Progress Test Files 1-5 Answer Key A Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation
Progress Test Files 1-5 Answer Key A Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation
Progress Test Files 1-5 Answer Key A Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation
1 1 healthier
2 have you
3 hers
4 still feel
5 are always
6 it to me
7 do
8 had
9 has cut
10 end of the film
11 was revising
12 since
13 on
14 ’ll
2 1 happier
2 apologize for
3 their own
4 What’s its name?
5 the biggest room
6 sends them to us
7 in front of the shop
8 the most dangerous form
9 Vanessa and Kevin’s party
10 good as white
11 an old friend of mine
12 through the door
3 1 were having
2 did, use to live
3 passes
4 haven’t seen
5 Does, know
6 changes
7 like
8 used to be
9 ’m / am going to give or ’ll / will give
10 don’t wear
11 is, going to do / will, do
12 travelled
13 have, been waiting
14 are, thinking
4 1 cruise
2 Reality
Progress Test Files 1–5 Answer Key A
3 reheat
4 unpacked
5 an adaptor
6 landfill
7 round
8 lens
9 dry cleaner’s
10 jars
11 tutorial
12 covering
5 1 blurred
2 package
3 reapply
4 moody
5 vacancies
6 sensible
7 repellent
8 chain
9 trial
10 portrait
11 attend
12 forecast
13 referee
14 gate
6 1 zoom
2 sitcoms
3 glamorous
4 stationer’s
5 lambs
6 grant
7 pensioner
7 1 sunbathe
2 closed
3 grow
4 enlarge
5 taking
6 switch
7 pick
8 1 pho|to|graph
2 a|dap|tor
3 re|a|li|ty
4 en|vi|ous
5 co|mmer|cial
6 qua|li|fi|ca|tion
7 suc|cess|ful
Progress Test Files 1–5 Answer Key A
8 sun|gla|sses
9 e|quip|ment
10 do|cu|men|tary
9 1 colour
2 apply
3 screen
4 creative
5 massage
6 watched
7 brother
8 nickname
9 decided
10 swimsuit
1 1 B
2 A
3 B
4 A
5 D
2 1 C
2 F
3 A
4 D
5 B
1 1 B
2 A
3 B
Progress Test Files 1–5 Answer Key A
4 C
5 B
2 1 F
2 D
3 A
4 B
5 E
Interactive communication and oral production: The student communicates effectively with
his / her partner, asking and answering simple questions, and where necessary initiating
conversation and responding. The student uses appropriate strategies to complete the task
successfully. (5 marks)
Grammar and Vocabulary: The student uses a sufficient range of vocabulary and structure to
communicate clearly. Minor occasional errors do not impede communication. (5 marks)
Pronunciation: The student’s intonation, stress, and articulation of sounds make the message clear
and comprehensible. (5 marks)
Progress Test Files 1–5 Answer Key B
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation
1 1 are, thinking
2 passes
3 did, use to live
4 haven’t seen
5 Does, know
6 changes
7 like
8 used to be
9 don’t wear
10 travelled
11 is, going to do / will, do
12 ’m / am going to give or ’ll / will give
13 were having
14 have, been waiting
2 1 ’ll
2 has cut
3 it to me
4 healthier
5 was revising
6 hers
7 since
8 on
9 are always
10 have you
11 do
12 had
13 end of the book
14 still feel
4 1 portrait
2 vacancies
Progress Test Files 1–5 Answer Key B
3 gate
4 blurred
5 trial
6 forecast
7 package
8 sensible
9 referee
10 reapply
11 chain
12 moody
13 repellent
14 attend
5 1 stationer’s
2 pensioner
3 sitcoms
4 grant
5 glamorous
6 lambs
7 zoom
6 1 taking
2 switch
3 closed
4 sunbathe
5 pick
6 grow
7 enlarge
7 1 round
2 covering
3 an adaptor
4 dry cleaner’s
5 unpacked
6 jars
7 cruise
8 reheat
9 lens
10 tutorial
11 landfill
12 Reality
8 1 shoes
2 likely
3 relaxed
4 leaves
5 name
6 garbage
7 useless
Progress Test Files 1–5 Answer Key B
8 sunrise
9 added
10 country
9 1 e|quip|ment
2 qua|li|fi|ca|tion
3 re|a|li|ty
4 a|dap|tor
5 do|cu|men|tary
6 co|mmer|cial
7 sun|gla|sses
8 en|vi|ous
9 pho|to|graph
10 suc|cess|ful
1 1 C
2 D
3 D
4 B
5 A
2 1 C
2 F
3 A
4 D
5 B
1 1 C
2 B
3 A
Progress Test Files 1–5 Answer Key B
4 C
5 C
2 1 C
2 F
3 D
4 A
5 E
Interactive communication and oral production: The student communicates effectively with
his / her partner, asking and answering simple questions, and where necessary initiating
conversation and responding. The student uses appropriate strategies to complete the task
successfully. (5 marks)
Grammar and Vocabulary: The student uses a sufficient range of vocabulary and structure to
communicate clearly. Minor occasional errors do not impede communication. (5 marks)
Pronunciation: The student’s intonation, stress, and articulation of sounds make the message clear
and comprehensible. (5 marks)