Lesson 3. Underlying Therapeutic Community Principles
Lesson 3. Underlying Therapeutic Community Principles
Lesson 3. Underlying Therapeutic Community Principles
TC Philosophy
I am here because there is no refuge, finally, from myself.
Until I confront myself in the eyes and hearts of others.
I am running Until I suffer them to share my secrets.
I have no safety from them.
Afraid to be known.
I can know neither myself nor any other;
I will be alone.
Where else but in our common ground, can I find such a mirror?
Here, together, I can at last appear clearly to myself
not as the giant of my dreams, nor the dwarf of my fears,
but as a person, part of the whole, with my share in its purpose.
In this ground, I can take root and grow,
not alone anymore, as in death,
but alive- to myself and to others.
Richard Beauvais
TC Unwritten Philosophy
No free lunch
You can’t keep it unless you give it away
You alone can do it, but you can’t do it alone
Responsible love and concern
Trust in your environment
Pride in quality
What goes around comes around
To be aware is to be alive
To understand rather than be understood
Personal growth before vested status
Compensation is valid
Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it
Nurture nature for our future
The TCLP integrates TC tools, norms and methods with probation and parole
requirements, implemented in progressive phases within the non-residential
community-based setting of the DOJ-PPA rehabilitation program for clients.
It provides clients with success milestones through graduated completion
criteria, and aims for more active involvement of clients and their families.
The TCLP has redefined program components. Several elements have been
aligned, including organizational core values with TC norms, TC hierarchical
structure with field office organizational structure, and clients’ assessments and
planning processes with probation and parole conditions and procedures.
Altogether, the TCLP seeks to give clients sustainable foundations for life
after probation or parole, empower implementers, and raise the application of the TC
modality to higher professional standards.
Cardinal Rules
No drugs, no alcohol
No sex or sexual acting out
No violence or threat of violence
No stealing
No criminal activity
Treatment Categories
Relational/Behavior Management
Psychomotor/Vocational-Survival Skills