English File: Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation
English File: Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation
English File: Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation
4 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A ENGLISH FILE 4
1 This time tomorrow, you’re taking / ’ll be taking Example: I’ll be downstairs in five minutes when I’ve
your driving test. got dressed.
2 Good luck with the interview! I’ll be thinking / ’ll
1 I can’t start cooking ____ Jane brings the food.
have thought of you.
2 Give me a call later ____ you’re having your break.
3 I’ll have gone / ’ll be going into town more next
week – that’s when my course starts. 3 There’s no way I’m helping him ____ he pays me.
4 The meeting should be a quick one so we’ll have 4 Take my number ____ you need to call me.
finished / be finishing by 3:00. 5 I’m not leaving ____ you give me my money back.
5 I’m sure we’ll have solved / ’ll be solving all our 6 Let me know ______ you’ve heard any news.
energy problems by 2050. 7 You shouldn’t eat _____ you do exercise.
6 We usually start our lunch at 1:30, but tomorrow 8 The passengers got off the plane ____ it had landed.
we’ll have started / ’ll be starting it at 2:15 as
there’s a lot of work to do in the morning. 8
Grammar total 20
Pronunciation total 10
Change in the UK rail network, and more electrification of the rail network.
The new Blackfriars Railway station in London is being
Climate change is a long-term change in weather patterns
fitted with technology including sun pipes, rainwater
over periods of time that range from decades to millions of
harvesting systems, insulation, and solar panels to make it
years. It is one of the greatest environmental issues of our
less reliant on water and electricity networks. Perhaps this
station will lead the way for others all over the country to
The effect of changes in our climate has been a hot topic become more environmentally friendly.
for many years. And now government ministers in the UK
have warned that the internet could be badly affected due
A It also highlights the role of the government in
to climate change. (–––– 1 ––––)
protecting the UK from the effects of climate change.
Scientists say that higher temperatures and rainstorms
B So, how long has it been damaged for?
could affect wi-fi communications. In addition, wetter
winters and drier summers might lead to subsidence – the
C This involves spending around £200 billion on UK
sinking of the ground – damaging underground cables.
transportation and power supplies over the next five
(–––– 2 ––––) If climate change affects the quality of the
signal, or there is no signal due to extreme changes in D As well as getting money from the government, she also
temperature, people will clearly be disadvantaged. It would asked for help from British businesses.
be very serious if communication systems were not E So, what does that mean for people who need to use
working in the height of an emergency. This is why the issue these communications?
must be dealt with.
F Roads, railways, and power and water supplies also
The Environment Secretary, Caroline Spelman, recently need to be protected as weather patterns become more
explained the government’s plans to take action. serious.
(–––– 3 ––––) However, if these facilities cannot deal with the Reading total 10
increase in floods and storms likely to accompany rising
temperatures, the money will have been wasted, she
warned. Speaking at Blackfriars Railway Station in London,
which a UK rail company says is being redeveloped with the You have been asked to write a report on how your
long-term effects of climate change in mind, Ms. Spelman town or city is helping the environment for the
said the UK economy would not be able to grow if school’s Eco-Club. Write 140–180 words. Include
infrastructure – transport and communications networks the following information:
and reliable energy and water supplies – failed. • say what your town/city is already doing to help the
Ms. Spelman explained that our economy is built on this environment
infrastructure. But it could not grow if there are repeated • make some suggestions for more things your town/city
power failures, or if goods cannot be transported because could do
roads are flooded and railways have been damaged, or if • explain why these things would make a difference
heavy rainfall or high temperatures negatively affect wi-fi
signals. (–––– 4 ––––) According to Ms. Spelman, they could Writing total 10
come forward and develop new technologies and
Reading and Writing total 20
processes to help our current systems better deal with
climate change.
A government report published recently outlines how
planning and design of new systems needs to consider the
effect of climate change. This is especially important as
many projects will still be there in 50 to 100 years from
1 Listen to five people talking about road safety. 1 Make questions and ask your partner.
Choose from the list (A–F) what each speaker says 1 What / do / prevent climate change in your daily life?
about road safety. Use the letters only once. There
2 How / people live / 50 years’ time?
is one extra letter you do not need to use.
3 What / least favorite / type of weather? Why?
A don’t speak on the phone while driving
B make sure you always wear your seatbelt 4 What / weather usually like in your country in
C pay attention to the conditions summer?
D be prepared for your trip 5 What / the riskiest thing / ever do?
E check how fast you are driving Now answer your partner’s questions.
F wear the correct clothes at night
Speaker 1:
2 Listen to your partner talking about climate
change. Do you agree with him / her?
Speaker 2:
Speaker 3: 3 Talk about the statement below, saying if you agree
Speaker 4: or disagree. Give reasons.
Speaker 5: “We can’t do anything to stop climate change, so we
5 should enjoy life now.”
Speaking total 20
2 Listen to a radio interviewer talking to a young
Listening and Speaking total 30
person who does volunteer work for an
environmental agency.
1 Rick spent 6 months / 9 months / 12 months
working as a volunteer.
2 Rick’s role included looking at the fish that were
caught / finding types of seahorses in the ocean /
tidying up beaches.
3 Volunteers usually had one / two / three days off
each week.
4 All volunteers shared a kitchen / bathroom /
5 Some people on the project had the chance to learn
to dive / learn about construction work / learn
how to teach.
Listening total 10