairment to Select if you want the impairment carried over to other books.
other books PeopleSoft Asset Management copies the impairment amount to other books in
the ledger group as long as the Keep Ledgers in Sync (KLS) option is selected. If
the option Copy to Other Books is checked, PeopleSoft Asset Management
copies the same amount to the books with impairment amount selected, for books
that do not point to the ledger group. Depending on the selection of these options,
when Copy Zero Impair/Revalue Rows is checked, then the system copies zero
impairment data in all the remaining books.
For example: Suppose you have a business unit with six books (A, B, C, D, E, F),
with the first three books, A, B and C pointing to a ledger group, the ledger group
is synchronized with the general ledger business unit and book B is pointing to
the primary ledger. However, the other three books, D, E and F do not point to
general ledger and books A, B, C, and E have the impairment option enabled.
PeopleSoft Asset Management processes impairment loss against the primary
book B. The system then copies the impairment loss to book A and book C
because they are in the same ledger group regardless of the status of the options
Copy Impairment to other books and Copy Zero Impair/Revalue Rows . If Copy
Impairment to other books is selected, the system copies the same impairment
loss to book E because the impairment option is selected for that book. If the
Copy Zero Impair/Revalue Rows option is selected, the system copies zero
impairment loss into book D and F. If theCopy Impairment to other books option
is not selected andthe Copy Zero Impair/Revalue Rows option is selected, the
system copies zero impairment rows to books D and F. When both options are
not selected, the system does not copy any impairment or revaluation row to
books D, E and F.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting
Installation Options for PeopleSoft Applications," Defining Asset Management
Installation Options.
Impairment Frequency Select the frequency for performing the impairment test. The options include
Yearly,Semiannually,Quarterly,Monthly, and Other
Impairment Reversal Select for the system to process impairment reversal instead of impairment loss.
Click the Calculate button to compute the net book value, prior impairment loss,
and prior revaluation reversal.
Click the Calculate Impairment Loss button to calculate the total impairment
Note. This option is available only if impairment reversal is enabled for the
business unit.
Convention Select the depreciation convention. The valid values are derived from those that
are defined for the business unit.
224 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
Use FV(use fair value) Select to retrieve fair values that were previously captured. This selection enables
the Fair Value group box and disables the Carrying Values group box.
Note. You are not allowed to update fair values using the CGU impairment
Carrying Values
Click the Calculate button to retrieve the current NBV for the selected assets.
Fair Value
Fair Value Click the Calculate button to retrieve the current fair value for the selected assets.
Value In Use
VIU Amount Enter the value in use amount. Value in use is the present value of estimated
future cash flows that are expected to arise from the continuing use of an asset,
and from its disposal at the end of its useful life.
Click the Calculate Impairment Loss button to compute total impairment loss.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 225
Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets Chapter 8
Access the Cost and Depreciation page (Asset Management, Financial Reports, Cost and Depreciation
Summary, Cost and Depreciation).
Use the Cost and Depreciation online view to review impairment transactions. Search by business, book
name, and fiscal year (all required) or search by selected secondary ChartField criteria.
Select to drill down to details for each period by asset ID, accumulated depreciation account, fixed asset
account, asset category, asset profile, department, operating unit, product or project.
Access the Impaired Asset Value Report run control page (Asset Management, Financial Reports, Cost and
Depreciation, Asset Impairment, Impaired Asset Value Report).
226 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets
Enter the report criteria for the report. You can have the report output sorted by asset category or by asset
CGU ID. You can see the Crystal report formats in the Reports appendix.
The business unit, impairment strategy and impairment date are required for the report.
Note. You must run the load depreciation report process for the dates on which you plan to evaluate the assets
or CGU in order to perform the impairment.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 227
Chapter 9
Asset Checkout
PeopleSoft Asset Management provides the asset check out functionality in order to prepare, configure and
maintain assets for use. This enables you to manage assets as they are moved around the enterprise for use in
multiple settings. As well, the usage can be monitored and intervening maintenance or service events can be
tracked while the asset is out of use.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 229
Managing Asset Maintenance, Repair, Warranties, and Insurance Chapter 9
At various intervals, all assets require some degree of maintenance, such as routine mechanics for company
vehicles or repainting an office or building. Scheduling and tracking this type of maintenance provides a more
complete picture of the true costs and revenues associated with these assets.
PeopleSoft Asset Management provides features to track the details of individual maintenance events by date
and time, the person responsible for the maintenance, the vendor who issued the maintenance contract or
warranty, and the cost.
Whenever an asset requires maintenance, you can track exactly when the maintenance takes place, how long
it will take, and how it will affect cost and performance. Annual tune-ups may require that some automobiles
are unavailable at certain times. Damages to machinery can result in large expenses due to unavailable
equipment, as well as replacement and repair costs.
PeopleSoft Asset Management additionally provides the tools to view the maintenance history by type of
maintenance performed or by the date that the maintenance was performed. Using inquiry pages, you can
determine if any asset, or group of assets, requires a particular type of maintenance too often. For example, a
vehicle that requires several quarts of oil more often than every 1,000 miles may have more severe underlying
problems. Similarly, a piece of equipment that requires repeated repair or replacement of a particular part may
be defective and should be replaced.
When you own assets that require expensive maintenance, you may acquire maintenance contracts with
providers covering service and repair. While maintenance contracts do not necessarily have a one-to-one
relationship with assets that require maintenance, you may still want to keep track of those contracts, the
assets that they cover, the extent of coverage provided, and so forth. PeopleSoft Asset Management provides
the tools to track such contracts and to determine repair and servicing costs, the time period covered in the
contract, and the exact coverage specified by the contract.
Keeping detailed records of maintenance events helps manage the physical aspects of your assets. You can
compare detailed repair estimates to actual costs and evaluate whether a warranty or maintenance contract on
the asset can lower the costs that you may incur. Or a review of an asset maintenance history can help you
make decisions about addressing underlying costs that are driving up the cost of production. Some assets
additionally require routine inspections related to licensing or other validations or certifications. PeopleSoft
Asset Management provides inspection and license tracking.
In addition to tracking physical information about asset maintenance, it is useful to track detailed financial
information. PeopleSoft Asset Management enables you to track:
• Any other expenses that you may incur, such as rental of necessary replacement equipment.
This type of detail enables you to assess asset maintenance and repair costs. For instance, as equipment grows
older, it may cost more to repair and service, especially if the parts are obsolete or out of stock. Tracking asset
service and repair statistics helps you to see the financial picture more clearly and may be instrumental in
helping you to decide when to retire or replace an asset.
230 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Managing Asset Maintenance, Repair, Warranties, and Insurance
Warranties can often lower the cost of repair and maintenance of your assets. Keep track of any warranties
that you might have, which assets they cover, the period of coverage, the cost of the warranty, and so forth.
Manufacturers often warrant an asset, or part of an asset, using specific terms and indicating specific
conditions. Such information is easily accessible to all employees in your organization who might be
responsible for the physical aspects of asset management.
PeopleSoft Asset Management enables you to enter asset-specific insurance coverage information, including
key insured information, such as insured amount and insurer details. This provides immediate online access to
asset insurance information associated with a specific asset ID, rather than maintaining this information in a
separate database.
Asset Checkout ASSET_CHECKOUT Asset Management, Service Check out an asset that can
and Maintenance, Asset be scheduled from available
Checkout assets.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 231
Managing Asset Maintenance, Repair, Warranties, and Insurance Chapter 9
WO Business Unit Select the business unit from which to select the work order for this asset.
Work Order Select the work order to associate with this asset checkout.
Task No. Select the task number associated with this checkout event.
Contact Info Enter any contact information regarding the checkout of this asset.
Shop Select the shop if applicable where the asset will be maintained.
Deployed Asset ID Select the asset ID used when the asset is deployed.
Start Date Enter the start date for the asset deployment.
Checked In Check this box when the deployed asset has been checked in.
232 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Managing Asset Maintenance, Repair, Warranties, and Insurance
Usage Amount Enter the usage amount of the asset. For example, if the asset usage is tracked by
a meter, a reading value can be entered.
Unit of Measure Select the usage amount unit of measure type, such as miles, gallons, etc.
Asset Service/Repair - ASSET_MAINT_01 Asset Management, Service Provide the date and time of
Event and Maintenance, Track maintenance events and
Service and Repairs, Event identify the type of
maintenance, party
responsible for the
maintenance, and status of
the maintenance.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 233
Managing Asset Maintenance, Repair, Warranties, and Insurance Chapter 9
Related Meter Readings ASSET_MAINT_05 Click the Related Meter Enter meter reading
Readings link from the information relative to a
Statistics page. maintenance event for this
asset. This page enables you
to enter and view related
meter readings which may
have influenced the
maintenance event being
See Chapter 5, "Adding and
Maintaining Assets,"
Entering Meter Readings,
page 85.
Meter Reading Details AM_MTR_RD_HID3 Click the Detail link from Use the details link to view
the Related Meter Readings asset meter reading details.
See Chapter 5, "Adding and
Maintaining Assets,"
Reviewing Meter Reading
History, page 87.
234 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Managing Asset Maintenance, Repair, Warranties, and Insurance
Date/Time Displays the date and time that each maintenance event was entered into
PeopleSoft Asset Management.
Type Enter a valid maintenance type. This field is required to save the event.
Note. You can complete the rest of the fields on this page at any time.
WO Unit Select the work order business unit from which to select the work order for this
asset maintenance event.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 235
Managing Asset Maintenance, Repair, Warranties, and Insurance Chapter 9
Work Order ID Select the work order ID to associate with this asset.
Task Number Select the task number associated with this maintenance event.
Repair Code Enter a repair code, if used. This field may be populated automatically when you
have installed PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Maintenance Management 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting
Up and Generating Preventive Maintenance Work Orders."
Responsibility Enter the name of the person responsible for this asset, if used. This field may be
populated automatically when you have installed Maintenance Management.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Maintenance Management 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting
Up and Generating Preventive Maintenance Work Orders."
This Asset is Offsite Check this box to indicate the asset is located off site.
Pickup Date and Pickup Enter the date the asset is scheduled for pickup and the contact name.
Ready Date Time Enter the date and time the repaired asset is scheduled to be ready.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
236 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Managing Asset Maintenance, Repair, Warranties, and Insurance
Typically, you enter estimates of the hours and monetary costs first. Then, as information becomes available
or when the service is completed, you can go back and enter actual data in the following fields:
Down Hours and Enter the length of time that the asset is unavailable for service.
Labor Hours and Enter the length of time for repair and maintenance labor.
Labor Cost and Enter the monetary expense for repair or maintenance labor.
Material Cost and Enter the monetary expense for items used in repair or maintenance materials.
Tools Cost and Enter the monetary expense for items used in repair or maintenance tools.
Purchase Cost and Enter the purchase cost for items used in repair or maintenance.
Other Cost and Enter miscellaneous costs, such as subcontracting, replacement equipment, or
Estimated rental equipment.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 237
Managing Asset Maintenance, Repair, Warranties, and Insurance Chapter 9
PeopleSoft Asset Management keeps a running total of both the actual Total Cost and Estimated total cost.
Use this worksheet to compare your estimates with actual figures for determining if:
• The time and cost of maintaining the asset is within the expected margins.
To view meter reading details for this asset, click on the Related Meter Readings link.
To view downtime details for this asset, click on the Downtime Detail link. Downtime detail is supported by
PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.
Enter information about asset parts or services, including vendor, purchase orders, and voucher IDs. You can
also associate the payment with a contract ID. You can add any number of payment records.
238 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Managing Asset Maintenance, Repair, Warranties, and Insurance
• Enter the terms of each maintenance contract and the coverage that it provides.
Note. You cannot set up maintenance contracts without first setting up a Vendor table. You need not set up
all vendor tables, but you must at least set up a list of vendors.
Maintenance Contracts - MAINT_CONTRACT_02 Asset Management, Service Enter the terms of each
Coverage and Maintenance, maintenance contract and
Maintenance Contract the coverage that it
Terms, Coverage provides.
You can add multiple records for any contract. By creating separate records with different dates in the
Effective Date field, you can maintain a history of when the contract was first issued and any subsequent
renewals. To identify the contract currently in use, make its StatusActive.
The information in this page helps you to track maintenance contracts. You can enter when the contract was
issued, when it expires, what you had to pay for it, and the vendor honoring the contract. You can also
identify the person who is responsible for ensuring that the assets covered by this contract are maintained and
repaired as required.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 239
Managing Asset Maintenance, Repair, Warranties, and Insurance Chapter 9
In the Coverage field, enter any information about the coverage provided under each maintenance contract,
the cost of such coverage, or any other contract-related information.
Before entering asset warranty information, you can:
When these tables have been defined, the templates and defaults are available for assignment to asset
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
Search for Asset Warranty AM_WTMPL_SRH Click the Apply Warranties Search to find a defined
Templates from Template link on the Standard Warranty
Asset Warranties page. Template to apply to the
240 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Managing Asset Maintenance, Repair, Warranties, and Insurance
Most of the information on this page helps you manage the repair of assets covered by manufacturer
Sequence The sequence value is determined by the order or sequence of warranty terms
entered for this warranty. This system is enabled to support multiple warranties
per asset.
Effective Dateand Status Enter the effective date and status of the warranty. Use these fields to establish a
history of when each warranty is first issued and any subsequent information that
is relevant. You can add multiple warranty records for an asset. If the warranty is
currently valid, select Active in the its Status field.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 241
Managing Asset Maintenance, Repair, Warranties, and Insurance Chapter 9
Vendor ID Select a vendor by ID from the list of those available for this business unit.
Identifies the manufacturer. Only valid IDs set up in the Vendor Table are
Contact ID Select a warranty contact by ID from the list of those available for this vendor.
Warranty Name Select a warranty name from the list of those available for this SetID.
Coverage Specify the terms and conditions of each warranty in this memo field.
Use this search page to find a defined standard warranty template and apply the warranty terms to this asset.
• Asset Type
• Asset Subtype
• Vendor ID
• Model
• Item ID
The valid warranty templates matching the search criteria appear, and you may select one to associated with
this asset. Standard warranties are defined on the Standard Warranty Template.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
Processing," Setting Up Asset Warranties.
242 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Managing Asset Maintenance, Repair, Warranties, and Insurance
The Asset Insurance page captures all of the information necessary to track the insurance coverage for an
asset. The Asset Insurance by Company query is provided to enable viewing of the insurance by business unit
and vendor ID.
Note. (JPN) This feature satisfies the Japanese requirement to link an insurance policy ID to an asset ID.
The asset insurance pages use data stored in the Vendor table and the Insurance Type table. Before you set up
asset insurance, you must first define these tables and establish an asset ID.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
Processing," Pages Used to Define Asset Attributes
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 243
Managing Asset Maintenance, Repair, Warranties, and Insurance Chapter 9
Unit Displays the business unit selected from the search criteria.
Asset ID Displays the asset ID selected from the search criteria and with which this
insurance information is associated.
Tag Displays the asset tag number selected from the search criteria.
Policy ID Displays the insurance policy ID if insurance information has previously been
established or displays the ID entered when adding a new value.
Insurance Co (insurance Displays the name of the insurance company for this coverage. The company
company) must already be defined in the vendor file.
Insurance Type Display or change the insurance type to correspond with this policy coverage.
The available insurance types are defined during the setup process.
244 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Managing Asset Maintenance, Repair, Warranties, and Insurance
Insurance Information
Effective Date Indicates when the insurance coverage takes effect. If you want a history of
changes, add new rows to the table and use effective dating to update insurance
coverage, rather than making changes to the initial row.
Insurance Indicator Designate the type of asset and risk associated with the asset:On Loan or High
Value. Use this indicator to identify assets with any special insurance
characteristics for reporting purposes.
Policy Currency Select the policy currency type. The value of this field is defaulted from the base
currency of the business unit default book.
Min Insured Val Enter the minimum amount of insurance for the asset.
(minimum insured value)
Last Indexation Dt (last Enter the last date on which an indexation for the asset took place.
indexation date)
Premium Amount Enter the amount of the premium in full or periodically.
Premium Frequency Enter the type of premium schedule such as annual, quarter, month and so on.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 245
Managing Asset Maintenance, Repair, Warranties, and Insurance Chapter 9
Total Cost Displays the total cost, which is derived from the COST table and reported in the
base currency of the default book.
Replacement Cost Displays the replacement cost, which is derived from the replacement cost
calculated for the asset and stored on the Basic Asset page.
Date of last update Displays the date of the last update to the replacement cost.
246 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Managing Asset Maintenance, Repair, Warranties, and Insurance
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 247
Chapter 10
Group assets are treated as a single entity for the purpose of depreciation but as multiple entities for all other
purposes. These entities may reside in different locations, or they may be in different stages of their service
lives. Nevertheless, you consolidate and depreciate their collective cost as if it were that of a single asset.
Some items commonly tracked as group assets include telephone poles, pipelines, and wire. Some of these
group assets can be identified by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) code (delivered with
the PeopleSoft system) and depreciated according to FERC guidelines. Group assets are added without cost
information. The group member assets are added with associated cost information. Asset transactions, except
depreciation and accounting entries, are performed on group member assets. After performing transactions
against group members and before running depreciation against the group, the Group Asset Consolidation
process is run, consolidating group member cost information at the group asset level. Depreciation is then run
against the group asset, and the resulting accounting entries are made.
• Asset transactions.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 249
Using Group Asset Processing Chapter 10
Asset Transactions
All transactions, except depreciation and accounting entries, are performed on the group asset's member
assets. The member assets can be adjusted, transferred, recategorized, retired, reinstated, and so forth—just
like any other asset. You can even transfer group member assets from one group asset to another.
The system applies asset transactions at the group member level. The resulting cost is then consolidated, and
the total depreciable basis is depreciated at the group asset level.
Depreciation expense is booked to general ledger by applying the depreciation rate either to an average
account balance for the period (using an averaging option) or to actual activity for the period.
Average service life studies provide the basis for calculating average remaining life for a group of assets.
Average service life studies are performed every three or four years, depending on the length of the local
regulatory agency's rate cases.
Because depreciation rates are calculated by using remaining service life at the group asset level, and
depreciation also takes place at the group asset level, it is not possible to over-depreciate group members.
Flat rate depreciation methods calculate depreciation until the calendar ends. Alternatively, if you don't want
to calculate depreciation until the end of the associated calendar, you can specify the number of future years
for which depreciation should be calculated when you add the asset.
Note. PeopleSoft Asset Management supports only the flat rate depreciation method for group asset
Note. For optimal processing performance and greater table efficiency, you should specify the number of
future years for which depreciation will be calculated rather than calculating it to the end of the calendar. Use
the Future Depreciation Years option to do this.
See Also
250 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 10 Using Group Asset Processing
Because all group members of a group asset are generally depreciated as a single unit, and because the
depreciation rate is based on a group average remaining life, all assets that are retired from within a group
should be fully depreciated with no gain or loss.
However, not all assets that are managed by an organization are fully depreciated when they are retired.
PeopleSoft Asset Management enables you to retire a group member as either fully depreciated or not fully
depreciated. If not fully depreciated, gain or loss is calculated for the group member. Any accumulated
depreciation is moved to the group asset.
Depreciation of group assets identified by the FERC code is usually calculated and booked to the general
ledger at the FERC account level by using a group asset depreciation rate. Assets are summed by vintage year
within the FERC account to provide statistics to support life studies and, subsequently, to derive the group
rate for the FERC account and vintage year. Grouping by vintage year is also required to support reporting of
deferred taxes. Regulatory agencies require reporting of assets by location or jurisdiction. Consequently, they
require grouping by location.
Other factors that you should consider in determining how to group assets include depreciation policies, tax
reporting requirements, jurisdictional reporting requirements, and corporate accounting procedures. Assets
grouped together should have these attributes in common.
Note. All group asset processes are available for processing with multiple currency transactions enabled.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 251
Using Group Asset Processing Chapter 10
To enable group asset processing, you must first set it up at the system and business unit book levels. To set
up group asset processing:
1. Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options, Asset Management, and then select
the Group Asset Processing check box.
2. Add or select a business unit and books for group asset processing.
You can use any book or business unit for group asset processing.
3. Associate the books with the business unit, and enable group asset processing at the business unit book
You must also select the ChartFields that the system will use to store depreciation records and
subsequently charge with depreciation accounting entries.
Because group asset processing is enabled at the book level, a business unit might track assets in both a
group asset processing book and another book that does not have group asset processing enabled. An asset
would appear exactly the same in both books, but transactions would be processed differently. PeopleSoft
Asset Management enables you to track assets in each of the books. Also, you can add a regular asset to
the business unit that has group asset processing. The system prompts you to confirm that you want to add
the asset as a regular asset.
Be sure to associate this profile with the group asset processing books. Remember, each asset profile that
you use for adding group member assets must be used by a single business unit. If you have multiple
business units that perform group asset accounting, each one must have a unique set of asset profiles for
adding group member assets. In this case, you may want to add a business unit identifier to the asset
profile ID to facilitate recognition.
Use the group asset profile to display the default book information for the asset. Do not add any cost
information. Be sure to enter transaction and accounting dates that cover all group member assets. In the
Group Flag field, select Group ID.
252 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 10 Using Group Asset Processing
Return to the profile that you created. On the Depreciation page, select the Group Asset ID field. A list
appears with all group assets for the business unit. Select the group asset (and all related group members)
to link to this profile. You can override the default and enter a different group asset when you add the
group members.
Next, add group member assets. Do this online or in a background process. It is recommended that you add
group member assets using a background process. This reduces the likelihood of errors, frees up human
resources, and saves time.
See Also
Chapter 5, "Adding and Maintaining Assets," Adding and Maintaining Asset Information, page 48
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
Processing," Setting Up Asset Profiles
2. Set the value of the PROFILE_ID field to equal the asset profile on which you want to base the group
member assets.
Information in the profile populates the GROUP_ASSET_ID field and GROUP_ASSET_FLAG field in
the Asset Management loader tables.
Note. The GROUP_ASSET_FLAG field must be set to M, and the GROUP_ASSET_ID field must be
populated with the ID of a group asset. If these aren't set properly, group asset accounting does not work.
The next step depends on whether the data resides in relational tables or in flat files.
If the data resides in relational tables, write a Structured Query Report (SQR) to transfer the data to the
PeopleSoft Asset Management loader tables. Then run the Transaction Loader process to transfer the load
lines into PeopleSoft Asset Management as open transactions.
Note. Follow the same procedure outlined within the Custom SQR Conversion section in the Converting to
PeopleSoft Asset Management chapter.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 253
Using Group Asset Processing Chapter 10
See Also
When you add a group member asset online, remember that you must enter a group member profile ID for the
asset. The group member profile automatically associates the group member with a particular group asset,
flags it as a group member asset, and links it to a group asset processing book (or books). Remember, you
must select a profile ID that is unique to the business unit.
Make sure that the Group Asset Flag field is set to Grp Member in the ExpressAdd component.
See Also
Chapter 5, "Adding and Maintaining Assets," Adding and Maintaining Asset Information, page 48
Load these required fields into the PS_INTFC_FIN table when adding group asset IDs:
254 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 10 Using Group Asset Processing
Load these fields into the PS_INTFC_PHY_A record when loading group asset IDs:
Note. You can include physical attribute data (asset location and asset custodian) for the group asset;
however, the custodian and location effective-dated fields are required. The physical attribute data must be
loaded into the PS_INTFC_PHY_A table.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 255
Using Group Asset Processing Chapter 10
Note. If a profile is already created for a group asset ID and you load the group asset ID in a background
process, the system detects the profile ID in the PROFILE_DET_TBL table and returns an error.
See Also
Chapter 5, "Adding and Maintaining Assets," Pages Used to Add or Change Asset Information, page 49
Although you depreciate grouped assets and make accounting entries at the group asset level, you perform all
other transactions for grouped assets at the group member level. You can perform these transactions on group
member assets:
• Adds
• Adjustments
• Transfers
• Recategorizations
• Retirements
• Reinstatements
Perform these transactions on group member assets the same way in which you perform these transactions on
other assets.
You can override the estimated accumulated depreciation at the group member level on the following
• Asset transfers
• Interunit transfers
• Recategorizations
• Retirements
See Chapter 10, "Using Group Asset Processing," Running the Group Member Estimated Net Book Value
Report, page 264.
256 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 10 Using Group Asset Processing
2. Change the group asset ID to the new group that you want to associate with the member asset.
Note. Enter a group asset ID for a group asset processing book only.
The Group Asset Consolidation process uses the transaction period in which the ADD or ADJ transaction
occurs, except when you use the actual-day depreciation convention. In that case, the process uses the actual
transaction date. The period of the in-service date is also a factor when consolidating ADD transactions.
You must run the Group Asset Consolidation process before you depreciate group assets. When you next run
the process to summarize new group member additions and adjustments, the process consolidates the new
transactions with the previously summarized transactions for greater table efficiency.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 257
Using Group Asset Processing Chapter 10
Group Member Open AMGRPCON_DET_SEC Click Open Trans for Group Review open transactions
Transaction Detail Members on the Group for group members.
Asset Consolidation page.
258 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 10 Using Group Asset Processing
Note. Accumulated depreciation for group member assets is loaded at the member asset level, and the Group
Asset Consolidation (AMGRPCON) process consolidates at a group level.
This example shows how group member cost information is consolidated for asset additions. In this example,
Project ID and Category represent the ChartFields selected for summarization. The example is based on a
monthly depreciation calendar.
This table shows the cost records for nine member assets that belong to one group asset before you run the
Group Asset Consolidation process:
As Trans Acct In Dpr Ope Dept Project Catego Cost Cost Group
set Date Date Svc Cnv r ID ID ry Type Asset
ID Date Unit
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 259
Using Group Asset Processing Chapter 10
As Trans Acct In Dpr Ope Dept Project Catego Cost Cost Group
set Date Date Svc Cnv r ID ID ry Type Asset
ID Date Unit
This table shows how the Group Asset Consolidation process consolidates the nine group member cost rows
into five group asset cost rows:
260 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 10 Using Group Asset Processing
Each of the group cost rows is then depreciated separately. In addition, the begin depreciation date for each
asset is updated in this way:
ASSET01 01/01/09
ASSET02 01/01/09
ASSET03 01/01/09
ASSET04 01/01/09
ASSET05 01/01/09
ASSET06 02/01/09
ASSET07 01/01/09
ASSET08 01/01/09
ASSET09 01/01/09
• Business unit.
• Book.
• Depreciation convention.
• Transaction period (except when the actual-day convention is used; in that case, the actual transaction
date is used instead of the period).
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 261
Using Group Asset Processing Chapter 10
• General ledger ChartFields and cost type (optional, depending on the settings on the Business Unit/Book
Definition page).
This example shows how group member cost information is consolidated for asset adjustments. In this
example, Project ID and Category represent the ChartFields selected for summarization.
This table shows the cost records for nine member assets that belong to one group asset before you run the
Group Asset Consolidation process:
Asset Tran Acct DeprC Oper Dept Projec Catego Cost Cost Group
ID s Date onv Unit ID t ID ry Type Asset
This table shows how the Group Asset Consolidation process consolidates nine group member cost rows into
five group asset cost rows:
262 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 10 Using Group Asset Processing
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 263
Using Group Asset Processing Chapter 10
Select the parameters that this process will use to include assets in the calculation.
View the Asset Batch Process error log for information about problems that occurred during the process but
did not terminate the process.
To increase processing performance, PeopleSoft recommends that you create an index, as follows:
Cost of member (cost) − Estimated life-to-date depreciation of member, using historical rate of the group
(expense) = Estimated net book value
See Also
Chapter 8, "Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets," Specifying Transfer To/From Books
Information, page 186
264 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 10 Using Group Asset Processing
Page Used to Run the Group Member Estimated Net Book Value Report
Group Member Estimated RUN_AMDP2150_RPT Asset Management, Estimate the net book value
NBV Financial Reports, Cost and (NBV) of an asset member
Depreciation, Group before selling the asset.
Member Estimated NBV,
Group Member Estimated
Note. The business unit and book name must be associated with a group asset.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 265
Using Group Asset Processing Chapter 10
Load Member Select to record the member accumulated depreciation. If this check box is not
Reporting Table selected, the report is printed and the member accumulated depreciation is not
recorded in the table (DEPR_RPT_MEM).
Create New Group Rate AMGRPRRC_RQST Asset Management, Enter a new rate and initiate
Depreciation, Group Asset the Group Asset Rate
Depreciation, Create New Change process.
Group Rate, Create New
Group Rate
Run Depreciation Close DEPR_CLOSE_RQST Asset Management, Run the depreciation close
Process Accounting Entries, Close process (AM_DPCLOSE)
Depreciation, Run to pick up the prior period
Depreciation Close Process depreciation (PDP) entries
and generate accounting
1. On the Create New Group Rate page, enter the new rate, a range of assets to which the rate applies, and
the transaction date on which the rate change retroactively became effective.
266 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 10 Using Group Asset Processing
The process updates the asset book and creates a book history entry with the new rate for the range of
group assets that you specify. It also creates RRC open transaction records.
3. When you next run the Group Asset Depreciation process (AMDPCGRP), it picks up the RRC open
transaction records and recalculates depreciation as of the transaction date.
The Group Asset Depreciation process also generates PDP entries in the depreciation table for the
difference in the depreciation amounts.
4. When you next run the Depreciation Close process (AM_DPCLOSE), it picks up the PDP entries and
generates accounting entries.
This section lists the pages used to review asset book history.
Asset Book History - List ASSET_BOOK_HIST1 Asset Management, Asset Review a list of book
Transactions, History, changes for an asset.
Review Book, List
Asset Book History - Detail ASSET_BOOK_HIST2 Asset Management, Asset Review the details of a book
Transactions, History, change for an asset.
Review Book, Detail
Click a Detail link from
Detail the Asset Book
History - List page.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 267
Chapter 11
In composite processing, no transaction detail is carried by individual composite members. All transaction
detail, including any gain or loss accrued upon retirement, is rolled up to the composite asset level. Once this
rollup occurs, no transaction detail is retained by composite members. Because depreciation occurs at the
composite asset level, only the composite asset carries any information—such as book, depreciation method,
prorate convention, or life—that relates to depreciation.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 269
Using Composite Asset Processing Chapter 11
Because the composite asset carries all the cost for its associated composite members, it is a financial, or
capitalized, asset. The composite asset can also carry its own cost information or not, as required, although no
individual detail is retained once the total cost has been rolled up. Composite member assets, on the other
hand, are nonfinancial assets, or not capitalized, and carry no cost information. Instead, they carry acquisition
detail, which is summed up and capitalized at the composite asset level.
All transactions are performed at the composite asset level except for adjustments to acquisition detail.
Adjustments are made at the composite member level and then rolled up to the composite level.
Note. The fair value (FV) of the asset does not roll up from the composite member to the composite level.
Summing up and adjusting cost information for composite assets is accomplished through a mass change that:
• Sums the acquisition detail for each ChartField combination contained in the affected Composite Member
• Inserts one cost row into the Composite Asset for the total of each ChartField combination.
Note. Composite members are not considered in the Capitalization Threshold evaluation.
270 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 11 Using Composite Asset Processing
1. Select the Composite Asset check box on the General Information page.
After you save the asset, make note of its Asset ID.
3. Capitalize the asset on the Asset Acquisition Detail page by selecting the Capitalize button.
See Chapter 5, "Adding and Maintaining Assets," Adding and Maintaining Asset Information, page 48.
Select the Composite Asset check box on the General Information page and associate the composite
member by selecting a composite asset in the Composite Asset ID field.
The composite member is uncapitalized with no cost rows. You can use a Profile ID for composite
member assets if you want. However, you must use a nonfinancial asset profile. A composite member
asset may display an Amount left to Capitalize if it has any acquisition detail. This amount is displayed
until the composite member is capitalized into its associated composite asset.
3. Add appropriate acquisition details to the composite member on the Asset Acquisition Detail page.
Note. A nonfinancial Asset Profile does not contain any book information. On the pages of the Asset
Basic Information component, Capitalized Asset should not be selected.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
Processing," Setting Up Asset Profiles.
In Execution Sequence 1, enter the composite asset ID into which you want to capitalize your composite
members, the Business Unit to which the composite asset belongs, and the Composite Member Asset IDsyou
want to capitalize. You need not capitalize all composite member assets at one time.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 271
Using Composite Asset Processing Chapter 11
In Execution Sequence 2, enter the Composite Member Asset ID and the Profile TableSet ID associated with
that Business Unit. This information is required to improve system performance. There are no defaults to
enter for this Mass Change Type.
Be sure to enter the Transaction Date and Accounting Date that are required by PeopleSoft Asset
Management. You can also select the transaction currency as necessary.
See Also
In Execution Sequence 1, enter the Composite Asset ID from which you want to retire your composite
members, the business unit to which the composite asset belongs, and the Composite Member Asset IDs you
want to retire. You need not retire all composite member assets at one time.
In Execution Sequence 2, enter the business unit associated with your composite asset and the Profile
TableSet ID associated with that Business Unit. This information is required to improve system performance.
Enter the defaults for the retirement, including a Disposal Code, Retirement Type, and Retirement
Convention, and indicate whether this is a Voluntary or Involuntary Retirement.
Be sure to enter the Transaction Date and Accounting Date that are required by PeopleSoft Asset
See Also
The Load Type for capitalize into composite transactions is CIC. The Load Type for retire from composite
transactions is either PRT or RET, depending on whether you are doing a partial or a full retirement.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Integrating
PeopleSoft Asset Management with Other Products," Running the Transaction Loader.
272 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 11 Using Composite Asset Processing
The Composite Asset into which you capitalized will now contain one cost row for each ChartField
combination represented in the acquisition detail of the composite members you just rolled up. To view this,
select Asset Management, Asset Transactions, Financial Transactions, Cost Adjust/Transfer Asset, Cost
Note. The Cost Information page appears after clicking the Search button.
Because Composite Member Assets carry no cost information, you will not see any change in them after
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 273
Using Composite Asset Processing Chapter 11
Adjustments to Cost/Quantity
Using Asset Basic Information, you must perform three steps to adjust the cost/quantity of a composite asset:
This row should equal the amount of the desired cost/quantity adjustment and contain the appropriate
ChartField combination. The additional row is reflected in the Amount Left to Capitalize on the Asset
Acquisition Detail page. If you want to add cost/quantity for more than one ChartField combination, enter
additional rows.
2. Use Mass Change to capitalize the adjusted Composite Member into the Composite Asset.
1. Select Asset Management, Asset Transactions, Financial Transactions, Cost Adjust/Transfer Asset to
access the Main Transaction page.
2. Select the Transaction Date, Accounting Date, Transaction Code, and Rate Type. Select Transfer in the
Action drop-down list box. The Transaction Type for transfers is TRF.
3. Enter new ChartField information into the appropriate fields on the Cost Information page.
We recommend that you change information one field at a time to establish an audit trail. For example, if
you need to change the department and project, first enter the new department and save the change. Then
go back and change the project.
The Composite Asset may have several cost rows, each for a separate ChartField combination. These
rows are the totals, by ChartField combination, of all the acquisition detail for the associated Composite
Member Assets that have been capitalized into the Composite Asset.
274 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12
• Define the extract scope, the scan scope, and the physical inventory controls.
Before you can perform a physical inventory in PeopleSoft Asset Management, all assets must have tag
numbers. They must also belong to a particular department or location, or you must have some other way to
track their whereabouts.
1. (Optional) Extract physical inventory asset data from PeopleSoft Asset Management.
PeopleSoft Asset Management provides a physical inventory system that enables you to extract asset data
from the PeopleSoft Asset Management database into a sequential file and then load it into a bar code
scanning device. You can also extract data from third-party information technology (IT) asset discovery
tools. Such discovery tools belong to a class of software that you can use instead of bar coding for
laptops, computers, and other IT equipment. These discovery tools poll the assets over a network and
update a central database.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 275
Performing Asset Physical Inventory Chapter 12
2. (Optional) Use the extracted physical inventory data to generate a sequential file that a bar code scanner
or inventory device can use, and enter the file into the scanner.
Steps 1 and 2 are necessary only if you want to display data from your PeopleSoft Asset Management
database as you scan each asset. The displayed information can include asset IDs, tag numbers, serial
numbers, manufacturers, models, descriptions, departments, locations, and so forth. This asset data can
provide instant information about an asset's history.
3. After you scan assets, load the scanned data into PeopleSoft Asset Management and resolve any duplicate
tag numbers and serial numbers.
4. After you match the physical inventory scan scope to the scanned data, generate physical inventory results
for review.
You then load the transactions to reconcile the data in PeopleSoft Asset Management with the physical
inventory results.
6. Delete the physical inventory transactions when you no longer need them.
7. Delete the physical inventory results when you no longer need them.
8. Delete the physical inventory scanned asset data when you no longer need it.
9. (Optional) If you created an extract file, delete that file when you no longer need it.
As an example of how physical inventory is processed, suppose that you are inventorying computer
equipment. An IT discovery tool obtains the physical attributes of a workstation, along with the amount of
installed memory, the type of monitor, the amount of free hard disk space, and the installed software on the
computer. You then load physical inventory data and the physical information gathered by the discovery tool
software into PeopleSoft Asset Management The physical inventory processing determines the assets that
have been added, transferred, or retired. Using these results, you perform matching and generate transactions
to reconcile the data in PeopleSoft Asset Management with the results of the physical inventory.
276 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12 Performing Asset Physical Inventory
Physical Inventory ID A physical inventory control ID you assign within PeopleSoft Asset Management
for each physical inventory that you perform.
Extract scope Set of all assets that you might scan during a physical inventory. This set of
assets is broader than the scan scope. It should include all possible locations,
departments, profiles, cost limits, categories, class types and subtypes for the
assets to be inventoried.
Extract data Data extracted from PeopleSoft Asset Management before you perform the
physical inventory scan. This data should include all assets that you might scan
during the physical inventory scan.
Extract file PeopleSoft Asset Management creates a sequential file of the physical inventory
data collected for each asset. The files are created as random access files when
you enter a tag or serial number. One is sorted by tag number and one is sorted
by serial number.
Physical inventory scan Process of scanning assets with a bar code scanning device, such as a handheld
Palm device that uses solutions from third party vendors.
Physical inventory scan Set of all assets that are defined in PeopleSoft Asset Management as belonging to
scope a particular location or department to be scanned.
Physical inventory scan Data collected by the bar code scanning device during the physical inventory.
Mass Change Definition PeopleSoft Asset Management Mass Change functionality is used to define the
extract scope and the scan scope. The mass change definition is a user-defined
extract scope and scan scope. The extract scope includes all assets that might be
scanned during the inventory. The scan scope includes the area of the actualscan.
Overs Any assets that appear in the scanned data but not in the scan scope.
Unders Any assets that appear in the scan scope but not in the scanned data.
Here are the additional hardware requirements for physical inventory processing:
Portable bar code A handheld unit that you can use to collect asset data.
Bar code scanning wand A device that you use to physically scan bar codes. The wand is usually
purchased along with the bar code reader.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 277
Performing Asset Physical Inventory Chapter 12
Thermal transfer label A printer for printing labels. If you have a relatively large number of assets (more
printer than 10,000), you should purchase a label printer.
Note. You can integrate the Physical Inventory feature of PeopleSoft Asset Management with virtually any
bar coding hardware.
If you plan to print your own labels, you can use a Windows-based label-printing software package.
To view PeopleSoft Asset Management data on a scanning device while you scan assets, you need to develop
your own application for the scanner or use the program that PeopleSoft Asset Management provides. This
application reads data from the extract file, displays the data to the operator, and records any data that the
operator enters. PeopleSoft has developed a sample application to run on a DOS-based bar code scanner. The
program is written in Microsoft QuickBasic, and you can configure it easily. This application (which
comprises the files PI.BAS and PI.EXE) is packaged with PeopleSoft Asset Management and resides in the
\PI directory.
You need to transfer files between the computer and the bar code scanner. To do this, you can use any
communications application transfers information from a computer to a scanning device.
In addition to (or in lieu of) bar coding, you can use an auto-discovery tool from any that are available on the
Asset Management comes with a number of programs (in the \PI directory) for physical inventory processing
on DOS-based scanners. This table lists these programs:
Program Description
PI.BAS This is the BASIC source code for the scanner application that you use to
perform the physical inventory.
PI.EXE This is the compiled version of PI.BAS that runs on the scanner. You need a
BASIC compiler to generate an executable file if you change this code.
PISORT.BAS This is a BASIC source code program that sorts the sequential extract file that
Asset Management creates. This application creates two random access
files—one that is sorted by tag number (EXT.TAG) and one that is sorted by
serial number (EXT.SER). These files are read by PI.EXE when the user
enters a tag or serial number.
PISORT.EXE This is the compiled version of PISORT.BAS. It is called from the batch file
278 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12 Performing Asset Physical Inventory
Program Description
EXTCOPY.BAT This batch file is used to download extract files to the scanner. Edit this file so
that it:
• Calls the communications software to connect to the scanner.
You may need to edit EXTCOPY.BAT if you want to copy files to the
appropriate drive on the scanner. This requirement may vary among different
scanning devices.
SCANCOPY.BAT This batch file is used to upload the SCAN.DAT file from the scanner to
\TEMP\SCAN.DAT. You can modify the program to copy the SCAN.DAT
file from the appropriate drive on the scanner.
See Also
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 279
Performing Asset Physical Inventory Chapter 12
When you perform step 5 of the physical inventory process (generating physical inventory results), the
Structured Query Report (SQR) AMPI1000 uses data from this page to compare asset field values and
determine the types of transactions that need to be generated. A physical inventory mass change process
(AMIF1000) also uses this page to reload transactions into PeopleSoft Asset Management after the physical
inventory is reconciled.
Note. The information on this page is prepopulated to work with the delivered physical inventory programs.
Modify this page only if you have made alterations to the physical inventory system—for example, by
creating new fields.
Defining the Extract Scope, the Scan Scope, and the Physical
Inventory Controls
To define the extract and scanning scope, and set up the inventory controls for a physical inventory, use the
Physical Inventory component. This section provides an overview of defining the extract scope, the scan
scope, and the physical inventory controls and discusses how to:
280 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12 Performing Asset Physical Inventory
If you have not performed physical inventory in several years, define a broad extract scope. Because many
assets may have been redistributed in the interim, the extract scope might even include the entire business
Note. If you are using an IT asset discovery tool only, you do not need to define an extract scope.
The scan scope defines the scope of the actual physical inventory—that is, where the inventory actually
occurs. For example, suppose that you plan to take inventory on the second floor of a five-floor building.
Because the assets may have been redistributed since the last inventory, the extract scope might include assets
on all five floors. However, the scan scope would include only assets on the second floor.
The system compares the scan scope with the actual scanned data when PeopleSoft Asset Management
generates physical inventory results. Any assets that appear in the scan scope but not in the scanned data are
called unders, and they create retirements when you generate transactions. Any assets that appear in the
scanned data but not in the scan scope areovers, and they create physical adds when you generate
transactions. Other differences between the scan scope and the scanned data create transfers and changes in
the assets' nonfinancial information. These assets are assigned the status inventoried.
Pages Used to Define Extract Scopes, Scan Scopes, and Physical Inventory
Physical Inventory Control - PI_CNTL_01 Asset Management, Before you extract asset
Definition Physical Inventory, Define data, you must establish a
Inventory Occurrence, physical inventory control
Definition ID within Asset
Management for each
physical inventory that you
perform. Define the
physical inventory ID here.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 281
Performing Asset Physical Inventory Chapter 12
Physical Inventory Control - PI_CNTL_02 Asset Management, Specify the defaults for any
Transaction Defaults Physical Inventory, Define transactions and asset
Inventory Occurrence, retirements that are
Transaction Defaults generated from the physical
Asset Mass Change MC_DEFN_00 Asset Management, Mass Add or update a mass
Definition - Description Change, Define Criteria change definition.
Asset Mass Change MC_DEFN_01 Asset Management, Mass Specify the mass change
Definition - Criteria and Change, Define Criteria, criteria for selecting rows,
Defaults Criteria and Defaults and identify the columns
and values to be changed.
Asset Mass Change MC_DEFN_AM Asset Management, Mass Complete mass change
Definition - AM Specific Change, Define Criteria, information that is unique to
Fields AM Specific Fields and required by Asset
Management mass changes.
Asset Mass Change MC_DEFN_02 Asset Management, Mass Generate and check the
Definition - Generate SQL Change, Define Criteria, SQL text generated by a
Generate SQL mass change definition
before you run it.
Asset Mass Change MC_DEFN_03 Asset Management, Mass Determine the last time a
Definition - Execution Change, Define Criteria, mass change definition was
History Execution History run and what the specific
input parameters were.
Use this page to define the extract scope and the scan scope in PeopleSoft Asset Management. The extract
scope should include all assets that might be scanned during the inventory. The scan scope should include the
area of the actual scan.
Note. You must define a scan scope. An extract scope is necessary only if you want the scanning device to
display asset data from the PeopleSoft Asset Management database as you scan each asset.
282 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12 Performing Asset Physical Inventory
Because the Physical Inventory functionality of PeopleSoft Asset Management is based on mass changes, you
use the Asset Mass Change functionality to define the extract scope and the scan scope, as described here:
• Access the Asset Mass Change Definition - Description page, by selecting PI Extract (physical inventory
extract) or PI Scan Scope (physical inventory scan scope) as the Mass Change Template ID to specify the
template on which to base this extract scope or scan scope.
The archive ID and archive date are optional on this page. The description that appears is derived from the
mass change template that you select; you can modify the description.
• On the Asset Mass Change Definition - Criteria and Defaults page, select criteria for the inventory scope.
In the Criteria group box, enter the department or location (or both) from which to extract asset data or
define a scan scope. Add rows to select additional departments and locations. You can define these values
explicitly or by using SQL operators. If you leave either the Department or Location Field blank, you
retrieve all possible values for that field.
• You do not need to use the Asset Mass Change Definition - AM Specific Fields page.
The additional parameters this page enables you to specify can be specified on the Physical Inventory
• On the Asset Mass Change Definition - Generate SQL page, create a SQL statement that is based on the
criteria that you set up on the Asset Mass Change Definition - Criteria and Defaults page.
After you complete the page, save the mass change definition, making sure that the Execute SQL Upon
Saving check box is cleared. Because the Physical Inventory SQR program uses the physical inventory
mass change definitions, they cannot be executed online.
See Also
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 283
Performing Asset Physical Inventory Chapter 12
Before you extract asset data, you must establish a physical inventory control ID for each physical inventory
that you perform. Specify the Extract and Scan IDs.
Note. Each physical inventory occurrence must have a unique ID. Physical inventory IDs cannot contain
spaces. Use an underscore instead of a space in a physical inventory ID.
Unit Enter the business unit for which you want to conduct an inventory. If you are
using an IT asset discovery tool, you can process all business units by leaving the
Unit field blank, or you can process a single business unit by making a business
unit selection.
Book Name Enter a Book Name to process assets for physical inventory that were added to a
book other than the one that is designated as the current default book value on the
AM Business Unit Definition page. If you leave the Book Name blank, the
system uses the current default book value from the AM Business Unit Definition
page. In this way, if you change your designated default book value on the AM
Business Unit Definition page, you can create a separate Physical Inventory ID to
process those assets in physical inventory that were added with the old default
book value.
Start Date and End Date Enter dates for information purposes only; these are not used for processing the
Last Step This page indicates the last step that you performed in the current physical
inventory. Refer to this page to ensure that you perform all steps in the proper
284 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12 Performing Asset Physical Inventory
Capital Extract ID Enter the mass change definition that the system uses to extract asset data for
capital assets from Asset Management.
Non Capital Extract ID Enter the mass change definition that the system uses to extract asset data for
(non capital extract) noncapital assets from Asset Management.
Oper Lease Extract ID Enter the mass change definition that the system uses to extract asset data for
operating leases from Asset Management.
Capital Scan ID Enter the mass change definition that the system uses to define the scope of this
physical inventory—that is, the set of capital assets to be scanned.
Non Capital Scan ID Enter the mass change definition that the system uses to define the scope of this
physical inventory - the set of noncapital assets to be scanned.
Oper Lease Scan ID Enter the mass change definition that the system uses to define the scope of this
(operating lease scan) physical inventory - the operating leased assets to be scanned.
Note. You can supply any or all three mass change values for extract and scan (capital, noncapital and
operating lease). This provides the ability to define different filtering criteria for each.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 285
Performing Asset Physical Inventory Chapter 12
Auto Approval
Approve Select this check box to have the system automatically approve the transactions
that are generated from the inventory. PeopleSoft strongly recommends that you
review and approve all transactions that are generated during the physical
inventory process before you load them into PeopleSoft Asset Management.
Transactions Enabled
Use the check boxes in this group box to select the types of transactions that you want to generate. For
instance, you may not want the results of the physical inventory to generate any financial transactions. In such
cases, you would clear the Transfers and Retirementscheck boxes. Select from the following types of
Non-Financial Adds Select that the results of the physical inventory generate nonfinancial additions.
Operating Lease Select that the results of the physical inventory generate nonfinancial retirements.
Retirement This triggers the mass change associated with this transaction type as a result of
nonfinancial unders.
Retirements Select that the results of the physical inventory generate unders.
Transfers Select that the results of the physical inventory generate transfers.
Operating Lease Select that the results of the physical inventory generate operating lease transfers.
Transfer(operating lease This triggers the mass change associated with this transaction type when a
transfers) discrepancy occurs between the stored and the scanned department records.
Physical Asset Changes Select that the results of the physical inventory generate physical asset changes
This includes changes in the custodian department.
Asset Updates Select that the results of the physical inventory generate any asset updates.
Non-Capital Transfer Select that the results of the physical inventory generate non capital transfers.
(non capital transfers) This triggers the mass change associated with this transaction type when a
discrepancy occurs between the stored and the scanned department records.
Transaction Defaults
Transaction Date, The current date will display by default in the Transaction Date and Accounting
Accounting Date, and Date fields. You may override these and enter a transaction code as needed.
Transaction Code
User ID Enter the user ID of the person who performs the physical inventory.
286 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12 Performing Asset Physical Inventory
Interface ID and Open By default, the system populates the Interface ID and Open Transaction ID fields
Transaction ID with the next available values. When you process the generated transactions
using the Transaction Loader, (AMIF1000) refer to the interface ID on this page.
You can use the open transaction ID to locate depreciation open transactions that
are created as a result of the physical inventory.
Retirement Defaults
Retirement Convention Select to indicate how you want to prorate retired assets.
Voluntary Conversion Select to identify whether the retirement takes place for intended or unintended
reasons. Options are Voluntary and Involuntary for the retirement default.
Type Select Ordinary or Extraordinaryto define the types of retirements that you
Schedule ID Set up one Schedule ID or as many unique IDs as you like. For instance, if you
have several branches, you might want a separate schedule for each branch. Enter
an informative description for each Schedule ID.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 287
Performing Asset Physical Inventory Chapter 12
Start Date and End Date You can leave the end date field blank until the inventory has actually been
PI ID(physical inventory You can enter a code to identify the physical inventory by date, location, or some
ID) and PI Leader other identifier. You may also assign a physical inventory leader.
(physical inventory
Note. Scheduling information is not used in any physical inventory processing. It is informational only.
After you define the extract scope, the scan scope, the physical inventory control ID, and the physical
inventory schedule, you can extract data from PeopleSoft Asset Management tables. When the extract is
complete, you can use the extract data in subsequent steps of the physical inventory process.
In order to process physical inventory, you must execute each step in its proper order. For each step, enter the
physical inventory ID and select the type of export or import output that you want—for example, comma-
separated values (CSV) file, generate labels, scanner file, or web service. If you are generating an output file,
you also need to provide a file name.
288 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12 Performing Asset Physical Inventory
Note. Because steps 2 and 3 require writing and reading files, you should run the AM_PIJOB, which consists
of the AMPI1000 SQR program and AM_PIWS_RUN Application Engine program that are executed in
parallel for these steps from the file location. For example, if you are writing and reading files from
c:\temp\file.txt or c:\temp\scan.dat, you would run the process on the client. If you are
writing and reading files from a directory on the PeopleSoft Internet Architecture server, run the process on
that server.
Review Extracted Data PI_EXTRACT_01 Asset Management, (Optional) View the results
Physical Inventory, Review of the extract data one asset
Extracted Data, Review at a time. You can also
Extracted Data search by PI line number,
asset ID, department, tag
number, serial ID, and
location. The PI line
number reflects the number
of this asset in the extract
sequence. For instance, the
third asset that was
extracted falls on PI Line
Number 3. The system
presents you with all the
assets that match your
criteria. Select the one you
want to view.
Scanned Data PI_SCAN_01 Asset Management, Verify scanned data for the
Physical Inventory, Verify Physical Inventory ID.
Scanned Data
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 289
Performing Asset Physical Inventory Chapter 12
290 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12 Performing Asset Physical Inventory
This step executes the actual data extract from PeopleSoft Asset Management. When you extract data, you do
not need to enter a file name or file type. The data is saved in a relational table called PI_EXTRACT. Click
the Extract button and click the Run button. If you want to view the extract data before using it in subsequent
steps, access the Extract Data page.
View the extract data one asset at a time. You can search by Physical Inventory ID, PI line number, asset ID, ,
tag number, , and location. The PI line number reflects the number of this asset in the extract sequence. For
instance, the third asset that was extracted falls on PI Line Number 3. The system presents you with all the
assets that match your criteria. Select the one you want to view.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 291
Performing Asset Physical Inventory Chapter 12
Note. When using the web service option, remember to supply the file size for
chunking on the Asset Management Installation Options page. This specifies the
chunk size for the message GET_PIDATA. See PeopleSoft Enterprise
Application Fundamentals PeopleBook, Setting Installation Options for
PeopleSoft Applications,
Gen Extr File (generate Click this button and then click the Run button.
extract file)
Note. The EXTCOPY.BAT file is configured to copy the extract file to the A:\ drive for demonstration or
quick overview purposes. You need to modify EXTCOPY.BAT if you want to copy the extract file to the
appropriate drive on a scanner.
Copy the scanner program (PI.EXE) and scanner file to the MS-DOS based scanning device. You can easily
do this using a communications software package. You may wish to use a certified integration solution
provided by recommended software vendors. Consult the bar code scanning device manual and software
vendor for more information.
Once you have loaded the extract file and scanner program into the inventory-scanning device, you can
perform the physical inventory. Each time that you scan an asset that is included in the extract file, the
scanner displays the asset's information, such as tag number, description, serial ID, asset ID, and custodian.
For the asset that you scan, you can retain or modify the values displayed on the scanner.
While you are performing the physical inventory scan, the scanning device creates a sequential file that
contains information on all the scanned assets. The next step is to load the scanned file into PeopleSoft Asset
Management for review.
292 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12 Performing Asset Physical Inventory
Note. The files EXTCOPY.BAT and PI.EXE reside in the \PI directory. EXTCOPY.BAT is no longer
supported, but it may be useful for a quick overview of the process.
Review the section on hardware requirements for further information about bar code scanners and methods of
moving data to and from scanning devices.
If you are using an IT asset discovery tool from a third party vendor , you need to run a gateway extract so
that you have a file to load into PeopleSoft Asset Management.
After completing the physical inventory with the scanning system, download the scanner data into a
workstation or network server so that it can be converted back into a PeopleSoft Asset Management table
called PI_SCAN. You do this using a communications software package or by using the certified integration
solution provided by various software vendors. Consult the bar code scanning device manual or software
vendor for more information.
Note. PeopleSoft Asset Management provides an unsupported file called SCANCOPY.BAT (found in the \PI
directory) that can be edited to copy the SCAN.DAT file from the scanner to the computer. You may need to
modify the copy statement in SCANCOPY.BAT so that it copies from the drive letter corresponding to the
scanner's drive. This is similar to the modification that you may need to make to EXTCOPY.BAT.
Once the scanner files are available to load into Asset Management, you can run step 3 of the physical
inventory process.
Enter the directory and file name of the inventory file. This is most likely \TEMP\SCAN.DAT. If located on
the PeopleSoft Internet Architecture server, you can run the next process on the server.
Click the Load Scan File button and click the Run button to load the scan data into PeopleSoft Asset
Management. You can load as many files as you need by renaming SCAN.DAT (during the bar code
scanning process) with unique file names and loading each file separately.
Note. If you have written your own scanning program or modified PI.BAS to configure fields or field lengths,
you need to update the file formats in AMPI1000.SQC to match.
It is very common for an asset to be scanned multiple times during physical inventory, thus creating more
than one entry with the same tag or serial number. In order for PeopleSoft Asset Management to perform
inventory reconciliation, each tag or serial number must be unique. Therefore, it is extremely important that
you identify and resolve any duplicate entries. If any duplicate entries exist when results are generated, these
entries are marked as errors and are not processed any further.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 293
Performing Asset Physical Inventory Chapter 12
You can search on a tag and a physical inventory line number. The physical inventory line number reflects
the number of this asset in the scanning sequence. For instance, the third asset that was scanned falls on
physical inventory line number 3.
If duplicates exist, the system displays a page on which you can correct or delete assets that have duplicate
The IP Alias and IP Address fields describe the internet protocol attributes of IT assets that are extracted from
the IT discovery tools database.
294 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12 Performing Asset Physical Inventory
The Duplicate Serial Number page is similar to the Duplicate Tags page except that you are reviewing created
records that have a duplicate Serial ID number.
After the inventory data is loaded into Asset Management, you clean up the data. Then you can run step 4,
which performs matching between a physical inventory scan scope and scanned data and creates physical
inventory results for review.
Note. Before you generate results, you should use the Verify Duplicate Tags page and Verify Duplicate Serial
ID page to clean up any possible errors in the scanned data.
File Name You can leave this field blank for this step.
Gen Results (generate Click the Gen Results button and click the Run button to initiate processing.
results) and Run Note that this step may take some time to complete due to the amount of
information that must be processed.
Because this step involves some complex processing, you may want to have your
database administrator optimize the database before you execute the step.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 295
Performing Asset Physical Inventory Chapter 12
Results page
The PI Match Status (physical inventory match status) field displays an asset's physical inventory status when
results are generated and matching is performed. An asset can have one of the following statuses:
Accel NA NA
All I, O, U
Inventory Asset was scanned during inventory as Transfers and physical changes
expected. (description, location,
department, custodian, and so
296 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12 Performing Asset Physical Inventory
Manual Review This check box is selected if the scanner operator requested a special review for
Required this asset.
Results in Error This check box is selected if the physical inventory processing cannot process a
result further. Four error conditions may apply:
• Duplicate tags.
If any duplicate tags still exist in the scanned data, the results generated for
those duplicates contain errors.
If an asset has multiple sets of ChartFields (that is, the cost is divided
between two departments), an error results. Physical inventory processing
cannot handle such assets.
• Asset retired.
• InterUnit candidate.
A scanned tag was found for an asset in a business unit other than the one for
which you're processing physical inventory. You should transfer it from that
business unit to the physical inventory business unit. Physical inventory
processing doesn't perform interunit transfers automatically. Complete these
in the Asset Cost Adjust/Transfers component.
These errors are exceptions to the rule and should not occur frequently or in
high volumes. Results that are in error do not generate transactions and
should be resolved manually.
Results Notification
If you use Workflow, this section contains fields that are used in workflow processing to generate automatic
physical inventory results notifications. These can be sent to a worklist, an email address, or both.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 297
Performing Asset Physical Inventory Chapter 12
After matching is performed, you create physical inventory transactions that reconcile the data in Asset
Management with the results of the physical inventory.
Enter the PI ID (physical inventory ID), click the Gen Trans (generate transactions) button, and click the Run
button to begin generating the transactions.
Because this step involves some complex processing, you may want to have the database administrator
optimize the database before you run it.
Note. This step takes the longest time to process, so be sure that you are satisfied with the generated results
before you load the transactions. You can see the results of the matching process by reviewing the Results
page and the Results Detail page.
After you have created, reviewed, and approved the reconciliation transactions, you load them by using the
Interface Asset Information component and the Transaction Loader.
When you no longer need your physical inventory transactions, click the Del Trans (delete transactions)
button and click the Run button.
When you no longer need your physical inventory results, click the Delete Res (delete results) button and
click the Run button.
When you no longer need your physical inventory scanned data, click the Delete Scan button and click the
Run button.
298 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12 Performing Asset Physical Inventory
When you no longer need your physical inventory extract file, click the Delete Ext (delete extract) button and
click the Run button.
Review Inventory History PI_ASSET_HIST1 Asset Management, View a history of all the
Physical Inventory, Review instances that an asset has
Inventory History, Review been inventoried by PI ID,
Inventory History Inventory date and user.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 299
Chapter 13
The following graphic illustrates the relationship between a joint venture business unit and its participants. A
joint venture business unit owns 100 percent of all joint venture assets. Participating business units are each
assigned an equity percentage of the jointly owned assets. When you add, adjust, or retire an asset at the joint
venture business unit level, similar transactions take place at the participant level, with cost and depreciation
prorated according to each participant's equity percentage.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 301
Working with Joint Venture Asset Processing Chapter 13
Equity percentages are defined in the Joint Venture Allocation table when you set up the PeopleSoft Asset
Management tables. The sum of the participants' percentages must equal 100 percent. Equity percentages are
allotted to participating business units according to the values you enter in the joint venture allocation table.
This allocation table sets up joint venture processing for Participants 1, 2, and 3, which own 60 percent, 20
percent, and 20 percent of the joint venture assets, respectively:
Participant 1 60
Participant 2 20
Participant 3 20
Most transactions on joint venture assets are performed at the Joint Venture Business Unit level. These
transactions are automatically performed at the participant level as well, with cost, fair market and
depreciation information prorated based on each participant's equity percentage.
For example, asset ID JV00022 was entered for the Joint Venture Business Unit. With USD 10,000 of
remaining value and USD 2,000 in accumulated depreciation, these assets are created based on the previous
allocation table:
302 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 13 Working with Joint Venture Asset Processing
Adds,Adjusts, and Retirements must take place at the Joint Venture Business Unit level. Changes in
ownership allocation—such as additions and deletions of participants and reallocations of equity
percentages—must be made at the Joint Venture Participant level.
1. Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options, Asset Management and select the
Joint Venture Processing check box on the Installation Options - Asset Management page.
2. Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Assets, Asset Management Definition and
define at least one Joint Venture Business Unit on the PeopleSoft AM Business Unit Definition page.
The option to define a Joint Venture Business Unit is active only if you enabled Joint Venture Processing
in step 1.
3. Create one business unit for each participant in the joint venture relationship to establish Joint Venture
These are standard business units and there are no additional steps to perform. Profiles for joint venture
participant business units must have the same Profile ID as the joint venture business unit.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 303
Working with Joint Venture Asset Processing Chapter 13
4. Associate the Joint Venture Participants with a particular Joint Venture Business Unit and define the
percentage of asset ownership allocated to each participant to complete the last step in establishing Joint
Venture Processing.
Do this by setting up a Joint Venture Allocation table for each Joint Venture Business Unit.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing PeopleSoft
Asset Management Business Units"
Joint venture asset transactions are executed just as they are for any non-joint venture asset with no special
steps to take. However, it is recommended that you establish a naming convention to distinguish assets that
are shared by a joint venture. For example, you might assign a joint venture asset an asset ID that begins with
the letters JV.
Joint venture asset transactions are automatically executed at the participant level as well, with cost and
depreciation information prorated based on each participant's equity percentage. Acquisition detail table
entries are not prorated. Any change in the ownership allocation of joint venture assets (ownership transfers)
must be performed at the joint venture participant level.
Additions and deletions of participants and reallocations of equity percentages are recorded as sales
transactions. This results in either a gain or a loss on the part of the selling participant. The value of the sale
proceeds for the selling participants is recorded as the capital cost incurred by the buying participants.
PeopleSoft Asset Management processes these changes by retiring some portion of the equity percentage
from the selling participant (to calculate gain/loss) and then transferring percentages between business units
until the desired ownership ratio is achieved. The mass change transfers an established amount of the asset
cost and quantity from one business unit to another (a one-to-one transfer). Because of this, you may need to
run the mass change multiple times (up to the number of participating business units minus 1) to effect the
desired change. For instance, if you have three original participants and want to add another, you might run
the mass change three times: between business units 1 and 4, 2 and 4, and 3 and 4.
304 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 13 Working with Joint Venture Asset Processing
JVP-Joint Vent BU Add (w/Prof) Adds a joint venture participant using book values from
the new business unit's profile ID.
JVT-JV Allocation Change Transfers the allocation percentages for a joint venture
from one business unit to another.
Note. After you run these changes, it is a good idea to update the allocation table to reflect the new equity
percentages. Joint venture mass changes do not affect Joint Venture Allocation tables, and you must change
these tables to reflect the updated joint ventures.
In addition to selecting the appropriate mass change template, make other selections that are specific to joint
venture processing. PeopleSoft Asset Management requires a Transaction Date and an Accounting Date.
Depending on the joint venture mass change template you select, you may also need to select a set of default
values for some or all of these fields:
Disposal Code Choose a disposal code from the available options. Disposal codes are fully
described in Retiring Assets.
Percentage of Quantity Enter a decimal value—for example, enter 0.50 for 50 percent.
Retirement Type Enter either Extraordinary or Ordinary to indicate how the gain or loss that
results from a retirement should be reported. This is for information only.
Retirement Convention Select a retirement convention. This indicates how depreciation will be
calculated through retirement.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 305
Working with Joint Venture Asset Processing Chapter 13
Voluntary/Involuntary Enter either Voluntary or Involuntary to indicate the reason for a retirement. This
is for information only.
The Mass Change application engine program adds a joint venture participant business unit to an existing
joint venture and performs these additional functions:
• Retires an established percentage of cost and quantity from one business unit and its books by using the
defaults you specify for the retirement.
• Adds the same percentage of cost and quantity to the new business unit and its books by using the
proceeds you specify for the retirement.
When defining the mass change, select JVA-Joint Venture BU Addition as the Mass Change Template used to
add a joint venture participant. If you want to use book values from the profile ID of the new participant
business unit, select the JVP-Joint Vent BU Add (w/Prof) mass change template.
In Execution Sequence 1, select the book or books from which you want to retire a portion of assets. Specify
the Joint Venture Business Unit from which you want to retire assets so that these values can be applied to the
new participant business unit.
Note. Before adding a business unit to an existing joint venture, that business unit must be fully established.
When Mass Change removes a joint venture participant business unit from an existing joint venture, it also
performs these functions:
• Retires the total cost and quantity from one business unit and its books, using the defaults you specify for
the retirement.
• Adds that cost and quantity to another business unit and its books, using the proceeds you specify for the
When defining the mass change, select JVA-Joint Venture BU Removal as the Mass Change Template used to
remove a joint venture participant.
In Execution Sequence 1, select the book or books that you want to remove. Specify the Joint Venture
Participant Business Unit you want to remove.
When the Mass Change process changes ownership allocations for an existing joint venture, it also performs
these functions:
306 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 13 Working with Joint Venture Asset Processing
• Retires a percentage of the cost and quantity from one business unit and its books, using the defaults
specified for the retirement.
• Adds that same percentage of cost and quantity to another business unit and its books, using the proceeds
specified for the retirement.
When defining the mass change, select JVT-JV Allocation Change as the Mass Change Template used to
change joint venture ownership allocations.
In Execution Sequence 1, select the department or departments from which you want to transfer joint venture
assets. Specify the Joint Venture Business Unit from which you want to transfer assets.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Integrating
PeopleSoft Asset Management with Other Products," Running the Transaction Loader.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 307
Chapter 14
• Process depreciation.
Before you begin to depreciate assets, you must set them up with required depreciation attributes.
• Depreciation method.
• Prorate convention.
• Depreciable basis.
• Placed-in-service date.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing
PeopleSoft Asset Management Business Units."
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
Processing," Setting Up Asset Profiles.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up
Depreciation Processing."
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 309
Processing Asset Depreciation Chapter 14
PeopleSoft Asset Management calculates the annual depreciation based on the asset's life, depreciable cost
basis, placed-in-service date, and any depreciation limits that you specify. You can set up required
depreciation attributes on three levels: You can enter them in your business unit books, define them when you
set up asset profiles, or specify them when you add assets to the system.
When you set up your business unit books, specify whether each book is a financial book, a tax book, or a
financial book with tax information. This specification acts as a filter, enabling you to select options that
correspond to the book type that you specified. For example, if you define a book as a tax book in the U.S.,
PeopleSoft Asset Management does not allow you to select depreciation attributes that are not supported by
U.S. federal tax code.
Asset profiles function as templates. They provide a quick way to enter asset information, especially
depreciation criteria. Rather than enter the book, method, convention, life, and tax credit information each
time that you add an asset, you can use the asset profile to supply that information by default. When you enter
assets, specify the profile ID. If any depreciation information in the profile does not apply, you can override
You can also specify depreciation attributes as you add assets to PeopleSoft Asset Management. Do this if the
asset profile does not contain the depreciation criteria that you want for the asset. If you use more than one
book, specify the depreciation criteria for each book.
To ensure correct depreciation processing, the PeopleSoft detail calendar that you use must include at least
five years prior to the life of the oldest asset. For example, if the life of the oldest asset began on January 1,
2000, your calendar must begin no later than January 1, 1995. These prior periods are required for correct
depreciation processing.
Build detail calendars beyond the end depreciation date of the asset as well. When you do this, the system
calculates depreciation over the longer period correctly for any added assets that have a longer than usual
service life. If any short tax years are contained within this five-year period, create a calendar of more than
five years to ensure correct depreciation.
If you use a depreciation method that relies on tables specifying the percentage of depreciation that is
expensed for each period, review the delivered depreciation schedules. If you use depreciation schedules that
are different from those delivered, you must add a schedule with the appropriate percentages for each in-
service period for each year of life.
PeopleSoft Asset Management provides all standard prorate conventions. In addition, it enables you to build
new conventions based on calendars and to copy conventions from one setID to another as appropriate.
310 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 14 Processing Asset Depreciation
Note. PeopleSoft Asset Management enables you to change both depreciation conventions and schedules as
you deem necessary. If you change either the schedule or convention, you get a warning that the convention
and the schedule do not agree. When you save your change, PeopleCode changes the convention or the
schedule for you. The depreciation will calculate correctly whether you enter a change to schedule or
convention and in either order.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 311
Processing Asset Depreciation Chapter 14
When you have completed processing depreciation, you must go on to create accounting entries for the
period depreciation. Before you create any accounting entries, check the processing options to determine
whether the system runs processes automatically or whether you must schedule processing.
• Determine which periods are open to ensure that depreciation is expensed to the correct period.
To verify periods, use the Establish Business Units component, and access the Asset Management
Definition page. Click the Update Open Periods link to review open and closed periods on the Open
Period Update page.
If the open periods show that the current accounting period is open, you can create period depreciation
accounting entries. If not, you must close the prior period manually and open the current period before
creating period depreciation accounting entries.
• Account for any depreciation that is allowed for time during which an asset was not established in
PeopleSoft Asset Management.
When you acquire assets (or place assets in service) during one accounting period but add them to
PeopleSoft Asset Management during a different accounting period, you need to account for any
depreciation that is allowed for the time during which the asset was not established in PeopleSoft
Asset Management. You can do this by adjusting the transaction and accounting dates.
Typically, the transaction date represents the date that you actually acquired the asset and the
accounting date represents the date that you begin expensing depreciation. The accounting date is
validated against the open periods for PeopleSoft Asset Management that are stored in the
FIN_OPEN_PERIOD table to determine the period to which it is expensed. The difference between
the transaction date and the accounting date determine whether any prior period depreciation needs to
be calculated. For example, suppose that a computer was acquired and placed in service on March 15,
2005, but the information was not entered into PeopleSoft Asset Management until August 1, 2005.
All periods prior to August are closed. PeopleSoft Asset Management automatically calculates
depreciation starting in March, and it reflects this depreciation in the August period. When period
depreciation accounting entries are created for August, they will reflect all depreciation activity since
Note. This is the only time life-to-date calculations take place without being selected.
• Create accounting entries for the amount that you enter during the Add process for assets with
accumulated depreciation.
When you add an asset with accumulated depreciation, you can create accounting entries for the
amount that you enter during the Add process. When the asset has been added, accumulated
depreciation is updated each time that you create new period depreciation accounting entries.
312 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 14 Processing Asset Depreciation
The amount of depreciation that you can expense for each period depends on how you set up your
calendar. You can define the periods as months. When you set up your calendar, specify the year, the
number of periods in each year, the beginning and ending date of each period, and the name of each
period. For example, if you use a monthly calendar, the first period might be called January or April.
You also specify the portion of depreciation to be allocated for each period. For example, if you use a
monthly calendar, you can specify that 1/12 of the annual depreciation amount is allocated to each
When you have created accounting entries for depreciation for an accounting period, you must close
See Also
Chapter 18, "Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Accounting Entries," page 355
Chapter 18, "Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Accounting Entries," Running the Depreciation Close
Process, page 371
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing PeopleSoft
Asset Management Business Units"
See Also
Processing Depreciation
This section provides an overview of processing depreciation and discusses how to:
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 313
Processing Asset Depreciation Chapter 14
Unit Select a business unit from which to select a book or range of assets.
Book Name Select a book to further narrow the assets to be included in processing.
314 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 14 Processing Asset Depreciation
Process Frequency Select the frequency for the process from these values:
Note. Accumulated depreciation for group member assets is loaded at the member asset level.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Configuring
PeopleSoft Asset Lifecycle Management Background Processes."
You can review open transactions broadly—for example, by searching for them by business unit. Review
open transactions more specifically by including more criteria in your search.
Use broad or narrow search criteria to identify a list of open transactions. In addition to business unit, you can
specify asset identification, asset book name, transaction date, or accounting date. Alternatively, you can
specify the action type of a pending transaction. Also, each open transaction can have a status, which you can
use to further narrow the search criteria.
Each pending transaction can have an action type associated with it. The following list shows the action types
that are available:
• Asset Addition
• Asset Recategorization
• Asset Reinstatement
• Asset Retirement
• Asset Transfer
• Book Adjustment
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 315
Processing Asset Depreciation Chapter 14
• Budgeted Depreciation
• Depreciation
• Inflation Adjustment
• Lease Payment
• Resume Depreciation
• Suspend Depreciation
Held For Transfer In When you process interunit transfers, PeopleSoft Asset Management processes
the out and in transactions at the same time. This status indicates that the
transaction is being held until its corresponding transfer-out can be processed.
Never Calculate The Depreciation Calculation process never includes the transaction.
Pending Depreciation Depreciation has not yet been calculated for the transaction.
Completed Distribution The transaction has been sent to the general ledger.
The reporting process status reflects the status in connection with the depreciation reporting table.
Completed The transaction has been uploaded to the depreciation reporting table.
316 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 14 Processing Asset Depreciation
Pending The transaction has not yet been uploaded to the depreciation reporting table.
Completed Sum The summarization process has been completed on the transactions for group
Composite member assets.
Member Depreciation A book change has been made on a group member (such as changing its
convention or in-service date).
Never Sum Composite The transactions are never used by the summarization process.
Pending Sum Composite The summarization process has not yet been completed on the transactions for
group member assets.
When you have searched for all open transactions based on specified criteria, you can view particular open
transactions in detail.
Changing the effective date of depreciation attributes may become necessary to accommodate changes in
tax law or company policy. You can set up anticipated changes for future use by effective-dating them.
You can also affect prior periods by changing the effective date.
Changing the depreciation limits on assets may change the amount of depreciation that you can expense
on an asset in a given year. This, in turn, changes the depreciation amount that is allocated to each period.
If necessary, the life of the asset is extended to depreciate the asset fully.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 317
Processing Asset Depreciation Chapter 14
Asset depreciation status is book-specific. Therefore, an asset can be depreciable for one book and
nondepreciable for another. There is no limit to the number of times that an asset can have its depreciation
suspended. Also, there is no limit on the length of time for which it can be suspended.
When you change the status of an asset from Depreciable to Nondepreciable, the system deletes future
depreciation calculations. All transactions that are performed while the asset is suspended take into
account only the depreciation that has occurred as of that time.
While an asset is in a suspended state (that is, has a status of Nondepreciable), you can still perform
financial transactions on it. Those transactions generate appropriate accounting entries with a transaction
date indicating when the transaction actually took place. Adjustments generate one accounting entry for
the cost adjustment. Transfers generate two accounting entries—one for the cost transfer and one to
transfer accumulated depreciation. Retirements generate accounting entries for cost, accumulated
depreciation, and any gain or loss.
Note. You cannot perform interunit transfers on assets that have been suspended.
When you change a nondepreciable asset to a depreciable asset, PeopleSoft Asset Management performs
a remaining value calculation and calculates depreciation based on all depreciation parameters. The time
during which depreciation was suspended is not taken into account against the asset's life.
See Appendix B, "Understanding Depreciation Calculations," Calculating Depreciation When Salvage Value
Exceeds Net Book Value (NBV), page 647.
You can review each processing instance for errors that may have occurred during processing. You can view
the business unit, asset ID, and other information that is related to the error along with a message describing
the problem. You can then correct the problem or continue.
318 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 14 Processing Asset Depreciation
Enter a fiscal year and process frequency. You can run the process for only one fiscal year at a time.
Run Options
Unit Option Select a business unit option, either All or One. If you select One, select a
business unit in the field that appears.
Book Option Select either All or One. If you select One, select a book name in the field that
GRP Asset Opt(group Select a book group asset option, either All or Range. If you specify a range,
asset option) select values in the From Asset field and the To Asset ID field.
Open Transactions - Create AMOPNTRNS_RQST Asset Management, Run a process that creates
Depreciation, Open open transactions.
Transactions, Create, Create
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 319
Processing Asset Depreciation Chapter 14
Use this page to run a process that opens transactions. This is necessary when you have used the Future Depr
Years (future depreciation years) option to limit depreciation calculations to a specific number of years rather
than the asset's useful life. For example, if you had limited future depreciation years to two, and you were
now entering the third year, you would run this process before running depreciation so that the depreciation
calculations would account for all open transactions.
Run Options
Non Group Asset Recalculates depreciation for all assets except group assets.
Process Scheduler runs the Create Pending Depreciation Transactions (AMOPNTRNS) process at user-
defined intervals.
320 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 14 Processing Asset Depreciation
Asset Depreciation - Period DEPR_ALL_PERIOD Asset Management, View depreciation for the
Depreciation Depreciation, Review periods that you specified
Depreciation Info, Asset when you entered the asset.
Depreciation, Depreciation,
Period Depreciation
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 321
Processing Asset Depreciation Chapter 14
Parent assets that are created on the Parent Asset page (parent-only assets) do not have cost or basic
information. They cannot be viewed in the Parent Child Basic Information component. Also, you cannot view
them or perform transactions on them in the Asset Cost/Adjust Transfers component; the Asset Retirements
component; or the Parent-Child NBV component. If you want to use a parent asset as an umbrella asset for
reporting purposes only and access these components to manipulate child assets in mass, create a 0-cost
parent asset as opposed to a parent only asset. Also, to transact against parent and child assets at once, parent
and child must use the same asset profile.
322 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 14 Processing Asset Depreciation
Net Book Value To calculate the net book value of the asset, enter values in the As Of Fiscal Year
field and the Period field, and click the Calculate NBV (calculate net book value)
button. The system displays the cost, salvage value, accumulated depreciation,
and net book value for the selected asset, fiscal year, and accounting period.
Yearly Depreciation Displays depreciation amounts by year through the last year of the asset's life.
Note. Yearly depreciation amounts are not shown for parent-child assets.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 323
Processing Asset Depreciation Chapter 14
Expense Select to view depreciation expense for the year that is specified.
Accum (accumulated) Select to view accumulated depreciation for the year that is specified.
Note. If you do not select Expense, but you do select Accum, only the amounts that affected accumulated
depreciation appear. The system does not show the expense for that year. For example, when an asset is
added with accumulated depreciation, no corresponding expense amount exists. If you do not select Accum,
but you do select Expense, the system displays the amounts that affected the expense account, but not the
accumulated depreciation for that year.
Get Period Depr (get Click to have the system calculate depreciation that was allocated to each period
period depreciation) for the year specified and display the information. You can change the period
depreciation amounts. Note that when you modify the period depreciation, you
change the depreciation method to manual depreciation.
Period Depreciation
Click the Depr. Accum Adjustment (depreciation accumulated adjustment) link to make adjustments to
accumulated depreciation.
324 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 14 Processing Asset Depreciation
Note that if you perform two transfers on the same asset in the same accounting period (on the same set of
ChartFields), the Asset Depreciation - Period Depreciation page displays only a net result of both transfers.
For example, suppose that an asset with an actual month convention is added to department 12000 on August
31, 2006, with a cost of 10,000.00 JPY and a life of five years. On September 30, 2006, the asset is
transferred to department 14000 using the same convention. The asset is then transferred again on the same
day to department 21100. The Asset Depreciation - Period Depreciation page displays the following entries
for the transfers:
12000 2006 8 DPR 166.66
No entry exists for the transfer in and out of department 14000 on the same day, as this is a net 0. Note,
however, that the depreciation table has two additional rows for both transfer out and transfer in.
Click the Select All button to include all child assets with the parent in the net book value calculation.
To include particular child assets, select the Selected check box for a row.
Tag Number Displays the tag that is assigned to the child asset. Parent and child assets can
share the same tag number.
Child Asset ID Displays the asset ID that is assigned to the child asset.
Currency Displays the currency in which child asset costs are stored.
Acq Date (acquisition Displays the date that the asset was acquired.
Asset Information Click to open a new Asset page in the Asset Depreciation component. The page
is populated with the child asset.
The Include Parent Asset check box is selected by default. Clearing it enables you to calculate net book value
at once for all or selected child assets while excluding the parent asset from the calculation.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 325
Processing Asset Depreciation Chapter 14
Note. Each book must be adjusted separately. If multiple books are associated with the same ledger group
with KLS (Keep Ledgers in Synch) activated, the adjustment amount is converted and copied from the
primary book to the secondary books if no adjustment amounts are entered in the secondary book.
This section lists the page that you use to adjust accumulated depreciation.
326 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 14 Processing Asset Depreciation
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 327
Processing Asset Depreciation Chapter 14
Run Options
Use Open Trans (use Select to pick up only new open transactions since you last ran the process.
open transactions)
Keep Other Fiscal Years Select to process a new year but retain other years in the table.
Note. The Depreciation Reporting table should be loaded only for the current fiscal year, or at most two fiscal
years (depending on your reporting requirements).
You should run the AMDPREPT_RQST process throughout the year to account for new transactions that
were created during the year by selecting the Use Open Trans check box.
328 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15
This section includes a table that lists the commonly used user-defined depreciation variables. Also
included is an inquiry page, where you can review these variables within the system. Review the available
variables, and then proceed to create depreciation formulae.
Do this in a series of steps, and then review the steps on a summary page that we provide for this purpose.
This SQC is called by the main depreciation calculation program, AM_DEPR_CALC, during depreciation
calculations. It processes all user-defined depreciation methods by setID.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 329
Using User-Defined Asset Depreciation Chapter 15
330 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Using User-Defined Asset Depreciation
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 331
Using User-Defined Asset Depreciation Chapter 15
332 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Using User-Defined Asset Depreciation
Assign To Variable Indicates whether you can assign the resultant value to this variable.
Program Variable Identifies and references the user-defined variable name with the corresponding
internal AM_DEPR_CALC or AMDPCUDM program variable name.
Initialize Note. This check box appears only for variables that have the Assign To Variable
The User Defined Methods component (UD_METHOD) contains the pages to create and review custom
depreciation formulas.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 333
Using User-Defined Asset Depreciation Chapter 15
This section provides and overview of and discusses how to create and view user-defined depreciation
methods, particularly how to:
• Set Up
Chain, Product Related,
Asset Management,
Review User Defined
Methods, User Defined
Methods, Summary
334 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Using User-Defined Asset Depreciation
• Set Up
Chain, Product Related,
Asset Management,
Review User Defined
Methods, User Defined
Methods, Comment
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 335
Using User-Defined Asset Depreciation Chapter 15
Formula Sequence
The system displays a sequence number. The sequence numbers are incremented by 10s (10, 20, and so on).
You can change the sequence number if you like. Add a description of the sequence in the field provided.
For example, you can break the following depreciation formula into steps that you can enter as separate
sequences on this page:
1. Step 1
2. Step 2
Then Indicates the beginning of the Then statement within an If-Then-Else construct.
Else Indicates the beginning of the Else statement within an If-Then-Else construct.
And Indicates that you want to include both variables in the search.
You can create and/or statements, if-then-else statements, and multiple if-then-else statements. You cannot
use nested if statements.
Operand 1
336 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Using User-Defined Asset Depreciation
Operand 2
Result Specify a name for the result of this operation. The result can be any user-defined
variable for which the Assign To Variable check box on the User Defined
Variables page is selected.
Validate Click to ensure that the syntax that you entered is correct. The program performs
a validation check and prompts you with an error message to correct any syntax
Sort Click to redisplay the sequence of steps that you entered in ascending sequence
order, if you have edited some steps into the formula.
End If
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 337
Using User-Defined Asset Depreciation Chapter 15
The program automatically processes all user-defined depreciation method IDs that you created for that setID.
Note. Make sure that you copy the output file as AMUDDEPR.SQC in the same directory where the
AMDPCALC.SQR program is located.
If you receive any error messages when you run AM_DEPR_CALC, verify that you have copied the SQC
properly to the directory where AMDPCALC is stored.
338 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Using User-Defined Asset Depreciation
New SetID Select the ID for the new depreciation method; it may be the same or different
from the depreciation method from which you are copying.
New Method ID Enter an ID and a description for the new depreciation method. The description
and Comment field appear by default from the old method; you can modify them.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 339
Using User-Defined Asset Depreciation Chapter 15
After you have saved the new method, click the Go to Maintain User Defined Method Page link to modify the
new copied method, if appropriate.
Note. You must save the new depreciation method before you can modify it.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
Processing," Setting Up Asset Profiles
340 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 16
• Load the new book value depreciation results into a spreadsheet program.
Using what if depreciation simulation modeling, you can determine, evaluate, and compare the depreciation
amounts for assets if you were to change all or some of the depreciation parameters. For example, you may
want determine the effect on depreciation if you change the prorate convention from mid-month to mid-
quarter, or if you change the depreciation method from straight line to sum of the years digits. You can
experiment with depreciation to determine what the effect on depreciation would be without changing the
actual depreciation parameters for an asset.
Another useful benefit of the What If Depreciation feature is to project the depreciation if you add an asset
and run the actual depreciation program. For example, you can create an asset and run the What If
Depreciation program rather than running the actual depreciation program. You can then see what the
depreciation amount for the asset would be, go back and modify the depreciation parameters accordingly, and
then perform the actual depreciation.
To perform what if depreciation simulation, the assets must already exist in the system. Add at least one asset
to perform the simulation. The What If Depreciation feature uses only Add and Transfer In transactions for
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 341
Reviewing Asset Depreciation Calculation Results Chapter 16
342 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 16 Reviewing Asset Depreciation Calculation Results
Save the what if depreciation changes that you make and run the program. If you want to run multiple
modeling comparisons using the same range of assets, use different run control IDs.
The What If Depreciation page uses the AM_DEPR_COMP application engine program to run simulated
depreciation instead of the actual depreciation program (AM_DEPR_CALC).
Process Scheduler runs the AM_DEPR_COMP application engine process at user-defined intervals.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 343
Reviewing Asset Depreciation Calculation Results Chapter 16
You can view the results of what if depreciation using this What If Depreciation Inqury component or you
can run a query to review results.
Using either method, examine the depreciation results to see the consequences of the depreciation parameter
modifications that you made, or to see the projected depreciation if you ran depreciation for an asset. You can
run the results of the query to Excel. Go back and modify the depreciation results accordingly, and then run
the actual depreciation program (AM_DEPR_CALC), if applicable.
344 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 16 Reviewing Asset Depreciation Calculation Results
Page Used to Load the Net Book Value Depreciation Results into a
Spreadsheet Program
Net Book Value Table RUN_AMLDNBVT Asset Management, Generate an online report of
Financial Reports, Load depreciation processing
Reporting Tables, Net Book results, run a query to view
Value Table, Net Book them, and export the results
Value Table into a spreadsheet program
for manipulation.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 345
Reviewing Asset Depreciation Calculation Results Chapter 16
Specify the as of fiscal year (in the As Of FY field) and accounting period (in the Period field).
Once you have loaded the Net Book Value Table, you can run any of the following Crystal reports:
346 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 17
PeopleSoft Asset Management enables you to create and process allocations before posting depreciation to
the general ledger. Allocation amounts are derived in PeopleSoft Asset Management from the DIST_LN
table, which is populated by accounting entry generation programs such as the Accounting Entry Creation
process (AM_AMAEDIST) and the Depreciation Close process (AM_DPCLOSE). The allocation process
must be run after running these programs and before journal generation. The allocation program takes
unposted journal lines from the DIST_LN table, processes them according to the defined allocation, and
creates new allocation entries. Also, lines that have already been sent to the general ledger by previous
journal generation are available to allocate.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 347
Allocating Asset Depreciation Expenses Chapter 17
For example, assume that the current financial year is 2008 with budget year of 2007. An asset was added on
01/01/2005 with a budget year of 2005. All of the depreciation rows for 2008 are created with the budget year
of 2005. When the depreciation entries for 2008 are posted to the general ledger, they have an incorrect
budget year of 2005.
To accommodate the use of budget or fund accounting in PeopleSoft Asset Management, it is recommended
that you use the allocation process to reallocate the depreciation and other transactions to the active budget
reference and year. This program is run after the accounting entry creation process and depreciation close
process have been run.
You must have already defined transaction groups to set up the allocation basis for asset costs and
depreciation. If you use budget or fund accounting, it is recommended that you establish an asset or budget
reallocation transaction group, such as All to include all transaction types that apply, such as ADD, DPR,
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Accounting
Entry and Financial Processing for PeopleSoft Asset Management"
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Depreciation
• Define the allocation basis, which determines how and in what proportion the journal line amounts are
distributed to various targets.
348 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 17 Allocating Asset Depreciation Expenses
Allocation Basis Definition ALLOC_BASIS_PNL Set Up Financials/Supply Define basic information for
- Definition Chain, Product Related, your allocation basis.
Asset Management,
Accounting, Allocation
Basis Definition
Allocation Basis Definition ALLOC_BASIS1_PNL Set Up Financials/Supply Specify the sources and
- Allocations Chain, Product Related, destinations for the
Asset Management, allocation.
Accounting, Allocation
Basis Definition,
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 349
Allocating Asset Depreciation Expenses Chapter 17
Transaction Group Select a transaction group which combines depreciation types for allocating
expenses. In the case of using budget or fund accounting, select the transaction
group that is used for budget or fund reallocations.
• Evenly: Select to distribute the Total Allocation Units equally among the
allocation destinations.
• Prorata: Select to distribute the Total Allocation Units in the way you
specify in the Destination group box on the Allocation Basis Definition -
Allocations page.
Note. If you select Prorata as the allocation type, enter a Unit of Measure
and the number of Total Allocation Units.
Unit of Measure If you select Prorata as the allocation type, enter a unit of measure. This is the
criteria you are going to use to do the allocation.
Total Allocation Units The total quantity of your units of measure that are used to perform the
allocation. You enter the allocation units for each destination to establish the
allocation ratio for each destination.
350 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 17 Allocating Asset Depreciation Expenses
If you are using a prorata allocation, enter the Allocation Units for each destination in the Destination group
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 351
Allocating Asset Depreciation Expenses Chapter 17
Specify the criteria for the allocation by selecting the ChartFields to which you will associate the criteria. To
generate proper search results for asset IDs, first populate one or all of the following fields:
• Book Name
• Category
• Cost Type
• Oper Unit
• Fund
• Dept (department)
• Program
• Class
• Product
• Project
Note. The system might not display all ChartFields. The available ChartFields are dependent upon the
definitions that you have created during implementation.
Cost Type Select the Cost Type to further narrow your search results.
352 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 17 Allocating Asset Depreciation Expenses
Allocation Basis Id Enter the Allocation Basis ID for this allocation; this is the default basis for this
Note. Use the upper Allocation Basis Id field to quickly establish the allocation
basis value by default to each one of the selected asset IDs. Entering a value in
the Allocation Basis Idfield in this portion of the page doesnot narrow your
Within the group box on the page, you can also associate each Asset ID with an Allocation Basis Id .
When using budget or fund accounting, define the assets against which allocations should be run. For
example, include all assets that pertain to the budget reference year 2001. After running the accounting entry
generation process (AM_AMAEDIST) and the depreciation close (AM_DPCLOSE) process, the
Depreciation Allocation (AMALLOC) process with the appropriate budget Allocation ID can be run for the
applicable fiscal year and period.
Note. The allocations process calls the centralized processor to generate balanced Inter/IntraUnit entries.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Using Interunit and Intraunit Accounting
and ChartField Inheritance"
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 353
Allocating Asset Depreciation Expenses Chapter 17
Enter a Business Unit,Allocation Id, and Accounting Period to process allocations. Select a Process
When processing for budget and fund accounting allocations, first run the accounting entry generation
process (AM_AMAEDIST) and the depreciation close (AM_DPCLOSE) process. Then run the Depreciation
Allocation (AMALLOC) process with the appropriate budget Allocation ID for the applicable fiscal year and
period. These steps will change the entries to reflect the correct budget reference in the accounting entries for
assets that were created in prior fiscal year and period.
354 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18
Before you initiate any processing, you should review your application options. Ensure that you have:
• Established the accounting entry template IDs to be used for PeopleSoft Asset Management processing.
• Established the accounting entry templates to be used for PeopleSoft Asset Management processing.
Balanced accounting entries are generated from financial transactions and are the basis for creating journals
that are posted to the general ledger. The primary sources of accounting entries within PeopleSoft Asset
Management include:
• Accounting entries that are created from financial transactions such as asset additions, adjustments,
allocations or retirements.
• Accounting entries that are created from depreciation close for a particular accounting period.
Others include processing transactions to adjust for inflation and accounting entries that are created from an
active integration with other PeopleSoft products such as Billing, Purchasing, and Payables.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 355
Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Accounting Entries Chapter 18
Each time financial asset information is entered or adjusted, PeopleSoft Asset Management creates an open
transaction. This transaction remains open until accounting entries are created or depreciation is calculated for
the transaction. The process for accounting entry creation generates accounting entries for all financial
transactions that are not related to depreciation. The Depreciation Close process (AM_DPCLOSE) generates
accounting entries for depreciation in a particular accounting period.
Based on the context of the transaction that you enter, the system creates an open transaction with a
transaction type such as Add, Transfer, Adjust, Retire, and so forth. These open transactions form a list of
accounting entry or depreciation tasks to be processed.
3. Create asset transaction accounting entries by running the Accounting Entry Creation process
(AM_AMAEDIST), which applies the appropriate accounting entry templates to the open transactions
that were created in step 1.
Selection of an accounting entry template is determined by the accounting entry template ID, category,
cost type, transaction type, and transaction code of the asset transaction. You can run this process at any
interval. You should run the process more than once a month to prevent the process from being slowed at
period close time. Use Process Scheduler to schedule and automatically initiate these processes.
4. At the end of each accounting period, create depreciation accounting entries by running the Depreciation
Close process; the process applies the depreciation (DPR) and prior depreciation period (PDP) accounting
entry templates to the asset depreciation table.
Run this process only once for each accounting period, and only after all of the transaction activity for the
period has been completed.
5. Reverse accounting entries by running the Depreciation Close process with the option Reverse Posted
Entries selected.
This option reverses only those journal entries that have been created and posted to the general ledger, and
creates reversal entries.
356 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Accounting Entries
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up
Accounting Entry and Financial Processing for PeopleSoft Asset Management."
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
Note. When processing accounting entries, you should understand the relationship between PeopleSoft Asset
Management business units and PeopleSoft General Ledger business units. If you are using different business
units for the applications because you use multiple ledgers, you must be sure to specify the ledger. The ledger
is required when you are searching on the Asset Journals page. Failing to enter the value generates an error,
and the journal lines for business units that are different do not appear, even though the PeopleSoft Asset
Management entries are generated and posted to the journal tables.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 357
Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Accounting Entries Chapter 18
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing
PeopleSoft Asset Management Business Units."
When you add an accounting entry template in PeopleSoft Asset Management, the system populates it with
standard accounting entry types (distribution types), based on the asset category, cost type, and action that is
specified for all supported features that require accounting types.
If impairment and revaluation options are enabled at the installation level, you can specify within the cost
type definition if you want to enable a given cost type for impairment or revaluation processing. If enabled,
the system displays the appropriate impairment and revaluation related accounts at the Accounting Entry
Template level.
Use the features within the Accounting Entry Template ID component to define accounting entry template
IDs that include or exclude the appropriate accounting entry (distribution) types for each type of transaction.
The accounting entry template IDs can be associated with business unit-level features such as the Book Code
feature, the Derogatory Depreciation feature, the Like Kind Exchange feature, and the Revaluation feature.
Accounting entry types are delivered with the PeopleSoft system, and each asset event has an associated set
of accounting entry types. For each combination of category, cost type, transaction code, and accounting
entry template ID, you must set up an accounting entry template for the following transaction types:
ADD Additions.
ADJ Adjustments.
TRF Transfers.
RCT Recategorizations.
358 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Accounting Entries
Note. If you enter a transaction into the system with a combination of category, cost type, transaction code,
and accounting entry template ID for which no accounting entry template exists, the accounting entry process
will fail the next time it is run.
DPR and PDP transaction types are used only on an accounting entry template with a blank transaction code.
Asset Management creates accounting entries by using standard accounting entry types (distribution types),
based on the asset category, cost type, and action that is specified for all supported features that require
accounting entry types. The following tables list the accounting distribution types that are associated with
each accounting entry feature.
Following are the distribution types for the ADD (addition) transaction type (if there is no 'X' for a
distribution type (blank), that type is not applicable for the listed feature):
AD Accumulate X X
AP Contra X X X
DD Accumulate X
DE Depreciation X X
DR Derogatory X
DX Derogatory X
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 359
Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Accounting Entries Chapter 18
EX Expense X
FA Fixed Asset X X
IV Investment X X
IX Investment X X
LO Lease X
TI Trade In X X
UR Unrecognize X X
d Gain/Loss
RL Recognized X X
PR Provision X
Following are the distribution types for the ADJ (adjustment) transaction type:
AD Accumulate X X
AP Contra X X X
DD Accumulate X
DE Depreciation X X
360 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Accounting Entries
DR Derogatory X
DX Derogatory X
EX Expense X
FA Fixed Asset X X
IV Investment X X
LO Lease X
PG Investment X X
PL Investment X X
PR Provision X
RD Reversal of X
IM Impairment X X
IN Impairment X
Here are the distribution types for the TRF (transfer) transaction type:
AD Accumulated X X
DD Accumulated X
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 361
Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Accounting Entries Chapter 18
DR Derogatory X
DX Derogatory X
FA Fixed Asset X X
IV Investment X X
PR Provision for X
RC Provision for X
Here are the distribution types for the RCT (recategorize) transaction type:
AD Accumulated X X
DD Accumulated X
DR Derogatory X
DX Derogatory X
FA Fixed Asset X X
IV Investment X X
PR Provision for X
RC Provision for X
362 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Accounting Entries
Here are the distribution types for the RET (retire) transaction type:
AD Accumulated X
AP Contra Asset X
CA Proceeds X
DD Accumulated X
DR Derogatory X
DX Derogatory X
FA Fixed Asset X
GA Gain X
GL Loss X
IV Investment X
LG Lease X
LO Lease X
LU Lease X
MA Mortgage - X
ML Mortgage - X
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 363
Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Accounting Entries Chapter 18
NV Net Book X
PR Provision for X
RC Provision for X
RD Reversal of X
RG Recognized X
RM Removal X
SL Sales of Fixed X
TI Trade In X
UG Unrealized X
UL Unrealized X
Here are the distribution type for the DPR (depreciation) transaction type:
AD Accumulated X X
DD Accumulated X
DE Depreciation X X
DR Derogatory X
364 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Accounting Entries
DX Derogatory X
RC Provision for X
RD Reversal of X
Here are the distribution types for the PDP (prior period depreciation) transaction type:
AD Accumulated X
DD Accumulated X
DE Depreciation X
DR Derogatory X
DX Derogatory X
RC Provision for X
RD Reversal of X
Here are the distribution types for the LPY (lease payment) transaction type:
LC Lease Interest X
LI Lease Interest X
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 365
Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Accounting Entries Chapter 18
LO Lease X
LP Lease X
Here are the distribution types for the INF (inflation) transaction type:
IA Inflation X
Accum Depr
IB Inflation X
Accum Depr
IC Inflation Cost X
ID Inflation Cost X
IG Inflation Gain X
IL Inflation Loss X
IP Inflation X
Period Depr
IQ Inflation X
Period Depr
IY Inflation YTD X
IZ Inflation YTD X
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up
Accounting Entry and Financial Processing for PeopleSoft Asset Management," Defining Accounting Entries.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing
PeopleSoft Asset Management Business Units," Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Business Units.
366 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Accounting Entries
Note. Open and close accounting periods are maintained in General Ledger and migrated with the financial
subsystems. Each subsystem application can either use the periods that are created in General Ledger or
update the open and close periods at the application business unit level.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining Accounting Calendars,"
Defining and Updating Open Periods and Adjustment Periods.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing
PeopleSoft Asset Management Business Units," Defining Open Periods.
Open and close accounting periods are maintained in General Ledger and migrated to the financial
subsystems. Each subsystem application can either use the periods that are created in General Ledger or
update the open and close periods at the application business unit level.
When you run the Depreciation Close process, you have two options: Rerun Depreciation Close and Reverse
Posted Entries. The following examples demonstrate how these options affect processing.
With Rerun Depreciation Close enabled and the journal entries not yet created, the Depreciation Close
process creates a new accounting entry, as shown in this table, and deletes the existing one (if any). If the
journal entries have already been created, depreciation close will neither delete nor generate entries. No
actions occur.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 367
Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Accounting Entries Chapter 18
When the journal entries have been posted, the system updates the general ledger distribution status to D
This table shows the results after the PeopleSoft General Ledger run:
When the Reverse Posted Entries option is selected and the journal entries have been created, the original
entry is reversed with new rows inserted showing the reversed amounts. The new entries display the statuses
R for reversal and X for reversed entries.
368 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Accounting Entries
Example of Both the Rerun Depreciation Close and Reverse Posted Entries Options
When the Reverse Posted Entries and the Rerun Depreciation Close options are both selected, and the journal
entries have been created, then the original entry is reversed as shown in the previous example, and a new
accounting entry is created.
This table shows the results of the rerun with the new entry:
Request ID Displays the number of process requests that you have submitted.
Unit Enter the business unit for which transactions are processed.
Book Name Enter the book for which transactions are processed.
Currency Displays the currency in which the transactions are processed, based on the base
currency for the selected book or business unit.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 369
Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Accounting Entries Chapter 18
Create Accounting Entries AM_AMAEDIST_RQST Asset Management, Set up and initiate a request
Accounting Entries, Create or set of requests for
Accounting Entries, Create accounting entry creation.
Accounting Entries
370 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Accounting Entries
Review Expense Entries - ASSET_NF_LIST Asset Management, Review the expense entries
List Accounting Entries, Review (nonfinancial assets) that
Expense Entries, List were created by running the
Clearing Reconciliation
Review Expense Entries - ASSET_NF_DET Asset Management, Review the expense entry
Details Accounting Entries, Review details (nonfinancial assets)
Expense Entries, Details that were created by
running the Clearing
Reconciliation process.
Cost Summarize Select to create cost summary while creating accounting entries.
Note. The system calls the Inter/IntraUnit central processor to create balanced accounting entries.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Using Interunit and Intraunit
Accounting and ChartField Inheritance."
Fiscal Year and Period Enter the appropriate fiscal year and open periods to be closed.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 371
Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Accounting Entries Chapter 18
Rerun Depreciation Select to delete all existing accounting entries that haven't been generated as
Close journal entries for depreciation expense and lease obligations for the specified
business unit, book, fiscal year, and period. The system generates new entries.
To generate new journal entries and to reverse a journal entry, run a request with
both Rerun Depreciation Close and Reverse Posted Entries options selected.
To rerun depreciation close for budgeted depreciation, run a request with both
Rerun Depreciation Close and Create Budgeted Depreciation options selected.
Reverse Posted Entries Select to reverse only those accounting entries that have been created and posted
to the general ledger, including all existing accounting entries for depreciation
expense and lease payments for the specified business unit, book, fiscal year, and
period. The process creates reversal entries and marks the old entries with a
status of Reversed. If journal entries have not been created, the entries marked
Reversed are not used by the Journal Generator process.
To reverse entries that are created and post them again, use Reverse Posted
Entries in tandem with Rerun Depreciation Close. When you do this, the original
journal entry is reversed and a new entry is created.
When an entry has not been posted to the general ledger, use the rerun option.
Reverse Posted Entries does not reverse unposted entries.
Create budgeted Displays the resulting accounting entries as budgeted depreciation and lease
Depreciation payments. These entries are posted to the budget ledger that is specified in the
Business Unit Book options page when you run the Journal Generator process.
Process a range of assets Select to process a specific range of assets for a business unit, book, fiscal year,
and period. Use this option to split up a large volume of assets for a particular
business unit and book. Because the program AM_DPCLOSE commits its work
after each request, selecting this option accelerates the process. You can also use
this selection with the parallel option to take advantage of servers that have
parallel processors. This speeds up processing for large volumes of data.
For example, to increase throughput when creating depreciation accounting
entries for 1,000,000 assets, you can enter 10 requests to process 100,000 assets
each. Select Process in Parallel, and assign a processing sequence number to each
process request. Processing sequence numbers must be unique.
Use care when specifying From asset ID and To asset ID processing parameters,
as these parameters are inclusive. Overlapping can occur, and no edit is available
to verify that you have set up inclusive asset ranges. For example, suppose that
request 1 is processed from asset ID 0001 and to asset ID 0005. If request 2 is
processed from asset ID 0005 and to asset ID 9999, asset 0005 is processed
twice. You can use Query to verify ranges by counting the number of assets in
total and number of assets per range.
Note. If you use the interface between PeopleSoft Asset Management and PeopleSoft Billing, accounting
entries are created by these integrated transactions. How the entries are created is described in more detail in
the PeopleSoft Billing documentation.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up
Accounting Entry and Financial Processing for PeopleSoft Asset Management," Pages Used to Define
Accounting Entry for PeopleSoft Asset Management.
372 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Accounting Entries
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Integrating
PeopleSoft Asset Management with Other Products."
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing
PeopleSoft Asset Management Business Units," Understanding Asset Management Business and Cash
Generating Units.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger 9.1 PeopleBook, "Making General Ledger Journal Entries."
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Billing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Integrating with PeopleSoft Asset Management."
Enter the year and period to be closed, and save the page. When a period has been closed, you cannot create
additional depreciation-related accounting entries for that period.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger 9.1 PeopleBook, "Managing Interim and Year End Closing."
PeopleSoft Asset Management provides an optional Capitalization Threshold feature that, once enabled, can
automatically determine capitalization status of an asset, by profile, based on its cost or quantity according to
limits that you define. The system classifies assets as capital, noncapital, or expense. The Clearing
Reconciliation process (AM_CLEREC) provides a way to reconcile accounting entries for expensed assets.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 373
Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Accounting Entries Chapter 18
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up
Accounting Entry and Financial Processing for PeopleSoft Asset Management," Setting Up Capitalization
When assets came from other sources, a debit is usually recorded to a fixed asset account and a clearing
account is credited that was previously debited in the source system. When an asset is deemed trackable
because of the specified threshold, the asset ID is generated but no accounting activities take place. This
reconciliation process provides a way to balance out the clearing account that was debited in the source
system and debit the expense account instead. This is not applicable to expensed (trackable) assets that are
entered directly in Asset Management with no clearing account.
Enter the parameters and run the process. The system searches noncapital assets for the specified parameters
in the acquisition detail. For each noncapital row that matches the system source, the following entry is
generated in the DIST_LN table:
Expense Account EX
Clearing Account AP
374 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19
Retiring Assets
This chapter provides an overview of asset retirement and discusses how to:
• Reinstate assets.
You retire assets when they are either disposed of or no longer in use. When you retire an asset, PeopleSoft
Asset Management creates all the necessary journal entries. For example, when you sell an asset, the system
calculates depreciation through the date of the sale, as well as any gain or loss. In addition, you can have the
system create journal entries corresponding to each of these events. Gains and losses are booked to separate
accounts, providing flexibility in updating general ledger journals and balances.
An asset is retired by its book designation; therefore, you can retire an asset in one book, but it is still
available for depreciation in others. You can reinstate retired assets at any time. When assets are reinstated,
depreciation starts again for them if they are not fully depreciated.
Retirement Types
Assets are fully or partially retired by quantity or by cost. You can also enter retroactive retirement
information for assets that were actually retired in a prior accounting period.
Full Retirement
When the full quantity and total cost of an asset are retired, the asset is considered fully retired. The asset is
taken off the books after the retirement has been fully processed and accounting entries have been created. No
further depreciation accrues.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 375
Retiring Assets Chapter 19
Partial Retirement
You can partially retire an asset, and the system continues to process depreciation for the amount that
remains. Two types of partial retirement are available:
• By quantity
You can partially retire assets by quantity. For example, if you have 250 computers, and you sell 50 of
them to employees, you enter the 50 units as the quantity retired. PeopleSoft Asset Management
calculates the corresponding cost.
• By cost
You can partially retire assets by cost. For example, suppose that you partially retire a computer for the
price of the computer monitor, 400 USD, and you sell the monitor for 100 USD. The total cost of the
computer is 1500 USD. The cost (400 USD) is the amount retired, and the 100 USD is the proceeds from
the sale. PeopleSoft Asset Management automatically calculates the gain or loss based on these amounts.
Prior Period
To enter a retirement transaction for an asset that was actually retired in a prior accounting period, you must
enter transaction and accounting dates that reflect the actual retirement and the accounting period in which
you want the retirement posted. For example, suppose that an asset sold on April 30 was processed as a
retirement in PeopleSoft Asset Management on June 30. By the time the asset is entered as a retirement,
depreciation expense for May and June post to the general ledger. That posting results in overstated
accumulated depreciation and an incorrect gain or loss. To correctly process this retirement, you would
specify April 30 as the transaction date and—assuming all prior periods are closed—June 30 as the
accounting date. PeopleSoft Asset Management then reverses the accumulated depreciation attributable for
May and June and calculates the correct gain or loss on the asset.
• Retire an asset.
376 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Retiring Assets
Like Kind Exchange LIKE_KIND_EXCH Click the Like Kind Enter fair values and
Exchange Info (like-kind descriptions for each asset
exchange information) link to add multiple assets as
on the Retire Assets page. part of a like-kind
In the Retire As field, select exchange.
the Like Kind Exchange
option to display the link.
General Info CUST_GENERAL1 Click the Customer General Search for and select
Info link on the Retire customer information to add
Assets page. for retirements by sale or
Child Asset Retirement AM_PARCHD_RET01 Click Child Details on the Specify retirement overrides
Options Child Assets page. for a specific child asset.
For example, you might
specify a different
retirement disposal code for
the child asset.
Proceeds and Removal Cost AM_PARCHD_ALLOC Click the Allocation Option Specify allocation options
Allocation link on the Child Assets to calculate removal cost
page. and proceeds for the parent
(if selected) and selected
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 377
Retiring Assets Chapter 19
Proceeds and Removal Cost ASSET_RETIRE_SEC1 Click the Base Amounts View the transaction in the
and Exchange Rate icon. base currency, alternate
currency, and associated
exchange rate.
Capital Gain ASSET_RETIRE_05 Asset Management, Asset View the calculations for
Transactions, Asset capital gains or losses for a
Disposal, Retire/Reinstate retirement transaction.
Assets, Capital Gain
Bill Information ASSET_RETIRE_07 Asset Management, Asset Define default values for
Transactions, Asset PeopleSoft Billing.
Disposal, Retire/Reinstate
Assets, Bill Information
AM/BI Interface (Asset RUN_AMBI_INTFC Asset Management, Run the PeopleSoft Asset
Management - Billing Send/Receive Information, Management - Billing
interface) Load Interface, Interface interface.
AM to Billing
Disposal Worksheet AM_EXPRESS_RET1 Asset Management, Asset Identify and submit assets
Transactions, Asset for disposal.
Disposal, Disposal
Asset Information, AM_DISPOSAL_00 Click the Retrieve button on Retrieve assets according to
the Disposal Worksheet the search criteria entered.
Retirement Information,
page. The system displays the
Other Accounting Asset Information,
Information Retirement Information, and
Other Accounting
Information tabs.
378 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Retiring Assets
ChartField Search Criteria AM_LOOKUP_CF_SEL Asset Management, Asset Select ChartFields to use as
Transactions, Asset search criteria.
Disposal, Disposal
Click the ChartField Search
Criteria link.
Ownership Details AM_DISPOSAL_01 Asset Management, Asset View the original asset
Transactions, Asset owner selection attributes.
Disposal, Disposal
Click the View Ownership
Details link.
Retiring an Asset
Access the Retire Assets page (Asset Management, Asset Transactions, Asset Disposal, Retire/Reinstate
Asset, Retire Assets).
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 379
Retiring Assets Chapter 19
Trans Date (transaction The transaction date reflects the date that the retirement actually occurred.
date) Usually, an actual transaction occurs before you enter it in PeopleSoft Asset
Management. The transaction date and the prorate convention determine how
much of the depreciation taken in PeopleSoft Asset Management must be
Acctg Date (accounting The accounting date determines when the retirement transaction is posted to the
date) general ledger.
Rate Type Select an exchange rate type for the transaction if you use multiple currencies in
processing and the retirement transaction is not in the base currency of the
business unit.
In Physical Use This flag is informational only on the Retire Assets page. Only those assets that
are selected for physical use are included in the ITAM comparison process. If
this flag was selected before retirement, it is automatically deselected after the
asset is retired. This flag can be selected or deselected on the Basic Add page or
the Define Asset Operational Info page.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise IT Asset Management 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with
the Asset Repository."
380 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Retiring Assets
Book Name Enter the book in which this asset retirement is recorded.
Retire As Specify the type of retirement transactions to process by selecting from the list of
disposal codes. Then, depending on the asset's status, click GO or Reinstate..
Until you click one of these buttons, you cannot enter information into other
Copy Changes to Other Selected by default, this option keeps all books in sync by copying this
Books transaction to all other books that are defined for the asset. Clear the check box if
you do not want to copy changes to other books.
Base Currency, As of These fields display the corresponding information as defined for this asset in the
Quantity and Cost selected book before you save your changes. You can use this information as a
reference when you enter quantity or amount information to partially retire an
Disposal Codes
Disposal codes reflect the Retire As action that is selected to initiate the retirement transaction. PeopleSoft
Asset Management calculates gain or loss amounts depending, in part, on the disposal code that you select.
This table describes the available options in the Retire As field:
Abandonment Select when the asset has no resale Gain/loss calculations are based on
value and it is left behind. For the asset net book value.
example, consider leasehold
improvements. At the end of the
lease term, the improvements are
generally left behind and no
removal costs are incurred when
you turn over the improvement to
the lessor.
Auto-Retire Fully Depr Asset Select when the asset is fully Gain/loss calculations are based on
depreciated. the asset net book value.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 381
Retiring Assets Chapter 19
Cannibalize for Other Assets Select when the asset has been Gain/loss calculations are based on
dismantled and the parts are reused the asset net book value.
within the organization. For
example, if an employee reuses a
monitor that is part of an unused
computer, you would retire the
monitor as cannibalized. Typically,
cannibalized assets are partially
retired. They have no proceeds and
no removal costs.
Disappeared Assets Select when an asset cannot be Gain/loss calculations are based on
located and you are not sure the asset net book value.
whether the asset was abandoned or
stolen. Disappeared assets have no
proceeds or removal costs.
Disposal Due to Theft Select when an asset has been Stolen assets have no proceeds and
stolen. no removal costs.
Donated to External Group Select when an asset is donated. PeopleSoft Asset Management
You typically use this option when deducts the accumulated
assets are donated to nonprofit depreciation from the retirement
organizations for tax purposes. amount, treating proceeds and
removal costs as appropriate, to
determine the gain or loss.
382 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Retiring Assets
Expensed Select when an asset has The accounting entry template for
adjustments to the original cost that this disposal code reflects the loss
requires reclassification from account as the expense. Previous
capital asset to expensed asset due depreciation expense is recognized
to its cost. If the Capitalization as expense too. The Interface Type
Threshold feature is enabled, Asset is RET.
Management automatically assigns
this disposal code through the
Capitalization Threshold Validation
process if the original cost falls
below the capitalization threshold.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset
Lifecycle Management
Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook,
"Setting Up Accounting Entry and
Financial Processing for PeopleSoft
Asset Management," Setting Up
Capitalization Thresholds.
Like Kind Exchange Select to process like-kind See Chapter 19, "Retiring Assets,"
exchanges under U.S. federal tax Like-Kind Exchange Processing,
code. page 389.
Missing Asset Select when an asset is missing. Gain/loss calculations are based on
Missing assets have no proceeds the asset net book value.
and no removal costs.
Retirement by Sale Select if you sell an asset. (If you The proceeds and removal cost
sell the entity that owns the asset, from the sale, less the net book
you must retire all assets that are value of the asset, determines the
owned by the entity.) You can use gain or loss.
the interface with PeopleSoft
Billing to generate the bill. Note. VAT is applicable for VAT
business units.
Returned to Inventory Select when the asset is returned to PeopleSoft Asset Management
a common internal pool where it is deducts the accumulated
available for others to use. depreciation from the retirement
amount, treating proceeds and
removal costs as appropriate, to
determine the gain or loss.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 383
Retiring Assets Chapter 19
Scrapped Assets Select when the asset is no longer The gain/loss calculations include
useful and has no resale value. removal costs; accumulated
depreciation is deducted and then
the removal costs are added to
derive the amount of the gain or
Traded In for another Asset Use when you are trading one asset PeopleSoft Asset Management
for another. deducts the accumulated
depreciation from the retirement
See Processing Trade-Ins.
amount, treating proceeds and
removal costs as appropriate, to
determine the gain or loss.
Quantity When you select a disposal code, the system automatically populates the
Quantity field with the total number of units, and the Retirement Amount field
with the total cost for all units. Adjust either the quantity or the cost for a partial
retirement. If you adjust the number of units, the cost is recalculated. If you
adjust the cost, the quantity is recalculated. When performing a full retirement, it
is not necessary to adjust quantity or amount retired; enter any proceeds from the
sale of this asset and any removal costs that you may have incurred. When
performing a partial retirement, change either the quantity or cost that will be
Removal Cost and RC Enter the amount of any cost for removal and select the currency for the cost.
Curr (removal cost
Proceeds and Pr Curr Enter the amount of the proceeds for the transaction and select the currency of
(proceeds currency) the proceeds.
When you have transactions involving currencies other than base currency, click
the Base Amounts and Exchange Rate icon to access the Proceeds and Removal
Cost page. You can review base amounts and exchange rates. You cannot make
changes on this page.
384 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Retiring Assets
Transaction Code Select to identify the reason for the retirement or reinstatement.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 385
Retiring Assets Chapter 19
Retire Option Select the retirement calculation option to be processed for the transaction.
Options are:
• Calculate Gain/Loss
This option is used generally within the utility industry for group assets and
assumes that assets are fully depreciated at retirement regardless of how
much depreciation has actually been calculated. Depreciation expense is
debited for the full cost basis of the asset at the time of retirement, resulting
in no gain or loss. Net book value (NBV) will remain, however.
Note. Fully depreciated assets are also called fully reserved assets.
For example, if you retire an asset with an original cost basis of 10,000 USD and
accumulated depreciation of 8,000 USD, the NBV is 2,000 USD. When you run
the Accounting Entry Creation process (AM_AMAEDIST) to create accounting
entries, the system looks at the selection for the Retire Option field:
If you select Calculate Gain/Loss, the system creates the following accounting
entries: Debit Accumulated Depreciation for 8,000 USD; Debit Loss for 2,000
USD; and Credit Fixed Asset for 10,000 USD.
If you select Fully Depr no Future Expense, no gain or loss is recorded, and the
accounting entries are Debit Accumulated Depreciation for 10,000 USD and
Credit Fixed Asset for 10,000 USD.
If you select Fully Depr with Future Expense, the accounting entries are Debit
Accumulated Depreciation for 10,000 USD; Credit Fixed Asset for 10,000 USD;
Debit Depreciation Expense for 2,000 USD; and Credit Accumulated
Depreciation for 2,000 USD.
Note. When you select Fully Depr with Future Expense, the first two rows are
created by the Accounting Entry Creation process (AM_AMAEDIST.) The last
386 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Retiring Assets
Note. The default for the Retire Option is from the Asset Book level. If the Retire
Option at the Asset Book level is blank, the default value comes from the Asset
Profile table. If this is also blank, the default value is Calculate Gain/Loss.
Retirement Amt Displays the amount of the retirement transaction in the base currency.
(retirement amount)
Base Removal Cost Displays the base removal cost, translated to the base currency.
Base Proceeds Displays the base proceeds, translated to the base currency.
Accum Depr Displays the accumulated depreciation for the asset, which is displayed after you
(accumulated have run the depreciation calculation process (AM_DEPR_CALC).
Gain/Loss Displays the amount of the gain or loss on the transaction after you run the
depreciation calculation process (AM_DEPR_CALC).
This region of the Retire Assets page enables you to retrieve customer information that is related to a
retirement-by-sale transaction. The fields appear only when this value is selected as the retirement option or if
the retirement option is Traded In, Donated, or Returned to Inventoryand the business unit is VAT-enabled.
Ship from Loc (ship from The default ship-from location is the asset location. If no asset location is
location) defined, the default is the business unit location. This field is required only for
business units that are VAT-enabled.
Customer ID Enter the customer ID for the customer who is billed for the transaction. The
value that is entered determines VAT values. When you enter the customer ID,
default values for customer location, bill-to-location, sold-to, and ship-to
information are supplied automatically, if applicable. Click the Search button to
view a list of the valid customer IDs for the business unit. When you enter a
customer ID, the location is set to the default location and the ship-to and sold-to
Customer IDs and locations are set to the same values.
Loc (location) Enter the location ID for the customer location that is associated with the
customer ID.
Note. Click the Search button to view a list of the valid customer location IDs for
the business unit.
Sold To Customer Enter the customer ID for the customer that ordered and purchased the asset. This
value is not necessarily the same as the value in the Customer ID field.
Sold Loc (sold location) Enter the location ID for the customer that ordered or purchased the asset. This
value is not necessarily the same as the location in the Loc field.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 387
Retiring Assets Chapter 19
Ship To Customer Enter the customer ID where the assets will be shipped. Depending on the
PeopleSoft Billing interface options that you selected, this field appears when
shipping information is associated with the selected customer ID. This value is
not necessarily the same as the value in the Customer ID field.
Ship Loc (buyer location) Enter the location ID associated with the ship-to customer. Customers can have
several location addresses associated with them, each identified by a location
Create Bill Select to generate a PeopleSoft Billing invoice when the disposal method is
Retirement by Sale. This option does not appear if PeopleSoft Asset Management
is not integrated with PeopleSoft Billing or if you did not enable the interface at
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Billing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Integrating with PeopleSoft Asset Management."
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Integrating
PeopleSoft Asset Management with Other Products," Integrating with PeopleSoft Billing.
Click the Customer General Info (customer general information) link to access the Customer General
Information page. A new window opens and displays the page.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General
Customer Information."
To access the VAT page, click this link or select the VAT tab at the top of the page. This tab and link appear
only for VAT-enabled business units.
Note. The VAT default values are automatically applied the first time that you access the page by clicking the
link. However, if you change the customer, ship-from, or ship-to information after the VAT default values are
applied, the default values are not automatically updated. In this case, go to the VAT page and click the Reset
All VAT Defaults button to redetermine all the defaults. This action is not necessary if only the proceeds
information has changed.
The fields that appear on the VAT page are specific to the transaction that is recorded. In addition to
depending on proceeds, the VAT default values that appear depend on the customer ID, location, ship-to ID,
ship-to location, and ship-from location (or the ship-to country, ship-to state, buyer's registration country, and
ship-from location if no customer information is available). The VAT drivers also determine which default
values appear. The VAT drivers for assets are, in descending order of precedence: asset class, customer
location, customer, PeopleSoft Asset Management business unit definition, VAT entity registration, and VAT
country. The algorithm for the defaults selects information from asset class first, followed by customer
location, followed by customer, and so on.
VAT is enabled based on the disposal code that is used in the transaction. VAT applies for the following
disposal codes:
• Retirement by Sale
388 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Retiring Assets
• Returned to Inventory
See Chapter 19, "Retiring Assets," Specifying How VAT Is Calculated for Asset Retirement, page 401.
1. Retire the asset using the disposal code in the Traded-In for Another Asset field.
2. Enter the amount that is gained through the trade-in into the Proceeds field.
4. Add the new asset by using the Asset ExpressAdd component and select Trade-in as the acquisition code.
5. Enter the asset ID of the asset that you traded into the Trade-in field.
Note. Be sure to run depreciation whenever you retire an asset. This process calculates the gain or loss
amount. The proceeds are offset against the cost of the asset that is acquired as part of the exchange.
Access the Like Kind Exchange page by clicking the Like Kind Exchange Info link on the Retire Assets page.
For the Retire As field, select the Like Kind Exchange option to display the link.
PeopleSoft Asset Management supports 1031 Like-Kind Exchange regulations under the U.S. federal tax
code. It enables you to:
• Retire an asset using a like-kind disposal code, recognize the gain that results, and roll the correct tax
basis over to the newly acquired asset.
• Verify, through a comparison of the disposition date and the replacement date, that the 180-day exchange
rule is met.
• Run reports that detail each like-kind transaction and show the carry forward of the tax basis from the old
assets to the new assets.
Click the Like-Kind Exchange Info link to enter retirement information that is specific to a retirement
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 389
Retiring Assets Chapter 19
• Enter any cash that is received as part of the exchange in the Cash field. Cash that is received in a like-
kind exchange is taxable and is often referred to as boot.
• Enter the fair value of the like asset that you will be adding in the FV Like-Kind field.
For example, if you are retiring a building and adding another building that is valued at 60,000 USD,
enter 60,000 into the FV Like-Kind field. If you plan to add more than one like asset, select One to
Many to access the one-to-many list, where you can enter the values and descriptions of assets that
you are adding.
• If you will also receive non-like property as part of this exchange, enter its fair value in the FV Non
Like-Kind field.
• Enter the amount of your liability into the Net Liability field.
For example, if you are surrendering a building with a mortgage of 70,000 USD and acquiring a
building with a mortgage of 30,000 USD, then enter 40,000 USD as the net liability.
The system sums the values in the Cash, FV and Net Liability fields and populates the Proceeds field with
the result. You cannot change this amount.
PeopleSoft Asset Management prorates basis calculations when you perform a one-to-many exchange.
390 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Retiring Assets
2. Run the Depreciation Calculation process, which calculates both the realized gain and the recognized
You can view the result of this calculation in the Gain/Loss field on the Retire Assets page. Any realized
loss is not recognized.
Select Like-Kind Exchange as the acquisition code, and select the asset ID of the retired asset.
The asset category automatically displays the category of the retired asset, and the cost fields are
populated with the cost basis for the new asset. You cannot change either the category or the cost
Note. The FV entered on the Like Kind Exchange page is not automatically assigned as the fair value of
the newly acquired asset.
See Chapter 5, "Adding and Maintaining Assets," Adding and Maintaining Asset Information, page 48.
PeopleSoft Asset Management prorates basis calculations when you perform a one-to-many exchange.
Transaction Trade In For each asset that you add, enter a trade-in value and description.
If the owner of Building A wants to exchange it for Building B, Building A is retired using the like-kind
disposal code, and Building B is added through the Asset ExpressAdd component.
PeopleSoft Asset Management calculates boot, which is any cash or non-like property that is involved in the
transaction, like this:
Note. Boot is money or other property that does not qualify for nonrecognition of gain.
When you run the Depreciation Calculation process, the process identifies the recognized gain as the lesser of
the boot amount or the realized gain.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 391
Retiring Assets Chapter 19
In this example, in which the boot amount is 40,000 and the realized gain is 25,000, the recognized gain is
PeopleSoft Asset Management calculates the cost basis of the property exchanged (retired) like this:
PeopleSoft Asset Management calculates the cost basis of the added property added like this:
(Basis of Retired Property) − (Boot Amount) + (Recognized Gain or Loss) = (Basis of the Added Property)
Gain/Loss Calculations
PeopleSoft Asset Management provides three methods for calculating retirement gain or loss. You can use
these methods separately or in combination. Select the appropriate check box in the Gain/Loss Calculations
group box.
392 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Retiring Assets
Use Original Cost and Select to exclude certain kinds of transactions from the calculation. Do this by
Basis Reduction Code selecting a basis reduction code (this selection is required when Use Original
Cost is selected). For example, if you revalued an asset but want to exclude the
revaluation from the gain/loss calculation at retirement, then you would select the
basis reduction code that you set up to exclude revaluations. PeopleSoft Asset
Management reverses the revaluation and calculates gain/loss using the resulting
net book value.
Note. For the Use Original Cost option to work correctly, any transaction types
that you want to exclude must have distinct transaction codes.
Recalc Cost Using Index Select to adjust the cost of an asset, as well as any subsequent transactions,
(recalculate cost using according to any index that you have set up in PeopleSoft Asset Management.
index), Index Name, and For example, if you have set up an index to account for inflation, you can
SubIndex calculate gain/loss using the original cost and any subsequent transactions
adjusted for inflation. This enables you to book the gain or loss adjusted for
inflation. When you select this check box, you must enter an index and subindex
to use in the recalculation.
Reference Code Enter information to track the asset, such as retirement documentation or asset
ID. This field is optional.
Include Non-Capitalized Select to include any noncapitalized costs in the net book value of an asset.
Trade In Asset Displays the ID of the new traded-in asset.
Auto-Retired Indicates that the asset was automatically retired by the Auto-Retire process
Voluntary and Select one or the other to indicate whether this is a Voluntary or Involuntary
Involuntary retirement. This selection is informational only
Ordinary and Select to indicate how the gain or loss that results from the retirement should be
Extraordinary reported. This selection is informational only.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 393
Retiring Assets Chapter 19
By Chartfield page
Override the system selections by entering an amount in the Retire Amt (retire amount) field or the Quantity
field. Typically, you use this page only when assets are split between departments or partially retired.
For example, suppose that the Sales and Marketing departments share 40 color monitors worth a total of
10,000 USD, and these assets are added to PeopleSoft Asset Management. Based on projected use, the Sales
department is allocated 70 percent of the total cost and quantity and Marketing is allocated 30 percent. After a
couple of years, all the color monitors are upgraded to flat screen, resulting in the retirement of monitors with
a total cost of 10,000 USD. Based on the original allocation of cost, the system fully retires the assets with 70
percent of the retirement amount allocated to Sales (department 21101) and 30 percent to Marketing
(department 22001).
However, if Sales decides that some of their monitors are worth keeping, only 50 percent, rather than 70
percent, of the total cost is retired. To make these changes, either override the amount in the Retire Amt field
with 5,000 USD allocated to the Sales department or override the amount in the Quantity field with 20
allocated to Sales.
Note. When you perform a retirement by ChartField, for each ChartField combination you can retire only a
cost or quantity that is less than or equal to the amount that was originally apportioned to that ChartField
394 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Retiring Assets
Note. The Child Assets page appears in several different components of PeopleSoft Asset Management.
Within the Asset Retirements component, use the Child Assets page to select child assets to include in the
retirement transaction that you have initiated against its parent on the Retire Assets page. Also, you cannot
view or perform transactions on child assets whose parent was created using the Asset Parent page.
Click Select All to include all child assets with the parent in the transaction that you have initiated.
Note. Parent assets created on the Parent Asset page (parent-only assets) do not have cost or basic
information. They cannot be viewed in the Parent Child Basic Information component, nor can they be
viewed or transacted against in the Asset Cost/Adjust Transfers component, the Asset Retirements
component, or the Parent-Child NBV component. If you want to use a parent asset as a reporting umbrella
only and access these pages for manipulating child assets in mass, we suggest creating a zero-cost parent asset
rather than a parent-only asset. Also, to transact against parent and child assets at one time, parent and child
must use the same asset profile. Also, be aware that physical asset components will not be retired when the
physical parent component is retired.
To include only some child assets, select the Selected check box for the appropriate rows.
Tag Number The tag that is assigned to the child asset. Parent and child assets can share the
same tag number.
The Include Parent Asset check box is selected by default. Deselecting it enables you to perform transactions
on child assets while excluding the parent asset from the transactions. However, the transaction details must
be specified on the parent.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 395
Retiring Assets Chapter 19
Child Details
Click the Child Details link to access the Child Asset RET Overrides page, where you can specify overrides
for a specific child asset for the transaction, including disposal code, removal cost, proceeds, quantity, retire
amount, transaction percentage, convention and retirement option.
Asset Information
Click the Asset Information link to access another copy of the Retire Assets page. The page will open
populated with the child asset.
Click the Advanced Txn Details (advanced transaction details) link to access the Parent Asset Adv Txn
Options page, where you can specify overrides that will be applied to all child assets at one time.
Click the Allocation Option link to access the Proceeds and Removal Cost Allocation page. This link is only
visible for retirements on the Child Assets page.
396 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Retiring Assets
• Evenly: The amounts entered for removal cost and proceeds are distributed
evenly between the selected assets (children and parent, if selected).
• Copy: The amounts entered for removal cost and proceeds are copied as is to
the selected assets (children and parent, if selected).
Alloc. Basis(allocation This option is only available when the Allocation Type field value is Prorata.
basis) Select to allocate proceeds and removal cost based on:
• Cost
• Quantity
Removal Cost and RC The default value is the parent's removal cost. Retain this original value or
Curr (removal cost change the removal cost to be allocated.
Proceeds and Pr Curr The default value is the parent's proceeds. Retain this value or change the
(proceeds currency) proceeds to be allocated.
Include Parent Asset This check box retains the value of the Include Parent selection from the Child
Asset page. If the check box is not selected on the Child Asset page, the selection
is not available for the Proceeds and Removal Cost Allocation page. This
selection determines if the parent asset's cost or quantity will be considered for
the allocation chosen. This only affects the Prorata and Evenly allocation types
and determines if the parent asset value changes. If this option is not selected, the
parent asset will not be considered in the calculation or disbursement.
Click OK to trigger the allocation calculation and disbursement of the removal cost and proceeds to the
selected assets according to the options that are specified. The Child Asset page will then display. You can
run the allocation as necessary; the latest values override any values that already exist on the selected assets.
Rounding differences are placed in last asset child that is processed.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 397
Retiring Assets Chapter 19
The Capital Gain tab appears when the business unit is enabled for Australian tax. The capital gains or losses
for the retirement transaction are summarized on this page after retirement processes have run.
Note. Only assets that are retired with the disposal code Retirement by Sale are affected.
398 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Retiring Assets
PeopleSoft Asset Management can be fully integrated with PeopleSoft Billing to automatically create bills
when you retire assets using the Retirement by Sale disposal code. If you have implemented PeopleSoft
Billing with PeopleSoft Asset Management and you have activated the PeopleSoft Asset Management-Billing
interface for the processing business unit, this additional retirement tab is enabled.
BI Unit (billing business Select the PeopleSoft Billing business unit that processes the asset sale to
unit) generate an invoice for the sale transaction. The PeopleSoft Billing business unit
is defined at the business unit level, but it can be overridden at the asset level.
Trans Status (transaction Displays the transaction status of the invoice within the PeopleSoft Asset
status) Management process. Values are:
• Pending
• In Progress
• Complete
When the retirement transaction has been loaded into PeopleSoft Billing for
processing, the transaction status is updated to Complete.
• Ignore
If you reinstate this asset before the PeopleSoft Asset Management -Billing
interface is processed, the bill create and credit bill transactions appear in the
interface. In this case, the PeopleSoft system cancels the initial retirement and
the status of the billing request changes to Ignore. To proceed with the
retirement, you must reenter the retirement transaction. You cannot generate
a reinstatement until PeopleSoft Billing creates the invoice number (after
BIIF0001 is run). If you reinstate this asset before the PeopleSoft Asset
Management-Billing interface is processed but after running depreciation
calculation for the retirement, the system cancels the initial retirement and the
status of the billing request is changed to Ignore.
Invoice When the transaction has been processed in PeopleSoft Billing, the invoice
number that is assigned appears for future reference.
Line Seq (line sequence) When the invoice for the sale transaction has been processed in PeopleSoft
Billing, the line sequence number for this transaction appears. This value
identifies the invoice line number for the asset sale, and it appears when the
invoice is generated by PeopleSoft Billing.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 399
Retiring Assets Chapter 19
PeopleSoft Asset Management sends retirement information to the PeopleSoft Asset Management-Billing
business unit (usually the one with the same general-ledger business unit) and then PeopleSoft Billing
generates the invoice to the customer (also a general-ledger business unit). Depending on which PeopleSoft
Payables business unit has been defined in the InterUnit billing definition (general ledger business unit
definition), PeopleSoft Billing sends asset InterUnit information to PeopleSoft Payables, taking the vendor
and location from the retired asset's general-ledger business unit.
If a retirement is processed due to an InterUnit transfer, the information is also sent to PeopleSoft Payables,
including asset ID, asset profile, and cost type. When you are performing an InterUnit transaction, you must
complete additional information.
AM Unit Enter the business unit where the system adds or adjusts the asset through the
interface with PeopleSoft Payables.
Asset ID By default, the value is Next, but you can select another existing asset ID.
When you click Save, the retirement-by-sale create bill transactions are assigned the transaction status
Pending. Select the pending transactions to be included when you are ready to run the PeopleSoft Asset
Management-Billing (AMBI_INTFC) interface.
Access the AM/BI Interface page (Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Load Interface, Interface
AM to Billing).
After you enter retirement transactions for assets that PeopleSoft Billing invoices, you can initiate the process
to load the transactions for the AM/BI Interface process (RUN_AMBI_INTFC). Before you launch this
process, the retirement entries must be generated.
Enter the run control ID to use or add a new one. Enter the business unit and the asset ID range to be
processed, and click Run.
The process assembles the pending transactions that you have entered, attaches an interface ID, changes the
transaction status to In Progress, and displays the transactions in a view page (PS_INTFC_BI). The
transactions are loaded into PeopleSoft Billing for processing.
You can run the AM/Billing Transaction Status report to review the transactions that were processed. You
can review accounting entries before or after the PeopleSoft Asset Management-Billing interface has been
Note. Reinstatements are processed according to two rules. First, if the reinstatement is performed before
sending the retirement information to PeopleSoft Billing, neither transaction is processed by the PeopleSoft
Asset Management-Billing interface. Second, reinstatements cannot be performed until the PeopleSoft Asset
Management-Billing interface application (BIIF0001) has been run for the asset's previous retirement.
When transactions between PeopleSoft Asset Management and PeopleSoft Billing occur, the system provides
a clearing account, Proceeds to Billing, which accumulates the income from the transactions and matches the
transactions to the PeopleSoft Asset Management accounting entries. This maintains balanced accounting
entries between the applications.
400 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Retiring Assets
Access the AM/Billing Transaction Status page (Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Load
Interface, Interface AM/ Billing).
Enter the appropriate PeopleSoft Asset Management business unit, and range of dates for the transactions that
you want to review. Click Run to generate and view the report.
Note. When processing a retirement-by-sale for a parent asset, you cannot generate an invoice for each child
asset in the same transaction. You have to dispose of each child asset separately.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Integrating PeopleSoft
Asset Management with Other Products," Integrating with PeopleSoft Billing
VAT page (1 of 2)
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 401
Retiring Assets Chapter 19
VAT page (2 of 2)
If asset transactions involve VAT, the Retire/Reinstate Assets component includes the VAT page.
You must complete the following tasks before you can access this page:
Associate the business unit with a general ledger business unit that is associated with a VAT entity.
402 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Retiring Assets
When you retire an asset, the VAT information is recorded with a VAT account entry type of VO (VAT
output). If you reinstate an asset that you have retired with VAT options, the reinstatement reverses the VAT
entries. When you reinstate an asset, the reversal of the VAT is recorded with a VAT account entry type of
VORE (VAT output reinstatement).
The VAT page contains several collapsible sections. Each section contains fields that are blank or that display
default values. VAT entries are created for all books that generate accounting entries if the associated general
ledger business unit is linked to a VAT entity.
The Book collapsible section displays information that is supplied by default from the book that is associated
with this asset.
The Retirement collapsible section displays information that is supplied by default from the current retirement
transaction that is being processed, or it contains blank fields. Within this section are several group boxes that
contain blank and populated fields.
The VAT Calculations collapsible section shows the calculated totals for the VAT transaction based on the
values that are selected on the page. It also displays the default VAT information for the business unit,
customer, and location.
Physical Nature
This collapsible section describes the physical nature of transactions. Options are Goods and Services.
PeopleSoft Asset Management manages transactions for goods only.
Physical Nature Indicates whether an object is a good or a service. In many countries, you must
report the sale or purchase of goods separately from services.
VAT Locations
You use location information to directly determine the reporting country, defaulting state, customer
registration country, and treatment. This information is in turn used to determine customer exception type,
VAT controls, and VAT details.
Ship From Country By default, this field displays the same value that is entered in the Ship from Loc
field on the Retire Assets page. This is the asset location or the PeopleSoft Asset
Management business-unit location.
Ship From State If the ship-from country is defined as tracking VAT by state or province, by
default this field displays information (when available) based on the Ship from
Loc field on the Retire Assets page.
Ship To Country By default, this field displays the customer's shipping address. This field always
has an initial value.
Ship To State If the ship-to country is defined as tracking VAT by state or province, by default
this field displays the information (when available) from the customer's shipping
address. .
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 403
Retiring Assets Chapter 19
VAT Defaults
404 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Retiring Assets
VAT Controls • Calculate at Gross or Net: Indicates how VAT is calculated. Options are:
• Gross: The system calculates VAT before it applies any early payment
• Net: The system calculates VAT after it deducts early payment discounts.
If two percentage discounts exist, the system uses the larger of the two
when it calculates VAT. The system does not use discount amounts, only
discount percentages.
The default value comes from the VAT entity registration driver.
• Calculation Type: The default value comes from the PeopleSoft Asset
Management business unit driver. Options are:
• Exclusive: VAT is not included in the proceeds. The VAT basis amount is
equal to the proceeds amount. The system calculates the VAT amount by
multiplying the VAT basis amount by the VAT rate.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 405
Retiring Assets Chapter 19
This value is set by the VAT entity registration driver and by the defaults
in the VAT hierarchy (specifically the PeopleSoft Asset Management
business unit, customer, and customer location).
• Declaration Date: By default, displays the date of the retirement. You can
override this to the actual delivery date.
• Rounding Rule: Displays the VAT rounding rule. The value comes from the
VAT country driver or VAT entity registration driver definition. Values are:
• Round Down: Amounts are rounded down. For example, for a currency
that is defined with two decimal places, 157.4699 would round down to
406 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Retiring Assets
VAT Treatments Treatment: Displays the VAT treatment. Options for asset retirements are:
• Domestic Goods Sale: Sale of goods where the supplier and customer are
located in the same country.
Within the PeopleSoft system, detail VAT treatment values on the transaction
lines are used to apply the precise defaults that apply to the transaction lines. The
treatment is determined based the rules that apply to the transaction. No VAT
reporting or processing can take place without this value.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 407
Retiring Assets Chapter 19
• Outside of Scope of VAT: Item is outside the scope of VAT, and no VAT
is charged.
• VAT Only: This option does not apply to PeopleSoft Asset Management;
it applies in PeopleSoft Payables only when you are entering a third-party
voucher and within General Ledger when you are entering a journal line
against a VAT account.
• N/A (not applicable): This is valid only for transactions that are
completely non-VAT applicable.
• VAT Code: Displays the VAT code that defines the rate at which VAT is
calculated for the line. These are established on the Tax Code VAT page.
Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, VAT and
Intrastat, Value Added Tax.
• Transaction Type: Displays the code that categorizes and classifies the
transaction for VAT reporting and accounting. These codes are established on
the VAT Transaction Types page. Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain,
Common Definitions, VAT and Intrastat, Value Added Tax.
408 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Retiring Assets
Note. Always click the Adjust Affected VAT Defaults button after changing
defaults on the VAT page.
• Levels: For asset retirement, you cannot select which levels to update. The
Reset option always resets the defaults at this level only.
• Reset All VAT Defaults: Click to have the system reset the VAT defaults
based on the value at this level only. All changes that you made to VAT
defaults will be lost.
Click the Information button to list the fields that are adjusted when you select
Adjust Affected VAT Defaults.
VAT Calculations
Transaction Amount Displays the amount of the transaction in the transaction currency. This is
automatically calculated based on the proceeds amount.
Transaction Amount Displays the amount of the transaction in the base currency.
Basis Amount Displays the amount on which the VAT is calculated in the transaction currency.
If VAT is calculated at net, this amount is net of any discounts.
Basis Amount Base Displays the amount on which the VAT is calculated in the base currency. If
VAT is calculated at net, this amount is net of any discounts.
Recorded Amount Displays the amount of VAT that is recorded for this transaction in the
transaction currency. This is an estimated amount. If PeopleSoft Asset
Management is integrated with PeopleSoft Billing, this value is called the
Estimated Amount.
Recorded Amount Base Displays the amount of VAT that is recorded for the transaction in the base
currency. If PeopleSoft Asset Management is integrated with PeopleSoft Billing,
this value is called the Estimated Amount.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 409
Retiring Assets Chapter 19
Note. In PeopleSoft Asset Management, if you retire an asset and pass the information to PeopleSoft Billing,
the VAT Transaction Loader process does not retrieve the VAT information from PeopleSoft Asset
Management but from the bill that is created in PeopleSoft Billing. However, if the retirement transaction
remains in PeopleSoft Asset Management, the VAT Transaction Loader process gets the VAT information
from PeopleSoft Asset Management.
When you run the Accounting Entry Distribution process (AM_AMAEDIST), use the accounting entry
template that you would normally use for asset retirements. To make the VAT entry, the system uses an
account from the VAT accounting entry template, based on the combination of VAT code, VAT account
type, and VAT transaction type that is specified for the retirement. The system first determines whether VAT
ChartFields are defined by the VAT code and general-ledger business unit. If no VAT accounting information
is found at that level, the system then checks for VAT ChartFields that are defined at the VAT code level. If
the retirement is passed to PeopleSoft Billing, PeopleSoft Asset Management does not generate accounting
entries in connection with VAT because PeopleSoft Billing creates them.
Note. If PeopleSoft Asset Management is not integrated with PeopleSoft Billing, then although VAT is
recorded when retiring an asset, PeopleSoft Asset Management does not generate a financial document such
as a VAT invoice. If you also record the sale of an asset in PeopleSoft Billing or PeopleSoft Receivables, you
might inadvertently record the applicable VAT a second time. In this case, you must ensure that the VAT is
not reported on the VAT return twice.
Instead of using the VAT that is recorded in PeopleSoft Asset Management to generate the VAT return, you
can use that information to enter the invoice for the sale of the asset in PeopleSoft Billing or PeopleSoft
Receivables. In this case, you can copy the VAT into the VAT Transaction table. When running the VAT
Transaction Loader process, do not run the process for all products and do not select Asset Management as a
VAT transaction source.
Alternatively, you can exclude the PeopleSoft Asset Management VAT transactions from your VAT return.
To do so, assign a specific VAT transaction type to asset retirement transactions. Then do not include that
VAT transaction type on any line in the VAT report definition (or include it on an additional line in the VAT
report definition but do not include the line in the Crystal report format).
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing PeopleSoft
Asset Management Business Units," Defining VAT Defaults
PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with VAT"
PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger 9.1 PeopleBook, "Processing Value-Added Tax Transactions in
General Ledger"
410 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Retiring Assets
You can retire many assets without individually identifying them by running the Auto-Retire process
(AMRETFDA). You enter selection criteria to qualify eligible assets for auto-retirement on the process
request, and all selected assets are automatically retired by the process. Only fully depreciated assets can be
retired by this process. Fully depreciated assets are assets with an end depreciation date that is less than or
equal to the retirement transaction date.
Selection Criteria
Business Unit This field is required. Select a business unit from the drop-down list. Only
business units that have been enabled with the auto-retire feature appear.
Book Name Select a business unit book from the drop-down list. Only books that have been
enabled with the auto-retire feature appear.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 411
Retiring Assets Chapter 19
Copy Changes to Other Select to keep all books in sync. The system copies the transaction to all books
Books that are set up for an asset.
Category, From Asset, Select as applicable to narrow the parameters by categories or by a range of asset
and To Asset IDs.
Cost Limit Select assets that cost less than or equal to the cost limit.
Low Value Assets Only Select this check box to retrieve only low-value assets.
Clustered Assets Only Select this check box to retrieve only clustered assets.
Trans Date(transaction Enter the applicable transaction or accounting date to define the selection criteria.
date) and Acctg Date
(accounting date)
Retirement Options
Transaction Code Select a transaction code to identify the reason for the retirement.
Reference Code (Optional) Enter information to track the asset, such as retirement documentation
or an asset ID.
Use of the worksheet depends on the establishment of asset-to-owner relationships as well as owner-to-
operator relationships to enable the selection, review, and approval of asset disposal. When the Asset Owner
and Asset Owner User links are defined, the asset owner can generate and submit a disposal worksheet for
processing or approval. After the approval process has been established, an asset owner can review asset
disposal requests from worklist entry notifications. Requests can be approved, denied, or designated as
pending. Upon approval of the request, you can submit the disposal worksheet for processing through the
AMIF1000 transaction processor.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
Processing," Establishing Asset Ownership.
Access the Disposal Worksheet page (Asset Management, Asset Transactions, Asset Disposal, Disposal
412 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Retiring Assets
This page provides numerous selection options to retrieve assets for retirement. Assets that are available for
retrieval are determined by asset ownership and user ID.
You can search for assets using ChartField search criteria, and you can view asset ownership information by
clicking the View Ownership Details link.
Asset Search Criteria Identify assets that are eligible for disposal based on the user's established asset
ownership. Assets can be identified based on:
• Unit
• Book
• Category
• Serial ID
• Asset ID
• Location
• Tag Number
• Profile ID
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 413
Retiring Assets Chapter 19
Acquisition Details To further identify assets for disposal, complete the following fields:
• PO Unit (purchasing unit )
• Receipt Unit
• AP Unit(payables unit)
• PO No.(PO number)
• Voucher
• Project ID
When you click Retrieve, the result set appears in the tabbed grid at the bottom of the disposal worksheet.
You can begin again by pressing the New Search button, and use the link to view ownership details.
Asset Action
The system returns a list of assets that meet the search criteria. You can review and reselect options to create
a new list of assets.
So that you can process assets for disposal, retirement information is specified to indicate the date and reason
for an action.
Disposal Code (Optional) Select the disposal code for all assets in the worksheet list to identify
the reason for the disposal of the assets.
Retire Dt (retirement Enter a retirement date, which can be retroactive or future-dated. This date is
date) applied to all assets in the worksheet list. The default is the current date.
Accounting Dt Enter the accounting date to be recorded if different from the current date. This
(accounting date) date is applied to all assets in the worksheet list.
Set All Click to apply the retirement information to all assets in the list.
The list is presented on three tabbed views: Asset Information, Retirement Information, and Optional
Accounting Information (such as cost). The information may be hidden, depending on established
Asset Information
This tabbed view displays the asset ID, description, tag number, category, and serial ID.
Submit for Disposal, Select assets for disposal individually by selecting the Dispose check box, or
Select All, and Deselect select (or deselect) all.
414 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Retiring Assets
Retirement Information
This tabbed view displays the asset ID, cost, quantity, retire quantity, proceeds, proceeds currency, removal
cost, and removal cost currency.
Accounting Date Enter the accounting date for the retirement transaction.
Trans Code (transaction Enter a transaction code to be applied to each asset individually.
Click Submit for Disposal when you have completed the disposal worksheet. The disposal request is
processed when you run the Transaction Loader process. It is routed for approval, if required, depending on
the permissions that are established for the operator.
Access the Approve Disposals page (Asset Management, Asset Transactions, Asset Disposal, Approve
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 415
Retiring Assets Chapter 19
The approval process is managed by the workflow settings for your organization. If the worksheet that you
submit for disposal requires approval before being processed by the Transaction Loader process, a worklist
entry is created and routed to the approver. Multiple assets can be associated with one worklist entry. The
user who receives the worklist item approves or denies the disposal request.
Denied The request is not approved and an email notification is sent to the disposal
Approved The request is approved and the item is loaded to the Transaction Loader process
for processing.
Pending No action is taken on the item, and the request is placed on hold.
The approver can then select Mark As Worked for the worklist item.
• For you to enter an asset as a line item for sale in an auction event, the asset must not have the PeopleSoft
Asset Management statuses other than Disposed and Transferred. It must not be a Lease Asset, or a
Hazardous Asset. The auction status is equal to Allowed to be auctioned.
• When you post the event, the PeopleSoft Asset Management auction status changes to Sent to Auction.
• The auction status remains at Sent to Auction until the event is awarded or canceled.
416 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Retiring Assets
If the event is not approved or is not awarded, you must set the status to Allowed to be Auctioned to remove
the Sent to Auction status for the asset. When the event is awarded, Strategic Sourcing sends information to
PeopleSoft Asset Management, and you must run the Transaction Loader (AMIF1000) process to finalize the
retirement. Strategic Sourcing changes the auction status to Sold in Auction.
Note. PeopleSoft Asset Management does not allow PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing to access data for
hazardous materials, intangible assets, or partial retirements. Assets with a status of Sent to Auction are
excluded from any transactions in PeopleSoft Asset Management until the status is changed by PeopleSoft
Strategic Sourcing.
See Also
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 417
Retiring Assets Chapter 19
Select a Trans Code and Ret Type type. Because the asset is a non-financial asset, there is no gain or loss
calculation result.
Note. Nonfinancial assets and operating leased assets do not have cost information. The retirement process,
therefore, only involves changing the status of the asset to Inactive (or Disposed.) In the case of an operating
lease, any future lease payments are stopped.
Reinstating Assets
This section provides an overview of asset reinstatement and discusses how to reinstate an asset.
When you reinstate an asset, all fields on the Retire Assets page become unavailable for data entry. If you
want to subsequently retire this asset after reinstatement, you must access the page again.
Reinstatements generate credit lines in PeopleSoft Billing if the retirement has been passed to PeopleSoft
Billing. You cannot generate a reinstatement until PeopleSoft Billing creates the invoice number (after the
BIIF0001 process is run). If you reinstate an asset before the PeopleSoft Asset Management-Billing interface
is processed but after running the depreciation calculation for the retirement, then the PeopleSoft system
cancels the initial retirement and the status of the billing request changes to G (ignore). In the AM/Billing
Transaction Status report, you can track the original invoice for each reinstatement.
Note. Reinstatement of non-financial assets involves changing the asset status to In Service. In the case of an
operating lease, it involves restarting future lease payments.
418 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Retiring Assets
Non-Financial Asset Retire ASSET_RET_NF_01 Asset Management, Asset Retire or reinstate non-
Transactions, Asset financial assets.
Disposal, Retire/Reinstate
Non-Fin Asset
Reinstating an Asset
Access the Retire Assets page (Asset Management, Asset Transactions, Asset Disposal, Retire/Reinstate
Scroll through the retired transactions and select the Reinstate check box for the retirement transaction that
you want to reinstate for a financial asset. Then, click the Reinstate button. For a nonfinancial asset, from the
Non Financial Asset Retirement page, select Reinstate.
Note. Only one retired asset transaction can be reinstated at a time. If several retired assets transactions are
selected for reinstatement, only the first selected transaction in the list is reinstated.
If no retirement transaction is selected for reinstatement and you click the Reinstate button, the last retirement
transaction against the assets is reinstated.
PeopleSoft Asset Management performs the reinstatement automatically. The Proceeds, Removal Costs,
Accumulated Depreciation, and Gain/Loss fields are reset to 0, and the amount in the Retire Amt field is
added back to the balance sheet (for financial assets only).
If depreciation has not been calculated for the gain/loss on retirement, selecting Reinstate causes the
retirement rows that you previously created to be purged from the system.
All journal entries that were created by the retirement are reversed. To ensure that asset information posts
correctly, the system generates a depreciation request when you reinstate assets. The transaction date is
automatically set to the retirement date. If you accidentally or erroneously retired an asset in the wrong
period, you have to deduct depreciation from the time the asset was actually retired. Any depreciation to
which you were entitled during the accounting periods in which this asset was retired will be calculated and
posted to the current accounting period as prior depreciation.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 419
Retiring Assets Chapter 19
Before you can run the Tax Retirement Capital Gains report, you must run these processes:
This process assigns open transaction IDs for the transactions of assets that do not use straight-line
This process calculates straight-line depreciation for all the pending assets in the process and marks the
status as complete.
Run Open Trans Tax (run RUN_AMTXOPEN Asset Management, Run a process that assigns
open transaction tax) Depreciation, Processing, open transaction IDs to the
Process Open Trans for transactions for assets that
Tax, Process Open Trans do not use the straight-line
for Tax depreciation method.
Calculate SL Depr for Tax RUN_AMDPCALC_TAX Asset Management, Run the process that
Depreciation, Processing, calculates straight-line
Calculate SL Depr for Tax, depreciation for all the
Calculate SL Depr for Tax pending assets in the
AMTXOPEN process and
mark the status as complete.
420 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20
• Approve changes.
Suppose a business restructuring requires you to transfer all assets from the marketing department to the
corporate communications department. Transferring these assets manually would be onerous and likely to
introduce errors. Mass Change, on the other hand, enables you to select a particular set of assets from the
database, define the desired changes on those assets, and make those changes online or in the background
using scheduled processing.
Because most businesses perform the same types of mass changes repeatedly, you can define mass changes
using templates. These templates simplify mass change definition by storing information that enables you to
select certain data from the database and modify it in specific ways. (Usually, you have to modify only
selection and replacement values.) Asset Management is delivered with a full complement of Mass Change
templates that serve the needs of most business applications. You can also create your own templates as
Note. Because Mass Change can modify a large number of assets during scheduled processing, only the most
experienced users should use Mass Change functionality. These users should have both a solid understanding
of SQL and an extensive knowledge of Asset Management.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 421
Processing Asset Mass Changes Chapter 20
Processing mass changes with Asset Management consists of a definition phase and a processing phase. First,
you define the selection criteria and changes to be made to the selected data, and then you run the Mass
Change process (either online or in the background). You can run most types of mass changes online;
however, there are a few types that you can run using only Process Scheduler.
Outline the criteria for selecting rows and identify the columns and values to modify.
2. Run the mass change process (RUN_MASSCHNG) to select, change, and transfer the data to the loader
4. Run the Transaction Loader Application Engine process (AMIF1000) to load the data from the loader
tables into Asset Management tables.
You must run depreciation when the mass change process is complete. You might also want to empty the
INTFC_FIN, INTFC_PHY_A, and INTFC_PHY_B loader tables to free valuable disk space.
Note. The U.S. tax 40 percent rule states that if more than 40 percent of your total aggregate depreciable basis
(other than residential property, nonresidential real property, and railroad grading and tunnel bores) is placed
in service during the last three months of the year, all assets must be depreciated using the mid-quarter
convention. Assets placed in service and disposed of during the same tax year are not taken into account. To
comply with the U.S. tax 40 percent rule, you must write a report to select all eligible assets, calculate their
aggregate basis, and divide this basis into your total asset aggregate basis. If the result is more than 40
percent, you then must run the mass change process on the eligible assets to change the depreciation
convention to a mid-quarter convention, and recalculate life-to-date depreciation.
See Also
422 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Processing Asset Mass Changes
Asset Mass Change MC_DEFN_00 Asset Management, Mass Add or update a mass
Definition - Description Change, Define Criteria change definition.
Asset Mass Change MC_DEFN_01 Asset Management, Mass Specify the mass change
Definition - Criteria and Change, Define Criteria, criteria for selecting rows,
Defaults Criteria and Defaults and identify the columns
and values to be changed.
Asset Mass Change MC_DEFN_AM Asset Management, Mass Complete mass change
Definition - AM Specific Change, Define Criteria, information that is unique to
Fields (asset management AM Specific Fields and required by Asset
specific fields) Management mass changes.
Asset Mass Change MC_DEFN_02 Asset Management, Mass Generate and check the
Definition - Generate SQL Change, Define Criteria, SQL text that is generated
Generate SQL by a mass change definition
before you run it.
Asset Mass Change MC_DEFN_03 Asset Management, Mass Determine the last time that
Definition - Execution Change, Define Criteria, a mass change definition
History Execution History was run and identify the
specific input parameters.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 423
Processing Asset Mass Changes Chapter 20
If this is a new mass change definition, select a mass change template. After you enter a template and move
out of the Mass Change Template field, the field becomes unavailable for entry and the page is populated
with data from the template.
Note. You may need to execute a group of mass changes in series. The mass change functionality makes it
possible to define groups of mass changes and execute them all using one run control. Use the Mass Change
Definition page to do this. No mass change groups are shipped with Asset Management.
See Chapter 20, "Processing Asset Mass Changes," Reviewing Asset Management Mass Change Templates
and Types, page 441.
424 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Processing Asset Mass Changes
Fields in the Criteria scroll area define the columns that are used as a basis for selecting data from the
database. You must specify the operator and the value to which the column is to be compared.
For example, to select all the rows for department 21101, use the = operator and a value of 21101. To specify
a range of values, use the Between operator and specify the two values, for example 12000 and 21000.
This table lists the values in the Operation drop-down list box, how they are used, and an example of each
operator as used on a set of hypothetical business units, including M02, M04, M04A, M04B, M04C, M06,
and M30:
Between Value A and Between two values BTW M04 M04, M04A, M04B,
Value B M04C, M06
Greater Than or Equal Greater than or equal to > = M06 M06, M30
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 425
Processing Asset Mass Changes Chapter 20
Is Not Blank Not equal to a space NOT BLANK M04, M04A, M04B,
character. Used for M04C, M06, M30
character fields.
Less Than Less than < M06 M02, M04, M04B, M04C
Less Than or Equal To Less than or equal to < = M06 M02, M04, M04B,
M04C, M06
Not Between Not between value A and BTW M04 M02, M30
value B
Not Equal To Not equal to < > M06 M02, M04, M04B,
M04C, M30
426 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Processing Asset Mass Changes
Transaction Date Enter the date on which you made the change.
Accounting Date Enter the date on which you want this transaction posted to your general ledger.
Intfc ID (interface ID) Displays the next available ID. You can change these values, but they must be
and Open Transaction unique.
User ID Appears automatically. You can change this value.
Auto Approval Status Select this check box to have the system automatically approve the transactions
that are generated from the mass change. PeopleSoft strongly recommends that
you review and approve all transactions that are generated during the mass
change process before you load them into PeopleSoft Asset Management.
Note. If you reuse an existing mass change definition, be sure to insert a value in the Next Intfc ID field by
clicking the New button. After you select New, Save the page, the system displays a new interface ID.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 427
Processing Asset Mass Changes Chapter 20
Note. Whenever you change a table, mass change type, or mass change template, you must regenerate the
SQL text for any related mass change definitions.
Generate Click to generate the SQL text. Generating SQL might take several minutes.
Clear Sw(clear switch) Click to clear the SQL text for instances in which you want to change your mass
change definition and regenerate the SQL. Clearing SQL might take several
SQL Statement
This scroll area lists the records on which a SQL statement operates and in what manner. Each record is
processed in sequence. This scroll area also contains the SQL text for each statement, which you can view but
not change. You can change statements only by altering the mass change type or template on which this
definition is based, or by altering the field criteria and defaults on the Mass Change Definition page.
Execute SQL Upon While online, select to run the SQL as soon as you save the page. Your user
Saving security determines whether you can run mass changes online. If you do not
select this check box, you can save this mass change definition and then run it in
the background using a run control.
Execution Seq (execution Indicates the order in which the SQL statements are run. Scroll through the
sequence) execution sequences to view each statement.
428 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Processing Asset Mass Changes
Save Click this button when you are satisfied with the SQL text that is generated.
Note. If the SQL execution fails, the system rolls back all statements in the mass
change definition. Commits to the database are made only when all statements
have completed successfully.
Count After you have generated and saved your SQL text, click to display the number
of rows of data that were affected by this mass change. You can click this button
only on mass changes that run online.
Some execution sequences are based on previous sequences that have inserted
rows into an interim table. In these instances, clicking the Count button makes
sense for only some execution sequences.
Run Mass Change RUN_MASSCHNG Asset Management, Mass Run a mass change or mass
Change, Run Request change group in the
Use the Asset Mass Change Definition - Generate SQL page (Asset Management, Mass Change, Define
Criteria, Generate SQL).
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 429
Processing Asset Mass Changes Chapter 20
You must run mass changes that are based on the following mass change types through Process Scheduler
using an application SQR:
PI2 - Asset Location Changes Physical inventory asset location changes update
PI4 - Retire Assets Not Found Physical inventory retired assets not found update
PI5 - Add Assets Found In PI Physical inventory add assets found update
PI9 - NCP Department Transfer Physical inventory non capital department transfer
PI10 - OPL Department Transfer Physical inventory operating lease department transfer
PI11 - Retire NCP Assets Physical inventory retire non capital assets
PI12 - Retire OPL Assets Physical inventory retire operating lease assets
Process Scheduler runs the processes that you select at user-defined intervals.
You can run only those mass changes online that you are authorized to run online and that are based on
authorized templates. Mass change user security grants permission to run mass changes online.
430 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Processing Asset Mass Changes
Access the Run Mass Change page (Asset Management, Mass Change, Run Request).
Select a mass change run type. Each run type requires an additional execution parameter as described in this
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 431
Processing Asset Mass Changes Chapter 20
432 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Processing Asset Mass Changes
The contents of the Financial Transactions table (INTFC_FIN) appear here, one row at a time, as populated
by the mass change.
Errors normally involve assets that have recently undergone a financial transaction or transactions. The
transaction date that is assigned to the mass change is compared with the transaction date of each asset on
which that change is performed. If the asset transaction date occurs after the mass change transaction date, the
system marks the load line as an error.
Auto Approval Status Selected if you previously selected the Auto Approval Status check box on the
Asset Mass Change Definition - AM Specific Fields page.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 433
Processing Asset Mass Changes Chapter 20
Auto Approval Status Selected if you previously selected the Auto Approval Status check box on the
Asset Mass Change Definition - AM Specific Fields page.
Approving Changes
After you have run the mass change process and populated the loader tables, you might need to approve all
changes before loading the resulting data into the Asset Management tables.
434 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Processing Asset Mass Changes
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 435
Processing Asset Mass Changes Chapter 20
The system groups financial transaction changes by transaction load ID and load type. A load type is similar
to a transaction type, but at a greater level of detail. Each transaction type in Asset Management can generate
several different load types.
Load types include the following (changes marked with an asterisk are uncommon):
436 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Processing Asset Mass Changes
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 437
Processing Asset Mass Changes Chapter 20
You can approve or reject each load type by selecting or clearing the Approval check boxes. Use the scroll
bar to move from one screen to the next.
438 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Processing Asset Mass Changes
Page Used to Populate Asset Management Tables with Mass Change Data
Load Transactions into AM RUN_AMIF1000 Asset Management, Run the Transaction Loader
Send/Receive Information, process, which reads the
Load Transactions, Load loader tables and populates
Transactions into AM, Load Asset Management tables
Transactions into AM with the data.
Search for transactions to
run based on system source,
load type, load status, and
whether transactions consist
of physical or financial
records. You can use as
many or as few of these
criteria as necessary. The
more search criteria that
you use, the narrower your
search results become.
Locate the Find Trans Load ID (find transaction loader ID) group box.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 439
Processing Asset Mass Changes Chapter 20
System Source If you do not know the transaction load IDs, enter the system source that
generated the transactions that you want to load, such as AM Batch or Strategic
Sourcing. Also, enter the load type.
Load Type A load type is a more detailed version of a transaction type. One transaction type
can generate several different load types.
Specify the transactions to load, such as Asset Add or Phys Add (physical
addition), if you know the range of transaction load IDs. You can specify
transactions by system source, from transaction load ID, and to transaction load
AM Business Unit Select a business unit if you want to limit the load process by business unit.
Financial Record or Select one depending on the type of transaction that you want to load.
Physical Records
If any entries have a status of ERR (error), the entries have been marked as errors. You might need to
complete them manually through the appropriate pages. Check the error message at the bottom of the Load
Preview page to determine what action you should take.
After you have corrected the errors, all that remains for you to do in the mass change process is to run the
depreciation calculation process. The financial changes that you made have created open transactions for each
of the affected assets. Running the depreciation calculation process (AM_DEPR_CALC) identifies these
changed assets and handles their depreciation appropriately.
440 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Processing Asset Mass Changes
This table lists the mass change templates (and the mass change types on which the templates are based) that
are delivered with Asset Management:
Mass Change Template ID (Mass Mass Change Template Description / Asset Management
Change Type ID, If Different)
ADJ - Asset Cost Adjustment Enables you to change the cost of a group of assets.
Archive Asset Depr Rpt Entries This mass change type copies the specified DEPR_RPT entries into the
DEPR_RPT_ARCH table. The system determines specified entries by
the selection criteria of the mass change template with the same name
(Archive Asset Depr Rpt entries). The system uses the Business Unit,
Book, and Fiscal Year fields to select the data.
Archive NBV Entries This mass change type copies the specified PS_ASSET_NBV_TBL
entries into the PS_ASSET_NBV_ARCH table.
PS_ASSET_NBV_ARCH stores the old net book value entries. You can
also use this table to retrieve the entries into a sequential file. The system
uses the Business Unit, Book, and As of Date fields to select the data.
Archive Asset Open Trans Archives asset open transaction entries in the PS_OPEN_TRANS table.
This template inserts entries into the Open Trans Archive table
(PS_OPEN_TRANS_ARCH) and selects from the PS_OPEN_TRANS
Archive Assets Acctng Entries Helps archive asset accounting entries. This definition inserts rows into
(Archive Asset Acctng Entries) the PS_DIST_LN_ARCH table and selects from the production asset
accounting entry table (PS_DIST_LN). You can use the PS_DIST_LN
table to hold the old accounting entries and to unload the entries into a
sequential file.
ASD - Asset Deletion Inserts asset records into the INTFC_FIN table for deletion by Mass
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 441
Processing Asset Mass Changes Chapter 20
Mass Change Template ID (Mass Mass Change Template Description / Asset Management
Change Type ID, If Different)
AUP - Asset Update Changes certain fields that are stored on the asset table. Inserts rows into
the INTFC_PHY_A table that the Transaction Loader process uses to
update (not insert) the asset table. You may update all non key fields on
the PS_ASSET table using this mass change definition. You may copy
this template or modify it to update fields as necessary.
BA - Book Addition Adds a new book to a business unit. You must add the asset profiles for
the new book before running this mass change template, and the book
you are adding must already exist for the business unit before processing.
BC - Book Copy Copies the book and cost information from one book to another. You can
use this process to perform a what-if analysis. You can also add a model
book to a group of assets to do some reporting. This mass change
template copies the data that you need from an existing book to your
model book.
The book to which you are copying must exist for the business unit
before processing this mass change. Criteria for this mass change
template must be entered twice; once for the non-retirement type
transactions on the first execution sequence, and a second time for
retirement transactions on the second execution sequence.
BKD - Book Deletion Removes an entire book from a business unit. This template loads one
row into the INTFC_FIN table with the business unit and book
combination. The Transaction Loader process then deletes all rows for
that business unit book from the following tables: BOOK,
BKS - Asset Book Change Enables you to change depreciation methods, life, depreciation schedules,
and convention combinations.
BSD - Selective Book Delete Enables you to selectively delete books for a group of assets. You specify
the business unit, book, and range of assets to delete. This differs from
the mass change type BKD, which deletes information for an entire
business unit/book combination.
CC - Capitalize Into Comp DB2 Capitalizes acquisition detail amounts into composite assets specifically
for the DB2 environment. This mass change template sums the
uncapitalized acquisition detail line amounts for the assets that are
associated with a composite asset.
CC - Capitalize Into Composite Capitalizes acquisition detail amounts into composite assets. This mass
change template sums the uncapitalized acquisition detail line amounts
for the assets that are associated with a composite asset.
442 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Processing Asset Mass Changes
Mass Change Template ID (Mass Mass Change Template Description / Asset Management
Change Type ID, If Different)
CC - JPN Capitalize Comp DB2 Capitalizes Japanese acquisition detail amounts into composite assets
specifically for the DB2 environment. This mass change template sums
the uncapitalized acquisition detail line amounts for the assets that are
associated with a composite asset.
CC - JPN Capitalize Composite Capitalizes Japanese acquisition detail amounts into composite assets.
This mass change template sums the uncapitalized acquisition detail line
amounts for the assets that are associated with a composite asset.
CR - Composite Retirement Retires acquisition detail amounts from composite assets. This mass
change template inserts the retirement cost for each set of ChartFields
Delete Asset Accntg Entries (Delete Deletes entries from the PS_DIST_LN table after they have been
Archived DIST_LN) archived.
Delete Asset Depr Rpt Entries Deletes the DEPR_RPT, DEPR_RPT_CF_SUM, and
DEPR_RPT_PD_SUM specified entries that are determined by the
selection criteria of the mass change template that you use. To delete
archived entries, enter the same selection criteria that you used for the
mass change archive of DEPR_RPT entries. To purge DEPR_RPT
entries, use the Business Unit, Book, and Fiscal Year fields as selection
criteria when you run the mass change.
Delete Asset NBV Entries Deletes the entries from the Asset Net Book Value table
(PS_ASSET_NBV_TBL). To delete archived entries, enter the same
selection criteria that you used for the mass change archive of Asset
NBV entries. To purge Asset Net Book Value entries, use the Business
Unit, User ID, and As of Date fields as selection criteria when you run
the mass change
Delete Asset Open Trans Deletes open transaction entries from the PS_OPEN_Trans table after
they have been archived.
EURO1 - InterUnit Trf − New Book Performs mass interunit asset transfers from one book to another within
the same business unit. The new book might have a different currency
code. An example might be if you are changing from a 13- to a 12-period
calendar. You must enter the business unit, the from book twice, and a
blank, which transfers all assets.
Note. If you copy this mass change template or use it as a basis to create
your template, and you are changing currencies, you must populate the
INTFC_FIN.MC_DEFN_ID field with the words Currency Conversion
(mixed case) on the transfer IN row. It does not matter what you enter in
the transfer OUT row; the name of the mass change suffices or you can
leave the row blank.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 443
Processing Asset Mass Changes Chapter 20
Mass Change Template ID (Mass Mass Change Template Description / Asset Management
Change Type ID, If Different)
InterUnit RET/Add w/Curr Conv Performs financial asset transfers from one business unit to another,
especially when the business units have different currencies and books.
Assets are retired in the from business unit and added in the to business
unit. This mass change template differs from others in that IUF does not
perform currency conversions.
Note. New setIDs for the to business unit are assigned by the Transaction
Loader process, not by Mass Change. If you preview the load
transactions prior to running the Transaction Loader process, you see that
the to business unit assets have the from business unit asset IDs. The
Transaction Loader process assigns new IDs when adding the assets to
the to business unit.
InterUnit TRF w/Attrib, War, Lic Performs mass interunit transfers when asset attributes, warranty and
license information also need to be transferred. Two Physical A and two
Financial transactions are created, one for the From business unit and one
for the To business unit. Entries are also created in Physical B for
attribute, warranty, and license information transfers.
444 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Processing Asset Mass Changes
Mass Change Template ID (Mass Mass Change Template Description / Asset Management
Change Type ID, If Different)
InterUnit TRF w/Currency Conv Performs financial asset transfers from one business unit to another,
(InterUnit TRF w/Curr Conv) especially when the business units have different currencies and books.
This mass change template performs currency conversion when business
unit and book currency codes are different in the From and To business
Note. New asset IDs for the To business unit are assigned by the
Transaction Loader process, not by Mass Change. If you preview the
load transactions prior to running the Transaction Loader process, you
see that the To business unit assets contain the From business unit asset
IDs. The Transaction Loader process assigns new IDs when you add the
assets to the To business unit.
IRC - Increase Rate Change Performs mass change for increase in special rates and accelerated
IUF - IU Transfer to Another BU Performs financial asset transfers from one business unit to another.
This template does not perform currency conversion. You can also refer
to the definition for the InterUnit RET/Add w/Curr Conv template.
IUT - Inter-Unit Transfer Performs mass interunit transfers of assets. You cannot perform interunit
transfers on group assets. This mass change type does not perform
currency conversion. Refer also to the definition for the InterUnit
RET/Add w/Curr Conv template.
JVA - Joint Venture BU Addition Adds a new business unit to a joint venture using the joint venture's
JVP - Joint Venture BU Add (w/Prof) Adds a new business unit to a joint venture with the participant's profile.
Book table values that can be populated with default values from the
profile detail table are obtained from the profile ID for the new business
unit. This mass change type is similar to the JVA mass change type,
except that JVP uses the joint venture participant's profiles.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 445
Processing Asset Mass Changes Chapter 20
Mass Change Template ID (Mass Mass Change Template Description / Asset Management
Change Type ID, If Different)
JVT - JV Allocation Change Transfers the allocation percentage from one business unit to another.
PAD - Parent Asset Cost Adjust Changes the cost of a parent asset and all of its children.
Parent Retire w/Pro/RC Absolut Retires parent assets and their children. The system sets the proceeds and
removal cost for each asset as equal to the proceeds and removal cost that
were entered by the user.
Parent Retire w/Pro/RC Distrib Retires parent assets and their children. The system proportionally
distributes proceeds and removal costs by retirement amount.
Partial Parent Asset Transfer Performs partial asset transfers for a specific parent and all of its children
assets. The system transfers a percentage of cost and quantity between
the specified ChartFields.
Partial Retire Parent Proc Abs Partially retires parent assets and all of their children assets (children that
are financial assets). The percentage of retirement is specified by the
The system sets the proceeds and removal costs for each asset as equal to
the proceeds and removal cost that were entered by the user.
Partial Retire Parent Proc Dis Partially retires parent assets and all of their children assets. The
percentage of retirement is specified by the user.
The system proportionally distributes proceeds and removal costs for
each asset based on the cost of each asset that is retired over the total cost
of all assets that are retired.
Partial Retire Proceeds Absolu Partially retires assets. The user specifies the percentage of retirement.
The system sets proceeds and removal costs for each asset as equal to the
proceeds and removal cost that were entered by the user.
Partial Retire Proceeds Dist (Part. Partially retires assets. Do not use this mass change type to do a full
Retirement Proceeds Dist) retirement. The system proportionally distributes proceeds by retirement
PHY - Physical Asset Changes Changes the physical side of assets, such as asset location and custodian.
PI Extract Extracts asset data from multiple Asset Management tables into one
physical inventory extract table.
446 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Processing Asset Mass Changes
Mass Change Template ID (Mass Mass Change Template Description / Asset Management
Change Type ID, If Different)
PI Extract with Book Extracts asset data from multiple Asset Management tables into one
physical inventory extract table for assets that are established in a book
other than the current default book. The book value for the physical
inventory is specified on the Physical Inventory Control - Definition page
(Asset Management, Physical Inventory, Define Inventory Occurrence).
PI Scan Scope with Book Scans scope for physical inventory mass change for assets that are
established in a book other than the current default book. The book value
for the physical inventory is specified on the Physical Inventory Control -
Definition page (Asset Management, Physical Inventory, Define
Inventory Occurrence).
PI1 - Asset Table Updates (PI1 - Asset Processes scanned inventory data and places it in updates to the asset
Table Update) table.
PI2 - Asset Location Changes Changes the location table for an asset.
PI3 - Department Transfers Transfers departments for assets (used in physical inventory).
PI4 - Asset Retirements (PI4 - Retire Retires assets that are not found during physical inventory processing.
Assets Not Found)
PI5 - Physical Asset Adds (PI5 - Add Adds the "overs" into Asset Management, which are assets that were
Assets Found in PI) scanned in physical inventory but were not originally in Asset
Management. These assets are entered as a physical add only, not
PI6 - Asset Custodian Changes Changes an asset's custodian (used in physical inventory).
PI7 - Inventory History Insert Inserts records into the Physical Inventory Asset History table at the
close of physical inventory for every asset in the Results table with a
status of Inventory.
Note. You cannot run Mass Changes PI1 - PI18, PI Extract, and PI Scan
Scope online. They are used only by the Physical Inventory SQR.
PRC - Parent Recategorization Moves the cost of an asset from one asset category to another for a parent
asset and all of its children.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 447
Processing Asset Mass Changes Chapter 20
Mass Change Template ID (Mass Mass Change Template Description / Asset Management
Change Type ID, If Different)
PTF - Parent Asset Transfer Transfers the cost of a parent asset and all of its children out of the from
values and into the to values.
PTR - Partial Transfer by Dept (PTR- Performs partial asset transfers; which is where the system transfers a
Partial Asset Transfer) percentage of the cost and quantity of an asset between the ChartFields
RCT − Recategorization Moves the cost of an asset from one asset category to another.
REP - Reinstate Parent Assets Reinstates retired parent assets and all of their children.
Retire w/Proceeds/RC Absolute Retires assets. The system sets proceeds and removal cost for each asset
as equal to the proceeds and removal cost that were entered by the user.
Retire w/Proceeds/RC Distribut Retires assets. The system proportionally distributes proceeds and
removal cost for each asset based on the cost of each asset that is retired
over the total cost of all assets that are retired.
TM - Acctg Entry Template Copy Copies accounting entry templates from one setID to another.
TM - Actg Ent Tmpl Copy w/in Set Differs from the TM - Acctg Entry Template Copy template in that this
(TM - Acctg Entry Template Copy) template copies from one category to another within the same setID. The
TM - Acctg Entry Template Copy template copies accounting entry
templates from one setID to another setID.
This mass change empties the temporary tables, dumps the template rows
of the source setID and category into temporary tables, and copies the
temporary rows over to the permanent accounting entry template tables
for the target category that is specified.
TRF - Full Transfer by Dept (TRF - Transfers assets from current ChartField values to the to values that are
Asset Transfer) entered by the user. The Cost Balance view gives the current cost at a
ChartField level and enables you to change those values.
448 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Processing Asset Mass Changes
Mass Change Template ID (Mass Mass Change Template Description / Asset Management
Change Type ID, If Different)
Unload Open Trans to file (Unload Unloads entries from the Asset Open Transaction Archive table to a
Open Trans Archive) sequential file.
Upload Asset Acctng Entries (Load Loads the production asset accounting entry table (PS_DIST_LN) from
Archived DIST_LN) the accounting entry archive table (PS_DIST_LN_ARCH).
Upload Asset Open Trans (Upload Uploads open transactions into the PS_OPEN_TRANS table from the
Archive Open Trans) PS_OPEN_TRANS_ARCH table.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 449
Chapter 21
• Online reports.
Asset Management reports are generated as the result of an asset management process or in response to an ad
hoc request for asset information. Processes and reports can be generated as part of scheduled batch activities
or as one-time requests, all of which are handled through the Process Scheduler. The type of report that is
generated is usually the result of how the data is to be presented or of the kind of processing that is required to
produce the desired results.
Asset Management provides reports to aid in tracking and reconciling asset transactions, capital acquisition
planning, depreciation, account activity, accounting entries, physical inventory, asset disposal and retirement,
and to meet tax reporting requirements. Reports supporting these same asset management activities on the
global level as well as statutory requirements are also available for Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy,
India, and Japan. All of the available reports that are associated with asset management are listed in
Appendix: Asset Management Reports in this PeopleBook.
Most of the reports that are used for different functions within Asset Management make use of the same data
but report it from a different perspective. For example, depreciation is often reviewed by ChartField activity.
It is, however, also useful to review depreciation based on a category or location. To that end, you may use a
report template that enables you to define the reporting-by method to be used.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 451
Using Asset Management Reporting Options Chapter 21
PeopleSoft delivers report templates that can be shared by all users to include or exclude information of your
choosing. The ChartField Format Template and the Report Fields Format Template control the sort order,
field length to display, field label overrides, amount field length, and sub-totaling. To accommodate the
varying needs of many users, print options are available to override the report title and to select the
ChartField by which to report, using Report By as the key, with a report suffix added to the report ID to
indicate what value is used for Report By.
Asset Management also provides the tools to produce reports in user-defined formats. Using report IDs or
user IDs as keys to reporting templates, multiple groups or individuals use the same general information
provided in a report but receive it in a dynamically defined format addressing the particular needs of the
group or individual.
Online Reporting
Asset Management provides online inquiries of the depreciation reporting table (DEPR_RPT), which displays
high level summary data for a period with details available via drill down functions that are defined at the
business unit/book definition level. When enabled for online reporting, selection criteria includes Business
Unit, Book, Fiscal Year, Period, Asset Category, Profile ID and ChartFields. The drill down feature provides
the option to view the data presented to the lowest level available.
Asset Management provides the ability to display some financial data in 2-D, or stacked bar charts. This
option is available for generating data comparisons (for example, depreciation per operating units or by
book). By selecting the values to be compared, a full color coded chart is generated, which provides an at-a-
glance depiction of financial data.
To use Asset Management reporting options, you must have:
The online reporting option is established at the business unit/book definition level. You must have
enabled this option for each business unit and each book that is associated with that business unit for
which you want to view online inquiries with drill down capability.
• Established ChartFields.
Report suffix is appended to the run control ID for a report and defaults to a ChartField order. If
additional ChartFields are to be defined, the new ChartFields must be included.
Online reporting enables users to view details of costs and depreciation from high level summary views to
the lowest reporting level available for reporting periods. Once you have defined the drill down fields,
you can view the details in finer granularity.
452 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Using Asset Management Reporting Options
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing PeopleSoft
Asset Management Business Units"
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining and Using ChartFields"
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
Processing," Setting Up Reporting Options
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 453
Using Asset Management Reporting Options Chapter 21
Report Fields Format RPT_FMT_TMPL2_SBP Click the Update/Add RF Update or add new report
Template Template link in the Report field format templates.
Print Options group box.
Access the run control page for the report to be formatted with user-defined parameters and expand the
Report Print Options group box.
Note. Not all Asset Management reports are enabled with the flexible report format template feature.
454 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Using Asset Management Reporting Options
Report By Select from the valid Report By values by which data is to be reported for this
report type. For example, the report may use ChartFields and the information in
the report can be presented by any ChartField value. If you select DEPTID, the
data is grouped by department ID. If you select ACCOUNT, the same
information is retrieved but is grouped by account. The purpose or audience for
your report drives your selection.
CF Template ID Select the template ID for this report from the saved templates by clicking the
(ChartField Template ID) drop down arrow. Click theUpdate/Add CF Template link to go to the ChartField
Format Template page where you can add a new template or update an existing
template. The template contains the report format you have defined. For example,
perhaps you need a list of departments and expense totals for a period. You can
limit your report to include only the relevant fields for your task and save the
selected options as a template for future use.
Note. To add a new CF template ID, the CF Template ID field must be blank
before you select the Update/Add CF Template link.
RF Template ID (Report Select the RF template ID for this report from the saved templates by clicking the
Fields Template ID) drop down arrow. Click theUpdate/Add RF Template link to go to the Report
Fields Format Template page where you can add a new template or update an
existing template. This template contains the format you have defined for the
report fields. Select which fields to include in your report, such as Cost Balance,
Current Depreciation, and so on. You can override the field label as well.
Note. To add a new RF template ID, the RF Template ID field must be blank
before you select the Update/Add RF Template link.
Title Override Enter the title for the report. This field enables you to enter a meaningful report
title for this run of the report. If you do not enter a title, the system selects a
default value from the string table value of the technical value for the report.
Instead, it is useful to name your report based on the current reason, date, or
requester for the report.
Amount Length Enter the maximum number of spaces that are required for the Amount fields to
display. The default is 23 digits.
Update/Add CF Click this link to update or add a new ChartField format template.
Update/Add RF Click this link to update or add a new report fields format template.
Access the ChartField Format Template page (click the Update/Add CF Template link in the Report Print
Options group box. of the report run control page).
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 455
Using Asset Management Reporting Options Chapter 21
Select the ChartFields to include within the report, the display order and length, a label override and which
subtotals to print. You can also select to delete a template by clicking the Delete Template link.
Access the Report Field Format Template page (click the Update/Add RF Template link in the Report Print
Options group box. of the report run control page).
456 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Using Asset Management Reporting Options
Select the report fields to include within the report and override the labels if necessary.
RF Template ID (report Enter a template name and click the Add Template link.
fields template ID)
Add Template Click this link to add a new report format template after entering a template name
in the field. Once clicked, the report fields appear on the page from which to
select. This link is replaced by the Delete Template link after you have defined a
See Also
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 457
Using Asset Management Reporting Options Chapter 21
Access the Cost and Depreciation page (Asset Management, Financial Reports, Cost and Depreciation
458 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Using Asset Management Reporting Options
Selection Criteria
Period Enter the period when the expected data is of high volume and selection criteria
is entered. If you leave the field blank, all periods display after performing your
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 459
Using Asset Management Reporting Options Chapter 21
Group Type This field is used only when the business unit/book name uses group assets. If
group assets is not defined at the installation level, Group Type will not display.
Select Group Asset,Group Member, or None.
Select any secondary criteria to further narrow the report results. The available options reflect the
ChartFields, asset category, asset profile ID, and cost type.
After you have entered the selection criteria and performed the search, the resulting data is summarized by
period. You can now drill down on any asset to the lowest level of data that can be viewed. This option is set
when you create the group ID definition. Drill down enables bidirectional summary data, so that you can drill
down and go back to a previous level of data. The system displays breadcrumbs to manage your drill down
Net book value includes period depreciation, year-to-date (YTD) depreciation, LTD depreciation, cost,
salvage value and net book value.
Includes special depreciation, accelerated depreciation, increase depreciation, standard depreciation, and
initial depreciation.
• ChartFields
Includes ChartFields that are available for drill down when the All Assets option is selected.
• Other Information
Includes profile ID, location, fixed asset account, and accumulated depreciation account when the All
Assets option is selected.
Depreciation Activity
Note. When the group type Group Member is selected, depreciation activity is hidden.
Cost Activity
Cost activity includes cost addition, adjustment, transfer, re-categorization, retirement, and reinstatement.
460 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Using Asset Management Reporting Options
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 461
Using Asset Management Reporting Options Chapter 21
The Selection Criteria page defines the parameters for the chart. Values are derived to compare business
units, books, ChartFields, and totals for cost, accumulated depreciation, and net book value, and are depicted
in the resulting chart.
Compare Data
Compare Select the values you want to compare in the chart. For example, if business unit
is selected, you must select the business units to compare. The chart depicts the
comparison between the business unit values that you enter.
462 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Using Asset Management Reporting Options
Cost,Accumulated Depr Select the summary totals to be compared. For example, to create a what-if
(accumulated scenario of business units for Germany and France operations, select
depreciation), Net Book Accumulated Depr to compare that value for each business unit. You must select
Value at least one summary total to compare or any combination of the three.
Note. When using reporting functions that report multiple currencies, the
comparison is always reported in the frombusiness unit currency.
Chart Type Select the type of chart you want to assemble. The valid choices are 2-D
Horizontal Bar or Stacked Bar.
When you have selected all the appropriate criteria, gather the data by clicking the Searchbutton. The data
summary totals display, with one row for each fiscal year requested and one column for each field and value
selected. Before you can view the chart, you must press the Generate Chart button.
The chart image displays automatically on a second page tab. A legend is included in the chart for each color-
coded bar in the chart. A summary of the chart totals displays in the Chart Creation Data group box.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 463
Using Asset Management Reporting Options Chapter 21
464 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 22
PeopleSoft delivers several self-service web components as templates. You can use the PeopleTools
Application Designer to modify these Web components just as you would any application components.
Component Description
Asset Transfer Request An employee can create and submit a request to indicate
an asset has been lost, stolen, inappropriately assigned,
or relocated to another department.
Asset Transfer Approval A manager can approve, deny, or hold an asset transfer
request that is submitted by an employee.
The information displayed in these pages derives directly from the tables in Asset Management.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 465
Using Asset Management Self Service Web Components Chapter 22
The user profile that is created for each individual who accesses the self-service web application determines
the pages the user can access. Create user profiles in the User Profiles - General page within the User Profile
component. Assign a role to each user profile and link roles to permission lists. Each permission list identifies
the pages that individuals assigned to a role can access. To modify the access for specific web pages for each
role, modify the permission list for the user's role.
Note. If a permission list is modified, it changes the access for all users who are assigned to roles to which the
permission list is linked.
Use the user profile to define to which data the user has access. For example, you can associate the user
profile for an employee with a specific employee ID. When employees sign on to the self-service web
application, they only receive access to asset management information for the employee that is assigned to
that employee ID. As another example, you can associate the user profile for a manager with a specific
employee ID. The manager receives access to asset management information for assets to which they are
See Also
• Employees
• Managers
PeopleSoft delivers definitions for each of these roles. You assign permission lists to each role.
Employees have access to self-service web pages where they can perform the following tasks:
Managers have access to self-service web pages where they can perform the following tasks:
See Also
466 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 22 Using Asset Management Self Service Web Components
To use employee and manager data, you must also transfer data from the Human Resources database to the
Financials database. When using Human Capital Management applications, the system uses application
messaging to retrieve data from the Human Capital Management tables to the Financials tables. The
application messages that provide the data needed for Asset Management Self Service web components are
Additionally, you must define user or employee IDs, user profiles, roles, and permission lists.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing PeopleSoft
Asset Management Business Units"
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
Note. Approvals on the self-service web application pages do not automatically generate transactions in Asset
Management. An email or a work list is sent to a corresponding employee to enter the action manually in
Asset Management.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 467
Using Asset Management Self Service Web Components Chapter 22
Asset Information AM_MY_ASSET_DETAIL Click the Asset link on the Employees and managers
My Assets page view asset detail
information and submit
asset transfer requests.
Asset Transfer Request AM_MY_ASSET_RQST1 Click the Transfer button on Employees submit an Asset
the My Assets page Transfer Request to a
manager. The Asset
Transfer Request displays
asset detail and transfer
request information.
My Assets page
Employees view a list of assets that are assigned to them, access asset detail information, and submit asset
transfer requests
468 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23
Note. You must have established the correct international options at implementation to display and use these
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Getting Started with
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals"
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing PeopleSoft
Asset Management Business Units"
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 469
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
PeopleSoft Asset Management provides the options to identify assets for and calculate deductions of
expenditures on assets for research and development (R&D) based on aggregate values.
The system provides options to manage Australian tax credit allowances related to capital investment projects
that include provisions for rebates (often referred to as credits).
The system provides the options to track and report on the usage of assets requiring changes in creditable
purpose (CCP), assets that may be subject to goods and services tax (GST) or value-added tax (VAT), and
capital gains taxes (CGT).
The system provides the functionality to perform "net-method" asset revaluation in accordance with
Australian accounting standards (AASB1010 and AASB1041), which require crediting to related asset
accounts the balance of accumulated depreciation at the date on which an asset is revalued.
PeopleSoft Asset Management enables you to calculate depreciation for tax purposes in Canada under the
terms of the Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) Reporting. In Canada, all depreciation is calculated on the pool
or class of assets by using the rate that is prescribed by the Income Tax Act.
The CCA calculation consists of several components. To calculate CCA, the undepreciated capital cost
(UCC) of assets at the beginning of the taxation year is determined, and acquisitions and dispositions during
the year are added and subtracted to obtain the balance that can be depreciated. A percentage depreciation and
CCA rate is applied to this UCC balance to determine the maximum amount that can be claimed. The CCA
that is claimed is deducted from the beginning UCC to calculate the UCC at the end of the year. The final
balance is used at the beginning of the following year.
PeopleSoft Asset Management supports the specialized derogatory depreciation methods commonly used in
The system provides the reporting features necessary to track and report the French business tax at the asset
book level and the asset profile level.
PeopleSoft Asset Management supports commonly used practices in Germany, including Staffel depreciation,
a half-year prorate convention, geometric digressive depreciation, a parameter-driven automatic retirement
process, and management of capitalization limits for low-value assets. In addition, PeopleSoft Asset
Management provides reports to meet German statutory requirements.
470 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
PeopleSoft Asset Management provides asset processing features that correspond to the tax reporting
requirements established by the Indian Tax Depreciation Act of 1961. This local standard requires that assets
are grouped within a defined tax block. Currently India identifies four asset tax blocks: buildings, furniture
and fixtures, machinery and plant, and intangibles. Each block of assets is further assigned a tax groupor
class, and each class maintains an individual tax rate. The Indian tax year is a fixed fiscal calendar starting
April 1 and ending March 31. Tax depreciation is reported annually at the fiscal year to the tax authority per
asset block.
The system takes into account the rules regarding the treatment of capital and operating leases by enabling
you to designate them.
The system provides the Straight Line Percent depreciation method for India, which calculates depreciation
based on rates, and useful life is calculated on cost, salvage value, and depreciation rate combined.
The system provides the India Asset Tax Register, which reports all booked transactions to show the cost,
depreciation, and net book value of assets, as well as tax depreciation reporting options.
PeopleSoft Asset Management enables you to produce a fixed-asset book, required by Italian regulations
(article 16, D.P.R. 600/73), to record information regarding depreciable fixed assets. The fixed-asset book
lists information that is relevant to fixed assets, including the date of purchase, original cost, accumulated
depreciation (beginning of year balance), depreciation rate, year-to-date (YTD) depreciation (current year
activity), retirement and disposal information, ending balance, and any revaluation and devaluation
information in a particular fiscal year for either the economic or fiscal book. Most Italian business entities use
an economic book to record depreciation that is not subject to fiscal constraints and a fiscal book to record
specific rules and depreciation methods that are regulated by fiscal authorities.
PeopleSoft Asset Management supports commonly used practices in Japan, including depreciation methods
for fixed and leased assets, composite depreciation, and collateral assets. In addition, PeopleSoft Asset
Management provides reports to satisfy tax reporting requirements.
Before you can perform some of the functions discussed in this chapter, you must have already performed
some or all of the following country-specific tasks:
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 471
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
Country Task
VAT countries Set up the appropriate value-added-tax (VAT) defaults and reporting
options, and associate these defaults and options with business units or
VAT-driven entities.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals
9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing PeopleSoft Asset Management
Business Units," Defining VAT Defaults.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1
PeopleBook, "Working with VAT."
(AUS) Australia
472 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
Country Task
Before processing asset revaluations, ensure • Select the Create Accounting Entries check box for the accounting
that these conditions have been set up for book that you are using on the Business Unit/Book Definition
Australia: page in the Asset Management Business Unit Definition
(CAN) Canada
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 473
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
Country Task
Set up the following conditions to calculate • Set up or modify CCA tax classes on the Tax Class page and
CCA reporting for Canada: specify the CCA percentage rate.
• On the Asset Book Definition - Book Tax page, select the tax
guideline class that reflects the CCA tax class to which the asset
(FRA) France
Set up the following conditions for France: • Establish your statutory book in the Business Unit/Book definition
(DEU) Germany
Set up the following tables to process tax and • Establish capitalization limit codes for low-value assets.
depreciation for Germany:
• Create a user-defined Staffel depreciation method.
(IND) India
474 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
Country Task
• Tax classes
Set up or modify India tax classes on the Tax Class page and
specify the asset block and the tax percentage rate.
Tax class is used to define tax rates by group for processing tax
and depreciation in India. The tax group is a subcategory of the
tax block in India.
• Tax/report entities
(JPN) Japan
Set up the following tables to process tax and Set up the overall options for user preferences
depreciation for Japan: (OPR_DEF_TABLE_FS1) in the Common Definitions component:
Set the Localization Country value to JPN (Japan), which enables the
JPN Info (Japan information) link in the Define Business Units
component for Asset Management.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals
9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing PeopleSoft Asset Management
Business Units."
• Calculate CGT.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 475
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
General Information ASSET_GENERAL_01 Asset Management, Asset Add asset basic information
Transactions, Owned manually, or add or change
Assets, Basic Add, General existing asset information.
Information Also access the Set R&D
Info page.
Asset R&D Information ASSET_RD_SP Click the Set R and D Info Enter information about
(asset research and link from the General R&D assets. For Australian
development information) Information page or from customers, use this page for
the Asset Additional tax reporting purposes. For
Information section on the others, this page is
Cost/Asset Information informational only.
page in ExpressAdd.
Tax Information ASSET_ENTRY_02 Asset Management, Owned Specify property type and
Assets, ExpressAdd, Tax tax depreciation criteria to
Information identify which investment
credits are taken for the
current asset. If the fields on
this page are unavailable,
you are working with a
book that was not set up as
a tax book.
RD Deductions - AUS RUN_AMTX10AU Asset Management, Taxes, Run a report to view the
(research and development Reports, RD Deductions - number of R&D
deductions - Australia) AUS concessions that can be
476 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
Tax Credits - AUS RUN_AMTX20AU Asset Management, Taxes, Run the Tax Credit
Reports, Tax Credits - AUS Allowance Structured
Query Report (SQR) to
produce a report of total tax
credits by business units.
Australia CCP Report RUN_AMTX30AU Asset Management, Taxes, Report the apportionment of
(Australia changes in Reports, Tax CCP recoverable versus
creditable purpose report) nonrecoverable VAT on
Access the Asset Unit Aggregate RD - AUS page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset
Management, Taxes, Asset Unit Aggregate RD - AUS, Asset Unit Aggregate RD - AUS).
To calculate the amount of deductions that it is possible to claim, enter the aggregate R&D amount for each
fiscal year. Enter the fiscal year, expenditure, and description for the business unit.
Access the Asset Profile - Definition page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset
Management, Profiles, Asset Profiles, Definition.) Asset profiles that are defined with R&D options that are
selected indicate that all assets that are added to your system by using this profile are used for R&D and are
entitled to R&D tax concessions.
R and D Plant Asset Select if this asset is used for R&D and is entitled to R&D tax concessions.
(research and
development plant asset)
R and D Start Date Enter the date on which the asset was first used exclusively for R&D. If you
(research and leave this field blank, the in-service date from the business unit's tax book is used
development start date) as the start date. The start date determines the first year in which you can claim
R&D concessions.
Use NBV for R and D Select if you want to base the R&D concessions calculation on the net book value
(use net book value for of the asset (at the R&D start date) instead of the book cost. This is useful when
research and an asset previously being depreciated as a non-R&D asset subsequently becomes
development) eligible for R&D concessions.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 477
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
Assets that are added to your system through either the Basic Add- General Information page or the
ExpressAdd-Cost/Asset Information page with R&D options selected identify that the asset is used for R&D
and therefore entitled to R&D tax concessions.
Access the Asset R&D Information page (Asset Management, Asset Transactions, Owned Assets, Basic Add,
General Information, Set R&D Info, Asset R&D Information page).
R and D Plant (research Select if you want to identify the asset as specifically allocated for R&D.
and development plant)
R and D Start Date Enter the R&D start date for this asset.
(research and
development start date)
Use NBV (use net book Select if appropriate for your tax reporting purposes. Click the OK button to
value) return to the Asset Information or Cost/Asset Information page.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Depreciation
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Tax
Processing and Tax Reporting"
Tax credit cost basis = book cost x basis reduction rate (%)
• Set up your own credit tables or modify the existing tables on the Tax Credits page.
The status enables you to classify assets when reporting credits. Use the Tax Credit Status page to enter or
modify a tax credit status.
478 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
Use the Asset Profiles, Asset Book Definition, or Asset ExpressAdd component.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Tax
Processing and Tax Reporting," Defining Tax Credits.
Tax credits are entered against an asset in the Asset Book Definition or Asset ExpressAdd component, or at
the asset profile level by using the Asset Profile Tax Credits page. You can enter tax credits against leased
assets by using the Asset Book Definition page after the asset has been entered through Leased Asset Entry.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing
PeopleSoft Asset Management Business Units," Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Business Units.
The Tax Credit Options region on the Tax page (PROFILE_BK_03) of the Asset Profiles component
provides you with the options to identify which investment credits are taken for a selected asset. You must
specify the tax criteria before you can enter tax credits.
After you enter the tax credit code, PeopleSoft Asset Management retrieves the percentage figures that are
specified for the tax credit and calculates the computation amount using the following formula:
Book cost x basis reduction percentage = amount qualifying for the tax credit
The sum of all tax credits that are defined in the current book appears in the Tax Credit field. The total tax
credit amount is updated each time that you change tax credit information.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
Processing," Setting Up Asset Profiles.
The Asset ExpressAdd component enables you to identify which investment credits are taken for a selected
asset from the Tax Credit Options region on the Tax Information page (ASSET_ENTRY_02). You must
specify the tax criteria before you can enter tax credits.
Access the Tax Credit Options group box on the Tax Information page.
Enter the tax credit code. You can optionally enter a tax credit status.
After you enter the tax credit code, PeopleSoft Asset Management retrieves the percentage figures that are
specified for the tax credit and calculates the computation amount by using the following formula:
Book costx basis reduction percentage = amount qualifying for the tax credit
The sum of all tax credits that are defined in the current book appears in the Tax Credit field. The total tax
credit amount is updated each time that you change tax credit information.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 479
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
If you change the cost information on the Cost/Asset Information page of the Asset ExpressAdd component
after you have entered tax credits, click the Calculate Credit button to recalculate the amount of the credits.
This reloads the percentage figures from the Tax Credit table and then recalculates the amounts for all tax
credits that are defined for the current asset.
See Chapter 5, "Adding and Maintaining Assets," Adding Assets with the Asset ExpressAdd Component,
page 100.
To track the apportionment of GST that is relevant to an asset, four fields are passed to Asset Management
from Payables using the Run Load Assets process (INTFAPAM):
• Asset ID
• Merchandise Amount
• Total VAT
Payables validates the information that you entered on the invoice before passing it to Asset Management.
Note. The invoice information must be validated in PeopleSoft Payables before it is passed to PeopleSoft
Asset Management. Invoice information cannot be rejected once it has reached PeopleSoft Asset
480 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Payables 9.1 PeopleBook, "Processing Value Added Tax (VAT) in PeopleSoft
You can enter GST information directly into Asset Management when entering an asset online through the
Asset Basic Information component. Use the Tax link on the Asset Acquisition Detail page to enter tax
amounts that are charged to the asset.
Changes in CCP are recorded on the same page that you use to enter an asset's GST amounts manually and to
designate recoverable and nonrecoverable amounts. When changing the usage percentage of an existing asset,
select the transaction type Adjustment rather than Addition; otherwise, the entry process is the same.
When working in a business unit that is identified for Australia, the Calculate Last Date of Review button
appears on the Asset Information page. Select a schedule type code, and click the Calculate Last Date of
Review button to generate the last date of mandatory review for the asset. The last date of mandatory review
is stored on the Asset Basic Information page.
See Also
Chapter 5, "Adding and Maintaining Assets," Adding and Maintaining Asset Information, page 48
Access the Australia CCP Report page (RUN_AMTX30AU) to generate the report.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 481
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
Calculating CGT
CGT legislation in Australia requires payment of tax on certain capital gains that are realized at the time of an
asset's sale, net of inflation, of all components of the cost basis. Tax deductions can also be realized in certain
circumstances for losses. PeopleSoft Asset Management provides pages on which you designate the
applicability of a gain or loss calculation for specific assets or for all of the assets in a book. When an asset on
which gain or loss has been designated as applicable is retired, the system calculates the gain or loss and
stores the results for later reporting. The gain or loss calculation is split into an assessable gain or loss and a
capital gain or loss amount.
There are multiple components where you can indicate that an asset is CGT-applicable if you want the capital
gain or loss calculated for an asset upon retirement:
• Asset Book Definition - Book Tax page (if the CGT calculation is applicable for assets on a book level).
• Asset Profile.
• ExpressAdd.
To be prompted to identify an asset as CGT-applicable, you must associate the book for the asset with the
country (Australia) on the Asset Book Definition page.
If CGT is applicable for this asset, select the CGT Applicable check box on any of these pages.
Run the Australian Retirements reports to view the results of CGT-applicable assets. Use these calculations:
Capital gain or loss = asset proceeds – indexed revalued amount or original price – removal amount
Assessable gain/loss = asset proceeds or original price – net book value – removal amount
These calculations use existing indexing tables containing local consumer price indexes (CPI). A logical
extension of this calculation is to determine the actual amount of tax to be paid, or in the case of a loss, the
tax credit that you can later net against a future capital gain.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
Processing," Setting Up Asset Profiles
Calculation of CGT
Here are the elements that are used in the calculation of a capital gain or capital loss on the disposal of an
• The cost base of the asset, which is used to determine the amount of a capital gain if the disposal of the
asset occurs within 12 months of the taxpayer's acquisition of the asset.
482 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
• The indexed cost base of the asset, which is used to calculate the amount of a capital gain if the taxpayer
disposes of the asset 12 months or more after the date of its acquisition.
• The reduced cost base of the asset, which is used to calculate the amount of a capital loss that arises on the
disposal of the asset.
Using the Asset Retirements page, you can view the CGT that is calculated upon retirement for each asset by
Processing Revaluations
The net method of revaluation cannot be run from the Revaluation worksheet. You must use the process
described here.
• Run the Australian Revaluation process (AMAUSCAL) from Asset Management, Asset Transactions,
Financial Transactions, Revaluation in Mass
• Select the net method as the revaluation method, define the run control parameters and click the Run
button on the Process request page.
If you select the Include Current Period Depr (include current period depreciation) option, the process
includes the depreciation in the revaluation accounting entries.
Note. Not all of the parameters that are normally available from the run control page are available for
this revaluation method.
The process updates the Financial Loader table (PS_INTFC_FIN) with four rows for each asset
included in the process request: one for retirement (RET) with the total cost, one for reinstatement
(REI) with the total cost, one for an adjustment (ADJ) reflecting the difference between the original
cost and the cost calculated with revaluation parameters, and one for book change (BKS).
• (Optional) Preview the data in the Financial Loader table by using an online page.
• Run the Transaction Loader process (AMIF1000) to load the retirement transactions that are created by
• Run the Depreciation Calculation process (AM_DEPR_CALC) to account for the retirement transactions.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 483
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
• Run Transaction Loader (AMIF1000) to load the reinstatement transactions that are created by the
• Run the Revaluation Australia process (AMAUSUPD) to update depreciation and distribution status for
retirement and reinstatement transactions.
• Run Transaction Loader (AMIF1000) to load the adjustment transactions that are created by the
• Run Transaction Loader (AMIF1000) to load the adjustment transactions created by the revaluation.
• Run the Depreciation Calculation process (AM_DEPR_CALC) to account for the book change
• Run the Accounting Entry Creation process (AM_AMAEDIST) to generate accounting entries.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Integrating PeopleSoft
Asset Management with Other Products," Previewing Data in the Loader Tables
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Integrating PeopleSoft
Asset Management with Other Products," Running the Transaction Loader
Chapter 8, "Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets," Revaluing Assets In Mass, page 203
Chapter 18, "Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Accounting Entries," page 355
484 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
CCA Year End Updates AMCCAUPD_RQST Asset Management, Taxes, Run the CCA Year End
(capital cost allowance year Update CCA, Update CCA Updates process
end updates) Year End (AMCCAUPD_RQST) to
extract the components
necessary for CCA
calculation, and populate
This process uses the
extracted data to calculate
all CCA amounts that are
required by the CCA report.
CCA Yr End - Canada Rpt RUN_AMTX10CA Asset Management, Create the Revenue Canada
(capital cost allowance year RUN_AM_TX11CA Financial Reports, Year End report. Also
end - Canada report) Accounting Entries, CCA generate the CCA Year End
Year End CAN Extract report.
• Set up or modify CCA tax classes on the Tax Class page, and specify the CCA percentage rate.
Asset pools or classes and CCA rates are set by governmental regulations. In the year that assets are
acquired, 50 percent of the normal rate should be used. The value that you enter for an asset tax class for
the CCA rate percent is used later when you run a process to calculate the CCA rate.
• On the Asset Book Definition - Book Tax page, select the tax guideline class that reflects the CCA tax
class to which the asset belongs.
• For each reporting fiscal year, associate a CCA UCC beginning year value with a CCA tax class.
• Run the CCA Year End Update process that extracts the data that is necessary for CCA calculation,
populates the CCA_YR_END_TBL table, and calculates all amounts that are required by the CCA report.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 485
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Tax
Processing and Tax Reporting," (CAN, IND, and USA) Defining and Maintaining Tax Classes
Enter the business unit, CCA book name, and applicable fiscal year. Select a process frequency. This process
is iterative. Run it as many times as necessary to complete CCA reporting. To run the process for multiple
business units, leave the Unit field blank.
The CCA Year End Update process populates the CCA_YEAR_END_TBL table with these values:
Book Adjustments
• Revalue assets.
486 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
Business Tax Report RUN_AMBT1000 Asset Management, Taxes, Run the Business Tax report
Reports, Business Tax or the Business Tax by
Alternate Account report.
2054 2055 Reports EU_AM_RUNCNTRL Asset Management, Taxes, Obtain information on the
Reports, Statutory Report asset, its cost and net book
2054/2055 value, and all transactions
that occurred in the
specified reporting year,
including depreciation and
yearly depreciation.
• Define asset profiles as business tax applicable by selecting the Business Tax check box in the Asset
Profile component.
• Define asset books as business tax applicable by selecting the Business Tax check box in the Asset Book
Definition component.
• Run the Business Tax reports: Business Tax by Account or Business Tax by Alternate Account.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
Processing," Setting Up Asset Profiles
Chapter 5, "Adding and Maintaining Assets," Maintaining Asset Book Information, page 89
• Set up rates for use with the derogatory method by using the Depreciation Rate - User Defined page in the
Establishing Asset Processing component.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 487
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
In the statutory book, select France Derogatory Balance as the depreciation method.
By setting up the appropriate accounting entry information using an accounting entry template, you can
generate accounting entries and see the difference between depreciation that is reflected in the economic book
and the statutory book.
• Define the economic and statutory books at the business unit level.
Select the Derogatory Depreciation check box on the Business Unit/Book Definition page for the statutory
• Add assets.
Identification of derogatory depreciation processing is defined at the business unit or book level.
• Select the Derogatory Accounting entries check box when setting the accounting entry template ID
Derogatory to define the accounting treatment for derogatory depreciation.
• Review accounting entries for each book in the Asset Accounting Entries component.
The pages in this component provide the accounting date, transaction type, account, and amount of each
• Run the French Net Book Value by Account report (AMFR2120) on the Report - Asset Net Book Value
• After you specify parameters for the report and click the Run button, select the French Net Book Value by
Account check box from the process list that appears.
• Run the French Net Book Value by Alternate Account report (AMFR2121) on the Report - Alt Acct
Activity Detail page.
• After you specify parameters for the report and click the Run button, select the French Net Book Value by
Alternate Account check box from the process list that appears.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing PeopleSoft
Asset Management Business Units"
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Accounting
Entry and Financial Processing for PeopleSoft Asset Management," Defining Accounting Entries
488 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
Revaluing Assets
PeopleSoft Asset Management enables you to revalue assets as a whole by using an Application Engine
process. You can also revalue one or more assets at one time using the Revaluation Worksheet page. The
system enables you to track and report on the revalued amount separately.
Distribution types to support accounting entries for asset revaluation are available. When setting up
accounting entry templates, you can use the Derogatory accounting entry template ID and select Asset
Adjustments and Transfers. In the Accounting Entries column, Asset Management provides two entries:
Provision for Revaluation and Reversal of Depreciation.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Accounting
Entry and Financial Processing for PeopleSoft Asset Management," Defining Accounting Entries
Chapter 8, "Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets," Revaluing Assets In Mass, page 203
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 489
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
Load History Report Table LOAD_AM_HIST_TBL Asset Management, Run one of two SQR
Reports, Load Reporting processes that load asset
Tables, Load Asset History data into tables where it can
Table be used for reports.
process loads
depreciation history
data into a table where
it can be used to run the
Depreciation History
process loads asset
history data into a table
where it can be used by
Asset History reports.
490 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
Asset History Reports RUN_AMDE1000 Asset Management, Run the Asset History Sheet
Reports, Owned Assets, reports that are attached to
Asset History Sheet annual balance sheets and
provide information about
the history of an asset and
its transactions.
The first Staffel method is for domestic buildings that are used by an organization for non-habitational
purposes (for example, production buildings within Germany) and where the request to build was submitted
to the local construction authorities after March 31, 1985, but before February 28, 1989:
Year Percentage
Non-habitational buildings that do not fulfill the preceding criteria are depreciated according to this criteria:
Year Percentage
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 491
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
Year Percentage
Exceptions (all buildings that are used for habitational use and where the request to build was submitted to
local construction authorities after February 28, 1989) are depreciated according to this criteria:
Year Percentage
Depreciation periods in Germany are based on calendar years (January 1 – December 31). Because not all
buildings are completed or purchased on January 1, if you activate an asset in a different month, you must
prorate the depreciation for the first year, including the month of asset addition. For example, the depreciation
amount for the first year is 36,000 EU if activated on January 1. But if the asset was activated on August 12,
the depreciation amount for the first year is 15,000 EU, reflecting the months August through December.
Also, you must prorate the depreciation in the year of asset retirement (or sale) excluding the month in which
it is retired. For example, the depreciation for the last year is 60,000 EU if the asset is retired at the end of the
year. But if the asset was retired or sold on August 12, then the depreciation amount must be adjusted to
35,000 EU, reflecting the months January through July.
To calculate depreciation by using the Staffel method, you can create a user-defined depreciation method for
this formula. For example, in this case:
To create a Staffel user-defined depreciation method, use the User-Defined Method page. Enter a description
for the method ID.
You must define the following four variables to create a Staffel user-defined depreciation method:
492 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
This provides the number of periods for the year to be depreciated / total periods for the year, for example, 6 /
12 for the first year.
Finally, to calculate the depreciation proration for the first year and the year of retirement, specify the
following in the formula:
Depreciation=Result B x Result C
See Also
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Depreciation
Processing," Setting Up Depreciation Conventions
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 493
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
See Also
Appendix B, "Understanding Depreciation Calculations," Declining Balance with Depreciation Limit, page
Access the Capitalization Limit Cd page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset
Management, Financials, Capitalization Limits, Capitalization Limits).
After you have set up the necessary capitalization limits, select Table Lim (table limit) and the correct code as
the capitalization limit method on the Business Unit/Book Definition page in the Establish Business Units -
Asset Management Definition component.
When you add assets to that business unit and book combination, Asset Management checks the capitalization
limits against the amounts that are stored by code in the capitalization limit table.
PeopleSoft Asset Management provides the PROGWG asset profile that is defined with depreciation
attributes that are appropriate for German low-value asset processing. These include depreciation using the
straight-line method and a useful life of 12 periods. Also, Asset Management provides the German First Day
Last Period depreciation convention that you can use to generate one accounting entry for the annual
depreciation for a low-value asset.
Low-value assets can be retired in mass using the Auto-Retire feature to satisfy the requirement that low-
value assets be fully depreciated and retired after the first year of service.
494 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing PeopleSoft
Asset Management Business Units," Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Business Units
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Accounting
Entry and Financial Processing for PeopleSoft Asset Management," Setting Up Capitalization Limits
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Depreciation
Processing," Setting Up Depreciation Conventions
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
Processing," Setting Up Asset Profiles
PeopleSoft Asset Management supports special depreciation methods that are used in Germany, such as
accelerated depreciation, by enabling you to define special terms and associate them at the asset and book
After you have defined special terms, associate them with an asset or book by selecting the Special
Depreciation check box on the Depreciation Information page in the Asset ExpressAdd component.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 495
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Depreciation
To meet these requirements, PeopleSoft Asset Management allows for the grouping of assets by asset blocks
for accumulating and reporting depreciation and taxes. Each asset block can have as many depreciation rates
associated with it as necessary to delineate Indian tax groups. To meet reporting requirements, a tax entity is
defined, associated with a specific book, and has as many business units and asset books associated with it as
The Straight Line Percent method of depreciation in PeopleSoft Asset Management uses the asset useful life
to calculate the depreciation rate. India calculates useful life based on the depreciation rate guidelines
published by the governmental finance authority. The rates established depreciate 95 percent of the cost over
the useful life of the asset, at minimum: accelerated depreciation is allowed. India calculates depreciation
based on the rates rather than useful life. In addition, these rates also consider the residual or salvage value at
the end of the asset useful life. To determine useful life of an asset in India, the straight line percent method
multiplies the depreciation rate by cost and this results in the useful life. Further, there are two different ways
to calculate depreciation adjustments under the Indian Straight Line Percent method: remaining value and
life-to-date. All transactions use an actual day (AD) convention for calculating depreciation. Assets are
depreciated when they are placed in service. Processing for leased assets is included.
During the end-of-year processing of depreciation and taxes for India, assets are grouped into blocks based on
the tax entity and asset profile definition in place for the asset. The opening written down value (WDV) is
retrieved from the prior year WDV for the corresponding tax entity, asset block, and rate.
Asset Management provides these reporting processes to manage Indian tax and depreciation requirements:
496 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
• Produce the Asset Register - India: Reports an historical record of assets over the fiscal year period.
• Produce the Depreciation Balance - IND report: Displays the calculated opening WDV balance and
reports depreciation during the year.
• Calculate and Update Depreciation Balance - IND processes: Calculates depreciation balances for India
and provides an online update of balances (depending on your setup options).
The system provides functionality to process operating and capital leases when manually specified.
Calculate Balances IND AM_DEPR_TAX Asset Management, Taxes, Calculate tax depreciation
Depreciation, Calculate balances for India.
Balances IND, Calculate
Balances IND
Tax Depr Bal (tax TAX_DEPR_BAL Asset Management, Taxes, Displays tax depreciation
depreciation balances) Depreciation, Update balance for India that you
Balances IND can update.
Depreciation Balance - IND TAX_DEPR_RQST Asset Management, Taxes, Generate tax depreciation
Reports, Depreciation balance report for the tax
Balance IND period.
1. To process depreciation for India, request the depreciation calculation process (AM_DEPR_CALC).
2. To calculate depreciation balances for India for the tax period, request the process to calculate balances
for India (AMTX2000).
3. To update depreciation balances for India for the tax period, request the process to update balances for
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 497
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
4. To review the asset register for India, request the assets register for India (AMDP2510).
Access the Calculate Balances IND page (Asset Management, Taxes, Depreciation, Calculate Balances IND,
Calculate Balances IND).
Tax/Reporting Entity Select the tax and reporting entity for this process. The available tax entities are
defined by the asset blocks, tax class tax rates, setID calendar, and business
unit/books that are associated with it.
Entity Book Select the entity book for this process. The entity book defines how to group the
tax or reporting information.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Tax
Processing and Tax Reporting," (IND) Defining Tax Entities and Tax Options.
Access the Tax Depr Bal page (Asset Management, Taxes, Depreciation, Update Balances IND).
498 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
If your setup options have enabled manual adjustments to depreciation balances, you can access calculated
balances and enter adjustments in the Manual Adjustment column. No recalculations are processed on the
basis of any manual adjustment entered, but the values are added to the WDV.
Access the Assets Register - IND page (Asset Management, Financial Reports, Cost and Depreciation, Assets
Register - IND, Assets Register - IND).
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 499
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
Selection Request Define the parameters for the asset register to report by business unit or report
Parameters entity. Complete these fields as dictated by your needs:
• Unit.
• Book.
• Report Entity.
• Entity Book.
• As of Fiscal Year.
Processing Rules
When calculating the annual tax depreciation balances, the following rules apply:
• Tax depreciation is calculated for each tax group per the tax group tax rate.
• Opening balance (WDV) is required for each tax group each year.
The opening balance in the conversion year is entered; in subsequent years, the opening balance is
processed by Asset Management and is equal to the ending balance of the previous year.
500 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
• Additions and adjustments for the fiscal year are lumped together.
However, these are subgrouped separately to include assets that have been in use for more than 180 days
and those that have been in use for less than 180 days. For assets in use for less than 180 days, only 50
percent of the normal depreciation rate is allowed (per Section 32).
To determine the assets that fall in the category of Additions/Adjustments more than 180 days, the system
calculates the difference between the fiscal year end date (March 31) and the in-service date for ADD and
ADJ transaction types. For additions less than 180 days, the system calculates the difference between the
year end (March 31) and the in-service date for ADD and ADJ transaction types. If the in-service date is in
the current year but the acquisition date is in prior years, the asset is depreciated at the regular rate rather
than at 50 percent of the prescribed rate.
• Proceeds for the assets sold during the year are calculated.
• A = Opening WDV/Balance.
Closing WDV=A-B+C+D-F
In case the entire tax block of assets ceases to exist (for example, all of the assets are sold or transferred), the
net income is taxed as short term capital gain. In this case, the opening WDV of all the tax groups in this
block becomes zero for the subsequent year.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Tax
Processing and Tax Reporting"
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 501
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
502 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
Many of the features for processing assets for Japan are dependent on the business unit information
definitions established at the business unit level. You must establish these business unit definitions in order to
complete processing for Japanese requirements.
Access the Business Unit Info for Japan page from the AM Business Unit Definition component (Set Up
Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Assets, Asset Management Definition, AM Business Unit
Definition), Click the JPN Info link.
Note. To enable the JPN Info link, you must set up the overall options for user preferences in the Common
Definitions component: Set the Localization Country value to JPN (Japan).Set Up Financials/Supply Chain,
Common Definitions, User Preferences, Define User Preferences, Overall Preferences.
Memorandum Amount Enter the memorandum amount at the end of the useful life of the asset as
and Currency required by the Japanese tax regulation (currently 1 JPY). This value can be
updated, as the law requires. This value is used in conjunction with the following
depreciation methods: J6 - Tangible Declining Balance, J7 - Tangible Straight
Line, and Japan Extended Straight Line. The memorandum amount reflects the
currency of the tax book for Japan as the default. For books that use one of the
aforementioned depreciation methods in a currency other than JPY, the
memorandum amount is translated to the respective book's currency. The
memorandum value is established for each asset business unit.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 503
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
Use JPN Local Tax (use Select if local tax reporting is enabled.
Japan local tax)
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing
PeopleSoft Asset Management Business Units," (JPN) Defining Business Unit Information for Japan.
The following steps are recommended when implementing Japanese tax reform changes:
1. Establish the memorandum amount on the Business Unit Info for Japan page.
2. Verify that the proper and most current depreciation rates, guaranteed rates, and revised rates are
represented on the Life and Rate information secondary page [MR_AM_LIFERATE].
3. Select the appropriate depreciation methods at the asset profile level or override them at the asset level.
4. Use the Extended Depreciation Worksheet to select the eligible assets for extended depreciation. As an
alternative to the Extended Depreciation Worksheet, you can extend depreciation manually, asset by asset,
from the Define Tax/Depr Book page.
5. Run the Transaction Loader process prior to calculating depreciation and closing. However, this step is
not necessary if you have manually extended depreciation from the Define Tax/Depr Book page.
504 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
Life and Rate Information MR_AM_LIFERATE Set Up Financials/Supply Set up useful life and
Chain, Product Related, depreciation rate tables.
Asset Management,
Depreciation, Rate-User
Defined, Life and Rate
Local Tax Return LTAX_ADD_INFO_SEC Asset Management, Asset Enter local tax information
Transactions, Owned when you acquire
Assets, Asset ExpressAdd depreciable fixed assets.
Asset Management, Asset
Transactions, Owned
Assets, Asset Basic Add
Criteria and Defaults MC_DEFN_01 Asset Management, Mass Use the Mass Change
Change, Define Criteria, component to process
Criteria and Defaults composite depreciation for
NBV - Assessment AMLTPROC_RQST Asset Management, Taxes, Run an SQR process to load
Calculation Calculate Local Taxes, asset data and calculate the
Calculate Amounts JPN theoretical net book value
and assessment value for
each asset.
Local Tax Information - LTAX_ADJ_01 Asset Management, Taxes, Change the theoretical net
Adjustment Calculate Local Taxes, book value and assessment
Adjust Amounts JPN value.
Local Tax Report RUN_LTAXPROCESS Asset Management, Taxes, Run local tax reports for
Reports, Local Tax Returns Japan.
Local Tax Information LTAX_COST_01 Asset Management, Taxes, Change the local tax office
Calculate Local Taxes, where the return is filed and
Change Local Tax JPN the asset return type.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 505
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
Fixed Assets
This table shows depreciation methods, the calculations used by the methods, and the types of assets to which
these methods are applied:
(J3) - Intangible/Straight Line Acquisition cost * straight line depreciation rate based
on useful life (years)
(J1) - Tangible/Straight Line (assets placed in service For assets placed in service prior to April 1, 2007:
prior to April 1, 2007)
(Acquisition cost − 10% of acquisition cost) * straight
(J7) - Tangible/Straight Line (assets placed in service line depreciation rate based on useful life (years).
April 1, 2007 and beyond) For assets placed in service on or after April 1, 2007:
Cost basis * straight line rate effective on or after April
1, 2007.
Note. The straight line rates are derived from the Life
and Rate Information page for the J7 depreciation
method. The final year's depreciation is the annual
depreciation amount less the memorandum value (no
salvage value).
506 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
(J2) - Tangible/Declining Balance (assets placed in For assets placed in service prior to April 1, 2007:
service prior to April 1, 2007)
Beginning net book value * declining balance
(J6) - Tangible/Declining Balance (assets placed in depreciation rate based on useful life (years)
service April 1, 2007 and beyond) For assets placed in service on or after April 1, 2007:
If (beginning net book value * declining balance
depreciation rate of 250 percent) < (beginning net book
value * guaranteed rate per Japanese law) then, switch
to straight line method using the revised rate.
Note. Guarantee rates and revised rates are derived from
the Life and Rate Information page for the J6
depreciation method. The final year's depreciation is the
annual depreciation amount less the memorandum value
(no salvage value).
(J5) - Change Declining Balance to Straight Line (Beginning net book value at method change – 10% of
acquisition cost) * straight line depreciation rate based
on useful life (years)
The only method to adapt the depreciation rate based on
useful life (years), this method is determined by
regulations instead of the rate based on useful life for
salvage year.
Extended Straight Line Depreciation This depreciation method is used for fully depreciated
assets under J1 and J2 methods that are subject to an
extended depreciation useful life of five years using a
Straight Line depreciation method starting from the first
period of the following fiscal year. The basis for this
extended depreciation is the original 5 percent salvage
value. There is no salvage value for the new round of
depreciation but the memorandum value is taken from
the business unit definition.
Depreciation Rate
PeopleSoft Asset Management supports useful life in years as specified for Japan. This is applied from the
Rate-User Defined table (UD_DEPR_RATE_TBL, MR_AM_LIFERATE) in the Depreciation Rate-User
Defined component. To apply the appropriate depreciation rates, use the delivered depreciation methods for
Japan or add new ones as needed.
Access the Depreciation Rate-User Defined page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset
Management, Depreciation, Rate-User Defined).
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 507
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
Select a setID and a depreciation method code matching the depreciation method to be used. Enter the
effective date, and click the Life and Rate Information button. The Life and Rate Information page displays.
Enter the useful life and corresponding rates as determined by regulations issued from the Ministry of
Finance. The Guarantee Rate and Revised Rate fields are only used in the J6 depreciation method.
Note. Useful Life rates also use the Residual Rate Definition.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up
Depreciation Processing."
Leased Assets
PeopleSoft Asset Management supports the Declining Balance Depreciation Method - Finance Lease
(excluding transfer of ownership) 10/9 method, which is calculated in this way:
508 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
Use the Depreciation Rate-User Defined - Life and Rate Information page to modify rates for the lease
depreciation method.
Example Values
This table shows the values used in an example using the Declining Balance Depreciation Method - Finance
Lease (excluding transfer of ownership) 10/9 method:
Using the values from the previous table and applying the Declining Balance Depreciation Method (J6) -
Finance Lease (excluding transfer of ownership) 10/9 method, the results are:
1 369,000 410,000
2 232,839 258,710
3 146,921 163,245
4 92,707 103,007
5 58,588 65,038
Select the example depreciation methods on the Book-Tax page in the Asset Book Definition component, the
Depreciation page in the Asset Profiles component, or the Depreciation Information page in the Asset
ExpressAdd component.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 509
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
Use the Extended Depreciation Worksheet to apply the extended depreciation calculation to assets after they
have reached the depreciation limit under the J1 and J2 depreciation methods. You can also identify assets
that qualify for the extended depreciation using the Extended Depreciation Worksheet.
Access the Extended Depreciation page (Asset Management, Depreciation, Processing, Extended
Enter the required fields Business Unit,Book Name, and Method to retrieve assets that are candidates for
extended depreciation (those assets depreciated using the J1 and J2 methods and are fully depreciated up to
95% of asset cost). You can also search by ChartField by clicking the ChartField Search Criteria link or use a
date range to retrieve assets whose original transaction dates fall within the given period.
510 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
The Transaction Information section relates to the information needed to perform the extension of the asset
useful life. It is applicable to the assets in the Results section. The Transaction Date should match the date
that depreciation resumes for extended depreciation. The Life End Date field shows the calculated date in
which the depreciation activity stops, including the additional period due to rounding down the remaining
Note. It is important to run the Depreciation Reporting Table load process (AMDPREPT) as a prerequisite to
retrieve fully depreciated assets from the Extended Depreciation page.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up
Depreciation Processing."
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 511
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
Increased NA NA Standard
amount * increased
depreciation rate
For the initial special depreciation and accelerated depreciation rate, specify the useful life in years and the
depreciation rate on the Depreciation Terms Definition page.
For the increased depreciation rate, enter the specific rate on the Depreciation Details page.
Expense Adds a cost line to the Corporate and Tax book for the
advanced depreciation amount and enters a negative (–)
cost as a compressed amount on the Asset/Cost Adjust
Transfer page.
Allowance Adds a cost line to the Corporate and Tax book for the
advanced depreciation amount and enters a negative (–)
cost as a compressed amount on the Asset Cost/Adjust
Transfer page.
You must select A (allowance) as the cost type.
Reserve Adds a cost line to the Corporate and Tax book for the
advanced depreciation amount and enters a negative (–)
cost as a compressed amount on the Asset Cost
Adjust/Transfer page.
You must selectR (reserve) as the reserve method.
512 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
When you adopt the advanced depreciation method by using the Allowance or Reserve method, you can
verify the allowance or reserve amount for the compressed amount by using the Advanced Depreciation
Amount of Advanced Depreciation Reversal Schedule report.
Note. To use the Composite Depreciation method for Japan, you must specify the Corporate and Tax book for
Japan and select Japan Composite when you establish asset management business units.
You can add composite depreciable assets and individual assets by using the Asset Basic Information page.
When you add composite depreciable assets, you must enter a profile ID, transaction date, and accounting
date, and then click the Capitalize button on the Asset Acquisition Details page. When you add individual
assets, you must enter the Reporting Lifein periods on the Asset Information page.
After adding composite depreciable assets and individual assets for composite assets, you must capitalize by
using the Mass Change template CC-JPN Capitalize Composite.
Calculating the Automatic Useful Life in Years for Composite Depreciable Assets
The total acquisition cost includes the acquisition cost of each composite member asset divided by its
respective useful life, calculating the depreciation amount for each composite member asset.
The acquisition costs of each composite member asset are then summed, and the total is divided by the
summed depreciation amounts for each composite member asset.
This table displays the depreciation values calculated to find the total depreciation for 20,000,000 of asset
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 513
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
When using this method, depreciable composite member assets are retired, and the book value is 5 percent of
the acquisition cost of each member asset retired.
Access the Mass Change page, and add the Mass Change Definition JPN Composite Retirement. Composite
member assets can be retired by using the mass change template CR-JPN Composite Retirement.
Enter the composite asset ID to be retired in theField Value field. Specify Retire as Fully Depreciated in the
Mass Change Field Value field. Generate the SQL, and run the mass change.
514 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
• Fixed Mortgage.
• Mortgage.
• Other.
See Chapter 5, "Adding and Maintaining Assets," Adding Assets with the Asset ExpressAdd Component,
page 100.
Select a rounding rule, which determines the type of rounding that is performed. Select the Currency
rounding type.
Select the rounding precision, rounding factor, and truncation. Round precision is the number of places to the
right or left of the decimal point to which the amount or number is rounded. Rounding factor is the number to
which the amount is rounded.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing
PeopleSoft Asset Management Business Units," Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Business Units.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing Asset
Processing," Setting Up Asset Profiles.
• Depreciable Asset Tax Return (Tax Roll or Depreciable Assets) report (AMLT1000).
This enables the business unit information link for Japan. The link appears in the Establish Business Units
component. Use the User Preferences component, and set the overall preferences localization country to
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining User Preferences,"
Defining Overall User Preferences.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 515
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
This defines the corporate and tax default books for Japan, as well as enables advanced depreciation,
composite asset functionality, and local tax usage. Specify the corporate and tax book that you use for
Japan when you establish asset management business units, and select the Use JPN Local Tax check box.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing
PeopleSoft Asset Management Business Units," Creating PeopleSoft Asset Management Business Units.
This defines the information needed to process your local tax return.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing
Asset Processing," Establishing Asset Ownership.
See Chapter 5, "Adding and Maintaining Assets," Maintaining Asset Book Information, page 89.
• Process the theoretical net book value and assessment value calculation.
Access the Return Information page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management,
Taxes, Return Information Defn. - JPN, Return Information Defn. - JPN).
516 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
Select an owner ID. Enter an owner code, capital amount (in millions of yen), recipient name of the taxation
office where the return is filed, business category, and the year and month that the company commenced
Enter address information for up to three branch offices within the same city, district, or town (place of tax
Note. If a branch office is located at the same address that is defined on the Owner Information page, you can
leave these fields blank.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 517
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
Tax Exception Select if you have assets to apply to the special treatment of the taxation
Special/Advanced Select if you have assets to be applied to special depreciation under the Special
Depreciation Taxation Measures Law, or to be applied to advanced depreciation under Articles
42 to 50 and Article 142 of the Corporation Tax Law, or from Article 42 to 44
and Article 165, or Article 58 of the Tax on Income Law.
Life Reduction Select if you have assets that have been applied a shorter useful life approved by
the Director or the District Tax Office under the Corporate Tax Law − Govt.
Order 57-1 and Tax on Income − Govt. Order 130-1.
Increase Depreciation Select if you have assets that have been submitted on a detailed statement for
Notice increased depreciation to the tax office under the Corporation Tax Law − Govt.
Order 60 and Tax on Income Law − Govt. Order 133.
Blue Returns Select if you file a blue return under the Corporation Tax Law, Article 122.
Reply Person Enter the name and telephone number of the accounting representative.
Licensed Tax Enter the name and telephone number of the licensed tax accountant.
Rental Asset Select if you have rental assets.
Lessor Name and Enter the name and telephone number of the lessor.
Use the Notes region to add any relevant descriptions, such as appendixes or remarks, or to identify any
Access the Local Tax Return Information page (Asset Management, Asset Transactions, Owned Assets, Basic
Add. Click the Local Tax Information Link).
Define the asset as New or Used, and select a local tax office.
• Structure
• Machinery
• Ship
518 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management
• Airplane
• Vehicle
• Tool
Specify a theoretical net book value and an assessment value for your information.
Note. The Theoretical Net Book Value and the Assessment Value fields are not required when you add a
newly acquired asset in the current year, but you must enter the asset's theoretical net book value and
assessment value reported in the previous year if you acquired assets in the previous year but added them to
Asset Management for the first time.
Access the Theoretical NBV and Assessment Value page (Asset Management, Taxes, Calculate Local Taxes,
Calculate Amounts JPN).
Note. Enter the same local tax office code in both fields when you are reporting to a single tax office.
Select a range of local tax office codes to be declared for the theoretical net book value and assessment value.
Note. Enter the same local tax office code in both fields when you are reporting to a single tax office.
Increase Include assets added and received by transfer in this fiscal year.
Enter the transaction date on which to change the local tax office and asset return type. Enter the new local
tax office code for filing the return.
• Structure
• Machinery
• Ship
• Airplane
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 519
Using the Global Features of PeopleSoft Asset Management Chapter 23
• Vehicle
• Tool
Changing the Local Tax Office and Asset Return Type While Transferring Assets
When you transfer assets, the operation process varies according to the transfer scenario. This table displays
the various operation processes:
Asset is partially transferred to another local tax office, Use InterUnit Transfer to change the local tax office, or
or the asset return type is changed, or both. the asset return type, or both.
Asset is fully transferred to another department ID and Use Transfer to change the local tax office or asset
the local tax office where the return is filed, and the return type.
asset return type has changed.
Asset is partially transferred to another department ID Use InterUnit Transfer to change the local tax office
and the local tax office where the return is filed, and the and asset return type.
asset return type has changed.
See Chapter 19, "Retiring Assets," Specifying How VAT Is Calculated for Asset Retirement, page 401.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Establishing
PeopleSoft Asset Management Business Units."
520 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 24
Understanding Archiving
The tables that store asset information accumulate large volumes of data over time. Eventually some of this
data is no longer needed on a routine basis. You can use PeopleSoft Asset Management to archive inactive
data on the cost and depreciation of assets, and if that data is ever needed again, you can use PeopleSoft Asset
Management to restore the data that you archived. The benefits of archiving inactive data include improving
the performance of reports and processes and reducing the space that your system needs to store asset data.
Before you archive inactive asset information, you should keep these general guidelines in mind. You cannot
• Retired assets.
• Group assets.
You can archive active assets one at a time or by using a range of asset IDs. You must archive each asset
book by book. The fiscal year must be closed before an asset can be archived. The archive period
automatically defaults to the last period of the specified fiscal year.
You can archive an asset more than one time. If you archive an asset multiple times and later decide to restore
the data, you will need to restore each archive one by one. For example, if you archive an asset two times,
you will need to restore the asset information two times, one for each archive that was run.
The process that archives data actually moves application data from the application tables to the archive
tables. The process then deletes data from the application tables.
The archive tables are just like other application tables. You can back up these archive tables using another
disk or tape for storage and then manually delete the contents of the archive tables if desired. This approach
allows you to use tools, such as PS/Query or Crystal Reports, to report and review the contents of the
archived files. The data in the archived files can also be joined to the application tables to provide a complete
picture of activity including active and archived data.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 521
Archiving Asset Information Chapter 24
After you archive an asset, you cannot perform a transaction or a transfer involving that asset before the
archival date unless you restore the archived asset. For example, if the asset has been archived through
December 31 of the previous year, you will not be able to perform any transactions on the asset in the
previous year.
All historical data showing transaction costs in multiple currencies is supported in the archive and restore
processes. You can save transactions with multiple currencies just as they occurred and restore them as well.
You can archive, delete, and retrieve archived data, accumulated by a process that updates high volume asset
management transaction tables: ASSET_NBV_TBL, DEPR_RPT, OPEN_TRANS, and DIST_LN. Using the
Mass Change component, you can define mass change criteria and use the delivered template for each
transaction table to archive, delete, or view archived transaction details. This method enables improved
performance for day-to-day transactions while maintaining historical data for reporting and audit purposes.
See Also
Use the Archive Cost/Depreciation (AM_ARCHIV) component to archive asset management cost and
depreciation transactions.
Archive Cost/Depreciation RUN_ARCHIVE Asset Management, Asset Run the Asset Archive
Transactions, History, process (AMDPARCH) to
Archive Cost/Depreciation, archive inactive cost and
Archive Cost/Depreciation depreciation data.
522 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 24 Archiving Asset Information
Unit Select the business unit from which records will be archived.
Book Name You must archive an asset using each book it is associated with.
From Asset ID and To Use these fields to archive a range of asset IDs. To archive one asset, enter the
Asset ID asset ID in the From Asset field.
Fiscal Year By default, the process will archive data up to the last period of the fiscal year
you enter here. The fiscal year must be closed before an asset can be archived.
Archive ID When you run the process, the system populates this field with the run control ID
and stores the archive ID in the ARCHIVE_NO field on the depreciation table.
You must keep a record of this archive ID if you want to restore archived data.
The Asset Archive Application Engine (AM_CSDP_ARCH) process copies inactive data from the application
tables to archive tables. This process then deletes the archived data from the application tables and
consolidates the rows that are left.
For cost rows, the Asset Archive process consolidates multiple cost rows of data into one row.
For depreciation rows, all the depreciation rows prior to the Fiscal Year are summed up to create one ADD
row for accumulated depreciation. The archived records are stored in the depreciation history table.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 523
Archiving Asset Information Chapter 24
Use the Review Book (ASSET_BOOK_HIST) and the Review Cost (COST_HISTORY) components to view
archived asset data.
Review Book – List ASSET_BOOK_HIST1 Asset Management, Asset Review book change
Transactions, History, history.
Review Book, List
Review Book – Detail ASSET_BOOK_HIST2 Asset Management, Asset Review detailed book
Transactions, History, change history.
Review Book, Detail
Cost History List ASSET_TRANS_01 Asset Management, Asset View a history of an asset's
Transactions, History, transactions, including
Review Cost, Cost History assets that have been
List archived as an ADD
transaction. For archived
assets, the total cost
includes the sum of the
costs consolidated into one
cost row.
Cost History Detail ASSET_TRANS_02 Asset Management, Asset View more detail about a
Transactions, History, specific transaction.
Review Cost, Cost History
Select Detail from the Cost
History List page.
Non-Cap History List ASSET_TRANS_03 Asset Management, Asset View a history of a non-
Transactions, History, capitalized asset's
Review Cost, Non-Cap transactions, including
History List assets that have been
archived as an ADD
transaction. For archived
assets, the total cost
includes the sum of the
costs consolidated into one
cost row.
524 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 24 Archiving Asset Information
Non-Cap History Detail ASSET_TRANS_04 Asset Management, Asset View more detail about a
Transactions, History, specific transaction for a
Review Cost, Non-Cap non-capitalized asset.
History Detail
Select Detail from the Non-
Cap History List page.
Use the Restore Cost/Depreciation (AM_RESTORE) component to restore archived asset cost and
depreciation transactions.
Run Restore RUN_RESTORE Asset Management, Asset Run the Asset Restore
Transactions, History, (AM_CD_RESTO)
Restore Cost/Depreciation, Application Engine process
Run Restore that copies data stored in the
archive tables back to the
application tables.
Unit Select the business unit from which records will be restored.
Book Name You must restore an asset in each book associated with the asset.
From Asset ID and To Use these fields to restore a range of archived asset IDs. To restore one archived
Asset ID asset, enter the asset ID in the From Asset field.
Archive ID Enter the run control ID that the system generated when the data was archived.
By default, the system displays the most recent run control ID for the Asset
Archive process.
The Asset Restore process restores the archived data by deleting the summed row in the application tables
and replacing it with the multiple rows of data stored in the archive tables.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 525
Archiving Asset Information Chapter 24
The transaction detail lines can also be deleted from the tables once they have been archived, or without
archive if the transactions are set to be purged. Data that is archived is also available for retrieval as needed
for reporting or audit purposes.
The steps for archiving, deleting or retrieving transaction detail from tables are:
2. Run Depreciation Reporting (AMDPREPT) process and Load Net Book Value (AMLDNBVT) process to
collect the information provided by AM_DEPR_CALC. (If you are working with the OPEN_TRANS or
DIST_LN tables, you do not need to run these processes.)
3. Run the archive mass change using the appropriate template for the table from which transactions are
4. Run the delete mass change using the appropriate template for the table from which transactions are
5. Run the retrieve archived data mass change using the appropriate template for the table from which
transactions are to be viewed.
When you are ready to define the parameters of your archive mass change, access the Mass Change
component, Define Criteria (MC_DEFN_00) page. (Asset Management, Mass Change, Define Criteria,
526 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 24 Archiving Asset Information
Add a new mass change and select the template that corresponds to the table and archive activity you want to
perform. The templates to archive, delete and retrieve detail are:
• Archive Asset Depr Rpt entries: This mass change type copies the specified DEPR_RPT entries into the
DEPR_RPT_ARCH table. Specified entries are determined by the selection criteria of the mass change
template with the same name (Archive Asset Depr Rpt entries). The following fields will be used to select
the data:
• Business Unit: If entered, mass change selects the specified business unit. If not entered, mass change
selects all business units.
• Book: If entered, mass change selects the specified book. If not entered, mass change selects all books
• Fiscal Year: It is recommended that you enter a fiscal year; mass change selects the specified value.
• Archive Asset NBV entries: This mass change type copies the specified PS_ASSET_NBV_TBL entries
into the PS_ASSET_NBV_ARCH table. PS_ASSET_NBV_ARCH is used to store the old net book value
entries, and it can also be used to retrieve the entries into a sequential file. The following fields will be
used to select the data:
• Business Unit: If entered, mass change selects the specified business unit. If not entered, mass change
selects all business units.
• Book: If entered, mass change selects the specified book. If not entered, mass change selects all books
• As of Date: It is recommended that you enter an As of Date; mass change selects the specified value.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 527
Archiving Asset Information Chapter 24
• Archive Asset Open Trans:This mass change type is used to archive Asset Open Transaction
(PS_OPEN_TRANS table) details. It inserts the selected entries into the Open Trans Archive table
(PS_OPEN_TRANS_ARCH). The following fields are used to select the data:
• Business Unit: If entered, mass change selects the specified business unit. If not entered, mass change
selects all business units.
• Book: If entered, mass change selects the specified book. If not entered, mass change selects all books
• Accounting Date: It is recommended that you enter an accounting date; mass change selects the
specified value.
• Archive Asset Acctng Entries This mass change template is used in the archiving of Asset Accounting
Entries (PS_DIST_LN table). It inserts selected rows into table PS_DIST_LN_ARCH.
PS_DIST_LN_ARCH is to archive the old accounting entries, and it can also be used to retrieve the
archived entries into a sequential file. The following fields are used to select the data:
• Business Unit: If entered, mass change selects the specified business unit. If not entered, mass change
selects all business units.
• Book: If entered, mass change selects the specified book. If not entered, mass change selects all books
• Accounting Date: It is recommended that you enter an accounting date; mass change selects the
specified value.
• Delete Asset Acctng Entries This mass change template is used to delete entries from the assets
accounting entry table (PS_DIST_LN) that have been archived. Enter the deletion selection criteria for:
• Business Unit: If entered, mass change selects the specified business unit. If not entered, mass change
selects all business units.
• Book: If entered, mass change selects the specified book. If not entered, mass change selects all books
• Accounting Date: It is recommended that you enter an accounting date; mass change selects the
specified value.
• Delete Asset Depr Rpt entries: This mass change type deletes the DEPR_RPT, DEPR_RPT_CF_SUM
and DEPR_RPT_PD_SUM specified entries that are determined by the selection criteria of the mass
change template you use. You should enter the same selection criteria used for the mass change archive of
DEPR_RPT entries if you want to delete archived entries. If you want to purge DEPR_RPT entries, you
should enter the following selection criteria when running the mass change:
• Business Unit: If entered, mass change selects the specified business unit. If not entered, mass change
selects all business units.
• Book: If entered, mass change selects the specified book. If not entered, mass change selects all books
• Fiscal Year: It is recommended that you enter a fiscal year; mass change selects the specified value.
528 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 24 Archiving Asset Information
• Delete Asset NBV entries:This mass change type deletes the entries from the Asset Net Book Value table
(PS_ASSET_NBV_TBL). You should enter the same selection criteria used for the mass change archive
of Asset NBV entries if you want to delete archived entries. If you want to purge Asset Net Book Value
entries, you should enter the following selection criteria when running the mass change:
• Business Unit: If entered, mass change selects the specified business unit. If not entered, mass change
selects all business units.
• Book: If entered, mass change selects the specified book. If not entered, mass change selects all books
• User ID: If entered, mass change selects the specified User ID. If not entered, mass change selects all
User IDs.
• As of Date: It is recommended that you enter an accounting date; mass change selects the specified
• Delete Asset Open Trans: This mass change type deletes Open Transaction entries from table
PS_OPEN_TRANS. It should be used after they have been archived. Enter the:
• Business Unit: If entered, mass change selects the specified business unit. If not entered, mass change
selects all business units.
• Book: If entered, mass change selects the specified book. If not entered, mass change selects all books
• As of Date: It is recommended that you enter an as of date; mass change selects the specified value.
This mass change template is used to retrieve details from the archive table PS_DIST_LN_ARCH to a
sequential file. Enter the selection criteria:
• Archive ID
• Archive Date
This Mass Change Type is used to unload entries from the Asset Open Transaction Archive table to a
sequential file. Enter the Archive ID and Archive Date to be used as selection criteria.
This Mass Change Type is used to upload Open Transactions into table PS_OPEN_TRANS from table
PS_OPEN_TRANS_ARCH. Enter the Archive ID and Archive Date to be used as selection criteria.
This Mass Change Type is used to load the production asset accounting entry table (PS_DIST_LN) from
the accounting entry archive table (PS_DIST_LN_ARCH). Enter the Archive ID and Archive Date as
selection criteria for loading.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 529
Appendix A
If any of these fields is modified in the application tables, then they must also be modified in the loader tables
if you will be using the Transaction Loader.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 531
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
INTFC_LINE_N Interface Line Key to this table. Interface Line Internal use Y
UM Number Number is used as a key for
multiple lines for the same
Interface ID for transactions with
similar keys (for example,
multiple acquisition details, such
as CAP).
For FADs and Conversions, if
INTFC_ID is the same for
multiple lines for an asset,
increment the
532 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
BOOK Asset Book Identifies the asset book to be BOOK, Y when Default
Name processed. All financial COST, Profile Switch =
transactions must be assigned a DEPRECIATI N
book if the ON,
The financial information for an
asset (book, cost, depreciation,
retirements) addition can be
entered by creating transactions
manually. To do this, enter one
row into the INTFC_FIN table
for each book to which an asset
This information can also be
provided by default via the
profile. The Transaction Loader
will then populate the financial
tables for all books specified in
the profile from the one row in
INTFC_FIN. When the
to 'Y', book can be left blank ("
"). Books will be populated by
default from the profile, which is
populated in INTFC_PHY_A.
If you aredoing a CN1, set the
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 533
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
534 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 535
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
536 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 537
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
538 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
INTFC_TYPE Interface Type, Identifies the type of transaction. Internal Use Y default CN1
also called Load Transaction Loader will process or CN2
Type this transaction based on this
field. A list of interface types and
their usage is included at the end
of this table.
SYSTEM_SOU System Source The source system that created Internal Use Y default CNV
RCE this transaction. Valid values are
listed in the translate table. This
field is used extensively by Asset
Management to drill back to
source systems. You can add
valid values to the translate table
for your external systems, or you
can use EXT. You can run
Transaction Loader selectively
for specific values of system
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 539
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
INTFC_STATU Interface Status Used for internal processing. Internal Use Y default DON
S Default this field to 'DON'.
LOAD_STATU Load Status Identifies the status of this Internal Use Y NEW
S transaction. Updated by the
Transaction Loader. Valid values
Not processed.
540 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 541
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
542 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
IN_SERVICE_ In Service Date The date the asset was placed in BOOK Y
DT service. This field is used in
conjunction with the convention
to determine the begin
depreciation date. This field only
relates to depreciable assets.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 543
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
544 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 545
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
546 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
DEPR_PERCEN Percent Identifies the percent to be used. BOOK Y for flat rate
T This field is only used when the declining
depreciation method is flat rate or balance
declining balance. depreciation
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 547
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
548 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 549
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
TRANSFER_AS Transfer Asset This field works just like the COST
SET_ID ID Transfer Business Unit, only it
represents the asset ID used in the
transfer transaction.
TRANSFER_B Transfer From This field works just like the COST
OOK Book Transfer Business Unit, only it
represents the book used in the
transfer transaction.
550 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
FISCAL_YEAR Fiscal Year Represents the fiscal year in DEPRECIATI Y if the asset has
which the depreciation was taken. ON accumulated
When converting depreciation
you must identify the time period
the depreciation covers. If
converting an asset for which
depreciation has been calculated
through June 1997, then the fiscal
year would be 1997, the start
period would be 6 and the end
period would be 6.
START_PD Start Period Represents the start period for DEPRECIATI Y if the asset has
which the depreciation was taken. ON accumulated
See the example above. depreciation
END_PD End Period Represents the end period for DEPRECIATI Y if the asset has
which the depreciation was taken. ON accumulated
See the example above. depreciation
YTD_FLAG Original Reserve Set value to 'N' for Depreciation DEPRECIATI Y if the asset has
Amount that represents ON accumulated
accumulated depreciation as of depreciation
the conversion date. Default to
'Y' for other depreciation
DEPR Depreciation The depreciation amount of this DEPRECIATI Y if the asset has
Amount transaction. ON accumulated
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 551
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
552 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
NON_LIKE_KI FMV Non Like Fair Value for Non Like Kind RETIREMEN Y
ND Kind Property Property. T
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 553
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
REMOVAL_CO Removal Cost The cost of removal for this asset. RETIREMEN
ST This value is used in the T
depreciation calculation program
to derive the gain/loss amount.
This field is only used for
retirement transactions.
554 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 555
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
BUSINESS_UN Joint Venture The parent JV business unit if the Internal Use
IT_JV Business Unit asset is part of a joint venture.
LIFE_END_DT Useful Life End This field represents the end date BOOK
Date of the useful life on the asset
book. This field can be used as an
alternate to the life field. Life and
life end date are mutually
exclusive. When you specify the
life end date, the depreciation
calculation program will
calculate the life field and store it
on the BOOK table.
556 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
COST_BASIS_ Cost Basis Limit The maximum amount that can BOOK
LIMIT be capitalized for this asset book.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 557
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
558 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 559
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
560 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 561
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Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
562 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 563
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
The following table describes the information contained in Loader Table INTFC_PHY_A:
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
564 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
INTFC_LINE_NU Interface Line The key to this table. Interface Internal use Y
M Number Line Number is used as a key
for multiple lines for the same
Interface ID for transactions
with similar keys (for example,
multiple acquisition details
such as CAP).
For FADs and Conversions, if
INTFC_ID is the same for
multiple lines for an asset,
increment the
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 565
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
566 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
SYSTEM_SOURC System Source The source system that created ASSET_ACQ Y default CNV
E this transaction. Valid values _DET
are listed in the translate table.
This field is used extensively
by Asset Management to drill
back to source system. You
can add valid values to the
translate table for your external
systems. You can run the
Transaction Loader selectively
for specific values of system
INTFC_STATUS Interface Status Used for internal processing. Internal use Y default DON
The default for this field is
LOAD_STATUS Load Status Identifies the status of this Internal use Y default NEW
transaction. Valid values are
'NEW' (not processed), 'ERR'
(an error exists on this
transaction and it will not be
processed), 'DON' (the
transaction was successfully
processed), CON (the
transaction was consolidated
into a different transaction and
it will not be loaded), UNI (the
transaction was unitized into a
different transaction and it will
not be loaded).
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 567
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
DEFAULT_PROF Default Books Identifies whether a profile Internal use Y (Set = N for
ILE_SW from Profile will be used for an asset add by CN1)
the Transaction Loader. When
this switch is set to 'Y,' the
BOOK table will be populated
by default from the profile
tables rather than the load
tables (INTFC...). The category
in the cost table will also be
populated by default from the
profile tables. The profile_ID
is identified in the
INTFC_PHY_A table.
When performing a CN1, you
must set the
The value of
INTFC_FIN must match the
value of
568 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
ASSET_STATUS Asset Status Indicates the status of the asset. ASSET Y default to I (in
The valid values are in the service)
translate table. This field is
generally for information
purposes only. No accounting
events are tied to this status.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 569
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
570 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 571
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
572 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
LAST_INDEX_V Last Index Value Identifies the last index value ASSET Y
ALUE used to revalue assets, such as
the Consumer Price Index.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 573
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
574 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 575
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
576 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
SALETX_AMT_B Base Sales Tax Identifies the Sale Tax Amount ASSET_ACQ
SE Amount in the transaction currency _DET
USETAX_AMT_B Base Use Tax Identifies the Use Tax Amount ASSET_ACQ
SE Amount in the transaction currency. _DET
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 577
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
578 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 579
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
580 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 581
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
INVENTORY_DT Last Inventory The last date that this asset was PI_ASSET_H
Date inventoried at this location. IST
582 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
RD_START_DAT R&D Start Date Date asset became used for ASSET
E R&D.
RD_USE_NBV Use NBV for Use net book value in gain/loss ASSET
R&D calculations for R&D assets.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 583
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
584 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 585
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
586 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 587
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
588 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 589
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
590 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 591
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
592 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 593
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Note. This table does not need to be inserted for conversion. However, if you insert any values into it, the
ones marked Y are required.
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
INTFC_LINE_ Interface Line Key to this table. Interface Line Used Internally. Y
NUM Number Number is used as a key for
multiple lines for the same
Interface ID for transactions with
similar keys (ex., multiple
acquisition details, such as CAP).
For FADs and Conversions, if
INTFC_ID is the same for
multiple lines for an asset,
increment the
594 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
SYSTEM_SOU System Source The source system that created Internal use Y
RCE this transaction. Valid values are
listed in the translate table. This
field is used extensively by Asset
Management to drill back to
source system. You can add valid
values to the translate table for
your external systems. You can
run Transaction Loader
selectively for specific values of
system source.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 595
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
LOAD_STATU Load Status Identifies the status of this Internal use Y enter NEW
S transaction. Valid values are
'NEW' (not processed), 'ERR' (an
error exists on this transaction and
it will not be processed), 'DON'
(the transaction w successfully
processed), 'CON' (the transaction
was consolidated into a different
transaction and it will not be
loaded), 'UNI' (the transaction
was unitized into a different
transaction and it will not be
WEIGHT_UM Asset Weight The unit of measure used for the ASSET_ATTRI
Unit of Measure asset weight. Should be a valid BUTE
unit of measure defined on the
units of measure table.
596 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
HEIGHT_UM Asset Height The unit of measure used for the ASSET_ATTRI
Unit of Measure asset height. Should be a valid BUTE
unit of measure defined on the
units of measure table.
WIDTH_UM Asset Width The unit of measure used for the ASSET_ATTRI
Unit of Measure asset width. Should be a valid unit BUTE
of measure defined on the units of
measure table.
LENGTH_UM Asset Length The unit of measure used for the ASSET_ATTRI
Unit of Measure asset length. Should be a valid BUTE
unit of measure defined on the
units of measure table.
CAPACITY_U Asset Capacity The unit of measure used for the ASSET_ATTRI
M Unit of Measure asset capacity. Should be a valid BUTE
unit of measure defined on the
units of measure table.
POWER_RATI Asset Power The unit of measure used for the ASSET_ATTRI
NG_UM Rating Unit of asset power rating. Should be a BUTE
Measure valid unit of measure defined on
the units of measure table.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 597
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
598 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 599
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
POSTAL Postal Code The postal code in which the asset ASSET_LICEN
is registered. SE
600 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Field Name Long Name Use and Processing Tables Required for
Considerations Updated Conversion
When converting a blank character field (a character field with a null value), you should assign it a value of a
single space, regardless of the field length. For example, to convert a blank character field with a length of
five characters, you should give it a value of one space, not five spaces. This conversion is particularly
important for ChartFields.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 601
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
When converting character fields, do not add any trailing spaces to the field value. For example, the value in
Book should be CORP, notCORP .
When loading rows into any interface tables, the intfc_id, intfc_line_num, and dttm_stamp must be the same
across all used loader tables (that is, INTFC_FIN, INTFC_PHY_A).
The following table describes the information inserted from the INTFC_FIN table:
Transaction Type (Load Type) Inserts into These Tables Additional Processing
CN1 Book * Book Profile # Cost * Cost Profile Process Conversion Open Trans
# Depreciation * Depreciation Profile # 1
CN2 Book * Book Profile # Cost * Cost Profile Process Conversion Open Trans
# Depreciation * Depreciation Profile # 1
CIC Book * Book Profile # Cost * Cost Profile Validate Distribution Templates
# Open Trans * Open Trans Profile #
602 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
Transaction Type (Load Type) Inserts into These Tables Additional Processing
IUI Book * Cost # Open Trans * Set Trans Type to TRF Set
Trans_In_Out to I Validate
Distribution Templates Process
IUI Asset ID
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 603
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
Transaction Type (Load Type) Inserts into These Tables Additional Processing
# When Default Profile Switch = Y and PHY_A.PROFILE_ID is valid in the profile detail table, the system
gets book, cost, depreciation, and open trans information from the profile detail table rather than INTFC_FIN.
The following table describes the information inserted from the INTFC_PHY_A table:
604 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
The following table describes the information inserted from the INTFC_PHY_B table:
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 605
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
AAD Additional Cost Add Rarely used. Adds cost Cost, Open Trans
information to an asset.
Mainly used for joint venture
and composite rollups.
ADD Asset Add Asset add - Financial only. Book, Cost, Depr, Open
For details, see load type Trans
ADJ Asset Cost Adjustment Adjusts the cost of an Cost, Open Trans
existing asset.
ADQ Adjust Cost and Adjusts the cost and Acquisition Detail, Cost,
Acquisition Detail acquisition details of an Open Trans
existing asset.
606 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
ARA Add Retired Asset Adds an asset that has been Book, Cost, Depr, Asset,
fully reserved and retired. and if applicable
Custodian, Asset
Location, Warranty,
Attribute, License,
Comments, and
Acquisition Detail
AUP Asset Information Update Updates the asset table only. Asset, Component of
Rarely used, except in Asset History
physical inventory.
BKD Book Deletion Deletes a book for an asset or Book, Book Tax Credit,
business unit. For example, Depr, Dist Line,
you can use it to delete Retirement, Open Trans
dummy books used for
performing "what if"
BKS Book Change Makes any change to an asset Book, Open Trans
BSD Selective Book Delete Deletes a book from a range Book, Book Tax Credit,
of asset IDs. Similar to BKD. Depr, Dist Line,
Retirement, Open Trans
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 607
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
CIC Capitalize into Composite Capitalizes composite assets. Acquisition Detail, Book,
Similar to CAP. Cost, Open Trans
CN1 Conversion of First Book During conversion, converts Book, Cost, Depr, Open
the first asset book. Inserts Trans, Asset, Acquisition
into all asset tables, as well Detail, Location, PI Asset
as financial tables. History, Component of
Asset History, Parent
Asset, Attribute,
Comments, License,
FAD Financial and Physical Adds assets with both Book, Cost, Depr, Open
Add physical and financial Trans, Asset, Acquisition
information. This Interface Detail, Location, PI Asset
Type is used most commonly History, Component of
for adding assets. Asset History, Parent
Asset, Attribute,
Comments, License,
IHI Physical Inventory History Inserts asset history. Used by PI Asset History
Insert the Physical Inventory SQR
608 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
IUI InterUnit Transfer, In Side Provides the IN side of an Asset, Book, Cost, Asset
InterUnit Transfer. Valid Fair Value, Open Trans,
values for ACTIVITY_SW Component of Asset
are: History
1 Full Transfer 0 Active
ChartField combination –1
Reactivated ChartField
For example, one ChartField
combination is fully
transferred out of a
department (ACTIVITY_SW
= 1), and an identical
ChartField combination is
transferred into the same
department (ACTIVITY_SW
= –1). The activity switch
values for the two
transactions then cancel each
other, resulting in an active
ChartField combination
IUO InterUnit Transfer, Out Used for the OUT side of an Cost, Open Trans
Side InterUnit Transfer. Valid
values for ACTIVITY_SW
1 Full Transfer 0 Active
ChartField combination –1
Reactivated ChartField
For example, one ChartField
combination is fully
transferred out of a
department (ACTIVITY_SW
= 1), and an identical
ChartField combination is
transferred into the same
department (ACTIVITY_SW
= -1). The activity switch
values for the two
transactions then cancel each
other, resulting in an active
ChartField combination
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 609
Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary Appendix A
LAD Leased Asset Add Adds leased assets. Lease, Lease Schedule,
Book, Cost, Depr, Open
Trans, Asset, Acquisition
Detail, Asset Fair Value,
Location, PI Asset
History, Parent Asset,
Attribute, Comments,
License, Warranty
610 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary
TRF IntraUnit Transfer Performs transfers within the Cost, Open Trans
same business unit. Valid
values for ACTIVITY_SW
1 Full Transfer 0 Active
ChartField Combination –1
Reactivated ChartField
For example, one ChartField
combination is fully
transferred out of a
department (ACTIVITY_SW
= 1), and an identical
ChartField combination is
transferred into the same
department (ACTIVITY_SW
= –1). The activity switch
values for the two
transactions then cancel each
other, resulting in an active
ChartField combination
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Integrating PeopleSoft
Asset Management with Other Products," Previewing Data in the Loader Tables
PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Integrating PeopleSoft
Asset Management with Other Products," Running the Transaction Loader
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 611
Appendix B
• Yearly depreciation.
• Period allocation.
When you add an asset to PeopleSoft Asset Management, you decide the cost basis that you want to
depreciate—you can include the basic cost of the asset as well as any freight and taxes that were paid. If you
do not want to include freight and tax charges in the depreciable cost basis, you can still track these charges in
the Acquisition Detail page.
If allowed by the depreciation method, the cost basis is reduced by either salvage value or tax credits.
Salvage Value
You can enter the salvage value as a percentage of the cost or the actual amount. Typically, you specify
salvage value when you add the asset in PeopleSoft Asset Management. If allowed, salvage value is deducted
from the cost basis for depreciation calculations. When the salvage value changes after depreciation begins,
PeopleSoft Asset Management automatically adjusts the cost basis and depreciation from that time forward to
reflect the change.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 613
Understanding Depreciation Calculations Appendix B
See Appendix B, "Understanding Depreciation Calculations," Calculating Depreciation When Salvage Value
Exceeds Net Book Value (NBV), page 647.
Tax Credits
Tax methods such as ACRS and MACRS determine which tax credits are available in PeopleSoft Asset
Management. When you specify a Qualified Investment Code, PeopleSoft Asset Management uses this code
to determine which tax credits apply to your assets. If you fail to specify a Qualified Investment Code for any
reason, PeopleSoft Asset Management deduces the applicable code from the tax method that you elect.
If you do not specify a tax system, PeopleSoft Asset Management considers the date that the assets were
placed in service to determine which method applies. Based on the tax method that you select and the
recovery life, PeopleSoft Asset Management derives the corresponding qualified investment code and the tax
credits that available under that code, and elects the applicable tax credits for you.
If a Basis Reduction Percentage applies, the depreciable basis of the asset is reduced. The calculation is based
on the Qualified Investment Code, the Tax Credit, and the Basis Reduction Percentage.
PeopleSoft Asset Management uses the Qualified Investment Code, together with the Recovery Life and in-
service date, to determine the Qualified Investment Percentage—the rate that is applied to the book cost— to
determine the amount that qualifies for tax credits.
The Tax Credit Percentage is derived from the Tax Credit Type, Tax Credit Code, Recovery Life, and in-
service date.
Book Cost x Qualified Investment Percentage = Amount qualifying for the tax credit
After the amount of the tax credit is calculated, a corresponding reduction in the basis is calculated as
Amount of tax credit x Basis Reduction Percentage = Amount the basis will be reduced
If you dispose of the asset before it has completely depreciated, PeopleSoft Asset Management calculates the
recapture of the credit and adds it to the depreciable cost basis.
If you elect to expense all or a portion of the cost, you should select the Section 179 Expense Taken check
box on the Asset Book Definition - Tax page. You can expense assets up to an aggregate maximum of
200,000 USD per year, provided your company's gross income does not exceed the limitation that is specified
by Federal tax law. Investment credits are automatically calculated based on the criteria that you enter in the
Asset Book Definition - Tax Credit page.
614 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B Understanding Depreciation Calculations
Listed property is certain kinds of assets that are conducive to mixed business and personal use such as:
• Any other property that is used for transportation such as trucks, buses, boats, airplanes, motorcycles, and
any other vehicles for transporting persons or goods.
• Any property of a type that is generally used for entertainment, recreation, or amusement such as
photographic, phonographic, communication, and video recording equipment.
• Any computer and related peripheral equipment unless it is used only at a regular business establishment
and owned or leased by the person operating the establishment.
• Any cellular telephone (or similar telecommunications equipment) placed in service or leased in a tax
year beginning after 1989.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 615
Understanding Depreciation Calculations Appendix B
The following sections provide illustrative examples of how PeopleSoft Asset Management handles all of
these calculations in a variety of different scenarios.
Note. PeopleSoft Asset Management calculates depreciation yearly, not by month or by period. It then
allocates yearly depreciation among the year's periods, except when you select the Declining Balance
depreciation method or the Declining Balance method with a switch to the Straight Line method and the
monthly depreciation option is selected.
• In-service date.
• Convention.
616 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B Understanding Depreciation Calculations
The combination of the in-service date and the prorate convention is the factor that actually determines when
depreciation begins.
• Transaction Date
• Life
• Cost
• Accumulated Depreciation
Calculations differ depending on which calculation type is used and the relationship between the beginning
depreciation date and the transaction date. The following examples show how the calculation is performed for
each method.
Attributes Data
Life 60 periods
Convention Half-Year
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 617
Understanding Depreciation Calculations Appendix B
Attributes Data
Method Straight-Line
Remaining Value
6,000 USD cost - 500 USD accumulated depreciation = 5,500 remaining value
Attributes Data
Life 60 periods
Convention Half-Year
Method Straight-Line
618 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B Understanding Depreciation Calculations
Attributes Data
Remaining Value
• Depreciation Method
Other information that is used in this calculation includes the following information:
• Remaining Life
• Remaining Value
Calculations differ depending on which calculation type is used: Remaining Value or Life to Date. The
following examples show how this calculation is performed for each method. The base information is the
same in both cases.
Attributes Data
Life 60 periods
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 619
Understanding Depreciation Calculations Appendix B
Attributes Data
Convention Half-Year
Method Straight-Line
Here is yearly depreciation for 2006 using the Remaining Value calculation type:
10 percent = 6 / 60
Attributes Data
Life 60 periods
620 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B Understanding Depreciation Calculations
Attributes Data
Convention Half-Year
Method Straight-Line
Here is yearly depreciation for 2006 using the Life to Date calculation type:
10 percent = 6 / 60
• In-Service Date
• Transaction Date
Other information that is used in this calculation includes the following, derived from previous calculations:
• Calculation Type
• Yearly Depreciation
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 621
Understanding Depreciation Calculations Appendix B
Life to Date calculations differ depending on whether the Depreciate When in Service option is set to N or Y.
The following examples illustrate how PeopleSoft Asset Management calculates period allocation using the
Remaining Value and Life to Date calculations. All examples use the same base information.
When a remaining balance exists due to rounding in the year, PeopleSoft Asset Management allocates that
amount to the last period of the fiscal year. For example, 2000 USD to be allocated over 12 periods, periods 1
through 11 will have 166.67 each and period 12 will have 166.63 USD (2000 USD - (166.67 x 11).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Periods
166.6 166.67 166.6 166.6 166.6 166.6 166.6 166.6 166.6 166.67 166.6 166.6 Amount
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 s
Attributes Data
Life 60 periods
Convention Half-Year
Method Straight-Line
622 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B Understanding Depreciation Calculations
Attributes Data
Attributes Data
Life 60 periods
Convention Half-Year
Method Straight-Line
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 623
Understanding Depreciation Calculations Appendix B
550 USD Yearly Depreciation / 10 periods from In-Service Date = 55 USD per period
Attributes Data
Life 60 periods
Convention Half-Year
Method Straight-Line
624 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B Understanding Depreciation Calculations
Attributes Data
Life 60 periods
Convention Half-Year
Method Straight-Line
Depreciation Results
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Periods
60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Amount
Remaining life is 60 periods; remaining value is 6,000 USD; yearly depreciation for 2006 is 600 USD.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 625
Understanding Depreciation Calculations Appendix B
Prior period depreciation is keyed by a derived beginning calculation date. For remaining value calculations
in which the accounting date occurs after the transaction date, the beginning calculation date equals the
transaction date. For life to date calculations, the beginning calculation date depends on a combination of the
following items:
• Transaction Date
Note. One overriding factor that is used to derive the beginning calculation date is that it can never occur
before the beginning depreciation date. If according to all calculations it should, it is automatically made to
equal the beginning depreciation date.
PeopleSoft Asset Management calculates prior period depreciation using the derived beginning calculation
date as well as the following items:
• Accumulated Depreciation
The following examples illustrate how PeopleSoft Asset Management calculates prior period depreciation.
Attributes Data
Life 60 periods
Accumulated Depreciation
Convention Half-Year
626 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B Understanding Depreciation Calculations
Attributes Data
Method Straight-Line
Depreciation Results
The following table shows yearly depreciation by period for 2006. Prior period depreciation occurred in
periods 7 through 9.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Periods
Periods from Begin Calc Date to Accounting Date = 7, 8, 9 = Periods within 7/1⇒
/2006 to 10/1/2006
Prior Period Depreciation = Sum of Difference Per Period for all periods within⇒
Begin Calc Date to Accounting Date
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 627
Understanding Depreciation Calculations Appendix B
Attributes Data
Life 60 periods
Convention Half-Year
Method Straight-Line
Depreciation Results
The following table shows yearly depreciation by period for 2006. Prior period depreciation occurred in
periods 7 through 9.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Periods
628 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B Understanding Depreciation Calculations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Periods
Prior Period Depreciation = Sum of Difference Per Period for all periods within⇒
Begin Calc Date to Accounting Date - Accumulated Depreciation
Attributes Data
Life 60 periods
Accumulated Depreciation
Convention Half-Year
Method Straight-Line
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 629
Understanding Depreciation Calculations Appendix B
Attributes Data
Depreciation Results
The following table shows yearly depreciation by period for 2006. Prior period depreciation occurred in
periods 3 through 9.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Periods
60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Allowed
60 60 60 Taken
60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Difference
Prior Period Depreciation = Sum of Difference Per Period for all periods within In
Service Date to Accounting Date
630 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B Understanding Depreciation Calculations
Attributes Data
Life 60 periods
Convention Half-Year
Method Straight-Line
Depreciation Results
The following table shows yearly depreciation by period for 2006. Prior period depreciation occurred in
periods 3 through 9.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Periods
60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Allowed
500 60 60 60 Taken
60 60 60 (440) 60 60 60 Difference
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 631
Understanding Depreciation Calculations Appendix B
Prior Period Depreciation = Sum of Difference Per Period for all periods within In
Service Date to Accounting Date
(80) USD = 60 USD + 60 USD + 60 USD + (440) USD + 60 USD + 60 USD + 60 USD
Attributes Data
Life 60 periods
Accumulated Depreciation
Convention Half-Year
Method Straight-Line
632 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B Understanding Depreciation Calculations
Attributes Data
Depreciation Results
The following table shows yearly depreciation by period for 2006. Prior period depreciation occurred in
periods 7 through 9.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Periods
Prior Period Depreciation = Sum of Difference Per Period for all periods within⇒
Begin Calc Date to Accounting Date
• Straight Line
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Understanding Depreciation Calculations Appendix B
• Declining Balance
• Flat Rate
PeopleSoft Asset Management can calculate depreciation for each of the first six methods using either a
schedule or a formula. The formulas that it uses to calculate yearly depreciation for each of these methods are
explained in the following pages.
Straight Line
Yearly Straight Line depreciation is calculated using the following formula:
The following table shows data that is used in the depreciation example that follows.
Attributes Data
Depreciation Results
The following table shows yearly depreciation and the calculation that is used to produce the result.
634 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B Understanding Depreciation Calculations
• The minimum rates that are established by statute depreciate 95 percent of the asset cost over the asset
useful life.
When using Straight Line Percent as the method, you complete the Percent field with the depreciation rate.
The Useful Life field is unavailable. Other fields are ignored for this depreciation calculation. Although
residual value is included in the rate, you have to enter salvage value.
Salvage Value acts as a limit. When the NBV reaches this amount, it automatically allocates the rest of the
depreciable amount to the last period. Life in Years reflects both years and fractions, such as 8.4. Useful Life
and Life in Years are displayed after you save or refresh the page. AM_DEPR_CALC recalculates these
fields when it runs. Those assets that are coming from batch processes will calculate only Useful Life and
Life in Years when you run AM_DEPR_CALC.
For example, an asset that is worth $1,000 and a salvage value of $50, with a 4.75% annual depreciation rate,
using the actual month convention, will have a useful life of 20 years or 240 periods. Sometimes useful life
may result in fractional periods.
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Understanding Depreciation Calculations Appendix B
Two different ways are available to calculate depreciation adjustments under Indian Straight Line Percent
• Remaining Value
• Life to Date
For instance, in the preceding example, suppose that in the sixth year, the rate must change to 5.28 percent
because the government adopts a new rate according to Schedule XIV. Using Remaining Value, the system
calculates the useful life. It takes into account the new rate on the original cost. It calculates depreciation
based on the NBV minus any residual value over the remaining new useful life, where remaining new useful
life means the new useful life minus periods that are already depreciated.
(Cost – Salvage Value) / (Cost x Depr Rate) Revised Useful Life: (1000 – 50) / (1000 x .0528) = 17.992424
(Net Book Value - Limiting Value) / (Revised useful life - Years Depreciated)
636 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B Understanding Depreciation Calculations
The following table shows the depreciation with the adjustment in the sixth year.
Yearly Start Date Original Cost Schedule XIV Effective Net Book Value Number of Years
Rates Depreciation
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Understanding Depreciation Calculations Appendix B
In the case of Life to Date, the useful life is again recalculated. This method takes into account the new rate
on the original cost. Depreciation is based on what the system had calculated if the rate would have been the
new rate from the beginning. An adjustment to the prior depreciation amounts is required in this method to
reflect the change retroactively. It consists of summarizing all depreciation amounts until the change and
comparing with the amount that would have been obtained if the asset had always been calculated based on
the new rate.
Useful Life:
Useful Life:
The following table depicts the depreciation if the rate had always been 5.28 percent.
Yearly Start Original Cost Schedule XIV Effective Net Book Number Total
Date Rates Depreciation Value of Years Depreciation
638 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B Understanding Depreciation Calculations
Yearly Start Original Cost Schedule XIV Effective Net Book Number Total
Date Rates Depreciation Value of Years Depreciation
Compare the preceding table that shows what the amount would have been with a constant rate of 5.28
percent versus the following table that shows what the amounts are with a change and an adjustment in the
sixth year.
Yearly Start Original Cost Schedule XIV Effective Net Book Number Adjustment
Date Rates Depreciation Value of Years
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 639
Understanding Depreciation Calculations Appendix B
Adjustment PDP:
Adjustment PDP:
(Net Book Value – Adj PDP - Limiting Value) / (Revised useful life – Years Depreciated)
Note that in this type of calculation the asset's net book value is multiplied by the declining balance
percentage times the straight line depreciation percentage.
The following table shows data that is used in the depreciation example that follows it.
Attributes Data
Depreciation Results
The following table shows yearly depreciation and the calculation that is used to produce the result.
640 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B Understanding Depreciation Calculations
In this example, in 2010, the straight line depreciation is greater than the declining balance depreciation.
Therefore, switch to straight line depreciation. The declining balance calculation for 2010 is 1728 x ((12/60) x
(200/100)) = 691.20. In 2011, the straight line depreciation is equal to the declining balance depreciation.
This method runs three calculations and performs comparisons between the results.
First, it calculates using the formula that is already documented for Declining Balance with a Switch to
Straight Line:
It then calculates using the specified limit percentage of original cost or bet book value:
NBV x Limit%
(See MAX column in the table provided with the following example.)
The results of these two calculations are compared and the system determines which amount is lesser. (See
Comparison 1 column in the table provided with following example.)
Results of the Straight Line calculation are compared with the lesser amount from the first comparison.
(Column SL compared with column Comparison 1 in the following table. Comparison 2 column shows when
the Straight Line method produces the greater result.)
The greater amount between this final comparison is the annual depreciation amount. (See Depr column in
the table after the following table.)
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Understanding Depreciation Calculations Appendix B
The following table shows data that is used in the depreciation example that follows it.
Attributes Data
Limit % 30%
Depreciation Results
The following table shows yearly depreciation and the calculation that is used to produce the result.
Declining Balance
For this type of calculation, the declining balance percentage represents a percentage of NBV.
When you are depreciating an asset with a declining balance method, the life of the asset is irrelevant. Note
that if you used this method alone, an asset would never be fully depreciated. To fully depreciate an asset
using the Declining Balance method, you must enter either a book low limit or an end depreciation date.
When an asset's NBV reaches its book low limit or end depreciation date, the remaining value is taken in
depreciation for that year.
642 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B Understanding Depreciation Calculations
The following table shows data that is used in the depreciation example that follows it.
Attributes Data
Salvage Value 1,000.00 USD (not used for calculating asset basis)
Depreciation Results
The following table shows yearly depreciation and the calculation that is used to produce the result.
Calculations continue in this manner until the book low limit or end depreciation date is reached. If no book
low limit or end depreciation date is specified, the asset never fully depreciates.
Flat Rate
The formula for calculating Flat Rate depreciation is simple.
BasisxFlat %
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Understanding Depreciation Calculations Appendix B
You can combine the Flat Rate depreciation method with either a monthly or yearly averaging option. These
options are typically used by utility companies to depreciate composite assets. When these options are used,
PeopleSoft Asset Management uses up to three separate formulas to calculate depreciation for adjustments—
one for calculating current period depreciation, one for calculating following period depreciation, and one for
calculating depreciation for all subsequent periods.
These formulas are used only for calculating additional depreciation resulting from adjustments to the average
balance. And these adjustments are applied only to the current year. For all subsequent years, as well as the
first time it is done, the system calculates depreciation by applying the flat rate percentage to the average
balance and allocating this amount among the periods.
Because of the averaging option, all adjustment transactions must take effect from the beginning of the year
to its end. Therefore, current period depreciation is calculated after each transaction on a year-to-date basis.
As adjustments are made, additional depreciation is posted for each period that is affected.
Note. Using the flat rate depreciation method causes any depreciation to be posted to the end of the calendar.
If this is not your intention, you must enter a low limit of .01 when you first select the depreciation method on
the Asset Book Definition page group for this asset. If you have not already done this, update the
Depreciation Method field on the General 2 page by selecting Flat Rate and entering .01 in the Low Limit
additional field that appears.
Review the following examples of monthly averaging calculations resulting from a $2000 adjustment made in
period 3. The asset is depreciated at 12%.
Note. The only exception to this rule occurs when the following period crosses into another fiscal year.
When this is the case, all periods but the current one are calculated using the full value of the transaction.
Current Period depreciation is not added to the following period depreciation.
644 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B Understanding Depreciation Calculations
When using the yearly averaging option, you'll want to estimate financial activity for the year. The original
estimate should be posted as an add transaction in the first period of the year and subsequently adjusted as the
actual figures become available.
Review the following example of the yearly averaging option using the same 2,000 USD adjustment in Period
3. The asset is depreciated at 12 percent.
The following table shows data that is used in the depreciation example that follows it.
Attributes Data
Depreciation Results
The following table shows yearly depreciation and the calculation that is used to produce the result.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 645
Understanding Depreciation Calculations Appendix B
Units of Production
Units of production depreciation differs from other methods in that it does not depreciate an asset based on its
periods of life, but rather on its production detail. In this method, an asset is assumed to have a fixed lifetime
production capacity—a maximum number of units it can produce. Thus, a fixed amount of depreciation is
allotted to each unit of production. The net book value of the asset is then multiplied by the number of units
that are produced in a period over the remaining units to be produced to determine how much depreciation to
take for that period.
Production detail for the asset is entered into the Units of Production table (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain,
Product Related, Asset Management, Depreciation, Units of Production). Each time new detail is added to
this table, open transactions are created for each asset that is associated with it. You should recalculate
depreciation each time you add to or change the detail in the Units of Production table.
The following table shows data that is used in the depreciation example that follows it.
Attributes Data
Depreciation Results
The following table shows yearly and monthly depreciation and the calculation that is used to produce the
646 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B Understanding Depreciation Calculations
Note. Units remaining are calculated by summing the production units for all remaining periods that are set
up on the Units of Production page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management,
Depreciation, Units of Production).
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up
Depreciation Processing," Enabling Options to Stop Negative Depreciation.
The following table shows data that is used in the depreciation example that follows it:
Attributes Data
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Understanding Depreciation Calculations Appendix B
Attributes Data
The following table shows the result of the depreciation calculation when the Stop Depr option is selected:
The following table shows data that is used in the depreciation example that follows it:
Attributes Data
648 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B Understanding Depreciation Calculations
Attributes Data
The following table shows the result of the depreciation calculation when the Stop Depr option is selected and
there is an additional adjustment of salvage value:
January 1 through December 31, 2009 (NBV - Salvage Value = 45,000) 22,500.00
(salvage value reduced to zero at January 1,
(45,000 - 0 = 45,000)
45,000 x (12/24 months)
The following table shows data that is used in the depreciation example that follows it:
Attributes Data
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Understanding Depreciation Calculations Appendix B
Attributes Data
The following table shows the result of the depreciation calculation when the Stop Depr option is not
January 1 through December 31, 2008 (NBV - Salvage Value) x (12/36 months) - 1,666.67
(Salvage Value increase on January 1, 2008)
(45,000 - 50,000) x (12/36 months)
January 1 through December 31, 2009 (NBV - Salvage Value) x (12/24 months) - 1,666.67
(46,666.67 - 50,000) x (12/24 months)
January 1 through December 31, 2010 (NBV - Salvage Value) x (12/12 months) - 1,666.67
(48,333.33 - 50,000) x (12/12 months)
The following table shows data that is used in the depreciation example that follows it:
Attributes Data
650 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B Understanding Depreciation Calculations
Attributes Data
The following table shows the result of the depreciation calculation when the Stop Depr option is not selected
and there is an additional adjustment to salvage value:
January 1 through December 31, 2008 (NBV - Salvage Value) x (12/36 months) - 1,666.67
(Salvage value increase on January 1, 2008)
(45,000 - 50,000) x (12/36 months)
January 1 through December 31, 2009 (NBV - Salvage Value) x (12/24 months) 23,333.34
(Salvage value reduced to zero on January 1,
(46,666.67 - 0) x (12/24 months)
January 1 through December 31, 2010 (NBV - Salvage Value) x (12/12 months) 23,333.33
(23,333.33 - 0) x (12/12 months)
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Appendix C
Note. For samples of these reports, see the Portable Document Format (PDF) fields that are published on CD-
ROM with your documentation.
See Also
• Asset lists.
• Transaction reports.
• Depreciation reports.
• Impairment Reports
• Lease reports.
• Retirement reports.
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PeopleSoft Asset Management Reports Appendix C
• Global reports.
Transaction Reports
654 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix C PeopleSoft Asset Management Reports
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PeopleSoft Asset Management Reports Appendix C
Depreciation Reports
656 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix C PeopleSoft Asset Management Reports
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PeopleSoft Asset Management Reports Appendix C
Impairment Reports
658 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix C PeopleSoft Asset Management Reports
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PeopleSoft Asset Management Reports Appendix C
660 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix C PeopleSoft Asset Management Reports
Lease Reports
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 661
PeopleSoft Asset Management Reports Appendix C
Retirement Reports
662 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix C PeopleSoft Asset Management Reports
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PeopleSoft Asset Management Reports Appendix C
664 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix C PeopleSoft Asset Management Reports
Global Reports
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PeopleSoft Asset Management Reports Appendix C
666 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix C PeopleSoft Asset Management Reports
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 667
PeopleSoft Asset Management Reports Appendix C
668 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix C PeopleSoft Asset Management Reports
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 669
acquisition costs 68
Numerics/Symbols Acquisition Details page 49
Add/Copy Asset Book page 17
(DEU) asset history sheet by account report 666 addition transactions 257
(DEU) asset history sheet reports 666 adjusted current earnings worksheet (ACE) report
(DEU) depreciation history report 666 664
(DEU) extraordinary depreciation history report adjustment transactions 257
666 advanced depreciation 512
(DEU) reconciliation AP/AM report 666 advanced depreciation reports 667
(FRA) Statutory French 2054ab Reports by Advanced Transaction Details page 377
Account 668 advance payments 155
(FRA) Statutory French 2054ab Reports by Alt Allocation Basis Definition component
Account 668 Allocations page 349, 350
(FRA) Statutory French 2054a Reports by Alt Definition page 349
Account 668 allocations 347
(FRA) Statutory French 2054b Reports by Alt depreciation expenses 347
Account 668 running the depreciation allocation process
(FRA) Statutory French 2055a Reports by 353
Account 668 setting up 348
(FRA) Statutory French 2055b Reports by specifying criteria 351
Account 668 Allocations page — Allocation Basis Definition
(ITA) fixed assets register report 669 349, 350
(JPN) business tax by alternate account report 666 allocation table 305
(JPN) business tax report 666 ALM
(JPN) extended depreciation report 667 overview 1
(JPN) Japanese Local Tax Decrease All Asset List altaccount activity summary reports 659
669 alternate account entry detail reports 659
(JPN) Japanese Local Tax Increase All Asset List alternative minimum tax (AMT) report 664
(JPN) Local Tax Return page 59 running 314
(JPN) local tax roll reports 669 AM/BI Interface page 378, 400
(JPN) national tax report 669 AM/Billing Transaction Status page 401
2054 2055 Reports page 487, 489 AM/Billing Transaction Status report 662
40% rule analysis report 664 AMDPARCH process 522
AM Specific Fields page - Asset Mass Change
Definition 423
AM Specific Fields page — Asset Mass Change
A Definition 282, 283, 426
AM to GL reconciliation by category report 657
account activity summary reports 658 AM to GL reconciliation by Department report
accounting entries 657
common field definitions 369 AMT retirements report 664
creating 355, 367 AMTX3210 report 99
reversing 356 AMUDDEPR.SQC program 337
sources in Asset Management 355 Annual Cost page - CAP Details 134
understanding 355 AP/AM Reconciliation Report 169
Accounting Entries component 22 Approve Asset Transfer page 468
Accounting Entry Approve Disposal page 415
set up 357 Approve Disposals page 19, 379
Accounting Entry Creation process 356 Approve Financial Information component 23
accounting entry detail reports 659 Approve Financial page 435
Accounting Entry Distribution process 410 Approve Lease Information component 23
Accounting Entry Generation process 354 Load Approval page 44
accounting entry templates 358 Load Preview page 44
accounting entry templates report 654 Approve Physical A or B page 438
accounting entry types 359 Approve Physical Information component 23
accounting periods Archive Cost/Depreciation page 20, 522
closing 373 archiving
viewing closed periods 367 inactive assets 522
accumulated depreciation 312 restoring data 525
ACE retirements report 664 understanding 521
acquisition codes 55 using mass change 526
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 671
672 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 673
674 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 675
676 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 677
678 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 679
680 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 681
682 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
entering information 240
reporting on 246
What-If Scenarios page 20
What If Depreciation
performing 341
viewing results 343
What If Depreciation page 342
What If Depreciation Results page 343
approving disposals 415
physical inventory results 297
yearly depreciation
calculating 619
Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 683