AEF5 File5 TestA

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5  Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation   A ENGLISH FILE  5

GRAMMAR 3 Is the sentence right or wrong? Write correct or

incorrect in the blank.
1 Underline the correct word(s).
1 It has been announced that the company president is
Example: It’s been announced / announced that our leaving next month. __________________
pay will increase next year. 2 Apparently to the newspaper this morning, there
1 There are thought to be / appears to be millions were several robberies in the city last night.
of species of insects in the world. __________________
2 It’s appear / It appears that the office is closed. 3 It is said that there are some animals that recognize
3 It would seems / seem that Brad has stolen Fred’s themselves in the mirror. __________________
bicycle. 4 According to what I read on the Internet, there will
4 Apparently / According to the newspaper, the be a special election for mayor next month.
economy is going to improve next year. __________________
5 The robbers may have / might be escaped by 5 There are thought being several ways to achieve
motorcycle. lifelong happiness. __________________
6 Pete is understood to / understood have written a 5
postcard from Paris.
4 Choose two words and put them together to make
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of compound nouns. Do not add extra words.
the verb in parentheses. Example: a … confined / big / turn-off a big turn-off
Example: I think it’s time you found (find) your own 1 a … long-term / dumped / relationship a ________
place to live. 2 a … juggling / time-saving / gadget a ________
1 I wish I ________ (know) the answer to your 3 a … hard / waste / time a ________
4 the … time of / time being / your life the ________
2 If only Stephen ________ (be) a bit more reliable,
5 some … time / off / up some ________
then we wouldn’t have to wonder if the job is being
done correctly. 6 a … spare / question / of time a ________
3 I’d rather you ________ (not call) my father. He’s 6
probably not awake yet.
4 Don’t you think it’s time you ________ (take) a 5 Complete the sentences with one word.
Example: A legal agreement where a bank lends you
5 Would you rather we ________ (go) to the park?
money to buy a house is called a mortgage.
6 If only you ________ (not forget) to bring your
1 Money that you give to a charity organization is
wallet, we’d be able to buy a drink.
called a ________.
6 2 Something that is reasonably priced is good
________ for money.
3 A person who has a lot of money but wastes it is said
to have more money than ________.
4 Money that is given without expectation of
repayment, especially to pay for college, is called a
5 I have a full-time job and a family to take care of, so I
don’t have much _________ time.
6 If you have to stop yourself from saying something
rude or hurtful, we say you “bite your ______.”

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5  Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation   A ENGLISH FILE  5

6 Underline the odd word out. PRONUNCIATION

Example: poor  broke  loaded penniless 7 Match the words with the same sound.
1 rich wealthy consumer well-off
fees debt sob whistle
2 fees charge hard up fine savings approached
3 gadget cell phone laptop installment
Example: buzz fees
4 savings bandit loan lump sum
1 sense ________, ________
5 juggle debt consumer currency
2 barely ________
6 multitask income currency installment
3 deposit ________, ________

8 Underline the stressed syllable.

Example: childcare
1 affluent
2 consumer
3 beyond
4 exchange
5 installment

Pronunciation total 10

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5  Reading and Writing   A ENGLISH FILE  5

READING when multitasking, in comparison with the time that would

be taken if each task was completed separately.
1 Read the article and check (✓) A, B, or C.
This has major implications for multitasking, suggesting
that although people may think that it saves time without
A STUDY OF MULTITASKING affecting efficiency, in reality it actually takes more time,
Technology increasingly makes it possible for people to do and this may have an adverse effect on efficiency. In the
more than one task at a time, for example moving between case of someone using a cell phone while driving,
browsing the Web and using other computer programs, multitasking could mean that they are not in full control
talking on cell phones while driving, or flying a jet and of their vehicle during the short period when they are
monitoring air traffic. Indeed, the word describing this switching to using the phone.
– “multitasking” – has gone from being invented to being The researchers feel that their research has important
commonly used in everyday life in a remarkably short time. consequences for multitasking. Their conclusions regarding
A recent study has looked at whether multitasking is purely executive control and how it works may, they believe, help
beneficial or has its downside, especially when the tasks people to look for strategies that will enable them to
being done together are complicated ones. operate in the most efficient way possible when they are
The researchers concluded that when people are multitasking. And an understanding of executive mental
multitasking, they are using what they call “executive control could have an impact on the design of the
control” processes. These processes concern different technology involved in such areas as operating aircraft and
parts of the brain and involve the brain allocating different air traffic control, as well as other activities where the
mental resources to different tasks and deciding which interface between humans and computers is crucial to
tasks are more important than others. The brain’s executive efficiency.
control gives the appropriate resources to the different In addition, there are other possible applications of this
aspects of tasks, such as understanding what the task research. Understanding how people function while
requires, thinking about what to do, and taking action. multitasking could assist with recruitment, training, and
The researchers conducted an experiment into how much assessment of personnel in the workplace. It could also
time was lost when people repeatedly switched between have an influence on government and industrial
two tasks. The tasks varied in terms of how complex they regulations, assist in the diagnosis and treatment of
were and how familiar the subjects were with doing those brain-damaged patients, and increase our general
tasks, and they included such things as solving understanding of how the brain works.
mathematical problems and classifying geometric objects.
The researchers measured how long it took the subjects to
carry out the tasks and considered the speed in connection
1 What does the writer suggest about the word
with whether the tasks were familiar or unfamiliar, and
whether the rules for doing them were simple or A It has changed in meaning since it was
complicated. invented.  ■
B It is not always used appropriately.  ■
The results of the experiments were the same for every
kind of task. In each case, the subjects lost time when they
C Its increased use reflects a change in everyday
moved from one task to another, and the amount of time
life.  ■
they lost increased when the tasks were complex or 2 The aim of the research was to ________.
unfamiliar. When they were familiar with a task, they were A compare the advantages and disadvantages of
able to adapt to changing to it and get on with it much more multitasking  ■
quickly. The researchers say that these results indicate B discover why multitasking is regarded a wholly
that the brain’s executive control consists of two separate good thing  ■
stages. They called the first stage “goal shifting,” meaning C find out if there are any negative effects of
a preference to do one of the tasks rather than the other at multitasking  ■
a particular moment. The second stage they named “rule 3 The researchers use the term “executive control” to
activation,” meaning moving from engaging with the rules describe how the brain ________.
associated with how to go about one task to engaging with
A controls some actions more than others  ■
the rules involved in doing the other task. The second
B organizes how different tasks are carried out  ■
stage, “rule activation,” takes a significant amount of time,
C distinguishes between easier and harder tasks  ■
and this delay multiplies when people keep switching
between tasks. The result is that quite a lot of time is lost

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5  Reading and Writing   A ENGLISH FILE  5

4 What do we learn about the experiment? WRITING

A The researchers knew that some of the subjects
Write an article of approximately 250 words for an
had done similar tasks before.  ■
English-language magazine about how one of the
B Not all of the subjects did the same tasks.  ■ areas below has changed in the last 20 years in your
C The subjects started with simple tasks and move country and say whether you think the changes are
on to more complicated ones.  ■ positive or negative.
5 Which of the following happened during the 1 People’s work-life balance
experiment? 2 Family life
A Sometimes little time was lost moving from one
3 How people spend their free time
task to another.  ■
B Some subjects always found it hard to move from Writing total 10
one task to another.  ■
C Complex tasks presented more problems than Reading and Writing total 20
unfamiliar tasks.  ■
6 One of the two stages of the brain’s executive control
A leads to a major disadvantage of multitasking  ■
B takes longer for some people than for others  ■
C has no connection with multitasking  ■
7 One of the implications of the research is that
A some people are not suited to multitasking  ■
B multitasking always results in less efficiency  ■
C a common attitude to multitasking is wrong  ■
8 The researchers believe that their research might
A encourage people not to do multitasking in some
situations  ■
B affect the way that people approach
multitasking  ■
C result in technology replacing people for certain
tasks  ■
9 In the final paragraph, the writer says that
multitasking is something that ________.
A is likely to increase in the future  ■
B people in authority have paid too little attention
to  ■
C is relevant in many areas of life  ■
10 What is the main topic of the text?
A The growth of multitasking  ■
B How complicated the brain’s processes for
multitasking are  ■
C The relationship between multitasking and
efficiency  ■

Reading total 10

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5  Listening and Speaking   A ENGLISH FILE  5

LISTENING 4 What is an example Cooper gives of something that

should be higher priority on a student’s planner?
1 Listen to five people talking about the
disadvantages of various jobs. Match the speakers A Dating  ■
(1–5) to their feelings about money (A–H). B Parties  ■
Speaker 1  ■ C Work schedule  ■
Speaker 2  ■ 5 What does Cooper say is an added benefit of
Speaker 3  ■ organizing one’s time?
Speaker 4  ■ A Students were able to enjoy their social time
more.  ■
Speaker 5  ■
B Students were able to enjoy their video games
A the saver who wants to get as much as possible out of
more.  ■
every dollar spent
C Students were able to enjoy their homework
B the professional who wants everyone to know how
more.  ■
their money works
C the budget-conscious person who wants to spend as 5
little as possible for everything
Listening total 10
D the person who is already planning for what to do
about money after finishing a career
E the person who wants to start life without debt but
knows it’s not possible Student A
F the student who wants to know how to budget 1 Ask your partner these questions.
before leaving school
1 What would you most like to be able to buy?
G the person who doesn’t know where the money goes
2 Why is it important to keep a budget?
H the person who doesn’t understand why everyone is
3 Which modern gadget is the most useful one for
so anxious about money
5 4 What kind of multitasking do you do?
5 How do people view money in your country?
2 Listen to an interview about time management. 2 Now answer your partner’s questions.
Check (✓) A, B, or C.
1 What does Margaret Cooper do?
3 Now talk about one of these statements, saying if
you agree or disagree. Give reasons.
A She is a time management specialist with a
university in the area.  ■ 1 “Today, people are encouraged to be too
B She helps students by scheduling their work and materialistic.”
free time for them.  ■ 2 “Technology has had a bad effect on communication
C She works at the local university helping students between people.”
with their homework.  ■ 3 “It’s important for me to save money for my
2 According to Margaret Cooper, what is the first step retirement.”
to good time management? 4 Now listen to your partner. Do you agree with
A Knowing what your priorities are for how you him/ her?
spend your time.  ■
Speaking total 15
B Keeping an organized planner or scheduler.  ■
C Knowing how you spend your time now.  ■ Listening and Speaking total 25
3 Where do many students find something to help
them schedule their time?
A In the back of their textbooks.  ■
B Right on their cell phones.  ■
C In a journal or notebook where they record how
they spend their time.  ■

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5  Listening and Speaking   A ENGLISH FILE  5

Student B
1 Answer your partner’s questions.
2 Now ask your partner these questions.
1 How do most people get their knowledge of wealthy
2 Are you good at managing your money? Why or why
3 Which modern gadget do you think wastes people’s
4 How do you communicate most with friends and
5 Which gadget would it be difficult for you to live
3 Listen to your partner. Do you agree with him/
4 Now talk about one of these statements, saying if
you agree or disagree. Give reasons.
1 “There is nothing wrong with wanting to be
2 “It is better to be very busy than not busy at all.”
3 “I need to learn how to manage my time better.”

Speaking total 15

Listening and Speaking total 25

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