Maheshwar Peri V High Court of Judicature at Allahabad

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(2o16) 14 6 261
In the Suhrerne Courl of_lndia
CBlor kunian Tosehh ond RE Navicnn, TT)


Courfs ate houses_faskao with he imhovfant

unchen adalnisvahon oushre,and anyrthing
which inturforushuludites_ov condalzes hs
unch on shouled be 3tnctlymet: As Such
when a Humatk, sherh,illustrahor_er ony
kincd of arf or_omabslon_is made s00s
o ustale adenin'strohon of jushce, if_woul
lall wndr Conftmhi oCou
The hiskovy o ryng or Confemh/on
De datd hak fo colonial Hmes and common
aw hrinuhle af inhvunt how fo puntsh fov
contumht hvough sfatutory enattment,the
howw to ry hor eanterht subordinofe tourts,
03 w the exhonsion o howsk to ay fo lower
CO0rls uwaru stabtishedThe Conshtubon_also
acknowldpnd Supranelouv aS _cwell osHigh
Courts as Courfs ol vecord he currtnt
lkgisiahion_govtuning_tontermh1s he (ontempt of

Couvts Aet of 1971 3 dlines eivil ond erimi

Contumht, lays down howrvs and hroudunus
as well as the xfeints henolhus
This 1stabtlished Imilo on Inhaing Conterht
hroudinps bby adding Rdvocade yenero as a

Consenhing outhovfy Fa crikeisn of coor

Conternh7 ond
roudings emhtrcl rorm
ormendmant inclvchd tvuth as
urther 2006
0s long as
a valid dyune as to Contemhth
it inivust.
in poble
In fenbionol dsobrdienu any jodorrun
dawut, diurkon, ordut, wvt ov wllul bruach of
an undrtaking alls Unclu elvil conterh
Scanda liging OY lowtring the aulhont he
(oust Ov
oy hryuoleing , intusirung obshuthng ov

wo old a l l unolr
adminis wahon jusjus hre
C1imino contermht
he how to fry fov contem
s CvUCiol in the ore anfoponisin9 ov
hough and if has
/yustvohng the couvt,
sha oc'he/'sr it hulhs
had its aiv Sommhmes

ivolous atocks
deol with the
wu are


Hn ahele authoved by One o_dhe

Neve mDIN hublshed nthe ook mgagine
on etmliuy 1o, 2008. This wa3 ugardng
inarmous3c021 knoun as Povident und 3am
and names o uelgrs who twwe_allegeolinvotudd
wwuhublishid. On Novembut 18M_two
advocates_hhacising in AllahabadHigh loortted
an ohhnheahon claiingthe axkde h bi deragatiry
andinsulhng anol pHayd that ort_peoud
dn its ownmobonto inikate Ciinol cantemi
hYoLNdin94 Fovfour yeakS he mattuyLwas
dorrnant unil iiwas histed bufon the Diviston
Bench o the hgh Coueading to an_ardet on
Ahril 28,2015, ndiy the pobleahon tobe
ourogotoryand suing Dohce tothe uasnt1
ahhellonts fo shauu cause 1o noi ome chargus.
his has aggktived the hatkrs ad hey have
Moved this ahhual af the _Suhumm Courtqhdia


The Couv while nohnq i unausaky to
acdually check if the hublished axtek _consh fo tes
Contemhtramed the olowing issvAs
whe thu the achon faken by he Htoh (ourt
af_this ime isVialabve of lipitahon on
Conteraht hYoucdings2
whether the ayphicahon led by the two
advocats is in Conwryenu wih estab/sbn
hocedues ?

Whe thr achens taren undur Arluhs AIS

or l9 have to le in Consensus u th he
htovis ions oo onturrht of Courls ef 1
) Contoroht o Court et, 197/
SecSechon 20¢) - This Sec hon delins mottr
Contemht Any hoblicohon oony
whith standalhses, lowers the avthori
intualous ot ujodies the authow y oo
Covrts, adminsty ahon of justie et
Sechort 15 Ghis Sechon sefs the Cognizame
in maters oClinol contermp Soparye
Coovfs and High louyls Can fake aehens on

theiv own, ov mohons ly Advocate

bosed on
with his cons1nt. n
eneral/othu purson
Union trvritovits i may be law ofers
sheuleed by the len/vad yovwenment.
In cases o vimnol tonttm o
b« made
Subordinole tourts, ulunne may
he Subovdinole couvt, clvoatk gunural Or

law offa

Jov this Saion,Advocode 4enural

eans he Afovaey-ysuxal_ex Solifov yeneral
inulahon to Sepsume (ourt,_Advacate yerusol
o the_SBole 2 o r High lourfs and3uch
law olpius the Centra_lyoveunont sheufies
In yelahon fo the Cou of a Judtial lommi'ssi-

Sechon - ghis secbon deas_wtth the

imitahon_eve Inhakon of contenht
hroudings whih S ined o be _oe yrat
om the dale allpud _conferhd was omlud
Conshtohon o lndia
Ar hele1R7 This Arb'ele annoints
Sohrume_lount Q9 a Court of Hcord, having
howrrs including hower fo punish
Article 215 This tiele annoint1s High
Courls as Cout of ucoxclcuithhawns
to hunish contemhof itsalf
Fovthe ahhcllanis
The main Coninfion rom ihe ahdla
Side i ttot the prinuplesolmitahien
have bun _ovtooked 7he allegecd conierht
took hlart on 10--ooB by
by the hubleohon
o on ahele High couvf has buf taben
and issu4d an
athon only oftur oor years
7his aa cleax
Ondur on 28- 4-201S
Undr Sehon o
SCenaio bawud by auw whva in
Conterht olourt Aed be one yea
of 1971,
o s t fo
tmitakon huuecd is
inbokng contemht
The hmifahon under Setkon do hlus
the ackon bing svo moo
based on etslica
an hon. the
Jn the
Sten that an o/yhlea hon
aels advotos but the the
was ilhd by two
Courf t dt larud os
oction mad by by Highthe ovdt as shown b/b:o|
Suo moto, bosed on
daad b - n - 2006 af
the hoblicaton
caoed insult
men honed has geat
PP b - S 09
nmarks a dvogatry and
fo judidory The Hente,ik
lowr auhovty of
lower highr judiuiary.
is o i (as to take "Svo mooachon by by
Alcovdnly, we abe Suo motu
this coort.
is not
ackon Hente the name of the hebtonw
(aos- s
o b 3hown in the
The anhlicakon Jiltd_by the fuo advocofs
Manc kUPnat and v /wr Singh as
ttistullarous Abhlirohon No. 2 o4 2003 has
bun Mode wihout Consendn_wriHng of_
the AdvocaBe Grenero/ Schon 15 Lentmhlats
Mohon mad by Advecok Luarali/slf
01rade bg anothu personwilh the
Consen o Adyocatk 4enerolHenu thig
thleghon_tannot Aulliu as the_inikakon
a Contnpt preurdlngs
b Fov the i9h Court.

he atbche has caused qrro Insult to

the highey judviary he yemarks ae
geroga foYy and tends to leutey the
aulhorntyo Couyts Jhis is intonsensus
wilhthe ngyidianls a criinal tonterzhl
hkusibuodin Sechon Ale)
The Pehkhon _was hlored byon a Snole
udge o the High loort and thuuoflr before
the Chial Justire 0 9 Submifled_y the ounzel
w9 then_hsteelbyove the Duisien Bh
qiving se t o anOrcl

The achon hu! orward by Hiph oovt

Undo the outhoyity of Rrhclk 5 of
fonshtokon o Indra This annoints High Coort
a Court of Yerovel wlth howty to ey
Con tempt
he gtnesis o the ease
hvowdi ngs the
thbrokon moda b b
advseotes None) kumu and Vur ingh datd
well wthin
g th Novembes, 2008 This
the Imifakon huiod o one yrat as
wesoibes byby Suthon so. 7he Htgh touv wlhin
had ronsiduud this qhhlicohon
iss d
one pak even though nobre cwas

9 Hen in
only a/fvt Six yea19.
th veustodian that a
Paullav She
Cviminal tontemht hvoudng can
commenud when an ahhbcuhon t
ild. he Duginning o the ackon unde
S.15 is twhen a hvous i tnikohd
ond ackon aken latu h os
'ssuing nohe wovld b 3olsegornt s1ehs
ena in the case,
Cas, the iniliokon of
rous hathumed wilh th ahlrolo
ond h hasnt ovlu is only a Sulrrguro!

The_achon daken_by the Hgh Coovt is

a hmlfahon _23 undlur 9.20
the ContemhtoCourt Acd
The opthlicakon Jaled by the tuw
AdvocadaS ty Manoj kuna and tv Vu
Stngh a no in attovdanco _with the
hyovisions o s eof lontembt o
louv Aef whih_oals wih_he

The authovity annointud to Sohrume loud

and H/gh loort Undu Ar beles 109 anel
Can anly be inwrsged in
ConsinSUS wth he HOVisÍOns o
Conempt o lourt Bef

The Count ouncdi _vnneuUsarY fo_go

into the eshon whethur the_atkele publshed
acfoolly_consh fofeContemhl Bauc on the acts
Ond cotenhons he only qpeshorN_to considr
isi i t o uhholdon inghunge theordl made
Ay the High Cout
The Act eleary esfoblshes a hmtohon
wriool oo ant yra trushechve the moHon
being Svo moto ov basd an the Q}hl cohon
b vald enkhs
by The couns v High louv/
rulis on
on Pallav She th v (ostodian case
whe f was rs1ablhsheod thot in cases
whvu an ahhtoton is made, / can
legicaby be dadvced thot the conterpt
hvoucings inikote twith the ing
the Coov is ovawn to he
dieena hoe dn Pallov Sheth Case, the
ophlea kon envisagecd is one mace t
Contwrruna wlth 3. 15, ie by dhu Advora
4erual ov a herson wh his onsent
sn t usend Case, no eonstnt was
olloineclrom thu Advocah yenol, huns
ths Ohhlicohon is no athlicothon of all
n ty the law.

Tuythwr, the High (our aleasly sheuiiad

n the ovcut that the achon hwain is
"Svo moto and thaf thu naom of hliconts
not shawn tn the Cadse ist. Can
only be case th a/hlea hon itsl/
CUCIS nof valid and COnnot tonsidnd
the holnt o iniholon: Jov
mofo mohon the limilokon__3 one
yeay Sten inS. 20 0 lontmhl our
Act n allay heh fhos bn
discwssed that _a_3uo mafo" ackon_wl be
tonsiclud inihoidl when nohte is issued

So cleslyin the uent arwal

suManuo the atkon t Fuo Moto as
the atslicohon_mad by adrocatts_ Do1
admissible. And the couxt having only
LssUEc_nokre altiy 6 yrors on 28 /o4/205
the some hit by lmtodon_peseibd
wrdu the Act 7he ardu has fo la
iphung and aybeal allowcl

The lase a ulevant txamhlk_whux

he shockles o hmitofon ohholds the
hvincihles how
o juskre. fovthev ifshews how
hvoudur Dt tomes npovfan in the are
of the lous.
hyovisions ov controling ahlicohons
using dvocat
by Usin yrural is a_toel envisaAcl

o Hudure misuse othe system and inuas
Srcanay Jn
n the ustn case, hvo aoove
was nod ollowecl by the hleant advocote
andoud # nodmlsibl n the fou of

The a Kc in weson 1thliete

hainted the judidary as rovyeht which
t ) athe A«t bot
9pallies undu S.
be rlvant / the
his wooldnt even
ae nof In conwrunu owlth
hYovislon3 ov mitahon. One migh
the hahben
dishosal o jushre didht note
bt the imbovtont thing to
haf /ustire nat sutread yiph1 IS
jushre ad ald.

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