The Industrial Revolution and Land Transformation

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Land Transformation in Agriculture

Edited by M. G. Wolman and F. G. A. Fournier

@ 1987 SCOPE. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

The Industrial Revolution and Land


For most of human history man has been a hunter and gatherer; although his
use of fire, and local over-population, may have altered the environment, the
consequences of his actions were small compared with those of farmers.
Plants and animals were first domesticated some 12-10000 years ago, and
sedentary agriculture slowly became established in most parts of the world.
Agriculture inevitably transforms the land. Crop production requires the
removal of the natural vegetation, or its drastic modification. Thus even
shifting cultivation at low population densities, with periods of fallow in which
forest is allowed to regenerate, causes changes in the species composition and
structure of the secondary vegetation. Most other forms of crop production
require the almost complete removal of the natural vegetation; in areas of
cereal production in eastern England, not only has the original natural
vegetation long been removed, but even the hedges and isolated trees that
were planted around arable fields after enclosure are now being destroyed.
The slow expansion of cultivation has greatly reduced the forests which
covered so much of medieval Europe (Figures 4.1 and 4.2), and the woodland
of all the great agricultural civilizations has been much reduced. In this
century alone the forest area of Afro-Asia and North America has been
halved (World Bank, 1982, p. 60).
Arable farming, particularly where the plough is the main means of
cultivating, has profoundly altered the soil by both adding and removing plant
nutrients, reducing acidity with lime, draining excess soil moisture with
underground pipes, removing stones, and changing the soil structure. More
fundamental changes have been brought about by the removal of surface
water. Long and painstaking drainage schemes, notably in the English fen-
lands, the Dutch polders and inland lakes, and in the Po valley of northern
80 Land Transformation in Agriculture

FOREST c.900
~-, 100 MII..s

Figure 4.1 Central European forests ca 900

Italy, have converted waterlogged lowlands into first-class farmland. Equally

profound have been the changes brought about by bringing water to arid and
semi-arid regions; irrigation schemes in Iraq, Egypt, Pakistan and elsewhere
have all transformed the land and landscape. Steep slopes and high altitudes
present great obstacles to the farmer, but terracing has made arable farming
possible in many parts of upland Asia and North America.
Agriculture, in short, transforms the environment; other chapters in this
book deal in detail with these matters. The purpose of this chapter is not to
describe how agriculture changes the environment, but to explain why
changes in agriculture have come about.


At present agriculture exists in a bewildering variety of forms, ranging from
the simple shifting cultivation of parts of the Amazon basin to the technologi-
cally complex systems of the United States and Western Europe based upon
advances in biological science and the rise of modern manufacturing indus-
The Industrial Revolution and Land Transformation 81


Figure 4.2 Central European forests ca 1900

tries. The origins of such farming systems can hardly be reduced to one or two
major causes. Most of this chapter will be devoted to a few forces that have
been important in causing change over time, particularly in Europe: popu-
lation growth, urbanization, industrialization, transport changes and the role of
science and the state. A smaller section deals with some of the major types of
farming and their evolution.

4.2.1 Population Growth

Agriculture must provide food supplies if population growth is to be sus-
tained; conversely population growth requires changes in the way agriculture
is carried on, prompting the expansion of the area under cultivation and the
more intensive use of land already in cultivation (Boserup, 1965, 1981). Both
cause land transformation.
Human beings have occupied the earth for some 250 000 years, and until
the last 12000 years they were few in number and population densities were
everywhere very low. The domestication of crops and livestock some 12000
5000- A



~ 2000


8000 BG. 6000 4000 2000 1A.D. 2000

5000 B


Z 3000 J
~ 2000


lAD 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
A 8000 B.C. - 1979
B 1 A.D.-1979

Figure 4.3 World population growths

The Industrial Revolution and Land Transformation 83

years ago made higher densities possible and numbers began to increase,
albeit very slowly (Figure 4.3). Accurate information on population numbers
is not available until the eighteenth century, when the first regular population
censuses began to be taken; many countries had no reliable censuses until this
century. Nonetheless, most population historians would agree that the rate of
world population increase was very low until the eighteenth century. Since
then the rate of increase has progressively risen until the last decade (Table
4.1). Until the nineteenth century, increase was not continuous. Periods of
sustained increase were separated by periods of stagnation or even decline.
Such periods hav.e been identified in Europe. There was a decline in numbers
after the fifth century, increase from ca 950 to 1300, decline from the
mid-fourteenth century to the mid-fifteenth century, increase from then until
the early seventeenth century, followed by slow increase or stagnation until
the continuous and rapid increase that began in the early eighteenth century
and only faded in the 1920s (Helleiner, 1967). China also has a history of
growth alternating with decline (Ho, 1959). Little is known of Africa's
population history before the nineteenth century, but in Latin America there
was a period of sharp decline after the arrival of Europeans in the sixteenth
century, and growth may not have commenced again until the eighteenth
century (Durand, 1977).

Table 4.1 World population increases (Clark, 1967;

United Nations, 1982)

Average rate of
increase since
Population preceding date
Year (millions) (% per annum)
8000 BC 5-10
AD 14 256 0.04
600 237 -0.01
1000 280 0.04
1340 378 0.1
1600 498 0.1
1650 516 0.1
1700 641 0.4
1750 731 0.3
1800 890 0.4
1850 1171 0.6
1900 1668 0.7
1950 2486 0.8
1960 2982 1.8
1970 3632 2.0
1980 4414 1.8
84 Land Transformation in Agriculture

It was formerly argued that the great modern upsurge in numbers began
first in North West Europe in the eighteenth century and was due to a decline
in mortality, without initially any fall in the high crude birth rates. The fall in
mortality was thought to be due to improvements in the food supply, the
control of contagious diseases, and rising standards of living associated with
the industrial revolution. This view has been sharply criticized in recent years.
It has been shown that advances in medical treatment had little effect on
mortality until the twentieth century (McKeown, 1970). It has also been
shown that in England a rise in the birth rate was as important as the fall in
mortality between 1750 and 1838 (Wrigley and Schofield, 1981); nor was the
increase in European areas confined to those states which underwent indus-
trialization, for Ireland, Sweden and Norway had rapid increases in their
populations in the late eighteenth century and the first two-thirds of the
nineteenth century without experiencing industrialization (Connell, 1950;
Drake, 1969; Thomas, 1941). Nor was the increase confined to Europe. J. L.
Durand's estimates of world population numbers suggest that the eighteenth
century saw a comparable increase in Russia, Asia and Latin America,
although not in Africa until the late nineteenth century (Table 4.2, Figure
4.4). Europe, Russia and the areas of European settlement in North America
and Australia did increase more rapidly than Afro-Asia in the nineteenth
century, so that they made up only a quarter of the world's population in
1750, but a third by the end of the nineteenth century. In this century
non-European areas have increased more rapidly than European, particularly
since 1950, so that Afro-Asia and Latin America again constitute three-
quarters of the world's population as they did in 1750.

Table 4.2 Rates of population increase by major regions, 1750-1979 (% per

annum) (Durand, 1977, pp. 253-296; United Nations, 1982)
1750-99 1800-49 1850-99 1900-49 1950-79 1750-79

Africa 0.01 0.07 0.4 1.0 2.6 0.6

Asia 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.8 2.1 0.7
Latin America 0.8 0.9 1.3 1.6 2.7 1.4
Developing 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.9 2.3 0.7
Europe 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.6
(W. Europe) 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.6
USSR 0.6 0.6 1.1 0.6 1.3 0.8
N. America 2.5 2.7 2.3 1.4 1.3 2.1
Australia and
New Zealand - - 1.4 1.8 1.8 2.9
Japan - 0 0.8 1.3 1.1 0.6
Developed 0.4 0.7 1.0 0.8 1.0 0.75
4,000 WORLD


/ ~~ USSR

rJ) 100
:3 60
~ 40



1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 1980


Figure 4.4 Population growths for major regions

86 Land Transformation in Agriculture Population Distribution

Regional variations in mortality and fertility combined with long-distance
migration have changed the spatial distribution of the world's population, but
not perhaps so dramatically as was once thought. At the time of Christ the
major centres of population were already Europe, the Indian subcontinent
and China; however, in Europe, the highest densities were to be found south
of the Alps and in the nearby parts of the Middle East; population density and
numbers were low in northern Europe (United Nations, 1953). In China the
great centres of population were in the north and centre; the south was as yet
comparatively sparsely populated (Trewartha, 1969). The world's regions
have had a variety of experiences since then, but the only major relative
change has been the emergence of North America as an important centre of
population, a result of European emigration, and in the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries, very high fertility.
It is worth noting that now as in the past a very high proportion of the
world's population is concentrated upon a small part of its area. In 1960,
nearly two-thirds of the earth's surface had a population density of less than
13 per km2; conversely, the major population concentrations-east and south
Asia, eastern North America, European Russia and Europe-had two-thirds
of the world's population upon only one-tenth of its land area (Grigg, 1969b).
The proportion of the earth's surface that is used for agricultural purposes is
also surprisingly small. In 1980 only 11.1 % was used for growing crops and
rotational grasses; however, 23.8% was used for grazing livestock, including
large areas of prairie, savanna and scrub largely unimproved by the pastoralist
(FAO, 1982). The Consequences of Population Growth

Until the nineteenth century the greater proportion of the world's population
were dependent upon agriculture for their livelihood; indeed as late as 1900,
75% of the world's labour force were employed in agriculture. Furthermore,
the great majority of these were subsistence farmers. Their main aim was to
provide food for their families, and comparatively little of their output left the
farm. Any increase in numbers left the farmer with two possibilities of
increasing the food supply. Either he could intensify output by increasing the
yields of his crops, or he could bring land hitherto unused into cultivation.
Until the nineteenth century the possibilities of increasing yields significantly
over a short period were very limited, and the primary response to population
growth was an expansion of the area in crops. There are few reliable statistics
on land use at the national level before the nineteenth century; but such as do
exist, together with contemporary documents, suggest that the expansion of
the arable area more or less matched the growth of population except in
The Industrial Revolution and Land Transformation 87

periods of particularly rapid growth such as the late thirteenth century in

Europe or in eighteenth century China (Grigg, 1980). Over the last 100 years,
however, arable expansion has not matched population growth in some
regions, and area expansion has been increasingly supplemented with yield
The way in which the extra land has been brought into cultivation has
varied from region to region. After the migrating movements of the first
millenium after Christ, the main features of European settlement were
established, and subsequent increases in cropland came from clearing the
woodland between villages when numbers rose, and advancing into areas
which were initially thought unsuitable for farming. The high middle ages thus
saw much settlement of upland areas in western Europe and the reelamation
of poorly drained land. There were few agricultural frontiers in early modern
Europ~, although the settlement of the plains east of the Danube in Hungary
in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries justify this description. In the first
millenium after Christ there were, however, major movemt!nts into new land
in China and Africa. In AD 2 the most densely populated part of China was
the lower Hwang Ho, and 43 million ofthe 58 million in the Han empire lived
north ofthe Yangtse; south of the Yangtse there were few Han Chinese. Over
the next 1000 years the Han Chinese occupied the south and the distinctive
wet rice economy emerged. By the fourteenth century the major rice growing
areas of China had emerged with double cropping, irrigation and intensive
cultivation. Over the same period farming pushed northwards in Japan from
its source area around the Inland Sea. In Africa, Ethiopia and the West
African savannas were early areas of agricultural development, whilst much
of eastern and southern Africa remained occupied by hunters and gatherers.
It is believed that the Bantu-speaking peoples, originating in what is now
Nigeria, spread slowly east and south, bringing with them cattle, sorghum and
other crops and practising shifting cultivation. By the eleventh century they
had reached what is now the Transvaal (Grigg, 1974).
These great migrations into sparsely occupied areas, prompted by the slow
increase in population, took over 1000 years to achieve. But the upsurge of

Table 4.3 The expansion of crop land, 1860-1960 (million hectares)

(Grigg, 1974, p. 261)

1860 1900 1930 1960

United States 65 128 166 158

Russia 49 113 109 196
Canada - 8 23 25
Argentina - 6 24 22
Australia 0.4 3 10 12
. -. -..

88 Land Transformation in Agriculture

population in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries was accompanied by

much more rapid migration and increases in the cultivated area, principally by
Europeans. The movement of Europeans to eastern North America,
Australasia, Argentina and Uruguay, South Africa, and of Russians from the
long occupied forest lands into the grasslands of southern Russia and later
east of the Urals, led to remarkable increases in arable area (Table 4.3), and
in the early part of this century there was a major Chinese movement north
into the grasslands of Manchuria. The Intensification of Output

Prior to the nineteenth century yield increases were slow. Between 1300 and
1800 the yields of wheat and rice possibly doubled in England and China, and
were much slower elsewhere. Thus arable expansion was the primary
response to population increase. There were other ways of increasing output,
however, again prompted by population increase. Most traditional farming
systems have a period of fallow in the cropping sequence, to help maintain soil
fertility, to allow the removal of weeds, and to control plant diseases. The
length of fallow is variable; in some shifting agriculture systems it may be as
long as 30 years, which allows the regeneration of a forest cover. But
increases in population density lead to a reduction in the area in fallow. In
medieval Europe between one-half and one-third of the arable land was in
fallow. Although eliminated in much of the Low Countries and parts of
England by the seventeenth century, fallow persisted in much of Europe
until well into the nineteenth century. Slowly legumes, potatoes and
sugar-beet replaced the fallow, the root crops allowing the removal of weeds
during growth and fodd~r for livestock, which in turn provided farmyard
manure for maintaining crop yields, whilst clover, beans and peas all added
nitrogen to the soil (Chorley, 1981; Slicher van Bath, 1963).
In the rice economies of Asia, the occurrence of blue-green algae in the
rice paddies helped maintain yields over long periods, and annual cropping
without a fallow was common from an early time; indeed, double cropping
became possible in some regions where the growing season was long enough
and irrigation efficient. Thus the introduction of rice varieties with a shorter
growing season allowed double cropping in Southern China in the eighth
century (Ho, 1956). In China as in most other parts of the world increases in
yields were only possible by using more manure, by the more careful selection
of seed, and above all by the use of more labour in weeding and harvesting.
Not until the mid-nineteenth century did industrial inputs such as chemical
fertilizers become available to the farmer, and the breeding of higher yielding
crop varieties has occurred mainly in this century.
Both area expansion and more intensive cultivation have obviously trans-
formed the land, not always for the better. In the nineteenth and twentieth
The Industrial Revolution and Land Transformation 89

centuries frontiers of settlement ventured into land too arid for permanent
settlement without irrigation, as in the Great Plains of the United States in the
1930s and in Kazakhstan in the USSR in the 1950s. But in the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries change in agriculture has been prompted ~y profit as
much as by population increase.

4.2.2 Urbanization and Agricultural Change

Whilst general population growth has been a major cause of both the
expansion of the arable area and the intensification of farming, changes in the
distribution of population have also been important; and in particular urban
growth (the increase in the population of towns) and urbanization (an
increase in the percentage of the population living in towns).
Until the modem period yields per hectare and output per man were low in
Europe-and elsewhere-and this meant that few societies could support
many people who were not occupied in agriculture. Thus towns were com-
paratively few in number, very large towns were rare (Table 4.4), and only a
small proportion of the population were engaged in activities other than
agriculture, and the urban population were a small proportion of the total
population (Table 4.5). Thus in the late eighteenth century four-fifths of the
population of France were engaged in agriculture, and this proportion was
only significantly lower in Britain and the Low Countries.
The smallness of Europe's urban population was a function not only of low
productivity in agriculture, but also of the high cost of transporting food;
overland costs were particularly high, and grain would rarely be moved more
than 35 km; costs of movement by water were appreciably lower. Not
surprisingly most of Europe's towns were on rivers, and the great cities before
the nineteenth century were invariably ports, for the cost of shipping food-
stuffs by sea was approximately one-eighth that of overland movement
(Grigg, 1982b).
The growth of towns-and particularly either clusters of towns, as in the
Low Countries, or very large towns such as Paris, London, Naples or

Table 4.4 Number of towns of particular sizes in Europe, 1500-1800

(J. de Vries, 1981)

1500 1600 1700 1800

Over 100 000 4 8 11 17

50000-99 999 7 11 20 32
20 000-49 999 46 73 74 109
10000-19999 99 125 116 205
90 Land Transformation in Agriculture

Table 4.5 Proportion of total population of Europe in towns of 10 000 and over
(J. de Vries, 1981)
1300 1500 1600 1700 1800 1850 1890

North and West 4.4 6.0 8.1 13.0 14.7 25.1 45.3
Central 3.6 3.8 4.8 6.7 7.1 18.2 27.8
Mediterranean 8.7 9.7 13.2 11.7 12.9 18.0 20.7
All Europe 5.5 6.1 8.0 9.5 10.6 20.1 31.0

Rome-had a profound influence upon the agriculture of their hinterland.

The demand for food in the towns meant that there was a ready market, and
the commercialization of agriculture first occurred in these regions. The high
value of land meant that small farms predominated and the fallow was soon
extinguished, for soil fertility could be maintained by bringing horse manure
and other wastes from the town. Farming was intensive, and the products
generally high-value goods. These regions were among the first to adopt
innovations, had access to capital from the towns, and were generally the
advance guard of agricultural improvement. This was notably so in northern
Italy in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, in the Low Countries in the
fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and in the hinterlands of
London and Paris in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Wilhelm Abel
has described these small regions (Abel, 1980). And small their influence was.
In Figures 4.5 and 4.6 the circles represent not only the relative population
size of towns over 10 000, but also the area of farmland which was necessary
to feed the towns. In the year 1500 (Figure 4.5) only a small proportion of
Europe was directly influenced by towns; even in 1800, on the eve of the
industrial revolution, large areas remained beyond the innovatory influence of
the cities (Figure 4.6).

4.2.3 Industrialization and Agricultural Change

Since 1800 the developed countries of the world have all gone through the
process of industrialization, and this has had dramatic consequences for
First industrialization was everywhere accompanied by rapid population
growth, which in itself increased the demand for food. But in addition,
industrialization led to an increasing proportion of the population living in
towns, and thus dependent upon the agricultural population for their food.
This encouraged the commercialization of agriculture and the decline of
subsistence farming.
Second, industrialization led to slow increases in the incomes of nearly all
The Industrial Revolution and Land Transformation 91


... ..
. . .. .
. . .
.e... .

. ..


Figure 4.5 The relative population sizes of towns of more than 10000 people, ca

classes. As long as the bulk of the population had wages little above the
subsistence level, then most of the diet had to come from cheap foodstuffs
(mainly cereals and potatoes). Indeed, as late as 1880, 70% of the French
calorific intake came from bread and potatoes (Toutain, 1971). But as
incomes rose so the demand for more expensive foodstuffs, and in particular
livestock products, increased. From the end of the nineteenth century live-
stock products became an increasing proportion of the diet in North America
92 Land Transformation in Agriculture


. .
. .

Figure 4.6 The relative population sizes of towns of more than 10 000 people,
ca 1800

and Western Europe, and as a result farming turned increasingly to the

production of livestock products which now make up between 55% and 85%
of the value of total farm output in'the developed countries. This has not led
to any decline in the importance of cereals in the agriculture of these
countries. Livestock are fed increasingly upon grain; in the developed coun-
tries 70% of all grain is used as livestock feed (Aymard, 1975; Teuteberg,
The Industrial Revolution and Land Transformation 93

Third, the first industrial revolution saw a shift in the raw materials of
industry from the organic to the inorganic; even so agricultural products were
increasingly needed by manufacturing industry. The development of machin-
ery in the textile industries in Western Europe combined with income
increases and population growth led to an almost insatiable demand for
cotton and wool, satisfied only by the westward expansion of cotton-growing
in the United States, and later more widely in the subtropics, whilst Australia
and New Zealand became sheep farms for Bradford. Vegetable oils became
of major importance, not only for cooking, but before the exploitation of
petroleum, as lubricants, as the basis for paints and for many other industrial
purposes. With the development of the electrical engineering industry, and
later motor vehicles, rubber moved from a minor curiosity to a -major raw
material, and in the early twentieth century rubber expanded prodigiously in
south-east Asia (Grigg, 1974).
A further 'consequence of industrialization was that farming ceased to
provide all its own inputs. In traditional agriculture farmers got their seed
from their own harvest, their manure from their livestock, feed for animals
from grass or roots grown on their own farm. Implements were bought local'ly,
generally made by craftsmen, and power came from human and animal
muscle. But from the 1830s and 1840s farmers increasingly bought more and
more of their inputs from off the farm, much of these from manufacturing
industry. In the mid-nineteenth century the theory of Liebig in Germany and
the practice of J. B. Lawes in England led to the beginnings of the modern
chemical fertilizer industry. At much the same time the availability of cheap
iron and the need for more powerful equipment led to the rise of the modern
agricultural implements industry which from the 1840s provided iron ploughs,
drills, reapers, steam threshing engines, in the 1870s reaper-binders and
elevators, in the 1890s the first milking machines, combine harvesters and
tractors; much of the initiative now came from the United States, although
advances in dairying began in Western Europe (Ojala, 1952; Whetham,
1970; Danhof, 1972).
The dependence of the farmer upon purchased inputs accelerated after the
end of the Second World War as pesticides were widely adopted to control
disease and herbicides replaced the hoe and harrow; fertilizer consumption
has risen dramatically in the developed countries and an extraordinary variety
of implements is avaHable to sow and harvest crops. Whereas in the 1930s
horses and human muscle provided most of the power on farms in Europe and
North America, electricity and the tractor provide nearly all now.
Industrialization has transformed the role of agriculture in the economies of
the western world. In the early eighteenth century farmers and farm workers
made up three-quarters or more of the labour force in nearly every country.
But during the industrialization of the nineteenth century the numbers
employed in new manufacturing industries, in transport, and in mining
= 10'0
E .-. -' -.-......-.-.-.....-......-.-.,
FRANCE \ ,\.
(J -------
.:; , '..... "

If 2.0
- - - -r §REAT

]> 1'0
- -- - --
0 - '"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .,~.~
-~~ --' - - - - --- "
Q. 0,6
Q) 0'4
~- NETHERLANDS SWITZE;LANO--":::':""",-'.....
-: 0.2 BELGIUM'...
~ 0.1
1750 60 70 80 90 1800 10 20 30 40 1850 60 70 80 90 1900 10 20 30 40 50 60 1970

Figure 4.7 Trends in the labour force employed in agriculture

- - p-----

The Industrial Revolution and Land Transformation 95

increased far more rapidly than the numbers in agriculture; in the present
century this trend has continued as the number in administration and other
services has risen. Consequently the proportion of the workforce employed in
agriculture has greatly declined. In Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom
and the United States it is now no more than 2% (Dovring, 1959; Grigg,
1975). In pre-industrial Europe agriculture provided most of the wealth: now
agriculture produces a small proportion of the gross domestic product in most
developed countries. In the European Economic Community farming em-
ploys only 8% of the workforce and produces but 4% of the gross domestic
Although the proportion of the population engaged in agriculture has been
declining in Western Europe and North America since the early nineteenth
century, the absolute numbers continued to increase for much of the century,
for natural increase in the rural areas exceeded emigration to the urban areas.
But in the late nineteenth century the labour force began to decline slowly at
first, at a dramatic rate after 1945 (Figure 4.7). This has led to pronounced
changes in agriculture. Capital, in the form of machinery, has been substituted
for labour. Farms have become bigger in order to exploit fully the capabilities
of tractors and combine harvesters. Labour productivity has increased
rapidly-indeed for the last three decades more rapidly than in manufactur-
ing industry. Whereas on the eve of the industrial revolution it took four men
employed in agriculture to feed one man in non-agricultural activities, one
man in American agriculture now feeds fifty or sixty in other jobs (Cochrane,
1979; Rasmussen, 1982; FAO, 1972).

4.2.4 Transport and Agricultural Change

For much of human history the transport of agricultural goods over long
distances has been impractical because the means of transport have been slow
and many foodstuffs are perishable, and because the cost of moving com-
modities in bulk has been prohibitively high. This had many consequences for
farming and the economy in general. It limited the growth of cities because
the area needed to feed urban non-agricultural populations was large with the
low productivity of agriculture before the nineteenth century; the cost of
movement soon equalled the price of the crop transported. It made regional
specialization in one or two products for which an area had physical advan-
tages difficult, for each area had to produce as much of its food supply and
fibres as possible. It meant that comparatively little agricultural produce
entered into trade unless the product had a high value per unit weight (such as
wool) or could be moved in the relatively cheap coastal shipping trade. Early
regional specialization was thus associated with low-cost movement.
The prime example of this was the Netherlands which, in the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries, became highly urbanized, specialized in dairying and
96 Land Transformation in Agriculture

horticulture and imported grain from the Baltic (De Vries, 1974). Maritime
freight rates fell almost continuously from the mid-seventeenth century, at
between 0.5% and 1% per annum from 1650 to 1770 and at 3.5% per annum
from 1814 to 1860. On land the decline in freight rates was slower, although
slow improvement of road surfaces, the substitution of the horse for the ox
and the use of the four-wheeled waggon showed some reduction in the cost of
transport after 1650. It was the spread of the railway after 1820 that
accelerated the decline; this was of particular importance in opening up the
sparsely populated interiors of Russia, North America and temperate South
America. It cost over 100 cents to move a hectolitre of wheat from Chicago to
New YorkiIlI873--4, and only 24 cents in 1905. The oceanic freight rate for
wheat from New York to Liverpool in 1900 was only a third of what it had
been in the 1870s. Combined with advance in the preservation of foodstuffs,
and in particular the introduction of refrigeration into steamships in the
1870s, these declines-in transport costs allowed the opening up of great new
agricultural areas in the Canadian prairies, the American Mid-West, the
Argentine pampas, the Russian Steppes and the interior of Australia. In
England and the north-eastern United States the railway allowed compara-
tively remote dairy regions to provide fresh milk to London, Boston and New
York. Before the railway few towns obtained fresh milk from more than
35 km. By the 1930s Berlin drew some of its milk from over 700 km (North,
1958, 1968; Morris, 1958; Youngson, 1965; Grigg, 1974, 1982b).
Whereas the initial impact of cheaper transport was upon agricultural
produce, the growing dependence of farmers upon purchased inputs was
made easier by these advances. In early nineteenth century England canals
made possible the movement of coal for threshing machines, pipes for
under-drainage and lime and superphosphates; it was the extension of the
railways which further cheapened the movement of these goods. But the
introduction of the petrol-driven motor vehicle has been even more
significant, for fertilizers can come direct to the farm and be more easily
moved around the farm and bulk tankers can collect milk. Indeed, much of
the change in agriculture over the last 200 years would have been impossible
without improvements in transport.

4.2.5 Science, the State and Agricultural Change

Until the nineteenth century most of the advances in agriculture were
provided by farmers themselves, who modified implements, selected the
better-yielding seeds, experimented in breeding better cattle and acquired
new crops. But from the nineteenth century much of the new technologies
were dependent upon advances in science; this was particularly true of plant
breeding. With the rediscovery of Mendel's ideas on genetics in 1900,
plant-breeding stations were established in many countries, and since then
The Industrial Revolution and Land Transformation 97

state-supported research has produced most of the new crop varieties which
account for so much of the increased crop yields of the last 40 years. This is
true not only of the new high-yielding rice and wheat varieties developed at
experimental stations in Mexico and the Philippines, but also of most new
varieties in North America and Western Europe. The growth in chemical
fertilizers in the nineteenth century depended upon new knowledge in
chemistry, whilst their modern multiplication depended upon the heavy
chemical industries. This is even truer of pesticides and herbicides. These
advances have required far more specialized knowledge than farmers would
possess, and the cost of research and development has been beyond the
resources of even groups of farmers. The state. has thus been the prime-mover
in agricultural research in the developed countries over the last century
(Russell 1966; Petersen, 1980).
Nor have the activities of the state been confined to the promotion and
finance of research. Until the mid-nineteenth century most European states
attempted to ensure their food supplies by protecting their farmers against
imports of grains, by controlling the quality of bread, and by forbidding the
export of grain when home supplies of grain ran short. From the middle of the
nineteenth century free trade spread from Britain to many parts-but not
all-of the world. However, from the 1930s Britain, the main food
importer-and the United States, the main exporter-both began to defend
their farmers against low prices and imports of cheaper foodstuffs. In the
United States attempts to both control surplus output and to maintain farm
incomes ultimately benefited farm incomes, whilst the federal government
bought and stored output that could not be sold. In Britain the import of food
continued unimpeded, but until the early 1970s home farmers were paid
guaranteed prices, not the market prices. In Western Europe the Common
Agricultural Policy has established guaranteed prices for most farm produce
and taxed imports from outside the EEC. Whatever the objections to these
interventions by the state, farmers have been relatively prosperous in the last
40 years; without this prosperity, they would not have invested in the many
farm improvements that have greatly increased output and productivity since
1945 (Fite, 1981; Tracy, 1982).
In the Socialist countries the intervention of the state has been comprehen-
sive. Beginning in the Soviet Union but later followed in Eastern Europe and
China, private ownership of land has been abolished and farms have been
grouped into collectives or state farms. Many of the decisions about what is to
be grown, and with what methods, have been transferred from the farm to
planning commissions at both the regional and national levels (Pallot and
Shaw, 1981).
The state has also intervened far more than in the past in the developing
countries. With the end of colonial rule in the post-war period many newly
independent governments have sought to increase the output of food for
98 Land Transformation in Agriculture

rapidly growing populations by large-scale agricultural development projects,

where both the finance and technical direction has been provided to farmers
by the state. Thus in countries of very different political complexions the state
has become a major cause of change in farming.

4.2.6 The Diffusion of Technology, Crops and Livestock

By the beginning of the Christian era the idea of domestication of plants and
livestock had spread to all but the remotest parts of the globe. But initially
only indigenous plants were grown, and certain farming methods also
remained confined to their regions of origin. Thus the plough probably had its
origins in the Near East, and by the beginning of the Christian era was the
basis of farming in the great agricultural civilizations of China, India and
Europe. In Africa, however, the plough was unknown until brought by
Europeans in the late nineteenth century, and still has limited use, except in
the Mediterranean north and in South Africa. Nor were the plough or the
wheel known in the Americas until after the arrival of Europeans in 1492.
Equally marked was the absence of sheep, cattle, pigs, chickens and horses
from the New World. However, all were introduced into the Americas by
Europeans and were spread rapidly throughout the continent (Isaac, 1970).
Knowledge of the crops indigenous to other regions spread slowly through-
out the world before the modern era. Rice is thought to have been domesti-
cated in mainland south-east Asia and spread north into southern China, west
into the Indian subcontinent, so that by the time written records are available
it was the basis of civilization in most parts of Asia (Chang, 1976). Wheat and
barley were first domesticated in the Near East and had been taken or spread
into northern Europe long before the Christian era. Other crops remained
confined to their hearth lands for very periods. Thus the soy-bean was grown
mainly in China until this century; it was taken to the United St.ates in the late
nineteenth century and has become a major crop in the last 30 years, whilst its
emergence in Brazil has been even more recent (Berlan et al., 1977).
The widespread interchange of crops, livestock and techniques accelerated
with the discovery of the Americas and the later migration of Europeans to all
parts of the world. Crops indigenous to the Americas have profoundly altered
the cropping patterns of the Old World. In Europe the potato was known but
little grown before the mid-eighteenth century, but became a major food crop
by the mid-nineteenth century (Langer, 1975). Maize spread through the
warmer southern parts of Europe in the eighteenth century; in the last 30
years the breeding of varieties capabl~ of yielding in cooler, shorter summers
has seen its diffusion into northern France and even into southern Britain.
African consumption habits were profoundly changed in the slow spread of
maize and manioc in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, whilst in
parts of Asia sweet potatoes and peanuts, as well as maize, have become
The Industrial Revolution and Land Transformation 99

important supplements to rice and wheat (Geertz, 1963; Jones, 1956;

Miracle, 1965; Ho, 1955).
In the last century most of the advances in agricultural technology have
come in Western Europe and the United States. Chemical fertilizers were first
developed in Britain and Germany, milking machines in Scotland, pesticides
in France, the tractor and the combine harvester in the -United States. Great
improvements in the breeding of livestock and crops have taken place.
Farmers in the western world were comparatively slow to adopt these
innovations for various reasons; for the most part they were adopted if they
were seen to increase output and profit. Thus the rate of adoption has greatly
accelerated in the last 40-50 years, during the period in which farmers in
~estern Europe and North America have been protected from competition,
and farmers have had an unrivalled period of prosperity.
In Afro-Asia and Latin America the adoption of innovations was equally
slow, but the great increase in population since 1945 has meant an increased
demand for food. This has to some extent been met by traditional methods,
but there have also been attempts by governments and international agencies
to accelerate the adoption of innovations that would raise crop yields. The
spread of new high-yielding varieties of wheat and rice clearly illustrate the
rise of 'induced innovation'. The research on the breeding of hybrid maize
was first undertaken in the United States, on semi-dwarf wheat in the United
States and Mexico, and on hybrid rices in the Phillipines by groups of
scientists financed by the Ford Foundation of the United States. Since 1965
the new rices have spread rapidly through Asia owing to the intervention of
governments who have provided extension workers, who have explained the
new farming methods that are necessary, and subsidized the use of fertilizers
and irrigation (Dalrymple, 1979; Hayami and Ruttan, 1971).


There have been many attempts to establish a typology of world agriculture;
few have been successful, indeed the great diversity of farming and the lack of
comprehensive statistical information makes it an almost impossible task.
(Grigg, 1969a; Duckham and Masefield, 1970; Kostrowicki, 1964, 1974;
Whittesey, 1936). Nor is there space here to discuss all the various types of
agriculture. Consideration will be given to three traditional farming systems,
and emphasis will be put upon the way in which they maintained soil fertility
and how they have adjusted to growing numbers.

4.3.1 Western Europe

The most distinctive features of agriculture in Western Europe before the
nineteenth century were, first the use of the ox-drawn plough, and second that
u- ---

100 Land Transformation in Agriculture

most farmers combined the keeping of livestock and the growing of cereal
crops. These features had appeared in the Middle ages.
A fallow period of one in two or three years was an essential means of
maintaining soil fertility, suppressing weeds and preventing the build-up of
plant disease. Sheep and cattle were grazed on grassland held in common, that
surounded the arable fields, and were fed on the stubble after harvest. The
principal cereal crops varied, but wheat, barley, rye and oats were widely
grown, and small amounts of peas and beans added some nitrogen to the soil.
This system made the maintenance of yields over long periods possible and,
except possibly in the early fourteenth century, there was no sign of soil
erosion or falling yields. There was a balance between numbers and the
farming system (Duby, 1962; Postan, 1966; Cooter, 1978).
This basic system was modified in different parts of Western Europe
between the sixteenth century and the mid-nineteenth century in response
both to growing numbers and the extension of commercialized agriculture
around the cities. The major change was the greater integration of livestock
and arable husbandry. In the medieval system livestock relied upon the
grazing of common pasture and woodland for their fodder. However, in the
fifteenth century, although mainly from the seventeenth century, part of the
arable land began to be allocated to the growth of fodder crops, which
included roots, notably the turnip, and clover. Root crops were sown in rows,
and weeded during cultivation, which the broadcast cereals could not be;
clovers not only provided grazing and hay for livestock, but added
significantly to the nitrogen content of the soil. This, combined with the
adoption of the potato, an American crop, allowed the considerable increase
in food output that sustained the great increase in population between 1700
and 1850, all before industrialization had much effect upon European farm-
ing (Slicher van Bath, 1977; Chorley, 1981; Kerridge, 1967; E. Le Roy
Ladurie, 1975).
Although the development of West European farms had led to great
changes in the physical environment-notably the removal of much of the
forest cover and the reclamation of poorly drained areas-it had not led to .
great damage to the environment. Severe forms of soil erosion, for example,
were not found in Western Europe or indeed in those regions to which Euro-
peans had migrated. Farming in eastern North America was still essentially
European in origin, as were the types established in south-east Australia,
although by the late nineteenth century, intensive agriculture in south-
eastern North America was accompanied by severe erosion. But when
Europeans moved out of the temperate forest areas where their agriculture
had evolved into the drier treeless plains of western North America, Southern
Russia and the interior of Australia, in the mid-nineteenth century, they had
to discover methods of dealing with low and variable rainfall, and for the first
The Industrial Revolution and Land Transformation 101

time there were serious problems of soil erosion (Meinig, 1962, 1968; Fite,
1966; Lyaschenko, 1949).
Traditional European farming reached its zenith in the mid-nineteenth
century. The oxen had been replaced by the horse, ploughs were increasingly
made of metal rather than wood, a variety of implements were available to
farmers which had been unknown to their predecessors. Much of the farmers'
activity was devoted to feeding livestock to produce not only meat, milk, wool
and hides, but the large amounts of manure needed to sustain and increase
crop yields; stall-feeding, folding and muck-spreading were a great part of the
farming year. This system reached its apogee in Eastern England and the
Lothians of Scotland; more labour-intensive systems of equal elegance were
found in the Netherlands and north-west Germany. Man and the horse
provided the power, livestock returned nutrients to the soil to provide a
balanced, self-sustaining farming system (Dovring, 1965; ErnIe, 1968).
From the 1850s there were great changes in the implements and methods
available to farmers, although it was not until the 1930s that the widespread
adoption of these innovations transformed farming in the western world. The
differences between European farming in its homeland and in the sparsely
populated regions of North America now became apparent. The shortage of
labour in North America required improved implements and machines, and
these were forthcoming: the reaper replaced the scythe, the reaper-binder
shortened stooking, and the combined harvester replaced the threshing
machine which earlier had ended the long history of the flail. At the end of the
century the first tractors appeared in the United States and were tried in
Britain during the First World War. In Europe, advance in farming methods
concentrated on increasing, not output per man, but output per hectare and
output per animal, although in dairying many other nineteenth century
advances also improved output per man. The development of the chemical
fertilizer industry, the first crude pesticides and fungicides, and the breeding
of new varieties were all well under way in Western Europe before the First
World War.
Since then the series of innovations has continued; artificial insemination of
'livestock; great advances in the control of animal disease, the scientific
planning of animal feeding, the discovery of ,effective herbicides and fungi-
cides in the 1940s, and further advances in plant breeding have transformed
the farming of Western Europe and North America (Cochrane, 1979;
Staniforth, 1975; Duckham, 1966). These changes have taken place against a
background in which three economic changes have been crucial. First, the
labour force in agriculture has declined dramatically, demanding the adoption
of labour-saving machinery. Second, governments throughout the western
world have subsidized inputs and protected producer prices, so that food
output has more than doubled in the last 30 years; but demand has not, so
- -

102 Land Transformation in Agriculture

that a surplus of agricultural produce 'has become a constant feature of

western agriculture, with the attendant political embarrassments. Thirdly,
western diets have become dominated by the consumption of animal pro-
ducts, and in most western countries livestock products account for two-thirds
of the value of output (Tracy, 1983).
Thus European agriculture has changed profoundly but slowly over the last
thousand years, the underlying forces of change being the growth of popu-
lation, the rise of urban society, the changing structure of demand brought
about by higher incomes, and the technological advances that these changes
have induced. At all times the capacity of farmers to change their environ-
ment has been enormous, but it has rarely been irreversible. In recent years
great concern has been expressed at the capacity of modem machinery, and
especially modem chemical inputs to damage the environment. It is perhaps
too soon to know whether these changes are as dramatic as sometimes is
suggested. .

4.3.2 The Rice Economies of Asia

Although rice is very widely grown in Asia it is most closely associated with
the densely populated deltas and alluvial valleys of the major rivers. Rice,
although rarely a mono-culture, occupies a high proportion of the arable land;
ploughs are drawn by zebu cattle or water buffalo; livestock, other than
chickens or pigs are uncommon, for land cannot be spared to grow fodder
crops, and so great is the pressure on land that grazing land is rare. The crop is
frequently weeded, and in some regions is sown initially in nursery beds and
then transplanted into the fields. Where there is sufficient water, two crops,
although not necessarily both rice, are grown during the year. But the most
distinctive feature of these economies is the relationship between the crop and
water. Rice-or, more precisely, wet-rice-is sown in soil that is soaked to a
muddy state; as the seedling grows, water is let into the small fields or padi in
which it is sown, and it is grown with the stalk partly submerged until the
water is withdrawn before harvesting. These unique growing conditions
explain many features of the distribution of the crop and its ability to sustain
high yields over long periods (Grist, 1953; Goor, 1966).
First, the padis contain blue-green algae which fix nitrogen, and play the
role that legumes have in European agriculture. Second, the need to keep the
water at a constant level on the stalk during growth has meant that rice is
ideally grown in deltas and the flat plains of the middle and lower parts of
rivers. These areas receive plant nutrients in solution and in suspension from
the upper reaches. Third, rice is best grown in areas with a heavy clay subsoil
that reduces the seepage of water downwards away from the padis; this also
reduces the amount of leaching, and hence loss of nutrients in the soil. Finally,
the fact that the fields are covered with water during most of the growing
The Industrial Revolution and Land Transformation 103

season means' that soils are not exposed to high temperatures. This system of
farming has proved capable of sustaining high crop yields over very long
periods. It is also a system capable of registering small but continuous
increases in yields in response to greater labour inputs (Geertz, 1963).
Rice was domesticated somewhere in the south-east Asia between India
and South China, but the present distribution and features of the system only
emerged in the first millenium after Christ. During this period the Han
Chinese slowly moved southwards, and in India, ~engal, which was a frontier
region as late as the sixth century AD, was occupied. By the eleventh and
twelfth centuries much of the modern pattern was apparent, with high rural
densities in southern China, Korea, Japan, much of India, parts of the
Phillipines, and Java, but not in the deltas and lower valleys of the Mekong,
the Irrawady or the Menam. A variety of means of extending the area under
wet rice and increasing yields were practised. Wet rice padis could only be
made on flat land, but in areas of great density cultivation was extended up
hillsides by terracing, which is common in South China, but rare in the Indian
sub-continent. High yields and multiple cropping are only possible if there is
water-control and irrigation. The maintenance of water in the padis requires
water control, a means of moving water in and out of the fields. This is not the
same as irrigati9n. A majority of Asia's rice is still grown without irrigation
and relies either on rainfall or the floods of rivers. Nonetheless the slow
improvement of irrigation and water control has offered possibilities of
increasing yields by making the supply of water more reliable, and by allowing
the cultivation of two crops, often rice and wheat, in a year. The extension of
multiple cropping has also been made possible by the selection of rice
varieties with a shorter growing season (Grigg, 1974).
Greater labour inputs have also increased crop yields. Transplanting is only
practised in the more densely populated areas; the frequency of weeding
requires more work. Unlike the traditional European farming system, live-
stock manure has played a very small part in increasing or maintaining rice
yields, although in southern China night soil has been used and some forms of
green-manuring practised. Some extreme forms of labour intensity have been
practised; in parts of Java, rice was harvested stalk by stalk with a knife to
prevent loss of grain (Krinks, 1978).
Until the middle of the nineteenth century' wet-rice cultivation remained
little influenced by external forces. Neither urbanization nor industrialization
occurred in Asia, and there were few improvements in transport. However,
the expansion of European colonialism had two important consequences.
First rice, became an important export, particularly in French Indochina,
Burma, and Thailand, which had remained comparatively sparsely populated.
Second, in some parts of Asia the colonial powers introduced modern
methods of irrigation, based on the use of massive dams and lined canals; this
was most noticeable in British India and in Java (Pelzer, 1945; Randhawa,
104 Land Transformation in Agriculture

1962). However, possibly more important advances were underway in Japan,

where the government promoted the improvement of agriculture in the late
nineteenth century. Improved varieties of rice were introduced and chemical
fertilizers began to be used. This led to the first comparatively rapid increases
in rice yields and was the first instance of modernization in the rice economies
of Asia. Similar methods were promoted in Korea and Taiwan whilst the
latter were Japanese colonies, and between the two world wars rice yields
were increasing in these parts of East Asia, but not elsewhere.
The period since 1950 has, of course, seen major attempts to improve
farming in Asia, to provide food for a population that has nearly doubled
since 1945. The most successful attempt has been the introduction since 1965
of high-yielding varieties of rice and wheat. Both are semi-dwarf varieties
with short stems capable of bearing a heavy head of grain without lodging and
responding to the application of chemical fertilizers. However, they require
for optimum yield adequate moisture throughout the growing season; but
only one-third of Asian rice is grown under irrigation. Combined with the use
of pesticides the adoption of these varieties has led to substantial increases in
crop yields. Although in some parts of Asia the adoption of these yield-
increasing techniques has been accompanied by the use of tractors and
machinery, Asian agriculture remains firmly linked to its long traditions
(Dalrymple, 1979).

4.3.3 Shifting Cultivation and Bush Fallowing

A third way of maintaining soil fertility over long periods is the natural fallow.
In most areas, if land is cropped continuously without any means of replacing
plant nutrients, crop yields fall steeply and then maintain a low but constant
level. One way of restoring the soil fertility without recourse to manure,
fertilizers or the special conditions of the wet-rice padi is to crop the land for
two or three years, then abandon the land and allow the natural vegetation to
colonize the area. The re-establishment of the vegetation cover protects the
soil from high temperatures and intense rainfall, and allows humus and plant
nutrients to accumulate in the soil. After a period of years, which varies with
climate, vegetation and soil type, the plant nutrient level is high enough for
the vegetation cover to be partially removed and crops sown again for several
years before the land is again abandoned.
Such a method of farming, variously described as shifting cultivation, or
bush fallowing, has been widely practised in the past, in nearly all the major
climatic and cultural zones. It is still found in parts of Latin America (Watters,
1971) and south-east Asia (Spencer, 1966), but is only the major system in
tropical Africa where three-quarters of the arable area is farmed by bush
fallowing. Fifty years ago Europeans regarded shifting cultivation as a primi-
tive and wasteful farming system, but it is now realized that it is a successful
The Industrial Revolution and Land Transformation 105

means of utilizing tropical environments, and its defects are due to very rapid
population growth.
There are innumerable ways of practising bush fallowing (Conklin, 1961;
Pelzer, 1945; Watters, 1960). However, there are some general features in
common. First of all, land to be cropped is cleared from either primary or
secondary woodland or grassland; the plots cleared are small, and the
vegetation is cleared with the use of axe, machete and fire. Not all the trees
are cleared and stumps are frequently left. Ash from the fire provides some
plant nutrients; fire makes the surface soil friable, and the presence of stumps
accelerates regeneration when the plot is abandoned. Methods of preparing
the soil for sowing vary a great deal. In areas with long f~llow the soil is hardly
disturbed, so only a digging stick is used. In more densely populated areas of
Africa, however, soil is piled on mounds or ridges. The distinctive feature of
cropping is that a number of crops are planted in the plot; ideally this will
include not only cereals but also roots such as yams or cassava, and small
shrubs. Together with the larger trees this provides a layered structure that
simulates the forest and protects the soil from higher temperatures, and the
impact of tropical rainstorms. Intercropping has recently been shown to have
other advantages; the total yield of a combination of crops gives a higher yield
than single stands of the individual crops, possibly because crops use com-
plementary plant nutrients and the absence of large stands reduces the
incidence of plant disease. It also staggers the chronology of harvesting
(Morgan, 1969; Papendik et al., 1976).
No fertilizer is used in bush fallowing, and the amount of weeding done
varies, but is usually small. When weed growth becomes too exuberant the
plot is abandoned. Indeed some have argued that it is this, as much as falling
crop yields, that leads to the abandonment of the plot. In all forms of shifting
cultivation the plot is abandoned after three or four years cropping, and is
colonized by the natural vegetation. The length of the fallow depends upon
the type of natural vegetation, but also important is the density of population.
In very sparsely populated areas the fallow may last 25 years or more, and the
settlement of the cultivators is moved. In more densely populated areas not
only is the settlement permanent, but the fallow length has to be reduced;
there is not sufficient land to allow long fallows. As the fallow is reduced so
alternative means of maintaining soil fertility are sought; in parts of Africa
fallows are planted with rapid growing bushes and grasses, some leguminous,
and in the very densely populated areas such as northern Nigeria, pastoralists
are encouraged to feed their livestock on fallow plots. But in most bush
fallowing systems there is an absence of manuring as there is indeed of
livestock, the plough is unknown and the complete clearance of natural
vegetation is unusual. The chaotic mixture of crops and natural vegetation led
Europeans to believe that such farming systems were primitive. It is now
recognized that bush fallowing is a satisfactory means of providing food with
1{)6 Land Transformation in Agriculture

relatively low labour inputs, and maintaining soil fertility and crop yields over
long periods.
What is equally clear, however, is that shifting cultivation can only maintain
this ecological efficiency if land is abundant. As fallows are reduced by rising
population densities, as has occurred in Africa in the last 50 years, the ability
of the natural fallow to restore soil fertility diminishes, and the risks of soil
erosion increase.


Throughout the history of agriculture men have been constantly modifying
the environment to facilitate the production of crops and livestock. The
destruction of vegetation, the salinization of poorly drained irrigated areas,
the wind erosion that results when dry areas are farmed with modem
machinery, are all damaging to the environment, as are many of the conse-
quences of the use of modem pesticides and chemical fertilizers. It is, however,
perhaps unwise to insist that all land transformation by farmers is for the
worse, for many of the world's most aesthetically pleasing and ecologically
satisfactory landscapes are the result of the long, slow interaction of man and
the environment. Other chapters in this book describe the adverse effects of
human interference with the environment. It is perhaps as well to recall that a
pessimistic view of the advance of agriculture could have been adopted at any
time in the last 10000 years. Land transformation is not new, even though the
modem forces for change are far more powerful.

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