Best Available Technique - BAT Za Betonare
Best Available Technique - BAT Za Betonare
Best Available Technique - BAT Za Betonare
Emission Estimation
Technique Manual
Concrete Batching
and Concrete Product
1. The Range of Concrete Products Manufactured in Australia......3
2. Concrete Product Manufacturing Process Material Inputs and
Pollutant Outputs .................................................................................4
3. NPI-Listed Substances Emitted to Air by the Concrete Products
Industry. .................................................................................................5
4. List of Variables and Symbols ...........................................................9
5. VOC Content of Common Surface Coatings.................................14
6. Particulate Matter (PM10) Emission Factors for Concrete
Batching ................................................................................................16
7. Emission Factors for PM10 for Concrete Batching Activities ......18
1.0 Introduction
The purpose of all Emission Estimation Technique (EET) Manuals in this series is to
assist Australian manufacturing, industrial and service facilities to report emissions
of listed substances to the National Pollutant Inventory (NPI). This Manual describes
the procedures and recommended approaches for estimating emissions from
facilities engaged in concrete batching and concrete product manufacturing.
The activities covered in this Manual apply to facilities primarily engaged in the
following activities:
- Concrete Batching
This Manual was drafted by the NPI Unit of the Queensland Department of
Environment and Heritage on behalf of the Commonwealth Government. It has
been developed through a process of national consultation involving State and
Territory environmental authorities and key industry stakeholders.
2.0 Processes and Emissions
The following section presents a brief description of the Concrete Batching and
Concrete Product Manufacturing Industry and identifies likely sources of emissions.
Figure 1 shows the concrete batching processes and likely emission points. As each
facility in Australia is likely to be unique, operators are strongly advised to develop a
flow diagram for their own facility that details the input of materials and NPI-listed
substances, as well as the waste sources and emissions resulting from the operation
of each process:
PM Cement Unloading
Pneumatic or bucket
elevator transfer
PM Sand, aggregate
Elevated storage silo PM
Front end loader,
clam shell crane,
belt conveyor or
bucket elevator
Elevated storage Particulate Matter
bins (PM)
PM Truck mixed product Mixer PM
Some concrete mixtures include hydrochloric acid, acetone, styrene, glycol ethers, or
butyl benzyl phthalate as additives. Manufacturers utilise different combinations of
pastes and aggregates to produce grades of concrete that vary in terms of cost,
strength, durability, and rigidity.
The many types of products fashioned from concrete include bricks, architectural
blocks, columns, paving materials, foundations, curbing, storage tanks, roofing-tiles,
and pipes. Facilities covered in this Manual produce both ready-mixed concrete
which is unhardened concrete material, and a multitude of concrete products, such
as those listed above. Table 1. indicates the wide variety of concrete products, and
the range of production activities involved.
Concrete batching plants store, convey, measure, and discharge concrete constituents
into concrete mixers for transport to the job site. The raw materials can be delivered
to a batching plant by road or by rail, and are then transferred to elevated storage
silos pneumatically, or by bucket elevator. The sand and coarse aggregate are
transferred to elevated bins by front-end loader, clam-shell crane, belt conveyor, or
bucket elevator. From the elevated bins, the constituents are fed by gravity, or screw
conveyor, to weigh hoppers that combine the proper amounts of each material.
The constituents are then fed from the weigh hopper to agitator trucks, where the
concrete is mixed on the way to the site where it is to be used. Central mix facilities
mix the concrete on site and then transfer it either to an open bed dump truck or a
concrete mixer for transport to the job site. Shrink mixed concrete is partially mixed
at the central mix plant, then completely mixed in the concrete mixer on the way to
the job site. Dry batching, where concrete is mixed and hauled to the construction
site in dry form, is seldom used in Australia.
Table 2. Concrete Product Manufacturing Process Material Inputs and
Pollutant Outputs
Process Material Air Emissions * Water or Land Other Wastes
Input Emissions & Emissions
Concrete Cement, Cement dust, Wastewaters Equipment
Batching and sand, lime- sand and containing and repair
Product stone, gravel, gravel dust, residual emissions
Manufacturing aggregate constituents solvents, and wastes,
material, from fuel other VOCs, paint sludges
acetone, burning, VOCs acids, and containing
glycol ethers, from paint and particulates residue
hydrochloric solvent solvents
acid, styrene, application
solvents in and cleaning
paints and
Adapted from: USEPA Sector Notebook Project, 1995.
*For more detail on Air Emissions, please refer to the EET Manual for Combustion in Boilers.
Fugitive Emissions
These are emissions that are not released through a vent or stack. Examples of
fugitive emissions include dust from stockpiles, volatilisation of vapour from vats,
open vessels, spills, and materials handling. Emissions emanating from ridgeline
roof-vents, louvres, and open doors of a building, as well as equipment leaks, and
leaks from valves and flanges are also examples of fugitive emissions. Emission
factor EETs are the usual method for determining losses through fugitive emissions.
Fugitive emissions from the concrete industry include particulate matter (PM10) from
vehicular movements, and the storage, unloading and conveying of aggregates, and
other material inputs. (Emissions from concrete product manufacturing may also
include various volatile organic compounds (eg., xylenes), from solvent and paint
These emissions are exhausted into a vent or stack and emitted through a single
point source into the atmosphere. Table 3 highlights the most commonly emitted
substances from the United States Concrete Product Manufacturing Industry.
Table 3. NPI-Listed Substances Emitted to Air by the Concrete Products
Listed Substance Listed Substance
Ammonia Phenol
Formaldehyde Styrene
Hydrochloric acid Sulphuric acid
Hydrogen fluoride Toluene
Methanol Xylenes (mixed isomers)
Particulate matter (PM10)
Adapted from: USEPA, Sector Notebook Project, 1995.
Air emission control technologies, such as water sprays and fabric filters are
commonly installed to reduce the concentration of substances in venting air streams
prior to emission. Where such emission abatement equipment has been installed,
and where emission factors from uncontrolled sources have been used in an emission
estimation, the collection efficiency of the abatement equipment needs to be
considered. Guidance on applying collection efficiencies to emission factor equations
is provided in later sections.
With regards to emission controls for PM10, in the absence of measured data, or
knowledge of the collection efficiency for a particular piece of equipment, an
efficiency of 90% should be used in the emission factor equation to calculate actual
mass emissions. This default should only be used if there is no other available control
The discharge of listed substances to a sewer or tailings dam does not require you to
report to the NPI (See also Section Three of The NPI Guide).
2.2.3 Emissions to Land
3.0 Emission Estimation Techniques
Estimates of emissions of NPI listed substances to air, water and land should be
reported for each substance that triggers a threshold. The reporting list and detailed
information on thresholds are contained in The NPI Guide at the front of this
There are four types of emission estimation techniques (EETs) that may be used to
estimate emissions from your facility.
The four types described in The NPI Guide and in this Manual are:-
• sampling or direct measurement
• mass balance
• fuel analysis or other engineering calculations
• emission factors
Select the EET (or mix of EETs) that is most appropriate for your purposes. For
example, you might choose to use a mass balance to best estimate fugitive losses
from pumps and vents, direct measurement for stack and pipe emissions, and
emission factors when estimating losses from storage tanks and stockpiles.
If you estimate your emission by using any of the EETs described in The NPI Guide
and in this Manual, your data will be displayed on the NPI database as being of
‘acceptable reliability’. Similarly, if your relevant environmental authority has
approved the use of emission estimation techniques that are not outlined in The NPI
Guide and in this Manual, your data will also be displayed as being of ‘acceptable
This Manual seeks to provide the most effective emission estimation techniques for
the NPI substances relevant to this industry. However, the absence of an EET for a
substance in this Manual does not necessarily imply that an emission should not be
reported to the NPI. The obligation to report on all relevant emissions remains if
reporting thresholds have been exceeded.
You are able to use emission estimation techniques that are not outlined in this
document. You must, however, seek the consent of your relevant environmental
authority. For example, if your company has developed site specific emission
factors, you may use these if approved by your relevant environmental authority.
You should note that the EETs presented in this Manual relate principally to average
process emissions. Emissions resulting from non-routine events are rarely discussed
in the literature, and there is a general lack of EETs for such events. However, it is
important to recognise that emissions resulting from significant operating excursions
and/or accidental situations (eg: spills) will also need to be estimated. Emissions to
land, air and water from spills must be estimated and added to process emissions
when calculating total emissions for reporting purposes. The emission resulting
from a spill is the net emission, ie., the quantity of the NPI reportable substance
spilled, less the quantity recovered or consumed during clean up operations.
You may wish to undertake direct measurement in order to report to the NPI,
particularly if you already do so in order to meet other regulatory requirements.
However, the NPI does not require you to undertake additional sampling and
measurement. For sampling data to be adequate and able to be used for NPI
reporting purposes, it would need to be collected over a period of time and be
representative of operations for the whole year.
Stack sampling test reports often provide emissions data in terms of kg per hour or
grams per cubic meter (dry standard). Annual emissions for NPI reporting can be
calculated from this data. Stack tests for NPI reporting should be performed under
representative (ie. normal) operating conditions. You should be aware that some tests
undertaken for a State or Territory license condition may require the test be taken
under maximum emissions rating, where emissions are likely to be higher than when
operating under normal operating conditions.
Table 4. List of Variables and Symbols
Variable Symbol Units
Concentration C parts per million volume dry
Molecular weight MW kg/kg-mole
Molar volume @ STP V 22.4 m3/kg-mole @ 0°C and 101.3 kPa
Flow rate Qa actual cubic metres per second (m3/s)
Flow rate Qd cubic metres per second (m3/s)
Emissions Ei typically kg per hour of pollutant i
Annual emissions Ekpy,i kg per year of pollutant i
Filter catch Cf grams (g)
PM10 concentration CPM g/m3
Metered volume at standard Vm, STP cubic metres (m3)
temperature and pressure
Temperature T C
Activity rate A tonnes per year (t/yr)
Annual operating hours OpHrs hours per year (hr/yr)
Specific gravity of coating SG kilograms per litre (kg/L)
Evaporation rate Evap percentage (%)
Control efficiency CE percentage (%)
Annual volume of coating A litres per year (L/yr)
Content of VOC species S percentage (%)
Source: Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage, 1998.
Because vent or stack testing is relatively uncommon for Australian concrete product
manufacturers, emissions test data for these facilities are typically in the form of
worker exposure monitoring results conducted for compliance with Worksafe
Australia exposure standards. This gas concentration data may be used in
conjunction with exhaust system flow rates to calculate fugitive emissions from a
room, floor, or building. Equation (1) calculates these emissions.
Example 1. - Using Sampling Data
This example shows how Equation (1) is used to calculate fugitive emissions of
xylenes from a building where concrete roof-tiles are being coated. The following
data is given:
Once the pollutant concentration is known, emission rates are obtained by
multiplying the pollutant concentration by the volumetric gas, or liquid flow rate of
that pollutant.
It is important to note that prior to using CEMS to estimate emissions, you should
develop a protocol for collecting and averaging the data in order that the estimate
satisfies your relevant environmental authority’s requirement for NPI emissions
A mass balance identifies the quantity of substance going in and out of an entire
facility, process, or piece of equipment. Emissions can be calculated as the difference
between input and output of each listed substance. Accumulation or depletion of the
substance within the equipment should be accounted for in your calculation.
The operational activities that are process or facility specific, and need to be factored
into a mass balance equation, include:
• the range and mix of process activities and product manufacturing that occur at
any facility;
• the amount of paint, solvents, and acid solutions used at the facility;
• the volatile organic compound (VOC) content, volatility and weight percentage of
listed substances in the paints and solvent cleaning solutions used;
• the amount of material that is recovered and recycled, but not reused within the
facility; and
• the control equipment used, and the control efficiency of this equipment.
The mass balance approach requires the addition of all materials containing NPI
pollutants received at the facility and then the subtraction of all the known losses or
transfers of the material off-site, including finished product and waste materials. The
difference is assumed to have been emitted to air, water, or land. The quantity
received, and the quantity lost or used should be for the same time period, typically 1
July to 30 June (the NPI reporting year).
Equation (3) can be used for calculating emissions using the mass balance approach.
Qr = quantity of VOC or PM10 species i that is received as raw
material, kg/yr
Qp = quantity of VOC or PM10 species i that is contained in the
final product or article, kg/yr
Qrec = quantity of VOC or PM10 species i that is recovered on-
site by all methods (such as solvent recovery), kg/yr
Qw = quantity of VOC or PM10 species i that is contained in all
wastes (such as wastewater, sludge, drum residue)
generated during the NPI reporting year, kg/yr
Qi = quantity of VOC or PM10 species i that remains on-site in
the raw material inventory or stock pile, kg/yr
Example 2. - Using a Mass Balance
This example shows how total xylene emissions for a concrete roof-tile
manufacturing facility can be calculated using Equation (3). Given data is as follows:
• In a given year, a concrete tile facility receives 70 000 kg of xylenes (Qf) contained
in 140 000 litres of concrete roof-tile paint.
• Based on the total amount of product shipped off-site, and records of product
composition, the facility estimates that the amount of xylenes shipped off-site
contained in roof tile coatings is 21 000 kg.
• The amount of xylenes that were recovered by the facility’s distillation system
(Qrec) is 20 000kg.
• Based on waste composition analyses, the amount of waste transferred off-site,
and wastewater discharge rates, the facility estimates that the amount of xylenes
found in all wastes generated during the year (Qw) is 5 000kg.
• The amount of xylenes contained in the facility’s paint inventory at the end of the
reporting year (Qi) is 15 000kg.
Ekpy,i = Qr - Qp - Qrec - Qw - Qi
= 70 000 - 21 000 - 20 000 - 5 000 - 15 000
= 9 000 kg xylenes/yr
The methodology for calculating volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from
coating or sealer application to concrete product or concrete mixing operations is
quite straightforward. For each type of coating, sealer, or paint fluid used, the
quantity of total product used is multiplied by the VOC content and evaporation rate
of the coating, sealer, or paint to obtain the total VOC emissions from the use of that
If any type of air pollution control equipment is in use, then the VOC emissions
estimate is reduced by the effectiveness of the equipment to reflect the effects of the
control device. To report individual listed VOCs, (eg., toluene or xylenes), the same
method is applied, only the quantity of coating used is multiplied by the individual
content of the VOC being measured. The methodology is expressed by Equation (5).
EVOC = Σi [(Ai * SGi) * (SVOC,i/100) * Evap * (1 - (CE/100))] (4)
The quantities of each type of coating used are usually available in litres. Material
and Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), or paint and coating manufacturers and suppliers,
should be consulted to obtain the VOC content, VOC speciation profile, and the
evaporation rate. Some default VOC content values are provided in Table 5.
Example 3. - Calculating VOC Emissions
Emission factors are used to estimate a facility’s emissions by the general equation:
where :
Example 4. - Calculating PM10 Emissions
Table 6 shows that 0.05kg of PM10 are emitted for each tonne of truck-mix concrete
produced from all process sources. The emission factor is from a plant with no
emission abatement or control technologies in place. The concrete plant operates for
1 500 hours per year.
Speciating PM10 Emissions
PM10 emissions containing listed metals may require speciation into individual metal
species where reporting thresholds for the metal have been triggered. Speciated PM10
emissions are calculated using Equation (6).
This example demonstrates how speciated PM10 emissions from total concrete
batching processes at a facility may be calculated using the quantity of PM10
emissions calculated from Example 4 and Equation (6):
Table 7 illustrates Emission Factors for PM10 for Concrete Batching Activities
(kg/tonne material unless otherwise specified).
Table 7. Emission Factors for PM10 for Concrete Batching Activities
Component/Activities PM10 Emission Factors
1. Materials Handling
a) unenclosed
Default formula for PM10 EPM10 = 0.75 * 0.001184 * [(U/2.2)1.3 /
NB For materials where M = 0, use
default of 0.0036 kg/t handled
Reduction Factors (RF)
- wind breaks 0.7
- water sprays 0.5
- chemical suppression 0.2
- enclosure (2 or 3 walls) 0.1
- covered stockpiles 0.0
b) bag filters venting outside EPM10 = 12mg/m3 * m3/hr (flow) * hr/yr
(OpHrs) * 10-6
(12mg/m3 = 80% * undiff. (15mg/m3))
c) enclosed 0.0
2. Materials Storage - wind erosion
active stockpiles (kg/ha/hr-area of
Default 0.3
Reduction Factors (RF)
- wind breaks 0.7
- water sprays 0.5
- chemical suppression 0.2
- enclosure (2 or 3 walls) 0.1
- covered stockpiles 0.0
3. Equipment Traffic - greater than 5
gross (kg/VKT on unsealed roads)
Option 1 0.0019 * (# wheels)3.4 * (road surface
silt content (g/m2 as per AS3638))0.2
Option 2 Default 1.5 (75% of undiff. (2.0))
Reduction Factors (RF)
- watering (to eliminate visible dust) 0.25
- chemical spraying (rate) 0.2
4. Fuel Preparation & Drying - coal
with dust collector As per Section 1 b) bag filters
5. Limestone/Raw Material Crushing -
material through crusher (kg/tonne)
- uncontrolled 0.017
- fabric filter 0.0002
- wet or chemical suppression 0.0005
- wet scrubber 0.004
Table 7 Emission Factors for PM10 for Concrete Batching Activities (cont’)
Component/Activities PM10 Emission Factors
6. Kiln
a) wet process
- electrostatic precipitator 0.3
b) preheater kiln
- fabric filter 0.1
- electrostatic precipitator 0.1
c) precalciner process kiln
- fabric filter 0.1
- electrostatic precipitator 0.1
7. Clinker Processing
- fabric filter 0.001
- electrostatic precipitator 0.01
- gravel bed filter 0.03
8. Finished Cement Grinding
- uncontrolled 0.3
- fabric filter 0.003
- electrostatic precipitator 0.004
(Assumes a default factor of 60mg/m3
split into 40mg/m3 PM10 and 20mg/m3
> PM10)
Source: The Cement Industry Federation Limited, 1998.
4.0 Emission Estimation Techniques: Acceptable Reliability and
Several techniques are available for calculating emissions from concrete batching and
concrete product manufacturing facilities. The technique chosen is dependent upon
available data, available resources, and the degree of accuracy sought by the facility
in undertaking the estimate. In general, site-specific data that are representative of
normal operations are more accurate over industry-averaged data, such as the
emission factors presented in Section 3.4.1. of this Manual.
Use of stack and/or workplace health and safety sampling data is likely to be a
relatively accurate method of estimating air emissions from concrete batching and
concrete product manufacturing facilities. However, collection and analysis of
samples from facilities can be very expensive and especially complicated where a
variety of NPI-listed substances are emitted and where most of these emissions are
fugitive in nature. Sampling data from one specific process may not be representative
of the entire manufacturing operation and may provide only one example of the
facility’s emissions.
To be representative, sampling data used for NPI reporting purposes would need to
be collected over a period of time covering all aspects of production of concrete
In the case of CEMS, instrument calibration drift can be problematic and uncaptured
data can create long-term incomplete data sets. However, it may be misleading to
assert that a snapshot (stack sampling) can better predict long-term emission
characteristics. It is the responsibility of the facility operator to properly calibrate and
maintain monitoring equipment and the corresponding emissions data.
Theoretical and complex equations or models can be used for estimating emissions
from concrete product manufacturing, however, their use is a more complex and
time-consuming process than the use of emission factors. Emission equations require
more detailed inputs than the use of emission factors but they do provide an
emission estimate that is based on facility-specific conditions.
Every emission factor has an associated emission factor rating (EFR) code. This
rating system is common to EETs for all industries and sectors and therefore, to all
Industry Handbooks. They are based on rating systems developed by the United
States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), and by the European
Environment Agency (EEA). Consequently, the ratings may not be directly relevant
to Australian industry. Sources for all emission factors cited can be found in Section
5.0 of this document. The emission factor ratings will not form part of the public NPI
When using emission factors, you should be aware of the associated EFR code and
what that rating implies. An A or B rating indicates a greater degree of certainty
than a D or E rating. The less certainty, the more likely that a given emission factor
for a specific source or category is not representative of the source type. These
ratings notwithstanding, the main criterion affecting the uncertainty of an emission
factor remains the degree of similarity between the equipment/process selected in
applying the factor, and the target equipment/process from which the factor was
5.0 References
USEPA. September 1995. EPA Office of Compliance Sector Notebook Project. Profile of the
Stone, Clay, Glass, and Concrete Products Industry.. United States Environmental
Protection Agency, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. Washington,