Polity Indian Constitution

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’A CongHituHion is a set of tencemeHcy prdinel

pley orr etcuished pire cedes ecording to wioh a
StoHe or other Orgernizoion is governd,
’4 is 0n Cthorcity het CogitHeg ovescnment
in the firA plosee (Suprene Louo af he Lerd)
’ t 15 Some Limits 0n cohert a gorerrn ment ms
m Can impape on is C2er4,
CiZe04, Thepe umit cure
fun doeretey dhe Senge ho govercnment ay
nevest tWpoogf them
-’A Conituio0 iS Cncercned cuith two 0o0 pet
The Relotio) betueen ho dhdferent eveð ef gov
The eloati on
oo betwen the gov and the itizep
Guoartdi un al Conitutio)- uprteme
yto di cun e Cou4io0- preoiden.

(onituiorol drcouneuso
8 1934- The ideoa of Conient CSemby ucy
put forcwtud or cthe fircm tioe by M.N Roy
’ 1935- Sndicn notio ras (Orgreg (IN) oun
deman ded a Corithoen oyemby o the (orfi ta.
Aion ndia
GOvercn men! 04 sndo Caot-/9
ot 34

The n01 Act 19 35 prycrbed a federeliso).

Al 435 i véo ded the poluoxi into n
OFederco) LiH (sq)
OProvin cica) Li4(5H)
0Conceottent Lit Cs)
The rehideorcapowerä wee veted wHne
19 40- Demound cocy
asep1ed by lhe citUrer
nd they prtopored Aonegt oAa
’ AuguH cfer wcy propo red by vicercoy Linl
hou 6
194 - Calbinte
misSi00 plon
leosd by thuree brity
hers, Cne feo
AVo auex ande
pethia Lwre
Undes this
this ploun
ploun che Congi uert
Rrmed in Novembest 1446 . csem bls weLf
TO toy
Strenath 6f te Conituent oSemlby csce
384 (296 geots wese fcon
Seats coerre 6f piney stoteg, DrHsh indiay 95
15i0ner prOvi nees(3) Gnd the Chict Cotm
’95 tcyK tooy to BauchiAn )
forcmLlorte ContiutionJr-foe
feesitatirg apprcopriote treery Fer af soveelg)
ocurcfrom bish uthorctier to ndkcen houndt.
’9n dicun 90dep en denee
’ FRbra0urC 20, 1947 the
Lement -Aep atiee dectoereed Hhoy he
Bresh rue n ndia coculd end by Jtno 30,H8.

put foreth the porcliton plon on dhe Sre douy 415

Ceu ed unt bectten plao, ( Ths t cuso Coyed run
3 plec)
’This pan y otepted by both Corg regs and
my im Le0sone,
’ hi Gt provided dor the pcarrtHion of he Country
0to 0dica and pcucisto0 .

-’ This et cuso emp0wered the (orgtituert embiee

to frcocNe Cund cdopt ay Contution.
’ Thy ndicun independenoe a gronted dreedoo to
dhe prineey Stote eithor to jol9ndia orc puu4Han
0 t0Rem cin 90dep en dent.
’8The Sndian Sn dependenee aet 6e lq47 ended the
Brcitish rue Cund declored hdha y n indepen
dert and Sove reei g0 Stoute drom
Greomcuret 5,
L0rd mOuntb Dcten beeoume the dcey noveeot
C1enereou Gf sndepen dent ndia .
’1 3ndicon to be come governo r generey ot dee
9ndia - Co Rogo peulot Chas
’ firct- Cnoentrt enertoel c pucist cun - Meho
moncdAr Tinn
’ Under the Schemo dorcm uloted by Cobine m°sio)
plcg the Cortitent CWebly uscey docnd i0
Novem bec 19 46.
60 ath December 7926- 1t mettirg
Jemby cucy held memberG
Cteined by 217
’ This meetina tucy
e OMstim lecote denied to aend meetig
Drt . 50echnanda Siho the oldes4 membert c
Ae CUyiteent femby cocy leeted crthotem
portourcy prglde cf he
’ 11h Dee embrt, J9H6 - Dr. Roj endra prcaya·

Stituert Cofembw.
Hc.M Muxherjce coces
dent fc he consituent ofemby
’B.B.N Recocy Oppoited a the
odv¯, g Cory

pro pored olbjec -tve
the fnd cument cu and refolutioncuhicIh
kOud doon
pu lasopluy 4 Ahe Corti
Jeney- 1947
un animoLwy adcpted by theThisrerolio cccy
’4 infnenced he Cuesenby o0
hrtough c 15 ubsequen! evente Shepire of he ton
dorms the Pre cambe of Staaer RS modi fred ve
the prsen
22d Jiy ConHie
Nationo oa w adopted.
+ Contituent af em by1513
fort feorcmina impottCani Commi44ee
9ndicn Conytittion vis bal
powest Come, ttee (eag heheorded by J Nel
Stote pwes Cummittee Nekray)
’Flcog Committ ee i- (C J.P Krti plani)
’Minority Comm4 tee t-C
’St eercirg Comnittee Rode)
Dr. Poj endra poghcad)
’Drecafting ComMHee co0y the DAdina
Crtat Cumore he 13 Committeef.
Drtocfire CommitHee '
Set up on 2q ceore, Jq 47.
Congti ution omgr
’The chcurcmeu of droting Commtee wp Drt.b2
Ambed iKo
’4 cons isted of memlaerc NDottiaO
1. Dro Brr ombedkot
2- N 1opCyc DQm uyergeur
3.Kis hnoswany ayyort
4. Drc
D KM Munsh
5. Syed
mohoum med Saadu ch
G0L miter (igred due t0 l heouth)
N MCLdhova Reu) rreplaeeed
7.DP khaitoun (Died in 1943) replosced loy TT kri
’The Coni ion maxeR! hocl 0ne thcaan he

/ monh and
to ComPie he Conion.
The totay kpendare in cucred o0 mOsiney he
(oiuton, aomouied to Re-64 Lx
2eth Novenbesr 194The
Juos,195o-The Coric) Cane inth dr

LengthicH wcitt en ConttOD

0 corcitten Contitution (US.P)
unwri tten oritUHion (U:
5 (urcitten Constitulio)
This sia type in which tun cbunetoy pinciple
CUcitten Crd ergoted 0 he forcn
" 91 S precise , cefne onod SyStematie
91 is c9gi CoJly rigid and thene a eter dee
4 0ncorcitten Congi tutio0
. This is the ne n cwich
ma al e piniples &
the sorescmen holwe nenesr ep)
enotded fn d
forun of leus.
94 is Consit
jdl de cisicn and Somg ctrcoditin
"Thele Cce fiexHole. Curitten Cs
The Con titution of in
dic iS s igid in Pcurts (De
mo crratiC, epuose,
’ Some of its Seculao etc).
CUH wCy cuhult othes Con
tocily. 90 Some Coofep
Cofep the(oncunen
uno ded ercy
Coen UNend Some perts
a Simde (Cw. by
yHeneeRiS Synhehs both
the rig,diy ard
’The Conition Sndia etousicher a pesti amen -
Cnd the Stete
o govecnmen both the Cente
The ejsence a he pCulicamHortuy OvernmeH f its
(es ponsibty to the Lerloture.
The prtci dent t the Contitutioncsl hesd ap he Ftote
t he eoyexeeie 9poue ts ve)ted in the Coun
Cal G mi0iegwhose heod is the pime ministet.
pencden hene nty Nomiroy owber.
huK NON - PARLIAME NTARY Not dutintion ef pOver
but deigetion sof poDery. KOe mtnitere in sheo)

9A Federcoutiog wth Stongy Centcosliscion tedonay:

’ Congtitution c india etb
lijher a tedera SHem sl
gevertnmen i.e dvi Si00 cf pUuer, tuo goerometS et
’But being a fedlercoy Cori tutico it
aqurep a UntoLrey
Chaaeoter ducirg the tine of energeney . Ducing he
prtoc leamcrton of enersaenay the norcno
0f powertp betceen drtiouHion e
Nit Chage ansU)aat
-’ The Union pcurt icemeny is
Gy s jest mentoncd in the empotoerr
to leg1s loate on
Stcte iA.
’The dinouciay Cuorgemets betuveen the
Stoue Can ouso be Herced ay tre Cente nd
Union oveKnmart
54 An Dndepen den gudi cioutey
’ an independent Gnd inpcucaiay Judticiy u Poua
Judi acy review hee been Ctobshed un der he
a Costodican righË o dhe Citi2en. heslo
0 an dedertay ConHitutio0 t pluys enohert Signi
rtole ef detesminirg he imty f pou
te Centre Cund Stcteg
6 Sirgte
’The oumertiCoun Constiio0 Provi dey
fort duoy c
Zenship, the iti zen c amel Ce ard a
Stote citi 2ensp, 3ndia a
<ttie0 CiH2en Gf indio

prtecumbie is the intco dueton to the
’4 i5 teexen frtom USA Conitio0.
’ So ert
dhe Jer precoe
heep been Cumo
19 76 ended
ammendmend t
thrcotC¯oog}h KnCcon
H2nd Cemend ney CTh
( Mini Coru
-y The 2
pre aumbe
mendment o.dded 3neL) Cuorde to t

cOM2ONes OFTete pRepMDLE


Aote metsependet cuunaty af
-’ Ths meocAN that 9dic hey the siprtene poLasT
islar te on Cuy
’ ndie iS not dbjeod.E
the onteco
extencl athorcitya t c 0
>9ndie iS neithorr depencdeny norc a donna (cn au
an nde penden! Stote

T94 meoary dhe heo ol dhe stote is etera

-y every izen uth the quelitiCorti on, mention in he

presidet (gndircectelentton) l rcercy n cladng thay

of he preiden coill be cpen to l citi zeny

Ge disctimination on tine rcôund ony &f
Caapte, o
lout reRd) Sexy eligion ot anege

y The tescm Seculast ucy Gdded thto gh

the Hnd
CLMend ment in theMeTt 1976.
’ Thi meoury the state ey no
cPhuc elegion. cell-4
reeli giony in the countreuy hare de Scune Stot d
Suppor .
>pemocrae Cbemol= Ptopei krote: Aue)

-y The peope cf dhe Coertrcu tlert dheir on repte-1

etcto vey. Sn ndia )+.èa Keprejertote demecta
bAn ctrzeny 'aue 4rretted -ecyuely ircer pectix
61 ve of theirt Stoot in
Conemte Jiee Rich and poor

9poti coLL - Everuy Cize0 15 gven eoien ay

prucrcity in he potiicoel Sphere, BecoLLse othi

iong, eeey citi2ey v oouwed to

e potitiCc System. pucicipoe
+ Precum ble Secwrey to Cul the atizery
o houe ht expresion, beiee, felth and tco

ArrHi Ce 19 quesOLnteeg the fceedom of Spe ech y

ekpreerion ete.
27 to 28 (right to
Peliajon) o he
ConytUCn the freedom f reiqion includine
beliee, fem ond
->EQUhuTY woshp.

protel tion o cte (ow.

Con e no dis
pesson Crd nothest on he
criminotin betaseen a
Coy tey grcounds ot celigia
bir) in morttery
to psbliC peesg Cnd

14 to 18G he anndian Corpiw

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