Contoh UBD Fix

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Stage 1- Desired Results

Students are able to create a healthy menu based on food pyramid for their needs.
The students are able to create menus based on
the food pyramid for themselves and others Meaning
according their body needs. UNDERSTANDINGS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS :
Healthy food for me does not always healthy for What make food healthy?
others. Is there any non-healthy food?

Competency map (knowledge, skills, proficiencies)
Menyusun menu
piramida makananbagi
dirinya dan orang lain
sesuai kebutuhan tubuh

1 2 3 5 8
Menyebutkan 5
Mengetahui kebutuhan
Menyebutkan kelompok makanan Membuat rancangan
Menjelaskan fungsi tiap kalori dari setiap orang
komponen penyusun (food group) dalam menu makanan sehat
komponen dengan kondisi yang
makanan piramida makanan dan sesuai kondisi tubuh
memberi contoh

4 6 9
Menawarkan rancangan
Menjelaskan masing- menu makanan ke salah
Dapat menghitung kalori
masing kelompok satu anggota keluarga
dari komponen
makanan dalam dan menjelaskan
penyusun makanan
piramida makanan mengapa rancangan
menunya sehat

Note: 7
Sesi 1: nomer 1 dan 2 Menganalisa menu
Sesi 2: nomer 3 dan 4 makanan yang ada
Sesi 3: nomer 5,6 dan 7 berdasarkan piramida
Sesi 4: nomer 8 dan 9 makanan
Stage 2 - Evidence
Evaluative Criteria Assessment Evidence
1. Product: Correct and detail include the Performance TASK(S):
calculation. Create a healthy lunch menu based on a food pyramid for themselves and their parents by considering the
2. Communication: polite and convincing number of calories needed, according to activities undertaken, age, sex, physical condition of themselves and
language their parents. They need to convince their parents to follow their advice by explaining the reasons for choosing
(40%+10%) the menu was made.

Session 1: 10% OTHER EVIDENCE :

Session 2: Quiz (5%) +Post test (10%) Journal
Session 3: Independent task (10)%) + Journal Test
(15%) Quiz
Session 4: product (40%) Convincing (10%)
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Approach Implementation
Session 1: Students are able to state the food component and explain each function
Engage: Game to check previous knowledge Gamification On-line, Synchronous
Explore: reading their textbook, provide HOTs questions Inquiry Based Learning Off-line, Synchronous
Explain: The students explain using KLEWS chart (What I Know, What I am Learning, Evidence, Constructivism On-line, Synchronous
Wondering, Science concept)
Elaborate: -
Evaluate: Test using Google Form or Game - Off-line, Synchronous
HW: Read and learn about calories: requirements, health need and function HW (Flip classroom) Off-line, Asynchronous

Session 2: Students are able to explain the calorie needs of each person with different
conditions and count the total calories found in the menu.
Engage: Discus about calories with HOTs Questions (Flip Classroom) and Quiz online. Discussion and Pre test On-line, Synchronous
Explore: Ask the students to calculate calories from the food (breakfast or last night dinner) they Contextual Learning Off-line, Synchronous
Explain: Discuss for confirmation. Discussion On-line, Synchronous
Elaborate: -
Evaluate: Post test Google or Quizizz On-line, Synchronous
Session 3: Explain each food group in the food pyramid.
Mention 5 food groups in the food pyramid and give an example of each.
Analyze menus based on food pyramid.
Engage: Observe picture of Food pyramid. Observation On-line, Synchronous
Explore: Find the 5 food group and identify component of each food group. Exploration Off-line, Synchronous
Elaborate: identify the food group of their menu and analyze it (contextual learning) (independent Contextual Learning Off-line, Asynchronous
Explain: Discuss Discussion On-line, Synchronous
Evaluate: Journal and independent Learning HW Off-line, Asynchronous

Session 4: Create a healthy lunch menu based on a food pyramid for themselves and their
parents by considering the number of calories needed, according to activities undertaken,
age, sex, physical condition of themselves and their parents.
They need to convince their parents to follow their advice by explaining the reasons for
choosing the menu was made.
Engage: Q and A On-line, Synchronous
Explore: Create menus for their selves Exploration Off-line, Synchronous
Explain: Students present their product Presentation On-line, Synchronous
Elaborate: Create menu for other and choose the way to convince Project based Learning Off-line, Asynchronous
Evaluate: Assess their product.

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