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ADRS Assignment 1

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Snumerate The Vo8o cs ofatornale

dis pade oesol ution
To day s cobold has become qlobatise and
Commn e i lcoh he ad veut oP teehnoloqy
Teoele an no Contaot eao oheN ansetle

besiness deas and disputes cohen

Sthng at he Opposite ends of he wotd
-Most people no lonqer hove he +me to qo
and -Ale he Cousts and he
lo n peos Pos a heomng
a Stoqe cohere
1s beine
Cplated o h altes nah vc
dispt e esolionCADR) ue to the in efice
and dooobaars oF titigation
hat is ates notve dis ple oesp|ion
Altecnatiye dispcte oeol i o n CADRelors
-to oange oP dispue Sett leme mehbd
help Pastea Lo the lsoute to
Sett lemet o1ho ct qotng

Thtie involve a 34 paty

coho helshemin setti re thc dis putca
ADR mehus ase
olongside he litighibn procea
authosati Dh.

+osms of AHonote Dispate Segolon.

Thee Grse VamocLs ADR forms. but Thy

Grom Count to ount

Page No

Arbitoatidn o lncia S qo veaned by The
and Concil iai da Aet
Irt is a foo m oP lispete Dhese
One appoind ed
aoljuicate The aspute
They aa a pastieu
This a paty shold be neutral and this
paaty 1s selersred ansbltatos'CDhi
he he arsbiratos
detesminatiDn of nemts n
lChoon ae osbits oion a as
The aobtoaion
The ispte to be oesolves
amiCobl and eficiendly as it ake les
time and Costs brsThe paotie
1Thersetore pastiesequentl4 aho o.le
Osbit ate ispae ao se espeo'ally 1n

- Be Pone he arsbits atipn pYoCenr beings n

abitoatton agteeme OessiTed to be fbsme
This Cscpseene |ays doon the tesms a n
Conditi0 05 cohteh he arbi to ation poceel

-lt s detecmined thoough his Cgroeeme t

howThe p(e 2s eoi|| be made Cheapseacie
and hoco he ules oP euidenre coDd be
Gpplred etc
his Coeene ut showld be valicl a per 1he
lndi an ast 972 and he po otiA m
have he Cortoaat ndex SooboollB


A bital deoicid ne ame Dna) and binding

Paohes 556 have 1imited scope oP objeatino to
Non binl ny as bito aions alco emis ohorein
The pa ety a n request a tial
Satified 1he osbitsatbst decisions.
Main types oP osbitoal procee d ne
Hoc As bits ation
Unds a hoc Orobltsai Dn. he pasticA 10Uoed
Inthe dis pute detesmine he Condaor oP the
asbtaidn proceeal'yThemsoves cothoc eoing
oTbltoa tngttioh
ln Cas e te patie aTe not able to seTt1e
Ooone arbitsato or One o h e paties i
oelu ta u o appo) hat patiCla oeb itr
theSootion The Ashitation
Conciliation Aet l 6 ooilh be invoteal bythe

Sec. l1 ohe Ae.the abito atos o that

dispte oil1 be appoi wtes he t e Chl ef
Jeutce Khdeglqne
hie f Iustice High Count as
de s'qnate

2] lnsittional Abi troation

In 'c tind oe A-cbi tsahion theparties deatde n
The C g e m e t itcef That he asbitation
oill Qmin! s t r h e arsbitrahDh
he noiao lntition In ternaional ntre
for Atecnative Diipte Rerocuti 0n te Ihdian
PHge No:

11hese ia ti teetion foSmeae the

abit atiDn ooln to heis eKpeence

hese oroe hey preporsad or all porsible

Sitcot O may asise in feeturse arsbiteion
2 e í aton
ln meoliatiDn, a 8' neutra) ostey aums t urist
mose disputant eaohlng a Setemet
This 3rd pa aty ir reless ed to a
The meato neeoSto popesly Communicate
both 1he paohce and cee evope nego th atiba
techniques ode to mate One
the othen pooty's pesg peotive Through
Crnpahy and i'aoque
is cont olled by he ooeA
One oP Tbe oharaoterssh'c o h i tpe

aye an utOme oP the lispute

The SoluDn i glva metualy and he Caree meu


binclioContol op t e malatio,
toictl y ConPdental.
TLe patic Can evern qo fo liheaioahey
Saticfi eo itk he meou'aton

mwt be obsesed that the main cç m oP the

meaiaion pvotes s to hild selation.ship and
not aCe
moe oP an amiCable
poteia mftue buinec betueen the
Pege Mo

2JNegoi ation
ENeot'at On om o aligpate raeAlut
bwt 1 y e e ho 2
fo ajuaicate
The mattex These Pore 36c

toaeh mutUl a Ccepteble

The pars tiet ma hoOse -to be e e Je sed
bythei theirneohaioua
-Nqohaon not tattoly
-Th ere no Conduati g

Saset'as negota ion

Communicoon ohteh help


2] 1+ n be entersed nto vol untailsy and ite

OCO me non- oindia

The portie beneitted hese a hey hd e

Contol the Otcome a d Pvceusc and
the protee Casse keepi theis
intes exts in min

ln Concii'ahon he pat coho ie ca led
the Conoitato talte to he
Separso tey o patie Can
focilitating betoe en oste
Page Ne.

Coneli anon 1saco qÒves n e d n

tye Abit att Oo Con | ia
Unden voYded

Coheth exhey e Contraata ces rot

mealaton The meali atos plas a

Rotive yole in he pvoc es b ps pojlg
Ce mpvomise
5hile ioThe Cose oP COnciliahon
ha fo bong the parhe
ato Saoh a State oP mind a o fn cilitase
he partie to Come to on oCec ptable côpromia

Iherse are nany oThea alispte SeoluiDn method
Titte nmeo-oxb mini a
Bu rsbitretion -mealitipn e
ADRn lndia
hoghot The been

Slooly beromi ng Pevourse chotce fens


tl0euers coth 1he leue lop neut theue ADR

meds, andn ebst 1mpve acesc
fo tce ADR belng Seen Cu necess it
ohod be qven -to a1 ADR
mehods ntgoti otidn
Viehle a n l cludg
Conyeieut and
a e

burden cOuot

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