Family and Consumer Sciences Course Syllabus
Family and Consumer Sciences Course Syllabus
Family and Consumer Sciences Course Syllabus
Program Goal: The goal of the Wetumpka High School Family and Consumer Science
Department is to provide students with the skills they need in academic/technical education and
leadership/career development to become successful in the world of work
I. Course Description
Family and Consumer Sciences is a one-credit course. This course is designed to assist
students in recognizing the roles, responsibilities, and importance of the family. Course
content provides opportunities for students to explore characteristics of strong families;
family customs and traditions; healthy relationships; marriage readiness; parenting issues;
consumer behavior; clothing, housing and food needs throughout the life span; assessing
effects of technology on the family; and career options related to family and consumer
sciences and human sciences. Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA),
an integral part of the curriculum, provides opportunities to apply instructional competencies
and workplace readiness skills, enhances leadership development skills, and provides
opportunities for community service.
IV. Course Outline: The course outlines includes the following major content:
I. Foundations
A. Skills needed to perform work of the family and provide consumer services (1)
1. Mathematical skills
2. Reading skills
3. Writing skills
4. Critical thinking skills
5. Creative thinking skills
6. Decision-making
7. Problem-solving
B. Impact of goal setting and teamwork on one’s live (2)
C. Importance of FCCLA programs (2)
D. Qualities of healthy relationships (3)
1. Effective communication skills
2. Conflict resolution techniques
3. Refusal skills
V. Apparel
A. Selecting apparel and accessories (11)
1. Elements of art
2. Principles of design
B. Care of apparel and accessories (12)
C. Storage of apparel and accessories (12)
D. Basic sewing techniques (13)
E. Utilizing equipment safely and correctly (13)
VI. Housing
A. Meeting individual and family housing needs across the life span (14)
1. Housing options
2. Living space
3. Storage space
B. Selection of furniture, accessories, and equipment (15)
C. Placement of furniture, accessories, and equipment (15)
Course Assessment Procedures: Students will receive their grades based on daily
participation, laboratory experiences, projects, notebooks, homework and test. Each
category will be equally weighted to determine the student’s final average. Course work will
be weighted as followed:
1. Tests- 60%
2. Daily Work/ Homework- 40%
Grading Scale
F—59 and below
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
1. The text for this course is: Living Now Strategies for Success and Fulfillment.
2. Class Fees- $30.00.
3. FCCLA DUES- $12.00.
4. Supplies: one 3-ring binder or folder, notebook paper, and pencil or black or
blue ink pen.