CS ENG G112 Input and Output 3

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Week 3


Reading and Writing Skills 46

Ave Maria College
School ID No. 402686 Gov’t Permit No. 0059 s. 2015

CS ENG G112: Reading and Writing Skills

To my students in Reading and Writing Skills:

Congratulations for completing the Lessons and tasks of Week 2.

You are now on the 3rd week of this course. Before you start working on the lessons for this week
make sure that you have submitted to your course facilitator the requirements of Week 2.

Read the learning materials below then answer the Weekly Exam and do the Activity.

At the end of this week, you should be able to:

1. answer correctly at least 85% of the questions in the weekly exam; and
2. write an essay having the concept of LOVE as the main topic.

III. Patterns of Paragraph Development in Writing
A. Narrative Text

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 Narration is drawn upon the inherent human need to tell and share stories largely for
 What makes a narrative effective and memorable is in the writer’s skill to pace the story and
also in the story’s relevance to anyone who would read it.

Cenizal-Raymundo, Helen, (2016), DIWA Senior High School Series: Reading and Writing Skills.
DIWA Learning System Inc., Makati City, Philippines
Tiongson, M.T & Rodriguez, M.R. (2016). Reading and Writing Skills. Rex Book Store, Inc., Manila,

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B. Definition Text

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 Defining is putting an identity to something; it is assigning an existence to something that was
relatively known before.
 As emotions are part of what makes human beings complex creatures, defining these emotions
proves to be helpful in understanding how people feel.

Cenizal-Raymundo, Helen, (2016), DIWA Senior High School Series: Reading and Writing Skills.
DIWA Learning System Inc., Makati City, Philippines
Tiongson, M.T & Rodriguez, M.R. (2016). Reading and Writing Skills. Rex Book Store, Inc., Manila,

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C. Division and Classification Text

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D. Comparison and Contrast Text

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 Comparison and Contrast as mode of paragraph development, is somewhat weighing your
choices’ pros and cons, consequently shedding light to a well-thought of decision/judgment.
 Comparison and contrast also banks so much on the use of figurative language as the use of
such adds artistic and literary value to, and deepens the meaning and interpretation of

Cenizal-Raymundo, Helen, (2016), DIWA Senior High School Series: Reading and Writing Skills.
DIWA Learning System Inc., Makati City, Philippines
Tiongson, M.T & Rodriguez, M.R. (2016). Reading and Writing Skills. Rex Book Store, Inc., Manila,

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Ave Maria College
School ID No. 402686 Gov’t Permit No. 0059 s. 2015
Name: __________________________________________ Rating: _______________________
Strand & Grade: _________________________________ Date: _________________________

Instruction: Write “A” before the number if you agree with the statement or “D” if you disagree.
Explain your answers on the space provided below each statement.

________ 1. Shifting point of view is fine in a story for as long as the reader is still able to
understand the overall meaning and significanve of a narrative.
________ 2. Shifting verb tense, on the other hand, is also fine for as long as the reader is able
to follow the sequence of events.
________ 3. In terms of vivid description, the “show rather than tell” rule of thumb should
always be observed by writers.
________ 4. Narrative devices should always be present in any narrative for it to be effective.
________ 5. A narrative essay is the most effective mode of paragraph development to use
when you want to write something about a significant evet that happened to you.
________ 6. Since the meaning of a word can change through time and the perception of any
word can also be interpreted fifferently by different people, it is necessary to put
a denotation so that thre is a working definition in the essay.
________ 7. Connotation and extended definition are optional in writing a definition essay
because people have different interpretations of words and concepts that
including theem would only confuse readers.
________ 8. The techniques of defining mentioned above are the only techniques writers can
choose from when dealing with a definition essay.
________ 9. The definition of essay is the most effective mode of paragraph development
when asked to make a concept paper.
________ 10. It is important to explain and clarify how you understand a concept so that your
reader can be persuaded into believing your definition.

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________ 11. Specifically in essay writing, comparison cannot be done alone nor contrast as
well because they are complementary to each other.
________ 12. It is necessary for a writer to use figurative language in doing comparison and
contrast to successfully communicate his/her ideas to the readers.
________ 13. One should always have to have at least two topics or subjects to be able to do
comparison and contrast.
________ 14. An essential learning principle in humans is that we tend to compare and contrast
new concepts with old ones to better understand what the new ones are.
________ 15. Comparison and contrast are complementary to each other and are usually


Instruction: Put an (X) on the letter of the most relevant answer to each given question.
(10x2=20 Points)

1. Last week, I traveled to Singapore. To write my travelogue, what would be the best pattern to use?
a.) description b.) definition c.) narration
2. What kind of words would put a picture of a person, place, or object into a reader’s mind?
a.) appropriate words b.) picture words c.) descriptive words
3. How would you explain two terms that mean the same thing?
a.) by using negation b.) by using synonym c.) by using class
4. What kind of definition is this, “An Estero is not a river but an extension of a lost part of a river?”
a.) synonym b.) negation c.) class
5. What would make a classification paragraph successful?
a.) by using picture words b.) by using examples c.) by being very detailed
6. What are usually discussed in a paragraph of comparison and contrast?
a.) how the two subjects are alike b.) how the two subjects are c.) how the two subjects are
different compared and contrasted
7. What is stated as the key to victory in daily situations?
a.) the skill to think on the model b.) the analysis of causes and c.) the result of a cause and
of cause and effect effects effect
8. What paragraph that the reader should be able to envision the picture that you had in your mind as the
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a.) paragraph of definition b.) paragraph of description c.) paragraph of persuasion
9. What paragraph that explains a term or subject, so your audience comprehends the topic.
a.) paragraph of description b.)paragraph of definition c. )paragraph of persuasion
10. What paragraph reveals what a reader should learn?
a.) paragraph of narration b.) paragraph of definition c.) paragraph of description

Instruction: Answer the following questions to the best of your ability. (3x5= 15 Points)

1. How would you distinguish narration from description?


2. Which of the different ways in writing a paragraph of definition are you comfortable with? Why do
you say so?

3. What pattern of paragraph development could be very appropriate for convincing readers? Explain.

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Ave Maria College
School ID No. 402686 Gov’t Permit No. 0059 s. 2015
“Essay Writing”

Name: __________________________________________ Rating: _______________________

Strand & Grade: _________________________________ Date: _________________________

Instruction: One of the most complicated concepts to explain in words is emotion. Let us focus on the
emotion of love. What is it? What is its denotation and connotation? Is it desirable? Why so? When do
you feel love (or in love)? How do you know when other people feel in love? Are there things that make
you love, the same things that make other people love as well? Write an essay having the concept of
LOVE as the main topic. You may use any of the Patterns of Paragraph Development mentioned in the
lessons above in writing your essay. Use short bond paper for your output.

(Note: Plagiarized and copied outputs will not be accounted).

Title: _______________________________________________________________________________
Thesis Statement: _____________________________________________________________________
Pattern of Paragraph Development used: __________________________________________________



Keep all your outputs in your Compilation and then submit them to your course facilitator
on Week 4.

End of Week 3

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