Biodeterioration of Cultural Heritage in

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Biodeterioration of Cultural Heritage in Italy: State of Art

Clara Urzì and Filomena De Leo

Department of Microbiological, Genetic and Molecular Sciences
University of Messina, Salita Sperone 31, 98166 Messina, Italy
e-mail addresses [email protected] and [email protected]

1. Introduction

The problem of deterioration of works of art is particularly relevant in Countries like Italy that
are rich in Cultural Heritage. In fact, following UNESCO data, in Italy are located 2/3 of the Cultural
Heritage known in the World. Archeological areas, statues, buildings, museums, churches and
items there located, hypogean environments, are subjected to different stresses due the
geographical position, different degree of pollution, great variety of typology of materials and
consequent status of conservation. All together these factors contribute to the different modality of
biological attack.
Biodeterioration can be defined as the irreversible loss of value and/or information of an object
of art following the attack by living organisms (Urzì and Krumbein, 1994).
Biodeterioration of stone monuments is one of the principal field of interest of Italian
researchers. However, other groups are also concerned with the biodeterioration of other materials
as books, glass, wood textile and other materials.

2. Factors affecting the biological deterioration of works of art

For the colonization and establishment of any biological community on the organic and
inorganic materials, composition of materials used and its status of conservation, favorable
environmental and climatic factors (temperature, humidity, rain and other precipitation, sun
exposure, shadowing and inorganic and organic pollutants) can create good and sometimes even
optimal conditions for the development of organisms on the often richly sculptured outer surfaces,
(aesthetic damage), and/or in deeper layers (physic/mechanical and chemical damage), causing
some typical biogenic alterations well described in the Italian NORMAL Lexicon (Commissione
Normal, 1991) (Table 1).

Tab. 1 Factors influencing colonization and biodeterioration

Climatic and environmental factors Î Sun, shadow, rain,

Inorganic and organic Î as C, N, S source

pollutants and/ore/o growth inhibitors

Surface bioreceptivity Î Nature of material,

conservation, length of

Î Biocides/ Surfactants/
Hydrophobic compounds
However, the mere presence of macro- and microorganisms does not make it sufficient to
consider them as cause of decay, because only in particular conditions and when also other
factors occur as well, they can cause and/or enhance deterioration mechanisms.
Each monument located in a given climatic area can be considered as a specific habitat. In
addition, in each monument, different micro-niches also occur considering outdoor or indoor
environments or different expositions (direct exposed zones, sheltered areas, soil proximity,
vertical or horizontal surfaces, etc.).

3. Main groups of organisms responsible of biodeterioration

Birds and, in particular, pigeons cause a remarkable amount of aesthetical and chemical
damage trough the deposition of guano. Guano, moreover, can provide a good growth medium for
chemoorganotrophic microorganisms which, in turn, will cause a corrosive action on materials by
releasing acid metabolites (Bassi and Chiatante, 1976). There is a multitude of other, smaller
animals that live on and in mineral mixtures. The most important among them, in common terms,
are spiders, flies, mosquito, stone wasp, ants, mites and beetles. Insect and artropodes are the
groups most frequently involved in rock dwelling and rock decay and wood decay.
Among macroorganisms, plant with roots or climbing and adhering parts of leaves and stems
create great problems for conservators because they cause obvious aesthetic damage and
alterations to stone due to (a) the mechanical action of the roots and fixing parts, (b) chemical
action through ionic exchange between roots and alkali or earth alkali cations of the stone
constituents, or (c) vegetation shadowing, which slows down water evaporation.
Mosses and lichens are macroscopically evident because they cover the material surfaces
with visible films of growth. Consequently, an aesthetic alteration is initially noticed. In addition,
they have a corrosive effect on the substrate because they release acid metabolites, some of
which are chelating agents that determine a solubilizing and disintegrative action on the
constituents. Lichens provoke physical as well as chemical damage; acid metabolites solubilize
and disintegrate the substrate (Nimis et al., 1992). One of the most prominent effect of lichens is
the formation of pits or crater shaped holes.
In literature are reported many papers dealing with the studies of flora diversity in archeologic
areas in Italy (Altieri et al., 1999, Caneva et al., 1995). Ecological studies of vegetation are the first
step to individuate the main factors that enhance their unwanted grow and to develop specific
techniques and /or new chemicals for their control and elimination.
Microbially induced or accelerated decay processes of art objects are often underestimated.
Cyanobacteria are usually present in association with green and red algae and diatoms. The
dominance of one or another of these groups varies both locally and regionally. Cyanobacteria and
green or red algae growing on surfaces within buildings (e.g., churches or grottos) are well
adapted to survive at very low light levels. Cyanobacteria and algae can form biofilms and crust on
rock surfaces that are deep or bright green under humid conditions and deep black when dry.
Apart from the evident aesthetic damage on the surfaces, there is much evidence of significant
physical and chemical deterioration of the material by excretion of chelating organic acids and
sugar-derived carbonic acids, which initiate the perforating activity.
Epilithic cyanobacteria and microalgae have been studied in a number of Roman Catcombs
and Necropolis in Rome (Italy) to understand the eco-physiology and structural mechanisms that
allow colonization and cause deterioration of archeological surfaces (Albertano, 1998) as well as
the interactions between phototrophic and heterotrophic microflora (Albertano and Urzì, 1999).
Chemoorganotrophic bacteria - In recent years a constant growing number of contributions
have been made about the impact of chemoorganotrophic microbiota also on the deterioration and
biotransfer of materials of inorganic composition.
However, recent studies have shown there is not a close relationship between high number of
bacteria and biodeteriorative potential, due to the fact that often microflora well adapted to live on
the rock has a very slow growth pattern and it is not easy to detect with normal laboratory
Most of them are associated with different geomicrobiological processes among which are the
• to bound to clay and crystals particles and thus to be more persistent on the rock surfaces and
pores spaces;
• to solubilize CaCO3 through the release of acid metabolic products and/or through respiratory
processes and release of CO2 (weak acid activity);
• to oxidise metallic compound like Fe, Mn and lead to precipitation of orange to black layers or
• to precipitate passively or actively carbonate, oxalate and other minerals and thus to contribute
to the patina formations.

On monuments strains belonging to the vast order of Actynomycetales are found very often on
rock substrate such as Geodermatophilaceae strains (Urzì et al., 2001) and also some
Micromonospora strains (Zezza et al., 1995; Urzì and Realini, 1998). In hypogean environments,
Streptomyces strains are very often found (Urzì et al., in press). These bacteria are characterized
by some features that allow them to survive in very hard conditions.
In fact, they possess:
• a high pleomorphism (changing from single cell to a cluster);
• a wide variety of pigments, from carotenoid to dark phenolic compounds;
• a low water demand for the growth;
• high resistance to dryness and high temperatures.

Fungi – Fungi are among the most harmful organisms associated to biodeterioration of
organic and inorganic materials. It is well known, in fact, the metabolic versatility of this group of
microorganisms that enhance their efficiency to colonize a very different kind of substrata (wood,
glass, stone, book). In the last decade more evidences have been shown that in rock material, the
most common fungal colonizators are the so-called black meristematic fungi. They are commonly
isolated from the sun exposed surfaces in Mediterranean as well as from dry and cold climates
(Anagnostitidis et al., 1992; Urzì et al., 2000a). Their occurrence on the stones is reported to be
combined not only with aesthetical spoiling of the monuments, due to color changes and black
spots, but also with a strong evidence that these organisms are causing crater shaped lesions,
chipping and exfoliation of the rock surfaces combined with the loss of materials (Urzì et al. 1995,
Urzì et al., 2000b).
They represent a wide and heterogeneous group of black pigmented fungi having in common
the presence within the cells (swollen cells, hyphae and/or spores) of melanin. For this group of
microorganisms is also used the term of rock-inhabiting fungi to underline the exclusive isolation of
many strains from rock surfaces. Recently many strains were described as new species
(Wollenzien et al., 1997; Sterflinger et al., 1997; De Leo et al., 1999). Ecological and taxonomic
studies on this group of fungi are still in progress.
4. Ongoing researches and main thematics

At present, in Italy researches on biodeterioration are carried out in the frame of different
National and European projects.
The Italian National Council for Researches (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, C.N.R.) has
prepared and financed a “Finalized Project for the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage” active since
1996. The main aims of this project are:
- The protection of Italian Cultural Heritage
- The enhancement of its value through conservative strategies
- The public fruition of the Cultural Heritage.

To reach these three objectives the project has foreseen different steps summarized in the
different themes (see web page http://www.
Concerning the main thematic on the biodeterioration of works of art, they can be summarized
in studies finalized to the:
a) Ecology of biotic community interacting with works of art;
b) Biosusceptibility and biodeterioration of organic and inorganic constituents;
c) Control of microorganisms and their utilization for conservative purpose.

The ecological studies were carried out on different class of organisms (higher plants, lichens,
mosses, algae, microorganisms). Concerning microorganisms (bacteria, fungi and cyanobacteria)
the importance of molecular methods to complement microscopical and cultural procedures is
considered by many scientists and many projects are involved.
The interaction between organisms and material is studied applying different techniques
including microscopy and/or new instruments.
Methods to control the growth of biodeteriogens are at present tested in several laboratories in
order to reduce risks for the manufacts, the environment and the operators.
Studies aiming to use bacteria for conservative purpose (e.g. calcite precipitation for the
reinforcement of calcareous materials in bad status of conservation) are also proposed.
These thematics are included in the following national and international projects:
1. Finalized project for the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage, Subproject n° 2 “Artistic and
Architectural Heritage: analysis, diagnosis and restoration, Objective 2.2 “New diagnostic
system for the characterization of the state of conservation of works of art on mobile support”
and Objective 2.4 “ New methodologies for the treatment and protection of artifacts”. Web
2. EC Program Environment ENV4-CT98-0707 1998-2001 “SILICON”. Web page:
3. EC Program Environment ENV4-CT98-0704 1998-2001 “HERMES”.
4. EC Program Environment EVK4-2000-00028 2000-2003 “CATS”. Web page under
5. CA 1999-2002 Concerted action on molecular microbiology as an innovative conservation
strategy for indoor and outdoor cultural assets, EVK4-1999-00061”COALITION”. Web page:
6. EC Program Environment EVK4-CT-2000-00037 “BIOREINFORCE”. Web page:
7. Progetto di Ricerca di Ateneo PRA 2000-2001 “Studio delle comunità microbiche presenti negli
ambienti ipogei: interazioni tra microflora autotrofa ed eterotrofa e tassonomia di ceppi di
8. Murst Parnaso Project. Web page:
9. Progetto di Ricerca di Ateneo Microbial degradation of silk.

5. Main institutions and groups operating in the field of biodeterioration of cultural

heritage in Italy

Different institutions in Italy exist in which operate scientists concerned with problems of
biodeterioration. A list of the main principal institution is shown in the Table 2:

Table 2. List of the principal Institution operating in the field of biodeterioration of Cultural Heritage in Italy
Institution/Organization Centre/Department Contact person Main Field of interest
Consiglio Nazionale delle Center for Scientific Dr. P. Tiano Conservation of stone
Ricerche (CNR, Florence) Conservation of Art [email protected] monuments Works
Centro Nazionale delle Centro “Gino Bozza” Dr. M. Realini Conservation of stone
Ricerche (CNR, Milan) [email protected] monuments
Centro Nazionale delle - Dr. M. Monte Study of Thiobacillus strains
Ricerche (CNR, Rome) [email protected] isolated from stone
Istituto Centrale per il Dr. M. P. Nugari, Study on biodeterioration of
Restauro (ICR, Rome) - mariapia.nugari@tiscalinet. inorganic and organic objects,
it Control of biodeterioration
Soprintendenza per il Scientific Laboratory Dr. O. Salvadori Ecology of lichens and their
patrimonio Storico Artistico e [email protected] implication on deterioration of
Demoetnoantropologico di stone monuments and
Venezia methods of controls

Soprintendenza Beni Artistici Scientific Laboratory Dr. D. Pinna Ecology of lichens and their
(Bologna) sbas- implication on deterioration of
[email protected] stone monuments
University of Pavia Centro Prof. O. Ciferri Microbial degradation of silk, Interdipartimentale di [email protected] wooden and stone
Studi e di Ricerche per
la Conservazione dei
Beni Culturali
University of Milan Dpt. of Food and Prof. C. Sorlini Ecology of microbial
Microbiological [email protected] communities on stone
Sciences and monuments
II University of Rome “Tor Dpt. of Biology Prof. P. Albertano Ecology of phototrophic
Vergata” [email protected] microorganims on stone
monument in hypogean
III University of Rome Dpt. of Biology Prof. G. Caneva Phytosociological studies of [email protected] vegetation in archeological
ologia areas
University of Messina Dpt. of Microbiological, Dr. C. Urzì Ecology and taxonomy of Genetic and Molecular [email protected] microbial communities on
clara.htm Sciences stone monuments
6. Some references related to the Biodeterioration of works of art.

[1] Albertano P. (1998). Deterioration of Roman hypogea by epilythic cyanobacteria and

microalgae: In: Guarino et al (eds). Science and technology for the safeguard of
cultural heritage in Mediterranean basin, vol. 2, Palermo, CNR Editions. pp. 1303-
[2] Albertano P., Urzì, C. (1999). Structural Interactions among Epilithic Cyanobacteria
and Heterotrophic Microorganisms in Roman Hypogea. Microbial Ecology 38 (3):
[3] Altieri A., Pietrini A. M., Ricci S. Roccardi A. (1999). The Temples of the
Archeological area of Paestum (Italy): A case study onbiodeterioration. In: Fassina
V. (Ed.) Proceeding of the 9th International Congress on Deterioration and
Conservation of Stone. Elsevier, Amsterdam, vol. 1 pp. 433-443.
[4] Anagnostidis K., Gehrmann C. K., Gross M., Krumbein W. E., Lisi S., Pantazidou A.,
Urzì C., Zagari M. (1991). Biodeterioration of marbles of the Parthenon and
Propylaea, Acropolis, Athens - associated organisms, decay and treatement
suggestions -. In: Decrouez, D., J. Chamay, F. Zezza (Eds) Proceedings of the 2nd
International Symposium. Musee d'art et d'histoire, Geneve pp. 305-325.
[5] Bassi M., Chiatante D. (1976). The role of pigeons excrement in the stone
deterioration. International Biodeterioration 12, 73-79.
[6] Caneva, G. De Marco G., Vinci M., (1995). Le classi Parietarietea diffusae (Rivas
Martinez 1964) Oberd. 1977 e Adianteae Br.-BL. 1947 nelle aree archeologiche
romane. Fitosociologia 29,165-179.
[7] Ciferri O. Tiano P. Mastromei G. (2000). Of Microbes and Art. The Role of Microbial
communities in the degradation and protection of Cultural Heritage. Kluwer
Academic, New York.
[8] Commissione Normal (1991). Raccomandazioni Normal: 1/88 Alterazioni
macroscopiche dei materiali lapidei: lessico. Roma: C.N.R. - I.C.R..
[9] De Leo F., Urzì C. de Hoog G. S. (1999). Two Coniosporium species from rock
surfaces. Studies in Micology 43, 70-79.
[10] Fassina, V. (2000). Proceedings of 9th International Congress on Deterioration and
Conservation of Stone. Vol 1-2 . Elsevier, Amsterdam.
[11] Guarino A. (2001) Portale Beni Culturali- Piano di fattibilità. CNR Editions Roma.
[12] Nimis P. L., Pinna D., Salvadori O. (1992). Licheni e conservazione dei monumenti.
[13] Sterflinger K., Krumbein W. E. (1997). Dematiaceous fungi as a major agent for
biopitting on Mediterranean marbles and limenstones. Geomicrobiology Journal 14,
[14] Urzì C., Krumbein, W. E., Warscheid, T. (1992). On the question of biogenic colour
changes of mediterranean monuments (coating - crust - microstromatolite - patina -
scialbatura - skin - rock varnish). In: Decrouez, D., Chamay, J., Zezza, F. (Eds.),
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on The conservations of the
monuments in the Mediterranean Basin, Musee d'Art et d'Histoire Naturelle:
Genève,. pp. 397-420.
[15] Urzì C., Krumbein W. E. (1994). Microbiological impacts on the cultural heritage. In:
Krumbein W. E., Brimblecombe P., Cosgrove D. E. Staniforth S. Durability and
change: the science, responsibility, and cost of sustaining cultural heritage, Wiley, J.
& Sons. pp.. 107-135.
[16] Urzì C., Wollenzien U., Criseo G., Krumbein W. E. (1995). Biodiversity of the rock
inhabiting microflora with special reference to black fungi and black yeasts. In:
Microbial Diversity and Ecosystem Function, 16, pp. 289-302. Edited by Allsopp, D.,
R. R. Colwell, D. L. Hawksworth. Wallingford: CAB International.
[17] Urzì C., Realini M., (1998). Colour changes of Noto’s calcareous sandstone as
related to its colonisation by microorganisms. International Biodeterioration and
Biodegradation 42, 45-54.
[18] Urzì C., Salamone P., De Leo F., Vendrell. M. (2000a). Microbial diversity of Greek
quarried marbles associated to specific alteration. In M. Monte (ed.), Proceedings of
the 8th Workshop Eurocare Euromarble EU496. CNR Editions Rome, pp. 35-42.
[19] Urzì, C., De Leo F., de Hoog S., Sterflinger K. (2000b). Recent advances in the
molecular biology and ecophisiology of meristematic stone-inhabiting fungi. In:Ciferri,
O., Tiano, P., Mastromei G. (Eds.). Of Microbes and Art. The role of microbial
communities in the degradation and protection of cultural heritage. Kluwer
Academic, New York, pp. 3-19.
[20] Urzì, C., Brusetti L., Salamone P., Sorlini C., Stackebrandt E., Daffonchio D. (2001).
Biodiversity of Geodermatophilaceae isolated from altered stones and monuments in
the Mediterranean basin. Environmental Microbiology 3,471-479.
[21] Urzì, C., Donato, P., Lo Passo, C., Albertano, P. Occurrence and biodiversity of
Streptomyces strains isolated from Roman hypogea. In proceedings of the 5th
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Basin, Gala E. (ed.) in press.
[22] Wollenzien U., de Hoog G. S., Krumbein W. E., Uijthof J. M. J. (1997). Sarcinomyces
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[23] Zezza F., Urzì C., Moropolou T., Macrì F., Zagari M. (1995). Indagini microanalitiche
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Proceedings of XI Convegno Scienze e Beni culturali- La Pulitura dell'Architettura,.
Libreria Progetto Editoriale Padova. pp. 293-303.

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