CM23Aug 05sep2021 Unlocked
CM23Aug 05sep2021 Unlocked
CM23Aug 05sep2021 Unlocked
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Concentrate or diversify?
Vol. XXXVI/14 Diversification is suitable for most investors, while concentrated
Aug 23 – Sep 05, 2021 portfolios do work for a select few
Traditionally investment in a number of stocks, across diversified industries, themes
Owner : Capital Market Publishers India Pvt. Ltd.
...................................................................................................................................... and market-caps, is a preferred way of building a sound portfolio for the long-term
Managing Director : Ruby Anand
...................................................................................................................................... wealth creation. However, over the past few years, some sectors and stocks have
Editor : Mohan M Sule consistently underperformed and some have consistently outperformed the bench-
marks. Moreover, in many of the past few years, a handful of stocks have given
Deputy Editor : Yagnesh Thakkar
...................................................................................................................................... outsized returns, leaving the vast majority of stocks on a meandering course. This
REGISTERED OFFICE has led to a growing perception that concentrated portfolio is essential to fetch
401, Swastik Chambers, Sion-Trombay Road, Chembur, Mumbai-400 071
Tel: 91-022-2522-9720 Fax: 91-022-2522-0954 / 2523-0011.
good returns.
email: [email protected] There is no denying that concentrated portfolio can give very good returns, if the
CAPITALINE DATABASES stock selection proves to be right. Their focus is on return maximisation by taking
Tel: 91-022-2522-1112 / 2522-9720 Fax: 91-022-2522-0954 / 2523-0011 outsized bets on a few stocks. In a diversified portfolio, good returns of some
email: [email protected]
stocks, gets moderated by poor or negative returns of many other stocks, leading to
ADVERTISING middling average returns, which many times even fail to beat the benchmarks. A
Tel: 91-022-2528-9297/ 2522-9720 Fax: 91-022-2522-0954 / 2523-0011
Mobile: 8657545825 email: [email protected] diversified portfolio normally avoids losses on an overall basis. On the other hand,
if selection of stocks goes wrong, a concentrated portfolio can lead to large losses.
Tel: 91-022-2526-1046 Fax: 91-022-2522-0954 / 2523-0011 High volatility often accompanies concentrated portfolio, while low volatility is
Mobile: 8657545825 email: [email protected] often associated with a diversified portfolio. So, if one does not have stomach for
AHMEDABAD large losses and high volatility, concentrated portfolio is out of the question.
312, Sampada Complex, 3rd flr., Rashmi Society, Mithakhali, For building a concentrated portfolio, one really needs lot of conviction in the
Six-Road Junction, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380 009
Tel: 079-2642 1534 / 35, 2656 4727 Fax: 079-2642 1535. selected stocks. The conviction comes from smart analysis and vision gained through
email: [email protected] relevant knowledge and long experience. Moreover, lot of attention needs to be
BENGALURU invested in monitoring it as any negative event can damage the overall returns sub-
No.37, 2nd Floor, Dickenson Road, Bengaluru-560 042
Tel: 080-4151-0674 Fax: 080-4151-0674. stantially. If portfolio is an assemblage of midcap and smallcap stocks, it is often
email: [email protected] difficult to act on an adverse development due to poor liquidity in these stocks. It is
CHENNAI safer to build concentrated portfolio of largecap stocks, though returns will be lower
No.41, 1st Flr, Sundareshwarar Street, Mylapore Chennai-600004
Tel: 044-246-12690 / 38, 249-51900 / 01 / 02 Fax: 044-2461-2638 than what can be expected from concentrated portfolio of midcap and smallcap
email: [email protected] stocks. Returns in such portfolios can be increased through some leveraging. On the
DELHI contrary, concentrated portfolio of midcap and smallcap stocks, augmented through
601, 6th Floor, Padma Tower - II, 22, Rajendra Place,
New Delhi - 110 008. Tel: 011 - 2581-1255 / 56 / 57 leveraging is a recipe for disaster.
email: [email protected] Very few wizards can have the acumen to create and maintain concentrated
HYDERABAD portfolios and win consistently. Most portfolio management schemes (PMS) show
#3-6-106, Room No.204, Queens Court Apartments,
Street No.19, Himayatnagar, Hyderabad-500 029
huge gains through concentrated portfolios in good times, but many of them lose
Tel: 040-40077098. heavily and often become illiquid in bad times. Marketing PMS as alternative for
email: [email protected]
mutual funds or direct long-term investing is fallacious as the risk-return trade-offs
3A, Shivam building, 3rd Floor, 46E, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Road,
are totally different in these alternatives.
Kolkata-700 016. Tel: 033-400 14462. Fax: 033-2227-3120 For an average small investor, portfolios often become concentrated in few
email: [email protected]
stocks due to lack of enough funds to invest in more stocks and mostly their selec-
C-28, 1st Flr, Shrinath Plaza, Plot no. 559, Bhamburda, Shivaji Nagar,
tion is wrong and hence they lose money. If he invests in many mutual fund schemes,
Fergusson College Road, Pune-411 005. Tel: 020-2551-1616 / 17. there is over-diversification as each scheme is a diversified portfolio in itself, leading
email: [email protected]
...................................................................................................................................... to average and often poor returns, though losses can be avoided. Many small inves-
Cover Price: Rs 100 tors follow the strategy of applying in most of the IPOs and retaining the allotments
Annual Subscription (26 issues): India Rs 1,950
Overseas (Airmail) US$ 280. (Cheque/D.D. drawn on Mumbai
for long-term. This strategy involves holding of too many stocks and works only if
in favour of Capital Market Publishers India Pvt. Ltd.) discretion is used in applying for IPOs. For a larger investor, portfolio of diligently
© 2021 Capital Market Publishers India Pvt. Ltd. selected 15 to 20 stocks invested over a period of time and held for a longer period,
All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without fetches adequate return as well as peace of mind. Not much monitoring and action is
permission is prohibited.
required if selection is made diligently and investment is across different industries,
The contents of this publication are based on information generally
available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. All themes and marketcaps. Afterall, investment should consume your limited surplus
possible efforts have been made to present factually correct data. time and the prime time needs to be deployed in your occupation and with your
However, no representation is made that this data and information
is timely, accurate or complete. None of the data and articles family. Peace of mind is what most investors like and diversified portfolios score big
published in this magazine should be construed as giving any on this parameter.
recommendations. Readers are cautioned that prices of various
financial instruments discussed in various articles may rise or fall While in short-term concentrated portfolios of a few do win, over the long-term
in any manner due to various dynamic and unpredictable factors. diversified portfolios of many can win. Investing minimum 5% of portfolio value in
Readers are advised to do their own research and take
professional advice before acting on any data and article published one stock, not investing more than 10% in a single stock and not more than 25-33%
in this magazine. in one industry, chopping off losers at an early stage, allowing the winning stocks to
Subject only to Mumbai jurisdiction
...................................................................................................................................... run their full course over many years, investing in scalable companies which have
Printed and published by Ruby Anand on behalf of Capital Market very long growth highways, avoiding short-term bets, overcoming the fear of invest-
Publishers India Pvt. Ltd. Printed at RMOSS Prints Pvt Ltd ing in adverse market situations are some of the tricks that can help diversified
C/449, MIDC Pawane, TTC Area, Near Mayur Cold Storage, Turbhe,
Navi Mumbai- 400 708 and published from 401, Swastik Chambers, portfolios to win.
Umarshi Bappa Chowk, Sion-Trombay Road, Chembur, Mumbai 400071.
Aug 23 – Sep 05, 2021 CAPITAL MARKET 3
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06 | Cover Story
Gold: Waiting in the wings
Rising inflationary trends supportive for prices even as
mining production rises at a steady clip
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68 | Bulletin
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CoverStory Gold
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CoverStory Gold
pared with 3.3% in April, following a contin-
ued spurt in energy prices which rose by Well positioned
18.6% in May, the highest rate since Sep- Gold demand from central banks saw a massive spurt with the overall
tember 2008. Food price inflation continued buying spurting by 214% in Q2 of CY 2021
to slow. Developments in energy and food QUARTER Q1’20 Q2’20 Q3’20 Q4’20 Q1’21 Q2’21
prices are largely related to base year effects Jewellery 313.5 244.5 332.9 510.3 483 390.7
and to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic a
Technology 72.9 68.1 77.2 84 81 80
year ago. The OECD annual inflation exclud-
Electronics 58.7 57.2 63.2 69.2 66.2 66.3
ing food and energy jumped significantly to
2.9% in May, compared with 2.4% in April, Other Industrial 11 8.3 10.9 11.8 11.9 10.8
the highest rate since August 2002. Dentistry 3.2 2.6 3.1 2.9 2.9 2.9
The gold market is focusing on the de- Investment 556.3 584.2 494.9 137.9 180.7 284.5
velopments in the core inflationary read- Total bar and coin demand 252.6 156.7 221 269.2 350.7 243.8
ings once the base year effect fades out in Physical Bar demand 159.4 93.6 114.3 170.3 230.7 168.1
the second half of the year. While there is
Official Coin 78.7 51.6 84.1 78.4 102 63.5
a lot of talk about the price rise being tran-
Medals/Imitation Coin 14.5 11.5 22.6 20.5 18.1 12.3
sitory in nature, a clear evidence is yet to
emerge to the same effect. Federal Reserve ETFs & similar products* 303.7 427.5 273.9 -131.3 -170 40.7
Chair Jerome Powell has repeatedly stated Central banks & other inst. 140.8 63.7 -10.6 61 133.3 199.9
in recent weeks that US inflation had Gold demand 1,083.50 960.5 894.4 793.2 878 955.1
picked up but should move back toward Figures in tonnes. Source: WGC
the Fed’s 2% target once supply imbal-
ances resolve. Inflation is expected to drop in row. WGC noted that this to be largely a India’s gold imports came in at Rs 7134
back toward the central bank’s longer-run function of investment demand increasing crores in June 2021, recording a jump of
goal, he noted. with the price strength of gold, along with around 55% compared to June 2020. Gold
However, in June 2021, the Fed signalled renewed inflation concerns in the market, a imports in April-May 2021 jumped by
that it sees the possibility of higher interest weaker dollar, and lower real yields. 1024% compared with April-May 2020.
rates within two years. This caught the glo- WGC stated in a latest update that the However, the picture is somewhat different
bal market participants off guard and led to central banks continue to be positive on gold, when volume in tonnage terms is consid-
a modest selloff in equities. Gold was also with roughly the same number of central ered. WGC data showed that Indian bar and
hurt on the prospects of rising rates and banks expected to buy gold compared to coin investment in Q2 increased 7% over
witnessed a substantial correction. The yel- last year. Gold’s performance during peri- the year, largely due to the low Q2 2020
low metal lost around 7% in June 2021. The ods of crisis has risen to become the top base. But, after surging in Q1, demand saw a
commodity has edged up thereafter though reason for central banks to hold gold, the decline over the quarter of 44% to 21t, tak-
as the US Treasury yields sank to a five- CY 2021 Central Bank Gold Reserves sur- ing the H1 total to 58.6t. That is 23% higher
month low and the US dollar index also vey noted. Majority of respondents believe than H1 2020, it is low in historical terms –
plunged to a four month-low in July 2021, that central banks will add more gold over 25% below H1 2019 and 20% below the H1
indicating that the rate hike talk is not at all the next 12 months, with 52% saying that average from 2015-2019.
being reflected in leading financial indicators global central bank gold reserves will in- The growth in gold imports has been
yet. These two factors pushed up the yel- crease. However, this is a decrease from last essentially driven by steep rise in global
low metal impressively with the Comex gold year when 75% of respondents felt that cen- gold prices, though even in volume terms
hitting around a two-week high above the tral banks would add more gold in the next they have recovered to levels seen last year.
US$1800-mark end July 2021. 12 months. The number of respondents who During Q4 of FY2021, several factors, rang-
The drop in gold prices in June also trig- will increase their own gold holdings has ing from base effect to pre-festival impact
gered good buying from the global ETFs. climbed to 21% compared with 20% last (Akshaya Tritiya), pent-up wedding in-
The latest data from WGC shows that some year. No central bank is planning to decrease duced demand contributed to the sharp
investors saw a tactical opportunity to jump its gold reserves, a decline from 4% in last surge in gold imports. According to a re-
into the gold market as prices declined year’s survey. cent report by the WGC, high gold prices
sharply. The WGC said that global gold- The Reserve Bank of India, in its latest supported an increase in global recycling
backed exchange-traded products saw their annual Report, has highlighted the trend in of gold, which spiked sharply in Q2 and
holdings increase by 2.9 t in June. Inflows recovery of India’s gold imports. India is Q3 of CY2020. This trend is set to con-
into North American and Asian funds were one of the biggest consumers of gold, but it tinue in the second half of the year as the
primarily offset by outflows from European imported its lowest monthly volumes in festive season approaches.
funds. WGC said that global holding as of April 2020, reflecting a significant fall in
the end of June totalled 3,624t, down about demand in the pandemic. However, gold Outlook
7% from the October 2020 record tonnage imports, in value terms, picked up in Q2 After a near 7% drop in June, Comex gold
high of 3,909t. Global Gold ETF Holdings and have continued to remain at an elevated futures edged up modestly in July 2021, al-
continue to gain after falling for three months level since then. though the current levels of around US$1800
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CoverStory Gold
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Market Report
Divergence in movements
Easing of inflation concerns and return of FPIs propel large caps even as mid
and small caps tumble on stricter monitoring
Continuation of an accommodative mon- they net divested nearly Rs 62000 crore of ers of equities in March, April, and May,
etary policy even as consumer price infla- equity. They have been net sellers of shares while being net sellers in the remaining three
tion slipped below the central bank’s thresh- for three of the seven months in the current months of CY 2021.
old of 6%last month and foreign portfolio calendar year (CY).Local financial institu- The slowing of selling by FPIs sup-
investors (FPIs) resuming buying equities tions remained net buyers of shares, collect- ported the rupee. At 74.26 a US dollar, the
in the first fortnight of August propelled ing nearly Rs 1400 crore worth of shares in Indian currency is much stronger than the
the benchmarks to record highs. Oil prices the first fortnight of August after net pur- 75.44 level in the second fortnight of April
extended sharp losses, dipping to US$71.16 chasing more than Rs 18400 crore worth of but weaker than 72.39 touched end May.
a barrel, down from US$76.33 end July due stock last month. They were also net buy- The dollar index, measuring the strength of
to fears of the spread of delta vari- the US currency against other cur-
ant. The Nifty closed above rencies, softened to 92.62 from
16,500 and the S&P BSE Sensex
Global equity markets 93.23 end March. The US central
crossed 55,400. Returns in local currencies Returns in US$ bank, too, vowed to maintain a soft
At the same time, the BSE im- stance till the jobless level declined
posing additional circuit filters be- COUNTRY INDEX 15D 1M 3M 1 Y 15D 1M 3M 1 Y to the pre-March 2020 level.
tween 2% and 20% and setting Australia ASX 200 3.2 3.8 7.7 24.5 3.6 3.4 1.1 28.2 The Monetary Policy Commit-
price bands based on movements Brazil Bovespa -0.5 -3.8 -0.7 19.6 -2.3 -6.4 -1.2 23.1 tee (MPC) of the Reserve Bank of
of stocks in the trade-to-trade and China Shanghai Comp 3.5 -0.6 2.8 4.6 3.3 -0.6 2.1 12.3 India (RBI) unanimously voted to
other closely monitored segments, France CAC 40 4.3 6.7 8.0 39.0 3.1 7.1 6.2 37.9 keep the policy repo rate unchanged
with market cap below Rs 1000 India BSE Sensex 5.4 4.3 12.7 46.4 5.7 4.9 11.3 47.7
at 4% and by 5:1 majority decided
crore, based on movements during to continue with the accommoda-
India Nifty 4.9 3.8 11.5 47.9 5.1 4.4 10.1 49.3
the past six months and one, two tive stance for as long as necessary
and three years instead of weekly, Japan Nikkei 225 2.5 -0.1 -4.7 20.1 2.5 0.2 -5.8 16.6 to revive and sustain growth on a
monthly, and quarterly fluctuations NZ NZX 50 Index 1.3 0.7 0.3 11.5 2.3 1.2 -3.2 19.8 durable basis and continue to miti-
pulled down mid and small caps. S Korea KOSPI -1.0 -3.2 -0.8 31.7 -1.9 -5.0 -5.2 34.5 gate the impact of covid-19 on the
The Nifty Mid-cap 100 index UK FTSE 100 2.7 3.0 1.2 18.5 2.2 3.5 0.2 25.3 economy, while ensuring that in-
slumped over 2% and the Nifty Germany DAX 2.8 2.8 3.8 23.8 2.2 2.7 0.6 23.5 flation remains within the target.
Small-cap index tumbled nearly 4% Russia MICEX 2.7 2.7 5.2 26.5 2.5 4.0 5.7 25.8 The marginal standing facility rate
by mid-month, from their all-time and the bank rate remain unchanged
UAE ADX General 2.7 7.5 23.4 73.1 2.7 7.5 23.4 73.1
highs hit a fortnight ago. at 4.25%. The reverse repo rate also
Mexico IPC 1.2 2.7 4.6 32.2 1.1 2.5 4.8 46.6
FPIs net mopped up more than remains unchanged at 3.35%.
Rs 3000 crore of shares till 13 Au- Singapore Straits Times 0.0 0.4 -1.1 22.6 -0.1 0.5 -3.4 24.0 Though India’s retail inflation
gust after dumping stocks worth USA Dow Jones 1.7 2.4 2.1 27.2 1.7 2.4 2.1 27.2 eased to a three-month low in July
over Rs 15000 crore in July, the USA S&P 500 1.7 5.4 5.6 32.5 1.7 5.4 5.6 32.5 on the back of softening food prices
highest since March 2020, when As on 13 August 2021. Returns in percentage. to 5.59% from 6.26% in June as
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food inflation fell substantially to 3.96% with the easing of covid-19 restrictions, in-
from 5.15%, the RBI revised up the retail Commodity flow dicating that the economy is recovering at a
inflation projection to remain close to the Monthly variation : -7.71%
fast pace. Other signs of recovery included
upper tolerance band up to Q2 of the fiscal Yearly variation : 57.01% India’s merchandise exports growing 47%
year ending March 2020 (FY 2022). But the Closing price (13 August 2021) : US$ 70.59 to US$35.17 billion in July on account of a
pressure on prices is expected to ebb in Q3 healthy growth in the shipment of petro-
on account of kharif harvest arrivals and as leum, engineering goods and gems and
supply side measures take effect. The con- 75.5 jewellery, according to provisional data of
sumer price inflation (CPI) is now projected the commerce ministry. Imports also rose
at 5.7% during FY2022: 5.9% in Q2, 5.3% 59% to US$46.40 billion, leaving a trade
Brent crude in USD per barrel
in Q3, and 5.8% in Q4, with risks broadly 65.5 deficit of US$11.23 billion.
balanced. CPI inflation for Q1 of FY 2023 In what could be a major boost to accel-
60.5 l l l l l l
has been projected at 5.1%. A’21 M J J A erate foreign direct investment, the Union
Under the g-sec acquisition program (G- (+) Appreciation. (-) Depreciation government decided to do away with retro-
Sap 2.0) two more auctions of Rs25000 crore, spective taxation. The much-awaited vehicle
were scheduled in August. The reduction in Exchange equation scrap page policy was launched on 13 Au-
repo rate by 250 basis points (bps) since gust 2021. It will phase out unfit and pollut-
February 2019 has resulted in a cumulative Monthly variation : -0.34% ing vehicles in an environment-friendly man-
decline by 217 bps in the weighted average Yearly variation : -0.79% ner and is expected to bring in investments of
Closing of US$ (13 August 2021) : Rs 74.25
lending rate on fresh rupee loans. The scope around Rs 10000 crore. He also urged the
of the on-tap targeted long-term repo opera- youth and start-ups to join this programme.
tion scheme has been extended by three 73 On the health front, the vaccination cov-
months to 31 December 2021. The facility to 74
erage expanded to over 50 crore Indians who
dip into the statutory liquidity ratio up to an INR/ USD
had taken at least a single dose. The emer-
additional 1% of net demand and time liabili- 75 gency use approval given to Johnson &
ties has been extended for three months to 31 Johnson’s single-dose covid-19 vaccine takes
76 l l l l l l
December 2021 to provide increased access A’21 M J J A
the availability of number of vaccines to five.
to funds of Rs1.62 lakh crore. (+) Appreciation. (-) Depreciation
In the US, the Dow Jones Industrial
Also cheering the market was the pre- Average and the S&P 500 finished at record
diction by the India Meteorological Depart- close for four consecutive days till 13 Au-
ment that the monsoon would be normal Interesting insight gust 2021. However, the Nasdaq Compos-
during August-September. Rainfall between ite Index ended lower as value-related in-
A month ago : 6.10%
95% and 105% of the long-period average is A year ago : 5.90% vestments handily outperformed growth.
considered normal. Closing (13 August 2021) : 6.24% The trigger was the passing by the US
Meanwhile, the Pradhan Mantri Kisan 6.3 Senate a US$1 trillion infrastructure package
Samman Nidhi (PM-Kisan) transferred to with broad bipartisan support, putting it on
more than 9.75 crore farmers Rs 19500 crore 6.2 track to possibly be passed by the House
as part of the financial benefit of Rs 6000 G-sec and be signed into law by President Joe Biden.
per year payable in three equal four- The bill, known as the Infrastructure Invest-
monthly instalments of Rs 2000 each. Over 6 ment and Jobs Act, calls for US$550 billion
Rs 1.38 lakh crore has been transferred to 5.9 l l l l l l
in new public-works spending above what
farmer families so far. A’21 M J J A already was expected in future federal invest-
India’s industrial activity, which was Yield in percentage ments, including US$110 billion for roads,
affected due to the nationwide covid-19 bridges, and other projects, as well as $66
lockdown last year in April and May, picked billion for rail, US$65 billion for broadband
up from June 2021. Industrial output for Market mood internet and US$55 billion for water systems.
the month rose 13.6% over a year ago after A month ago : 12.62 The deal renewed hope of a solid few
contracting 16.6% in the same month of last A year ago : 20.57 years of economic growth and re-ignited the
year and rising29.3% in May. Though the Closing (13 August 2021) : 12.99 momentum trade into cyclical stocks.The
IHS Markit India Services Purchasing Man- 26 CY2021 gross domestic product growth is
agers’ Index (PMI), at 45.4 in July 2021, 22
estimated to beat 6%, followed by a 4.5%-
remained in contraction territory for the third India VIX plus GDP gain in CY 2022.The Biden ad-
month in a row due to subdued demand con- 18 ministration won a voluntary commitment
ditions amid the covid-19 crisis, it was up 14
from the auto industry that electric vehicles
from 41.2 in June. would comprise half of U.S. sales by the
The gross goods and services tax (GST) 10 l l l l l l end of the decade.
A’21 M J J A
revenue collected in July 2021 crossed Rs 1 A better than-expected July employ-
lakh crore, standing at Rs 1.16 lakh crore, NSE India VIX. ment report, with 9.43 lakh new jobs cre-
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scheme was also extended in phases till 30 new cap on price rise will be in addition to
September 2021. Given the nascent and frag- Peer pressure the existing measures and circuit filers. The
ile economic recovery, the scheme will be How world currencies fared against the US dollar exchange spelled out several such caps for
further extended by three months to 31 De- stocks that attract circuit filters between
cember 2021. RATE / VARIANCE % 2% and 20%.
On 27 March 2020, banks were allowed COUNTRY US$ 15 D 1 M 3 M 6 M 1 Y The framework is applicable to BSE-
to avail of funds under the marginal standing Indian Rupee 74.17 -0.2 -0.6 1.3 2.1 -0.9 exclusive securities in groups X, XT, Z, ZP,
facility by dipping into the statutory liquid- ZY, Y. Also, securities should have a price of
Brazilian Real 5.24 1.9 2.8 0.5 -2.5 -2.9
ity ratio up to an additional 1% of net de- Rs 10 and more as on review date and their
Chinese Yuan Ren 6.48 0.2 0.0 0.7 0.3 -6.8
mand and time liabilities (NDTL),i.e., cumu- market capitalization should be less then Rs
latively up to 3% of NDTL. The relaxation Euro 0.85 0.6 0.1 3.1 2.8 0.3 1000 crore. Accordingly, the shortlisted se-
has been extended for three months to 31 Russian Ruble 73.20 0.2 -1.2 -0.5 -0.8 0.5 curities will have six monthly and one-, two-
December 2021 to provide increased access Singapore Dollar 1.36 0.1 -0.1 2.4 2.3 -1.1 , and three-yearly price band in place of
to funds to the extent of Rs1.62 lakh crore. Argentine Peso 97.10 0.4 0.9 3.5 9.7 32.7 weekly, monthly, quarterly price band.
Thai Baht 33.31 1.2 1.6 7.2 11.5 7.1 These price restrictions will discourage price
Economy: Looking ahead Philippine Peso 50.50 1.1 0.0 5.7 5.0 3.7
manipulation leading to less volatility.
RBI’s MPC sees CPI inflation at 5.7% in Ten stocks will enter the NSE’s futures
Data as on 13 August 2021.
FY2022 as against 5.1% projected earlier. (-) indicates appreciation (+) indicates depreciation & options (F&O) segment from 27 August
The CPI inflation is expected to be 5.9% in 2021. These are Hindustan Aeronautics,
Q2, 5.3% in Q3, and 5.8% in Q4 of FY2022. The subdued performance of services IndiaMart InterMesh, Syngene Interna-
The CPI inflation is projected to be at 5.1% more than offset a rebound across manufac- tional, Polycab India, Dixon Technolo-
in Q1 of FY2023. The GDP growth is pro- turing, causing further contractions in pri- gies, Ipca Laboratories, MCX, Oracle
jected at 9.5% in FY 2022. vate sector sales, output, and employment. Financial Services Software, Can Fin
Rates of reduction eased noticeably from Homes and Indian Energy Exchange.
Economy: Looking back June, however. Typically, stocks entering the F&O seg-
India’s retail inflation eased to a three-month The gross GST revenue collected in ment gain ground due to absence of circuit
low in July on the back of softening food July 2021 stood at Rs 1,16,393 crore. Of filters and increase in institutional partici-
prices. The CPI-based inflation cooled to this, Central GST was Rs 22197 crore, State pation due to improved liquidity.
5.59% in the last month from 6.26% in June. GST was Rs 28541 crore, Integrated GST Shares of Rolex Rings were listed at Rs
Food inflation fell substantially to 3.96% in (IGST) was Rs 57864 crore including Rs 1249 per share, representing 38.78% pre-
July from 5.15% in June. 27900 crore collected on import of goods mium to the issue price. The IPO of the
India’s industrial activity was affected and Cess was Rs 7790 crore including Rs automotive component maker received bids
due to the nationwide covid-19 lockdown 815 crore collected on import of goods. The for 74.15 crore shares as against 56.85 lakh
last year in April and May but had picked figure includes GST collection received from shares on offer. The issue was subscribed
up from June. Industrial output for June GSTR-3B returns filed between 1and 130.43 times. The category of non-institu-
2021 rose 13.6%. Factory output, measured 31July2021 as well as IGST and cess col- tional investors (NIIs) was subscribed
by the Index of Industrial Production had lected from imports. 360.11 times, qualified institutional buyers
contracted 16.6% in the same month of last With the easing out of covid-19 restric- (QIBs) 143.58 times and retail individual
year and rose 29.3% in May 2021. tions, GST collection for July 2021 again investors (RIIs) 24.48 times. The price band
IHS Markit India Services PMI came crossed Rs 1 lakh crore, clearly indicating that of the IPO was fixed at Rs 880-900 per share.
at 45.4 in July 2021. The index was in con- the economy is recovering at a fast pace. The IPO comprised fresh issue of eq-
traction territory for the third month in a India’s merchandise exports grew uity shares aggregating upto Rs 56 crore and
row. However, the index rose from 41.2 47.19% to US$35.17 billion in July on ac- an OFS of 75 lakh equity shares by Rivendell
posted in June. Panel members that reported count of a healthy growth in the shipment PE, the investor shareholder. Post-issue, the
lower output cited subdued demand condi- of petroleum, engineering goods and gems selling shareholder will have a holding of
tions amid the covid-19 crisis. and jewellery. Imports also rose 59.38% to 34,14,423 equity share, amounting to about
Incoming new business and output fell US$46.40 billion, leaving a trade deficit of 21.75% of the post-issue share capital.
solidly over June 2021, but there was at US$11.23 billion. While the company will not get any pro-
least a slowdown in rates of contraction. India’s unemployment rate fell to a ceeds from the OFS, about Rs 45 crore out
Uncertainty over when the pandemic will 4-month low of 6.95% in July 2021 (Urban of the proceeds from fresh issue will be used
end as well as concerns about inflationary 8.30% and Rural 6.34%) compared with for funding long-term working capital re-
pressures and financial troubles dampened 9.17% in June 2021 (Urban 10.07% and quirements and balance for general corpo-
business confidence. Service providers were Rural 8.75%). rate purposes. Ahead of the IPO, 24,36,666
pessimistic towards the outlook for busi- equity shares were allocated to anchor in-
ness activity for the first time in a year. Markets vestors at Rs 900 per equity share, aggre-
Downbeat assessments and ongoing declines The BSE capped the rise in share prices of gating to Rs 219.29 crore.
in new work caused another round of job stocks exclusively listed on its platform as The forging player manufactures hot
shedding in the service sector. part of additional surveillance measures. The rolled forged and machined bearing rings and
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automotive components to domestic and crore end March 2021 and Rs 3637 crore
international customers including some of Racing ahead end June 2020. The slippage ratio was 2.47%
the leading bearing manufacturing compa- The Nifty IT index climbed up to a new as against 0.60% end June 2020. Gross NPAs
nies, tier-I suppliers to global auto compa- top of 32,678.80 on 13 August 2021 and (GNPAs) were Rs 134259.48 crore as
nies and some auto OEMs. Being one of the topped the market and sectors by against Rs 126389.02 crore end March 2021
key manufacturers of bearing rings in India, gaining 15% over the month till date and Rs 129660.69 crore end June 2020.The
it caters to most of the leading bearing com- CMP VARIANCE % ratio of gross NPAs to gross advances stood
panies in India. About 58.2% of the rev- at 5.32% as against 4.98% and 5.44%.The
enues came from bearing rings and balance (Rs) 27-12-20 31-03-21 ratio of net NPAs to net advances stood at
41.8% from auto-components in FY 2021. Coforge 4811.45 78.8 64.38 1.77% as against 1.50% and 1.86%.While
Glenmark Life Sciences was listed HCL Technologies 1119.45 21.44 13.92 gross advances increased by 5.79% to Rs
at Rs 751.10 per share, a 4.32% premium to Infosys 1712.2 38.05 25.16 2523793 crore, deposits were up 8.82% to
the offer price. The IPO of the bulk drug L & T Infotech 4862.5 33.56 19.93 Rs 3720987 crore over the year. The capital
and contract manufacturer received bids for Mindtree 2920.95 81.56 40.17
adequacy ratio (Car) improved 26 bps to
66.33 crore shares as against 1.50 crore 13.66%, without including profit.
Mphasis 2753.85 76.47 55.02
shares on offer. The issue was subscribed Punjab National Bank’s standalone
Oracle Fin.Serv. 4618.45 45.15 44.37 net profit surged 232.1% to Rs 1023 crore
44.17 times. The price band of the IPO was
fixed at Rs 695-720 per share. TCS 3463.4 18.23 8.99 in Q1 June 2021 from Q1June 2020.Total
The IPO comprised fresh issue of equity Tech Mahindra 1383.15 46.04 39.51 income stood down 7.3% to Rs 22515 crore.
shares worth up to Rs 1060 crore and an Wipro 615.5 60.75 48.62 NII grew 6.6% to Rs 7227 crore. The global
OFS of up to 63 lakh equity shares by the Nifty IT 32678.8 35.59 26.39 (NIMs) improved 23 bps to 2.73%. Oper-
existing shareholders. Glenmark Pharmaceu- Current market price (CMP) as on 13 August 2021. ating profit (OP) rose 15.5% to Rs 6099
ticals, the promoter, currently holds an ag- 27 December 2020:President Donald Trump signed a crore. PBT soared 139.1% to Rs 1420 crore.
gregate of 10,78,04,950 equity shares, aggre- US$900 billion pandemic relief package includingUS$1.4 GNPAs were Rs 104075.56 crore end
trillion to fund government agencies through September
gating to 100% of the pre-offer issued and and contains other end-of-session priorities such as June 2021 as against Rs 101849.34 crore
paid-up equity share capital. The post IPO money for cash-starved transit systems, an increase in end June 2020 and Rs 104423.42 crore end
food stamp benefits and providing US$600 checks to
shareholding is expected to be around 82.84%. most Americans. 31 March 2021: US President Joe Biden
March 2021.The ratio of gross NPAs to
The proceeds from the issue will be unveiled a US$2.3-trillion infrastructure spending package gross advances stood at 14.33% as against
used for payment of Rs 800 crore of out- over eight years and would raise the corporate tax rate to 14.11% and 14.12%.The ratio of net NPAs
28% to fund it.
standing purchase consideration to pro- to net advances stood at 5.84% as against
moter Glenmark Pharmaceutical for the The IPO of Nuvoco Vistas Corpora- 5.39% and 5.73%.
spin-off of the active pharmaceutical in- tion received bids for 10.69 crore shares as Provisions other than tax amounted to
gredient (API) business through business against 6.25 crore shares on offer on 11 Rs 4679 crore in Q1 June 2021 as against Rs
purchase agreement, funding the capital August 2021. The issue was subscribed 4686 crore in Q1 June 2020. Of this, provi-
expenditure requirements of Rs 152.7 crore. 1.71 times. sions for NPAs aggregated to Rs 3248 crore
The remaining amount will be used for gen- compared with Rs 4836 crore. The PCR
eral corporate purposes. Corporates stood at 62.93% as against 65.34%. Car
Ahead of the IPO, 63,06,660 equity State Bank of India’s standalone net profit improved to 15.19% from 12.63%. Out of
shares were allotted to 19 anchor investors, jumped 55.3% to Rs 6504 crore in Q1June which tier-I was 12.47%, common equity
at Rs 720 per equity share, aggregating to 2021 from Rs 4189.34 crore in Q1June 2020. tier-1 11.56% and tier-II 2.72%.
Rs 454.07 crore. Total income inclined 3.9% to Rs 77367.17 While domestic deposits increased 3.32%
The developer and manufacturer of se- crore. While net profit rose 0.8%, total in- to Rs 1078937 crore, domestic advances grew
lect high value, non-commoditized APIs in come declined 4.9%over Q4 FY21.Net inter- 0.84% to Rs 708,082 crore. The domestic
chronic therapeutic areas, including cardio- est income (NII) increased 3.74% to Rs 27638 current-account-savings-account (Casa)share
vascular disease, central nervous system dis- crore. The domestic net interest margins improved 170 bps to 45.15%. Casa deposits
ease, pain management and diabetes also (NIM) were at 3.15% as against 3.24%.Op- grew 7.34%to Rs 487136 crore. The Union
manufactures and sells APIs for gastro-in- erating profit (OP) was up 5.06% to Rs 18975 government held 73.15% stake end June 2021.
testinal disorders, anti-infectives and other crore. Provisions other than tax and contin- Bank of Baroda posted standalone net
therapeutic areas. gencies declined 19.6% to Rs 10051.96 crore. profit of Rs 1208 crore in Q1June 2021 com-
The API portfolio comprises specialized Of these, provision for non-performing as- pared with net loss of Rs 864.26 crore in Q1
and profitable products which includes niche sets (NPAs) dipped 46.6% to Rs 5029.79 June 2020.Total income fell 1.4% to Rs
and technically complex molecules. There is crore. The provision coverage ratio (PCR) 20022 crore. PBT was Rs 1595 crore as
capacity to branch into other high value prod- slid39 basis points (bps) to 85.93%.Profit against pre-tax loss of Rs 1307 crore. OP
ucts. The global portfolio has 120 molecules. before tax (PBT) climbed up 60.5% to Rs before provisions and contingencies jumped
The IPO of CarTrade Tech received 8922.86 crore. Tax expenses spurted 76.5% 41.2% to Rs 5707.41 crore. NII grew 15.8%
bids for 26.30 crore shares as against 1.29 to Rs 2418.86 crore. to Rs 7892 crore. The global NIMs stood at
crore shares on offer on 11 August 2021. Fresh slippages were Rs 15666 crore 3.04%, while domestic NIMs came at
The issue was subscribed 20.28 times. end June 2021 compared with Rs 21934 3.12%. Provisions and contingencies de-
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clined 23.14% to Rs 4112 crore. The capital quarters, and recurring revenues at 67% of
adequacy ratio stood at 15.40% compared Marching ahead Q1 revenues. Overall, we are well on track
with 12.84% end June 2020. in our ambitious business model change jour-
The BSE 500 climbed up to a new top
The gross NPA ratio declined to 8.86% of 22,392.46 on 13 August 2021, gaining ney, initiated in CY2019, for end of FY 2022.
as against 9.39%. Recovery and upgrades 126% from the March 2020 low and 22% “Regulatory changes for advisory and
increased to Rs 4435 crore as against Rs 818 in CY till date accredited investors are path-breaking and we
crore. The net NPA ratio increased to 3.03% 22650 are excited by the opportunities these offer
from 2.83%.Domestic deposits increased 3% to us as well as to the overall industry. Our
to Rs 837,803 crore, led by 12.7% higher BSE 500 alternate asset management space continues
domestic Casa deposits. Domestic advances 20150 to see a great response to new products from
fell 2.3% to Rs 600971 crore due to run-off 18900
SMA both institutions, family offices and HNIs
0 200D
of low yielding corporate loans. The Union 17650 BSE-50 across strategies including listed and unlisted
government held 63.97% end June 2021. 16400 equity, credit as well as real estate.
l l l l l l
Cholamandalam Investment and Fi- A M J J A “Client sentiment continues to be posi-
nance Company’s standalone net profit tive, with a bias towards risk. We continue
S&P BSE-500 200 days simple moving average.
dropped 24% to Rs 327 crore on 17% higher to maintain a judicious allocation between
total income at Rs 2467 crore in Q1 June fixed income and equities across portfolios
2021 over Q1 June 2020. PBT dipped 24% the quarter. Post the reversal of Rs 400 crore, and, broadly, have an asset allocation split
to Rs 441 crore. Pre-provision OP jumped management overlay stood at Rs 700 crore of 50% each in the above asset classes.”
56% to Rs 993 crore. NII rose 39% to Rs in Stage 2 and Stage 3 to manage any future Central Depository Services (India)’s
1363 crore. Aggregate disbursements inclined contingencies. (CDSL) consolidated net profit jumped
1% to Rs3635 crore as localized lockdown Disbursements and collections recovered 38.4% to Rs 1397.95 on 79.7% growth in net
imposition in various states hampered during the latter part of June 2021, post sales to Rs 117.28 crore in Q1 June 2021
growth. The vehicle finance (VF) business relaxation of state-wise lockdowns. A gradual over Q1 June 2020. Net profit was up 24%,
disbursement slipped 12% to Rs2846 crore. revival is expected in the subsequent quar- while net sales rose by 13.5% over Q4 March
Loan against property (Lap) disbursed ters of FY2022, with normalization and roll- 2021. PBT increased 50.2% over the year
soared 225% to Rs 386 crore. The Lap dis- backs of accounts to higher buckets. and 22.75% over the quarter to Rs 84.6 crore.
bursements were disrupted in Q1 June 2020 Manappuram Finance’s consolidated Nehal Vora, the MD and CEO, CDSL,
due to the nationwide lockdown. The home net profit inclined 18.7% to Rs 436.85 crore said, “The capital market continued to wit-
loan business disbursed increased 5% to Rs on 3.3% rise in revenues from operations to ness growth, primarily led by the increased
199 crore. AUM grew 7% to Rs 75763 crore. Rs 1563 crore in Q1June 2021 over Q1June participation of the investors and market
Liquidity position was Rs 7917 crore 2020. Net profit fell 6.7%, while revenues participation through a robust eco-system
as cash balance, with Rs 1500 crore invested from operations declined 3.6% over Q4 March of market infrastructure institutions under
in G-sec shown as investments, with a total 2021. PBT fell 5.8% over the quarter but the vision and leadership of Sebi. We are
liquidity position of Rs 16417 crore includ- rose 19% over the year to Rs 586 crore. humbled to be part of this expansion jour-
ing undrawn sanctioned lines. ALM was IIFL Wealth Management’s consoli- ney. Easy, accessible, and secured digital
comfortable, with no negative cumulative dated net profit surged 42% to Rs 119 crore services contributed to obtaining this objec-
mismatches across all time buckets. in Q1 June 2021 from Q1 June 2020. Rev- tive and bestowed on us the responsibility
Disbursements were up 1% as purchase enues from operations jumped 43% to Rs to focus on a fair, transparent, secure, and
of vehicles were predominantly deferred. 283 crore. Annual recurring revenues (ARR) sustainable platform and good governance.
Collections also suffered, resulting in in- were up 51% to Rs 192 crore and transac- We will continue to drive this focused ap-
crease in Stage 3 assets from 3.96% to 6.79%. tional and brokerage income was up 28% to proach keeping the preference of the regula-
The restructuring option with asset classifi- Rs 91 crore. Net profit increased 16% and tors and the market participants at the core.”
cation benefit extended by the RBI under revenues from operations rose 7% over Take Solutions announced a strategic
Restructuring 2.0 was used to the extent of Q4March 2021. PBT stood up 38% to Rs partnership with HIG Capital, an alterna-
3.86% of the book. Total restructuring in- 151 crore. Total AUM expanded 15% to Rs tive investment firm, with US$45 billion of
cluding the restructuring done under Restruc- 2.82 trillion over the quarter. equity capital under management. An affili-
turing 1.0 stood at 5.44% of the book. These Karan Bhagat, the MD and CEO, IIFL ate of HIG will be acquiring 75% stake of
loans were classified as Stage 2 assets as a Wealth & Asset Management, said, “We Navitas Life Sciences, a wholly owned sub-
matter of prudence. have had a tremendous start to FY2022, with sidiary, to support the current management
Management overlay provisions were Rs the highest quarterly profit in history. A team in accelerating their growth plan and
750 crore end December 2020 and additional special dividend of Rs 35 per share is in line enabling to capture future growth potential.
overlay provisions of Rs 350 crore were cre- with our focus on improving capital effi- Navitas Life Sciences delivers full-ser-
ated end March 2021 to support possible ciency and moving towards a consolidated vice contract research services and func-
uncertainties that could arise due to the sec- return on equity of 20%. Critical milestones tional service provider expertise in data
ond wave, taking the total management over- have been achieved across all key focus ar- sciences, and regulatory and safety solu-
lay to Rs 1100 crore. Of this, management eas: ARR AUM at 50% of total AUM, ARR tions to pharmaceutical and biotech clients
overlay of Rs 400 crore was reversed during net flows at Rs 36000 crore over last five across North America, Asia Pacific, and
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Latin America. It has over 30 years of ex- Down but not out Partha DeSarkar, Global CEO, HGS,
perience across 550+ phase I-IV clinical said, “Our healthcare services business has
trials, 1100 bio-equivalence studies, 20+ The Nifty Bank index lagged the market steadily grown over the years. We reached a
therapeutic areas, and 40+ good clinical by gaining 16% in CY but outperformed stage where we could recommend to pro-
practice (GCP) and non-GCP audits. by returning 63% over the year to moter to divest stake in this business to
Srinivasan HR, the Vice Chairman and 13 August 2021 unlock value for all HGS stakeholders. We
MD, Take Solutions, said, “We are CMP VARIANCE % will use the generated funds to strategically
partnering with HIG to accelerate access to BANKS (Rs) 27-03-20 23-03-21 invest for the future growth of the organiza-
outstanding drug development outcomes to tion. We see a long-term value and benefit to
AU Small Finance 1326.45 154.33 6.52
people across the world by harnessing the HGS in doing so. HGS will continue to fo-
power of technology and domain knowledge. Axis Bank 759.90 111.23 4.02 cus on aggressively expanding its CES and
With its global network and diverse experi- Bandhan Bank 293.55 17.63 -19.50 digital businesses in line with our goal to
ence across healthcare and life sciences, HIG Federal Bank 85.30 91.90 9.08 transform itself into a ‘digitally-enabled cus-
makes them an ideal partner to support HDFC Bank 1526.20 68.74 1.74 tomer experience company.”
Navitas’ continued growth as a global Next ICICI Bank 704.80 107.39 20.19 Consolidated net profit surged 137.7%
Generation contract research organization. IDFC First Bank 45.50 103.13 -25.84
to Rs 117 crore in Q1June 2021 from Q1
Affle (India)’s consolidated net profit June 2020. Revenues from operations in-
IndusInd Bank 1024.15 149.12 3.44
surged 90.4% to Rs 35.73 crore on 70% higher creased 25.5% to Rs 1550.5 crore. Net profit
Kotak Mah. Bank 1788.00 27.80 -1.36
net sales to Rs 152.47 crore in Q1June 2021 declined 10.2% and revenues 0.8% over Q4
over Q1 June 2020. Net profit fell 39% and Punjab Natl.Bank 37.75 12.86 -2.58 March 2021.Ebitda improved 59.2% to Rs
net sales went up 7.7% over Q4 March RBL Bank 176.15 9.92 -22.33 232.1 crore over a year ago. The Ebitda mar-
2021. PBT declined 35.6% over the quarter St Bk of India 431.20 120.06 15.70 gins were at 15% as against 11.8%. PBT
but soared 104% over the year to Rs 41.16 Nifty Bank 36169.35 81.13 5.81 spurted 117.5% to Rs 164.2 crore. Provision
crore.Ebitda increased 56% to Rs 35.1 crore. Current market price (CMP) as on 13 August 2021. for taxation increased 79.7% to Rs 47.2 crore.
The CPCU business noted strong momen- 27 March 2020: The RBI announced moratorium on Partha DeSarkar, the Executive Direc-
tum, delivering 3.1 crore of converted users, servicing of term loans outstanding on 1 March for three tor and Global CEO, HGS, said, “Building
months till end May and, on 22 May, extended it up to
an increase of 85% over the year. Operating end August. on the momentum from last year, HGS has
cash flows increased 134.2% to Rs 39.6 crore, 23 March 2021: The SC said the Union government begun FY2022 on a strong note. The perfor-
cannot be directed to ask banks to waive off interest on
achieving 134.2% of profit after tax. loans during the lockdown period amid covid-19
mance in Q1June 2021 was better than ex-
Anuj Khanna Sohum, the Chairman, pandemic. The moratorium on EMIs towards repayment pected, with double-digit growth in rev-
MD and CEO, Affle, said, “The world is of loans could not be extended beyond 31 August 2020. enues, Ebitda and profit after tax over the
Any amount collected during moratorium period by banks
undergoing a paradigm shift, with acceler- as interest on interest, penal interest, or compound year. The results were boosted by robust
ated connected experiences redefining the interest, should either be refunded or adjusted against volumes in the healthcare and UK busi-
digital priorities of the advertisers globally. the next EMIs payable by the borrowers. The RBI had on nesses, and a resilient work@home-led de-
27 March 2020 issued the circular which allowed
Our growth mindset and tech innovations lending institutions to grant a moratorium on payment of livery model.
helped us achieve a consistent, all-round per- instalments of term loans falling due between 1 March “Despite the ongoing pandemic-related
and 31 May 2020, due to the pandemic. Later, the
formance in Q1June 2021. Our broad-based moratorium was extended till 31 August 2020.
challenges, the overall business environment
growth came from the top 10 resilient in- has improved, and we are seeing strong de-
dustry verticals and across India (BPEA).The transaction, based on enter- mand for our services. We continue to win
andinternational markets, driven by signifi- prise value of $1,200 million, is expected to major deals across verticals, especially in
cant increase in the CPCU business. Con- complete within 90 days, subject to share- healthcare, consumer, and public sector. Our
tinuing upon the previous year trend, the holder and other regulatory approvals. digital solutions are also opening new mar-
quarter witnessed persistent growth in ad- BPEA is one of Asia’s largest private ket segments and opportunities for HGS as
vertiser spends on mobile marketing. We en- alternative investment firms, with AUM of clients embark on customer experience trans-
hanced our platforms and product proposi- US$23 billion. BPEA manages a private eq- formation to cater to digital natives.
tions while penetrating deeper across both uity investment program, sponsoring “Looking ahead, we are investing in driv-
new and existing markets. buyouts and providing growth capital to ing aggressive growth for the rest of the year.
“Also, in Q1June 2021, India faced a companies for expansion or acquisitions While we expect a robust open enrolment
devastating second wave of covid-19. The with a particular focus on the Asia-Pacific season in the healthcare vertical, we are also
resilience of our business enabled a growth region, as well as dedicated funds focused setting up new centres and looking to hire
trajectory. We are optimistic of the industry on private real estate and private credit. significantly to support new client wins in
macro-trends and future-ready to leverage HGS will focus on strengthening its con- the UK and Jamaica.”
upon new market dynamics and deliver sus- sumer engagement solutions (CES),digital Computer Age Management Ser-
tainable growth to all our stakeholders.” and payroll businesses that support several vices’ consolidated net profit jumped 59%
Hinduja Global Solutions (HGS) en- top global brands across its nine verticals. to Rs 63.24 crore on 35.3% higher revenues
tered into definitive agreements to divest its Services to healthcare clients delivered by from operations to Rs 201.17 crore in Q1June
healthcare services business to funds affili- the digital and payroll businesses will con- 2021 over Q1 June 2020. Net profit inclined
ated with Baring Private Equity Asia tinue to be part of HGS’ portfolio. 5.1%, while revenues from operations grew
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0.7% over Q4 March 2021. PBT grew 5.1% 38 crore. The net debt-Ebitda ratio annual-
over the quarter and 64% over the year to Turning around ized and including the impact of leases end
Rs 84.99 crore. June 2021 was at 3.03 times compared with
Motherson Sumi Systems’ PBT was Rs
Indian Railway Catering and Tour- 3.02 times a year ago. Excluding pending
609 crore versus pre-tax loss of Rs 1406
ism Corporation posted net profit of Rs adjusted gross revenues dues, the net debt-
crore in Q1 June 2020. Semi-conductor
82.52 crore in Q1 June 2021 compared with shortages were expected to ease from H2 Ebitda ratio annualized was 2.55 times.
net loss of Rs 24.6 crore in Q1 June 2020. Gopal Vittal, the MD and CEO, India &
Revenues from operation jumped 85.3% to South Asia, Bharti Airtel, said, “While our
Rs 243.36 crore. PBT tax stood at Rs 111.07 255
wireless revenue was impacted by the
crore compared with pre-tax loss of Rs 29.38 covid-19 lockdown-induced slowdown in
crore. Internet ticketing business revenues 235 terms of device shipments and a financial
soared 325% to Rs 149.97 crore, the Rail Motherson Sumi squeeze at the lower end of the market, our
Neer segment’s revenues surged 800% to 215 overall performance reflected the resilience
Rs 29.26 crore, and the tourism business and strength of our portfolio. We added 5.1
195 l
revenues jumped 151% to Rs 7.41 crore. l l l l l million 4G customers during the quarter. Our
A’21 M J J A
The catering segment revenues slumped Price in Rs on BSE. Face Value : Re 1 enterprise business in India continued to
nearly 37% to Rs 56.71 crore. deliver strongly. We continue to invest in
Meanwhile, the board recommended the quality customers as well as secular upgrad- the best of emerging technologies, including
proposal for sub-division of one equity ing of customers to data. networks and digital capabilities.”
share of face value of Rs 10 each into five 4G data customers increased 33.4% to The telecom major will transfer to Reli-
equity shares of face value of Rs 2 each. 184.4 million compared with the previous ance Jio Infocomm the right to use of 800
The Mini Ratna has 67.4% stake by the year. The average data usage per data cus- MHz spectrum in three circles for Rs
Union government. tomer was at 18.5 GBs per month, while 1004.8 crore net of tax. Jio will assume
Quess Corp’s consolidated net profit voice usage was at 1,044 mins per customer future liabilities of Rs 469.3 crore relating
jumped 22.4% to Rs 44.63 crore on 24% per month. to the spectrum.
higher net sales at Rs 2986.91 crore in Q1 An additional 2,400 towers and 55K Kumar Mangalam Birla stepped down
June 2021 over Q1 June 2020 (Q1 FY21). mobile broadband base stations were rolled as the non-executive chairman and director
The increase in revenues were mainly driven out during the quarter, further expanding of Vodafone Idea. Consequently, the board
by General Staffing (26%), Conneqt (36%) network coverage. Additional spectrum was unanimously elected Himanshu Kapania,
and Industrials (32%). PBT spurted 47.8% deployed across 900, 1,800, 2,100 and 2,300 currently a non-executive director, as the
to Rs 80.20 crore. band in multiple circles to improve network non-executive chairman. Kapania, a nomi-
Ebitda grew 13% to Rs 147 crore. The availability and data speeds, delivering the nee of the Aditya Birla Group, is a telecom
Ebitda margins improved to 4.92% from best network experience to its customers. industry veteran, with 25 years of experi-
1.26%. The profit margins stood at 1.49% Several initiatives were undertaken to ence, including significant board experience
over negative 1.94% in Q1 June 2020. improve network quality - leveraging digital in telecom companies globally. He has also
Suraj Moraje, the MD and Group CEO, tools/probes to monitor and improve cus- served on the Global GSMA Board for two
Quess Corp, said, “Our revenues increased tomer experience and scaling up Vo-Wi-Fi years and was also the chairman of the Cel-
24% over the year and stayed flat over the adoption to improve indoor experience. lular Operators Association of India for two
quarter despite the second covid-19 wave There were over 26 million customers using years. He is presently the chairman of the
during Q1. Our ongoing investments in our Vo-Wi-Fi services. Ficci Council on telecom, electronics, and
verticalized capabilities, technology and The homes business segment’s revenues digital economy.
operating improvements will continue to were up 12.9%, with highest ever customer Hero MotoCorp’s total slid 12.6% to
power our momentum as we stay firmly additions of 2.85 lakh during the quarter to 4,54,398 unit in July 2021 over July 2020.
focused on achieving an RoE of 20%.” reach a total base of 3.35 million. Digital TV Total sales were lower by 3.1% over June
Bharti Airtel reported consolidated net grew 8.7% on the back of strong customer 2021. Domestic sales declined 16.3% to
profit of Rs 284 crore in Q1 June 2021 as additions of 2.82 lakh during the quarter. 4,29,208 units over the year. Exports soared
against net loss of Rs 15933 crore in Q1 June Ebitda improved 30.3% to Rs 13189 3.33 times to 25,190 units over July 2020.
2020. Total revenues increased 15.3% to Rs crore from Q1 June 2020. The Ebitda ex- Domestic sales dipped 2.1% and exports
26854 crore. Mobile data traffic grew 48.7% pansion was broad-based across the portfo- dropped 17.8% over June 2021.
to 10,439 petabytes (PBs).India revenues lio. The portfolio remained balanced, with Most of the retail touchpoints were op-
increased 19.2% on a comparable basis and India non-mobile contributing 17.6%, the erational across the country, although
11.1% on a reported basis to Rs 18828 crore. Africa business 29.5%, and India mobile localised lockdowns imposed by certain states
Mobile revenues grew 21.9% on comparable 53%. The Ebitda margins were at 49.1% in the wake of sporadic coronavirus cases
basis on account of the improved realizations compared with 43.4%. The incremental continued to restrict the customer movement.
as well as strong 4G customer addition. The Ebitda margins across businesses remained India’s rural economy and semi-urban mar-
average revenue per use for the quarter came healthy, with India mobile services Ebitda kets are expected to bounce back on the hopes
in at Rs 146compared with Rs 138 in Q1June improving to 49.2% from 40.6%. PBT was of good monsoon and customers’ preference
2021, an outcome of our focus on acquiring Rs 1745 crore as against pre-tax loss of Rs for personal mobility. On-ground situation
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and delivered the strongest ever quarter for over June 2021. Total two-wheeler sales
Royal Enfield in international markets. In Market hit grew 8%, with sales of 2,62,728 units in
India, our bookings saw an uptick in June as July 2021 as against July 2020. Domestic
CDSL’s total PBT spurted 50% over the
local lockdowns and restrictions were gradu- year and 23% over the quarter. Net sales
two-wheeler dipped 7.63% to 1,75,169 units
ally lifted across the country. The global surged 80% over the year 13.5% over Motorcycle sales climbed up 30.84% to
shortage of semiconductors continues to be Q4 March 2021 1,38,772 units. Scooter sales dropped 5.40%
a concern and is likely to hamper produc- to 74,351 units.
tion for the ongoing quarter, and possibly Total exports jumped 65% to 1,03,133
through the rest of the year as well. While 1400 units in July 2021 as against July 2020. Two-
the economy continues to recover, we re- 1200
wheeler exports were up 62%. Demand in
main optimistic and committed to our stra- CDSL export market continued to be robust and
tegic focus areas moving forward.” 1000 container availability improved. There is
Royal Enfield ended the quarter with its 800 optimism of further improvement in con-
best-ever performance in international mar- tainer availability in the coming months.
kets, with total exports at 17,493 units, more l l l l l l Three-wheeler sales soared 80% to 16,127
A’21 M J J A
than 400% increase over the year and an Price in Rs on BSE. Face Value : Rs 10
units as against 8,956 units in July 2020.
83% increase over Q4March 2021. Local as- Tata Motors’ total sales spurted 95.3%
sembly of motorcycles commenced in Co- 72 crore compared with net loss of Rs 120 to 54,119 units in July 2021 over July 2020.
lombia, the third biggest motorcycle market crore. As many as 5,806 trucks and buses Domestic sales surged 92% to 51,981 ve-
in Latin America, in partnership with its lo- were sold, a notable increase of 173%. hicles. Domestic sales were higher by 19%
cal distributor. Vinod Aggarwal, the MD and CEO, over June 2021. Domestic passenger vehicle
Royal Enfield expanded its presence in VECV, said, “Q1 was challenging for the CV (PV) sales stood at 30,185 units compared
international markets and commenced op- industry as well as VECV. With lockdowns with 15,012 units a year ago. Commercial
erations in Singapore and the Netherlands and cautious approach by financiers, retail of vehicle (CV) sales went up 81% to 21,796
with the launch of standalone flagship stores. vehicles was severely impacted. We focused units over July 2020.
The stores showcase the entire range of on keeping the channel partners healthy to Mahindra & Mahindra’s (M&M)
Royal Enfield motorcycles, including the tide over the difficulties faced by them. In overall auto sales including PVs, CVs and
Interceptor 650, Continental GT 650, Hi- line with the VECV spirit of partnership, we exports stood at 42,983 vehicles in July
malayan, and the Classic 350. provided soft loans to our dealers along with 2021. The utility vehicles (UVs) segment
Vinod K Dasari, the CEO, Royal Enfield, medical and financial support to their em- sold 20,797 vehicles. The PV segment in-
said, “Despite challenging market conditions, ployees. We also extended the warranty pe- cluding UVs, cars, and vans sold 21,046 ve-
we continued to stay committed to our core riod on Eicher trucks and buses to account hicles, up 91% over the year. Exports jumped
objective of being a truly global motorcy- for lockdown disruptions for our customers. 45% to 2,123 vehicles.
cling brand. We registered our best-ever quar- With the second wave receding and vaccina- Veejay Nakra, the CEO, Automotive Di-
terly performance in international market son tion in full swing, we expect the CV industry vision, M&M, said, “More than 90% of our
the back of strong performance in the Ameri- to bounce back as customers start to replace dealerships and workshops are now opera-
cas. We are investing in completely knocked old trucks and buses with modern fuel-effi- tional across the country. We have seen sig-
down (CKD) units to further strengthen our cient and highly productive vehicles.” nificant increase in activity levels, enquiries
presence in key potential markets. After Eicher Motors joint venture with Volvo and as a result, sales across our product port-
Argentina, we have recently set up a CKD of Sweden, VE Commercial Vehicles (VECV), folio. While supply of semiconductors con-
assembly unit in Colombia. We also marked sold 4,271 vehicles in July 2021, up 95.6% tinues to be a global issue, we are doing ev-
our entry into the Netherlands and Singapore from July 2020. Total sales soared 75.18% erything to address it on priority. July has
with our flagship, exclusive stores. Con- over June 2021. The unlisted commercial been an exciting month for us with two new
straints on account of local and global sup- vehicles subsidiary of Eicher Motors re- product launches. Both launches received very
ply chain disruptions continue to impact corded 104.9% growth in total domestic positive initial response and we are confi-
us, but we are working closely with our sup- sales to 3,553 units in July 2021 as against dent of building on this in the coming months.”
pliers to quickly resolve them. With a grow- 1,734 units in July 2020. Total exports M&M’s Farm Equipment Sector ’s
ing preference for personal mobility among jumped 59.2% to 640 units. (FES) total tractor sales including domestic
consumers, improving economy and demand Total motorcycles sales rose 9% to sales and exports inclined 7% to 27,229 units
sentiment, and our strong product pipeline, 44,038 units from July 2020 and increased in July 2021 over July 2020. Domestic trac-
we are optimistic about stronger recovery 2.29% over June 2021. While sales of mod- tor sales increased 5% to 25,769 units and
once supply chain stabilizes during the sec- els with engine capacity upto 350cc grew export sales increased 55% to 1,460 units.
ond half of the year.” 3% to 37,556 units, sales of models with Hemant Sikka, President-FES, M&M,
VECV, the unlisted subsidiary of Eicher engine capacity exceeding 350cc increased said, “Demand remained buoyant in July as
Motors, clocked revenues from operations 64% to 6,482 units over the year. crop sowing operations gained traction with
of Rs 1639 crore, up 156% from Q1June TVS Motor Company’s total auto sales monsoon picking up pace across all the re-
2020. Ebitda was Rs 18 crore compared with inclined 10% to 2,78,855 units in July 2021 gions. Easing of covid-19 curbs and robust
Ebitda loss of Rs 72 crore. Net loss was Rs as against July 2020 and were up 10.70% farm incomes on account of record rabi crop
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Attracting attention
Stocks in the news for the right and wrong reasons
13-08-2021 (Rs cr) 15 DAY 1 YEAR (Rs) CHG YoY% PLEDGE PROMO (%) (%) CHG QoQ (%) CHG QoQ AVG PE
Adani Enterp. 1436.55 157993.22 -0.05 615.06 10.60 48.04 4.51 74.92 19.65 -0.86 0.82 0.09 117.17 34.50 QLY
Adani Green 917.45 143490.48 3.85 153.47 1.90 1257.14 0.82 57.47 20.32 -1.15 0.12 0.00 430.73 261.05 QLY
Adani Power 85.10 32822.55 -8.35 126.03 3.15 136.50 28.60 74.97 11.51 0.02 0.00 0.00 14.72 28.13 QLY
Adani Total Gas 909.45 100022.23 3.17 470.37 5.16 43.73 0.00 74.80 18.72 -0.40 0.02 0.00 173.23 91.11 QLY
Adani Transmissi 965.30 106164.67 6.76 300.54 9.51 71.66 8.25 74.92 20.82 0.52 0.10 -0.02 83.22 38.52 QLY
Affle India 4191.05 11169.24 -1.45 95.04 59.29 108.91 0.00 59.89 18.25 0.97 5.66 -0.17 73.55 89.82 QLY
Apollo Tyres 225.30 14308.82 -1.40 70.94 9.46 79.51 4.96 37.60 22.87 -1.40 11.19 0.05 12.16 16.97 QLY
Ashok Leyland 130.35 38264.60 -3.27 113.51 -0.10 90.83 14.44 51.12 16.90 -1.03 11.18 1.50 0.00 15.64 QLY
BPCL 454.75 98646.77 -0.68 7.97 84.58 379.75 0.00 52.98 12.63 0.21 15.44 -0.94 8.57 11.92 QLY
Bajaj Auto 3826.65 110730.63 -0.36 26.83 194.70 22.61 0.01 53.70 11.82 -0.17 3.65 0.25 19.66 19.84 QLY
Bajaj Healthcare 924.05 1275.12 -1.85 154.91 65.25 141.49 0.00 67.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.16 19.52 QLY
Balaji Amines 3426.75 11103.01 3.40 409.71 91.24 149.29 0.00 53.68 2.35 0.17 0.02 -0.11 37.56 18.61 QLY
Balrampur Chini 348.15 7311.15 -5.29 147.53 19.81 -21.17 0.00 41.21 20.79 -0.78 13.87 1.26 17.50 8.39 QLY
Bank of Baroda 80.95 41862.18 0.37 68.30 7.12 698.32 0.00 63.97 7.87 0.98 9.21 0.01 12.27 15.90 QLY
BASF India 3665.05 15866.00 25.59 183.30 180.50 4764.08 0.00 73.33 1.97 0.01 2.39 0.33 73.82 116.44 QLY
Bharat Forge 819.50 38154.99 4.37 62.99 3.29 201.83 0.00 44.76 25.30 0.36 10.92 0.22 82.53 54.09 QLY
Bharti Airtel 637.05 349869.59 12.74 18.93 2.08 102.42 0.00 55.85 18.12 -0.45 12.86 0.06 342.50 220.05 QLY
Bosch 14438.00 42582.92 -5.65 0.24 292.90 248.69 0.00 70.54 4.34 0.01 2.97 -0.16 32.35 45.95 QLY
CDSL 1246.70 13028.02 - - 20.87 74.50 0.00 20.00 8.31 0.29 7.96 1.27 59.74 - QLY
Cadila Health. 558.60 57186.26 -5.59 44.75 22.14 70.83 0.00 74.88 4.65 -0.58 5.83 -0.58 23.59 24.85 QLY
Cams Services 3124.05 15253.34 -10.65 - 46.86 33.09 0.00 30.96 25.11 1.12 11.07 -1.62 66.68 55.04 QLY
Caplin Point Lab 849.55 6426.23 -5.14 52.58 34.19 17.94 0.00 69.03 1.15 0.47 0.99 0.54 24.86 24.98 QLY
Castrol India 135.10 13363.04 -2.28 11.01 7.84 20.43 0.00 51.00 12.03 0.40 2.02 -0.14 17.23 23.19 QLY
CG Power & Indu. 79.95 10807.99 0.63 499.77 -1.77 95.24 95.80 53.23 10.70 1.90 4.05 -0.97 10.13 4.61 QLY
Chola Financial 636.90 11956.53 -2.00 63.37 37.40 2.10 0.03 48.79 11.12 0.34 24.98 0.13 17.03 16.06 QLY
Cipla 894.40 72146.10 -2.97 17.62 31.52 54.36 0.00 36.65 24.78 1.55 13.34 -1.27 27.48 35.13 QLY
Coal India 143.80 88620.03 -0.03 11.52 22.37 -2.70 0.00 66.13 6.56 0.08 9.27 -0.07 6.43 12.58 QLY
Cummins India 975.05 27028.39 13.15 123.30 29.91 36.83 0.00 51.00 11.69 0.77 16.51 0.66 37.29 28.88 QLY
Dabur India 588.30 104002.71 -1.82 18.22 10.12 25.71 0.00 67.36 20.59 0.82 2.14 -0.43 58.13 49.70 QLY
Divi’s Lab. 4949.20 131385.70 0.43 58.41 77.20 28.39 0.00 51.95 20.60 0.73 12.61 0.02 64.11 37.22 QLY
Eicher Motors 2546.75 69625.20 -2.14 17.52 59.99 91.60 0.00 49.22 28.83 -0.23 5.84 0.01 42.47 39.75 QLY
Emami 563.05 25028.35 -1.19 73.09 11.08 65.62 30.92 53.85 12.49 1.97 18.77 -0.71 50.77 60.90 QLY
Escorts 1272.75 17161.07 6.05 13.59 97.98 76.25 0.00 36.59 21.28 -4.67 5.30 -0.05 17.93 36.22 QLY
Finolex Inds. 166.90 10355.76 -5.04 85.16 19.36 346.08 0.00 52.47 2.87 0.14 11.53 -0.31 12.53 21.40 QLY
Future Consumer 7.13 1416.76 -21.04 -36.34 -2.29 -61.27 88.37 14.47 10.73 0.80 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.00 RES
Future Enterp. 8.70 443.75 -19.67 -48.21 -22.72 -82.64 98.67 20.61 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.09 QLY
Future Lifestyle 54.80 1105.73 -24.26 -54.05 -46.04 -119.55 100.00 20.39 19.95 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 62.68 RES
Future Market 9.60 55.24 -27.60 -58.71 -2.52 -179.50 97.98 71.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.05 QLY
Future Retail 49.15 2665.33 -21.11 -53.03 -57.84 $ 50.40 19.86 2.91 0.31 0.04 0.02 0.00 120.62 RES
Future Supply 68.45 300.38 -19.52 -51.04 -39.10 -229.12 100.00 23.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.90 QLY
GAIL (India) 148.40 65895.32 3.99 52.21 16.98 -10.68 0.00 51.45 16.83 1.31 8.61 0.15 8.65 15.17 QLY
Glenmark Life 757.75 9284.50 - - - - - - - - - - 26.41 26.19 RES
GMR Infra. 27.90 16840.29 -3.63 30.07 -4.07 5.57 74.87 61.49 25.08 1.33 0.58 -1.14 0.00 0.00 RES
Godrej Agrovet 655.95 12601.62 -5.63 33.84 17.25 3.92 0.00 71.65 2.82 -0.01 1.31 -0.36 38.05 37.65 QLY
Grasim Inds 1497.60 98557.75 -5.90 137.00 87.39 67.35 0.00 42.09 15.10 0.66 4.62 -0.89 22.40 15.51 FIN
Greenply Industr 180.55 2214.04 -11.45 105.17 6.22 409.84 0.00 52.22 1.77 -0.22 30.78 3.53 29.07 23.62 QLY
Gujarat Fluoroch 1733.75 19045.24 -3.26 267.01 -12.79 -195.31 0.00 68.37 2.20 -0.10 4.88 -0.04 0.00 9.80 QLY
HEG 2347.90 9061.84 0.07 197.11 6.35 115.17 0.00 59.62 11.27 1.84 0.07 -0.05 369.17 4.95 QLY
Hero Motocorp 2772.00 55381.76 -0.36 -1.40 155.93 27.15 0.00 34.76 34.97 -2.22 6.29 1.64 17.78 19.22 QLY
Hikal 696.75 8590.98 27.07 422.30 13.68 127.24 0.00 68.77 4.20 -1.71 0.49 0.04 50.93 26.22 QLY
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13-08-2021 (Rs cr) 15 DAY 1 YEAR (Rs) CHG YoY% PLEDGE PROMO (%) (%) CHG QoQ (%) CHG QoQ AVG PE
Hindalco Inds. 441.95 99301.89 -0.89 140.84 31.38 249.83 0.00 34.64 24.95 -0.05 11.86 0.49 15.00 15.95 QLY
Hinduja Global 3309.05 6909.60 9.76 385.13 194.08 90.20 0.00 67.18 6.93 -4.23 0.00 0.00 16.63 8.14 QLY
IRFC 23.85 31168.39 2.14 - - - 0.00 86.36 0.86 -0.58 2.62 -0.40 7.06 8.22 RES
IIFL Wealth Mgt 1546.85 13649.51 7.76 42.34 46.08 80.56 0.00 22.91 24.91 0.71 0.82 -0.68 33.80 35.97 QLY
Indoco Remedies 473.45 4362.86 0.08 91.80 12.54 193.68 0.00 58.69 2.29 -0.38 18.67 -0.07 37.73 39.19 QLY
Kajaria Ceramics 1010.35 16081.47 0.84 149.96 23.79 113.36 0.00 47.54 25.09 -0.16 11.80 -0.47 42.52 40.10 QLY
Kalpataru Power 433.85 6460.43 -9.38 75.61 47.05 117.12 45.91 54.55 7.30 0.97 24.74 3.17 11.81 22.43 QLY
Laxmi Organic 339.75 8957.94 23.68 - 6.91 - 0.00 72.92 3.58 -1.96 2.13 -0.57 43.06 73.29 QLY
Lupin 976.60 44334.07 -13.11 4.97 36.56 455.64 0.00 46.83 18.60 0.73 11.43 -1.62 26.84 26.75 QLY
Manappuram Fin. 165.70 14024.26 -22.17 6.83 21.20 23.69 0.00 34.99 35.86 -2.72 9.69 1.96 7.82 10.96 QLY
Maruti Suzuki 6999.10 211428.81 -1.08 3.99 169.90 27.28 0.00 56.37 22.90 -0.21 7.47 -0.02 41.20 38.21 QLY
Motherson Sumi 221.45 69932.45 -5.57 83.40 6.78 6680.00 3.69 61.73 16.86 0.22 9.72 -0.39 32.05 210.36 QLY
MRF 78818.60 33419.09 -1.97 23.17 3369.82 22.91 0.00 27.82 14.07 0.59 7.50 -0.24 23.38 21.86 QLY
Natco Pharma 991.70 18082.44 -1.80 21.89 21.58 -10.86 0.00 48.87 13.73 -2.62 9.00 -0.45 46.00 29.24 QLY
Natl. Aluminium 83.70 15372.61 -11.85 137.45 8.77 2823.33 0.00 51.28 8.64 0.26 10.98 2.05 9.43 23.35 QLY
Nazara Technolo. 1679.50 5114.55 -10.83 - 12.59 - 0.00 20.70 8.96 2.94 2.39 -0.93 140.31 279.66 QLY
NMDC 171.60 50289.20 -4.67 84.02 30.02 213.69 0.00 68.29 4.95 0.32 3.76 -0.42 5.63 10.71 QLY
NTPC 118.30 114711.56 0.42 35.67 15.48 34.38 0.00 51.10 13.13 1.19 18.37 -0.89 7.31 10.61 QLY
Oil India 166.40 18044.50 0.36 75.16 34.91 12.40 0.00 56.66 8.53 0.91 4.71 -0.25 4.41 7.31 QLY
P I Industries 3143.45 47691.83 -5.29 65.11 51.74 42.69 0.00 46.74 19.64 0.29 13.21 -0.65 61.14 39.28 QLY
Page Industries 31132.35 34712.57 -4.08 63.77 350.63 102.63 0.00 47.91 23.62 -2.27 13.25 1.18 101.81 80.20 FIN
Pidilite Inds. 2207.05 112151.99 -2.49 59.91 26.07 55.73 0.00 70.13 12.08 0.20 3.84 -0.08 84.50 63.03 QLY
Power Grid Corpn 184.65 128801.74 8.05 37.74 19.51 34.74 0.00 51.34 28.28 -0.11 7.78 0.15 9.48 11.81 QLY
Pricol Ltd 88.75 1081.70 -9.90 131.36 6.83 173.20 0.00 36.53 10.64 0.12 0.00 0.00 13.82 36.98 QLY
Punjab Natl.Bank 37.80 41621.64 -7.13 13.68 3.15 5350.00 0.00 73.15 2.51 -0.43 2.38 1.46 13.03 11.55 QLY
Quess Corp 856.60 12656.63 -2.76 132.80 4.76 115.12 0.00 55.24 17.32 0.00 12.71 0.03 192.93 67.66 QLY
REC Ltd 147.10 29051.04 -6.10 33.30 44.60 65.92 0.00 52.63 26.15 -0.60 9.39 0.32 3.30 4.66 QLY
Relaxo Footwear 1179.65 29307.47 2.73 87.22 12.01 48.45 0.00 70.92 3.49 -0.39 7.34 0.34 98.22 63.47 QLY
Reliance Industr 2144.75 1423523.63 3.54 1.06 74.65 11.37 0.00 49.14 24.39 -0.54 4.56 0.25 28.59 21.37 QLY
Shree Cement 26608.80 96006.54 -9.16 25.19 716.87 72.08 0.00 62.55 13.02 0.51 7.92 -0.38 37.12 55.95 QLY
Siemens 2245.30 79959.68 13.57 90.66 30.87 42.06 0.00 75.00 4.60 0.23 1.86 0.22 72.76 58.14 QLY
SML ISUZU 612.60 886.43 -1.77 44.01 -79.24 -27.46 0.00 43.96 2.90 -0.43 1.00 0.00 0.00 81.68 QLY
Sona BLW Precis. 501.70 29263.65 14.28 - - - 0.00 67.30 13.89 - 12.41 - 129.97 106.95 FIN
St Bk of India 431.35 384963.13 -0.80 113.70 28.02 15.83 0.00 56.92 10.22 0.40 12.60 0.18 15.39 181.50 QLY
Sumitomo Chemi. 419.80 20954.14 -2.00 53.60 7.44 61.04 0.00 75.00 1.22 0.10 1.95 0.35 56.35 58.91 QLY
Suprajit Engg. 337.35 4668.00 -1.19 91.24 14.34 211.06 0.00 44.62 4.40 0.07 11.06 0.22 24.84 28.10 QLY
Take Solutions 59.35 877.99 -5.87 24.16 -14.58 28.84 0.00 53.41 1.61 -0.11 0.00 -0.86 0.00 10.15 QLY
Tata Motors 307.10 109195.02 3.47 134.25 -24.66 47.06 1.82 46.41 14.28 0.50 5.78 0.48 25.17 12.90 QLY
Tata Power Co. 132.55 42354.23 -0.67 136.27 3.90 19.27 1.40 46.86 11.26 -0.91 8.47 -0.36 29.26 29.08 QLY
Tata Steel 1461.30 175789.23 3.64 253.61 176.86 635.29 1.55 34.41 21.94 3.38 11.13 -0.45 8.06 9.36 QLY
Thermax 1380.85 16453.70 -1.84 83.94 23.47 96.57 0.00 61.98 12.73 0.28 11.18 0.13 55.30 51.24 QLY
Titan Company 1838.05 163179.55 3.83 67.46 14.47 47.80 0.00 52.90 18.41 0.31 4.03 -0.33 127.11 84.80 QLY
TVS Motor Co. 553.45 26294.41 -3.22 28.54 16.07 155.48 0.00 52.26 13.96 1.62 15.83 4.33 33.36 48.81 QLY
UPL 779.45 59553.52 -1.46 59.28 37.28 40.05 0.00 27.96 37.86 0.05 4.82 0.48 18.69 21.11 QLY
Varun Beverages 775.25 33570.89 -1.77 50.52 13.19 159.14 0.00 65.82 20.73 0.45 5.51 0.05 58.82 65.58 QLY
Vodafone Idea 6.32 18160.77 -23.39 -30.09 -15.39 41.28 0.00 72.05 4.29 -0.31 0.85 0.27 0.00 4.86 RES
Voltas 985.10 32595.46 -6.48 59.27 17.10 30.53 0.00 30.30 17.24 2.86 22.64 -1.71 57.61 39.93 QLY
VST Till. Tract. 1897.80 1639.61 -7.22 14.47 105.06 403.64 0.00 54.77 5.26 -1.31 13.24 1.10 18.06 26.15 FIN
Wockhardt 512.10 5673.10 -3.07 63.82 -7.83 -111.78 34.44 69.68 2.73 -0.36 0.02 0.01 0.00 6.53 QLY
Zomato Ltd 137.55 107910.45 -1.47 - - - - - - - - - 0.00 0.00 FIN
CMP: (current market price) as on 30 July 2021. Shareholding pattern as on March 2021. TTM EPS on March 2021. NA: Newly listed, hence five-year PE not available. EPS variation over the previous
corresponding period. Data is provided on Consolidated Priority. $-Indicates negative (TTM EPS Change % Y-o-Y) greater than 999.. Source: Capitaline Database
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procurement has bode well for the rural The railway equipment division’s rev-
economy. We continue to stay bullish on trac- New parent enues were up 117.5% to Rs 119.4 crore. In-
tor demand in the coming months owing to An affiliate of alternative investment firm dian Railways is still not running its full op-
revival of monsoon, hike in the MSP of key HIG Capital will buy 75% stake in a erations due to unprecedented covid-19 pan-
kharif crops and upcoming festival season.” contract research and data services demic and has cut down its annual production
Net profit before exceptional items surged provider subsidiary of Take Solutions rate, affecting fresh order tendering and order
to Rs 934 crore in Q1 June 2021 from Rs 39 inflow. The order book for the division was
crore in Q1 June 2020. Net profit after ad- more than Rs 300 crore. Going forward, with
justing for exceptional items was Rs 856 crore 70
government safety measures and vaccination
as against Rs 68 crore. Revenues spurted drive picking up at a fast pace, the tendering
110% to Rs 11763 crore. Ebitda surged 185% 60 process is expected to get back to pre-covid-
to Rs 1632 crore. Total vehicles sold were up Take Solutions 19 level within the current fiscal.
190% to 85,858 units. Total tractors sold 50 Nikhil Nanda, the Chairman and MD,
jumped 52% to 99,127 units. Escorts, said, “Unlocking has helped in build-
The OPM were at 13.9% despite covid- 40 l l l l l l
ing demand, easing transport and logistics and
A’21 M J J A
19 challenges and commodity price increases. Price in Rs on BSE. Face Value : Re 1 improved supply chain across farming com-
The focus was on cost optimization and munity to create a positive industry momen-
operating leverage helped maintain margins. enues jumped 60% to Rs 19172 tum. We certainly hope that, with sustained
The FES delivered its highest-ever first quar- crore.Consolidated net profit was affected government efforts, the tractor and agri equip-
ter Ebit of Rs 1081 crore. Revenues were Rs by financial services’ NPA provisioning of ment industry and the construction equip-
5319 crore. FES international subsidiaries Rs 2517 crore. GNPAs are expected to im- ment industry will be back on a growth path.
record fourth successive quarter of Ebit. prove during the year. “While we are witnessing some encour-
The tractor industry’s demand grew Escorts’ sales rose 23.3% to 6,564 units aging developments in the railway equip-
39%. The 48% growth in volumes was led in July 2021, the highest-ever in July, from ment space, too, it may take some time to
to the highest domestic market share of July 2020 but declined 47.6% from June come out of the impact of the current envi-
41.8% in eight quarters. The auto business 2021. Domestic tractor sales were up 22.2% ronment and regain the pre-covid-19 busi-
continued to witness strong booking pipe- to 6,055 units over July 2020. The three- ness levels.”
line. The market share increased compared week slowdown in monsoon activity from Motherson Sumi Systems’ consoli-
with Q4March 2021. The automotive seg- mid-June to mid-July temporarily affected dated net profit of Rs 290 crore in Q1 June
ment recorded revenues of Rs 6050 crore. sowing of kharif crops, leading to some 2021 compared with net loss of Rs 810.45
Ebit was Rs 103 crore. slowdown in sales in July. Meanwhile, com- crore in Q1 June 2020. Revenues from op-
Anish Shah, the MD& CEO, M&M, modity inflation continued to put pressure erations jumped 98% to Rs 16712 crore.
said, “The focus on operational efficiency on the margins despite three price increases PBT was Rs 609 crore as against pre-tax
and financial discipline gives us the confi- in the last nine months. Exports of tractor loss of Rs 1406 crore. Ebitda of Rs 1462
dence that our core performance will con- spurted 37.9% to 509 units over the year. crore compared with negative Ebitda of Rs
tinue. Th farm business delivered yet an- Consolidated net profit surged 92.8% 585 crore. The Ebitda margins improved to
other exemplary quarter result, while the to Rs 178.5 crore on 56.2% spurt in rev- positive 8.7% from negative 6.9%.
auto business showed demand recovery. Our enues from operations to Rs 1701.8 crore in Irregular production stoppages by
growth gems are seeing good momentum and Q1 June 2021 over Q1June 2020. Standalone OEMs globally due to supply chain con-
we will continue our stringent focus on fis- net profit jumped 101% to Rs 185.2 crore. straints affected profitability. Revenues were
cal discipline.” Revenues from operations rose 57.4% to hit in India due to OEM production shut-
Rajesh Jejurikar, Executive Director, Rs 1671.5 crore. Ebitda improved 95% to down for most part of May 2021 in Q1June
M&M, said, “With upcoming launch of the Rs 233.2 crore. 2021. Meanwhile, supply chain disruptions
most anticipated product XUV700, the aim The agri machinery division’s tractor due to semi-conductor and other material
is to ride on the festive season with strong sales volumes went up 42.9% to 25,935 trac- shortages globally likely to be headwinds
volume growth aided by rebound in Indian tors. The segment’s revenues increased 48% for OEM production in the near term, ex-
economy. However, commodity inflation and to Rs 1411.4 crore. Despite commodity price pected to improve from H2.
semiconductor supply issues continued to inflation, with various cost reduction initia- Vivek Chaand Sehgal, the Chairman,
be of concern.” tives and operating leverage, the segment’s Motherson Sumi Systems, said, “We have
Manoj Bhat, Group CFO, M&M, said, Ebit margins improved 112 bps to 15.6%. witnessed many localised and unpredictable
“Capital allocation actions delivered resil- The construction equipment division’s sales challenges such as lower OEM production
ient financial results, despite significant soared 159% to 606 machines. The segment’s due to unavailability of semi-conductor
headwinds of the pandemic and high com- revenues jumped 168.3% to Rs 140.8 crore. chips, higher commodity and logistics costs
modity price inflation.” Going forward, with improved funding avail- in this quarter. Despite challenging market
Consolidated net profit after exceptional ability and government thrust on infrastruc- conditions, the team has been able to deliver
items from continuing operations was Rs ture projects, demand is expected to recover good results. We expect these headwinds to
424 crore in Q1 June 2020 as against net to its full potential from October 202l post ease in the upcoming quarters as demand for
loss of Rs 49 crore in Q1June 2020. Rev- the monsoon season. personal mobility remains strong.”
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19%. The net order book stood at Rs 14000 ment of inflammation and pain associated with
crore end June 2021. Regaining health ocular surgery and endogenous anterior uvei-
Vivek Vikram Singh, the MD & Group Bharat Forge’s PBT was Rs 278.5 crore tis. Durezol had US sales of US$106 million
CEO, Sona BLW Precision Forging, said, as against pre-tax loss of Rs 119.1 crore for the 12-month period ended June 2021.
“We reported a strong performance in our in Q1June 2020. VRS expenses were Rs Divi’s Laboratories’ consolidated net
first earnings announcement as a listed en- 61.64 crore and forex loss Rs 4.4 crore profit jumped 13.2% to Rs 557.11 crore on
tity. Despite headwinds, we have delivered 13.3% surge in net sales to Rs 1960.64 crore
robust revenue growth and best-in-class in Q1 June 2021 over Q1 June 2020.
profitability and return metrics. We continue 800 PBTgrew 23.2% to Rs 814.48 crore. Forex
to make significant progress on our strategic gain amounted to Rs 20 crore as against a
imperatives of increasing electrification, glo- 700 gain of Rs 5 crore during the corresponding
bal market share, diversification, and prod- Bharat Forge quarter of the last year. Operations were
uct innovation. Of the net order book of Rs 600 near-normal operations during the quarter,
14000 crore, 57% was from EV.” complying with all covid-19 protocols.
500 l l l l l l
Shares were listed on 24 June 2021at Rs A’21 M J J A
Lupin’s consolidated net profit soared
302.40 per share, a premium of 3.92% com- Price in Rs on BSE. Face Value : Rs 2
404.30% to Rs 548.16 crore on 22.2% jump
pared with the issue price. The IPO received in net sales to Rs 4237.39 crore in Q1 June
bids for 24.44 crore shares as against 10.71 reinforce brand salience. 2021 over Q1 June 2020. PBT surged
crore shares on offer. The issue was sub- Cipla’s consolidated net profit grew 174.90% to Rs 750.49 crore. Ebitda climbed
scribed 2.28 times. The price band for the 25.41% to Rs 709.92 crore on 26.64% jump up 86.8% to Rs 992.60 crore. The Ebitda
IPO was set at Rs 285-291 per share. in total revenues from operations to Rs margins improved to 23.4% from
Pricol’s consolidated net profit stood 5504.35 crore in Q1 June 2021. PBT went 15.3%.Gross profit was Rs 2709.40 crore
at Rs 5.94 crore in Q1 June 2021 compared up 24.56% to Rs 995.52 crore. Ebitda compared with Rs 2441.70 crore, with gross
with net loss of Rs 30.85 crore in Q1 June climbed up 28% to Rs 1346 crore. The Ebitda profit margins of 63.9%. Gross profit was
2020. Net sales surged 187.6% to Rs 306.05 margins improved to 24.5% from 24.1%. The buoyed by the US$50 million received from
crore. PBT was at Rs 7.76 crore as against profit margins were at 13% as against 13.3%. Boehringer Ingelheim for achieving key mile-
pre-tax loss of Rs 32.99 crore. Overall business spurted 68% over the stones for its novel MEK inhibitor com-
Vikram Mohan, the MD, Pricol, said, year, with strong volume traction in core pound collaboration.
“The automotive industry is going through therapies and contribution of the covid-19 Personnel cost was 18.5% of sales at Rs
challenging times because of the lockdowns portfolio. In South Africa, Sub-Saharan Af- 783.70 crore as against Rs 640.20 crore in
due to the pandemic compounded by acute rica and the Cipla Global Access (Saga) re- Q4 March 2021. Manufacturing and other
shortage of electronic components globally. gion, the South Africa private business out- expenses were at 24.3% of sales at Rs
Nevertheless, with prudent cost control and performed the market, with Saga growing 1030.90 crore compared with Rs 1117.80
continual new business wins, we are confi- 13% in US dollars. The US business went crore a quarter ago. Net debt stood at Rs (-
dent of delivering above market growth rates up 5% to US$141 million, led by continued )345.30 crore. Net debt-equity was at (-)0.02.
and maintaining the bottom lines. Loss of expansion in market share of Albuterol. India business formulation sales went
sales due to potential further lockdowns and R&D investments stood at Rs 264 crore, up 27.2% over the year and 27.3% over the
shortage of electronic components will con- with an absolute trajectory of R&D spends quarter to Rs 1636.20 crore, accounting for
tinue to affect the automotive industry in India on track. Total debt jumped 9.9% to Rs 1931 42% of global sales. India region formula-
for a few more quarters. But we remain bull- crore. Cash and cash equivalents galloped tions sales grew 31% over a year ago. Glo-
ish about the mid- to long-term prospects 33.16% to Rs 4895 crore from Rs 3676 crore bal API sales declined 3.8% over the quarter
due to the new business wins, especially in end March 2021. The continued healthy net and 39.9% over the year to Rs 245.90 crore,
the EV area, and growth in market share.” cash positive position was led by OP and accounting for 6% of global sales.
Castrol India’s standalone net profit prudent working capital management. Investment in R&D amounted to Rs
jumped 114.06% to Rs 140 crore on 81.32% Umang Vohra, the MD and CEO, Cipla, 373.70 crore, that is, 8.8% of sales, com-
surge in revenues from operations to Rs said, “Therobust demand was led by trac- pared with Rs 342.70 crore, that is, 9.1% of
889.60 crore in Q2 June 2021 over Q2 June tion in core therapies across branded mar- sales, in Q4 March 2021.
2020. PBT soared 114.91% to Rs 190.20 kets and continued cost control, leading to Nilesh Gupta, the MD, Lupin, said,
crore. Owing to the covid-19 second wave, 27% revenue growth and 24.5% Ebitda mar- “While the quarter’s profit was bolstered
the quarter saw challenges in the form of gins. Investments in creating a differenti- by the Boehringer Ingelheim MEK program
localized lockdowns, muted demand, as ated API portfolio helped drive growth in income, despite a tough operating environ-
well as a sharp rise in input costs. The the quarter.” ment, we see substantial room for growth.
timely pricing interventions, along with The drug maker received final approval We remain committed to grow our US busi-
agility and responsiveness helped the firm for its Anda for difluprednate ophthalmic ness, both with our inline products as well
navigate this dynamic market situation. emulsion 0.05% from the US drug regulator. as ramp up of Albuterol and Brovana, to
Investment continued in brands, with in- The AB-rated generic therapeutic equivalent continue above-market growth in India, and
creased marketing and advertising spends version of Novartis Pharmaceutical ensure growth in every part of the business.
to support value delivery to customers and Corporation’s Durezol is used for the treat- We see meaningful uplift in H2 and remain
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rent financial year. Revenues from API stood Rs 137.49 crore. Ebitda increased 3.3% to
at Rs 61.60 crore, domestic formulations Rs Shrinking equity, expanding output Rs 180 crore.
200.60 crore, exports formulations Rs 145.40 BS Yadav, the MD, Godrej Agrovet, said,
Balrampur Chini Mills, whose PBT dipped
crore, crop health sciences Rs 0.50 crore and “Consolidated total income was 28.2% to
44% over Q1 June 2020, will buyback
other operating income and non-operating Rs 2003 crore over the year. It was one of
2.50% equity shares at Rs 410 each and
income at Rs 19.20 crore during the quarter. expand ethanol capacity by 210 klpd the best quarterly performances for the ani-
Indoco Remedies’ consolidated net mal feed business, with segment results
profit surged 132.75% to Rs 39.66 crore in growing 32.5%, supported by volume
Q1 June 2021 from Q1 June 2020.Revenues 340 growth and R&D benefits realization.
from operations rose 43% to Rs 381.43 crore. “Vegetable oil benefited from higher oil
PBT soared 155.06% to Rs 61.29 crore. 290 prices, with the segment posting results of
Current tax outgo spurted 137.47% to Rs Balrampur Chini Rs 32.6 crore, a 4x increase year-on-year. The
27.38 crore. 240 standalone crop protection business also reg-
Standalone revenues advanced 42.9% to istered a modest growth of 5.9%. However,
190 l l l l l l
Rs 381.2 crore. Ebitda to net sales came in A’21 M J J A Astec LifeSciences’ Ebitda declined 13.7%
at 22.8% at Rs 86.8 crore compared with Price in Rs on BSE. Face Value : Rs 1
due to lower export sales and higher input
18.3% at Rs 48.9 crore. Profit after tax to cost inflation. In the food businesses, demand
net sales was 10.4% at Rs 39.6 crore com- The board approved a proposal to recovery seen in Q4 March 2021 was affected
pared with 6.5% at Rs 17.20 crore. buyback upto 52,50,000 equity shares, or by micro-lockdowns in the current quarter.
Aditi Panandikar, the MD, Indoco Rem- 2.50% equity of the company, at Rs 410 Profitability was further hit by low end-prod-
edies, said, “Our India and international busi- each, aggregating to Rs 215.25 crore. The uct price. Dairy subsidiary Creamline regis-
nesses showed robust growth. We optimized maximum buyback size represents 8.68% tered an EBITDA loss of Rs 3.1 crore due to
the opportunities presented by a dynamic and 8.56% of the aggregate of the total paid- increase in the procurement costs. The poul-
business environment as well as effectively up equity capital and free reserves of the try and poultry products business faced a
adapted to the challenges thus presented.” company based on the audited standalone challenging quarter, with low end-product
Bajaj Healthcare’s net profit grew and consolidated financial statements of the prices on one hand and high input costs on
25.7% to Rs 19.21 crore on 32.8% increase company, respectively, for FY2021. the other hand. As a result, Godrej Tyson
in revenues from operations to Rs 185.68 The board approved further capacity ex- Foods registered a marginal loss at the Ebitda
crore in Q1 June 2021 over Q1June 2020. pansion of ethanol production from 840 kilo level.
Bulk drugs revenues were up 7.6% to Rs litre per day (klpd) to 1,050 klpd, consider- “The second wave of covid-19 signifi-
135.28 crore and those of formulations up ing the huge untapped demand for ethanol cantly affected economic recovery seen in
3.5x to Rs 50.40 crore. Total expenses in- due to the robust policies of the Central gov- the preceding quarter, especially in rural In-
creased by 32.3% to Rs 159.11 crore, due to ernment on ethanol blending. dia, with a much stricter lockdown. After a
48.7% higher raw material costs, 20.7% Shree Renuka Sugars reported con- good start to the south-west monsoon, there
higher employee expenses, and 26% higher solidated net loss of Rs 240.4 crore in was a long gap that resulted in lower kharif
other expenses. PBT went up 33.4% to Rs Q1June 2021 as against net loss of Rs 34.9 sowing. However, recovery has gained pace
27.25 crore. Current tax outgo rose 42% to crore in Q1 June 2020.Revenues from op- from July 2021, with macro-economic indi-
Rs 8.14 crore. erations declined 36.7% to Rs 829.5 crore. cators improving over June 2021, and rain-
Caplin Point Laboratories’ consoli- Distillery revenues were up 44.4% to Rs fall covering most parts of India. We expect
dated net profit increased 31.1% to Rs 71.53 190.9, co-generation revenues improved recovery to be faster in H2 as the vaccina-
crore on 25.6% rise in total revenues to Rs 4.8% to Rs 32.5 crore and engineering rev- tion percentage increases, leading to the nor-
309.65 crore in Q1June 2021 over Q1June enues increased 44.6% to Rs 13.3 crore. malization of business activities.”
2020. Net profit was up 5.3% and total rev- However, sugar-refinery revenues fell 52.4% Grasim Industries’ consolidated net
enues rose 7.5% over Q4 March 2021. to Rs 374.2 crore and trading revenues de- profit jumped 612% to Rs 1667 crore on
Ebitda improved 30.4% to Rs 101.82 crore. clined 69.7% to Rs 48.6 crore. Meanwhile, 53% increase in revenues to Rs 19919 crore
The Ebitda margins were at 32.9% as against sugar-milling revenues remained flat at Rs in Q1 June 2021 over Q1 June 2020. PBT
31.7% end June 2020. PBT stood 30.4% 266.3 crore and other revenues at Rs 5.4 from continuing operations before excep-
higher at Rs 89.52 crore. crore. Pre-tax loss was Rs 241 crore com- tional items and tax surged to Rs 3472.72
Cash flow from operations stood at Rs pared with pre-tax loss of Rs 29.8 crore. crore from Rs 1112.53 crore. Ebitda soared
75 crore. Cash and cash surplus increased The board approved a proposal for is- 86% to Rs 4736 crore.
Rs 52 crore to Rs 522 crore over the March suance of equity shares by way of a quali- Sales of viscose staple fibre (VSF) de-
2021 balance. fied institutions placement for an issue size grew over Q4 March 2021. To cushion the
Balrampur Chini Mills’ consolidated aggregating up to Rs 1500 crore. impact of the slowdown in the domestic
net profit dropped 44.69% to Rs 76.92 crore Godrej Agrovet’s consolidated net textile sector, the share of exports was
on 20.26% decline in revenue from opera- profit inclined 4.13% to Rs 104.75 crore on boosted to 31% from 11% over the quar-
tions to Rs 1140.44 crore in Q1 June 2021 28.22% jump in total revenues from opera- ter. The share of value-added products in
over Q1 June 2020. PBT tumbled 44.38% tions to Rs 1992.78 crore in Q1 June 2021 the overall sales mix also improved to 26%
to Rs 101.91 crore. over Q1 June 2020. PBT gained 2.32% to from an average of 22% in FY2021. Due to
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We will keep changing the format of the scoreboard so as to give more and varied
CorporateScoreboard data at regular intervals. Readers are advised to read the Legend carefully before
studying the Company Results.
Full Year Top 1250 companies (in orderQuarter
Latest of their market capitalisation)
TTM are published
Company Name Ended Equity FV Prom. B.V. RONW Sales Sales OPM NP NP DivScoreboard
CPS EPS every
Salesissue of the
Sales OPMmagazine.
NP NPThe nextEPS
Ended 1500NPcompanies
Week into two
Rs.Cr. Stk(%) Rs. % Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr.Var% % Rs. Rs. Rs.Cr. Var% % Rs.Cr. Var% Rs. Var% 16/08/21 High/Low Ratio
parts and given in alternate issues. This enables coverage of 2750 companies over
two issues. The list is reviewed regularly. Depending on changing market
capitalisation, companies keep getting in and out of the Scoreboard.
Wherever comparable figures are available on consolidated basis for any company, consolidated figures are presented for that company as indicated by
‘C’ after the company name. Otherwise standalone figures are presented.
Corporate Scoreboard of each industry is divided into four portions — Full year, Latest quarter, Trailing twelve months (TTM) and Market data. Latest quarter and trailing twelve
months both end in the same month indicated after latest quarter NP Var. (%) and before TTM EPS. TTM figures are the sum of the last four quarter figures.
Wherever audited results for the latest full year have not been declared, unaudited results (the sum of the first-half and second-half figures) are displayed
with a ‘U’ before the Full Year, indicating that they are unaudited results, subject to change when the audited results are declared.
In the case of companies closing their books of accounts for periods other than 12 months, the number of months appears after the Full Year column within brackets.
Dividend and EPS figures have been annualized where the number of months is other than 12. All other figures like Sales and NP are
unannualized actuals. A ‘*’ before year-end indicate that data for that company is updated during the latest fortnight.
Equity The latest subscribed equity capital (whether fully paid-up or not). now incurred a loss. Nil (-) in the Var. (%) column indicates that
Therefore, it may not always tally with that appearing in the bal- either the figures for the corresponding previous period are not
ance-sheet. In addition, throughout the year, equity is continu- available or the variance is insignificant. A variance of 999 indi-
ously adjusted for rights, bonus, conversion, etc, so as to give the cates that the variance is very large (more than three digits). This
latest equity as far as possible. Wherever equity has changed occurs mostly in the case of new companies.
after the year-end, an asterisk (*) appears after the EPS.
Earnings Per Share NP reduced by preference dividend, divided by the number
Promoters’ stake(%) It is the percentage share holding of promoters in the equity (EPS) of equity shares. In case of TTM EPS, preference dividend are not
capital. It includes government’s holding in case of public sector deducted. The EPS is arrived at by dividing the net profit by the
undertakings. expanded equity. The expansion in equity may be due to various
reasons, which are indicated by putting the following marks after
BV The book value per share is arrived at by dividing the sum of equity the price: R: Rights; B: Bonus; C: Conversion; P: Public Issue; F:
and reserves (excluding revaluation reserves) by the number of Foreign Issue; M: Miscellaneous issues; CB: Cum-bonus; XB: Ex-
equity shares. The reserves are also continuously adjusted so as bonus; CR: Cum-rights and XR: Ex-rights. XB appears after the
to reflect changes on the issue of fresh shares at a premium, as price from the date on which the shares become ex-bonus and
well as on bonus issues. continues up to two months from the record date/book closure date
for the bonus. Similarly, XR appears from the date on which the
RONW(%) Return on net worth is calculated only when the latest full year
shares become ex-rights and continues till the actual closure of
annual report is available.
the rights issue. Thereafter, these are replaced by B and R re-
RONW(%) = {(Net Profit - Preference Dividend)/(Equity Paid Up + Free Re- spectively. The asterisk and other marks disappear as soon as the
serves, excluding Revaluation Reserves)} * 100. Balance-sheet increase in equity is reflected in the audited financial statement for
figures are taken as the average of the last two years and profit the full year.
and loss account figures are annualized. Wherever the values
Cash Profit Per Share (NP + Depreciation) / Number of Equity Shares
are exceeding three digits (-) is assigned.
Where price is indicated as Ex-Bonus/ Ex-Rights, the correspond-
ing figures for Equity, BV and EPS are adjusted according to the Price Change Difference in price over the previous fortnight is given within
Bonus / Rights Ratio. This is done to arrive at a logical brackets after the price.
P/E ratio.
52-Week H/L Prices After adjusting for rights, bonuses, stock-splits and scheme
Sales Sales is net of Goods and Services Tax. of arrangements.
OPM (%) is profit before other income, interest, depreciation and tax
P/E Ratio Market Price/TTM EPS. For companies not listed on BSE/NSE, mar-
(OP) as a percentage of sales.
ket price is as on the trading day immediately preceding the speci-
Profit After Tax (NP) It is calculated without taking into account the income and expen- fied date. Wherever P/E can not be calculated due to very low or
diture of earlier years/of a non-recurring nature (* after NP indi- negative EPS, (-) is assigned.
cates that such adjustments have been made). It is before deduct-
ing dividend tax. Consolidated net profit is after considering mi- Industry P/E (Sum of market capitalisation of all companies in that industry)/
nority interest and share of profit/loss of associates. (sum of net profits of all companies in that industry - preference
dividend). Companies which have EPS < 1 are excluded while
Sales/NP Var. (%) Indicates the variance (%) in sales or net profit over the corre- calculating industry P/E. In case of TTM P/E, preference dividend
sponding previous period. LP (Loss to Profit) in the Var. (%) col- and dividend tax are not considered.
umn means that the company which incurred a loss in the corre-
sponding previous period has made a profit in the current period. Industry MCAP is the sum of the market capitalisation of all the companies covered
P/L (Profit to Loss) in the Var. (%) column means that the company in that industry. It is given in the price column.
which made a profit in the corresponding previous period has
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AGI Infra C * 2103 12.22 10 73 74.3 24.3 110.2 21 29.3 16.9 12 5 17.3 13.9 38.1 118 24.1 6.3 163 2106 16.7 51 153 (8) 158/43 9.1
Ahluwalia Contr. C * 2103 13.40 2 58 131.2 8.4 1982.2 5 7.8 77.2 20 - 16.1 11.5 580.1 132 10.4 34.8 366 2106 15.6 119 382 (-15) 430/202 24.5
Ajmera Realty C * 2103 35.48 10 70 188.7 5.3 346.7 1 27.5 30.2 -8 14 9.0 8.5 134.6 240 24.8 10.3 391 2106 10.8 56 322 (1) 352/79 29.7
Alpine Housing * 2103 17.32 10 74 41.3 5.2 43.2 3 15.7 2.9 * -14 - 2.1 1.7 7.8 10 17.2 0.6 13 2106 1.7 - 20 (-2) 32/9 11.6
Anant Raj C * 2103 59.02 2 65 84.7 1.2 249.7 -10 14.2 12.8 -56 5 1.0 0.4 62.2 210 13.8 7.4 LP 2106 0.9 38 63 (-3) 74/17 -
Ansal Buildwell C * 2103 7.38 10 55 133.4 - 73.0 15 20.4 6.7 999 5 10.9 9.1 6.0 761 21.3 -0.4 89 2106 13.0 LP 64 (-17) 90/20 4.9
Arih.Found.Hsg. C * 2103 8.60 10 43 116.2 10.2 56.5 21 -30.2 -8.3 -59 - - - 8.9 49 -8.2 -2.6 -40 2106 - -118 29 (1) 31/15 -
Arihant Super. C * 2103 41.16 10 74 33.7 8.4 270.2 16 17.8 11.2 * 104 - 3.2 2.7 84.3 834 17.8 8.3 LP 2106 7.6 999 119 (18) 131/19 15.7
Arvind SmartSp. C * 2103 35.55 10 57 87.6 14.5 149.3 -50 27.2 8.8 -78 - 2.8 2.5 27.0 156 30.5 2.5 LP 2106 4.5 -50 123 (-12) 141/81 27.3
Ashiana Housing C * 2103 20.47 2 61 72.8 - 242.0 -20 0.4 1.7 LP 20 1.0 0.2 37.9 5 -16.2 -5.1 -57 2106 - 98 160 (-19) 187/67 -
B.L.Kashyap C * 2103 22.54 1 62 16.8 - 762.3 -7 8.2 -40.2 * -59 - - - 241.3 270 10.0 6.2 LP 2106 - -317 27 (1) 30/5 -
Bharat Road C * 2103 83.95 10 54 105.6 - 209.5 -30 22.3 -114.2 -678 - - - 44.8 33 1.1 -33.4 30 2106 - -33 33 (-2) 41/26 -
Binny 2003 11.16 5 75 125.3 - 40.811113 83.4 -17.8 -105 - - - 6.8 999 74.4 -0.6 62 2012 - 68 296 (76) 320/73 -
Brigade Enterpr. C * 2103 229.85 10 44 120.6 - 1950.0 -26 24.2 -15.1 * PL 12 9.7 - 382.8 88 29.1 -30.2 43 2106 - PL 312 M(-22) 357/146 -
Brookfield India C * 2103 8327.04 275 54 275.8 0.3 130.9 0 63.0 25.3 - - 1.9 0.8 219.1 - 70.8 73.8 - 2106 0.8 - 265 (-) 280/215 331.3
CCCL C * 2103 79.70 2 16 -9.9 - 203.7 -41 -22.1 -111.6 * 21 - - - 56.4 -34 -38.9 -36.2 33 2103 - 21 1 (-) 1/1 -
Capacit’e Infra. C * 2103 67.89 10 39 136.8 10.3 879.7 -42 15.5 1.5 -98 - 13.5 0.2 280.0 999 14.1 4.3 LP 2106 7.2 101 213 (-30) 251/114 29.7
Country Condo * 2103 7.76 1 54 2.5 3.3 12.4 -30 7.2 0.5 -25 - 0.1 0.1 3.3 119 -52.6 1.7 999 2106 0.3 314 3 (-1) 5/1 -
Croissance Ltd * 2103 6.85 1 60 1.0 - 0.1 -73 53.6 - -35 - - - - - - - 43 2106 - LP 7 (-1) 10/3 -
D B Realty C * 2103 243.26 10 63 54.9 - 24.6 -85 -99.9 -343.8 * 5 - - - 7.0 450 - -87.2 25 2106 - 28 24 (-2) 32/6 -
Dilip Buildcon C * 2103 146.21 10 70 267.4 10.5 10168.3 5 21.0 253.0 * -19 10 47.6 17.3 2438.3 16 18.8 -13.4 PL 2106 15.0 -5 509 M(-52) 719/321 34.0
DLF C * 2103 495.06 2 75 142.8 3.3 5414.1 -11 26.1 1164.4 * 517 100 5.4 4.7 1139.5 108 34.7 337.1 LP 2106 6.3 LP 330 (-22) 359/140 52.2
Eldeco Housing C * 2103 1.97 10 55 1345.2 20.1 159.4 24 41.6 54.2 38 400 278.3 275.2 15.1 -24 33.9 4.7 -36 2106 262.2 41 2745 (-257) 3340/856 10.5
Elnet Technolog * 2103 4.00 10 53 242.1 13.2 21.4 -11 72.6 12.0 11 14 38.8 30.0 5.6 2 75.8 3.4 15 2106 31.1 10 193 (-22) 233/92 6.2
Elpro Internatio C * 2103 16.95 1 75 10.1 - 63.2 -42 48.1 19.7 41 - 1.4 1.2 13.2 14 69.9 -13.9 PL 2106 - -98 55 (2) 69/34 -
Emami Realty Ltd C * 2103 5.59 2 51 14.3 - 173.2 -81 65.2 -2.1 98 - - - 43.5 37 71.0 0.5 LP 2106 0.6 LP 69 (-12) 88/33 -
Embassy Off.REIT C 2103 947.89 10 62 -11.7 - 2457.4 12 75.5 688.6 * -6 7 13.3 7.3 737.6 43 77.5 204.9 - 2106 7.4 -7 350 (-13) 395/302 47.5
ETT Ltd * 2103 10.37 10 70 25.1 - 2.9 -5 48.3 - LP - 1.5 - 0.8 11 52.8 - PL 2106 - 89 24 (-1) 65/22 -
G R Infraproject C * 2103 48.34 5 87 411.6 27.3 7844.1 23 23.6 955.4 * 20 - 122.2 98.8 2264.5 - 20.8 221.3 110 2106 98.8 20 1602 M(-114)1839/1550 16.2
Ganesh Housing C 2103 51.69 10 57 99.9 - 171.6 -38 -28.1 -105.2 12 - - - 78.9 999 26.1 5.4 LP 2106 - 61 124 M(15) 134/24 -
Garnet Construct * 2103 13.90 10 57 66.0 9.1 66.9 -2 24.5 12.7 83 - 9.3 9.1 - -100 - -1.4 PL 2106 - PL 24 (-9) 36/8 -
Gayatri Highways C * 2103 47.93 2 61 -35.6 - 81.4 17 79.5 -81.6 11 - - - 19.4 46 86.6 -21.0 17 2106 - 20 1 (-) 1/1 -
Gayatri Projects C * 2103 37.44 2 45 50.9 - 3900.5 13 11.3 43.1 LP - 6.8 2.3 897.1 34 12.2 22.9 LP 2106 4.3 LP 42 (-5) 49/15 9.8
Generic Engineer * 2103 21.07 5 55 42.7 9.0 130.7 -35 13.1 2.8 -81 1 2.6 0.7 52.5 487 12.0 2.6 LP 2106 3.0 392 44 (-5) 68/36 14.8
Godrej Propert. C * 2103 138.99 5 58 299.3 - 764.9 -69 -45.2 -117.9 * PL - - - 86.2 19 -73.7 17.0 LP 2106 - PL 1548 M(-109)1698/821 -
Gothi Plascon * 2103 10.20 10 73 11.4 17.1 3.6 -6 69.7 1.6 -12 - 1.9 1.6 0.9 26 69.5 0.6 24 2106 1.7 4 26 (-7) 35/10 15.4
H.G. Infra Engg. C * 2103 65.17 10 75 163.0 22.4 2602.3 17 18.3 236.7 42 8 49.3 36.3 941.4 202 18.7 101.0 407 2106 48.8 114 561 (19) 629/151 11.5
HB Estate Devel. C * 2103 19.46 10 69 89.0 - 24.4 -70 -23.8 -30.4 -245 - - - 5.1 280 -47.8 -6.7 29 2106 - -87 12 (-1) 16/6 -
Hemisphere Prop * 2103 285.00 10 51 13.2 - - 0 - -7.5 -884 - - - - - - -1.9 -153 2106 - -496 136 (-9) 202/56 -
Hind.Construct. C * 2103 151.30 1 35 -8.7 - 8248.4 -13 4.7 -336.0 * PL - - - 2453.9 46 6.5 180.0 LP 2106 0.1 LP 10 (-2) 16/5 -
Hubtown C * 2103 72.74 10 51 194.1 1.1 266.1 -2 -25.2 -120.5 -177 - - - 23.9 -51 48.4 -8.7 PL 2106 - -299 37 (-3) 45/10 -
Indbull.RealEst. C * 2103 90.93 2 12 76.6 - 1521.4 -53 11.8 4.3 -97 - 0.5 0.1 519.7 986 7.8 4.8 LP 2106 2.3 -32 154 (-4) 175/46 67.4
Indian Hume Pipe * 2103 9.69 2 70 124.4 7.0 1241.4 -24 10.1 41.1 * -44 100 12.6 8.5 291.1 34 7.9 4.7 LP 2106 10.8 11 221 (-25) 253/153 20.5
IRB Infra.Devl. C * 2103 351.45 10 58 196.4 10.5 5298.6 -23 47.4 117.2 -83 - 19.9 3.3 1625.7 59 43.1 71.9 LP 2106 6.2 -51 166 (2) 190/98 26.6
IRB InvIT Fund C * 2103 5921.10 102 15 85.5 - 1142.8 -8 80.2 174.7 * 6 9 13.5 3.0 336.4 4 81.7 107.8 90 2106 3.0 6 56 (-3) 60/33 18.7
Ircon Intl. C * 2103 188.10 2 73 46.8 11.4 5342.0 -1 9.3 391.1 -19 131 5.1 4.2 1140.1 116 9.4 89.0 158 2106 4.7 19 43 B(-2) 54/36 9.1
ITD Cem C * 2103 17.18 1 47 62.0 7.1 2727.7 -5 8.0 19.9 -68 12 7.0 1.2 825.5 107 9.5 17.9 LP 2106 3.0 - 84 (-3) 98/43 28.4
J Kumar Infra * 2103 37.83 5 47 249.4 10.5 2570.8 -13 12.1 63.9 -65 20 27.4 8.4 675.1 137 14.3 32.1 LP 2106 15.4 -4 220 (-) 231/88 14.3
Jaypee Infratech C * 2103 1388.93 10 61 -24.5 - 797.6 -58 30.4 -1963.4 13 - - - 221.8 112 31.3 -529.4 -4 2106 - 14 2 (-) 4/1 -
JMC Projects C * 2103 33.58 2 68 29.2 - 3844.5 -1 11.3 -26.8 * PL 35 9.2 - 1160.8 133 9.1 -10.2 81 2106 0.9 LP 108 (-17) 130/45 -
JP Associates C * 2103 489.78 2 38 6.4 - 6405.7 -9 10.8 -680.0 * 65 - - - 1484.3 31 4.6 -287.3 14 2106 - 67 9 M(-3) 16/3 -
K&R Rail Engine. * 2103 15.78 10 75 21.6 - 129.9 1 7.2 4.2 114 - 3.8 2.7 13.4 -36 9.9 0.4 -38 2106 2.2 -11 25 (1) 33/9 11.4
Karda Construct. * 2103 61.50 1 58 2.0 17.9 120.9 6 29.0 20.3 * 115 5 0.3 0.3 18.0 11 52.3 6.1 252 2106 0.4 165 22 XB(2) 23/8 -
KNR Construct. C * 2103 56.25 2 53 70.0 19.0 2903.6 18 24.7 340.8 * 24 13 18.9 12.1 807.1 54 25.1 112.4 141 2106 14.5 46 297 B(25) 302/106 20.5
Kolte Patil Dev. C * 2103 76.00 10 74 117.6 8.3 691.7 -39 9.1 -4.7 PL - 1.0 - 197.3 40 31.7 29.5 LP 2106 6.7 LP 241 (-24) 285/151 36.0
Likhitha Infra. * 2103 19.73 10 74 77.8 33.2 190.6 18 20.6 29.0 44 15 15.9 14.7 55.7 229 25.2 10.2 835 2106 19.3 134 379 (-22) 480/125 19.6
Macrotech Devel. C * 2103 447.32 10 89 149.1 9.9 5448.6 -56 25.1 410.4 * -43 - 10.8 9.2 1605.4 221 23.4 160.9 LP 2106 9.2 -43 872 M(-47) 945/421 94.8
Madhav Infra C * 2103 25.62 1 73 3.1 4.5 273.9 35 12.7 -12.5 PL - 0.3 - 68.6 157 19.8 1.8 LP 2106 - 99 5 (-) 8/4 -
Mahindra Life. C 2103 51.39 10 51 317.4 - 166.3 -73 -56.2 -71.8 * -20 - - - 148.2 935 -16.3 -13.9 31 2106 - 29 746 M(-60) 822/218 -
Man Infra C * 2103 49.50 2 66 27.3 - 427.2 60 22.6 32.0 LP 45 1.7 1.3 153.4 571 45.5 32.8 999 2106 2.5 999 67 (1) 74/21 26.5
Marathon Nextgen C * 2103 23.00 5 75 132.4 4.0 205.6 -15 31.0 15.2 -37 - 4.5 3.3 35.4 -40 30.1 4.4 -62 2106 1.8 -72 78 (-2) 110/42 43.7
Maruti Infra. * 2103 12.50 10 52 17.8 3.0 32.6 3 4.3 0.7 11 - 0.7 0.6 1.7 - -4.4 -0.3 14 2106 1.0 24 46 (4) 54/15 -
Max Heights C * 2103 15.61 10 52 19.9 4.3 10.3 -76 22.5 2.1 473 - 1.4 1.3 1.0 -83 26.6 0.3 87 2106 1.4 228 13 (-) 16/10 9.5
MBL Infrast C * 2103 104.75 10 68 78.3 - 202.8 -5 -7.5 53.9 * LP - 14.3 5.1 31.7 41 -33.9 0.1 -91 2106 5.0 LP 20 (-4) 30/7 4.0
MEP Infrast. C * 2103 183.45 10 62 5.7 - 1123.2 -45 41.4 -7.6 * 97 - 13.4 - 276.8 27 51.3 5.5 LP 2106 - 67 24 (-) 28/12 -
Mindspace Busine C * 2103 593.02 10 63 6.2 3.8 1138.1 0 72.6 307.0 * LP 3 8.5 5.2 421.0 - 67.1 124.1 LP 2106 7.3 - 296 (8) 348/275 40.4
Modulex Const. C * 2103 51.30 10 26 53.8 - - -100 - -6.4 -11 - - - - - - -1.7 -76 2106 - -41 20 (-) 24/5 -
National Standar U 2103 20.00 10 74 105.8 3.3 16.9 213 10.0 11.1 69 - 5.7 5.5 0.4 -5 -52.8 1.1 -30 2106 5.3 21 2586 (998) 2586/212 488.8
NBCC C * 2103 180.00 1 62 9.1 5.2 6832.1 -16 1.7 221.8 184 47 1.3 1.2 1386.8 103 0.7 35.8 747 2106 1.4 614 45 (-6) 60/22 32.0
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AGC Networks C * 2103 32.53 10 71 63.5 - 4674.0 -6 6.5 103.9 * 130 - 61.3 31.9 1195.2 20 5.6 34.3 274 2106 41.9 324 1165 (-20) 1771/306 27.8
Astra Microwave C * 2103 17.32 2 9 64.5 5.3 640.9 37 12.0 28.9 * -31 60 6.1 3.3 128.8 30 19.8 12.2 LP 2106 4.9 -17 160 (-13) 187/102 32.6
Avantel 2103 4.05 10 40 163.4 26.0 77.7 50 28.5 15.3 43 40 45.3 37.8 13.7 23 34.0 3.1 112 2106 42.0 57 745 (-64) 876/325 17.7
DigiSpice Tech. C 2103 68.68 3 74 10.7 - 712.1 75 1.8 11.9 LP - 1.5 0.5 228.7 37 1.0 -0.9 PL 2106 0.3 LP 63 M(-13) 114/6 -
GTL Infra. * 2103 12612.1 10 3 -0.9 - 1409.7 -1 19.1 -901.9 * 11 - - - 361.6 5 23.6 -217.1 -4 2106 - 10 2 M(-2) 5/1 -
HFCL C 2103 128.93 1 42 14.9 14.7 4423.0 15 12.4 241.9 * 6 15 2.4 1.9 1206.9 72 15.4 87.8 310 2106 2.4 123 66 M(-8) 96/13 27.7
ITI C * 2103 933.52 10 90 1.3 - 2362.2 15 2.2 9.5 -93 - 0.6 0.1 229.4 39 -19.3 -88.0 14 2106 0.3 -77 119 (-13) 152/102 -
NELCO C 2103 22.82 10 50 33.2 17.1 226.1 3 19.9 12.1 * -10 12 15.1 5.3 55.1 11 22.0 4.4 138 2106 6.5 16 469 (97) 515/174 71.8
Olectra Greentec C 2103 32.83 4 56 90.2 - 281.4 40 7.2 8.1 LP - 2.6 1.0 42.3 91 20.9 1.3 LP 2106 1.8 LP 324 (7) 349/53 184.1
Prabhat Tech. C * 2103 10.71 10 71 31.0 - 2.0 -90 -99.9 -5.0 83 - - - 0.5 -7 -84.8 -0.5 PL 2106 - 83 434 (7) 437/278 -
Punjab Commun. * 2103 12.02 10 71 39.2 - 20.6 -25 -97.2 -11.9 -4 - - - 3.1 8 - -3.1 14 2106 - 9 31 (-2) 49/13 -
Valiant Commun. C * 2103 7.22 10 46 47.3 0.0 21.7 10 6.3 1.6 999 - 4.7 2.2 2.6 -7 -26.9 -0.4 12 2106 2.3 LP 65 (-3) 81/29 28.3
IND.COMPOSITE 13882.73 14851.3 8.9 -485.6 6932.6 4.9 -166.9 33821 33.3
Lak. Auto. Looms * 2103 6.69 100 33 240.3 - 10.2 -20 38.2 2.5 -24 - 51.2 38.0 2.7 35 39.0 0.7 138 2106 44.0 4 612 (-32) 686/257 13.9
Lak. Mach. Works C 2103 10.68 10 31 1666.5 3.2 1727.4 10 3.7 54.6 * 131 100 103.2 51.1 457.6 171 1.6 7.6 LP 2106 74.7 LP 7970 (-679) 8870/3000 106.8
RRIL 2103 39.23 5 52 5.6 1.6 8.2 -92 4.9 0.7 * -34 - 0.4 0.1 2.6 90 1.5 -0.5 PL 2106 - PL 13 (-) 17/2 -
Stovec Inds. * 2012 2.09 10 71 711.1 10.0 150.1 -23 11.1 13.5 * -52 220 86.5 64.8 50.5 194 18.2 6.8 LP 2106 129.8 40 2653 (-245) 2949/1680 20.4
Veejay Lak. Eng. C * 2103 5.07 10 65 82.7 - 51.3 -25 1.0 -3.0 78 - - - 12.6 213 1.3 -0.5 74 2106 - 90 47 (1) 55/21 -
IND.COMPOSITE 63.76 1947.2 4.4 68.3 1052.1 1.7 14.1 9235 82.9
Lux Industries C 2103 6.01 2 74 334.3 27.2 1952.5 17 19.5 271.4 53 - 96.2 90.2 417.5 32 20.9 64.2 72 2106 93.9 83 4021 M(-182)4500/1251 42.8
Ruby Mills * 2103 8.36 5 75 298.6 6.0 123.3 -33 31.1 25.9 -7 - 20.5 15.5 26.4 194 17.8 0.6 LP 2106 16.1 11 277 (-20) 349/147 17.2
IND.COMPOSITE 14.37 2075.9 20.2 297.3 887.6 10.4 64.8 12555 40.6
Ambika Cotton * 2103 5.73 10 50 987.3 10.7 633.4 2 19.8 68.0 30 350 169.2 118.7 187.5 89 30.0 35.8 615 2106 172.5 127 1523 (-148) 1730/603 8.8
Arvind Ltd C * 2103 258.92 10 43 105.0 - 5073.0 -31 9.4 -0.3 * PL - 11.0 - 1439.4 140 47.6 -5.7 94 2106 3.6 772 96 (-10) 116/29 26.5
Asahi Industries 2003 6.64 1 49 -2.9 - - -100 - -2.6 68 - - - - - - -0.5 17 2012 - 63 3 (-) 4/3 -
Bannari Amm Spg. C * 2103 15.75 5 56 95.8 6.7 1018.5 -10 7.6 -11.0 PL - 6.9 - 252.7 91 16.4 14.3 LP 2106 8.5 LP 92 (-11) 113/39 10.8
DCM Nouvelle * 2103 18.68 10 50 98.6 18.1 562.8 -4 10.5 30.5 * 607 - 24.9 16.3 188.2 157 23.2 29.3 LP 2106 35.6 LP 231 (11) 244/22 6.5
Dhanalaxmi Roto * 2103 3.90 10 48 55.7 11.2 72.8 2 4.8 4.1 * 122 - 11.1 10.4 37.7 232 11.4 4.6 999 2106 21.9 634 108 (27) 108/17 4.9
GTN Industries * 2103 17.54 10 74 26.1 - 310.2 -10 7.8 -6.2 56 - 1.5 - 95.8 127 8.7 1.2 LP 2106 0.5 LP 19 (-7) 26/6 -
H P Cotton Tex * 2103 3.81 10 64 58.6 1.9 96.6 18 9.7 3.6 959 - 16.6 9.4 30.9 78 14.9 2.9 222 2106 14.7 111 93 (-4) 112/16 6.3
Himachal Fibres * 2103 8.63 1 55 3.0 - 14.5 -66 -8.2 -5.0 -119 - - - 5.8 169 -39.1 -2.4 -93 2106 - -94 4 (-2) 7/1 -
Indo Count Inds. C * 2103 39.48 2 59 65.1 22.3 2519.2 21 15.0 253.7 * 62 75 15.0 12.9 759.2 126 23.4 117.4 552 2106 17.9 119 258 (-14) 285/63 14.4
Lambodhara Text. * 2103 5.19 5 73 65.9 13.3 118.3 -32 19.6 10.6 54 20 16.8 10.2 31.3 658 20.7 3.0 LP 2106 13.9 205 89 (-15) 112/25 6.4
Mohite Industrie C * 2103 20.10 10 69 46.8 4.7 88.7 -26 17.3 3.6 -17 - 4.5 1.8 23.3 999 12.5 0.7 LP 2106 2.8 71 20 (1) 23/6 7.0
Nagreeka Exports * 2103 6.25 5 53 80.6 0.6 385.0 -18 1.9 -8.3 PL - - - 146.6 92 4.7 1.9 LP 2106 1.5 LP 39 (-3) 53/13 26.4
Nahar Indl. Ent. C * 2103 39.84 10 69 186.4 - 1418.0 -10 6.6 -8.8 64 - 12.3 - 416.7 139 15.0 34.8 LP 2106 14.9 LP 121 (-9) 148/23 8.1
Nitin Spinners * 2103 56.22 10 56 100.2 4.8 1624.4 13 15.8 68.9 189 15 28.4 12.3 553.6 153 23.2 60.0 LP 2106 24.6 999 216 (-54) 295/35 8.8
Patspin India * 2103 30.92 10 65 -17.4 - 148.1 -62 -2.8 -38.0 -58 - - - 32.0 20 9.0 -5.3 44 2106 - -24 9 (-4) 15/4 -
Pranav. Spinning 2103 19.24 10 75 12.5 - 5.2 -93 -79.6 -2.3 * 16 - - - 0.3 -84 -33.7 -0.3 75 2106 - 63 26 (-) 28/9 -
Prime Urban C * 2103 5.33 2 71 0.5 - 20.6 -61 -11.3 -1.7 74 - - - 5.3 999 -6.7 -0.6 26 2106 - 76 9 (1) 9/5 -
Rajapalayam Mill C * 2103 8.61 10 55 2198.0 5.7 411.8 15 9.7 104.6 * 14 5 176.8 121.5 135.3 199 20.9 35.6 600 2106 153.1 99 1095 R(-120)1354/478 7.2
RSWM Ltd C * 2103 23.55 10 53 336.2 - 2326.0 -16 7.5 20.8 LP - 63.1 8.8 741.9 244 11.0 36.9 LP 2106 52.6 LP 334 (-64) 439/70 6.4
Salona Cotspin * 2103 5.26 10 66 72.1 3.7 230.1 89 6.4 6.2 428 10 16.8 11.8 141.5 467 5.6 4.7 999 2106 20.4 999 226 (-5) 250/42 11.1
Sambandam Spg. C * 2103 4.26 10 51 236.7 2.6 231.1 21 14.2 8.1 252 40 48.2 19.1 62.1 154 20.9 6.6 LP 2106 43.7 LP 223 (-35) 284/45 5.1
Sri Nacha. Cott. * 2103 4.30 10 55 50.9 - 157.6 10 3.8 0.5 LP - 6.0 1.2 32.5 118 6.8 0.5 LP 2106 8.8 LP 49 (-10) 68/11 5.5
Super Spinning * 2103 5.50 1 43 18.8 - 48.9 -67 12.4 -2.5 * 86 - 0.1 - 16.4 319 8.5 -0.5 88 2106 - LP 11 (-2) 15/3 -
Sutlej Textiles C * 2103 16.38 1 64 58.3 - 1884.0 -22 5.8 -1.0 * PL 30 5.8 - 586.7 206 12.3 20.4 LP 2106 3.4 LP 65 (-5) 81/20 19.5
Vardhman Polytex C * 2103 22.29 10 60 -156.3 - 508.5 -9 2.8 -56.7 22 - - - 191.6 348 9.2 -0.5 98 2106 - 53 23 (-6) 37/7 -
Vardhman Textile C 2103 57.66 10 63 1122.9 8.7 6139.9 -9 13.3 409.9 -29 175 134.2 71.1 1927.0 136 24.8 314.7 LP 2106 136.8 103 1808 M(-62) 2040/682 13.2
Vippy Spinpro * 2103 5.87 10 67 82.0 8.4 87.6 -21 7.9 3.9 * 5 - 9.3 6.6 33.1 209 8.9 2.0 LP 2106 12.3 371 93 (12) 95/30 7.6
IND.COMPOSITE 715.85 26134.8 10.5 852.6 16148.7 12.0 711.5 24929 12.2
Century Enka * 2103 21.85 10 25 496.2 6.9 1220.8 -14 9.6 73.0 * -8 80 52.1 33.4 423.3 313 14.5 42.5 LP 2106 66.2 177 446 (-60) 518/155 6.7
Filatex India 2103 44.49 2 65 34.3 22.9 2227.2 -20 15.6 165.8 37 20 10.1 7.5 698.9 382 14.6 51.0 LP 2106 11.0 233 97 M(-6) 118/23 8.8
Grasim Inds C * 2103 131.62 2 42 995.1 7.2 69963.4 3 17.4 4363.2 * -16 450 127.6 66.3 19919.4 53 26.7 1631.7 466 2106 81.9 39 1492 M(-100)1614/611 18.2
Guj. Craft Inds * 2103 4.89 10 74 83.8 5.9 147.6 3 5.8 3.5 65 - 11.6 7.2 43.7 39 9.2 2.3 30 2106 8.3 16 65 (-1) 70/24 7.8
Indo Rama Synth. C 2103 261.11 10 75 12.8 - 2133.4 -2 -0.8 15.2 * LP - 1.9 0.6 694.9 486 5.1 14.2 LP 2106 7.9 - 53 (-1) 63/16 6.7
SRF C * 2103 59.25 10 51 1156.7 20.3 8400.0 17 25.4 1197.7 * 19 240 278.6 202.2 2699.4 75 24.9 395.3 123 2106 239.1 54 8792 (-206) 9133/3996 36.8
Sumeet Industrie C * 2103 103.64 10 22 -5.2 - 573.9 -19 4.2 -7.1 * 95 - 2.8 - 183.5 249 7.6 0.1 LP 2106 0.3 LP 7 (-3) 13/2 -
Vardhman Acrylic 2103 80.36 10 75 49.6 13.4 295.6 -18 21.3 42.9 -7 - 6.0 5.3 47.5 40 22.5 7.7 999 2106 6.2 67 67 (-2) 84/28 10.8
Zenith Fibres * 2103 3.94 10 46 124.7 3.7 23.9 -16 -0.2 0.7 -65 - 4.2 1.7 13.4 321 10.5 1.2 LP 2106 5.3 63 64 (-1) 74/32 12.1
IND.COMPOSITE 711.15 84985.7 17.5 5854.9 49447.8 12.6 2146.0 155435 20.8
Alok Industries C 2103 496.52 1 75 -35.6 - 3847.6 17 36.8 -562.2 * 24 - - - 1264.4 243 7.9 -97.7 69 2106 - 78 22 (-3) 38/18 -
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The numbers in brackets after the companies indexed here are the industry numbers in the corporate scoreboard where the companies will be found.
Where prices of a company are taken from stock exchanges other than Bombay, the stock exchange is indicated in brackets after the name of the company.
Beta and BSE Ticker code of the companies listed on BSE have been given opposite the name of the company.
Beta: Calculated based on one-year data, Beta indicates how sensitive the scrip is vis-à-vis the BSE Sensex. Beta of 1 indicates that the rise and fall in
the scrip price mirrors the rise and fall in BSE Sensex. Beta of less than 1 indicate that the scrip movements are less sensitive to BSE Sensex and Beta
of more than 1 indicate that the scrip movement is more sensitive to movement in BSE Sensex and the scrip’s rise and fall may be disproportionately larger
than the rise and fall in Sensex.
Alembic Pharma (70) A 0.5 (533573) Asahi India Glas (55) A 0.8 (515030) Balaji Telefilms (47) A 0.7 (532382) BLS Internat. (28) B 0.7 (540073)
A Alicon Cast. (10) B 0.5 (531147) Asahi Industries (94) (514482) Balaxi Pharma (N) (101) - Blue Dart Expres (32) A 0.6 (526612)
3M India (101) A 0.6 (523395) Alkem Lab (70) A 0.2 (539523) Asahi Songwon (38) B 0.5 (532853) Balkrishna Inds (105) A 0.8 (502355) Blue Star (2) A 0.6 (500067)
3P Land Hold. (50) T 0.1 (516092) Alkyl Amines (22) A 0.7 (506767) Ashapura Minech. (59) T 0 . 7 ( 5 2 7 0 0 1 ) Balkrishna Paper (64) T 0.3 (539251) Bluechip Tex Ind (96) X 0.2 (506981)
63 Moons Tech. (28) B 0.6 (526881) Allcargo Logist. (106) A 0.5 (532749) Ashapuri Gold (35) B (542579) Balmer Law. Inv. (50) B 0.4 (532485) BMW Industries (85) XT (542669)
21st Cent. Mgmt. (50) B 0.1 (526921) Alliance Integ. (85) XT (534064) Ashiana Housing (31) B 0.6 (523716) Balmer Lawrie (108) A 0.7 (523319) Bodal Chemicals (38) A 0.9 (524370)
3i Infotech (28) T 0.8 (532628) Allsec Tech. (28) B 0.7 (532633) Ashnoor Textile (97) XT (507872) Balrampur Chini (88) A 0.7 (500038) Bombay Burmah (89) A 0.8 (501425)
5Paisa Capital (50) B 0.7 (540776) Alok Industries (96) B 0.6 (521070) Ashok Alco-Chem (22) X 0 . 4 ( 5 2 4 5 9 4 ) Balu Forge (44) XT 0.1 (531112) Bombay Cycle (101) X 0.4 (501430)
A B B (39) A 0.6 (500002) Alphageo (India) (61) B 0.7 (526397) Ashok Leyland (5) A 1.4 (500477) Banaras Beads (55) B 0.6 (526849) Bombay Dyeing (96) A 1.1 (500020)
A B M Internatl. (N) (101) - Alpine Housing (31) X 0.9 (526519) Ashoka Buildcon (45) A 1 (533271) Banco Products (10) B 0.9 (500039) Bombay Rayon (97) T 0.5 (532678)
A F Enterprises (101) XT (538351) Alufluoride (22) X 1 (524634) Asi Industries (59) X 0.6 (502015) Bandhan Bank (12) A 1.3 (541153) Bombay Super Hyb (N) (106) -
A.K.Capital Serv (50) X 0.8 (530499) Amara Raja Batt. (10) A 0.5 (500008) Asian Energy (61) X 0.7 (530355) Bank of Baroda (11) A 1.4 (532134) Borosil (55) B 0.7 (543212)
A2Z Infra Engg. (44) B 0.7 (533292) Amba Enterprises (39) XT (539196) Asian Granito (21) A 0.2 (532888) Bank of India (11) A 1 (532149) Borosil Renew. (55) T 1 (502219)
Aarnav Fashions (101) X (539562) Amber Enterp. (43) A 0.6 (540902) Asian Hotels (E) (57) B 0.4 (533227) Bank of Maha (11) A 1.1 (532525) Bosch (10) A 0.9 (500530)
Aaron Industries (N) (44) - Ambica Agarbat. (101) B 0.1 (532335) Asian Hotels (N) (57) B 0.6 (500023) Banka Bioloo (N) (106) - Brady & Morris (44) X (505690)
Aarti Drugs (71) A 0.6 (524348) Ambika Cotton (94) B 0.7 (531978) Asian Paints (63) A 0.7 (500820) Bannari Amm Spg. (94) B 0 . 8 ( 5 3 2 6 7 4 ) Brigade Enterpr. (31) A 0.7 (532929)
Aarti Industries (22) A 0.5 (524208) Ambuja Cements (18) A 0.9 (500425) Asian Star Co. (35) B 0.4 (531847) Bannari Amm.Sug. (88) A 0 . 3 ( 5 0 0 0 4 1 ) Brightcom Group (28) T 0.3 (532368)
Aarti Surfactant (22) B 0.6 (543210) AMD Industries (62) B 0.1 (532828) Asit C Mehta Fin (50) X 0.1 (530723) Banswara Syntex (99) B 0.6 (503722) Britannia Inds. (54) A 0.3 (500825)
AAVAS Financiers (51) A 0.7 (541988) Amin Tannery (58) XT (541771) Assam Entrade (50) XT (542911) Barak Valley (18) T 0.5 (532916) Brookfield India (31) IF 0.4 (543261)
ABans Enterprise (101) X 0 . 1 ( 5 1 2 1 6 5 ) Amines & Plast. (22) X 0.7 (506248) Assoc.Alcohols (14) B 0.7 (507526) Barbeque-Nation (57) B 1 (543283) BSE (N) (106) -
ABB Power Produc (39) A 0 . 8 ( 5 4 3 1 8 7 ) Amrapali Inds. (101) X 0.1 (526241) Astec Lifescienc (67) A 0.7 (533138) Baroda Extrusion (59) XT (513502) Burger King (57) B 0.5 (543248)
Abbott India (73) A 0.1 (500488) Amrutanjan Healt (72) B 0.6 (590006) Aster DM Health. (56) A 0.5 (540975) Basant Agro Tech (49) XT 0 . 5 ( 5 2 4 6 8 7 ) Burnpur Cement (18) T (532931)
ABC India (106) X 0.5 (520123) Anant Raj (31) T 0.4 (515055) Astra Microwave (91) A 0.8 (532493) BASF India (22) A 0.8 (500042) Butterfly Gan Ap (36) T 1.2 (517421)
Abhinav Capital (50) XT (532057) Andhra Cements (19) T 0.7 (532141) Astral (75) A 0.6 (532830) Bata India (58) A 0.7 (500043)
ACC (18) A 0.8 (500410) Andhra Paper (64) B 0.7 (502330)
Astrazeneca Phar (73) A 0.3 (506820) Bayer Crop Sci. (68) A 0.3 (506285)
Accel (28) X 0.2 (517494) Andhra Petrochem (22) XT 0 . 8 ( 5 0 0 0 1 2 ) Athena Global (28) X 0.1 (517429) BCL Industries (83) B 1.3 (524332) C C C L (31) T (532902)
Accelya Solution (28) A 0.6 (532268) Andhra Sugars (109) B 0.8 (590062) Atul (38) A 0.5 (500027) BCPL Railway (45) B 0.7 (542057) C D S L (N) (106) -
Acknit Indus. (97) X 0.4 (530043) Andrew Yule & Co (109) B0 . 6 ( 5 2 6 1 7 3 ) Atul Auto (8) B 0.7 (531795) BDH Industries (72) X 0.7 (524828) C P C L (80) A 1.2 (500110)
Acme Resources (50) X (539391) Angel Broking (50) B 0.3 (543235) ATV Projects (45) XT 1 (500028) Beekay Steel Ind (85) X 0.7 (539018) Cadila Health. (70) A 0.6 (532321)
Acrysil (21) B 0.8 (524091) Anjani Foods (53) XT 0.4 (511153) AU Small Finance (12) A 1.6 (540611) Bella Casa Fashi (97) B 0.5 (539399) Calcom Vision (42) XT (517236)
Action Const.Eq. (44) A 1.1 (532762) Anjani Portland (19) B 0.8 (518091) Aurionpro Sol. (28) T 0.2 (532668) Bemco Hydraulics (44) X 0 . 1 ( 5 2 2 6 5 0 ) Camex (38) X 0.6 (524440)
Adani Enterp. (101) A 1.2 (512599) Anjani Synth. (96) X 0.1 (531223) Auro Labs. (71) XT 0.8 (530233) BEML Ltd (44) A 0.8 (500048) Camlin Fine (22) A 0.6 (532834)
Adani Green (76) T 0.5 (541450) Ankit Met.Power (86) T 0.2 (532870) Aurobindo Pharma (70) A 0 . 7 ( 5 2 4 8 0 4 ) Bengal & Assam (50) B 0.4 (533095) Cams Services (106) B 0.3 (543232)
Adani Ports (106) A 1.1 (532921) Ansal Buildwell (31) X 0.3 (523007) Austin Engg Co (13) X 0.4 (522005) Berger Paints (63) A 0.8 (509480) Can Fin Homes (51) A 1 (511196)
Adani Power (76) T 0.6 (533096) Antony Waste han (106) B 0 . 6 ( 5 4 3 2 5 4 ) Authum Invest (50) XT 0.1 (539177) Best Agrolife (67) B 0.2 (539660) Canara Bank (11) A 1.5 (532483)
Adani Total Gas (106) T 0.9 (542066) Anuh Pharma (71) X 0.5 (506260) Auto Pins (I) (10) XT (531994) Best Eastern Hot (57) X (508664) Cantabil Retail (97) B 0.3 (533267)
Adani Transmissi (76) T 0.9 (539254) Anupam Rasayan (70) B 0.5 (543275) Automotive Axles (10) A 1 (505010) BF Investment (50) A 1.2 (533303) Capacit’e Infra. (31) B 0.9 (540710)
ADF Foods (53) A 1 (519183) Apar Inds. (39) A 0.8 (532259) Avadh Sugar (88) B 1 (540649) BF Utilities (76) A 1.4 (532430) Capital India (50) X 0.7 (530879)
Adit.Birla Money (50) B 0.9 (532974) Apcotex Industri (106) A 0 . 5 ( 5 2 3 6 9 4 ) Available Fin. (50) XT (531310) BFL Asset Finves (50) X (539662) Capital Trade Lk (50) X 0.6 (538476)
Aditya Bir. Fas. (97) A 0.9 (535755) Apex Frozen Food (4) A 0.7 (540692) Avantel (91) X 0.8 (532406) BGR Energy Sys. (45) B 0.9 (532930) Capital Trust (50) B 1.4 (511505)
Aditya Birla Cap (50) A 1 (540691) APL Apollo Tubes (84) A 0 . 8 ( 5 3 3 7 5 8 ) Avanti Feeds (53) A 0.6 (512573) Bhageria Indust. (38) B 0.8 (530803) Caplin Point Lab (72) A 0.6 (524742)
Aditya Spinners (99) XT (521141) Aplab (43) X 0.6 (517096) Avenue Super. (101) A 0.7 (540376) Bhagiradha Chem. (67) X 0 . 6 ( 5 3 1 7 1 9 ) Capri Global (50) A 0.2 (531595)
Aditya Vision (42) T (540205) APM Finvest (50) XT 0.1 (542774) AVT Natural Prod (83) B 0.9 (519105) Bhagwati Auto (17) X 0.3 (504646) Captain Polyplas (75) X 0.7 (536974)
Ador Fontech (41) X 0.5 (530431) Apollo Hospitals (56) A 0.5 (508869) Axis Bank (12) A 1.5 (532215) Bhandari Hosiery (97) B 0.8 (512608) Carborundum Uni. (1) A 0.6 (513375)
Ador Multi Prod. (65) X 0.2 (523120) Apollo Pipes (75) A 0.4 (531761) Axtel Industries (101) X 0.6 (523850) Bhansali Engg. (69) A 0.9 (500052) CARE Ratings (106) A 0.7 (534804)
Ador Welding (41) B 0.8 (517041) Apollo Sindoori (N) (57) - AYM Syntex (96) B 0.7 (508933) Bharat Bijlee (39) A 0.6 (503960) Career Point (106) B 0.5 (533260)
Advanced Enzyme (22) A 0 . 4 ( 5 4 0 0 2 5 ) Apollo Tricoat (85) A 0.8 (538566) Bharat Dynamics (44) A 0.6 (541143) Castex Tech (10) T (532282)
Aegis Logistics (101) A 0.5 (500003) Apollo Tyres (105) A 1.4 (500877)
B Bharat Electron (43) A 0.9 (500049) Castrol India (22) A 0.3 (500870)
Affle India (106) T 0.8 (542752) Apoorva Leasing (50) XT (539545) B & A Packaging (62) XT (523186) Bharat Forge (17) A 0.8 (500493) CCL Internationa (101) X (531900)
AGC Networks (91) T 0.3 (500463) Aptech (30) A 0.9 (532475) B C C Fuba India (43) XT 0 . 2 ( 5 1 7 2 4 6 ) Bharat Immunolog (72) T 0 . 2 ( 5 2 4 6 6 3 ) CCL Products (89) A 0.6 (519600)
AGI Infra (31) B 0.3 (539042) Archidply Decor (106) T 0.1 (543231) B H E L (39) A 1.2 (500103) Bharat Rasayan (67) B 0.7 (590021) CEAT (105) A 0.7 (500878)
Agri-Tech India (106) B 0.7 (537292) Archit Organosys (22) X 0.6 (524640) B P C L (80) A 0.7 (500547) Bharat Road (31) B 0.6 (540700) Ceejay Finance (50) X 0.1 (530789)
Agro Tech Foods. (83) A 0 . 7 ( 5 0 0 2 1 5 ) Arex Industries (96) XT (526851) B.C. Power (15) B 0.6 (537766) Bharat Seats (10) X 0.8 (523229) Celebrity Fash. (97) B 0.8 (532695)
Ahlada Engineers (N) (85) - Arfin India (3) X 0.6 (539151) B.L.Kashyap (31) B 0.9 (532719) Bharat Wire (85) T 0.7 (539799) Cenlub Industrie (44) X 0.7 (522251)
Ahluwalia Contr. (31) A 0.6 (532811) Arih.Found.Hsg. (31) B 0.6 (531381) B2B Soft.Tech. (28) XT 0.3 (531268) Bharti Airtel (90) A 0.9 (532454) Central Bank (11) A 0.7 (532885)
AI Champ.Inds. (100) XT 0 . 4 ( 5 3 2 8 0 6 ) Arihant Super. (31) B 0.5 (506194) Baba Arts (47) X 0.5 (532380) Bhaskar Agrochem (67) XT (524534) Centrum Capital (50) B 0.5 (501150)
AIA Engineering (17) A 0.4 (532683) Arman Financial (50) A 0.9 (531179) Bafna Pharma. (72) B 0.3 (532989) Bihar Sponge (86) XT (500058) Centum Electron (43) B 0.7 (517544)
Ajanta Pharma (72) A 0.3 (532331) Arnold Holdings (50) X 0.2 (537069) Bajaj Auto (8) A 0.7 (532977) Binny (31) XT 0.5 (514215) Century Enka (95) B 0.7 (500280)
Ajanta Soya (106) X 0.4 (519216) Arshiya (106) B 0.5 (506074) Bajaj Consumer (65) A 0.8 (533229) Binny Mills (101) X 0.3 (535620) Century Plyboard (106) A 0 . 6 ( 5 3 2 5 4 8 )
Ajcon Global (50) XT (511692) Artefact Project (45) X 0.4 (531297) Bajaj Electrical (36) A 1 (500031) Biocon (70) A 0.9 (532523) Century Textiles (64) A 0.8 (500040)
Ajmera Realty (31) T 0.8 (513349) Artemis Medicare (56) B 0.7 (542919) Bajaj Finance (50) A 1.5 (500034) Biogen Pharma (50) XT 0.3 (531752) Cera Sanitary. (21) A 0.6 (532443)
Akashdeep Metal (50) X 0.7 (538778) Artson Engg. (45) XT 0.9 (522134) Bajaj Finserv (50) A 1.3 (532978) Birla Cable (16) T 1.1 (500060) Cerebra Integr. (26) B 0.5 (532413)
AKG Exim (N) (101) - Aruna Hotels (57) XT 0.2 (500016) Bajaj Healthcare (70) B 0.4 (539872) Birla Corpn. (18) A 0.8 (500335) CESC (76) A 0.6 (500084)
Akzo Nobel (63) A 0.4 (500710) Arvee Laborat. (N) (72) - Bajaj Hindusthan (88) T 0.5 (500032) Birlasoft Ltd (28) A 0.8 (532400) CG Power & Indu. (39) T 0 . 5 ( 5 0 0 0 9 3 )
Alankit (28) B 0.7 (531082) Arvind Fashions. (101) A 0 . 9 ( 5 4 2 4 8 4 ) Bajaj Holdings (50) A 0.5 (500490) Black Rose Indus (101) X 0 . 8 ( 5 1 4 1 8 3 ) CG-VAK Software (28) X 0.4 (531489)
Albert David (72) B 0.6 (524075) Arvind Ltd (94) A 0.9 (500101) Bajaj Steel Inds (85) X 0.7 (507944) BLB (50) B 0.3 (532290) Chalet Hotels (57) A 0.7 (542399)
Alembic (70) A 0.8 (506235) Arvind SmartSp. (31) B 1.1 (539301) Balaji Amines (22) A 1 (530999) Bliss GVS Pharma (72) A 0 . 5 ( 5 0 6 1 9 7 ) Chamanlal Setia (53) B 0.6 (530307)
Subscribe at
Chambal Fert. (49) A 0.5 (500085) Dewan Hsg. Fin. (51) B 0.6 (511072) EPL Ltd (62) A 0.7 (500135) Generic Engineer (31) B 0.4 (539407) Gulshan Polyols (22) T 0.8 (532457)
Chemcon Special. (22) B 0 . 6 ( 5 4 3 2 3 3 ) DFM Foods (53) A 0.5 (519588) Equitas Holdings (50) A 0 . 9 ( 5 3 9 8 4 4 ) Generic Pharma. (38) X 0.3 (531592)
Chemfab Alka. (22) B 0.6 (541269) Dhampur Sugar (88) A 0.8 (500119) Equitas Sma. Fin (12) B 0.8 (543243) Genesys Intl. (28) B 0.5 (506109)
Cheviot Company (100) X 0 . 5 ( 5 2 6 8 1 7 ) Dhampur.Spl.Sug. (88) X (531923) ERIS Lifescience (72) A 0.3 (540596) Genus Power (43) B 0.8 (530343) H D F C (51) A 1.3 (500010)
Choice Intl. (50) X 0.1 (531358) Dhanada Corp. (57) XT (531198) Eros Intl.Media (47) B 0.6 (533261) Geojit Fin. Ser. (50) B 0.8 (532285) H P C L (80) A 0.7 (500104)
Chola Financial (50) A 0.7 (504973) Dhanalaxmi Roto (94) X 0.8 (521216) Esab India (41) A 0.5 (500133) GFL (22) A 0.4 (500173) H P Cotton Tex (94) X 0.6 (502873)
Cholaman.Inv.&Fn (50) A 1 . 4 ( 5 1 1 2 4 3 ) Dhani Services (50) B 1.1 (532960) Escorts (7) A 0.9 (500495) GHCL (22) A 0.7 (500171) H T Media (47) B 0.3 (532662)
Chordia Food (53) X 0.5 (519475) Dhanlaxmi Bank (12) B 0.7 (532180) ETT Ltd (31) X 0.2 (537707) GIC Housing Fin (51) A 1.2 (511676) H U D C O (51) A 0.9 (540530)
Chowgule Steam (82) XT 0 . 3 ( 5 0 1 8 3 3 ) Dhanlaxmi Fabric (96) X (521151) Eveready Inds. (37) A 0.7 (531508) Gillette India (66) A 0.3 (507815) H.G. Infra Engg. (31) A 0.9 (541019)
Cigniti Tech. (28) A 0.5 (534758) Dhanuka Agritech (67) A 0 . 4 ( 5 0 7 7 1 7 ) Everest Inds. (20) B 0.9 (508906) Gini Silk Mills (96) X (531744) Happiest Minds (28) B 0.3 (543227)
Dhanvarsha Finv. (50) X 0.3 (540268) Everest Kanto (62) T 0.6 (532684) Gita Renewable (76) XT (539013) Hariyana Ship (106) X 0.7 (526931)
Cinevista (47) T (532324)
Dharamsi Morarji (22) X 0.7 (506405) Evexia Lifecare (22) X 0.4 (524444) Haryana Capfin (50) X 0.4 (532855)
Cipla (70) A 0.4 (500087) GKW (N) (106) -
Dharani Sugars (88) T 0.1 (507442) Excel Industries (22) A 0.6 (500650) Haryana Leather (22) XT 0.5 (524080)
City Union Bank (12) A 1 (532210) Gland Pharma (71) B (543245)
Dhoot Indl.Fin (101) X 0.8 (526971) Excel Realty (28) T 0.3 (533090) Hathway Cable (47) A 0.9 (533162)
Clariant Chemica (22) A 0.7 (506390) Glaxosmi. Pharma (73) A 0.4 (500660)
Dhunseri Invest. (50) B 0.3 (533336) Exide Inds. (10) A 0.7 (500086) Hatsun Agro (53) A 0.8 (531531)
Clean Science (22) B (543318) Glenmark Life (70) B (543322)
Dhunseri Tea (89) B 0.2 (538902) Expleo Solutions (28) T 0 . 8 ( 5 3 3 1 2 1 ) Havells India (39) A 0.8 (517354)
CNI Research (50) X 0.3 (512018) Glenmark Pharma. (70) A 0.8 (532296)
Dhunseri Vent. (69) B 0.2 (523736) Exxaro Tiles (21) X (543327) Hawkins Cookers (36) A 0.3 (508486)
Coal India (59) A 0.9 (533278) Global Education (N) (106) -
Diana Tea Co (89) X 0.1 (530959) HB Estate Devel. (31) X 0.4 (532334)
Coastal Corporat (4) X 0.4 (501831)
DIC India (22) B 0.3 (500089)
F Global Offshore (82) XT 0.1 (501848)
HB Portfolio (50) XT 0.8 (532333)
Cochin Shipyard (106) A 0 . 6 ( 5 4 0 6 7 8 ) Global Vectra (103) B 0.5 (532773)
DigiSpice Tech. (91) T 0.3 (517214) F A C T (49) B 0.9 (590024) HB Stockholdings (50) B 0 . 2 ( 5 3 2 2 1 6 )
Coffee Day Enter (57) B 1.8 (539436) Globe Textiles (N) (97) -
Diligent Indust. (83) XT 0.2 (531153) Facor Alloys (59) X 0.5 (532656) HBL Power System (37) B 0 . 9 ( 5 1 7 2 7 1 )
Coforge (28) A 0.8 (532541) Globus Spirits (14) T 0.6 (533104)
Dilip Buildcon (31) A 0.6 (540047) Fairchem Organic (22) B 0.5 (543252) HCL Infosystems (26) B 0.8 (500179)
Colgate-Palmoliv (66) A 0.3 (500830) Gloster Ltd (100) X 0.7 (542351)
Disa India (44) X 0.5 (500068) Faze Three (96) X 0.5 (530079) HCL Technologies (27) A 0 . 7 ( 5 3 2 2 8 1 )
Colorchips New (47) X 0.2 (540023) GMM Pfaudler (44) A 0.5 (505255)
Dish TV India (47) A 0.8 (532839) Faze Three Auto. (96) X 0.2 (532459) HDFC AMC (50) A 0.9 (541729)
Comfort Fincap (50) X 0.7 (535267) GMR Infra. (45) A 1.1 (532754)
Dishman Carbogen (70) A 1 (540701) FCS Software (28) T 0.5 (532666) HDFC Bank (12) A 1.2 (500180)
Comfort Intech (14) XT 0.1 (531216) GNA Axles (10) B 1.1 (540124)
Divi’s Lab. (71) A 0.7 (532488) FDC (70) A 0.5 (531599) HDFC Life Insur. (50) A 0.6 (540777)
Concord Drugs (70) XT 0.2 (538965) GOCL Corpn. (22) B 0.4 (506480)
Dixon Technolog. (42) A 0 . 7 ( 5 4 0 6 9 9 ) Federal Bank (12) A 1.5 (500469) Health.Global (56) A 0.4 (539787)
Confidence Petro (106) B 0 . 6 ( 5 2 6 8 2 9 ) Godavari Drugs (71) X 0.1 (530317)
DLF (31) A 1.6 (532868) Federal-Mogul Go (10) A 0 . 6 ( 5 0 5 7 4 4 ) HEG (40) A 1.2 (509631)
Cons. Finvest (50) B (500226) Godawari Power (85) T 0.7 (532734)
Dodla Dairy (53) B (543306) Fermenta Biotec. (71) X 0.6 (506414) Heidelberg Cem. (18) A 0.5 (500292)
Cont. Chemicals (28) XT 0.7 (506935) Godfrey Phillips (24) A 0.5 (500163)
Dolat Investment (50) B 0.8 (505526) Fiem Industries (10) B 0.9 (532768) Hemisphere Prop (31) B 0.8 (543242)
Cont. Petroleums (22) XT 0 . 1 ( 5 2 3 2 3 2 ) Filatex India (95) B 0.9 (526227) Godha Cabcon (N) (15) - Heranba Inds (67) B 0.9 (543266)
Dollar Industrie (97) A 0.9 (541403)
Container Corpn. (106) A 0 . 8 ( 5 3 1 3 4 4 ) Fine Organic (22) A 0.6 (541557) Godrej Agrovet (53) A 0.4 (540743) Hercules Hoists (44) B 0.8 (505720)
Donear Inds. (96) B 0.7 (512519)
Control Print (62) B 0.5 (522295) Fineotex Chem (22) B 1 (533333) Godrej Consumer (65) A 0.4 (532424) Heritage Foods (53) A 0.6 (519552)
Dr Lal Pathlabs (56) A 0.3 (539524)
Coromandel Inter (49) A 0.2 (506395) Finkurve Fin. (50) X 0.4 (508954) Godrej Industrie (22) A 0.4 (500164) Hero Motocorp (9) A 0.7 (500182)
Dr Reddy’s Labs (70) A 0.3 (500124)
Cosmo Ferrites (43) X 0.1 (523100) Finolex Cables (15) A 0.6 (500144) Godrej Propert. (31) A 0.9 (533150) Hester Bios (72) A 0.5 (524669)
DRC Systems (28) B 0.3 (543268)
Cosmo Films (62) A 0.8 (508814) Finolex Inds. (75) A 0.6 (500940) Gogia Capital (50) XT (531600) Hexa Tradex (101) B 0.4 (534328)
Dredging Corpn. (106) A 0 . 8 ( 5 2 3 6 1 8 )
COSYN (28) XT 0.4 (538922) Firstsour.Solu. (28) A 0.9 (532809) Gokaldas Exports (97) B 0.5 (532630) HFCL (91) T 0.9 (500183)
Duncan Engg. (10) X 0.4 (504908)
Country Condo (31) B 0.7 (531624) Flexituff Vent. (62) B (533638) Gokul Agro (83) B 0.9 (539725) Hi-Tech Pipes (N) (85) -
Duroply Indust. (106) XT 0 . 8 ( 5 1 6 0 0 3 )
Craftsman Auto (10) B 0.7 (543276) Dwarikesh Sugar (88) A 0.8 (532610) Foods & Inns (53) X 0.7 (507552) Goldcrest Corpor (106) X 0 . 4 ( 5 0 5 5 7 6 ) High Energy Bat. (39) X 0.4 (504176)
CreditAcc. Gram. (50) A 0.9 (541770) Dynacons Sys. (28) B 1.2 (532365) Forbes & Co (44) B 0.6 (502865) Goldiam Intl. (35) B 1 (526729) Hikal (71) A 0.8 (524735)
Cressanda Solns. (28) XT 0 . 1 ( 5 1 2 3 7 9 ) Dynamatic Tech. (44) B 0.7 (505242) Force Motors (5) A 0.9 (500033) Goldstone Tech. (28) B 0.2 (531439) Hil Ltd (20) A 0.8 (509675)
Crest Ventures (50) T 0.8 (511413) Dynamic Cables (15) B 0.4 (540795) Fortis Health. (56) A 0.3 (532843) Golkunda Diamond (35) X (523676) Himachal Fibres (94) X 0.2 (514010)
CRISIL (106) A 0.3 (500092) Dynamic Industri (38) XT 0 . 3 ( 5 2 4 8 1 8 ) Fortune Interntl (101) XT 0 . 2 ( 5 3 0 2 1 3 ) Goodluck India (85) B 1.1 (530655) Himadri Special (22) A 0.8 (500184)
Croissance Ltd (31) XT 0.1 (531909) Dynavision (42) XT 0.3 (517238) Foseco India (22) B 0.3 (500150) Goodricke Group (89) X 0.7 (500166) Himatsing. Seide (97) T 1.1 (514043)
Crompton Gr. Con (39) A 0 . 4 ( 5 3 9 8 7 6 ) Dynemic Products (38) B 0 . 6 ( 5 3 2 7 0 7 ) Future Consumer (101) A 0 . 5 ( 5 3 3 4 0 0 ) Goodyear India (105) A 0.6 (500168) Hind. Unilever (66) A 0.4 (500696)
CSB Bank (12) A 0.7 (542867) Future Enterp. (97) B 0.4 (523574) Gothi Plascon (31) P 0.2 (531111) Hind.Adhesive (62) X 0.7 (514428)
CSL Finance (50) X 0.9 (530067) E Future Lifestyle (97) A 0.5 (536507) Goyal Associates (50) XT 0 . 1 ( 5 3 0 6 6 3 ) Hind.Aeronautics (44) A 0.7 (541154)
Cubex Tubings (59) B 0.1 (526027) Eastcoast Steel (85) P (520081) Future Market (106) B 0.4 (533296) Granules India (71) A 0.6 (532482) Hind.Composites (10) B 0.9 (509635)
Cummins India (46) A 0.8 (500480) Eastern Treads (106) X 0.6 (531346) Future Retail (101) A 0.4 (540064) Graphite India (40) A 1.2 (509488) Hind.Construct. (31) A 0.8 (500185)
Cupid (106) B 0.8 (530843) Easy Trip Plann. (104) B 2 (543272) Futuristic Solu (50) XT 0.1 (534063) Grasim Inds (95) A 0.9 (500300) Hind.Ever.Tools (44) XT 0.4 (505725)
Cybertech Sys. (28) B 0.9 (532173) Ebixcash World (50) B 0.7 (533452) Grauer & Weil (22) B 0.8 (505710) Hind.Oil Explor. (61) A 1.1 (500186)
eClerx Services (28) T 0.5 (532927)
G Hind.Urban Infra (15) X 0.4 (539984)
Cyient (28) A 0.4 (532175) Graviss Hospital (57) X 0.2 (509546)
Eco Recyc. (106) XT 1 (530643) G G Dandekar (44) X 0.5 (505250) Gravita India (59) B 0.8 (533282) Hindalco Inds. (3) A 1.3 (500440)
D Ecoboard Inds. (106) XT (523732) G M Breweries (14) B 0.7 (507488) Greaves Cotton (46) A 0.8 (501455) Hinduja Global (28) T 0.9 (532859)
D B Corp (47) A 0.6 (533151) Ecoplast (62) XT (526703) G M D C (59) A 1.2 (532181) Greenlam Industr (106) B 0 . 4 ( 5 3 8 9 7 9 ) Hindustan Copper (59) A 1 (513599)
D B Realty (31) B 0.6 (533160) Edelweiss.Fin. (50) A 1.2 (532922) G N F C (49) A 0.7 (500670) Greenpanel Inds. (106) T 0 . 7 ( 5 4 2 8 5 7 ) Hindustan Foods (53) T 0.7 (519126)
D-Link India (26) B 1 (533146) Eicher Motors (9) A 0.9 (505200) G R Infraproject (31) B (543317) Hindustan Media (47) B 0.9 (533217)
Greenply Industr (106) A 0 . 9 ( 5 2 6 7 9 7 )
D. P. Abhushan (N) (35) - EID Parry (88) A 0.7 (500125) G S F C (49) A 0.9 (500690) Hindustan Zinc (59) A 0.7 (500188)
Grindwell Norton (1) A 0.7 (506076)
Dabur India (65) A 0.4 (500096) EIH (57) A 0.8 (500840) Gabriel India (10) A 0.8 (505714) Hisar Met.Inds. (85) B 0.8 (590018)
GRM Overseas (53) XT (531449)
Daikaffil Chem (38) X 0.5 (530825) EIH Assoc.Hotels (57) B 0.8 (523127) GAIL (India) (106) A 0.9 (532155) HLE Glascoat (44) B 0.8 (522215)
GTL Infra. (91) T 0.9 (532775)
Dalmia Bharat (88) A 0.6 (500097) Eiko Lifescience (50) XT (540204) Galaxy Bearings (13) XT 0.2 (526073) HLV (57) B 0.4 (500193)
GTN Industries (94) XT 0.3 (500170)
Dalmia BharatLtd (19) A 0.9 (542216) Elantas Beck (22) A 0.7 (500123) Galaxy Surfact. (34) A 0.6 (540935) Home First Finan (50) B 0.5 (543259)
GTPL Hathway (47) B 1 (540602)
Danlaw Tech. (29) X 0.3 (532329) Eldeco Housing (31) X 0.9 (523329) Gallantt Ispat (86) B 0.5 (533265) Honda India (39) A 0.4 (522064)
Gufic BioScience (70) B 0.7 (509079)
Darshan Orna (35) T (539884) Elecon Engg.Co (44) B 1.4 (505700) Gallantt Metal (85) B 0.7 (532726) Honeywell Auto (43) A 0.5 (517174)
Guj Apollo Inds (44) B 0.4 (522217)
Datamatics Glob. (28) B 1 (532528) Electrost.Cast. (17) B 0.7 (500128) Gandhi Spl. Tube (85) B 0 . 9 ( 5 1 3 1 0 8 ) HPL Electric (39) B 0.2 (540136)
Guj Inds. Power (76) A 0.5 (517300)
DB Intl.Stock (50) B 0.4 (530393) Electrotherm(I) (85) B 0.9 (526608) Ganesh Benzopl. (22) X 0.8 (500153) HSIL (21) B 0.8 (500187)
Guj Pipavav Port (106) A 0 . 8 ( 5 3 3 2 4 8 )
DCB Bank (12) A 1.2 (532772) Elgi Equipments (25) A 0.4 (522074) Ganesh Housing (31) B 0.3 (526367) Hubtown (31) T 0.5 (532799)
Guj. Ambuja Exp (83) A 0.8 (524226)
DCM Nouvelle (94) B 0.7 (542729) Elixir Capital (50) XT (531278) Ganesha Ecosphe. (96) B 0 . 9 ( 5 1 4 1 6 7 ) Huhtamaki India (62) A 0.6 (509820)
Guj. Containers (62) P 0.2 (513507)
DCM Shriram (107) A 0.8 (523367) Elnet Technolog (31) X 0.6 (517477) Garden Reach Sh. (106) A 0 . 7 ( 5 4 2 0 1 1 )
DCM Shriram Inds (88) X 0 . 7 ( 5 2 3 3 6 9 ) Elpro Internatio (31) X 0.5 (504000) Garnet Construct (31) X 0.6 (526727)
Guj. Craft Inds (95) XT 0.3 (526965) I
Guj. Petrosynth. (75) XT (506858)
DCW (69) B 1 (500117) Emami (65) A 0.3 (531162) Garware Hi Tech (62) T 1 (500655) I D F C (50) A 0.7 (532659)
Guj. Raffia Inds (62) T 0.5 (523836)
Deccan Cements (19) B 1 (502137) Emami Paper (64) B 0.6 (533208) Garware Tech. (97) A 0.7 (509557) I G Petrochems (22) B 0.6 (500199)
Guj. Sidhee Cem. (18) B 0.6 (518029)
Decipher Labs (72) X 0.5 (524752) Emami Realty Ltd (31) B 0.7 (533218) Gateway Distr. (106) T 0.7 (532622) I O B (11) A 0.9 (532388)
Guj. Themis Bio. (71) X 0.9 (506879)
Deep Energy (106) T 0.6 (532760) Embassy Off.REIT (31) IF 0 . 2 ( 5 4 2 6 0 2 ) Gati (32) A 0.9 (532345) I O C L (80) A 0.8 (530965)
Guj.St.Petronet (106) A 0.4 (532702)
Deep Industries (106) B 0.2 (543288) Emerald Leasing (50) X (538882) Gayatri BioOrga. (106) XT (524564) I R C T C (104) A 0.7 (542830)
Gujarat Alkalies (23) A 0.8 (530001)
Deepak Fertiliz. (22) T 0.9 (500645) Emmbi Industries (62) B 1 (533161) Gayatri Highways (31) T 0.3 (541546) I R F C (52) B 0.5 (543257)
Gayatri Projects (31) B 0.8 (532767) Gujarat Fluoroch (22) A 0.7 (542812) I T D C (57) A 1 (532189)
Deepak Nitrite (22) A 0.9 (506401) Empire Inds. (55) X 0.5 (509525)
GE Power (45) A 0.8 (532309) Gujarat Gas (106) A 0.4 (539336) ICDS (50) T (511194)
Delta Corp (106) A 0.9 (532848) Endurance Tech. (10) A 0.4 (540153)
GE Shipping Co (82) A 0.6 (500620) Gujarat Hotels (57) X 0.3 (507960) ICE Make Refrig. (N) (44) -
Delton Cables (15) X 0.4 (504240) Engineers India (45) A 0.7 (532178)
Enkei Wheels (10) X 0.7 (533477) GE T&D India (39) A 0.9 (522275) Gujarat Intrux (85) X 0.5 (517372) ICICI Bank (12) A 1.6 (532174)
Den Networks (47) A 1 (533137)
Ent.Network (47) B 0.9 (532700) General Insuranc (50) A 0.6 (540755) Gulf Oil Lubric. (22) A 0.4 (538567) ICICI Lombard (50) A 0.7 (540716)
Devyani Intl. (57) B (543330)
Subscribe at
ICICI Pru Life (50) A 0.7 (540133) Iris Clothings (N) (97) - Kanishk Steel (85) XT 0.1 (513456) Larsen & Toubro (45) A 1.1 (500510) Max Ventures (50) B 0.9 (539940)
ICICI Securities (50) A 0.5 (541179) Ironwood Educa (106) X (508918) Kanoria Chem. (23) B 0.5 (506525) Lasa Supergeneri (70) B 0.9 (540702) Mayukh Dealtrade (101) X 0 . 6 ( 5 3 9 5 1 9 )
ICRA (106) A 0.4 (532835) ISGEC Heavy (44) A 0.9 (533033) Kanpur Plastipa. (62) B 0.8 (507779) Laurus Labs (72) A 0.8 (540222) Mayur Uniquoters (75) A 1 (522249)
IDBI Bank (12) A 0.9 (500116) ISL Consulting (50) X (511609) Kansai Nerolac (63) A 0.7 (500165) Laxmi Organic (22) B 1.5 (543277) Mazagon Dock (106) B 0.9 (543237)
IDFC First Bank (12) A 1.3 (539437) IST (10) XT 0.2 (508807) Kapston Facilit. (N) (106) - LCC Infotech (29) B 0.9 (532019) MBL Infrast (31) B 0.4 (533152)
IFB Agro Inds. (14) B 0.5 (507438) ITC (24) A 0.7 (500875) Karda Construct. (31) T 0.4 (541161) Leading Lea. Fin (50) X 0.4 (540360) McDowell Hold. (50) B 0.3 (532852)
IFB Industries (36) A 1 (505726) ITD Cem (31) A 1.3 (509496) Karma Energy Ltd (76) T 0.4 (533451) Lee & Nee Soft. (28) X (517415) McNally Bharat (45) T 0.5 (532629)
IFCI (52) A 0.9 (500106) ITI (91) A 0.8 (523610) Karnataka Bank (12) A 1 (532652) Lemon Tree Hotel (57) A 0 . 7 ( 5 4 1 2 3 3 ) Medi Caps (106) X 0.6 (523144)
IFGL Refractori. (81) B 1 (540774) Karur Vysya Bank (12) B 1.1 (590003) Lesha Industries (101) XT 0 . 1 ( 5 3 3 6 0 2 ) Media Matrix (47) X 0.2 (512267)
Igarashi Motors (10) A 1 (517380)
J Kaveri Seed Co. (106) A 0.5 (532899) Liberty Shoes (58) B 0.7 (526596) Medicamen Biotec (72) X 0 . 5 ( 5 3 1 1 4 6 )
IIFL Finance (50) T 1.4 (532636) J & K Bank (12) A 1.2 (532209) Kaya Ltd (65) B 1 (539276) LIC Housing Fin. (51) A 1.4 (500253) Medinova Diagno. (56) XT 0 . 3 ( 5 2 6 3 0 1 )
IIFL Securities (50) A 1 (542773) J B Chem & Pharm (70) A 0 . 5 ( 5 0 6 9 4 3 ) Kaycee Inds. (39) X 0.3 (504084) Likhami Consult. (106) XT (539927) Megasoft (28) T 0.8 (532408)
IIFL Wealth Mgt (50) A 0.4 (542772) J K Cements (18) A 0.4 (532644) KDDL Ltd (106) B 0.4 (532054) Likhitha Infra. (31) B 0.8 (543240) Meghmani Organ. (67) A 0.9 (532865)
Inani Marbles (106) X 0.3 (531129) J Kumar Infra (31) A 0.8 (532940) Keerthi Indus (19) XT 0.2 (518011) Linc Pen &Plast. (77) B 0.6 (531241) Mehai Technology (39) B 0 . 2 ( 5 4 0 7 3 0 )
Incredible Indus (85) T 0.8 (538365) Jagan Lamps (10) X 0.3 (530711) KEI Industries (15) A 0.5 (517569) Lincoln Pharma. (72) A 0.7 (531633) Menon Bearings (13) B 0.9 (523828)
Ind Bank Housing (51) B 0 . 4 ( 5 2 3 4 6 5 ) Jagatjit Inds. (14) XT 0.4 (507155) Kellton Tech (28) B 0.9 (519602) Linde India (22) A 0.6 (523457) MEP Infrast. (31) B 0.9 (539126)
Ind-Swift (72) T (524652) Jagran Prakashan (47) A 0.1 (532705) Kemistar Corp. (101) X (531163) LKP Finance (50) X 0.9 (507912) Mercator (82) T 0.1 (526235)
Ind-Swift Labs. (70) B 0.7 (532305) Jagsonpal Pharma (70) B 0 . 9 ( 5 0 7 7 8 9 ) Kennametal India (44) A 0.6 (505890) Lloyds Metals (86) XT 0.4 (512455) Mercury Labs (72) X 0.9 (538964)
Indag Rubber (106) X 0.7 (509162) Jai Balaji Inds. (86) B 0.6 (532976) Kernex Microsys. (43) T 0.7 (532686) Lotus Chocolate (53) X 0.4 (523475) Metal Coatings (85) X 0.5 (531810)
Indbank Merchant (50) B 1 (511473) Jai Corp (75) A 1 (512237) Kesar Enterprise (88) XT 0.4 (507180) Loyal Equipments (44) B 0 . 2 ( 5 3 9 2 2 7 ) Metropolis Healt (56) A 0.3 (542650)
Indbull.RealEst. (31) A 1.5 (532832) Jain Irrigation (75) A 1 (500219) Kesoram Inds. (107) B 1.1 (502937) Lumax Auto Tech. (10) B 0 . 7 ( 5 3 2 7 9 6 ) MIC Electronics (43) T 0.2 (532850)
India Cements (19) A 0.9 (530005) Jamna Auto Inds. (10) A 0.8 (520051) Kewal Kir.Cloth. (97) B 0.4 (532732) Lumax Industries (10) B 0.6 (517206) Milkfood (53) X 0.5 (507621)
India Glycols (22) A 1 (500201) Jay Bharat Maru. (10) B 0.8 (520066) Key Corp (50) XT (507948) Lupin (71) A 0.6 (500257) Minda Corp (10) A 1 (538962)
India Grid Trust (76) IF 0.1 (540565) Jay Shree Tea (89) B 0.7 (509715) Keynote Finan. (50) B 0.7 (512597) Lux Industries (93) A 0.6 (539542) Minda Industries (10) A 0.8 (532539)
India Motor Part (10) B 0.5 (590065) Jay Ushin (10) X 0.7 (513252) KG Petrochem (97) X 0.4 (531609) Mindspace Busine (31) IF 0 . 1 ( 5 4 3 2 1 7 )
India Nipp.Elec. (10) B 0.6 (532240) Jayant Agro Org. (22) B 1 (524330) Khadim India (58) B 0.6 (540775)
M Mindtree (27) A 0.8 (532819)
India Pesticides (67) B (543311) Jayaswal Neco (17) T 0.4 (522285) Khaitan Chemical (49) B 0.2 (507794) M & M (6) A 1.2 (500520) MIRC Electronics (42) T 0.6 (500279)
India Power Corp (N) (76) - Jaykay Enter. (106) X (500306) Khandwala Sec. (50) B 0.1 (531892) M & M Fin. Serv. (50) A 1.6 (532720) Mirza Internatio (58) B 0.8 (526642)
India Steel (85) XT 0.5 (513361) Jaypee Infratech (31) B 0.5 (533207) KIC Metaliks (17) XT 0.6 (513693) M E T S (106) X 0.5 (538401) Mishka Exim (101) T 0.2 (539220)
Indiabulls Hous. (51) A 1.6 (535789) JBM Auto (10) B 1.1 (532605) Kilitch Drugs (72) B 0.6 (524500) M K Exim India (97) X 0.6 (538890) Mishra Dhatu Nig (85) A 0.8 (541195)
Indiamart Inter. (106) A 0.8 (542726) Jenburkt Pharma (72) X 0.2 (524731) Kilpest India (67) X 0.4 (532067) M M Forgings (17) B 0.5 (522241) Mishtann Foods (53) X (539594)
Indian Bank (11) A 1.4 (532814) Jindal Drilling (61) B 0.6 (511034) Kimia Bioscien. (71) X 0.5 (530313) M M Rubber (106) X (509196) Mitsu Chem Plast (75) B (540078)
Indian Energy Ex (106) A 0 . 5 ( 5 4 0 7 5 0 ) Jindal Hotels (57) X 0.4 (507981) Kingfa Science (75) B 0.7 (524019) M R P L (80) A 0.6 (500109) MMP Industries (N) (3) -
Indian Hotels Co (57) A 0.8 (500850) Jindal Photo (50) B 0.5 (532624) KIOCL (59) B 0.5 (540680) M T N L (90) B 0.7 (500108) MMTC (101) A 0.8 (513377)
Indian Hume Pipe (31) A 0 . 8 ( 5 0 4 7 4 1 ) Jindal Poly Film (62) A 0.7 (500227) Kiri Industries (38) A 0.5 (532967) Mac Charles(I) (57) X 0.3 (507836) Modern Dairies (53) X 0.5 (519287)
Indian Infotech (50) XT 0.3 (509051) Jindal Poly Inve (50) T 0.8 (536773) Kirl. Brothers (78) T 1.3 (500241) Macrotech Devel. (31) B 1.2 (543287) Modipon (22) X 0.4 (503776)
Indian Metals (59) T 0.9 (533047) Jindal Saw (84) A 0.9 (500378) Kirl. Ferrous (87) B 0.5 (500245) Madhav Infra (31) X (539894) Modulex Const. (31) XT (504273)
Indian Sucrose (88) XT 0.4 (500319) Jindal Stain. (84) A 1 (532508) Kirl.Pneumatic (25) B 0.7 (505283) Madhav Marbles (106) B 1 (515093) Mohit Industries (96) T (531453)
Indian Wood Prod (106) X0 . 6 ( 5 4 0 9 5 4 ) Jindal Stain. Hi (84) A 0.8 (539597) Kirloskar Indus. (50) B 0.8 (500243) Madras Fertilize (49) B 0.6 (590134) Mohite Industrie (94) XT 0 . 3 ( 5 3 2 1 4 0 )
IndiaNivesh (50) X 0.3 (501700) Jindal Steel (86) A 1.4 (532286) Kirloskar Oil (46) A 1 (533293) Magadh Sugar (88) B 0.5 (540650) MOIL (59) A 1 (533286)
Indigo Paints (63) B 0.1 (543258) Jindal Worldwide (97) B 0 . 6 ( 5 3 1 5 4 3 ) Kitex Garments (97) A 0.6 (521248) Magnum Ventures (64) T 0 . 1 ( 5 3 2 8 9 6 ) Moksh Ornaments (N) (35) -
Indl. Inv. Trust (50) B 0.4 (501295) JITF Infra Logis (106) T 0.5 (540311) KKalpana Inds. (75) X 0.7 (526409) Mah. Scooters (50) A 1 (500266) Mold-Tek Pack. (75) A 0.5 (533080)
Indo Amines (22) XT 1 (524648) JK Agri Genetics (106) X 0.4 (536493) KMC Speciality (56) X 0.3 (524520) Mah. Seamless (85) A 0.6 (500265) Monarch Networth (50) XT 0 . 6 ( 5 1 1 5 5 1 )
Indo Borax & Ch. (22) X 0.6 (524342) JK Lakshmi Cem. (18) A 0.8 (500380) KNR Construct. (31) A 0.8 (532942) Mahamaya Steel (85) B 0.8 (513554) Monte Carlo Fas. (97) B 0.8 (538836)
Indo Count Inds. (94) A 0.7 (521016) JK Paper (64) A 0.8 (532162) Kokuyo Camlin (77) B 0.8 (523207) Mahanagar Gas (106) A 0.6 (539957) Morarka Finance (50) X (511549)
Indo Rama Synth. (95) T 0 . 7 ( 5 0 0 2 0 7 ) JK Tyre & Indust (105) A 0 . 8 ( 5 3 0 0 0 7 ) Kolte Patil Dev. (31) A 1 (532924) Mahindra CIE (17) A 0.8 (532756) Morepen Labs. (70) A 0.9 (500288)
Indo Thai Sec. (50) B 0.4 (533676) JM Financial (50) A 0.8 (523405) Kopran (70) T 0.6 (524280) Mahindra EPC (75) B 0.8 (523754) Morganite Crucib (81) X 0.6 (523160)
Indoco Remedies (70) A 0.6 (532612) JMC Projects (31) A 1.2 (522263) Kotak Mah. Bank (12) A 1.1 (500247) Mahindra Holiday (57) A 0 . 8 ( 5 3 3 0 8 8 ) Moschip Tech. (28) X (532407)
Indokem (38) X (504092) John Cockerill (44) X 0.7 (500147) Kovai Medical (56) B 0.6 (523323) Mahindra Life. (31) A 0.6 (532313) Motherson Sumi (10) A 1.3 (517334)
Indostar Capital (50) A 0.8 (541336) Johnson Con. Hit (2) A 0.8 (523398) Kovil. Lak. Rol. (53) X 0.5 (507598) Mahindra Logis. (106) A 0 . 6 ( 5 4 0 7 6 8 ) Motil.Oswal.Fin. (50) A 0.6 (532892)
Indrapr.Medical (56) B 0.7 (532150) Joindre Capital (50) XT 0.3 (531861) KPIT Technologi. (28) A 0 . 7 ( 5 4 2 6 5 1 ) Maithan Alloys (59) B 0.8 (590078) Mphasis (28) A 0.5 (526299)
Indraprastha Gas (106) A 0 . 7 ( 5 3 2 5 1 4 ) JP Associates (31) T 0.7 (532532) KPT Industries (44) X 0.6 (505299) Majesco (28) A (539289) MPS (77) B 0.9 (532440)
Indrayani Biotec (104) XT 0 . 4 ( 5 2 6 4 4 5 ) JP Power Ven. (76) B 0.7 (532627) Kratos Energy (106) (501261) Makers Labs. (72) X 0.9 (506919) MPS Infotecnics (28) T (532411)
Indus Towers (102) A 0.8 (534816) JSW Energy (76) T 0.6 (533148) KRBL (53) A 0.4 (530813) Mallcom (India) (97) X 0.6 (539400) MRF (105) A 0.8 (500290)
IndusInd Bank (12) A 1.8 (532187) JSW Holdings (50) A 0.8 (532642) Kridhan Infra (101) B 0.8 (533482) Man Industries (85) B 0.9 (513269) Mrs Bectors (53) B 0.6 (543253)
INEOS Styrolut. (69) B 0.9 (506222) JSW Ispat Speci. (86) T 0.3 (513446) Krishana Phosch. (N) (49) - Man Infra (31) B 1.1 (533169) MSP Steel & Pow. (86) B 0 . 7 ( 5 3 2 6 5 0 )
Infibeam Avenues (28) A 0.7 (539807) JSW Steel (84) A 1 (500228) Krishna Institu. (56) B 0.1 (543308) Manaksia (59) B 1 (532932) MSTC (101) A 1.3 (542597)
Info Edg.(India) (106) A 0.8 (532777) JTEKT India (10) A 0.9 (520057) Kriti Industries (75) X 0.5 (526423) Manali Petrochem (69) T 0 . 9 ( 5 0 0 2 6 8 ) MT Educare (106) B 0.6 (534312)
InfoBeans Tech. (N) (28) - JTL Infra (85) X 0.4 (534600) Kriti Nutrients (83) X 0.6 (533210) Manappuram Fin. (50) A 1.1 (531213) MTAR Technologie (44) B 1 . 2 ( 5 4 3 2 7 0 )
Infomedia Press (77) T (509069) Jubilant Food. (54) A 0.8 (533155) Krsnaa Diagnost. (56) B (543328) Mangalam Cement (18) A 0 . 9 ( 5 0 2 1 5 7 ) Mukand (85) T 0.6 (500460)
Infosys (27) A 0.7 (500209) Jubilant Inds. (14) B 1.3 (533320) Krypton Industri (105) X 0 . 5 ( 5 2 3 5 5 0 ) Mangalam Organic (22) X 0 . 7 ( 5 1 4 4 1 8 ) Mukand Engineers (45) T 0 . 6 ( 5 3 2 0 9 7 )
Ingersoll-Rand (25) A 0.6 (500210) Jubilant Ingrev. (22) B 0.8 (543271) KSB (78) A 0.7 (500249) MANGALAM SEEDS (106) B0 . 3 ( 5 3 9 2 7 5 ) Multi Comm. Exc. (106) A 0 . 4 ( 5 3 4 0 9 1 )
Innovassynth Inv (50) XT 0 . 1 ( 5 3 3 3 1 5 ) Jubilant Pharmo (71) A 0.6 (530019) KSE (53) XT 0.3 (519421) Mangalam Timber (106) T 0 . 7 ( 5 1 6 0 0 7 ) Multibase India (75) X 0.7 (526169)
Inox Leisure (47) A 0.7 (532706) Just Dial (106) A 1 (535648) Kuantum Papers (64) B 0.9 (532937) Mangalore Chem. (49) B 0.9 (530011) Munjal Auto Inds (10) B 0.8 (520059)
Inox Wind (39) B 0.8 (539083) Jyothy Labs (65) A 0.5 (532926) Manorama Indust. (83) B 0 . 7 ( 5 4 1 9 7 4 ) Munjal Showa (10) B 0.9 (520043)
Insecticid.India (67) A 0.4 (532851)
L Marathon Nextgen (31) B 0 . 5 ( 5 0 3 1 0 1 ) Music Broadcast (47) B 0.3 (540366)
Inspirisys Sol. (28) T 0.5 (532774)
K L & T Infotech (27) A 0.6 (540005) Marico (65) A 0.4 (531642) Muthoot Cap.Serv (50) B 0 . 8 ( 5 1 1 7 6 6 )
Intec Capital (50) XT (526871) K C P (19) B 1 (590066) L G Balakrishnan (10) A 0.9 (500250) Marine Electric. (N) (39) - Muthoot Finance (50) A 1 (533398)
Integ. Fin. Serv (50) XT 0.1 (500212) K E C Intl. (102) A 0.6 (532714) L T Foods (53) A 1 (532783) Marksans Pharma (71) A 0.9 (524404) My Money Sec. (50) XT (538862)
Integra Tele. (28) XT (536868) K P R Mill Ltd (97) A 0.7 (532889) L&T Fin.Holdings (50) A 1 . 4 ( 5 3 3 5 1 9 ) Maruti Infra. (31) XT 0.3 (531540)
Intellect Design (28) A 0.9 (538835) K&R Rail Engine. (31) X (514360) L&T Technology (28) A 0.7 (540115) Maruti Suzuki (6) A 0.8 (532500) N
Intelli.Capital. (50) XT (534732) Kabra Extrusion (44) B 0.6 (524109) La Opala RG (55) A 0.5 (526947) MAS FINANC SER (50) A 0.4 (540749) N K Industries (83) B 0.4 (519494)
Interglobe Aviat (103) A 1.1 (539448) Kajaria Ceramics (21) A 0.5 (500233) La Tim Metal & I (44) X 0.2 (505693) Mastek (28) A 0.9 (523704) N R Agarwal Inds (64) B 0.7 (516082)
Intl. Conveyors (44) X 0.2 (509709) Kalpataru Power (102) A 0.7 (522287) Ladderup Finance (50) X 0 . 3 ( 5 3 0 5 7 7 ) Master Trust (50) XT 0.3 (511768) NACL Industries (67) B 0.5 (524709)
Inventure Grow. (50) B 0.8 (533506) Kalyan Jewellers (35) B 0.5 (543278) Laffans Petroch (22) X 0.5 (524522) (106) B 1 (540704) Nagarjuna Fert. (49) T 0.5 (539917)
IOL Chemicals (70) A 1 (524164) Kalyani Invest. (50) B 0.6 (533302) Lak. Auto. Looms (92) X (505302) Mauria Udyog (101) XT 0.1 (539219) Nagpur Power (59) X 0.1 (532362)
ION Exchange (44) A 0.6 (500214) Kalyani Steels (85) A 1 (500235) Lak. Fin. & Indl (N) (50) - Mawana Sugars (88) T 0.6 (523371) Nagreeka Exports (94) T 1 (521109)
Ipca Labs. (70) A 0.3 (524494) Kama Holdings (50) A 0.4 (532468) Lak. Mach. Works (92) A 0.4 (500252) Max Financial (50) A 0.7 (500271) Nahar Capital (50) B 1.1 (532952)
IRB Infra.Devl. (31) A 0.8 (532947) Kamadgiri Fash. (96) XT 0.3 (514322) Lambodhara Text. (94) T 1 (590075) Max Healthcare (56) B 0.5 (543220) Nahar Indl. Ent. (94) T 1 (519136)
IRB InvIT Fund (31) IF 0.2 (540526) Kamdhenu (85) B 1.3 (532741) Lancer Containe. (106) B 0 . 6 ( 5 3 9 8 4 1 ) Max Heights (31) X (534338) Nahar Poly (62) B 1 (523391)
Ircon Intl. (31) A 0.5 (541956) Kanco Tea (89) X 0.1 (541005) Landmarc Leisur. (47) XT (532275) Max India Ltd (106) B 0.3 (543223) Nahar Spinning (97) T 0.8 (500296)
Subscribe at
Nalwa Sons Invst (50) B 0.7 (532256) Oricon Enterpris (69) B 0.7 (513121) Poonawalla Fin (50) T 0.8 (524000) Rathi Bars (85) X 1 (532918) Sahyadri Industr (20) X 0.8 (532841)
Nam Securities (50) X (538395) Orient Bell (21) B 0.7 (530365) Power Fin.Corpn. (52) A 1 . 1 ( 5 3 2 8 1 0 ) Ratnamani Metals (85) A 0.4 (520111) Sainik Finance (50) X 0.1 (530265)
Nandan Denim (97) B 0.6 (532641) Orient Cement (19) A 1 (535754) Power Grid Corpn (76) A 0 . 7 ( 5 3 2 8 9 8 ) RattanIndia Ent (76) T 0.5 (534597) Saint-Gob. Sekur (55) X 0.5 (515043)
Narayana Hrudaya (56) A 0.6 (539551) Orient Electric (36) A 0.4 (541301) Power Mech Proj. (45) A 0 . 7 ( 5 3 9 3 0 2 ) Rattanindia Pow. (76) T 0.6 (533122) Saksoft (28) B 0.3 (590051)
Narbada Gems (35) X 0.5 (519455) Orient Paper (64) B 1 (502420) Powergrid Infra. (76) IF (543290) Ravikumar Distll (14) T (533294) Sakuma Exports (101) T 0.6 (532713)
Natco Pharma (70) A 0.3 (524816) Oriental Aromat. (22) B 1 (500078) Prabhat Tech. (91) B 0.3 (540027) Ravindra Energy (101) XT 0 . 3 ( 5 0 4 3 4 1 ) Salasar Techno (85) B 0.7 (540642)
Nath Bio-Genes (106) A 0.8 (537291) Oriental Carbon (22) A 0.6 (506579) Praj Industries (44) T 0.9 (522205) Raw Edge Indust. (101) B (541634) Salona Cotspin (94) B 0.5 (590056)
National Plastic (75) X 0.4 (531287) Oriental Hotels (57) B 0.8 (500314) Prakash Industri (85) A 1 (506022) Raymond (97) A 0.8 (500330) Salora Intl. (42) XT 0.3 (500370)
National Standar (31) XT (504882) Oriental Trimex (106) B 0.1 (532817) Prakash Pipes (75) B 0.9 (542684) RBL Bank (12) A 1.8 (540065) Salzer Electron. (39) B 0.8 (517059)
Natl. Aluminium (3) A 1 (532234) Orissa Minerals (59) B 0.8 (590086) Prakash Steelage (85) B 0.4 (533239) REC Ltd (52) A 1.1 (532955) Sam Industries (31) X 0.1 (532005)
Natl. Oxygen (22) XT 0.2 (507813) Ortin Labs. (70) B 0.9 (539287) Prakash Woollen (97) X 0.7 (531437) Redington India (101) A 0 . 8 ( 5 3 2 8 0 5 ) Sambandam Spg. (94) X (521240)
Natl. Peroxide (22) A 0.8 (500298) Osiajee Texfab (97) X (540198) Pranav. Spinning (94) X (531172) Refex Industries (22) B 0.9 (532884) Samrat Forgings (17) X 1.4 (543229)
Natl. Plastic (75) X 1 (526616) Oswal Green Tech (50) B 0.8 (539290) Prataap Snacks (53) A 0.3 (540724) Rel. Chemotex (99) X 0.8 (503162) Samrat Pharma (71) X (530125)
Natl.Fertilizer (49) A 0.6 (523630) Ovobel Foods (53) P 0.2 (530741) Prec. Wires (I) (59) B 0.8 (523539) Rel. Indl. Infra (45) A 1 (523445) Sanco Trans (106) X 0.6 (523116)
Natural Biocon (83) XT (543207) Precision Camshf (10) B 0.9 (539636) Relaxo Footwear (58) A 0.4 (530517) Sandesh (77) B 0.4 (526725)
Naturite Agro (53) X (538926)
P Prem. Explosives (22) T 0.3 (526247) Reliance Communi (90) B 0 . 5 ( 5 3 2 7 1 2 ) Sandhar Tech (10) B 0.5 (541163)
Nava Bharat Vent (108) A 0 . 7 ( 5 1 3 0 2 3 ) P & G Health Ltd (73) A 0.5 (500126) Prerna Infra. (31) X 0.7 (531802) Reliance Home (51) T 0.2 (540709) Sandu Pharma. (72) X 0.9 (524703)
Navin Fluo.Intl. (22) A 0.7 (532504) P & G Hygiene (66) A 0.2 (500459) Prestige Estates (31) A 1 (533274) Reliance Industr (80) A 0.9 (500325) Sandur Manganese (59) X 0 . 9 ( 5 0 4 9 1 8 )
Navkar Corporat. (106) B 0.8 (539332) P I Industries (67) A 0.7 (523642) Pricol Ltd (10) A 0.5 (540293) Reliance Infra. (45) T 0.8 (500390) Sangam India (99) B 0.5 (514234)
Navneet Educat. (77) A 0.6 (508989) Pacific Inds (106) X (523483) Prima Agro (106) XT (519262) Reliance Power (76) T 0.2 (532939) Sanghi Industrie (18) B 1.3 (526521)
Nazara Technolo. (28) B 1.2 (543280) Page Industries (97) A 0.8 (532827) Prime Focus (47) B 0.9 (532748) Religare Enterp. (50) A 0.8 (532915) Sanghvi Movers (45) B 0.9 (530073)
NBCC (31) A 1.1 (534309) Paisalo Digital (50) A 0.6 (532900) Prime Property (31) X 0.2 (530695) Remi Edelstahl (85) XT (513043) Sanjiv.Parant. (72) XT (531569)
NBI Indl. Fin. (N) (50) - Palash Securi. (50) B 0.3 (540648) Prime Urban (94) X (521149) Renaiss. Global (35) B 0.5 (532923) Sanofi India (73) A 0.2 (500674)
NCC (31) A 1.4 (500294) Palred Technolog (28) B 0 . 2 ( 5 3 2 5 2 1 ) Prince Pipes (75) A 0.7 (542907) Repco Home Fin (51) A 1 (535322) Saptarishi Agro (53) XT 0.2 (519238)
NCL Industries (19) A 1.2 (502168) Pan India Corpor (50) XT 0 . 1 ( 5 1 1 5 2 5 ) Prism Johnson (18) A 0.7 (500338) Repro India (77) B 0.4 (532687) Saraswati Commer (50) X 0 . 3 ( 5 1 2 0 2 0 )
NDTV (47) B 0.4 (532529) Panacea Biotec (70) A 0.4 (531349) Prismx Global (101) X (501314) Resonance Speci. (22) X 0.8 (524218) Sarda Energy (85) T 1.1 (504614)
Nectar Lifesci. (71) B 0.6 (532649) Panache Digilife (N) (26) - Prit Nandy Comm. (47) B 0 . 6 ( 5 3 2 3 8 7 ) Responsive Ind (75) A 0.6 (505509) Saregama India (47) T 0.9 (532163)
Nelcast (17) B 1.1 (532864) Panama Petrochem (69) B 1 . 3 ( 5 2 4 8 2 0 ) Pritika Auto (10) B 0.4 (539359) Restile Ceramics (21) X 0.5 (515085) Sarla Performanc (99) B 1 (526885)
NELCO (91) A 0.9 (504112) Panasonic Carbon (40) X 0 . 8 ( 5 0 8 9 4 1 ) Privi Speci. (22) A 0.2 (530117) Rexnord Electr. (39) X 0.6 (531888) Sarthak Industri (101) XT (531930)
Neogen Chemicals (22) A 0 . 5 ( 5 4 2 6 6 5 ) Panch.Organics (71) X 0.3 (531726) Prozone Intu (31) B 0.7 (534675) RHI Magnestia (81) A 0.9 (534076) Sasken Technol. (28) A 0.6 (532663)
NESCO (106) A 0.5 (505355) Panorama Studios (47) XT (539469) PSP Projects (31) A 0.4 (540544) Rico Auto Inds (10) A 0.9 (520008) Sastasundar Ven. (50) T 0.9 (533259)
Nestle India (54) A 0.4 (500790) Parag Milk Foods (53) A 1 (539889) PTC India (101) A 0.7 (532524) Riddhi Siddhi Gl (101) X 0 . 7 ( 5 2 4 4 8 0 ) Sat Industries (101) X 0.1 (511076)
Netwrk.18 Media (106) A 0 . 8 ( 5 3 2 7 9 8 ) Paramone Concept (28) X (531364) PTC India Fin (50) A 0.9 (533344) Rishi Techtex (62) X 0.5 (523021) Satia Industries (64) A 0.6 (539201)
Neuland Labs. (71) T 0.7 (524558) Paramount Comm. (15) T 0 . 8 ( 5 3 0 5 5 5 ) PTC Industries (17) XT 0.6 (539006) Rites (45) A 0.5 (541556) Satin Creditcare (50) A 0.9 (539404)
New India Assura (50) A 0.8 (540769) Parnax Lab (70) X 0.5 (506128) PTL Enterprises (106) B 0.7 (509220) Ritesh Intl. (22) XT 0.5 (519097) Saurashtra Cem. (18) X 0.8 (502175)
Newgen Software (28) T 0.6 (540900) Parsvnath Devl. (31) B 0.3 (532780) Pudumjee Paper (64) B 0.6 (539785) Ritesh Propertie (97) X 0.2 (526407) Saven Tech. (28) X 0.3 (532404)
NGL Fine Chem (71) XT 0.5 (524774) Parvati Sweetner (88) XT 0.2 (541347) Pun. & Sind Bank (11) B 0 . 8 ( 5 3 3 2 9 5 ) Rolex Rings (10) B (543325) Savita Oil Tech (69) B 0.5 (524667)
NHPC Ltd (76) A 0.5 (533098) Patel Engineerin (31) A 1 (531120) Punjab Alkalies (23) X 0.7 (506852) Rossari Biotech (22) B 0.6 (543213) Sayaji Hotels (57) XT 0.6 (523710)
NIIT (30) A 0.5 (500304) Patspin India (94) B (514326) Punjab Chemicals (22) B 0 . 6 ( 5 0 6 6 1 8 ) Rossell India (89) B 0.2 (533168) Sayaji Industr (106) X 0.2 (540728)
Nikhil Adhesives (22) X 0.6 (526159) Paul Merchants (50) X 0.5 (539113) Punjab Commun. (91) B (500346) Route Mobile (28) B 0.3 (543228) SBEC Sugar (88) XT (532102)
Nila Spaces (31) T 0.5 (542231) Paushak (67) T 0.6 (532742) Punjab Natl.Bank (11) A 1.1 (532461) Royal Orch.Hotel (57) B 1 (532699) SBI Cards (50) A 0.6 (543066)
Nilachal Refract (81) X (502294) PC Jeweller (35) A 0.9 (534809) Puravankara (31) B 1.1 (532891) Royale Manor (57) XT 0.8 (526640) SBI Life Insuran (50) A 0.5 (540719)
Nilkamal Ltd (75) A 0.7 (523385) PDS Multi. (97) B 0.5 (538730) Purple Entertain (47) X (540159) RPG LifeScience. (70) B 0.4 (532983) Schaeffler India (13) A 0.4 (505790)
Nimbus Projects (31) X 0.6 (511714) Pearl Global Ind (97) B 0.5 (532808) PVR (47) A 1.2 (532689) RPP Infra Proj. (31) B 1.1 (533284) Schneider Elect. (39) A 0.9 (534139)
Nippon Life Ind. (50) A 0.9 (540767) Pearl Polymers (75) B (523260) RPSG Ventures (28) A 0.6 (542333) Seacoast Ship. (101) X 0.2 (542753)
Niraj Cement (31) B 0.4 (532986) Pee Cee Cosma (34) X 0.8 (524136) Q RR Metalmakers (101) X (531667) SEAMEC Ltd (82) B 0.4 (526807)
Nirav Commercial (101) X (512425) Pennar Industrie (85) B 0.8 (513228) Quess Corp (108) A 0.8 (539978) RRIL (92) X (531307) Sequent Scien. (71) A 1 (512529)
Nirlon (31) A 0.4 (500307) Perfectpac (62) X 0.1 (526435) Quick Heal Tech (28) A 1 (539678) RSD Finance (50) X 0.3 (539875) Seshasayee Paper (64) A 0.5 (502450)
Nitin Castings (17) X 0.1 (508875) Persistent Sys (28) A 0.6 (533179) Quint Digital (101) X 0.3 (539515) RSWM Ltd (94) B 0.4 (500350) Seya Industries (22) B 0.6 (524324)
Nitin Spinners (94) T 0.4 (532698) Petronet LNG (106) A 0.6 (532522) RTS Power Corpn. (39) X 0 . 8 ( 5 3 1 2 1 5 ) Sh. Bajrang All. (85) X 0.3 (526981)
Pfizer (73) A 0.2 (500680)
R Sh. Digvijay Cem (18) B 0.7 (502180)
Nitiraj Engineer (N) (43) - Rubfila Intl. (106) X 1 (500367)
Niyogin Fintech (50) X 0.4 (538772) PG Electroplast (43) B 0.7 (533581) R C F (49) A 0.8 (524230) Ruby Mills (93) B 0.8 (503169) Sh. Hari Chem. (38) X 0.3 (524336)
NLC India (76) A 0.6 (513683) Phillips Carbon (22) A 0.9 (506590) R Systems Intl. (28) A 0.6 (532735) Ruchi Infrastr. (106) T 0.5 (509020) Sh. Jagdamba Pol (62) XT 0 . 3 ( 5 1 2 4 5 3 )
NMDC (59) A 1 (526371) Phoenix Intl. (58) XT 0.3 (526481) RACL Geartech (10) X 0.6 (520073) Ruchi Soya Inds. (83) B 0.7 (500368) Sh. Rama Multi. (62) B 0.8 (532310)
NOCIL (22) A 1 (500730) Phoenix Mills (31) A 0.9 (503100) Radhe Develop. (31) X 0.6 (531273) Ruchira Papers (64) B 0.7 (532785) Sh.Global Trad. (101) XT (512463)
Novartis India (73) A 0.5 (500672) Phoenix Township (57) X 0 . 3 ( 5 3 7 8 3 9 ) Radico Khaitan (14) A 0.7 (532497) Rudra Global (85) T 0.1 (539226) Sh.Pushkar Chem. (38) B 1 (539334)
NRB Bearings (13) A 0.9 (530367) Phosphate Co (49) XT 0.1 (542123) Raghav Product. (85) B 0.5 (539837) Rudrabhish. Ent. (N) (31) - Sh.Renuka Sugar (88) T 0.5 (532670)
NTC Industries (24) X 0.4 (526723) Pidilite Inds. (22) A 0.6 (500331) Rail Vikas (31) A 0.7 (542649) Rupa & Co (97) A 0.8 (533552) Shah Alloys (85) T 0.6 (513436)
NTPC (76) A 0.7 (532555) Pilani Invest. (50) A 0.6 (539883) Railtel Corpn. (90) B 0.9 (543265) Rushil Decor (106) B 0.8 (533470) Shahlon Silk (97) X 0.1 (542862)
Nucleus Soft. (28) A 0.6 (531209) Pioneer Distil. (14) B 0.6 (531879) Rain Industries (101) A 1 (500339) Ruttonsha Intl. (43) X 0.3 (517035) Shaily Engineer. (75) XT 0 . 7 ( 5 0 1 4 2 3 )
Nureca (101) B (543264) Pioneer Invest (50) X 0.8 (507864) Raj Oil Mills (83) B 0.4 (533093) Shakti Pumps (78) B 1 (531431)
NxtDigital (47) B 0.7 (500189) Piramal Enterp. (70) A 1.5 (500302) Raj Television (47) T 0.4 (532826) S Shalby (56) B 0.9 (540797)
Pitti Engg. (44) B 0.5 (513519) Raja Bahadur Int (31) XT (503127) S A I L (84) A 1.1 (500113) Shalimar Paints (63) B 1.1 (509874)
O Pix Transmission (106) X 0 . 7 ( 5 0 0 3 3 3 ) Rajapalayam Mill (94) X 0.3 (532503) S C I (82) A 0.8 (523598) Shalimar Prod. (47) X 0.1 (512499)
O N G C (61) A 0.9 (500312) Plastiblends (I) (22) B 0.5 (523648) Rajesh Exports (35) A 0.4 (531500) S Chand & Compan (77) B0 . 5 ( 5 4 0 4 9 7 ) Shankara Build. (101) A 0.9 (540425)
Oberoi Realty (31) A 0.6 (533273) PMC Fincorp (50) XT 0.5 (534060) Rajnandini Metal (N) (101) - S E Power (106) B 0.6 (534598) Shanthi Gears (10) B 0.6 (522034)
Oceanic Foods (53) T 0.2 (540405) PNB Gilts (50) B 0.5 (532366) Rajratan Global (85) T 0.2 (517522) S H Kelkar & Co. (22) A 0.9 (539450) Sharda Cropchem (67) A 0.7 (538666)
Odyssey Tech. (28) X (530175) PNB Housing (51) T 1.1 (540173) Rallis India (67) A 0.6 (500355) S P Apparels (97) B 0.8 (540048) Sharda Ispat (85) XT 0.2 (513548)
Oil India (61) A 0.6 (533106) PNC Infratech (31) A 0.7 (539150) Ram Info (28) X 0.3 (530951) S P I C (49) B 0.8 (590030) Sharda Motor (10) T 0.6 (535602)
Olectra Greentec (91) T 1 (532439) POCL Enterprises (22) X 0.3 (539195) Ram Ratna Wires (59) X 0.7 (522281) S S Organics (71) P (524636) Share India Sec. (50) B 0.8 (540725)
Omaxe (31) A 0.5 (532880) Poddar Pigments (22) B 0.6 (524570) Rama Paper Mills (64) XT (500357) S T C (101) B 0.5 (512531) Shashijit Infra. (31) T 0.2 (540147)
Omkar Pharmachem (22) XT (532167) Pokarna (106) B 0.7 (532486) Rama Phosphates (49) X 1 . 1 ( 5 2 4 0 3 7 ) S.M. Gold (35) B (542034) Sheela Foam (100) A 0.4 (540203)
Omkar Spl.Chem. (22) B 0.4 (533317) Polo Queen Ind. (101) X 0 . 4 ( 5 4 0 7 1 7 ) Rama Steel Tubes (85) T 0 . 5 ( 5 3 9 3 0 9 ) Saboo Sodium (53) XT (530461) Shekhawati Poly. (96) T (533301)
Onelife Capital (50) T 0.3 (533632) Poly Medicure (56) A 0.3 (531768) Ramco Inds. (20) A 0.4 (532369) Sadbhav Engg. (31) A 1.1 (532710) Shervani Indl Sy (31) X 0.3 (526117)
OnMobile Global (90) B 0.5 (532944) Polycab India (15) A 0.5 (542652) Ramco Systems (28) A 0.8 (532370) Sadbhav Infra. (31) B 1.2 (539346) Shetron (62) XT 0.5 (526137)
Onward Technolog (28) B 0 . 9 ( 5 1 7 5 3 6 ) Polychem (69) X (506605) Ramkrishna Forg. (17) A 0.8 (532527) Sadhana Nitro (38) X (506642) Shilp Gravures (59) X 0.8 (513709)
Optiemus Infra. (101) T 0.9 (530135) Polymechplast Ma (44) X 0 . 6 ( 5 2 6 0 4 3 ) Ramky Infra (31) T 0.9 (533262) Safari Inds. (60) A 0.6 (523025) Shilpa Medicare (71) A 0.7 (530549)
Opto Circuits (56) T 0.5 (532391) Polyplex Corpn (62) A 0.6 (524051) Rana Sugars (88) T 0.5 (507490) Sagar Cements (19) A 0.7 (502090) Shish Industries (75) B (540693)
Oracle Fin.Serv. (28) A 0.5 (532466) Ponni Sug.Erode (88) T 0.6 (532460) Rane (Madras) (10) B 0.7 (532661) Sagardeep Alloys (N) (59) - Shiva Cement (19) X 0.5 (532323)
Orbit Exports (96) B 0.8 (512626) Pooja Entertain (47) XT 0.1 (532011) Rane Brake Lin. (10) B 0.5 (532987) SagarSoft (India (28) X 0.3 (540143) Shiva Global (49) XT 0.9 (530433)
Orchid Pharma (71) T 0.4 (524372) Poona Dal & Oil (83) X 0.1 (519359) Rane Holdings (50) A 1 (505800) Sahara Housing (51) X 0.5 (511533) Shiva Mills (99) B 0.3 (540961)
Subscribe at
Shivalik Bimetal (43) B 0.8 (513097) Stanrose Mafat. (50) X 0.4 (506105) Tata Comm (90) A 0.5 (500483) TTK Healthcare (70) B 0.8 (507747) Vishal Fabrics (96) B (538598)
Shivalik Rasayan (67) X 0.4 (539148) Star Cement (18) A 0.6 (540575) Tata Consumer (89) A 0.7 (500800) TTK Prestige (36) A 0.4 (517506) Vishnu Chemicals (22) B 0 . 5 ( 5 1 6 0 7 2 )
Shoppers Stop (97) A 0.9 (532638) Star Delta Trans (39) X 0.3 (539255) Tata Elxsi (28) A 0.6 (500408) Tube Investments (33) A 0.6 (540762) Vishwaraj Sugar (88) B 0.1 (542852)
Shree Cement (18) A 1 (500387) Star Paper Mills (64) B 0.8 (516022) Tata Inv.Corpn. (50) A 0.7 (501301) TV18 Broadcast (47) A 0.9 (532800) Vivid Global (38) X 0.5 (524576)
Shree Ganesh Bio (70) X 0.1 (539470) Steel Exchange (101) B 0.7 (534748) Tata Metaliks (87) A 0.9 (513434) TVS Motor Co. (9) A 0.8 (532343) Vivimed Labs. (70) B 0.4 (532660)
Shree Ganesh Rem (70) B 0 . 9 ( 5 4 0 7 3 7 ) Steel Str. Wheel (10) B 1 (513262) Tata Motors (5) A 1.6 (500570) TVS Srichakra (105) A 0.8 (509243) VJTF Eduservices (106) XT (509026)
Shree Rama News. (64) B 0 . 6 ( 5 0 0 3 5 6 ) Steel Strips Inf (31) XT 0.3 (513173) Tata Motors-DVR (5) A 1.5 (570001) Tyroon Tea Co. (89) X 0.2 (526945) VLS Finance (50) B 0.7 (511333)
Shreyans Inds. (64) B 0.8 (516016) Steelcast (17) X 0.4 (513517) Tata Power Co. (76) A 1.2 (500400) VMS Industries (106) XT 0 . 7 ( 5 3 3 4 2 7 )
Shreyas Shipping (82) B 0 . 9 ( 5 2 0 1 5 1 ) Sterling & Wils. (45) A 0.9 (542760) Tata Steel (84) A 1.1 (500470)
U Vodafone Idea (90) A 0.9 (532822)
Shri Keshav (19) X 0.1 (530977) Sterling Tools (48) B 0.8 (530759) Tata Steel BSL (84) T 1.1 (500055) UCO Bank (11) A 0.6 (532505) Voith Paper (97) X 0.5 (522122)
Shri.City Union. (50) A 1.2 (532498) Sterlite Tech. (16) A 0.9 (532374) Tata Steel Long (86) T 0.9 (513010) Udaipur Cement (18) X 0.9 (530131) Volt.Transform. (39) A 0.6 (532757)
Shriram EPC (45) B 0.5 (532945) STL Global (96) B 0.2 (532730) Tata Tele. Mah. (90) T 0.4 (532371) Uflex (62) A 0.6 (500148) Voltas (2) A 0.8 (500575)
Shriram Pistons (N) (10) - Stove Kraft (36) B 0.8 (543260) Tatia Global (31) XT (521228) Ugar Sugar Works (88) B 0 . 7 ( 5 3 0 3 6 3 ) VRL Logistics (106) A 0.8 (539118)
Shriram Trans. (50) A 1.4 (511218) Stovec Inds. (92) X 0.2 (504959) Tatva Chintan (22) B (543321) Ugro Capital (50) B 0.6 (511742) VST Industries (24) A 0.4 (509966)
Shyam Metalics (85) B (543299) Strides Pharma (70) A 0.7 (532531) TCFC Finance (50) X 0.4 (532284) Ujjivan Fin.Ser. (50) A 0.9 (539874) VST Till. Tract. (7) A 0.7 (531266)
Sical Logistics (106) B 0.7 (520086) Stylam Industrie (106) B 0.1 (526951) TCI Express (32) A 0.4 (540212) Ujjivan Small (12) A 0.8 (542904)
Siemens (39) A 0.9 (500550) Subex (28) B 0.6 (532348) TCM (22) X 0.4 (524156) Ultramarine Pig. (38) X 0.9 (506685) W
SIL Investments (50) T 0.7 (521194) Subros (10) A 0.7 (517168) TCNS Clothing Co (97) A 0 . 4 ( 5 4 1 7 0 0 ) UltraTech Cem. (18) A 1 (532538) W H Brady (101) X 0.5 (501391)
Silly Monks (N) (47) - Sudarshan Chem. (38) A 0.7 (506655) TCPL Packaging (62) B 0.6 (523301) Unichem Labs. (70) A 0.5 (506690) Waaree Renewab. (76) X (534618)
Simbhaoli Sugar (88) T 0.4 (539742) Sukhjit Starch (106) X 0.6 (524542) TCS (27) A 0.6 (532540) Unick Fix-A-Form (77) XT (541503) WABCO India (10) A 0.4 (533023)
Simplex Castings (17) XT 0 . 1 ( 5 1 3 4 7 2 ) Sulabh Engineers (50) X 0 . 1 ( 5 0 8 9 6 9 ) TD Power Systems (39) B 1 (533553) Union Bank (I) (11) A 0.8 (532477) Walchan. Inds. (44) B 0.9 (507410)
Simplex Infra (31) B 0.5 (523838) Sumedha Fiscal (50) X 0.6 (530419) Team Lease Serv. (106) A 0 . 5 ( 5 3 9 6 5 8 ) Uniphos Enter. (101) B 0.6 (500429) Walchand People (106) X 0 . 3 ( 5 0 1 3 7 0 )
Simplex Realty (31) X 0.6 (503229) Sumeet Industrie (95) T 0.4 (514211) Tech Mahindra (27) A 0.7 (532755) United Breweries (14) A 0.6 (532478) Wall Street Fin. (50) X 0.6 (511147)
Simran Farms (106) X 0.4 (519566) Sumitomo Chemi. (67) A 0 . 7 ( 5 4 2 9 2 0 ) Techno Elec.Engg (45) A 0 . 8 ( 5 4 2 1 4 1 ) United Drilling (44) B 0.3 (522014) Wallfort Fin. (50) XT 0.6 (532053)
Sindhu Trade (106) XT 0.1 (532029) Summit Securitie (50) B 0.5 (533306) Technocraf.Inds. (85) B 0.8 (532804) United Spirits (14) B 0.8 (532432) Wardwizard Inno. (31) XT 0 . 4 ( 5 3 8 9 7 0 )
Sintercom India (N) (10) - Sun Pharma.Inds. (70) A 0 . 8 ( 5 2 4 7 1 5 ) Technvision Ven. (28) XT (501421) United Van Der (106) XT (522091) Waterbase (4) A 0.9 (523660)
Sintex Plastics (75) B 0.4 (540653) Sun TV Network (47) A 0.9 (532733) Tejas Networks (90) T 0.8 (540595) Univastu India (N) (31) - Wealth First Por (N) (50) -
Sir Shadi Lal (88) XT (532879) Sundaram Clayton (10) A 0 . 7 ( 5 2 0 0 5 6 ) Tejnaksh Health. (56) B 0.5 (539428) Universal Cables (15) B 0.9 (504212) Welcast Steels (1) X (504988)
Sirca Paints (N) (101) - Sundaram Fin.Hol (N) (50) - Tembo Global (N) (101) - Universal Starch (106) XT 0 . 1 ( 5 2 4 4 0 8 ) Welspun Corp (85) A 1 (532144)
SIS (106) A 0.5 (540673) Sundaram Finance (50) B 0 . 6 ( 5 9 0 0 7 1 ) Tera Software (28) T 0.5 (533982) UPL (67) A 0.8 (512070) Welspun Enterp (31) A 1 (532553)
Siyaram Silk (96) B 1 (503811) Sundram Fasten. (48) A 0.6 (500403) Terai Tea Co (89) X 0.3 (530533) Upsurge Invest. (50) X 0.3 (531390) Welspun India (97) A 0.8 (514162)
SJVN (76) A 0.4 (533206) Sunedison Infra. (76) X 0.2 (531260) Texmaco Infrast. (31) B 0.7 (505400) Usha Martin (85) A 0.9 (517146) Welspun Special. (85) X 0.5 (500365)
SKF India (13) A 0.5 (500472) Sunflag Iron (85) A 1.4 (500404) Texmaco Rail (44) A 0.7 (533326) Ushdev Intl. (101) X (511736) Wendt India (1) B 0.5 (505412)
Skipper (44) B 0.8 (538562) Sunteck Realty (31) A 1.1 (512179) TGB Banquets (57) B 0.3 (532845) UTI AMC (50) B 0.5 (543238) West Coast Paper (64) A 0.9 (500444)
SKP Securities (50) X 0.1 (531169) Super Spinning (94) T 0.3 (521180) TGV Sraac (23) X 1.1 (507753) Uttam Sug.Mills (88) T 0.7 (532729) West Leisure (50) XT 0.3 (538382)
Sky Industries (97) X 0.3 (526479) Superior Indus. (83) XT (519234) Thacker & Co. (101) XT (509945) Westlife Develop (57) A 0.3 (505533)
Skyline Millars (44) XT 0.3 (505650) Suprajit Engg. (10) A 0.8 (532509) Thakkers Develp. (31) X 0.2 (526654)
V Wheels India (10) B 0.6 (590073)
SMC Global Sec. (50) B 0.3 (543263) Supreme Engg. (N) (85) - Thangamayil Jew. (35) B 0 . 9 ( 5 3 3 1 5 8 ) V I P Inds. (60) A 0.7 (507880) Whirlpool India (36) A 0.4 (500238)
SMIFS Cap. Mkt. (50) X 0.3 (508905) Supreme Inds. (75) A 0.3 (509930) The Anup Enginee (44) B 0 . 3 ( 5 4 2 4 6 0 ) V-Guard Industri (39) A 0.3 (532953) Wim Plast (75) X 0.7 (526586)
Smiths & Founder (17) X 0 . 1 ( 5 1 3 4 1 8 ) Supreme Petroch. (69) T 0.6 (500405) The Byke Hospi. (57) B 0.6 (531373) V-Mart Retail (101) A 0.5 (534976) Windlas Biotech (72) B (543329)
SML ISUZU (5) A 1 (505192) Surana Solar (39) B 0.5 (533298) The Hi-Tech Gear (10) B 0.7 (522073) V2 Retail (97) B 0.9 (532867) Winsome Brew. (14) XT 0.4 (526471)
Smruthi Organic (71) X 0.3 (540686) Surya Roshni (84) A 1.1 (500336) The Invest.Trust (50) B 0.3 (530023) Va Tech Wabag (44) A 1 (533269) Wipro (27) A 0.7 (507685)
SMS Lifesciences (70) B 0.7 (540679) Suryaamba Spinni (99) X (533101) The Ramco Cement (19) A 0 . 9 ( 5 0 0 2 6 0 ) Vaarad Ventures (50) X (532320) Wires & Fabriks (97) X (507817)
SMS Pharma. (71) B 0.7 (532815) Suryoday Small (12) B 0.4 (543279) Themis Medicare (70) B 0.5 (530199) Vadilal Enterp. (101) XT 0.2 (519152) Wockhardt (70) A 0.9 (532300)
Snowman Logistic (106) A0 . 5 ( 5 3 8 6 3 5 ) Sutlej Textiles (94) B 0.9 (532782) Thermax (44) A 0.5 (500411) Vadilal Inds. (53) B (519156) Wonderla Holiday (79) A 0 . 7 ( 5 3 8 2 6 8 )
Sobha (31) A 1.2 (532784) Suumaya Indust. (N) (101) - Thirumalai Chem. (22) A 0.9 (500412) Vaibhav Global (35) A 0.7 (532156) WPIL (78) X 0.5 (505872)
Solar Industries (22) A 0.5 (532725) Suven Life Scie. (71) A 1 (530239) Thomas Cook (I) (104) A 0 . 6 ( 5 0 0 4 1 3 ) Vakrangee (29) A 1.1 (511431)
Valiant Commun. (91) X 0.5 (526775)
Solara Active (70) A 0.4 (541540) Suven Pharma (70) A 0.6 (543064) Thyrocare Tech. (56) A 0.3 (539871)
Som Datt Finance (50) XT (511571) Suvidhaa Info. (106) B 0.8 (543281) Tide Water Oil (22) T 0.4 (590005) Valiant Organics (22) B 0.4 (540145) Xchanging Sol. (28) B 0.5 (532616)
Som Distilleries (14) B 0.7 (507514) Suyog Telematics (102) B 0 . 1 ( 5 3 7 2 5 9 ) Tilaknagar Inds. (14) T 0.3 (507205) Vardhman Acrylic (N) (95) - Xelpmoc Design (28) T 0.5 (542367)
Somany Ceramics (21) T 1 (531548) Suzlon Energy (39) A 0.5 (532667) Time Technoplast (75) A 0 . 7 ( 5 3 2 8 5 6 ) Vardhman Hold. (50) B 0.7 (500439) XT Global Infot. (28) X 0.7 (531225)
Somany Home Inn. (101) T 1 ( 5 4 2 9 0 5 ) Svaraj Trading (101) X 0.1 (503624) Times Guaranty (50) B (511559) Vardhman Polytex (94) T 0 . 3 ( 5 1 4 1 7 5 )
Vardhman Special (85) B 0 . 7 ( 5 3 4 3 9 2 )
Somi Conv.Belt. (106) B 0.5 (533001) Svarnim Trade Ud (101) X (539911) Timex Group (106) X 0.8 (500414)
Vardhman Textile (94) A 0.6 (502986) Yaarii Digital (101) T 0.9 (533520)
Sona BLW Precis. (17) B (543300) SVC Industries (69) XT 0.3 (524488) Timken India (13) A 0.6 (522113)
Varroc Engineer (10) A 0.8 (541578) Yamini Invest (50) XT 0.1 (511012)
Sonal Mercantile (50) X (538943) SVP Global (101) B 0.6 (505590) Tinna Rubber (101) X 0.4 (530475)
Varun Beverages (53) A 0.3 (540180) Yamuna Syndicate (101) X 0 . 2 ( 5 4 0 9 8 0 )
Sonata Software (28) A 0.4 (532221) Swan Energy (97) A 0.6 (503310) Tinplate Co. (59) A 1.1 (504966)
Vascon Engineers (31) B 0 . 8 ( 5 3 3 1 5 6 ) Yash Chemex (101) B (539939)
SORIL Infra (106) B 1.4 (532679) Swaraj Engines (46) A 0.3 (500407) Tips Industries (47) T 0.6 (532375)
Vaswani Industri (86) B 0.4 (533576) Yash Pakka (64) X 0.7 (516030)
Source Natural (70) X 0.3 (531398) Swarnsarita Gems (35) X 1 (526365) Tirupati Sarjan (31) X 0.7 (531814)
VBC Ferro Alloys (59) XT 0 . 2 ( 5 1 3 0 0 5 ) Yasho Industries (22) B 0.4 (541167)
South Ind.Bank (12) A 0.7 (532218) Swasti Vinayaka (101) X 0.2 (510245) Titagarh Wagons (44) A 0.9 (532966)
Vedanta (59) A 0.9 (500295) Yes Bank (12) A 1.1 (532648)
Spaceage Product (101) XT (538920) Swastika Investm (50) X 0.5 (530585) Titan Biotech (70) X 0.6 (524717)
Veejay Lak. Eng. (92) X 0.3 (522267) Yuken India (44) X 0.4 (522108)
Spandana Sphoort (50) A 1 (542759) Swiss Military (50) XT 0.2 (523558) Titan Company (35) A 0.8 (500114)
Veeram Securit. (35) B (540252)
SPARC (106) A 0.9 (532872) Symphony (36) A 0.5 (517385) Titan Securities (50) XT 0.1 (530045) Z
Speciality Rest. (57) B 0.8 (534425) Syncom Formul. (72) X 0.5 (524470) Torrent Pharma. (70) A 0.4 (500420) Venky’s (India) (106) A 0.7 (523261)
Venus Remedies (72) B 0.2 (526953) Z F Steering (10) X 0.5 (505163)
Spel Semiconduct (26) XT 0 . 5 ( 5 1 7 1 6 6 ) Syngene Intl. (70) A 0.4 (539268) Torrent Power (76) A 0.6 (532779)
Veritas (India) (101) XT 0.1 (512229) Zeal Aqua (4) T 0.2 (539963)
Spencer’s Retail (101) A 0.9 (542337) Systematix Corp. (50) X 0.3 (526506) Tour. Fin. Corp. (52) B 0.6 (526650)
Vesuvius India (81) A 0.4 (520113) Zee Entertainmen (47) A 1.2 (505537)
SpiceJet (103) A 1 (500285) Toyam Industries (101) XT0 . 4 ( 5 3 8 6 0 7 )
Sportking India (99) XT 0.4 (539221)
T Trans Fin. Res. (31) XT (526961) Vibrant Glo. Cap (50) T (538732) Zee Learn (30) B 0.8 (533287)
Victoria Mills (31) X 0.5 (503349) Zee Media (47) B 0.4 (532794)
Sr.Rayala.Hypo (22) B 1 (532842) T B Z (35) B 1.1 (534369) Transchem (71) X 0.7 (500422)
Vidhi Specialty (38) B 0.7 (531717) Zen Technologies (28) B 0 . 8 ( 5 3 3 3 3 9 )
Sreeleathers (58) B 0.4 (535601) T N Newsprint (64) A 0.8 (531426) Transgene Biotek (56) XT 0 . 2 ( 5 2 6 1 3 9 )
Vijay Solvex (83) XT (531069) Zenith Exports (97) B 0.6 (512553)
SREI Infra. Fin. (50) T 0.9 (523756) T N Petro Prod. (22) B 0.6 (500777) Transpek Inds. (22) X 0.5 (506687)
Vikas Ecotech (75) B 0.3 (530961) Zenith Fibres (95) XT 0.4 (514266)
SRF (95) A 0.8 (503806) T N Telecom. (16) T (523419) Transport Corp. (106) A 0.6 (532349)
Vikas Lifecare (101) T 0.4 (542655) Zenith Health (72) XT 0.2 (530665)
SRG Housing (51) X 0.8 (534680) T.V. Today Netw. (47) A 0.5 (532515) Tree House Edu. (106) T 0 . 2 ( 5 3 3 5 4 0 )
Vikas Proppant (106) B 0.8 (531518) Zenlabs Ethica (101) X 0.3 (530697)
Sri Havisha (106) T (531322) TajGVK Hotels (57) A 0.7 (532390) Trejhara Solutio (28) B (542233)
Vikram Thermo (70) X 0.8 (530477) Zensar Tech. (28) A 0.4 (504067)
Sri KPR Inds. (75) X (514442) Take Solutions (28) A 1.1 (532890) Trent (101) A 0.7 (500251)
Vimta Labs (106) B 0.5 (524394) Zim Laboratories (72) XT 0 . 3 ( 5 4 1 4 0 0 )
Sri Nacha. Cott. (94) XT (521234) Tanfac Inds. (22) X 0.8 (506854) Trescon (106) X 0.1 (532159)
Vinati Organics (22) A 0.6 (524200) Zodiac Vent. (106) XT 0.3 (503641)
Srikalahas. Pip. (85) A 0.5 (513605) Tanla Platforms (28) T 0.3 (532790) Trident (97) A 0.9 (521064)
Vindhya Telelink (16) A 0.7 (517015) Zomato Ltd (106) B (543320)
SSPDL Ltd (31) X 0.2 (530821) TARC Ltd (31) T 0.5 (543249) Trigyn Techno. (28) B 1 (517562)
Vippy Spinpro (94) X 0.2 (514302) Zota Health Care (N) (70) -
St Bk of India (11) A 1.5 (500112) Tarmat (31) B 0.7 (532869) Trio Merc. Trad. (101) X 0.2 (534755)
Virat Industries (97) X 0.5 (530521) Zuari Agro Chem. (49) T 0.8 (534742)
Stampade Cap-DVR (50) T 0 . 3 ( 5 7 0 0 0 5 ) Tasty Bite Eat. (53) A 0.3 (519091) Triton Valves (10) X 0.6 (505978)
Visagar Polytex (101) B (506146) Zuari Global (31) T 0.7 (500780)
Stampede Cap. (50) T 0.2 (531723) Tata Chemicals (22) A 0.8 (500770) Triven.Engg.Ind. (88) A 0.7 (532356)
Visaka Industrie (20) B 0.7 (509055) Zydus Wellness (53) A 0.2 (531335)
Standard Surfact (34) XT 0 . 2 ( 5 2 6 2 3 1 ) Tata Coffee (89) A 0.7 (532301) Triveni Turbine (39) A 0.8 (533655)
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Company Dt. of Cl, Rec. Dt. Purpose Company Dt. of Cl, Rec. Dt. Purpose Company Dt. of Cl, Rec. Dt. Purpose
21st Cent. Prin. 21.08 to 27.08 AGM & 73.5% Fin.Div Ganesha Ecosphe. 29.08 to 04.09 AGM & 20% Div Nath Bio-Genes 22.08 to 27.08 AGM & 20% Fin.Div
3M India 21.08 to 26.08 AGM Gateway Distr. 31.08 to 06.09 AGM Nava Bharat Vent 21.08 to 27.08 AGM
Action Const.Eq. 27.08 to 03.09 AGM & 25% Fin.Div Gloster Ltd 25.08 to 31.08 AGM & 250% Div Orient Paper 21.08 to 27.08 AGM & 25% Div
AIA Engineering 28.08 to 03.09 AGM & 450% Div Guj. Ambuja Exp 21.08 to 31.08 AGM & 60% Fin.Div Panama Petrochem 31.08 to 02.09 AGM & 100% Fin.Div
Apollo Hospitals 21.08 to 31.08 AGM & 60% Div Hatsun Agro 31.08 to 01.09 AGM PNB Housing 28.08 to 03.09 AGM
Apollo Pipes 26.08 to 02.09 AGM Hikal 27.08 to 02.09 AGM Poddar Pigments 02.09 to 08.09 AGM & 25% Fin.Div
Apollo Tricoat 26.08 to 02.09 AGM Himatsing. Seide 22.08 to 28.08 AGM & 10% Fin.Div Power Fin.Corpn. 02.09 to 21.09 AGM
Arihant Super. 22.08 to 28.08 AGM HLE Glascoat 01.09 to 03.09 AGM & 40% Div PPAP Automotive 28.08 to 02.09 AGM & 10% Fin.Div
Ashiana Housing 04.09 to 08.09 AGM & 20% Fin.Div India Cements 02.09 to 08.09 AGM & 10% Div Prec. Wires (I) 26.08 to 01.09 AGM & 40% Fin.Div
Ashok Leyland 02.09 to 08.09 AGM & 60% Fin.Div India Motor Part 01.09 to 08.09 AGM & 100% Div Ramkrishna Forg. 04.09 to 11.09 AGM
Astral 25.08 to 31.08 AGM & 100% Fin.Div Indian Energy Ex 27.08 to 02.09 AGM Resonance Speci. 21.08 to 26.08 AGM
Aurobindo Pharma 24.08 to 26.08 AGM Info Edg.(India) 21.08 to 27.08 AGM Rossell India 02.09 to 09.09 AGM & 15% Fin.Div
Balaji Telefilms 25.08 to 31.08 AGM Interglobe Aviat 25.08 to 31.08 AGM Rupa & Co 25.08 to 31.08 AGM, 200% Spl &
Bannari Amm.Sug. 03.09 to 09.09 AGM & 100% Div Ipca Labs. 28.08 to 02.09 AGM 300% Div
Benares Hotels 27.08 to 07.09 AGM J B Chem & Pharm 03.09 to 09.09 AGM & 400% Fin.Div Sarda Energy 23.08 to 27.08 AGM & 75% Fin.Div
Bengal & Assam 01.09 to 08.09 AGM & 75% Div JCT 25.08 to 31.08 AGM Selan Expl. Tech 31.08 to 07.09 AGM
Berger Paints 21.08 to 27.08 AGM & 280% Div Jenburkt Pharma 01.09 to 07.09 AGM & 102% Div Sharda Motor 21.08 to 27.08 AGM & 131.5% Fin.Div
Birla Tyres 25.08 to 31.08 AGM JK Agri Genetics 01.09 to 07.09 AGM & 15% Div Snowman Logistic 26.08 to 03.09 AGM
Bombay Dyeing 03.09 to 09.09 AGM JK Tyre & Indust 21.08 to 27.08 AGM & 100% Div Solar Industries 21.08 to 31.08 AGM & 300% Fin.Div
Britannia Inds. 01.09 to 06.09 AGM KCP 28.08 to 03.09 AGM & 200% Div Solara Active 21.08 to 25.08 AGM & 30% Div
Capacit’e Infra. 01.09 to 07.09 AGM K P R Mill Ltd 03.09 to 09.09 AGM & 15% Fin.Div SRG Housing 27.08 to 03.09 AGM
CCL Products 21.08 to 26.08 100% Fin.Div Kakatiya Cement 27.08 to 02.09 AGM & 30% Fin.Div Sterlite Tech. 24.08 to 26.08 AGM & 100% Fin.Div
Century Plyboard 02.09 to 08.09 AGM & 100% Fin.Div Kalyani Steels 28.08 to 03.09 AGM & 150% Div Sun Pharma.Inds. 25.08 to 31.08 AGM & 200% Fin.Div
Chambal Fert. 25.08 to 26.08 AGM & 45% Fin.Div Kanchi Karpooram 28.08 to 03.09 AGM & 40% Div Sundaram Finance 26.08 to 06.09 AGM & 60% Fin.Div
D-Link India 21.08 to 27.08 AGM & 90% Fin.Div KEI Industries 02.09 to 08.09 AGM Sunflag Iron 04.09 to 13.09 AGM
DCM Shriram Inds 27.08 to 08.09 AGM & 25% Fin.Div Kitex Garments 01.09 to 07.09 AGM & 150% Fin.Div Suprajit Engg. 28.08 to 03.09 AGM & 100% Fin.Div
Dhampur Sugar 24.08 to 30.08 AGM Kokuyo Camlin 27.08 to 31.08 AGM TRIL 04.09 to 07.09 AGM & 10% Fin.Div
Edelweiss.Fin. 28.08 to 02.09 AGM & 55% Fin.Div Kovai Medical 04.09 to 16.09 AGM & 30% Fin.Div TPL Plastech 03.09 to 09.09 AGM & 35% Fin.Div
Electrost.Cast. 28.08 to 03.09 AGM & 25% Div Lumax Auto Tech. 24.08 to 31.08 AGM & 150% Fin.Div TVS Srichakra 27.08 to 09.09 AGM & 300% Div
Emami Paper 21.08 to 27.08 AGM Lumax Industries 24.08 to 31.08 AGM & 70% Fin.Div Ugro Capital 26.08 to 01.09 AGM
ERIS Lifescience 25.08 to 25.08 AGM MRPL 27.08 to 04.09 AGM Vakrangee 24.08 to 30.08 AGM & 10% Fin.Div
Fermenta Biotec. 27.08 to 03.09 AGM & 50% Fin.Div Macrotech Devel. 26.08 to 03.09 AGM Victory Paper 31.08 to 06.09 AGM
GNFC 21.08 to 25.08 AGM & 80% Div Majesco 01.09 to 06.09 AGM VST Till. Tract. 21.08 to 27.08 AGM & 200% Fin.Div
Gallantt Ispat 25.08 to 31.08 AGM Maral Overseas 25.08 to 31.08 AGM Welspun Enterp 21.08 to 23.08 AGM & 15% Fin.Div
Gallantt Metal 25.08 to 31.08 AGM Multi Comm. Exc. 28.08 to 03.09 AGM & 276% Fin.Div Z F Steering 21.08 to 28.08 AGM
Company Ratio Dt. of Cl, Rec. Dt, XR, XB, SS Company Ratio Dt. of Cl, Rec. Dt, XR, XB, SS
Rajnandini Metal Ltd 1 : 2 R.D. 03/09/2021 Smart Finsec Ltd 1 : 10 R.D. 31/08/2021
XB from 02/09/2021 SS from 30/08/2021
Swasti Vinayaka Synthetics Ltd 2 : 7 R.D. 24/08/2021
XB from 23/08/2021
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The following are fundamentally strong companies identified by Capital Market analysts. The list is constantly reviewed and updated,
adding scrips with upward potential and removing those that have, in our opinion, exhausted their run.
NO. 16-08-2021 YEAR EPS (Rs) NO. 16-08-2021 YEAR EPS (Rs)
Aditya Birla Cap 50 114 202106 5.1 * 22.4 Kalpataru Power 102 427 202106 37.4 * 11.4
Ador Welding 41 711 202106 14.1 * 50.3 Kanpur Plastipa. 62 243 202106 24.5 9.9
Advanced Enzyme 22 384 202106 13.4 * 28.6 Kansai Nerolac 63 629 202106 11.3 * 55.6
Akzo Nobel 63 2226 202106 66.7 * 33.4 KEI Industries 15 741 202106 33.5 * 22.1
Ambika Cotton 94 1523 202106 172.5 8.8 Kotak Mah. Bank 12 1781 202106 50.2 * 35.5
Apollo Pipes 75 1339 202106 39.1 34.3 KSB 78 1176 202106 41.9 * 28.1
Asian Paints 63 2972 202106 36.4 * 81.7 L & T Infotech 27 4773 202106 115.1 * 41.5
Atul Auto 8 206 202106 -3.7 * 0.0 L G Balakrishnan 10 463 202106 51.8 * 8.9
Automotive Axles 10 1232 202106 34.0 36.3 Larsen & Toubro 45 1656 202106 40.9 * 40.5
Axis Bank 12 762 202106 27.6 * 27.6 LIC Housing Fin. 51 393 202106 41 * 9.6
Bajaj Auto 8 3748 202106 194.6 * 19.3 M&M 6 799 202106 45.9 * 17.4
Bajaj Finance 50 6376 202106 73.9 * 86.3 M M Forgings 17 749 202106 34.4 * 21.8
Bayer Crop Sci. 68 5865 202106 109.3 53.7 Mahindra CIE 17 245 202106 8.4 * 29.1
Bharat Electron 43 174 202106 8.5 * 20.5 Mahindra Logis. 106 699 202106 8* 87.7
Bharat Forge 17 805 202106 7.5 * 108.0 Maruti Suzuki 6 6829 202106 169.9 * 40.2
Birla Corpn. 18 1344 202106 98.1 * 13.7 Mastek 28 2445 202106 93.8 * 26.1
Britannia Inds. 54 3654 202106 70.9 * 51.5 Muthoot Finance 50 1475 202106 97.9 * 15.1
CDSL 106 1231 202106 20.9 * 59.0 Nilkamal Ltd 75 2631 202106 96.2 * 27.3
Carborundum Uni. 1 714 202106 18.6 * 38.5 Nitin Spinners 94 216 202106 24.6 8.8
Container Corpn. 106 676 202106 12.5 * 54.0 Patels Airtemp 44 201 202106 22.4 * 9.0
CRISIL 106 2517 202106 52.8 * 47.6 Petronet LNG 106 215 202106 20.7 * 10.4
Elantas Beck 22 3805 202106 93.8 40.5 Poddar Pigments 22 365 202106 25.2 14.5
EPL Ltd 62 234 202106 8* 29.3 Power Grid Corpn 76 181 202106 18.8 * 9.6
Esab India 41 1912 202106 47.1 40.6 PPAP Automotive 10 250 202106 9.6 * 26.2
Escorts 7 1264 202106 71 * 17.8 Prec. Wires (I) 59 223 202106 22.4 10.0
Federal Bank 12 85 202106 7.7 * 11.1 REC Ltd 52 152 202106 44.6 * 3.4
Foseco India 22 1511 202106 43.6 34.7 RHI Magnestia 81 358 202106 9.8 * 36.7
Garware Tech. 97 3254 202106 83.7 * 38.9 Roto Pumps 78 233 202106 15.7 * 14.8
GMM Pfaudler 44 4368 202106 83.5 * 52.3 Sahyadri Industr 20 705 202106 73.9 9.5
Goodyear India 105 1057 202106 72.7 14.5 Samkrg Pistons 10 165 202106 19.8 8.3
Greenpanel Inds. 106 255 202106 11 * 23.2 Savita Oil Tech 69 1690 202106 210.4 8.0
Grindwell Norton 1 1196 202106 24.8 * 48.2 SBI Life Insuran 50 1140 202106 12.9 88.5
Gulf Oil Lubric. 22 598 202106 42.4 14.1 Schaeffler India 13 6797 202106 167.2 40.6
HDFC 51 2730 202106 111.7 * 24.4 Sheela Foam 100 2322 202106 51.5 * 45.1
HCL Technologies 27 1123 202106 42.1 * 26.7 SKF India 13 2812 202106 76.3 36.9
HDFC AMC 50 2949 202106 64.2 45.9 St Bk of India 11 425 202106 28 * 15.2
HDFC Bank 12 1529 202106 59.3 * 25.8 Stovec Inds. 92 2653 202106 129.8 20.4
HDFC Life Insur. 50 673 202106 5.8 * 115.5 Sudarshan Chem. 38 630 202106 21.5 * 29.3
Heidelberg Cem. 18 260 202106 14.8 17.6 Sundram Fasten. 48 769 202106 24.1 * 31.9
Hero Motocorp 9 2749 202106 155.9 * 17.6 Supreme Inds. 75 2036 202106 87.2 * 23.3
High Energy Bat. 39 1799 202106 117.8 15.3 Swaraj Engines 46 1770 202106 97.5 18.2
Hikal 71 679 202106 13.7 * 49.6 TCS 27 3472 202106 95.5 * 36.3
Hil Ltd 20 5590 202106 351.6 * 15.9 Tech Mahindra 27 1368 202106 49.6 * 27.6
Hind. Unilever 66 2428 202106 35.4 * 68.7 Tide Water Oil 22 2031 202106 84.3 * 24.1
Honeywell Auto 43 40256 202106 513.0 78.5 TTK Prestige 36 8819 202106 189.4 * 46.6
Huhtamaki India 62 272 202106 7.2 37.7 Vesuvius India 81 1209 202106 31.5 38.3
Igarashi Motors 10 457 202106 12.7 36.0 Vidhi Specialty 38 333 202106 8.7 * 38.5
Indian Hume Pipe 31 221 202106 10.8 20.5 Visaka Industrie 20 755 202106 70.9 * 10.6
Infosys 27 1705 202106 47.7 * 35.7 Volt.Transform. 39 1478 202106 107.5 13.8
Ingersoll-Rand 25 967 202106 28.7 33.7 Whirlpool India 36 1999 202106 28.5 * 70.2
ISGEC Heavy 44 700 202106 30 * 23.4 WPIL 78 862 202106 69.9 * 12.3
JMC Projects 31 108 202106 0.9 * 0.0 Zydus Wellness 53 2236 202106 45.9 * 48.7
* indicates that EPS is consolidated. TTM: Trailing 12-months. This issue Igarshi Motors and Greenpanel Industries replace Plastiblends and 3m India
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Capita Telefolio
ideas up 55%, when
Igarashi Motors India S&P BSE Sensex
Motors to growth is up 18%
See page 85
Motors to growth Increasing motor per car with newer models turning,
widening product portfolio of new applications to drive volume growth
Igarashi Motors India (IMIL) is engaged in about 42% of its revenue come from ex-
the business of assembling DC motors and BSVI boost for domestic TAM volume ports to USA and 24% to Europe. The bal-
actuation systems for various automotive ance 34% was accounted by Asia including
Domestic TAM motor volume growth
and non-automotive applications. Japan- India. The company’s exports are to Glo-
expected from FY2022, with penetration
based Igarashi Electric Works (IGJ) either bal Tier I customers and its key interna-
into the 4W domestic market due to
directly or its subsidiaries holds a stake of tional clients are Bosch, Continental’s,
adoption of BS-VI norms
75% [54.46% by Agile Electric Sub Assem- Cooper, Belorto, Delphi, Magneti Marelli,
bly (AESPL); 12.59% by Igarashi Electric Pierburg, Valeo and Visteon.
Works (IGJ); 7.94% by M S Igarashi Elec- For the quarter ended June 2021, sales
tric Works HK] in the company as end of jumped up 226% to Rs 148.39 crore. With
March 31, 2021. OPM standing positive at 11.6% compared
The company, which is a pioneer in to negative 6.2%, the operating profit was
Torque Actuator Motors (TAM), a variety Rs 17.16 crore against a loss of Rs 2.84 crore
of DC motor for Electronic Throttle Con- in the corresponding previous period. Even-
trol (ETC) application, has now widened tually the PAT was a profit of RS 3.75 crore
its motor portfolio to EGR, WGA, VGT Price on BSE in Rs. FV: Rs 10 compared to a loss of Rs 10.52 crore in the
and CCV applications. The demand for such corresponding previous period.
applications are on upward trend due to BEE coming into effect from January 1, 2022, For FY 2021, the sales were flat at Rs
stringent emission norms for conventional the BLDC motors will replace the current in- 532.86 crore despite operations of the com-
and hybrid variants across the globe. duction motors. Considering domestic ceiling pany was disturbed by the national lockdown
As new cars are becoming feature rich fan market size of 65 million units, the oppor- in April 2020 and subsequent restrictions to
such as Electric Parking Brake (EPB) and tunity is sizeable. The company is also in the contain covid pandemic. With OPM contract-
others new applications that also to drive process of standardising the same motor and ing by 70 bps to 13.8%, the operating profit
growth going forward. Since EPB is com- controller platform for various other appli- was down by 5% to Rs 73.78 crore. The
mon for both ICE/BEV technology, the com- ances. Contribution of BLDC motors to PBT was flat at RS 32.45 crore gained largely
pany is focused on adapting its product FY2021 top-line is just about 5% and the by lower interest cost. The taxation was up
portfolio in this space with new launches company expects that to increase to 1/3rd 168% to Rs 6.83 crore and thus the PAT was
targeting both domestic and global markets. couple of years down the line. down 14% to Rs 25.62 crore.
Thus the number of motors per car has in- Exports accounts for close to 80-90% Second wave of covid pandemic in the
creased to 2.9 from 2.4 few years back. of the revenues of the company. In FY2020 country is currently under control. This along
Domestic TAM motor volume growth with increased vaccination both in India and
is expected from FY2022, with penetration developed markets of US/Europe, the de-
HIgarshi Motors: Financials mand recovery for automotive industry is
into the 4W domestic market due to adop-
tion of BS-VI norms. Towards this, it has 2003(12) 2103(12) 2203(12) 2303(12P) expected from quarter ended Sep 2021.
launched 10 programmes for the top domes- Sales 534.39 532.86 684.48 779.89 Armed with wide range of motors cater-
tic Tier-1 customers with few more launches OPM (%) 14.48 13.8 15.5 16.1
ing to diverse applications in both automo-
in the pipeline. Similarly, Indian 2-wheeler bile and non-automobile space the company
OP 77.40 73.78 105.92 125.56
OEMs are looking at changeover from Car- is expected to see strong volume growth by
Other inc. 11.67 9.54 9.19 10.02
burettor system to electronic throttle valve meeting demand arising out of growing new
PBIDT 89.07 83.31 115.11 135.58 verticals as well as existing verticals. Weak
system (BSVI), which has also contributed
Interest 14.08 6.18 6.21 6.08 rupee also provide cream with majority of
to expansion of the product portfolio to 2W
TAM in the domestic market with leading PBDT 74.99 77.13 108.90 129.50 the revenue for the company come from ex-
market players. The company is on the 150+ Dep. 42.54 44.68 46.69 49.96 ports. With ability to pass on any rise in
cc segment of around 15-25% in the 2W PBT 32.46 32.45 62.21 79.54 material cost to customers along with oper-
market in the near term. Total Tax 2.55 6.83 13.08 16.70 ating leverage, the margin is expected to im-
The company has recently diversified into PAT 29.91 25.62 49.13 62.83 prove with operating leverage.
manufacture of BLDC motors for appliances EPS (Rs)* 9.50 8.1 15.6 20.0
We expect the company to register con-
such as ceiling fans and have put up a capacity * Annualized on current equity of Rs 31.4750 crore.
solidated EPS of Rs 15.6 for FY2022 and
of 2 million/annum for the same. Under the Face Value: Rs 10. # EPS is not annualised due to Rs 20 for FY23. The scrip traded around Rs
new energy labelling norms for ceiling fans by seasonality of business. Source: Capitaline Database 457 on August 16, 2021.
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Continue from page No. 30
come operational by end of FY2022. We year and 128% over the quarter to Rs 145.3
have decided to undertake capex of Rs70 Higher capital base crore. The Ebitda margins expanded 933 bps
crore to Rs 80 crore to set up an additional over the year and 747 bps over the quarter
Shree Renuka Sugars’ revenues from
acetonitrile plant, with capacity of 50 tonnes to 19.73%.
distillery were up 44% but sugar-refinery
per day, at our 90-acre greenfield project. Ravi Goenka, the Chairman and MD,
fell 52% over Q1 June 2020. Equity will be
The plant is likely to get commissioned dur- issued to collect Rs 1500 crore Laxmi Organic Industries, said, “We deliv-
ing FY2023.” ered a robust financial performance in Q1June
The board approved setting up a new 50 2021. Operating revenues came in at Rs 689.7
plant to manufacture acetonitrile to meet the 40 crore as against Rs 353.7 crore a year ago and
growing demand. The utilization of the ex- Sh.Renuka Sugar Rs 467.4 crore a quarter ago. The strong
isting capacity of 9000 tonnes per annum growth in revenues was fuelled by 102%
(tpa) is 60%. The new plant will increase 20 growth in acetyl intermediates (AI) and 126%
the capacity by 16,500 tpa at a cost of Rs 10 specialty intermediates over the year. Simi-
70-80 crore. The capacity will come on larly, AI grew 31% and SI was up 53% over
0 l l l l l l
stream in 12 to 18 months. The project will A’21 M J J A the quarter. The strong performance in AI
be financed via internal accruals. Price in Rs on BSE. Face Value : Rs 1 business was attributed to higher realizations,
PI Industries’ consolidated net profit whereas the SI business was driven by vol-
rose 28.7% to Rs 187.20 crore on a 12.6% value chain. We continue to drive sustainable umes and pricing. The SI business recorded
increase in net sales to Rs 1193.80 crore in agriculture, launching our new global busi- the highest volumes and delivered 20% ex-
Q1 June 2021 over Q1 June 2020. PBT ness unit: Natural Plant Protection, dedicated port revenue. The demand from end-user in-
jumped 19.9% to Rs 227.70 crore. A busi- to natural and biologically derived agricultural dustries also remained strong. This resulted
ness transfer agreement was executed with inputs and technologies. We also launched in corresponding growth of 268% over the
Ind Swift Laboratories (ISLL) and certain nurture. farm, a digital platform advancing year and 146% over the quarter in Ebitda and
identified promoters of ISLL for the acqui- resilience for farmers and the food system.” 431% over the year and 216% over the quar-
sition, either itself or through its affiliate, of Gujarat Fluorochemicals’ consoli- ter in profit after tax.
the API business division by way of a slump dated net profit jumped 115.36% to Rs “Floods in Maharashtra in July impaired
sale on a going concern basis. ISLL manu- 151.16 crore on 63.27% higher revenues operations in Mahad. The SI unit was se-
factures API and intermediates. from operations to Rs 911.94 crore in Q1June verely affected as it suffered a complete shut-
PI Industries expects to create signifi- 2021 over Q1June 2021. Net profit in- down in operations with flooding, lack of elec-
cant value by leveraging combined capabili- creased 37% and revenues from operations tricity, and other structural damages brought
ties and unlock synergies. The API business grew by 8.53% over Q4March 2021. PBT by the flood. We are insured adequately, in-
of ISLL has diversified portfolio of 20+ grew 30.54% over the quarters and 105.64% cluding loss of profit. Currently we are amidst
products with a strong position in several over the year to Rs 206.34 crore. assessing our damages and the insurance sur-
of them along with a good R&D product Hikal’s consolidated net profit increased vey is underway. Suffice to say that this will
pipeline. The parties have agreed that the 3.369 times to Rs 50.54 crore in Q1June 2021 have a significant impact on our performance
enterprise value of the API business divi- from Q1 June 2020. Total revenues from op- in Q2 September 2021. As a company, we
sion on a debt-free and a cash-free basis will erations increased 29.5% to Rs 456.78 crore. are strong and resilient, and we have proved
be Rs 1530 crore and will be paid in cash. The pharmaceuticals segment’s revenues that time and again. So, we are certain that we
However, the agreed enterprise value will were up 28.3% to Rs 274.07 crore and the will be able to emerge stronger from this chal-
be subject to adjustments on account of crop protection revenues were up 31.3% to lenge as well.”
working capital, dues of lenders and un- Rs 182.71 crore. PBT stood 3x higher at Rs In its outlook, Laxmi Organics Indus-
funded employee liabilities. The deal will be 68.39 crore. Net profit remained flat and to- tries said that on-going capital expenditures
executed within three months from the date tal revenues from operations declined 14.2% at the speciality manufacturing site will be
of execution of the agreement. over Q4 March 2021. delayed due to the flood. However, the
UPL’s consolidated net profit grew 23% Sumitomo Chemical India’s consoli- fluorochemicals site has been relatively un-
to Rs 678 crore on 9% incline in revenues to dated net profit increased 33.4% to Rs affected and the ongoing capex plans at Lote
Rs 8515 crore in Q1 June 2021 over Q1 105.75 crore on 20.7% higher net sales to Parshuram site remain on track. Q1 gave a
June 2020. PBT declined 25% to Rs 597 Rs 782 crore in Q1June 2021 over Q1 June good start. However, the market has started
crore. Deferred tax credit of Rs 337 crore 2020. Net profit grew 95.4% and net sales to correct in Q2. Supported by the robust
aided net profit. Ebitda grew by 9% to Rs went up 46.4% over Q4 March 2021. PBT Q1, we remain focused to achieve our
1862 crore, supported by a favourable prod- stood up 30.7% to Rs 142.34 crore. Current FY2022 annual business plans despite the
uct mix and realisations partly offset by cost tax expenses rose 12.7% to Rs 36.46 crore. flood-related disruptions.
pressures. The Ebitda margins slightly im- Laxmi Organic Industries’ consoli- BASF India posted net profit of Rs
proved to 21.9% from 21.7%. dated net profit soared 379% to Rs 102 crore 197.28 crore in Q1 June 2021 as against net
Jai Shroff, the CEO, UPL, said, “We have on 82.4% jump in net sales to Rs 736 crore loss of Rs 31.18 crore reported in Q1June
delivered strong and robust performance in Q1June2021 over Q1June2020. PBT was 2020.Net sales surged 68.8% to Rs 3009.55
owing to our differentiated offerings, digiti- sharply higher at Rs 135.86 crore from Rs crore. Net profit soared 253% and net sales
zation, and collaborations across the food 27.47 crore. Ebitda spurted 246% over the increased 7.54% over Q4 March 2021. PBT
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Giving up
NSE Mid-cap 100 index constituents down 20% and more from their 52-week highs
(13-AUG-2021) ( Rs cr) DATE (Rs) 52-WKH (%) DATE (Rs) 52-WKL (%) YIELD (%)
Vodafone Idea 6.30 18103.30 15-01-21 13.80 -54.35 05-08-21 4.55 -23.64 0.00 0.00 RES
Dhani Services 208.55 10992.98 11-01-21 395.95 -47.33 07-08-20 127.00 -11.09 0.00 0.00 QLY
Adani Total Gas 917.20 100874.58 03-06-21 1679.00 -45.37 07-08-20 153.00 -0.54 174.70 0.03 QLY
RBL Bank 176.15 10542.17 08-01-21 274.30 -35.78 24-09-20 156.10 -7.92 0.00 0.00 QLY
IDFC First Bank 45.50 28259.15 04-03-21 69.30 -34.34 07-08-20 26.75 -12.42 0.00 0.00 QLY
Alembic Pharma 770.05 15136.34 17-12-20 1145.00 -32.75 11-08-21 744.30 -1.03 14.54 1.82 QLY
Bank of India 68.40 25294.96 19-02-21 101.40 -32.54 30-10-20 38.20 -4.54 12.83 0.00 QLY
M & M Fin. Serv. 151.35 18699.75 15-02-21 224.30 -32.52 23-09-20 112.70 1.78 0.00 0.53 QLY
BHEL 55.60 19360.27 09-06-21 79.55 -30.11 16-10-20 26.75 -7.64 0.00 0.00 RES
Zee Entertainmen 183.25 17601.45 04-02-21 261.00 -29.79 07-08-20 148.75 -7.96 16.70 1.36 QLY
Amara Raja Batt. 729.25 12456.50 15-01-21 1025.55 -28.89 29-07-21 693.15 4.95 19.55 1.51 FIN
Whirlpool India 2027.45 25722.26 22-01-21 2787.00 -27.25 17-08-20 1980.10 -5.25 71.14 0.25 QLY
Indiamart Inter. 7242.20 22005.19 05-02-21 9950.00 -27.21 12-08-20 2876.00 1.35 74.95 0.21 QLY
Bombay Burmah 1146.80 8001.44 10-08-20 1565.00 -26.72 26-03-21 1101.00 -7.78 21.63 0.10 RES
LIC Housing Fin. 398.15 20093.16 11-06-21 542.45 -26.60 07-08-20 258.50 -4.04 9.72 2.14 QLY
L&T Fin.Holdings 84.45 20883.53 03-03-21 113.40 -25.53 25-09-20 51.71 -2.09 20.85 0.00 QLY
City Union Bank 150.30 11104.50 18-11-20 200.00 -24.85 13-08-20 116.55 0.03 18.15 0.20 QLY
Exide Inds. 166.25 14131.25 09-02-21 219.30 -24.19 09-09-20 153.60 -4.56 16.56 1.20 QLY
Manappuram Fin. 165.70 14024.26 30-07-21 218.00 -23.99 22-04-21 139.10 -20.57 7.82 1.21 QLY
Hind.Aeronautics 1088.95 36413.13 14-08-20 1423.00 -23.48 04-11-20 658.00 -1.00 11.09 2.75 QLY
Union Bank (I) 35.00 23921.62 18-02-21 45.25 -22.65 16-10-20 23.10 -7.53 6.57 0.00 QLY
Indiabulls Hous. 249.65 11544.51 16-06-21 313.70 -20.42 25-09-20 127.75 -11.08 9.54 3.60 QLY
Source: Source of result for P/E and dividend yield based on latest TTM QLY: quarterly results, FIN: Financial year (annual report) and RES: Result full year. G/L: Gain/Loss. NA: Not available.
Source: Capitaline Database
spurted 66.6% to Rs 248.44 crore from Q4 all products sub-categories of MDF includ- lets, other materials and service climbed up
March 2021 and against pre-tax loss of Rs ing thin and thick, prelam and other value- 345.10% to Rs 65.03 crore.
40.6 crore in Q1 June 2020. added products in phased manner. Iron ore production rose 35% to 89.10
Finolex Industries’ consolidated net Manoj Tulsian, the MD and CEO, lakh tonnes (lt), while iron ore sales jumped
profit surged 156.6% to Rs 145.52 crore on Greenply Industries, said, “With the 51% to 94.49 lt. The average sales realisation
71.8% jump in net sales to Rs 965.72 crore change in consumers demand in the cur- jumped 123% to Rs 6823 per tonne.
in Q1 June 2021 over Q1 June 2020. PBT rent scenario, the MDF industry is ex- S&P Global Ratings raised the long-term
soared 156.6% to Rs 198.44 crore. Volumes pected to grow rapidly due to its versa- issuer credit rating on Tata Steel and its
in the pipes and fittings segment grew 5.5% tile application. The investment will help subsidiary Abja Investment Company to BB
to 55,819 mt and of the PVC resin segment us to capitalize on this long-term oppor- from BB-, while maintaining stable outlook
climbed up 10.6% to 50,249 mt. tunity and establish leadership in the west- and raised the long-term issue rating on the
Prakash P Chhabria, the Executive ern untapped market. The plant is strate- senior unsecured notes issued by Anja to
Chairman, Finolex Industries, said, “After gically located in the agricultural belt, BB from BB-due to the management’s com-
reaching all-time highs, PVC prices seem to ensuring easy procurement of raw mate- mitment to deleverage, supported by above-
be cooling off, a positive sign for further rials, and has proximity to seaports average strength in steel prices.
opening up of the market.” and highways.” Adjusted debt is estimated to fall to Rs
Greenply Industries will foray into NMDC’s iron ore production climbed 600 billion by FY 2023 in base case, from
making of medium density fibre (MDF) up 39.72% to 3.06 mt in July 2021 from about Rs 915 billion end March 2021, sig-
boards. For this purpose, it will acquire Baahu July 2020. Iron ore sales jumped 28.01% to nificantly outperforming the stated inten-
Panels Pvt Ltd as a wholly owned subsid- 3.29 mt. The Union government held tion to reduce debt by at least US$1 billion
iary. A greenfield manufacturing plant will be 60.29% stake end June 2021. per year, and continue the trend of declining
setup in Vadodara, Gujarat, at an estimated Consolidated net profit soared 500.14% debt from March 2020, when the company
cost of Rs 548 crore. The plant, with an in- to Rs 3191.45 crore on 236.11% jump in reported Rs 1.1 trillion in debt.
stalled capacity of 800 cubic meter (cbm) per revenues from operations to Rs 6,512.21 While growth in capital expenditure has
day, will have revenue potential of Rs 600- crore in Q1 June 2021 over Q1 June 2020. been resumed, the increase is still small in
650 crore per annum at its peak utilisation. It PBT surged 461.93% to Rs 4261.99 crore. relation to the operating cash flows and does
is expected to commence operations by Revenues from the iron ore business grew not affect the path of deleveraging. Capex of
Q4March 2023. There are plans to produce 235.28% to Rs 6447.18 crore and from pel- about Rs 110 billion is expected annually,
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in input costs, whose impact was com- favourable decision in a Brazilian tax litiga-
pounded by exhaustion of low-cost iron ore Trying its best tion. Adjusted Ebitda per ton increased 75%
inventory. Although standalone Ebitda were to US$570. Excluding the non-recurring tax
The Nifty FMCG index scaled a peak of
up over the year but declined 7% over the litigation benefit, adjusted Ebitda per tonne
36,842.05 on 13 August 2021,
quarter to Rs 4524 crore due to drop in sales but remained a laggard in CY, up 8%,
equated to US$522 in Q1 of FY2022.
volume and lower benefit accruing from iron and over the year, up 16%, till date The aluminium India business revenues
ore compared with the prior quarter. were Rs 6267 crore as against Rs 4436 crore.
Continued cash generation, declining fi-
CMP VARIANCE % The business recorded metal production of
nance cost, lower capex and debt associated (Rs) 18-05-20 28-06-21 319 kt compared with 291 kt. Aluminium
with Jindal Power (JPL) moving out of JSPL’s Britannia Inds. 3579.55 15.11 -2.39 metal sales were flat at 303 kt. Aluminium
consolidated books contributed to contin- Colgate-Palmoliv 1642.00 18.98 -1.61 value-added products (Vap) excluding wire
ued deleveraging in Q1 June 2021. Consoli- Dabur India 588.30 34.90 3.75 rods sales volumes jumped 137% to 82 kt,
dated net debt declined further to Rs 15,227 Emami 562.95 196.06 3.10 driven by a sharp recovery in the domestic
crore from Rs 22146 crore end March 2021. Godrej Consumer 983.25 82.91 13.05 market. Vap sales, as a percentage of total
Conclusion of JPL divestment now ac- Hind. Unilever 2404.50 19.91 -2.26 metal sales, were 27% as against 11%, in
counted as asset held for sale will result in ITC 211.45 28.35 3.86 line with market recovery
net debt declining further, taking a step Jubilant Food. 3781.50 143.98 21.28 The Ebitda was grew 142% to an all-
closer to its vision of becoming net debt- Marico 515.30 68.29 1.13 time high of Rs 2352 crore, primarily due to
free company. Additionally, the divestment Nestle India 18269.55 12.49 4.36 favourable macros, improved product mix
would meaningfully enhance ESG metrics, P & G Hygiene 12869.65 27.71 -5.41 and better operational efficiencies. Revenues
by reducing its carbon footprint by more Tata Consumer 807.45 132.63 5.46 from the copper business surged 134% to
than half (at full utilization). United Breweries 1396.55 58.54 -2.32 Rs 7094 crore, primarily due to higher glo-
The quarter marked exemplary perfor- United Spirits 660.50 21.73 -1.54 bal prices of copper. The Ebitda of the busi-
mance by all businesses, including steel and Varun Beverages 775.40 85.59 6.31 ness soared 295% to Rs 261 crore.
overseas mines and minerals businesses, re- Nifty FMCG 36842.05 38.01 2.18 Copper cathode production was 52%
sulting in consolidated net revenues surging Current market price (CMP) as on 13 August 2021. higher at 63 kt. While the overall copper metal
63% to Rs 10610 crore and Ebitda of Rs 18 May 2020: The Union government introduced a Rs 11- sales were at 80 kt compared with 58 kt. Cop-
lakh-crore fiscal stimulus package over the previous five
4539 crore. Aided by the strong operating days to ease the availability of credit to small per continuous cast rod (CCR) sales advanced
performance amid challenging market con- enterprises, the poor and farmers and initiated reforms in 50% to 46 kt, driven by market recovery.
the corporate and agriculture sectors.
ditions, consolidated profit after tax con- Gross debt declined Rs 16345 crore and
28 June 2021: Union Finance Minister announced a
tinuing operations of Rs 2516 crore. The Rs6.28-lakh-crore covid-19 support package including net debt fell Rs 10389 crore from its peak
focus on deleveraging has resulted in con- economic relief of Rs 376244 crore, new scheme for on 30 June 2020. The consolidated net debt-
public health of Rs 15000 crore and impetus for growth
solidated net debt reducing to Rs 15227 and employment of Rs 237749 crore. A Rs 1.1 lakh crore
to-Ebitda ratio improved further to 2.36x,
crore, ex-JPL. The balance sheet continued loan guarantee scheme will covercovid-19-affected from a peak of 3.83x a year ago.
to strengthen further, with the net debt-to- sectors. The cap of the Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Satish Pai, the MD, Hindalco Industries,
Scheme (ECLGS) has been raised to Rs 4.5 lakh crore
Ebitda improving to 0.96 from 1.53x in Q4 from the earlier Rs 3 lakh crore.Since the ECLGS was said, “We delivered record-breaking finan-
March 2021. announced as part of Aatmanirbhar Bharat package last cial results despite the impact of the covid-
year, a total of Rs 2.69 lakh crore has been disbursed
Hindalco Industries reported consoli- under this scheme to 1.1 crore units. The Aatmanirbhar
19 second wave. The robust financial per-
dated net profit of Rs 2787 crore in Q1 June Bharat Rozgar Yojana has been extended from 30 June formance, the accelerated pace of
2021 as against net loss of Rs 709 crore in 2021 till 31 March 2022.The wage subsidy scheme aims deleveraging, and the increasing strength of
to incentivize employers via EPFO to create fresh
Q1 June 2020. Revenues from operations employment and focuses on beneficiaries with monthly our balance sheet was recognised by the
jumped 63.6% to Rs 41358 crore. Ebitda wages less than Rs 15000. The move could also lead to market and reflected in the credit rating up-
an increase in the salary packages of new employees.
spurted 188% to Rs 6790 crore over the grades for both Novelis and Hindalco.
This will be done by reducing the cost borne by the
year and 16% over the quarter. The results company with the government stepping in to take care of “The improvement was visible across
were driven by outstanding performance by statutory EPF dues. The nutrient-based subsidy for all the business segments as they are seeing
fertilizers has been increased to Rs 42275 crore. An
Novelis as well as the India business, sup- additional amount of Rs 14775 crore will be provided to
strong demand, plants are running at capac-
ported by a sharp recovery in all relevant stakeholders, including for di-ammonium Phosphate and ity, and the margins are better. We continue
markets, and improved macros. NPK-based complex fertilisers. The North-Eastern to keep employees protected and de-risk
Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation (NERAMAC)
Revenues were up 50% to US$3.9 bil- will also be revived. A stimulus of Rs 77.45 crore has plant facilities by taking all covid-19-appro-
lion due to higher shipments, global alu- been earmarked for this purpose to enhance agriculture- priate measures.
related activities in the north-east. The Pradhan Mantri
minium prices and market premiums. Total Gareeb Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY) has been
“We started FY2022 at a strong pace.
shipments of flat rolled products (FRPs) were extended till November 2021. We are confident that our resilience against
up 26% to 973 kilo tonnes (kt) due to strong market swings will support us in continuing
demand across end-product markets, particu- Novelis recorded its best-ever quarterly to deliver our best.”
larly beverage packaging and specialty prod- adjusted Ebitda, up 119% toUS$555 mil- National Aluminium Company’s con-
ucts, partially offset by some headwinds in lion on the back of higher volumes, solidated net profit soared 1,982% to Rs
the automotive industry on account of the favourable product mix and metal benefits, 347.48 crore on 79.2% jump in net sales to
semiconductor chip shortage. and a US$47 million gain related to a Rs 2474.55 crore in Q1 June 2021 over Q1
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June 2020. The increase in revenues was during the second wave of the pandemic.
mainly propelled by strong demand, higher Effective prescription The current crisis will not have any signifi-
volumes, better realization, and effective cant impact on the ability to maintain op-
Hikal’s revenues from the pharmaceuti-
capacity utilization of its operational units. erations, including the going concern assess-
cals business were up 28% and the crop
PBT surged 1,765.60% to Rs 461.36 crore. ment. However, the impact will continue to
protection segment 31% over Q1June
Robust performance was generated across 2020. PBT stood 3x higher be dependent on future developments,
all the business segments. Production of baux- which are uncertain, including, among other
ite stood at 17.61 lakh tonnes compared with things, discovery of mutant coronavirus vari-
17.10 lakh tonnes, alumina 5.21 lakh tonnes 610 ants in the country.
v 4.65 lakh tonnes, and aluminium 1.14 lakh 490
The Union government announced a li-
tonnes v 0.98 lakh tonnes. quidity injection to the state discoms in the
Sridhar Patra, the CMD, Nalco, said, “In 370 form of state government guaranteed loans
spite of the challenges imposed due to the 250 through REC and Power Finance Corpora-
covid-19 pandemic, strategic planning of raw tion to clear the outstanding dues of power
130 l l l l l l
materials, manpower and marketing initia- A’21 M J J A generation and transmission companies. Rs
tives coupled with continued focus on cost Price in Rs on BSE. Face Value : Rs 2 67838 crore were sanctioned and Rs 41177
optimization resulted in organizational suc- crore disbursed on 1 July 2021 to the discoms
cess.” The Navratna company had 51.28% 2021. Due to holding 77.063% equity shares as part of this liquidity package.
equity stake by the Union government end end June 2021, NRL has been consolidated The Navratna Central public sector un-
June 2021. as subsidiary. The Navratna is under the dertaking under the Ministry of Power will
Heg’s consolidated net profit soared administrative control of India’s Ministry be raising funds by issue debt up to Rs
418.60% to Rs 55.80 crore on 77.3% jump of Petroleum and Natural Gas, with 56.66% 85000 crore.
in net sales to Rs 413.69 crore in Q1 June stake held by the Union government. Power Grid Corporation of India
2021 over Q1 June 2020. PBT surged NTPC’s consolidated net profit jumped posted a sharply higher consolidated net
579.10% to Rs 74.57 crore. The graphite 18% to Rs 3411.56 crore on 14.1% increase profit of Rs 5998 crore in Q1 June2021 com-
business grew 78.12% to Rs 412.46 crore. in revenues from operations to Rs 29888.02 pared with Rs 2048 crore in Q1June2020.
Power revenues climbed up 11.25% to Rs crore in Q1 June 2021 over Q1 June 2020. Net sales grew 8% to Rs 10216 crore. PBT
2.57 crore. Net profit declined 24.9% and revenues from stood 154% higher at Rs 7391 crore. The
Coal India’s provisional production operations remained almost flat over Q4 Union government held 51.34% stake end
jumped 14.1% to 42.6 mt in July 2021 from March 2021. PBT went up 13.3% to Rs June 2021.
July 2020. Offtake increased 16.7% to 50.5 3901.51 crore over the year. Current tax ex- Tata Power Company’s consolidated
mt. The Central government held 66.13% penses advanced 20.7% to Rs 703.94 crore. net profit surged 73.7% to Rs 465.69 crore
stake end June 2021. Gross power generation was 71.748 bil- on 54.5% jump in net sales to Rs 9968.03
Consolidated net profit jumped 52% to lion units (Bus) compared with 60.186 BUs. crore in Q1 June 2021 over Q1 June 2020.
Rs 3169.65 crore on 37% increase in sales to Domestic coal supply for plants stood up Revenues grew mainly due to the acquisi-
Rs 23293 crore. PBT jumped 54.8% to Rs to 45.81 mt from 40.19 mt.Coal production tion of Odisha discoms and higher sales of
4335 crore. Consolidated production of raw from captive mines was higher at 2.46 mt the solar EPC businesses. Consolidated
coal inclined 2.43% to 123.98 mt. Offtake of from 2.41 mt. Coal imports rose to 0.47 mt profit after tax after exceptional items rose
raw coal jumped 32.8% to 160.44 mt. from 0.20 mt. The plant load factor or ca- on account of higher wind and solar power
Oil India’s consolidated net profit pacity utilisation of coal-based power plants generation, all-round better performances in
soared 221.65% to Rs 1214.65 crore on spurted to 69.68% from 68.22%. The aver- solar EPC, rooftop, solar pumps business
47.93% rise in revenues from operations to age power tariff was Rs 3.73 per unit com- and favourable tariff order for CGPL. PBT
Rs 6205.18 crore in Q1 June 2021 over Q1 pared with Rs 3.98 per unit a year ago. soared 127% to Rs 1038.21 crore.
June 2020. PBT surged 219.19% to Rs The board of directors approved raising Ebitda grew 16% to Rs 2365 crore in-
1678.08 crore. Revenues from the crude oil up to Rs 18000 crore by issuing debt. The cluding renewable Ebitda rising 9% to Rs
segment grew 111.49% to Rs 2548.99 crore, Maharatna company had 51.10% stake by 643 crore, mainly due to higher wind and
natural gas dropped 22.80% to Rs 299.52 the Union government end June 2021. solar power generation, all-round better per-
crore, refinery products climbed up 50.14% REC’s standalone net profit jumped formances in solar EPC, rooftop, solar
to Rs 4865.96 crore, and LPG jumped 22.16% to Rs 2246.60 crore on 18.23% pumps business and favourable tariff order
30.08% to Rs 34.20 crore. jump in total revenues from operations to for CGPL.
Meanwhile, 39,84,36,929 equity shares, Rs 9587.35 crore in Q1 June 2021 over Q1 Operations of Northern Odisha (Nesco)
or 54.16% equity stake, of Numaligarh Re- June 2020. PBT surged 11.34% to Rs commence through a JV with the govern-
finery (NRL) was acquired from Bharat Pe- 2758.06 crore. Strong credit profile, access ment of Odisha for the distribution and re-
troleum Corporation at Rs 217.75 per share to diversified sources of borrowings and tail supply of electricity in five circles com-
for a total cash consideration of Rs 8675.96 contingency buffers in the form of liquidity prising Balasore, Bhadrak, Baripada, Jajpur
crore along with transfer of management limits from multiple banks apart from high and Keonjhar, serving two million consum-
control on 26 March 2021. The share pur- quality liquid assets ensured there was no ers. A choice of 100% Green Power was of-
chase agreement was signed on 25 March significant impact on the liquidity position fered to the Mumbai customers in line with
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the Green Power Tariff announced by Merc. favourable currency movement. PBT was
EPC orders of Rs 686 crore were received Under the weather Rs 450 crore compared with pre-tax loss of
from NTPC to set up solar PV projects. The The Nifty Pharma index, off 4% from the Rs 634 crore.
Kerala State Electricity Board empanelled for peak of 14,635.05 on 16 July 2021, turned Electricity demand recovered smartly af-
84-MW rooftop solar project worth Rs 400 a laggard in CY, up 8%, and over the ter the slump witnessed during the covid-19
crore in addition to Rs 434 crore worth of year, up 22%, till 13 August 2020 lockdown in Q1 June2020. Resumption of
orders in Q1 June 2021, taking the total roof- CMP VARIANCE % normal economic activity coupled with in-
top order book above Rs 1000 crore. EV herent demand drivers propelled the aggre-
charging stations were set up at HPCL’s petrol (Rs) 24-02-21 28-06-21 gate electricity demand 16% to 341 BUs. Peak
pumps across cities and highways Alkem Lab 3657.3 32.42 16.84 power demand has also improved sharply to
Praveer Sinha, the MD and CEO, Tata Aurobindo Pharma 761.3 -11.68 -21.34 194 giga watts (GW).Peak demand has con-
Power Company, said, “All existing genera- Biocon 371.4 -4.65 -8.1 tinued to grow and reached an all-time high of
tion, distribution and transmission business Cadila Health. 558.45 28.84 -13.08 over 200 GW on 7 July 2021, surpassing the
units reported a robust performance despite Cipla 894.4 13.35 -7.13
previous all-time high of 197 GW.
the challenges presented by the ongoing pan- Energy deficit reduced from 0.5% in
Divi’s Lab. 4948.7 42.2 14.7
demic due to the excellent performance of Q1June 2020 to 0.3% in Q1 June 2020, while
Dr Reddy’s Labs 4652.2 4.88 -13.92
all businesses and capacity additions. We the peak deficit increased from 0.4% to
aim to scale up our renewable portfolio from Lupin 976.85 -3.12 -16.1 1.2%and spurred improvement in merchant
the current 4 GW to 15 GW by CY 2025 Sun Pharma.Inds. 778.3 29.4 15.08 and short-term tariffs.
and to 25 GW by CY2030, thereby achiev- Torrent Pharma. 2963.75 19.61 0.94 The average plant load factor (PLF) in-
ing 80% clean generation capacity, up from Nifty Pharma 14049.05 16.73 -1.39 cluding that of subsidiaries was 65% com-
the current 31%.” Current market price (CMP) as on 13 August 2021. pared with 51% achieved in Q1Juen 2020.
“We will continue to expand and pro- 24 February 2021: The Union cabinet approved the The rise in PLF was a result of improved
mote the mass adoption of rooftop solar and production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme for the power demand in various states apart from
pharmaceuticals segment. The scheme will benefit
solar pumps, microgrids, home automation domestic manufacturers, help in creating employment and better tariffs and volumes in the merchant
and focus on developing the EV charging in- is expected to contribute to the availability of wider range and short-term markets. Consolidated units
of affordable medicines for consumers. The scheme is
frastructure in the country. We are happy to expected to bring in investment of Rs 15,000 crore in the
sold were 16.2 BUs compared with 12.7 BUs.
announce our re-entry into the development pharmaceutical sector and promote the production of high Further, the Committee of Creditors of
of greenfield transmission projects. Our part- value products in the country and increase the value Essar Power M P (EPMPL), a company un-
addition in exports. Total incremental sales of Rs 2.94
nership with T&D EPC player Tata Projects lakh crore and total incremental exports of Rs 1.96 lakh dergoing insolvency resolution under the In-
will make us a force to reckon with and accel- crore are estimated during six years from FY 2023 to FY solvency and Bankruptcy Code, approved
2028. The scheme is likely to generate employment for
erate the momentum of Power for All initia- both skilled and un-skilled personnel, estimated at 20,000
the resolution plan submitted by APL.
tive of the Union government. A score of 67 direct and 80,000 indirect jobs. It will promote innovation EPMPL owns a 1,200-MW power plant in
out of 100 was obtained in Crisil’s ESG rat- for development of complex and high-tech products Singrauli district, Madhya Pradesh. Conse-
including products of emerging therapies and in-vitro
ings, the highest among all companies in the Diagnostic Devices as also self-reliance in important quently, the resolution professional ap-
Indian power sector.” drugs. It is also expected to improve accessibility and pointed by the National Company Law Tri-
Adani Power (APL) reported consoli- affordability of medical products including orphan drugs to bunal (NCLT), Delhi, issued a letter of intent
the Indian population.
dated net profit of Rs 278 crore in Q1 June The duration of the scheme will be from FY 2021 to FY to APL. The closure of the transaction will
2021 as against net loss of Rs 682 crore in 2029 and will include the period for processing of be subject to obtaining necessary approval
applications (FY 2021), optional gestation period of one
Q1 June 2020. Total revenues went up year (FY 2022), incentive for six years and FY 2029 for
from the NCLT and satisfaction of condi-
34.7% to Rs 7213 crore and includes recog- disbursal of incentive for sales of FY 2028. tions precedent under the resolution plan.
nition of prior period net revenue from op- 28 June 2021: Union Finance Minister announced a Anil Sardana, the MD, APL, said, “Adani
Rs6.28-lakh-crore covid-19 support package including
erations of Rs 125 crore and prior period economic relief of Rs 376244 crore, new scheme for public
Power continues to forge ahead in meeting
other income of Rs 532 crore, primarily on health of Rs 15000 crore and impetus for growth and India’s demand for cost-effective and reliable
account of various regulatory orders and employment of Rs 237749 crore. power supply, helping turn the vision of
Apart from the credit guarantee scheme for the healthcare
delayed payments by discoms. In compari- sector, Rs 23220 crore has been earmarked for expansion of Power for All into reality. Our experience and
son, prior period recognition was Rs 8 crore medical infrastructure for one year. The funding aims to excellence in various arenas, from plant op-
as revenue from operations and a negative increase the number of ICU beds and enhance the erations and maintenance to fuel management
availability of equipment and liquid medical oxygen. Special
other income of Rs 5 crore in Q1June 2020. emphasis will be laid on the preparedness of the healthcare coupled with our locational advantage have
Ebitda jumped 49% to Rs 2292 crore, infrastructure in terms of child and paediatric care. Of the Rs helped us outperform the sector consistently.
1.1 lakh crore loan guarantee scheme for covid-19-affected
mainly due to higher volumes, improved sectors, Rs 50000 crore is for the health sector. As many as
“As we move closer to acquiring and
merchant tariffs, and higher prior period in- 25 lakh beneficiaries will be able to borrow up to Rs 1.25 turning around the fourth power asset, we
come recognition, partially offset by higher lakh through MFIs under this scheme. Allocation of funds are focusing on various excellence initiatives
under this scheme will guarantee 75% coverage for new
import coal prices. Finance costs declined projects and 60% for expansion of existing projects at an to enhance safety, reliability, predictability,
23.3% to Rs 1068 crore on account of con- interest rate of 8.25%. The loan guarantee cover will be for and profitability of our entire portfolio. Vari-
new projects related to healthcare in cities other than eight
version of unsecured loans into unsecured metropolitan cities. Both public and private hospitals will be
ous regulatory petitions, which are at con-
perpetual securities during FY2021, term able to avail a maximum of Rs 100 crore with a guarantee of cluding stages, will help release long-awaited
loan repayment, interest rate reduction, and up to three years. cash flows and improve our liquidity posi-
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to 24.44 mt in July 2021 over July 2020. preference towards e-commerce, we are well
Consolidated net profit surged 77% to Rs Show of strength prepared and invested in our warehousing,
1342 crore on99% increase in revenues to Rs technology and logistics support to cater to
The Nifty Metal index touched a new top
4557 crore in Q1 June 2021 over Q1 June this increasing demand. During the quarter,
of 5,841.35 on 6 August 2021, outper-
2020.The increased revenues were on account forming in CY, up 78%, and over the
we also saw great demand and acceptance for
of higher83% cargo at port, 10% rail volumes, year, up 144%, till 13 August 2021 our kids wear business which continues to be
and 13% terminal volumes in the logistics an important area for us going forward. With
business. Cargo handled went up 83% in CMP VARIANCE % our focused approach on our core business
Q1June 2021 over a year ago on account of (Rs) 28-12-20 31-03-21 verticals, we remain confident of maintaining
continued focus on handling multi commodi- Adani Enterp. 1437.00 192.76 39.36 growth backed by our continued efforts on
ties across various ports.The market share in APL Apollo Tubes 1607.20 98.71 14.73 innovation and investments.”
all-India cargo increased 310 bps to reach Coal India 143.75 4.43 10.28 Pidilite Industries’ consolidated net
28.6%, while its market share in the container Hindalco Inds. 442.05 84.26 35.25 profit soared 1275.72% to Rs 217.64 crore
segment increased 163 bps to 42.7%.Ebitda Hindustan Zinc 320.90 32.71 17.59 on 120.63% jump in revenues from opera-
jumped 82% to Rs 2620 crore, mainly due to Jindal Steel 424.25 58.81 23.47 tions to Rs 1936.79 crore in Q1 June 2021
increased cargo volume, savings in operating JSW Steel 749.05 93.75 59.90 over Q1 June 2020. PBT surged 814.87%
cost, and operational excellence. PBT spurted MOIL 181.60 28.29 20.62 to Rs 289.74 crore. Ebitda before non-oper-
60% to Rs 1513 crore. Natl. Aluminium 83.75 96.83 54.95 ating income climbed up 429% to Rs 357
In July 2021, as part of the capital man- NMDC 171.75 48.12 26.89 crore. On a like-to-like basis excluding PAPL,
agement plan, US$750 million of dual- Ratnamani Metals 2120.50 34.96 11.50 Ebitda grew 396%.
tranche 10.5-year and 20-year unsecured SAIL 133.95 109.46 69.99 The consumer and bazaar (C&B) busi-
bonds were issued in global capital markets Tata Steel 1461.65 131.04 80.04 ness advanced 111.70% to Rs 1486.24 crore.
and became the only infrastructure company Vedanta 328.65 101.07 43.67 Business-to-business (B2B) revenues
in India to successfully place a 20-year pa- Welspun Corp 127.05 -3.90 -8.17 climbed up 156.08% to Rs 482.02 crore. The
per, an achievement that reinforced its unique Nifty Metal 5799.30 79.83 45.81 robust performance was over the previous
business model underscoring the strength of Current market price (CMP) as on 13 August 2021. year’s lower base on account of nationwide
its strong fundamentals.With this issuance, 27 December 2020:President Donald Trump signed a lockdown. The second wave of covid-19 dis-
US$900 billion pandemic relief package including US$1.4
investors got a longer yield curve and elon- trillion to fund government agencies through September and rupted business continuity from H2 of April
gated the debt maturity to over seven years. contains other end-of-session priorities such as money for 2021, with gradual closure across the coun-
cash-starved transit systems, an increase in food stamp
Operations continued to benefit from its benefits and providing US$600 checks to most Americans.
try for May 2021 and part of June 2021.
networked economies of scale and the digi- 31 March 2021: US President Joe Biden unveiled a Demand recovery was witnessed since
tization initiatives undertaken over the past US$2.3-trillion infrastructure spending package over eight mid-June 2021 post lockdown, with most
years and would raise the corporate tax rate to 28% to
several years. fund it.
markets returning to normalcy across town
Karan Adani, the CEO and Wholetime classes and geographies. While the C&B
Director, APSEZ, said: “Our strategy of jumped 76.08% to Rs 501.53 crore. PBT businesses saw recovery led by adhesive,
establishing a network of world-class ports was Rs 14.51 crore as against pre-tax loss of construction chemicals and do-it-yourself
to balance cargo across the east and west Rs 52.37 crore. The Ebitda margins stood at portfolio, the recovery in B2B was on ac-
coast has been tracking precisely as per plan, 6.8%, declining mainly due to under absorp- count of resurgence in industrial activity.
thereby continuing to de-risk our growth as tion of wages, selling and corporate The gross margins contracted on account
well as lay the foundation of a broader logis- overheads. Cash and cash equivalents were of sharp escalation of input costs partially
tics platform. This has resulted in accelerat- up 89% to Rs 327.10 crore. Liquidity con- mitigated by judicious pricing. While domes-
ing market share gain. We have therefore tinued to remain strong with robust cash tic subsidiaries suffered due to the lockdown
raised our target cargo volumes to 350-360 flow management. in May 2021, there was sustained recovery
mt, translating into an unprecedented growth Sunder Genomal, the MD, Page Indus- in demand from June 2021. Overseas sub-
of about 45% over the year.” tries, said, “Despite the unprecedented chal- sidiaries continued their positive momen-
Consolidated revenue guidance has been lenges posed by resurgence of the pandemic, tum and reported high double-digit constant
raised to Rs 18000 crore - Rs 18800 crore we delivered growth over the year across all currency revenue growth as well as strong
from Rs 16000 crore - Rs 16800 crore given our segments. As an organization, we were earnings growth.
earlier, representing a growth of 50%.Ac- better prepared owing to the learnings over Bharat Puri, the MD, Pidilite Industries,
cordingly, consolidated Ebitda is now ex- the last year and were more agile to handle said, “Despite a challenging business envi-
pected to be Rs11500 crore - Rs12000 crore the challenges. Despite half of the quarter ronment, we delivered strong broad-based
compared with an earlier guidance of Rs being under lockdown for most cities and sales as well as earnings growth across busi-
10200 crore - Rs 10700 crore, representing states, we could successfully add 1,465 nesses and geographies, albeit on last year’s
a growth of 49%. multi-brand outlets and nineexclusive brand lower base. Input costs remained a signifi-
Page Industries’ standalone net profit outlets during these three months. We re- cant challenge but peaking in the next quar-
stood at Rs 10.94 crore in Q1 June 2021 main focused on profitable partnerships with ter and then gradually softening over H2 of
compared with net loss of Rs 39.55 crore in our distributors while continuing expansion. FY 2022. Going forward, we remain cau-
Q1 June 2020. Revenues from operations “Being aware of the shift of consumer tiously optimistic on a sustained demand
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recovery. The focus remains on delivering and other countries, where the Group has
volume-led competitive and profitable Preparing to leap business operations, although with con-
growth as well as the health and safety of straints of workforce and free accessibility
Greenply Industries will spend Rs 548
our ecosystems.” crore to make MDF boards and sub- to the project sites.
Kajaria Ceramics’ consolidated net categories to boost revenues to Rs 600- Titan Company’s consolidated net
profit stood at Rs 41.46 crore in Q1 June 650 crore per annum at peak utilisation profit stood at Rs 18 crore in Q1 June 2021
2021 compared with net loss of Rs 32.94 compared with net loss of Rs 297 crore in
crore in Q1 June 2020. Revenues from op- Q1 June 2020.Revenues from operations
erations soared 102.35% to Rs 561.66 crore. soared 119.59% to Rs 3004 crore. PBT was
PBT was at Rs 56.88 crore as against pre- 210 at Rs 39 crore as against pre-tax loss of Rs
tax loss of Rs 33.55 crore. 200 361 crore. Standalone net profit stood at Rs
Consolidated production grew 820.39% 190 61 crore compared with net loss of Rs 270
to 13.99 million square metres (msm). Sales Greenply Industr crore. Revenues from operations surged
climbed 99.21% to 15.26 msm. Ebitda stood 122.22% to Rs 2780 crore, primarily driven
170 l l l l l l
at Rs 80.42 crore compared with Ebitda loss A’21 M J J A
by base effect of zero sales in April 2020.
of Rs 7.57 crore. The Ebitda margins were Price in Rs on BSE. Face Value : Re 1
Most of the sales of May month were lost
at 14.32% as against negative 2.73%. in both the years. Sales in June 2021 were
The Q1June 2021 performance showed unpredictability in the international supply marginally ahead of sales in June 2020 de-
a significant uptick over a year ago chain, we would like to maintain a cautious spite lower store operational days. Total
despitecovid-19 restrictions and lockdowns business outlook for rest of FY2022.” income grew 74% to Rs 3314 crore and in-
continuing in several states. Revenues, profit Voltas’ consolidated net profit jumped cluded bullion sale of Rs 424 crore.
and the Ebitda margins are muted over Q4 48.8% to Rs 122 crore on 36.4% increase in The jewellery division gained good trac-
March 2021 due to the unexpected disrup- total income to Rs 1860 crore in Q1 June tion in acquisition of new customers. The
tion from the second wave. But a secular 2021 over Q1 June 2020.PBT was higher mix in total buyers reached the pre-pandemic
turnaround in demand and key financial by 56% at Rs 168 crore. Given the smaller levels, with income excluding billion sales of
metrics is being seen starting July. window availableon easing of the lockdowns, Rs 2467 crore compared with Rs 1182 crore.
Meanwhile, the board accorded approval the unitary cooling products business made The watches and wearables business re-
for making cash investment of upto Rs 2.64 good recovery and achieved an overall vol- corded income of Rs 292 crore as against Rs
crore in the equity shares of a special pur- ume growth of 10%. The position of market 75 crore. The eyewear business recorded
pose vehicle to be formed by CleanMax leader in ACs continued, with exit market income of Rs 67 crore as against Rs 30 crore.
Enviro Energy Solutions for solar power share of 26.7% end June 2021. Gross seg- The other segments, comprising Indian dress
captive consumption, as required under the ment revenues increased 19% to Rs 963 crore wear and accessories, recorded income of
provisions of Electricity Act, 2003, at par and the segment profit rose 3.5% YoY to Rs Rs 14 crore compared with Rs 4 crore.
value. The period for the completion of ac- 118 crore, given the customer-centric sales Despite lockdowns-induced by the sec-
quisition is 12 months. promotional expenses incurred. ond wave of the pandemic in various parts
Bosch’s consolidated net profit stood The electro-mechanical projects and ser- of the country, better preparedness com-
at Rs 259.76 crore in Q1 June 2021 com- vices segment reported higher revenues pared with the same period last year helped
pare with net loss of Rs 120.83 crore in Q1 spurted 67% to Rs 688 crore. The segment it achieve PBT of Rs 82 crore compared
June 2020. Consolidated revenues from op- profit was Rs 31 crore compared with loss of with loss of Rs 335 crore last year. The
erations soared 146.43% to Rs 2443.53 crore Rs 44 crore last year. Improvement in rev- jewellery division achieved Ebit of Rs 207
due to lower base and recovery in sales as enue and result was due to good progress crore as against a loss of Rs 54 crore. The
the lockdown restrictions eased across states made on execution of certain on-going projects. watch and wearables division reported loss
in the country in June 2021. PBT was Rs The engineering products and services of Rs 56 crore compared with loss of Rs
335.31 crore as against pre-tax loss of Rs segment revenues and results almost doubled 164 crore. The eyewear division reported
200.90 crore. and were higher at Rs 115 crore and Rs 38 loss of Rs 13 crore over loss of Rs 31 crore.
Soumitra Bhattacharya, the MD, Bosch, crore compared with Rs 48 crore and Rs 20 Titan Engineering & Automation, a prin-
and President, Bosch Group in India, said, crore, respectively, in the corresponding cipal subsidiary, got affected due to supply
“While the industry has shown continued signs quarter last year. chain disruptions caused by the second wave
of recovery since Q2 of FY2021, the second The Group’s operations and financial of the pandemic, recording revenues of Rs
wave of covid-19-induced an undeniable pres- results were affected due to the outbreak of 66 crore and loss of Rs 1 crore compared
sure on the Indian automotive sector, with a the second wave of covid-19 pandemic dur- with PBT of Rs 7 crore in Q1June 2020.
surge in infections, localized lockdowns, and ing the peak season because of lockdowns CaratLane continued to do well in both the
lowered demand sentiment. The intensifying and restricted operational hours even after online and offline channels and emerged as a
second wave proved a challenge for several easing of state-wide lockdowns. strong omni player. Revenues climbed up
OEMs across the country, causing them to Nevertheless, business activities were 274% to Rs 157 crore and recorded loss of
cut production or suspend operations. Given resumed gradually following the relaxations Rs 9 crore compared with loss of Rs 19
the uncertain economic environment, the im- and directives issued by various state gov- crore a year ago.
pending third wave of covid-19 and ernments as well as local authorities in India C K Venkataraman, the MD, Titan Com-
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Loss of weight
NSE small-cap 100 index constituents down 20% and more from their 52-week highs
(13-AUG-2021) ( Rs cr) DATE (Rs) 52-WKH (%) DATE (Rs) 52-WKL (%) YIELD (%)
Future Retail 49.15 2665.33 44075.00 167.90 -70.73 01-04-21 40.55 21.21 0.00 0.00 RES
Alok Industries 22.70 11271.10 44050.00 44.30 -48.76 01-10-20 18.65 21.72 0.00 0.00 QLY
Vakrangee 38.35 4062.82 44196.00 69.85 -45.10 24-09-20 24.50 56.53 54.79 0.26 QLY
Ujjivan Small 25.70 4441.77 44203.00 44.60 -42.38 11-08-21 25.10 2.39 0.00 0.00 QLY
Aarti Drugs 649.15 6011.13 44112.00 1026.95 -36.79 12-08-20 510.25 27.22 24.67 0.39 QLY
Wockhardt 512.10 5673.10 44342.00 804.90 -36.38 24-09-20 266.00 92.52 0.00 0.00 QLY
GMM Pfaudler 4417.85 6457.79 44055.00 6900.00 -35.97 12-11-20 3335.20 32.46 76.31 0.11 QLY
Strides Pharma 662.15 5940.99 44204.00 999.00 -33.72 14-08-20 551.10 20.15 120.39 0.38 QLY
SpiceJet 72.05 4332.75 44176.00 108.00 -33.29 07-08-20 45.65 57.83 0.00 0.00 RES
Affle India 4196.60 11184.03 44260.00 6285.65 -33.24 07-08-20 1825.00 129.95 73.65 0.00 QLY
Hindustan Copper 132.30 12793.73 44327.00 196.75 -32.76 15-10-20 31.30 322.68 101.77 0.25 QLY
Karur Vysya Bank 44.20 3532.96 44267.00 64.55 -31.53 13-10-20 29.30 50.85 9.74 1.13 QLY
Aegis Logistics 281.10 9866.61 44358.00 387.90 -27.53 17-08-20 183.85 52.90 37.94 0.71 QLY
IOL Chemicals 657.95 3862.53 44068.00 898.90 -26.80 23-02-21 522.00 26.04 8.69 0.91 RES
PNB Housing 678.05 11425.73 44355.00 925.00 -26.70 07-08-20 214.60 215.96 12.47 0.00 QLY
Dilip Buildcon 534.95 7821.77 44259.00 719.90 -25.69 30-10-20 321.05 66.63 31.92 0.17 RES
Sequent Scien. 252.65 6275.09 44376.00 336.50 -24.92 19-08-20 118.95 112.40 74.31 0.20 QLY
CEAT 1329.15 5376.42 44231.00 1763.00 -24.61 17-08-20 861.00 54.37 10.78 1.35 QLY
Engineers India 70.75 3976.45 44258.00 93.30 -24.17 16-10-20 60.40 17.14 22.46 2.83 QLY
TV18 Broadcast 37.40 6411.71 44357.00 48.95 -23.60 12-04-21 26.25 42.48 11.58 0.00 QLY
NBCC 46.35 8343.00 44369.00 59.80 -22.49 24-09-20 22.20 108.78 37.68 1.01 RES
Sterling & Wils. 270.55 4338.54 44295.00 343.80 -21.31 24-02-21 183.50 47.44 0.00 0.00 RES
CDSL 1246.70 13028.02 44396.00 1579.00 -21.04 07-08-20 347.25 259.02 59.74 0.72 QLY
Mishra Dhatu Nig 187.00 3503.26 44069.00 236.00 -20.76 16-10-20 172.80 8.22 18.83 1.49 QLY
Kaveri Seed Co. 649.35 3917.47 44333.00 816.65 -20.49 02-11-20 463.05 40.23 12.62 0.62 RES
IDFC 50.15 8005.89 44399.00 62.90 -20.27 07-08-20 20.00 150.75 501.50 6.28 QLY
Bharat Dynamics 384.95 7055.41 44057.00 481.70 -20.09 22-09-20 280.40 37.29 27.38 1.91 RES
Amber Enterp. 2928.90 9868.56 44260.00 3662.00 -20.02 12-08-20 1642.20 78.35 84.72 0.00 QLY
Future Retail 49.15 2665.33 44075.00 167.90 -70.73 01-04-21 40.55 21.21 0.00 0.00 RES
Alok Industries 22.70 11271.10 44050.00 44.30 -48.76 01-10-20 18.65 21.72 0.00 0.00 QLY
Vakrangee 38.35 4062.82 44196.00 69.85 -45.10 24-09-20 24.50 56.53 54.79 0.26 QLY
Ujjivan Small 25.70 4441.77 44203.00 44.60 -42.38 11-08-21 25.10 2.39 0.00 0.00 QLY
Aarti Drugs 649.15 6011.13 44112.00 1026.95 -36.79 12-08-20 510.25 27.22 24.67 0.39 QLY
Wockhardt 512.10 5673.10 44342.00 804.90 -36.38 24-09-20 266.00 92.52 0.00 0.00 QLY
GMM Pfaudler 4417.85 6457.79 44055.00 6900.00 -35.97 12-11-20 3335.20 32.46 76.31 0.11 QLY
Strides Pharma 662.15 5940.99 44204.00 999.00 -33.72 14-08-20 551.10 20.15 120.39 0.38 QLY
SpiceJet 72.05 4332.75 44176.00 108.00 -33.29 07-08-20 45.65 57.83 0.00 0.00 RES
Affle India 4196.60 11184.03 44260.00 6285.65 -33.24 07-08-20 1825.00 129.95 73.65 0.00 QLY
Hindustan Copper 132.30 12793.73 44327.00 196.75 -32.76 15-10-20 31.30 322.68 101.77 0.25 QLY
Karur Vysya Bank 44.20 3532.96 44267.00 64.55 -31.53 13-10-20 29.30 50.85 9.74 1.13 QLY
Aegis Logistics 281.10 9866.61 44358.00 387.90 -27.53 17-08-20 183.85 52.90 37.94 0.71 QLY
IOL Chemicals 657.95 3862.53 44068.00 898.90 -26.80 23-02-21 522.00 26.04 8.69 0.91 RES
PNB Housing 678.05 11425.73 44355.00 925.00 -26.70 07-08-20 214.60 215.96 12.47 0.00 QLY
Dilip Buildcon 534.95 7821.77 44259.00 719.90 -25.69 30-10-20 321.05 66.63 31.92 0.17 RES
Sequent Scien. 252.65 6275.09 44376.00 336.50 -24.92 19-08-20 118.95 112.40 74.31 0.20 QLY
CEAT 1329.15 5376.42 44231.00 1763.00 -24.61 17-08-20 861.00 54.37 10.78 1.35 QLY
Engineers India 70.75 3976.45 44258.00 93.30 -24.17 16-10-20 60.40 17.14 22.46 2.83 QLY
TV18 Broadcast 37.40 6411.71 44357.00 48.95 -23.60 12-04-21 26.25 42.48 11.58 0.00 QLY
NBCC 46.35 8343.00 44369.00 59.80 -22.49 24-09-20 22.20 108.78 37.68 1.01 RES
Sterling & Wils. 270.55 4338.54 44295.00 343.80 -21.31 24-02-21 183.50 47.44 0.00 0.00 RES
CDSL 1246.70 13028.02 44396.00 1579.00 -21.04 07-08-20 347.25 259.02 59.74 0.72 QLY
Mishra Dhatu Nig 187.00 3503.26 44069.00 236.00 -20.76 16-10-20 172.80 8.22 18.83 1.49 QLY
Kaveri Seed Co. 649.35 3917.47 44333.00 816.65 -20.49 02-11-20 463.05 40.23 12.62 0.62 RES
IDFC 50.15 8005.89 44399.00 62.90 -20.27 07-08-20 20.00 150.75 501.50 6.28 QLY
Bharat Dynamics 384.95 7055.41 44057.00 481.70 -20.09 22-09-20 280.40 37.29 27.38 1.91 RES
Amber Enterp. 2928.90 9868.56 44260.00 3662.00 -20.02 12-08-20 1642.20 78.35 84.72 0.00 QLY
SOURCE: Source of result for P/E and dividend yield on latest TTM based on QLY: Quarterly result, FIN: financial year (annual report) and RES: result full year. G/L: Gain/Loss. NA: Not available.
Source: Capitaline Database
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Idea Pub. Pub. Cur. Price % Sensex Idea Pub. Pub. Cur. Price % Sensex
Date Price 20-05-21 Var Var(%) Date Price 20-05-21 Var Var(%)
Prince Pipes & Fit 05/08/2020 116 688 493 32 Kanpur Plastipack 25/11/2020 115 192 67 13
Tata Elxsi 29/05/2020 765 3622 373 53 Mastek 10/02/2021 1110 1828 65 -3
HIL 12/06/2020 1026 4713 359 47 Nilkamal 16/09/2020 1297 2135 65 26
Apollo Pipes 10/07/2020 320 1111 247 35 Axis Bank 31/07/2020 432 706 63 32
Advanced Enzymes 05/06/2020 156 486 211 45 Precision Camshafts 26/08/2020 36 57 59 27
Texmo Pipes & Prod 30/09/2020 14 43 204 30 ELANTAS Beck India 11/11/2020 2399 3725 55 14
Sahyadri Industries 19/06/2020 139 410 195 43 SKF India 20/11/2020 1541 2378 54 13
Visaka Industries 24/06/2020 235 684 191 42 Savita Oil Tech 11/12/2020 731 1124 54 8
Hikal 26/06/2020 128 369 188 41 Sunshield Chemicals 16/04/2021 206 306 49 2
HIL 14/10/2020 1671 4713 182 21 Samkrg Pistons 08/07/2020 110 161 46 36
Hikal 26/03/2021 144 369 156 1 Infosys 02/09/2020 924 1339 45 27
High Energy Batter 04/09/2020 342 845 147 29 Sika Interplant Syst 23/09/2020 228 328 44 32
Carborundum Univ 17/07/2020 240 593 147 34 Mah & Mah Fin Serv 01/07/2020 112 160 43 40
L&T Tech Services 20/05/2020 1159 2612 125 61 Sahyadri Industries 19/03/2021 288 410 42 -1
Dynemic Products 18/12/2020 228 499 119 6 Aditya Birla Capital 12/02/2021 89 127 42 -4
Amrutanjan Health 03/06/2020 353 736 108 45 V-Guard Industries 13/11/2020 172 242 41 14
Visaka Industries 16/10/2020 336 684 104 24 India Motor Parts 22/05/2020 489 683 40 62
Central Deposit Serv 04/11/2020 461 870 89 22 L G Balakrishnan 12/08/2020 218 304 39 29
Everest Industries 29/07/2020 202 364 80 30 Polyspin Exports 27/11/2020 39 54 39 12
Birla Corporation 24/12/2020 702 1255 79 6 Sheela Foam 03/07/2020 1451 2014 39 38
Roto Pumps 23/12/2020 127 219 72 7 Gujarat State Petro 27/01/2021 195 269 38 5
WPIL 28/08/2020 419 716 71 26 Rajoo Engineers 23/04/2021 20 27 35 4
Indag Rubber 27/05/2020 52 87 67 57 Mphasis 09/12/2020 1316 1764 34 8
Bharat Electronics 07/10/2020 94 157 67 24 Gujarat Pipavav Port 07/08/2020 76 102 34 30
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charges, gross of all discounts, excluding tips. business grew nearly 49%, while the Egypt
Shares were listed on 23 July 2021 at Rs Back in black business was up 43%, Namaste jumped
115 apiece, at a premium of 51.32% to the over40% and the Saarc business grew 41%.
CG Power & Industrial Solutions’ PBT
issue price of Rs 76 per share. The IPO re- Mohit Malhotra, the CEO, Dabur In-
was at Rs 71 crore from pre-tax loss of
ceived bids for 2,751.27 crore shares as against Rs 237 in Q1June 2020. Subsidiaries at dia, said, “Riding on the strength of its stra-
71.92 crore shares on offer. The issue was the US and Europe were profitable tegic business transformation exercise, we
subscribed 38.25 times. The price band of demonstrated renewed agility and resilience
the IPO was fixed at Rs 72-76 per share. in the face of the second wave of covid-19.
Shares of RIL and Future Group compa- 85
We applied learnings from last year on
nies Future Enterprises, Future Lifestyle streamlining the supply chain to ensure
Fashions, Future Retail, Future Supply 78 minimal disruption in supplies while firmly
Chain Solutions, Future Consumer and CG Power & Indu. focusing on delivering volume-led profitable
Future Market Networks tumbled after the 71 growth. The operating margins expanded
Supreme Court upheld the Singapore-based 32.5%, marking a 10-bp gain over Q1June
emergency arbitrator’s award which stalled 64 l l l l l l 2020 despite high inflationary pressures.
A’21 M J J A
the proposed deal between Future Retail and Price in Rs on BSE. Face Value : Rs 2
“While the operating environment was
Reliance Group. The apex court allowed the challenging and the competitive intensity
appeal filed by Amazon against a Delhi High advanced 28% to Rs 437.33 crore on 31.9% high, we successfully tapped the growth
Court (HC) order staying attachment of prop- increase in revenues from operations to Rs opportunities to deliver a strong perfor-
erties of Future Group companies and 2611.54 crore in Q1June 2021 over Q1 June mance during the quarter. We continue to
Kishore Biyani in relation to the Rs 24713- 2020. Net profit was up 15.8% and rev- invest ahead of the curve in expanding our
crore Future-Reliance deal. enues grew 11.8% over Q4 March 2021. rural footprint. We have expanded our rural
The bench of Justices Rohinton Fali PBT increased 34% to Rs 567.99 crore over coverage by 16%, from 60,000 villages end
Nariman and BR Gavai held the order of an a year ago. Current tax outgo jumped 59.3% FY2021 to 69,000 villages in Q1 June 2021.
emergency arbitrator is enforceable in India, to Rs 126.34 crore. We plan to further expand 33% to 80,000
under Section 17(2) of the Arbitration Act. Continued investments in power brands villages over the next two years.”
A division bench of the Delhi High Court and expanding the distribution footprint Emami’s consolidated net profit surged
had stayed an order passed by the single coupled with a structured and balanced ap- 96.4% to Rs 77.79 crore in Q1 June 2021
judge. They had reportedly directed the at- proach to driving cost management helped to from Q1June 2020.Revenues from opera-
tachment of properties of Future Group overcome the challenging context of the covid- tions increased 37.3% to Rs 660.95 crore.
companies and Kishore Biyani in relation to 19 second wave. The FMCG business grew Net profit was down 11.3% and revenues
the Future-Reliance deal. 35.4%, with an underlying volume growth of from operations declined 9.6% over Q4
The single judge order of the high court 34.4%. Market share was gained across all March 2021.
had upheld the award of an emergency arbi- key verticals such as health care, home care, The second wave of covid-19 pandemic
trator, directed attachment of the properties, personal care, and foods. E-commerce re- surged across the country from mid-April,
and restrained Future Retail from going ahead ported an over 100% growth and contributes leading to lockdowns and restrictions in vari-
with the Rs 24713 crore merger with Reli- 8.2% to the India FMG business. ous states, severely affecting both urban and
ance Retail. This order was subsequently The focus on innovation, a widened rural regions. While the initial weeks of April
stayed by a division bench, prompting the product portfolio and a revival in in-home witnessed sustained growth momentum, the
appeal by Amazon. consumption in line with the growing con- subsequent increase in covid-19 cases led to
The Singapore International Arbitration sumer need for health helped the food &bev- a challenging phase over May. While per-
Centre on 25 October 2020 had passed an erages business to surge 80.4%. sonal care products were affected, demand
interim order in favour of Amazon, restraining The healthcare business grew 30%, with for health and hygiene products was also
Future Group from proceeding on the deal with the ayurvedic over-the-counter business muted compared with the first wave phase.
Reliance Retail. In August 2020, RIL an- jumping over 52%, ayurvedic ethicals busi- While domestic business grew 42% over
nounced the acquisition of the retail and whole- ness growing nearly 51% and the health the previous year, it grew 5% over Q1June
sale and logistics and warehousing businesses supplements category up 24.5%. 2019 despite the raging impact of the sec-
from the Future Group as going concerns on a The revival in discretionary spending ond wave. Further, all major brands grew
slump sale basis for Rs 24713 crore through boosted the home &personal care to increase handsomely by more than 50% during the
subsidiary Reliance Retail Ventures. over 26%. The hair care category was up quarter, except for Navratna, growing 21%
In August 2019, Amazon had bought nearly 39%, while the home care business due to lockdowns. Modern trade expanded
49% stake in Future Coupons for Rs 1500 was up over 30% and the oral care business 63% and e-commerce continued its robust
crore. The US-based e-commerce giant said up over 21%. The skin care and salon busi- run growing by 3.7x. The e-commerce busi-
that the CY2019 deal blocks Future Group ness excluding sanitisers spurted 66%. ness increased its contribution by 300 bps
from selling shares of Future Retail to rival The international business continued to to 5% of domestic revenues.
RIL as it indirectly owned about 3.5% stake move ahead on the growth trajectory, with The international business grew 17%.
in Future Retail. an over 34% jump in constant currency Barring the Middle Eastern geographies, all
Dabur India’s consolidated net profit terms. The Middle East and North Africa other regions posted strong growth during
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Taking off
Constituents of the BSE 500 index, comprising the most liquid stocks, hitting 52-week high for various reasons
in the fortnight ended 13 August 2021
COMPANY (Rs) (%) COMPANY (Rs) (%) COMPANY (Rs) (%)
Abbott India 19006.5 -4.9 57.2 15.5 Vardhman Textile 1801.6 -11.7 13.2 1.6 BASF India 3665.1 -6.7 73.8 9.8
Century Textiles 788.6 -5.4 282.6 2.5 Titan Company 1838.1 -1.1 127.1 21.8 Alkem Lab 3661.7 -1.0 26.8 5.9
Grasim Inds 1497.6 -7.2 22.4 1.5 GHCL 359.2 -10.6 8.2 1.4 Bata India 1705.9 -2.8 0.0 12.5
Lak. Mach. Works 8193.0 -7.6 104.1 4.9 St Bk of India 431.4 -7.7 15.4 1.5 Bharat Forge 819.5 -3.2 82.5 7.1
Phillips Carbon 248.3 -10.9 10.3 2.2 Tata Comm 1427.7 -6.6 30.5 352.4 Radico Khaitan 921.4 -2.5 42.0 6.9
Apollo Hospitals 4060.2 -4.0 0.0 12.7 Torrent Pharma. 2964.4 -5.3 39.8 8.6 KEI Industries 748.2 -4.4 22.3 3.8
Rain Industries 231.4 -15.2 9.0 1.3 Bajaj Finance 6152.2 -5.0 83.3 10.1 Indoco Remedies 473.5 -10.6 37.7 5.7
Ratnamani Metals 2121.4 -5.7 35.8 5.0 ICICI Bank 704.8 -1.7 24.4 3.1 Gland Pharma 4286.7 -1.5 68.1 11.9
Phoenix Mills 864.2 -5.9 216.0 3.0 DLF 332.5 -7.4 53.0 2.3 Tech Mahindra 1382.8 -0.9 27.9 5.4
Sun TV Network 525.2 -10.4 13.6 2.9 Godrej Agrovet 656.0 -12.2 38.1 6.1 Max Healthcare 318.6 -4.6 95.1 5.5
Mahindra Logis. 694.5 -15.1 87.0 8.8 Divi’s Lab. 4949.2 -1.8 64.1 14.1 IRCTC 2661.4 -2.4 262.5 29.0
Oberoi Realty 691.4 -8.3 31.7 2.7 Godrej Consumer 983.0 -4.0 56.2 10.7 UTI AMC 1042.5 -5.1 24.1 4.1
Endurance Tech. 1661.8 -8.7 34.8 6.6 ICICI Pru Life 671.5 -1.8 199.3 11.4 Laurus Labs 707.1 -2.3 36.0 14.6
Ashok Leyland 130.4 -9.0 0.0 4.9 Muthoot Finance 1450.9 -11.5 14.8 3.7 Bajaj Holdings 4192.0 -0.8 12.4 1.3
GSFC 108.8 -14.4 7.8 0.5 UltraTech Cem. 7464.0 -5.6 32.6 4.9 Carborundum Uni. 724.1 -5.1 39.0 6.4
Trent 881.6 -9.1 0.0 13.6 Solar Industries 1760.3 -2.1 48.0 10.1 Zensar Tech. 418.1 -4.8 33.0 4.0
NOCIL 264.3 -10.1 35.5 3.4 Astral 2035.7 -11.3 89.2 21.6 Cummins India 975.1 -1.4 37.3 5.8
JTEKT India 108.6 -18.2 55.1 4.4 RHI Magnestia 367.4 -6.4 37.6 7.3 Larsen & Toubro 1667.5 -0.5 15.3 3.1
Nilkamal Ltd 2605.1 -17.9 27.1 3.4 Gujarat Gas 737.7 -6.2 30.0 11.3 Mah. Scooters 4385.9 -6.0 0.0 0.3
Aarti Industries 935.1 -5.3 55.9 7.2 Trident 21.5 -6.3 20.8 3.3 Vedanta 328.3 -1.4 7.9 2.0
P I Industries 3143.5 -6.4 61.1 8.9 Sonata Software 844.9 -4.4 31.6 9.8 Siemens 2245.3 -1.3 72.8 8.1
Dabur India 588.3 -5.0 58.1 13.6 SBI Life Insuran 1138.5 -3.0 88.4 10.8 Tata Chemicals 879.5 -1.0 42.2 1.6
Sun Pharma.Inds. 777.9 -3.3 27.3 4.0 Sumitomo Chemi. 419.8 -8.7 56.4 13.6 Tata Consumer 807.6 -0.4 95.1 5.1
Kalpataru Power 433.9 -12.5 11.8 1.7 Quess Corp 856.6 -6.9 192.9 5.4 Wipro 615.5 -0.8 29.0 6.1
La Opala RG 272.1 -13.6 60.9 4.5 Rossari Biotech 1356.4 -6.5 83.7 10.5 V I P Inds. 457.3 -4.4 0.0 12.5
Balaji Amines 3426.8 -13.8 37.6 12.4 JK Tyre & Indust 161.3 -2.8 7.6 1.5 Infosys 1712.5 -0.6 35.9 11.1
Emami 563.1 -3.3 50.8 14.2 Natl. Aluminium 83.7 -14.1 9.4 1.4 Chambal Fert. 331.8 -1.3 9.8 2.6
Sunteck Realty 381.3 -8.1 102.5 2.0 Havells India 1243.3 -1.2 64.0 15.0 Mphasis 2754.6 -1.3 40.3 7.9
Minda Industries 714.1 -14.2 99.5 6.9 JSW Steel 749.2 -3.5 12.6 3.9 TCS 3461.9 -0.5 36.3 15.0
Prestige Estates 338.9 -10.2 37.2 2.0 Orient Cement 161.4 -7.0 11.9 2.5 HCL Technologies 1119.7 -0.4 26.6 5.1
Godrej Propert. 1547.1 -8.9 0.0 5.2 Suven Pharma 542.9 -8.0 36.8 11.7 Oracle Fin.Serv. 4610.4 -3.7 22.0 5.8
Mahindra Life. 748.4 -8.9 0.0 2.4 Tata Inv.Corpn. 1300.6 -6.1 34.7 0.5 Bharti Airtel 637.1 -0.2 342.5 5.9
United Breweries 1396.6 -9.2 143.1 10.3 Piramal Enterp. 2723.8 -4.7 48.5 1.9 Birlasoft Ltd 421.7 -3.3 31.0 5.4
eClerx Services 2172.4 -8.4 26.8 5.1 Tata Power Co. 132.6 -3.9 29.3 2.0 L & T Infotech 4861.5 -1.0 42.2 11.7
Crompton Gr. Con 473.8 -4.9 46.7 15.4 JK Paper 263.3 -7.6 13.1 1.8 Mindtree 2922.6 -1.0 38.8 10.3
Gujarat Fluoroch 1733.8 -5.7 0.0 5.5 J K Cements 3111.7 -15.7 32.5 6.4 Allcargo Logist. 213.8 -3.3 27.0 2.3
ACC 2308.1 -6.0 20.7 3.2 Jindal Stain. Hi 292.6 -5.0 6.2 2.3 SPARC 280.3 -4.9 0.0 -43.7
Balkrishna Inds 2291.6 -10.4 32.2 7.4 IIFL Wealth Mgt 1546.9 -7.7 33.8 4.8 KNR Construct. 285.8 -2.8 20.1 4.1
Deepak Fertiliz. 451.7 -8.3 12.0 1.8 Deepak Nitrite 2141.2 -3.1 29.8 12.4 VRL Logistics 331.6 -3.0 28.8 4.9
Gujarat Alkalies 483.5 -7.6 18.0 0.7 Sanofi India 8612.0 -7.4 34.5 12.4 Avenue Super. 3593.7 -1.0 201.6 19.1
Ambuja Cements 402.6 -5.8 24.2 3.3 Rajesh Exports 609.4 -7.0 21.3 1.6 KPIT Technologi. 332.9 -1.0 51.0 7.5
Jubilant Food. 3781.2 -1.6 131.5 35.0 CMP as on 13 August 2021. Variation % from 52-week high.
SRF 8858.3 -3.0 37.1 7.7
Data on consolidated priority basis
the quarter. The gross margins, at 66%, were 68.2%.Stake was increased in Helios we could post one of our most profitable quar-
lower by just 50 bps over previous year. Lifestyle (The Man Company), in line with terly results. Our profitability was not only
Ebitda grew 38% to Rs. 170 crore and the the focus on strategic investments in start- higher than the base quarter, affected by the
Ebitda margins improved 20 bps to 25.7% ups to incubate new engines of growth. nationwide lockdown, but also much superior
over Q1June 2020. PBT stood up 94.2% to Mohan Goenka, Director, Emami, said, to the normal Q1 June 2019.However, the
Rs 95.27 crore. Current tax outgo rose “We are very happy that, despite challenges, overall demand since early June has once again
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been showing improvement, with the covid- saw faster recovery in demand, which as-
19 positivity rates dropping to the pre-sec-
Turning cold sisted growth in the quarter.
ond wave levels. Our focus on the progress of The Nifty Energy index slid 6% from its “Overall, we have delivered a healthy
standalone modern stores as well as Project peak of 20,902.70 on 14 June 2021, performance, with a top-line growth of
Khoj to increase footprints in rural areas is underperforming in CY, up 16%, and 49.4% over Q2 June 2020. The higher growth
progressing steadily. We also posted record over the year, up 27%, till 13 August 2021 rate was on account of robust volume growth
profit during the quarter despite high input CMP VARIANCE % over a lower base of the previous year as
cost pressure, which highlights our resilience.” well as marginal increase in realizations. As
Varun Beverages’ consolidated net
(Rs) 05-01-21 02-06-21 we look ahead, momentum in demand and
profit spurted 123% to Rs 318.80 crore in Adani Green 919.10 -16.17 -29.29 consumption should further strengthen with
Q2 June 2021 from Q2 June 2021.Improved BPCL 454.90 16.05 -4.16 higher vaccination drives, improving eco-
profitability was driven by 36.9% lower fi- GAIL (India) 148.40 14.77 -6.58 nomic indicators and supportive macros
nance cost at Rs 46.78 crore due to lowering HPCL 255.05 14.32 -11.56 such as good monsoons.”
of average cost of borrowing and reduction IOCL 104.65 12.53 -5.59
in total debt.Net revenues increased 49.4%to Overseas
NTPC 118.25 21.16 6.39
Rs 2449.85 crore, primarily because of ro- The Dow and the S&P 500 finished the week
ONGC 116.10 22.27 -1.40
bust volume growth over last year and mar- ended 13 August 2021, with their longest
ginal increase in realizations per case. Power Grid Corpn 184.75 31.03 8.30 stretch of closing records since March 15.Eas-
Total sales volume went up 45.4% YoY Reliance Industr 2145.65 9.13 -2.53 ing of consumer prices and optimism about
to 152.3 million cases, led by strong growth Tata Power Co. 132.55 63.34 22.62 corporate earnings going forward as unem-
in April 2021 compared with the low base of Nifty Energy 19677.05 15.27 -2.70 ployment numbers and first-time jobless ben-
the previous year of the same month and a Current market price (CMP) as on 13 August 2021. efits fell, with surging openings for jobs, buoy
steady recovery in June 2021 despite the sec- 05 January 2021: Opec and partner countries announced the broader market. However, the Nasdaq
they will maintain the previously agreed-upon January
ond wave of pandemic and related lockdowns, 2021 production increase of 0.5 million bpd and Russia
Composite Index ended the week almost 1%
leading to a de-growth in May 2021. and Kazakhstan will increase production in February and lower as value-related investments handily
Realization per case improved margin- March. However, additional voluntary cuts by Saudi outperformed growth for the week.
Arabia for February and March will result in lower overall
ally by 2.8% to Rs 160.8 per case, led by Opec+ production in early CY 2021. Upbeat quarterly earnings results also
higher realizations in international territo- 2 June 2021: Oil futures extended their surge to their have been a big support for recent buying.
ries partially offset by higher mix of water. highest finish in over two years, buoyed by optimism over The post-pandemic earnings for the S&P
the outlook for global demand as events in Iran raised
Canteen stores department constituted 78%, risks to supply stability in the region. Reports of a 500 over the past five quarters has beaten
juice 7% and packaged drinking water 15% massive fire at a state-owned oil refinery near Tehran expectations by about 15-20%. These are
followed news that the largest warship in Iran’s navy
of total sales volumes. The gross margins caught fire and sank. August Brent crude closed at
all-time highs that suggest the economic re-
slipped 128 bps, primarily due to change in US$71.35 a barrel on Ice Futures Europe. Opec+ has covery is not only on track, but stronger
product mix and marginal increase in raw agreed to stick to a timetable for gradually easing than many anticipated. US productivity
production cuts this month and next, bringing an
material prices. additional seven lakh barrels a day of supply onto the grew 2.3% in Q2 after a revised 4.3% rise
Ebitda rose 51.1% to Rs 570.8 crore. The market in June, and a further 8.40 lakh barrels a day in the previous three months.
Ebitda margins improved marginally to 23.3% July. The numbers include the unwinding of additional Goldman Sachs boosted its S&P 500
voluntary cuts by Saudi Arabia. Worries about the
from 23% even after a 128-bp decline in the prospective return of Iranian crude to the market have price target to 4,700 from 4,300 on expecta-
gross margins due to cost optimization mea- faded a bit. A round of indirect negotiations aimed at tion of stronger revenue growth and more pre-
bringing the US back into the 2015 nuclear agreement and
sures implemented last year. PBT was up Tehran back into compliance, which would set the stage
tax profit margin expansion as firms success-
130.8% to Rs 419.65 crore. Tax expense for reversal of US sanctions reimposed by former fully manage costs and as high-margin tech
soared 159.4% to Rs 100.85 crore.Net debt President Trump, are not expected to produce a companies become a larger share of the index.
breakthrough in the short term. Iran said negotiators now
stood at Rs 2549.2 crore as against Rs 3015.8 expect to complete a deal in August, when President The Senate voted 69-30 to approve a bi-
crore end December 2020. The debt-equity Hassan Rouhani’s term ends. The oil market has already partisan infrastructure bill, sending the US$1
factored in the return of five to 10 lakh barrels coming
ratio stood at 0.63x and the debt-Ebitda ratio back in the market from Iran this year. If those barrels do
trillion measure to the House of Representa-
stood at 1.69x for the trailing 12 months ended not make their way back into the market, the supply deficit tives for its approval. A fight looms, how-
June 2021. The net organic capex of Rs 190 could exceed the two million barrels per day already ever, over a US$ 3.5 trillion, Democratic-
expected from September through December.
crore in H2 of FY 2021 including forex ad- backed package of additional spending that
justments was primarily towards expansion 108.26 crore. House Democrats have said must first be
in India, Morocco, and Zimbabwe. Ravi Jaipuria, the Chairman, Varun Bev- passed under budget reconciliation before
Working capital days increased margin- erages, said, “We delivered an encouraging considering the infrastructure package.
ally to 24 days from 20 days end June 2020, set of results during the quarter despite a The worry is that the impetus to growth
primarily due higher stock of pet resin and soft operating environment due to pandemic- could fuel inflation. The US producer-price
preform inventory stocked to take the ad- induced lockdowns and restrictions. While index (PPI) was up 7.8% year over year in
vantage of lower pricing at the start of the we registered strong sales in April, May was July versus 7.3% in June, while the core
year. The board of director recommended an a witness to moderate sales on account of PPI reading, which excludes food and en-
interim dividend of Rs 2.5 per share. Total the disruptions. Further, as lockdowns and ergy, accelerated to 6.1% from 5.5%. The
cash outflow would be approximately Rs curbs started easing from June onwards, we data could add to expectations for the Fed
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to move more quickly toward beginning to Caixin/Markit services PMI for July came
taper its monthly asset purchases. Shedding weight in at 54.9, up from June’s reading of 50.3.
However, the reading was viewed as Chinese manufacturing activity growth
Hinduja Global Solutions, whose PBT
peaking of PPI as supply pressures gradu- spurted 117.5% over Q1 June 2020,will slowed in July. The Caixin/ Markit manu-
ally unwind in the coming months and de- sell its healthcare services business to facturing PMI for July read 50. The Caixin
mand moderates from its blistering pace in Baring PE Asia for US$1,200 million manufacturing PMI figure had come in at
the first half of the year. However, stubborn 51.3 in June. The official manufacturing PMI
pandemic disruptions could continue to 3800 also showed factory activity growth slow-
hamper supply through year-end, keeping 3300
ing in July, with the figure for the month
producer prices sticky and prompting the Hinduja Global coming in at 50.4 versus June’s 50.9.
Fed to begin tapering in early CY2022. More areas in Japan entered a covid-19
Also, US private-sector job creation 2300 state of emergency due to a spike in virus
tumbled in July, as concerns grow about 1800
cases. Japanese wholesale prices rose in July
the spread of the delta variant of the at their fastest annual pace in 13 years. The
1300 l
coronavirus. The labour market recovery l l l l l corporate goods price index (CGPI), which
A’21 M J J A
continues to exhibit uneven progress, but measures the price companies charge each
Price in Rs on BSE. Face Value : Rs 10
progress, nonetheless. other for their goods and services, rose 5.6%
Key members of the rate-setting Federal in July from a year earlier.
Open Market Committee, including Chairman Chinahas been battling to keep new Singapore’s economy grew 14.7% in Q2
Jerome Powell, have said that they see covid-19 outbreaks under control with the of CY 2021 compared with a year ago, better
inflation’s rise amid the covid-19 pandemic as partial closure of one of China’s biggest cargo than official advance estimates of a 14.3% ex-
a short-term phenomenon. The market remains ports due to new cases of covid-19. Beijing pansion. The country also expects its economy
focused on the health of the jobs market and has reportedly punished 30 officials across to grow between 6% and 7% in CY2021, an
wages, as a key part of the Fed’s mandate. the country for lax attitudes and response in upgrade from past projections of 4% to 6%.
Chicago Fed’s Charles Evans advocated containing the virus. The ripples will not
for waiting longer. Boston Fed President Eric just be felt in China but also globally. The Outlook
Rosengren said the central bank should an- impact has been most noticeable in regional The strong US job data also may embolden
nounce in September that it will begin reduc- stock markets with a high beta to trade. the Fed to pullback on accommodative mea-
ing its US$120 billion in purchases of Trea- Goldman Sachs’ downgrade its China sures such as US$120 billion a month bond-
sury and mortgage bonds “this fall.”Evans is growth due to the country’s efforts to con- buying that have helped to stimulate economic
a voting member of the Fed’s policy-making tain a small but growing number of covid-19 growth and asset prices. Of particularly con-
committee this year, while both George and cases in several regions. It cut its Q3 growth cern is wage inflation, 4% higher in July over a
Kaplan are not, but will be in CY2022.Kansas outlook to 2.3% from 5.8% but lifted its Q3 year ago. Worries of higher wages could lead to
City Federal Reserve President Esther George outlook to 8.5% from 5.8% previously. That stickier rises in inflation. Fed Vice Chairman
and Dallas Fed President Rob Kaplan argued leaves its CY 2021 projection at 8.3% from Richard Clarida said the conditions for the first
for tapering the central bank’s bond buying 8.6% previously. increase in rate “by year-end CY 2022” allow-
program soon. The Bank of England left its monetary ing for the first move in CY 2023 as the risks
There are concerns as how high stocks policy unchanged but warned of a more pro- of higher inflation are greater than the risks of
can go, as they have been at or near new nounced period of above-target inflation in low inflation. Seven Fed officials have fore-
highs for a while, despite the rapid rise of the near term. The German industrial out- cast the first rate in CY2022 and a majority of
new coronavirus cases across the US and put fell unexpectedly by 1.3% in June 2021, the 19 top officials see two interest rate hikes
elsewhere. The continuing spread of the its second consecutive monthly decline. by the end of CY2023.
covid-19 delta variant remains in sharp fo- The focus in China remains on Beijing’s The spread of the delta variant of
cus, with new US cases hitting a six-month push to exert more control over a range of coronavirus and its potential impact on the
and hospitalizations increasing by roughly industries. In real estate, the nation is sus- global economic recovery remains a lingering
40%. California will require COVID-19 vac- pending private equity funds from raising concern. The World Health Organization
cines for all healthcare workers by 30 Sep- money to invest in residential property de- warned global cases could pass 300 million
tember. New Jersey will require masks for velopment. Separately, a partial shutdown by early next year if the pandemic continues
K-12 students and school staff when the of a major Chinese port due to a virus out- in its current direction. The projection came
new year begins in a few weeks. break stoked concerns about a repeat of last just a week after it reported 200 million covid-
The FDA may authorize a third dose of year’s pandemic shipping woes. 19 cases worldwide and six months after the
Pfizer and Moderna shots for those with China’s export growth unexpectedly globe topped 100 million cases.
weakened immune systems. slowed in July, while imports also lost mo- In Australia, Melbourne extended its
The stress in the metals and oil sectors mentum. Exports jumped 19.3% from a year lockdown by another week as it struggles
due to the added fear factor of the delta vari- ago compared with a 32.2% gain in June and to contain the highly infectious delta
ant is a worry. US crude for September de- imports went up 28.1% from a year earlier. variant. China announced fresh mass test-
livery closed lower, at US$66.48 a barrel. A private survey showed accelerating Chi- ing in Wuhan, the city where the disease
Brent oil fell to US$69.04 a barrel. nese services activity growth in July. The was first discovered.
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Capita Telefolio
CapitalineCorner Ideas up 55%,
when S&P BSE
Greenpanel Industries Sensex is up 18%
see page 85
MDF leader
Market leadership, extensive distribution reach, strong brand and andUttrakhand plant respectively taking
overall capacity of it to 37,000 cbm/month
additional capacity to help it to capitalize strong tailwind for MDF and 18,000 cbm/month. The additional ca-
pacity is expected to get commissioned by
Greenpanel Industries (GIL) is one of the FY2022. The brownfield expansion apart November-December 2021.
largest medium-density fibre-board (MDF) from facilitating efficiency and cost sav- For the quarter ended Jun 2021, sales
manufacturers in the country. Apart from ings will also add small capacity of 4,000 of GIL jumped up by 242% to Rs 308.32
MDF, its product offerings comprises cbm/ month and 1,500 cbm/month at AP crore driven by 272% growth in sales of
plywood, decorative veneers, floors, and
MDF to Rs 262.99 crore (85% of sales)
doors. It markets its products under the
facilitated by 221% increase in volume and
brand Greenpanel.
higher realization. The sales of Plywood
It has two manufacturing facilities of
and allied products segment up by 132%
MDF located at Pantnagar, Uttarakhand,
to Rs 45.33 crore (or 15% of sales) aided
and Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, with com- FOR MORE DETAILS ON PAGE 85 by 124% jump in volume. This is despite
bined installed capacity of 540000 cubic
challenging market due to 2nd wave of covid
meters (cbm). Its plywood manufacturing
unit with an installed capacity of 10.5 mil-
On track of debt reduction pandemic. The operating profit margin of
the company was 22.2% (compared to
lion square meters is also located at Having lowered consolidated net debt by
negative of 9.2%) leading to an operating
Pantnagar. GIL is one of the largest MDF RS 18 crore to RS 360 crore in Q1 of
profit of Rs 68.55 crore compared to a loss
manufacturer commanding about 27% mar- FY2022, it is well on tract to reduce it
of Rs 8.28 crore in Q1 of FY2021. Eventu-
ket share in the organized MDF market in further by RS 150 crore in FY22
ally the net profit was Rs 29.74 crore com-
the country. Even as the broad MDF mar-
pared to loss of Rs 36.49 crore.
ket de-grew 37% in FY2021, the company
For FY2021, net sales increased 16%
outperformed the market with 20% in-
to Rs 1020.76 crore. OPM has jumped from
crease in MDF volumes and 27% increase
15.7% to 19.9%, leading to 48% rise in op-
in MDF revenues thereby expanding its
erating profit to Rs 203.36 crore. Eventu-
market share. MDF contributes about 78%
ally the net profit increased 376% to Rs
of the revenue in FY21 with plywood and
68.81 crore.
allied products account 22%. Riding the
Consolidated net debt of the company
growth of its plywood business and the
in Q1FY22 come down by Rs 18 crore to
visible Greenpanel brand the company has Share price on BSE in Rs FV: Rs 1 Rs 36o crore and it is expected to reduce
emerged as one of top five veneer manufac-
further to Rs 150 crore by FY22 end.
turers in India.
Greenpanel Ind : Consol. Financials Capacity utilisation of the company
The company has a pan-India market-
in Q1FY22 was 61% and 91% in case of
ing network with fifteen branches, 1,400 2003(12) 2103(12) 2203(12P) 2303(12P) plywood and MDF and the company ex-
distributors and stockists and 7,000 retail- Net Sales 876.57 1,020.76 1350.59 1553.18 pect to reach a peak revenue of Rs 1600
ers across the country and plans to add an- OPM (%) 15.7 19.9 22.1 22.5 crore in next couple of years on complete
other 800 dealers for MDF division in next OP 137.78 203.36 297.85 349.47 capacity utilisation.
two years. Additionally it has strong insti- Other Inc. 2.23 3.45 3.41 4.09 Overall, strong demand with focus on
tutional customer relationship as 41% of PBIDT 140.01 206.81 301.26 353.56 growth of allied products, wide reach and
its FY21 revenue come from customers of 3 Interest 48.29 37.21 32.99 37.94 strong brand to drive topline growth, the
years or more.
PBDT 91.72 169.6 268.27 315.62 price hike for MDF along with operating
Increased urbanization and higher dis-
Depreciation 69.17 68.63 72.04 83.57 leverage is to support margin expansion.
posable income drives strong demand
PBT 22.55 100.97 196.23 232.05 We expect the company to register EPS
growth for readymade furniture, modular
PBT before EO 22.55 100.97 196.23 232.05 of Rs 11.8 for FY2022 and Rs 14 for
kitchens, interior design works etc. This
EO Income -10.84 0 0.00 0.00 FY2023. The scrip traded around Rs 255 on
along with preference shift in the industry
PBT after EO 11.71 100.97 196.23 232.05 August 16, 2021.
towards MDF from low cost plywood pro-
vides significant demand tailwind for MDF, Taxation -2.75 32.16 51.87 60.33
where the company is market leader. PAT 14.46 68.81 144.36 171.72 Kindly note Capital Market magazine and
EPS (Rs)* 1.8 5.6 11.8 14.0
GIL currently do not have any large
* EPS is on current equity of Rs 12.26 cr. Face value of Rs 1.
do not send any mobile SMS, Whatsapp
capex plans, But it is undertaking or twitter messages giving any kind of
Excluding extraordinary items. # EPS is not annualised.
brownfield expansions at both of its plants bps : Basis points. Figures in Rs crore. stock recommendations.
at a modest capital outlay of Rs 25 crore in Source: Capitaline Databases
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Posted at Mumbai Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai – 400001 on Alternate Fridays & Saturdays. Published: Alternate Monday (16-08-2021)
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